GB 50001-2010

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P GB/T 50001-2010

Unified Standard for Building Drawings


Issued on August 18, 2010 Implemented on March 01, 2011

Jointly issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development
(MOHURD) and the General Administration of Quality
Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (GAQSIQ) of the
People's Republic of China

Unified standard for building drawings


GB/T 5000-2010

Chief Development Department: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development

of the People's Republic of China
Approval Department: Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the
People's Republic of China
Implementation Date: March 1, 2011

China Planning Press

2011 Beijing
Announcement of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural
Development of the People's Republic of China
No. 750

Announcement on Publishing the National Standard of "Unified Standard for Building


"Unified Standard for Building Drawings" has been approved as a national standard
with a serial number of GB/T 50001-2010 and shall be implemented on March 1, 2011. The
former "Unified Standard for Building Drawings" GB/T 50001-2001 shall be abolished
Authorized by the Standard Rating Research Institute of the Ministry of Housing and
Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China, this standard is published and
distributed by China Planning Press.

Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China

August 18, 2010

According to the requirements of Document Jian Biao [2008] No. 102 issued by the
Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development-"Notice on Printing and Publishing the
Development and Revision Plan of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2008 (the
first batch)", this standard is rivesed from the former standard of "Unified Standard for
Building Drawings" GB/T 50001-2001 by China Institute of Building Standard Design &
Research jointly with all the organizations concerned.
During the process of revising this standard, the drafting group revised, examined and
finalized based on extensively soliciting for opinions by wide investigation and study,
earnestly summarizing the practical experience and making reference to the relevant
international standards and foreign advanced standards.
This standard covers 14 chapters and two appendixes with main technical contents as:
General Provisions, Terms, Size Specification and Compiling Sequence of Drawings, Chart,
Font, Scale, Symbol, Location Axis Grid, Legends of Common Building Materials, Drawing
Method, Dimensions, CAD Documents, Layers for CAD File, CAD Conventions.
The revised main technical contents in this standard: (1) such contents as CAD
documents, layers for CAD file and CAD conventions are added; (2) such contents as title
block of drawing and font height are adjusted; (3) the chart is added.
The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development is in charge of the
administration of this standard and China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research is
responsible for the explanation of specific technical contents. During the process of
implementing this standard, the relevant opinions and advice, whenever necessary, can be
posted or passed on to China Institute of Building Standard Design & Research (Address:
Block 2, Zhuyu International Business Center, No. 9 Shouti South Road, Haidian District,
100048, Beijing, China).
Chief development organization, participating development organizations, chief drafting
staffs and chief examiners of this standard:
Chief development organization: China Institute of Building Standard Design &
Participating development organizations: Beijing Institute of Architectural Design
Tianjin Institute of Architectural Design
East China Architectural Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Institute of Architecture Design and Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Beijing Lizheng Institute of Software Design Co., Ltd.
Beijing Tangent Engineering Software Co., Ltd.
Chief drafting staffs: Sun Guofeng, Zhang Shujun, Du Zhijie, Zhao Guihua, Bu Yiqiu,
Han Huiqing, Liu Xin, Zhang Fengxin, Xu Hao, Wu Zheng, Wang Dongsong, Chen Wei and
Lin Weiping
Chief examiners: He Yuru, Fei Lin, Xu Yubin, Bai Hongwei, Shi Dingji, Miao Zhuo, Liu
Jie, Wang Peng, Dong Jinru, Kou Jiugui, Hu Chunyang and Zhang Tongyi

1 General Provisions...................................................................................................................... 1
2 Terms............................................................................................................................................ 1
3 Size Specification and Compiling Sequence of Drawings...................................................... 2
3.1 Sheet Size of Engineering Drawing............................................................................... 2
3.2 Title Block........................................................................................................................ 3
3.3 Setting Order of Sheets....................................................................................................6
4 Chart............................................................................................................................................. 6
5 Font...............................................................................................................................................7
6 Scale............................................................................................................................................. 9
7 Symbol......................................................................................................................................... 9
7.1 Cutting Symbol................................................................................................................ 9
7.2 Index Symbol and Detail Symbol.................................................................................11
7.3 Leader Line.....................................................................................................................12
7.4 Other Symbols................................................................................................................13
8 Location Axis Grid....................................................................................................................14
9 Legends of Common Building Materials................................................................................16
9.1 General Requirement.....................................................................................................16
9.2 Legends of Common Building Materials.....................................................................17
10 Drawing Method..................................................................................................................... 19
10.1 Projection Method........................................................................................................19
10.2 View Layout................................................................................................................. 20
10.3 Section and Profile.......................................................................................................21
10.4 Simplified Drawing Method....................................................................................... 23
10.5 Axonometric Drawing................................................................................................. 25
10.6 Perspective Drawing....................................................................................................27
11 Dimension Indications............................................................................................................ 27
11.1 Extension Line, Dimension Line and Arrowhead.....................................................27
11.2 Dimension Text............................................................................................................ 28
11.3 Dimension Arrangement and Layout......................................................................... 28
11.4 Radial Dimension for Circle and Sphere................................................................... 29
11.5 Angular and Arc Length Dimension...........................................................................30
11.6 For Sheet Thickness, Square, Slope and Non-round Curve etc...............................31
11.7 Simplified Labeling of Dimensions........................................................................... 32
11.8 Elevation....................................................................................................................... 34
12 CAD Documents..................................................................................................................... 35
12.1 General Requirement...................................................................................................35
12.2 Numbering of Engineering Drawings........................................................................35
12.3 Naming of CAD Files..................................................................................................36
12.4 Computer Aided Drawing Folder...............................................................................37
12.5 Use and Management of CAD Files.......................................................................... 38
12.6 Synergetic Design and CAD Files..............................................................................38
13 Layers for CAD File............................................................................................................... 39
14 CAD Conventions...................................................................................................................40
Appendix A Examples of Common Engineering Sheet Coding and CAD File Naming.......... 42
Appendix B Common Layer Naming Examples.......................................................................... 44
Explanation of Wording in This Standard..................................................................................... 66
List of Quoted Standards................................................................................................................ 67
1 General Provisions

1.0.1 This standard is specially developed for the purpose of unifying building drawing
rules, guaranteeing drawing quality, boosting drawing efficiency, realizing distinct and
concise drawings, meeting the requirements of design, construction, examination and
archiving as well as adapting the requirements of engineering construction.
1.0.2 This standard is the basic requirements for building drawings and is applicable to the
drawing of general drawing, building, structure, water supply and drainage, heating,
ventilation and air conditioning and electrical, etc. professions.
1.0.3 This standard is applicable to the patterns drawn by the following drawing methods:
1 Computerized drawing;
2 Manual drawing.
1.0.4 This standard is applicable to the following project drawings of various professions:
1 Design drawing and completion drawing in each stage of constructed, renovated or
extended projects;
2 Surveyed drawings of the former buildings and structures as well as general plan;
3 General design drawing and standard design drawing.
1.0.5 The building drawings shall not only comply with those sopecified in this standard,
but also shall meet the specifications in the national current relevant standards.

2 Terms

2.0.1 Drawing format

The drawing format refers to the drawing composed of drawing width and length.
2.0.2 Chart
The chart refers to a kind of geometric drawing connected with any method between
starting point and end point, and its shape may be straight line or curve, continuous and
discontinuous line.
2.0.3 Font
The font refers to the stylel type of the letter, which is also named as chirography.
2.0.4 Scale
The scale refers to the linear dimension ratio of the corresponding element for figure and
physical object.
2.0.5 View
It refers to the projection obtained through projecting the object to projection plane
according to orthography.
2.0.6 Axonometric drawing
It refers to the figure obtained through projecting the object and the rectangular
coordinate system which determines this object along the direction not parallel to any
coordinate plane to one projection plane with parallel projection method.
2.0.7 Perspective drawing
It refers to the image drawn according to perspective principle with near-big and

far-small characteristic so as to express building design intention.
2.0.8 Elevation
It refers to the vertical height from the ground (floor) as the zero point (original bench
mark) to reference plane by taking a certain horizontal plane as the reference plane.
2.0.9 Project sheet
It refers to the figure drawn in the paper medium according to the projection principle or
the relevant requirements and expressing the shape, size and structure characteristics of a
project through line, symbol, textual description and other graphic element.
2.0.10 Cornputer aided drawing file
It refers to the data file drawn by computer aided drawing technology and representing
various design contents by recording and storing the project sheet.
2.0.11 Computer aided drawing folder
It refers to the logical space for storing computer aided drawing file in disk, which is
also referred to as computer aided drawing catalogue.
2.0.12 Synergitic design
It refers to establishing cooperative design environment through computer network and
CAD technology to make each member of the design team surround the common design goal
and object, interactively complete the design task according to respective work division,
realize the optimization configuration and sharing of the design resource and finally obtain
the design achievement document meeting the project requirements.
2.0.13 Reference of computer aided drawing file
It refers to a kind of computer aided drawing technology referencing in the current
computer aided drawing file and displaying partial or all data content of other computer aided
drawing files (referenced files). The current computer aided drawing file only records the
storage location and file name of the referenced file, and does not record the specific data
content of the referenced file and will be synchronously updated with the revision of the
referenced file.
2.0.14 Layer
It refers to a kind of organization structure of the relevant graphic element data in the
computer aided drawing file. The entity belonging to the identical layer is provided with
uniform color, line type, line width and state properties.

3 Size Specification and Compiling Sequence of Drawings

3.1 Sheet Size of Engineering Drawing

3.1.1 The drawing format and drawing frame dimension shall be in accordance with those
specified in Table 3.1.1 and the format in Figure 3.2.1-1~Figure 3.2.1-4.
Table 3.1.1 Size and Drawing frame Dimension (mm)
Size code A0 A1 A2 A3 A4

Dimension code

b×l 841×1189 594×841 420×594 297×420 210×297

c 10 5

A 25

Note: b is the short side dimension, l is the long side dimension, c is the width between drawing frame line and size line, and
a is the width between drawing frame line and binding side.

3.1.2 For the drawing to be microcopied, one side shall be accompanied by a section of
accurate metric scale and four sides shall be accompanied by alignment mark; the total length
of the metric scale shall be 100mm and the subdivision shall be 10mm. The alignment mark
shall be drawn at the midpoint of each side length of the inner drawing frame with line width
0.35mm, and shall stretch into the inner frame side and distance 5mm from frame outside.
The line section of the alignment mark shall adopt the middle within l1and b1 range.
3.1.3 The short side dimension of the drawing shall not be lengthened; the long side
dimension of A0~A3 size may be lengthened but shall be in accordance with those specified
in Table 3.1.3.
Table 3.1.3 Lengthened Long Side Dimension of Drawing (mm)
Size code Long side Lengthened long side dimension

A0 1189 1486(A0+1/4l) 1635(A0+3/8l) 1783(A0+1/2l)

1932(A0+5/8l) 2080(A0+3/4l) 2230(A0+7/8l)

A1 841 1051(A1+1/4l) 1261(A1+1/2l) 147l(A1+3/4l)

1682(A1+l) 1892(A1+5/4l) 2102(A1+3/2l)

A2 594 743(A2+l/41)891(A2+1/2l) 1041(A2+3/4l)

1189(A2+l) 1338(A2+5/41) 1486(A2+3/2l)
1635(A2+7/4l) 1783(A2+2l) 1932(A2+9/4l)

A3 420 630(A3+1/2l) 841(A3+l) 1051(A3+3/2l)

1261(A3+2l) 1471(A3+5/2l) 1682(A3+3l)

Note: For the drawing with special needs, the size of b×l 841mm×891mm and 1189mm×1261mm may be adopted.

3.1.4 The drawing shall be of horizontal type if taking the short side as the vertical side and
shall be of vertical type if taking the short side as the horizontal side. A0~A3 drawing should
be of horizontal use; if necessary, it may also be of vertical use.
3.1.5 In one engineering design, the drawing used by each profession should not be more
than two kinds of sizes, excluding catalogue and A4 size adopted by table.

3.2 Title Block

3.2.1 The drawing shall be provided with title block, drawing frame line, size line, binding
side line and alignment mark. The position of title block and binding side of the drawing shall
meet the following requirements:
1 The drawing with horizontal use shall be arranged according to the type of Figure
3.2.1-1 and Figure 3.2.1-2;
2 The drawing with vertical use shall be arranged according to the type of Figure
3.2.1-3 and Figure 3.2.1-4.

Alignment mark frame line Size line

Alignment mark Title

Binding side

Alignment mark

Figure 3.2.1-1 A0~A3 Horizontal Size (1)

Alignment Drawing
mark frame line Size line

Alignment Alignment
mark mark

Binding side


Title block

Figure 3.2.1-2 A0~A3 Horizontal Size (2)

Binding side Alignment mark

frame line
Alignment Size line
mark Alignment

Title block Alignment mark

Figure 3.2.1-3 A0~A4 Vertical Size (1)

Binding side Alignment mark

Alignment mark
Alignment mark

frame line
Size line

Alignment mark

Figure 3.2.1-4 A0~A4 Vertical Size (2)

3.2.2 The title block shall be in accordance with those specified in Figure 3.2.2-1 and Figure
3.2.2-2, and the dimension, format and zoning shall be determined according to project
demand. The signature column shall include real name row and signature row and shall meet
the following requirements:
Name area
of design

area of
area of
record area

name area

number area


Joint signature

Figure 3.2.2-1 Title Block (1)

Name area Signature Signature Revision Project Drawing Signat Joint

of design area of area of record name number
organization registered project ure signature
area area area area column
engineer manager

Figure 3.2.2-2 Title Block (2)

1 In the title block of foreign project, the Chinese inferior of each main content shall be
accompanied by version; the upside or left of the design organization shall be added with "the
People's Republic of China" type style;
2 The electronic signature and certification use in computer aided drawing file shall be

in accordance with those specified in the national relevant electronic signature law.

3.3 Setting Order of Sheets

3.3.1 The project sheet shall be set according to the profession order and shall be list of
drawings, general drawing, architectural drawing, structure drawing, water supply and
drainage drawing, heating, ventilation and air conditioning drawing and electrical drawing.
3.3.2 The drawings of various professions shall be classified and ordered according to the
primary and secondary relation as well as logical relation of the drawing content.

4 Chart

4.0.1 The chart width b should be selected from the line width series of 1.4, 1.0, 0.7, 0.5,
0.35, 0.25, 0.18 and 0.13mm. The chart width shall not be less than 0.1mm. For each drawing,
the basic line wide b shall be selected first according to complexity and scale size, and then
the corresponding line width group in Table 4.0.1 shall be selected.
Table 4.0.1 Line Width Group (mm)
Line width ratio Line width group

b 1.4 1.0 0.7 0.5

0.7b 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.35

0.5b 0.7 0.5 0.35 0.25

0.25b 0.35 0.25 0.18 0.13

Notes: 1 For the drawing to be demagnified, 0.18 and finer line width should not be adopted.
2 In the same piece of drawing, for the purpose of thin line of different line widths, the thin line in thinner line width
group may be unified for use.

4.0.2 The chart shown in Table 4.0.2 shall be selected for project construction drawing.
Table 4.0.2 Chart
Name Line type Purpose

Thick b Main visible outline

0.7 b Visible outline
Solid line
Visible outline, dimension line and change
Mediu 0.5 b

Thin 0.25 b Legend filling line and furniture line

See the drawing standard of each relevant

Thick b

Dash line 0.7 b Invisible outline

Medium 0.5 b Invisible outline and legend line

Thin 0.25 b Legend filling line and furniture line

Single-point See the drawing standard of each relevant

Thick b
long line profession

See the drawing standard of each relevant
Medium 0.5b

Thin 0.25b Center line, symmetric line and axis, etc.

