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(Information Security Management System)

KV@e flffiffi?.Hw*{&€&* SffiffiBrFrfljwffi www. xww"
This is to certify that the Information Securiry Management System of
Corp. ofr& Regd. office: ptate-A,6rh Tower_2, Easr Kidwai Nagar,
Data Centre I & Security Operation Centre: 143, Institutional Area, Sector-44,
Gurugr*m - 122003, Haryana, lndia.
Data centre 2:2nd Floor B btocli, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabatl _ 500071.
Rairrel Noc: 3rd Ftoortf Ra,rvav coronvo
RailTel CNOC: 6th Floor,3'd Block, Delhi Technology Park, Shastri park, Delhi -1t005J.

Has been found to be of the Information security Management System

This certificate is valid for the following product or seruice range
Providing managed telecom services: The service includes Managed lease lineg Tower
colocation, MPLS based fP-YPN,Internet Lease Line, Rail Wire Broadband
Wifi Services and NGN based voice carriage services.
Enterprise services tike Data Center, Ctoud S"ruice, Nefwork Operatior Center,
Security operafion Center, Telepresence and ICT System Integration. providing Consultancy
Services for IT Application Specification, IT Management rnd Support, IT prlcurement.
Providing Aadhaar Authentication Services.

Certified Since: 02 November 20t7 Cerfificate No; KDACI20 ?fldl}3t

1$ Surveillance Due On:28/0g/2024: Done On: Date Of Issue: 28, October,2023
2nd Surveillance Due On:28/A9D025: Done On: Valid Until:27, October, 2026*

lssued by

Authorised signatory KVQA

C L€ C ",:#;,1'.Tii:'H, il"',H!:t[$]f]:'r"ii-,-,ufi:r,;fi;u'
*Subject to successful completion of surveillance

'[his is to certify that the l*f+rrxatio$ Technclsg; - $e*:urity Tee*uiqusq - Code of
Praetice f*r Inforrnation Securig. for Cloud Sen'ices
Corp. Off & Regd. Offree: PIate*A,6th Floor, Office Block Torver-2, East Kidwai l{agar,
Sew Delhi-I100?3.
Data Centre 1 & Secerrity Operatior Centre: l43r lnstitutional .A.rea, Sector-.{4,
Gurugr*rn - 122003, H*ryana,I*dia.
Data Centre 2: 2nt} Floar B frleck, R*iI Nil*yam, fiec*nderet ad - 5t]S$71.
RailTel NOC: 3rd Ftreor, Microwave Tovger Camplex, Reilway Col*nv, Thomscn Road,
New Delhill00CI2
llailTel CjYOC: $th Fi*or,3ril B!*ck, Delhi ?e*hnol*gr Park" Shastri Park, Delhi -110053.
*Ias been fuund to fuI{iII tke luformation T*ehnology - Security Techniques - Code of Pracfice
for lnformatiau Seclrity for Cloud Services Standard

ISAIIEC 27S1?:2815
This eerti{:cate is valid fcr the fstrlcwing product sr seryice range
Providing max*ged teXeeom services: Theserq,ice inela*es Maaaged l*ase lin*s, Tmver c*location,
MPLS based IP-l?N,Internetle*se Lire, &*iiWireBr*adtrasd Service**d lr{GN bxsed voice
carritge sendces. Pr*viding Enferprise services likeSata Center, Telepresenee and trCT Systern
Integration. Providiag d)cnsultancl'senvices for IT Applicafion Specificatio*,IT Managemenf
*nd $u pport, IT F rocuremcmt. Fr*vi<triag A*dh*ar Authen ticatian Services.

Certificate Ne: tr{DC?822&5S06

l't Suneillance Due {}s: ft/A412023: *oi:e C*:
2"d Surveillance Due {'}n: 1?l*41;024: Done On:

To Check the Status of the Certification kintlly log on to
Sector - 63, Noida U.P. hrdia. Ph- }lL -22711940.227LIl941 Email :

KVSA Cffiffi.X'gtrHC,&H',NffiN $ffiKVHCMS pVT" LyS"

This is to certify that the Inforrnation Techaologr - $ecurig." te,ehuiques * C*de of Practice
for Protection af,Personally Identifiabtre Informaticn $If) in Public Clouds


Corp. Off & Regd. Office: Plate-A,6fh Floor, tlffiee Block To*er-?, East Kid*'ai Nagar,
New Delhi -I10023.
Data Certre 1 & Security Operatior Cenfrc t4Sr lnstifutional Area, S*.etor-4{,
Gurugrarn - 1??003, Ilaryanao India.
Data Cenfre 2: ?nd Floor B bieck, Reil Nilayam, Secuuderab*d - 58S07I.
RailTel NSC: 3rd F$eior, &Iicreware Tcwer Complex, Railway Coto*y, Thamso* Road,
New Uelhi-ll8il$?
RaiITetr CH*C: Sth Floar,3ril Sloek, Delhi T*e$*clary Parh Sh*stri Part<, Delhi -110053.

