Article Mise en Cascade

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1, JANUARY 2022

Active Disturbance Rejection Control Design

With Suppression of Sensor Noise Effects in
Application to DC–DC Buck Power Converter
Krzysztof Łakomy , Rafal Madonski , Member, IEEE, Bin Dai, Jun Yang , Senior Member, IEEE,
Piotr Kicki , Maral Ansari , Student Member, IEEE, and Shihua Li , Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The performance of active disturbance rejec- I. INTRODUCTION

tion control (ADRC) algorithms can be limited in practice
ENEWABLE energy sources, such as fuel and photo-
by high-frequency measurement noise. In this article, this
problem is addressed by transforming the high-gain ex-
tended state observer (ESO), which is the inherent element
R voltaic cells, are rapidly evolving technologies for dc
voltage generation, which results in proliferation of dc–dc buck
of ADRC, into a new cascade observer structure. Set of converters in power applications. Practically appealing results
experiments, performed on a dc–dc buck power converter
system, show that the new cascade ESO design, compared on buck converter control using the idea of active disturbance
to the conventional approach, effectively suppresses the rejection control (ADRC) was recently reported in [1]–[3]. The
detrimental effect of sensor noise overamplification while key element in any ADRC scheme is the extended state observer
increasing the estimation/control performance. The pro- (ESO) [4], responsible for estimating the system state vector and
posed design is also analyzed with a low-pass filter at the reconstructing the overall disturbance (also referred to as total
converter output, which is a common technique for reduc-
ing measurement noise in industrial applications. disturbance) affecting the controlled variable [5].
However, since the conventional form of ADRC uses a high-
Index Terms—Extended state observer (ESO), high-gain gain observer (HGO) structure to estimate selected signals, its
observer (HGO), noise suppression, power converter.
capabilities are intrinsically limited by the presence and severity
of high-frequency sensor noise, as discussed in [6]–[8]. The high
gains of the observer cause the transfer of strongly amplified
measurement noise into the control signal calculated upon the
state vector of ESO. This may cause the decrease of control qual-
ity (e.g., when the noise-affected control signal hits the actuator
Manuscript received August 31, 2020; revised December 10, 2020 saturation), higher energy consumption, and quicker wear of
and January 11, 2021; accepted January 17, 2021. Date of publication the equipment. The HGO-based ADRC design and tuning often
February 2, 2021; date of current version September 29, 2021. The
article was created thanks to participation in program PROM of the come down to a forced compromise between speed/accuracy
Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange. The program is co- of signals reconstruction and sensitivity to noise [9]. Same
financed from the European Social Fund within the Operational Program compromise can be seen in the ADRC works for buck converters
Knowledge Education Development, non-competitive project entitled
“International scholarship exchange of Ph.D. students and academic in which the measured system output (voltage) is oftentimes
staff” executed under the Activity 3.3 specified in the application for corrupted with high-frequency noise [10]. Several types of so-
funding of project No. POWR.03.03.00-00-PN13/18. The work has been lutions were proposed to solve the problem of attenuating the
also supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central
Universities under Project. (Corresponding authors: Krzysztof Łakomy; effects of measurement noise in HGOs. They mainly address it
Rafal Madonski.) by: employing nonlinear [4], [11] or adaptive techniques [12],
Krzysztof Łakomy is with the Poznań University of Technology, 60-965 redesigning the local behavior by combining different types
Poznań, Poland (e-mail:
Rafal Madonski is with the Energy Electricity Research Center, In- of observers [13], using low-power structures [14]–[16], or
ternational Energy College, Jinan University, Zhuhai 519070, China modifying standard low-pass filters (LPFs) [17].
(e-mail: Motivated by the aforementioned problem, a new cascade
Bin Dai, Jun Yang, and Shihua Li are with the Key Laboratory
of Measurement and Control of CSE, Ministry of Education, School ESO (CESO) based error-domain ADRC solution is presented.
of Automation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China (e-mail: Following the general idea shown in [18], we propose a virtual;; decomposition of the total disturbance present in the dc–dc buck
Piotr Kicki is with the Institute of Robotics and Machine Intel-
ligence, Poznań University of Technology, 60-965 Poznań, Poland converter system, allowing to design a cascade structure of ESO,
(e-mail: where each level of the observer cascade is responsible for han-
Maral Ansari is with the Faculty of Engineering and Information Tech- dling a particular type and frequency range of estimated signal.
nology, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2007, Australia
(e-mail: The proposed topology enhances conventional state/disturbance
Color versions of one or more figures in this article are available at estimation performance while avoiding overamplification of the sensor noise. The user-defined number of cascade levels allows
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIE.2021.3055187

