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April 2009

Norwegian giant
rules the waves

• Offshore economics
• New reporting rules
• Q&A with two CEOs
• OGFJ100P Update

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Vol. VI, No. 4


From its original position on the Norwegian continental shelf,
StatoilHydro has used its technological skills to grow and become
the world’s largest deepwater operator.

Known for its innovation, Norway’s StatoilHydro is well positioned
to steer through the current economic downturn, says company
CEO Helge Lund. The company now operates in 40 countries
around the world.

20 Peter Mellbye, StatoilHydro’s executive vice president for inter-
national E&P, recently took time to talk with OGFJ editor Don
Stowers about his company’s plans for 2009, including its alli-
ance with Chesapeake Energy in the Marcellus shale.

24 The economic downturn has affected some offshore operators

more than others. OGFJ contributing editor Richard Nemec
talks to numerous offshore participants and examines the situ-
ation in detail.

30 OGFJ associate editor Mikaila Adams recently met with ATP Oil
& Gas’s Paul Bulmahn to discuss the company’s recent partner-
ship with GE Energy Financial Services in the deepwater Gulf of

32 Arshad Matin, president and CEO of Seismic Micro-Technology,

better known as SMT, talks to OGFJ editor Don Stowers about
the company and its well-known Kingdom software suite.

36 In a down economic cycle, Quorum Business Solutions is buck-

ing the economic trend by adding employees and continuing
to grow its business, says CEO Paul Weidman.

40 OGFJ100P Quarterly Update Cover photo courtesy of Øyvind Hagen / StatoilHydro

3 Editor’s Comment: Looking for the silver lining

4 Capital Perspectives: Michael Lynch-Bell of Ernst & Young’s

London office takes a look at new oil and gas reporting rules
and concludes they might actually enhance M&A activity.

10 Upstream News

53 Industry Briefs

56 Energy Players

59 Company/Advertiser Index

60 Beyond the Well: Weaver and Tidwell Foundation makes company

an ‘impact player’

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Editor’s Comment

Looking for the silver lining

and will start to improve soon. I have Gas bearishness is almost uni-
no proof – only anecdotal evidence versal. The prospect of sub-$3 gas
that I have gleaned from reading and is no longer a question of “if” but
Don Stowers conversations with people who seem “when,” says RJ, which predicts
Editor-OGFJ to know what they’re talking about. summer gas prices will fall to $2.50/
However, this leads me to believe that Mcf or lower. “The reality is that
conditions will start to turn around US gas producers will be shutting in
soon – especially in the oil patch. production this summer,” the report

like to think of myself as a cynical In case you haven’t noticed, oil concludes.
journalist – not a wild-eyed Polly- company stock prices have been mov- In a recent presentation in Dal-
anna. My spouse often accuses me ing slowly upward. Most are nowhere las, Matt Simmons reiterated what
of seeing the coffee cup as half empty near the levels they were at this time he has been saying all along – that
rather than half full. When I’m going last year, but they are creeping up long-term supply trends for oil will
over the family finances, I always try from the abyss they had fallen into in get uglier. Noting that the majority
to take into account a worst-case sce- December and January. Oil producers of the world’s oil comes from 356
nario, which aggravates my wife to no tend to be doing better than gas- super-giant oil fields that are almost
end. In short, no one has ever mis- heavy companies because oil is also all “past their prime,” Simmons says
taken me for an irrepressible optimist. inching upward while the gas glut has oil prices are “dangerously low”
And yet, I’m somewhat conflicted kept natural gas prices stagnant. because they discourage drilling and
now. I told one of my colleagues A number of petroleum economists production. This encourages market
recently that I believe the current eco- are predicting $80 to $90 oil prices by volatility, which in turn can cause
nomic recession will not last long and the end of the year. As I mentioned catastrophic economic damage.
we’ll start to see conditions improve previously in this column, Mike Simmons has a point. Low prices
this year. Do I have any hard evidence Smolinski, an analyst with Energy have put some projects on hold,
of this? No, not a smidgen of facts to Directions in Phoenix, recently said he drilling rigs are being laid down, and
back up this “feeling.” wouldn’t be surprised to see $80 oil employees are being laid off from a
Normally, I’m not the kind of guy by the end of April. workforce that was already thin. As
who pays much attention to feelings Not everyone agrees that oil prices soon as demand begins to recover,
when it comes to the economy or will rise so high or so quickly. In its oil prices may rise faster and higher
finances. When the bank account is latest Global Markets Research report, than ever. It’s just a matter of time.
getting low, one of the kids is away at Deutsche Bank says a sharp recovery Taking all this into account, my
college and asking for more money, in oil prices towards $80/bbl in 2011 own outlook for natural gas remains
and the car requires major repairs, I remains possible, but is highly depen- negative for the near term, but oil
don’t get the “feeling” everything dent on a strong economic recovery prices should continue to recover
is going to be okay. I’m a numbers starting in 2010. It says the consensus and may even soar past $150, this
guy and I get out the calculator to in oil price forecasts is $50 in 2010 time due to simple supply-and-
see where the money is coming from. and $65 in 2011. demand issues rather than market
Then I grudgingly take some funds Noting the recent increase in speculation.
out of savings to deposit in my son’s oil prices, Raymond James Equity I guess that makes me an optimist.
debit card account and fork over the Research says that oil’s rebound has Just don’t call me Pollyanna. OGFJ
dough to get the old Audi fixed for helped the oily stocks outperform the
the umpteenth time. gassy ones. “Given our outlook, oily
So I can’t explain exactly why I stocks should continue to outperform Have an opinion about this? Visit
think the economy has bottomed out in 2009,” says the report. to comment.

April 2009 Oil & Gas Financial Journal • 3


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Capital Perspectives

New oil and gas reporting rules

enhance data for M&A activity
Michael Lynch-Bell or research facilities, can be easily considered unreachable. Or rising
Ernst & Young LLP assessed prior to the due diligence market prices can make it economi-
London process. And it is possible to identify cally feasible to produce non-conven-
intangible benefits that can be impor- tional resources. These types of shifts

he largest hurdle for oil and gas tant, such as the technical expertise can have a tremendous impact on
companies seeking to merge of a target company’s workforce. But long-term revenue streams. How-
with or acquire a competitor is until recently, US accounting rules ever, without an accurate picture of
estimating the true value of their tar- limited disclosure to proved reserves a target company’s untapped assets
get’s resources and potential reserves (with specific guidelines for deter- underground and with no due dili-
– a process made more difficult by mining what is proved), making it gence process, it is difficult to make a
recent advances in technology and challenging to understand an explora- merger and acquisition decision.
the emergence of non-conventional tion and production company’s full As 2008 drew to a close, the US
hydrocarbons. holdings. Securities and Exchange Commission
When considering a merger or For example, new technology can announced unanimous approval of
acquisition of a potential target, the make it possible to extract hydro- new reserves reporting rules for the
value of hard assets, such as pipelines carbons from reservoirs previously first time in three decades. The new

4 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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Capital Perspectives
rules are designed to create a more to determine proved reserves if more confidence that aggressive com-
transparent and comparable reporting those technologies have been panies have in the long-term payoff of
structure, making it easier for com- demonstrated empirically to lead M&A activity – the more vulnerable
panies to apply a better market value to reliable conclusions about some companies will be. By releasing
to M&A transactions. When enacted, reserves volumes, and more data about probable and pos-
the SEC’s rules could lead to a new • allow non-conventional hydro- sible reserves and their lease holdings
wave of M&A activity in the oil and carbon sources such as oil sands, related to non-conventional hydro-
gas sector. oil shale and bitumen, which are carbons, smaller companies may find
themselves more accurately valued by
“The transparency created by the new SEC rules is the marketplace and potentially more
attractive to acquirers.
likely to embolden aggressive companies, which can be
Another point of consideration is
more confident that a merger or acquisition will provide the extra burden this will place on
sufficient return on capital in the coming years.” project teams who, in most cases, will
be tasked with creating the extra data
required by the new rules. From the
growing in importance in many perspective of many companies, these
companies’ portfolios, to be clas- rules have been drafted in favor of
sified as reserves. the demands of investors, and certain
The increased transparency allowed companies, particularly smaller ones,
by these changes would create a will struggle with the extra burden
consistent standard for investors, placed on their staffs. This leaves some
allowing for more comparability and to question whether the benefits will
accuracy in analyses of future earn- outweigh the cost and effort involved.
ings. They would also more closely There is also some concern that
align US-based reporting rules with the new rules go too far in requiring
those used globally and potentially disclosure. For example, one require-
increase the number of cross-border ment would force companies to break
transactions. down their reserves by geographic
But for companies seeking merger region if any one country or field
Detailed disclosure or acquisition targets, these rules pro- accounts for more than 15% of their
helps investors vide a much clearer picture of a target overall proved reserves. Is this level
One primary rationale behind the company’s resources and potential of disclosure forcing companies to
changes is to aid investors – both reserves, allowing for a more realistic give away confidential information
sophisticated industry analysts and determination of market value and, that can hurt them competitively? In
individuals seeking to compare dif- in turn, a more credible offer price. addition, lack of clarity in some of
ferent companies – by requiring a Also, they make it possible for acquir- the technical aspects of the proposed
more detailed disclosure of reserve ing companies to more easily under- changes may lead to more, rather
estimates. But the SEC’s proposal stand how a target company’s assets than less, confusion. Time will tell.
goes beyond what the industry and might fit with their own portfolio of There is another potential impact
investors had hoped or feared for; reserves. of more detailed disclosure. The
it provides a framework that allows In other words, the transparency current strict definition of proved
for the release of significantly more created by the new SEC rules is likely reserves often leads to an undervalu-
detailed data on reserves and how to embolden aggressive companies, ing of E&P companies because there
they are valued. And better informa- which can be more confident that a is no public disclosure of their prob-
tion typically means more activity. merger or acquisition will provide able and possible or non-conventional
Three of the rules changes could sufficient return on capital in the reserves. This market undervaluing
have a measurable impact on M&A coming years. can encourage prescient competitors
activity. These rules: to make an acquisition bid, lower
• give companies the option of Putting some than one which is fully reflective of
disclosing probable, possible, and companies at risk the target’s long-term prospects.
proved reserves, Of course, the more information that Under the new rules, a more realis-
• permit use of new technologies is in the public domain – and the tic valuation of the target company

6 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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Capital Perspectives
might discourage bidders seeking a cated view of a competitor’s real value fundamental. The SEC’s new rules
bargain deal. and a deeper understanding of the enhance disclosure and assist in
potential upside following a merger the global convergence of financial
Buyers, sellers benefit or takeover. reporting.
For the most part, the impact of And companies that believe they Even with these changes, the
more detailed disclosure of poten- are undervalued relative to real assets nature of reserves and resources will
tial reserves and resources will help can provide investors with a detailed continue to be highly subjective,
companies looking to merge or be look at how management sees the relying on assumptions and estimates.
acquired, as well as those doing the company. Because one of the new But by giving companies more free-
acquiring. In many ways, manage- rules changes the valuation method dom to communicate their holdings,
ment’s job has been hindered by the used to an average 12-month price the SEC is bringing much-needed
old reporting rules, which make it rather than a single end-of-year price transparency to an industry that has
difficult to tell the company’s full – and allows management to explain changed dramatically in the past 30
story as it relates to reserves. That in detail the impact of pricing sen- years – and promises to change even
could end when the SEC’s new rules sitivities on their reserves analysis – more in the years to come. OGFJ
are enacted. companies can provide more trans-
Companies seeking to be acquired parency around their market value. About the author
could have the opportunity to make Michael Lynch-Bell is global oil and
themselves look as attractive as pos- Change for a gas transactions leader at Ernst &
sible by including all possible reserves hanging industry Young. The views expressed herein are
categories allowed under the new rules. The bottom line is that disclosing the those of the author and do not necessar-
Companies seeking acquisition basis of reserves and resources and ily reflect the views of Ernst & Young
targets could have a more sophisti- key financial accounting estimates is LLP.

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OGFJ.TV brings you video interviews
and industry news. Here, W&T Offshore
presents company updates.

news that is most important to you. Get The Virtual Investment Symposium gives
details on a recent financing by CIT, oil and gas companies and analysts on-
Halliburton’s $2 billion offering of senior demand access to one another, not just
notes, Valero’s $477 million winning bid at industry conferences. Profiles include
for VeraSun, and Aker Solutions’ numer- relevant company information, contacts,
ous new contracts, as well as executive and continually updated financial presen-
changes such as R. Casey Olson’s retire- tations. Look for companies such as ATP
ment from Occidental Petroleum Corp. Oil & Gas, W&T Offshore, CGG Veritas,
and more.

Energy and Capital
The credit ratings agen-
cies gave stellar marks to
troubled companies like
AIG and Lehman Brothers,
while providing less-than-
exemplary ratings to many
oil and gas companies
that were in fine condition financially and
otherwise. OGFJ’s Don Stowers wonders
if Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s ratings
should be ignored.
INDUSTRY VIDEOS ▲ AND WEBCASTS ▲ A recent bill introduced
Watch video news from around the indus- provides white papers and to the Senate takes aim
try. The New York Financial Press reports webcasts for those seeking in-depth at abusive shorting and
on flat oil prices despite a stronger dollar knowledge regarding the latest petro- naked short selling and
and speculation of yet another rise in leum products, industry developments seeks to reinstate the
stockpiles. According to Bloomberg, the and technologies – all with no “premium uptick rule prohibiting
shaky market makes Exxon a ‘stock to access” charge. Log in now to watch short sales not made on
watch.’ Exxon says they are counting archived webcasts and stay tuned for a an increase in stock price.
every dollar. May webcast by SMT. OGFJ’s Mikaila Adams ponders the pos-
sible outcome.

8 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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Upstream News
Regency, Alinda, GE form JV to finance, Regency will offer the joint venture the first option
construct Haynesville Pipeline project to acquire or pursue natural gas transportation and
storage opportunities Regency identifies in Northern

egency Energy Partners LP, Alinda Capital Part- Louisiana.
ners LLC, and an affiliate of GE Energy Financial As a condition to the closing of the joint venture,
Services will form a joint venture to finance and Regency is amending its revolving credit facility. The
construct Regency’s Haynesville Expansion Project, a company is also entering into a $45 million unsecured
North Louisiana pipeline that will transport gas from the revolving credit facility with GE, the proceeds of which
Haynesville Shale. Regency has secured commitments may be used to pay for expenditures relating to the
from shippers for 84% of the pipeline’s capacity. project made prior to the closing of the joint venture.
The initial 1.1 bcf/d Haynesville Expansion Project Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Securities Inc. acted
will more than double Regency’s pipeline system in North as the financial advisor to the conflicts committee of
Louisiana and is expected to be in-service by the end of Regency’s general partner.
2009. Regency will continue to develop and operate the The Haynesville Expansion Project consists of
system through the new joint venture. the construction of a 28-mile, 36” Bienville Loop, a
Regency will contribute to the joint venture its $400 23-mile, 36” Elm Grove Pipeline and a 77-mile, 42”
million Regency Intrastate Gas System (RIGS) in North Winnsboro Loop. Regency expects to expand the pipe-
Louisiana, in exchange for a 38% general partnership line’s interconnects with the Columbia Gulf, Texas Gas,
interest in the joint venture. GE Energy Financial Services Trunkline and ANR pipelines. Regency expects to add
and Alinda Capital Partners have agreed to contribute 1.1 bcf/d of capacity to the pipeline system.
$126.5 million and $526.5 million
in cash, to the joint venture in return Regency Haynesville map
for a 12% and a 50% general partner-
ship interest, respectively. Regency shown
will receive a cash payment equal to
the total Haynesville Expansion Proj-
ect capital expenditures paid through Bossier Claiborne
the closing date, subject to certain Webster

adjustments. Lincoln
Byron Kelley, chairman, presi- Caddo Richland
dent and CEO of Regency noted, Bienville

“The positive liquidity created for Jackson

Regency will allow us to maintain Red
De Soto Caldwell
our current distribution level during River Winn

“This joint venture deleverages
Natchitoches Catahoula
Regency’s balance sheet, providing Sabine La Salle
0 Miles 50 Grant
us with sufficient liquidity to execute Concordia
0 Km 80
our business plan in 2009,” said
Kelley. Regency Intrastate Gas LLC Regency Liquids Pipeline LLC
Dan Castagnola, managing direc- Regency Field Services LLC Regency Intrastate Gas LLC Proposed Bienville Loop 36 in.
Regency Field Services LLC Logansport Regency Intrastate Gas LLC Proposed Elm Grove 36 in.
tor at GE Energy Financial Services Regency Intrastate Gas LLC Proposed Winnsboro Loop 42
and a member of Regency’s board
stated, “...this project will improve
the overall energy security and independence of the Dana Gas unlocks fifth discovery in Egypt
United States by alleviating a transportation bottleneck

experienced by many producers in the Haynesville area.” ana Gas, the Middle East’s first and largest regional
An affiliate of Regency will serve as the operator of private sector natural gas company, has made
the joint venture and an affiliate of Regency will provide another gas discovery in one of the company’s con-
all employees and services for the operation and manage- cessions in the Egyptian Nile Delta. The Azhar-1 well is set
ment of the joint venture’s assets. Oversight of the busi- to add up to 100 billion cubic feet (16 million barrels of oil
ness and affairs will be managed by a committee consist- equivalent) to the company’s reserves in Egypt.
ing of four members. This comes soon after the dry gas discovery at the West

10 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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Upstream News
Manzala-2 well and three gas and condensate discoveries our undeveloped acreage outside of our 3-D to expire
at the El Basant-1, El-Basant-2 and Salma-1 wells. as we believe that 3-D seismic may be one of the keys
The Azhar-1 well is located in the West El Manzala to unlocking this play. We have identified 15 additional
Concession, roughly 10 kilometers from the company’s locations on our 3-D with similar natural fractures as the
El Wastani gas processing facilities, and was spudded on Lakeside #1H,” he continued.
December 6, reaching a total depth of 3,150 meters in
the upper Sidi Salim formation. StatoilHydro awards Paradigm
The well revealed 18 meters of net pay in a good quality multi-year technology access contract
sandstone reservoir of the Qawasim formation. The initial

production test from an 18 meter interval yielded produc- aradigm, a provider of enterprise software solutions
tion of 15.1 million standard cubic feet per day of gas and to the global oil and natural gas exploration and
444 barrels of condensate per day through a 32⁄64” choke. production industry, has entered into a multi-year
The development plan for the discovery is currently agreement with StatoilHydro ASA, a Norwegian inte-
being prepared. The company expects to drill a number of grated technology-based international energy company.
appraisal and development wells that will be tied into the Paradigm will deploy a broad suite of subsurface E&P
nearby pipeline, which Dana Gas is currently construct- asset management software applications on a glob-
ing, to connect the recent El Basant discovery to the El ally accessible basis across StatoilHydro’s operations
Wastani Field. Production from Azhar-1 is expecting in worldwide.
mid-2009, which will take the Dana Gas El Wastani plant As exploration continues with ever increasing reser-
to full capacity. voir complexity, and data sets grow larger and larger,
StatoilHydro Geoscientists, in every StatoilHydro office
Abraxas’ Lakeside well producing globally, will now be able to benefit from access to
250 bo/d in Brooks Draw, Wyoming Paradigm petrophysics, depth conversion, interpretation
and processing & imaging technology. This will allow

an Antonio, Tex.-based Abraxas Petroleum Corp.’s StatoilHydro to easily deploy workflows and knowledge,
Lakeside #1H well in Converse County, Wyo. has developed in Norway, throughout all of their interna-
produced an average of 250 bo/d during the first tional offices around the world.
10 days of production. “StatoilHydro has entered into this agreement based
The Lakeside #1H was drilled to a total measured on the long standing history between StatoilHydro and
depth of nearly 12,500’, including a 3,800’ lateral in the Paradigm, and the high quality of the results we are able
Turner sandstone, and completed with isolation packers to obtain when using Paradigm technology,” said Oddvar
and a seven stage fracture stimulation. The well is cur- Vermedal, manager of global IT subsurface services for Sta-
rently constrained at a flowing rate of 200 bo/d with toilHydro. “StatoilHydro places a high degree of value on
associated gas. During testing, the well produced in best-in-class technology, and establishing this global agree-
excess of 700 bo/d for short intervals. Abraxas Petroleum ment with Paradigm is consistent with our E&P goals.”
owns a 100% working interest in this well.
Abraxas’ leasehold position in the Brooks Draw area of Aker awarded Kollsnes contract
the southern Powder River Basin includes roughly 14,000

net acres which are held by production (HBP). ker Solutions has been awarded an EPC contract
“We are very pleased with the initial production rates to modify and develop the gas plant at Kollsnes on
from the Lakeside #1H. We plan on testing the well for the west coast of Norway. This plant is processing
30-60 days while monitoring pressure and production natural gas from Troll, Kvitebjørn, and Visund fields in
data. The well is currently producing more gas than we the North Sea. Engineering and procurement will start
anticipated – therefore, in the future, we may be limited immediately, and the work will be completed by the end
in the amount of oil we can produce per day in order to of December 2011. The estimated value of the contract is
keep the gas below flaring limits until an outlet for the gas NOK 1.5 billion (roughly US$218.6M).
is constructed. Several different outlets are within a dozen Most of the fabrication work at Stord and all the instal-
miles; however, environmental surveys and construction lation work at Kollsnes will be performed in 2010 and
of a right-of-way can usually only be accomplished during 2011.
the summer and early fall,” said Bob Watson, Abraxas’ The Kollsnes gas plant are owned by the Gassled Joint
president and CEO. Venture and operated by Gassco, with StatoilHydro as
“With regard to our acreage position at Brooks Draw, technical service provider.
we have allowed and we may continue to allow some of Contract party in Aker Solutions is Aker Stord AS.

12 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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Upstream News
Your business is our focus.
Tullow makes discovery offshore Ghana,
partnership plans continued exploration

ullow Oil plc’s Tweneboa-1 exploration well, drilled
in the Deepwater Tano licence offshore Ghana, has
discovered a highly-pressured light hydrocarbon
The well encountered roughly 70 feet of of net pay and
was drilled to a depth of 3,593 meters and is currently being
deepened to further assess the discovery and the up-dip limit
of a potential deeper fan system.
The Tweneboa-1 well, located on the Deepwater Tano
License, was drilled, logged and cased to a depth of approxi-
mately 11,790 feet, and is being deepened to further assess
additional prospective hydrocarbon-bearing zones. It was
drilled using the Eirik Raude deepwater rig in a water depth
of nearly 3,770 feet roughly 16 miles west of the Jubilee field.
Tullow (49.95%) operates the Deepwater Tano licence
and is partnered by Kosmos Energy (18%), Anadarko
Petroleum (18%), Sabre Oil & Gas (4.05%) and the Ghana
National Petroleum Corp. (10% carried interest).
Once drilling activities are finished at the Tweneboa-1
well, the partnership expects to move the rig to continue
activity in the Jubilee field. The partnership also plans to
continue an active program offshore Ghana with initial
appraisals of three recent discoveries at Odum and Mahog-
any Deep on the West Cape Three Points Block and Twen-
eboa on the adjacent Deepwater Tano License. In addition,
the partnership expects to continue its exploration program
with the Teak prospect on the West Cape Three Points
Block and Onyina on the Deepwater Tano License.

Occidental, Mubadala sign agreement

for Bahrain Field development

ccidental Petroleum Corp. and Mubadala Develop-
ment Co., a business development and investment
company based in Abu Dhabi, have signed an
Interim Agreement with the National Oil and Gas Author-
ity of Bahrain (NOGA) for the further development of the
Bahrain Field. OXY, Mubadala, and NOGA will form a
new joint operating company that will implement a plan to
increase the Bahrain Field’s oil and gas production.
During this interim phase, Oxy and Mubadala will con-
tinue to have exclusive rights to finalize negotiations on a
20-year Development and Production Sharing Agreement
(DPSA) for the Field.
Capital investment is expected to be roughly $1.5 billion
on a gross basis over the initial five years of the DPSA with
additional investments thereafter. The development plan is
expected to increase oil production to over 100,000 bo/d
and increase gas production capacity above today’s level of
roughly 1,500 MMcfd. OGFJ


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Norway’s StatoilHydro emerges as

top global deepwater operator
Don Stowers, Editor, OGFJ

Gullfaks A platform in the North Sea.

Photo courtesy of Øyvind Hagen/StatoilHydro

ntil their merger in October 2007, Statoil and Hydro were two of
the most prominent players in the Norwegian oil industry going
back to the early 1970s. Both made key contributions towards
developing Norway into a modern industrial nation. The merger
into StatoilHydro created a dynamic, global oil and gas com-
pany, one that is especially noted for its innovations and technical
expertise in the offshore realm. The company is the world’s largest
offshore operator in waters more than 100 meters deep.

