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Series of 2018



Be it ordained and enacted by the Sangguniang Bayan of Pililla:

WHEREAS, Section 20-c of the Local Government Code provides that local
government units shall continue to prepare their respective Land Use Plans
enacted through zoning ordinances that shall be the primary and dominant
bases for the future use of land resources;

WHEREAS, the local government of Pililla, in pursuit of its development goals

and objectives, formulated its Comprehensive Land Use Plan which would
require the enactment of regulatory measures to translate its planning goals
and objectives into reality;

WHEREAS, this Zoning Ordinance is one such regulatory measure that is an

important tool for the implementation of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan;

NOW THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Bayan of Pililla in a session assembled

hereby adopts the following Zoning Ordinance.


Section 1. Title of the Ordinance. This Zoning Ordinance shall be known

as the Pililla Municipal Land Use Management System and shall
hereinafter be referred to as the LUMS.

Section 2. Authority. The LUMS is enacted pursuant to the provisions of

the Local Government Code of 1991, R.A. 7160 Section 458 (2 ix)
“authorizing the Municipality through the Sangguniang Bayan to adopt a
Zoning Ordinance in consonance with the approved Comprehensive Land
Use Plan…,” and in conformity with Executive Order No. 72.

Section 3. Purposes. The LUMS is enacted for the following purposes:

1. Promote and protect the health, safety, peace, comfort, convenience and
general welfare of the inhabitants of the Municipality;

2. Guide the growth and development of Pililla in accordance with its

Comprehensive Land Use Plan;
3. Provide the proper regulatory environment to maximize opportunities for
creativity, innovation and make ample room for development within the
framework of the Municipality’s over-all goals and objectives;

4. Protect the character and stability of residential, commercial, industrial,

institutional, forestry, agricultural, open space and other functional areas
within the Municipality and promote the orderly and beneficial development of
the same; and

5. Guide the local government and the private sector in their development

Section 4. General Principles. The LUMS is based on the approved Pililla

Comprehensive Land Use Plan as per Resolution No. ____ dated ____.

1. The LUMS reflects the Municipality’s vision of an alternative energy capital

of the Philippines, with a God-fearing, peaceful, disaster resilient community,
conducive to sustainable development and efficient management of natural
and land resources through active, participative, responsive and committed

2. The LUMS provides that any land use is a use by right and its ultimate
acceptance becomes subject to the review standards of the LUMS;

3. The LUMS gives the free market the maximum opportunity to spur the
Municipality’s development within the framework of environmental integrity
and social responsibility’

4. The LUMS has been designed to encourage the evolution of high quality
development rather than regulating against the worst type of projects;

5. The LUMS has been crafted in a way that it is fully responsive to the ever-
changing conditions that the Municipality continually face;

6. The LUMS provides a direct venue for community empowerment where the
stakeholders become involved especially in critical development decisions;

7. Zone regulations are considered as management tools necessary to

provide an over-all development guidance system to the Municipality.


The definition of technical terms used in the LUMS shall carry the same
meaning given to them in already approved codes and regulations such as
but not limited to the National Building Code, Water Code, Philippine
Environmental Code and the Implementing Rules and Regulations
promulgated by the HLURB. The words, terms and phrases enumerated
hereunder shall be understood to have the meaning corresponding indicated
as follows:
1. Buffer Area – these yards, parks or open spaces intended to separate
incompatible elements or users to control pollution/nuisance.

2. Building Height Limit (BHL) – the maximum height allowed for structures or
buildings as specified in the conditions of the LUMS.

3. Central Business District – shall refer to areas designated principally for

trade, services and business purposes.

4. Certificate of Non-Conformance – certificate issued to owners of all uses

existing prior to the approval of the LUMS that do not conform to the
provisions herein provided.

5. Compatible Use – uses or land activities capable of existing together

harmoniously e.g. residential use and parks and playgrounds.

6. Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP) – a document embodying specific

proposals for guiding, regulating growth and/or development. The main
components of the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in this usage are the
sectoral studies i.e. Demography, Socio-Economic, Infrastructure and Utilities,
Local Administration and Land Use.

7. Conflicting Uses – uses or land activities with contrasting characteristics

sited adjacent to each other e.g. residential units adjacent to industrial plants.

8. Conforming Use – a use that is in accordance with the zone classification

as provided for in the Ordinance.
9. Dominant Use – the principal use classification in mixed-use developments

10. Easement – open space imposed on any land use/activities sited along
waterways, road-right-of-ways, cemeteries/memorial parks, utilities and the

11. Environmentally-Constrained Areas – areas prone to natural hazards such

as those related to weather, hydrologic and geologic disturbances.

12. Environmentally Critical Areas – refers to those areas which are

environmentally sensitive and are listed in Proclamation 2146 dated 14
December 1981 as follows:

a) All areas declared by law as national parks, watershed reserves,

wildlife preserves and sanctuaries;
b) Areas set aside as aesthetic potential tourist spots;
c) Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened
species of indigenous Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna);
d) Areas of unique historic, archaeological or scientific interests;
e) Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities or
f) Areas frequently visited and/or hard-hit by natural calamities (geologic
hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, etc.;
g) Areas classified as prime agricultural lands;
h) Recharge areas of aquifiers;
i) Water bodies characterized by one or any combination of the following
 Tapped for domestic purposes;
 Within the controlled and/or protected areas declared by
appropriate authorities; and
 Which support wildlife and fishery activities.
j) Mangrove areas characterized by one or any combination of the
following conditions;
 With primary pristine and dense young growth;
 Adjoining the mouth of major river systems;
 Near or adjacent to traditional productive fry or fishing
 Which act as natural buffers against shore erosion, strong
winds and storm floods; and
 On which people are dependent on their livelihood.
k) Coral reef characterized by one or any combination of the following
 With 50% and above live coralline cover;
 Spawning and nursery grounds of fish; and
 Which acts as natural breakwater of coastlines.

13. Environmentally Critical Projects – refers to those projects that have high
potential for negative environmental impacts and are listed in Presidential
Proclamation 2146 dated 14 December 1981 as follows:

a) Heavy Industries
 Non-ferrous metal industries;
 Iron and steel mills;
 Petroleum and petro-chemical industries oil and gas; and
 Smelting plants.
b) Resource extractive industries
 Major mining and quarrying projects; and
 Forestry projects such as logging, major wood processing,
introduction of fauna (exotic animals) in public/private
forests, forest occupancy, extraction of mangroves and
c) Fishery projects
 dikes for/and fishpond development projects
d) Infrastructure projects
 Major dams;
 Major power plants (fossil-fueled, nuclear-fueled,
hydroelectric or geothermal); and
 Major roads and bridges.
14. Exception – a device which grants a property owner relief from certain
provisions of the LUMS where because of the specific use would result in a
particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished from a mere
inconvenience or a desire to make more money.

15. Floor/Area Ratio (FAR) – is the ratio between the Gross Floor Area of a
building and the area of the lot on which it stands. Determined by dividing the
Gross Floor Area of the building and the area of the lot. The Gross Floor Area
of any building should not exceed the prescribed floor area ration (FAR)
multiplied by the lot area.

16. Gross Floor Area (GFA) – the GFA of a building is the total floor space
within the perimeter of the permanent external building walls occupied by:

a. Office areas;
b. Residential areas;
c. Corridors;
d. Lobbies;
e. Mezzanine;
f. Vertical penetrations which shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator
shafts, pipe shafts, vertical shafts, vertical ducts and the like and
their enclosing walls;
g. Machine room and closets;
h. Storage rooms and closets;
i. Covered balconies and terraces; and
j. Interior walls and columns and other interior features.

Excluding the following:

k. Covered areas used for parking and driveways, including vertical

penetrations in parking floors where no residential or office units are
present; and
l. Uncovered areas for AC cooling towers, overhead water tanks, roof
decks, laundry areas and cages, wading or swimming pools,
whirlpool or Jacuzzis, gardens, courts or plazas.

17. HLRB/BOARD – shall mean the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board

18. Impervious Surface – type of man-made surface which does not permit
the penetration of water; the area coverage of which shall be considered as
outside the building envelope and is not included in PLO and FAR

19. Land Use Intensity Controls (LUIC) – refers to controls on open spaces
(PLO), building bulk (FAR) and building height (BHL). The LUIC is imposed to
control, among others, traffic generation, requirements on utilities, over-
building, overcrowding, and visual access and to attain the desired zone
character. The LUIC is applied as follows:
a. Maximum Allowable Building Area per Floor in Square Meters = Lot
area x Allowable PLO
b. Maximum Allowable Gross Floor Area in Square Meters = Lot area
x Allowable FAR
c. In determining the maximum number of floors per building, BHL
regulations shall apply.

For planned unit development schemes, residential subdivisions and the like,
the LUIC shall apply to individual lot parcels. Gross open spaces (defined as
common areas, roads, etc.) shall be governed by the requirements of PD 957,
BP 220 and related regulations. For large-scale projects on single blocks, i.e.
those that have no lot subdivisions, the LUIC shall mean to apply to the gross
lot area of the block and the gross floor area of the buildings to be put up

20. Locational Clearance – a clearance issued to a project that is allowed

under the provisions of the LUMS as well as other standards, rules and
regulations on land use.

21. Mitigating Device – a means to grant relief in complying with certain

provisions of the Ordinance.

22. Non-conforming use – existing non-conforming uses/establishments in an

area allowed to operate in spite of the non-conformity to the provisions of the
LUMS subject to the conditions stipulated in the Locational Clearance.

23. Official Zoning Map – a duly authenticated map delineating the different
zones in which the whole Municipality is divided.

24. Parks and Recreation – an area wherein uses are designed for diversion/
amusements and for the maintenance of the ecological balance of the

25. Percentage of Land Occupancy (PLO) – defined as a percentage of the

maximum allowable area of any building at any floor level to the total lot size.

