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SAP FICO Consultant
Functional Training
Asset Accounting

Responsible Akshay Dodake.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

File name AITS_Asset_Accounting_V01

1. Asset Accounting

1.1 Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures → Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation/Depreciation Areas

Transaction code EC08

Double Click on Copy Reference Chart of Depreciation

Click on copy button

Enter following details

1. From charts of dep. (OIN Sample chart of depreciation: India)

2. To Charts of Dep.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter

Press Enter to continue

Chart Of depreciation 0IN copied to HKTN.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on back arrow

Double click on

Select your chart of depreciation and change the description

Click on

Click on back arrow

Double click on

Select your charts of Depreciation

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Following are your depreciation areas

In this activity you delete unwanted depreciation areas.

Click on save button to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Done with Chart of Depreciation

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

1.2 Assign Input Tax Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions

In this step, you specify an input tax indicator per company code. The system then uses this indicator
when you post acquisitions that are not subject to tax, but which are posted to accounts that are tax-

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Asset Accounting

SPRO (Lean Implementation) →Organizational Structures → Assign Input Tax
Indicator for Non-Taxable Acquisitions
Transaction code OBCL

Select your company code and assign input, output tax codes (V0 & A0 → 0 % tax codes)

Click on save button to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

1.3 Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code

In this activity you assign charts of accounts to company code

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Asset Accounting

SPRO (Lean Implementation) →Organizational Structures → Assign Chart of
Depreciation to Company Code
Transaction code OAOB

Select your company code and assign your charts of account

Click on to save entry.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

1.4 Specify Allowed Depreciation Types for Depreciation Areas

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Asset Accounting

SPRO (Lean Implementation) → Organizational Structures →Depreciation
Areas → Specify Allowed Depreciation Types for Depreciation Areas
Transaction code SPRO

Double click on

Enter Chart of Depreciation

Update the followings

Press back arrow

Double click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on save button to save entry

1.5 Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Asset Accounting

SPRO (Lean Implementation) → Organizational Structures →Depreciation
Areas → Define How Depreciation Areas Post to General Ledger
Transaction code SPRO

Update the followings

Click on to save button to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

2. Define Asset Class.

2.1 Specify Account Determination

In This Step, You Define The Account Determinations For Asset Accounting (Key And Description). The
Key Of An Account Determination Must Be Stored In The Asset Class Asset Class. In This Way, The
Account Determination Links An Asset Master Record To The General Ledger Accounts To Be Posted For
An Accounting Transaction Using The Asset Class.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Specify Account Determination

Transaction code SPRO

Click on

Account determination for Chinmay Pvt. Ltd

Update the followings field

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on to save button to save acct determination

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

2.2 Create Screen Layout Rules

In this step, you create your screen layout rules. The screen layout specifies the status of the fields in the
asset master record. You use the screen layout to determine if fields are required entry or optional entry
fields, or suppressed completely.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Create Screen Layout Rules

Transaction code SPRO

Select any screen layout rule and click on (Copy As) and make changes

Account determination for HKTN Pvt. Ltd.

Update the followings

Click on to save button to save Asset Classes

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

2.3 Define Number Range Interval

In this step, you define the number ranges for this company code for assigning the main asset number.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Define Number Range Interval

Transaction code AS08

Define your company code or you can copy from standard one also.

Click on or Click on copy from standard one also.

Maintain number ranges

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on to save button to save number ranges.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

2.4 Define Asset Classes

In this step you define the asset classes. The asset class is the most important criteria for structuring
fixed assets from an accounting point of view. Every asset has to be assigned to exactly one asset class.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Define Asset Classes

Transaction code OAOA

Click on

Assets Class for HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Define following details

▪ Asset class
▪ Short text
▪ Account determination
▪ Screen layout rule
▪ Number range
Asset Class: Land
HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Similarly, other asset class created

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

3 Creation of depreciation key

In creation of depreciation keys we have five steps:

▪ Define Base Method

▪ Define Declining Balance Method
▪ Define Multilevel Method
▪ Maintain Period Control Method
▪ Maintain Depreciation Key