See the drawing standard of each relevant

Thick B

Double-point See the drawing standard of each relevant

Medium 0.5b
long line profession

Hypothetical outline and original outline before

Thin 0.25b

Broken line Thin 0.25b Disconnection borderline

Wavy line Thin 0.25b Disconnection borderline

4.0.3 In the identical drawing, each drawing with the same scale shall select the same line
width group.
4.0.4 The drawing frame and title block line of the drawing may adopt the line width in
Table 4.0.4.
Table 4.0.4 Width of Drawing frame and Title Block Line (mm)
Size code Drawing frame line Outer frame line of title block Frame line of title block

A0, A1 b 0.5 b 0.25 b

A2, A3, A4 b 0.7 b 0.35b

4.0.5 For the mutually parallel legend line, the clear gap or intermediate gap of lines should
not be less than 0.2mm.
4.0.6 The line section length and interval of dash line, single-point long line or double-point
long line should be equal.
4.0.7 When it is difficult to draw in the smaller figure with single-point long line or
double-point long line, the solid line may be adopted.
4.0.8 Both ends of single-point long line or double-point long line shall not be dot. The dot
line drawing and dot line drawing intersection or dot line drawing and other chart intersection
shall be of line section intersection.
4.0.9 The dash line and dash line intersection or dash line and other chart intersection shall
be of line section intersection. When the dash line is the extension line of the solid line, it
shall not conenct with the solid line.
4.0.10 The chart shall be free from overlap or confusion with letter, digit or symbol; if
inevitable, the distinct letter shall be ensured first.

5 Font

5.0.1 The letter, digit or symbol to be written in the drawing shall be of distinct stroke,
upright font and regular arrangement, and the punctuation shall be clear and correct.
5.0.2 The letter height shall be selected from Table 5.0.2. The letter with height larger than
10mm should adopt True type font; when larger letter is needed, the height shall ascend

according to the multiple of 2.

Table 5.0.2 Letter Height (mm)

Font type Chinese vector font True type font and non-Chinese vector font

Letter height 3.5, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, 20

5.0.3 The Chinese character in the drawing and explanation should adopt HZCF or bold
type; the font type of the identical drawing shall not exceed two. The height and width
relation of HZCF shall be in accordance with those specified in Table 5.0.3; the width and
height of bold type shall be same. The Chinese characters of headline, album cover and
topographic map may also be written in other fonts, but shall be prone to recognize.
Table 5.0.3 Height and Width Relation of HZCF(mm)
Letter height 20 14 10 7 5 3.5

Letter width 14 10 7 5 3.5 2.5

5.0.4 The writing of simplified Chinese characters shall be in accordance with those
specified in the national relevant Chinese character simplification scheme.
5.0.5 The Latin letter, Arabic numerals and Roman numerals in the drawing and explanation
should adopt single line simplified font or Roman font. The writing rules of Latin letter,
Arabic numerals and Roman numerals shall be in accordance with those specified in Table
Table 5.0.5 Writing Rules of Latin Letter, Arabic Numerals and Roman Numerals
Writing format Font Narrow font

Capital height h h

Small letter height (no extension up and 7/10h 10/14h


Extended head or trail of small letter 3/10h 4/14h

Stroke width 1/10h 1/14h

Letter spacing 2/10h 2/14h

Minimum spacing of upper and lower 15/10h 21/14h

reference line

Word spacing 6/10h 6/14h

5.0.6 When Latin letter, Arabic numerals and Roman numerals are needed to be written in
italics, the gradient shall be of anticlockwise slope up 75° from letter base line. The height
and width of italics shall be equal to the corresponding straight letter.
5.0.7 The letter height of Latin letter, Arabic numerals and Roman numerals shall not be less
than 2.5mm.
5.0.8 The noting of quantity value shall adopt upright Arabic numerals. If the front of each
measurement unit has quantity value, it shall be noted with the unit symbol issued by the
country. The unit symbol shall adopt upright letter.
5.0.9 The noting of fraction, percentage and scale number shall adopt Arabic numerals and
mathematical symbol.
5.0.10 When the number is less than 1, "0" of each digit shall be written; the decimal point
shall adopt dot and shall be parallel to the reference line.
5.0.11 The illustration of HZCF Chinese character, Latin letter, Arabic numerals and Roman
numerals shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard "Technical
Drawings-Lettering" GB/T 14691.

6 Scale

6.0.1 The scale of the drawing shall be the corresponding linear dimension ratio of figure
and physical object.
6.0.2 The scale symbol shall be ":", and the scale shall be expressed with Arabic numerals.
6.0.3 The scale should be noted at the right side of the drawing name; the reference line of
letters shall be horizontal; the letter height of the scale should be smaller one or two than that
of drawing name (Figure 6.0.3).

Plan drawing

Figure 6.0.3 Scale Noting

6.0.4 The scale used for drawing shall be selected from Table 6.0.4 according to drawing
purpose and complexity of drawn object, and the common scale in this table shall be adopted
in priority.
Table 6.0.4 Scale Used for Drawing
Common scale 1:1, 1:2, 1:5, 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:50, 1:100, 1:150, 1:200, 1:500, 1:1000, 1:2000

1:3, 1:4, 1:6, 1:15, 1:25, 1:40, 1:60, 1:80, 1:250, 1:300, 1:400, 1:600, 1:5000, 1:10000, 1:20000, 1:50000,
Available scale
1:100000, 1:200000

6.0.5 Under the general situation, one drawing shall select a kind of scale. According to
professional drawing demand, the identical drawing may select two kinds of scales.
6.0.6 Under special circumstances, the scale may also be of self-selection; in this way, the
drawing scale shall be noted, in addition, the corresponding proportional scale shall be drawn
in place.

7 Symbol

7.1 Cutting Symbol

7.1.1 The cutting symbol of section view shall be composed of cutting position line and
section view direction line and shall be drawn with heavy solid line. The cutting symbol of
section view shall meet the following requirements:
1 The length of cutting position line should be 6mm~10mm; the section view direction
line shall be perpendicular to cutting position line and the length shall be shorter than that of
cutting position line and should be 4mm~6mm (Figure 7.1.1-1), and the international unified
and common section view method may also be adopted, shown as Figure 7.1.1-2. When
drawing, the cutting symbol of section view shall not contact with other charts;


Figure 7.1.1-1 Cutting Symbol of Section View (1)

Figure 7.1.1-2 Cutting Symbol of Section View (2)

2 The numbering of cutting symbol of section view should adopt bold Arabic numerals
and shall be continuously set according to cutting order from left to right and from lower to
upper and shall be noted at the end of section view direction line;
3 For the cutting position line with turning, the numbering same as this symbol shall be
added at the corner outside;
4 The cutting symbol of building (structure) profile drawing shall be noted in
±0.000-elevation plan drawing or first layer plan drawing;
5 The cutting symbol of local profile drawing (excluding first layer) shall be noted in
the plan drawing of the undermost layer including the cutting position.
7.1.2 The cutting symbol of section shall meet the following requirements:
1 The cutting symbol of section shall only be expressed with cutting position line and
shall be drawn with heavy solid line, and the length should be 6mm~10mm;
2 The numbering of sectional cutting symbol should adopt Arabic numerals and shall
be continuously set by order, and shall be noted at one side of the cutting position line; one
side of the numbering shall be the section view direction of this section (Figure 7.1.2).


Figure 7.1.2 Cutting Symbol of Section

7.1.3 When the profile drawing or sectional drawing is not in the identical sheet with the cut
drawing, the numbering of the drawing shall be indicated at the opposite side of the cutting
position line and may also be indicated in concentration in the figure.

7.2 Index Symbol and Detail Symbol

7.2.1 If a certain local or member in the drawing is in another detailed drawing, it shall be
indexed with index symbol (Figure 7.2.1a). The index symbol is composed of a circle with
diameter 8mm~10mm and horizontal diameter, and the circle and horizontal diameter shall be
drawn with continuous thin line. The index symbol shall be compiled according to the
following provisions:
1 If the indexed detailed drawing is in the identical sheet with the indexing detailed
drawing, the numbering of this detailed drawing shall be indicated in first half circle of the
index symbol with Arabic numerals, and a section of horizontal continuous thin line shall be
drawn in the middle of second half circle (Figure 7.2.1b);
2 If the indexed detailed drawing is not in the identical sheet with the indexing detailed
drawing, the numbering of this detailed drawing shall be indicated in first half circle of the
index symbol with Arabic numerals, and the numbering of the drawing including this detailed
drawing shall be indicated in second half circle of the index symbol with Arabic numerals
(Figure 7.2.1c). When the digits are more, the text mark may be added;
3 If the indexed detailed drawing adopts the standard drawing, the numbering of this
standard drawing colletion shall be added in the extension line of horizontal diameter of the
index symbol (Figure 7.2.1d). When the scale is to be marked, the letter shall be at the right
side of the index symbol or at the inferior of the extension line and shall be flush bottom with

Figure 7.2.1 Index Symbol

7.2.2 When the index symbol is used for indexing the sectional detailed drawing, the cutting
position line shall be drawn at the cut position, and the index symbol shall be led out with
leader line, and one side of the leader line shall be section view direction. The compilation of
the index symbol shall be in accordance with those specified in Article 7.2.1 of this standard
(Figure 7.2.2).

Figure 7.2.2 Index Symbol Used for Indexing Sectional Detailed Drawing
7.2.3 The numbering of parts, reinforcement, member, equipment, etc. should be expressed
with continuous thin line circle with diameter 5mm~6mm; the identical drawing shall be
uniform, and the numbering shall be compiled by order in Arabic numerals (Figure 7.2.3). For
the index symbol of fire hydrant, switch box, pipe well, etc., the diameter should be

Figure 7.2.3 Numbering of Parts, Reinforcement, etc.

7.2.4 The position and numbering of the detailed drawing shall be expressed with detail
drawing symbol. The circle of detail drawing symbol shall be drawn with heavy solid line
with diameter 14mm. The numbering of the detailed drawing shall meet the following
1 When the detailed drawing is in the identical sheet with the indexed drawing, the
numbering of the detailed drawing shall be indicated in the detail drawing symbol with Arabic
numerals (Figure 7.2.4-1);

Figure 7.2.4-1 Detail Drawing Symbol in the Identical Sheet with Indexed Drawing
2 If the detailed drawing is not in the identical sheet with the indexed drawing, one
horizontal diameter shall be drawn in the detail drawing symbol with continuous thin line and
the numbering of the detailed drawing shall be indicated in first half circle, and the numbering
of the indexed drawing shall be indicated in second half circle (Figure 7.2.4-2);

Figure 7.2.4-2 Detail Drawing Symbol not in the Identical Sheet with Indexed Drawing

7.3 Leader Line

7.3.1 The leader line shall be drawn with continuous thin line, and should adopt the straight
line in horizontal direction, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° straight line with horizontal direction and
the horizontal line after folding by above angles. The textual description should be noted at
the upside of the horizontal line (Figure 7.3.1a) and may also be noted at the end of the
horizontal line (Figure 7.3.1b). The leader line of indexing detailed drawing shall be
connected with the horizontal diameter line (Figure 7.3.1c).

(Textual description)
(Textual description)

Figure 7.3.1 Leader Line

7.3.2 The leader line of several same parts led out simultaneously should be mutually
parallel (Figure 7.3.2a), and may also be drawn as concurrent radial line (Figure 7.3.2b).

Textual description Textual description

Figure 7.3.2 Sharing Leader Line

7.3.3 The sharing leader line of multilayer construction or multilayer pipelines shall pass
through each led layer, and each corresponding layer shall be expressed with dot. The textual
description should be noted at the upside of the horizontal line or be noted at the end of the
horizontal line; the order of the description shall be upper to lower and shall be corresponding
and uniform with the described layer; if the layer is lateral order, the description order from
upper to lower shall be corresponding and uniform with the layer from left to right (Figure
(Textual description)

(Textual description)

(Textual description)
(Textual description)

Figure 7.3.3 Multilayer Sharing Leader Line

7.4 Other Symbols

7.4.1 The symmetrical symbol is composed of symmetric line and two pairs of parallel lines
of both ends. The symmetric line is drawn with thin single-point long line; the parallel line is
drawn with continuous thin line and the length should be 6mm~10mm; the spacing of each
pair should be 2mm~3mm; the symmetric line is perpendicular to and halve two pairs of
parallel lines and both end should exceed parallel line 2mm~3mm (Figure 7.4.1).

7.4.2 The connecting symbol shall be expressed with the broken line to express the position
to be connected. When the distance of two parts is too far, the Roman capitals shall be marked
at both ends of the broken line near one side of the drawing to express the connection number.
Two connected drawings shall be numbered with the same letter (Figure 7.4.2).
7.4.3 The shape of the north arrow shall be in accordance with those specified in Figure
7.4.3; the diameter of the circle should be 24mm, and shall be drawn with continuous thin line;
the width arrow trail should be 3mm, and the arrow head shall be marked with "north" or "N".
When the larger diameter is needed to draw the north arrow, the width of arrow trail should be
1/8 of the diameter.
7.4.4 The local change part in the drawing should adopt streamer and should indicate
revision edition (Figure 7.4.4).

Connecting symbol

Figure 7.4.1 Symmetric Symbol Figure 7.4.2 Connecting Symbol


Figure 7.4.3 North Arrow Figure 7.4.4 Change Streamer

Note: l is the revision times

8 Location Axis Grid

8.0.1 The location axis grid shall be drawn with single-point long line.
8.0.2 The location axis grid shall be numbered, and the numbering shall be noted in the
circle of axis end. The circle shall be drawn with continuous thin line with diameter
8mm~10mm. The location axis grid circle center shall be in the extension line of the location
axis grid or in the broken line of the extension line.
8.0.3 Except adopting partition numbering or circular and broken line shape owing to
relatively complex drawing, the numbering of the location axis grid in plan drawing should be
marked at inferior or left side of the drawing. The lateral numbering shall be compiled from
left to right with Arabic numerals; the vertical numbering shall be compiled from lower to
upper with Roman capitals (Figure 8.0.3).

Figure 8.0.3 Numbering Order of Location Axis Grid
8.0.4 When the Latin letters are taken as the axis number, all shall be in capital, and the
capital and lowercase of the same letter shall not be used to distinguish the axis number. The
Latin letters such as I, O and Z shall not be used as axis numbering. When the letters are
insufficient, dyadic letter or single letter plus digit subscript may be added.
8.0.5 In the plan drawing with relatively complex combination, the location axis grid may
also adopt partition numbering (Figure 8.0.5). The noting type of the numbering shall be
"partition numbering-this partition numbering". "Partition numbering-this partition
numbering" shall be expressed with Arabic numerals or Roman capitals.
8.0.6 The numbering of the additional location axis grid shall be expressed with fraction
form and shall meet the following requirements:

Figure 8.0.5 Partition Numbering of Location Axis Grid

1 For the additional axis of two axes, the numbering of the former axis shall be
expressed with denominator, and the numbering of the additional axis shall be expressed with
molecule. The numbering should be compiled with Arabic numerals by order;
2 The denominator of additional axis in front of No. 1 axis or No. A axis shall be
expressed with 01 or 0A.
8.0.7 When one detailed drawing is applicable to several axes, the numbering of each
relevant axis shall be simultaneously indicated (Figure 8.0.7).