26. Rural Area – area outside of designated urban area.

27. Setback – the open space left between the building and lot lines.

28. Urbanizable Land – area designed as suitable for urban expansion by

virtue of land use studies conducted.

29. Variance – a Special Locational Clearance granting a property owner

relief from certain provisions of the LUMS where because of the particular
physical surrounding, shape or topographical conditions of the property,
compliance on height, area, setback, bulk and/or density would result in a
particular hardship upon the owner, as distinguished from a mere
inconvenience or a desire to make more money.
30. Zone – an area within the Municipality, as defined by manmade or natural
boundaries where specific land use regulations are applied.

31. Zoning Officer – a municipality government employee responsible for the

implementation/enforcement of its Zoning Ordinance.

32. Zoning Ordinance – a local legal measure that embodies regulations

affecting land use.


Section 5. Division into Regional Zones. The Municipality of Pililla is

hereby divided into two regional zones, namely, the Pililla Lowland Region,
and Pililla Upland Region. Said divisions are for the purposes of the following:

1. Implementing the Pililla CLUP;

2. Defining specific areas of the Municipality of Pililla each requiring
different standards of development to meet different circumstances
present within the zone; and
3. Serving the purposes and intent of this Code as outlined in Chapter I.
Unlike conventional zones, which segregated various lands uses, the LUMS
allows varied uses and places the emphasis on minimizing or buffering any
nuisance factors between such uses. The provisions contained herein
anticipate the likelihood and desirability of mixing land uses and impose
criteria to resolve any possible problems and eliminate what might be
negative impacts where unlike uses are located in proximity.

Division into specific Land Use Zones. The municipality is further classified
to more specific allowable land uses and regulatory/development potential
sub-zones. These are identified as follows:

a. Agricultural
b. Grazing Area
c. Orchard Area
d. Agro-Industrial
e. Aqua-Industrial
f. Cemetery
g. Commercial Strip
h. Ecotourism
i. Ecological Preservation Area
j. Aquaculture
k. High Value Agriculture Development Area
l. Industrial
m. Institutional
n. Land Recovery Area
o. Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces
p. Residential
q. Special Use Zone (Alternergy Wind Farm)
r. Tourism
s. Urban Expansion
t. Woodland Preservation Area

These specific sub-zones or identified areas are created with the view of
optimizing the potentials of the Municipality’s underutilized land resources as
well as increasing economic activity in line with the development thrust
indicated in the CLUP.

Section 6. Description of Regional Zones. The intent and purpose of

each zone is described below. The regulations governing each zone are
specified in the succeeding articles.

1. Pililla Lowland Region

Pililla Lowland Region is located on the western side of Pililla. It

stretches from Laguna Lake to before the topography slopes steeply to the
mountains. Its slope ranges from 0 to 15%.

2. Pililla Upland Region

Pililla Upland Region is located on the eastern side of Pililla. It

stretches from the easternmost side of Pililla to before the topography slopes
gently at 15%.

Description of Specific Land Use Zones

a. Agricultural Zone

Agricultural lands are lands which may or may not be irrigated by NIA whose
primary produce is rice.
These rice fields are mostly located near and between the urban growth
nodes of Pililla Lowland Region. These areas are recommended to be
retained of their current use based on practical economic and environmental

Zone 1: This zone stretches from Barangay Hulo to Barangay Bagumbayan. It
is located to the east of Manila-East Road from its northernmost end in
Barangay Hulo up to the main Municipal Complex in Barangay Bagumbayan.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-


Zone 2: This zone is a flat area located between the Urban Expansion Zones
in Barangay Bagumbayan and Barangay Halayhayin. It stretches from Sitio
Bulakan including Sitio Bulawan to before the hilly Urban Expansion Zone of
Halayhayin along Manila-East Road.
In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 43-44-45-57-52-51-

Zone 3: This zone is located north of the Urban Expansion Zone of Barangay
Quisao along Pililla-Jalajala National Road. It is a flat irrigated area
immediately south of the hilly area of Sitio Yakat in Barangay Quisao.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 95-101-102-103-


Zone 4: This zone is located between the Urban Expansion Zones of

Barangay Quisao and Barangay Niogan stretches along Pililla-Jalajala
National Road.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 123-126-127-128-


Zone 5: This zone is located between the Urban Expansion Zones of

Barangay Niogan and Barangay Malaya, east of Laguna de Bay.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 138-139-140-141.

Zone 6: This zone is located south of the Industrial Zone of Barangay Malaya,
west of the Ecological Preservation Zone in Barangay Malaya, east of Laguna
de Bay and north of the Municipality of Jalajala along Pililla-Jalajala National

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 173-174-182-181-


b. Grazing Area

This zone is characterized by sparse trees and rich groundcover ideal for
grazing. The topography of these areas is gentle to moderate slope. Areas of
Barangay Bagumbayan and Barangay Quisao in Pililla Lowland Region are
ideal for this land use.

Zone 1: This zone is located south of the Agro-Industrial Zone in Barangay
Bagumbayan and stretches southward down to the Agricultural Zone in
Barangay Quisao.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 7-320-315-314-313-


c. Orchard Area

Areas currently utilized for permanent crops such as mangoes and other fruit-
bearing trees are zoned under orchard areas. These areas are characterized
by thick tree growth. It is recommended for these areas to be further
developed into orchard-type high-value farming, industrial forestry
management, and activities that will preserve and improve the present tree

Zone 1: This zone is a rolling to steep area stretches from the northernmost
part of Barangay Hulo to the easternmost part of Barangay Bagumbayan to
the middle area of Barangay Halayhayin.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 2-335-336-337-338-


Zone 2: This zone is a hilly portion located southeast of the Urban Expansion
Area of Barangay Halayhayin between Manila-East Road and Pililla-Jalajala
National Road.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 66-65-64-63-62-79-


Zone 3: This zone is a hilly portion located to the east of the proposed Yakat-
Bulo-Bulo Boulevard, adjacent to the area of Pililla Poultry Processing Plant
Inc. facing southwest to the Quisao Island.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 94-90-89-101-95-


Zone 4: This zone is a flat, rolling to steep area located at the northern east
portion of Barangay Halayhayin in between the two spine roads of the existing
Alternergy Wind Farm.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 279-339-340-346-


d. Agro-Industrial Zone

Agro-industry and agribusiness contribute greatly to the economy of Pililla.

Existing agro-industrial plants and areas around these plants in Barangay
Bagumbayan, Quisao, and Niogan are zoned as Agro-Industrial Zones.

Farm waste-to-energy facilities are recommended to be developed in these

areas not only in accordance to Pililla’s thrust towards alternative energy
sources but to reduce the environmental and health hazards these industries
may cause. A 10-meter tree line buffer is recommended as a buffer zone
between residential and agro-industrial zone to diminish foul odor coming
from poultries and piggeries.

Zone 1: This zone is located in the northernmost part of Barangay
Bagumbayan adjacent to residential area in Sitio Matagbak. It stretches from
Sitio Lipat-lipat down to Sitio Matagbak.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 321-309-310-311-


Zone 2: This zone is located in Sitio Bulo-Bulo in Barangay Quisao. It is 200

meter east of the Pililla-Jalajala National Road.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 84-83-82-81.

Zone 3: This zone is located in the hilly area of Sitio Yakat in Barangay
Quisao adjacent to the orchard area and residential area of Sitio Yakat along
Pililla-Jalajala National Road.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 90-91-88-89.

Zone 4: This zone is located in Barangay Quisao and Barangay Niogan. It

contains the biggest and most of the agro-industries in Pililla. This area is
adjacent and west of the woodland preservation area in Barangay Quisao and
Barangay Niogan.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 105-106-107-108-


e. Aqua-Industrial Zone

Being a municipality adjacent to Laguna Lake, Pililla aims to develop its aqua
industry to capitalize on this geographic feature. An aqua-industrial zone
located in Barangay Wawa will have a fish port complex with its own wharf for
fishing vessels to load and unload their products.
The fish port complex will have a bagsakan area where fresh fish and
products may be bought and sold in bulk. The complex will also house
freezing and refrigeration facilities that will help in preservation and prolonging
the shelf life of the said products.
There will be ample distance and buffer area between the development and
the adjacent Urban Expansion Areas.

Zone 1: This zone is a relatively flat area located in Barangay Wawa and
Barangay Bagumbayan. It is adjacent to Laguna de bay and located at the
southern end of the Pililla River. The area is also adjacent to the institutional
area of Municipal Government Complex of Pililla and urban expansion area in
Barangay Bagumbayan.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 21-22-23-24-25-26-


f. Cemetery
Currently, there are three public cemeteries in Pililla Lowland Region located
in Barangay Malaya, Quisao, and Bagumbaran. Another cemetery is
proposed to be built in Barangay Halayhayin to meet future the future
demands of the municipality. These public spaces serve not only as places
where the deceased are buried but also as open spaces which will help
relieve the temperature of the surrounding built-up areas.
The public cemeteries in Barangay Bagumbayan and Malaya in particular are
located within the designated Urban Development Zones. These cemeteries
are recommended to preserve and improve their grass and tree cover to help
prevent the surrounding built-up areas from becoming urban heatsinks.

Zone 1: This zone is located in the urban expansion zone of Barangay
Bagumbayan. It is along Manuel Roxas Street stretches both sides of the

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 30-31-32-33.

Zone 2: This zone is located at the east side of the Pililla-Jalajala National
Road immediately after (south) of the urban expansion area of Barangay

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 126-127-128-129.

Zone 3: This area is located at the northwest portion of Barangay Malaya

along Pililla-Jalajala National Road. It is within the urban expansion area of
Barangay Malaya near its boundary with Barangay Niogan on the north.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 158-159-160-161.