16 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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In Statoil’s next annual general meeting, scheduled except Australia and Antarctica. The company has nearly
for May 19, the company will discuss a proposal for a 30,000 employees worldwide and operates in 39 pro-
new name and logo. Changing the name of the company ducing oil and gas fields. Production averages approxi-
had been planned at the time of the merger, but Statoil- mately 1.95 million boe/day, and proven reserves are
Hydro was chosen as an interim name. The Norwegian more than six billion boe. Current market capitalization
Ministry of Petroleum and Energy has stated that the is about NOK 500 billion (roughly $76.5 billion in US
new company name must include “Statoil,” either alone dollars).
or as the main part of any new name. The Norwegian But StatoilHydro is best known for is its deepwa-
government is the primary owner of StatoilHydro, ter technology. Having gained more than 30 years of
although the company’s stock is publicly traded on experience operating in the rigorous environment of the
both the Oslo Stock Exchange and the New York Stock Norwegian continental shelf, the company pioneered
Exchange. It is likely that the new firm name will be Sta- complex offshore projects under the most challenging
toil ASA, according to company officials, and the change conditions. Forty-five percent of its production on the
will take effect on Nov. 1. Norwegian continental shelf comes from subsea installa-
When the board next meets, it will also consider a tions. The company operates more than 30 offshore oil
change in bylaws that will reflect the company’s new and gas fields with both fixed and floating installations.
strategic focus, which includes a gradual increase in During the recent biannual lease rounds in the US
renewable energy as part of its portfolio. Like many Gulf of Mexico, StatoilHydro was the highest bidder
multi-national energy companies, StatoilHydro is getting on 23 leases in the central area lease sale. The leases
greener. acquired are in deepwater and predominantly in high
StatoilHydro’s New Energy business unit is respon-
sible for the company’s effort within renewable power
production, sustainable fuel production, CO2 manage-
ment, and technology management.
In addition to the activities of the New Energy busi-
ness unit, both StatoilHydro Retail and StatoilHydro
R&D have extensive activities within renewable tech-
nologies, sustainable fuels, and CO2 management.
As far as greenhouse gases are concerned, the com-
pany already has implemented carbon injection and
storage at its Snøhvit field in the Barents Sea. Instead of
emitting carbon dioxide resulting from the well stream
that comes from the gas field into the air, the CO2 is Employees leave helicopter at Sleipner platform.
reinjected into the ground and stored in a formation Photo courtesy of Harald Pettersen/StatoilHydro.
that lies beneath Snøhvit’s gas-bearing formations.
“By reinjecting CO2 beneath the seabed we strongly
reduce greenhouse gas emissions at Melkøya. We will quality Miocene sands, in which StatoilHydro is partici-
achieve an environmental benefit while we develop our pating in several promising discoveries, including Tahiti,
expertise on carbon injection which may be useful in Heidelberg, Caesar/Tonga, and Knotty Head.
other areas,” says Edvin Ytredal, senior vice president for StatoilHydro is one of the largest leaseholders in
Snøhvit operations. deepwater US Gulf of Mexico. In addition to produc-
Carbon storage on the Snøhvit field is StatoilHydro’s tion from Independent Hub and Front Runner, both
second large carbon storage project in Norway. One mil- Tahiti and Thunder Hawk are projects the company
lion tonnes of CO2 are already stored annually beneath participates in, both of which are scheduled to come on
the seabed on the Sleipner field. StatoilHydro is also stream this year.
involved in carbon storage on the gas and condensate In 2009 StatoilHydro will also embark on an exten-
field In Salah in Algeria in cooperation with BP and sive drilling program with two new rigs coming into
Sonatrach. the Gulf of Mexico. StatoilHydro considers the GoM
Snøhvit is the first offshore development in the one of the companies “core areas,” says a company
Barents Sea. Without surface installations, this project spokesperson.
involves bringing natural gas to land for liquefaction and StatoilHydro has signed an agreement with the
export from the first plant of its kind in Europe and the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol America Inc. under
world’s northernmost liquefied natural gas facility. which the two companies will form a joint exploration
StatoilHydro has high ambitions for international team for the US Gulf of Mexico and drill three or more
growth and currently has a presence in 40 countries wells in the coming years.
around the world with operations on every continent Under the agreement the companies will also further

April 2009 Oil & Gas Financial Journal • 17


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mature prospects to potential drilling. StatoilHydro will

remain the operator for all prospects. Ecopetrol will
farm in with interests of around 20% to 30% in the wells
covered by the agreement.
The agreement is in line with Statoil’s long-term Gulf
of Mexico strategy, says Øivind Reinertsen, who heads up
the USA and Mexico region. “We are starting our drilling
operations next year in some of the prospects we acquired
from lease sales and acquisitions in the past years,” he
explains. “We have a good portfolio of promising pros-
pects and we are happy to have Ecopetrol America joining Statoil tank truck.
parts of our exploration program in the coming years,” he Photo courtesy of Leif Berge/StatoilHydro.
Two drilling vessels will drill for StatoilHydro in the
Gulf of Mexico next year. consultant with McKinsey & Co., and managing director
StatoilHydro is planning to start up eight new projects of a pharmaceutical company.
in 2009: Yttergryta, Alve, Tyrihans, Tune South, and “StatoilHydro’s results and deliveries in 2008 were
Oseberg low pressure production – all on the Norwegian strong, and we are well positioned to steer through
continental shelf – as well as Gimboa in Angola and Tahiti the current economic downturn,” writes Lund in the
and Thunder Hawk in the Gulf of Mexico. On average, foreword to the annual and sustainability reports 2008.
the new projects are profitable with an oil price of around “Good exploration results and targeted business devel-
USD 35 per barrel, based on StatoilHydro’s requirement opment strengthen our resource base and underpin our
for return (break-even price). long-term growth strategy.”
With an oil price of about US$55 per barrel, the cash He explains further, “We have a strong industrial plat-
flow from operations will cover all StatoilHydro’s expected form, a solid financial position, and a robust and flexible
investments and expenditure in 2009, including tax. project portfolio. We are adjusting the speed, but not
StatoilHydro’s dividend policy aims, over time, to pro- changing course.”
vide the shareholders with direct payouts averaging 45% StatoilHydro’s operational performance in 2008 was
to 50% of the annual profits. This dividend policy was solid and characterized by record equity production of oil
recently confirmed. and gas and the most expansive exploration program ever,
Operations for the fourth adds Lund.
quarter of 2008 were “We increased our production and delivered on the
satisfactory with regard to production guidance we had given the market, we drilled
oil and gas production, more efficiently and improved our turnaround perfor-
according to a company mance, and we strengthened our resource base by adding
press release. Four acqui- more than 3.5 billion barrels of oil equivalent (boe)
sitions were closed and through exploration and business development,” he
paid for during the fourth concluded.
quarter. The company’s net operating income was NOK 198.8
Helge Lund has served as billion (US$30.4 billion) compared with NOK 137.2 bil-
CEO of Statoil since 2004 lion (US$21 billion) in 2007. The net income was NOK
and assumed the same role in 43.3 billion (US$6.6 billion) in 2008, compared with
the newly merged StatoilHydro NOK 44.6 billion (US$6.8 billion) in 2007.
in 2007. Prior to this, he was CEO As this issue of OGFJ went to press on March 26,
of Aker Kvaerner and previ- StatoilHydro stock was priced at about $19.50 on the
ously was an advisor NYSE and Oslo Stock Exchange. The company has Aa2
to the Conservative and AA- ratings from Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s,
Party in Norway, a respectively. OGFJ

“We have a strong industrial platform, a solid financial

position, and a robust and flexible project portfolio. We are
adjusting the speed, but not changing course.”
Photo courtesy of Dag
– Helge Lund, StatoilHydro CEO

18 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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A conversation with Statoil’s Peter Mellbye

EDITOR’S NOTE: Peter Mellbye, StatoilHydro’s Executive
with companies such as BP, Chevron, Anadarko, and
Vice President for International E&P, was a speaker at the Chesapeake?
CERA Week conference in February. He took time from his
schedule to visit with OGFJ’s Don Stowers shortly after his MELLBYE: Yes, these things take different forms. We
arrival in Houston from company headquarters in Norway.
have been involved in partnerships, joint ventures, and
joint operating agreements with other companies for some
OGFJ: How is business? time. We have, of course, the BP alliance. We also have
formed an alliance with Chesapeake in the Marcellus shale
PETER MELLBYE: It’s challenging, I would say. Every- play. However, the company that we are allied with the
one is struggling and trying to maintain a balance between closest is probably Chevron, followed by ExxonMobil, and
short-term needs and long-term goals. A lot of companies then Anadarko. These relationships are important to our
are cutting back on exploration and struggling to adjust success as well as that of our partners.
their execution to this new and uncertain environment.
That is the challenge we are all facing. OGFJ: You mentioned your agreement with Chesa-
peake in the Marcellus. StatoilHydro is widely known
OGFJ: How is StatoilHydro addressing as the biggest offshore company in the
this challenge? world, so getting involved in a resource
play in the Appalachian Basin would
MELLBYE: Well, our balance sheet is in seem to be a bit out of character for a
pretty good shape, so we aren’t facing any Norwegian company. Can you explain
major changes in the way we do business. how this came about?
Nevertheless, we have to look after our
needs, and define what our options are, MELLBYE: As you know, there has been
and look after our portfolio, and examine a huge growth in gas development in the
each project on a case-by-case basis. If US because of the growth of unconven-
there are some projects that don’t fit well tional gas. StatoilHydro made the decision
in current economic conditions, then they that we would like to be a part of this. In
may have to be deferred for a while. examining the major players, we saw that
Chesapeake was one of the top partici-
OGFJ: Your position is executive vice pants and they had a lot of expertise drill-
Peter Melbye Photo courtesy of
president for international E&P. What Dag Myrestrand/StatoilHydro ing in unconventional gas formations.
regions of the globe does that include?
OGFJ: Unconventional resource plays are known for
MELLBYE: It includes everything except the Norwegian their long-life reserves. Was this a factor in Statoil-
part of the North Sea. However, the Norwegian part is still Hydro’s involvement?
a very significant part of the company’s business.
MELLBYE: The character of this huge resource and the
OGFJ: What percentage of your total production is oil long perspective in terms of the lifetime of the asset were
and what percentage is natural gas? definitely factors. In addition, the cost of recovering the gas
and its proximity to major market areas along the US East
MELLBYE: Off the top of my head, I would say about Coast also was part of our decision-making process. Taking
40% of the production is gas and 60% is oil. The reserves this altogether, this was an extremely attractive combina-
have the same ratio as production, 40% gas and 60% oil. tion for us, especially when compared with conventional
resources in other parts of the world.
OGFJ: What are your most important global pro-
ducing areas currently and what looks good on the OGFJ: Was Chesapeake’s experience and specialized
horizon? knowledge of drilling in shale formations a consider-
ation in Statoil’s decision to partner with them in the
MELLBYE: All of them are important, but Angola is our Marcellus?
number one producing area right now. We had a partner-
ship with BP in Angola that was very successful. MELLBYE: Statoil obviously has a wide degree of exper-
tise. We take pride in our abilities in drilling and concreting
OGFJ: Can you talk a little about your partnerships and so forth. But this is a different kind of formation and

20 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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Chesapeake pioneered a lot of the fracturing techniques OGFJ: How do you manage geopolitical risk in areas
that are widely used in unconventional gas formations where you operate that might be considered politically
today, so partnering with them was an attractive proposi- unstable?
tion for us.
MELLBYE: We do consider threats that may exist.
OGFJ: Were the terms of the deal favorable for However, a substantial part of our portfolio, especially our
StatoilHydro? growth in recent years, has been in relatively stable areas
like Canada and the US Gulf of Mexico. There are certain
MELLBYE: I think the terms should be favorable to both countries on the UN and other “black lists” where we do
sides. Chesapeake spent a great deal of time and money in not operate.
acquiring the land, and now they are bringing in partners
for development. During the time when we were negotiat- OGFJ: Is StatoilHydro working with PEMEX in
ing, the market was rapidly going down, so it was a good Mexico yet? The head of PEMEX, Jesus Reyes Heroles,
deal for them in terms of timing, and I think the economic told us recently that his company is facing a challeng-
parameters were favorable for us as well. ing situation in that it desperately needs technologi-
cal help in developing its offshore GoM operations,
OGFJ: Are there any other deals in the works that you and he hopes to develop alliances with companies like
can talk about? StatoilHydro.

MELLBYE: Well, we are looking at what Chesapeake is MELLBYE: As you know, PEMEX needs technological
doing in other areas and they are looking at opportunities assistance as it moves into the deepwater areas of the Gulf.
outside the United States. This is part of our alliance with However, regulations in Mexico hinder this development
them. However, I can’t talk about anything specific. because they prevent non-Mexican companies from bene-
fiting from their petroleum deposits. They also are facing a
OGFJ: What are some of the other significant areas for huge decline in their biggest field and they need help with
StatoilHydro? this. However, Mexican law does allow outside companies
to benefit directly from commodity prices. Therefore, there
MELLBYE: Well, of course you know what we are doing will have to be some form of services contract in effect.
in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. These remain There is a process coming up in which some companies
very important areas for us. However, we are very excited will be invited in to participate, but we are not sure exactly
about some of the other regions, such as Brazil, Angola, what form it will take at this time.
and Canada – just to name several. We hold a number of
exploration licenses in Brazil and we are working to expand OGFJ: Let me ask you about the 2007 Statoil-Hydro
our platform in that country, which we think has tremen- merger. How did this come about and how beneficial
dous potential. Another exciting place for us is Canada, was this to the company’s development?
where we have entered the heavy oil business there. With
lower prices for oil, a lot of companies are cutting back on MELLBYE: This was very significant for us. There was
their operations in the Canadian oil sands, but we think already quite a bit of overlapping in which one company
there are great opportunities for future development. The owned shares in a venture that the other company oper-
only question is when the economic circumstances will ated, so in a way it natural that the two complementary
exist to allow this to happen. We are also involved in the companies should combine. Hydro was probably the
Snohvit project, which is a very large gas project in the more international of the two companies, and when we
Barents Sea. This is the first offshore field developed in this brought the two companies together, it created a different
area, and we will transfer gas via a 143-kilometer pipeline animal – but a very strong one. It has made us even more
to the Melkoya LNG terminal near Hammerfest. This is competitive.
technologically and economically extremely challenging,
but this is the kind of work that StatoilHydro has excelled OGFJ: StatoilHydro has been referred to as one of
at. We are the operator and we’re working together with the most ethical oil companies in the world. Can you
Total, GDF Suez, Petoro, Hess, and RWE Norge on this expound a little on the company’s ethics and its atti-
development. We expect completion sometime in early tude towards corporate governance?
2010, and we have committed a lot of resources to make
this happen. And then we are in North Africa in Egypt, MELLBYE: Well, we think of ourselves as being one of
Algeria, and Libya, and in the Caspian Sea region. We the most ethical companies PERIOD – not just one of the
operate in nearly all the major oil-producing regions, a most ethical oil companies. Company management believes
number of them in some very exciting and interesting parts strongly that we need to be a good corporate citizen, and
of the world. we strive very hard to do this. OGFJ

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Low prices, lower demand

impact offshore economics
In the current economic environment, cash-rich companies,
including majors and super independents, are generally faring better than
mid-sized and smaller operators, particularly those that are over-leveraged.

Richard Nemec, OGFJ Correspondent, Los Angeles

lobal financial shock waves the last half of 2008 rich companies are best positioned to keep their finances
left little of the industrial world untouched. As intact in the continuing choppy waters for the foresee-
a result, the one certainty so far in 2009 for the able future. But even they cannot ignore the fundamental
oil and gas sector is that companies are reworking their shifts on a macro level.
financial strategies to fit a tumultuous, credit-constrained In early March, BP announced it plans to slow produc-
world with falling energy prices and decreasing market tion and keep capital spending at 2008 levels. While last
values. year it was targeting production of oil and natural gas to
Cash positions and balance sheet protection are the reach a 4.3 million boe/d level in 2012, BP now is eye-
common drivers in financial plans talked about in the ing 4.1 million boe/d by 2012, according to CEO Tony
first quarter of the new year. Now that market values of Hayward speaking in March at a business conference in
all companies have plunged and the need to de-leverage London.
has become more acute, the large and/or highly cash- Part of the increasingly bumpy economic ride is a thriv-

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ing offshore sector spawning record profits at or operating under limited partnerships
the same time many of its principal publicly in which large amounts of capital need to
held players are experiencing decreased continue flowing from investors. Strategic
market values. So for investors, this is a good joint ventures and partnerships will be more
time to buy into energy companies, and for important than ever for players of all sizes.
many of the companies this is a good time for In a similar macro-economic sense, what
aggressive stock buy-back programs. happens post-financial crisis with the current
“This is certainly an era of financial tur- climate change response and initiatives to
bulence unlike anything I have seen in my move away from carbon-based energy, will
career,” said Paul Bulmahn, CEO/founder drive the long-term plans of the entire energy
of ATP Oil & Gas Corp. “Since starting sector – not just offshore. In mid-February, a
“Overall, a more ATP in 1991, we have gone through a lot of Cambridge, Mass., research firm, Emerging
challenging near- cycles. We lived through $1 gas and $11/bbl Energy Research, released a report conclud-
to intermediate- oil, but I think this cycle has great problems ing there is a potential $30 billion to $70
term day-rate attached to it. Nevertheless, it is still cycli- billion annual industry waiting to emerge by
environment is cal, and a company has got to be able to 2030 in the carbon capture/storage sector.
likely, especially weather various cycles. Since 1991, ATP has The report said many super majors already
for the jack-up and been very effective in both the up and down are pursuing CCS strategies as it speculated
mid-water fleets, cycles.” that they have the expertise and incentive to
while the indus- Bulmahn says ATP retains
try’s deepwater the flexibility to adjust its
fleet is expected capital spending, turning off
to display more the spigot when necessary.
resilience due to ATP is carefully adjusting its
longer term con- spending and development
tract durations and activities as the year pro-
strong geologic gresses.
success during the “We cut back on our capi-
past several years.” tal expenditures for 2009
– Louis Raspino, and rearranged our capital
Pride International to be more focused on the
projects that will deliver the
highest return and are doing
it within our own cash
flow,” Bulmahn says.
Mid-sized oil and gas
companies like ATP face a
wrestling match with volatil- Ebouri Field jacket on the sea bottom in 350’ of water.
Photo courtesy of VAALCO Energy.
ity that even the majors in
the offshore space can’t
ignore. When there are triple-digit changes develop what EER called “key demonstration
(up and down) on Wall Street daily, the projects.”
capital markets retract and liquidity dries up. After reporting fourth-quarter earnings
“IFC, which is part Only those who have to be there are in the ($4.90 billion) essentially the same as the
of the World Bank, capital market these days. same period in 2007 ($4.88 billion) and full-
is a lender [to us]. Variables that matter to one degree or year 2008 profits up 28% to $23.93 billion,
Given the bank’s another continue to include: Chevron Corp. announced in February a
stature, IFC’s • to what extent firms are equity or lever- $22.8 billion capital and exploration program
partnership….has age based; for this year, closely mirroring its programs
helped support • where they operate geographically; in 2008. Three-quarters of its spending was
our success in the • what is their global oil price sensitivity; targeted for upstream, including several
regions in which and, prospects in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico.
we operate in West • how they have managed the run-ups in A couple of days later, in early February,
Africa.” – Russell costs for labor, materials, and equipment. Chevron announced a new deepwater oil
Scheirman, And a no-brainer is whether a company discovery at the Buckskin prospect located in
VAALCO Energy is sitting on relatively large pools of cash the deepwater GoM.

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“We believe we’ll get better econom- how resilient a company is likely to be in
ics by holding back,” said Chevron CEO the face of the global economic downturn,
Dave O’Reilly. “Our long-term view never Hullinger says.
changed. You could already tell when oil got Houston-based BPZ Energy is an ener-
to the $140 level that demand was falling.” getic E&P holding exclusive license contracts
Saying barrels associated with deferred for oil/gas exploration and production cover-
projects won’t be lost, but will be there “for ing about 2.4 million acres in four properties
when conditions change,” George Kirk- in northwest Peru. While it has pulled back
land, Chevron executive vice president, told some in its capital expenditure planning, and
Wall Street analysts earlier this year that a a potential deal with Shell had to be aban-
significant portion of the company’s 2009 doned late last year, BPZ has set aggressive
upstream investing will involve develop- goals for 2009, targeting a doubling of its “The decline in oil
ment projects tied to exploration successes production and reserves compared to last prices has been
in recent years. Those opportunities include year. factored into our
deepwater GoM, offshore West Africa, and “We are pulling back on some of our economics, and all
the Gulf of Thailand. onshore development [in Peru], but actually of our drilling op-
How does a worsening global economic accelerating some of our offshore develop- portunities remain
picture complicate the plans of cash-rich ment there,” says BPZ spokesperson Greg viable. For us, it
offshore players? Although they may not Smith, who noted since last fall the global comes down to
be threatened, they may have fewer future economic mess has been effecting everyone – an analysis of the
options. For example, several E&P compa- big and small alike. options that exist
nies contacted for this article said it will be In early February, BPZ raised $48 million in the portfolio
harder to replace reserves and find new areas as one of the first equity sales in the small- and the returns we
that are worthwhile economically. Some caps sector since last summer, and it had can achieve given
smaller international offshore players operat- Smith and his colleagues pumped up. “This expectations for
ing in developing nations still have unused is a phenomenal deal in this market when the price of crude
credit lines at the World Bank, and they are nobody is raising money,” he says. Neverthe- and the cost of
wondering where to apply this capital in less, he concedes that financing in 2009 is a drilling.”
2009. “huge” undertaking and the lack of global – Greg Hullinger,
“IFC, which is part of the World Bank, financing has widely affected the offshore VAALCO Energy
is a lender to [us],” said Russell Scheirman, sector.
president and COO of VAALCO Energy. At the onset of the financial crisis last fall,
“Given the bank’s stature, IFC’s partnership some of the leading independents expressed
as a lender to our company has helped sup- optimism they would not miss a beat despite
port our success in the regions in which we the economic slowdown. Established firms
operate in West Africa.” like Anadarko Petroleum and Apache Corp.
VAALCO CFO Greg Hullinger says the have thrived in spite of the chaos and are fac-
current challenging economic landscape ing 2009 with confidence.
does not impact all companies in the same Apache CEO Steve Farris has reminded
way and that individual players within the financial analysts that Apache has thrived in
industry will respond based on their own good and bad economic times. He spent the
circumstances. Not a lot is likely to change early part of this year explaining a one-time
at VAALCO, which he joined last fall, says $3.6 billion reduction in the carrying value
Hullinger. of its assets tied to lower commodity prices While many expect
“The decline in oil prices has been fac- in the last quarter of 2008. He stresses that oil and gas prices
tored into our economics, and all of our the write-down did not affect Apache’s cash to bottom out in
drilling opportunities remain viable,” he says. position, which stood at nearly $4 billion at 2009, Anadarko is
“For us, it comes down to an analysis of the the outset of this year. managing its 2009
options that exist in the portfolio and the “The important news going forward is that capital program
returns we can achieve given expectations for Apache exited 2008 with a debt-to-capital- consistent with “a
the price of crude and the cost of drilling, for ization ratio of 23%, more than $1.5 billion sustained lower-
example. In other words, we apply prudent in available cash and short-term investments, commodity-price
risk-taking.” and $2.3 billion in available credit facilities,” environment.”
A company’s area of operations, economic Farris said. “With a number of development –Jim Hackett,
models, and accessibility to affordable capital projects coming on line in the first half of Anadarko
will dictate financing plans for the future and 2009, we are projecting production growth

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of 6% to 14% this year, depending on capital at Heidelberg and Shenandoah prospects.”

availability.” The credit ratings agencies focus on
Farris added that he intends to keep a tight supply-demand balances in the oil and gas
lid on discretionary spending to match cash sector, trying to gauge what will happen to
flows for the year in order to keep as much capital spending in 2009-2010 and whether
financial flexibility as possible. credit markets will still be there.
Anadarko CEO Jim Hackett says his “It is still difficult to go out and do
company is “mindful that a balance must be bonds,” says Jeffrey Morrison, a senior ana-
struck between capital spending and pro- lyst with Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services.
tecting our balance sheet,” while recogniz- “Although we’ve seen some high-yield com-
ing that the economic recovery could take panies do this right now; it’s still a bit choppy
“The impor- longer to achieve than anticipated in the early out there. However, some companies have
tant news going months of 2009. been able to access the bond market. The
forward is that While many expect oil and gas prices to rates for high-yield companies have gone up
Apache exited bottom out in 2009, Hackett says Anadarko significantly, though, since mid-2008.”
2008 with a debt- is managing its 2009 capital program con- Morrison added, “The banks obviously
to-capitalization sistent with “a sustained lower-commodity- are in a retrenched mode and are not that
ratio of 23%, more price environment.” His company ended anxious to loan. So the bank market is not as
than $1.5 billion in 2008 with approximately $2.4 billion of cash robust now for the high-yield companies. In
available cash and on hand and retains the availability of its general, we expect capital spending to hold
short-term invest- unused $1.3 billion committed credit agree- up better in the deepwater offshore than the
ments, and $2.3 ment, along with access to credit markets. shallow water plays.”
billion in available “We expect this liquidity position to enable Both S&P and Moody’s Investors Service
credit facilities.” us to meet our 2009 operational objectives see a lot of activity continuing in deepwater
– Steve Farris, and capital commitments under current mar- offshore plays dominated by the majors and
Apache Corp. ket conditions,” Hackett says. large independents, but say capital and credit
Hackett’s insights came two months into will be problematic for companies operating
2009, but around the start of this year, in, say, the shallow waters of the GoM shelf,
financial news media were speculating that which is mainly the province of small- and
Anadarko and some other highly successful mid-sized operators.
large independents operating in the deepwa- “A lot of these companies tend to be heav-
ter offshore could be targeted for acquisition ily leveraged, and it’s all about liquidity and
by one or more of the super majors – Exxon- cash flow, and they don’t have them,” says
Mobil, Shell, BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Kenneth Austin, vice president and senior
and Total. analyst with Moody’s. “They will see a bit of
While CEOs like Hackett and ATP’s a slowdown.”
Bulmahn resist the idea of being targets, they After doubling its year-over-year third-
openly acknowledge they are looking for quarter profits, Marathon Oil Corp. reported
Capital and credit prospects all the time – purchases, mergers, a $41 million loss due to a non-cash $1.4
will be problematic and joint ventures. Bulmahn thinks M&A billion impairment charge in the fourth
for heavily-lever- activity will increase this year. quarter, along with reduced results for all
aged companies Several large development and exploration of 2008, compared to 2007 overall. Ear-
operating in the projects spread around among the GoM, lier, CEO Clarence Cazalot, Jr., said he
shallow waters offshore West Africa and Algeria are on Ana- expected the company’s capital spending to
of the GoM shelf, darko’s radar screen in 2009, says Hackett, pull back by about 15% in 2009, calling it a
which is mainly the noting the company may not “pursue every “prudent approach to the current business
province of small- drill-ready prospect in our inventory,” but it environment.” At the same time, Marathon
and mid-sized has several mega-projects – the Jubilee field approved going ahead with two major Gulf
operators, says offshore Ghana, the Caesar/Tonga complex of Mexico deepwater development projects –
Kenneth Austin of in deepwater GoM, and El Merk in Algeria. Droshky and Ozona – for which the com-
Moody’s. “Approximately 20% of our 2009 capital pany might book a total of 29 million boe of
program is geared toward global explora- natural gas and oil proved reserves.
tion,” Hackett says. “We expect to drill What once were operating blips now
between four and six exploration/appraisal could be formidable challenges in a world in
wells in deepwater GoM, building on the which the credit markets and banking have
success of two recently announced discoveries been shaken to their core. Those challenges

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involve infrastructure, global competition for labor and Costs of construction materials and services have also
materials, and heightened environmental rules and costs been volatile. For example, steel has gone from super-
with the advent of climate change mitigation pressures. high prices and long lead times to lower prices and
Generally, infrastructure is only a major issue in the greater availability in the span of one year.
deepwater plays, but it can be a bigger impediment in the Analysts say the cost of essential goods and materials
new world of finance because if a company doesn’t have should come down and their availability improve in the
the infrastructure it needs to get the oil or gas to market, current downturn, but that doesn’t mean all the infra-
it has to get those assets built and that means accessing structure that is needed will get built. Some of it will
the capital to get it done. because the cash-rich majors and independents clearly
Houston-based ATP is finding some success for its need it to follow-up through deeper water plays.
deepwater efforts through its “floating production S&P’s Morrison says from the rating agencies’ perspec-
systems” that include drilling capabilities as well. These tive there are still a lot of concerns with what is going on
highly reusable rig systems are floated from one project onshore North America – the very low natural gas prices
area to another. and the really steep decline in the US rig count. Onshore
“It is a brand new concept for production anywhere has been the most negative story since the credit crisis
in the world,” says Al Reese, ATP’s CFO. “Drilling has and lower gas prices. Offshore, again, continues to be a
always had that capability, but now we have it in produc- more favorable story, he adds.
tion, too. Most production facilities
historically have only been dedicated
to the reserves they initially pro-
duced, but this floating production
unit will have the ability to access
different reservoirs literally around
the world.”
Infrastructure is usually not a
problem in mature areas such as
the GoM or the North Sea, but it
is in Brazil, Africa, and Southeast
Asia, says Alan Madian, a director
with Washington, DC-based LECG
Consultants, who a decade earlier
was closely involved in the plan-
ning of the offshore infrastructure in
The ironies this year run deeper
than the offshore sector’s newest
big finds as evidenced by firms such FPSO “Petroleo” Nautipa oil storage tanker.
as drilling contractor Pride Inter- Photo courtesy of VAALCO Energy.
national Inc. which reported its
highest-ever annual and very solid
fourth quarter profits earlier this year while its CEO, Offshore companies consider their operations envi-
Louis Raspino, nevertheless had to acknowledge that ronmentally responsible because they have been dealing
2009 has begun with an unprecedented amount of eco- with intense rules and regulation for a long time. The
nomic uncertainty. added rules anticipated from the current push on climate
“Offshore drilling activity is noticeably lower in many change are not expected to be onerous for future off-
regions around the world,” Raspino told a year-end shore operations. Companies have won praise in some
earnings conference call. “Decreased customer demand environmental and business sectors for work in the North
is most evident in the jack-up rig sector, resulting in an Sea and offshore Brazil in mitigating against the impact
increasing number of idle rigs while new, uncontracted of their E&P operations.
capacity is being delivered. “Certainly there is greater awareness about environ-
“Overall, a more challenging near- to intermediate- mental footprints around the world, including in West
term day-rate environment is likely, especially for the Africa, and the rules reflect that,” says VAALCO’s Scheir-
jack-up and mid-water fleets, while the industry’s deep- man. “The environmental ministry typically has its own
water fleet is expected to display more resilience due to view on projects. For our industry, this generally means
longer term contract durations and strong geologic suc- longer lead times to ensure proper planning rather than a
cess during the past several years,” he adds. change in the project’s financial proposition.” OGFJ

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The ATP Innovator sits deep in the Gulf of Mexico.

Photo courtesy of ATP Oil & Gas Corp.

ATP monetizes infrastructure value

with $150M investment from GE
Mikaila Adams, Associate Editor, OGFJ

E Energy Financial Services, a unit of GE, has for us to bring that field on very quickly instead of having
agreed to invest $150M in a partnership with Hous- a new build construction going on onshore. We were able
ton-based ATP Oil & Gas Corp. which will own and to turn it around, putting the processing and production
operate the ATP Innovator in deepwater Gulf of Mexico, an equipment on the platforms, and get it back out there and
area that holds 63% of the company’s proved reserves. in service. And it is performing beautifully for us,” said Paul
GE will hold a 49% stake in the limited partnership, while Bulmahn, chairman and president of ATP Oil & Gas Corp.
ATP will hold the remaining 51% stake, serve as managing part- “The combination of ATP’s demonstrated operational
ner, and give up no working interest or reserves in the field. capabilities, GE Energy Financial Services’ energy expertise
The Gomez Hub, currently being serviced by the ATP and capital, and the production unit’s strategic location
Innovator, at December, 31, 2008 held a 2P reserve value makes this a strong partnership, well positioned for growth,”
of 237 bcfe and a PV-10 value of $1.3 billion based on strip said James F. Burgoyne, managing director of natural
prices. In 2008 ATP recorded an upward reserve revision at resources at GE Energy Financial Services.
the Gomez Hub based on well performance and discoveries While GE Energy Financial Services has invested in
even after ATP sold 3.6% of its reserve at that hub. numerous oil and gas-related assets, this transaction marked
The unit processes up to 20,000 barrels of oil per day and its first investment in a floating oil and gas production
100 MMcfd of natural gas for supply via pipeline to the US facility.
market. The unit has been producing ATP reserves since “It’s a real win-win for us both. [The transaction] puts
March 2006, but plans are in place to begin processing third GE into a very strong market that it hasn’t been in before
party reserves from Newfield and Nexen by 2010. and it keeps us going with a lot of continuing value in that
ATP purchased and converted the unit from a drilling asset as well,” said Bulmahn.
semi-submersible rig into a floating production facility in The positives for GE are that the asset is reusable, and will
2005. be a money-maker over a span of time. For ATP, entering
“The ATP Innovator, which constitutes this partnership, the partnership means the company can monetize a portion
was purchased after it had already been out there as a semi- of the value immediately, yet still hang on to a residual value
submersible for 30 years. When we acquired it, it was a way component going forward.

