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Miroslava Zamora Cabrales


Reading licenciatura 2

Teacher Moisés Maldonado De Los Reyes



"Kids Learn Better Without School"

Miroslava Zamora

School is one of the essentials of being human. Education is fundamental both in intellectual

matters and in our growth as a person. In that place we learn from childhood how to develop

ourselves and things as essential as reading, writing, etc.

There is no doubt that education is very important and should be something that everyone should

have access to. Education over the years has evolved, both in methods and in other aspects. There

is some debate as to whether it has evolved for the better or for the worse.

The education system has changed and now there are many teaching methods. One that has stood

out in recent years is homeschooling.

While, many have many perspectives on this model of education, there are many people who are

interested and searching about it. Homeschooling is something that has also evolved and it is very

true that in other countries it has positioned itself as one of the best options.

But what makes homeschooling a good option? As mentioned in the text, there are many

advantages. One situation that is seen a lot in public schools is the huge amount of students (at

least in Mexico it is a very common situation) because of this it is unlikely that all students have

the teacher's attention on a daily basis, as the teacher has to deal with all kinds of students.

Homeschooling, on the contrary, ensures a completely personalized attention, helps the child to

develop correctly and more in what he/she is good at and what he/she is skilled at.

Parents who have opted for this type of education have noticed that their children learn at their

own pace without pressure or comparison with other students (which is very likely to happen in

public schools). It maximizes their desire to learn and they are interested in different styles.


It is true that there are theories (some of them incorrect) about the development of home-schooled

children. It is believed that by depriving them of being with a peer group, they miss out on many

experiences. This may be true, since children, when developing with others their own age, tend to

learn together and be playful. However, not all cases are like this; children who learn at home

have no complications when interacting with other children. In any case, they are usually very

polite because at home their parents are their role models.

I think we should eliminate the stereotypes that have been created about this issue and do more

research. It is a very viable option if it is carried out correctly.

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