0278-0046 © 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

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belong to some compact set such that supt≥0 |iL (t)| < riL and
supt≥0 |vo (t)| < rvo for riL , rvo > 0.
Assumption 2: Output voltage vo (t) is the only measurable
signal and is additionally corrupted by bounded, high-frequency
measurement noise supt≥0 |n(t)| < rn for rn > 0.
Assumption 3 (see [20]): The unknown external distur-
bance d(t) may have a countable number of first-class
discontinuity points1 at times t = Ti for i ∈ {1, . . ., Nd }, Nd ∈
Fig. 1. Semiconductor realization of the considered dc–dc buck power Z, 0 ≤ Nd < ∞, and 0 < inf i∈{1,...,Nd −1} (Ti+1 − Ti ) < ∞ for
converter, with diode V D and control switch V T .
Nd > 1. In all other moments, the external disturbance func-
tion is bounded and has bounded first time derivative, i.e.,
to customize the overall control system structure to meet cer- ˙
supt≥0,t∈{Ti } |d(t)| < rd and supt≥0,t∈{Ti } |d(t)| < rd˙ for some
tain disturbance rejection requirements. Although a multilevel rd , rd˙ > 0 and i ∈ {1, . . ., Nd }.
cascade observer is proposed, a straightforward design and Assumption 4: The reference signal vr (t) may have a
implementation methodology is given, together with intuitive countable number of first-class discontinuity points at times
tuning rules. The novelty of this article includes an experimental t = Ti for i ∈ {1, . . ., Nr }, Nr ∈ Z, 0 ≤ Nr < ∞, and 0 <
validation of the proposed CESO-based ADRC structure, a proof inf i∈{1,...,Nr −1} (Ti+1 − Ti ) < ∞ for Nr > 1. There also exists
of the input-to-state stability of the closed-loop system, and a positive constant rvr , such that vr (t) and its specific time-
additional insights about the sensor noise suppressing effects derivatives satisfy inequality supt≥0,t∈{Ti } {|vr (t)|} ≤ rvr , for
in frequency domain. The experimental study also addresses the i ∈ {1, . . ., Nr } and j ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}.
impact of a low-pass filter implemented at the converter output,
which is a popular approach for handling high-frequency sensor B. Application of the ADRC Principle
noise [19].
Following the standard ADRC design, system model (1) is
Notation: Within this article, we treat R as a set of real num-
reformulated, emphasizing its input–output relation
bers, R + = {x ∈ R : x > 0} as a set of positive real numbers,
R≥0 = {x ∈ R : x > 0} as a set of nonnegative real numbers, d2 vo (t) 1 dvo (t) 1 Vin
=− − vo (t) + [μ(t) + d(t)] .
Z as a set of integers, λmin (A
A) and λmax (A
A) are, respectively, the dt2 CR dt CL CL
minimal and maximal eigenvalues of matrix A , whereas A  0 a1 a2 b
means that matrix A is positive definite. Function f (x) : R → R (2)
belongs to class K when it is strictly increasing and f (0) = 0. Combining the uncertain (or unknown) terms in (2), includ-
The expression ls∞ := lim supt→∞ is used for the sake of nota- ing the imperfect identification of the input gain, results in a
tion compactness. following form of the output voltage dynamics:
v̈o = a2 vo + a1 v̇o + bμ − b̂μ + bd +b̂μ = F (·) + b̂μ (3)
F (t,v̇o ,vo ,μ,d)
A. Simplified Plant Model and Control Objective
where b̂ = 0 is a precise-enough estimate of the input gain b
Following Yang et al. [3], an average dynamic model of a from (2) and F (·) represents the total disturbance of (3).
dc–dc buck converter, depicted in Fig. 1, can be written as Since vr (t) and its derivatives may not be known a priori,
⎧ dv (t) which may lead to possible inability of constructing feedforward
⎪ 1 1
⎨ dt = C iL (t) − CR vo (t)
signal in μ, let us reformulate (3) in error domain
diL (t)
= VLin [μ(t) + d(t)] − L1 vo (t) (1)
ë = v̈r − v̈o = v̈r − F (·) −b̂μ