Used for two axes Used for more than

Used for three or three axes with
more than axes continuous numbering

Figure 8.0.7 Axis Numbering of Detailed Drawing
8.0.8 The location axis grid in the common detailed drawing shall only be drawn as the
circle, and the axis numbering shall not be noted.
8.0.9 For the location axis grid in circular and curve plan drawing, the radial axis shall be
located with angle, and the numbering should be expressed with Arabic numerals, compiled
by anticlockwise order starting from bottom left corner or -90° (if the radial axis is very
thickanticlockwise the angle interval is very small); the circumferential axis should be
expressed with capitalized Arabic alphabet and compiled from outside to inside (Figure
8.0.9-1 and Figure 8.0.9-2).

Figure 8.0.9-1 Numbering of Circular Plane Location Axis Gid

Figure 8.0.9-2 Numbering of Curve Plane Location Axis Gid

8.0.10 The numbering of location axis grid in broken-line plan drawing may be compiled
according to the type in Figure 8.0.10.

Figure 8.0.10 Numbering of Broken-line Plane Location Axis Gid

9 Legends of Common Building Materials

9.1 General Requirement

9.1.1 This standard only specifies the drawing method for the legends of common building
materials without specific specification for the dimension scale. The legends shall be
determined according to drawing size for use and shall meet the following requirements:

1 The legend line shall be of uniform interval, proper density, correct legend and clear
2 When the fellow material with different varieties use the identical legend, the
necessary description shall be added in the figure;
3 When two identical legends are connected, the legend line should be staggered or the
inclined direction shall be opposite (Figure 9.1.1-1);

Figure 9.1.1-1 Drawing Method under Identical Legend Conenction

4 Two adjacent blacking legends shall be reserved with gap, and the clear width shall
not be less than 0.5mm (Figure 9.1.1-2).

Figure 9.1.1-2 Drawing Method of Adjacent Blacking Legends

9.1.2 The legend may not be added under the following conditions, but the textual
description shall be added;
1 When the drawing in one sheet only uses a kind of legend;
2 When the figure is smaller and it is incapable to draw the legend of the building
9.1.3 When the area of the building material legend to be drawn is oversize, the local
expression may be conducted in sectional outline along outline (Figure 9.1.3).

Figure 9.1.3 Local Legend Expression

9.1.4 When the building materials excluded in this standard are selected, the legend may be
compiled at random. But it shall not repeat with the legends listed in this standard. During
drawing, the legend of this material shall be drawn up in place, and the description shall be

9.2 Legends of Common Building Materials

9.2.1 The common building materials shall be drawn according to the legend drawing
method shown in Table 9.2.1.

Table 9.2.1 Legends of Common Building Materials
SN Name legend Remarks

1 Natural soil Including various natural soil

2 Compacted soil —

3 Sand and lime soil —

Sand gravel and

broken brick
4 —

5 Stone —

6 Rubble stone —

Including such masonry as solid brick, porous brick

and masonry block.
When the section is narrower and it is difficult to draw
7 Common brick
the legend line, it may be coated in red, and the
description shall be added in the remarks of the drawing
to draw the legend of this material

8 Fire brick Including such masonry as acid resistant brick

9 Hollow brick Non-bearing brick masonry

Including paving tile, mosaic, ceramic mosaic tile,

10 Facing tile
artificial marble, etc.

Coke residue and

11 Including the material mixed with cement and lime

1 This legend refers to bearing concrete and reinforced

12 Concrete
2 Including the concrete with various strength grades,
skeletal materials and additives

Reinforced 3 Do not draw legend line when drawing

concrete reinforcement in profile drawing4 It may be coated in
black when the sectional drawing is small and it is
difficult to draw the legend line

Including cement perlite, bitumen perlite, foamed

14 Porous material concrete, non-bearing cellular concrete, cork, vermiculite
product, etc.

Incluing mineral wool, rock wool, glass wool, oakum,

15 Fiber material
wood wool slab, fibre board, etc.

Foam plastic Including porous polymer materials such as
material polystyrene, polyethylene and polyurethane

1 The upper figure is the cross section; the left upper

17 Timber figure is crosser, wood brick or wood joist
2 The lower figure is the longitudinal section

18 Plywood Shall be indicated as ×layer plywood

Including round hole, square hole gypsum board,

19 Gypsum board waterproof gypsum board, silicon calcium plate, ffire
plate, etc.

1 Including various metals

20 Metal
2 It may be coated in black when the figure is small

1 Including metallic and plastic retiform materials

21 Retiform material
2 The specific material name shall be indicated

22 Liquid The specific liquid name shall be indicated

Including sheet glass, ground glass, wire glass,

23 Glass toughened glass, insulating glass, triplex glass, coated
glass, etc.

24 Rubber

Including various soft and rigid plastics and organic

25 Plastic
glass, etc.

Waterproof Adopt upper legend when the structural layers are

material more or the scale is large

27 Plaster This legend adopts rarer dot

Note: The oblique line, short oblique line and intersecting oblique line in 1, 2, 5, 7, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17 and 18 legends shall be

10 Drawing Method

10.1 Projection Method

10.1.1 Building construction view shall be drawn with orthography and first angle method.
Projection from A in front shall be front elevation, projection from B above shall be plan,
projection from C on the left shall be left elevation; projection from D on the right shall be

right elevation, projection from E below shall be ground plan and projection from F behind
shall be back elevation (Figure 10.1.1).

Figure 10.1.1 First Angle Method

10.1.2 If a view is difficult to drawn with first angle method, mirror image sciagraphy may
be used to draw it (Figure 10.1.2a). However, "mirror image" shall be noted behind the figure
name (Figure 10.1.2b) or according to Figure 10.1.2c, draw the mirror image projection
identification symbol behind it.

10.2 View Layout

10.2.1 If several views are drawn on the identical drawing, the position of each view should
be arranged according to the sequence in Figure 10.2.1.
10.2.2 Each view shall be noted with name. The naming for each view includes plan,
elevation, section, profile drawing and detail drawing. Add series number before the names of
different drawings but the identical view to distinguish them. The plan shall be numbered
with storey, including Basement 2 plan, Basement 1 plan, first floor plan, second floor plan;
elevation shall be numbered with axis number at the ends of this elevation; section or profile
drawing numbered with sectioning number; detail drawing numbered with index number. The
names should be noted under the views or on one side and under the names should be drawn a
transversal line with heavy line and the length shall be subject to the length occupied by the
names (Figure 10.2.1). Draw no longer lines if the detail drawing symbols are used as the
drawing name.


Plan (mirror image)

Figure 10.1.2 Mirror Image Sciagraphy

Elevation Elevation Elevation Elevation

Plan on the X floor

Figure 10.2.1 View Layout

10.2.3 Combined schematic diagram shall be drawn when the construction plan is drawn by
section; indicate some section's position in the construction plan. The position and series
number in the block view shall be consistent with each other and combined schematic
diagram (Figure 10.2.3).

Schematic of B district
Combined schematic diagram

Figure 10.2.3 Draw Construction Plan by Section

10.2.4 The general plan shall reflect the wall footing enveloping curve of the building in the
outdoor flooring and the roof plan projection drawing shall not be drawn. The layout
directions of the general plan with identical project but different professions shall be
consistent in the drawing; the layout direction of monomer building (structure) plan in the
drawing may be different with that in the general plan if necessary, however, direction must
be indicated; the layout direction of monomer building (structure) plan of different
professions shall be consistent in Drawing.
10.2.5 If some parts of the building (structure) is not parallel with the projection plane, the
parts may be unfolded until they are parallel with the projection plane, and drawn the
elevation with orthography; "unfolding" shall be noted behind the elevation name.
10.2.6 Layout drawing designed and mapped for building suspended ceiling (ceiling) light
fixture and air port shall be mirror surface view reflected on ground, but not the upward view.

10.3 Section and Profile

10.3.1 In the section, except the pattern of the parts cut by cutting plane, the parts which are
seen along the projection direction shall be drawn; the contour line of parts cut by cutting
plane shall be drawn with heavy line while the parts which are not cut by cutting plane but

seen along projection direction shall be drawn with medium solid line; in profile drawing,
only the pattern of parts cut by cutting plane with heavy line shall be drawn (Figure 10.3.1).

Front elevation Section Profile

Figure 10.3.1 Difference between Section and Profile Drawing

10.3.2 Section and profile drawing shall be drawn after sectioning according to the
following methods:
1 Section with a cutting plane (Figure 10.3.2-1);
2 Section with two or more parallel cutting planes (Figure 10.3.2-2);
3 Section with two intersectant cutting planes (figure 10.3.2-3). "Unfolding" shall be
noted behind the drawing name if this method is used.

Figure 10.3.2-2 Two Parallel Cutting Planes Figure 10.3.2-1 One Cutting Plane

Figure 10.3.2-3 Two Intersectant Cutting Planes

10.3.3 Section with layering sectioning shall be follow the layer to separate each layer with
wavy line and the wavy line shall not be superposed with any line (Figure 10.3.3).

Figure 10.3.3 Section by Layering Sectioning

10.3.4 The bar's profile drawing may be drawn close to one side of the bar or the bottom
and arranged in order (Figure 10.3.4-1), also may be drawn in the intermitting position
(Figure 10.3.4-2); the profile drawing of beam-slab structure may be drawn in structural plan
(Figure 10.3.4-3).

Front elevation

Figure 10.3.4-1 Profile Drawing is Arranged in Order

Figure 10.3.4-2 Profile Drawing is Drawn in Intermitting Position of the Bar

Figure 10.3.4-3 Profile Drawing is Drawn in Layout Drawing

10.4 Simplified Drawing Method

10.4.1 A half of the members and accessories view may be drawn if one symmetric line in
the view is available; a quarter of the view and the symmetrical symbol may be drawn if two
symmetric lines in the view are available (Figure 10.4.1-1). The pattern may be beyond the
symmetric line slightly, in this case, the symmetrical symbol may not be drawn (Figure
10.4.1-2). If the symmetrical body is required to draw the section or profile drawing, view
(outline drawing) may be drawn for a half and section or profile drawing may be drawn for
the other half taking the symmetrical symbol as a dividing line (Figure 10.4.1-3).

Figure 10.4.1-1 Draw Symmetrical Symbol

Figure 10.4.1-2 Not Draw Symmetrical Symbol



Figure 10.4.1-3 A Half is Drawn into View and the other Half is Drawn into Section
10.4.2 The complete shape of several identical structural elements arranged continuously in
the members and accessories may be drawn only at both ends or proper places while the left
parts are expressed with center lines and their intersections (Figure 10.4.2 a). If the identical
structural elements are less than the center line intersections, the left parts shall be expressed
with dots at the position of identical structural elements, namely the center line intersections
(Figure 10.4.2 b).

Figure 10.4.2 Simplified Drawing for Identical Element

10.4.3 The long components, when they are identical along the length direction or changed
according to a certain rule, may be disconnected and drawn partially; the disconnection
position shall be expressed with breakline (Figure 10.4.3).

Figure 10.4.3 Simplified Drawing for Break

10.4.4 If the drawing place for one member and accessory is not enough, it may be draw by
section and expressed the connection with connection symbol (Figure 7.4.2).
10.4.5 If one member and accessary is different partially with another, only the different
parts may be drawn, however, the connection symbol shall be drawn respectively on the
dividing lines of identical parts and different parts between the two members and accessories
(Figure 10.4.5).

Figure 10.4.5 Simplified Drawing for the Components Different Partially

10.5 Axonometric Drawing

10.5.1 Isometric drawing of building construction (Figure 10.5.1) should be projected with
isometric project and drawn with simplified axle dilatation coefficient.

Figure 10.5.1 Drawing of Isometric Project

10.5.2 Visible contour line of isometric drawing should be drawn with medium solid line
and the range line profile should with heavy line. Invisible contour line shall not be drawn, if
necessary, the required parts may be drawn with fine dash line.
10.5.3 Material legend line shall be drawn on the section of the isometric drawing and the
legend line shall be drawn according to the direction of axle of the coordinate plane located
by the section. If 45° oblique line is taken as the legend line, it shall be drawn according to the
requirements in Figure 10.5.3.


Figure 10.5.3 Drawing Method for the Section legend Line of Isometric Drawing
10.5.4 A linear dimension of isometric drawing shall be noted in the coordinate plane
located by each. The dimension line shall be parallel to the length noted; extension dimension
shall parallel to corresponding axonometric axes; dimension text direction shall parallel to
dimension line, if the head character inclines downward, the dimension line shall be
disconnected, the dimension text shall be noted horizontally at the dimension line
disconnection position. The arrowhead of the isometric drawing should use dot (Figure

Figure 10.5.4 Marking Method for Isometric Drawing Linear Dimension

10.5.5 Diameter dimension in the isometric drawing shall be noted in the coordinate plane
located by the circle; dimension line and extension dimension shall be respectively parallel to
their own axonometric axes. Circular arc semidiameter and small circle may be noted,
however, the dimension text shall be noted on the outgoing line parallel to axonometric axes
(Figure 10.5.5).

Figure 10.5.5 Marking Method for Diameter of Circle in Isometric Drawing

10.5.6 Angular dimension of isometric drawing shall be noted in the coordinate plane
located by this angle; the dimension line shall be drawn into corresponding elliptical arc or
circular arc. Dimension text shall be noted along horizontal direction (Figure 10.5.6).

Figure 10.5.6 Marking Method for Isometric Drawing Angle

10.6 Perspective Drawing

10.6.1 Effect drawing of building construction design should use perspective drawing.
10.6.2 Visible contour line in perspective drawing should be drawn with medium solid line.
The invisible contour line shall not be drawn, if necessary, the required part may be drawn
with fine dash line.

11 Dimension Indications

11.1 Extension Line, Dimension Line and Arrowhead

11.1.1 Dimension in the pattern shall include extension line, dimension line, arrowhead and
dimension text (Figure 11.1.1).

Arrowhead Dimension text Extension dimension

Dimension line

Figure 11.1.1 Parts Included in the Dimension

11.1.2 Extension line shall be drawn with fine line and vertical with the length noted; one
end of the extension line shall be departed from the pattern contour line more than or equal to
2mm, and the other end should exceed the dimension line by 2mm~3mm. Pattern contour line
may be used as extension line (Figure 11.1.2).

Figure 11.1.2 Extension Line

11.1.3 Dimension line shall be drawn with fine line, parallel with the length noted. Any line
of pattern itself shall not be used as dimension line.
11.1.4 Arrowhead shall be drawn with medium oblique short line, the oblique direction shall
be clockwise 45° with extension line and the length should be 2mm~3mm. The arrowhead of
semi-diameter, diameter, angle and arc length should be displayed with arrowhead (Figure

Figure 11.1.4 Arrowhead

11.2 Dimension Text

11.2.1 Pattern dimension shall be subject to dimension text and shall not be measured
directly from the figure.
11.2.2 Dimension unit of pattern shall be mm except elevation and general layout taking
meter (m) as the unit.
11.2.3 Direction of dimension text shall be noted according to the requirements of Figure
11.2.3a. If the dimension text is in the 30° shaded area, it may be noted according to the form
of Figure 11.2.3 b.

Figure 11.2.3 Note Direction of Dimension Text

11.2.4 Dimension text shall be noted close to the upper central part of the dimension line
based on its direction. If no sufficient place is used to make the note, the most external
dimension text may be noted on the outside of extension line and the adjacent dimension text
in the middle may be noted up and down; a dot shall be used to display the note position at
the end of the outgoing line (Figure 11.2.4).

