As English Language Coursework Commentary

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Writing a coursework, particularly one as intricate as an English Language Commentary, can be a

daunting task for many students. It requires in-depth analysis, critical thinking, and a solid
understanding of linguistic concepts. Crafting a coherent and well-structured commentary demands
not only proficiency in English but also a meticulous approach to research and organization.

Firstly, students often struggle with selecting an appropriate topic and narrowing down their focus
within the vast field of English Language. This requires thorough research and careful consideration
to ensure the chosen topic is both manageable and meaningful.

Secondly, the process of conducting research itself can be time-consuming and challenging. It
involves gathering relevant sources, analyzing data, and synthesizing information to support
arguments and insights in the commentary.

Moreover, crafting a compelling argument and maintaining coherence throughout the coursework can
be a significant challenge. It requires clarity of thought, logical progression of ideas, and effective use
of evidence to support claims.

Additionally, meeting the academic standards and adhering to formatting guidelines can add another
layer of complexity to the writing process. Ensuring proper citation and referencing, as well as
adhering to word limits, can be demanding tasks that require attention to detail.

Given these challenges, it's understandable why many students may seek assistance with their
coursework. ⇒ ⇔ offers a solution for students who find themselves
overwhelmed by the demands of writing a coursework. Their professional writers can provide expert
guidance and support throughout the writing process, helping students navigate the complexities of
crafting a high-quality English Language Commentary.

By utilizing the services of ⇒ ⇔, students can alleviate the stress and pressure
associated with coursework writing, allowing them to focus on other academic or personal priorities.
With their team of experienced writers and commitment to quality, ⇒ ⇔ offers a
valuable resource for students seeking assistance with their coursework.

In conclusion, writing a coursework, especially one as challenging as an English Language

