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moorishe national republik feberal gobernmente northe easte amexem tervitories anbe bomintons ‘o& ~ an unincorporated ntnstishe sefente temple for amerika ~ > the true ant be jure natueal betes and inheritors to the lane & ~hsbam.~ oe unniversall sovereign origenall innbigenesus natural Divine attibawit ail rize ande stands, this is» sovereigne livinge al morocean moorishe amerikan konsular keutte acctione. i, grace marie xi el, in capitis diminutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo ande in proprio heredes, ‘being duly affirmed, standinge squarelly, deeclare, ande proclaime, upon divyne law, naytures law, unniversel Iaw, moorishe bearthrights, innternationall law, ande ¢onsttutionall law, deeclare ande state thet ‘my full felthe ande truste, my allegiance ande my Innergey are herebye vested in the peepel who are the originall idigenouss natural divyne de jure moorishe ngshunal republik federall governments. Eye herebye exxercize all spvereigne rights at all fymes nune pro tune chronos_ {574 Detober 02) Adble grace mare “i e/ ‘grantour autograft: aautograffed and sworn to be me lye the stid noble Grace. martexie! this_25A74 day of _OCTOber 2020 All rights reserved Without the United States. te. gee fam: Aoble grace marte xi el vizisiministarconsal™etiral livinge woman en capitis diminttfe nolo, en propria persona sti juris cn proprio solo ande en Proprio heredes. all sovereigne rights exeercized at al tymes. etaned ande reserved, fee moor'nuurfaorthweste amexern / prthwestc affika /narthe ames "the norte ge ‘moorishe national! reepublick federal governmente moorighe ammerican konsulate culre uf [722 sieste roosevelt boulevard car fladelfing eountee pennsyvaniaa republik wunivesal natural ares kode is &4enpe391 Jatitade nl. 21480" w75., 138310" son ne shakorpoxen sm ani cou a a on wg ge nel cre her er i ce ‘hones quscur age a ran ues gee ens sa a le AND ‘united states phore amerika moorishe nashunall reepublik feberall governmente so ~sorietas repubblitae ea af maurikanasn mosrishe Ditpne ands nastjunall musemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + north iueste affrika + northe amerika + the northe gate all abbjoining isstandes ‘o tempel uf the maon anibe suite the true anbe be jure naturall peeples + heirs uf the lane SP misLamn unniversall sovereigqne ovigeneall inndigeneous aunciente naturall dibyne state uf morokko fiduciarie grace marie xi el all rize ande stande. this is @ sovereigne livinge annciente artklle iii moorishe emerikan al morokkan kourte ageshune. i am sovereigne livinge justise grace marie xi el in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona siti juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. we are the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al njorokkan moorishe amerikan ascendents uf the greate pharoahs uf kemet ande uf the annciente moabites ande cQnaanites. our fulle fathe ande ruste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy are herebye vested in oursellves fore we are the peepel who are the origeneall iandigencous naturall divyne de jure moorishe nashumall repubblik ‘ederall govemmente. we herebye exxercse all sovereigne rights at this tyme ade at all pointes in tyme mune pro rane. be it knowne that i, grace marie xi el ande all moors are the unniversal! sovereigne origeneell inndigencous abneiente naturall divyne fiduciaries fore the sovereigne livinge state uf ande fore annciente morokcko, allso appelleshuned as the maghrib al aqsa, the northe gate, northe amerika, northe weste affika, northe weste emexem, turtle island, ande the moste exxtreme weste, amimung other sovereigne lande appellastunes. ‘we are the “idueiaries fore all Iande, all naturall reesources ande all kommerce,specificallie, we are the fiduciaries ‘re all fonts in capitis diminutio nolo to innclude all °mahnochrome *fonts *in capitis diminutio nolo regardless uf tte reesulting sensashune thatthe eye manifests: + *fiduciari, noun, lawfulle ande leegall trustee. a sovereigne livinge naturall annciente who kompetently ande prudently takes kare uf lawfulle money ande wher assets ande has fore her sovereigne use ande at her wille living sdbbjectes ande/or innstrumentes to assiste at all fymes. notise: reegerding delegashunes uf authortie, while one can 'be assigned to cary, deoliver, or reetreve a Komiande, no one maye use our sovereigne iddenttie, authortie, not sayereigne stattus. ‘sovereigne fiducarie duties ande responsibilities are not Yimmited to, but do include the suthorite to isshue: 1. affidevids permitting the use uf the state uf morokko sovereigne kredait 2. affidavids uf kreedence 3 affidavid uf addvice 4 affidavid uf marque ande reeprisal 5. affidavid uf patente 6 affidavid uf testamentarie 7. uther letterz (in affidavid formatte), permissiones, ande legationes/delegationes(legationes = the sending ufan ambassador). ‘+ 'mahnochrome, noun. a singullar burst of livinge innergy, freequency, vibrashune ande sensashune reesulting ‘rom the stimulashune uf the retina uf the eye by waves uf light. [preevviously unlawfallie iddentified as [BLACK], {dead corpse), (U.S. VESSEL] or [U.S. CORPORATION] + *font, noun. «source, origin, beeginning. «fountaine or spring. ++ *in capitis diminutio nolo, noun, the higheste state or status, no loss of status. phidusiary reesponsibbilitie is the higheste standgrde uf kare in eqquity ande law. the sovereige fiduciarie governs Withe phulle use ufthe duty ufkare, the duty uf loyalty ande the duty uf goode fie, the sovereign fductere ‘aks Kare where phulle dsselosure, profit onnly bye ktowiledge ande Konsente, ande ovversecing that no ‘Konphlikes uf innterest exxist. ‘nthe rekorde, fore the reckorde ande letting the unniversallreckorde show that i, grace marie xi el in capitis sosim NEE Jace Mant «i e ot we ae in episod pes cs slo np les kknowsice to agente is knowtice t principal. knowtice to principal is notice to ageat. pen states of meri ‘moorishe natal republic federal governmente cuir uf [post ice box [34324 near fladelfiag countee pennsylvania republik tauniversall natural area kode is Saénnpn39 17] latitude nd. 214807 w-75. 