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HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NOTES CHAPTER NO:12 DIGESTIVE SYSTEM Prepared by, RAMDAS BHAT Associate Professor Karavali college of Pharmacy Mangalore 7798772463 RAMDAS BHAT KARAVALI COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 1 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NOTES DIGESTIVE SYSTEM GIT is the route through which the Nutrierits such as vitamins, minerals and fluid enters into the body. GIT is 10mt in length from one end to another Starts from mouth then to pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, stamach, small intestine, large intestine and ending with rectum finally into the Anus, From the mouth the food mixed with the saliva move to the pharynx, oesophagus (25em long) by the heig of the peristalsis the food reaches the stomach. From stomach food will move on to the 5. then inta Lending up with rectum Undigested food will then be excreted through the Anus. UsumSmall intestine). Caecum \Vesmiform Appencx ORAL CAVITY: first part of the digestive system. Opens up at the lips Has a dome roof called as Palate Anteriorly lips posteriorly the pharynx Contains the UVULA at the centre surraund by the pharyngeal tonsils on either side (2) ‘The mechanism in the oral cavities is grinding, tearing of food and mixing of the foods and saliva produces moistens the food and oral cavity. The food mass in the oral cavity is called as BOLUS (food +saliva) The bolus can move in the mouth with the use of the tongue the process is called as the chewing or MASTICATION. RAMDAS BHAT KARAVALI COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 2 HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NOTES Jonaue It forms the base of the mouth Muscular-membranous structure ‘They contain taste buds and the papillae’s ‘The tongue helps in speech and mixing of the food. TEETH: ‘There are 16416 Teeths in mouth fixed to the sockets in maxilla and mandible, Arranged curved form Helpful in tearing, crushing and grinding of the food. ‘The Teeths are INCISORS (4+4), CANINES (242), PREMOLARS (444), MOLARS (6+6).. wo sate KARAVAL! COLLEGE OF PHARMACY ian HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NOTES SALIVARY GLAND: 3 pairs are seen, PAROTID, SUBMAXILLARY OR SUBMANDIBULAR AND SUBLINGUAL ‘These glands open up in the oral cavity PAROTID GLAND: they are situated in front and below to ear, they secrete Ptyalin, these glands open up into the cheeks of mouth on either side SUBMAXILLARY OR SUBMANDIBULAR: situated at bottom of the mouth on either side, they are mixed gland i.e., seromucouis and these glands open up in the mouth SUBLINGUAL: situated below to tongue, mixed in nature, open up at the base of tongue. © Pravided with sym. and parasym, Nervous system. HISTOLOGY: * Tubiilo-alveolar exocrine gland * Has lobules made of alveoli and supporting connective tissue called as INTERLOBULAR SEPTUM, Alveoli contain secretory cells je. Serous and the mucous Nucleus of the Serous cells are round and are present at the base, nucleus of the mucous cells is flat and are present at the base. Parotid gland contains more of the serous ‘gland Sublingual contain more of the mucous gland and ‘Submaxillary/ submandibular has both serous and the mucaus/ mixed gland. KARAVALI COLLEGE OF PHARMACY HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NOTES SALI © Mixed secretion of the salivary gland COMPOSITION: Water (99.5%) SOLIDS LIKE INORGANIC SALTS SOD. CHL, KCL ORGANIC COMPONENTS Li Enzymes such as ptyalin (salivary amylase), Phosphatase, lipase and mucin Urea, uric a JgA antibodies Ph is neutral or slightly acidic 6.0-7.0. FUNCTION OF SALIVA: «The salivary amylase acts on the boiled starch and converts it to maltose and dextrin Contains the enzyme lysozyme that kills micro-organism Slight acidic Ph of the sativa kills Micro organism Mucin in the saliva helps in the lubrication and helps in passage of the food Helps as the buffer for acid base balance Decrease the temperature of food that are hot when taken in mauth. ‘PHARYNS: Common tube for both food and the air Starts from the nasal cavity and ends till the C6 vertebrae ‘They are connected to the oesophagus They are different type Nasophatynx, oropharynx, larynigopharynx They help in the transportation of the food from the oral cavity to the oesophagus ‘They also help in the transport of the air into the lungs ‘They help in the hearing process. KARAVAL! COLLEGE OF PHARMACY HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY NOTES OESOPHAGUS: Tube like structure extending from the pharynx to the stomach They are 25 cm in length ‘They have 3 parts 1, CERVICAL (4 em} 2, Thoracic (20 cm) 3, ABDOMINAL(Zem) Extend from the C6 vertebrae upto the Cardia end of Stomach ‘The microscopy of the oesophagus shows: mucosal layer (has 3 layersa) lining epitheliurn, b) famina propria c) muscularis mucosa), Submucous layer, muscularis externa, fibrous J shaped structure Connected to the esophagus at the Cardia end Itdistends when filled Capacity is 1-2 Lt It stores the food and partly digests the food due to the presence of the gastric secretions ie, gastric juice ‘The digestion happens by the contractions of the muscles of the stomach ‘They have 2 sphincters a) cardiac sphineter and b) pyloric sphincter KARAVALI COLLEGE OF PHARMACY 6

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