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Build 7.

1 Create "Chat Portal Shell" (and make it toggable between Full Portal and Cha
Build 7.2 Build "Start a New Chat" Screen in Sponsor Portal (and copy into Lender Port

Build 7.3 Build a 1:1 Chat between a Sponsor & Lender

Build 7.4 Build BCC Chat

We are hoping a lot of elements from the BCC chat can be copied
Build 7.5 Build Group Chat
Create "Chat Portal Shell" (and make it toggable between Full Portal and Chat Portal)
Build "Start a New Chat" Screen in Sponsor Portal (and copy into Lender Portal too)
B7.2.1 SPONSORS: Right Side Menu / Your Contacts for 1:1
B7.2.2 SPONSORS: Have the Start New Chat Screen pop-out initiate from all locations
B7.2.3 SPONSORS: Build the "Start New Chat Screen":
B7.2.4 LENDERS: Right Side Menu / Your Contacts for 1:1
B7.2.5 LENDERS: Have the Start New Chat Screen pop-out in all the same locations as Sponsors
B7.2.6 LENDERS: Build the "Start New Chat Screen" (1:1 and Group Chat only [Lenders can't create a BCC chat])

Build a 1:1 Chat between a Sponsor & Lender

B7.3.1 SPONSORS: Build Left Side Chat Summary & Top Chat Summary Sections
B7.3.2 LENDERS: Build Left-Side Chat Summary & Top Section Chat Summary in Lender Portal
B7.3.3 Create a Sample Chat between a Sponsor and a Lender with ALL "Fundamental Chat Items" incorporated
B7.3.4 Miscellaneous

Build BCC Chat

B7.4.1 SPONSORS: Left Side Chat & Top Chat Summary Sections
B7.4.2 SPONSORS: Right Side Menu / Transaction Participants
B7.4.3 SPONSORS: BCC Chat Setings & User Management Screen
B7.4.4 SPONSORS Add Users to Chat Screen
B 7.4.5 SPONSORS Misc
B7.4.6 LENDERS Left Chat Summary & Top Chat Summary Sections
B7.4.7 LENDERS Right Side Menu / Your Contacts
B7.4.8 LENDERS MISC: Disconnected Users & BCC Chat
B7.4.9 Build a BCC Chat Between Dan Adan and Tania Stanley

We are hoping a lot of elements from the BCC chat can be copied to the Group Chat
Build Group Chat
B7.5.1: SPONSORS: Left Side Chat & Top Chat Summary Sections
B7.5.2 SPONSORS Right Side Menu / Chat Participants
B7.5.3 SPONSORS: Setings & User Management Screen
B7.5.4: SPONSORS: Add Users to Chat Screen
B7.5.5 SPONSORS: Misc
B7.5.6- LENDERS- Left Side Chat Summary & Top Chat Summary Sections
B7.5.7 LENDERS: Settings & User Management Screen
B7.5.8: LENDERS- Add Users to Chat Screen
B7.5.9 Build at least three Group Chats
Create "Chat Shell"

B7.2.1 SPONSORS: Right Side Menu / Your Contacts for 1:1

Options: (right clickable)

Start chat
View Profile

B7.2.2 SPONSORS: Have the Start New Chat Screen pop-out from the

B7.2.3 SPONSORS: Build the "Start New Chat Screen":

B7.2.4 LENDERS: Right Side Menu / Your Contacts for 1:1

B7.2.5 LENDERS: Have the Start New Chat Screen pop-out in all the s
B7.2.6 LENDERS: Build the "Start New Chat Screen" (1:1 and Group


B7.3.1a SPONSORS: Left-Side Chat Summary Section

B7.3.1b SPONSORS: Top Chat Summary Section

B7.3.2 LENDERS: Build Left-Side Chat Summary & Top Section Chat

B7.3.3 Create a Sample Chat between a Sponsor and a Lender with AL

Viewing Messages- Sent & Received

Viewing Messages- Received

Viewing Messages- Sent

Threads details

Message Preparation Area

B7.3.4 Miscellaneous

B7.4.1a SPONSORS: Left-Side Chat Summary Section

B7.4.1b SPONSORS: Top Chat Summary Section

B7.4.2 SPONSORS: Right Side Menu / Transaction Participants (reme

NOTE: The Chat Settings & User Management items (B7.4.3) AND "A
they can't create them!
B7.4.3 SPONSORS: BCC Chat Setings & User Management Screen