Zone 4: The area is a flat to rolling portion along Manila-East Road in eastern
portion of Barangay Halayhayin adjacent to a grazing area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 59-60-61-79-62.

g. Commercial Development Strip

A 35-meter strip on both sides of the Manila-East Road and Pililla-Jala Jala
Road starting from the southern end of Barangay Halayhayin urban expansion
area up to the south-western end of Barangay Malaya is zoned as commercial
strip; interrupted only by the industrial zone of Barangay Malaya and the
tourism strip between the urban development zones of Barangay
Bagumbayan and Barangay Halayhayin. With these roads passing through
the identified urban growth nodes of the municipality, this strip has a strong
potential for commercial activities which will cater not only to the residents of
Pililla but to travellers and tourists as well.

Zone 1: This is a 35-meter strip stretching from the southern end of urban
expansion of Barangay Halayhayin up to the south-western end of Barangay
Malaya at its boundary with Municipality of Jalajala interrupted along by
institutional centers and cemeteries.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 71-70-74-75-80-87-


h. Ecotourism Zone

A hundred meter ecotourism strip around the special use zones will further
add to the growing tourism industry of Pililla. Development in these areas will
mostly cater to outdoor activities with minimum environmental impact such as
mountain trekking, hiking, nature appreciation, and other activities with very
limited development of structures.
Structures which may be built in these areas are campsites, hiking trail
stations, and other camping facilities with certain height limitations.

Zone 1: This area is a 100-meter strip on both sides of the wind farm special
use area starting from Sitio Mahabang Sapa in Barangay Halayhayin up to the
boundary of Municipality of Tanay and Barangay Halayhayin in the north.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 276-277-278-279-


Zone 2: This area is a 100-meter strip on both sides of the wind farm special
use area starting from Sitio Bugarin in Barangay Halayhayin that stretches

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 243-244-245-249-


Zone 3: This area is a 100-meter strip on both sides of the wind farm special
use area starting from Sitio Bugarin in Barangay Halayhayin that stretches
southward down to Barangay Niogan before its boundary with Barangay

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 234-222-223-224-


i. Ecological Preservation Area

The ecological preservation area of Pililla Upland Region covers the south-
eastern part of Barangay Malaya, including Mt. Sembrano which has the
highest elevation in Pililla. It is recommended that the forest cover in this area
to be preserved and reforestation be pursued in areas with sparse vegetation.
Income generation for this area can be pursued by regulating ecotourism
activities such as mountain hiking and trekking. Settlements near this area
should also be monitored and controlled to prevent encroachment.
Furthermore, residents of these settlements may be tapped as tour guides
and forest watchers.

Zone 1: This zone is a forest covered area located at the south-eastern part of
Barangay Malaya including Mt. Sembrano. Bounded by Municipality of
Jalajala on the south and Municipality of Mabitac on the east.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 144-191-190-189-


j. Aquaculture Zone

This zone is located in Barangay Halayhayin where Get Farm, which

cultivates fish fingerlings, is located. Development in this area should similarly
be geared towards aquaculture. Aquaponics may also be pursued to raise fish
and crops at the same time.

Zone 1: This zone is between Laguna de Bay shoreline and Pililla-Jalajala
National Road located in Barangay Halayhayin bounded by urban expansion
area on the north and residential area on the south.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 68-71-72-73.

k. High Value Agriculture Development Zone

Arable lands in the eastern part of Halayhayin currently utilized for pineapple
cultivation are zoned under High Value Agriculture Development Zone. It is
recommended for these areas to be preserved of their current use to further
contribute to Pililla’s growing economy and to further promote Pililla’s One
Town One Product.

Zone 1: This area is located on both sides of Manila-East Road near the
vicinity of Wind Farm in Sitio Mahabang Sapa in Barangay Halayhayin
surrounded by ecotourism, orchard and woodland preservation areas.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 266-267-268-269-


Zone 2: This area is located on both sides of Manila-East Road near the
vicinity of Wind Farm in Sitio Bugarin in Barangay Halayhayin including the
area north-east of Sitio Bugarin bounded by Municipality of Mabitac on the
east and surrounded by ecotourism, orchard and woodland preservation
In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 242-241-240-239-

l. Industrial Zone

There are two light-medium industrial zones in Pililla namely, Malaya Thermal
Power Plant, and Fiesta Gas Filling Plant in Barangay Halayhayin.
The 650MW Malaya Thermal Power Plant serves as a back-up power supply
when there is insufficient power in the grid.
Fiesta Gas Filling Plant is an industrial plant for packaging liquid petroleum
gas to be distributed in South Luzon.
Development in these zones will be limited to light-medium industrial facilities
with limited impact on the environment, and with sufficient safeguards to

Zone 1: This zone is located on the right side of a zigzag road of Manila-East
Road between Sitio Malihim and Sitio Kawayan in Barangay Halayhayin.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 347-348-349-350-


Zone 2: This area is relatively flat located near the Laguna de Bay and south
of the urban expansion in Barangay Malaya. It stretches on both sides of the
Pililla-Jalajala National Road bounded by ecological preservation area on the
east and agricultural area on the south nearly one (1) kilometer before the
boundary of Barangay Malaya with the Municipality of Jalajala.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 173-174-182-181-


m.Institutional Zone

Institutional zones composed of local government centers, schools, municipal

health centers, churches, sports centers, and other institutional buildings are
scattered throughout Pililla to provide services to its citizens. The Municipal
Hall Government Complex is located in Barangay Bagumbayan which
comprises the Municipal Hall, URS Pililla Campus, Municipal Health Center,
and Pililla National High School. Hulo, Imatong, Takungan and Wawa
Barangay Complex areas, Pililla Medicare, Melendres Elementary School,
Pililla Central School and Hulo Elementary School are part of the Urban
Expansion Zones.

Zone 1: This hilly area is located in Sitio Kay Ile in Barangay Hulo where Hulo
Elementary and National High School is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 329-330-331-332.

Zone 2: This area is at the right side of Manila-East Road in Sitio San Lorenzo
in Barangay Hulo. This is where the proposed Pililla Hospital is to be located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 16-15-29-28.

Zone 3: This area is located in Barangay Bagumbayan where the Municipal

Hall is located. It is between Manila-East Road and Manuel Roxas Street at
the heart of the urban expansion area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 34-35-11-10-9-37-


Zone 4: This is a triangular area located at the tip of the intersection of Manila-
East Road and Manuel Roxas Street in Barangay Bagumbayan.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 38-39-40.

Zone 5: The area where Matagbak Elementary School is located. Bounded by

a residential, grazing and tourism areas.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 312-313-318-317.

Zone 6: This area is located near the intersection of Manila-East Road and
Pililla-Jalajala National Road adjacent to the urban expansion area of
Barangay Halayhayin.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 66-69-68-67.

Zone 7: This hilly area is located along Manila-East Road at the right side
adjacent to Bella Vita Subdivision and bounded by an orchard area on the
south where the proposed Pililla Convention Center is to be located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 63-64-65.

Zone 8: Located in Sitio Bugarin in Barangay Halayhayin on the eastern part,

this is where the Bugarin Elementary School is located surrounded by high
value agricultural development area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 234-235-236-237.

Zone 9: Located within the urban expansion of Barangay Quisao, this area
includes Quisao Barangay Hall Complex and Quisao Elementary School.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 114-115-116-117-


Zone 10: Within the Barangay Quisao urban expansion area, this is where the
Quisao National High School is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 119-120-121-122.

Zone 11: Located within the Barangay Niogan urban expansion area, it is
where Niogan Elementary School is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 154-155-156-157.

Zone 12: This area is located within the Barangay Niogan urban expansion
area where the Niogan Barangay Hall Complex is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 150-151-152-153.

Zone 13: Part of the Niogan urban expansion area, this is where the
Pentecostal Church is located a few meters away from the Malaya Cemetery.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 154-155-156-157.

Zone 14: Located within the Malaya urban expansion area that stretches on
both sides of the Pililla-Jalajala National Road, this is where the Malaya
Barangay Hall Complex and Malaya Elementary School is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 162-163-164-165-


n. Land Recovery Area

An area in Laguna Lake directly adjacent to the Barangays of Takungan and

Hulo, will be dredged to accommodate a development which will add to
Pililla’s tourism sector. This zone will have a docking area for small boats, a
lakeside promenade overlooking Laguna Lake, and viewing decks among
others. A bridge is also planned to be constructed that will connect the
western part of Barangay Takungan with the western part of Barangay
This zone will serve as a venue for several municipal events. The dredged
area and the lakeside promenade will be landscaped to add to Pililla’s many
tourism sites.

Zone 1: This zone is located adjacent to the Laguna de Bay area extending
the area of Barangay Takungan and Barangay Hulo bounded by an urban
expansion area on the east.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 53-54-55-56.

o. Parks, Recreation, and Open Spaces

Urban open spaces are aesthetically designed and maintained recreational

and assembly green spaces. These spaces should be maintained for their
social and ecological benefits.
An open space is located in front of the municipal hall in the Municipal Hall
Government Complex in Barangay Bagumbayan. Another is located in
Barangay Malaya.
These spaces are intended to serves as venues for leisure and relaxation as
well as an assembly area for certain municipal events.

Zone 1: This zone is located adjacent to the Municipal Hall Complex between
Manila-East Road and Manuel Roxas Street. This is where the Pililla Plaza is

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 36-37-38-39.

Zone 2: This area is located within the urban expansion area of Barangay
Malaya. An open space in front of the church.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 168-169-170-171.

p. Residential Zone

Low density residential packets ideal for low to mid-level type housing projects
are identified in several areas of Barangay Bagumbayan, Hulo, Halayhayin,
and Quisao. These residential areas will primarily cater to the growing
population of Pililla as well as to those who will be affected by the
development projects of the municipality.

Zone 1: This area is relatively flat located in Sitio Tabako in Barangay Hulo
surrounded by an orchard area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 325-326-327-328-


Zone 2: This area is located in Sitio Kay Ile adjacent to Hulo Elementary and
High School. Relatively flat, this is where a residential subdivision is proposed
to be located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 332-333-334-329.

