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Term Examination - 2023(2024)
Time :
Grade - 09 English 2 hour

Name / Index Marks

Answer all ques�ons on this paper itself

Match the situa�ons and responses. Write the number of the ques�on against the correct
response in the given space. The first one is done for you.

Situa�ons responses
1. I am hungry, I want to eat something shall I make a tea for you…5………
2. It is very hot here let’s have some snacks…………………..
3. I’m bored, what can we do what about going to the cinema……
4. I am very �red why don’t you switch on the fan…………
5. I am thirsty you should take some pain killers…………
6. I have a headache why don’t you sit and relax……………

(5 marks)

Test 2
Fill in the blanks in the following dialogue. Use the words given in the box.

The first one is done for you.

To in for with of into

Daughter: Mom, I want to go(1)……to……… watch a movie with my friend tomorrow.

Mom: No, you are not allowed to.

Daughter: But mom all (2)…………………………….my friends are going.

Mom: Then what? If they will jump(3)……………………….a well, will you do the same?

Daughter: Mom please, everyone will scold me (4)……………………………my group.

Mom: You have exams next month, go and prepare (5)…………………………that.

Daughter: Mom, I have one whole month for exam. I can prepare.

Mom: don’t argue(6)…………………………me, you are not going anywhere.

Daughter: So why I miss my dad, you never allow me to do anything.

Mom: Baby, I care for you, that’s why I am saying so.

(5 marks)

Test 3

Study the picture. Write 5 sentences about the picture.



(5 marks)

Test 4

Find the matching words from the box to the gaps.

1. A basket of Ships

2. A choir of ants

3. A colony of fruits

4. A bunch of

5. A fleet of

(5 marks)

Test 5

Read the following text and answer the questions.

About one hundred years ago many educated people learned and spoke French when
they met people from other countries. Today most people speak English when they
meet foreigners. It has become the new international language. There are many reasons
why English has become so popular. But business and the English culture (like movies,
music, and McDonald's) which has quickly spread throughout the world are considered
as the main reasons.

It's important to have a language that the people of the earth have in common. Our
world has become very global and we need to communicate with one another. On the
other hand, English is a fairly complicated language to learn and it brings its culture
with it. Do we really need that? May be the popularity of English won't last that long
either. Who knows? There are more people in the world who speak Chinese than any
other language. May be some day Chinese will be the new international language.
1.what was the world language 100 years ago?


2.what are two reasons English has become an international language today?


3. complete the sentences

Our world has become…………………………………………………………..

4.write the sentence which says that Chinese might the future international language

5.underline the correct answer.

The word “Foreign” means

a.Inland b.overseas c.Native


Test 6
Read the No�ce and the statements given below. Find if they are True or False. Circle '
T' for True and 'F' for False. First one is done for you.

There will be an exhibi�on of ' Ex�nct animals' on Saturday the 30 December from 4.00

p.m. to 6.00pm at the School Playground. It is free for the school children. Parents can get
�ckets for their visit. Reserve �ckets for your parents before 20 November through the

Sec�onal Heads.
Tickets Rs. 100/=

10 October 2020 Perfects' Guild


Royal College

i. The notice is about an exhibition. T F

ii. It is held on 10th October, 2020. T F
iii. It is at the playground of Royal College T F
iv. It is open only for school children. T F
v. Children have to get Rs.100/= tickets to enter. T F
vi. The sectional head will help to reserve tickets. T F
(5 marks)

Test 7

Underline the correct word. One is done for you.

i. (Mathema�cs/ Mathema�c) is my favourite subject.
ii. The shop in the tower sells. ................................. (jewelleries / jewellery)
iii. Two students are si�ng on .......................... (bench / benches).
iv. Classroom ............................ (furniture/ furnitures) is newly painted.
v ..................................... (Dinosaurs / Dinaosaures) are extinct animals.
vi. The mother gave the son a bar of .............................. (chocolate / chocolates)

............................................................................................................. (10 marks)

Test 8
Read the poem and answer ques�ons.

My Playmate
I often
wonder how
it is That on
a rainy day,
A little boy, just
like myself,
Comes out with
me to play. And
we step in all the
puddles When
walking into town,
But though I stand the
right way up, He's always
upside down.
I have to tread upon
his feet, Which is a
sorry sight.
With my right foot on his
left foot, My left foot on
his right.

I really wish he'd

talked to me, He
seems so very kind
For when I look and
smile at him He does
the same, I find.
But I never hear
him speaking, So
surely he must be
In some strange land
the other side, just
opposite to me.
Mary I. Osborn
(1) Who comes out to play with the speaker?
...........(2) How does he stand ?

(3) What does he do when the speaker smiles at him?

(4) Find the rhyming words for the followings from the poem.
i. day - .............................................. iii. sight - ................................................
ii. town - .......................................... iv. me ...................................................

(5) Why doesn't he talk to the speaker?..........................................................................

(10 marks)
Test 9

(10) Fill in the blankes. Use phrases given in the box.

a) If the students are clever ...............................................................................................

b) If I go to the carnival......................................................................................................
c) If I were a bird................................................................................................................
d) If the rain starts...............................................................................................................
e) If he was a kind man ......................................................................................................

i. I can enjoy
ii. I could fly over trees.
iii. the teacher will be happy
iv. he would not hurt others
v. he will get wet.
(10 marks)

Test 10
Read the story and state whether the given statements are 'True' or 'False'. The fisrt one is done
for you.

A Wolf had been feasting too greedily, and a bone had stuck crosswise in his throat. He could
get it neither up nor down, and of course he could not eat a thing. Naturally that was an awful
state of affairs for a greedy wolf.
So away he hurried to the Crane. He was sure that she, with her long neck and bill, would easily
be able to reach the bone and pull it out.
"I will reward you very handsomely," said the wolf, "if you pull that bone out for me."
The Crane, as you can imagine, was very uneasy about putting her head in a wolf's thorat.
But she was grasping in nature, so she did what the wolf asked her to do.
When the wolf felt that the bone was gone, he started to walk
away. "But what about my reward!" called the crane
"What!" snarled the wolf, whirling around. " Haven 't you got it? Isn't it enought that I let you take
your head out of my mouth without snapping it off?"

i. The wolf was greedy when having meals. .........True..........

ii. A bone had stuck in crane's throat. .........................

iii. The crane was helped by the wolf. .........................

iv. The crane put its head into wolf's throat. .........................

v. The wolf promised the crane a handsome reward. .........................

vi. A reward was given to crane as promised. .........................

(10 marks)

Test 11

Write on one of the following. Use about 150words.

a) Write an essay on 'Importance of Sports and games to
maintain healthy life . Include the following - What are
sports and games
- how it helps to be physical well being
- how it helps to be mental well being

b) Write a speech to be delivered at the school assembly on 'Health �ps for pre
en�ng corona virus· Include the following- what corona virus is - how it
What measures can be taken
c) Write a folk story that you have heard or read

(25 marks)

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