B7.4.4 SPONSORS Add Users to Chat Screen

B 7.4.5 SPONSORS Misc

B7.4.6a LENDERS Left Chat Summary Section

Unique to Lenders
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors

B7.4.6b LENDERS Top Chat Summary Section

Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors

B7.4.7 LENDERS Right Side Menu / Your Contacts

Unique to Lenders
Same as Sponsors
Same as Sponsors

B7.4.8 LENDERS MISC: Disconnected Users & BCC Chat

B7.4.9 Build a BCC Chat Between Dan Adan and Tania Stanley

7.5.1a SPONSORS: Left Chat Summary Section

B7.5.1b SPONSORS Top Chat Summary Section

B7.5.2 SPONSORS Right Side Menu / Chat Participants

NOTE: The Chat Settings & User Management items (B7.5.3) AND "Add U
B7.5.3 SPONSORS: Setings & User Management Screen

B7.5.4: SPONSORS: Add Users to Chat Screen

B7.5.5 SPONSORS: Misc

B7.5.6- LENDERS- Left Side Chat Summary & Top Chat Summary Se
B7.5.7 LENDERS: Settings & User Management Screen
B7.5.8: LENDERS- Add Users to Chat Screen

B7.5.9 Build at least three Group Chats

BUILD 7.1: Build 1: Chat Portal Ba
Create "Chat Shell"
Clicking 1) Messaging button on left side menu OR 2) Message Icon in Top header tansforms to the "Messaging Portal" (aka: "
Add in Non-Transaction Chat menus to the far left sidebar menu and a + sign (IE: 1:1, BCC Chat, and Group Chat menus)
Add in "Back to Full Portal" buttons on left menu and top header section AND make them work (so users can toggle between th

BUILD 7.2: Start New Chat & Right Side 1:1

B7.2.1 SPONSORS: Right Side Menu / Your Contacts for 1:1
Populate an alphabetical list of the User's contacts with photos, names, and logos (these users will already exist in our platform'
Make this list sortable by user type via drop down
Make the names AND firm names sortable (How do we do this with 10,000 contacts?)
Search by names and have results appear in the section / area above
Search by firm names and have results appear in the section / area above
Higlight each user on hover AND have the three dots appear AND have those three dots show a list of options when clicked
Tie the "Favoriting Function" in so if they favorite/unfavorite a contact in this area they become favorited in My Contacts (and

B7.2.2 SPONSORS: Have the Start New Chat Screen pop-out from the following locations:
Initiate 1:1 Chat with + sign ("Start New Chat" screen automatically populates with regular chat only)
Initiate BCC Chat with + sign ("Start New Chat" screen automatically populates with BCC chat selected)
Initiate Group Chat with + sign ("Start New Chat" screen automatically populates with regular selected)
Clicking "Start New Chat button"
Clicking the expand button in the top right of the Right Side Menu Area on 1:1 Chats
Selecting a User in the right side menu and initiating a chat with them via 1) left click on user's name OR 2) hover, click on 3 d

B7.2.3 SPONSORS: Build the "Start New Chat Screen":

Populate the Table with the user's Contacts (These users / contacts will already exist in our platform's database)
Make Chat Type automatically adjust when 1 or more (group) or only 1 user (1:1) is selected
Allow users to Create 1:1 Chats, BCC Chats, and Group Chats
B7.2.4 LENDERS: Right Side Menu / Your Contacts for 1:1
B7.2.5 LENDERS: Have the Start New Chat Screen pop-out in all the same locations as Sponsors
B7.2.6 LENDERS: Build the "Start New Chat Screen" (1:1 and Group Chat only [Lenders can't create a BCC chat]):

BUILD 7.3: 1:1 Chat with all Fundamental Chat Items

B7.3.1a SPONSORS: Left-Side Chat Summary Section

Drop down to toggle between 1:1, Group, and BCC
Create Individual "Chat Summaries" with recipient's name, photo, firm, and summary of their last message that was sent
Click on Contact and their chat shows in the Chat Area (and their "chat summary" gets highlighted or something in the Left Sid
Search messages for terms and populate results in left chat summary section
Search messages for contacts and populate results in left chat summary section
Favorite a sender AND filter messags by favorites (By clicking Favorites button next to Read button)
Tie the "Favoriting Function" in so if they favorite/unfavorite a contact in chat, they become favorited in My Contacts (and My

B7.3.1b SPONSORS: Top Chat Summary Section

Populate Recipient's phooto, name, logo, title, "user type", phone # and email
Allow to initiate a group chat via the + button on the top (Start new chat screen appears with the user selected)