First 4 steps will be assigned in step 5 and 5th step will be assigned in asset master

3.1 Define Base Method

In this step, you maintain base methods. Base methods are valid in all charts of depreciation. You assign
base methods to depreciation keys.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Depreciation →

SPRO Valuation Method → Depreciation Key →Calculation Method → Define
Base Method
Transaction code SPRO

Click on button

Update the followings

Click on save button to save entry

Base Method HKTN for Depreciation Key LINR
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

3.2 Define Declining-Balance Methods

In this step, you define declining-balance methods. You then assign them to depreciation keys.

Most of company not use this method.

For each declining-balance method, specify:

▪ A multiplication factor for determining the depreciation percentage rate

▪ An upper limit for the depreciation percentage rate
▪ A lower limit for the depreciation percentage rate

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Depreciation →

SPRO Valuation Method → Depreciation Key →Calculation Method → Define
Declining-Balance Methods
Transaction code AFAMD

Click on button

Update the following details

Click on save button to save entry

Decline Balance Method HK1 for Depreciation Key LINR

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

3.3 Define Multi-Level Methods

In this step, you define multi-level methods. You then assign them to depreciation keys. Each level
represents a validity period for a given percentage rate.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Depreciation →

SPRO Valuation Method → Depreciation Key →Calculation Method → Define
Multi-Level Methods
Transaction code AFAMS

Click on button

Update the followings

Click on button

Multilevel Method 001 for Depreciation Key LINR

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on save button to save entry.

Click on button

Click on Save button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd


▪ Acquisition Year -9999: If you give acquisition year 2017. Depreciation rate will be applied to only
for the assets purchased in 2017. If we mentioned 9999, then it will be applicable to any assets
acquired in any year.
▪ Year-999:- It is difficult to calculate life of assets, as there would always be some remaining value.
If we select 999 yrs, it will calculate up to any number of years.
▪ Period-12:- number of months
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

3.4 Maintain Period Control Methods

In this step, you maintain period control methods. You then assign them to depreciation keys.

Using period control methods, you can specify that the depreciation start date for all acquisitions in the
year is set to the first day of the period.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Depreciation →

SPRO Valuation Method → Depreciation Key →Calculation Method →
Maintain Period Control Method
Transaction code AFAMP

Click on button

Update the followings

Click on save button to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

4. Maintain Depreciation Key

In this step, you maintain depreciation keys by assigning calculation methods to them. You can divide
the duration of depreciation into several phases. When you enter a changeover method for one of these
phases, the system changes over to the next phase as soon as the event specified in the changeover
method has occurred. The system then uses the depreciation calculation that is specified in the
calculation method for this phase.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Depreciation →

SPRO Valuation Method → Depreciation Key → Maintain Depreciation Key

Transaction code AFAMA

Click on button

Depreciation Key LINR for Depreciation area 01 (Book Depreciation)

Double click on folder

Click on button
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Assign method to depreciation key

Click on save button to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Phase 2

Double click on folder

Click on button

Assign method to depreciation key

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on save button to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

4.1 Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

In this step, you determine the depreciation terms that are to be used in your asset classes. Depending
on the definition in the screen layout control used, these depreciation terms are offered either as
optional or mandatory defaults when you create an asset.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Valuation →

SPRO Determine Depreciation Areas in the Asset Class

Transaction code OAYZ

Select your asset class

Double click on folder

Update the following details

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on save button to save entry

Follow the same procedure to all assets classes

Note: - De- select Deactivation check box for land and capital WIP even though there is no
depreciation on land and capital WIP. At the time of master data creation, we give capitalization date,
which would be purchase date of land or registration date and rate of depreciation as “0”
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

4.2 Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

In this step, you define the screen layout control for asset master data. The screen layout control
contains the specifications for the field groups in the asset master record. You enter the screen layout
control in the asset class. This method allows you to structure the master record individually for each
asset class.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Master Data →

SPRO Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

Transaction code SPRO

Double click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select your screen layout rule

Double click on folder

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select logical field group

Double click on folder

Make the changes in fields.

