Do You Have Too Many Friends?

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Miroslava Zamora Cabrales


Reading licenciatura 2

Teacher Moisés Maldonado De Los Reyes



"Do You Have Too Many Friends?”

Miroslava Zamora

The human being is known to be sociable. Always looking for relationships with others and also

looking for affection. We expect to give attention, respect, affection, care, etc. but we also expect

to receive it. The capacity of the human being throughout our own evolution has changed and it

has been investigated how this behavior is.

It is concluded that human beings seek friendships in most of the places they go because of their

ability to relate. With this in mind and looking a bit at our own situation (how many friends we

have) we can ask ourselves about the importance of these people: does it really matter to have

many friends?

I think the answer depends on each person's perception. Many people like their social circle to be

wide, by which I mean having many friends, although most people think it is more complicated

than that.

Many people think that it is not necessary to have many friends, what really matters are that the

friends you have (even if they are very few) are reliable

people. But how do we define a person as a close friend

or a true friend. A true friend is not the person we have

known for a long time or the one we see on a daily basis.

A true friend is a person who trusts us and whom we can

trust. It is a person who is not alone in the good times

like parties or casual outings but who is there in the

darkest and saddest moments of our life, supports us and encourages us to move forward no

matter how serious the problem is.


It is that person with whom you can do a lot or just not do and still feel comfort and tranquility

when you are together. They are the ones with whom you share your most intimate secrets

because you have an extreme trust in them.

Considering all this and taking a little "test" of all the people we call friends, do we have many

friends? is it important to "collect many friendships"?

It is important to have friends or people with whom our life can be compared. Without these

relationships we would feel lonely and even depressed. This does not make you less independent

or "weak", on the contrary life is more enjoyable with good friends.

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