IT Isfor:Ertior Terhnolory - Securi{1' techniqtres - C*de of Praetice for

Has beer found to f,ulEItr {he
Prstection of Ferso**ily ldentifiable Informaticn (FIg in Public Cleuds Sta:rd*nl

XSOiIEC 27*18:2{}19
This cer{ifisate is r.elid f,*r tke f*Ii* Fr:Gdrldf er servi** *uog*
Providing man*ged ttlet*m sff'vitas: The service inrtrudes &tan*gcd ir*se *ines, Tn:x.*r c*l*cation,
ll{Pl,fi based IP-YPN, Interaet Lease Liue, Rail.Wire Broadband Service axd NG}Y based voice
*arriage serv-ices. Providieg Enterprise serviees }ike Ilata C*utrr, Telepresenre and iCT System
Integratien, Providing Consulta*cy S*rvices for IT Applieation Specifimtien, I? M**agenoent
and Support, IT Frecurement Providing A,*dhaar Authenticafi*n Sen'ices.

Certi{lcate 1!{c: KDC202205005

lu'Surveillance Due *n:1210t"12023: llone On: Date Of Issue: 12, May,2A22
3"d Strrveillance Due tln: r,2i{}4L3.024: Dane On:

issued b3z

Airflcrissd sigaateiy KVQA

To Check the Status of the Cerfification kindly log on to

Sector - 63, Noida U.P. India. Ph- 011 -X211194A122711941 Email :
kg I

a This is to Certify that the Management System of

Corp. Off & Regd. Office: Plate-A, 6th Floor, Office Block Tower-2, East Ki
g New Delhi -110023.
u- Data Centre 1 & Security Operation Centre: 143, lnstitutionalArea
Gurugram - 122003, Haryana, lndia.
Data Centre 2: Znd Floor B block, Rail Nilayam, Secunderabad - 500071.
lrl RailTel NOC: 3rd Floor, Microwave Tower Complex, Railway Colony, Thomson Road,
\J New Delhi-110002
a RailTel GNOC: 6th Floor, 3rd Block, DelhiTechnology Park, Shastri Park, Delhi -110053.

l- has been found to conform to the lnformation Technology Service Management System standard:

:< ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018

:S This certificate is valid for the following scope of operations:

lrl Providing managed tetecom services: The service includes Managed lease lines, Tower colocation,
U MPLS based IP-VPN, lnternet Lease Line, RailWire Broadband Service and NGN based voice
carriage services. Providing Enterprise services like Data Center, Telepresence and ICT System
a lntegration. Providing Consultancy Services for IT Application Specification, lT Management
and Support, lT Procurement. Providing Aadhaar Authentication Services.
lrl :: Certificate No :: 1N55944F
k Date of initial registration Date of this Certijicate Surv audit on or before / CertiJicate expiry Recertification Due
u- 31 October 2023 3l October 202i 30 October 2024 i0 October 2026
d, This Certificate remains valid subject to satisfactory surveillance audits


tr K{
k:< ..:_-. ,i.,rjt,:.,.:, ,,: . ::.:i:j;ti:l ...a,|,' I :,::,. j,.:l

tr This Certificate is lhe property of Staunchly Management & System Seruices Limited and shall be returned immediately when demanded

Labrynth Business Centre.43 Middle Hill Gate.
Stockport Great n'lanchester,England-SKl 3DG

N - ..... A ii.r,,ri , ri':: i'{!i i,.i:

' t- .::t r tai:_.;r.t ,rt iq:q:;:;:1 -': ';;;11

a Compafly Regist6red in Engiand taith Company Mumber 114*8683

{ 1ll ; ili irlli-l

Slr4Srf lJr00 l lRE;ilE


xtst rt aat* E !

1 1 EC :,r -1, .'ar 1 :

Fi*; Trer i;ertiii*ffli*r: sf **fi$truated f a*ltly lar th* Ha'lTs[ C*rp*r*licn r:f i*l* L,rnite{:i - R*rlTel
'i1 *&la Cerrlre *hases I and 7

D*ar F,{r. trasad.

l*Stime lil$liiule Fr*fession:! Ser*rc*l r$ ciej$er to *iln* lre Trer **rrificstjorl *f ilsnrtril*is* S;leiiilty
l*r tjr*Qari?*i **rp*r,:ti*n *i lnJra Lrn]ri*d - darrT*} $*t:unil{?r*ti*$ ilBt;} ilrntr*. Fhsses '1 ard ? itt
Ssf*fiilsiEbad, Tslen**na, lnclis, *$ fll{ilirng Tier I!l l)t,icufferily i,4*rnr.t{niible*r)t*r}* Thrs Cedr{re6ir*n
;* s:i3dil *n tn* J#srqil lnd r!: .irie !€ri'.iaircn :f ''n*;cnu,.,;i** rsf rrly isfii-;ito,l :r Jl Var:lr 20i7.
t This {:*r1iii*sti*n r*e*gnrues the csmbjr}alion *f ti:e ,'T #*p*ndetl pn$ses *l th* HaiiTal
Lf,tor"li,r,- +F lr,sr* l-.rnrtei:: - R,:rll'e; SeLur$rir.:iila$ il.ll: rllntr+ t'nal* t ;:nd R.3r1-". ie ,:un,i*l.l;:"1'J
lrl* Crr:r--, Ern*t* ?. lrtd 5iloeis*ilss the r +I 1rl Cs1;1:(;l'|*fr (]i *+$.{$n C*';,::rerls i:ri ii*,r*.ri
,-.r'[;lra:i:c,;i r: a Lr"a],lei - t;l lI*l :,eiilnddrail*]i ].ll,l il**it* tr]:att '1 J*irld l& f.js!s4']er i01$
Th{5 Cattr}.;alron recernizes tne Iar,*ei C:,p*r+t+r a".r5ta L,lfi!te$ * o*ilf*l iscr:{)dr:rtfdd f*1"1
ientre*$ 1 .lir.l 2 l5 iUpSOft rQ 1i! piAri*d .,s+rk,]r lf"e trts lrii';S:r.,C1(rr4 .i*:lh+*t *,qilri-'ltr ?
,:crnt:il1cill:orn pc'ise. :nd coohrl I :sf**,ly