Zone 3: Located at the side of the hilly area of Sitio Kay Guiral and
surrounded by agricultural and orchard areas, this is where the Gawad
Kalinga Housing is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 3-5-4.

Zone 4: This area is located at the right side of the Manila-East Road
bounded by urban expansion area on the west and an agricultural area on the

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 14-13-12.

Zone 5: Located in Sitio Matagbak, this is a flat to rolling area surrounded by
agro-industrial area where a 10-meter tree line buffer zone is recommended.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 320-311-312-317-


Zone 6: Located in Sitio Dampol, this area is along the right side of the
Manila-East Road and adjacent to an urban expansion area surrounded by
agricultural and grazing area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 42-43-46-47.

Zone 7: Located at the right side of Manila-East Road, this area is relatively
flat where the existing Bella Vita Subdivision is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 58-59-62-63-65-66.

Zone 8: Located in Sitio Pahang, this area is across the aquaculture zone and
stretches on the right side of Pililla-Jalajala National Road surrounded by
grazing and orchard areas.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 74-78-77-76-75.

Zone 9: This is a flat to hilly area located in Sitio Bulo-bulo and Sitio Yakat. It
is on the both sides of Pililla-Jalajala National Road.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 92-73-72-80-81-82-


Zone 10: Located in Sitio Malihim in Barangay Halayhayin, it is on the right

side of the Manila-East Road adjacent to a grazing area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 306-305-304-303.

Zone 11: Located in Sitio Kawayan, this is a flat to rolling area west of the
Wind Farm in Sitio Mahabang Sapa.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 299-300-301-302-


q. Special Use Zone (Alternergy Wind Farm)

Pililla is famous for its windmills located in Barangay Halayhayin. Another set
of windmills are set to be developed which will traverse the eastern parts of
Barangay Halayhayin, Quisao, and Niogan.
Within 50 meters around the windmills and 50 meters on each side of the
municipal roads leading to these windmills are zoned as special land use.
Development in these zones will have special limitations which includes
building height limit, building materials to be used, color and character of
buildings to be constructed. Structures that may be built on these zones will
cater mostly to the tourism industry showcasing the windmills and the upland
vistas of Pililla, such as viewing decks and restaurants with scenic views.

Zone 1: This is a 50-meter buffer zone from the spine of the Wind Farm and
access roads to the windmills starting from Sitio Mahabang Sapa that
stretches up to the boundary of Barangay Halayhayin and Municipality of
Tanay surrounded by an ecotourism area.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 277-278-291-292-


Zone 2: This is a 50-meter buffer zone from the spine of the Wind Farm and
access roads to the windmills starting from Sitio Bugarin that stretches
upward surrounded by ecotourism, orchard and high value agriculture areas.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 246-250-251-252-


Zone 3: This is a 50-meter buffer zone from the spine of the Wind Farm and
access roads to the windmills starting from Sitio Bugarin that stretches
downward up to Barangay Niogan surrounded by a 100-meter ecotourism
buffer zone.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 222-223-216-215-


r. Tourism Zone

Pililla has a number of tourism zones designed for different activities.

Included in Pililla’s tourism zones is a Liger Animal Sanctuary in Bagumbayan
which is home to several exotic animals. Pililla also has Quisao Island which
is being developed as one of its tourism zones which is located across Yakat-
Bulo Bulo Boulevard which is also a tourism zone.
Aside from the ones mentioned above, Pililla also has heritage tourism sites
such as the Bahay-na-Bato in Barangay Imatong and St. Mary Magdalene
Church in Barangay Wawa which should be preserved in accordance to the
Philippine National Heritage Act of 2009.
Several restaurants and resorts are located in Barangay Halayhayin along
Pililla-Jala Jala Road. It is recommended to further encourage the
development similar establishments in this area to develop into a tourism
Magnificat is a planned unit development proposed to be developed in
Barangay Halayhayin, south of the Manila-East Road. Aside from tourism
facilities, the development will also have residential and institutional

Zone 1: Located in Sitio Matagbak in Barangay Bagumbayan, this is where
Liger Animal Sanctuary is located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 316-317-312-313-


Zone 2: Located in Sitio Bulawan in Barangay Halayhayin, this area stretches

from both sides of Manila-East Road. This is where Villa Lorenza Resort and
Bulawan Floating Restaurant are located.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 48-47-46-45-51-52-


Zone 3: This is a rolling area near a river south of Manila-East Road in

Barangay Halayhayin.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 253-254-255-256-


Zone 4: This area stretches from Sitio Bulo-bulo down to Sitio Yakat adjacent
to Laguna de Bay and an orchard area in Barangay Quisao facing southwest
to the Quisao Island.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 92-94-95-96-93.

Zone 5: The area that contains the Quisao Island located offshore east of
Barangay Quisao.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 97-98-99-100.

s. Urban Expansion Zone

Five urban expansion zones are identified in Pililla’s present physical

configuration. These five nodes are located in (1) Barangays Hulo-Takungan-
Imatong-Wawa-Bagumbayan, (2) Barangay Halayhayin, (3) Barangay Quisao,
(4) Barangay Niogan, and (5) Barangay Malaya. These growth nodes are
connected to each other by Manila-East Road and Pililla-Jala Jala Road.
Mixed use residential and commercial development will be encouraged in
these zones to boost the economy of the municipality while observing urban
design practices which will keep these urban growth nodes from congesting.
Urban growth patterns as discussed in the spatial strategy will keep these
urban growth nodes from undirected sprawl.

Zone 1: This zone stretches from the north-westernmost part of Pililla starting
from the boundary between Municipality of Tanay and Barangay Hulo down to
Sitio Bulakan in Barangay Bagumbayan. It includes residential and
commercial areas of Hulo, Takungan, Imatong, Wawa and Bagumbayan.
In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 1-19-18-17-16-28-

Zone 2: The area located on the hilly and flat residential area of Barangay
Halayhayin stretches on both sides of Manila-East Road and near the
intersection of Manila-East Road and Pililla-Jalajala National Road.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 52-45-44-58-66-


Zone 3: This zone is located on the densely populated area of Barangay

Quisao. It stretches on both sides of Pililla-Jalajala National Road from
relatively flat area on the west to rolling area on the east.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 113-112-111-110-


Zone 4: This zone is located in Barangay Niogan and Barangay Malaya.

Stretches on both sides of the Pililla-Jalajala National Road, it is north of the
light-medium industry zone in Barangay Malaya.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 133-132-131-130-


t. Woodland Preservation Area

Areas in Pililla Upland Region not primarily utilized for agricultural production
but with thick tree cover which may or may not be fruit-bearing trees are
classified as woodland preservation areas. It is recommended for these areas
to be preserved of their current use to preserve the present tree cover for
ecological and health reasons.
Tree-planting and reforestation activities are encouraged in these areas.

Zone 1: Located on the north-easternmost part of Barangay Halayhayin, it is
bounded by an orchard and high value agriculture development areas on west
and south respectively and Municipality of Mabitac on the east.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 340-341-342-240-


Zone 2: This zone is located on the lower eastern part of Pililla encompassing
the Barangays of Halayhayin, Quisao and Niogan bounded by Municipality of
Mabitac on the east.

In the Zoning Map, this area is a polygon bound by points 262-263-264-265-

Section 7. Zoning Map. It is hereby adopted as an integral part of the
LUMS, the official Zoning Map of the Municipality, duly signed by the Mayor
and authenticated by the Sangguniang Bayan. The designation, location and
boundaries of the zones herein established are shown and indicated in the
said Official Zoning Map. The general Zoning Map are herein exhibited as
Appendix A.

Section 8. Interpretation of the Zone Boundary. In the interpretation of

the boundaries for any of the zones indicated on the Official Zoning Map, the
following rules shall apply:

1. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow the
center of streets or highway, the street or highway right-of-way lines shall be
constructed to be the boundaries.

2. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they approximately follow

barangay boundary lines, the delineation shall be based on those indicated on
the cadastral maps.

3. Where zone boundaries are so indicated that they are approximately

parallel to centerlines or right-of-way lines of streets and highways, such zone
boundaries shall be constructed as being parallel thereto and at such distance
therefrom as indicated in the Official Zoning Map. If no distance is given, such
dimension shall be determined by the use of scale shown in said Zoning Map.

4. Where the boundary of a zone follows a stream, lake or other bodies of

water, said boundary line shall be deemed to be at the limit of the political
jurisdiction of the community unless otherwise indicated. Boundaries indicated
as following shorelines shall be constructed as moving with the actual
shorelines. Boundaries following bodies of water shall be subject to public
easement requirements as provided in the Water Code in the provision of this
ordinance and with other applicable regulations.

5. Where a lot of one ownership as of record at the effective date of the LUMS
is divided by a zone boundary line, the lot shall be constructed to be within
zone where the major portion of the lot is located. In case the boundary line
bisects the lot, it shall fall in the zone where the principal structure falls.

6. Where zone boundaries are said to be as indicated in the Official Zoning

Map, the location of the parcel in consideration shall be referred to from the
cadastral map and overlain on the former.

7. The mapped location of the property in consideration shall prevail over that
of the textual description.

Section 9. Landmark Areas. Landmark Areas have been identified which

are located at the key intersections of the major roads of the Municipality.
These areas are delineated in order to imbue the Municipality with a distinct
urban character. Property owners and developers are encouraged to create
outstanding architectural designs in these areas. These are special
development areas and designs are subject to joint agreements between the
Municipality government and the developers. Landmark areas, though, shall
still comply with the specific development guidelines in the zone where it


Section 10. General Provision. The Municipality recognizes that any land
use is a use by right and the exercise of such right shall be subject to the
review standards of the LUMS. For this purpose, any land use in any area is
allowed that it conforms to the standards of the LUMS. Thereby, a three-step
review is herein provided as discussed in the article on Administration and

Section 11. Classification of Uses. There are two classifications of uses:

Automatically Allowed Uses and Conditionally Allowed Uses. Automatically
Allowed Uses pertain to those that fit the purpose of the zone and are of lower
intensity such that it will not cause land use conflicts in the zone. All other
uses are classified as Conditionally Allowed Uses and these are those that
may cause land use conflicts due to increased intensity of activities. This
classification is for the purpose of determining whether an application shall be
subject or exempted from the Project Review Phase.