Figure 11.2.4 Note Position of Dimension Text

11.3 Dimension Arrangement and Layout

11.3.1 Dimension should be noted outside the pattern outline and should not be intersected
with line, character, symbol, etc. (Figure 11.3.1).

Figure 11.3.1 Note of Dimension Text
11.3.2 Parallel mutually dimension line shall be arranged regularly from the noted pattern
contour line toward far; the smaller dimension shall be nearer to the contour line and the
larger dimension shall be farther (Figure 11.3.2).

Figure 11.3.2 Dimension Arrangement

11.3.3 The distance between the extension line outside the pattern contour line and the
outermost pattern outline should not be less than 10mm. The interval between dimension lines
arranged parallelly should be 7mm~10mm and shall stay the same (Figure 11.3.2).
11.3.4 Extension line of overall dimension shall approach the pointed position; the
extension line of sub-dimension in the middle may be short slightly, however their length
shall be equal (Figure 11.3.2).

11.4 Radial Dimension for Circle and Sphere

11.4.1 Dimension line of semidiameter shall be drawn taking the center of a circle as a start
and pointing at circular arc with an arrowhead at the end. The semidiameter symbol "R" shall
be noted before the semidiameter number (Figure 11.4.1).

Figure 11.4.1 Marking Method for Semidiameter

11.4.2 Semidiameter of smaller arc may be noted according to the form of Figure 11.4.2.

Figure 11.4.2 Marking Method for Small Circular Arc Semidiameter

11.4.3 Semidiameter of bigger arc may be noted according to the form of Figure 11.4.3.

Figure 11.4.3 Marking Method for Big Circular Arc Semidiameter

11.4.4 Diameter symbol "φ" shall be added before diameter number when the diameter of a
circle is noted. The dimension line noted in a circle shall get through the center of a circle and
be drawn the arrowhead to point at circular arc (Figure 11.4.4).

Figure 11.4.4 Marking Method for Diameter of a Circle

11.4.5 The diameter dimension of a smaller circle may be noted outside a circle (Figure

Figure 11.4.5 Marking Method for Diameter of a Smaller Circle

11.4.6 Symbol "SR" shall be added before the dimension when the semidiameter dimension
of a sphere is noted. Symbol "Sφ" shall be added before the number before the diameter
dimension of a sphere is noted. The marking method is identical with those of circular arc
semidiameter and circle diameter.

11.5 Angular and Arc Length Dimension

11.5.1 Angular dimension line shall be displayed with a circular arc. The center of the
circular arc shall be the point of this angle and the two sides of this angle shall be the
extension line. The start-stop symbol shall be displayed with arrowhead and the dot may be
used to replace the arrowhead if no enough place to draw the arrowhead; angle number shall
be noted along the direction of dimension line (Figure 11.5.1)

Figure 11.5.1 Marking Method for an Angle
11.5.2 The dimension line of the length of a circular arc shall be displayed with the circular
arc line homocentric to this circular arc when the arc length is noted; the extension line shall
point at center of the circular arc; start-stop symbol shall be displayed with arrowhead;
symbol "⌒" shall be added above the arc length number (Figure 11.5.2).

Figure 11.5.2 Marking Method for Arc Length

11.5.3 The dimension line of the chord length of a circular arc shall be displayed with a
straight parallel to this chord when the chord length is noted; the extension line shall be
vertical to this chord; start-stop symbol shall be displayed with a medium-heavy oblique short
line (Figure 11.5.3).

Figure 11.5.3 Marking Method for Chord Length

11.6 For Sheet Thickness, Square, Slope and Non-round Curve etc

11.6.1 Thickness symbol "t" shall be added before the thickness number when the slab
thickness dimension is noted on the sheet board surface (Figure 11.6.1).
11.6.2 The type of "side length×side length" may be used when the square dimension is noted,
or add the square symbol "□" before the side length number (Figure 11.6.2).

Figure 11.6.1 Marking Method for Sheet Gauge Figure 11.6.2 Marking Method for Square Dimension
11.6.3 Gradient symbol ""shall be added when the gradient is noted (Figure 11.6.3a,b); this
symbol is single-side arrowhead and the arrowhead shall point at direction of fall. Gradient
may be also noted with right triangle type (Figure 11.6.3c).

Figure 11.6.3 Marking Method for Gradient
11 6.4 Coordinates type may be used for dimensioning of the component of a non-round
curve (Figure 11.6.4).

Figure 11.6.4 Curve Dimension Noted with Coordinated Method

11.6.5 Grid type may be used for dimensioning of a complex graphics (Figure 11.6.5).

Figure 11.6.5 Curve Dimension Noted with Grid Method

11.7 Simplified Labeling of Dimensions

11.7.1 The length of a bar or pipeline may be noted along one side of the bar or pipeline on
the single line drawing (truss blockdiagram, steel bar blockdiagram and pipeline
blockdiagram) (Figure 11.7.1).

Figure 11.7.1 Dimension Marking Method for Single Line Drawing

11.7.2 Equilong dimension arrayed continuously may be noted with "equilong
dimension×numbers=total length" (Figure 11.7.2a) or "equation×numbers=total length"
(Figure 11.7.2b)

Figure 11.7.2 Simplified Marking Method for Equilong Dimension
11.7.3 If the structure elements in members and accessories ( such as hole, slot, etc.) are
identical, dimension of one of them may be noted (Figure 11.7.3).

Figure 11.7.3 Dimension Marking Method for Identical Element

11.7.4 The dimension line of a symmetrical members and accessories shall slightly exceed
symmetrical symbol and the arrowhead shall be drawn only at one end of the dimension line
when the symmetrical members and accessories are drawn with symmetrical omitting
drawing; the dimension figure shall be drawn according to integral and overall dimension and
the noting position should be align with the symmetrical symbol (Figure 11.7.4).

Figure 11.7.4 Marking Method for Dimension of Symmetrical Components

11.7.5 If two members and accessories almost identical except several dimension text, the
different dimension texts of either may be noted in parentheses in the identical pattern with
the name of the member and accessory (Figure 11.7.5).

Figure 11.7.5 Marking Method for Dimension of Similar Components

11.7.6 If several members and accessories have difference in some dimension, the changed
dimension text may be noted in the identical pattern with Latin letter; the specific dimension
may be listed in the separate table (Figure 11.7.6).


Figure 11.7.6 Measurement Chart Format Marking Method for Similar Members and Accessories

11.8 Elevation

11.8.1 Elevation symbols shall be displayed with right angled isosceles triangle and drawn
with fine line according to the type as shown in Figure 11.8.1a; if the noting position is not
enough, the type as show in Figure 11.8.1b may be followed. The specific drawing method of
the elevation symbols shall meet the requirements of Figure 11.8.1c, d.

Figure 11.8.1 Elevation Symbols

l—Proper Length is Adopted to Note the Elevation Number; h—Proper Height is Adopted as Required

11.8.2 Elevation of outdoor grade symbol of general plan should be displayed with
blackened triangle tables and the specific drawing method shall meet the requirements of
Figure 11.8.2.

Figure 11.8.2 Elevation of Outdoor Grade Symbol of General Plan

11.8.3 Point of the elevation symbols shall point until the position where the height is noted.
The point should be downward or upward. The elevation number shall be noted on the upside
or downside of the elevation symbols (Figure 11.8.3).

Figure 11.8.3 Pointing Direction of Elevation

11.8.4 The elevation number shall use meter as the unit to three decimal places. In the
general plan, the elevation number may be noted to two decimal places.
11.8.5 Zero point elevation shall be noted into ±0.000; positive elevation shall not be noted
with "+" and negative elevation shall be noted with "-", such as 3.000, -0.600.
11.8.6 If there are several different elevations in the incidental position, the elevation
number may be noted according to the form of Figure 11.8.6.

Figure 11.8.6 Several Elevation Numbers are Noted in the Incidental Position

12 CAD Documents

12.1 General Requirement

12.1.1 CAD documents may be separated into engineering drawing library documents and
engineering drawing documents. Engineering drawing library documents may be reused in
more than one project; engineering drawing documents only be used in one project.
12.1.2 CAD documents may be managed and used effectively by establishing proper file
catalog structure.

12.2 Numbering of Engineering Drawings

12.2.1 Engineering drawing numbering shall meet the following requirements:

1 Engineering drawing shall be programmed according to different subitems
(segments), professions, stages, etc., should be numbered according to the order of general
specification of design, plan, elevation, section, detail drawing, bill, blockdiagram and so on;
2 Engineering drawing numbering shall use combination of character, digital and
hyphen "-";
3 Uniform engineering drawing numbering format shall be used in identical project
and the engineering drawing numbering shall remain constant all the way.
12.2.2 Engineering drawing numbering format shall meet the following requirements:
1 Engineering drawing numbering may be combined by segment code, profession
abbreviation code, stage code, types code, serial number, alteration code and altered version
serial number (Figure 12.2.2), therein, segment code, types code, alteration code and revised
version serial number may be set as required. The hyphen "-" shall be used between segment
code and profession abbreviation code, stage code and types code, serial number and
alteration code.
2 When the segment code is used in the project whose scale is relatively large and is
required to be divided into subitem or segment, the different subitem or segment shall be
combined by 2~4 characters and numbers;

Segment code Profession code Hyphen SN Alteration code

# Building
Plan A
Hyphen Stage Types code Hyphen
code Altered version SN

Figure 12.2.2 Numbering Format of Engineering Drawing
3 Profession abbreviation code, used to explain the profession kinds and composed of
one Chinese character, should select the common profession abbreviation code listed in
Appendix A of this standard;
4 Stage code, used to distinguish the different design stage and composed of one
Chinese character, should select the common stage code listed in Appendix A of this standard;
5 Types code, used to explain the kinds of engineering drawing and composed of 2
characters, should select the common types code listed in Appendix A of this standard;
6 Serial number is used to identify the sequence of identical kind of drawings and
composed of any three digits among 001~999;
7 Alteration code is used to identify the alteration drawing of certain drawing and is
displayed with character "alteration";
8 Alteration version serial number is used to identify the edition of the alteration
drawings and composed of any digital among 1~9.

12.3 Naming of CAD Files

12.3.1 Engineering drawing file naming shall meet the following requirements:
1 Engineering drawing files may be organized according to different projects, subitems
or segments, professions and drawing types and so on, and the naming rule shall have certain
logical relationship and make the files convenient for identification, memory, operation and
2 Engineering drawing file name shall use the combination of Latin letter, digit,
hyphen "-" and hash symbol "#".
3 Uniform engineering drawing file name format shall be used in the identical project
and the file name shall remain constant all the way.
12.3.2 Engineering drawing file naming format shall meet the following requirements:
1 Engineering drawing file name may be composed of engineering code, profession
code, types code, user definition code and filename extension (Figure 12.3.2-1), therein,
engineering code and user definition code may be set as required. Profession code is separated
from types code by hyphen "-"; user definition code is separated from filename extension by
decimal point ".";

Engineering code Hyphen

User definition code Filename extension


Profession code Types code

Figure 12.3.2-1 Engineering Drawing File Designation Format

2 Engineering code is used to explain the engineering, subitem or segment and
composed of 2~5 characters and digits;
3 Profession code, used to explain the profession kinds and composed of one character,
should select the common profession code listed in Appendix A of this standard;

4 Types code, used to explain the kinds of engineering drawing and composed of 2
characters, should select the common types code listed in Appendix A of this standard;
5 User definition code, used to explain the types of engineering drawing files, should
be composed of 2~5 characters and digits, therein, the first two characters are the serial
number to identify identical kind of drawing files and the last two characters is used to
display the scope and edition of the engineering drawing alteration (Figure 12.3.2-2):
Partial alteration of the 1st version


Complete alteration of the 1st



The 1st alteration of the A version



Figure 12.3.2-2 Display of Alteration Scope and Edition of Engineering Drawing Files
6 Filename extension after decimal point shall be defined by computerized drawing
software creating engineering drawing files and composed of three characters.
12.3.3 Engineering drawing library file naming shall meet the following requirements:
1 Engineering drawing library files shall be classified according to building system,
assembling requirement or method of using and so on and shall be convenient for
identification, memory, operation and retrieval;
2 Engineering drawing library file name shall use the combination of Latin letter and
3 Engineering drawing library file used in special engineering shall be copied into the
folder of the special engineering and renamed as the engineering drawing file name suitable
for the special engineering.

12.4 Computer Aided Drawing Folder

12.4.1 Computer aided drawing folder should be organized according to the engineering,
design stage, profession, user and file type and so on. The name of computer aided drawing
folder may be defined by users or computerized drawing software and has specific logical
relationship in engineering and is convenient for identification, memory, management and
12.4.2 Computer aided drawing folder name may be the combination of Chinese character,
Latin letter, digital sum and hyphen "-", however, Chinese character and Latin letter shall not
be mis-used.
12.4.3 Uniform computer aided drawing folder naming format shall be used in the identical
engineering and the name shall remain constant all the way and shall not use Chinese and
English naming formats simultaneously.
12.4.4 For meeting the requirements of synergetic design, the sharing exchange folders in

the engineering, and profession may be created respectively.

12.5 Use and Management of CAD Files

12.5.1 Engineering drawing files shall be corresponding to engineering drawing to assure

the uniformity of engineering drawing and CAD documents at the time of filing.
12.5.2 CAD documents should use standardized engineering drawing library files.
12.5.3 File backup shall meet the following requirements:
1 CAD documents shall be made a backup timely to avoid the accident damage and
loss of the files and data;
2 Time and copies of CAD documents backup may be determined according to the
actual conditions and the backup should be made once a day or a week.
12.5.4 Such protection measures as regular backup, prevention from computer virus, saving
duplicate of files in safe equipments, setting corresponding file reference and operation
permission, file encryption as well as using uninterrupted power supply (UPS) shall be
adopted to protect effectively the CAD documents.
12.5.5 CAD documents shall be filed timely.
12.5.6 Graphics file exchange in different systems shall meet the requirements of current
national standard GB/T 16656 "Industrial Automation Systems and Integration-Product Data
Representation and Exchange"

12.6 Synergetic Design and CAD Files

12.6.1 The organization of the CAD files of the synergetic design shall meet the following
1 When the synergetic design is adopted, the CAD files shall be organized reasonably
and orderly according to the property, scale, complexity of the engineering and the profession
requirement and hereby, the division of the task for the members in the design team shall be
2 Organization of CAD files with synergetic design shall be taken the reduction or
avoid of the repeated creation and edition of the design contents as the principle; if the
condition is permissible, the reference of computer aided drawing file should be used;
3 For meeting the requirement of synergetic design among the different professions,
the CAD files may be divided into public drawing files shared by all professions, data file
provided to other professions and the drawing files only used in this profession;
4 For meeting the requirement of synergetic design in the profession, one CAD files in
this profession may be separated into several parts drawing files; the connection between
parts drawing files and assembly drawing files shall be established.
12.6.2 The CAD files by the synergetic design shall meet the following requirements:
1 In the main CAD files, the reference files with multilevel quotation relationship may
be quoted and the reference files quoted are permissible to have the operation of editing,
clipping, detachment, coverage, update and permanent consolidation;
2 For avoiding the variation of main CAD files caused by the modification of reference
files, when the main CAD files are filed, the quoted reference files and main CAD files shall

be combined (bound) permanently.