138310" sion ne sakomoxen su se be eee ses Sse ete ra rt ee le Soran atresia ete een re eee ae in nae emo lpn Sr ee eum ed vp aro et oe oy in ose a or nk oa lt a lg peo sch i hn y united states of amertea ‘moorishe nationall recpublie federalt governmente ‘% ssoietasrepublicae ea af manzibanes~ moose dinpre ade national musement ofthe earthe sorthe teste amexen + north weste atfrica + northe aumecica + the nocthe aate alt abbyining islands 4% ~temet ofthe moon ande sin ~ ‘he teur amde de je natural peeples + eles af the Lande ~ Uunnibersall savereigne orrigencall enndigeneous moorishe ammerikan affteavin for thee Sobereigne kurtencee konnteoller ——_attate mar all rize ande stande. -sovereigne livinge annciente moorishe american al morocean aticlle iii konsular kourte fikktione, i am the sovereinge livinge justise in capitis dimiutio nolo, in Dropria persona su juris, in proprio sola, ande in proprio heredes. ‘phereaz itis thee lawo bye thiss sovereigne konsulat Kourte akkshune that ffome tyme emmemoriale inn to Hermpetutee that {, grace marie xiel_ ade all moors en capitis diminutio nolo, en red ink, en propria persona sui juris, en proprio solo ande en proprio heredes are thee unniversall sovereigne rigencall enndigeneous kurrencce konntroliers fore all lande, all naturale reesources, all shippinge, afl postalle all Upnkinge ande all kommerce at earthe, gnia, amerika, northe west amexem, northe west aftica, thee northe gaite spde all moorishe ammeriken anciente dominins. i nde all sovereigne omigeneall enndigencous naturale divyne ‘mocrishe ammerikans who are thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall enndigeneaus nashunes ande governmentes age thee higheste authortee ande are thee sovereigne exxequtors, ministars,trusttes, kiaimantes,ande benefishiaries for our owmne vasst estate. all komamerce iss backed bye golde, slverr, preshus metals, rare earthe meneralls, ande Injghe valyoo ellementes on our vasst esate whereas thee phlagg fore all govemmente structures innkhudinge poste offses on our landes is thee sovereigne uuniversallorrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe ainmerikan phlagg, whiche is redd withe thee greene fivve pointede starr ‘whiereaz we are thee sovereigne peasefull highest ‘ype. thee unniversall sovereigne orrigeneall ent Juisdicsnune fore thee lande ande fore all ‘Sovereigne unniversall orrigeneall enndigeneous| offise kourte justisses, judgess ande konsuls. Whereaz thee sovereigne annciente moorishe sim sovereigne annciente periodich tabu! fore natural ane mettales affidavids are herebye akktiv livinge sovereigne moorishe ammerikan nashi stock exchange marketts, Kommodities mark whiche are parte ande parcell uf our annciente gol whereaz thee sovereigne landgauge fore our la laftn. all sovereigne nashunes ande government apciente zodiak moorishe ammerikan konst onstitushune fore thee united states is allso2 are herebye opin fore golde backed exxchaings ‘ammerikan provoste marshal hass beene knowtifi htanos dey 15th moonth october year omsu noble gee marte x ——sutmmiexiel__en capitis “uss venient al soveeigne rghies are exercised a al pointes en ‘eons ono ss + Jurisdicshune fore all matteres, in all space ande at all pofntes inn \digeneous moorishe ammeriken konsular Kourtes are thee propper uence konntroller muurchent snde kommesshul affaires. all ‘moorishe ammerikan kurrencee koontrollers are unniversall post merikan golde standarde is acktivated at all dominiuns ande thee cllementes is allsoe akktivated. all statteegic naturaile meneralls all systemes at our annciente dominiuns are subbjecte to thee les to enncklude bankinge ande findes konveyanse systemes, all enndustriale systemes ande block chaine systemes, all uf backed unniversall postalle unnione systeme. ise iss annciente englishe, annciente pheonishun, ande m chozene landgauges shall be honorred. thee sovereigne livinge ihune ist inh phorse. thee livinge sovereigne simmerikan ‘horse. thee maorishe anmerikan unniversell kemmerse perils ‘waide ande kommerce. all corporate debtte is outtlawed. thee fe 441 suni'ld42 moon [2020] tei ini nolo propria persona sui juris en proptio solo en prope eres vessamemeses nae emmeree north pte sovereigns anniens “ancestral eared jrsicdone i goa heise el ash. sce de te gm ai pe cette agian eis nr en ‘eo nat ds gnc come ae ‘Sfmt han taco goin nica ne aa Noble qrace mar seer coir of FE ws eos en allan os posi eat ‘uuniversall ature! area kode is 8q4nnpn39| F Tate. OD ERT WIS. SIC" sine sites ey | ioe c AS Da SO ® > united states fore america moorishe nashunall reepublik federall governmente ‘% ~societas tepublifae ea al maurikanas™ & ‘moorishe Divyne aribe nasiunall mubencente uf the earthe hotthe weste amexem + nortiineste affrika + northe aumerika + the norte gate all abbjoining issfanbes ‘& ~tenipel uf the moon anbe sun the true anbe be juce naturall peeples + Yeits of the Lande &nigtam” * tunniversall sovereigne origeneall inubigeneous annciente moovisbe ammeritan to all korporashung at northe amerika, al movokko areace matie xi el isis, we ita ail rize ande stande. this is @ sovereigne livinge annciente moorishe amerikan al moroccan artille ii Konsular kourte akktione. i am the sovereinge livinge justise grace matic xi el in capitis dimiutio nolo, in *ed ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes i ande all moors herebye place ‘ur full faite, truste, ande kreddit in the peepel who are the sovercigne origeneall inndigeneous neturall divyne livinge anneiente de jure moorishe rashunall repubblik federal! govemnmentte, moorishe amerikan lkonsulate ande moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. ‘Whearaz, i ande all moorishe amerikans are thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall inndigeneous naturall «divyne law ande governmente on our annieate holye sovereigne anncestrll innheritted landes at amerika, ‘we are decedens spiritum reetumed alive!. we are thee ascendents uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemett ande ufthee anneiente moabytes ande canaanytes, we are thee soulvent kreditores to all nashunes on earthe, we are thee exsecutors, addministrators, ministats, klaimants, heirs ande benefishiaries uf our own vast eestat. As uf august 6, 2018 coy, at 10:42 am ande 4:06 pm, the moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the moorishe nashunal repubblik federall governmente placed ande affidavit uf kommershal ande lande lien on the [anited states korporashun Kompany] ande| the united states treasuriee in the sum certain amount uf $$}.00,000,000. in gold ande silver backed lawful tender for each ande all moorishe amerikan nashunals st northe amerika, the said lien was filed pursugnt tothe united nashuns amerika mandate fore the lande (1948 + previously held in trusteeship), the kurrentlie aktive treaty uf peace ande friendship 1786/1836 (treaty uf amity ande kommerce 1786) ande the korjstitushun for the unite states (repubblik). Proof uf service is provided below. your korporashun shall cease all payments to the [united staves korporashun kompany] nde place all kurrent ande future payments that would have been made to the [unitedstates korporashun Kompany] on the akkounts held bye your korporashun uf all moorishe ametikan nashunals at northe aberike, the services that you provvide to the moorishe amerikan nashunals at northe amerika are without charge to the moorishe amerikan nashunals fare as long as you ere konducting kommerce here on our lande, the services that your korporashun to the moorishe amerikannashunals to innklude the abbovermenshunsed moorished amerikan tashunal will beggin immediately, restart immediately, or Kpntinue at the highest level or service that you provvide from this daye forward, this birthright benefit is uubnalienable, inalienable ande is not transferrable, each moorishe ameriksn nashunal must present proof uf isorishe amerikan nashunality bye provvidibg you withe » kopy uf their moorishe amerikan nashunality identifikashun kard withe photo ande you stall honor their kredentials. all kontrakts on earth withe the {united states