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In light of financial constraints across the industry, the During the second
$150M capital injection is a welcome boost. The company quarter of 2008, ATP
has long felt ‘grotesquely’ undervalued. “One area of great amended the terms of its
value in our company is the value of our infrastructure. Our credit facility. The pri-
market cap is small compared to the magnitude of the capital mary facility, $1,050M,
that we’ve spent in our infrastructure. We felt there had to matures in July 2014.
be a way to monetize some of that value,” he explained. An asset sale facility of
Bulmahn believes GE was the right fit from the beginning $600M with a matu-
as it has the ‘forward vision’ that recognizes the value of rity of January 2011
such deepwater assets. “They really bring a lot of knowledge was added to accom-
to the table. They believe, as we do, in the longevity of these modate ATP’s asset
assets,” he said. To that end, the two are currently in talks to monetization program.
place another vessel, the ATP Titan, into the partnership as In December, ATP paid
well. The vessel is currently under construction in Ingleside, $273M of the facility
Tex. and will be put into location in the deepwater Gulf later with proceeds from the
this summer. partial sale of the two
Goldman, Sachs & Co. and SMH Capital Inc. acted as North Sea properties.
financial advisors to ATP in connection with the transaction. Going forward, ATP Titan
Illustration courtesy of ATP.
In 2008, ATP achieved record net income ($122M) and capital expenditures
revenues ($618M), replaced 214% of its oil and gas produc- for 2009 are estimated
tion, and received $472 million in cash proceeds from asset to be between $300M and $500M and are expected to
sales. The first sale, which closed during June 2008, was for be funded from cash on hand and cash generated from
1.0 MMboe of proved reserves in the form of a 15% limited- operations. ATP is pursuing the sale of partial interests
term overriding royalty interest for $82M. The second sale in selected assets and, if successful, will further reduce
was for 80% of net interests in the Tors and Wenlock fields in its debt and potentially revise its development plans and
the North Sea for roughly $390M. budgets during the year. OGFJ

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Appeal to young geoscientists helps fuel

SMT’s growth, says CEO Arshad Matin
Don Stowers, Editor – OGFJ

mainframes or Unix. That was about 1996. At that time,

EDITOR’S NOTE: Seismic Micro-Technology, better known our software was used mostly by individual consultants
as SMT, is a recognized leader in providing geoscience
interpretation technology to the upstream oil and gas who were working for oil companies.
industry. CEO Arshad Matin recently took time from his
schedule to talk with OGFJ’s Don Stowers at the compa- OGFJ: What did the software do – seismic
ny’s Houston office. interpretation?

MATIN: Yes, and it cost just a fraction of what the

OGFJ: SMT’s key product is its widely known KING- competition cost. And that’s how we started – expand-
DOM software for seismic interpretation, modeling, ing today to cover the entire geoscientific workflow. We
and analytics. Can you explain how SMT came to were fortunate to be on a platform that attracted massive
develop it? amounts of R&D dollars from Intel and Microsoft. They
literally spent billions of dollars a year developing the
ARSHAD MATIN: You’re right, KINGDOM is one Win-Tel, the Windows-Intel platform. As those platforms
of the best-known brands in the industry. Third-party became more powerful and more sophisticated, it ben-
research shows there are more licenses for the KING- efited us because we kept taking advantage of those new
DOM suite of products than any other Windows-based technologies. Whether it was advanced graphics capa-
interpretation software. You buy just one product, and bilities, high-end performance capabilities, or improved
you can turn just the components you pay for, which is a networking capabilities, SMT customers benefited. So
big plus. we rode the coattails of Microsoft and Intel, and they
are pretty good partners to have. At the same time, we
OGFJ: KINGDOM is Windows-based, isn’t it? continued to invest a lot in R&D so that our geoscience
became market leading.
MATIN: Yes. As a Windows-based product, it can run
on a PC, on the most powerful machine you can find, or OGFJ: Who are your competitors?
on a laptop. Being able to run it on a laptop allows you
to work remotely. You can work from home, you can MATIN: Mostly the oilfield services companies, where
work from Starbucks! You can take it to a rig site when software is not their only business. Unlike them, software
you’re drilling a well. You can also run it in places where is our only business. I go to bed at night thinking about
there is a limited supply of IT talent, such as remote parts software and wake up in the morning thinking about
of Africa or Asia where there is no IT administrator to software. We’re not distracted by other business seg-
install the product. With KINGDOM, you simply put ments, and we can focus exclusively on software and how
the software on the laptop and ship the laptop. And with to make it better.
laptops you can conduct your business even where power
is unreliable. OGFJ: So that gives you a competitive advantage.

OGFJ: SMT was founded in 1984. That’s a long MATIN: Exactly. Our software was designed for geosci-
time for a software company. How has the company entists by geoscientists. That is the legacy of our founder,
evolved since those early days? Tom Smith, who was himself a scientist. If you walk
down these halls, you will find people who have worked
MATIN: In the 1990s when Windows first came along, for ExxonMobil’s research labs, for Schlumberger, for
we were the first company to build a Windows-based Chevron, – you name it. They found their home here
interpretation system. Everyone else was running on because we are a great company to work for, and because

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OGFJ: Where are these young scientists coming from?

MATIN: Most of them from places like India, China,

Malaysia, and Brazil. You don’t become a great interpreter
just by reading a few books. You learn it over the years as
you sit down with more senior people. These young engi-
neers and interpreters need something that is easy to use
and that will make them more productive quickly. Another
important issue for NOCs is cost. NOCs are owned by the
governments, and many of them are under strict instruc-
tions that 50% of the staff have to be local citizens. They
want to be less reliant on foreigners. But they can’t afford
to spend an enormous amount of money on old, outdated
software. Our software is easier to use and may cost 80%
to 90% less than the old software. They can buy our soft-
ware and give everyone a personal copy.

OGFJ: How much training is required?

MATIN: It’s easy to learn to use KINGDOM, but many

of our new customers are also new to geoscience. As a



our product is unique. We have independent third-party result, our training program not only trains people on
research that shows our product is No. 1 when it comes the software, but also on the basics of geoscience. This is
to functionality and ease of use. In the 13 categories mea- very popular, especially with NOCs. We have both on-site
sured, we are first or tied for first in nine of them. training classes as well as training in our offices here in
Houston, in London, and in Singapore. We also do one-
OGFJ: Who uses your product? on-one training and online webinars. We have a lot of
online resources, including videos that we put up on the
MATIN: Our customers run the gamut. Historically, our website.
sweet spot was the independent because we started out
selling to independent consultants who mostly worked OGFJ: With all the young people coming into the
for independent oil companies. So we have a very large industry, are you working with any colleges or
penetration among independent E&P companies. Super universities?
majors and IOCs also have growing numbers of licenses.
In particular we are seeing rapid uptake by the NOCs. MATIN: Yes, we have a well-developed university pro-
Why? Unlike a lot of Western oil companies, which have a gram. We provide them with our software for free. We
mature workforce, as much as 80% to 90% of the scientists have donated more than $100 million worth of software
with the NOCs have less than three years’ experience. to about 180 universities around the world.
They’re in their 20s and 30s and they grew up with a PC
or a laptop. They don’t want to use a Unix-based system OGFJ: You joined the company a couple of years ago
because it’s too complicated. They prefer our product, as CEO. Why did you choose to come to SMT?
because it is so easy to use. So the NOCs are using this
software to bring a new generation of scientist into their MATIN: Tom Smith, who founded the company in 1984
organization. That’s the future. These are the people who and served as CEO for 23 years, decided in 2007 that he
will work for them for the next 30 years. wanted to reduce his role with the company. SMT is now

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in 95 countries and we have more than 2,500 customers.

So SMT had grown very successful and Tom was ready
to step down as CEO while continuing to serve on the
board of directors. Tom decided to sell the company to
some private equity investors, although he still owns a
piece of it. At that point they wanted to bring in a new
manager, so they hired me. My background is 20 years of
experience in the software industry and, prior to SMT, I
was running a business that was part of Symantec. Previ-
ous to that, I was a partner at McKinsey & Company.

OGFJ: How will the recession affect SMT’s growth


MATIN: Like everybody else, we’re watching what’s

going on in the marketplace, and like everybody else,
we’ll be affected by the downturn in business. However,
because of our low-cost product, we think we’re in a bet-
ter position to weather the storm than our competitors.
We feel we’re very well positioned. As long as there are
geoscientists, there will be a need for our software.

OGFJ: Is there a way to quantify the value customers

receive from your products and services?

MATIN: At the end of the day, it’s all about avoiding

the risk of a dry hole. The cost of a dry hole has become
even higher in this environment. We have technology
that improves the odds of success. One of our customers,
using our software, recently found commercially exploit-
able hydrocarbons in a well that a super major had given
up on. And our software can reduce your drilling risk at
a fraction of the price of our competition. You can go to
our website and do comparisons with our competition
and it will give you an estimated dollar figure that you
could save by using our product. It’s usually in the range
of 80%. We also reduce the time it takes to complete geo-
science workflows because our product is easy to use.

OGFJ: You have offices in Canada, the UK, Russia,

and other places. How much of your business today is

MATIN: It’s more than 50%, and this part of the busi-
ness is growing faster than the domestic side. We are very
active in Africa, Asia, and South America.

OGFJ: Will SMT consider going public?

MATIN: We have no plans to do so right now. We are

focused on growing the business and expanding over-
seas. We have no need to go public to raise money, and
this would not be the best time to do an IPO anyway.
However, ultimately, you define success by the value you
create for your shareholders, and you do that by going
public. OGFJ


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Quorum bucking economic trend,

says CEO Paul Weidman
Don Stowers, Editor – OGFJ

EDITOR’S NOTE: Amid an economic downturn, Quorum

spending, there have only been a handful of projects deferred.
Business Solutions projects that its 2009 revenues will sur- The longer the conditions persist, we do expect to see more
pass 2008. The company also expects to hire 50 new em- scrutiny and, ultimately, more and more actual reductions
ployees this year to keep up with its current backlog and leading to some software purchases and implementations that
pending projects. CEO Paul Weidman recently discussed
the company’s plans with OGFJ.
will be delayed or cut. The flip side of the equation is that
times like these magnify requirements to improve processes,
provide better decision-making information, and lower over-
OIL & GAS FINANCIAL JOURNAL: Quorum serves all systems costs, and that creates opportunities for us to work
over 90 clients and employs more than 300 people in with clients to achieve those results. Our standing as a finan-
its three offices in Houston, Dallas, and Calgary. What cially stable, no debt, no outside investment company will
were your expectations for the company when you and also let us work with clients in creative ways to structure deals
four other senior management consultants founded it in that work for their specific financial circumstances on those
1998, and is Quorum meeting those expectations? projects. In most economic cycles, the strong companies gain
market share and have a chance to improve in multiple ways.
PAUL WEIDMAN: Our goals in the beginning were to We’re grateful that we’re in a position to continue to invest in
build an organization where we could offer first-class people our people and our products.
challenging and growth-oriented careers, work with our
clients to provide solid product-based solutions to their busi- OGFJ: How much of Quorum’s business is in the oil
ness problems, and over time develop a comprehensive set and gas sector? Will this continue to be the company’s
of solutions that spanned across the energy industry. From main focus?
our first planning discussions, the focus was on building a
sustainable, long-term company that our people and clients WEIDMAN: About 90% of our business is in oil and gas,
could grow with and depend upon. The celebration of our although we plan to start doing more work throughout
10th anniversary this year was a significant milestone and a 2009 and 2010 in other areas. Some of that will come from
look at where we stand today with our products, talent, and the renewable energy sector as we are working with several
long-term relationships tells us that we’ve done pretty well in companies on wind-related projects.
achieving those initial goals. We have always wanted to offer
our clients industry standard products, directed by a user OGFJ: Quorum TIPS is your flagship product, is it not?
group, and supported by a vendor with a long-term perspec- Can you explain its genesis?
tive. So much energy software has not been supported over
a long period of time that we thought our clients would WEIDMAN: Well, TIPS is our most mature and successful
appreciate being supported for the long term. product and was the core offering in the beginning. TIPS
was developed and nurtured during the mid-‘90s by the
OGFJ: How will the economic recession, the credit cri- Quorum founders at what is now Accenture (then Ander-
sis, and low oil and gas prices affect Quorum’s business, sen Consulting). During Quorum’s first year, we worked
especially if these conditions still exist a year or more very closely with Accenture and the TIPS clients to support
from now? their usage and special projects while working on a variety of
other Quorum and client initiatives. In 1999, we acquired
WEIDMAN: It’s probably a cliché, but it really is a wait- TIPS and immediately began to introduce the concepts of
and-see situation right now for us. Our 2008 financial results product management, user group participation, and cli-
were records in all aspects (sales, revenue, net income, etc.) ent support that are the basis of all of our product activities
and based on current committed backlog and final stage today. From that beginning, TIPS evolved into the clear
opportunities, 2009 is projected to surpass those results. industry standard for gas processing in North America –
However, we are watching the overall economic and market with over 90% of all gas processed in the US managed in
situation closely. While we have seen a lot more deliberate TIPS. Beyond the obvious benefits we have realized directly
and diligent decision making going on as everyone has to from TIPS, its success and the relationships with TIPS
become more cautious with both their capital and operational clients have also been instrumental in the development of

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almost every one of our other products and our expansion and large independents, but it also includes a wide variety
into the upstream and pipeline sectors. of small and mid-size players. We started with several of our
clients at their inception and have grown along side of them.
OGFJ: Your products are configured to the individual We can work closely with a client to define which product
customer and his unique requirements, are they not? or products make operational and economic sense for them
How much does this customization typically extend the today, and then expand both the usage and products as they
delivery time and implementation process? grow or diversify. It’s not a one-size-fits-all industry, so our
products and services can’t be either.
WEIDMAN: You are right that our products aren’t the
typical “off-the-shelf” product, but there is good reason OGFJ: Is most of your business in North America?
for that. The industry and market sectors we serve have a
relatively small number of players with non-homogeneous WEIDMAN: Yes it is. We see opportunities for some of
and very complex business requirements and processes. our products to play in different international markets, but
We feel strongly that a one-size-fits-all approach will not our few international endeavors to date have been mostly
get a very high score when installed in a “shrink-wrapped” opportunistic. At this time, our top priorities are continuing
fashion. Accordingly, an overall solution that is centered to grow in our existing markets and in other industries and
around the product, but includes a methodical review of sectors here in the US and Canada.
detailed requirements, client specific configuration, and
product extension when needed, yields a much more thor- OGFJ: Do you or will you be calling on IOCs and other
ough and successful implementation for the client. An initial large companies?

PRODUCTS.” – Paul Weidman

implementation project like that, followed by a structured, WEIDMAN: As I mentioned earlier, we work with many
long-term commitment to the product’s development and large companies, including the IOCs, based or operating in
support of the client is what we think makes our approach North America with a primary focus on their US, Canadian,
unique. An emphasis on allowing our software to be config- and GOM operations.
ured and requiring less customization helps keep our clients
on a common code base, even though as implemented our OGFJ: Of your current products, which do you think
clients have differing requirements. That allows us to still has the most growth potential?
provide the benefits clients look for from software. Shared
costs, a reliable vendor for support and proactively adapting WEIDMAN: The largest growth potentials are in our inter-
the applications to changing business and regulatory require- state pipeline product and the upstream suite. Compared
ments and technical developments. And we’d argue pretty to the products we offer to the midstream sector, these
hard that the successes of our clients and of Quorum prove products are newer to the market for us and continue to
that approach to be the right answer. In regards to imple- grow with each additional client. While we have had a lot of
mentation, specific timeframes vary greatly based on factors success with the pipeline product and with several
such as client size, requirements, internal resources, etc. – components of the upstream suite already, the overall size of
projects can be completed as quickly as three to four months these sectors provides the opportunity for both to grow to
to over one year in some cases. be even larger than our midstream.

OGFJ: What size companies do you target – majors, OGFJ: In 2007, Quorum acquired Integra Solutions, a
large independents, mid-sized indies, etc.? provider of business intelligence consulting services. Can
you explain how this benefited your company?
WEIDMAN: In short, YES. We believe that one of the
unique things about Quorum is the ability, and proven track WEIDMAN: Prior to the acquisition of Integra, we already
record, for our solutions to be delivered across the indus- offered our clients an “end-user” query tool based on the
try. We are very proud that our client list not only includes basic components of a business intelligence engine along
all of the Big 4 super majors and many of the other majors with some related basic services. Through the acquisition,

38 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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we were able to really deepen and broaden our information for it. Based on our previous track record of providing those
management and business intelligence skills, and to offer benefits, we were fortunate to have it offered to us and, as
our clients expanded services to truly take advantage of the they say, the rest is history. Since taking over the product, we
power that can come from accessing and utilizing the data have redeveloped the product to our own technical architec-
from our other products to make better decisions for opera- ture, added extensive core functionality and related modules,
tional and strategic purposes. Additionally, Integra has his- and grown the user group to be second only to TIPS in
torically worked with companies in a wide variety of indus- number of clients. At this point, we have won 14 straight
tries as IM/BI experts and technicians – with access to the head-to-head deals over the competition.
broader Quorum talent pool, we have been able to expand
those activities into deeper project responsibilities. We expect OGFJ: I keep hearing that Quorum is adding profes-
that in the future, these service offerings will facilitate our sional employees even when other companies are down-
entry into new industries and potential products. sizing. Are you actively recruiting right now?

OGFJ: Quorum’s Land software suite is widely seen WEIDMAN: We are continuing our normal recruiting
as the industry standard in this category. How did you efforts and our current plan is to add at least 50 additional
decide to develop this product? people this year. As I mentioned before, our current backlog
and pending projects provide the opportunity for 2009 to
WEIDMAN: We are very excited by the success that our be another record year and we must continue to add talent
Land product has had in recent years and with the evolution to execute on those commitments. We are very active in
that this product has taken since we acquired it from one campus recruiting – an activity we first undertook in 1998
of our clients in 2001. The product was initially developed when we had 10 total employees – and we have recruited
in the mid-‘90s as an internal solution. By 2001, the client at 10 different universities for our 2009 entry level hires.
wanted to see the product managed by a vendor and to take About 65% to 70% of our employees come to Quorum
advantage of the long-term support, product enhancement, through the entry-level college hiring, and we also actively
and life-cycle cost advantages associated with that vendor not recruit experienced, highly-skilled individuals to join Quo-
only managing the product, but expanding the user group rum as well. OGFJ


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OGFJ100P company update

IHS Herold Inc., the independent research firm, has Matador Resources Co., a Dallas-based private oil and
provided OGFJ with updated production data for our natural gas company, named Greg L. McMichael to its
periodic ranking of US-based private E&P companies. board of directors.
The rankings provided are based on operated production On February 1, Thomas E. Hardisty joined Kerogen
only within the US. In this installment, the data provided Resources Inc. as vice president, business development
is year-to-date 2008 production data. and land. Kerogen is a privately-held energy company
There have been a number of changes to the private focused on resource plays in North America. Currently,
company space since it last ran in the January issue. its primary assets include positions in the Williston and
A few names that have dropped off the list include Fort Worth basins in the US, and the Montney gas play in
Primary Natural Resources and Winchester Produc- British Columbia, Canada.
tion, previously ranked No. 98 and No. 21, respectively. In the transaction space, US Energy Corp. signed an
Primary Natural Resources was acquired by Resolute agreement with Utah-based private oil company Ridge-
Natural Resources last July, and Winchester Production land Wyoming Inc. to acquire a 50% working interest in
is a subsidiary of Exco Resources. Also noteworthy is the a prospect in northeastern Wyoming. Ridgeland has over
renaming of No. 25-ranked BEPCO LP to Bass Enter- 30 years of experience in the Powder River Basin and will
prises Production Co. serve as operator.
There have been a few changes to the top producer US Energy paid a $25,000 prospect fee and will be
line-up since the numbers were last calculated in January. responsible for roughly 58% of the costs to drill the first
Walter Oil & Gas Corp. moved down a spot from No. 7 well through a casing point decision. The initial commit-
to No. 8 and Hunt Oil Co. moved from No. 8 to No. 9. ment is roughly $340,000 to the casing point.
Enervest Operating LLC moved up two spots from its New to the section this month are two breakout lists
previous ranking of No. 9 to its current spot at No. 7. showcasing the top 10 companies ranked by liquids and
One of the biggest movers was LLOG Exploration Co. gas production. OGFJ and IHS Herold will continue
The company rose sharply from No. 44 to No. 19. to update the listings as production numbers become
There have been a few management changes since available. OGFJ
January as well.
After the issue hit desks,
Mike Wichterich stepped
Top 10 - Gas production Top 10 - Liquids production
Rank Operator Gas (Mcf) Rank Operator Liquid (bbl)
down from his positions
as vice president and CFO 1 Samson Lone Star LLC 154,760,843 1 Aera Energy LLC 56,814,809
of Austin-based Texas 2 Merit Energy Co. 147,179,299 2 Merit Energy Co. 12,432,998
American Resources Co. 3 Samson Resources Co. 110,847,884 3 Citation Oil & Gas Corp. 8,957,522
He continues to serve as a 4 Yates Petroleum Co. 99,383,267 4 Hilcorp Energy Co. 8,281,636
consultant and is aiding the 5 Hilcorp Energy Co. 76,340,786 5 Endeavor Energy Resources LP 5,671,837
company with near-term
6 J-W Operating Co. 64,128,591 6 Samson Lone Star LLC 3,573,479
corporate financial negotia-
tions and potential restruc- 7 Enervest Operating LLC 62,372,989 7 BASA Resources Inc. 3,233,702
turing. The company has 8 Mewbourne Oil Co. 53,732,784 8 Walter Oil & Gas Corp. 3,113,645
moved up to No. 94 from 9 Hunt Oil Co. 53,000,929 9 Marbob Energy Corp. 2,898,505
its previous No. 99 ranking. 10 Walter Oil & Gas Corp. 51,490,095 10 Texas Petroleum Investment Co. 2,874,961

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2008 Year-to-date production ranked by BOE
Rank Company BOE Total wells Largest field
1 Aera Energy LLC 59,732,382 12738 Belridge South
2 Merit Energy Co. 36,962,881 5626 Lost Soldier
3 Samson Lone Star LLC 29,366,953 1955 Douglass West
4 Hilcorp Energy Co. 21,005,100 1894 Tom Oconnor
5 Samson Resources Co. 19,715,043 2242 Ignacio-Blanco
6 Yates Petroleum Corp. 18,576,432 3662 Powder River Basin Coal Bed
7 Enervest Operating LLC 12,727,080 2739 Giddings
8 Walter Oil & Gas Corp. 11,695,328 86 High Island Block 0024-L
9 Hunt Oil Co. 11,613,154 542 Fairway
10 Citation Oil & Gas Corp. 11,412,016 2210 Sho-Vel-Tum
11 J-W Operating Co. 10,985,601 893 Elm Grove
12 Mewbourne Oil Co. 9,950,313 901 Lipscomb
13 Endeavor Energy Resources LP 9,375,617 4201 Sprayberry
14 Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. 7,569,822 1302 Elk City
15 Red Willow Production Co. 7,413,780 416 Ignacio-Blanco
16 Valence Operating Co. 6,828,380 482 Farrar
17 Marbob Energy Corp. 5,938,964 1067 Grayburg Jackson
18 Hunt Petroleum AEC Inc. 5,847,739 107 South Marsh Island Block 0041
19 LLOG Exploration Co. LLC 5,619,169 26 West Cameron Block 0001
20 Huber JM Corp. 5,438,185 1706 Powder River Basin Coal Bed
21 Century Exploration 5,409,999 48 Bayou Postillion
22 Ballard Exploration Co. Inc. 5,385,938 61 Yellow Rose
23 Killam Oil Co. Ltd. 4,462,169 405 Cuba Libre
24 Smith Production Inc. 4,359,255 255 Javelina
25 Bass Enterprises Production Co. 4,211,431 379 Caspiana
26 Helis Wm G Co. 4,159,041 27 West Cameron Block 0045
27 Stephens Production Co. 4,073,519 919 Gragg
28 BASA Resources Inc. 4,031,450 2312 East Texas
29 Manti Operating Co. 4,004,244 36 Jesuit
30 Petro-Hunt LLC 3,974,663 332 Charlson
31 Badger Oil Corp. 3,879,718 13 High Island Block A-0309
32 Lewis Petroleum Properties Inc. 3,716,682 1071 Las Tiendas
33 Fasken Oil and Ranch Ltd. 3,629,338 735 Geaslin
34 Texas Petroleum Investment Co. 3,622,979 860 Luling-Branyon
35 Resolute Natural Resources 3,422,330 402 Greater Aneth
36 Tana Exploration Co. LLC 3,398,714 12 Matagorda Island Block 0668
37 Square Mile Energy LLC 3,386,877 25 Coconut

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Rank Company BOE Total wells Largest field
38 Jetta Operating Co. Inc. 2,551,465 311 Thompson
39 Faulconer Vernon E Inc. 2,496,887 638 Watonga-Chickasha Trend
40 Texland Petroleum LP 2,479,766 583 Fullerton
41 Sanchez Oil & Gas Corp. 2,445,270 47 West Tiger
42 Burnett Oil Co. Inc. 2,400,374 250 Newark East
43 Antero Resources Corp. 2,384,358 97 Wildcat
44 Sanguine Gas Exploration LLC 2,345,458 72 Fletcher Northeast
45 Tidelands Oil Production Co. 2,321,239 449 Wilmington
46 Thompson J Cleo 2,245,615 860 University 31
47 Stephens & Johnson Operating Co. 2,217,699 749 K-M-A
48 Berexco Inc. 2,202,464 1564 Cushing
49 Finley Resources Inc. 2,130,610 528 Worsham-Bayer
50 Wagner Oil Co. 2,124,268 232 Las Ovejas
51 Crawley Petroleum Corp. 2,033,360 481 Verden
52 Laredo Petroleum Inc. 2,029,517 199 Begert /10/
53 Neumin Production Co. 2,007,940 87 Lavaca Bay
54 Ward Petroleum Corp. 2,006,486 194 Talihina Northwest
55 Phoenix Exploration Co. LP 2,006,030 52 Palmetto Bayou
56 Legend Natural Gas III LP 1,975,337 132 Gascias Ridge
57 Slawson Exploration Co. Inc. 1,939,471 169 Elm Coulee
58 Special Energy Corp. 1,867,024 165 Cherokee West
59 JMA Energy Co. LLC 1,857,584 149 Stiles Ranch
60 Coleman Oil & Gas 1,846,616 444 Powder River Basin Coal Bed
61 Gary Samuel Jr & Assoc. Inc. 1,815,749 86 Marceaux Island
62 Nadel & Gussman 1,781,738 638 Greenwood Gas Area
63 Vess Oil Corp. 1,755,499 1343 El Dorado
64 Crimson Resource Management 1,708,129 622 Buena Vista
65 Chinn Exploration Co. 1,703,811 250 Oak Hill
66 Royal Production Co. Inc. 1,686,626 31 Mobile Block 0950
67 Strat Land Exploration Co. 1,677,374 320 Shattuck West
68 Muskegon Development Co. 1,663,577 1255 Antrim
69 Jones Energy Ltd. 1,652,590 77 Lipscomb
70 Verado Energy Inc. 1,652,337 163 Oak Hill
71 Lario Oil & Gas Co. 1,593,780 329 Millar
72 Dugan Production Corp. 1,581,322 896 Basin
73 Sabco Operating Co. 1,534,828 93 Encinal Channel
74 Anglo-Suisse Offshore Partners LLC 1,526,755 50 West Delta Block 0030