13 Layers for CAD File

13.0.1 Layer naming shall meet the following requirements:

1 The layer may be organized according to different purposes, design stages, attributes
and objects and so on, shall have specific logical relationship in engineering and be
convenient for identification, memory, software operation and retrieval;
2 Layer name may be the combination of Chinese character, Latin letter, digital sum
and hyphen "-", however, Chinese character and Latin letter shall not be mis-used.
3 Uniform layer naming format shall be used in the identical engineering and the name
shall remain constant all the way and shall not use Chinese and English naming formats
13.0.2 Layer naming format shall meet the following requirements:
1 Layer naming shall use the grading type and each layer is composed of 2~5 data
fields (code); the first grade is the profession code, the second is main code, the third and
fourth grade are code 1 and code 2 respectively and the fifth grade is status code; therein the
third~fifth grades may be set as required; each adjacent data field is separated by hyphen "-";
2 Profession code, used to explain the profession category, should select the common
profession code listed in Appendix A;
3 Main code is used to explain detailedly the profession feature and may be combined
with any profession code;
4 Minor code 1 and 2 are used to distinguish further the data feature of the main code
and may be combined with any main code;
5 Status code is used to distinguish the engineering properties or stages included in the
layers; it shall not be used to express the project status and stage simultaneously and should
select the common status code listed in Appendix B;
6 Chinese layer name should use the format in Figure 13.0.2-1 and each layer is
composed of 2~5 data fields; each data field includes 1~3 Chinese characters and each
adjacent data field shall be separated by hyphen "-";

Figure 13.0.2-1 Chinese Layer Naming Format

7 English layer name should use the format in Figure 13.0.2-2 and each layer is
composed of 2~5 data fields; each data field includes 1~4 characters and each adjacent data
field is separated by hyphen "-"; therein profession code is 1 character, the main code, minor
code 1 and 2 are 4 characters, moreover, status code is 1 character;
Profession code Main code Minor code 1 Minor code 2 Status code

Hyphen Hyphen Hyphen Hyphen

Figure 13.0.2-1 English Layer Naming Format
8 Layer name should select the common layer name listed in Appendix A and
Appendix B of this standard.

14 CAD Conventions

14.0.1 Direction of computerized drawing and north arrow shall meet the following
1 Plan should keep in line with the general plan in respect of direction;
2 Positioning axis should be parallel with the side line of the drawing frame when the
orthogonal plan is drawn (Figure 14.0.1-1);
3 When the plan which is composed of several partial orthogonal areas and each area is
heterotropic mutually is drawn, the positioning axis of any orthogonal area may be selected to
be parallel with the side line of drawing frame (Figure 14.0.1-2);
4 North arrow shall point at top of the drawing area (Figure 14.0.1-1) and shall keep in
line in complete drawing.

North arrow direction

Origin of coordinates

Figure 14.0.1-1 Drawing Direction of Orthogonal Plan and Direction Schematic of North Arrow

North arrow direction

Orthogonal area

Origin of coordinates

Figure 14.0.1-2 Drawing Direction of Mutually Heterotropic Semi-drawing in Orthogonal Area and
Direction Schematic of North Arrow
14.0.2 Coordinate system and initial point of computerized drawing shall meet the
following requirements:
1 World coordinate system or user definition coordinate system may be selected during
computerized drawing;
2 Geodetic coordinate system also may be used if the pattern with special purpose is
available in the general plan drawing engineering;
3 Origin of coordinates should make the drawn pattern in the upside of the crosswise
coordinate axle and right side of lengthways coordinate axle and close to origin of coordinates
(Figure 14.0.1-1, Figure 14.0.1-2);
4 Various professions shall use identical coordinate system and origin of coordinates in
the identical engineering.
14.0.3 Layout of computerized drawing shall meet the following requirements:
1 Patterns should be arrayed from bottom to top and from left to right during the
computerized drawing; the major patterns should be arrayed firstly and then the secondary
2 Table, drawing explanation should be arrayed at right side of the drawing area.
14.0.4 Scale of computerized drawing shall meet the following requirements:
1 The pattern shall be printed according to the scale noted in the figure if the pattern is
drawn according to the scale of 1:1 during the computerized drawing; if the pattern is drawn
according to the scale noted in the figure, the pattern shall be printed according to the scale of
2 Pattern and Chinese explanation may be written with appropriate scale during
computerized drawing, however, once they are printed, they shall meet the requirements of
Article 5.0.2~5.0.7 of this standard.

Appendix A

Examples of Common Engineering Sheet Coding and CAD File


Table A-1 Common Professional Code Sheet

Chinese professional
Profession English professional code Remarks

General General layout, landscape, measurement/map,

总 G
drawing civil work

Architecture 建 A Architecture, interior design

Structure 结 S Structure

Pipeline 水 P Water supply, drainage, pipeline, fire-fighting

ventilation and Heating, ventilation, air conditioning,
暖 M
air machinery

Electricity (strong electricity),

Electricity 电 E telecommunication (weak electricity),

Table A-2 Common Stage Code Sheet

Design stage Chinese stage code English stage code Remarks

Preliminary feasibility study

Feasibility study 可 S

Conceptual design 方 C —

Expanded preliminary design

Preliminary design 初 P

Working drawing design 施 W —

Table A-3 Common Type Code Sheet

Engineering drawing type Chinese code English type code

List of drawings 目录 CL

General introduction of design 说明 NT

Floor plan 平面 FP

Plant plan 场区 SP

Dismantlement of plan 拆除 DP

Equipment plan 设备 QP

Available plan 现有 XP

Vertical plan 立面 EL

Section plan 剖面 SC

Detail drawing (large scale view) 大样 LS

Detailed drawings 详图 DT

3d view 三维 3D

Schedule 清单 SH

Diagram 简图 DG

Appendix B

Common Layer Naming Examples

Table B-1 Common State Code Sheet

Engineering property or
Chinese state code English state code Remarks

Newly-built 新建 N —

Reservation 保留 E —

Dismantlement 拆除 D —

Proposed founding 拟建 F —

Temporary 临时 T —

Moving 搬迁 M —

Renovation 改建 R —

Out of contract 合同外 X —

Stage numbering — 1~9 —

Feasibility study 可研 S Stage name

Conceptual design 方案 C Stage name

Preliminary design 初步 P Stage name

Working drawing design 施工图 W Stage name

Table B-2 Name List of Professional Layers for Common General Layouts
Layer Chinese name English name Remarks

General plan 总图-平面 G-SITE —

Red line 总图-平面-红线 G-SITE-REDL Property line

Outer wall line 总图-平面-墙线 G-SITE-WALL —

Building outline 总图-平面-建筑 G-SITE-BOTL —

Structure 总图-平面-构筑 G-SITE-STRC —

Dimension annotation and

General plan mark 总图-平面-标注 G-SITE-IDEN text annotation of general

Textual description of general

General plan text 总图-平面-文字 G-SITE-TEXT

General plan coordinate 总图-平面-坐标 G-SITE-CODT

Traffic 总图-交通 G-DRIV

Centre of road 总图-交通-中线 G-DRIV-CNTR

Vertical direction of the road 总图-交通-竖向 G-DRlV-GRAD

Traffic streamline 总图-交通-流线 G-DRIV-FLWL

Construction access road

Detail drawing of traffic 总图-交通-详图 G-DRIV-DTEL
detail drawing

Parking lot 总图-交通-停车场 G-DRIV-PRKG

Dimension annotation and

Traffic mark 总图-交通-标注 G-DRIV-IDEN
text annotation of

construction access road

Traffic text 总图-交通-文字 G-DRIV-TEXT Traffic road description text

Traffic coordinate 总图-交通-坐标 G-DRIV-CODT

Landscape 总图-景观 G-LSCP Landscaping

Annotation and text

Landscape identification 总图-景观-标注 G-LSCP-IDEN
annotation of landscapes

Description text of
Landscape text 总图-景观-文字 G-LSCP-TEXT

Landscape coordinate 总图-景观-坐标 G-LSCP-CODT

Pipeline 总图-管线 G-PIPE

Description text and

dimension annotation of
Water supply pipeline 总图-管线-给水 G-PIPE-DOMW
water supply lines and text
and coordinate annotation

Description text and

dimension annotation of
Discharge pipe line 总图-管线-排水 G-PIPE-SANR
water drainage lines and text
and coordinate annotation

Description text and

dimension annotation of
Heating pipeline 总图-管线-供热 G-PIPE-HOTW
heating pipelines and text and
coordinate annotation

Description text and

dimension annotation of gas
Gas burning pipeline 总图-管线-燃气 G-PIPE-GASS
burning pipelines and text
and coordinate annotation

Description text and

dimension annotation of
Power pipeline 总图-管线-电力 G-PIPE-POWR
power pipelines and text and
coordinate annotation

Description text and

dimension annotation of
Telecommunication pipeline 总图-管线-通讯 G-PIPE-TCOM telecommunication pipelines
and text and coordinate

Annotation 总图-注释 G-ANNO —

Figure frame and figure

Figure frame 总图-注释-图框 G-ANNO-TTLB
frame text

Legend 总图-注释-图例 G-ANNO-LEGN legend and symbol (sign)

Dimension annotation and

Dimension Indication 总图-注释-尺寸 G-ANNO-DIMS
text annotation

Special textual description of

Textual description 总图-注释-文字 G-ANNO-TEXT
general layout

Contour line 总图-注释-等高线 G-ANNO-CNTR Road contour line,

topographic contour

Background 总图-注释-背景 G-ANNO-BGRD —

Padding 总图-注释-填充 G-ANNO-PATT Patten padding

North arrow 总图-注释-指北针 G-ANNO-NARW —

Table B-3 Name List of Professional Layers for Common Architectures

Layer Chinese name English name Remarks

Axis 建筑-轴线 A-AXIS —

Horizontal axis grid,

Axis grid 建筑-轴线-轴网 A-AXIS-GRID
longitudinal center line

Dimension annotation and

Axis annotation 建筑-轴线-标注 A-AXIS-DIMS
text annotation of axis

Axis numbering 建筑-轴线-编号 A-AXIS-TEXT —

Wall outline, usually

Wall 建筑-墙 A-WALL
referring to concrete wall

Brick wall 建筑-墙-砖墙 A-WALL-MSNW —

Light partition wall 建筑-墙-隔墙 A-WALL-PRTN —

Glass curtain wall 建筑-墙-幕墙 A-WALL-GLAZ —

Stub wall 建筑-墙-矮墙 A-WALL-PRHT Half wall

Single line wall 建筑-墙-单线 A-WALL-CNTR —

Wall padding 建筑-墙-填充 A-WALL-PATT —

Insulation finished lines of

Insulating layer of wall 建筑-墙-保温 A-WALL-HPRT
inner and external walls

Column 建筑-柱 A-COLS Column outline

Column padding 建筑-柱-填充 A-COLS-PATT —

Door and window 建筑-门窗 A-DRWD Door, window

Numbering of door and Numbering of door and

建筑-门窗-编号 A-DRWD 一 IDEN
window window

Floor boundary and elevation

Floor 建筑-楼面 A-FLOR
variation area

Ground board and elevation

Ground 建筑-楼面-地面 A-FLOR-GRND variation area, outdoor step,
aproll outline

Roof boundary and elevation

variation area, drainage slope
Roof 建筑-楼面-屋面 A-FLOR—ROOF ridge or slope valley line,
slope direction arrow and
number, waterspout

Balcony 建筑-楼面-阳台 A-FLOR-BALC Balcony boundary line

Stair 建筑-楼面-楼梯 A-FLOR-STRS Stair step, escalator

Elevator r 建筑-楼面-电梯 A-FLOR-EVTR Elevator hoistway

Projection line of sanitary

Sanitary fireclay ware 建筑-楼面-洁具 A-FLOR-SPCL

Name and number of room 建筑-楼面-房间 A-FLOR-IDEN —

Stair railing, balcony guard
Handrail 建筑-楼面-栏杆 A-FLOR-HRAL

Parking garage 建筑-停车场 A-PRKG —

Parking lot curb, auto

Parking lane 建筑-停车场-道牙 A-PRKG-CURB
direction, turning radius

Mark line, number and mark

Parking space 建筑-停车场-车位 A-PRKG-SIGN
of parking space

Area 建筑-区域 A-AREA —

Area boundary and elevation

Area boundary 建筑-区域-边界 A-AREA-OTLN
variation area

Area annotation text 建筑-区域-标注 A-AREA-TEXT Area annotation

Furniture 建筑-家具 A-FURN —

Projection line of fixed

Fixed furniture 建筑-家具-固定 A-FURN-FIXD

Projection line of movable

Movable furniture 建筑-家具-活动 A-FURN-MOVE

Suspended Ceiling 建筑-吊顶 A-CLNG —

Suspended ceiling grid line,

Suspended ceiling grid 建筑-吊顶-网格 A-CLNG-GRID
main keel

Suspended ceiling pattern

Suspended ceiling pattern 建筑-吊顶-图案 A-CING-PATT

Suspended ceiling element,

Suspended ceiling elements 建筑-吊顶-构件 A-CLNG-SUSP light fixture and air outlet on
suspended ceiling

Elevation 建筑-立面 A-ELEV —

Elevation line 1 建筑-立面-线一 A-ELEV-LIN1 —

Elevation line 2 建筑-立面-线二 A-ELEV-LIN2 —

Elevation line 3 建筑-立面-线三 A-ELEV-LIN3 —

Elevation line 4 建筑-立面-线四 A-ELEV-LIN4 —

Elevation padding 建筑-立面-填充 A-ELEV-PATT —

Section 建筑-剖面 A-SECT —

Section line 1 建筑-剖面-线一 A-SECT-LIN1 —

Section line 2 建筑-剖面-线二 A-SECT-LIN2 —

Section line 3 建筑-剖面-线三 A-SECT-LIN3 —

Section line 4 建筑-剖面-线四 A-SECT-LIN4 —

Detail 建筑-详图 A-DETL —

Detail line 1 建筑-详图-线一 A-DETL-LIN1 —

Detail line 2 建筑-详图-线二 A-DETL-LIN2 —

Detail line 3 建筑-详图-线三 A-DETL-LIN3 —

Detail line 4 建筑-详图-线四 A-DETL-LIN4 —

3-dimensions 建筑-三维 A-3DMS —

3-dimensions line 1 建筑-三维-线一 A-3DMS-LIN1 —

3-dimensions line 2 建筑-三维-线二 A-3DMS-LIN2 —

3-dimensions line 3 建筑-三维-线三 A-3DMS-LIN3 —

3-dimensions line 4 建筑-三维-线四 A-3DMS-LIN4 —

Annotation 建筑-注释 A-ANNO —

Figure frame and figure

Figure frame 建筑-注释-图框 A-ANNO-TTLB
frame text

Legend 建筑-注释-图例 A-ANNO-LEGN legend and symbol (sign)

Dimension marking and text

Dimensioning 建筑-注释-标注 A-ANNO-DIMS

Architecture professional
Textual description 建筑-注释-文字 A-ANNO-TEXT
textual description

Public identification 建筑-注释-公共 A-ANNO-IDEN —

Elevation symbol and text

Elevation annotation 建筑-注释-标高 A-ANNO-ELVT

Indexing symbol 建筑-注释-索引 A-ANNO-CRSR —

Eduction annotation 建筑-注释-引出 A-ANNO-DRVT —

Table 建筑-注释-表格 A-ANNO-TABL —

Padding 建筑-注释-填充 A-ANNO-PATT Pattern padding

North arrow 建筑-注释-指北针 A-ANNO-NARW —

Table B-4 Name List of Professional Layers for Common Structures

Layer Chinese name English name Remarks

Axis 结构-轴线 S-AXIS —

Horizontal axis grid,

Axis grid 结构-轴线-轴网 S-AXIS-GRID
longitudinal center line

Dimension annotation and

Axis annotation 结构-轴线-标注 S-AXIS-DIMS
text annotation of axis

Axis numbering 结构-轴线-编号 S-AXIS-TEXT —

Column 结构-柱 S-COLS —

Column plan real-line 结构-柱-平面-实线 S-COLS-PLAN-LINE Column plan (solid line)