dt (4)
yo (t) = vo (t) + n(t)  
F ∗ (·,v̈ r)

where μ ∈ [0, 1] is the duty ratio, yo [V] is the measured system where e(t)  vr (t) − vo (t) is the control error signal and F ∗ (·)
output that consists of the average capacitor voltage vo [V] and is the total disturbance in the error domain [21]. In this article,
the sensor noise n[V], iL [A] is the average inductor current, we utilize a standard form of the ADRC controller
R[Ω] is the load resistance of the circuit, L[H] is the filter induc-
tance, C[F] is the filter capacitance, Vin [V] is the input voltage μ = b̂−1 (F̂ ∗ + μ0 ) (5)
source, and d(t) represents the unknown (possibly time-varying which is constructed to simultaneously compensate the influence
and nonlinear) external disturbance. of disturbance using the estimated value of total disturbance (F̂ ∗ )
The considered control objective is to force vo (t) to follow and to stabilize system (4) in a close vicinity of the equilibrium
a reference capacitor output voltage trajectory vr (t)[V] by ma- point e = 0 using the output-feedback stabilizing controller μ0 .
nipulating μ(t) with following assumptions applying.
Assumption 1: Following the limitations resulting from the 1 Function f (x) : R → R has first-class discontinuity at point x̄ if for
physical properties of the considered electronic circuit, we may f + := limx→x̄+ f (x) and f − := limx→x̄− f (x), it satisfies f + = f − and
assume that the values of voltage and current are bounded, and max{f + , f − } ≤ rf for some rf > 0.

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Assumption 5: Stabilizing controller μ0 has a structure that

guarantees the boundedness of μ0 (·) and μ̇0 (·). Although this
assumption may seem conservative, it is relaxed with the previ-
ously introduced Assumptions 1, 3, and 4.
Remark 1: Since the disturbance F ∗ and the control vari-
able μ have equal relative rank, with respect to the voltage
vo representing the output of the original system [see (1)], the
total disturbances affecting the error-domain system, described
with (4), meet the so-called matching condition. The specific
differences and control solutions for matched and mismatched
disturbances have been thoroughly discussed in [7].
We will first put the focus on precise online estimation of
perturbing term F ∗ (·), crucial for proper active disturbance
rejection. To calculate F̂ ∗ , we first need to define the extended
state z = [z1 z2 z3 ]  [e ė F ∗ ] ∈ Dz , where Dz  {x x ∈ R3 :
x < rz } for some rz ∈ R + . The dynamics of the state vector
z can be expressed, upon (4), as a state-space model Fig. 2. Proposed ADRC with sensor noise suppression via CESO
structure for the dc–dc buck power converter.

ż = A z − d b̂μ + b Ḟ ∗
y =e−n=c z−n resulting from the observer (7), can be expressed as

0 2×1 I 2×2
where A  0 0 1×2 , d  [0 1 0] , c  [1 0 0] , and b  ẑ = [ẑ1 ẑ2 ẑ3 ]  ξ p + bb ξ j ∈ R3 . (8)
[0 0 1] . Given (6), the output of this system y corresponds to the
control error e which, according to Assumption 2, is influenced Remark 4: It is worth noting that if we reduce the observer
by the measurement noise n. to a single level (p = 1), we would obtain a standard form of
Remark 2: Control error e, together with its derivative ė, is a linear high-gain ESO, as seen in [22]. An introduction of the
bounded according to Assumptions 1, 3, and 4, and the specific subsequent cascade levels allows us to keep the same observation
form of the system dynamics (1). quality with smaller values of ωo1 , resulting in a decrease of the
Remark 3: Under Assumptions 1, 3 and 4, function measurement noise amplification visible in the state estimates,
F ∗ (t) is continuously differentiable, and thus, there ex- see (7). This effect will be depicted in the upcoming experiments.
ist bounded continuous functions ΨF ∗ and ΨḞ ∗ such that The idea of cascade observer structure, proposed in (7) and
supt≥0 |F ∗ (t)| < ΨF ∗ (e, ė, vr , v̇r , v̈r , μ) and supt≥0 |Ḟ ∗ (t)| < illustrated in Fig. 2, is based on a specific choice of the first-
ΨḞ ∗ (e, ė, vr , v̇r , v̈r , v r , μ, μ̇), for all [e ė] ∈ R2 . Both practi- level observer bandwidth ωo1 , which should be large enough
cal and theoretical justifications of lumping selected components to guarantee precise estimation of the first element of extended
as parts of F ∗ (·), including control signal and state-dependent state vector z, and low enough to make the first level of the
variables, have been thoroughly discussed in [5]. cascade to act as a LPF for the noise. Latter elements of the
extended state vector, i.e., z2 and z3 , usually have faster tran-
sients, and thus, are not estimated precisely with the first-level
observer with a low ωo1 value. The consecutive observer levels
To calculate the estimated value of extended state vector z, let are introduced to improve the estimation quality of z2 and z3
us now introduce a novel p-level structure of a cascade observer using higher observer bandwidths ωoi (i > 1) and improve the
(p ∈ Z and p ≥ 2) in a following form: observation performance by incrementally extending the range
of precisely estimated signal frequencies. The introduction of