For example: If field is required then clicks on req. indicator. Otherwise click on optional indicator or if
field is not required or you want to suppress then click on NO indicator.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on to save entry & Follow the same procedure for your all screen layout rule.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

4.3 Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas

In this step you define the screen layout control for the depreciation terms (depreciation key, useful life,
and so on) in the asset master record

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Master Data →

Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Depreciation Areas

Transaction code AO21

Select your screen layout and double click on folder

Make Depreciation keys are required entry

Click on to save entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

4.4 Specify Rounding of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Valuation → Amount

Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Area) →Specify Rounding
SPRO of Net Book Value and/or Depreciation

Transaction code OAYO

Select your company code

Double click on folder

Double click on book depreciation area

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Update the followings

Click on save button to save

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

4.5 Specify Document Type for Posting of Depreciation

In this processing step you determine the document type for each company code for posting

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Integration with the General

Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify Document Type
SPRO for Posting of Depreciation.

Transaction code AO71

Double click on

Select your company code and assign document type

Click on save button to save

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

5. Assignment of Account for Automatic Posting

In this step, you specify the balance sheet accounts, special reserve accounts, and the depreciation
accounts for Asset Accounting.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Integration with the

SPRO General Ledger → Assign G/L Accounts

Transaction code AO90

Select your charts of accounts

Double click on folder

Select your Asset class

Double click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Assign the GL A/Cs

Double click on folder

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Assign Depreciation G/L Account

Click on to save entry

Follow the same procedure to your all Asset classes

First of all we have to create GL in FS00

For Each Asset.

For Land,Building,plant and machinery.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

In this step, you specify the balance sheet accounts, special reserve accounts, and the depreciation
accounts for Asset Accounting.

Select your charts of accounts

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

5.2 Specify Intervals and Posting Rules

In this step, you define the posting rules for the depreciation areas that post depreciation values to
Financial Accounting. You define the posting cycle (how often depreciation is posted) and the account
assignment rules for the depreciation posting run.

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting →Integration with the

SPRO General Ledger → Post Depreciation to the General Ledger → Specify
Intervals and Posting Rules
Transaction code OAYR

Select your company code

Double click on folder

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on monthly posting

Click on save button to save

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

6 Asset under Construction (AuC)

Asset under Construction (AuC) are a special form of tangible asset. They are
usually displayed as a separate balance sheet item and, therefore require separate account
determination and asset class

6.2 Define Transaction Types

IMG Path: Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Transactions →
SPRO Capitalization of Assets under Constructions → Define Transaction Types

Transaction code SPRO

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

6.3 Allow Transfer Transaction Types for Asset Classes

IMG Path: Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting →Transactions →

SPRO Capitalization of Assets under Constructions → Allow Transfer
Transaction Types for Asset Class

Transaction code OAYB

Select the Transaction type group selection

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

6.4 Define settlement Profile

IMG Path: Financial Accounting(New) → Asset Accounting → Transactions
SPRO → Capitalization of Assets under Construction → Define/Assign Settlement

Transaction code OKO7

Assignment of settlement profile to company code

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

6.5 Assign Settlement Profile

IMG Path: Financial Accounting(New) →Asset Accounting →
SPRO Transactions → Capitalization of Assets under Construction →
Define/Assign Settlement Profiles

Transaction code OKO7

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

6.6 Maintain number Ranges for document for Line Item Settlement
IMG Path: Financial Accounting(New) →Asset Accounting →
SPRO Transactions → Capitalization of Assets under Construction →
Maintain number ranges for documents for line item settlement

Transaction code SPRO

Double click On

Enter Company Code

Select group
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Maintain group and assign it to objet

Create Number Range

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

7 Low Value Asset

In India if an asset that actually costs Rs.5000 or less is treated as Low Value Asset. 100% depreciation
would be charged on these assets within the year of acquisition/purchase

Create Account Determination for Low Value Assets

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Specify Account Determination

