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others through the

conSpower. Ir is predictable, therefore, that those in authority will seek to manipulate there ae specitic,
informarion in a democraric socicty should be freely available uniess
control of data. However, all
well-formulated reasons for withholding it in che interest of security.
levels: in itself, for the fulfilment of all other
ne rreedom of Information (FOID functions at a number of different
rights and as an underpinning of democracy.
Intormation held by public bodies is not only for the benefit of officials, politicians or other designated people
a whole. Unless there are good reasons tor withholding
assoctated with the organisation, but also for the publictoasaccess
such information, all interested parties should begovernment. it. More importantly, freedom of intormation is isa
Ir plays a key role in enabling citizens to see what
Key componcnt of transparent and accountable and open government
going on within government, and in exposing corruption and mismanagement. Transparent individuals are to exercise
of clected officials and if
15 also cssential if voters are to be able to assess the performance protests against new policies, or by using their vote
their democratic rights effectively, for example, through timely
against candidates who have indulged in undemocratic activity.
right and must be held as a cornerstone of
Frecdom of expression and access to information is a fundamental
.In its absence, government can, and often does, behave
with impunity. It is argued, however, that it is
democracy on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) for instance, specifies
not an absolute right - the International Covenant to withhold information for the protection of
certain permissible constraints. Onc of these is the right of the state
and morals'. This is irascibly vague and provides many
national securiry or of public order, or of public health tor restricting information that is inconsistent with theit
loopholes for governments to use this wording as a basis
The public's right to know is an intrinsic part ofinformed public debate, which has traditionally been dependent on
interference. However, it may also be argued
the frecdom to receive and impart information without goon from the It is of paramount
that this does not mean a right to receive
any type ot
security maters
must designate in law only
importance that any restrictions on information or expression regarding national security
the specific and narrow categories ofycan information absolutely necessary to protect a legitimate
be defined as 'any expression or information that is intended to incite
concern. A thrcat to national security violence. In addition, there must be a direct and immediate connection
imminent violence, or is likely to incite
berween the expression and the likelihood or occurrence of such violence. The public interest in having information
that any denial of this right should be subiect
at all times must remain a priority consideration in any FOl Bll, and
to independent review.
these lines, in a seminal judgment in 1982, the Supreme Court held that, The concept offreean speech
Government is the direct emanation from the right to know, which seems to be implicit in the right of and secrecy
and expression...disclosure of information in regard to the functioning of government must be the rule,
of public interest so demands'
an cxception, justificd only where the strictest requirement
3. Read the passage given below. (8)