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^*'Cu]i lT ir:*d *f [0; ]r:;t$Afis {nv1,) Tr.,1 ;t:,,s,$t: u{ !l.l:# -r

1;? li/\ i.?rnFrrce* O" 2,j0 q',i'C' : ,*-tJl;I iStA |Iail 1 1f k;V rl lrq lJ+rlhtqii( r0*fi an{i } }.VY il li'*
(;L: 'lairn. atJ l:trtse 2 37i ,,""'*i i r;*fi ;r laur rjsil 2 to:a:he 1?ia rSlls are {ccdi€c . ".

l,frlll ,1:i-;Jr.efl/uurtir,*rl1r,a*14+ritfri;r+r€'OLJ):*,:i^'^,,.ly')d*,:,'j..r'*ll lt'r.rr jr.t.rlrty

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il*rl:iic*tl** is sr:h;*tt t# the lrrnjtsiialx$ $*t f*.th in *Lr.*iiirie 1 fitr*.1,a &r,,i reitp*r&t*i: *er+rr.
Th* Ti*r t!1 **,1eali*n *t **r:*t"ru*',*d F aei"lily t*p{***flts tl,,e *trlfii{',ar.i*{i ,af F.;etNT*l C{:{Paraql*fi *! l*$ia
I-i*1it*ti $ fiv*g1rr|*t',?" &t1ri *,*111{P,tt"ff1*rit L* *ile *ptiina ev'e*a*11t1y.

fongrat*laticns *fi ih,$ *igni{icant achieueme,-}t

'rz *l$
R Lee (irby

fi* We$l 3:b $treet, Se Flocr New Y*rk, hJ Y I iL:l t .

t ii,+:.Iil$ .4 i ,ii] " :r1,.::,,:',1:.;a;::,!1ti:!.\.1'tt!tltt):'./i. t:;r!':.l
12 February2019

Mr. ShriChandra
Deputy General Manager
Railtel Corporation of lndia Ltd.
Plot No-143, Sector -44
Gurugram, Haryana 122003

Re: Tier lll Certification of Constructed Facility for Railtel Corporation of lndia Ltd. - Railtel
Gurugram Data Centre

Dear lt/r. Shri Chandra,

Uptime lnstitute Professional Services is pleased to announce the RailtelCorporation of lndia

Ltd. - RaiftelGurugram Data Centre in Gurugram, Haryana, lndia, as fulfilling Tier lll
Concurrently Maintainable criteria. The Tier Certification is based on the design and on-site
verification of the constructed facility completed 29 November-2 December 2016, 8-10 January
2019, and documentation subsequently received through 29 January 2019.
This Certification recognizes the RailtelCorporation of lndia Ltd. - RailtelGurugram Data
Centre as supporting any planned work on the site infrastructure without disrupting computer
room power and cooling capacity. This Tier lll Certification is based on a total lT load of
547 kilowatts (kW). This includes 515 kW in the data hall, 1B kW in the network room, 8 kW in
the telco room, and 6 kW in the staging room.
Tier lll Concurrently Maintainable criteria are founded on the capability to complete planned
facility maintenance or modifications on a scheduled basis; equipment failures or distribution
path faults may lead to unplanned outages. Certain operations-related errors (such as
procedural errors during reconfiguration of redundant systems, components, or site
infrastructure equipment) may still impact the critical load.
This Tier Certification is valid untilthe facility is modified, including any changes to the capacity
components or distribution paths depicted in the design identified above, and submitted for
review. This Certification is subject to the limitations set forth in Schedule I hereto and
incorporated herein.
This Tier lll Certification of Constructed Facility represents the culmination of Railtel Corporation
of lndia Ltd.'s investment and commitment to site uptime availability.

Cong ratulations on this significant achievement.


C.f-e,{,- .A
Christopher Brown
Chief Technical Officer

Sroadr,o.'ay, Suite 32C0, hlew York, NY 1 001 S . +1 .2C6^7C6.414t .

l:i='r' . j:l:,::s


ff *r tifintte ffi f (f sffipltu wrt

This is to certify that

RailTel Corporation of lndia Limited

has been assessed for

PCil D55 v3.2.7

and is found cornpliant

Category - Service Provider

Compliance Date - 2nd May 2023
Vaiid Till - lst May 2024
Certificate Number esec/pc izazz I nxr LTE L-89265


esec Forte Technologies certif iss th3l the afr:re rnelrticnerl company rs ccmpirarrt'Lo the reqLiirerrenls for FCI flSS r,zei'sion 3.2 I :rs pcr t-re
scope.Jef ine.J in ihe AOC (Attestatiari ol Cornplrence]- This compliance is based on evidences, artiFacts arrd drcumenls n-l.)de:.;atlable lc
esec Forte Technnlogios as pai-t cf pAYN4ENT CAR] !tlDUSTIiY DA-|A SECURITY STANDARD ipCl DSS) v3.2.I vaiidation n'rethcdclogy as af
date r:f assessment.'f lris certif ic:ie dles not pror;ide or guarintee th.rt clig;oing con-:pliance is being maintJinod by e ntity

