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Poetry / Poem
Trick កលល្បិច

Magic trick
Card trick

Lesson 21
Anna: Hi there! Washington, D.C. has some great coffee shops. My favorite is this
one -- Busboys & Poets.

សួស�ី! Washington DC មានហាងកាេហ�ដអ៏ សា� រ្យជោេ្រច◌ីន, ហាងសំណព�របស់ខ�ំគឺ Busboys &


Anna: Actually it’s more than a coffee shop. It’s also a bookstore, a restaurant and
a theater/
តាមពិតេទៅវោេ្រចនើ ជោងហាងកាេហ�េទៅេទៀត វោក៏ជោហាងលក់េសៀវេភៅ េភាជនីយដោ�ន និងេរោង

Anna: Marsha and I love coming here.

Marsha និងខ��ំចូលចិត�មកទីេនះណោស់.
Marsha: Hey, Anna, my friend is having a party on Saturday. Can you come with
េអ Anna មិត�របស់ខ�ំមានកម�វធ� ីេនៅៃថ�េសៅរ�េនះ, េតើអ�កឣ‍ចមកជោមួយខ�បា�ំ នេទ?

Anna: Sorry, I can’t come with you. I have to get my driver’s license.

សូមេទាស ខ�ម�ំ ិនឣ‍ចមកជោមួយអ�កបានេទ, ខ��ំ្រត�វេទៅទទួលបានប័ណ�េបើកបររបស់ខ�ំ.

Marsha: Will you be busy all day?


Anna: I don’t know. First, I have to take a test on the computer. Then I have to take
a test in the car.

ខ�ម�ំ ិនដឹងេទ, ដំបូងខ��ំ្រត�វេធ�ើេតស�េលើកុំព្យ�ទ័រ បនោ�ប់មកខ�្រ�ំ ត�វេធ�ើេតស�េនៅក�ង� ឡោន.

Marsha: But you have to take the test during the day, don't you?
ប៉ុែន�អក� ្រត�វេធ�ើេតស�េនៅេពលៃថ�ែមនេទ?

Anna: Yes. ែមនេហ◌ីយ

Marsha: The party is at night.

Anna: Oh. Then I can come with you to the party on Saturday night.

អូ ,អ��ឹងខ�ឣ‍�ំ ចេទៅជោមួយអ�កេដើម្បីជប់េលៀងេនៅយប់ៃថ�េសៅរ�េនះបាន.

Marsha: Great! I have to help my friend with the party. Can you help me?

អសា� រ្យ! ខ��ំ្រត�វជួយមិត�របស់ខ�ំជោមួយពិធីជប់េលៀង. េតើអ�កឣ‍ចជួយខ��ំបានេទ?

Anna: Sure. That sounds like fun.

្របាកដេហ◌ីយ, សា� ប់េទៅសប្បាយណោស់.

Marsha: Everyone has to bring something or do something. You can bring food, or
you can perform.

អ�ក្រគប់គា�ឣ‍ចយកអ�ីមួយ ឬេធ�ើអបា�ី ន, អ�កក៏ឣ‍ចយកឣ‍ហារ ឬអ�កឣ‍ចសែម�ងក៏បានែដរ.

Anna: Really, I can perform?

េតើខ�ំឣ‍ចសែម�ងបាន? ពិតេទ.

Marsha: You can! Can you?

អ�កឣ‍ច! េត◌ីអ�កឣ‍ចេទ?

Anna: Yes! I can recite poetry.

ែមនេហើយ ! ខ��ំឣ‍ចសូ្រតកំណោព្យបាន.

- A poem -
Light dark
Light dark

Marsha: In this country, nobody recites poetry at parties. Um … can you do

anything else? ក��ង្របេទសេនះ គា�ននរណោសូ្រតកំណោព្យក�ងពិធីជប់េលៀងេទ, Um … េតើអ�កឣ‍ចេធ�ើអ�ី

េផ្សងេទៀតបានេទ ?

Anna: Hmm, yes. I can do a card trick.

ែមនេហ◌ីយ. ខ��ំឣ‍ចេធ�ើេសៀកសន�ឹកេបៀរបាន.

Your card is the 10 of diamonds! No?

Pick a card. Any card.

េ្រជើសេរ�សេរ�សកាតមួយេទៅ, កាតណោក៏បាន

Here, just pick this one.


អសា� រ្យ!

Marsha: Anna, maybe you can just bring food. Anna ្របែហលជោអ�ក្រគាន់ែតឣ‍ចយកឣ‍ហារ


Anna: No, I can’t cook. And I really want to perform. You know, there is one thing
I can do.
េទ, ខ�ម�ំ ិនេចះេធ�ើម�បេទ, េហើយខ��ំពតិ ជោចង់សែម�ងណោស់ អ�កដឹងេហើយ មានេរឿងមួយេនះែដលខ��ំឣ‍ចេធ�ើ

Marsha: That’s it! You can sing at the party. Now, I have to go shopping for food.

វោេនោះេហ◌ីយ! អ�កឣ‍ចេ្រច�ងេនៅឯពិធីជប់េលៀងបាន, ឥឡ�វេនះ ខ��ំ្រត�វេទៅទិញឣ‍ហារេហើយ.

Anna: Can I help? I’m not busy right now.

េតើខ�ំឣ‍ចជួយបានេទ? េពលេនះខ��ំមិនរវល់េទ.

Marsha: Sure, let’s go!

បាន, េតាះេទៅ.
Anna: We have to go. I have to help Marsha shopping . And I have to practice my

េយើង្រត�វែតេទៅ, ខ��ំ្រត�វជួយMarsha ទិញឥវោ�ន់េហើយខ��ំ្រត�វហាត់េ្រច�ងផងែដរ!

Anna: Until next time!

Tell me about your day!!

When does your work start?
6am to 5pm
May I know the position you are in??
I am a barista.
Hot maccha
What is the most popular drink in your shop?

Hilokal : English language


Fried pork with Luffa

How many hour
Any life update ????
What song do you always listen to?
Every song. What is the most listened song.
What is the thing that you are working on (trying
to improve)?

5 subjects and English

First impression
Ice skater

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