Transaction code SPRO

Click on and create Account Determination for LVA

Create Screen layout Rules

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Create Screen Layout Rules
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Transaction code SPRO

Define Number range Interval

Define Asset Class

HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

8 Leasing

Leasing or renting assets (e.g. Machinery or office equipment) can save you the initial cost of buying
them outright. We can have access to high standard of equipment that we might not afford. Interest
rates on monthly installments are usually fixed. The leasing company carries the risk if the equipment
breaks down. The lessor (financer) is the legal owner of the asset during duration of the lease. However,
the lessee has control over the asset providing them the benefits and risks of ownership.
Impact on Accounting:-

- Since the lease is capitalized, both the liabilities and assets in the balance sheet increases. As a
consequence, working capital decreases, but debt to equity ratio increases.
- Operating cash flow increases

Capital Lease: - A capital lease would be considered a purchased asset for accounting purposes. The life
of the lease is 75% or greater of the assets useful life.

Operating Lease: - An operating lease is a lease whose term is short compared to the useful life of the
asset being leased. Unlike the finance lease, title to the asset does not pass to the lessee at the end of
lease, it remains to the lessor. They are operating expenses deductible from profits. Improvement of
cash flow. Companies wishing to show a higher return on asset ratios would choose an operating lease
as the balance sheet would not account for the items as an asset, thus reducing the denominator in the
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

8.2 Capital Lease

Specify Account Determination for the asset class

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Specify Account Determination

Transaction code SPRO

Click on

Click on Save

Create Screen Layout

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Create Screen layout

Transaction code SPRO

Select any Screen Layout and Click on Copy As

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

We have already Created number Range just Assign it in Asset Class

Create New Asset Class

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Define Asset Classes

Transaction code OAOA

Click on

Enter Details
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enable Interest Calculation Dep Area OABZ

Mark the interest indicator

Click on Save

You have to create two G/L (Interest on Capital Lease and Clearing Lease A/c) in Expenditure

Select Account Determination and Double Click on Interest

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter G/L Accounts

Click on Save

Set Post Interest Flag OAYR

Select Company Code and Double Click on Posting key

Make ‘Tick’ to post Interest

HKTN Pvt. Ltd


Activate LEASE depreciation Key AFAMA

Click on Save

To Edit Screen layout

HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Create Asset (AS01)

Enter Details

Go to time Dependent and Enter Details

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Leasing Tab and Enter Details

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go To Depreciation tab and enter Details

Click on Save

Now, do not precede f-90 (purchase)

Use AS03

Select Opening posting in Leasing Tab

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Solution Maintain the accounts for depreciation area 01 (AO90)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Continue the Process

Go to Document Display (Fb03)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

8.3 Operating Lease

Specify Account Determination for the asset class

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Specify Account Determination

Transaction code SPRO

Click on

Click on Save

Create Screen Layout Rules

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Create Screen layout

Transaction code SPRO

I am use Same Screen Layout Rule if you want you can create new rule
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Number range is also Maintained just Assign it in Asset Class

Define Asset Classes

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Create Screen layout

Transaction code SPRO

Enter Details

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Activate Depreciation Area for Asset Class OAYZ

Press Enter

Select Asset Class and Double click on Depreciation Area

Enter Details

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Maintain Depreciation Key (AFAMA)

Click on

Double Click on Assignment of Calculation Methods and Click on

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Press Enter

Activate the Depreciation key

Click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Create Asset (AS01)

Enter Details

Go to Time Dependent Tab and Enter Details

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Leasing Tab and Enter Details

Go to Depreciation Area Tab and Enter Details

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Display Asset Master Record (AS03)

Go to Leasing tab and click on

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Solution Assign Accounts for interest calculation (AO98)

Continue the Process (AS03)

Go to Document Display (Fb03)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9 Testing (Asset Accounting)

9.2 Creation of Asset

SAP Easy Access Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Asset → Create → Asset

Transaction code AS01

Enter the following details:-

1. Select Asset Class by pressing F4 or click on to select asset class

2. Enter Company Code CH01
3. Enter the number of similar assets is 1

Press Enter or Select Master Data Button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter the following details:-

Select General tab

Enter the Asset Description or Name of Asset
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Time-dependent tab

Select Cost Center

Select Depreciation Areas tab

1. In Depreciation Area tab select Depreciation Key for Depreciation Area 01, 61 and 71
2. Useful Life of the Asset

Click on to save

9.3 Asset Acquisition

This function is used when a new asset is purchased from a vendor and an invoice is received in
accounts department for verification.