SmnrJ*rriv Crunril


ASSESSOR esec Forte Technologies
esec Forte Technologies makes no representations or warranties on the business activities or operations of the said company nor shall be liable
and/or provide guarantee in any form This certif icate does not substitute for the need to register with the card brands directly

I " t Ct)f)tr:ti l'rl ilS.lClOt't0.CCrlli

\ r(

, t, l

i.. j .-:;1. :e.-: o! C)oud Seryice offerings of Cloud Serwice Provider

'-:---'-i.r','o',i: application su'urnittcd in rcsponsc to thc h{citY's
.. lvla-v 2C20 i<lr c*rpanclrncnl *f Clr:uci Scrvicc oflcrings oi

--i rt
rnration and dacuments submitted by your orgaruizalion has bccn cxamincd
ssfui STQC audit, y*ur organin{}.tian fs Jr:und ta b,e compJiant to thc McitY's
rquircmcnt. 'l'hc crapanci]*d Cl*ud Scrvicc Offerings a!*ng with c*mpliar:t
'::r org,aniz,ation, is cnclostd as anntxlrrc 1.
a:ly informatiein pr*vidcd by you is faund tci b,-e lalsclincorrcct and non-
: crnpanclment rcquircmcnts at any sLagc ol the currency {}f cmpanclment,
.:: shail bc dc-cmpancllcct.

:equestcd to communicatc in $,ritir,lg acccpting thc tcrms and conditions

J:is lcttcr within a pcriod ef 15 days of rcccipt o[ this letter. 'l']:e lettcr af
,,i stand annullcd, in casc fo1citY does n*t receive your acccptancc. It may
is mandatory to upl*ad thc "Llouqucl *l Clcu,d Services" on GcM platfcrm
post acccptancc clf thc tcrms and sonditions of this lettcr.
*-:. :. :...'-i3. :rai lhc
S'IQC audit c*n<luclcd ior lhc Clorid senicc oilcnng is
vaiisl ior dr,rrahon al thrce Ycars, horvi:vrr 1hc CSf has in undcrp,n a $ilr\tiliancc audit
cvcry ycar f,or i"nllowing tu'n rcquircrr:cnts:

] h,linirnurn sccurily and tcchr:ical rcqulrcrncnt spccilicci by McitY.

ta Any acJcJitional rcquircrncnl spccificd i:y h'Ici'rY f rr:q:-rircrncnt arising out of any
additionerl scrvicc propascd tn br: cfh:rcd ry thi: CSP.

*. 'l'hc empanclmcnl shall bc fl*r a ;:cri*d o[ thrcc ycars frr:m thc d;rl* nf iss *f tl:is
r i,ri:ri will cxpirc on 0? C2 ?02,1

(Spagcs) (Uma Chauhanl

Senior Director
:::i:.:'? '!,

.rc*al lndio
A a
,t' ''
{ ,*='
Y, '
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s u1:!t i

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!3i if4q' lrr}]lii{ i ,-;r e*r al...L F,4aJt+.:f+q.t;r.tre-r A:ith*ri*atict{} F##11 i\""li\;:} ,;"r,1..*,,,.r, {€d{ry
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Tri: Cfuief**ner;ll *M*nag*r/Frr*jeet*& W$F, &ffp${{-.

3rd Fltl*r, florPar*te *ffice,
E:&Y {*lony, $*gethx*}r**d}h;*r*, Vt$&KB-l&FATftiAM - 53* {}13'

D*ar SirfMa'am,

of eloud
We RailTetr Corporation of lndis Lir$it*d who are establish*d and reputable maRufacturers
Serviees h*ving producti*n facilities at Plate A, 6th Flc*r. Office Block Tower*3, falt Kidwai l{agar' New
$pluti*ns Limited knosrrn as ltdani
Felhi lt00l3 do hereby auth*rize {S/r Rdani fnergy {Form*rly
Tr*rsmls*iam l-{d}, Adani {crp*rxte ltot"lse, $hentigr*r*, xear \laishnav $cwi tir*l*,
$'G' Hi$tr*uayo
*Bickler) to submit a bid' and subsequertly
Khodiyar, Ahmedabad e*?4?X., Suiarat (hereinafter, the
ot Metering tnfrastrueture
rreg*ti*te and sign the Cnntract with y*u *galnst Appointn-rent AtJvanced
provider {AMl5p} fur Srnart Frepairi Metering and systerfi rr}€tsrinE by replacing the existing
{gtiiil} Servl*e
anc{ to alt the 11
met*,rs to all 6*vernment, Corrrmerrial & lnclustrial C*nsr"Jmer$, {exctuding Agrirulture}
r*ting, the flrstwhile Revenue Districts
l{V Feeders & Distribution transforrn*rs rxith ?5 KVA *ntj ahcve in
{Sodavari within the .}urlEriiction r:f
*f Srikskulam, Viai;ln*garam, Visakhapatneryr, fast Gr:E*itvari an*I West
Distribulion Settor Srhenre vidt
the Ali[FDCL in TilTEX mrode *n D|]F{:}OT hasis under Revamped {RDSS}
atiov* go*d* and seruic*s'
Bid/ftFp No: cGM/rrcijeetslApEpl]cl/smart MeterslO6l:*23-23 inelucling th*
plant &. equipment materi;lls
We hereblr *xtend full guarant*e anrl warranty f*r the abeive *pecifieri
of {Jperationtll
or cther goutls ttff*re$ su5ip*rting th* supply, inst*llotior.r, cammissio*ing and arhieving
said Bidd*r fr:
G.,-liv* r:f the pl*nt iry th*. Biclder egaiilst th*se $ideJi*g $ocurnents, i*r'rd duly **th*riz*
d*r:lare thar wc
a{I 41r {:}ur belalf irr fuf filling tlre** gt-lorarit** *nd warranty *bligxtir:ns' Wt *lsr]r hereblr
,:;*; &**g.ri fI**r#V $e:!$ti$cls ?.imifed have *ilt*r'-ed int* a {lrrtr':*i r*}lttir:trtl:ip irr which, durrrrg thr"