Commentary, can be a daunting task for many students. However, by seeking assistance from
reputable services like ⇒ ⇔, students can receive the support they need to
navigate the complexities of coursework writing and achieve academic success.
I invented other characters in my magazine article to make the situation more believable. The colour
scheme of the article, red and white, it associated with Liverpool and represents the fans. As a
reporter, I repeat questions to find out the truth of what really happened. As a result, I chose to
include this element in the last paragraph of my final draft; a good example of emotive language. “
If their self-harming really is a cry for help, then we cannot turn our backs and ignore them when
they need us most,” makes my point of view very clear and also evokes emotion and sympathy for
emos in the reader. After seeing and reading other newspapers, I have noticed that adverts and
images are a key feature of modern texts. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn.
By exposing the iniquitous disposition of society that is glorified by the patriarchal mind. Our
customer service team will review your report and will be in touch. ?8.99 2.00 1 review BUY NOW
Save for later ?8.99 2.00 1 review BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 21 December 2020 Share
this Share through email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share
through pinterest Janine's Shop 2.00 1 reviews Not the right resource. Another reason I have chosen
this is because women are seen as the less dominate gender but when I was a child I was not aware
of this so I am interested to see if there are signs of this even at such a young age. Although these
websites do exist, it is ridiculous to imply that every so called emo boasts and competes with others
about self inflicted injuries. The rhetorical questions help to make it more personal as Liverpool fans
would have been asking the same questions. My purpose for this story was to entertain readers and
to slowly build up tension adding a bit of humor to the story. Parkinson rarely interrupts or discusses
his views, and lets Elijah talk for most of the interview, gently prodding Elijah to the right topic with
occasional questions. I decided the article would be written for a glossy magazine. The main reason I
believe this is, is because the older text has a sub headline underneath the main headline, whereas the
newer text does not have this so puts all the information in the headline. The “conflict between social
convention and freedom” (Liew, 2012) is. This will hopefully persuade them to see from my point of
view and reject the ideas of Ms. Sands, something that I have been attempting to do throughout. This
resource hasn't been reviewed yet To ensure quality for our reviews, only customers who have
purchased this resource can review it Report this resource to let us know if it violates our terms and
conditions. Atwood,M. (2012). Margaret Atwood,The Artof Fiction.(t.P. Mary Morris, Interviewer).
Both pieces also show difference of speech to different people, particularly in the novel extract as we
see the way Louisa talks to someone she loves, then someone she hates. Rosseti contrasts Maude
Clare and the bride throughout the poem. Her tone, which has been friendly, though somewhat
fondly sarcastic and bossy, changes to an icy tone. Some other examples of modifiers from my texts
are, “ overwhelming emotion”, “inviolate grass court”, “a very pretty exhibition” and “cheered
mightily. Most of these statistics are subject specific to Tennis; this is rather obvious considering it is
an article on tennis. She is frostily polite, exchanging an opening sequence with. The reader has
already come to dislike Tobias as they have learnt Tobias has already killed Louisa once and caused
both Louisa and Chris much pain. See other similar resources ?4.50 4.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save
for later Not quite what you were looking for. This shows children are aware upon how to
communicate with others, therefore leading the possibility that even at a young age they have the
same traits as an adult. Comparing Mrs. Young To Her Husband And The Rape Of The Lock
Comparing Mrs. Young To Her Husband And The Rape Of The Lock 2011 Dais 2011 Dais
Womanhood In The Scarlet Letter Womanhood In The Scarlet Letter Hour And Trifles Hour And
Trifles A-Level English Coursework 1. However, Parkinson often stutters, and occasionally pauses’,
giving an indication that he is thinking of how to phrase his next question.
Often he will ask Wood one question and allow him to go off on a tangent before looping the topic
back to where he wanted it of changing the subject known as a topic shift. Names like “Gerrard”
and “Shevchenko” may be recognised by non-football fans whereas names like “Smicer” may not.
My students have used them and lots of other downloaders seem to have used it effectively. Her
presence sullies the marriage between Nell and him, adding conflict to the wedding. Parkinson rarely
interrupts or discusses his views, and lets Elijah talk for most of the interview, gently prodding Elijah
to the right topic with occasional questions. See other similar resources ?4.50 4.00 2 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The emo dressing teen is one who adores
the colour black and wears enough eyeliner to put Marilyn Manson to shame, whereas a self-harmer
is, well, someone who self-harms. Of course it is possible to be both, but that does not mean that
everyone who wears a little more black than most people should be labelled as self-injuring. She is
frostily polite, exchanging an opening sequence with. Schommer,S.(2009). The Split Identityof Esther
Greenwood in Sylvia Plath'sThe Bell Jar. Some of the modifiers that are used are persuasive and
persuade the reader to believe the writers view. E.g. “gorgeous backhand”. Wesselius,J.C. Gender
IdentitywithoutGenderPrescriptions:Dealing with Essentialismand. Compare the way in which
Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar, Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House. As I mentioned before, I used colloquial
language for the characters to show it is real life therefore it is easy for the audience to understand
and relate to the situation. The way the characters respond to each other shows that the speech is fast
paced showing that they know each other well. Amy Childs Diatribe - AS English Language
