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Writing a coursework, especially on a complex topic like Maths Statistics with a focus on Climate,

can be a challenging and time-consuming task. It requires a deep understanding of both mathematical
concepts and statistical methods, as well as a comprehensive knowledge of climate-related data and
issues. The process involves extensive research, data analysis, and the ability to articulate findings in
a clear and coherent manner.

Students often face difficulties in managing their time effectively, conducting thorough research, and
presenting their ideas in a structured and academically sound manner. Additionally, the pressure to
meet deadlines and achieve high academic standards can contribute to the overall stress of
coursework writing.

For those who find themselves overwhelmed with the coursework requirements, seeking help from
professional writing services can be a viable solution. One such service is ⇒ ⇔,
which offers assistance from experienced writers specializing in various academic fields, including
mathematics and statistics. They can provide customized and well-researched content tailored to
your specific coursework requirements.

However, it's important to approach external assistance with caution and ensure that it aligns with
ethical standards set by educational institutions. While seeking help is acceptable, it's crucial to use
such services responsibly and use the provided content as a learning aid rather than a substitute for
personal understanding and effort.

In conclusion, tackling a Maths Statistics Coursework on Climate is undoubtedly challenging. For

those struggling to navigate through the complexities of this academic task, ⇒ ⇔
may offer a valuable support system, providing expertly crafted content to aid in the learning process.
Climate change deniers used the Big Freeze of 2018 as proof that climate change was a hoax when
ultimately it was actually proof of how the world is in real trouble. Therefore there is very varied
improvement in the less able pupils or there is an anomaly in the less able pupils. I didn’t experience
any problems collecting my data as it was collected using a macro from a spreadsheet. I think doing
my investigation on computer would give a better pictorial view than by hand. I feel I have enough
evidence to suggest that my hypotheses are correct. Ask the students if what is the cause of the
floods, show. I have not plotted a line of best fit, as there is no correlation. Here are some of the
important conclusions which show this. I decided to use 20 results from each the Boys set and also
the Girls set of data. Unfortunately, the global warming controversy still rages on--especially in
politics--and this is why data visualization is one of our best allies in this debate. It is a visual
representation of the most important factors regarding climate change and global warming. By
clicking through this link to the Bloomberg article, you can find other visualizations about how
climate change is messing with your food. I know this data is reliable as I have sifted through any
anomalies and crossed them off. I will rank the students favourite television genre with the most
popular being one. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your
happiness. Posts, 0-3 times per week, focus on data recourses, interesting quantitative information,
and sustainability (broadly interpreted) in the news and so consider signing up for email alerts below.
Therefore my investigation may not be very accurate and miss-leading. It is true that in general year
ten girls are heavier and taller than year seven girls - this can be supported with evidence. This shows
that my prediction was correct and as there are hardly any cars with a very high mileage and there
are only a few smaller mileages. All these values are added together and the result is divided by the
total frequency. I also did not think that I would have much of a reply rate if I did. For this one, I
split the set in two and used one boy and one girl to be more-able and the other two to be less. First
I will start with the make for Ford and the other makes to get more information. The reason why I
have provided the two charts is because I think it would provide a pictorial view about what is
happening. This can be proved as well if you were to take a look at our schools Results and another
mixed school boys results, I think that our results would be a considerable amount higher than the
Boys from a mixed school. Below are the results I got, and the outliers I found have been
highlighted in the table above. Then I will be able to see both the mean of the girls and the boys and
compare them. Our customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?2.00 (no
rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later
Last updated 21 September 2022 Share this Share through email Share through twitter Share through
linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest Leonie D 3.50 4 reviews Not the right
resource. If there is a correlation, I will be able to draw a line of regression on my graph and analyse
the relationship between the data.
Also, with a cumulative frequency curve I can easily read off the median, upper quartile, lower
quartile and interquartile range. Training Development Create interactive training content. I used to