r1:,t:l-'rlig*1i*rtl;tc.:tht':trriirf il.\t{'i ttt,'1i-'r 11"'{r'titriar"l'

i:*r and on h*hali't:l k;*iiTrll {ic:irpr:tuti*n r'rf lrrcii;* Liffiitc}ii


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ln the caparity *{ frlvtr-Bu*rr'ri:i1, ili:vr:l*[]r!1nr!t rut] tl:is :h*r.r1EJ he rign*ri b]'el fr*rsn:n having the ylower

n{ att*rr:ey {* iegal bind the rnar:ufaqtur*r'

;"l ,.". i *. ..,.. /i i::
f-}ar&. " : , +l-'

p ta ce: i..'i l,*t.1irr gfu' {Signature}.....

{[:rinted lr]*me] Al*k V Agnihotri

{Derign*ti*n}- *M-$urint:*s

{C*mm*n 5e;ll}......".....",......"..


W zr?q&Yffi #fu gffi?:l"r &m*v, '{,*nrl{irx r}.rq*ftrn) 4{'$qwi * fr

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$ ffi fl3 $ & kX aj$ X\{ -t 8"$ €}{ {1. $ ;:&. &."


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Cr: r'llf ir:a,lr lssu*tj {}irl,s

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ArticL; 41tr *{ uttc:rnt:y $P,&

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T* Wlge"ffi$ffifivffiffi s? m&Y fi#ruqrm{s

RailTel florporation oF India Lirnited ('RailTel" "the Cnmpeny') is a Gor"t. Campany l

within the meaning of Section 3{45} of the Companies Act, 2013 under the
aclministrativ* ccntreil *f Ftinistry *f Railways, Govt. *f india.

The ehairmnn & Managing Director *f the eornpany has sub-delegated his ce*ain
pswers by way of $pecial P*wer of Attorn*y ln r*lation to pa*ieipation in Tenders to
Shri Parag l{umar fi*yal, Execr:tive Director/Snterprise Susiness f*r smaoth discharge
of his rfficial duties. (}n the strength of this sLrb d*l*$fttion *f p*wers, Shri Parag
Kumar G*yal may furth*r authCIri$e any exeeutive *f RailTel under hirn to pa*Icipat*
in Tenders.

Fursuant ts the r*quir*m*nt of Artiel* **. 71" *f the Artictres of Assoeiati*n *f the
C*mpany. th* said sub*del*gaticn of power in fav*ur cf Shri Farag Kumar frr:yal,
f;xecutive *irectcrlEnterprise Busix*ss was taker: note by the S*ard *f Directurs in
their .l.3$th rn**ting held *n 7?'1d Msrch, 7fi33.

Farr*$ ffi*rpclrat$mn *f Imdia kirnited

"\ * +?-F
* {\t"/
3"S. Marwafu
**mpany $een*txxy

ffietar- S*ftl$f kffix3 &.'{w, ?&&wf',8,&.www

Plxee;* Wsrs S*lhi :w\ffi


"M$? srydt'fTry +rY':; ;ifra; lh.{&*m, .'ii{il{nii;{q

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'l I +!]1 t'l :.:2$lrsfil, r J.*1 1'1 2;!1{l{}rii}q i '/,Jehriic;www.ririiieJindirr.r:rxr

ElltB!A ruSr-,I }US$e!&L

ffierserr*#erct c9 NatisnaE Cep$fra! Yerr*tory *f *e$hl



Cerlific,*te No. lN'DL7005SeBeS74'! 67V

Cer"lificate lssued Date 0'1 -r\,'1412023 1 0;56 Al"1

Account Heference SELfPfiIN'f lPUi/ dl-selti NEHftUi DL-DLH

Ur:ique Dsc. ffefere nce suBll'i-DLDL-$ELFl 237951 31 I S4(]4V
Purchased hy HA!L"TEL CCIFlPOflATION

Descrlpiion of Document Article 4Bici Fower of atl*rney - GPA

P rcper-ty DescriPtiot't r':OT APPLieABtE NOT APPI-.ICABLE hlOT ApPLICABLE

r}crsrde:alron Prile ills. )
lcne Hundre,J ottlY)



ltan1p Duty Amount{Rs.) ' 1a;0 l:.
i0r:e Hundred only)


WWW. S !'-{ C I t-ESTrq illt P. [* 1,,{

it it jl lii tri.t i ::,,l;t i.rii lr i=l :ljr;f i l'iil" li.rt:




