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My future plan to help the poor community.

1. Education

Giving free education to the poor and needy people help them to grow as individuals
and help them lead a better life.

2. Donate Old Belongings

Donating clothes especially in winter season when the weather is too cold is of great
help to the poor and needy people. Unneeded stuff can be donated to brighten
someone else’s day.

3. Collection Drive

By conducting collection drives for food, clothes, books, blankets and other
necessities one can help the poor and needy people.

4. Better Understanding

One can help the poor and needy people by understanding their wants, and thoughts
without diminishing their dignity and helping them achieve those wants in a
respectable manner.

5. Donate Groceries/Eatables

Donating groceries can help end the hunger of poor and needy people. Provide
nutritious meals to the poor and needy people.

6. Moral Consolation

Giving them moral support, showing heartfelt humility and respect makes them
aware that someone really does care about them and trying to improve their



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