B7.3.2 LENDERS: Build Left-Side Chat Summary & Top Section Chat Summary in Lender Portal

B7.3.3 Create a Sample Chat between a Sponsor and a Lender with ALL "Fundamental Chat Items" incorporated
Incorporate all Fundamental Chat Items (Thread, Mark Unread, "New" indicator, Message Prep Area items, hovers, etc)
Notifications counter appears for appropriate Chat Summaries
Notifications count appears on the "unread" indicator
Fundamental Chat Items- Applies to all type
Viewing Messages- Sent & Received
Reply via threads
Add reactions
Smart preview website links (we're curious if Ably allows this and how long it takes to do)
Add in grey "day break lines" (like discord & Upwork) between messages for each day in this exact format: Wed, Feb 14, 2024
Show Hour and Min of message- Show "yesterday" for yesterday's messages and only hour and min for all other messages

Viewing Messages- Received

Highlight a message on Hover then have three dots appear on left (click 3 dots reveals more "options") possibly reply arrow sho
Any message right clickable to show more "options"
Mark as unread (move the "new bar" AND update the notification counts)
Mark as read (3 dots top right OR 3 dots on drop down)
Show attachments in a certain format
Typing Indicator: We'd like this for 1:1 chats and the "Sent to All" in BCC Chat... but can we do this if we don't have any onlin
Read vs. Unread "Counting": The Unread Notification counter does NOT update until either 1) user sends a new message 2) us
the three dots at the top right to "Mark all as read"... The notification count does NOT update until one of these things occurs

Viewing Messages- Sent

Make it clear that these messages were sent by you and these were sent by others (possibly via highlight the message or change
Delete Message- Sender Deletes it- Because it would increase our data by 3x or more, users can NOT edit their sent messages-

Read indicator next to the message- How complicated is it to add this on? (this would NOT show on Group chats or the Sent to

Threads details
Allow reply to create threads via three options 1) reply arrow, 2) right click & reply or 3 dots & select reply)
Any new reply moves the entire thread to "the most recent position" (IE: Bottom of the screen)
The entire thread can be exppanded or collapsed via buttons or right clicks or clicks on the 3 dots on any message in the thread

Message Preparation Area

Create bulleted or numbered list
Create hyperlink in typed text
Bold, Italics, Underline Functions
Attach a document AND have it preview in a certain format
Inserting emojis into messages
Hitting Enter: Settings button like Upwork to determine what hitting enter does
Message Preparation Area expands on enter or shift enter (Depending on what setting they selected)
Expand / Pop-out Entire Message Preparatiion (and allow it to contract too)

B7.3.4 Miscellaneous
Can users delete an entire chat with another person?
Have the notification counter adjust appropriately in the Left Side Menu and the Top Header Section (IE the message icon)
What happens to chats when users disconnect with each other?

BUILD 7.4: BCC Chat

B7.4.1a SPONSORS: Left-Side Chat Summary Section
Chat Summary of the BCC Chat shows with Chat Name and 2-3 names plus "# of others"
Drop down to toggle between 1:1, Group, and BCC
Filter by all, unread, read
Favorite a BCC Thread AND filter messags by favorite thread (By clicking Favorites button next to Read button)
Search messages for terms and populate results in left chat summary section
Search messages for contacts and populate results in left chat summary section

B7.4.1b SPONSORS: Top Chat Summary Section

Shows Chat Name and created on Date
Sent to all and individual channels button toggles between different views
Select individual channel screen works as expected when "Individual Channel" toggle button is clicked in Top Chat Summary S

B7.4.2 SPONSORS: Right Side Menu / Transaction Participants (remember Build 7.2 will populate the Participants in the right si
Chat users list segregated by Admins and participants- includes photo, name, firm logo
Show # of Admins and # of participants
Make these columns sortable by name & firm name
Click gear icon OR manage users icon and it generates the "Settings & User Management" screen
Click + icon by participants and it takes you directly to the "Add Users" pop-out

NOTE: The Chat Settings & User Management items (B7.4.3) AND "Add Users To Chat Screes" (B7.4.4) should only appear for A
they can't create them!
B7.4.3 SPONSORS: BCC Chat Setings & User Management Screen
Chat name can be edited
Actions buttons work (Make admin, revoke role as admin, remove from chat)
Users sortable by firrst name and firm name

B7.4.4 SPONSORS Add Users to Chat Screen

All of the user's contacts populate
Make the contact list sortable by user type via the drop down menu
Make each column sortable (how do we handle this with 10,000 contacts?)
Make the contact list sortable by the pagination buttons at the bottom (All, A-E, F-J etc)
Search by name and have results appear
Search by firm name and have results appear
Search by Group / team and have results appear
Contacts actually get added to the BCC Chat upon selecting them and clicking Add Contacts to Chat button

B 7.4.5 SPONSORS Misc

Disconnected users and archiving the chat functions
Admins can delete any Message on hover, right click etc.- How would we handle this from a regulatory perspective?