ξ̇ξ 1 (t) = Aξ 1 (t) − d b̂μ(t) + l 1 y(t) − c ξ 1 (t) additional cascade levels of the observer can be interpreted as
⎛ ⎞ an attempt to estimate the total disturbance residue, which could

not be precisely estimated with the previous cascade levels due
ξ̇ξ i (t) = Aξ i (t) + d ⎝−b̂μ(t) + b ξ j (t)⎠ to limited bandwidth and its inclusion in the overall estimate of
the extended state vector (8). The following observer levels are
+ l ic [ξξ i−1 (t) − ξ i (t)] , i ∈ {2, . . ., p} (7) using the state vectors of previous observer levels instead of the
measured signal, and thus, result in lower noise amplification
than the single-level ESO with high bandwidth. Important part
where ξ j  [ξj,1 ξj,2 ξj,3 ] ∈ R3 is the state of a particular in the utilized cascade observer structure is the state selector (8),
2 3
observer cascade level, l j  [3ωoj 3ωoj ωoj ] ∈ R3 is the ob- which defines which estimated state variables (and from which
server gain vector with design parameter ωoj  αj−1 ωo1 ∈ R + observer level) participate in the controller synthesis (5) to
for α > 1, ωo1 ∈ R + , and j ∈ {1, . . ., p}. The estimate of z, provide improved sensor noise effect suppression.

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Having ẑ, the application of control action (5) to the system = ωo1H χ χ + δ Ḟ ∗ + Λ −1
χ γn (15)
(4) results in a following second-order error dynamics:
where H χ is dependent only on parameter α and its eigenvalues
ë = F̃ ∗ − μ0 (9) λi ∈ {−1, −α, . . ., −αp } for i ∈ {1, . . ., 3p}. To conduct a
stability analysis of the observation subsystem, let us introduce a
where F̃ ∗  F ∗ − F̂ ∗ is the final residue of the total disturbance
Lyapunov function candidate Vχ = χ P χ χ : R3p → R≥0 lim-
resulting from the imperfect observation of F ∗ by observer (7).
P χ ) χ 2 ≤ Vχ ≤ λmax (P
ited by λmin (P P χ ) χ 2 , where P χ  0
A block diagram of the proposed ADRC with CESO for the
dc–dc buck power converter is shown in Fig. 2. is the solution of Lyapunov equation H χ P χ + P χH χ = −II .
Theorem 1: Under Assumptions 3–5, and by taking a stabi- The derivative of Vχ , based on (15), can be written down as
lizing proportional-derivative controller V̇χ = −ωo1 χ χ + 2χ P χ (δ Ḟ ∗ + Λ −1
χ γn)
μ0  kp y + kd ẑ2 , kp , kd > 0 (10) √  
≤ −ωo1 χ 2 + 2 χ λmax (P P χ ) p |Ḟ ∗ | + 3ωo1
the observation errors of the extended state obtained with the
p-level cascade observer, defined as
and holds