Good decoration reflects the personality of the people who live in the home. It should, first of all, be
distinctive, just as each person is distinct. A home should have unity not only within each room but
also throughout the house. Rooms should, to some degree, harmonise with each other. The colour
and styling of each room, particularly, should fit into the colour and styling of the rooms which run
out of it. Attractive home furnishings set the stage for pleasant living. If they are an
yourself, you will have a feeling of satisfaction every time you enter your home, andexpression of
friends will
share your enjoyment.
However, furnishings and surroundings expressive of just the right note of restfulness, gay
informality, or elegant simplicity are not often assembled by accident. Even
enough. For most home decorators, it takes poring over plans, trying enthusiasm alone is not
colour schemes, finding
onious ways to nake the best of what you have, and
purchases at prices you can shonning around to search out just the rignt
afford to pay. But there is keen
nd great satistaction in achieving it pleasure insnstriving for the perfect result,
bk and plan to enjoy life in your house.
tent of your abilittes, so that just runningLimit the expenditures of time, effort and money to te
Aalicate things may be a drain you can afford only house doesn't dominate your life. Elegance and
in a limited wav. If you can't afford outside
Plan vour activities so that tumult and upsethelp.
ect a house and fhurnishings that require less
Bnited to a few rooms- an activity room or a care. are
bedroom, or a corner of the dining room.
Vou can select a pleasing combination of colours from a
ar scene, or even a picture in a magazine. If you don't wallpaper, a fabric, an oriental mug, a flower
dea to make up a colour scheme in this way. LLet one
already have the furniture or mugs, it is a good
hro or three colours, with white or gray tones. colour predominate. ILimit a colour scheme to
) On the basis of your reading of the above
passage, make
notes on it
using headings and
sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations wherever necessary (minimum 4).
appropriate title to it. Supply an
aWrite a summary of the above passage in 80-100 words.
Parents neea not De the upeol
3. Read the passage given below.
Fashion is a force a
change and growth. Its
powerful force of constantly altering patterns ofwho
manufacturers distribute it, and of
constant movement affects the fate of the designers and
course, the lives of the consumers who follow what dictates.
All of its facets taken together add up
to a multi-million dollar industry. Fashion today means mega
it is well-known that it involves known facts
Fashion is also a science. Surprising, isn't it? However, predicted, as these are based on those facts
and basic principles and its actions and reactions can be dependent on the
and principles. Fashion is one of those distinct and unique trades that is highly
have to be understood
place in it. These
environment and the changes that are continuously taking
become successful.
by the designers if they want to business and stay there, one has to continue to discOver
For one to make it to the top in the fashion
innovate to fulfil the needs and wants of the customers. For this, moste tof the top designers such
backed by vears of
Lagerfeld, Claiborne etC., all rely upon their creativity
as Yves Saint Laurent. Karl intuition play a very major role besidor tb
Invaluable experience. In thisand line of work, instinct and
successes failures.
khowledge of past number o misconceptions about it contine
fashion to influence our lives grOWS, a f a shie
As the pOwer of is that designers and retailers dictate what the f a
of these ebie
to abound. The mnost comnonstyles and trends that are ofered. They are truly, as one
0y accepting or ejecting the dictate the tre
vultures'. However, it is not so - actually customers
Ohce said, Variety an muence on women only. However. actsoll
misconception is that fashion acts as fashion
The second influenced by, and responsive to, nas women. In point of fact, the
a as much growing at a dizzying rate. Yes, there was a time when menswear was not
men today are
fashion industry has been
exactly worth talking about. It was staid and unimaginative. But that does not mean that men did not
dress up according to the latest trends of the day.
Fashion today is more lifestyle oriented and auite practical. The modern male and female want to
dress differently for office and leisure. Designers are becoming more daring so that the women as
well as the men have a wide choice. There are different designs for every moment of a busy social
schedule - from work, lunch to afternoon tea, cocktails, dinner and gala banquets.
(0) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and
sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply an
appropriate title to it. (6
(in) Write a summary of the given passage in 80-100 words.
3. Read the passage given below. (8

n Indian homes, the loor of the house is always the best maintained element, cleaned twice a day
and wiped down to a sparkling state. In front of the threshold of the home, the floor is often
decorated with Rangoli and other ritual diagrams. This is true in rural as well as in many urban
homes in metropolitan cities. When buildingona new home, people spend as much money per square
the entire structure. Yet, this pride and obsession for
foot for a beautiful floor as they would spend
aclean floor suddenly vanish as we step out into the street: the floor of the city.
In Delhi. where 806 of the people are pedestrians in some stage of their commuting, the least
attention is paid to pedestrian paths. Delhi's sidewalks are to0 narrow, very poorly maintained and
dangerous electrical installations, not to speak of the
full of potholes, poles, junction boxes andpedestrian.
garbage dumps that stink and stare at the
as fast as they can. No one wants to
Delhi's citizens leave home and want to get to their destination
a stranger in the eye. It is on the pedestrian path
linger on the road, no leisure walks, no one looks at management and the excuse called 'multiplicity
that the citizen encounters head-on the poor pubic to lay cables, a third one comes after
of authorities'. One agency makes the road, another digs it up Meanwhile, crores are spent
months to clear up the mess and the cycle of unaccountability goes on.
construction of flyovers without a care for the
in repairing the carriageway for vehicles and in ugly foot
pedestrians below. The solution offered is to make an expensive underpass or an cars to
overbridge, ostensibly for facilitating the pedestrian, while in reality, it only facilitates the
move faster at the expense of the pedestrians.
In modern cities across the world, the pedestrian is king. The floor of the city is designed and
maintained as an inclusive environment, helping the physically challenged, the old and the infirm, class
children and the ordinary citizen to move joyfully across the city. Delhi aspires to be a 'world
city'. Hopefully, the authorities would look once again at the floor of Delhi. The pleasure of strolling
on the road is deeply connected to our sense of citizenship and sense of belonging. Pride in the city
grows only on a well designed floor of the city.
) On the basis of your reading of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and
sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreviations, wherever necessary (minimum 4). Supply an
appropriate title to it. (5)
(i) Write a summary of the given passage in 80-100 words. (3)
3. Read the passage given below. (8)