coursework. Similarly, Nora comprehends how she has “existed to perform” to the patriarchal ideal.
A magazine article records spoken responses and the language is as the characters speak. There is
basically no more hope, no more life, just death. In the beginning, the paragraph is very poetic,
juxtaposing past images of life to future and present images of death and destruction. This shows us
how war has ruined the girl Kien loved. I wanted my text to be based on fact rather than opinion,
while. The colour scheme of the article, red and white, it associated with Liverpool and represents the
fans. I felt that some of these differences maybe because of the language men and women use. On
both sides: freedom”; Nora boldly establishes that her. This helps the audience the feeling before
they start reading the article. All three authors convey emblematic undertones for the characters of
their pieces that. This is predictable because the text is a newspaper article. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. For example, “savage
serving” and “long, lolled”, “ crowd cheered” and “foot-fault” The reason for this is that the feature
of alliteration was used more then, than now. I think the way we brought up and the language we are
taught to use plays a big role in our society because I feel that each person uses their own distinctive
language from each one and another, this is because I could tell a friend from another purely because
of the vocabulary and dialect the person uses.
Poudrier,C.(2013). Victimization in Margaret Atwood'sPowerPolitics. This makes the text more
informal and also more entertaining. This is because the purpose of newspaper reports is to inform
readers. Overall, the paragraph reflects images of the sorrows of war. This sense of hate heightened
by the fact that Louisa magically calls a weapon into existence. This is a newly formed word and
would not have been present in the 1930’s. In my first year of A Levels, I was getting Ds and Es,
and really struggled in achieving anything above a low C. Atwood illustrates the female persona’s
truculent and hostile tone. I have demonstrated this is my own article with the use of colloquialisms.
The poem I transformed is stylised and informal by the way it is written in verses, the rhymes and
the language used. E.g. “ The lilies are budding now” a metaphor for being pregnant. My main
argument starts in the paragraph beginning “Let’s be clear on this matter”. In the months running up
to exams, I tried finding as many online resources as possible to help me obtain a solid coursework
mark. Show replies felixfox 4 years ago That is how they were advertised. Similarly, Nora
comprehends how she has “existed to perform” to the patriarchal ideal. In text A hyperbole is used,
this is a way the writer exaggerates his point to convince the reader into the views of the writer. This
idea is chilling, and the reader feels fear for Louisa, as her character is a likeable one. The language
used in the ensuing four paragraphs is emotive, and reads almost as if it were a speech. Coursework
Commentary I have written two different works; a piece of Horro. See other similar resources ?3.50
3.30 4 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Although these
websites do exist, it is ridiculous to imply that every so called emo boasts and competes with others
about self inflicted injuries. I decided the article would be written for a glossy magazine. This helps
the audience the feeling before they start reading the article. Overall, the three texts explore how the
sinister and. I chose the “Maude Clare” poem because I found it interesting to read and could
imagine reading it as a story from a book or from a magazine or newspaper article. Hide replies
Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel scottish1234 5 years ago
report 5 Empty reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel Report this
resource to let us know if it violates our terms and conditions. For this reason the articles would have
to be much more detailed then nowadays when we have lots of information sources like, the
internet, satellite TV, radio etc. Her tone, which has been friendly, though somewhat fondly sarcastic
and bossy, changes to an icy tone. My aim of the article was to explain, I have used formal language
so that I can explain using description easily. Our customer service team will review your report and
will be in touch. ?3.50 3.30 4 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?3.50 3.30 4 reviews BUY NOW
Save for later Last updated 21 February 2020 Share this Share through email Share through twitter
Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest felixfox 4.04 10 reviews Not
the right resource. The resources clearly states that they are example commentaries for the reading
cw. Therefore, I decided to change the register used to more informal, yet still using Standard-
English and spelling.
The story was published on the week on which Remembrance Day fell, so I as the writer
incorporated this to try and shock the reader and make them nod sagely in agreement with me when I
state that the reason we entered the Word Wars in the first place was to “fight for our lives and our
rights”, and then contrasting that by saying that Bush “a former leader of the free world” can say
that “freedom and democracy. In my first year of A Levels, I was getting Ds and Es, and really
struggled in achieving anything above a low C. The fact that direct speech is used in my coursework
reflects the media and the influence of media on the sport of tennis. The best example from the text
of this is, “for Perry’s steel!” This is done for emphasis and exaggeration. The modifiers used are
both pre-modifiers and post modifiers. Show replies felixfox 4 years ago Can not understand how
you fail to see how seeing example commentaries would not help students when writing their own. It
shows the position of women in the nineteenth century. One mother, who was so enraged by the
article in question, wrote that these bands “provide a forum for teenagers to talk about their feelings,
and also give a sense of belonging which is so often missing in everyday life for them.” Therefore,
the fact that Sands would suggest that the music industry encourages self-injury is absurd, and it
shows an unfortunate lack of research. Rosseti contrasts Maude Clare and the bride throughout the