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Rank Company BOE Total wells Largest field
75 McGowan Working Partners 1,470,595 271 Shuler
76 Cobra Oil & Gas Corp. 1,433,118 129 Cobra
77 Jamex Inc. 1,381,353 84 Rexville
78 Pursue Energy Corp. 1,381,184 12 Thomasville
79 Aspect Energy LLC 1,373,004 41 Iowa Colony
80 Trio Consulting & Management LLC 1,364,792 104 Newark East
81 Petrogulf Corp. 1,337,205 72 Ignacio-Blanco
82 Famcor Oil Inc. 1,327,589 71 Cold Springs
83 Great Western Drilling Co. 1,293,657 316 Linker
84 Mull Drilling Co. Inc. 1,286,003 288 Arapahoe
85 Murfin Drilling Co. Inc. 1,282,454 815 Bemis-Shutts
86 Midroc Operating Co. 1,270,295 92 Little Cedar Creek
87 Energy Production Corp. 1,246,682 66 Morganza
88 MacPherson Oil Co. 1,237,308 211 Round Mountain
89 Union Gas Operating Co. 1,236,798 34 Vickers
90 Luff Exploration Co. 1,204,819 73 Grand River
91 David Petroleum Corp. 1,194,235 92 Duson
92 Klabzuba Oil & Gas Inc. 1,186,136 337 St. Joe Road
93 Merron Oil & Gas Corp. 1,131,221 247 Basin
94 Texas American Resources Co. 1,124,966 349 Wattenberg
95 Brammer Engineering Inc. 1,116,686 62 Rankin
96 Hendrix John H Corp. 1,110,152 321 Blinebry
97 Gunn Oil Co. 1,103,592 102 Broken Bone
98 Mosbacher Energy Co. 1,081,109 48 Diamond
99 Hollimon Oil Corp. 1,027,345 36 Pheasant East
100 American Warrior Inc. 1,006,306 753 Schaben
101 Woolsey Petroleum Corp. 986,691 405 Roundup South
102 Elm Ridge Resources Inc. 985,601 106 Ignacio-Blanco
103 Reef Exploration LP 982,042 145 Treasure Isle
104 Signal Hill Petroleum 981,960 199 Long Beach
105 Tri-C Resources Inc. 972,861 21 Dolphin Prospect
106 Walsh Production Inc. 961,828 130 Grover
107 Magnum Producing LP 957,823 138 Thompson West
108 harrison Interests Ltd. 955,471 247 Ozona
109 Rosewood Resources Inc. 954,447 518 Waverly
110 Osborn Heirs Co. 926,879 350 Kansas Hugoton
* Leor Energy LP — — Amoruso

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Rank Company BOE Total wells Largest field
* Force 5 Energy LLC — — —
* Opal Resources — — Wolfcamp/Sprayberry
* Proteus Energy Corp. — — —
* Rimrock Energy LLC — — —
* Shelby Resources LLC — — —
* Sovereign — — —
* Wolverine Energy LLC — — Antrim Shale
* Yuma Exploration and Production Co. Inc. — — —
Source: IHS Herold. * Insufficient data for ranking.
Note: Production of Jetta Operating Co. and Nadel and Gussman each include 50% of the production of Nadel and Gussman-Jetta Operating JV

2008 Year-to-date production ranked by BOE - alphabetical listing

Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
Ron John,VP, San Joaquin assets; Eugene Voiland, president,
CEO; J Joann,VP, coastal assets; Len Fox, sr. VP, CFO; Michael
1 Aera Energy LLC 59,732,382 Bakersfield CA
Turner,VP, Belridge assets; Jon Reid,VP govt affairs, general
Steve O'Brate, VP, secretary, treasurer; Cecil O'Brate, presi-
100 American Warrior Inc. 1,006,306 Garden City KS
dent, owner; Dan Dalke, controller
Thomas Fiorito, sr. VP E&P; John Sherwood, CEO, co-founder;
74 Anglo-Suisse Offshore Partners LLC 1,526,755 Houston TX Barry Walker, VP marketing, bus development; Gilles Labbe,
founder, president; Brian Romere, VP, CFO
Brian Kuhn, VP land; Alvyn Schopp, controller, treasurer; Paul
Rady, chairman, CEO; Terrell Dobkins, VP production; Bryan
43 Antero Resources Corp. 2,384,358 Denver CO
Hassler, VP gas marketing, transportation; Robert Mueller, chief
geologist; Glen Warren, president, CFO
Jerry Sommer, VP exploration; Alex Cranberg, chairman; Dan
79 Aspect Energy LLC 1,373,004 Denver CO Foley, treasurer; Donald Wolf, president, CEO; Charles Brown-
man, general counsel; Randy Sprouse, VP engineering

David Etienne, VP exploration; Rusty Peyton, land mgr.; Steve

Maley, ops mgr.; Tina Fremin, secretary, treasurer; Arthur Price,
31 Badger Oil Corp. 3,879,718 Lafayette LA
VP finance; Clayton Hilliard, president, owner; Jerry Wetzel,
ops engineer; Chuck Rutland, ops engineer

Nancy Snow, secretary, controller; Bob Frederick, landman;

Dana Roy, exploration geologist; John Edgerton, exploration
22 Ballard Exploration Co. Inc. 5,385,938 Houston TX
geologist; Thomas Binig, exploration geologist; A Ballard,
president, CEO, owner; Tyson Dunn, ops mgr.

Sandra Wallace,CFO; Nicholas Duane, VP reservoir engi-

neering; Robert Marshall, VP ops; Lary Knowlton, exec VP,
28 BASA Resources Inc. 4,031,450 Dallas TX
secretary; Randall Wilkins, VP engineering; Michael Foster,
president, CEO; Terry Rippy, land mgr., in-house counsel

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials

Perry Bass, founder; Stephen Neuse, VP engineering; H Muncy,

VP exploration; Frank Millet, VP production; W Cottham, VP
25 Bass Enterprises Production Co. 4,211,431 Fort Worth TX secretary, controller; W. McCreight, VP land; James Greve,
VP engineering; Steve Rowland, mgr. A&D; Stewart Henry,
president, COO

Pete Wilson, southern ops mgr.; Robert Beren, chairman, CEO,

owner; Charles Spradlin, exec VP, exploration mgr; Donna
48 Berexco Inc. 2,202,464 Wichita KS
Stucky, VP admin; Adam Beren, president; Charles Wilson, VP

Stephen Moran, mgr. accounting, finance; Randy Beauclair,

95 Brammer Engineering Inc. 1,116,686 Shreveport LA land mgr.; Ellen Alley, director, HR, marketing; Keith Evans,
chairman, president; Richard West, VP ops
Jack McCaslin, secretary, treasurer; Philip Boschetti, VP, CFO;
42 Burnett Oil Co. Inc. 2,400,374 Fort Worth TX William Pollard, president; Anne Marion, chairman, owner;
David Rhodes, land mgr.; Anne Grimes, VP

Michael Willis, COO, mgr. Century New Orleans; Jeff Craycraft,

21 Century Exploration 5,409,999 Lexington KY CFO, treasurer; David Seay, land mgr.; Elizabeth Barr, VP ac-
counting; Howard Settle, chairman, president, CEO

Jill Chinn, secretary, treasurer; Thomas Chinn, president,

65 Chinn Exploration Co. 1,703,811 Longview TX
owner; Richard Wynne, ops mgr.
10 Citation Oil & Gas Corp. 11,412,016 Houston TX —
Richard Haskin, CFO, secretary, treasurer; Rory Edwards,
76 Cobra Oil & Gas Corp. 1,433,118 TX drilling, production mgr.; Philip Rugeley, land mgr.; Jeff Dillard,
president; Robert Osborne, VP E&D
James Anderson, VP, Denver; Bruce Glade, CFO, controller;
60 Coleman Oil & Gas 1,846,616 San Antonio TX George Coleman, founder, president, CEO; Robert Vergnani, ops
mgr. Gillette; G Coleman, VP land, treasurer

F Taylor, land mgr.; Dave Roddy, ops mgr.; James Crawley,

Oklahoma chairman, CEO, treasurer; Stephen Hatfield, president; Mary
51 Crawley Petroleum Corp. 2,033,360 OK
City Crawley, secretary; James Drennen, VP; Kevin McGehee,

64 Crimson Resource Management 1,708,129 Denver CO John Grier, president, CEO; Gary Buntmann, VP
91 Davis Petroleum Corp. 1,194,235 Houston TX Gregg Davis, president
Sherman Dugan, VP minerals, treasurer; John Alexander, VP
72 Dugan Production Corp. 1,581,322 Farmington NM ops, COO; Thomas Dugan, president, CEO; Cynthia Sweetland,
VP, secretary; Thomas Blair, VP production
James Clark, president, CEO, owner; Terry Lindeman, district
102 Elm Ridge Resources Inc. 985,601 Dallas TX superintendent, San Juan Basin; Steve Flores, controller;
James Clark, CFO
13 Endeavor Energy Resources LP 9,375,617 Midland TX Susan Roeber, controller; Autry Stephens, founder, partner, CEO

Joanne Vaughan, director; Greg Fusselman, VP, treasurer;

David Vaughan, secretary, legal counsel; Joe Vaughan, presi-
87 Energy Production Corp. 1,246,682 Dallas TX
dent, CEO, owner; James Vaughan, director; Michael Vaughan,
director; Kelly Wade, VP, production mgr.

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
John Walker, VP; James Vanderhider, secretary; Barbara King,
7 Enervest Operating LLC 12,727,080 Houston TX treasurer; Kenneth Mariani, VP, Eastern (Appalachian) div mgr.;
Mark Houser, president
Larry Drake, senior geophysicist; Mary Wright, secretary,
treasurer; Joseph Daly, attorney, land mgr.; Jerry Drake, senior
82 Famcor Oil Inc. 1,327,589 Houston TX
geologist; Kenneth Reiss, exploration mgr.; James Ray, presi-
dent, CEO; Patrick Ray, VP, treasurer
Jimmy Davis, ops mgr.; Norbert Dickman, VP, GM; Benjamin Blake,
VP, asst GM, controller; Mark Merritt, oil, ga MGR.; Dexter Harmon,
33 Fasken Oil and Ranch Ltd. 3,629,338 Midland TX
exploration mgr.; Sally Kvasnicka, land mgr.; Robert Dickson,
president of affiliates

Jean Crawley, VP land, admin, corporate secretary; Thomas

Markel, VP finance, corporate treasurer; Vernon Faulconer,
39 Faulconer Vernon E Inc. 2,496,887 Tyler TX
chairman, CEO; David Enright, president; Randy Ferrell, produc-
tion mgr.; Gerald Lagneaux, acquisition mgr.

James Finley, president, CEO, owner; Evangelina Granados,

49 Finley Resources Inc. 2,130,610 Fort Worth TX controller; Doug Howell, ops mgr.; Brent Talbot, VP ops, explo-
ration; John McMichael, exec VP, CFO; Scott Ramsey, land mgr.
Cliff Foss, president, CEO; Charlie Prioleau, exec VP finance,
* Force 5 Energy LLC Houston TX CFO; Wes VanNatta, exec VP engineering; Bruce Hamilton,
exec VP land & legal
Kathryn Gary, secretary; Samuel Gary, president, treasurer,
61 Gary Samuel Jr & Assoc. Inc. 1,815,749 Denver CO

Bruce Brady, president; Becky Williams, controller; Russell

Richards, exploration mgr.; Dennis Hendrix, ops mgr.; Kenneth
83 Great Western Drilling Co. 1,293,657 Midland TX
Davis, chairman; Patrick Worrell, acquisition mgr.; Mike Heath-
ington, land mgr.

Jack Garber, controller, treasurer; Donald Hupp, president;

97 Gunn Oil Co. 1,103,592 TX Brenda Kouri, secretary; Robert Gunn, chairman, owner; Wil-
liam Stephens, VP geology; David Ferguson, land mgr.
Bruce Harrison, general partner; Edwin Knight, GM; Dan Harri-
108 Harrison Interests Ltd. 955,471 Houston TX son, general partner; WIlliam Fisher, oil, gas mgr.; Andy Schiro,
Gulf Coast area mgr.
David Kerstein, president; Michael Schott, VP, CFO; Bart
26 Helis Wm G Co. 4,159,041 LA Walker, ops mgr.; Douglas St.Clair, landman; James Stoyanoff,
exploration mgr.
Karolyn Hendrix, VP, clerk; Damian Barrett, contract geologist;
96 Hendrix John H Corp. 1,110,152 Midland TX
Ralph Green, contract engineer; John Hendrix, president, CEO
Pat Dever, controller; Jeffery Hildebrand, president, CEO; Rich-
4 Hilcorp Energy Co. 21,005,100 Houston TX ard Doleshek, VP, CFO; William Dukes, bus development mgr.; R.
Hicks, mgr. A&D; Gregory Hoffman, VP bus development
Reeves Hollimon, landman; Armando Medina, VP; J. Hollimon,
99 Hollimon Oil Corp. 1,027,345 San Antonio TX
president, owner; W Brown, petroleum geologist
W. Loyd, director, land, bus development; Robert Unger, sr. VP,
Northern bus unit; Jeff Ellena, CFO; William Goodspeed, CEO
20 Huber JM Corp. 5,438,185 Houston TX
Huber Natural Resources; Mark Smith, VP bus development;
Jason Patschke, mgr. marketing

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
9 Hunt Oil Co. 11,613,154 Dallas TX —
Arthur Ley, GM onshore; James Parker, president, COO; Reagan
18 Hunt Petroleum AEC Inc. 5,847,739 Houston TX Newton, senior landman; Robert Sylvester, treasurer, asst.
secretary; Don Nolan, GM offshore
Michael Yarussi, president, CEO; Priscilla O'Malley, secretary;
77 Jamex Inc. 1,381,353 Dallas TX
Douglas Quebe, VP
Gregory Bird, president, owner; John Jarrett, CFO, VP; Jeanette
Clark, VP, controller, treasurer; Rick Cornelius, VP land; Bill
38 Jetta Operating Co. Inc. 2,551,465 Fort Worth TX
Monroe, VP geology; David Patterson, VP drilling, ops; Michael
Richardson, VP engineering, exploitation
Chad McDougall, VP; Jeffrey McDougall, president, CEO, owner;
59 JMA Energy Co. LLC 1,857,584 Farmington NM
Don Rahmes, production ops mgr.; Steve Richmond, controller
Jon Jones, chairman; Michael McConnell, president; Stephen
69 Jones Energy Ltd. 1,652,590 Austin TX Roberts, VP ops; Hal Hawthorne, VP exploration; Jonny Jones,
CEO; Todd Wehner, VP, CFO; Matt Houston, VP ops
11 J-W Operating Co. 10,985,601 Addison TX —
14 Kaiser-Francis Oil Co. 7,569,822 Tulsa OK —
Mike Drake, GM; Radcliffe Killam, partner, CEO; Fred Solis, con-
23 Killam Oil Co. Ltd. 4,462,169 Laredo TX troller; Rick Hoin, chief geologist; Stephen Marshall, landman;
David Killam, partner, mgr.
Robert Klabzuba, chairman; Cole Chandler, ops mgr.; John
Brown, CFO, VP corporate support; John Klabzuba, president,
92 Klabzuba Oil & Gas Inc. 1,186,136 Fort Worth TX
CEO; Dan Smith, land mgr.; Steve Frazier, VP oil & gas; Doris
Klabzuba, partner
Randy Foutch, chairman, CEO; Jerry Schuyler, president COO;
52 Laredo Petroleum Inc. 2,029,517 Tulsa OK Pat Curth, sr. VP exploration, land; Oran Hall, VP planning, bus
development; Mark Womble, sr. VP, CFO
Michael O'Shaughnessy, president; David Loger, exec VP, CFO;
71 Lario Oil & Gas Co. 1,593,780 Witchita KS Paula Sullivan, land administrator; E Stinson, VP land & legal;
Patrick O'Shaughnessy, chairman
56 Legend Natural Gas III LP 1,975,337 Wichita KS —

Tom Kaplan, chairman; Guma Aguilar, vice chairman, CEO;

* Leor Energy LP Houston TX
Kenton Holiday, president; Garrett Smith, VP, general counsel

32 Lewis Petroleum Properties Inc. 3,716,682 San Antonio TX Rodney Lewis, president, CEO

Kemberlia Ducote, CFO, controller; Kevin Guilbeau, exec VP,

COO; Harold Garic, exec VP, treasurer; Gerald Boelte, cairman,
19 LLOG Exploration Co. LLC 5,619,169 Metairie LA
owner; Mike McKeogh, general counsel; Gerald Whitman,VP
land; Scott Gutterman, president, CEO

David Norby, ops mgr.; Joyce Luff, VP, secretary; Daniel

90 Luff Exploration Co. 1,204,819 Denver CO O'Shaughnessy, land mgr.; Kenneth Luff, president, treasurer,
owner; Kathleen Schell, CFO; Alex Nash, VP ops
Santa Donald MacPherson, president, CEO; Bradford Williams, VP,
88 MacPherson Oil Co. 1,237,308 CA
Monica controller; Scott MacPherson, sr. VP Oil Co., VP Energy Corp.
Corpus P Anuja, secretary, teasurer; Avinash Ahuja, president; Peggy
107 Magnum Producing LP 957,823 TX
Christi Anuja, VP

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
29 Manti Operating Co. 4,004,244 TX Robert Helm, CFO; Lee Barberito, president
John Gray, president; Douglas Chandler, VP; Raye Miller, secre-
17 Marbob Energy Corp. 5,938,964 Artesia NM
tary, treasurer; James Haas, manager of Marbob Energy

David Russell, president, limited partner; David McGowan, partner,

75 McGowan Working Partners 1,470,595 Jackson MS incorporator; James Phyler, VP; Charles Johnson, geologist, cor-
porate secretary; John McGowan, managing general partner

2 Merit Energy Co. 36,962,881 Dallas TX —

Paul Long, controller; George Sharpe, oil & gas investment
93 Merron Oil & Gas Corp. 1,131,221 Farmington NM mgr.; T Merrion, president; Steven Dunn, drilling & production
mgr.; Heidi McKenzie, landman
Kenneth Waits, exec VP, COO; Monty Whetstone, VP produc-
12 Mewbourne Oil Co. 9,950,313 Tyler TX tion; J Buckley, exec VP finance, treasurer, CFO; Curtis Mew-
bourne, president, CEO, owner
86 Midroc Operating Co. 1,270,295 Dallas TX James Harris, VP Shreveport; Donald Clark, president
Gerald Bendele, VP, CFO, treasurer; A W Mears, exec VP; P
Snow, VP, geological ops; Stephen Siegfried, exec VP, ops;
98 Mosbacher Energy Co. 1,081,109 Houston TX
Robert Mosbacher, founder, chairman; Robert Mosbacher,
president, CEO; Jason Hanlon, VP land & legal
Steven Anderson, sr. VP; Jennifer Mull, exec VP, secretary, trea-
84 Mull Drilling Co. Inc. 1,286,003 Wichita KS
surer; Lewis Mull, chairman, CEO; Mark Shreve, president, COO
David Doyel, VP exploration; Diana Edmiston, general counsel;
85 Murfin Drilling Co. Inc. 1,282,454 Wichita KS David Murfin, president; William Murfin, chairman; Robert
Young, CFO, secretary, treasurer; James Daniels, exec. VP, GM
Kenneth Farmer, treasurer; William Myler, founder; Eugene
68 Muskegon Development Co. 1,663,577 MI Pety, controller; William Myler Jr., president, CEO; Thomas
Myler, VP
Wayne Hamilton, CFO; Joel Martin, partner, Midland engineer-
62 Nadel & Gussman 1,781,738 Tulsa OK ing mgr.; Kim Bryan, controller; Stephen Heyman, partner, LLC
mgr.; James Stubbs, COO; James Adelson, partner, LLC mgr.
Point Jim Gilstrap, landman, land consultant; Larry Karl, contracts, land
53 Neumin Production Co. 2,007,940 TX
Comfort mgr.; Stan Ueng, VP; Tony Chen, VP; H Lee, VP; C Lee, president
Myra Dria, president, CEO; Rick Lester, exec VP, CFO; Gerald
* Opal Resources Houston TX
Long, sr. VP ops & drilling
Charles Biedenharn, participant; Jewel Crosswell, participant;
Pat Garcia, CFO; Lawrence Biedenharn, participant; Tom Gish,
110 Osborn Heirs Co. 926,879 San Antonio TX
VP finance; Albert Biedenharn, partner, participant; Donald
Wadsworth, VP land, exploration; Mike Stevenson, president
Mike Poirier, exploration mgr.; Charlie Goodin, land mgr.; Betty Pen-
81 Petrogulf Corp. 1,337,205 Denver CO nington, exec VP, secretary; Brian Dolan, VP ops; Ron Thompson,
VP land, legal; Douglas McCleod, president, CEO, owner
Bruce Hunt, president, CEO; Douglas Hunt, VP, A&D; Thomas
Nelson, VP, finance; Dale Hostenske, mgr. exploration; James
30 Petro-Hunt LLC 3,974,663 Dallas TX
Clarke, VP land; Charles Rigdon, VP engineering; Darab Ganji,
VP bus development
Timothy Duncan, sr. VP bus development; William Flores, CEO;
55 Phoenix Exploration Co. LP 2,006,030 Houston TX Stephen Heitzman, COO; Keith Westmoreland, sr. VP ops; John
Parker, sr. VP exploration
* Proteus Energy Corp. CA Daniel Franchi, president Proteus CA, VP ops Proteus Energy Corp.
Bruce Hunt, president, CEO; T Nelson, VP, secretary, treasurer;
78 Pursue Energy Corp. 1,381,184 Brandon MS
Charles Rigdon, VP
Barbara Wickman, president, COO; Robert Santistevan, acting
director, Energy Division of Southern Ute Tribe; Rex Richardson,
15 Red Willow Production Co. 7,413,780 Ignacio CO
land mgr.; Leonard Burch, tribal chairman, CEO; Karen Ander-
son, mgr. energy accounting; Robert Zahradnik, ops mgr. E&P

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
Laura Klein, VP engineering; Michael Mauceli, CEO; David
Tierney, controller, Reef Global Energy Ventures; Dwight Rob-
103 Reef Exploration LP 982,042 Richardson TX
erts, VP acquisitions, development; Dan Sibley, CFO, general
counsel; H Dunagin, VP, land mgr.; Bettye Howell, controller
Richard Betz, VP, corporate development; Dale Cantwell, VP,
ops, engineering; Janet Pasque, VP land; James Kincaid, VP
35 Resolute Natural Resources 3,422,330 Denver CO
marketing; James Piccone, president, general counsel; Nicho-
las Sutton, CEO; Theodore Gazulis,VP, CFO
Terrell Dobkins, CEO, president; Sanford McCormick, chairman;
* Rimrock Energy LLC Denver CO
Wallace Wilson, CFO
Gary Taraba,VP; Sue Fish,VP; Janet Hambright, secretary;
Hiram Lucius, landman; Billy Washington, land, exploration,
109 Rosewood Resources Inc. 954,447 Dallas TX
acquisitions; Marti Chalk, treasurer; Gary Conrad, president;
Loren Graves, controller of parent; Linda Tucker,VP
Paul Brown, treasurer; J Smith, VP land; Donald Kersting, VP pro-
66 Royal Production Co. Inc. 1,686,626 TX duction; Stephen Patchin, president, CEO of parent cos.; William
Gregorcyk, president, ops mgr.; Carl Patchin, VP parent cos.
Ali Saberioon, president; Dhrooz Ramesh, exec. VP; Max Jame-
73 Sabco Operating Co. 1,534,828 Houston TX son, VP, environmental, regulatory; Bob Howell, ops mgr.; John
Gench, treasurer; Thomas Harrigan, mgr. land, acquisitions
3 Samson Lone Star LLC 29,366,953 Tulsa OK Melanie Henderson, business mgr.
5 Samson Resources Co. 19,715,043 Tulsa OK —
Frank Guerra, president, CFO, COO, finance, personnel; Robert
Ramsey, VP; Antonio Sanchez, owner, chairman, CEO; Jorge
41 Sanchez Oil & Gas Corp. 2,445,270 Laredo TX
Mendoza, VP; Roberto Alaniz, exec. VP exploration; Antonio
Sanchez, VP
Thomas Fuller, VP finance, treasurer; Randolph Nelson, presi-
44 Sanguine Gas Exploration LLC 2,345,458 Tulsa OK
dent Sanguine Gas Exploration
* Shelby Resources LLC Lakewood CO —
104 Signal Hill Petroleum 981,960 Long Beach CA Craig Barto, president, chairman
C. Wohlford, exec. VP land, legal, oil & gas marketing; Donald
57 Slawson Exploration Co. Inc. 1,939,471 Stillwater OK Slawson, president, CEO; Todd Slawson, ops mgr. Denver; Steve
Slawson, ops mgr. Western Division; Kathy Atkins, controller
Charlie Moore, VP engineering; Judy Smith, secretary; Glenn
24 Smith Production Inc. 4,359,255 Houston TX
Smith, president, CEO
* Sovereign Houston TX Joseph Bruso Jr., founder, chairman, CEO
Oklahoma Chris McCutchen, VP, secretary, treasurer, 50% owner; James Eden,
58 Special Energy Corp. 1,867,024 OK
City CFO; Gary Bond, land mgr.; John Special, president, 50% owner
37 Square Mile Energy LLC 3,386,877 Houston TX Fred Stephens, president
47 Stephens & Johnson Operating Co. 2,217,699 TX Thomas Stephens, president, VP; Joe Johnson, president, VP
27 Stephens Production Co. 4,073,519 Fort Smith AR —
Larry Darden, president, CEO, owner; Rick Hall, production
67 Strat Land Exploration Co. 1,677,374 Tulsa OK engineer; Doris Darden, secretary; Russell McGhee, treasurer,
controller; Chris Treml, land mgr.
36 Tana Exploration Co. LLC 3,398,714 Houston TX —
Michael Wichterich, sr. VP, CFO; Troy Gieselman, VP land; Don
94 Texas American Resources Co. 1,124,966 Austin TX Charbula, VP engineering; Lorraine Menough, controller; David
Honeycutt, founder, president, CEO; Randy Bailey, VP operations
Bryan Marting, drector land; H Sallee, president, co-founder;
34 Texas Petroleum Investment Co. 3,622,979 Houston TX Wiliam Crawford, co-owner, principal; Doug Miguez, produc-
tion mgr.
James Wilkes, president, COO; Jerry Namy, president, CEO; Robert
40 Texland Petroleum LP 2,479,766 Fort Worth TX
Schumacher, chairman, co-owner; Michael Chapman, VP finance

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
Cliff Milford, controller; James Thompson, owner, CEO, manag-
46 Thompson J Cleo 2,245,615 Dallas TX
ing partner; Linda Beavers, VP; J Thompson, VP
Mark Kapelke, VP ops, engineering; Michael Domanski,
45 Tidelands Oil Production Co. 2,321,239 Long Beach CA president, CEO, GM; Don Foster, controller; Christopher Phillips,
chief geologist

P. Holmes, CFO, controller; John Clinch, exec. VP exploration;

105 Tri-C Resources Inc. 972,861 Houston TX Michael Cone, chairman; Michael Cone, president; Steve
Compton, VP geology; Robert Herrin VP land

80 Trio Consulting & Management LLC 1,364,792 TX William Setzler, president
Randall Lowry, VP, secretary, treasurer; Russell Chabaud,
89 Union Gas Operating Co. 1,236,798 Houston TX
president, CEO operating co.
Steve Manning, VP; Dave Willis, geologist; Walter Scherr, CEO;
16 Valence Operating Co. 6,828,380 Kingwood TX Gary Sowyrda, bus development; Jon Averhoff, owner, presi-
dent; Douglas Scherr, CFO, secretary
R Higbee, VP land, secretary; Patrick Henry, chairman, stock-
70 Verado Energy Inc. 1,652,337 Dallas TX holder; Donald Alexander, president, CEO; Herman Fichtner, VP
finance, treasurer, CFO
J. Vess, president; W Horigan, VP engineering; Brian Gaudreau,
63 Vess Oil Corp. 1,755,499 Wichita KS
VP land, acquisitions
50 Wagner Oil Co. 2,124,268 Fort Worth TX —