* FIiHilI*ffi !"t


1Ve, Raai{Tci Ccrporntiom erf $nrEia Ltd. {a fi':verument of lrr<lia [-lnel*rt*kingi {{lti{: ,i:

[.{:4202DL2000$t}i i t}?9*5} th*reinetter refbrr,*il l* as '&siXT*fu Cr:*:6:mny'}, havir"rg its r*gistcred :ll
(idlvaiNiagar,ltJertr *elhi- -
.rfir! Corpprat* &ffice at Plat*-;\. 6th Fleior'" (}ffii:e trllclek'I'ower*?, n ugl
1 lt)0?3" lnejia, rt* l:ere[:3, c*nst!tut*" appoint and autho;:ize &'[r. F*lrmg
Kuxm*r {i*y*ln, *"vhr: is :


Steli"rtr\ry Altil: nl
1 ! itli Z,Jili.i,ii+:! i\i a?l;r ,.iiir1* ri.riiiiia"iv :l,1ztli:
.iiiv iil:ii{!,nrritr,:: ;iIi +ir'iriiri r], i:1,: r)ir",illlil
l' : iil r.,:ilf i:l !11-jr:,1 i1.r i:].:,iji:1:;:i:-, li. i:; :,:.:: : )::::\.::: . .,.):, i:.-::tt:':.a1rii
, ;i:i:.- rrr ir i::,:i.+.i: l:l{j r.i:1: 1:i1.::l :ra::"= :::
presenll)' flnrplo-\./ed with us ancl hclding lhe p*.ritior"r *1'Blxeeutive IlireetcriEnterpnise Eusiness
and whose signatitr* is giv*n helrrrv" as o!.rr Attornr3', to dr: in +rrr itarre anil cn i:Lrr b*haif. all such
acts. deerls and tl"rings r.recessary in ei-rrrileciion,,vith or ir:cidenlalta submission of ItailTel'-q Bid"
in l'*sp*nsc to viaricus tend*rsi'ftFPs issue.l h*1, variorr.s t*nder lk:atir':g efititie"q {r'r:m tinr* Lc: tirx}e
snrl in'.r'l,ich Rai['l'el i*tends to particip:rte" ine ludins signing and s*bn:issi*:r of the pri:p*s;i] arrd
all dr:*umenls sper;ifieel in the pr*p*.qai. including. und*rtal'ings- let{*rs, ceffiiticates, auccprsl}ces.
clarificaticns, guarantees, e{c., participating in the fireetinrs, respilnding tcr the qneries. submission
*f inf"ormaticn or docurnents snd senerally ro represent us in. all the dealings rvith the tender
tlo*ting et:[it1i, in all mattu'rs in connection with our pafiiclpation in the tenderisubrnission r:f Biri.
2. Tlre Attoine)"(Shri Farag Kurnar Goyal) r'*a3" fi:nher autharise any executive *f RailTel under
him {br sui:r:rissiott of Bid an behalf-olRailTcl and to do such *ther tl-rings as detailed abovc. fhe
attorne-y shall maintain the records *f any such autliorisation so given b,v him unrter this clause.

3. 'Ihis PGA is issLled pursuant to the delegated powers conferred upon Managing Director of the
Company vide resalution dated 27 .Al.20t)2 by the Board of flirectors.

4. This POA is vaiirl till such time the said attoffiey is in emplo5rment *f the Compan_v and holds
the position of Executive Dirrctcr/Enterprise Business ar is othenvise revrkerl, lvhichever is

5" All l*wfirl ects dcne or ci?use t* have been dane by the saitl ar{*rney rvithin the p*r.v*r deleg*ted
to hin"i under this POA stanils ratitled in all respects by the Company.

6" This FOA shall not he applicabie in cas* cf anv criminal brea*h of trust or eivil liability
under-taken by the attonrev in l:is personal eapacity.

For amd on lrehalf cf

RailTel *f India Limrited

Sanjai Kurur:rr
{Chtirrnan xmd kflan:rging Director}
Bated: {, .03.2023
Place: N*w Delhi

*f Att*rmey
Kumar Goval
n: Exe*m tivs Direetor/En terprise
firaitrTel Corporation *f India Limrited

lYitn*ss 1: lYitness ?:
Ar;;;-'l g*a**s4 .l,3*i*j
fo*^*xu*,- -m*" t j

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# {t i

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ffi rywerffi rrser"?€ *$ G uejffi rffi&

Centiflcate of $tarn p


Gertificate lssued Date

Account Fleference

Unique Doc. Reference l ::r :'

Purchased by

Description of Document 'i;
Description , , : cr:

Consideration Price {Fls.) +


{Zero) Ii

Adani Energy Solutions Lirnited

Second Pafiy nOani Connex Private Limited

Stamp Adani' Energy: Solutions Limited 1

Stamp ,


sJ'i *il:,$ffi4Sffi#
;';r liid i" 1lr:Nii

riilii!*t i i.1lr,itrr.
I i rt; ir,ruj
::i ir,:l ii'i* i*rfl ptri{erii Ait iirrrily
and Lead member of a Bidding consortium
Agreement entered between the sub'cofitracLors