B7.4.6a LENDERS Left Chat Summary Section
Summary of the BCC Chat shows with Chat Name and "[Sponsor's Name]'s BCC Channel"
Drop down to toggle between 1:1, Group, and BCC
Start new Chat Button showing
Filter by all, unread, read
Favorite a BCC Thread AND filter messags by favorite thread (By clicking Favorites button next to Read button)
Unread notification counts work in the chat summaries AND the Unread button
Search messages for terms and populate results in left chat summary section
Search messages for contacts and populate results in left chat summary section

B7.4.6b LENDERS Top Chat Summary Section

Shows Chat Name and created on Date
Sent to all and individual channels button toggles between different views
Unread chat count for Individual Channels and Sent to All works

B7.4.7 LENDERS Right Side Menu / Your Contacts

Only the admins show This should have been taken care of during Build 7.2
Show # of Admins and # of participants
Make these columns sortable by name & firm name

B7.4.8 LENDERS MISC: Disconnected Users & BCC Chat

What happens when a user is disconnected?

B7.4.9 Build a BCC Chat Between Dan Adan and Tania Stanley
Have Dan Adain create a post in the Sent to All screen (and have this populate in Tania Stanely's Sent to All Screen)
Have Tania Send Dan a few nessages and attachments
Notifications in ALL locations in BOTH portals should work after this (unread, BCC Chat in Left Side menu, Very Top Header

We are hoping a lot of elements from the BCC Chat can be cop

BUILD 7.5: Group Chat

7.5.1a SPONSORS: Left Chat Summary Section
Summary of the Group Chat shows with Chat Name and 2-3 names plus "# of others"
Drop down to toggle between 1:1, Group, and BCC
Start new Chat Button showing
Filter by all, unread, read
Favorite a BCC Thread AND filter messags by favorite thread (By clicking Favorites button next to Read button)
Search messages for terms and populate results in left chat summary section
Search messages for contacts and populate results in left chat summary section

B7.5.1b SPONSORS Top Chat Summary Section

Shows Chat Name and created on Date
Sent to all and individual channels button toggles between different views

B7.5.2 SPONSORS Right Side Menu / Chat Participants

Chat users list segregated by Admins and participants- includes photo, name, firm logo (this should have been accomplished in
Show # of Admins and # of participants
Make these columns sortable by name & firm name
Click gear icon OR manage users icon and it generates the "Settings & User Management" screen
Click + icon and it takes you directly to the "Add Users" pop-out
NOTE: The Chat Settings & User Management items (B7.5.3) AND "Add Users To Chat Screes" (B7.5.4) should only appear for ADMIN
B7.5.3 SPONSORS: Setings & User Management Screen
Chat name can be edited
Actions buttons work (Make admin, revoke role as admin, remove from chat)
Users sortable by firrst name and firm name

B7.5.4: SPONSORS: Add Users to Chat Screen

All of the user's contacts populate
Make the contact list sortable by user type via the drop down menu
Make each column sortable (how do we handle this with 10,000 contacts?)
Make the contact list sortable by the pagination buttons at the bottom (All, A-E, F-J etc)
Search by name and have results appear
Search by firm name and have results appear
Search by Group / team and have results appear
Contacts actually get added to the Group Chat upon selecting them and clicking Add Contacts to Chat button

B7.5.5 SPONSORS: Misc

What happens when a user is disconnected?
Admin Delete any Message
B7.5.6- LENDERS- Left Side Chat Summary & Top Chat Summary Sections
B7.5.7 LENDERS: Settings & User Management Screen
B7.5.8: LENDERS- Add Users to Chat Screen
B7.5.9 Build at least three Group Chats
Build a Group chat between at least 2 Sponsor users and 5 Lender users
Build a Group chat between 4 lender users only
Build a Group chat between 3 sponsor users only
Notifications in ALL locations in BOTH portals should work after this (unread, Group Chat in Left Side menu, Very Top Head

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