Column plan dotted-line 结构-柱-平面-虚线 S-COLS-PLAN-DASH Column plan (dotted line)

Column plan reinforcing Column plan reinforcing

结构-柱-平面-钢筋 S-COLS-PLAN-RBAR
bar bar annotation

Dimension marking and

Column plan dimension 结构-柱-平面-尺寸 S-COLS-PLAN-DIMS text annotation of column

Column plan padding 结构-柱-平面-填充 S-COLS-PLAN-PATT —

Column numbering 结构-柱-平面-编号 S-COLS-PLAN-IDEN —

Column detail real-line 结构-柱-详图-实线 S-COLS-DETL-LINE —

Column detail dotted line 结构-柱-详图-虚线 S-COLS-DETL-DASH —

Column detail reinforcing

结构-柱-详图-钢筋 S-COLS-DETL-RBAR —

Column detail dimension 结构-柱-详图-尺寸 S-COLS-DETL-DIMS —

Column detail padding 结构-柱-详图-填充 S-COLS-DETL-PATT —

Column table 结构-柱-表 S-COLS-TABL —

Column storey elevation
结构-柱-表-层高 S-COLS-TABL-ELVT —

Constructional-column-plan Constructional column

结构-柱-构造-实线 S-COLS-CNTJ-LINE
real-line plan (solid line)

Constructional-column-plan Constructional column

结构-柱-构造-虚线 S-COLS-CNTJ-DASH
dotted-line plan (dotted line)

Wall 结构-墙 S-WALL —

Wall plan (sold line),

Wall plan real-line 结构-墙-平面-实线 S-WALL-PLAN-LINE usually referring to
concrete wall

Wall plan dotted-line 结构-墙-平面-虚线 S-WALL-PLAN-DASH Wall plan (dotted line)

Wall plan reinforcing bar

Wall plan reinforcing bar 结构-墙-平面-钢筋 S-WALL-PLAN-RBAR

Dimension marking and

Wall plan dimension 结构-墙-平面-尺寸 S-WALL-PLAN-DIMS text annotation of wall

Wall plan padding 结构-墙-平面-填充 S-WALL-PLAN-PATT —

Wall numbering 结构-墙-平面-编号 S-WALL-PLAN-IDEN —

Wall detail real-line 结构-墙-详图-实线 S-WALL-DETL-LINE —

Wall detail dotted line 结构-墙-详图-虚线 S-WALL-DETL-DASH —

Wall detail reinforcing bar 结构-墙-详图-钢筋 S-WALL-DETL- RBAR —

Wall detail dimension 结构-墙-详图-尺寸 S-WALL-DETL-DIMS —

Wall detail padding 结构-墙-详图-填充 S-WALL-DETL-PATT —

Wall table 结构-墙-表 S-WALL-TABL —

Wall column plan (solid

Wall column real-line 结构-墙柱-平面-实线 S-WALL-COLS-LINE

Wall column plan Wall column plan

结构-墙柱-平面-钢筋 S-WALL-COLS-RBAR
reinforcing bar reinforcing bar annotation

Wall dimension marking

Wall column plan
结构-墙柱-平面-尺寸 S-WALL-COLS-DIMS and text annotation of
column plan

Wall column plan padding 结构-墙柱-平面-填充 S-WALL-COLS-PATT —

Wall column numbering 结构-墙柱-平面-编号 S-WALL-COLS-IDEN —

Wall column table 结构-墙柱-表 S-WALL-COLS-TABL —

Wall column storey

结构-墙柱-表-层高 S-WALL-COLS-ELVT —
elevation table

Connecting-beam plan sold Connecting-beam plan

结构-连梁-平面-实线 S-WALL-BEAM-LINE
line (sold line)

Connecting-beam plan Connecting-beam plan

结构-连梁-平面-虚线 S-WALL-BEAM-DASH
dotted line (dotted line)

Connecting beam Connecting-beam plan

结构-连梁-平面-钢筋 S-WALL-BEAM-RBAR
reinforcing bar reinforcing bar annotation

Connecting-beam plan 结构-连梁-平面-尺寸 S-WALL-BEAM-DIMS Dimension marking and

dimension text annotation of
connecting-beam plan

结构-连梁-平面-编号 S-WALL-BEAM-IDEN —

Connecting-beam table 结构-连梁-表 S-WALL-BEAM-TABL —

Connecting-beam storey
结构-连梁-表-层高 S-WALL-BEAM-EIVT —
elevation table

Masonry-wall plan (sold

Masonry-wall plan sold line 结构-墙-砌体-实线 S-WALL-MSNW-LINE

Masonry-wall plan dotted Masonry-Wall plan

结构-墙-砌体-虚线 S-WALL-MSNW-DASH
line (dotted line)

Dimension marking and

Masonry-wall plan
结构-墙-砌体-尺寸 S-WALL-MSNW-DIMS text annotation of
masonry-wall plan

Masonry-wall plan padding 结构-墙-砌体-填充 S-WALL-MSNW-PATT —

Beam 结构-梁 S-BEAM —

Beam plan sold line 结构-梁-平面-实线 S-BEAM-PLAN-LINE Beam plan (sold line)

Beam plan dotted line 结构-梁-平面-虚线 S-BEAM-PLAN-DASH Beam plan (dotted line)

Beam plan horizontal Beam plan horizontal

结构-梁-钢筋-水平 S-BEAM-RBAR-HCPT
reinforcement reinforcement annotation

Vertical reinforcing bar

Beam plan vertical stirrup 结构-梁-钢筋-垂直 S-BEAM-RBAR-VCPT
annotation of beam plan

Beam plan additional

Beam plan additional
结构-梁-吊筋-附加 S-BEAM-RBAR-ADDU steel-hanger reinforcing
bar annotation

Beam plan additional

Beam plan additional hoop
结构-梁-箍筋-附加 S-BEAM-RBAR-ADDO hoop reinforcement
reinforcing bar annotation

Dimension marking and

beam plan dimension 结构-梁-平面-尺寸 S-BEAM-PLAN-DIMS text annotation of beam

Beam numbering 结构-梁-平面-编号 S-BEAM-PLAN-IDEN —

Beam detail real-line 结构-梁-详图-实线 S-BEAM-DETL-LINE —

Beam detail dotted line 结构-梁-详图-虚线 S-BEAM-DETL-DASH —

Beam detail reinforcing bar 结构-梁-详图-钢筋 S-BEAM-DETL-RBAR —

Beam detail dimension 结构-梁-详图-尺寸 S-BEAM-DETL-DIMS —

Beam storey elevation table 结构-梁-表-层高 S-BEAM-TABL-ELVT —

lintel plan sold line 结构-过梁-平面-实线 S-LTEL-PLAN-LINE Lintel plan (solid line)

Lintel plan dotted line 结构-过梁-平面-虚线 S-LTEL-PLAN-DASH Lintel plan (dotted line)

Lintel plan reinforcing bar

Lintel plan reinforcing bar 结构-过梁-平面-钢筋 S-LTEL-PLAN-RBAR

Dimension marking and

Lintel plan dimension 结构-过梁-平面-尺寸 S-LTELM-PLAN-DIMS
text annotation of lintel


Slab 结构-楼板 S-SLAB —

Slab plan sold line 结构-楼板-平面-实线 S-SLAB-PLAN-LINE Lintel plan (solid line)

Lintel plan dotted line 结构-楼板-平面-虚线 S-SLAB-PLAN-DASH Lintel plan (dotted line)

Reinforcing bar of lintel Lintel plan bottom

结构-楼板-正筋 S-SLAB-BBAR
plan bottom reinforcing bar (positive)

Lintel plan bottom

Reinforcing bar annotation
结构-楼板-正筋-标注 S-SLAB-BBAR-IDEN reinforcing bar (positive
of lintel plan bottom
reinforcement) annotation

Lintel plan bottom

Reinforcing bar dimension reinforcing bar (positive)
结构-楼板-正筋-尺寸 S-SLAB-BBAR-DIMS
of lintel plan bottom dimension annotation and
text annotation

Reinforcing bar of lintel Lintel plan topping

结构-楼板-负筋 S-SLAB-TBAR
plan topping reinforcing bar (negative)

Lintel plan bottom

Reinforcing bar annotation
结构-楼板-负筋-标注 S-SLAB-TBAR-IDEN reinforcing bar (negative)
of lintel plan topping

Lintel plan bottom

Reinforcing bar dimension reinforcing bar (negative)
结构-楼板-负筋-尺寸 S-SLAB-TBAR-DIMS
of lintel plan topping dimension annotation and
text annotation

Lintel plan padding 结构-楼板-平面-填充 S-SLAB-PLAN-PATT —

Slab detail sold line 结构-楼板-详图-实线 S-SLAB-DETL-LINE —

Slab detail reinforcing bar 结构-楼板-详图-钢筋 S-SLAB-DETL-RBAR —

Slab detail reinforcing bar

结构-楼板-详图-标注 S-SLAB-DETL-IDEN —

Slab detail dimension 结构-楼板-详图-尺寸 S-SLAB-DETL-DIMS —

Slab numbering 结构-楼板-平面-编号 S-SLAB-PLAN-IDEN —

Slab storey elevation table 结构-楼板-表-层高 S-SLAB-TABL-ELVT —

Prefabricated slab 结构-楼板-预制 S-SLAB-PCST —

Opening 结构-洞口 S-OPNG —

Lintel plan opening (sold

Opening slab sold line 结构-洞口-平面-实线 S-OPNG-PLAN-LINE

Lintel plan opening

Opening slab dotted line 结构-洞口-平面-虚线 S-OPNG-PLAN-DASH
(dotted line)

Opening slab strengthening
结构-洞口-平面-钢筋 S-OPNG-PLAN-RBAR reinforcement around
lintel plan hole

Opening slab reinforcing
结构-洞口-平面-标注 S-OPNG-RBAR-IDEN reinforcement around
bar annotation
lintel plan hole

Opening slab dimension 结构-洞口-平面-尺寸 S-OPNG-PLAN-DIMS dimension annotation and

text annotation of lintel
plan opening

Opening slab numbering 结构-洞口-平面-编号 S-OPNG-PLAN-IDEN —

Opening on the wall (sold

Sold line on opening wall 结构-洞口-墙-实线 S-OPNG-WALL-LINE

Opening on the wall

Dotted line on opening wall 结构-洞口-墙-虚线 S-OPNG-WALL-DASH
(dotted line)

Foundation 结构-基础 S-FNDN —

Foundation plan (sold

Foundation plan sold line 结构-基础-平面-实线 S-FNDN-PLAN-LINE

Foundation plan reinforcing Foundation plan

结构-基础-平面-钢筋 S-FNDN-PLAN-RBAR
bar reinforcing bar

Reinforcing bar annotation Foundation plan

结构-基础-平面-标注 S-FNDN-PLAN-IDEN
of foundation plan reinforcing bar annotation

Dimension marking and

Foundation plan dimension 结构-基础-平面-尺寸 S-FNDN-PLAN-DIMS text annotation of
foundation plan

Foundation numbering 结构-基础-平面-编号 S-FNDN-PLAN-IDEN —

Foundation detail sold line 结构-基础-详图-实线 S-FNDN-DETL-LINE —

Foundation detail dotted

结构-基础-详图-虚线 S-FNDN-DETL-DASH —

Foundation detail
结构-基础-详图-钢筋 S-FNDN-DETL-RBAR —
reinforcing bar

Foundation detail
reinforcing bar 结构-基础-详图-标注 S-FNDN-DETL-IDEN —

Foundation detail
结构-基础-详图-尺寸 S-FNDN-DETL-DIMS —

Foundation detail padding 结构-基础-详图-填充 S-FNDN-DETL-PATT —

Pile 结构-桩 S-PILE —

Pile plan sold line 结构-桩-平面-实线 S-PILE-PLAN-LINE Pile plan (sold line)

Pile plan dotted line 结构-桩-平面-虚线 S-PILE-PLAN-DASH Pile plan (dotted line)

Pile numbering 结构-桩-平面-编号 S-PILE-PLAN-IDEN —

Pile detail 结构-桩-详图 S-PILE-DETL —

Stair 结构-楼梯 S-STRS —

Stair plan sold line 结构-楼梯-平面-实线 S-STRS-PLAN-LINE Stair plan (solid line)

Stair plan dotted line 结构-楼梯-平面-虚线 S-STRS-PLAN-DASH Stair plan (dotted line)

Stair plan reinforcing bar 结构-楼梯-平面-钢筋 S-STRS-PLAN-RBAR Stair plan reinforcing bar

Stair plan reinforcing bar

Stair plan annotation 结构-楼梯-平面-标注 S-STRS-RBAR-RBAR annotation and other

Dimension marking and

Stair plan dimension 结构-楼梯-平面-尺寸 S-STRS-PLAN-DIMS
text annotation of stair


Stair detail sold line 结构-楼梯-详图-实线 S-STRS-DETL-LINE —

Stair detail dotted line 结构-楼梯-详图-虚线 S-STRS-DETL-DASH —

Stair detail reinforcing bar 结构-楼梯-详图-钢筋 S-STRS-DETL-RBAR —

Stair plan annotation 结构-楼梯-详图-标注 S-STRS-DETL-IDEN —

Stair detail dimension 结构-楼梯-详图-尺寸 S-STRS-DETL-DIMS —

Stair detail padding 结构-楼梯-详图-填充 S-STRS-DETL-PATT —

Steel structure 结构-钢 S-STEL —

Steel structure assistant line 结构-钢-辅助 S-STEL-ASlS —

Batter brace 结构-钢-斜撑 S-STEL-BRGX —

Ahaped steel sold line 结构-型钢-实线 S-STEL-AHAP-LINE —

Ahaped steel annotation 结构-型钢-标注 S-STEL-SHAP-IDEN —

Ahaped steel dimension 结构-型钢-尺寸 S-STEL-SHAP-DIMS —

Ahaped steel padding 结构-型钢-填充 S-STEL-SHAP-PATT —

Plate sold line 结构-钢板-实线 S-STEL-PLAT-LINE —

Plate identification 结构-钢板-标注 S-STEL-PLAT-IDEN —

Plate dimension 结构-钢板-尺寸 S-STEL-PLAT-DIMS —

Plate padding 结构-钢板-填充 S-STEL-PLAT-PATT —

Bolt 螺栓 S-ABLT —

Bolt sold line 结构-螺栓-实线 S-ABLT-LINE —

Bolt identification 螺栓标注 S-ABLT-IDEN —

Bolt dimension 结构-螺栓-尺寸 S-ABLT-DIMS —

Bolt padding 结构-螺栓-填充 S-ABLT-PATT —

Weld 结构-焊缝 S-WELD —

Weld sold line 结构-焊缝-实线 S-WELD-LINE —

Weld identification 结构-焊缝-标注 S-WELD-IDEN —

Weld dimension 结构-焊缝-尺寸 S-WELD-DIMS —

Embed component 结构-预埋件 S-BURY —

Embed component sold line 结构-预埋件-实线 S-BURY-LINE —

Embed component dotted

结构-预埋件-虚线 S-BURY-DASH —

Embed component
结构-预埋件-钢筋 S-BURY-RBAR —
reinforcing bar

Embed component
结构-预埋件-标注 S-BURY-IDEN —

Embed component
结构-预埋件-尺寸 S-BURY-DIMS —

Annotation 结构-注释 S-ANNO —

figure frame and figure

Figure frame 结构-注释-图框 S-ANNO-TTLB
frame text

Dimension marking and

Dimensioning 结构-注释-标注 S-ANNO-DIMS
text annotation

Textual description 结构-注释-文字 S-ANNO-TEXT Structure professional

textual description

Public identification 结构-注释-公共 S-ANNO-IDEN —

Elevation symbol and text

Elevation annotation 结构-注释-标高 S-ANNO-ELVT

Indexing symbol 结构-注释-索引 S-ANNO-CRSR —

Eduction annotation 结构-注释-引出 S-ANNO-DRVT —

Table line 结构-注释-表格-线 S-ANNO-TSBL-LINE —

Table letter 结构-注释-表格-文字 S-ANNO-TSBL-TEXT —

Table reinforcing bar 结构-注释-表格-钢筋 S-ANNO-TSBL-RBSR —

Padding 结构-注释-填充 S-ANNO-PSTT pattern padding

North arrow 结构-注释-指北针 S-ANNO-NSRW —

Table B-5 Name List of Professional Layers for Common Water Supply and Drainage
Layer Chinese name English name Remarks