Section 12. Classification of Developments. For the purpose of classifying

specific development proposals shall herein be classified according to the
grouping of the HLURB as follows:

 General Residential
 General Commercial
 Light Industrial
 Medium Industrial
 Heavy Industrial
 General Institutional
 Special Institutional
 Parks and Recreation
 Agricultural
 Agro-industrial
 Forestry

The definition given by the HLURB to the above is adopted in this ordinance.

Section 13. General and Project Review Criteria

General Review Criteria

All applications must exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria herein set
forth. These criteria pertain to the proposed development’s general impact on
the CLUP, neighborhood, public facilities and services, public utilities as well
as the environment. The General Review Phase is hereby provided to ensure
that all development are on the line with the CLUP and that general impacts to
the social, environmental, economic/fiscal, aesthetic as well as public services
are properly considered and addressed. The General Criteria as well as the
guide on how to use it is hereby exhibited in the following guidelines. The
review procedure shall be done using this General Review Questionnaire.

The Zoning Office shall review proposals in terms of the following criteria and
shall seek evidence that the proposed use complies with the same. All
applicable criteria indicated herein shall be answered in the affirmative before
any application is further entertained. Applications that fail the General Criteria
Review Phase may revise their developments in order to conform with this
requirement of the LUMS.

General Criteria Questionnaire:


CRITERIA Will the criteria be satisfied?
Yes No NA If no, please
1. Aligned with the CLUP and LUMS
2. Promotes general welfare
3. Zone and neighborhood compatibility
4. Served by public facilities
5. Will not strain public services and
6. Without adverse traffic impact
7. Served by public utilities
8. Proper waste disposal
9. Environmentally-friendly
10. Conservation of prime agricultural
11. Mitigation of environmental hazards
12. Conservation of groundwater
13. Air quality
14. Water quality
15. Noise control
16. Glare or heat control
17. Vibration mitigation
18. Dust and fly ash
19. Prevention of odors

Criteria Guide:
1. Does the project promote the goals and objectives of the Pililla
Comprehensive Land Use Plan and will it be consistent with the intent of this
2. Will it not involve uses, activity, processes, materials and equipment and
conditions of operation that will be detrimental or hazardous to any persons,
property or the general welfare within the zone in general and the
neighborhood in particular by reason of excessive production of traffic, noise,
smoke, fumes, glare or odors? (a letter of recommendation is required from
the lot owners directly beside and adjacent the property and endorsed by the
barangay captain);
3. Will it be designed, constructed, operated and maintained so as to be
harmonious and appropriate in appearance with the existing or intended
character of the general vicinity and that such a use will not change the
essential character of the same area but will be a substantial improvement in
the immediate vicinity and to the community as a whole
4. Will it be served adequately by essential public facilities and services such
as highways, streets, police and fire protection, drainage structures, refuse
disposal or schools; that the persons or agencies responsible for the
establishments of the proposed use shall be able to provide adequately any
such service;
5. Will it not create excessive additional requirements at public cost for public
facilities and services and will not be detrimental to the economic welfare of
the community
6. Is the project designed so that the additional traffic generated does not
have significant adverse impact on surrounding development?
7. Is the development served by utilities with adequate capacity or have
arrangements been made for the extension and augmentation of the following
 Water supply
 Sanitary sewer
 Electricity
 Storm drainage
8. Will all sewage and industrial wastes be treated and disposed of in such a
manner as to comply with applicable national and local standards/ detailed
plans for waste disposal may be required before issuance of a building permit.
9. If the project is located on ecologically sensitive areas such as steeply
sloped lands, wetlands, coastal area, riverbanks and the like have special
engineering precautions been taken in order to properly protect life and
property as well as prevent environmental degradation?
10. If the project is located in prime agricultural areas, will it conserve a
significant portion of the said area? (when applicable, the proponent will have
to submit DAR clearance before the issuance of locational permit)
11. If the project contains known areas of natural or geological hazard (e.g.
unstable or potentially unstable slopes, faulting, landslides, rock falls, floods
and wild fire, etc.) or soil conditions unfavorable to urban development, will
special engineering precautions be taken to overcome those limitations?
12. Will the project not require so much water that it will risk the integrity of the
aquifer or will proper engineering solutions be undertaken to overcome this
13. Will the project conform to applicable national and local air quality
standards, including but not limited odor, dust, fumes or gases that are
noxious, toxic or corrosive, suspended solid or liquid particles or any air
contaminant that may obscure an observer’s vision?
14. Will the project conform to applicable national and local water quality
standards? Including but not limited to erosion and sedimentation, runoff
control and solid wastes and hazardous substances?
15. Can the proposed land uses and activities be conducted so that the noise
generated shall not exceed tolerable levels? Detailed plans for the elimination
of objectionable noises may be required before the issuance of a building
16. If the proposed activity produces intense glare or heat, whether direct or
reflected, is the operation conducted within an enclosed building or with either
effective screening in such a manner as to make such a glare or heat
completely imperceptible form any point along the property line? Detailed
plans for the elimination of intense glare or heat may be required before
issuance of a building permit.
17. Will the project cause no inherent or recurring generated vibration
perceptible without instruments at any point along the property line?
Temporary construction is excluded from this criterion.
18. Will dust and fly ash, if they will be generated be wholly confined within
the limits of the development’s premises?
19. Will the project not emit any obnoxious odor to the detriment of its

Project Review Criteria

The Project Review Criteria addresses issues at the site level to ensure that
area-level concerns are addressed in the development and that all probable
nuisance-causing factors are eliminated. These criteria include a more
detailed evaluation of a project’s site development, facilities, resource
protection methods as well as environmental performance. The Project
Review Criteria as well as the guide on how to use it is exhibited under the
following guidelines. The review procedure shall be done using the following
Project Review Matrix.

The Zoning Office shall rate the proposal at the site design level. In order to
be eligible for a Locational Clearance, a proposal has to score at least 65%.
Proposals who do not reach 65% can still revise their designs and enhance its
weak points.

Project Review Matrix


CRITERIA Applicable? Score Applicable
Yes No 0 1 2
1. Function and
2. Environmental
3. Privacy
4. Vehicular
5. Street and parking
6. Loading and
unloading areas
7. Adequate parking
8. Pedestrian safety
and convenience
9. Landscaped
10. Visual screening
11. Adjacent
park/open space
12. Emergency
13. Handicapped
14. Water channels
15. Wildlife habitat
16. Historical
Average Points Earned/
Maximum Applicable

Site Design Standards

1. Is the site plan so organized that all elements such as vehicular and
pedestrian movement systems, buildings, facilities and open spaces are all
functionality and efficiently interrelated?
2. Is the site plan so organized that elements such as vehicular and
pedestrian movement systems, buildings, facilities and open spaces are in
harmony with the natural features of the site as well as its vicinity such as
topography, natural landscape, views, vistas, water bodies and similar
3. Is the site plan so organized that all elements such as vehicular and
pedestrian movement systems, buildings, facilities as well as active and
passive open spaces provide privacy to its users as well as to its neighbors?
4. Do the points of ingress and egress as well as the layout of the parking
area provides a safe and efficient movement of vehicles to and from the site?
5. Does the street and parking system provide a positive contribution to the
aesthetic quality of the site?
6. Does the layout permit the efficient loading and unloading of goods and
7. Does the development provide for an adequate parking area in
conformance with the requirements of the National Building Code?
8. Does the site’s pedestrian circulation system provide for maximum safety
and convenience going into and out of the area?
9. Are parking lots/spaces and other open areas enhanced by a landscape
10. Are areas of low visual interest such as utility boxes, trash containers,
storage areas, blank walls and the like properly screened from public view?
11. If the development is adjacent to an existing or approved public park or
public open space area, have provisions been made to avoid interfering with
public access to that area and did the project harmoniously interrelate to the
said park/open space?
12. Is there enough access for emergency vehicles and/or emergency
13. Does the site provide adequate provisions for the handicapped?
14. If there are open water channels in the site such as canals, creeks and the
like, have adequate measures been provided to minimize hazards to life or
15. If there is significant existing vegetation in the site, does the design
provide for adequate preservation?
16. If the site contains an area that serves as a habitat, natural food source,
nesting place or source of water for wildlife, have special precautions been
implemented in the plan to prevent creation of environmental influences
adverse to the preservation of these areas?
17. If the proposed project includes a locally designated historical landmark
structure, will the project take precautions to preserve the said landmark?

Automatically Allowed Uses shall be evaluated at the General Criteria level

only. Conditionally Allowed Uses shall be evaluated at both the General and
Project Review Criteria levels.

Section 14. Height Regulations. Unless otherwise stipulated in this

ordinance, building heights must conform with the height restrictions and
requirements of the Air Transportation Office (ATO), the National Building
Code, Structural Code and other rules and regulations related to land
development and building construction.

Section 15. Subdivisions, Condominiums, Economic and Socialized

Housing. Projects classified as Subdivisions and Condominiums or Economic
and Socialized housing shall conform to the rules and regulations of the

1. PD 957, “Subdivision and Condominium Buyers’ Protective Law” and its

implementing rules;
2. Batas Pambansa 220, “Promulgation of Different Levels of Standards and
Technical Requirements for Economic and Socialized Housing Projects” and
its revised implementing rules and regulations;
3. RA 7279,”Urban Development and Housing Act” and
4. Other pertinent government rules and regulations.
All owners and/or developers of subdivision projects shall, in addition to
securing a Locational Clearance according to the provisions of the LUMS be
required to secure a Development Permit pursuant to the provisions of the
above legal issuances.

