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Writing a Master's level coursework in Sociology can be a challenging and time-consuming task.

requires in-depth research, critical analysis, and the ability to synthesize complex sociological
concepts. Here are some reasons why writing a Master's Sociology coursework can be difficult:

1. Complexity of Sociological Concepts: Master's level coursework often delves into intricate
sociological theories and concepts. Understanding and applying these theories to real-world
scenarios require a thorough grasp of the subject matter.
2. Extensive Research: A well-crafted coursework demands extensive research. Gathering
relevant data, conducting interviews, and reviewing academic literature can be time-
consuming and mentally taxing.
3. Critical Analysis:Master's coursework in Sociology typically requires a high level of critical
analysis. Students must critically evaluate existing research, assess the strengths and
weaknesses of different theories, and present well-reasoned arguments.
4. Time Constraints: Many students pursuing Master's degrees are often juggling coursework
with work or other responsibilities. This limited time can make it challenging to dedicate the
necessary hours to thorough research and writing.
5. Writing Skills: Expressing complex sociological ideas in a clear and coherent manner is a
skill that takes time to develop. Writing at the Master's level demands a higher level of
sophistication and precision in communication.

To overcome these challenges, some students opt for professional assistance. Services like ⇒ ⇔ can provide valuable support in crafting a high-quality coursework. However,
it's essential to approach such services with caution and ensure they uphold academic integrity.
Seeking guidance and support is acceptable, but outsourcing the entire coursework without
understanding the content can hinder the learning process.

Remember, while seeking assistance can be beneficial, the primary goal of a Master's program is to
enhance your knowledge and skills. Use external help judiciously, focusing on learning and
understanding the material to excel in your academic endeavors.
Such issues include fear, shame, the need to protect the family and cultural beliefs. Thus, I will be
able to make valid generalisations. Feminist studies of domestic violence drew attention to the
prevalence and severity of violence against women in the home. Using quantitative and qualitative
research methods, they examine societal behavior. I began to think of using unstructured interviews,
which would allow informality, to investigate how common domestic violence is in ethnic
minorities. This may be because they feel that ethnic minority women are segregated from society
and so are not knowledgeable about the issue and the services available to them. A feminist study,
entitled 'Class, gender and Religious influence on changing patterns of Pakistani Muslim male
violence in Bradford', by Marie Macey is particularly interesting to my study as it highlights the
growing severity of violence amongst Asian households. This will serve as the hook of your paper,
so make wise use of this chance. This online sociology master’s program is specifically designed to
help students become teachers of sociology. However, a feminist study by Marie Macey highlights a
growing awareness of violence in Pakistani households and claims 'a number of women experience
male violence in both the private and public domains.' The main aim of my study is to find out how
prevalent domestic violence is within certain ethnic minorities compared to others. If your online
college is regionally accredited and not currently reviewed by GetEducated, please contact us for
inclusion. Criminology, Political Science, Social Psychology, Human Geography, History or. In these
assignments there are some broad descriptive and analytical questions. According to such a view,
domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment are all part of the systematic oppression of women,
rather than isolated cases with their own psychological or criminal roots. Such issues include fear,
shame, the need to protect the family and cultural beliefs. This study is relevant to my aim as it
highlights the main cause of inequality between men and women within the home. However,
although the patriarchal view persisted into the twentieth century, during the past 50 years there has
been a definite shift in people's attitudes towards marital relationships. With the rise of second wave
feminism the extent of assaults on wives, of rape and of child sexual abuse has become more
evident. There are 10 questions in each assignment, with two sections. Therefore, the development of
an automated image segmentation approach is essential for clinical applications. This supports what I
found out in my contextual research, that the reporting of domestic violence is both under reported
and unreliable. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order.
2). This flexible program will suit the needs of any individual while also changing their professional
lives for the better. Furthermore, The Fawcett society claims that a woman victim of domestic
violence has on average 11 contacts with agencies before getting the help she needs - this rises to 17
if she is black. However, I will attempt to assess further the extent of domestic violence, within
ethnic minorities, by carrying out my own research. Dobash and Dobash's 'Violence against Wives'
(1979) is one of the most famous studies of domestic violence, directly related to my hypothesis.
This question appears to be too personal and so could cause offence and raise ethical issues. For
example, I will find 10 Asians and 10 Whites to participate in my investigation. Finally, the feminist
account of male violence starts by pointing out that the other two accounts are 'malestream' - they
lack a genuine understanding of the lives of women and in some cases either ignore the issue or
actually attempt to blame women for the violence inflicted on them. Moreover, various issues have
been highlighted, which prevent ethnic minority women from going to the police.
Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF Water Resources of the Tigris River Catchment Sven
Knutsson 2018 The Tigris River is one of the longest rivers in western Asia. The table below
illustrates the distribution of ethnicity across the 769 residents included in the 2005 survey of
domestic violence services by the Women's Aid Federation of England. I would like to investigate
how common domestic violence is amongst Black and Asian women. She claims rape is the same
thing as male biological sexuality and it is an ever present feature in all societies dominated by men.
With the rise of second wave feminism the extent of assaults on wives, of rape and of child sexual
abuse has become more evident. Widespread stereotyping and discrimination among statutory and
voluntary services has been shown to be a common experience for many ethnic minority women, as
stated by BBC Asian Network. Also, as I am Asian and would be interviewing women of Asian
origin, there is the danger that our interaction could distort the information obtained. For data
collection, face-to-face interviews were conducted using close-ended questionnaires involving 397
and 392 independent smallholders in Sabah and Sarawak, respectively, and were randomly selected.
Beginning in the 1970's, writers such as Erin Pizzey exposed the hidden secret of domestic violence
and terms such as 'domestic violence' and 'battered wife' found their way into everyday speech. Give
adequate attention to t he introduction and conclusion. 3). A non-thesis sociology master’s degree,
students work with high-quality faculty members in state-of-the-art online courses. I assured them
that the results would be completely confidential. It is the authority and power held by the male -
together with the dependence often conferred on the female by virtue of her role as a wife and
mother - that promotes this unequal situation. In particular, it enables women to liberate themselves
from the oppression of the traditional patriarchal family. Online Sociology Masters students also
have four capstone areas through which to channel their studies, including Working with Native
Communities, Building Economic Capacity, Natural Resource Management, or Non-Profit
Management. This may be because they feel that ethnic minority women are considered inferior to
men and so may be oppressed. Radical feminists point to male violence against women as central to
male supremacy. Moreover, various issues have been highlighted, which prevent ethnic minority
women from going to the police. School profiles for the Request More Information in our directory
may reflect a slightly different cost based on different editorial update schedules. The reasons are
often to do with abusive and oppressive practices in the family. Although these comments are
interesting, they are not important as they don't lead to any conclusions. The curriculum has topics
such as those in social and ecological justice and globalization, as well, which gives the degree as a
whole an excellent foundation for all professionals. Again, my respondents ticked more than one
box, which means that all of the reasons could be combined to explain why there is a lack of services
available for ethnic minority women. My final question is, Why do you think that there is a shortfall
in the availability of services for ethnic minority women. Third, an extra classification-related
constraint is included to the loss function of the cGAN for mitigating the hard-to-converge challenge
in image-toimage (I2I) translation tasks based on classification. In particular, I am focusing on the
extent of domestic violence within ethnic minorities. Additional programmatic accreditation is noted
in the rank table. The charts show that the main factor that Asian respondents felt prevented women
from reporting domestic violence is shame. According to the Asylum Aid Project, February 2003,
every day in India fifteen women are murdered by their new husbands. However, although the
patriarchal view persisted into the twentieth century, during the past 50 years there has been a
definite shift in people's attitudes towards marital relationships.