poem. The guests I interview are Nell, Maude Clare, Tom and his mother. Our customer service team
will review your report and will be in touch. ?4.50 4.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?4.50
4.00 2 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 9 February 2024 Share this Share through
email Share through twitter Share through linkedin Share through facebook Share through pinterest
A Level English Language Revision 4.50 185 reviews Not the right resource. For this reason the
articles would have to be much more detailed then nowadays when we have lots of information
sources like, the internet, satellite TV, radio etc. I have taken a interest in this because men and
women are both educated in the same way and thought to be brought up the same so I believed that
they would have the same attitude in language. The resources clearly states that they are example
commentaries for the reading cw. In order to prove this I have conducted a count on the number of
modifiers in the first paragraph of each text. An example of modification from one of my texts is,
“was enormous relief”. However in my head, an emo does not inspire images of a self-mutilating
teen, but this is sadly not the case for a lot of Daily Mail readers. I believed that by choosing a third
person narrative it would allow me to take a neutral voice when telling the story. Originally, my piece
was going to follow a structure by which each waterboarding scenario would be followed by the
writer’s opinion, but before my final draft I decided that this actually distracted from the main point
of the article, so I decided not to continue with this idea. These topics are almost mixed together and
the discussion constantly loops back to one or the other. In the article, I have used the language that
ordinary people would use. I also made the font of the headline bigger as the headline in my style
model; HEAT magazine uses this same format. Atwood,M. (2012). Margaret Atwood,The Artof
Fiction.(t.P. Mary Morris, Interviewer). However, it would have been better if data,such as the
questionnaires mentioned, are provided (only the main essay and a bibliography is included)!:( Show
replies LeilaJanine 3 years ago Thanks for your feedback. Having my peers read my work and give
feedback was a good experience that I enjoyed, as I like people correcting me and reading my work.
I chose this as I felt I could use my techniques best in this. As a reporter, I repeat questions to find
out the truth of what really happened. Bonds,D. S. (1990). The SeperativeSelf in Sylvia Plath'sThe
Bell Jar. Routledge. Robin Lakoff stated that there are differences in spoken language between men
and women so I have decided to see if children still have these differences. My arguments are further
bolstered by listing officials who have disagreed with George Bush’s claims, such as the Director of
Public Prosecutions and the United Nations High Commissioner on Human Rights.
My aim was to explain to the reader how I felt and relate it to how fans felt throughout the game.
Some other examples of modifiers from my texts are, “ overwhelming emotion”, “inviolate grass
court”, “a very pretty exhibition” and “cheered mightily. Both texts are from “The Guardian”
newspaper and are written on the well known tennis competition called “Wimbledon”. However, the
speech in this extract is only a representation of real speech. See other similar resources ?8.99 2.00 1
review BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. The language used in the
ensuing four paragraphs is emotive, and reads almost as if it were a speech. However, where is the
evidence to suggest that every single one of those teens wore band t-shirts and skinny. She is frostily
polite, exchanging an opening sequence with. This is done in order to make a picture in the readers
head as it is a newspaper and has no pictures. How has a once positive expression for a new genre of
music developed into an insulting label for anyone wearing a little more eyeliner than is usually
necessary. It is like those who paid to hear Sinatra, in his prime, singing My Way.” This helps football
fans understand who haven’t been to Anfield, how great You'll Never Walk Alone is seen. I used a
mixture of simple and compound sentences in order to make it easier for my target audience to read.
The assertive and factious tone conveyed is antithetical of previous. Often he will ask Wood one
question and allow him to go off on a tangent before looping the topic back to where he wanted it of
changing the subject known as a topic shift. I used the two groups in contrast, to show what we
would be fighting as evil, whilst depicting our cause as good. Some examples of this from my texts
are, “steady as a rock”, “stands on top of the world” and “grass court kingdom”. The interviews in
the article give an insight into the characters feelings and thoughts as the reporter asks insensitive
questions and the characters give direct responses contrary to in the poem, we have to guess how
they feel by the language used such as metaphors. The story is sensationalised for people who are
interested in scandals. I also made it easier to read and because this is the format of my style model. I
decided to switch the opening paragraph of my first draft with the second paragraph. One way I can
prove this is that both texts uses language that is formal. However in my head, an emo does not
inspire images of a self-mutilating teen, but this is sadly not the case for a lot of Daily Mail readers. I
wanted my text to be based on fact rather than opinion, while. Most of the speech in the text is
emotive language and this reflects the way the rest of the text is written. Join our team of reviewers
and help other students learn. This helps the audience the feeling before they start reading the article.
Write a review Update existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The
main reason I believe this is, is because the older text has a sub headline underneath the main
headline, whereas the newer text does not have this so puts all the information in the headline. I also
made the font of the headline bigger as the headline in my style model; HEAT magazine uses this
same format. As I mentioned before, I used colloquial language for the characters to show it is real
life therefore it is easy for the audience to understand and relate to the situation.

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