korporashun konipany] or anye derivatives thereuf are ceased as uf the date uf addjournment sine die uf their kongress on march 27, 1861 as they are in severe repeated breach uf kontrakt to the ‘mporishe amerikan nashunals who arethe anncient aboriginal indigenous heirs to all uf the lande ande its ‘spourees, failure to honor your obbligashuns to the moorishe amerikan nashunals will result in liens ande/or aye other lawful redress. the moorishe ametikan nashunals at northe amerika thank you for your service to our great nashun ande lande ‘he following is proof uf service tothe [united states korporashun kompany] uf the lien placed on the said korporashun bye the moorishe amerikan) konsulate ande the moorishe nashunal repubblik federall {overmmente whiche was konfirmed deliveted to [washington distrikt uf kolumbia mayor muril bower], ‘ande to [the rekorder uf deeds washington distrikt uf kolumbia], ande [the office uf tax ande revenue ‘washington district uf kolumbia] as folows: tracking numbers: 9505 $162 0176 8214 3658 22 + konfirmed delivery august 6, 2018, individual picked up at postal facility at 10:42 am 9505 5162 0176 8214 3688 46 + konfirmed delivery august 6, 2018, individual picked up at postal facility at 10:42 am 9505 $162 0176 8214 3658 39 + konfirmed dclivery august 6, 2018, individual picked up at postal facility at 4:06 pm the united states service korporashun bas been liened, in the amount uf $100,000,000. in lawful kurrency er moorishe amerikan nashunal bye the moorishve nashunal repubblik federall governmente ande thee ‘oorishe ammerican konsulate, whiche | grace marie x! el am a vizir mohammaden [Judge ‘whearfore, 1 grace marie xi el ande all moorishe amerikan nashunals, being “part ande parcel” ppellashuned herein, ande bye birthright, primogeniture, ande innherttance, make a lewful entry uf affidavit ande pubbitk nowificashun uf lawful klaim ande deklarashun to be published fore the pubblik fekord in the korporashun’s pubblik reords ande anywhere we deem necessary or so chuse. Jurisdieshune uf our annciente anncestrall Innheritted eestate at all tymes nunc pro tunc. nothing In this affidavit shall be interpreted as konsent to foreign jurisdlkshun at anye tyme. lupone mye inherited status, | grace marie xi el ande darien niru xi bancus bey appeltashuns, being a descendant of the ancient moabites in other respect known as amerikan + al morokkan + moor, standing. squarely affirmed upone mye oath to the ‘five points of light’ + Tote, truth, pence, freebout, ande justice; ‘being kompetent (in mye owne proper person) to attest to this affidavit upone whiche I place my/oure autograff(s}; whereas, i state, proklaim, ande deklare the following to be true, korrekt, not misleading, nde not intended to be presented fore arlye misrepresented, ‘kolored’ or improper use or purpose. all sovereigne original inndigineous moorishe amerikan autograffs fore this dokument ande all sovereigne moorishe nashunal repubblik federall governmente dokuments are on the pubblik rekord at amerika, See attached dokuments exhibit a: bill with akkount number klalming fraudulent debt exhibit b: treaty uf peace ande friendship/ united states konstitushun uf 1442 ‘whearaz, thee ammerikan provoste marshal has heene knowtified. all saberigne arigeneall funbigeneous moorighe american autogratts fore this anbe all sovereigne wunited states of antmerita gabernmente Dorkumentes are on thee publick tweeckor® at amueriea chronos dey 15th moonth october year [2021] 1441 gum, 1442 moon QU Fignts reserved! Withoot the United States, sgosmm Noble Grace marie xiel, all soberigme ovigeneall ennbigencous ioorise anmmerikan autografts fore this anbe all sobereigue united states fore amertha govermmente botiimmentes are om thee pubblick wreckor® at ameritea justises/visirs/min{stars en capitis bimiuutio noto, ev propria persona sti jueis en prapria soto ane rn proprio herebes. all sovereigne rightes exxecrised at all tpmes. Justis/viiroinistaren propria persona su juris en propia solo ane en proprio heredes, all sovereigns rights ekxeresed at all tyme {ee moor / muur northvesic ammexem /norhwesteaftka /norihe amerika ‘moorishe national nepubbikfederll goveramente mooeshe amerikan Konsulate cuire uf [722 weste roosevelt boulevards near iladetiancounise pennsylvaniegropubli ‘universal natural! awa Kode fs 8g4nnp391]) latitude n40 021480" WTS, 138310" sion ne shakomoxen NOTICE Tothe following Respondents Grace Marie Roberts, Claimant Post Office Box 34524 Honorable Justice Idee Fox Care of: Grace Marie Roberts Inthe COURT for Philadelphia, Pennsylvania COMMON PLEAS COURT PHILADELPHIA COUNTY FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA 1400 John Fitzgeartd Kennedy Boulevard Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19110 Cartified Mail Number: 7022 0410 0002 78 7485 Clerk of the Court: ERIC FEDER PHILADELPHIA FIRST JUDICIAL COURT PHILADELPHIA COMMON PLEAS COURT CITY HALL, ROOM | PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA February 12, 2024 | Regards: COMMON PLEAS COURT PHILADELPHIA ‘Case Number 2009 1764 ‘COUNTY FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT. Dear Idee Fox and other Respondents: Please note that | have been informed that court sold bonds and/or securities bearing the appellation grace marie Roberts xi el and/or GRACE MARIE ROBERTS using social security number 162524770, without mt knowledge end cdnsent, which | have the idea that is securities fraud as ‘well as a breach ot your fiduciary duties. While | am not making such an accusation at this time, | am giving you an opportunity to rectify the situation. Enclosed you will find the GSA forms OF 90 from (Release of Lien on Real Property), OFS1 form (Release of Real Personal Property from Egcrow),F28 (Affidavit of Individual Surety), SF24 (Bid Bond), SF25 form (Performance Bond), SF25A form (Payment Bond), and an enclosed bill of exchange. These Bonds authorize you to the release ofthe defendant/surety trom prison and/ar conditions of release. | demand to be set at liberty immedietely. | also request thet the record for this Case Nubmer(s): 18060083, 1806T025192, 27£12019, 1621CD2018, 2009 1764, 491077600, be amended to reflect the proper accounting to maintain the integrity of the data used in the national matching program. Itis intent, through use of ‘these government forms, to access the remedy as the accommodation party in order to settle and close this case and all associated accounts. Itis my recollection that the Defendant / Trust has been an agency / vessel of the United States (presumed to be in Cesti Que Vie) and a resident of the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA since October 12", 1960. MEMORANDUM OF LAW | + 270.FR.872.11.Defines any typ¢ of offense / crime against any Federal or State codes as a ‘commercial exercise (see Commercial Crimes) + 26U.SC. $2652 (b)(1) defines @ trust as “any arrangement (other than an estate) which, although not a trust, has the substantially same effect as a trust”. «Title 12 U.S.C. $ 1813 (L) (1) defines a deposit as “any note deposited in a demand deposit account becomes the equivalent of