Are your children toxic? I don't mean toxic' as in the pain-in-the neck teenager state that occurs
between the ages of 12 and 16 and makes you wish youu could fush them down the toilet because
they grunt instead of talk and loll about sighing endlessly for hours on end. I mean, are your children
having the kind of childhood that is damaging them in a way that will debilitate them for the rest of
their lives?
All around the world, teachers are examining and discussing how the cultural and lifestyle changes
of the past 25 years, are affecting the lives of children. They know that many of the changes that
benefit adults are far from healthy for our children. "A toxic cocktail of the side effects of cultural
change is now damaging the social, emotional and cognitive development of a growing number of
children with knock-on effects on their behaviour", is how educationist and author Sue Palmer
explains it.
Over a hundred teachers, psychologists, childrens authors and leading childcare experts called on
the Government of Great Britain to act to prevent childhood being killed off altogether.
them, processed food, computer games and over-competitive education are poisoning According to
children and increasingly children are being forced "to act and dress like mini adults". today's
Research backs what these childcare experts are saying. Changes in diet,
parenting, family structures, play, bed times, family interaction, education,childcare patterns,
marketing, peer
pressure, technology, electronics and the way we communicate with our
'toxic mix' that is damaging them. Children are becoming children are creating a
are experiencing growing levels of behavioural and increasingly unhealthy and depressed and
experts also point out that developmental problems. Not only this, the
with their parents.
children lack first-hand experience of the world and regular interaction
So before you answer the question, "Are
their lifestyle. And remember, parents don'tyour children toxic?", take a good long look at them and
usually poison their children on purDOse.
susceptible to 'market forces' and peer pressure. It is almost Adults too are
eating junk and living toxic lives to look at your natural when other people's kids are
have to be that way. Luckily, for all of us oWn child and think: mine must too. But it
children's childhood. All it needs is a littlethere are plenty of changes we can make to
thought and some common sense. In the detoxiy
help detoxify ourselves. process, wo
(a) On the basis of your reading of
the given passage, make notes on it
sub-headings. Use recognisable abbreyiations.
appropriate title to it. wherever necessary
using headings and
(minimum 4). uppiy
Write a summary of the given passage in 80-100 words. (5
3. Read the passage given below. 8)

Smoking is the major cause of mortality with bronchogenic carcinoma of the lungs and is one of the
factors causing death due to malignancies of the larvnx, oral cavity, oesophagus,
pancreas, stomach and uterine cervix, along with coronary heart disease. bladder, kidney.
Nicotine is the mnajor substance present in smoke that causes physical dependence. The additives do
produce damage to the body, e.g. ammonia can result in a 100-fold increase in the ability of nicotine
to enter into the smoke.
Levulinic acid, added to cigarettes to mask the harsh taste of the nicotine, can increase the binding of
nicotine to brain receptors, which increases the 'kick' of nicotine.
Smoke from the burning end of a cigarette contains over 4000 chemicals and 40 carcinogens. It has
long been known that tobacco smoke is carcinogenic or cancer-causing.
Our brain is made up of billions of nerve cells, They communicate with each other by chemical
messengers called neurotransmitters. Nicotine is one of the most erve poisons and binds
the broin
Stereo-selectively to nicotinic receptors located in ganglia, thee medulla and
neuro-muscular junctions. Located throughout the brain, they playa critical role in cognitive
processes and memory.
Recent research studies suggest that acute nicotine administration would result in increased
dopamine release from the brain, producing perceptions of pleasure and happiness, increased
energy and motivation, increased alertness and increased feeling of vigour during the early phase of
smoking. relationship between
However, notwithstanding these superficial effects, research shows that20thecigarettes each day and
smoking and memory loss is strongest in people who smoke more than
this is not specific to the socio-economic status,lossgender or a range of associated medical conditions.
Smoking may speed up age-related memory smoke and the details are not yet clear. Some studies
that repeated exposure to high nicotine related to the 'brain-wiring' is nothing but
suggest genetic experiences and
neuron-biochemistry that deals with complex interaction among
bio-chemistry of brain cells. it using headings and
the above passage, make notes on(minimum
(i) On the basis of your reading of abbreviations, 4). Supply an
recognisable wherever necessary
sub-headings. Use (5)
appropriate title to it. passage in 80-100 words. (3)
) Write a summary of the

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