z̃ p = [z̃p1 z̃p2 z̃p3 ]  z − ẑ = z − ξ p − bb ξj ∈ R V̇χ ≤ −(1 − νχ )ωo1 χ for
j=1 √ √ 2
(11) 2λmax (P
P χ) p ∗ 6λmax (P
P χ ) pωo1
χ ≥ |Ḟ | + |n| (17)
ωo1 νχ νχ
together with the control error e, described with the dynamics
(9), are bounded. In other words where νχ ∈ (0, 1) is a chosen majorization constant. The lower
bound of χ is a class K function with respect to the perturba-
∀t>t0 ∀ωo1 ,k>0 ∃δz̃ ,δe >0 ls∞ z̃ p (t) < δz̃ ∧ ls∞ |e(t)| < δe
tions |Ḟ ∗ | and |n|, so according to Remark 3 and Assumption 2,
system (15) is input-to-state stable (ISS), and according to
where t0 = max{TNd , TNr } results from Assumptions 3 and 4. Khalil [23], satisfies
Remark 5: To keep the notational conciseness of the follow- √
2λmax (PP χ) p
ing theoretical analysis and to reduce the overall number of ls∞ χ(t) ≤ ρχ ΨḞ ∗ (·)
ωo1 νχ
tuning parameters, we propose, following Gao [22], to tune the
√ 2
stabilizing controller (10) with a single parameter k > 0, setting 6λmax (P
P χ ) pωo1
the values of proportional and derivative gains, respectively, as + ρχ rn (18)
kp = k 2 and kd = 2k. Chosen tuning procedure places the poles 
of control error dynamics (9) at value −k. for ρχ = λmax (P P χ )/λmin (P
P χ ). Since Λχ ) =
λmax (Λ
Proof of Theorem 1. The dynamics of the observation er- max{1, (α ωo1 ) } and z̃ p is a subvector of ζ̃, we may

i−1 for a 3particular cascade level, i.e., z̃ i  z − ξ i −

ror defined write down that z̃ p ≤ ζ̃ ≤ λmax (Λ Λχ ) χ and, thus, that
bb j=1 ξ j ∈ R for i ∈ {1, . . ., p}, can be expressed (after the asymptotic relation
some algebraic transformations) as
Λχ )ls∞ χ(t) =: δz̃
ls∞ z̃ p (t) ≤ λmax (Λ (19)
z̃˙ 1 = (A
A − l 1c )z̃ 1 − l 1 n + b Ḟ ∗
which completes the proof of the observer part of (12).
z̃˙ i = (A
A − l ic )z̃ i + (ll ic − bb l i−1c )z̃ i−1 − bb l 1 n + b Ḟ ∗ Remark 6: Upon the result (18), we can see that in the
nominal conditions, when n(t) ≡ 0, the asymptotic relation

− bb (ll j c − l j+1c )z̃ j , for i ∈ {2, . . ., p}. (13) ls∞ χ(t) → 0 as ωo1 → ∞ resulting in the possibility of
getting an arbitrarily small value of δz̃ .
Let us define control error vector  = [e ė] ∈ R2 . The appli-
Equation (13) allows us to write the dynamics of the aggregated cation of feedback controller (10) to dynamics (9) gives
observation error ζ̃  [z̃ 1 . . . z̃ p ] ∈ R3p in a form      
0 1 0 0 0 0
˙ ˙ = + z̃ p − 2 n
ζ̃ = H ζ ζ̃ + δ Ḟ ∗ + γn (14) 2
−k −2k 0 2k 1 k

where matrix H ζ is lower triangular and its eigenvalues λi ∈      

K Z κ
{−ωo1 , −αωo1 , . . . , −αp−1 ωo1 } for i ∈ {1, . . ., 3p}, vector
. . b ] , and γ = [ll 1 l 1 bb . . . l 1 bb ] . Introducing
δ = [bb . which can be transformed with substitution  = Λ εε , where
  Λ ε  diag{k −1 , 1}, into
p times p−1 times
the transformation ζ̃ = Λ χ χ for Λ χ  blkdiag{L L1 , . . ., L p } ∈ ε̇ε = Λ −1 −1 −1
ε K Λ εε + Λ ε Z z̃ p − Λ ε κ n
R 3p×3p
where L i  diag{(α ωo1 ) , (α ωo1 )−1 , 1} ∈
i−1 −2 i−1  
3×3 0 1
R for i ∈ {1, . . ., p} ∈ Rp×p , we can rewrite (14) to a form =k ε + Z z̃ p − κ n. (21)
−1 −2
χ̇ = Λ −1
χ H ζΛχχ + Λ −1
χ δ Ḟ

+ Λ −1
χ γn  

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Let us now introduce a Lyapunov function candidate

Vε = ε P εε : R2 → R≥0 limited by λmin (P P ε ) ε ≤ Vε (εε) ≤
λmax (P
P ε ) ε , where P ε  0 is the solution of Lyapunov equa-
tion H ε P ε + P εH ε = −II . The derivative
V̇ε = −kεε ε + 2εε P εZ z̃ p − 2εε P εκ n
≤ −k ε P ε ) mZ z̃ p + k 2 |n|
+ ε λmax (P (22)
where mZ = max{1, 2k} holds Fig. 3. Laboratory setup, with a–buck converter, b–dSPACE controller,
c–input voltage, d–oscilloscope, e–voltage sensor, f–A/D converters,
V̇ε ≤ −(1 − νε )k ε for and g–PC with control software.