Due to the fact that they see the nuclear family as 'normal' and the ideal, they are probably likely to
discourage women from reporting domestic violence. In violence against women, women are at
greater risk of violence from men in their families or close acquaintances than they are from
strangers. Second, we utilized a parallel dilated convolution (PDC) module to retain the features of
various sizes of masses and to effectively extract information about the masses' edges and interior
texture. Due to ethical issues, I have decided that the question asking, Have you experienced
domestic violence. However, a feminist study by Marie Macey highlights a growing awareness of
violence in Pakistani households and claims 'a number of women experience male violence in both
the private and public domains.' The main aim of my study is to find out how prevalent domestic
violence is within certain ethnic minorities compared to others. Graduates often go on to work with
public schools, colleges, and universities in these issues to make a positive effect on younger
generations. According to such a view, domestic violence, rape and sexual harassment are all part of
the systematic oppression of women, rather than isolated cases with their own psychological or
criminal roots. The questionnaire method is detached and so I wasn't able to develop a rapport with
my respondents. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Furthermore, there are only a limited number of
sociological studies available. Again, my respondents ticked more than one box, which means that all
of the reasons could be combined to explain why there is a lack of services available for ethnic
minority women. However, Home Office figures show than Asian women are 2-3 times more likely
to commit suicide than women in the general population. Again, this question will show me the
varied views amongst different ethnic groups. The independent, trusted guide to online education for
over 26 years. Thus, I would be able to develop a rapport with the respondents and encourage them
to feel comfortable whilst discussing the personal topic. The elective courses available allow students
to specialize in their curriculum in an area of their choice further. Victims of domestic violence, who
do not speak English and are aware of potential support being available, are in an intolerable position
of isolation and suffering.' Most women experiencing domestic violence suffer from depression and
trauma. Gradates of Saybrook work at the United Nations, prominent American universities, and
popular nonprofit organizations. Furthermore, due to the set questions I will ask there will be no
chance to explore new ideas of interest. They also point out that marriage is a power relationship that
reflects the social norms and social inequalities in the wider society. Attacks are often set off by what
is perceived as a violation of the husband's authority and are triggered by sexual jealousy, children,
money, arguments over meals and drunkenness. In these assignments, we have included several types
of questions to sharpen your ability, to describe, to analyse and to critique, and to ensure that you
know and are able to write over a topic systematically and coherently. We meticulously calculate
total full-time tuition—including any fees—for the most accurate total cost. It is expected that in 10
years, the demand for sociologists with the relevant educational background and credentials will
grow by 9%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. With the rise of second wave
feminism the extent of assaults on wives, of rape and of child sexual abuse has become more
evident. Finally, the method which I have decided to adopt is the questionnaire method. For example,
many women do not speak English as their first language and sensitivity to religious and cultural
practices can make a considerable difference to whether the women stay or return to the violence.
Another study relevant to my hypothesis was carried out by Jan Pahl (1980), a feminist who notes
that male physical violence against women in the home is often coupled with male control of
economic power; many battered wives are kept in an acute state of poverty by their husbands,
forcing them to stay in the marriage rather than run away and seek help and refuge. Widespread
stereotyping and discrimination among statutory and voluntary services has been shown to be a
common experience for many ethnic minority women, as stated by BBC Asian Network. The
curriculum is flexible and can be completed entirely on students’ own time while also receiving
support from faculty members.
The next question is, Why do you think that ethnic minority women are less likely to report domestic
violence. The traditionalist account - according to this view, male violence is infrequent and while
not all female victims are responsible for the male violence against them, many incite attention that
results in male sexual excitement. Finally, I have included an 'other comments' question so that my
respondents can include any other issues that they feel are relevant to my investigation. The above
bar charts show that both Asian and White respondents feel that domestic violence is not reported
enough. I have found out what people think about domestic violence amongst ethnic minorities. In
statistical terms, a person of any age or of either sex is far more likely to be subjected to physical
attacks in the home than on the street and night. After completing my analysis, I have decided that
my aim wasn't reasonable to investigate. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF RELATED
TOPICS Sociology Indian studies India Indology See Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog
People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring. However, sometimes women can also be abusive,
often in collusion with a male abuser. While a predicted 9% job outlook between 2018 and 2028 is
faster than average, it is still important to carefully choose the right online degree with specializations
aligned with one’s specific interests and goals. Write a review Update existing review Submit review
Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. For my investigation, I chose to question the White
community as it was easier to speak to White people. Also, I chose to use an indirect method, with
which to carry out my investigation. Furthermore, traditional medical segmentation approaches
frequently need prior information or manual feature extraction, resulting in a subjective diagnosis.
Gradates of Saybrook work at the United Nations, prominent American universities, and popular
nonprofit organizations. They recruit new employees while working with management and
employees on benefits, training, compensation, and workplace safety. This question pinpoints the
issue of under reporting within different communities. MSU’s Career Services Department provides
continual support and flexibility in finding job opportunities for students pursuing a graduate degree
in sociology. Additional programmatic accreditation is noted in the rank table. Factors such as
transfer credits, prerequisite courses, professional licensing and financial aid availability will affect
final cost. Rationale The focus of my extensive research is on the extent of domestic violence within
ethnic minorities. You can download the paper by clicking the button above. The goal of the
sociology masters online is to enhance global perspectives and increase the organizational skills
necessary to make more significant changes in agencies, companies, nonprofits, and more. This study
is relevant to my aim as it highlights the main cause of inequality between men and women within
the home. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness.
By removing this question, I didn't actually find out how common domestic violence is, amongst
ethnic minorities. The table below illustrates the distribution of ethnicity across the 769 residents
included in the 2005 survey of domestic violence services by the Women's Aid Federation of
England. Hence, I will try to ensure that my questionnaire contains the kinds of questions that will
produce succinct findings. Our proposed model achieved an average IoU and Dice scores of 77%
and 85% respectively. This shows that some of the reasons I have highlighted, could prevent ethnic
minority women from going to the police.