Mls Adani Energy Salutions Limiled (Fcrmerly
Adaniconnex Private Limited. for bidding for
as Adanirransmlsiion Limited), AND M/s. gtlzozz'zl {rhe "RFP") dated gth
Tender No. cgM/proiect#Apeppgu5mart t'ftetefsro
December 2A22 as per it's Clouse 4'3'2
execuled on this
1. THIS Agreernent (hAreinafrer referred ro as "Agreement")
28th daY of SePtember 2023 between
incorporated under Ehe laws of lndia
?. llflls. Adani Energy Solutions Limitpd, a company
Ct;'pot"re uouse' 5hanttgrarn' Near Vaishno
and having its Registered Office ii*it."lgrr**1rO".O -,:A2 421, (hereinafrer called "Ptsrty
Devi circte, 5. S. Highway, xiroaiiii,
,,Lead conuoriiurn luremuei' o, "sot* Eidder" which expression shall include i;s
1," or
successors, sxecuLors and permitted Essignsll laws of lndia
3, Mls, Adanicnnnex privateOfflce uimiteu . *oripany incorporaLed under [he
Near Vdishno
and having its Registered .i Corporate- House' Shantigram'
called ':Party
p'nmeOaUaO -382 4?1(hereinafter
Devi Circle, S, G, Highway, f<froOiyir,
.,sub- conlractor,,which -ripriffii", shalt include iEs successors, exEcuLors and
2," or
Permittsd assigns);
inro this Agreemenr fot [he purpose of
wHEREAE lhe parties absvenamed are enLering
evenl of seleetion as Salected
submi$ing the Bid in response [0 the RFP and in the
in the RFp and ensure execution
Bidder to comply with the requirements as specified
be entered into with utility-Employer'
of the A,vilSP Con[ract as rnay be re quired E0
referred to as the "Parties" and
Party 1, and Parry 2, are hereinafter collectively
individuallY as a "PartY'
shalt submil a legally
wHEREAS the RFP stipula[es that rhe sub-conlractors
in uhe RFP' whereby each sub-contractor
enforceable AgreemenE in a format specified
provisions of the RFP' as speclfied herein'
and pay required fees as required as per the

shall have Lhe meaning ascribed Eo

WHEREAS any capitalized Lerm in lhis Agreemeni
such term in thP RFP documenr'


agreemenL all f he Farties in this Consorlium
ln consideration of the abCIve premises and
do hereby muLually agree as follows:
by rhe ulility-Employer' we as lha
1, ln consideraLion of the selection of the bidder
Ci:nsorfium and PartY t0 this
sub-con[ractor [o the lead memb er 0f Lhe bidding
I'/1/s Adan i Energy Solutisns Limiled,
AgreemenI do herebY unequivocallY ogree that
shall acl as ined in the RFP for self and sgent for and on
behalf of lVl/s AdoniConnex PrivaEe Limited'

Z. The Roles and Responsibilities CIf the sub-confracfor shall be as per the Annexure
to [his Agreemenl.

3, The sub-conl16c[or under[akes to be individually liable for the performance of its

part of the Roles and Responsibilities wilhout in any way limiting the scope of
collective liability envisaged in this Agreemenl in order L0 meeI the requirernenLs
and obtigations of the RFP, Ths€ Lead Consor[ium iVlember shall be
and responsible for ensuring the individual and collective commitment of the sub'
contracaor in discharging [heir respective Roles and Responsibilities'

4. ln case of any breach of any of the commitment as specified under this Agreemenf
by the sub- con[ractor, the-.fu1€-bidd€$/ Lead Consortium ,l'lember shall be liable to
meet Lhe obligations as defined under the RFP'

5, Except as specified in the Agreemenr, il is agreed rhat sharing of responsibilities as

aforesaid and obligations lhereLo shall noL in any way be a limitaticn of
responsibility of the t"*"*, Lead consortium R^ember under thesa presents.

5. The lViembers expressly agree lo adhere to all the Lerms and conditions of the RFP
and confirm Lhat we don't have any Conflict of lnleresl (as defined in the RFP),

7 This Agreemenl shall be construed and interpreted in accordance wilh the Laws of
lndla and Courts at Visakhapatnam shalt have the exclusive iurisdiction in all
maL|ers relaling Lhereto and arising there under,

g. tt is further expressly agreed thal the Agreemenf shall be irrevocable and, for uhe
A/\n13p, shall remain valid over the term of [he Prcject, qnless expressly agreed to
ihe contrary by Utility-Employer'

9. The "$e{*-&idder/ Lead Consorlium iVlember is authorized and shall be fully

responsible fsr the accuracy and veracity cf the repres€ntations and informarion
submitted by the Sub-conlracLof respeclively from lime [0 time in response to tha
RFp fsr the purposes of the Bid. The reprpsentation by the sale{*dd*+/ Lead
ConsorLium r\Aember shall be deem*d lo be on behalf of and binding on the sub-

10, lt is expressly understood and agreed beLween fhe s€l*id-de'rl lead oonsorLium
member and the sub-conLraclor th6f the responslbililies and abligafions of each of
the IVlembers shall be as delineated as annexed hereto as Annexure'A forming
infegral parL of this AgreemenL, lt is further agreed by the iVlembers that [he ahove
sharing of responsibilities and obligafions shall nfil in any way be a limitalion of
responsibilities and liabilities oF the /Vlembers, wi[h reEards [o al] m8[ters r€lafing lo
the execulion of the Bid and implementation of the Project envisaged in the RFP
2, The Roles and Responsibilities of lhe sub-conlracror shall be as per the Annexure
lo this Agreement.

