Textbook Exercise G7 M3

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Answers of textbook exercises

Fill in the Blanks

1. When we have to store a large amount of data in an organized

manner we use D atabase.

2. DDL statement for adding a column to an existing table is A lte
3. Rows are also known as r ecords.
4. MySQL is owned by o racle corporation.
5. E n t i t y is an object in the real world that is distinguishable
from other objects.

State True or False

1. MongoDB is an example of RDBMS. -False

2. Alter is a DML statement. -False
3. Revoke is a DCL statement. -True
4. Attributes are unique in a relation. -False
5. DROP <table name> command deletes a table from the database.

Match the Following


2. Relation Table
3. DDL Create

4. DCL Grant

5. MongoDB NoSQL

Multiple choice questions

1. MySQL is:
b. An Open source software
c. Owned by Oracle Corporation
d. All of the above

2. Which of the following is not a DDL command:

a. Create
b. Alter
c. Truncate
d. Delete

3. What represents an ‘attribute’ in a relational database?

a. Table
b. Row
c. Column
d. Object

4. How is communication established with MySQL?

a. SQL
b. Network calls
c. A programming language like C++
d. APIs
5. The command for selecting a database is
a. CREATE <database name>
b. USE <database name>
c. GRANT <database name>
d. REVOKE <database name>

Answer in one word or one sentence

1. Command for login to mysql from terminal/ command prompt

mysql -u root -p

2. Abbreviation SQL stands for:

Structure query language

3. What are the types of databases available?

- Relational databases (RDBMS)
- NoSQL databases
- Hierarchical databases
- Network databases

4. What is an entity?
These are objects in the real world that are distinguishable from
other objects relevant to the software system. It can be tangible or

5. What is the data model used in RDBMS?

Relational data model.

Answer the following

1. What is a database?
A database is a collection of information organized in such a way
that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data.
You can think of a database as an electronic filing system. In
layman's language, the idea of a database is that you will tell the
computer to store the values in a certain manner so that you can
retrieve it in a faster and efficient way.

2. Brief the history of MySQL?

MySQL is the world’s most used open source RDBMS. Its name is a
combination of “My” - the name of co-founder Michael Wideniu's
daughter and “SQL”, the phrase for Structure Query Language. SQL
is the programming language used for performing different
operations on data stored in RDBMS. Sun Microsystems (Now
Oracle Corporation) bought MySQL for $1 billion in January 2008.

3. What is an ER model?
ER model is one of the most used DBMS. It is also known as
Relational Database Management System(RDBMS). In ER model
data is stored in tables(also known as relations). Tables contain
rows and columns. Data is viewed as Entities, Attributes, and
different relations that can be defined between entities

4. What is DDL?
DDL commands are used to define the structure of the database or
schema. It is used for creating, modifying, and deleting objects like
databases, tables, etc.

5. What is DCL?
DCL is used to create roles, permissions, and referential integrity,
as well as to control access to
the database for securing it.

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