2λmax (P
P ε) 
ε ≥ mZ z̃ p + k 2 |n| . (23)
νε k
The lower boundary of ε is class K with respect to arguments
z̃ p and |n|. According to Remark 3, Assumption 2, and result
(17), system (21) is ISS and satisfies
2λmax (PP ε) 
ls∞ ε (t) ≤ ρε mZ ls∞ z̃ p (t) + k 2 rn
νε k
2λmax (PP ε) 2mZ λmax (PP χ) p Fig. 4. Bode diagram representing the module of Guy (jω).
≤ ρε ρχ ΨḞ ∗ (·)
νε k ωo1 νχ
 √ 2  
2mZ λmax (P P χ ) pωo1 2
system gain in (3) as b̂ = Vin /(CL) = 2 × 106 . The tested con-
+ ρχ + k rn (24) trol algorithm was first implemented in a MATLAB/Simulink-
based model, from which a C code program was generated and

where ρε = λmax (P P ε )/λmin (PP ε ). According to transforma- run on the dSPACE controller in real time.
tion between original control error vector  and the transformed Considering the aforementioned parameters of the utilized
ε , we write ˙ ≤ max{k −1 , 1} ε =: mk ε and thus testbed and the controller/observer structures introduced in (5),
 √ (7), and (10), we can derive the transfer-function-based relation
2λmax (P P ε) 4λmax (P
P χ) p
ls∞  (t) ≤ mk ρε ρχ ΨḞ ∗ (·) U (jω) = Guy (jω) [E(jω) − N (jω)] (26)
νε k ωo1 νχ  
Y (jω)
 √ 2
4λmax (P
P χ ) pωo1
where U (jω), E(jω), N (jω), and Y (jω) correspond, respec-
+ ρχ + max{k −1 , 1}k 2 rn =: δe
νχ tively, to signals μ(t), e(t), n(t), and y(t) after Laplace trans-
(25) formation. The amplitude Bode diagram of Guy (jω), obtained
for the observer levels p ∈ {1, 2, 3} and tuned with the nominal
which completes the proof of Theorem 1. 
parameters utilized in the experiment, is presented in Fig. 4. The
Remark 7: Similarly to the comment made in Remark 6, in
vertical dashed lines represent the chosen controller bandwidth
the case of n(t) ≡ 0 and upon the result (25), we can say that
k, which is the range we expect the closed-loop system to
ls∞  (t) → 0 as ωo1 → ∞ ∨ k → ∞, making it possible to
operate in, and the experiment sampling frequency ωs . The green
get an arbitrarily small value of δe .
area represents the frequency range, where CESO (p = 2 and
Remark 8: Upon the result (25), we may observe that the
p = 3) should react more rapidly than the standard ESO, and
increasing gains of both observer and controller are amplifying
red area is the range where only CESO p = 2 should provide
measurement noise, thus, it is not recommended to use extremely
quicker response with respect to control errors. The points at the
high values of ωo1 and k in practice.
intersection of ωs and observer graphs indicate the amplification
factors of high frequency signals (e.g., measurement noise)
within signal μ(t). Consequently, in the following experiments,
A. Testbed Description we can expect the measurement noise to be least amplified in
The experimental setup used for the study is seen in Fig. 3. CESO p = 3, followed by CESO p = 2, and finally in standard,
The output voltage was measured by a Hall effect based sensor single ESO.
and converted through a 16-bit A/D converter in the dSPACE
B. Test Methodology
platform. The output was recorded by a digital oscilloscope and
dedicated PC-based software. The sampling period was set to The following experiments were conducted to test the ADRC
Ts = 104 Hz. The physical parameters of the dc–dc converter, scheme with the proposed CESO.
described with (1), were Vin = 20 V, L = 0.01 H, C = 0.001 F, E1: Comparison with standard ESO (i.e., CESO with p = 1).
and R = 50 Ω. This allowed to straightforwardly calculate the E2: Influence of parameters ωo1 (E2a), k (E2b), and α (E2c).