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Acquisition →

SAP Easy Access External Acquisition →With Vendor

Transaction code F-90

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter Document Date

2. Company Code
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

3. Posting Date
4. Select Posting Key 31 for Vendor Credit Invoice
5. Select Vendor GL Account from whom the Asset is being purchased.
6. Transaction Type 100

Press Enter

In the next screen enter the following details:-

1. Enter amount for purchase value of Asset

2. Enter the text field
3. Select Posting Key 70 for Debit Asset or press F4
4. Enter Asset number
5. Enter transaction type 100 for External Asset Acquisition
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter

Enter amount and also check Asset Number

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Menu Bar and select Document option

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Simulate option

Now check Accounting Entry for Asset Purchase

Click on to save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.4 View Asset Explorer

This function is used to see asset balance. We can also see the details of all the assets for the selected
financial year and for future period. All the details are displayed about asset acquisition value, posted
depreciation amount, planned depreciation, and comparison for future periods, parameters of the
particular asset on selection of various options.

SAP Easy Access Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Asset → Asset Explorer

Transaction code AW01N

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter Company Code

2. Enter Asset Number for acquisition has made
3. In Planned Value tab system shows Acquisition value, Ordinary depreciation amount
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Posted Value tab

In Posted value tab it shows posted depreciation and planned depreciation for periods.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Comparisons tab

In Comparisons tab we get details for year wise depreciation

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.5 Depreciation Run

This function is used to calculate the depreciation on asset. After the input is complete, run the schedule
and depreciation is posted.

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Periodic processing →

SAP Easy Access Depreciation Run → Execute

Transaction code AFAB

Before depreciation run first check in asset explorer for which period is planned.

Now Run Depreciation for 1th period

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

But before you run Depreciation for 1th period you have to Run Depreciation from 1st Period. Then only
you can see History of Asset Depreciation.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter Company Code

2. Enter Fiscal Year
3. Enter Posting Period
4. Reasons for posting run select planned posting run check box
5. Select list of manual depreciation check box
6. Whenever we run depreciation for asset first check in Test Run mode
7. Select Main Asset Number and Asset sub number

Select Execute Button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Yes button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Reference document number 9 to view accounting document of depreciation posting.

Select back arrow button

Run Depreciation in Background

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Remove test run check box and Select Repeat posting run and list of assets check box.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Menu bar Select Program Option and click on Execute in Background or press F9

Select Output Device is LP01 and press enter

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Immediate Button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Check Button, click period values button and save

Now Background job was scheduled for program

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Check Asset Explorer

Depreciation posted for the 1th period.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.6 View accounting Document

SAP Easy Access

Transaction code AFBP

Enter the following details:-

1. Company Code
2. Fiscal Year
3. Posting Period
4. Tick List Assets

Press Execute

Click on Ref. Document

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

You can also copy Document no. and view in FB03.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.7 Retirement of Asset: W/Revenue with Customer

This function is used for asset retirement. When any asset is sold, sales invoice is prepared.

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Retirement →

SAP Easy Access Retirement W/Revenue → with Customer

Transaction code F-92

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter Document Date

2. Enter Company Code
3. Enter Posting Date
4. Select Posting Key 01 or pressing F4
5. Select Customer Account Number
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter value for asset sale

2. Enter Tax Code
3. Mark Calculate Tax check box
4. Enter the text
5. Select posting key 50 for credit entry
6. Select Revenue account during asset sale
7. Select transaction type 210 for Asset Retirement with revenue

Press Enter
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter amount , Cost Center and select Asset Retirement check box

Press Enter
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter Asset Number for Retirement

2. Enter Asset Sub Number (If any)
3. Enter Transaction Type
4. Enter Asset Value Date (Posting Date)
5. Select Complete Retirement check box

Press Enter or

Select Overview Button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Menu bar
Select Option Document

Click on Simulate button

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

In the above entry system will automatically calculate Profit and Loss on Asset Sale.