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Rank Company BOE City State Top executive officials
Debbie Mari, exec. secretary; Frank Walsh, president, CEO,
106 Walsh Production Inc. 961,828 Sterling CO
Joseph Walter, chairman, president, CEO; Cecil Looke, VP ops;
Carole Looke, company director; Emily Herrmann, secretary,
8 Walter Oil & Gas Corp. 11,695,328 Houston TX
comptroller , treasurer; Randy Reese, drilling engineer, bus
developer; Jim Looke, ops mgr.
William Ward, president, CEO; Richard Tozzi, exec. VP finance,
admin, secretary, treasurer; Mark Rupert, ops mgr.; Lew Ward,
54 Ward Petroleum Corp. 2,006,486 Enid OK
chairman; Gilbert Tompson, land mgr.; James Wilson, acquisi-
tions mgr.; David Rippee, exploration mgr.
* Wolverine Energy LLC MI —
Dean Pattisson, ops mgr.; Kay Woolsey, VP, secretary; Marc
101 Woolsey Petroleum Corp. 986,691 Wichita KS
Summervill, sr. geologist; I. Woolsey, president
Frank Yates, VP; John Yates, president, CEO; John Yates Jr, VP;
Dennis Kinsey, treasurer, tax mgr.; Randy Patterson, corporate
6 Yates Petroleum Corp. 18,576,432 Artesia NM
secretary, land mgr.; St. Clair Yates Jr, exec. VP; St. Clair Yates,
Yuma Exploration and Production Co. Sam Banks, chairman, CEO; Michael Conlon, president, COO;
* Houston TX
Inc. Kirk Sprunger, treasurer, CFO; Mark Hartman, exploration mgr.
Source: IHS Herold. * Insufficient data for ranking.
Note: Production of Jetta Operating Co. and Nadel and Gussman each include 50% of the production of Nadel and Gussman-Jetta Operating JV


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Industry Briefs
Halliburton to issue market value of the company’s hedge ing base. The company expects the
$2B of senior notes portfolio is currently $102 million. In $113 million in cash raised, combined
Halliburton, a large provider of total, the company monetized crude with projected operational 2009 cash
products and services to the energy oil swaps and collars covering 4,174 flow, to allow it to execute on its $300
industry, has priced an offering of b/d for the remainder of 2009, and million capital program with projected
$2 billion in an aggregate principal 1,516 b/d for 2010, as well as natural excess cash available for debt reduc-
amount of senior notes. The notes gas swaps and collars covering 10,507 tion or stock repurchase. Prior to the
are being issued in two tranches - $1 MMbtu/d for the remainder of 2009, termination of the hedges, the com-
billion of 10½-year notes bearing and 16,055 MMbtu/d for 2010. pany had roughly $77 million in cash.
interest at a fixed rate of 6.15% per These hedges were replaced with new
year and maturing on September 15, crude oil swaps on the same volumes Berry Petroleum to sell
2019, and $1 billion of 30½-year at prices averaging $50.32 for the $154M in non-core assets
notes bearing interest at a fixed rate remainder of 2009 and $54.70 for Berry Petroleum Co. has entered into
of 7.45% per year and maturing on 2010, as well as natural gas swaps on an agreement to sell its mature, non-
September 15, 2039. Proceeds are the same volumes at prices averaging core assets in the Denver-Julesburg
expected to be used for general cor- $4.22 for the remainder of 2009 and basin. This transaction represents
porate purposes. $5.75 for 2010. essentially all the company’s proper-
ties in Northeastern Colorado. The
PXP prices $365M Pritchard Capital partners sales price, before closing adjust-
senior notes with Glacier Partners ments, is roughly $154 million and
Plains Exploration & Production Co. Pritchard Capital Partners, an energy includes natural gas reserves, mid-
(PXP) has sold $365 million of 10% investment bank and institutional stream assets, and an associated gas
senior notes that will mature March financial services firm, has agreed in hedge for six months valued at $14
1, 2016. The notes were sold to the principle to combine with Glacier million. Proceeds are expected to be
public at 92.373% of the face Partners Corp., an investment bank in used to pay down bank debt. Produc-
value to yield 11.625% to maturity. the seafood and geothermal energy in- tion from the property is roughly 18
Net proceeds will be used for future dustries with a heritage in the Nordic MMcfe/d and, as of December 31,
capital expenditures and for general markets. The partnership will provide 2008, the property represented 8.5%
corporate purposes. JP Morgan Securi- Pritchard Capital with an enhanced (21MMboe) of the total year-end
ties Inc., Greenwich Capital Markets portfolio of services in renewable 2008 proved reserves of 246MMboe
Inc., Wachovia Capital Markets LLC, energy to complement its existing and 5.1% of proved and probable
Goldman, Sachs & Co., Morgan Stan- investment-banking offerings for reserves.
ley & Co. Inc., and Banc of America small- to mid-cap energy companies.
Securities LLC are acting as book- Marsh offers up to $500M
running managers for the offering. Stone Energy unwinds protection for GoM operations
2009 hedge positions Insurance broker and risk advisor
Energy XXI partially Stone Energy Corp. unwound most Marsh has created of a one-of-a-kind
monetizes hedges to of its 2009 crude oil and natural gas property insurance program that
reduce bank debt hedges. Proceeds from the termi- can provide up to $500 million of
Energy XXI Ltd. has conducted an nated contracts were roughly $113 annual capacity, in the aggregate,
early settlement of certain oil and million. Stone intends to use most of for windstorm losses incurred by all
natural gas hedges. Net proceeds of the proceeds to build its cash posi- participating oil and gas companies
$66.5 million are expected to be used tion and reduce bank borrowings. operating in the Gulf of Mexico in a
to reduce borrowings under the com- Stone may use some of the proceeds given policy year. Marsh’s Cost and
pany’s secured revolving credit facility. to reduce outstanding public debt Coverage Certainty Program, known
As of March 11, 2009, the company and/or repurchase Stone common as the Triple C Facility, was developed
had approximately $63 million of shares. Stone re-hedged a portion of in conjunction with the Berkshire
cash on hand, and bank borrowings its 2009 volumes and will continue Hathaway Group. It is designed to
under its $400 million borrowing to evaluate hedging opportunities. provide oil and gas companies operat-
base totaled $300.6 million before The company’s current outstanding ing in the Gulf of Mexico with insur-
application of the $66.5 million of bank borrowings stand around $425 ance protection, on a pooled basis,
hedge-settlement proceeds. Following million (and $46 million in letters of with pricing stability, and for a period
the hedge repositioning, the mark-to- credit) under a $625 million borrow- of five years.

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Industry Briefs
OpenLink expands Woodside to issue Texas. The 2009 CAPEX budget
with Singapore office $1B in corporate bonds has been reduced by $70 million
Long Island, NY-based OpenLink Woodside Petroleum Ltd. has entered to $150 million. The company will
Financial Inc., a provider of cross-asset into an agreement for the issuance of focus 98% of 09’s CAPEX on the
trading, risk management, and related US$1 billion in corporate bonds into Haynesville/Bossier horizontal drill-
operational and portfolio management the US 144A bond market. The bonds ing program. The company also has
software to companies in the energy, will be issued by Woodside Finance contracts in place for 3,900 gross
commodities and financial services Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of acres of acquired and drill-to-earn
markets, has expanded its international Woodside Petroleum Ltd., and will leasehold representing 49 gross loca-
presence with the opening of an office consist of US$400 million of 5-year tions. GMXR is currently drilling on
in Singapore. Jean-Claude Riss, who is bonds with a coupon of 8.125% and 1,100 gross acres of the drill-to-earn
responsible for OpenLink International US$600 million of 10-year bonds with leasehold. GMXR has also obtained
sales operations, will oversee the office. a coupon of 8.75%. Funds raised will be first right of refusal on an additional
used to repay short term debt and for 5,000 gross acres.
Petrohawk prices general corporate purposes including
stock offering capital expenditure. Deep Down opens new
Petrohawk Energy Corp. has priced Houston headquarters
its public offering of 22,000,000 Double Eagle ups credit Deep Down has opened a new
shares of common stock. Underwrit- facility, borrowing base corporate headquarters in Northwest
ers were granted a 30-day option Double Eagle Petroleum Co. has Houston, at 8827 W. Sam Houston
to purchase up to an additional signed a new credit agreement with Parkway, N., Suite 100, Houston,
3,300,000 shares. The shares were its lenders providing an increase in Texas 77040. The new facility will
offered to the public at $17.50. Net the credit facility of 50% from $50 house corporate operations, including
proceeds are expected to fund a million to $75 million and an increase its CEO, CFO, chief acquisition
portion of Petrohawk’s 2009 capital in the borrowing base of 28% from officer, operations, business
budget, potential acquisitions, further $35 million to $45 million. The development, investor relations,
infrastructure expansion projects, and agreement consists of a $40 million and their support staff. Deep Down
for general corporate purposes. Bar- revolving credit line and a $5 million also operates service and fabrication
clays Capital Inc. and Credit Suisse term loan. Bank of Oklahoma serves facilities in Channelview, Tex.,
Securities LLC acted as joint book- as the lead bank. Morgan City, La., and Biddeford,
running managers. Me.
Wells Fargo to offer $50M
Pacific Energy Resources, credit line to BNK Petroleum Max Petroleum seeks
subsidiaries file Chapter 11 California-based BNK Petroleum Inc. farm-outs, JVs for capital
Long Beach, Calif.-based Pacific has entered into a letter agreement Max Petroleum, an oil and gas
Energy Resources Ltd. and its with Wells Fargo Energy Capital exploration and development
wholly-owned subsidiaries have filed Inc. for a $50 million senior secured company focused on Kazakhstan,
petitions for reorganization under advancing line of credit facility to is actively pursuing joint venture
Chapter 11 as it works to restructure replace its existing $7 million facility. or farm-out relationships to assist
its debt. The company is seeking The initial borrowing base is $29.5 in the funding and exploration
authority from the court that will million. Proceeds will be used to of the group’s deep portfolio.
enable it to continue operating. In complete the balance of BNK’s wells The company says it will need an
addition, the company has negotiated that have been drilled but not yet additional $50-$70 million to fund
a commitment for $40 million fracture stimulated and for working its strategic plan through 2010.
in debtor-in-possession financing capital. The company expects to fund its
that wraps and replaces two of the strategic plan using its credit facility
company’s three asset-based credit GMX reduces expenditures, with Macquarie Bank Ltd., as well
facilities and is being provided by acquires East Texas assets as proceeds from the farm-out or
the lenders of the two credit facilities GMX Resources Inc. has reduced its sale of the company’s Astrakhanskiy
being replaced. The company’s stock capital expenditure plan for 2009. license, farm-out of the deep
has ceased trading on the TSX was Additionally, the company has rights on Blocks A&E, as well as
scheduled to be delisted April 10. acquired additional Haynesville/ additional third-party debt or equity
Bossier prospective acreage in East financing, if available.

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Industry Briefs Advertising Sales

Creditors approve Gale Force North America
restructuring proposal Dana Griffin, 1455 West Loop South, Suite 400, Houston, TX 77027 USA, Tel:
Gale Force Petroleum’s unsecured creditors voted (713) 963-6277, Fax: (713) 963-6228, E-mail:
to accept the Proposal to Creditors in support of the
corporation’s restructuring plan. The proposal was filed Scandinavia/The Netherlands/
on February 4 under the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Middle East/Africa
Act (Canada). According to the terms, the corporation David Betham-Rogers, 11 Avenue du Marechal Leclerc, 61320 Carrouges,
will issue up to 47,000,000 common shares to settle all France; Tel: 33 2 33 282584, Fax: 33 2 33 274491; David Betham-Rogers,
unsecured claims. Additionally, Ronald Bourgeois has
stepped down from the board of directors and from the
United Kingdom
position of COO.
Linda Fransson, International Sales Manager, PennWell Power & Petro-
leum Group, Phone: +44 (0) 1992 656 665, Fax: +44 (0) 1992 656 700
Energy XXI receives borrowing Email:
base redetermination
Energy XXI (Bermuda) Ltd. has completed its custom- France/Belgium/Spain/Portugal/
ary semi-annual redetermination of the borrowing base Southern Switzerland/Monaco
under its revolving credit facility, which has been set at Daniel Bernard, 8 allee des Herons, 78400 Chatou, France; Tel: 33 (0)1
$240 million. On a pro forma basis, after completing all 3071 1224, Fax: 33 (0)1 3071 1119; E-mail:, France,
the commitments, the company expects to be fully drawn Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Southern Switzerland, Monaco.
under the revolver and have $61 million of cash on hand.
The company has agreed to discontinue making dividend Germany/Austria/Northern Switzerland
distributions until the next borrowing base redetermina- /Eastern Europe/Russia
tion is finalized in late 2009. Andreas Sicking, Sicking Industrial Marketing, Kurt-Schumacher-Str. 16,
59872 Freienohl, Germany, Phone: +49 (0) 2903-3385-70,
Fax: +49 (0) 2903-3385-82,
Bank of America sets GeoMet Germany, Austria, Northern Switzerland,
borrowing base at $140M Eastern Europe, Russia, Former Soviet Union.
GeoMet Inc.’s bank syndicate, led by Bank of America,
has approved a borrowing base of $140 million after com- Italy
pleting its year-end borrowing base determination. The Vittorio Rossi Prudente, UNIWORLD MARKETING, Via Sorio 47, 35141,
next regular borrowing base determination is scheduled Padova, Italy. Tel: +39049723548, Fax +390498560792,
to be complete on or before December 16, 2009. Com-
mitments under the credit agreement expire in January
2011 and total borrowings are currently $119 million.
Grupo Expetro/Smartpetro, Att: Jean-Paul Prates and Bernardo
Grunewald, Directors, Ave. Erasmo Braga 22710th and 11th floors
Energy Navigator opens Denver office Rio de Janeiro RJ 20024-900 BRAZIL; Tel: (55-21) 3084 5384, Fax: (55-21)
Energy Navigator, a provider of software solutions for 2533 4593; E-mail: and bernardo@pennwell.
the oil and gas industry, has expanded its operations and
added an office in Denver, CO. Energy Navigator will
supply US oil and gas companies with capital tracking Japan
and reserves evaluation solutions to meet evolving SEC e. x. press Co., Ltd., Hirakawacho TEC Building, 2-11-11, Hirakawa-cho,
reserves reporting and regulatory requirements. Staff of Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093, Japan, Tel: 81 3 3556 1575, Fax: 81 3 3556 1576;
E-mail:; Manami Konishi
the new office will include Dan Shikiar, senior account
manager. India
Interads Limited, 2, Padmini Enclave, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110 016, India;
W&T Offshore implements Tel: +91-11-6283018/19, Fax: +91-11-6228928;
share repurchase program E-mail: Mr. Rajan Sharma.
W&T Offshore Inc. has implemented a stock repurchase
program whereby the company may repurchase up to Singapore/Australia/Asia-Pacific
$25 million of its shares of common stock from time Singapore, Australia, Asia Pacific, 19 Tanglin Road #09-07, Tanglin Shop-
to time. As of March 12, the company had 77,405,107 ping Center, Singapore 247909, Republic of Singapore; Tel: (65) 6 737-2356,
outstanding shares of common stock. Fax: (65) 6 734-0655; Michael Yee, E-mail:

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Energy Players
vice president of Chevron. Robertson
IN MEMORIUM Bill Moyer (1956 – 2009) joined Chevron in 1973. In 1994, he
Beloved husband, father and friend, William Vance Moyer was appointed vice president, strate-
II, passed away March 2 at his home in Annapolis, Md. gic planning, for Chevron Corp. He
after a battle with non-smokers lung cancer. He was 52. held this post until being named pres-
Moyer spent his entire professional career in the oil and ident of Chevron USA Production
gas finance industry. For the past eight years he served Co. in 1997. In 2000, Robertson be-
thousands of independent oil and gas members as vice came president of Chevron Overseas
president of business development/capital markets/ Petroleum Inc. He has served as vice
membership for the IPAA. Prior to joining IPAA, he was a chairman since 2002. Watson joined
consultant to KPMG Financial Services Consulting Group the company in 1980 after earning an
and, Texas Commerce Bank and Kidder, Peabody & MBA from the University of Chi-
Co. He was born in Bloomsburg, Pa., but spent most of his adult life cago. In October 2001 he was named
in Houston. He served four years as a quartermaster aboard the USS vice president and CFO. He became
ALBANY, sailing most of the Mediterranean Sea. He earned a bachelor’s president of Chevron International
degree from the University of Texas at Austin and an MBA from the Exploration and Production in 2005.
University of Houston. Among others, Moyer is survived by his wife Lisl James joined Chevron in 2002 after
and their three children. Contributions to continue the children’s private serving as assistant attorney general in
Christian education can be made to “The Moyer Family Education charge of the Antitrust Division at the
Trust,” Charter Financial Group at 8638 Veterans Highway, Suite 301 US Department of Justice.
Millersville, MD 21108.
Anadarko shuffles
corporate leadership
Anadarko Petro-
Bill Barrett mourns death of board member Schreiber leum Corp. has
Denver-based Bill Barrett Corp. is mourning the passing of board member made management
Philippe S.E. Schreiber. Schrieber passed away on February 14 at the age of changes. Al Walker,
68. Schreiber served as a director of the company since February 2002. “We formerly senior vice
have lost a friend, mentor, and trusted advisor,” commented chairman and president, finance
CEO Fred Barrett. “Philippe served us well as a member of our board of and CFO, has been
directors and as a member of the audit and compensation committees. His named COO. Karl Walker
thoughtfulness and guidance in good times and bad will be sorely missed. Kurz, formerly
On behalf of Bill Barrett Corporation and our board of directors, I extend COO, has left the
our deepest sympathy to his wife, Patricia, and family.” company to pur-
sue other interests.
Robert G. Gwin,
Royal Dutch Shell retirement as chief executive on June formerly senior vice
proposes new CFO 30. It is expected that he will become president, has been
On May 1, the board of Royal Dutch a member of the corporate and social named to replace Gwin
Shell will appoint Simon Henry, cur- responsibility committee. Walker as senior vice
rently executive vice president finance president, finance
in Shell International E&P, as CFO Robertson retires and CFO. Walker
to succeed Peter Voser who becomes from Chevron, Watson will continue as
chief executive on July 1. At the com- earns vice chair post chairman of Western
pany’s Annual Meeting on May 19, Chevron Corp.’s vice chairman, Gas Holdings LLC,
the board will propose that Henry be Peter J. Robertson, has retired after the general partner
appointed executive director. Ad- more than 35 years of service. He is of Western Gas Part- Kurz
ditionally, Maarten van den Bergh succeeded by John S. Watson, who ners LP, a publicly
has elected to retire as non-executive previously served as executive vice traded midstream MLP controlled
director. He has served the company president of strategy and develop- by Anadarko. Gwin continues to
for 41 years. The board will propose ment. Additionally, Charles A. James serve as president, CEO, and a
the election of Jeroen van der Veer has been promoted from vice presi- director of Western Gas Holdings
as non-executive director, after his dent and general counsel to executive LLC.

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Energy Players
Adkins, Love join as partners ley University in Cambridge, Mass. chasing groups. Rodney J. Eichler,
at Burleson Cooke and an MBA from Massachusetts general manager of Apache’s Egypt
Ward N. Adkins Jr., Institute of Technology. Region since 1997, was named co-
former named partner COO and president - International.
at Brown & Adkins Knight Oil Tools taps Eichler, was named executive vice
LLP, has joined Robert Veazey CFO president in 2000. He will lead the
Burleson Cooke as Knight Oil Tools North Sea, Egypt, Australia, and
a partner. Adkins is has named Robert Argentina regions.
Board Certified in C. Veazey CFO.
Oil, Gas and Mineral Adkins Veazey will oversee Gustafson, Ward exit
Law and will practice all financial affairs of UBS for Deutsche Bank
in the Title group. Knight’s subsidiar- Sten Gustafson and David War-
Adkins earned his ies and affiliates. He ing have left UBS. Both will serve
undergraduate degree joins Knight after the Veazey as managing directors at Deutsche
from Trinity Univer- sale of Veazey and Bank. Gustafson will develop
sity in San Antonio Co., a firm of CPAs and business Deutsche’s global oilfield services
and his law degree consultants he founded. Veazey is a practice from Houston. Previously,
from the University Love University of Louisiana graduate. Gustafson served as a managing di-
of Houston. John rector in the Global Energy Group
J. Love, the former Deputy Com- Apache promotes three at UBS Investment Bank. He joined
missioner for Patent Examination to office of chief executive UBS in 2004 from Morgan Stanley.
Policy with the US Patent and Apache Corp. has He earned a law degree from the
Trademark Office, has joined the restructured its top University of Houston and a bach-
firm as a partner. Love earned his management. G. Ste- elor’s degree from Rice University.
undergraduate degree from the ven Farris, chairman Ward joins Deutsche Bank as head
University of Detroit and his law and CEO, has formed of energy for the Americas and will
degree from Georgetown. an office of the chief continue to be based in New York.
executive and pro- Ward served as a managing director
Craighead succeeds moted three execu- Plank responsible for the global energy
Barr as Baker Huges COO, tives. Roger B. Plank, mergers and acquisitions practice
Arthur Soucy named VP Apache’s CFO since of UBS Investment Bank. Prior to
Baker Hughes Inc. has promoted 1997, was named joining UBS in 2005, he covered
Martin S. Craighead to the position Apache’s president. the energy industry for Deutsche
of senior vice president and COO. Plank has been an ex- Bank, Morgan Stanley, and Salomon
David H. Barr retires from the ecutive vice president Brothers. He earned an MBA from
company on April 30, 2009. Craig- of the corporation Columbia and a bachelor’s degree
head has over 27 years of industry since 2000. In addi- Crum from Villanova University.
experience and was most recently tion to his current
president of the company’s drilling responsibilities, Plank GulfMark taps new VPs
and evaluation group. He earned will lead the busi- GulfMark Offshore, a provider of
a bachelor’s degree from Pennsyl- ness development, marine transportation services to
vania State University and an MBA internal audit, and the energy industry, has appointed
from Vanderbilt University. Barr has policy and gover- two new vice presidents. David
spent over 36 years in the industry, nance groups. John Rosenwasser has been promoted to
most of it at Baker Hughes. He A. Crum, president of Eichler vice president – Americas. He has
joined Hughes Tool Co. in 1972. Apache Canada Ltd. served the company since 2001,
Additionally, Baker Hughes has ap- since 2007, was named co-COO most recently as area manager of
pointed Arthur L. Soucy vice presi- and president - North America. Brazil. He holds a JD from New
dent supply chain. He will report Crum was named executive vice York Law School and a bachelor’s
to Craighead. Soucy most recently president in 2000. He will lead the degree from Texas A&M University.
served as vice president, global sup- Gulf Coast, Central and Canada Lee Johnson has joined the com-
ply chain for Pratt and Whitney. He regions as well was the worldwide pany as vice president – IT and chief
holds a bachelor’s degree from Les- drilling, corporate EH&S, and pur- information officer. He has over 25

April 2009 Oil & Gas Financial Journal • 57


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Energy Players
years’ experience. Previously, Johnson mendations to the commission, and den has left the company to pursue
was with Tatum LLC as a partner to address issues concerning energy other opportunities.
and practice leader for Houston’s exchanges, firms, end users and
technology organization. He holds a regulators, according to its charter. Fulbright & Jaworski
bachelor’s degree from Pennsylvania names new partners
State University and attended the Ex- Devon names Hager Fulbright & Jaworski LLP has
ecutive Masters Program at Southern to head E&P operations elevated nine senior associates and
Methodist University. Devon Energy Corp. has appointed four senior counsels from core prac-
David A. Hager to the position tice areas to join the firm’s global
Chilton to lead CFTC’s of executive vice president, E&P. partnership. The new Fulbright &
Energy Markets Hager joined Devon’s board in Jaworski partners are: Jody C. Bish-
Advisory Committee 2007. He resigned from the board op, Dallas; Michael S. Chamberlin,
Bart Chilton, a member of the upon his appoinment. He served as Los Angeles; Steve Dollar, Dallas;
US Commodity Futures Trading COO of Kerr-McGee Corp. prior to Marsha Gerber, Houston; Julie Har-
Commission, was appointed chair- its merger with Anadarko Petroleum din, Houston; Marc Latman, New
man of the CFTC’s Energy Markets Corp. in 2006. He has more than York; Barclay Nicholson, Houston;
Advisory Committee on March 10. 25 years of oil and gas exploration Jason Rother, Houston; Guy Singer,
Chilton will succeed Walter L. Luk- and production experience. He has Washington, D.C.; Hassan Elsayed,
ken who has been the EMAC’s only a bachelor’s degree from Pur- Dubai; Ben McQuhae, Hong Kong
chairman since it was established in due University and an MBA from and Jie Zhang, Hong Kong. Also,
February 2008. The committee’s Southern Methodist University. Anibal Sabater was admitted as a
purpose is to conduct public meet- Hager fills the position previously partner in Fulbright & Jaworski
ings, to submit reports and recom- held by Stephen J. Hadden. Had- International LLP.

