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Marketing Assignment Submission


Name: Mohd Khaja Nayeemuddin

BITS ID: 2021HB58501
Concepts Definition Illustration Remarks

Brand Brand Positioning refers Coca Cola – Coke When it is about product
Positioning to implementing a brand The brand has always tried to positioning example then Coca-
position for your bring out the value of Cola is a pioneer, it is no wonder
business all begins with happiness, friendship, joy, and that the company has been able to
a statement. sharing to position itself in the survive for more than 125 years.
A brand positioning market. This has helped to Brand positioning is about creating
statement is a promote engagement in a mental real estate in the mind of
description of your target consumers and in turn the target market. If successful,
market that also includes encouraged them to share brand positioning allows business
a holistic picture of how happy experiences and to gain a competitive advantage.
you’d like your brand to moments. Consumers recognizing a brand
be perceived by might be less prone to switch to
customers. another brand. Brand positioning
Simply put, this allows consumers to view brands
statement is the who, in unique ways.
when, where, why, and For example, a consumer may
how of your brand’s associate emotions, traits, feelings,
identity. and sentiment toward a brand.
Ideally, these factors give the
brand a competitive advantage
because positioning encourages
consumers to make the decision to
buy from one brand over another.
Brand Brand extension is the Apple – iPad Apple products are loved all over
Extension introduction of a new The iPad is one of the brands the world due to the value these
product that relies on the of Apple and it is a tablet products bring to customers and of
name and reputation of computer powered by iOS and course of greater quality.
an established product. now iPad-OS, that are Apple, with its reputation from iPod
Brand extension works developed by Apple Inc. and iPhone, has extended their
when the original and brand launch to compact, yet
new products share a powered tablet computers which
common quality or are called iPads, introduction of
characteristic that the iPad has created market disruption
consumer can in mobile computing industry and
immediately identify. iPad has created new business
line segment, which is called tablet
iPad has further evolved and
diversified to suit different needs
and types of customers, examples
 iPad Pro – For Professions
 iPad Air – For Students and
Medium Size business
 iPad Mini – For Small scale
business and for home use,
entertainment, also to
experience the product at
low cost.
Even as of today, iPad continues
to be the leading product in tablet
computers segment.
Psychographi This is the research A wine and alcoholic beverage After segmenting out this group,
c methodology used for brand has recently discovered the brand changed its messaging
segmentation studying consumers and that most of their customers from being a delicious
dividing them into groups have outgoing personalities accompaniment for a meal to a
using psychological and like to enjoy their products great product for parties and
characteristics including in the company of others. gatherings.
personality, lifestyle,
social status, activities,
interests, opinions, and

Value A value proposition in UBER – The Smartest Way Few tech companies are as
Proposition marketing is a concise to Get Around polarizing or widely criticized as
statement of the benefits Uber. As one of the most vocal
that a company is proponents of the empowerment
delivering to customers offered by the so-called “gig
who buy its products or economy,” Uber has deservedly
services. It serves as a taken a lot of heat for denying its
declaration of intent, drivers the basic protections
both inside the company afforded to legal employees, been
and in the marketplace. subject to national and even
governmental scrutiny for its
decision to incorporate in Bermuda
to avoid its corporate tax
obligations and is generally the
poster child for why everyone
hates Silicon Valley’s unique brand
of “disruption.”
One thing Uber most definitely
does right, however, is its
unique value proposition.
Production This concept is the Apple &Ford Motors Ford Motors
Concept of oldest of the concepts in
Marketing business. It holds that
consumers will prefer
products that are widely
available and
Managers focusing on
this concept concentrate
on achieving high One infamous example of the
production efficiency, low successful implementation of the
costs, and mass production concept is when Ford
distribution. Motor Company started producing
its cars on a large scale.
Ford reckoned that the more they
produce their cars, the more
An example of the production people will buy them. At the
concept is a company beginning of the twentieth
outsourcing its production century, their assessment was
needs to another specialized spot on. The more produced, the
company or investing in more people bought.
countries where they can There was so much demand for
produce in massive quantities cars and so little supply that the
at a much lower cost. mere increase in production, more
Many American companies optimized distribution and
have their products produced economies of scale lead the Ford
overseas, only for this reason. Motor Company to become one of
If you look at companies like the most successful companies in
Apple, their smartphone history.
hardware is produced in Asia
where they can produce more
for less.

Co-branding Co-branding is a Kanye West, best known for his

Kanye & Adidas
marketing strategy that Grammy-winning rap albums,
utilizes multiple brand Co-branding Campaign: partnered with Adidas to develop
names on a good or Yeezy a high-end footwear line called
service as part of a Yeezy. The combination of
strategic alliance. Also Kanye's personal brand and
known as a brand Adidas' growing streetwear
partnership, co- segment has made for robust
branding (or company earnings and brand
"cobranding") growth since it was introduced.
encompasses several
different types of
branding collaborations,
typically involving the
brands of at least two

Ingredient In marketing, ingredient Teflon as a coating for pots and

Branding branding, or ingredient pans and Gore-Tex for sportswear
marketing refers to a (both products are brand names
process in which a for polytetrafluoroethylene)
company markets an
established ingredient
or component used in
its own products. The
overall marketing
strategy seeks to signal
a high-quality product
based on the
perception of the
Product A product system is About 1838 Jerome invented the
System the combination of end one-day brass movement, an
products and the improvement in durability over the
enabling products for wood movement in a clock.
those end products. Applying mass-production
techniques, Jerome flooded the
United States with low-priced
brass clocks. His clocks quickly
spread to Europe and so
astonished the English that
“Yankee ingenuity” became a

Product Product differentiation Product differentiation is vividly on

Differentiatio is a process used by display among the many coffee
n based on businesses to maker brands on today's market.
form distinguish a product or KitchenAid coffee makers have a
service from other hefty, substantial feel and a
similar ones available premium price to match. Keurig
in the market. This differentiates itself with the ease of
tactic aims to help use of coffee pods. Amazon
businesses develop a Basics, as always, sets an
competitive advantage unbeatably low price point
and define compelling,
unique selling
propositions (USPs)
that set their product
apart from competitors.
Captive You have likely used a When you go to a retailer, you
Product razor at one point or have likely noticed that purchasing
Pricing another to shave some a razor handle bundled with a
part of your body. limited number of razor cartridges
Razors are a great costs a lot less than the bundled
example of captive cartridges themselves. This is an
product pricing because example of captive product pricing
there is the base because the company entices the
product, the razor consumer with its budget-friendly
handle, and the priced handle then makes a larger
cartridges, the captive profit on you as you purchase
product. more and more cartridges. Captive
product pricing works on these
razors because the disposable
razors offered by the same
companies or other companies do
not compare in quality.

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