Click on to save

Now go to Asset Explorer AW01N

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.8 Retirement of Asset: Asset sale without Customer

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Retirement →

SAP Easy Access Retirement W/Revenue → Asset Sale without Customer

Transaction code ABAON

1st you have to create Asset and then run Retirement of Asset

The asset is created 5000 for HKTN.

Also do Asset Acquisition

Document 100000152 was posted in company code HKTN.

Run Depreciation

Enter the following details:-

1. Select Asset Number and Sub Number

2. Enter Document Date
3. Enter Posting Date
4. Enter Asset Value Date
5. Enter text for document
6. Specifications for Revenue select Manual Revenue/Revenue from Net Book Value check box.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Simulate Button

In the next screen system will generate accounting entry for asset sale without customer.

Click on to save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Now go to Asset Explorer AW01N

For Scrapping of Asset TCode-ABAVN

9.9 Asset Scrapping

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Retirement →

SAP Easy Access Retirement W/Revenue → Asset Retirement by Scrapping

Transaction code ABAVN

Enter the following details:-

1. Enter Asset Number and Sub Asset Number

2. Enter Document Date
3. Enter Posting Date
4. Enter Asset Value Date
5. Enter text for entry
HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select Partial Retirement tab and select from current year acquisition check box.

Select Simulate Button

Click on to save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.10 Asset under Construction-Work in Progress

Create Asset – Vehicle (AS01)

The Asset is created 6000.

Asset Acquisition (F-90)

Document 90000101 was posted in company code HKTN.

Purchase material for AUC from (ABZON)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Capitalize of Asset Under construction (T code-AIAB)(Distribute)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on you have to enter Main Asset no.

If we have to transfer an AUC into more than one asset, then % would be different. In this case the AUC
is being transferred in only one asset i.e. asset 30014 that’s why the % is 100%. If we have to transfer
the AUC into 2 assets we’ll assign 50% to each respective asset.


Status will be Green

Click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click On , you can also use Tcode – AIBU

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on

Then Execute Settlement by removing Test Run tick. And Save

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.11 AuC Down Payment

We have already assign Accounts under AuC Asset Class if not then Assign it (AO90)

Maintain Transaction Type Group Selection (OAYB)

Select Down payment and Double Click on Specification of Asset

Click on

Create new AuC Asset (AS01)

Asset Acquisition (F-90)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Down payment For AuC (F-48)

You have to entry PK 70 & 50 manually


Go to Asset Explorer (AW01N)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Acquisition Value = Purchase Value + Down Payment Amount

Actually there are already two Down payment made for this AuC.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Clearing the Down Payment


Only taking Down payment of Rs.4000

Click on

Clear Vendor Down Payment(F-54)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on

Select the amount which we are clearing Rs.4000

HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.12 Low Value Asset

Create Asset for Low Value Asset (AS01)

Keep Depreciation Key GWG (LVA 100 % Complete depreciation) and Planned useful life in periods.


Asset Acquisition (F-90)

We’ll have to enter smaller amount than configured amount of LVA.

*If we entered the amount exceeding Max. amount set in OAYK system will throw error-

We’ll have to enter smaller amount than configured amount of LVA.

When I entered the exact configured amount the system will allow to posted invoices.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Asset Explorer (AW01N)

100% Depreciation
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.13 Sale of LVA with Revenue

T code – F-92

Click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.14 Sale of LVA without Revenue (Scrapping)


HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.15 Transfer of Asset

Types of Transference:-

1. Inter Company Asset Transfer – Asset Transfer in between Company Code level
2. Intra Company Asset Transfer – Asset transfer within the company

Intra Company Asset Transfer (Within company)

Transference within the company code level (Full - Existing Asset)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Transfer→ Transfer

SAP Easy Access within Company

Transaction code ABUMN

Enter Details
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Simulate

There is no Depreciation because Acquisition date and Transfer date is same.

