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Semester; Fall, 2012

Program: BBA Semester: 3rd

Subject: Principals of Marketing Paper: Principals of Marketing

Time: 2:30.hrs

Maximum Marks: 60

Passing Marks: 50%

Attempt all questions.

SECTION (A) Marks: 20

Q1: Fill in the blanks.

i) Bata Pakistan is offering gift certificate with each pair of shoes, it’s an example of____________

ii) Dividing a market into different units such as nation, province, regions, countries, cities or neighborhoods is

iii) Those who buy goods/services for personnel consumption are called____________

iv) In BCG MATRIX ____________ _ generate large sums of cash because of their strong relative market share,
but also consume large amount of cash because of their high growth rate.

v) Ali is a marketing manager for a large consumer food company. He is studying distribution, promotion and
price of the company’s product. Ali is studying the company’s____________________

vi) ________________________ is one of the business-buying situations in which the buyer routinely reorders
something without any modifications

Q2: Choose the correct answer. Each carries 02 marks.

i) Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps. Which is NOT one of these Ps?

(a) Product

(b) Political

(c) Price

(d) Promotion
ii) Which of the following factors are often used for segmenting customer groups?

(a) Geographic factors

(b) Psychographic factors

(c) Behavioral factors

(d) Demographic facto

iii) Sales promotion includes a wide assortment of tools. Which one of the following is NOT one of these tools?

(a) Contests

(b) Premiums

(c) Telephone surveys

(d) Coupons

iv) Select the correct definition of a market

(a) A market is a collection of people who actually or potentially want or need a product, and
are able to exchange in order to acquire it.

(b) A market is a collection of buyers and sellers willing to exchange a product.

(c) A market is a mechanism that determines the price of products and services.

(d) A market is place where buyer and seller meet.

v) Age, Gender and Occupation are_________________characteristics.

(a) Demographic

(b) Psychographic

(c) Geographic

(d) Personnel

vi) There are______ Ps in extended Marketing Mix.

(a) 4

(b) 5

(c) 8

(d) 7
vii) Under the Boston consulting group (BCG) approach, _____________ are the low growth rate with high
market share.

(a) Star

(b) Dogs

(c) Question Mark

(d) Cash cow

SECTION B Marks: 40

Q3: “Advertising sells products.” Do you agree with this statement? Explain.

Q4: Explain roles and functions of marketing manager.

Q5: Define market segmentation and market targeting and also explain why companies seek to
differentiate their markets.

Q6: Difference between the following:-

A) Market & Marketing

B) Customer & Consumer

C) Demographic Segmentation & Geographic Segmentation

D) Consumer Market & Business Market

E) Advertising & Promotion

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