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Companies mentioned in this issue of Oil & Gas Financial Journal are listed in
alphabetical order with advertisers in boldface type. The index is provided as a
service. The publisher does not assume any liability for errors or omission. Company/Advertiser Index

Abraxas Petroleum Corp. 12 Energy Navigator 55 LLOG Exploration Co. 40 Reading is Fundamental 60

Accenture 36 Energy XXI Ltd. 53 Macquarie Bank Ltd. 54 Regency Energy Partners LP 10

Aker Kvaerner 18 Enertia Software IFC Marathon Oil Corp. 28 Resolute Natural Resources 40

Aker Solutions 12 Enervest Operating LLC 40 Marsh 53 Ridgeland Wyoming Inc. 40

Alinda Capital Partners LLC 10 Ernst & Young LLP 4 Matador Resources Co. 40 Rivington Capital Advisors LLC 9

American Resources Co. 40 Exco Resources 20 Max Petroleum 54 Rodman Energy Group 11

Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 20,27,56,58 ExxonMobil 20,28,32 McKinsey & Co. 18,35 Royal Dutch Shell 27,56

Apache Corp. 27,57 Fulbright & Jaworski LLP 58 Microsoft 32 Salomon Brothers 57

ATP Oil & Gas Corp. 26,30 Gale Force Petroleum 55 56 Schlumberger Oilfield Services 32

Baker Hughes Inc. 57 GDF Suez 22 Moody’s Investors Service 18,28 SEC 4,55

Banc of America 53,55 GE Energy Financial Services 10,30 Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc. 53,57 Seismic Micro-Technology 32

Bank of Oklahoma 54 GEODynamics Inc. 35 Mubadala Development Co. 14 SMH Capital Inc. 31

Barclays Capital Inc. 54 GeoMet Inc. 55 National Oil and Gas Authority of Bahrain 14 Standard & Poor’s 18,28

Bass Enterprises Production Co. 40 Glacier Partners Corp. 53 Newfield Exploration Co. 30 StatoilHydro 12,16

Bentek Benposium 14 GMX Resources Inc. 54 Nexen Inc. 30 Stone Energy Corp. 53

BEPCO LP 40 Goldman, Sachs & Co. 31,53 NGP Energy Capital Management 5,33 Symantec 35

Berkshire Hathaway Group 53 Greenwich Capital Markets Inc. 53 Noble Royalties Inc. IBC Tatum LLC 58

Berry Petroleum Co. 53 Guaranty Bank 52 NYSE 18 Texas Commerce Bank 56

Bill Barrett Corp. 56 GulfMark Offshore Inc. 57 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 14 Total 22,28

BlueRock Energy Capital 13 Halliburton Energy Services 53,BC OpenLink Financial Inc. 19,54 Tudor, Pickering, Holt & Co. Securities Inc. 10

BNK Petroleum Inc. 54 Harwood Capital Inc. 39 Oslo Stock Exchange 18 Tullow Oil plc 14

BP 20,24 Hess Corp. 22 P2 Energy Solutions 40-47 UBS 57

BPZ Energy Inc. 27 Hotel ZaZa Houston 7 Pacific Energy Resources Ltd. 54 US Commodity Futures Trading Commission 58

Brown & Adkins LLP 57 HPDI LLC 58 Paradigm 12 US Department of Justice 56

Burleson Cooke LLP 31 Hunt Oil Co. 40 PEMEX 22 US Energy Corp. 40

Calyon 25 Hydro 16 PennWell US Patent and Trademark Office 57

CERA 20 IHS Herold 40 OGMT North America 2 VAALCO Energy 26

Chesapeake Energy Corp. 20 IFC 27 Petoro 22 W&T Offshore 55

Chevron Corp. 20,26,32,56 Intel 32 Petrohawk Energy Corp. 54 Wachovia Capital Markets LLC 53

ConocoPhillips 28 IPAA 56 Plains Exploration & Production Co. 53 Walter Oil & Gas Corp. 40

Credit Suisse Securities LLC 54 JP Morgan Securities Inc. 53 PLS Inc. 21 Weaver and Tidwell LLP 15,60

Dana Gas 10 Kerogen Resources Inc. 40 Pratt and Whitney 57 Wellpoint Systems Inc. 51

Deep Down Inc. 54 Kerr-McGee Corp. 58 Pride International 26 Wells Fargo Energy Capital Inc. 54

Deutsche Bank 3,57 Kidder, Peabody & Co. 56 Primary Natural Resources 40 Western Gas Holdings LLC 56

Devon Energy Corp. 58 Knight Oil Tools 57 Pritchard Capital Partners 53 Western Gas Partners LP 56

Double Eagle Petroleum Co. 54 KPMG Financial Services Consulting Group 56 Quantum Energy Partners 49 Winchester Production 40

Emerging Energy Research 26 Landmark 32 Quorum Business Solutions Inc. 23,36 Woodside Petroleum Ltd. 54

Energy Directions 3 LECG Consultants 29 Raymond James 3 World Bank 27

April 2009 Oil & Gas Financial Journal • 59


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Beyond the Well

Weaver and Tidwell Foundation

makes company an ‘impact player’
the Foundation was to select a ‘Char- younger children, who cannot read,
ity of Choice’ each year and become choose books; gave “book talks” that
an ‘impact player’ instead of diluting briefly described the books’ stories to
Mikaila Adams its resources over a hundred organiza- groups of children; and read stories to
Associate Editor – OGFJ tions. As Lawhon put it, “Rather than classes or groups of children.
being a shotgun we’re a rifle.” He While the children benefitted
continued, “Let’s see if we can make from the firm’s contribution, so did
a difference with our gift. We only the Weaver and Tidwell volunteers.

eaver and Tidwell, the have two resources, time and money.” Lawhon elaborated: “You can imag-
Southwest’s largest inde- ine the kind of pride
pendent regional account- and community spirit
ing firm, serves a variety of industries they felt. They came
in a variety of cities. Here in Hous- back to the office and
ton, the firm is focused on the energy felt like they had made a
industry. In Houston and across the difference.”
Southwest, the firm is focused on the Focusing on one
communities in which it operates. community effort each
Since its founding nearly 60 years year has given Weaver
ago, the firm has been active in a host and Tidwell the oppor-
of community organizations. “We’ve tunity to do just that
been in many things because we - make a difference.
believe you have to give back a little
bit of what the community provides
for you,” said W.M. “Mack” Lawhon,
Volunteers distribute
Weaver and Tidwell’s managing books at a Houston
partner. elementary school.
Being involved in numerous cities
across the Southwest, the firm is faced The Foundation
with hundreds of opportunities to recently chose Read-
give back. But with the opportuni- ing Is Fundamental
ties come challenges. “You just don’t (RIF) as their Charity
have enough talent or money to of Choice for fiscal
give to them all,” he explained. To year 2008-09 and
best utilize company resources, the donated $60,000
firm created the Weaver and Tidwell to the organization
Foundation. for use in the cities
The Foundation is funded from the where the firm does
firm’s operating budget and run with business. Lawhon
the expertise of the Allocations Com- commented, “When you think about Lawhon concluded: “It’s a wonder-
mittee. “The people we selected for it, what better place to invest our ful way to make a statement to our
the Allocations Committee are people resources than in the children who communities that we want to give
that have been active in their com- will be our leaders tomorrow?” back. We want to invest in the future
munities. We wanted to get people Weaver and Tidwell volunteers of the folks that live and work in our
who are sensitive to the needs of the aided in local RIF book distributions communities, and at the same time,
community,” Lawhon explained. at schools in Houston, Dallas, and have a real impact on our Charities of
One of the first decisions made by Fort Worth. The firm’s staff helped Choice.” OGFJ

60 • Oil & Gas Financial Journal April 2009


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A supplement to Oil & Gas Journal

Offshore March 2009
Oil & Gas Financial Journal
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2009 Petroleum Buyers Guide

Your fourth annual Petroleum Buyers’ Guide continues to offer a comprehensive Supplement to PennWell
source of oil-industry-applicable equipment, products, systems, services, technolo- And PennEnergy.Com’s
gies, and solutions. Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment
Oil & Gas Journal
In both printed and online format, this 2009 Edition provides overviews, references, Offshore Magazine
Oil & Gas Financial Journal brands
cross references, indices, and specifics on more than 1000 global manufacturers and
service providers. Guide responses come from more than 30 countries on 5,000 plus Stacey Schmidt
upstream, midstream, and downstream specialties. Web Publisher

This Guide is from PennWell’s PennEnergy.Com, Oil & Gas Journal, Offshore Maga- J.B. Avants
zine, Oil & Gas Financial Journal, and Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment brands. Publisher & Editor

In April, this entire Guide will be available online at five PennWell websites: Candice Doctor
Sales Manager
John Tabor
Associate Editor
Look for the “Products” tab at each site. It will lead you to company, product, and
service information. Marcella Hanson
Editorial/Sales Assistant
6 PRODUCTS section with 27 major oil and gas application or product catego- Dorothy Davis
ries and 700+ subcategories on equipment, products, and systems Production Manager

31 SERVICES section with 37 major upstream, midstream, and downstream- Clark Bell
applicable offerings for all operations phases of the industry include construc- Presentation Editor
tion, financial, health, safety, environmental
Bettie Gaines
Ad Traffic
34 COMPANIES section with full-contact details, key personnel, email, website
data. Summaries as provided by manufacturers and service providers present Tommie Grigg
product, service, and capabilities Audience Development Manager

92 PRODUCT Index Tom Cintorino

Senior Vice President, Digital Media
PennWell Corporation:
Frank T. Lauinger, Chairman
Robert F. Biolchini, President And Chief Executive Officer
Petroleum Buyers’ Guide Production & Sales Guide:
PennWell Petroleum Buyer’s Guide supplement reaches
Monica Gauba Buyers’ Guide Director global professionals engaged in the operation, manage-
Christine Algie Database Administrator ment, and maintenance of upstream, midstream, and
Tammy Croft Database Production Supervisor downstream oil industry operations and facilities, as well as
Jean Gallagher Editorial Assistant those involved in its design, engineering, and construction.
Lisa Hollis Production/Database Specialist
Jessica Ross Production/Database Manager Copyright 2009 by PennWell Corporation
Heidi Seiders Sr. Input Processor All rights reserved
Material may not be reproduced in any form without
Linda Smith-Quinn Database Administrator
written permission from the Publisher.
Sandy Taylor Database Administrator 1421 South Sheridan Road
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74112 USA
Sales: 918 835 3161
Eric Freer 713 963 6223 Fax: 918 832 9201
Stan Terry 254 776 7700
Marlene Breedlove 713 963 6293

4 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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2009 Petroleum Buyers Guide

4th Annual 2009 Petroleum Buyers’ Guide

Now more than ever — the place to find quality

upstream, midstream and downstream products, services, companies

Who could have forecast, predicted so far down from the $100/barrel oil we touted
this time last year to open Petroleum Buyers’ Guide?

So now more than ever, petroleum professionals need to invest in “just the right”
equipment, products, systems, services, technologies and solutions — to make
certain their capital investments are sound and of highest quality.

This 2009 Petroleum Buyers’ Guide from PennWell’s PennEnergy Group is offered
to aid that search. It brings together 1,000+ companies from 25+ countries: manu-
facturers and service providers.

The 5,000+ listings offer you one-stop, accurate, reliable information to research
specify, recommend, approve, and purchase upstream, midstream, and down-
stream prod ucts and services. Our product/service/company format presents
complete data, cross references, and indices to 28 major oil industry application or
product categories and more than 700 individual products and services.
Advertisers’ Index:
This 2009, 4th edition is a single, complete source of oil industry specialties to help BellowsTech LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
you explore for, drill, produce, process, transport, and market petroleum products
globally. It also provides complete contact and background information on more CH2M HILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
than 1,000 manufacturers and service providers.
Cashco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
In April Petroleum Buyers’ Guide will be available online at five PennWell websites
under their “Products” tabs in the top navigation: Control MicroSystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Donaldson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

Oil & Gas Journal:
Offshore Magazine: EIM Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Oil & Gas Financial Journal:
FabEnCo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Oil, Gas & Petrochem Equipment:
Industrial Scientific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28
Each of these unique, dynamic sites give you total access to vital petroleum
information — and are complemented with this Guide. More than 120,000 global K-TEK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17
petroleum professionals will have the opportunity to use this 2009 Guide.
MacDonald, Dettwiler &Associates Ltd. (MDA) . .27
Thank you for using our Guide. We trust you will find it helpful in these ongoing,
challenging circumstances to find, produce, process, and market petroleum. Gas Technology Products Division, Merichem
Chemical & Refinery Services LLC . . . . . . 12-13

Mesa Rubber . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Mil-Ram Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

OMEGA Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

ProSep Technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1, 95
J.B. Avants Thermo Fisher Scientific . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19
Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 5


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2009 Petroleum Buyers Guide

Section lists equipment, products, and systems offered for the design, construc-
tion, and operation of upstream, midstream, and downstream petroleum field and
plant facilities. It includes more than 400 product categories from 1,100+ manu-
Products are grouped by category. Companies are listed alphabetically within
each. If you are uncertain of a category in which a product may be listed, refer to
the alphabetic products index at the back of this Guide.
For quick reference, web addresses or telephone numbers are provided for those
companies supplying products in a given category. Additional, more complete
company information — including address, telephone, fax, key contact personnel,
as well as email and web addresses — appear in the Companies section.

ACTUATORS Bardex Corp COMPRESSORS/ Lubrication Engineers Inc

Global Supplier ApS
ACCESSORIES Mhd Offshore Group
(See ad p 22) n Omega Engineering Inc
Remote Control Sweden AB AMETEK (See ad p 2, 3)
n EIM Controls Inc BORSIG ZM Compression GmbH
(See ad p 7)
FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH
ARCA Regler GmbH
Kinetrol Ltd Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda Air Compressor Energy Systems Inc
Dexter Magnetic Technologies Inc
MTS Systems Corp SKF Magnetic Bearings FactoryNetwork Inc
n EIM Controls Inc
Servometer Stork H&E Turbo Blading FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH
(See ad p 7)
FLSmidth Inc
Force Compression Systems
n EIM Controls Inc Rotork Process Controls Inc Atlas Copco Hurricane LLC
Howden Compressors LLC
(See ad p 7) Force Compression Systems
Flex-a-Seal Inc Hydraulics International Inc
n EIM Controls Inc Quick Oilfield Solutions
Flowserve Corp CENTRIFUGAL Rotating Machinery Services
(See ad p 7)
Governor Control Systems Inc COMPRESSORS Inc/RMS Power Solutions
Flowserve Limitorque
Kinetrol Ltd Air Compressor Energy Systems Inc Vooner FloGard Corp
Remote Control Sweden AB
Linde AG Atlas Copco Compressors LLC
BORSIG ZM Compression GmbH
OFM An SPX Brand n EIM Controls Inc AMETEK
Dresser-Rand Co
FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH
Rotork Process Controls Inc (See ad p 7) n EIM Controls Inc
Tri-mer Corp
ELECTRIC Kinetrol Ltd (See ad p 7)
Asahi/America Inc KOSO America Elliott Co FILTERS
Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH Flowserve Limitorque FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH Air Compressor Energy Systems Inc
n EIM Controls Inc Remote Control Sweden AB Hitachi America Ltd Atlas Copco Compressors LLC
(See ad p 7) Rotork Process Controls Inc Johnson Controls Inc ClearDrain
Flowserve Limitorque RSVP Actuators and Controls MAN Turbo AG Industrial Specialties Manufacturing
Precision Engine Controls Corp Tyco Flow Control Mohawk Innovative Technology Inc Mst Inc
Remote Control Sweden AB Rotating Machinery Services Parker dominick hunter
RACK-AND-PINION Inc/RMS Power Solutions
Rotork Process Controls Inc Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH GAS COMPRESSORS
Vooner FloGard Corp
Tyco Flow Control COMPRESSOR ACCESSORIES Compressco Canada Inc
Arabian Construction Engineering
Co (ACEC) Air Compressor Energy Systems Inc Dresser-Rand Co
SCOTCH YOKE Atlas Copco Compressors LLC
Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH Dresser-Rand Co Ltd
RSVP Actuators and Controls
Kinetrol Ltd FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH n EIM Controls Inc
KOSO America SUBMERSIBLE FLSmidth Inc (See ad p 7)
Remote Control Sweden AB n EIM Controls Inc Gesellschaft für OELTECHNIK mbH Elliott Co
(See ad p 7) Parker dominick hunter FLSmidth Inc
ELECTROPNEUMATIC Empire Magnetics Raxton Ltd Force Compression Systems
Asahi/America Inc RSVP Actuators and Controls SSS Clutch Company Inc Gas & Air Systems Inc
ControlAir Inc Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH Gas Turbine Efficiency Inc
n EIM Controls Inc SUBSEA ZOK International Group Ltd GEA Jet Pumps GmbH
(See ad p 7) Dexter Magnetic Technologies Inc
COMPRESSOR, TURBINE Hertz Equipment Rental Corp
Kinetrol Ltd n EIM Controls Inc Howden Compressors LLC
(See ad p 7) LUBRICANTS
Johnson Controls Inc
HYDRAULIC Norbar Torque Tools Ltd
Atlas Copco Compressors LLC
Elliott Co MAN Turbo AG
Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH
Nash A Gardner Denver Product

6 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Pdc Machines Inc SCREW ACIDIZING Stallion Oilfield Service

Permian Production Equipment Inc Force Compression Systems Stewart & Stevenson
Quincy Compressor Howden Compressors LLC
Johnson Controls Inc
SKF Magnetic Bearings
FORTA Corp Houston Wire & Cable Co
Stork H&E Turbo Blading Quincy Compressor
GE Water & Process Technologies LEONI Kerpen GmbH
Vooner FloGard Corp
STEAM TURBINES Potters Industries Inc MM Newman Corp
GAS TURBINES Dresser-Rand Co Select Industries Optical Cable Corp
Hitachi America Ltd Dresser-Rand Co Ltd SETA SA Parker Scanrope AS
Elliott Co The Rochester Corp/Tyco
MAN Turbo AG
Calnetix Arrow Engine Co Sharpmark USA
Rotating Machinery Services
Calnetix Power Solutions Inc/RMS Power Solutions Baker Hughes Inc Union Wire Rope
Gas Turbine Efficiency Inc Schutte & Koerting Echometer Co WireCo WorldGroup
ZOK International Group Ltd Stork H&E Turbo Blading R&M Energy Systems
Weatherford Production CABLE MANAGEMENT
NATURAL GAS Wabash Power Equipment Co
Optimization Barkman Concrete Ltd
Compressco Canada Inc TURBINE ACCESSORIES Belden
n EIM Controls Inc Gesellschaft für OELTECHNIK mbH
Ebo Systems SAS
(See ad p 7) Lee Specialties Ltd
Heatrex Inc Houston Wire & Cable Co
Force Compression Systems ZOK International Group Ltd miniBOOSTER Hydraulics A/S
Panduit Corp
Howden Compressors LLC J D Neuhaus Lp
Quincy Compressor TURBINES, GENERAL T3 Energy Services CASING (CUTTERS, HANGERS)
Toromont Energy Systems FactoryNetwork Inc Hole Opener Corp
Rotating Machinery Services
Inc/RMS Power Solutions Barkman Concrete Ltd
E H Wachs Co
RECIPROCATING Butler Manufacturing Co
Air Compressor Energy Systems Inc DRILLING/PRODUCTION ContainerWest Sales Ltd CEMENTING
BORSIG ZM Compression GmbH Easi-Set Industries/Precast BETAFENCE NV
Compressco Canada Inc ACCUMULATORS Buildings Nord-Bulk Pte Ltd
Dresser-Rand Co n BellowsTech LLC Leading Edge Manufacturing Potters Industries Inc
Dresser-Rand Co Ltd (See ad p 22) Mahaffey Fabric Structures Stewart & Stevenson
Gas & Air Systems Inc Parker Hannifin Corp Precision Quincy Corp
Howden Compressors LLC T3 Energy Services SCANCAB A/S
Flottweg Separation Technology Inc
Quincy Compressor Tobul Accumulator Inc
Trelleborg CRP Inc

Power generation.
Oil & gas pipelines.
Water & wastewater
treatment. All over the world,
the most demanding industries
rely on EIM.
Learn more about reliable valve control at 𰀺𰁋𰀺𰁇𰁎𰁌𰀽𰀺𰁇𰀺𰀕𰀾𰁉𰀕𰁂𰀶𰁉𰁉𰀺𰁇𰁈
  !"# $%&  '  ()*+-/"       

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 7


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T 3 Energy Services Fluid Design Solutions Inc Baker Hughes Inc (LWD)
T3 Energy Services Roper Pump Co Potters Industries Inc APS Technology Inc
Smart Drilling GmbH SETA SA Baker Hughes Inc
CO2 INJECTION Saint-Gobain Crystals
(See ad Front Cover) Atlas Copco Deutsch LUBRICANTS
Caledus Ltd Synflex Lubrication Engineers Inc
COATINGS/LININGS Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co
Ditch Witch
CeRam-Kote Coatings The GasGun Inc MANIFOLDS
Deloro Stellite Inc DRAWWORKS Aker Subsea AS
GAS LIFT T-Rex Subsea
Greenstone Inc of Delaware Aker MH AS
Echometer Co T-Rex Subsea
International Paint BEI Industrial Encoders
International Protective Coatings Fluid Design Solutions Inc GAUGES MEASUREMENT WHILE
ITW Devcon Coatings RigPower LLC The Gauge House DRILLING (MWD)
Master Bond Inc WIRTH GmbH n Omega Engineering Inc APS Technology Inc
Sub-one Technology (See ad p 2, 3) Baker Hughes Inc
Baker Hughes Inc Baker Hughes Inc Allen Gears Brush Wellman Inc
Dexter Magnetic Technologies Inc Ditch Witch Dexter Magnetic Technologies Inc Electrochem
Owen Oil Tools Varel International n EIM Controls Inc Saint-Gobain Crystals
SWEDPARTS HAMBURG (See ad p 7) Smart Drilling GmbH
UPCO Inc Fluid Power Inc MIXERS
Carrack LTD
COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Ditch Witch Lufkin Industries Inc Aeration Industries International Inc
Beier Radio Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Rush Gears Inc n Omega Engineering Inc
CON-SPACE Communications Tubes GmbH Standard Machine (See ad p 2, 3)
Global Energy Services Ltd TRADION OIL & GAS W/A PLC Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH n ProSep Technologies Inc
Mackay Communications HEATERS (See ad Front Cover)
Rescom Sales Inc Express Integrated Technologies SPX Process Equipment
APS Technology Inc
Storacall Teleacoustics Ltd LLC
Balmoral Offshore Engineering MOORING
Heatrex Inc
CONTRACTORS Carrack LTD Bardex Corp
Den-con Tool Co
n Omega Engineering Inc
Sharpmark USA Kohlswa Gjuterei AB
(See ad p 2, 3)
Double Life Corp MENCK GmbH
CORROSION CONTROL Foremost Industries LP Power House Tool Inc
Parker Scanrope AS
Baker Hughes Inc Global Wire Cloth
Corr Instruments
Hole Opener Corp TRADION OIL & GAS W/A PLC
Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc MOTORS
Deloro Stellite Inc HOSES Anko Products Inc
Duoline Technologies ELECTRICAL Gates Corp Mohawk Innovative Technology Inc
GE Water & Process Technologies Ebo Systems SAS HBD/Thermoid Inc Roper Pump Co
Greenstone Inc of Delaware Power House Tool Inc MM Newman Corp
Honeywell International Inc MUDS
International Protective Coatings Potters Industries Inc
Carrack LTD SPIR Star Ltd
J4 Communications SETA SA
Gough Econ Synflex
MATCOR Inc Thermafiber Inc
TMS Metalizing Systems Ltd Express Integrated Technologies SensorTran Inc
SPIR Star Ltd
LLC TYDUS Maintenance Supply Inc
Conbor Borrachas Tecnico INSTRUMENTS
Oil Plus Ltd Baker Hughes Inc
Industriais Ltda Automation Products Inc
Oreco A/S BEI Industrial Encoders PERFORATED TUBES
Gates Corp
SensorTran Inc Caledus Ltd Alloy Screen Works
Lufkin Industries Inc
Motion Industries FILTERS The Gauge House Beverlin Manufacturing Co
Snap-tite Inc C I Agent Solutions Industrial Tomography Systems
UPCO Inc Global Wire Cloth JH Technology Inc
Baker Hughes Inc
US Tsubaki Kistler Instrument Corp
FITTINGS Brush Wellman Inc
voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG Newport Electronics Inc
Autoclave Engineers The GasGun Inc
Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH n Omega Engineering Inc
The Gauge House Owen Oil Tools
(See ad p 2, 3)
Rigserv International LLC PLATFORMS
Aker MH AS Polyflex Ballast Technologies Inc
Sharpmark USA
Columbus McKinnon T D Williamson Inc Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc
Zencus International Ltd
MPRI Omega Natchiq Inc
Arabian Construction Engineering
DEGASSERS Balmoral Offshore Engineering
Double Life Corp Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd
Corus Tubes UPCO Inc
Foremost Industries LP Flowline Specialists Ltd Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless
Tubes GmbH Aker Subsea AS
Viper Supply LLC
DIRECTIONAL DRILLING Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes Arrow Engine Co
Wellstream International Ltd
APS Technology Inc Viper Supply LLC Cheng Fluid Systems
Atlas Copco FLOW PROVERS CoorsTek Inc
voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG
Baker Hughes Inc n EIM Controls Inc Hammelmann Corp
Brush Wellman Inc (See ad p 7) Nord-Bulk Pte Ltd
Nordisk Hojtryk A/S

8 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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n Omega Engineering Inc RESISTIVITY TOOLS SPEED INCREASERS Flowline Specialists Ltd
(See ad p 2, 3) APS Technology Inc Allen Gears JW Fishers Manufacturing Inc
Wood Group Dexter Magnetic Technologies Inc Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH
Lufkin Industries Inc Omega Natchiq Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc Parker Scanrope AS
Gorman-Rupp Co Fluid Design Solutions Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Snap-tite Inc
Hydraulics International Inc Stewart & Stevenson
Standard Machine Trelleborg CRP Inc
Nordisk Hojtryk A/S WIRTH GmbH
Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH T-Rex Subsea
RISERS T-Rex Subsea
TYDUS Maintenance Supply Inc SPEED REDUCERS
Wärtsilä Finland Oy Allen Gears
Corus Tubes
Baldor Electric Co Brush Wellman Inc
PUMPS Presens AS
R&M Energy Systems
Lufkin Industries Inc
Anko Products Inc Trelleborg CRP Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc UPCO Inc
Arabian Construction Engineering T-Rex Subsea
(See ad p 2, 3)
Co (ACEC) Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes TENSIONERS
Double Life Corp Wellstream International Ltd Standard Machine Flowline Specialists Ltd
Fluid Power Inc US Tsubaki Mhd Offshore Group
ROTARY DRILLING Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH
Gardner Denver Machinery Inc
Atlas Copco TONGS
Gates Corp Armstrong Industrial Tools
Parker Hannifin Corp CoorsTek Inc BEI Industrial Encoders
PUP JOINTS STIMULATION Superior Manufacturing &
Alloy Screen Works Hydraulics
TT Technologies Inc The GasGun Inc
SEPARATORS Stewart & Stevenson
RADIO FREQUENCY Armstrong Industrial Tools
IDENTIFICATION (RFID) Enviro-tech Systems LLC Caledus Ltd
GEA Westfalia Separator Systems SUBSEA PRODUCTION
Dematic Corp EQUIPMENT Ditch Witch
Den-con Tool Co Gough Econ MENCK GmbH
Aker Subsea AS
Martin Engineering Reed Manufacturing Co
RESERVOIR MONITORING n ProSep Technologies Inc Balmoral Offshore Engineering
Carrack LTD Shark Stainless
Impact Guidance Systems Inc (See ad Front Cover)
Deutsch TT Technologies Inc
Keller Ag Fur Druckmesstechnik
SHALE SHAKERS Ebo Systems SAS Varel International
Sabeus Inc
SensorTran Inc
Double Life Corp n EIM Controls Inc
Stallion Oilfield Service (See ad p 7)

Control Microsystems’ Got It All!

