Exercise Framework Research

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Section A (Determine the issue of concern/DV)

1. An applied researcher wants to increase the commitment of organisational members

in a particular bank.
2. A marketing manager wonders why the recent advertising strategy does not work

Section B (Draw research framework)

1. A manager believes that good supervision and training would increase the
production level of the workers
2. A consultant is of the opinion that much benefit would accrue from buying and
selling at the appropriate times in a financial environment in which the shares are

Section C (Draw research framework)

1. Make up 3 different situations in which motivation to work would be an independent

variable, a mediating variable, and a moderating variable.
(meaning that you have to draw 3 different models- model 1 motivation as an IV,
model 2 motivation as a mediating (IVV), model 3 motivation as a moderating
variable (MV)

2. Failure to follow accounting principles causes immense confusion, which in turn

creates a number of problems for the organization. Those with vast experience in
bookkeeping, however, are able to avert the problems by taking timely corrective

3. The manager observes that the morale of employees in his company is low. He
thinks that if the working conditions, the pay scales and the holiday benefits of the
employee are improved, morale will improve. He doubts though, that increasing the
pay scales is going to raise the morale of all employees. His guess is that those with
good side incomes will just not be ‘turned on’ by higher pay. However, those without
side incomes will be happy with increased pay and their morale will improve.

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