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Fig. 5. External disturbance applied in all experiments.


E3: Impact of an LPF at the converter output.

The control objective was to track a smooth voltage trajectory
vr (t) despite the presence of a varying input-additive external
disturbance shown in Fig. 5. Such disturbance signal is used
Fig. 6. Results of experiment E1.
here to test the robustness of the considered controllers against
different types of disturbances within one experimental run.
This specific shape of user-injected external disturbance signal TABLE II
would not appear outside of a laboratory environment, however, INTEGRAL QUALITY CRITERIA FOR EXPERIMENT E1
the character of disturbances designed in specific time intervals
can be found in certain applications (e.g., [3]). The reference
trajectory was designed as a filtered and biased square signal
with bias equal to 7 V, amplitude of square signal equal to
6 V, and period 1 s. The filtering transfer function applied to
the square signal was Gf (s) = 0.025 s2 +0.6s+4 . Although the
most common control task in the control of buck converters
is a set-point stabilization, trajectory following of the output
voltage can be occasionally seen in the literature, e.g., [24]. Here,
we consider a filtered piecewise constant reference to reach the task, however the standard ESO (p = 1) provided the worst per-
desired level of the output voltage and avoid observer peaking formance in terms of tracking accuracy and noise suppression.
caused by the discontinuities in vr (t). On the other hand, with the increase of cascade level p in CESO,
better performance was achieved. This observation is supported
with the calculated integral quality indices in Table II. Besides
C. Experimental Results the improvement of control error performance, the transfer of
The results of E1 are gathered in Fig. 6. The observer band- sensor noise into the control signal has decreased with the
width for the standard ESO (p = 1) was ωo1 = 3600 rad/s, increase of parameter p thanks to the lower values of ωo1 related
which was close to the maximum that could be obtained for to the
 first level of CESO. This result is supported with the values
a 10-kHz sampling without observing any undesirable effects. of |u̇(t)|dt criterion in Table II, which represents the impact
For the comparison, only CESOs with p = 2 and p = 3 levels of rapid fluctuations of the control signal, mostly caused by the
were utilized to maintain legibility of the results while not amplified noise.
loosing their generality. In order to provide a systematic tuning The initial premises formulated upon Fig. 4 have been con-
methodology across tested observers, bandwidths of the CESOs firmed with the results in Fig. 6. As expected, the control signal
were parameterized and set according to Table I with α = 3 with the lowest content of noise was obtained for CESO p = 3,
and λ = 3600 rad/s. The controller gains from (10) were set to then CESO p = 2, and finally the standard ESO.
kp = 6400 and kd = 160 in each case, which corresponds to the Next, in order to provide potential CESO users with guide-
controller bandwidth k = 80, introduced in Remark 5. lines for its construction and tuning, the influence of its design
One can notice from Fig. 6 that with the applied tuning parameters was investigated. To this effect, the results of E2 are
methodology, all the tested controllers have realized the given seen in Figs. 7 –9. It should be noted that the estimated total

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Fig. 8. Results of experiment E2b. (a) Standard ESO (p = 1).

(b) CESO (p = 2). (c) CESO (p = 3).

Fig. 7. Results of experiment E2a. (a) Standard ESO (p = 1).

(b) CESO (p = 2). (c) CESO (p = 3).

