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Writing coursework, especially on a topic like A2 PE Coursework on Football, can be quite

challenging for many students. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, the ability to
conduct thorough research, and effective writing skills. Here are some reasons why students might
find A2 PE Coursework challenging:

1. Complexity of the Subject: A2 PE coursework often involves in-depth analysis and

understanding of sports-related topics. Football, being a multifaceted sport, requires
comprehensive knowledge of its rules, strategies, and physiological aspects.
2. Research Intensity: Crafting a coursework piece requires substantial research. Students may
need to delve into various academic sources, analyze statistical data, and review existing
literature to support their arguments and findings.
3. Time Constraints: Students often have busy schedules with multiple assignments, exams,
and other commitments. Allocating sufficient time to thoroughly research and write
coursework can be challenging.
4. Writing Skills: Effective communication of ideas is crucial in coursework. Students need to
articulate their thoughts clearly, adhere to academic writing conventions, and present
arguments coherently.
5. Formatting and Structure: Following the correct format and structure prescribed by the
educational institution is crucial. This includes proper citation styles, headings, and
organization of content.

In light of these challenges, some students may consider seeking assistance. However, it's essential to
approach external help cautiously. While ⇒ ⇔ is mentioned, it's important for
students to be aware of the academic integrity policies of their institutions.

If students decide to seek external assistance, they should do so ethically and responsibly. Services
like ⇒ ⇔ can be considered, but it's advised to use them as a supplement to one's
own efforts, ensuring that the work submitted is in line with the academic standards and policies of
the educational institution.