Classes in a Sociology program teach students how to evaluate and solve complex problems. Many
jobs and careers are available for graduates with a master’s in Sociology degree. In violence against
women, women are at greater risk of violence from men in their families or close acquaintances than
they are from strangers. So, a master’s degree in sociology is a valuable springboard for dozens of
career paths. Another one of my respondents felt that police officers fail to deal with domestic
violence properly. The reasons are often to do with abusive and oppressive practices in the family. My
next question, Did you report the violence to the police. Increasingly, forced marriage is seen as a
key form of domestic violence and child abuse and has been linked to high rates of self-harm and
suicide attempts among Asian teenage girls. Advancing Your Career With A Master’s In Sociology.
Also, I have only included two ethnic groups - Whites and Asians as I will only be asking students
from these ethnic groups. Although, I have no experience of domestic violence amongst my
immediate family, I am aware that the problem exists. They recruit new employees while working
with management and employees on benefits, training, compensation, and workplace safety. By
removing this question, I didn't actually find out how common domestic violence is, amongst ethnic
minorities. Feminist studies of domestic violence drew attention to the prevalence and severity of
violence against women in the home. It may include your experience, fieldwork and volunteer
activities. Earning a master’s in sociology online prepares students for a wide variety of human
services careers, including policy analysis, survey research, statistics, teaching, and more. Each
specialization, however, includes basic coursework in research methods and theory that are enhanced
on organizational, societal, and individual levels. For example, do older people feel more strongly
about domestic violence in comparison to younger people. Although these comments are interesting,
they are not important as they don't lead to any conclusions. A feminist study, entitled 'Class, gender
and Religious influence on changing patterns of Pakistani Muslim male violence in Bradford', by
Marie Macey is particularly interesting to my study as it highlights the growing severity of violence
amongst Asian households. Download Free PDF View PDF Free PDF BTS-GAN: Computer-aided
segmentation system for breast tumor using MRI and conditional adversarial networks Imran Ul Haq
Breast tumor is one of the most prominent indicators for the diagnosis of breast cancer. This, will in
turn, reassure the public who will then hopefully give clear responses. I began to think of using
unstructured interviews, which would allow informality, to investigate how common domestic
violence is in ethnic minorities. The list of scholarships available to students pursuing Master of Arts
courses in various specializations including post graduation in sociology is given below. The
Sociology Department is partnered with the Great Plaines Interactive Distance Education Alliance,
which is available to online students and is guaranteed to provide invaluable experiences and
networking interactions. There are four exciting concentration options, each of which also includes
courses in grant writing, community research, program evaluation, and impact assessment. This
shows that some of the reasons I have highlighted, could prevent ethnic minority women from going
to the police. Widespread stereotyping and discrimination among statutory and voluntary services
has been shown to be a common experience for many ethnic minority women, as stated by BBC
Asian Network. Furthermore, The Fawcett society claims that a woman victim of domestic violence
has on average 11 contacts with agencies before getting the help she needs - this rises to 17 if she is
black. However, as some of my respondents ticked more than one box on the question, it is evident
that the other factors are also important to my study. This meant that I couldn't study ethnic
minorities, on the whole, and so couldn't prove my original aim correct.