From stand-alone monitoring to
full SCADA electronic flow
measurement solutions
Q Flow computers designed for
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Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 9


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Aker MH AS Columbus McKinnon Air Liquide America Specialty Gases
Fluid Design Solutions Inc Parker Scanrope AS
Foremost Industries LP Union Wire Rope ABSORBENTS ANGEL Services
RigPower LLC VERSABAR Inc Hazmatpac Inc Arizona Instrument LLC
Standard Machine WireCo WorldGroup Kafko International Ltd Aviation Technology Services Llc
Superior Manufacturing & Sphinx Adsorbents Inc Cantest Solutions Inc
WIRTH GmbH Parker Scanrope AS ADSORBENTS Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd
Synflex Sorbent Products Co Inc
TRANSDUCERS Sphinx Adsorbents Inc
FasTest Inc
American Sensor Technologies Inc ENGINES AIR PURIFICATION Gassonic
n Omega Engineering Inc GE Analytical Instruments
(See ad p 2, 3) AIR INTAKE SHUTOFF VALVES BORSIG Membrane Technology
Pyroban Corp Quincy Compressor GOW-MAC Instrument Co
TRANSMITTERS Industrial Scientific Corp
American Sensor Technologies Inc BEARINGS BIOREMEDIATION JH Technology Inc
n Control Microsystems Mohawk Innovative Technology Inc BPC - Bio Petro Clean Kernco Instruments Co Inc
(See ad p 9) COUPLINGS
Sarva Bio Remed LLC n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
Tri-mer Corp
n Omega Engineering Inc Howden Buffalo Inc
(See ad p 15)
(See ad p 2, 3) n Omega Engineering Inc BOOMS Modutank Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Environetics Inc n Omega Engineering Inc
TUBULARS (See ad p 2, 3)
Carrack LTD Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH Oil Stop
Sorbent Products Co Inc optek-Danulat Inc
Corus Tubes DIESEL ENGINES Phaze Technologies AS
HGG Profiling Equipment BV Frontier Power Products Ltd CLEANUP PRODUCTS Quincy Compressor
Stewart Tubular Products John Deere Power Systems C I Agent Solutions ROSEN Group
Superior Manufacturing & Miratech Corp Hazmatpac Inc Spectronics Corp
Hydraulics Wabash Power Equipment Co Kafko International Ltd
Viper Supply LLC Wärtsilä Finland Oy Sarva Bio Remed LLC NOISE CONTROL
voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG Cirrus Research Plc
Industrial Engines Ltd n Omega Engineering Inc
Automation Products Inc SSS Clutch Company Inc Emerson Process Management (See ad p 2, 3)
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH ESS
Inc Thermafiber Inc
Nextteq LLC Universal Silencer
Cannon Instrument Co FLAME PROTECTION Nickpoint Environmental Services
Elcometer Ltd Pyroban Corp Inc ODOR CONTROL
Hydramotion Ltd Workrite Uniform Co Sorbent Products Co Inc Aeration Industries International Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc Thermo Scientific Niton Analyzers Air Chiller Inc
(See ad p 2, 3)
Arrow Engine Co Carbonair Environmental Systems
Thermo Scientific CONTAINMENT Inc
Frontier Power Products Ltd C I Agent Solutions Environetics Inc
WASTE TREATMENT Industrial Engines Ltd Eldred Environmental & Export n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery
Miratech Corp Enviro-Pak/Tech Oil Products Services LLC
Wärtsilä Finland Oy Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd (See ad p 12, 13)
GOVERNORS ITW Devcon Coatings Pureaire Monitoring Systems Inc
Altronic Inc Mahaffey Fabric Structures Sarva Bio Remed LLC
Governor Control Systems Inc Sorbent Products Co Inc Schutte & Koerting
Aeration Industries International Inc Industrial Engines Ltd DRYERS Tri-mer Corp
Atlas Incinerators A/S POWER TRANSMISSION American Alloy Steel OIL SPILL EQUIPMENT
CCS Midstream Services Allen Gears ClearDrain Atlas Incinerators A/S
Severn Trent Services Allied Transmissions Ltd Parker dominick hunter CHEMetrics Inc
eyevis Quincy Compressor Environetics Inc
Frontier Power Products Ltd Hazmatpac Inc
CUDD Well Control
Howden Buffalo Inc EMISSIONS ANALYZERS Kayden Instruments
Lufkin Industries Inc AMETEK Process Instruments Modutank Inc
Emerson Process Management
Midwest Brake AMKO Systems Inc Oil Stop
Keller Ag Fur Druckmesstechnik
Standard Machine Applied Analytics Inc P&R Technologies
SPIR Star Ltd
US Tsubaki COSA Instrument Wilks Enterprise Inc
Zencus International Ltd
WELLHEADS Emerson Process Management
(CONVENTIONAL, Altronic Inc American Alloy Steel
Amot Controls Enerac Inc Fabricated Plastics Ltd
Aker Subsea AS CEC Vibration Products Inc GEA Jet Pumps GmbH
Industrial Engines Ltd n Omega Engineering Inc n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery
Arabian Construction Engineering (See ad p 2, 3)
Co (ACEC) Services LLC
SILENCERS PANalytical BV (See ad p 12, 13)
T 3 Energy Services Miratech Corp
Wood Group Sick Maihak Inc Quincy Compressor
Universal Silencer
Aker MH AS Aquatech International Corp
Calnetix BORSIG Membrane Technology Tri-mer Corp
Flowline Specialists Ltd Direct Drive Systems
J D Neuhaus Lp Flottweg Separation Technology Inc SKIMMERS
Hitachi America Ltd W L Gore & Associates Inc
Thern Inc RigPower LLC
n Mesa Rubber Co
TT Technologies Inc RCI Technologies Inc (See ad p 21)
R&M Energy Systems
VERSABAR Inc Siemens AG Energy Sector Oil Skimmers Inc
Wärtsilä Finland Oy Oil Stop

10 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Sandvik Process Systems Saint-Gobain Crystals FILTERS, GENERAL Menardi

Southernstar Consultants Cummins Filtration Nowata Filtration
TGS Geological Products and Lakos Separators and Filtration
BORSIG Membrane Technology Services
Enardo Amiad Filtration Systems
Lautrette Filtration Pipeline
FLSmidth Inc Beier Radio Hayward Gordon Ltd
Mst Inc
HBD/Thermoid Inc Sea-Image Corporation Ltd Hellan Strainer Co
Tiancheng aviation purification
n Mesa Rubber Co Sonardyne International Ltd equipments co ltd McNichols Co Steel Service Centers
(See ad p 21) Total Separation Solutions LLC Nowata Filtration
Nash A Gardner Denver Product One Eye Industries Inc (OEI)
OPW Engineered Systems Parker Hannifin Corp
Geoservices SA Cummins Filtration
Perenne Equipamentos e Sistemas Tiancheng aviation purification
Oil Plus Ltd n Donaldson Company Inc
de Agua Ltda equipments co ltd
Paradigm Geophysical Corp (See ad p 11)
BORSIG Membrane Technology
SEISMIC Easi-Set Industries/Precast FLOW
Fecon Inc Buildings
Carbonair Environmental Systems Fugro-Geoteam AS Hilliard Corp CUSTODY TRANSFER
Inc Liquid Process Systems Inc AMKO Systems Inc
The CMM Group LLC Paradigm Geophysical Corp Nowata Filtration Cameron
Tri-mer Corp TGS Geological Products and One Eye Industries Inc (OEI) n Control Microsystems
Services Pall Corp (See ad p 9)
Parker Hannifin Corp Gas Turbine Efficiency LLC
FILTRATION United Filtration Systems Inc Krohne Inc
Universal Silencer OMNI Flow Computers Inc
ASCO Valve Canada MEDIA Sick Maihak Inc
Baldwin Filters W L Gore & Associates Inc Siemens Energy & Automation
Aeration Industries International Inc ClearDrain Hilliard Corp
n Donaldson Company Inc Lakos Separators and Filtration COMPUTERS
Amiad Filtration Systems (See ad p 11) Systems CCS-inc Comprehensive Computer
Aquatech International Corp Liquid Process Systems Inc Solutions
W L Gore & Associates Inc
BPC - Bio Petro Clean
MAC Equipment MAC Equipment n Control Microsystems
Carbonair Environmental Systems McNichols Co Steel Service Centers (See ad p 9)
Inc Menardi
CHEMetrics Inc Quincy Compressor
ECT Offshore Service AB Tiancheng aviation purification
equipments co ltd
Enviro-tech Systems LLC
United Filtration Systems Inc
GE Water & Process Technologies
n Omega Engineering Inc
Xenemetrix Inc Brace Yourself for
(See ad p 2, 3) CARTRIDGES
Perenne Equipamentos e Sistemas Baldwin Filters the Game Changer:
de Agua Ltda Behringer Corp
n ProSep Technologies Inc n Donaldson Company Inc
(See ad Front Cover) (See ad p 11)
Donaldson D-Salt™ Filter
PVAC R C Ltda Hilliard Corp
Severn Trent Services Liquid Process Systems Inc
Siemens AG Energy Sector MAC Equipment
Siemens Water Technologies Menardi
Walchem Corp One Eye Industries Inc (OEI)
Pall Corp
EXPLORATION/DEVELO Total Separation Solutions LLC
GEOCHEMICAL Behringer Corp
SETA SA Hilliard Corp
Hudson Industries
SYSTEMS Quincy Compressor
ANGEL Services Tiancheng aviation purification
Drillinginfo Inc equipments co ltd
eyevis • Pulse cleanable
United Filtration Systems Inc
Nickpoint Environmental Services Universal Silencer • H10 / MERV 16
Inc • H11 & H12 also available
Western Land Services Inc ELEMENTS
Amiad Filtration Systems • Superior salt & dust removal
GEOLOGICAL Baldwin Filters • Hydrophobic ePTFE membrane
Fugro-Jason Behringer Corp • Helps reduce fouling & hot
Geovariances Cummins Filtration corrosion on turbine blades
Harwood Capital Inc n Donaldson Company Inc
Ifremer (See ad p 11) Ask us about our full range of lters!
Paradigm Geophysical Corp
Hilliard Corp
TGS Geological Products and
Liquid Process Systems Inc
Services USA 1-800-431-0555
Menardi EUROPE +32-16-38-3940
GEOPHYSICAL One Eye Industries Inc (OEI) ASIA +65-6311-7373
Fugro-Geoteam AS Parker Hannifin Corp
Donaldson Company, Inc.
Fugro-Jason Quincy Compressor ®
JW Fishers Manufacturing Inc United Filtration Systems Inc
Paradigm Geophysical Corp Universal Silencer

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 11


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Gas detection

Emerson Process Management McCrometer Inc ENMET Corp RAE Systems

Hoffer Flow Controls Inc Muis Controls Ltd Industrial Scientific Corp RKI Instruments Inc
Mobrey Measurement Newport Electronics Inc n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Senscient
n Omega Engineering Inc n Omega Engineering Inc (See ad p 15) Sierra Monitor Corp
(See ad p 2, 3) (See ad p 2, 3) RKI Instruments Inc FLAME DETECTION
OMNI Flow Computers Inc OMNI Flow Computers Inc testo AG Det-Tronics Ltd
Remote Automation Solutions Racine Flow Meter Group General Monitors
Siemens Energy & Automation Industrial Scientific Corp
Sierra Instruments Inc Micropack Detection (Americas) Inc
Cheng Fluid Systems Draeger Safety Inc
Sure Flow Products LLC n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
COX Instruments ENMET Corp
Thermal Instrument Co (See ad p 15)
FCI Fluid Components International GfG Instrumentation Inc
Veris Inc
LLC Global Detection Systems Corp
Fluid Components International (FCI) MONITORS Industrial Scientific Corp
Lee-Dickens Ltd AMKO Systems Inc Kernco Instruments Co Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc AW-Lake Co n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) DH Instruments (See ad p 15)
DETECTORS eyevis MSA Net Safety Monitoring Inc
AMETEK Hoffer Flow Controls Inc Mst Inc
Newport Electronics Inc n Omega Engineering Inc Sierra Monitor Corp
Kidd Pipeline & Specialties Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc n Omega Engineering Inc (See ad p 2, 3) GAS DETECTION
(See ad p 2, 3) (See ad p 2, 3) RKI Instruments Inc ACCESSORIES
Sierra Instruments Inc Pressure Systems Inc Industrial Scientific Corp
Sick Maihak Inc n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
FLOW RATE INDICATORS Sure Flow Products LLC (See ad p 15)
Air Liquide America Specialty Gases
FCI Fluid Components International
MULTIPHASE AMETEK Process Instruments Applied Analytics Inc
Muis Controls Ltd
FLOWMETERING Bourgeois & Associates Inc Arizona Instrument LLC
Industrial Tomography Systems Bw Technologies Bw Technologies
Newport Electronics Inc
Presens AS Carthago International Solutions Inc Carthago International Solutions Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Compur Monitors GmbH& Co KG Control Instruments Corp
ORIFICE FITTINGS Control Instruments Corp Det-Tronics Ltd
Racine Flow Meter Group ADACONN
Det-Tronics Ltd ENMET Corp
Siemens Energy & Automation
SWITCHES Draeger Safety Inc General Monitors
Sierra Instruments Inc
FCI Fluid Components International ENMET Corp Global Detection Systems Corp
Sure Flow Products LLC
LLC Fire Combat Groveley Detection
INHIBITORS Fluid Components International Gassonic Industrial Scientific Corp
Select Industries (FCI) General Monitors Kernco Instruments Co Inc
Fox Thermal Instruments Inc GfG Instrumentation Inc n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
METERSS(0045)GAS Gems Sensors & Controls Global Detection Systems Corp (See ad p 15)
Air Liquide America Specialty Gases Kayden Instruments Groveley Detection Net Safety Monitoring Inc
LLC Industrial Scientific Corp
Muis Controls Ltd Nextteq LLC
COX Instruments
n Omega Engineering Inc Kernco Instruments Co Inc Pureaire Monitoring Systems Inc
Endress+Hauser (See ad p 2, 3) Lab Safety Supply Senscient
FCI Fluid Components International n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
LLC Racine Flow Meter Group
Fluid Components International Sierra Instruments Inc
MSA Bw Technologies
Net Safety Monitoring Inc Control Instruments Corp
Fox Thermal Instruments Inc Thermal Instrument Co
RIDGID GfG Instrumentation Inc
Gas Turbine Efficiency LLC TOTALIZERS GrayWolf Sensing Solutions
RKI Instruments Inc
Hoffer Flow Controls Inc Acromag Inc Industrial Scientific Corp
Krohne Inc AW-Lake Co Lab Safety Supply
Sierra Monitor Corp
McCrometer Inc Cameron’s Measurement Systems MSA
Muis Controls Ltd Division FIXED GAS DETECTION Pyroban Corp
n Omega Engineering Inc Fox Thermal Instruments Inc Bw Technologies RAE Systems
(See ad p 2, 3) Muis Controls Ltd Carthago International Solutions Inc RKI Instruments Inc
OMNI Flow Computers Inc Newport Electronics Inc Compur Monitors GmbH& Co KG Senscient
Racine Flow Meter Group n Omega Engineering Inc Control Instruments Corp UE Systems Inc
Sensus (See ad p 2, 3) Det-Tronics Ltd
Siemens Energy & Automation Draeger Safety Inc NATURAL GAS DETECTION
Sierra Instruments Inc
AW-Lake Co Can-Con Industries Inc
Sure Flow Products LLC Gassonic
Newport Electronics Inc General Monitors Carthago International Solutions Inc
Thermal Instrument Co
Veris Inc GfG Instrumentation Inc Flir Systems Inc
Veris Inc
ULTRASONIC Global Detection Systems Corp Fugro-Geoteam AS
METERSS(0045)LIQUID Industrial Scientific Corp Groveley Detection
Automation Products Inc n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Industrial Scientific Corp
Krohne Inc
AW-Lake Co (See ad p 15) n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
OMNI Flow Computers Inc
COX Instruments MSA (See ad p 15)
Siemens Energy & Automation OXYGEN DETECTION
FCI Fluid Components International
LLC Sierra Instruments Inc AMETEK Process Instruments
Fluid Components International (FCI) ENMET Corp
GF Piping Systems GAS DETECTION General Monitors
Global Detection Systems Corp
Hoffer Flow Controls Inc CO2 DETECTION Industrial Scientific Corp
Krohne Inc Carthago International Solutions Inc Net Safety Monitoring Inc n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
Max Machinery Inc Enerac Inc Pureaire Monitoring Systems Inc (See ad p 15)

14 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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n Omega Engineering Inc Christy Catalytics LLC Cameron’s Measurement Systems
(See ad p 2, 3) Maloney Industries Division AIR CONDITIONING
Pureaire Monitoring Systems Inc n ProSep Technologies Inc Air Chiller Inc
TRAYS Marc Climatic Controls Inc
Servomex Inc (See ad Front Cover)
Alloy Engineering Co SCANCAB A/S
Sierra Monitor Corp Sphinx Adsorbents Inc
Systech Instruments Ltd Twister B V BOILERS
Universal Industries CHEMetrics Inc
Van Air Inc DRIVES FactoryNetwork Inc
ANGEL Services
Allen Gears
Groveley Detection DESALTERS BURNERS
Arrow Engine Co
Industrial Scientific Corp n ProSep Technologies Inc Howden Buffalo Inc Aecometric Corp
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc (See ad Front Cover) Atlas Incinerators A/S
SSS Clutch Company Inc
(See ad p 15) Callidus Technologies LLC
FRACTIONATORS Wabash Power Equipment Co
Nextteq LLC
G&G International NV CHILLERS
SINGLE GAS DETECTION GAS FLARES Baldor Electric Co Parker dominick hunter
Bw Technologies Ronk Electrical Industries Inc
Callidus Technologies LLC COOLERS
GfG Instrumentation Inc Schweitzer Engineering Lab
Groveley Detection GAS SWEETENING Air Chiller Inc
Industrial Scientific Corp MEMBRANES GENERATOR SETS BORSIG Process Heat Exchangers
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc n ProSep Technologies Inc (ELECTRIC) GmbH
(See ad p 15) (See ad Front Cover) Calnetix Power Solutions JULABO Labortechnik GmbH
Nextteq LLC Wärtsilä Finland Oy DRYERS
RAE Systems WEG Electric Corp Nord-Bulk Pte Ltd
Fabricated Plastics Ltd
Wilks Enterprise Inc n ProSep Technologies Inc GENERATORS, GENERAL Quincy Compressor
TOXIC (See ad Front Cover) Calnetix HEAT EXCHANGERS
Fire Combat Van Air Inc Direct Drive Systems Allied Fluid Conditioners Inc
Industrial Scientific Corp FactoryNetwork Inc Alloy Engineering Co
MIXERS Hertz Equipment Rental Corp
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Cameron’s Measurement Systems American Alloy Steel
(See ad p 15) Magnum Products LLC BORSIG Process Heat Exchangers
WEG Electric Corp GmbH
Mixing & Mass Transfer
Technologies NITROGEN GENERATORS CTI Industries Inc
n ProSep Technologies Inc Parker dominick hunter Durex Industries
(See ad Front Cover)
Net Safety Monitoring Inc Christy Catalytics LLC
OI Analytical Fabricated Plastics Ltd
Sierra Monitor Corp Alloy Engineering Co
Wilks Enterprise Inc Baldwin Filters
BORSIG Process Heat Exchangers
Alloy Engineering Co Corlac Industries
G&G International NV Degerfors Formings AB DEFORM
Maloney Industries Dynetek Industries Ltd
n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Fairchild Industrial Products Co
Services LLC Gesellschaft für OELTECHNIK mbH
(See ad p 12, 13) G&G International NV
Sphinx Adsorbents Inc n Omega Engineering Inc
(See ad p 2, 3)
Van Air Inc
n ProSep Technologies Inc
AGITATORS (See ad Front Cover)
Mixing & Mass Transfer Smith Tank & Equipment Co
Technologies Titanium Fabrication Corp
BATCH CONTROL Universal Industries
n Omega Engineering Inc Van Air Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) PROCESS VESSELS
CATALYSTS BORSIG Process Heat Exchangers
Arabian Construction Engineering GmbH
Christy Catalytics LLC Fabricated Plastics Ltd
n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Hudson Industries
Services LLC Smith Tank & Equipment Co
(See ad p 12, 13) Titanium Fabrication Corp
Bollfilter UK Ltd Degerfors Formings AB DEFORM
Lautrette Filtration Pipeline Dynetek Industries Ltd
Equipment Easi-Set Industries/Precast
Nowata Filtration Buildings _________
G&G International NV __________
Precision Quincy Corp
G&G International NV
Titanium Fabrication Corp

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 15


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GEA Westfalia Separator Systems FOSS NIRSystems Inc CONTROLS SymCom Inc
Gesellschaft für OELTECHNIK mbH GOW-MAC Instrument Co Acromag Inc Symmetric Research
Heatrex Inc Grabner Instruments Messtechnik AD Products WAGO Corp
John Crane GmbH Altronic Inc Zencus International Ltd
Lakos Separators and Filtration Industrial Scientific Corp Amot Controls
Systems OI Analytical
ControlAir Inc
Linde AG n Omega Engineering Inc Deutsch
Lummus Technology (See ad p 2, 3) Divelbiss Corp
Sentry Equipment Corp Petrolab Company Dwyer Instruments Inc
TLV Corp Phaze Technologies AS Emerson Process Management
Tranter PHE Inc Servomex Inc E-T-A Circuit Breakers
HEAT RECOVERY Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Fieldserver Technologies Automation Products Inc Houston
Sick Maihak Inc G3 Technologies Automation Products Inc.
American Alloy Steel
Signalcrafters Tech Inc GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms manufactures Dynatrol® on-line
BORSIG Process Heat Exchangers
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc Governor Control Systems Inc systems for measurement of
Stanhope-Seta Magnetrol International Inc density, specific gravity, percent
Calnetix Power Solutions
Systech Instruments Ltd New Avionics Corp solids, percent concentration and
The CMM Group LLC viscosity for use in the petroleum
Express Integrated Technologies testo AG Newport Electronics Inc
Thermo Scientific Niton Analyzers industry. The Dynatrol® Level
LLC Norriseal
Switches provide liquid and
Tranter PHE Inc Xenemetrix Inc NOV M/D Totco
slurries level detection and bulk
n Omega Engineering Inc solids level detection for a wide
(See ad p 2, 3) range of product applications.
BARTEC GmbH e3a3 Ltd
Phoenix Contact
E-T-A Circuit Breakers Cameron
HEAT TRANSFER Quincy Compressor
Lexycom Technologies Inc OFI Testing Equipment
Allied Fluid Conditioners Inc Rigserv International LLC
Newport Electronics Inc
Alloy Engineering Co Rotronic Instrument Corp DEWPOINT
Phoenix Contact
Lakos Separators and Filtration Solon Manufacturing Co Newport Electronics Inc
Schischek GmbH Explosionproof
Systems SymCom Inc Systech Instruments Ltd
Vacon Oyj
Tranter PHE Inc WAGO Corp
HEATERS, GENERAL Houston Wire & Cable Co
Indeeco Acromag Inc Cameron’s Measurement Systems
LEONI Kerpen GmbH
ACR Systems Inc Division
INSULATION Quabbin Wire & Cable Co Inc
AMKO Systems Inc Control Co
LOGSTOR CALIBRATORS n Control Microsystems Dwyer Instruments Inc
Potters Industries Inc AMETEK (See ad p 9) Dynisco
Smith Tank & Equipment Co DH Instruments CYBERNETIX SA Emerson Process Management
Thermafiber Inc E Instruments Group Data Comm For Business Inc Endress+Hauser
REFRIGERATION n Omega Engineering Inc Dickson Co GrayWolf Sensing Solutions
FasTest Inc (See ad p 2, 3) DMT GmbH & Co KG Newport Electronics Inc
Johnson Controls Inc Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group e3a3 Ltd n Omega Engineering Inc
JULABO Labortechnik GmbH ProComSol Ltd Echometer Co (See ad p 2, 3)
Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co Emerson Process Management Pressure Systems Inc
CHROMATOGRAPHS FARO Technologies Inc PTC Electronics Inc
Durex Industries
ABB Inc Fieldserver Technologies Sensortechnics Inc
JULABO Labortechnik GmbH
Analytical Instruments Corp G3 Technologies testo AG
GE Energy Winters Instruments
Geoservices SA
ACCELEROMETERS Hamilton Sundstrand GM International Safety Inc
Computer Dynamics
CEC Vibration Products Inc OI Analytical GrayWolf Sensing Solutions
ECT Offshore Service AB Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Ifremer
Ikey Industrial Peripherals
Hardy Instruments Impact Guidance Systems Inc
COMMUNICATIONS Newport Electronics Inc
IMI Sensors Industrial Tomography Systems
Adalet Wireless Sea-Image Corporation Ltd
Metrix Instrument Co Lascar Electronics
n Omega Engineering Inc Data Comm For Business Inc Lee Specialties Ltd DISTRIBUTED CONTROL
(See ad p 2, 3) n EIM Controls Inc Lexycom Technologies Inc SYSTEMS
OYO Geospace Corp (See ad p 7) n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Divelbiss Corp
PCB Piezotronics Inc FHF Funke Huster Fernsig GmbH (See ad p 15) e3a3 Ltd
Sea-Image Corporation Ltd Fieldserver Technologies Moore Industries International Inc n EIM Controls Inc
Lexycom Technologies Inc Newport Electronics Inc (See ad p 7)
ANALYZERS Moore Industries International Inc NOV M/D Totco Fieldserver Technologies
ABB Inc MTS Systems Corp n Omega Engineering Inc GE Energy
AEMC Instruments Newport Electronics Inc (See ad p 2, 3) TURCK GmbH & Co Kg
AMETEK ProComSol Ltd OYO Geospace Corp WAGO Corp
AMETEK Process Instruments Signalcrafters Tech Inc Pressure Systems Inc
AMKO Systems Inc Storacall Teleacoustics Ltd ELECTRICAL
Quick Oilfield Solutions
Analytik Jena AG AC Dandy Products Ltd
COMPUTERS Remote Automation Solutions
Applied Analytics Inc AEMC Instruments
CCS-inc Comprehensive Computer Rigserv International LLC
Arizona Instrument LLC Appleton Electric
Solutions ROSEN Group
Brimrose Corp of America Cooper Bussmann
Computer Dynamics Sabeus Inc
COSA Instrument E-T-A Circuit Breakers
n Omega Engineering Inc Sea-Image Corporation Ltd
Draeger Safety Inc Newport Electronics Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Stewart & Stevenson
Echometer Co Panduit Corp
Quick Oilfield Solutions Sub-one Technology
E Instruments Group RigPower LLC
Schweitzer Engineering Lab Superior Manufacturing &
Emerson Process Management Hydraulics Schweitzer Engineering Lab
Enerac Inc Staco Systems Vacon Oyj

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WAGO Corp Gas Turbine Efficiency LLC CCI Inspection Services Inc INDICATORS
Gems Sensors & Controls DeFelsko Corp AMETEK
Hoffer Flow Controls Inc Dickson Co Dickson Co
AC Dandy Products Ltd
KOBOLD Instruments Inc Dwyer Instruments Inc E-T-A Circuit Breakers
Krohne Inc Elcometer Inc Keller Ag Fur Druckmesstechnik
Adalet Wireless
Mackay Communications Emerson Process Management Kidd Pipeline & Specialties Inc
AD Products
Magnetrol International Inc FAFNIR GmbH n K-TEK Corp
Allied Moulded Products Inc
Max Machinery Inc Fischer Technology Inc (See ad p 17)
Appleton Electric
McCrometer Inc Geoservices SA Lee-Dickens Ltd
ContainerWest Sales Ltd
Easi-Set Industries/Precast
Mobrey Measurement Hoyt Electrical Instruments n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
Newport Electronics Inc Impact Guidance Systems Inc (See ad p 15)
n Omega Engineering Inc Keller Ag Fur Druckmesstechnik Newport Electronics Inc
Fibox Enclosures
(See ad p 2, 3) n K-TEK Corp Newson Gale Inc
Leading Edge Manufacturing
Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda (See ad p 17)
n Omega Engineering Inc ISOLATORS
(See ad p 2, 3) Precision Engine Controls Corp Lascar Electronics
Racine Flow Meter Group MICO Inc Ashcroft Inc
Precision Quincy Corp E-T-A Circuit Breakers
Sick Maihak Inc MTS Systems Corp
Sealed Enclosures Pty Ltd JH Technology Inc
Sierra Instruments Inc Olympus
FLOWMETERS SOR Inc n Omega Engineering Inc Lee-Dickens Ltd
Automation Products Group Inc Stanhope-Seta (See ad p 2, 3) Moore Industries International Inc
Cameron Sure Flow Products LLC Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group INTRINSIC SAFETY
Cameron’s Measurement Systems Teledyne Hastings Instruments Reotemp Instruments Cirrus Research Plc
Division testo AG Swagelok Co GM International Safety Inc
n Control Microsystems Veris Inc Teledyne Hastings Instruments Industrial Video & Control Co
(See ad p 9) Weatherford Production Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co n K-TEK Corp
COX Instruments Optimization Weatherford Production (See ad p 17)
Cummins Filtration Optimization n Mil-Ram Technology Inc
Dwyer Instruments Inc Winters Instruments (See ad p 15)
AD Products
Emerson Process Management
Endress+Hauser Pepperl+Fuchs
Ashcroft Inc ACR Systems Inc
Fluid Components International (FCI) ROSEN Group
Automation Products Group Inc Lee-Dickens Ltd
Fox Thermal Instruments Inc TURCK GmbH & Co Kg
Banner Engineering Corp Newport Electronics Inc
Gascat Industrial e Comercio Ltda WAGO Corp
Canongate Technology Inc

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Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 17


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LABORATORY n Mil-Ram Technology Inc RHEOMETERS Magnetrol International Inc

ABB Inc (See ad p 15) Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Metrix Instrument Co
Analytik Jena AG Mobrey Measurement Inc Norriseal
Arizona Instrument LLC New Avionics Corp OFI Testing Equipment n Omega Engineering Inc
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Newport Electronics Inc Thermo Scientific (See ad p 2, 3)
Inc n Omega Engineering Inc SENSORS Reotemp Instruments
Cannon Instrument Co (See ad p 2, 3) Sensortechnics Inc
ACR Systems Inc
Control Co optek-Danulat Inc Solon Manufacturing Co
American Sensor Technologies Inc
COSA Instrument Pepperl+Fuchs SOR Inc
DH Instruments Pureaire Monitoring Systems Inc SymCom Inc
ASCO Valve Canada
FOSS NIRSystems Inc RAE Systems
GE Analytical Instruments Automation Products Group Inc THERMOCOUPLES
SymCom Inc Banner Engineering Corp
Grabner Instruments Messtechnik Acromag Inc
GmbH POWER SOURCES BEI Industrial Encoders Control Co
JULABO Labortechnik GmbH Electrochem ClampOn Durex Industries
Newport Electronics Inc Lascar Electronics Corr Instruments Dwyer Instruments Inc
OFI Testing Equipment Magnum Products LLC Durex Industries GrayWolf Sensing Solutions
OI Analytical n Omega Engineering Inc Dynisco Hoyt Electrical Instruments
n Omega Engineering Inc (See ad p 2, 3) Emerson Process Management Moore Industries International Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Phoenix Contact FactoryNetwork Inc Newport Electronics Inc
PANalytical BV Power Partners Inc FAFNIR GmbH n Omega Engineering Inc
Petrolab Company Power Sources Unlimited Flir Systems Inc (See ad p 2, 3)
Shark Stainless Saft Gems Sensors & Controls P&R Technologies
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Hoyt Electrical Instruments Reotemp Instruments
POWER SUPPLIES Iwaki America Inc Teledyne Hastings Instruments
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc
Automatic Power Inc Metrix Instrument Co
BEAR Power Supplies Michell Instruments Ltd
The Tintometer Ltd
Pepperl+Fuchs n Mil-Ram Technology Inc AEMC Instruments
MARKING SYSTEMS Power Partners Inc (See ad p 15) AMETEK
Glasforms Power Sources Unlimited MTS Systems Corp Control Co
K-Sun Corp S&C Electric Co Newport Electronics Inc E Instruments Group
SolArc n Omega Engineering Inc The Gauge House
PRESSURE Lascar Electronics
Tech Products Inc (See ad p 2, 3)
AD Products n Omega Engineering Inc
MASS SPECTROMETRY Altronic Inc OYO Geospace Corp
(See ad p 2, 3)
Hamilton Sundstrand AMETEK PCB Piezotronics Inc
Presens AS Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group
METERS P&R Technologies Raytek Corp
Ashcroft Inc
AEMC Instruments PTC Electronics Inc Reotemp Instruments
Automation Products Group Inc
Balmac Inc Raytek Corp Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co
Dickson Co ROPLAST testo AG
Hoyt Electrical Instruments ROSEN Group ThermoProbe Inc
Emerson Process Management
Industrial Scientific Corp Rotronic Instrument Corp Winters Instruments
Fairchild Industrial Products Co
Iwaki America Inc Sabeus Inc TOTALIZERS
KOBOLD Instruments Inc
Lascar Electronics Saint-Gobain Crystals Automation Products Group Inc
Newport Electronics Inc
McCrometer Inc Sensortechnics Inc Newport Electronics Inc
Phaze Technologies AS
Metrix Instrument Co SensorTran Inc NOV M/D Totco
Pressure Systems Inc
Newport Electronics Inc ROSEN Group SOR Inc n Omega Engineering Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc Sabeus Inc SymCom Inc (See ad p 2, 3)
(See ad p 2, 3) Winters Instruments Teledyne Hastings Instruments
Rotronic Instrument Corp TURCK GmbH & Co Kg TRANSDUCERS
Schweitzer Engineering Lab RECORDERS American Sensor Technologies Inc
Teledyne Hastings Instruments
Dickson Co Automation Products Inc Ashcroft Inc
Walchem Corp
The Gauge House SPECTROMETERS Dynisco
MOISTURE Newport Electronics Inc Emerson Process Management
Analytik Jena AG
AMETEK NOV M/D Totco KOBOLD Instruments Inc
Brimrose Corp of America
Newport Electronics Inc n Omega Engineering Inc FOSS NIRSystems Inc New Avionics Corp
MONITORS (See ad p 2, 3) PANalytical BV Newport Electronics Inc
Altronic Inc Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Olympus
Arizona Instrument LLC ROSEN Group n Omega Engineering Inc
SURGE PROTECTORS (See ad p 2, 3)
Balmac Inc REFRACTOMETERS Lightning Eliminators & Consultants OYO Geospace Corp
ClampOn n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Inc PCB Piezotronics Inc
Computer Dynamics (See ad p 15) MCG Surge Protection Pressure Systems Inc
Corr Instruments
Custom Instrumentation Services REGULATORS SWITCHES PTC Electronics Inc
Corp-CiSCO Air Liquide America Specialty Gases American Sensor Technologies Inc ROSEN Group
Enerac Inc LLC AMETEK Servomex Inc
eyevis ARCA Regler GmbH Amot Controls Sonatest Ltd
G3 Technologies ControlAir Inc Appleton Electric Swagelok Co
Gates Corp Newport Electronics Inc Balmac Inc TRANSMITTERS
GE Analytical Instruments n Omega Engineering Inc Banner Engineering Corp Acromag Inc
Hardy Instruments (See ad p 2, 3) Fox Thermal Instruments Inc Adalet Wireless
Hoyt Electrical Instruments Remote Automation Solutions Kayden Instruments AMETEK
Industrial Scientific Corp Swagelok Co KOBOLD Instruments Inc Ashcroft Inc
Industrial Tomography Systems n K-TEK Corp Balmac Inc
Metrix Instrument Co (See ad p 17) Dynisco