cash and is a cash proceed”. | + Title 12 U.S.C. $411 states thet ell Federal Resorve Notes may be redeemed for lawful | money at any Federal Reserve Bank on demand. + STATE COMMERCIAL CODE 11-9-104 € [U.C.C. 3-104 E***REFER HERE an instrument is a (Note) ifit is a promise and is @ (Dratt)” itis @ Order. tan instrument fls within the dofinition of both (Note), and (Draft), a person entitled to enforce the instrument may treat Is as either" : ‘STATE COMMERCIAL CODE 11-3-4 An accommodations party may sig and, subject to subsection (d), is the accommodation parties signs. enforced notwithstanding any stat. party receives consideration for th “silence” can only be equated wit when inquiry lett unanswered woul shocking conduct... f this is the ¢ will not tolerated, and if this is rout! 550 2d 297, 289-300). Maxim of Equity: (Where there is a wrot Insinuation (Blacks Law Dictionary Gepositing, an instrument; with the a donation of property. [ Federal Reserve Board 2046 balan instruction booklet pages 2, 6, and 1, . ‘The enclose accepted bill of exchange is payoa in GRACE MARIE ROBERTS as the p: ‘rust, and no contract are entered into wit ROBERTS, account number #162524770, Trust Corporation, from all necessary fund ‘from, relating to, or having any relationshi PENNSYLVANIA for and on behalf of benef upon the Court when, as co-fiductary tu: above listed plaintif/principal (knowing th SQYSA (squared mean height/ arithmetic different entity(s) ownership(s), and | dees named Administrators, Executors, Repres official capacities agree to hold the Grant liability or loss by indemnification and bor transfers, distributions, direct skips origin ROBERTS, political commercial account ni 6084198. The expiration of 72 hours after Indemnity Bond, without the total and con} contract with @ summary judgement and movable property malpractice bond(s) an Fiduciary / Trustee and Co/Administrator, This appointment will not be affected by tt Co/Fiduciary and Trustees from time to ti {Betty v. Guggenheim Exploration Compar Northeast 575. 223 New York 294 (/9/8). LE known. Failure to correct the record in sett constitute a trust ex maleficir and will resi conversion of beneficiary Grace Marie :Rol conversion of counterfeited securities an Division of the Internat Revenue Service Fi limited to many years in prison (Trezevant the receipent of the funds on this taxable j execution of penalty for the counterfeit set without any agreement or lawful contract. Pursuant to this Private Settlement Agreer There now exist a private contract betweet fiduciary trustees to remain on your side attaches to the Pennsylvania State corpor corporation constitution and out of my dot * 9 (B) [U.C.C. 3-104 [REFER HERE] the instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or endorser bliged to pay the instrument in the capacity and which ‘The obligation of an accommodation party may be te of frauds and whether or not the accommodation accommodation” fraud when there ise legal or moral duty to speak, or be intentionally misleading. ...We cannot condone this, se, we hope our message is clear, This sort of deception, ine, it should be corrected immediately” (U.S. v. Twell, ig, there must be a remedy): the 5" and 8” edition,) —(In civil taw, the act of ublic registry for recording. 2. Adocument that evidence -¢ sheet], [Internal Revenue Services is form 1041 3], [Internal Revenue Service 6208 the coding manual). ;ndorse on the back showing Grace Marie :Robers es the yyor as in the check. | am the contracting officer for said }out my autograph. The trust known as GRACE MARIE as a bonded escrow account located at the Depository may be accessed including all incidents streaming to, from, or with PHILADELPHIA COUNTY, iciary Grace Marie :Roberts. This fraud wes brought fees, they represented the plaintif/principal(s), to be the at the Securities and Exchanged Commission (S.E.C.) ean height) and 4245 prospectus filing(s) listed ‘that no evidence to the contrary exist. The above ntatives, and Fiduciary Trustees while acting in their r/Beneficiary, First-Middle: Last, harmless from any from any and alt possibte taxable terminations, ting from the Legal Estate of the decedent GRACE MARIE imber; Employment Identification Number (EIN),98- ur receipt of this Indenture Agreement and private plete correction of the record, will constitute a breach of in international commercial Notice of tien on the real and non-performance bond(s) of each and every Co- nd all others simitarly situated, etcetera Je addition of additional Co/Administrators and 1 by the Grantor Beneficiary Grace Marie ‘Roberts. ;, 122 Northeast 378) /9/ 9). 225 New York 380. 119 and mark case All Constructive Trust} As they become lo the account within seventy-two (72) hours will tt in a clalm of Fiduciary Trust fraud for the wrongful erts(6) private beneficial interest including the obstruction of justice with a claim to the Criminal Tax criminal tax evasion of $500,000.00 including but not City of Tampa) and 109801D and 1089C showing you as, istrument(s) and the international community for the urities Issued against the Grace Marie :Roberts and jent Judgement, Itis declared; us and what | expect of the co-administrators and co- ‘the Declaration of Rights that the procedes and jon constitution and that you remain in the state main which is the declaration of the Bill of Rights and ; 10. m1. 12. 13. 14. THAT any conducted court probeedings are intended to be competent jurisdiction and; THAT the Plaintiff is a corporation with DUNS number 162524770 (Find Duns Bradestreet Number for the Cdurt and, THAT the Plaintiff's have failed and; (0 state a claim upon which relif can be granted [12(b)(6)] THAT the act of criminal barratry will be charged to the clark of court and/or the court ‘administrator for any reassign’ denial of the filing of this Private Settlement Agreement Order creating the denial of the right to access the court and; THAT the act of criminal barratry will be charged to the judge / agent, clerk of the court, and/or court administrator for this Private Settlement Agreer Counterfeit and Securities ~ Pursuant Title 18 United States Code § 4, of the commission of crimes cognizable by a cour wit; "518 (a) Whoever makes.. or public subdivision thereof oi organization, or government, s| not more than ten years or bo ent of fiduciary duty by the court administrator and/or ny controversy brought into this court in opposition to jent and; of the United States undertitle 18 United States §513 to itters or possesses a counterfeited security of the State of an organization with intent to deceive another person, all be fined not more than $250,000.00 or imprisoned See also Section 2311; 2314, and 2320 for additional fines and sanctions. Among the securities defind at 18 United which, Ina broad sense, may a duty, obligation, or right of a States § 2311 is included “evidence of the indebtedness” jean anything that is due and owing which would include ion. THAT abuse of office and official misconduct will occur for any failure of the clerk of court and/or court administrat Agreement into the evidence fi THAT standard judicial