3. The sub-conlraclor underLakes to be individually liable for lhe perforrnance of lts

part of the Roles and Responsibili[ies wilhout in any woy limiting lh€ scope of
colleclive liability envisaged in this Agreement in order fo meeI lhe requirernenLs
and obligations of the RFP, The€.ele*i.rtde+/ Lead Consortium fulember shall be liable
and responsible for ensurinE the indivldual and collecLive commitrfient of lhe sub-
contracLor in discharging their respective Roles and Responsibilities.

4, ln case of any breach of any of the commitment as specified under rhis Agreemenl
by rhe sub- con[raclor, the&]*&i{d€+/ Lead Consor[ium ,Viember shall be liable to
meet Lhe obligalions as defined und*r lhe RFP.

5, Excepl as specified in rhe Agreement, il is agreed that sharing of responsibilities as

aforesaid and obligarions lheretCI shall no[ in any way be a limiratisn of
responsibility of the Sele*bidde+/ Lead Consortium Member under lhese presenLs,

6. The /Vlembers expressly agree lo adhere to all the Lerms and conditions of the RFP
and confirm that we don't have any Conflict of lnterest (as defined in the RFP),

7. This Agreemenl shall be conslrued and inlerpreted in accordance with the Laws of
lndia and Courts at Visakhapatnam shall have lhe exclusive jurisdiction in all
mallers relaling LhereLo and arising lhere und€r,

8. tt is further expressly agreed lhal fhe Agreement shall be irrevocable and, for the
shall remain valid ovEr lhe term of the Project, unle-ss expressly agreed to
lhe contrary by ULilily-Employer.

L The $ele--b-iCCer/ Lead Ccnsorlium l\,4ember is aurhorized and shall be fully

responsible for the accuracy and veraci[y of the represenlations and inforrnaL,ion
submitted by the Sub'contractor respectively from time to time 1n response to thp
RFP for Lhe purposes of Lhe Bid. The representation by the Ssle-blelde+/ Lead
Consortium IlAember shall be deemed ro be cn behalf of and binding on Lhe sub-

10, lt is expressly underslood and agreed beLween the s€l€-b+d"de+l l*ad consorEium
mernber and lhe sub-conLractCIr lhal Lhe respons]bilities and obligations of each of
lhe fulembers shall be as delineated as annexed hereto as Annexure-A forming
inregral part of rhis Agreemenl, lt ir furthgr agreed by fhe fi{embers that the above
sharing of responsibilities and obligations shall noI in any way be a limilalion of
responsibilities and Iiabilities of the lVlembers. wilh regards lo all matLers relating [o
lhe execution of the Bid and implen'renlalion of the Proiect envisaged in the RFP
11. lt is clearly agreed lhaI the Ssle-g+dd*tl Lead Consortium IUember shall en$ure
fails l0 Berform
performance indicafed in fhe RFP, ln the event lhe sub-contractor
default by the
its/ their rgspective obligations, the same shall be deemed t0 be a
S€l€-Bidde+/ Lea d Conso rti u m lVlembsr'
12, lt i5 hereby expressly agreed beLween the Parlies to this Agreement thaL
prior wrilren consenL of utilily-
this Agreemenr L0 any person or entity excepr with

13, This Agreement;

Party hereto and

a) has been duly executed and delivered on behalf of each
canstiLu[es the legal, vatid, binding and enforceable obligarion
of each such
wich respecL ro the
b) ss[s forth the enrire understanding of thp Farties here[o
subiecr matler hereof; and
may not be amended or modified excepl in wri[lng signed
by each of the
, :-l,..hlt"
t.:1 l1,=
.a ii
t'' ;tila tri
', :.:;
For fVI/s Adani Energy Sslutions Limited
Common Seal of Adani Energy Solutisns (Parry 1]
Limited has been affixed in mY/ our d
*:#d: ilt -"'-^.,{

presenre pursuEnL Lo Board Resolulion s

.ts./.a." \ i. &*E*{--
datea ....8.+f a z-
Vaibhav Tandon
Additional Vice President


Name: Avishkir'Shelar
Designation: 5r' Executive

Witness 2

FJame: Husan Kore
DesignariCIn: 5r'Execulive
For iVlls AdaniConnex Privale Limiled
(Parry 2)
Commsn Seal of AdaniConnex Privale lr.
Limited hasbeen affixed in my/ our presence 1r.
pursuanL io Board Resolurion dafed {i?,'",i, **
,. ,.{,.*/+*l.s# kz*
Name: srnjtay thulani ,.r.:::. .,i::
Designalion: Chief Business Officer

Wilness 1 Witness 2

&**. fita*
Name: ffim-** kqa*i &qr*L**"l Name: \i*,tuu t-s*uh,nT
Designarion: &Arsl De:ignarion: * $4


Role and Respunsibility of each i\Aember of Lhe ConsorLium:

1, Roles and Responsibilities of [he Parcy 1 (Se1e-Eidd+r/ Lead Csnsortium Member):

. Projeet IVianagemenl
2, Roles and Responsibililies of rhe Party 2 (5ub-confracfor)
. A/lanaged Service provider for RailtelCorporatinn of India Limited
. Railtel corporation of lndia Limited will be cloud service provider

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