Axis 给排水-轴线 P-AXIS —

Horizontal axis grid,

Axis grid 给排水-轴线-轴网 P-AXIS-GRID
longitudinal center line

Dimension annotation and

Axis marking 给排水-轴线-标注 P-AXIS-DIMS
text annotation of axis

Axis numbering 给排水-轴线-编号 P-AXIS-TEXT —

Domestic water 给排水-给水 P-DOMW Domestic water supply

Domestic water plan 给排水-给水-平面 P-DOMW-PLAN —

Domestic water vertical pipe 给排水-给水-立管 P-DOMW-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Domestic water equipment 给排水-给水-设备 P-DOMW-EQPM
of domestic water pipe

Domestic water pipe well 给排水-给水-管道井 P-DOMW-PWEL —

Domestic water elevation 给排水-给水-标高 P-DOMW-ELVT Domestic water elevation

Domestic water pipe Domestic water pipe

给排水-给水-管径 P-DOMW-PDMT
diameter diameter

Domestic water pipe text

Domestic water identification 给排水-给水-标注 P-DOMW-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Domestic water dimension 给排水-给水-尺寸 P-DOMW-DIMS text annotation of domestic
water pipe

Direct potable water 给排水-饮用 P-PTBW —

Direct potable water plan 给排水-饮用-平面 P-PTBW-PLAN —

Direct potable water vertical

给排水-饮用-立管 P-PTBW-VPIP —

Pipe Valves and other

Direct potable water
给排水-饮用-设备 P-PTBW-EQPM auxiliaries of direct potable

Direct potable water pipe

给排水-饮用-管道井 P-PTBW-PWEL —

Direct potable water 给排水-饮用-标高 P-PTBW-ELVT Elevation of direct potable

elevation water pipe

Direct potable water pipe

Potable water pipe diameter 给排水-饮用-管径 P-PTBW-PDMT

Direct potable water Text annotation of direct

给排水-饮用-标注 P-PTBW-IDEN
identification potable water pipe

Dimension annotation and

Potable water dimension 给排水-饮用-尺寸 P-PTBW-DIMS text annotation of direct
potable water pipe

Hot water 给排水-热水 P-HPIP Hot Water

Hot water plan 给排水-热水-平面 P-HPIP-PLAN —

Hot vertical pipe 给排水-热水-立管 P-HPIP-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Hot water equipment 给排水-热水-设备 P-HPIP-EQPM
of hot water pipe

Hot pipe well 给排水-热水-管道井 P-HPIP-PWEL —

Hot water pipe elevation 给排水-热水-标高 P-HPIP-ELVT Hot pipe elevation

Hot pipe diameter 给排水-热水-管径 P-HPIP-PDMT Hot water pipe diameter

Hot water pipe text

Hot water identification 给排水-热水-标注 P-HPIP-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Hot water dimension 给排水-热水-尺寸 P-HPIP-DIMS text annotation of hot water

Return water 给排水-回水 P-RPIP Hot water return

Return water plan 给排水-回水-平面 P-RPIP-PLAN —

Return water vertical pipe 给排水-回水-立管 P-RPIP-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Return water equipment 给排水-回水-设备 P-RPIP-EQPM
of return pipe

Domestic water pipe well 给排水-回水-管道井 P-RPIP-PWEL —

Return water pipe elevation 给排水-回水-标高 P-RPIP-ELVT Return water pipe elevation

Return water pipe diameter 给排水-回水-管径 P-RPIP-PDMT Return pipe diameter

Return water pipe text

Return water identification 给排水-回水-标注 P-RPIP-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Return water dimension 给排水-回水-尺寸 P-RPIP-DIMS text annotation of return
water pipe

Drainage 给排水-排水 P-PDRN Domestic sewage drainage

Drainage plan 给排水-排水-平面 P-PDRN-PLAN —

Drainage vertical pipe 给排水-排水-立管 P-PDRN-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Drainage facility 给排水-排水-设备 P-PDRN-EQPM
of drainage pipe

Drainage pipe well 给排水-排水-管道井 P-PDRN-PWEL —

Drainage elevation 给排水-排水-标高 P-PDRN-ELVT Drainage pipe elevation

Discharge pipe diameter 给排水-排水-管径 P-PDRN-PDMT Drainage pipe diameter

Drainage identification 给排水-排水-标注 P-PDRN-IDEN Drainage pipe text annotation

Dimension annotation and
Drainage dimension 给排水-排水-尺寸 P-PDRN-DIMS text annotation of drainage

Pressure drainage pipe 给排水-排水-压力 P-PDRN-PRES —

Rainwater 给排水-雨水 P-STRM —

Rainwater plan 给排水-雨水-平面 P-STRM-PLAN —

Rainwater vertical pipe 给排水-雨水-立管 P-STRM-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Rainwater equipment 给排水-雨水-设备 P-STRM-EQPM
of rainwater pipe

Rainwater pipe well 给排水-雨水-管道井 P-STRM-PWEL —

Rainwater pipe elevation 给排水-雨水-标高 P-STRM-ELVT Rainwater pipe elevation

Rainwater pipe diameter 给排水-雨水-管径 P-STRM-PDMT Rainwater pipe diameter

Rainwater pipe text

Rainwater identification 给排水-雨水-标注 P-STRM-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Rainwater dimension 给排水-雨水-尺寸 P-STRM-DIMS text annotation of rainwater

Fire fighting 给排水-消防 P-FIRE Fire water supply

Fire water plan 给排水-消防-平面 P-FIRE-PLAN —

Fire water vertical pipe 给排水-消防-立管 P-FIRE-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries,

Fire water equipment 给排水-消防-设备 P-FIRE-EQPM fire hydrants of fire water

Fire water pipe well 给排水-消防-管道井 P-FIRE-PWEL —

Fire water elevation 给排水-消防-标高 P-FIRE-ELVT Fire water pipe elevation

Fire water diameter 给排水-消防-管径 P-FIRE-PDMT Fire water pipe diameter

Text annotation of fire water

Fire water identification 给排水-消防-标注 P-FIRE-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Fire water dimension 给排水-消防-尺寸 P-FIRE-DIMS text annotation of fire water

Sprinkling 给排水-喷淋 P-SPRN Automatical sprinkling

Sprinkling plan 给排水-喷淋-平面 P-SPRN-PLAN —

Sprinkling vertical pipe 给排水-喷淋-立管 P-SPRN-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries,

Sprinkling equipment 给排水-喷淋-设备 P-SPRN-EQPM
spray-heads of sprinkler pipe

Spray pipe well 给排水-喷淋-管道井 P-SPRN-PWEL —

Sprinkling elevation 给排水-喷淋-标高 P-SPRN-ELVT Sprinkling pipe elevation

Sprinkler diameter 给排水-喷淋-管径 P-SPRN-PDMT Sprinkler pipe diameter

Text annotation of sprinkler

Sprinkling identification 给排水-喷淋-标注 P-SPRN-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Sprinkling dimension 给排水-喷淋-尺寸 P-SPRN-DIMS
text annotation of sprinkler


Spray pipe 给排水-喷淋-喷雾 P-SPRN-SPRY —

Recycled water 给排水-中水 P-RECW —

Recycled water plan 给排水-中水-平面 P-RECW-PLAN —

Recycled water vertical pipe 给排水-中水-立管 P-RECW-VPlP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Recycled water equipment 给排水-中水-设备 P-RECW-EQPM
of recycled water pipe

Reclaimed water pipe well 给排水-中水-管道井 P-RECW-PWEL —

Recycled water pipe

Recycled water elevation 给排水-中水-标高 P-RECW-ELVT

Recycled water diameter 给排水-中水-管径 P-RECW-PDMT Recycled water pipe diameter

Text annotation of recycled

Recycled water identification 给排水-中水-标注 P-RECW-IDEN

Dimension annotation and

Recycled water dimension 给排水-中水-尺寸 P-RECW-DIMS text annotation of recycled

Cooling water 给排水-冷却 P-CWTR recirculated cooling water

Cooling water plan 给排水-冷却-平面 P-CWTR-PLAN —

Cooling water vertical pipe 给排水-冷却-立管 P-CWTR-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Cooling water equipment 给排水-冷却-设备 P-CWTR-EQPM
of cooling water pipe

Cooling water pipe well 给排水-冷却-管道井 P-CWTR-PWEL —

Cooling water elevation 给排水-冷却-标高 P-CWTR-ELVT Cooling water pipe elevation

Cooling water diameter 给排水-冷却-管径 P-CWTR-PDMT Cooling water pipe diameter

Text annotation of cooling

Cooling water identification 给排水-冷却-标注 P-CWTR-IDEN
water pipe

Dimension annotation and

Cooling water dimension 给排水-冷却-尺寸 P-CWTR-DIMS text annotation of cooling
water pipe

Waste water 给排水-废水 P-WSTW —

Waste water plan 给排水-废水-平面 P-WSTW-PLAN —

Waste water vertical pipe 给排水-废水-立管 P-WSTW-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Waste water equipment 给排水-废水-设备 P-WSTW-EQPM
of wastewater pipe

Waste water pipe well 给排水-废水-管道井 P-WSTW-PWEL —

Waste water elevation 给排水-废水-标高 P-WSTW-ELVT Wastewater pipe elevation

Wastewater pipe diameter 给排水-废水-管径 P-WSTW-PDMT Wastewater pipe diameter

Text annotation of
Waste water identification 给排水-废水-标注 P-WSTW-IDEN
wastewater pipe

Dimension annotation and

Waste water dimension 给排水-废水-尺寸 P-WSTW-DIMS text annotation of wastewater

Gas piping 给排水-通气 P-PGAS —

Gas plan 给排水-通气-平面 P-PGAS-PLAN —

Gas vertical pipe 给排水-通气-立管 P-PGAS-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Gas equipment 给排水-通气-设备 P-PGAS-EQPM
of gas pipe

Gas pipe well 给排水-通气-管道井 P-PGAS-PWEL —

Gas elevation 给排水-通气-标高 P-PGAS-ELVT Gas pipe elevation

Gas pipe diameter 给排水-通气-管径 P-PGAS-PDMT Gas pipe diameter

Gas annotation 给排水-通气-标注 P-PGAS-IDEN Text annotation of gas pipe

Dimension annotation and

Gas dimension 给排水-通气-尺寸 P-PGAS-DIMS
text annotation of gas pipe

Steam 给排水-蒸汽 P-STEM —

Steam plan 给排水-蒸汽-平面 P-STEM-PLAN —

Steam vertical pipe 给排水-蒸汽-立管 P-STEM-VPIP —

Valves and other auxiliaries

Steam equipment 给排水-蒸汽-设备 P-STEM-EQPM
of steam pipe

Steam pipe well 给排水-蒸汽-管道井 P-STEM-PWEL —

Steam elevation 给排水-蒸汽-标高 P-STEM-ELVT Steam pipe elevation

Steam diameter 给排水-蒸汽-管径 P-STEM-PDMT Steam pipe diameter

Steam identification 给排水-蒸汽-标注 P-STEM-IDEN Text annotation of steam pipe

Dimension annotation and

Steam dimension 给排水-蒸汽-尺寸 P-STEM-DIMS
text annotation of steam pipe

Annotation 给排水-注释 P-ANNO —

figure frame and figure frame

Figure frame 给排水-注释-图框 P-ANNO-TTLB

Legend 给排水-注释-图例 P-ANNO 一 LEGN legend and symbol (sign)

Dimension marking and text

Dimensioning 给排水-注释-标注 P-ANNO-DIMS

professional textual
Textual description 给排水-注释-文字 P-ANNO-TEXT description of water supply
and drainage

Public identification 给排水-注释-公共 P-ANNO-IDEN —

Elevation symbol and text

Elevation annotation 给排水-注释-标高 P-ANNO-ELVT

Table 给排水-注释-表格 P-ANNO-TABL —

Table B-6 Name List of Professional Layers for Common Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning
Layer Chinese name English name Remarks

Axis 暖通-轴线 M-AXIS —

Horizontal axis grid,

Axis grid 暖通-轴线-轴网 M-AXIS-GRID
longitudinal center line

Dimension annotation and

Axis annotation 暖通-轴线-标注 M-AXIS-DIMS
text annotation of axis

Axis numbering 暖通-轴线-编号 M-AXIS-TEXT —

HVAC system 暖通-空调 M-HVAC —

Cold water supply pipe 暖通-空调-冷水-供水 M-HVAC-CPIP-SUPP —

Cold water return pipe 暖通-空调-冷水-回水 M-HVAC-CPIP-RETN —

Hot water supply pipe 暖通-空调-热水-供水 M-HVAC-HPIP-SIJPP —

Hot water return pipe 暖通-空调-热水-回水 M-HVAC-HPIP-RETN —

Cold-hot water supply

暖通-空调-冷热-供水 M-HVAC-RISR-SUPP —

Cold-hot water return pipe 暖通-空调-冷热-回水 M-HVAC-RISR-RETN —

Condensed water pipe 暖通-空调-冷凝 M-HVAC-CNDW —

Cooling water supply pipe 暖通-空调-冷却-供水 M-HVAC-CWTR-SUPP —

Cooling water return pipe 暖通-空调-冷却-回水 M-HVAC-CWTR-RETN —

Cooling medium supply

暖通-空调-冷媒-供水 M-HVAC-CMDM-SUPP —

Cooling medium water

暖通-空调-冷媒-回水 M-HVAC-CMDM-RETN —
return pipe

Heating-medium water
暖通-空调-热媒-供水 M-HVAC-HMDM-SUPP —
supply pipe

Heating-medium water
暖通-空调-热媒-回水 M-HVAC-HMDM-RETN —
return pipe

Steam pipe 暖通-空调-蒸汽 M-HVAC-STEM —

Valves and other

HVAC equipment 暖通-空调-设备 M-HVAC-EQPM auxiliaries of water

Text annotation of HVAC

HVAC identification 暖通-空调-标注 M-HVAC-IDEN

Duct system 暖通-通风 M-DUCT —

Air supply pipe 暖通-通风-送风-风管 M-DUCT-SUPP-PIPE —

Center line of air supply

暖通-通风-送风-中线 M-DUCT-SUPP-CNTR —

Air supply vent 暖通-通风-送风-风口 M-DUCT-SUPP-VENT —

Air supply vertical pipe 暖通-通风-送风-立管 M-DUCT-SUPP-VPIP —

Air supply valves, flanges

Air supply equipment 暖通-通风-送风-设备 M-DUCT-SUPP-EQPM
and other auxiliaries

Identification of air supply

Air supply identification 暖通-通风-送风-标注 M-DUCT-SUPP-IDEN pipe elevation, dimension,
text etc.