disturbance is part of the control signal [see (5)], so its influence

is explicitly visible in the control signal.
The results of E2a are depicted in Fig. 7. In the case of standard
ESO (p = 1), the well-known relation from HGOs, discussed in
Section I, can be noticed. Namely, with the increase of observer
bandwidth ωo1 , significant noise amplification occurs in the
control signal. At the same time, a slight improvement of the
control error was obtained. In the case of proposed CESO (p = 2
and p = 3), with the increase of ωo1 , the amplitude of the control
signal increases but no visible improvement in the control ac-
curacy can be observed. In other words, due to multiple factors,
such as maximum sampling frequency and noise characteristics,
increasing the observer bandwidth ωo1 will at some point no
longer provide better performance. We can conclude that with
the CESO, one can achieve better control performance for wider
range of ωo1 values, compared to the results of standard ESO Fig. 9. Results of experiment E2c. (a) CESO p = 2. (b) CESO p = 3.
(p = 1) in Fig. 7(a).
The results of E2b are depicted in Fig. 8. In the case of standard wider range of k values, compared to the results obtained for the
ESO (p = 1), it is clear that increasing the controller bandwidth standard ESO in Fig. 8(a).
k improves the control accuracy while keeping a significant, The results of E2c are depicted in Fig. 9. In the case of CESO
undesired level of control signal and noise therein. In the case (p = 2), increasing α improves both the tracking accuracy and
of proposed CESO (p = 2 and p = 3), increasing the controller noise suppression in the control signal. However, in the case of
bandwidth k results in comparable control errors while retaining CESO (p = 3), increasing α keeps improving the noise suppres-
similar level of control signal. Due to the characteristics of sion in the control signal but at some point, deterioration in the
CESO, it is possible to obtain better control performance for tracking accuracy can be spotted. It results from a fact that in this

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case, the observer bandwidth ωo1 is set too small, which makes
the observer not providing fast-enough and accurate-enough
estimate of the first state variable of the extended state vector.
Let us now focus on some frequency-domain insights con-
cerning experiment E3. An algebraic transformation of (5),
using (11), allows to write down the form of a generalized
controller utilizing p-level cascade observer, which is directly
dependent on the observation error of total disturbance z̃p3 ,
i.e., μ = b̂−1 (z1 − z̃p3 + μ0 ). The transformation of (14) into
Laplace domain allows to write that for every p ≥ 1
Fig. 10. Bode diagram representing the module of Gz̃p3 n (jω).
Z̃p3 (jω) = Gz̃p3 n (jω)N (jω) + Gz̃p3 z3 (jω)Z3 (jω) (27)

where Z̃p3 (jω) and Z3 (jω) are the Laplace-domain equivalents

of signals z̃p3 (t) and z3 (t), respectively. Application of the LPF
GLPF = 1/(sτ + 1), τ > 0 (28)
at the output of the converter (in order to filter-out measurement
noise) affects the total disturbance signal with a filtered-out parts
of the measured signal z1 and results in a following extended
form of (27), i.e.,
Z̃p3 (jω) = Gz̃p3 n (jω)N (jω) + Gz̃p3 z3 (jω)Z3 (jω)
+ Gz̃p3 z1 (jω)Z1 (jω) (29)
where Z1 (jω) corresponds to signal z1 (t) after Laplace trans-
formation. According to Khalil and Priess [19], the high-gain
extended observer performance should not be substantially af-
Fig. 11. Results of experiment E3.
fected for small enough values of time constant τ of the LPF. We
assume that τ has been chosen appropriately, and hence, focus on
the noise-connected characteristics of the ADRC with analyzed control signal should be similar, or lower. This observation was
observers. The amplification of particular frequencies of the validated by time-domain results of experiment E3, presented in
measurement noise using ESO and CESO (p = 2, 3) with param- Fig. 11, where the amplitude of noise-dependent oscillations is
eters α = 3 and λ = 3600 rad/s (see Table I) has been presented δESO+LPF ≈ δCESO ≈ 0.05. The presented values of the control
in Fig. 10. The dashed lines represent the magnitude of Gz̃p3 n error illustrate the essential difference in the measurement noise
when an LPF was applied while the regions with corresponding handling by the CESO, compared to the use of an LPF. The
colors illustrate the set of characteristics that would be obtained proposed cascade observer structure suppresses the effect of
for a practically useful set of values τ ∈ [0.0001, 0.01] s, where measurement noise amplification in the control signal but does
the bottom edge corresponds to τ = 0.01 s and the top edge not change the noise level at the output whereas the use of an
corresponds to τ = 0.001 s. LPF decreases the level of measurement noise at the output but
Looking at Fig. 10, one can notice that the maximal value of does not change the noise amplification feature of the high-gain
Gz̃p3 n for CESO (p = 3) without output filtering was similar, ESO. In order to improve the overall performance of the control
or smaller, compared to the characteristics obtained with the system, in terms of robustness against measurement noise, an
conventional ESO with LPF with τ = 0.001 s, so the expected LPF can be utilized along CESO. Such example is illustrated
content of the measurement noise in signal z̃p3 affecting the in Fig. 11, where the combination of CESO and LPF achieves

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the Activity 3.3 specified in the application for funding of project pp. 1957–1962.
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