Click on Save

Go to G/L View (FBL3N) you can see the Transfer Entry

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Asset Explorer (AW01N) you can’t see Acquisition Value for Asset 180010000007 it is transfer but
you can see Depreciation for this asset, there is no Depreciation for this Asset.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Transference within the company code level (Partial - Existing Asset)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Transfer→ Transfer

SAP Easy Access within Company

Transaction code ABUMN

Enter Details
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Partial Tab and Enter the Asset Amount which you want to Transfer.

Click on Simulate

Here, depreciation is calculated on asset of Rs.40,000 for 124 days (01.04.2018 to 02.08.2018)which is
partially transferred. = Rs. 1348
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Go to Asset Explorer (AW01N)

You can see After partial transfer asset of Rs.90,000 is Rs.50,000

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Transference within the company code level (Full - New Asset)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Transfer→ Transfer

SAP Easy Access within Company

Transaction code ABUMN

Enter Details and Click on New Asset check box and select Master Data

Here, we have two options to create a new asset. We can create a main asset in AS01 or we can create a
sub asset of existing main asset. This is used when an asset being transferred to one location from
another. The depreciation will be charged for the duration in which the asset has been used.
In this case we are creating a sub asset of existing main asset.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select main asset created and mark Sub number field that will create Sub asset of the main asset.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter and see Sub Number will be created

Click on Simulate
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Information Message

You can see the Difference in Asset Explorer.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Transference within company code (Full – New Asset)(Create new Asset number)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Transfer→ Transfer

SAP Easy Access within Company

Transaction code ABUMN

Enter Details and Click on New Asset check box and select Master Data
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Don’t select main asset and mark Sub number field , it will create new Asset number.

Press Enter and put Details in Depreciation Area Tab

Go Back
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter and after posting new Asset number will be created

Click on Simulate
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Here you can see New Asset is Created 180010000011-00

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Transference within company code (Partial – New Asset)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Transfer→ Transfer

SAP Easy Access within Company

Transaction code ABUMN

Enter Details and Click on New Asset check box and select Master Data
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Select main asset created and mark Sub number field that will create Sub asset of the main asset.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Sub Asset Number is Created

Go to Partial Tab and Enter the Asset Amount which you want to Transfer.
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Simulate

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

You can Check Difference in Asset Explorer.

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Inter Company Asset Transfer – Asset Transfer in between Company Code level

Before going to Inter Company asset Transfer following Configuration should be done

We need to assign G/L for Clear Revenue sale to Affil. Company.

Created Clear Revenue A/c G/L (FS00)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Assign G/L (AO90)

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Inter Company Transfer (ABT1N)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Transfer→

SAP Easy Access Intercompany Asset Transfer

Transaction code ABT1N

Enter Details
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Additional tab

Transfer Variant – it is used to specify

The method for valuation of the transferred asset in the receiving company code (TH15)

The transaction types (retirement or acquisition) that are used for the transfer
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Partial Transfer Tab

Click on Simulate
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click On Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.16 Unplanned Depreciation

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Manual Value

SAP Easy Access Correction→ Unplanned Depreciation

Transaction code ABAA

Enter Details

Press Enter
HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter

Press Enter

Click on Save

Go to Asset Explorer (AW01N)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.17 Acquisition from Affiliated Company

Create Asset (AS01)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Acquisition→

SAP Easy Access External Acquisition → From Affiliated Company

Transaction code ABZP

Enter Details
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Press Enter
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter Details

Click on Simulate
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

You Can See Asset in Asset Explorer (AW01N)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.18 Subsequent Revenue / Cost