Section 16. Building Setback Regulations. Unless otherwise specified in

this ordinance, building setback regulations shall be per the minimum
requirements of the National building Code.

Section 17. Easement Requirements. Pursuant to the provisions of the

Water Code, the following easements shall be observed:

1. The banks of rivers, streams and other waterways shall have the following
easements throughout their entire lengths for maintenance and emergency
operation purposes:

a) For creeks in urban areas and subject to overbank flows, a minimum

easement of 4.50 meters shall be provided measured form the edge of
the existing bank or improved bank; and
b) Rivers, esteros and navigation canals in urban areas not subject to
overbank flows shall have a minimum easements of 5.50 meters
measured from the edge of the existing bank or the improved bank.

The above easements may however be increased depending upon the type of
channel improvement that will be instituted if the waterway overflows its banks
for the design flood and also on public improvement plans that will be
proposed for the strip of land bordering the waterways.

In rural agricultural and forested areas, a minimum of twenty (20) meters and
forty (40) meters easements respectively shall be required measured from the
upper banks of the rivers or streams.

2. The shores of seas, lakes and other inland bodies of water shall have the
following easements throughout their entire lengths for purposes of recreation,
flood control, etc.:

a) In urban and rural areas, a three (3) to six (6) meter easement shall
respectively be provided measured from the water edge at the
minimum water level or tide level; and
b) For agricultural and forested areas, twenty (20) meter and forty (40)
meter easements respectively shall be provided measured from the
water edge at water level or tide level.

3. A mandatory easement of five (5) meters on both sides of the Marikina

Fault line and such other fault traces on the ground identified by PHIVOLCS is

Section 18. Road Setback Regulations. The following road setback

regulations shall be applied:
Major Thoroughfare 30m. Secondary Tertiary Road
& Above Road 6m. & below
Diversion/Railways Provincial Mun. / Brgy.
Residential 10 m. 10 m. 3 m.
Commercial 20 m. 20 m. 7 m.
Industrial 30 m. 25 m. 10 m.
Agriculture 20 m. 20 m. 7 m.
Agro-industrial 30 m. 25 m. 10 m.
Institutional 20 m. 20 m. 10 m.
Parks & 10 m. 10 m. 3 m.
Forest 30 m. 25 m. 10 m.
Source: DPWH

INSTRUCTIONS: The road setback requirements of DPWH starts from

the edge of the road right-of-way. For major thoroughfares and roads with
established grade, a 5-meter setback for residential areas is allowed. The
required setback are already annotated on the titles of affected property

Section 19. Specific Provisions in the National Building Code. Specific

provisions stipulated in the National Building Code (PD 1096) as amended
thereto relevant to traffic generators, advertising and business signs, erection
of more than one principal structure, dwelling on rear lots, access yard
requirements and dwelling groups, which are not in conflict with the provisions
of the Zoning Ordinance shall be observed.

Section 20. Environmental Compliance Certificate. Projects within the

scope of the Environmental Impact Assessment System or those that are
classified as Environmentally Critical Projects or those which are located in
Environmentally Critical Area shall not be commenced, developed or operated
unless the requirements of the Environmental Compliance Certificate have
been complied with.

Section 21. Projects of National Significance. The NEDA Board as

Projects of National Significance pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order No.
72 may declare projects. When a project is declared as such by the NEDA
Board, the locational clearance shall be issued by the HLRB pursuant to EO
72 in consultation with the Municipality of Pililla in order to ensure that the
requirements of the LUMS are met.


Section 22. Buffer Yards. Building setbacks shall be considered as buffer

yards. Aside from providing light ventilation, buffers can mitigate adverse
impacts and nuisances between two adjacent developments. Whenever
necessary buffers shall be required to be extended and/or provided with
planting materials in order to ameliorate said negative conditions such as but
not limited to noise, odor, unsightly building or danger fires and explosions. A
buffer may also contain a barrier such as a berm or a fence where such
additional screening is necessary to achieve the desired level of buffering
between various activities.

1. Buffers between Adjoining Properties. Between two different developments,

e.g. General Residential and General Commercial, the more intense land use
shall provide the proper buffer design and materials. If a development shall
occur beside a vacant lot, the owners of the properties in consideration may
submit a contractual agreement whereby the required buffer for the first area
to develop shall be reduced or waived. If additional buffer will be required at
the time the vacant lot develops, it shall be provided by the latter

2. Buffers on Simultaneous Developments. The more intense use shall

provide the necessary buffer in cases when two developments occur

3. Location of Buffers. The building setbacks shall serve as buffer locations at

the outer perimeter of a lot or parcel. In no case shall buffers occupy public or
private streets right of way.

4. Types of Buffers. Landscaped buffers with suitable foliage are encouraged.

On developments where it may not be possible to put in landscaped buffers
(such as narrow lots), the developer may put up a fence provided the fencing
material is compatible with the design of the building.

5. Land Uses in Buffer Areas. Buffers are part of yards and open spaces and
in no case shall the buildings encroach it upon. It may however be used for
passive recreation such as gardening, pedestrian trails, etc.

Section 23. Site Performance Standards. The municipality considers it in

the public interest that all projects are designed and developed in a safe,
efficient and aesthetically pleasing matter. Site Development shall consider
the environmental character and limitations of the site and its adjacent
properties. All project elements shall be in complete harmony according to
good design principles and the subsequent development must be visually
pleasing as well as efficiently functioning especially in relation to the adjacent
and bordering streets. Further designs should consider the following:

1. The preservation and enhancement of views of sites with scenic values for
the enjoyment of the community by considering building height and bulk as
well as landscaping so as not to obstruct views;

2. Structures shall not be of such height and bulk that it impairs the entry of
light and ventilation to nearby properties;
3. Developments shall be arranged in order to protect the privacy of its
occupants as well as those of adjacent areas;
4. Abutments to adjacent properties shall not be allowed without the
neighbors’ prior written consent that shall be required by the Zoning
Administrator prior to the granting of a Locational Clearance;

5. Structures shall not be placed in a manner that they are unreasonably

deprive adjacent properties of light and ventilation cause the loss of privacy
and or create nuisances, hazards or inconveniences among others.

6. All noise and vibration-producing machinery shall be enclosed by a building

and shall be provided with effective noise-absorbing materials, noise silencers
and mufflers and/or an open yard property planted to dense trees as buffers.

7. The emission of foul odors and gases deleterious to public health, safety
and general welfare shall not be permitted.

8. Glare and heat from any operation or activity shall not be allowed to be
radiated, seen or felt from any point beyond the limits of the property.

9. The emission of dust, dirt or fly ash from any source of activity that shall
pollute the air and render it unclean, destructive, unhealthful or hazardous or
cause visibility to be impaired shall not be permitted.

Section 24. Water Quality Standards. It is the intent of the LUMS to

provide protection to the groundwater sources of the Municipality. The
following regulations are specified in order to ensure the attainment of this

1. The utilization of the water resources of the Municipality for domestic and
industrial use shall be allowed provided it is in consonance with the Clean
Water Act, regulations of the Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA),
provisions of the water code, the Revised Forestry Code of the Philippines as
amended and whenever necessary, be subjected to an Environmental Impact
Assessment Study;

2. The internal drainage systems of developments shall be so designed as

not to increase turbidity, sediment yield or cause the discharge of any harmful
substances that will degrade the quality of water. The developer shall
shoulder all costs necessary if problems arise due to inadequate drainage

3. No land use or other human activities that may cause the deterioration of
the natural water quality shall encroach into the surface and groundwater
resources of the Municipality;

4. Impervious cover conditions shall be minimized to the extent practicable in

order to permit the recharge of the surface and ground water through
5. Land use activities shall not cause the alteration of natural drainage
patterns or change the velocities, volume, physical, chemical and biological
characteristics of storm water.

6. Domestic, municipal and industrial wastes shall not discharge into surface
and groundwater unless it is scientifically proven that such discharges will not
cause the deterioration of the water quality; and

7. The use of pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers and other chemicals that would
degrade the quality of surface and groundwater are discouraged.

Section 25. Resource Protection Standards. It is the intent of the LUMS to

protect the natural resources of the Municipality. In order to achieve this
objective, the following regulations shall be complied with by all the

1. A building permit shall first be secured before any developer starts grading,
filing or clearing activities;

2. Floodplains shall not be altered, filled and/or built upon without proper
drainage design and without proper consideration of possible inundation
effects on nearby properties; no more than 30% of floodplain shall be built
upon and impervious surfaces shall be kept at a minimum;

3. No more than 30% of areas with slopes greater than 18% shall be built
upon and impervious surfaces shall be kept a minimum; in terms of alteration,
grading and/or clearing, the following shall apply;

a) Slopes of 8 to 18%: Not greater than 40 percent;

b) Slopes of 18% to 30%: Not more than 30%; and
c) 30% or steeper: Not more than 15 percent.

4. Mature trees or those equal to or greater than 12 inches caliper measured

14 inches above the ground shall not be cleared or cut;

5. Streams, watercourses, wetlands, lakes or pond shorelines, measured at a

distance of 50 meters from the overflow line shall be altered, regarded, filled
or built upon;

6. No more than 30 percent of sea, lake or pond shorelines, measured at a

distance of 50 meters form the overflow line shall be altered, regarded, fileld
or built upon;

7. In prime agricultural areas, no more than 30 percent of the lot shall be built-
upon and only when a Conversion Order has been obtained from the
Department of Agrarian Reform whenever applicable;

8. All developments shall limit the rate of storm water runoff so that the rate of
runoff generated is no more than that of the site in its natural condition; and
9. All developments shall undertake the protection of rivers, lakes and ponds
from sedimentation and erosion damage.