However, the small number of people that I would interview would mean that I wouldn't have a
representative sample. She claims rape is the same thing as male biological sexuality and it is an ever
present feature in all societies dominated by men. Again, this question will show me the varied
views amongst different ethnic groups. I have found out what people think about domestic violence
amongst ethnic minorities. Learn more about masters in sociology online with Hence, I will try to ensure that my questionnaire contains the kinds of
questions that will produce succinct findings. Writers like Judith Stacey see diversity as desirable
because it brings people the freedom to choose the personal relationships and ways of living that
meet their needs. The candidate should also pass the entrance exams such as CUET-PG, LPU NEST,
etc., for admission as per the respective college criteria. They design and lead programs that help
employees increase their knowledge and skills throughout various industries. Graduate students
drastically enhance the tools necessary for understanding and analyzing different cultures, as well as
those that are pivotal for obtaining work, such as skills with computer programs. Students who
complete this Masters in Sociology program can expect to move up in any area of the field—law,
research, management, health care, social services, and more. Methodology When trying to select a
method, with which I was going to conduct my preliminary research, I came across a variety of
techniques. The areas of concentration you choose will help determine what part of the field you will
enter in the workforce. These charts shows that both Asian and White respondents feel that domestic
violence is more reported amongst white communities than ethnic minority communities. The table
shows that the majority of women, who have access to domestic violence services, are White. I will
probably select a random sampling technique in order to achieve a representative sample. Thus, they
may argue that ethnic minority women are being ignored, regarding domestic violence. Methodology
When trying to select a method, with which I was going to conduct my preliminary research, I came
across a variety of techniques. Below is a detailed analysis with current statistical data regarding why
choose a MA Sociology course. The traditionalist account - according to this view, male violence is
infrequent and while not all female victims are responsible for the male violence against them, many
incite attention that results in male sexual excitement. For example, it has been established that
domestic violence is more reported amongst the white community rather than the ethnic minority
community. These rankings are editorially independent, open to any regionally accredited or
candidate college that offers a master’s degree that is available at least 80 percent through online
learning and that is open to enrollment by the public. There are huge gaps in knowledge and services
for women from ethnic minorities. They found that wife battering was widespread, not just a one off
occurrence and in 84 per cent of cases the first violent attack had occurred within the first three years
of marriage. The requirements for the Best Online Masters in Sociology Degrees include. This online
sociology master’s program is specifically designed to help students become teachers of sociology.
Thus, we see both economic patriarchy and physical patriarchy in the home. This could be a good
thing as there would be no personal contact and so respondents wouldn't be aware of my ethnic
origin. Journals, Open Access and Predators: Mentoring Junior Colleagues through the. Furthermore,
due to the set questions I will ask there will be no chance to explore new ideas of interest. By using
our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies.
This will give me a general view amongst all women and not just from women from ethnic
minorities. Now, research into the causes and extent of domestic violence is spearheaded by female
sociologists. This flexible program will suit the needs of any individual while also changing their
professional lives for the better. The interpretivist method would allow me to examine the situations
in depth. In 2004, the BCS reported an astonishing 50% of all adult women who said that they had
experienced incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking. The experimental results
demonstrate that our BTS-GAN is more efficient and reliable for breast tumor segmentation and
outperform other segmentation techniques in terms of the IoU and Dice coefficient on the publicly
available RIDER breast cancer MRI dataset. This question appears to be too personal and so could
cause offence and raise ethical issues. Applications for the above Masters Degree programmes will be
entertained up to 03rd August 2018. This meant that I couldn't study ethnic minorities, on the whole,
and so couldn't prove my original aim correct. It appears that Black and minority women, including
Asian women, can also experience racism in the form of harassment and discrimination from outside
their communities when leaving violent relationships. This concept helps me to become aware of
how prevalent domestic violence is in ethnic minorities. This question will allow me to understand
whether males and females share the same views on domestic violence. Therefore, the first step to
solve mental problems is becoming aware of a problem and reducing stigma about mental health.
Writers like Judith Stacey see diversity as desirable because it brings people the freedom to choose
the personal relationships and ways of living that meet their needs. My fourth question, Have you
ever experienced domestic violence. The third question included in my questionnaire is, Which
ethnic origin are you. The following online masters in sociology degrees will enhance the knowledge
and training of individuals who already have an education in the field, as well as those who are new
to the major. Beginning in the 1970's, writers such as Erin Pizzey exposed the hidden secret of
domestic violence and terms such as 'domestic violence' and 'battered wife' found their way into
everyday speech. Accreditation Note: To qualify for a ranking, a program must be regionally
accredited. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no rating)
0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last
updated 24 January 2024 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest FollyFairy's Shop 3.83 12 reviews Not the
right resource. The coursework enhances previously established knowledge in sociology and expands
skills in research and analysis for all professional sectors. Online students, for example, may still
enter the International Sociology Honors Society, as well as access to personal career coaches and
advisors. On the other hand, data obtained from questionnaires tends to be limited and superficial.
Thus, I only became aware of my respondents views and opinions. However, the small number of
people that I would interview would mean that I wouldn't have a representative sample. The first
question I decided to include in my pilot questionnaire is, Are you male or female. The recent British
Crime Survey, which found that one in five women have experienced at least one incident of
domestic threat or force since they were 16, pointed to little difference in occurrence by ethnicity.
They are also more likely to contemplate or attempt suicide. On the other hand, data obtained from
questionnaires tends to be limited and superficial. The curriculum is designed to meet the
professional needs of those working in college teaching positions, public service careers, research
positions, and administrative positions.

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