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"Territory and Memory".

Momuments and dedicated places to remember something.
Who owns a territory isn't always crystal clear and a territory
can be disputed.
Native people opposed new settlers and or invaders.
Culture : folklore and traditions relate to historical facts.
Our roots are attached to the land.
MUSEUMS to preserving artifacts but also at the heart of
diplomatic disagreements between countries.
The Pogues "Thousands are Sailing" is taken from the album
"If I should fall from Grace with God" released in 1988.
Video: "Should they stay or should they go: an expert's guide
to the Parthenon marbles spat" FRANCE 24.
According to the Greek prime Minister, The British Museum
should return what they have that is part of the Parthenon in
Athens. It is not about OWNERSHIP but about
REUNIFICATION. It has already lasted 30 years.
The controversy stems from the fact that these marbles were
"stolen" by the British a long time ago ,250 years ago?
People said that by stealing these, they were salvaged from
Turkish invasion /Ottoman rule/Plus, the Brits did not want
the French to get any more Egyptian artifacts.
Thief/Thieves/a theft.
The Greeks say that The British are thieves when it comes to
their antique heritage. for the British, they were saving these
precious artifacts from destruction.
The MONA LISA ARGUMENT: if the painting were to be cut in
2 pieces and one half was taken to The British Museum, the
public would want to have it back as a whole/in one piece.
For its defense, the BM. says that the marbles are part of a
wider and larger collection that comprises several other
cultures. In addition, the museum is FREE so there is no
exploitation of the marbles.
The British P.M. "lost his marbles" by not going to a meeting
that had been organized with his GREEK COUNTERPART.
"Collecting" all these artifacts was made possible because
Britain used to have the biggest colonial Empire.
It has been a collection for more than 200 years/ since the
museum opened.
"Should they stay..."
These marbles should be seen in their homeland.
ex: A head in one country and the body in another.
2 different arguments
The British Museum: a part of a global collection that is free
of charge for visitors that displays Egyptian artifacts.
To show the SPAN of civilizations from Ancient Greece to
Ancient Persia...
The collection has been in the museum for 250 years.
The BM opened in 1753.
The Greek government: the marbles should be reunited and
be put back together. What is on display in Athens is
incomplete and it makes no sense. It is part of Greek identity
and heritage and that is why it should be all in one place.
EX: 150,000 protesters wanted Mona Lisa back to Di VINCI's
The Italians have a lot of other works by DI VINCI...
People feel concerned about where elements of their cultural
heritage should be. The marbles are a UNIQUE collection,
they are one of a kind.
Some people are afraid that museums could "lose" their
collections and be emptied.
Politicians should take a step back and a solution should be
found museum to museum.

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