Return air pipe 暖通-通风-回风-风管 M-DUCT-RETN-PIPE —

Center line of return air

暖通-通风-回风-中线 M-DUCT-RETN-CNTR —

Return air vent 暖通-通风-回风-风口 M-DUCT-RETN-VENT —

Return air vertical pipe 暖通-通风-回风-立管 M-DUCT-RETN-VPIP —

Return air valves, flanges

Return air equipment 暖通-通风-回风-设备 M-DUCT-RETN-EQPM
and other auxiliaries

Return air identification 暖通-通风-回风-标注 M-DUCT-RETN-IDEN Identification of return air

pipe elevation, dimension,
text etc.

Make-up air pipe 暖通-通风-新风-风管 M-DUCT-MKUP-PIPE —

Center line of make-up air

暖通-通风-新风-中线 M-DUCT-MKUP-CNTR —

Make-up air center 暖通-通风-新风-风口 M-DUCT-MKUP-VENT —

Make-up air vertical pipe 暖通-通风-新风-立管 M-DUCT-MKUP-VPIP —

Make-up air valves,

Make-up air equipment 暖通-通风-新风-设备 M-DUCT-MKUP-EQPM flanges and other

Identification of make-up
Identification of make-up
暖通-通风-新风-标注 M-DUCT-MKUP-IDEN air pipe elevation,
dimension, text etc.

Dust removal pipe 暖通-通风-除尘-风管 M-DUCT-PVAC-PIPE —

Dedust air duct center line 暖通-通风-除尘-中线 M-DUCT-PVAC-CNTR —

Dust removal vent 暖通-通风-除尘-风口 M-DUCT-PVAC-VENT —

Dust removal vertical pipe 暖通-通风-除尘-立管 M-DUCT-PVAC-VPIP —

Dust removal valves,

Dust removal equipment 暖通-通风-除尘-设备 M-DUCT-PVAC-EQPM flanges and other

Identification of dust
Dust removal
暖通-通风-除尘-标注 M-DUCT-PVAC-IDEN removal duct elevation,
dimension, text etc.

Exhaust air pipe 暖通-通风-排风-风管 M-DUCT-EXHS-PIPE —

Exhaust air pipe center

暖通-通风-排风-中线 M-DUCT-EXHS-CNTR —

Air exhaust vent 暖通-通风-排风-风口 M-DUCT-EXHS-VENT —

Air exhaust vertical pipe 暖通-通风-排风-立管 M-DUCT-EXHS-VPIP —

Air exhaust valves, flanges

Exhaust equipment 暖通-通风-排风-设备 M-DUCT-EXHS-EQPM
and other auxiliaries

Identification of exhaust
Air exhaust identification 暖通-通风-排风-标注 M-DUCT-EXHS-IDEN air duct elevation,
dimension, text etc.

Dust exhaust pipe 暖通-通风-排烟-风管 M-DUCT-DUST-PIPE —

Dust exhaust pipe center

暖通-通风-排烟-中线 M-DUCT-DUST-CNTR —

Dust exhaust vent 暖通-通风-排烟-风口 M-DUCT-DUST-VENT —

Dust exhaust vertical pipe 暖通-通风-排烟-立管 M-DUCT-DUST-VPIP —

Dust exhaust valves,

Dust exhaust equipment 暖通-通风-排烟-设备 M-DUCT-DUST-EQPM flanges and other

Dust exhaust Identification of dust

暖通-通风-排烟-标注 M-DUCT-DUST-IDEN
identification exhaust duct elevation,

dimension, text etc.

Fire pipe 暖通-通风-消防-风管 M-DUCT-FIRE-PIPE —

Fire pipe center line 暖通-通风-消防-中线 M-DUCT-FIRE-CNTR —

Fire vent 暖通-通风-消防-风口 M-DUCT-FIRE-VENT —

Fire vertical pipe 暖通-通风-消防-立管 M-DUCT-FIRE-VPIP —

Fire valves, flanges and

Fire fighting equipment 暖通-通风-消防-设备 M-DUCT-FIRE-EQPM
other auxiliaries

Identification of fire air

Firefighting identification 暖通-通风-消防-标注 M-DUCT-FIRE-IDEN pipe elevation, dimension,
text etc.

Heating system 暖通-采暖 M-HOTW —

Water supply pipe 暖通-采暖-供水 M-HOTW-SUPP —

Water vertical supply pipe 暖通-采暖-供水-立管 M-HOTW-SUPP-VPIP —

Water supply vertical pipe 暖通-采暖-供水-支管 M-HOTW-SUPP-LATL —

Water supply valves and

Water supply equipment 暖通-采暖-供水-设备 M-HOTW-SUPP-EQPM
other auxiliaries

Annotation of water
Water supply
暖通-采暖-供水-标注 M-HOTW-SUPP-IDEN supply pipe elevation,
dimension and text

Return water pipe 暖通-采暖-回水 M-HOTW-RETN —

Return water vertical pipe 暖通-采暖-回水-立管 M-HOTW-RETN-VPIP —

Return water lateral pipe 暖通-采暖-回水-支管 M-HOTW-RETN-LATL —

Return water pipe Return water valves and

暖通-采暖-回水-设备 M-HOTW-RETN-EQPM
equipment other auxiliaries

Annotation of water return

Return water pipe
暖通-采暖-回水-标注 M-HOTW-RETN-IDEN water pipe elevation,
dimension and text

Radiator 暖通-采暖-散热器 M-HOTW-RDTR —

Flat underground duct 暖通-采暖-地沟 M-HOTW-UNDR —

Annotation 暖通-注释 M-ANNO —

figure frame and figure

Figure frame 暖通-注释-图框 M-ANNO-TTLB
frame text

Legend 暖通-注释-图例 M-ANNO-LEGNI legend and symbol (sign)

Dimension marking and

Dimension 暖通-注释-标注 M-ANNO-DIMS
text annotation

Heating and ventilating

Textual description 暖通-注释-文字 M-ANNO-TEXT professional textual

Public identification 暖通-注释-公共 M-ANNO-IDEN —

Elevation symbol and text

Elevation annotation 暖通-注释-标高 M-ANNO-ELVT

Table 暖通-注释-表格 M-ANNO-TABL —

Table B-7 Name List of Professional Layers for Common Electrics

Layer Chinese name English name Remarks

Axis 电气-轴线 E-AXIS —

Horizontal axis grid,

Axis grid 电气-轴线-轴网 E-AXIS-GRID
longitudinal center line

Dimension annotation and

Axis annotation 电气-轴线-标注 E-AXIS-DIMS
text annotation of axis

Axis numbering 电气-轴线-编号 E-AXIS-TEXT —

Plan 电气-平面 E-PIAN —

Plan lighting equipment 电气-平面-照明-设备 E-PLAN-LITE-EQPM —

Plan lighting circuit 电气-平面-照明-导线 E-PLAN-LITE-CIRC —

Identification and text of

Plan lighting identification 电气-平面-照明-标注 E-PLAN-LITE-IDEN
lighting plan

Plan power equipment 电气-平面-动力-设备 E-PLAN-POWR-EQPM —

Plan power circuit 电气-平面-动力-导线 E-PLAN-POWR-CIRC —

Annotation and text of

Plan power identification 电气-平面-动力-标注 E-PLAN-POWR-IDEN
power plan

Plan telecommunication
电气-平面-通讯-设备 E-PLAN-TCOM-EQPM —

Plan telecommunication
电气-平面-通讯-导线 E-PLAN-TCOM-CIRC —

Plan telecommunication Annotation and text of

电气-平面-通讯-标注 E-PLAN-TCOM-IDEN
identification telecommunication plan

Plan cable TV equipment 电气-平面-有线-设备 E-PLAN-CATV-EQPM —

Plan cable TV circuit 电气-平面-有线-导线 E-PLAN-CATV-CIRC —

Plan cable TV Identification and text of

电气-平面-有线-标注 E-PLAN-CATV-IDEN
identification cable TV plan

Plan grounding 电气-平面-接地 E-PLAN-GRND —

Plan grounding Identification and text of

电气-平面-接地-标注 E-PLAN-GRND-IDEN
identification grounding plan

Plan fire equipment 电气-平面-消防-设备 E-PLAN-FIRE-EQPM —

Plan fire circuit 电气-平面-消防-导线 E-PLAN-FIRE-CIRC —

Identification and text of

Plan Fire identification 电气-平面-消防-标注 E-PLAN-FIRE-IDEN
firefighting plan

Plan security equipment 电气-平面-安防-设备 E-PLAN-SERT-EQPM —

Plan security circuit 电气-平面-安防-导线 E-PLAN-SERT-CIRC —

Identification and text of

Plan security identification 电气-平面-安防-标注 E-PLAN-SERT-IDEN
security plan

Plan construction
equipment monitoring 电气-平面-监控-设备 E-PLAN-EQMT-EQPM —

Plan construction
equipment monitoring 电气-平面-监控-导线 E-PLAN-EQMT-CIRC —

Plan construction Identification and text of
equipment monitoring 电气-平面-监控-标注 E-PLAN-EQMT-IDEN construction equipment
identification monitoring plan

Equipment and circuit of

Plan lightning protection 电气-平面-防雷 E-PLAN-LTNG
lightning protection plan

Plan lightning protection Identification and text of

电气-平面-防雷-标注 E-PLAN-LTNG-IDEN
identification lightning protection plan

Equipment between plan

电气-平面-设间-设备 E-PLAN-EQRM-EQPM —

Circuit between plan

电气-平面-设间-导线 E-PLAN-EQRM-CIRC —

Identification between Identification and text of

电气-平面-设间-标注 E-PLAN-EQRM-IDEN
plan equipments plan between equipment

Plan tray 电气-平面-桥架 E-PLAN-TRAY —

Plan tray fixture 电气-平面-桥架-支架 E-PLAN-TRAY-FIXE —

Identification and text of

Plan tray identification 电气-平面-桥架-标注 E-PLAN-TRAY-IDEN
tray plan

System 电气-系统 E-SYST —

Lighting system
电气-系统-照明-设备 E-SYST-LITE-EQPM —

Busbar and circuit of

Lighting system circuit 电气-系统-照明-导线 E-SYST-LITE-CIRC
lighting system

Lighting system Identification and text of

电气-系统-照明-标注 E-SYST-LITE-IDEN
identification lighting system

Power system equipment 电气-系统-动力-设备 E-SYST-POWR-EQPM —

Busbar and circuit of

Power system circuit 电气-系统-动力-导线 E-SYST-POWR-CIRC
power system

Power system Identification and text of

电气-系统-动力-标注 E-SYST-POWR-IDEN
identification power system

电气-系统-通讯-设备 E-SYST-TCOM-EQPM —
system equipment

电气-系统-通讯-导线 E-SYST-TCOM-ClRC —
system circuit

Telecommunication Identification and text of

电气-系统-通讯-标注 E-SYST-TCOM-IDEN
system identification telecommunication system

Wired television system

电气-系统-有线-设备 E-SYST-CATV-EQPM —

Wired television system

电气-系统-有线-导线 E-SYST-CATV-CIRC —

Wired television system Identification and text of

电气-系统-有线-标注 E-SYST-CATV-IDEN
identification wired television system

Sound system equipment 电气-系统-音响-设备 E-SYST-SOUN—EQPM —

Sound system circuit 电气-系统-音响-导线 E-SYST-SOUN-CIRC —

Sound system Identification and text of
电气-系统-音响-标注 E-SYST-SOUN-IDEN
identification sound system

Secondary control
电气-系统-二次-设备 E-SYST-CTRL-EQPM —

Secondary control primary

电气-系统-二次-主回 E-SYST-CTRL-SMSY —

Busbar and circuit of

Secondary control circuit 电气-系统-二次-导线 E-SYST-CTRL-CIRC
secondary control system

Secondary control Identification and text of

电气-系统-二次-标注 E-SYST-CTRL-IDEN
identification secondary control system

Secondary control table 电气-系统-二次-表格 E-SYST-CTRL-TABS —

Fire fighting system

电气-系统-消防-设备 E-SYST-FIRE-EQPM —

Fire fighting system

电气-系统-消防-导线 E-SYST-FIRE-CIRC —

Fire fighting system Identification and text of

电气-系统-消防-标注 E-SYST-FIRE-IDEN
identification fire fighting system

Security system
电气-系统-安防-设备 E-SYST-SERT-EQPM —

Security system circuit 电气-系统-安防-导线 E-SYST-SERT-CIRC —

Security system Identification and text of

电气-系统-安防-标注 E-SYST-SERT-IDEN
identification security system

Monitoring facility of
电气-系统-监控-设备 E-SYST-EQMT-EQPM —
construction equipment

Monitoring circuit of
电气-系统-监控-导线 E-SYST-EQMT-CIRC —
construction equipment

Identification and text of

Monitoring identification
电气-系统-监控-标注 E-SYST-EQMT-IDEN construction equipment
of construction equipment
monitoring system

High-and-low voltage
电气-系统-高低-设备 E-SYST-HLVO-EQPM —
system equipment

Busbar and circuit of

High-and-low voltage
电气-系统-高低-导线 E-SYST-HLVO-CIRC high-and-low voltage
system circuit

Identification and text of

High-and-low voltage
电气-系统-高低-标注 E-SYST-HLVO-IDEN high-and-low voltage
system identification

High-and-low voltage
电气-系统-高低-表格 E-SYST-HLVO-FORM —
system table

Annotation 电气-注释 E-ANNO —

figure frame and figure

Figure frame 电气-注释-图框 E-ANNO-TTLB
frame text

Legend 电气-注释-图例 E-ANNO-LEGN legend and symbol (sign)

Dimension marking and
Dimensions 电气-注释-尺寸 E-ANNO-DIMS
text annotation

Professional textual
Textual description 电气-注释-文字 E-ANNO-TEXT
description of electrics

Public identification 电气-注释-公共 E-ANNO-IDEN —

Elevation symbol and text

Elevation annotation 电气-注释-标高 E-ANNO-ELVT

Table 电气-注释-表格 E-ANNO-TABL —

Hole and hole

Hole 电气-注释-孔洞 E-ANNO-HOLE

Explanation of Wording in This Standard

1 Words used for different degrees of strictness are explained as follows in order to
mark the differences in executing the requirements in this standard.
1) Words denoting a very strict or mandatory requirement:
“Must” is used for affirmation; “must not” for negation;
2) Words denoting a strict requirement under normal conditions:
“Shall” is used for affirmation; “shall not” for negation.
3) Words denoting a permission of a slight choice or an indication of the most suitable
choice when conditions permit:
“Should” is used for affirmation; “should not” for negation;
4) “May” is used to express the option available, sometimes with the conditional
2 "Shall comply with…" or "shall meet the requirements of…" is used in this standard
to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative
standards and codes.

List of Quoted Standards

"Technical Drawings-Lettering" GB/T 14691

"Industrial Automation Systems and Integration-Product Data Representation and
Exchange" GB/T 16656


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