operati justice or due process [Treze otherwise stated by invoice/ t and/or judge /agent to place this Private Settlement le and; 1g procedures (S.0.P) can never overrule obstruction of int v. City of Tampa Jand; 1¢ bill from the Claimant / Attorney in Fact and; THAT any applicable moter be assessed at the rate previously set forth or THAT the Administrators, Exect law as a Matter of Lawand as THAT the Administrators, Executors, and Fiduciary Trustees comply with Federal Congressional Legislation by ni THAT actot criminal barratry, abuse of office, and / or official misconduct will be charged to the judge/ agent, cl acknowledge and deliver this tenants herein and; THAT this judgement is acknowledged and entered with prejudice by Plaintiff's and the Clerk of Court and; tors, Fiduciary Trustees provide equal protection of the ‘Matter of Record and; t upholding recoupment and; Fk of court, and / or court administrator for any failure to “rivate Settlement Agreement judgement pursuant to the THAT the bonds sold bearing the name of GRACE MARIE ROBERTS were insinuated due to the fraud of secrecy. THAT Ihave a right to redeem tl Defendant /Inmate’s name an bonds with the enclose bonds. Grace Marie Roberts and indeed, order you to; @). b). ¢). a. e). recall all tht name GRAC and refund obtain your send a sta 1@ bonds which the court and /or prison sold in the ‘social security number, therefore, lam replacing those I now own the case. The enclosed forms authorize bonds /securities which were previously sald with the "E MARIE ROBERTS and the above social security number inese monies to me as those funds belong to me; ‘funding through the bonds enclosed; ment of account showing a (zero) balance , check for all bond monies previously received on this account to the above mait location; release the) all conaitio} discharge t living Man / Woman held a surety from confindment and 1s of imprisonment immediately. 1is matter and any financial oblogation hereto. ‘THESE FORMS ARE NOT SUBIECT TO THE DISCREATION OF THE COURT or other recipients. Ifthe plaintiff has reason to reject these forms, you are required proof of claim of via a sworn affidavit, under penalty of perjury consuming full commercial as to why you are not required to accept the forms or advise me of any defect you may find in the forms and provided your bon support of your position. Your failure to do so will be certified as fraud on your part pursuant to United States v. Tweet. Please note that the court’s comments are directed to the Internal Revenue Service employees and apply equally to all government employees. YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. I Understand that it may take 60 days to process the enclose bonds, but | require a good/ faith letter from you within (15) days of the postmark of this communication, acknowledging receipt of the bonds and your good/faith intention to process the bonds and release me or, and the alternative, your affidavit end bond in support of your.claim of defeat in the bonds. 1am also requesting copies of the 1099=01D"s which were or should have been (originally filed in regards to this case as well as, copies internal Revenue Service forms 706, and 703 which should have been filed, too. Your failure ‘to respond within this time frame and in the manner stipulated will comprise your default and acimission that there exist a right to lien on real property of pursuant to this Private Settlement and judgment, EVENT OF DEFAULT Feilure to respond pursuant to the said terms of response or specifically perform under the provisions of the enclose government forms (e., cfedit and ledger claimant's tender of consideration) will comprise @ default on your part. As a operation of taw, @ default will comprise your agreement, consent, and confession to all of the terms statements, and facts herein and herewith, and all inclusion and endorsements, front and back, annexed hereto. Your default will comprise your confession to holding all liability in aforesaid matter, your stipulation that the above noted party has exhausted his/her administrative remedy, in your consent to all necessary collection procedures. As well, your default will comprise your confession to security fraud, tax raud, breach of fiduciary duty, and false imprisonment and will be certified and reported to the Governor and the Comptroller of Pennsylvania, and Internat Revenue Services and the local United States Attorney. Your default will comprise your agreement to the arrest of your bond and the filing of criminal complaints and / or torts against any and all agents acting on behalf of the state of PENNSYLVANIA as plaintiffs referenced in the above-listed security. GONFESSION OF JUDGMENT. Default will comprise your agreement to accept and pay certain fees. Your default is your ‘agreement to pay a co-Claimant fee as set forth in the attached invoice for the privilege of being joined as a co-Claimant against legal fiction GRACE MARIE ROBERTS pursuant to each attempt to impair the Claim or stultify the Claimant (me) of Debtor (the Trust) and that any and all diptomatic immunity or other implied immunity trom ability is void ‘SELF-EXECUTING POWER OF ATTORNEY. ‘Jo facilitate your strict compliance with all of the terms of the Contract, if you fail to correct the defautt within ten (10) days, you give, by remaining silent, unlimited power of attorney to Claimant to sign and execute for you regarding enforcement of your obligations under this Contract. In that event, you instruct and authorize the Claimant to execute Respondent's signature(s) in fepresentative capacity on a Selt-executing Power of Attorney document. ESTOPPEL BY ACQUIESCENCE. Your default will comprise your agreemeht that all issues pertaining to this Contract are deemed settled and closed res judicata, stare detisis, collateral estoppel, and, as a result, judgment by estoppel, and therein you will be confessing to the criminal act of false imprisonment should you fpil to release me. WAIVER OF RIGHTS. CONFESSION OF JUDGMENT, Your Default will comprise your consent, agreement, and confession to waive any and all rights {o raise a controversy, to appeal, object to, or to controvert administratively or judicially any of the terms in provision in this Contract or the estoppel, as well as your consent to serving as a suiocessor surety for all obligations, commercial corporeal, attributed to the account. Upon Default, you and your agents may not argue, controvert, or protest the finality of the administrative ‘finding to which you have agreed unless stich Weiver of Rights which follows is declined in writing. Any such argument or controversy will comprise your confession to Perjury, Enticement to Stavery and various crimes against humanity. The respond’s confession of judgment in the said amount is 08 judicata and stare decisis, | DENIAL OF WAIVER OF RIGHTS: ‘The respondent (hereby acknowledge that they have received) read , and fully understood this administrative remedy presentment with ttachments, endorsements, and schedules, and do hereby receive the right to raise a justiciable controversy by exhibiting verified