Sometimes revenue or cost on asset is generated from/on an asset which has already been scrapped.
E.g. Insurance on an asset is revenue and that has to be posted in books. Insurance revenue is generated
when asset scrapping has already been posted.
Using this method has no integration with Financial Accounting or Controlling. This clarifies that we have
to make posting of revenue or cost in financial accounting in order to create a corresponding posting

Create Asset (AS01)

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Acquisition→ IN-

SAP Easy Access House Production

Transaction code ABZP

Enter Details

Press Enter
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter Details

Click on Simulate
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

You Can See Asset in Asset Explorer (AW01N)

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.19 Investment Support (Configuration)

Investment support measures are government subsidies that a company receives for particular types of
investment. This investment support is treated either as a reduction of the acquisition and production
costs of the asset, or as a value adjustment on the liabilities side of the balance sheet .

Define Investment Support Measures

In this step we define the investment support measures which we can claim and manage in Asset
Accounting. In definition we have to decide whether the measure

- Is managed on liability side

- Reduces the acquisition value on the asset side

If we plan to have the investment support reduce the acquisition value, we have to manage the
investment support in the book depreciation area. If we plan to manage the support on the liabilities
side, we have to manage it in a "special" depreciation area (not in the book depreciation area).

IMG Path: Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Special Valuation

SPRO →Investment Support → Define Investment Support Measures

Transaction code ANVEST

Click on

Enter Details
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Go to Folder Depreciation Area for APC Reduction

Press Enter

Select Book Depreciation and Click on Time- Dependent Data

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on and Enter Details

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Double Click on Default Values & Check Specifications

Click on and Enter Details

Click on Save

Press Enter

Creation of 3 General Ledger Accounts

Clearing Account; Investment Support (Liability) 10000009
Clearing Account; Repayment of Investment Support (Reconciliation Assets) 20000308
Expenses; Prepayment of Investment Support (Expense Account – P&L) 40000014
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Assignment of Accounts for Investment Support

IMG Path: Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Special Valuation

SPRO →Investment Support → Assign Accounts

Transaction code AO88

Enter Details

Press Enter

Select your Chart of Accounts and Double Click on Choose Account Determination

Select the Asset and Double Click on Assign Account Area

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Double Click on Area 01

Enter the G/L Accounts

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Check Transaction Types for Investment Support Measures

IMG Path: Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Special Valuation

SPRO →Investment Support → Check Transaction Types for investment Support

Transaction code AO83

Double Click on

Go Back and Double Click on

Select your Transaction Type and Double Click on Depreciation Area Specification
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter Details

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

IMG Path: Financial Accounting → Asset Accounting → Master Data

SPRO →Screen Layout → Define Screen Layout for Asset Master Data

Transaction code SPRO

Double Click on

Select Screen Layout and Double Click on Logical Field Group

Select logical Field Group 12 (Investment Support Measures) and Double Click on Field Group Rules
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Make Changes to Optional

Click on Save
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

9.20 Investment Support (Testing)

Create Asset master and maintain Investment Support Key in Allocations Tab

Click on Save

Do Asset Acquisition Posting

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Post Investment Support

Accounting → Financial Accounting → Fixed Asset → Posting → Investment

SAP Easy Access Support

Transaction code ABIF

Enter Details

Press Enter
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Enter Details

Click on Simulate
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Click on Save

Asset Explorer (AW01N)

Depreciation is calculated separately on investment support

HKTN Pvt. Ltd
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Define Asset Class

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Organizational

SPRO Structures →Asset classes → Define Asset Classes

Transaction code OAOA

Click on and create Asset Class

HKTN Pvt. Ltd

Define Maximum Amount for Low Value Assets and Asset Classes

IMG → Financial Accounting →Asset Accounting → Valuation →

SPRO Amount Specifications (Company Code/Depreciation Are) → Specify
Max. Amount for Low Value Assets + Asset Class
Transaction code SPRO

Double click on

Select Asset Class and Double click on low -val. asset check

Enter 1 in LVA Column

HKTN Pvt. Ltd


Double click on

Select Your Company Code and Double click on Amount for Low Value Asset.

Put Amount in LVA Amount Column

Click on
HKTN Pvt. Ltd

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