Section 26. Agricultural Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached family dwellings for farmers

b) Crop production such as rice and corn farming activities
c) Post-harvest centers such as rice and corn mills
d) Agricultural products and storage centers

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Agricultural Zone shall be the low intensity type. The
LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the agricultural
nature of the zone.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.3 6

Section 27. Grazing Area

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached family dwellings and settlements

b) Barangay and public service centers
c) Free grazing facilities such as non-permanent fencing and shacks

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria. Developments in this area are required
to maintain ample vegetation and to avoid the incidence of overgrazing.
2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Grazing Area shall be the low intensity type. The LUMS
is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the agricultural nature
of the zone.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.3 6

Section 28. Orchard Area

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached family dwellings and settlements

b) Barangay and public service centers
c) High-value crop production and forestry activities
d) Orchard development
e) Post-harvest, forestry, and orchard products processing facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Orchard Area shall be the low intensity type. The LUMS
is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the agricultural nature
of the zone. Developments are required to maintain vegetation and tree cover
so as maintain the ecology of the area.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.3 6

Section 29. Agro-Industrial Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached family dwellings for farm workers

b) Storage facilities
c) Waste-processing facilities
The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Agro-Industrial Zone shall be the low to medium intensity

type. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and harmonization of
the built and natural environment. Developments are required to minimize
ecological impact to the area by observing prescribed waste management
techniques and procedures.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.8 1.5 15

Section 30. Aqua-Industrial Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Storage facilities
b) Marine products buying station and harvest-processing area
c) Port and berthing facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Aqua-Industrial Zone shall be the low to medium

intensity type. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and
harmonization of the built and natural environment. Developments in this area
are required to provide ample buffering to the nearby communities and urban
growth zones. On-site waste processing may also be implemented to reduce
the ecological impact of the developments.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.8 1.7 15
Section 31. Cemetery

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Parks and open spaces

b) Cemetery management and maintenance facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Cemetery shall be the low intensity type. The LUMS is
oriented towards the preservation of the open spaces and their greenery.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.3 6

Section 32. Commercial Development Strip

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Roadside commercial establishments

b) Service facilities such as gasoline stations and auto repair shops
c) Convenience stores, restaurants and eateries
d) Mass tourism facilities, parks, and viewing decks

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Commercial Development Strip shall be the medium to

high intensity type in the urban growth zones and the low to medium intensity
type between the zones. The LUMS is oriented towards the promotion of
medium to high commercial development in the strip.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.8 1.7 6

Section 33. Ecotourism Strip

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Ecological preservation parks

b) Environmental theme parks
c) Nature appreciation and tourism facilities
d) Light commercial establishments
e) Forest parks, hiking trails, and similar ecotourism facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Ecotourism Strip shall be the low intensity type. The
LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the natural
environment of the zone. Developments are required to provide ample ground
open spaces as well as maintain the ecological balance of the area.
Developments may also be subjected to the same development controls as
the Special Use Zone.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3

Section 34. Ecological Preservation Area

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Reforestation centers and tree nurseries

b) Environmental sanctuaries and nature reserves
c) Forest parks, hiking trails, and similar ecotourism facilities.

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Ecological Preservation Area shall be the low intensity
type. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and rehabilitation of the
natural environment of the zone. Developments are required to help restore
the forest cover as well as maintain the ecological balance of the area

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3

Section 35. Aquaculture Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached family dwellings for fisher folks

b) Aquaculture activities
c) Mini-port or berthing area
d) Marine products buying station and harvest-processing area

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Aquaculture Zone shall be the low intensity type. The
LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the current
nature of the area.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3

Section 36. High-Value Agriculture Development Area

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached family dwellings for farmers

b) High-value crop production such as pineapple
c) Post-harvest centers
d) Agricultural products and storage centers
The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the High-Value Agriculture Development Area shall be the

low intensity type. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and
stabilization of the current nature of the zone.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3

Section 37. Industrial Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached housing units for industrial workers

b) Storage facilities
c) Institutional centers and government facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Industrial Zone shall be the low to medium intensity type.
The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the current
nature of the zone. Developments in the zone are required to provide
sufficient safeguards to hazards and to minimize ecological impact.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.7 2.5 18

Section 38. Institutional Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Institutional centers and government facilities

b) Parks and open spaces

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Institutional Zone shall be dependent upon the zones it

is adjacent to. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation of the area for
institutional and official uses only.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.7 2.5 18

Section 39. Land Recovery Area

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Parks and open spaces

b) Mini-port or berthing area

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Land Recovery Area shall be the low intensity type. The
LUMS is oriented towards the horizontal development of the area for tourism.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3

Section 40. Park, Recreation, and Open Spaces

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Parks and open spaces

b) Indoor sports and training facilities
c) Public service facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Park, Recreation, and Open Spaces shall be the low
intensity type. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation of greenery and
the horizontal development of the area for sports and leisure.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3

Section 41. Residential Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Detached, semi-detached, and row house type family dwellings and

subdivision units
b) Convenience and sari-sari stores
c) Parks and open spaces
d) Resettlement developments
e) Education, social, and health service centers

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Residential Zone shall be the low to medium intensity

type. The LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and stabilization of the
residential nature of the zone. Developments are required to provide ample
ground open spaces as well as maintain the suburban character of the area

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.8 1.8 10

Section 42. Special Use Zone (Alternergy Wind Farm)

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Single detached housing units

b) Convenience stores, restaurants, and eateries
c) Mass tourism facilities, parks, and viewing decks.

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Special Use Zone shall be the low intensity type. The
LUMS is oriented towards the promotion of the zone as a themed tourism
district. Developments are further required to follow a prescribed character to
the overall exterior character of the building which may include but not limited
to construction materials, finishes, color, building height, fencing, lighting, and

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.8 0.8 3

Section 43. Tourism Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Light commercial establishments

b) Lodging units
c) Convenience stores, restaurants, and eateries
d) Mass tourism facilities, parks, and viewing decks

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Tourism Zone shall depend upon its existing use or upon
its adjacent zones. The LUMS is oriented towards the promotion of the
intended tourism character of the zone.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height
Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.8 1.7 6

Section 44. Urban Expansion Zone

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Mixed-use commercial development

b) Existing residential units
c) Institutional centers
d) Convenience and sari-sari stores
e) Parks and open spaces
f) Light-medium commercial development

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Urban Expansion Zone shall be the medium to high. The
LUMS is oriented towards the promotion of the commercial development of
the zone. Developments are required to upgrade the urban character of the

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.95 4 18

Section 45. Woodland Preservation Area

1. Determination of Land Uses

The following are classified as Automatically Allowed Uses:

a) Reforestation centers and tree nurseries

b) Environmental sanctuaries and nature reserves
c) Forest parks, hiking trails, and similar ecotourism facilities

The above are required to exhibit full conformity to the General Criteria only.
Uses that are not classified above are subject to the provisions of both
General and Project Review Criteria.

2. Land Use Intensity Control Ratings

Developments in the Urban Expansion Zone shall be the medium to high. The
LUMS is oriented towards the preservation and rehabilitation of the natural
environment of the zone. Developments are required to help restore the forest
cover as well as maintain the ecological balance of the area.

Following is the LUIC rating that shall be observed in the area:

Maximum Percentage of Land Maximum Floor/Area Building Height

Occupancy Ratio Limit
0.1 0.1 3


Section 46. Deviation. The Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals
(LZBAA) may allow exceptions, variances or deviations from the provisions of
this Ordinance only when the following terms and conditions exist:

1. Variance

The property is unique and different from other properties in the

adjacent locality and because of its uniqueness; the owner’s cannot obtain a
reasonable return on the property.

This condition shall include at least 3 of the following provisions.

 Conforming to the provisions of the LUMS will cause undue hardship

on the part of the owner or occupant of the property due to physical
conditions of the property (topography, shape, etc.) that is not self-

 The proposed variance is the minimum deviation necessary to permit

reasonable use of the property.

 The variance will not alter the physical character of the district or zone
where the property for which the variance is sought and located and
will not substantially or permanently injure the use of the other
properties in the same zone.

 That the variance will not weaken the general purpose of the LUMS
and will not adversely affect the public health, safety or welfare.

 The variance will be in harmony with the spirit of the LUMS.

2. Exceptions

a) The exception will not adversely affect the public health, safety and
welfare and is in keeping with the general development in the
b) The proposed project shall support economic based activities/ provide
livelihood, vital community services and facilities while at the same time
posing no adverse effect on the zone/community.

c) The exception will not adversely affect the appropriate use of adjoining
property in the same zone.

d) The exception will not alter the essential character and general
purpose of the zone where the exception sought is located.

Section 47. Procedures for Granting Exceptions and Variances. The

procedure for the granting of exception and/or variance is as follows:

1. A written application for an exception or variance shall be filed the

LZBAA citing the section of the LUMS under which the same is sought
and stating the grounds thereof.

2. Upon filing of application, a visible project sign (indicating the name

and nature of the proposed project) shall be posted at the project site.

3. The LZBAA shall conduct preliminary studies on the application.

4. The applicant with the LZBAA shall file a written affidavit of non-
objection of the project by the owners of the properties adjacent to the
project at least fifteen (15) days prior to the decision for

5. In case of objection, the LZBAA shall hold public hearing.

6. At the hearing, any party may appear in person or be represented by

agents. All interested parties shall be accorded the opportunity to be
heard and present evidences and testimonies.

7. The LZBAA shall render a decision within thirty (30) days from the filing
of the application, exclusive of the time spent for the preparation of
written affidavit of non-objection and the public hearing in case of any
objection to the granting of exception/variance.


Section 48. Locational Clearance. All land owners/developers shall secure

Locational Clearance from the Zoning Officer or in case of variances and
exemptions from the LZBAA prior to conducting any activity or construction on
their property/land.