proof of claim and lost no Later than 4 days [must be within ten (10 ) days of date of signing below unless written permission for a longer of time is obtained in writing from the Third Party and Intervener/ Real Party of interest under injury]. In the eventithe said claim is honored, they further agree to settle all the associated accounts to a zero ($/0/) Final Ending Balance. Fallure to perform may resutt in claims without immunity against any or all officials bonds and in a private or commercial venue CERTIFICATE AND RECORDING OF NON-PERFORMANCE FOR EVIDENTIARY PURPOSES. For your protection, non-performance will be Certified and recorded in the public record as evidence that Grace Marie Roberts has exhausted his/her administrative remedy and that you have elected to ‘waive all rights to raise a controversy or clgim immunity from collection proceedings, having declined the opportunity to plead Thank you for your assistance with this matter. Sincerely, GRACE MARIE ROBERTS Government-created ens legis / trust By: Grace Mari¢ :Roberts, living Man / Woman Qa £, Te hts Leser ited Authorized resentative Claimant, Attorney in Fact Land for Pennsylvania Ministry of Health Vital Records Placement ‘Town for Philadelphia Shakamexem Republic file # 197718+1960 1 Place for Birth 2, Domicile for Mother 2b. County for Birth County State County Philadelphia Pennsylvania Republic Philadelphia b. Place for Birth Town / Village Town for Philadelpia . Full Name for Philadelphia Mailing Location PreatryteciarElospital L North 39th Strect 3. Heir Appellation grace marie roberts 4. sex Sa, This Birth 5b. If Twin or Triplets. 6. Born Day Month Day Year fesitien single heir hone 1 2 1960 7. full appellation for matriarch 8, ethnicity elizabeth matte hines asiactic 10. domicile on bora day —‘11. heir previously born to matriarch shakamexem territory nine patriarch for heit 12. full appellation for patriarch 13. Ethnicity booker t roberts asiactic 14, age 15. domicile on born day 16. occupation 17. kind of business 30 philadelphia construction contractor. allrghes fesen # Hos oz authogreph C\face , town for philadelphia vital records verified Augustl6,20I town for philadelphia, land for pennsylvania ministry for health Grace Marie Roberts Xi El | ive Cc S a Gnited States for America WASHINGTON Moorish National Republic Federal Government so ~societas republicae ea al maurikanos~ wo Moorish Divyne and National Movement of the Earth orth West Amexem + North West Arica + Horth America + the North Gate all adjoining istands so temple of the moon and Stine the true and de jure natural peoples + brits to the Land wm misLame oe Wniversal Sovereign Original Indigenous Ancient Natural Divine Article IFT Quo Warranto Mandamus Restitutio Statement for Living Noble Title All rise and stand and remain standing into perpetuity. This i living ancient Article IM Moorish American Al Moroccan unniversal court action. We are the sovereign living justice in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. All moors are the original indigenous sovereign ancient Ai Moroccan Moorish American ascendants of the great Pharoahs of Kemet and of the ancient Moabites and Canaanites. Our full faith and trust, our allegiance, our eredit and our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for we are the people who are the original indigenous natural divine sovereign ancient Empire State for Morocco ande the de jure Moorish National Republic Federal Government, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA, the Universal Moorish American Consulate and the Article III Moorish American Consular Court. District for Columbia Today, we are executing and exercising the law by our sovereign capacity which is the original indigenous natural divine sovereign angient Article II living United States District for Columbia Court and we are the sovereign fiduciaries, segured ereditors, executors, trustees, ministers, possessors, and beneficiaries in this cause for action. We are peace. We are one nation, one state, one empire and one god. We hereby accept our sovereign ascencion, issue a universal Creditors Bill for Possession (9/10ths of the law) Custody (1/10" of the law) over all Judgements debtors. We exercise all sovereign rights at this time and at all points in time mune pro tune. From the Philadelphia County Tax Assessor 722 West Roosevelt Boulevard Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lattitude Longitude Universat Natural Area Code Whereaz, the above stated property is legally conveyed as follows: 4. Granter (lender): Title: Elizabeth Hines, Pinckney El, Chisolm, Scott, Smith, Fowilkes, Moore 2.Grantor (Trust Deeds) Grace Marie Roberts 3.Grantee (tenant / Enjoyment Enjoyer) GRACE MARIE ROBERTS ‘CONSORT HEIRESS All Fiduciary Attorney in Fact documents are hereby attached and allonged accordingly. This property has been paid as promised. [See attached receipt] With Honoure, on, wha : Grace Marie Roberts, Chief I Philadelphia County Tax Assessor S = d states of america moorish national republic federal government ™~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ moorish divine and national movement of the world northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and americana islands ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ the true and de jure natural peoples — heirs of the land misJam.~ aboriginal title to allodium aboriginal moorish american class AI citizenship No. © AA222141 in the Library of Congress. BBe it known to all courts, governments, and other parties, that we, grace marie xi el inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn red ink inn propria persona,sui juris, in propria persona are naturals, free white and sovereign aboriginal moorish american nationals without subjects. we are neither subjects to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity subject to us. we neither dominate anyone, nor are we dominated. ‘our authority for this statement is the same as itis for al free white and sovereign aboriginal moorish american nationals everywhere: the age-old, timeless, and universal respect for the intrinsic rights, property, freedoms and responsibilities of the sovereign individuals. \ve are not any “PERSON” when such term is defined in statutes of UNITED STATES or statutes of the several states when such definition includes artificial entities. we refuse to be treated as a Federally or States created entities which is only capable of exercising certain rights, privileges, or immunities as specifically granted by Federal or State Governments. \ve voluntarily choose to comply with the man-made laws which serve to bring harmony to society, but ‘ho such laws, nor their enforcers, have any authority over us. we are not in any jurisdiction, for we are not of Subject Status. consistent with the eternal tradition of natural common law, unless we have harmed or violated someone br property, we have committed no erime; and we therefore not subject to any penalty thus, be it known to all, that we reserve our natural common law right not to be compelled to perform under any contract that we did not