Ultimately, while external help may offer support, students should prioritize developing their research
and writing skills, as these are valuable competencies for academic and professional success.
One of the greatest advantages of football is that derivatives of the game, such as five-a-side, can be
played indoors in sports halls and outdoors on any piece of land available and with fewer players
than normal for the full version of the game. This rule involves staying behind the deepest line
defender before the ball has been played. The main point is to not only ensure I can last for 90
minutes of football but to also be able to perform at a maximum level for the whole duration of the
game. I think it would be beneficial to work on this area of her play therefore. The drills could
involve Jenny using her peripheral vision, with one person standing directly behind her with a ball. It
can be used to improve both aerobic and anaerobic energy systems. This type of training is good for
football because it involves lots of changes in speed, just like the game itself. Many games of five-a-
side are played in the street, on the beach, or on a piece of waste ground with minimal facilities and
little organisation. I shall go into further detail with the progression of my project. Sometimes as a
personal tactic I might run towards the corner taker in order to receive a short pass so the distance to
goal is decreased making it easier to cross it or even shoot. Most things with my weak foot aren’t
great but my weak foot passing is quite a big area for improvement. There are five main aspects to
general fitness, which consist of the following. The inside of the foot is used for tackling, not the toe,
and it's important to put the full weight of the body behind the football, and to get the head down
over the ball. It will make it a more difficult pass to give, and then it will give her ore time to go for
an interception on the ball. Evaluation There are many aspects of Jenny's game that make her player
that she is. This way reversibility will not occur but I will still be rested. During goal kicks from the
opposition I like to space myself away from the person I am marking. The feeder would then pass the
ball over Jenny's head, so that she has to see it moving forward, and then run to go and catch it
before it hits the ground. The other formation that we use is the 4-4-1-1 formation. For example
sometimes I may be asked to stand in front of the player who is marking the goal keeper. The body
takes time to adapt to the increased demands on it. This is a good test of mental ability, as well as
physical ability, as most players think that they can't reach the ball, when in actual fact, they still do
have a high chance of catching it. Without her scoring many goals in a game, it would be difficult for
her team to win, so it may help to focus on her shooting, and making her into a more agile player.
The real skill is being able to kick accurately whilst under pressure, and it is far more important to
consistently excel at this basic skill than to be able to perform fancy tricks. At the same time,
exercising only once a month will not increase your fitness by much, if at all. She could sprint as fast
as she can up to cone, turn back, sprint to cone A again, turn and sprint through cone C. Here is an
example of some of the drills that I carry out with her: Jenny would need to start at the cone marked
A. Took a while. 2th February 2007 3 B8 Analyse the reliability of the results using quantitative data,
it should show how successful the skill was performed. This way reversibility will not occur but I
will still be rested. It is also important to have a side on position so that you can turn quickly and
effectively when the ball is played. The simplest and most accurate method for short distance passes
is to use the inside of the foot, which presents a large flat surface to the soccer ball.
Someone who naturally builds muscle quickly may not need to do as much weight training, but
concentrate more on cardiovascular activity. Now that I have established that I will work on Jenny's
defending of the ball and pass I will try to establish what type of exercises I could use to help her
using the resources that I have. This formation can be compared to how Manchester united play
suggesting it can be a very effective formation based on the success that they have. Depending on
what the formation is I like to rotate with the strikers and the midfielders in order to create space.
Therefore, even though they have the same goals they may not reach them by the same means.
Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your
writing easier are also offered here. However, I think this is only a small improvement because my
agility testing could have been a little more intense. As she is relatively yong, I would want to train
her to begin training herself, so that she leaves the cognitive stage of performance, and into the
associative stage, where she learns to adjust her movements more without assistance. This resource
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However, there is not much motivation to work at maximum speed. For example a short pass will
require a side footed pass is this is more accurate whereas a long pass may require the use of the
laces in order to get more power into it. The inside of the foot is used for tackling, not the toe, and
it's important to put the full weight of the body behind the football, and to get the head down over
the ball. This reflects upon the quality of my cardiovascular training as it has improved muscle
endurance as well as cardiovascular endurance. I can apply the right header for the right situation
taking into account the flight of the ball. It was difficult to analyse very precisely what was
happening 26th February 2007 5 D1-D2 and E1 Focus on the area most needed for development,
and then justify an appropriate reason for this focus. Basically the number 10 player is currently
offside because he is ahead of everyone on the opposing team excluding the goal keeper. However
this formation for me is not always the best formation because it requires a lot of technical ability in
the midfielder which I don’t think we quite have as well as a certain cleverness with the movement.
I participate in football related activity four times per week for about 7-8 hours. By forcing a lifted
ball, or an overhead pass, she will be able to move onto the ball in the time it takes for the ball to go
up and come back down again. It allows the rest of my team to get back into position. Many
activities need both cardiovascular and muscular endurance and football is one of them. In the
photographs, notice how the player making the tackle is well-balanced, but the player being tackled
has been caught off balance. The inside of the foot is used for tackling, not the toe, and it's important
to put the full weight of the body behind the football, and to get the head down over the ball. I
would usually do this when I notice that the keepers kicks aren’t all that great because then the ball
is likely to come into the midfield area. Strategies and Tactics The team that I play for Peterborough
United plays a variety of formations; the two main formations which we play are 4-4-1-1 and 4-4-2
diamond. Having good ball control is vital for me as sometimes you may only get two touches before
you have to pass the ball so having a good first touch is very important. Doing this is vital to putting
off the player you are marking making it a lot more difficult to make contact with the ball. It usually
requires some sort of learning some of them consist of. General fitness is the ability to carry out
everyday activities without excessive tiredness and still have enough energy to cope with
emergencies. With this skill, it was necessary for her to keep still right until the last minute, and then
go for the ball.
When free kicks are being taken there are several tactics which I like to implement during a game,
depending on whereabouts the free kick is. Someone who has back trouble may need to concentrate
on this area and the antagonistic muscles in the abdomen to support the body where it is weaker. She
will soon become used to games, and how other players play. This is very helpful for her team if they
the opportunity for a quick ball to be given. The word cardiovascular means hearts and blood vessels.
Heading skills also enable a team to use the long ball tactic bombarding the opposition with long
passes towards their penalty area. This reflects upon the quality of my cardiovascular training as it
has improved muscle endurance as well as cardiovascular endurance. However, this could get boring
and includes no skill work. However, I think this is only a small improvement because my agility
testing could have been a little more intense. This means speed is needed to move either your whole
body or just part of it, which is very common in football. I have chosen to calculate the average as
the performers may be more competent in one aspect than another, but by also plotting a graph, it is
easy to see where some areas are lacking. However my P.E.P still worked very well because it
improved ALL fitness components it set out to. Here is an example of some of the drills that I carry
out with her: Jenny would need to start at the cone marked A. To a midfielder this may not be as
applicable to me as it would to a forward but midfielders often make forward runs so I still need to
consider the following. By continuing, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. My programme will
go as over page, it is only three weeks long because I will repeat it in the same pattern of
improvement in the second half, raising the level each weak. The body takes time to adapt to the
increased demands on it. Having good ball control is vital for me as sometimes you may only get
two touches before you have to pass the ball so having a good first touch is very important. Many
games of five-a-side are played in the street, on the beach, or on a piece of waste ground with
minimal facilities and little organisation. This went well. 5th February 2007 2 B6-B7 Analyse the
picture results by annotating them, and compare the movements of the novice performer to the elite
athlete with qualitative evaluating tables. Here is how I can test these elements to provide a base
data to assess whether my programme is successful or not. Here is how I can test these elements to
provide a base data to assess whether my programme is successful or not. This is will make her more
aware of where the ball is. People can improve their fitness by basing their programme on FITT.
However, there is not much motivation to work at maximum speed. Tactics When corners are being
taken my tactics vary on the strategy of my football team. With this skill, it was necessary for her to
keep still right until the last minute, and then go for the ball. I used tables and graph's to show the
difference in competence between the novice and elite performers. Other times a ball may be played
at an awkward height for me to control which I may have been able to control if I was more flexible.
It usually requires some sort of learning some of them consist of.

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