get a set of 20 results from both the girls results and the boys results. So I was right, when boys
don’t have girls to look at the work is better. Posts, 0-3 times per week, focus on data recourses,
interesting quantitative information, and sustainability (broadly interpreted) in the news and so
consider signing up for email alerts below. The rest of the diagrams and drawings have been
completed neatly and accurately by the computer, so there isn’t a huge mess on the drawings. I will
work out the mean and the standard Deviation for both the Girls and the Boys results. I could use
Primary data, this is data which you collect your self either face to face interview or some sort of a
questionnaire. So I will take a new sample using every third person within the total population. I
thought this would be a good number because it reflects the whole year group. GCSE Math's
Statistics Coursework Introduction: I have been given a databas. The modal class interval for the
year tens is between 50. Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to
leave some feedback. I was about choose a different subject for my coursework, I was about to do
about how much people spend on computer games. To find this I needed to draw histograms and use
statistics to explain the histograms. The girls’ heights are more concentrated around 170cm, and the
boys are mainly spread 150-180cm. He created this website because he believes that sustainability,
ranging from climate change to social justice, should be included in all courses whenever possible.
The less able pupils’ box and whisker plot is lower on my scale and a lot more spread out as they
have not improved much as my hypothesis says Also they have very varied improvements as some
will have tried harder than others. The data used for this visualization was sourced from the National
Snow and Ice Data Center. After this, I will find the median, the upper and lower quartiles and
create a “box and whisker” plot. For stratified random sampling, I could have used a field such as
gender or Year to split the overall data into groups, and selected the same amount of records from
each group. I have been given instructions to collect data for my GCSE statistics cours. There is one
exception in between Year 8 girls and Year 9 girls however; I think this can be accounted for as they
are close, Year 8 shows a large range of heights, (three standard deviations from the mean) and this
may have caused the discrepancy in the data. (Outliers may have affect the median point, upper and
lower quartile points on which the box and whisker is based.) Or it could simply be that Year 8 is
exceptionally tall whilst Year 9 small for their age. I predict that on average boys in year 9 will be
taller than girls in year 9, because on average, males are taller than females. See other similar
resources ?4.00 3.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. To
find the upper quartile value, I need to find value that is. To get a random set of numbers I am going
to go to this is a web site which is made to get a set of numbers. Average SATS Score shows that the
higher the IQ of a Year 7 Girl, the higher the average SATS Score will be, and the statistic that
supports this is the Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient as it is 0.668; and as 1 is the highest and
-1 is the lowest; 0.668 is high as it is close to 1 compared to -1. The contents of these actions are the
sole responsibility of the contractor and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European
Union. I am aiming to go slowly my making different diagrams at different times so there would be
no confusion, so therefore I would be going on to pie charts.
I predict that children in year 7 will have smaller feet than children in year 11, because as you grow
older your feet become larger. This was the same in both IQ Cumulative Frequency Diagram and
Average SATS Score Cumulative Frequency Diagram. I repeated this process for the girls although, I
did find that the smaller sample showed an equally strong positive correlation I took the re-sample
just to be sure. The purpose was to show the freezing winter of 2018 in relation to the rest of the
world. I have been given instructions to collect data for my GCSE statistics cours. Free Online
Courses Get certified with free online courses. My third hypothesis was half correct boys did make
an improvement but the girls fell behind the results in KS3. I will start with the Year 9 male and
female heights. I can see that none of the girls in Year 7 weigh over 60kg. In a time when climate
change deniers are hindering positive progress, more awareness is needed to actually make a change.
This shows that the Correlation Coefficient is positive, as 0.7384 is high which means that the higher
the IQ, the higher the Average SATS Score. Where as the majority of boys come with normal and
below average results and make a better improvement than the Girls. Below you can see the box-plot
charts that I drew on my computer. I could use Primary data, this is data which you collect your self
either face to face interview or some sort of a questionnaire. One this graph I plotted lines of best fit
from a mean point of each stratum. (So one for Year 7 girls, one for Year 7 boys, one for Year 11
girls and one for Year 11 boys.). By clicking through this link to the Bloomberg article, you can find
other visualizations about how climate change is messing with your food. I decided against it