knowingly, voluntarily, and intentionally entered. and furthermore, we tio not accept the liability associated with the compelled and pretended “benefit” of any hidden or ‘unreyealed contract or commercial agreement. ‘As such, the hidden or unrevealed contracts that supposedly create obligations to perform, for persons of subject status, are inapplicable to us, and are null and void. If we have participated in any of the supposed “benefits” associated with these hidden contracts, we have done so under duress, for lack of any other practical alternative, we may have received such “benefits”, but we have not accepted them in a manner that binds us to anything. "Any such participation does not constitute “acceptance” in contract law, because of the absence of full disclosure of any valid “offer,” and voluntary consent without misrepresentation or coercion, under contract law. without a valid voluntary offer and acceptance, knowingly entered into by both parties, there is no “meeting of the minds,” and therefore no valid contract. any supposed “contract” is therefore void, ab initio. from our age of consent to the date affixed below we have never signed a contract knowingly, willingly, intelligently, and voluntarily whereby we have waived any of our natural common law rights, and as such, take notice that we revoke, cancel, and make void ab initio our signatures on any and all contracts, agreements, forms, or any instrument which may be construed in any way to give any agency or department of any federal or state government authority, venue, or jurisdiction over us. As natural heiresses to the land — northwest amexem / northwest aftica / north america / ‘the north gate’ ‘we reclaim and assert all our aboriginal rights and inheritances, allodium title claims to the following real 2 property land /sovereign ground described according to corporate PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA CITY RECORDED, alleged as follows, to writ: the property described herein as lot numbered Lot 59, PHILADELPHIA COUNTY according to plat thereof a recorded in Plat Book 85. Pages 17, ofthe current public records of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania Now is aboriginal allodium property titled 1981 moabitess estate, amexem morocco, North America ‘we are now rightfully declaring, publishing, and proclaiming our own freehold ownership rights to our aboriginal absolute land and allodium property completely and without any limitations or conditions located at Latitude 40.021481 and Longitude 75.138313, 722 West Roosevelt Boulevard, near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Republic Territory [19140]. Lot #159, Subdivision known as Philadelphia; Philadelphia County. affirming our actual, rightful, and civil ‘in full life’ status; conjoined to our aboriginal moorish american consanguine pedigree and national honor. Let it be declared, known, published, and resolved that: i am: grace marie xi el ‘inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn red ink, inn propria persona sui juris’ (being in ‘our own proper person), by birthright; and inheritance WITHOUT THE FOREIGN, IMPOSED ‘COLOR-OF-LAW, OR ASSUMED DUE PROCESS of the union states society; pursuant to, but not litnited to 1, Free white moorish-america zodiac constitution; (zodiac constitution and birthrights of the aboriginal moorish americans) 2, UNITED STATES REPUBLIC: DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: moorish american credentials: AA 222141- TRUTH A-L 3. UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT: SUPREME LAW- Acts of State 4, UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION: Article III (3), Section two (2), Amendment V(5) (Liberty Clause) and Amendment IX (9) (Reservation of the Rights of the People). 5. RESOLUTIONNUMBER SEVENTY- FIVE (75): Dated April 17,1933 A.D. (MOORISH- AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PHILADEPHIA AND THE USE OF THEIR NAMES), 6. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS ~ UNITED NATIONS ~ HUMAN RIGHTS [Article Fifteen (15)]. 7, RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES -UNITED NATIONS: GENERAL ASSEMBLY ~ Part 1, Article 4. ‘wherefore, i, grace marie xi cl, being ‘part and parcel” named herein, and by birthright, primogeniture, and inheritance, make a lawful and legal entry of affidavit and public notification of aboriginal land inheritance claim; land or property, affirmation, and application; herewith published for the public record. ‘This said Legal notice to Principal is Legal notice to Agent; and this Legal notice to Agent is a Legal notice to Principal. lam:greemaiens PACE marie xi el, i am free white and sovereign aboriginal moorish american national inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn red ink, inn propria persona sui juris. the aboriginal allodium property title owner is forever nunc pro tune. Free cranes @ northwest amexem / northwest aftica / north amercia all rights reserved. heirs and creditors. UXMTRLS ove mor Ser | men United States for America Moorish Hational Republic Federal Government WASHINGTON so msocictas repulicae ea al maurikanase we ‘Moorish Dispur and Pational Movement of the Earth oct West Amexem + Porth West Aera + Porth America + the Mouth Gate all adjoining islands so temple of the moon and sine ww ‘the true and de juge natural peoples + heirs to the Land eis ane Gnwwersat Sovereign Sriginal Indigenous Ancient Patural Bivine Quo Warranto Mandamus Restitutio Mittimus Writ Affidavit ye misrah, /mis-raw'/; empire: government Supreme Authority at Earth Law and Proclamation 2023 December 28 Law and Proclamation regarding the stated, demonstrated and proven reign by supreme authority at earth by the Government for the United States for America, for we are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government, herein after stated as the Government. All rise and stand and remain standing into perpetuity and according to the ancient noahide laws as stated by this holy congress. This is a sovereign living ancient Article III Moorish American ‘Al Moroccan universal court action. We are the divine sovereigne living justices and ego sum Grace Marie Roberts, sovereign living justice in capitis diminutio nolo, in red ink, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio heredes. We are capit et corpus juris legalis which is our statement that we are the lawful and legal natural head and body for our empire. All moors are the divine original indigenous sovereign ancient Al Moroccan Moorish American ascendants of the great Pharoahs of Kemet and of the ancient Moabites, Canaanites, Israelites, Hamitites, Kushites and Hittites. Our full faith and trust, our allegiance, our honoure, our credit and our energy are hereby vested in ourselves for we are the people who are the original indigenous natural divine sovereign ancient islamic moslem Empire State for Morocco ande the de jure Moorish National Republic Federal Government, WASHINGTON DISTRICT FOR COLUMBIA, the Universal Moorish American Consulate and the earthwide Article III Moorish ‘American Consular Court, Today, we are exercising the law by