The following outlines the process in applying for a Locational Clearance:

1. A pre-conference shall be held between the applicant and the Zoning
Administrator so that the former may be informed as to the requirements of
the LUMS;

2. Applications are initially classified according to the zone it belongs then is

marked as Automatically Allowed or Conditionally Allowed;

3. It is next subjected to the General Review Phase wherein it is required to

show full compliance to the General Criteria. All applicable criteria must be
answered in the affirmative before any application is entertained further
should any application fail to meet the standards of this phase. It is given back
to the applicant who may then revise the proposal in order to conform to the
stipulated criteria;

4. Applications classified as Automatically Allowed which pass the General

Review Phase and provided further that it conforms to the pertinent provisions
of the sections on Zone Regulations and Use Guidelines shall immediately be
given a Locational Clearance; applications that are classified as Conditionally
Allowed which pass the General Review Phase shall further be evaluated
based on procedures of the Project Review Phase;

5. Applications which pass the Project Review Phase provided that it

conforms further to the pertinent provisions of the sections on Zone
Regulations and Use Guidelines shall immediately be given a Locational
Clearance; and

6. Any appeal for variances and exemptions shall be forwarded to and

decided by the LZBAA.

Section 49. Building Permit. The Local Building Official shall issue no
building permit without a valid Locational Clearance issued in accordance with
the LUMS.

Section 50. Business Permit. The concerned local unit or department shall
issue no business permit unless a valid Locational Clearance has been

Section 51. Non-User of Locational Clearance. Upon issuance of a

Locational Clearance, the guarantee thereof shall have one year within which
to commence or undertake the use, activity or development covered by such
clearance on his/her property.

Non-use of said clearance within the said period shall result in its automatic
expiration; cancellation and the grantee shall not proceed with his/her project
without applying for a new locational clearance.

Section 52. Certificate of Non-conformance. The Zoning Administrator

shall, upon approval of the LUMS. Immediately notify owners of existing non-
conforming uses to apply for Certificate of Non-Conformance. A Certificate of
Non-Conformance shall be applied for by the owner of the structure or
operator of the activity involved within six (6) months form the ratification of
the LUMS by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan. Failure on the part of the owner
to register/apply for a Certificate of Non-Conformance shall be considered in
violation of the LUMS and is subject to fine/penalties.

Section 53. Existing Non-Conforming Uses and Buildings. The lawful

uses of any building, structure or land at the time of adoption or amendment
of the LUMS may be continued although such uses do not conform to the
provision of the LUMS, provided:

1. That no such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or extended to occupy

a greater area of land than that already occupied by such use at the time of
the adoption of the LUMS or moved in whole or part to any other portion of the
lot or parcel of land where such non-conforming use exists all the time of the
adoption of the LUMS;
2. That no such non-conforming use which has ceased operation for more
than one (1) year be again revived as non-conforming use;

3. An idle/vacant structure may not be used for non-conforming activity;

4. That any non-conforming structure or structures under one ownership

which has been damaged maybe reconstructed and used as before provided
that such reconstruction is not more than fifty (50%) of the replacement cost;

5. That should such non-conforming portion of structure be destroyed by any

means to an extent of more than fifty percent (50%) of its replacement cost at
the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with
the provisions of the LUMS;

6. That no such non-conforming use maybe moved to displace any

conforming use;

7. That no such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a way

which increases its non-conformity but any structure or portion thereof may be
altered to decrease its non-conformity; and

8. That should such structure be moved for any reason to whatever distance it
shall thereafter conform to the regulation of the district in which it is moved or

Section 54. Responsibility for Administration and Enforcement. The

LUMS shall be enforced and administered by the Local Chief Executive
through the Zoning Administrator who shall be appointed by the former in
accordance with existing rules and regulations on the subject.

Section 55. Powers and Functions of a Zoning Administrator. Pursuant

to the provisions of EO 72 implementing RA 7160 in relation to Sec 5,
Paragraph a and d and Section 7 of Executive Order No. 648 dated 7
February 1981, the Zoning Administrator shall perform the following functions,
duties and responsibilities.
1. Enforcement

a) Act on all applications for locational clearances for all projects.

 Issuance of Locational Clearance for projects conforming with

Zoning Regulations

 Recommend to the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and

Appeals (LZBAA) the grant or denial of applications for
variances and exemptions and the issuance of Certificate of
Non-Conformance for non-conforming projects lawfully existing
at the time of the adoption of the zoning ordinance, including
clearances for repairs/renovations on non-conforming uses
consistent with the guidelines therefore.

b) Monitor on-going/existing projects within their respective jurisdictions

and issue notices of violation and show cause order to owners,
developers or managers of projects that violate of zoning ordinance
and if necessary, pursuant to Section 3 of Executive Order No. 71 refer
subsequent actions thereon to the HLRB.

c) Call and coordinate with the Philippine National Police for enforcement
of all orders and processes issued in the implementation of this

d) Coordinate with the Municipal Administrator for other legal

actions/remedies relative to the foregoing.

2. Planning

a) Coordinate with the Regional Office of the HLRB regarding proposed

amendments to the Zoning ordinances prior to the adoption by the
Sangguniang Panglungsod.

Section 56. Action on Complaints and Oppositions. A complaint for

violation of any provisions of the LUMS or any clearance or permits issues
pursuant thereto shall be filed with the LZBAA. Further, oppositions to
applications for Locational Clearance, Variance of Exception shall be treated
as complaint and dealt with in accordance with the provisions of this section.

Section 57. Functions and Responsibilities of the Local Zoning Board

of Adjustments and Appeals. There is hereby created a LZBAA which shall
perform the following functions and responsibilities:

1. Act on applications of the following nature:

a. Variances
b. Exceptions
c. Non-conforming Uses
d. Complaints and oppositions to applications

2. Act on appeals on Grant or Denial of Locational Clearance by the Zoning


Decisions of the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and Appeals shall be

appealable to the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

Section 58. Composition of the Local Zoning Board of Adjustment and

Appeals (LZBAA). The Municipal Development Council shall create a sub-
committee that shall act as the LZBAA, composed of the following members:

1. Municipal Mayor as Chairman;

2. Municipal Administrator;
3. Municipal Assessor;
4. Municipal Engineer;
5. Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (if other than the Zoning
6. Two (2) representatives of the private sector, nominated by their respective
organizations and confirmed by the Municipality or the Municipal Mayor. In the
event of non-availability of any of the officials enumerated above, the
Sangguniang Bayan shall elect the number of its members as may be
necessary to meet the total number above set forth as representatives; and
7. Two (2) representatives from non-government organizations nominated by
their respective organizations and confirmed by the Municipal Mayor. In the
event of non-availability of any of the officials enumerated above, the
Sangguniang Bayan shall elect the number of its members as may be
necessary to meet the total number above set forth as representatives.

For purposes of policy coordination, the LZBAA shall be attached to the

Municipal Development Council.

Section 59. Review of the Zoning Ordinance. The Municipal Development

Council shall create a sub-committee, the Local Zoning Review Committee
(LZRC) that shall review the LUMS considering the CLUP and as the need
arises based on the following reasons/situations:

1. Change in local development plans

2. Introduction of projects of national significance.
3. Petition for Zoning.
4. Other reasons which are appropriate for consideration.

Section 60. Composition of the Local Zoning Review Committee

(LZRC). The Local Zoning Review Committee shall be composed of sectoral

These are the Local Officials/Civic Leaders responsible for the operation,
development and progress of all sectoral undertakings in the locality, e.g.:

1. Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator

2. Municipal Health Officer
3. Municipal Agriculturist
4. President, Association of Barangay Captains
5. Municipal Engineer
6. Community Environment and Natural Resources Officer (CENRO)
7. Municipal Agrarian Reform Officer (MARO)
8. District School Supervisor
9. Three (3) Private Sector Representatives (Local Chamber of Commerce,
Housing industry and Homeowner’s Association)
10. Two (2) NGO Representatives

For purposes of policy and program coordination, the LZRC shall be attached
to the Municipal Development Council.

Section 61. Functions of the Local Zoning Review Committee. The Local
Zoning Review Committee shall have the following powers and functions:

1. Review the LUMS for the following purposes:

a. Determine amendments or revision necessary in the LUMS

because of changes that might have been introduced in the
b. Determine changes to be introduced in the CLUP in the light of
permits given and exceptions and variances granted.
c. Identify provisions of the LUMS that are difficult to enforce or are

2. Recommend to the Sangguniang Bayan necessary legislative amendments

and to the local planning and development staff the needed changes in the
plan as a result of the review conducted.

3. Provide information to the HLRB that would be useful in the exercise of its

Section 62. Amendments to the LUMS. Changes in the LUMS as a result

of the review by the Local Zoning Review Committee shall be treated as an
amendment to the LUMS or provisions thereof shall be subject to public
hearing and review and evaluation of the Local Zoning Review Committee
and shall be carried out through a resolution of three fourths vote of the
Sangguniang Bayan. Said amendments shall take effect only after approval
and authentication by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

Section 63. Violation and Penalty. Any person who violates any of the
provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not
exceeding P5,000.00 or an imprisonment for a period not exceeding one (1)
year or both at the discretion of the Court. In case of violation by a
corporation, partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the
erring officers thereof.
Section 64. Supplementary Effect of Other Laws and Decrees. The
provisions of the LUMS shall be without prejudice to the application of other
laws, presidential decrees, letter of instructions and other executive or
administration orders vesting national agencies with jurisdiction over specify
land areas which shall remain in force and effect, provided that land use
decision of the national agencies concerned shall be consistent with the

Section 65. Separability Clause. Should any section or provision of the

LUMS be declared by the court to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision
shall not affect the validity of the LUMS as a whole or any part thereof other
than the part so declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.

Section 66. Repealing Clause. All ordinances, rules or regulations in

conflict with the provisions of the LUMS are hereby repealed, provided that
the rights are vested upon the effectivity of the LUMS shall not be impaired.

Section 67. Effectivity Clause. These ordinances shall take effect upon
approval by the Sangguniang Panlalawigan.

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