because I thought that it would be hard to obtain the data. It may not be correct either, as the
information will vary from school to school and maybe from county to county. She travels the world
with her family and is currently in Istanbul. Bring information to life with a stunning infographic.
The approach behind this data viz was to take a minimalistic stance which didn’t need to show any
numbers or figures. The data is sourced from the IPCC and COP conferences, and the UNFCC. I
keep on hearing from my sisters that girls are better than boys in education. I was first about to use
primary data, I had completed my questionnaire and then I decided against using primary data
because I would not know on what sort of response I would get. I have added each child’s KS2
results together to get one value. Some of the boys in our school would not take the questionnaire
seriously and most of Girls would not either. I firstly rearranged the table on my spreadsheet so that
the heights were in ascending order. Infographics Find the right format for your information. The
investigation has gone well and I have made evidence to prove that generally, year ten girls are
heavier and taller than year seven girls. Also, random sampling will be better as it will be easier to
avoid bias, because with stratified you may end up selecting all the pupils who have improved the
most even if you don’t really mean to.
This wide spread has occurred later in the boys (Year 8) than the girls (Year 7) This follows most
scientific theories that state boys puberty developments happen at an older age to that of girls. If I
chosen a little amount like 5 or 10 it might become biased because I might have come across lots of
bad results or good ones. At the end of the coursework I would be doing a conclusion explaining
what has happened and why. To show this I will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation
out for both the girls KS2 and also KS3 results. Some of the boys in our school would not take the
questionnaire seriously and most of Girls would not either. So as the IQ increases, it showed us that
the higher the IQ, the better you’ll do in your SATS; or the higher your Average SATS Score, the
better your IQ will be. Branded Templates Get a bundle of templates that match your brand. I used
to get a set of 20 results from both the girls results and the boys results. This shows that the
Correlation Coefficient is positive, as 0.668 is high compared to the difference between -1 and 1
which means that the higher the IQ, the higher the Average SATS Score. The tables above both show
what the modal class intervals are. Climate change deniers used the Big Freeze of 2018 as proof that
climate change was a hoax when ultimately it was actually proof of how the world is in real trouble.
Based on your observations, experiences and using relevant examples, docume. However, at the very
end, the frequencies stop, as the graph shows and a straight line is produced. To take a stratified
sample I will divide the whole population of children into year group and gender e.g. Year 7 Boys. I
will then take 10% of each stratum to gain fair representation of each stratum. I will also calculate
the mean of both the raw and grouped data for both year 7 and 11 to try and quantitatively prove a
relationship and show whether I was correct in thinking that on average year 7 students will have
smaller feet than year 11 students. I also took the standard deviation of the values and plotted each
stratums deviation on to a bar chart. This shows that the less able you are the less you will improve.
Below are the results I got, and the outliers I found have been highlighted in the table above. I
collected my data using random sampling because after having looked at stratified sampling I
decided it wasn’t the best choice as the sets all have around the same number of people. I am aiming
to go slowly my making different diagrams at different times so there would be no confusion, so
therefore I would be going on to pie charts. I can work out that the radius for the Year 11 pie chart is
the square root of 2.19825, which is 1.48cm (to 3 sig.fig.). I used my computer to construct these pie
charts. Average SATS Score shows that the higher the IQ of a Year 11 Girl, the higher the average
SATS Score will be, and the statistic that supports this is the Spearmans Rank Correlation Coefficient
as it is 0.7384; and as 1 is the highest and -1 is the lowest; 0.7384 is high as it is close to 1. Also, I
can see that not many people are taller than 1.6 cm or are shorter than 1.4 cm. I can see this as the
height of the year 10 girls starts at 1.4cm whereas the year seven girls start at 1.2 cm. The modal
class interval for the year tens is between 50. It would also be inconvenient going to the girl’s school
and getting the results from each girl. I would compare the mean, median and mode to support my
hypothesis. I will be using the SAT’s levels as the main source for my investigation. Pupils are
required to construct 1 climate graph from 5 potential mystery locations (all data provided) before
using investigation to work out where in the world their mystery location is representing. I am
aiming to go slowly my making different diagrams at different times so there would be no confusion,
so therefore I would be going on to pie charts.

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