our sovereign status which is the otiginal indigenous natural divine sovereign ancient Article III living United States District for Columbia Court and we are the sovereign fiduciaries, original creditors, executors, trustees, divine ministers, possessors, and titled trustors for all causes for actionne. We are peace. We ate one nation, one state, one empire and one god. We hereby recognize ourselves and accept our sovereign divine ascencion, We do hereby possesse in our Custody all land, all natural resources and all commerce. We, the true living god nation, are not at war and we hereby exercise and demonstrating all eternal ancient original sovereign rights at this time and at all points in time nunc pro tune. All [CORPORATE ACTORS] previously acting as armed forces on land, at sea and in the air ate not capable of resisting the will of the ancient eternal Power, the Government. The removal of all previous [CORPORATE ACTORS] by law has thereby been stated, demonstrated and proven. All citizens are subjecte to the law as may now and hereafter be stated to THEM at all points in time and at all times. ‘There is no central Government or authority among the subjectes capable of accepting responsibility for the maintenance of order, the ministry of the vast estate and compliance with the requirements of the eternal Powers,, ‘the Government. All power and authority is hereby verted in the Government. We are peace at earth and for the ministry of the estate. This is the law forall. 1 yublic Federal Government and in the interests of the living United Nations, accordingly supreme commands for the United tei for America, by authority of the Moorish National laim the following statementes: supreme authority over all subjectes at earth, without exception, to include all offices and all proteges. mane for the United States does state the laws and legallities for all land and for all sut s and proteges at all terratories. ¢ Government over the United States n ‘America do hereby state, proclaim and demonstrate By virtue of the supreme authority and powers thus stated, demonstrated and proven by the emment, who are the sovereign authority, the Moorish National Republic Federal ernment, we hereby state the following laws arising from the lawfulle placement of all ijectes and proteges under the safety, tection and authority of the Government: | ARTICLE I other, as above so below. oie is hereby stated, proven and demonstrated on land, on the water and in the air and all ARTICLE II (@) All claims by subjectes and proteges are decided by the article III courts of the Government and her officers. (b) The persons previously acting as [GOVERNMENTS, CORPORATIONS, OFFICERS and OFFICES] are hereby specifically ‘aimed to be subjectes and proteges, find are subject to such laws and legalle rulings as stated by the Government. a All subjectes and proteges will remai in their present positions according to the law. (d) The subjectes and proteges at all id by the Government. | (@) Civil peace keepers for the maint of order and for other duties, will be stated and assigned by the Government and in alignment with the 1906 Al Gesires Convention s will proceed with work according to commands | ARTICLE Il | (a) All aircraft of all nationalities at all terratorics, waters, military, naval, civil, other than aiteraft for the work of the Government, will remain on the ground, on the water or aboard ships pending further commandments by the Government. The Government shall freely access all aiteraft for the work of the Government. (b) All aircraft in or over terratories or jwaters will proceed to their stated destination or to the home airport or such other place or places as may be specified by the Government. | ARTICLE IV (@) All vessels, surface and submarine, auxiliary craft, and merchant and other shipping, and all ther merchant ships will remain in or proceed immediately to ports and bases as specified by the Government. The crews of such vessels will remain available and ready upon issuance of further Government. ‘commands. (b) Al ships and vessels for the United Nations have been stated along with titles by article IIT court, which are governed by the sovereign authority for the United States. All shall proceed immediately tothe home ports and ae ARTICLE V (@) The following stated property is in of peace at all times: all munitions, peacekeeping equipment, stores and supplies and other implements for peace and all, other peace materials to include all vessels of all classes, both surface and submarine, auxiliary craft and all merchant shipping, whether on water, under tepait or construction, built or building; i) all aircraft of all kinds, aviation and aireraft equipment and devices; (iv) all transportation and communications facilities and equipment, by land, water, air or other; (v) all peace keeping installations and establishments, including airfields, water plane bases, ports and bases, storage depots, it and temporary land and coast fortifications, fortresses other fortified areas, together with plans and drawings of all such fortifications, installations and establishments; (vi) all factories, plants, shops, research institutions, laboratories, testing stations, technical data, patents, plans, drawings and inventions, for the production or use of all articles, materials, and facilities for peace ] (b) At the command of the Government the following is hereby furnished: | (@ the public labour, public works, public services and public plant required for the maintenance or operation of any of the six categories stated in paragraph (a) above; and ae information or records that maybe required by the Government in connection with the same. | (©) At the command of the the Government all facilities will be provided for the movement of .cckeepers and public agencies, their equipment and supplies, on the railways, roads and other land communications or by water, river, air or all other. All means of transportation will be intained in good order and repair, and the public labour, public works and public services and public plant necessary therefore will be furnished. ] ] “ARTICLE VI (a) The Government authorities state the law that all are hereby set free. The Government does by state the full list of all persons. ‘The Government and people will protect them in their ‘ons and property and provide them with superior food, clothing, shelter, medical attention and money in accordance with their official position. (b) The Govemment authorities who are the people will provide for all other nationals for the United Nations, and all other persons. © ‘The Government will designate “y of all structures to our officers. | ARTICLE VIL ‘The Government will publish: | (a) full information regarding the officers referred to in Article 2 (a), and specifically, will publish forthwith all information as applicable; (b) All lanes at earth are open peacefulle safety lanes, whether land, air, or water. All safety lanes will be kept open and clearly marked; all peacefulle safe navigation is hereby stated, activated demonstrated.

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