18 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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© 2009 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
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Emerson Process Management Petrolab Company Nordisk Hojtryk A/S FORKLIFTS, MATERIALS
Endress+Hauser Thermo Scientific Oreco A/S HANDLING
Hardy Instruments ROSEN Group Bronto Skylift
JH Technology Inc Columbus McKinnon
Adalet Wireless
n K-TEK Corp ZOK International Group Ltd Pyroban Corp
AD Products
(See ad p 17)
Banner Engineering Corp COATINGS GRATING
Lee-Dickens Ltd Accoat A/S Cooper B-Line
Cooper Bussmann
Magnetrol International Inc Advanced Polymer Coatings Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc
G3 Technologies
Michell Instruments Ltd Amercoat Canada McNichols Co Steel Service Centers
Ikey Industrial Peripherals
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc CeRam-Kote Coatings
Lexycom Technologies Inc
(See ad p 15) INHIBITORS
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Cetek Ltd
Moore Industries International Inc GE Water & Process Technologies
(See ad p 15) Farwest Corrosion Control Co
Newport Electronics Inc Greenstone Inc of Delaware INSPECTION EQUIPMENT
Newport Electronics Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc International Paint Brown Corrosion Service Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) International Protective Coatings
(See ad p 2, 3) CCI Inspection Services Inc
Phaze Technologies AS ITW Devcon Coatings DeFelsko Corp
Phoenix Contact
PTC Electronics Inc Master Bond Inc Elcometer Inc
RAE Systems
Remote Automation Solutions Metal Coatings Corp Elcometer Ltd
Zencus International Ltd
Reotemp Instruments NACE International FARO Technologies Inc
ROPLAST TMS Metalizing Systems Ltd
Rotronic Instrument Corp ACCELEROMETER LIN SCAN Advanced Pipeline &
Sensortechnics Inc IMI Sensors Amercoat Canada
Tank Services
Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co n Omega Engineering Inc Brown Corrosion Service Inc
TURCK GmbH & Co Kg (See ad p 2, 3) Can-Con Industries Inc
Pigging Products & Services
Winters Instruments ClampOn
ADHESIVES Association
Corr Instruments
TURBIDIMETERS Hernon Manufacturing Inc RIDGID
Deloro Stellite Inc ROSEN Group
optek-Danulat Inc Master Bond Inc Duoline Technologies Sonatest Ltd
Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co Ebo Systems SAS
VIBRATION Spectronics Corp
Scapa North America Farwest Corrosion Control Co
Balmac Inc Thermo Scientific Niton Analyzers
CEC Vibration Products Inc ALIGNMENT Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc UE Systems Inc
FAG Bearings Alignment Supplies Inc Galvotec Alloys Inc
Global Wire Cloth FAG Bearings
Greenstone Inc of Delaware Dualco
Hardy Instruments Fixturlaser AB
n Omega Engineering Inc Honeywell International Inc ECT Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Ifremer FAG Bearings
Martin Engineering
Power House Tool Inc International Paint Gasoline Chemicals-Federal
PCB Piezotronics Inc
J4 Communications Process Corp
Vibralign Inc
VISCOMETERS KorKap Coated Conduit Lubrication Engineers Inc
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories BALANCING MADCON Corp Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co
Inc LUDECA Inc Master Bond Inc Varna Products TRC
Grabner Instruments Messtechnik Metal Coatings Corp
Ashtead Technology Ashtead Technology
GmbH NACE International
Lenox Instrument Co CCI Inspection Services Inc
Hydramotion Ltd Norton Corrosion Ltd DeFelsko Corp
Mobrey Measurement CAMERAS Plasti-Bond Coated Conduit Elcometer Inc
OFI Testing Equipment CON-SPACE Communications ROSEN Group Elcometer Ltd
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Industrial Video & Control Co T D Williamson Inc Fischer Technology Inc
Thermo Scientific JW Fishers Manufacturing Inc TMS Metalizing Systems Ltd Lenox Instrument Co
Lenox Instrument Co United Pipeline Systems
Brown Corrosion Service Inc 3X Engineering Pigging Products & Services
Farwest Corrosion Control Co Brown Corrosion Service Inc Association
Galvotec Alloys Inc CHEMetrics Inc ROSEN Group
Glasforms Corr Instruments Sonatest Ltd
MATCOR Inc Farwest Corrosion Control Co Spectronics Corp
Automation Products Inc Houston NACE International
Automation Products Inc. Honeywell International Inc PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE
manufactures Dynatrol® on-line CHEMICALS Pepperl+Fuchs Alignment Supplies Inc
systems for measurement of ROSEN Group CEC Vibration Products Inc
ChemSW Inc
density, specific gravity, percent ECT Inc FIBERSCOPES Easy-Laser/Damalini AB
solids, percent concentration and Gasoline Chemicals-Federal Ashtead Technology FAG Bearings
viscosity for use in the petroleum Process Corp Fixturlaser AB
Lenox Instrument Co
industry. The Dynatrol® Level Kafko International Ltd Flir Systems Inc
Switches provide liquid and FLOORING Gates Corp
Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co
slurries level detection and bulk Mahaffey Fabric Structures GE Energy
Sartomer Co Inc
solids level detection for a wide McNichols Co Steel Service
Select Industries IMI Sensors
range of product applications. Centers LUDECA Inc
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories CLEANING EQUIPMENT Scotgrip UK Ltd Norbar USA Inc
Inc Butterworth Inc POLARIS Laboratories
Gasoline Chemicals-Federal R&G Laboratories Inc
Hydramotion Ltd ECT Inc T D Williamson Inc
Gamajet Cleaning Systems Inc Process Corp
JULABO Labortechnik GmbH Tube Tech International Ltd
Gas Turbine Efficiency Inc Select Industries
KOBOLD Instruments Inc UE Systems Inc
Mackay Communications Hammelmann Corp Vibralign Inc
OFI Testing Equipment Martin Engineering

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Packing / gaskets / seals

PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE VERSABAR Inc Sonardyne International Ltd Mega_F Motion Systems Ltd
Advance Products & Systems Inc Midwest Brake
Alignment Supplies Inc
Ashtead Technology
MOTORS Phoenix Contact
Cheng Fluid Systems Vacon Oyj
CCI Inspection Services Inc ACCESSORIES WEG Electric Corp
DeFelsko Corp Kalapi Engineering Associates Pvt
CTI Industries Inc
Easy-Laser/Damalini AB
Elcometer Ltd Midwest Brake AMETEK
Flir Systems Inc
Fischer Technology Inc Ronk Electrical Industries Inc Baldor Electric Co
GE Energy
Olympus Calnetix
Severn Trent Services Direct Drive Systems
LUDECA Inc Kingsbury Inc
Sonatest Ltd Empire Magnetics
Norbar USA Inc
COMPONENTS Hitachi America Ltd
SKF Magnetic Bearings Mohawk Innovative Technology Inc
Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group Power House Tool Inc
Motion Industries
RCI Technologies Inc
VIBRATION INSTRUMENTS Ronk Electrical Industries Inc
Appleton Electric
Sartomer Co Inc CEC Vibration Products Inc Schischek GmbH Explosionproof
Baldor Electric Co
S&N Pump Co Hardy Instruments WEG Electric Corp
Danfoss Drives
TCR Engineering Services IMI Sensors
Divelbiss Corp ENCODERS
T D Williamson Inc Kernco Instruments Co Inc
GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms SICK STEGMANN Inc
Tube Tech International Ltd LUDECA Inc
Mega_F Motion Systems Ltd
Zencus International Ltd n Omega Engineering Inc GAS MOTORS
Precision Engine Controls Corp
(See ad p 2, 3) Arrow Engine Co
PUMPS MAINTENANCE Schweitzer Engineering Lab
PCB Piezotronics Inc Industrial Engines Ltd
Cheng Fluid Systems Vacon Oyj
Easy-Laser/Damalini AB WASHERS WEG Electric Corp MOTORS, GENERAL
Godwin Pumps Solon Manufacturing Co Calnetix
Iwaki America Inc Direct Drive Systems
Kalapi Engineering Associates Pvt Bernard Welding Equipment Wabash Power Equipment Co
Bortech Corp
Nash A Gardner Denver Product DRIVES SEALS
Hannay Reels Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc Baldor Electric Co
(See ad p 2, 3) Danfoss Drives
Magnatech Ltd Partnership CoorsTek Inc
Simson Power Tools AB e3a3 Ltd
Select-Arc Inc
S&N Pump Co
Sulzer Pumps Ltd WINCHES
Walchem Corp JD Neuhaus GmbH & Co Kg
J D Neuhaus Lp
3X Engineering
Appleton Electric MARINE EQUIPMENT
Bortech Corp
Deloro Stellite Inc BALLAST CONTROL
Dresser-Rand Co Ltd Ballast Technologies Inc
Kee Safety Inc Genoil Inc
Motion Industries
Raxton Ltd CONTROL
S&N Pump Co Sonardyne International Ltd
T D Williamson Inc
RETROFIT Butterworth Inc
Butler Manufacturing Co Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd
Callidus Technologies LLC HBD/Thermoid Inc
FARO Technologies Inc Parker Hannifin Corp
Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd AUTOMATION
Layher Inc Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH
SIGNAGE Beier Radio
Brown Corrosion Service Inc Industrial Video & Control Co
Express Signs (North East) Ltd MARINE VESSEL
K-Sun Corp Beier Radio
Tech Products Inc Sonardyne International Ltd
Cantest Solutions Inc TELEMETRY
Elcometer Inc Sonardyne International Ltd
FasTest Inc
Honeywell International Inc UNDERWATER
Newson Gale Inc
GE Analytical Instruments
Petrolab Company
Phaze Technologies AS
POLARIS Laboratories
Sonatest Ltd Atlas Maridan Aps
TCR Engineering Services CYBERNETIX SA
UE Systems Inc _____________
JW Fishers Manufacturing Inc

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 21


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DuPont Performance Elastomers n BellowsTech LLC CUTTERS Smith Tank & Equipment Co
Flex-a-Seal Inc (See ad p 22) HGG Profiling Equipment BV Sub-one Technology
Master Bond Inc Burgmann Industries GmbH & Co Reed Manufacturing Co TMS Metalizing Systems Ltd
Zotefoams Inc KG Th Wortelboer BV Tube Tech International Ltd
CoorsTek Inc United Pipeline Systems
DuPont Performance Elastomers
Advance Products & Systems Inc Fabricated Plastics Ltd COMMISSIONING
Flex-a-Seal Inc
Bal Seal Engineering Inc OFM An SPX Brand
W L Gore & Associates Inc FLANGES
n BellowsTech LLC ROSEN Group
John Crane Kalapi Engineering Associates Pvt
(See ad p 22) Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty
n Mesa Rubber Co Ltd
Burgmann Industries GmbH & Co Services
(See ad p 21) n Omega Engineering Inc
Parker Hannifin Corp (See ad p 2, 3)
CoorsTek Inc
PSI-Pipeline Seal & Insulator Inc Traeger Brothers & Associates Inc Signalcrafters Tech Inc
DuPont Performance Elastomers
Servometer Nord-Bulk Pte Ltd
W L Gore & Associates Inc Autoclave Engineers
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Quincy Compressor
Pipeline Seal & Insulator Inc H BUTTING GmbH & Co KG
Zotefoams Inc
PSI-Pipeline Seal & Insulator Inc Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless CONNECTORS
Traeger Brothers & Associates Inc Tubes GmbH
Cooper Crouse-Hinds
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions BOLTS/FASTENERS Swagelok Co
FasTest Inc
Zotefoams Inc Advance Products & Systems Inc Hydratight Ltd
PACKING Caplugs PIPELINE/STORAGE n Omega Engineering Inc
Burgmann Industries GmbH & Co Cooper B-Line ABOVEGROUND TANKS (See ad p 2, 3)
KG Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc
Cantest Solutions Inc OPW Engineered Systems
CoorsTek Inc Kee Safety Inc
CB&I Panduit Corp
DuPont Performance Elastomers Raxton Ltd
Corlac Industries RigPower LLC
Flex-a-Seal Inc TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools
De-In Industries
John Crane Traeger Brothers & Associates Inc COUPLINGS
Dynetek Industries Ltd
Raytek Corp Zero Products Inc n BellowsTech LLC
Eldred Environmental & Export
(See ad p 22)
SEALS COATINGS Environetics Inc
Accoat A/S Fisher Tank Co Cooper Crouse-Hinds
Bal Seal Engineering Inc Hydratight Ltd
CeRam-Kote Coatings n Mesa Rubber Co
Greenstone Inc of Delaware (See ad p 21) n Omega Engineering Inc
(See ad p 2, 3)
Oreco A/S
Peaceland Fabricating OPW Engineered Systems
Smith Tank & Equipment Co Snap-tite Inc
Southernstar Consultants CUSTODY TRANSFER
Universal Industries ThermoProbe Inc
Wilco Industries Ltd
BENDING EQUIPMENT ANT Applied New Technologies AG
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc Sphinx Adsorbents Inc
Balmoral Offshore Engineering DRAINS
Environetics Inc OMAX Corp
Quincy Compressor
𰀦𰁅𰁈𰁆𰀁𰀸𰁆𰁍𰁅𰁆𰁅𰀁𰀣𰁆𰁍𰁍𰁐𰁘𰁔 CATHODIC PROTECTION
Advance Products & Systems Inc EXPANSION JOINTS
Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc n BellowsTech LLC
Farwest Corrosion Control Co (See ad p 22)
Glasforms Servometer
Norton Corrosion Ltd FITTINGS
TMS Metalizing Systems Ltd Cheng Fluid Systems
Cooper Crouse-Hinds
CLAMPS Industrial Specialties Manufacturing
Balmoral Offshore Engineering Linvic Engineering
Caplugs Raxton Ltd
CLOSURES Traeger Brothers & Associates Inc
R&M Energy Systems
𰀪𰁕𰂫𰁔𰀁𰁏𰁐𰁕𰀁𰁓𰁐𰁄𰁌𰁆𰁕𰀁𰁔𰁄𰁊𰁆𰁏𰁄𰁆𰀏𰀁𰀏𰀁𰀏𰀁𰀰𰁓𰀁𰁊𰁔𰀁𰁊𰁕𰀠 SPX Flow Control
n Cashco Inc
BellowsTech has perfected the manufacturing of edge- COAT THICKNESS (See ad p 29)
welded bellows, delivering ultra-precise, reliable, high MEASURING Enardo
performance products to meet custom requirements for Fischer Technology Inc L&J Technologies
almost any application and industry. For more information, Morrison Bros Co
we invite you to contact us. COATINGS/LININGS
Amercoat Canada Linvic Engineering
CeRam-Kote Coatings n Omega Engineering Inc
Duoline Technologies (See ad p 2, 3)
𰁑𰁉𰁐𰁏𰁆𰀛𰀁𰀔𰀙𰀗𰀎𰀗𰀒𰀖𰀎𰀘𰀖𰀔𰀑𰀁𰀁𰂄𰀁𰀁𰁊𰁏𰁇𰁐𰀡𰁃𰁆𰁍𰁍𰁐𰁘𰁔𰁕𰁆𰁄𰁉𰀏𰁄𰁐𰁎𰀁 International Paint
________________ International Protective Coatings
Callidus Technologies LLC
J4 Communications
Scapa North America

22 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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FLOAT, TAPE TANK GAUGES MARKERS, SIGNAGE n Mesa Rubber Co Schischek GmbH Explosionproof
L&J Technologies Express Signs (North East) Ltd (See ad p 21)
K-Sun Corp OMAX Corp
Marking Services Inc Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless
Fisher Tank Co (See ad p 22)
Tubes GmbH
Sub-one Technology
(See ad p 21) n ProSep Technologies Inc Grace Engineered Products Inc
Titanium Fabrication Corp
(See ad Front Cover) Nibco Inc
GAS SWEETENING Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes
Maloney Industries METERING Viper Supply LLC OFM An SPX Brand
n ProSep Technologies Inc Wellstream International Ltd OPW Engineered Systems
Automation Products Inc
(See ad Front Cover) Parker Fluid Control Division
McCrometer Inc
GAUGE HATCHES Newport Electronics Inc
Wellstream International Ltd
n Omega Engineering Inc BORSIG Membrane Technology
n Cashco Inc
(See ad p 29)
Stettler Oil & Gas Kidd Pipeline & Specialties Inc PUMPS
Fischer Technology Inc Newport Electronics Inc NDT Systems & Services AG AMETEK
MONITORS/CONTROLS Pigs Unlimited International Inc Double Life Corp
Flowserve Corp
Governor Control Systems Inc PIPEWRAP FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft
Newport Electronics Inc BETAFENCE NV Gardner Denver
Omega Natchiq Inc K-Sun Corp Godwin Pumps
SensorTran Inc MADCON Corp Gorman-Rupp Co
OVERFILL PROTECTION Scapa North America Goulds Pumps
Automation Products Inc Houston Thermafiber Inc
Automation Products Inc. Canongate Technology Inc Graphite Metallizing Corp
manufactures Dynatrol® on-line Emerson Process Management RADAR GAUGES Hayward Gordon Ltd
systems for measurement of FAFNIR GmbH Emerson Process Management Hertz Equipment Rental Corp
density, specific gravity, percent L&J Technologies L&J Technologies Hitachi America Ltd
solids, percent concentration and Morrison Bros Co ITT Goulds Pumps
viscosity for use in the petroleum OPW Engineered Systems SCADA Iwaki America Inc
industry. The Dynatrol® Level Data Comm For Business Inc John Crane
Switches provide liquid and PIG DETECTORS Rigserv International LLC Kalapi Engineering Associates Pvt
slurries level detection and bulk b3o enviroTek Signalcrafters Tech Inc Ltd
solids level detection for a wide ClampOn SkyWave Mobile Communications Magnum Products LLC
range of product applications. Electrochem Weatherford Production n Omega Engineering Inc
Industrial Tomography Systems Kidd Pipeline & Specialties Inc Optimization (See ad p 2, 3)
optek-Danulat Inc Lautrette Filtration Pipeline
Equipment SCRAPERS Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda
INDICATORS Kidd Pipeline & Specialties Inc RCI Technologies Inc
Pigging Products & Services
Clark-Reliance Association Pigs Unlimited International Inc SPX Process Equipment
Newport Electronics Inc Pigs Unlimited International Inc ROSEN Group Sulzer Pumps Ltd
n Omega Engineering Inc ROPLAST Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
(See ad p 2, 3) ROSEN Group Wabash Power Equipment Co
n Omega Engineering Inc
Walchem Corp
Sartomer Co Inc PIG TRACKERS (See ad p 2, 3)
Wanner Engineering Inc
INSPECTION Lautrette Filtration Pipeline SLEEVES
NDT Systems & Services AG LIN SCAN Advanced Pipeline & Gorman-Rupp Co
Pigging Products & Services Tank Services Graco Inc
Association ROPLAST SPHERICAL TANKS Hertz Equipment Rental Corp
P&R Technologies ROSEN Group Degerfors Formings AB DEFORM Hydra-Cell Industrial Pumps
ROSEN Group KNF Neuberger Inc
Spectronics Corp GD Engineering Eldred Environmental & Export n Omega Engineering Inc
LAUNCHERS/RECEIVERS LIN SCAN Advanced Pipeline & Hellan Strainer Co (See ad p 2, 3)
GD Engineering Tank Services
NDT Systems & Services AG SWITCHES Wanner Engineering Inc
LEVEL GAUGES Pigging Products & Services Kayden Instruments DOSING
Automation Products Inc Association n Omega Engineering Inc
EMEC Americas Inc
Canongate Technology Inc Pigs Unlimited International Inc (See ad p 2, 3)
Williams Milton Roy
Emerson Process Management ROSEN Group DOWNHOLE
Canongate Technology Inc
L&J Technologies Select Industries n Omega Engineering Inc
CST Industries (See ad p 2, 3)
Mobrey Measurement TT Technologies Inc Emerson Process Management
Morrison Bros Co Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty Roper Pump Co
Modutank Inc
MTS Systems Corp Services seepex Inc
ThermoProbe Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc PIPE
TYDUS Maintenance Supply Inc
PTC Electronics Inc Signalcrafters Tech Inc
Can-Con Industries Inc Gardner Denver
SkyWave Mobile Communications
LIGHTNING PROTECTION Corus Tubes Gardner Denver Machinery Inc
Lightning Master Corp HGG Profiling Equipment BV TRANSMITTERS Godwin Pumps
KME Germany AG Canongate Technology Inc
Lindapter Canada/UCC Industries Clark-Reliance
Ansul Inc Milton Roy
International Inc Newport Electronics Inc
Viking Pump Inc
CB&I Linvic Engineering n Omega Engineering Inc
Degerfors Formings AB DEFORM (See ad p 2, 3)

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 23


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Refining / Petrochemical

GEAR FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft PRODUCTION Linc Milton Roy

Colfax Corp Goulds Pumps Flowserve Corp Milton Roy
Gorman-Rupp Co Granco Manufacturing Inc FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft WIRTH GmbH
Granco Manufacturing Inc Graphite Metallizing Corp ITT Goulds Pumps VACUUM
Roper Pump Co Hydra-Cell Industrial Pumps n Omega Engineering Inc
FLSmidth Inc
Rush Gears Inc John Crane (See ad p 2, 3)
Gardner Denver
Viking Pump Inc Leistritz Corp TYDUS Maintenance Supply Inc GEA Jet Pumps GmbH
Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH Linc Milton Roy
Nash A Gardner Denver Product
INJECTION n Omega Engineering Inc ALLWEILER AG Nash A Gardner Denver Product
CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps Colfax Corp Quincy Compressor
(See ad p 2, 3)
& Systems R&M Energy Systems
Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda
EMEC Americas Inc
Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH
Roper Pump Co REFINING /
Hammelmann Corp
Hydraulics International Inc
Sulzer Pumps Ltd CoorsTek Inc AROMATICS ANALYZERS
Linc Milton Roy
Milton Roy SWEDPARTS HAMBURG Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Analytical Instruments Corp
Williams Milton Roy Sprague Division
n Omega Engineering Inc Applied Analytics Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) PISTON FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft Brimrose Corp of America
Sulzer Pumps Ltd Dynex Rivett Inc SSS Clutch Company Inc Grabner Instruments Messtechnik
Williams Milton Roy Fluid Metering Inc Superior Technical Ceramics Corp GmbH
Frontier Power Products Ltd Varna Products TRC Hamilton Sundstrand
EMEC Americas Inc
KNF Neuberger Inc DuPont Performance Elastomers Christy Catalytics LLC
Fluid Metering Inc
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing EagleBurgmann Industries LP
WIRTH GmbH Servometer
Hayward Gordon Ltd Christy Catalytics LLC
Hydra-Cell Industrial Pumps PLUNGER QUINTUPLEX n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery
KNF Neuberger Inc CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps Gardner Denver Machinery Inc Services LLC
Linc Milton Roy & Systems (See ad p 12, 13)
Milton Roy Fluid Metering Inc RECIPROCATING
n Omega Engineering Inc Gardner Denver Machinery Inc CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps
(See ad p 2, 3) Linc Milton Roy & Systems COMPRESSORS
Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda Superior Technical Ceramics Corp Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Dresser-Rand Co Ltd
Sprague Division Gas & Air Systems Inc
POSITIVE DISPLACEMENT Fluid Metering Inc Johnson Controls Inc
ALLWEILER AG Gardner Denver MAN Turbo AG
Colfax Corp Nordisk Hojtryk A/S Schutte & Koerting
Curtiss-Wright Flow Control n Omega Engineering Inc Stork H&E Turbo Blading
Sprague Division (See ad p 2, 3)
seepex Inc Dynex Rivett Inc Williams Milton Roy
SPX Process Equipment
Fluid Metering Inc REFINING n EIM Controls Inc
Walchem Corp Flowserve Corp (See ad p 7)
Gorman-Rupp Co
Wanner Engineering Inc Goulds Pumps
Hammelmann Corp FILTERS
Williams Milton Roy Graphite Metallizing Corp
Hayward Gordon Ltd Flottweg Separation Technology Inc
MULTIPHASE Hydra-Cell Industrial Pumps ITT Goulds Pumps
Perenne Equipamentos e Sistemas
ALLWEILER AG SPX Process Equipment Sulzer Pumps Ltd
de Agua Ltda
Flowserve Corp Varna Products TRC ROTARY
Godwin Pumps Viking Pump Inc FLARES
Leistritz Corp Wanner Engineering Inc Callidus Technologies LLC
Colfax Corp
Williams Milton Roy Granco Manufacturing Inc HOSE
PROCESSING Leistritz Corp Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd
CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps n Omega Engineering Inc HBD/Thermoid Inc
& Systems (See ad p 2, 3) n Mesa Rubber Co
FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft Thompson Pump & Manufacturing (See ad p 21)
seepex Inc Goulds Pumps Viking Pump Inc Motion Industries
Graco Inc Parker / Page International Hose
NATURAL GAS Granco Manufacturing Inc Parker Titan
Graphite Metallizing Corp Graphite Metallizing Corp Polyflex
Colfax Corp
n Omega Engineering Inc Hammelmann Corp
(See ad p 2, 3) ITT Goulds Pumps
n Omega Engineering Inc Automation Products Inc
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing Iwaki America Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Control Instruments Corp
KNF Neuberger Inc
OFFSHORE E Instruments Group
Leistritz Corp SUBMERSIBLE
Aker Subsea AS Emerson Process Management
n Omega Engineering Inc Global Energy Services Ltd
Ballast Technologies Inc GOW-MAC Instrument Co
(See ad p 2, 3) Godwin Pumps
ITT Goulds Pumps Grabner Instruments Messtechnik
Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH Gorman-Rupp Co GmbH
PERISTALTIC Magnum Products LLC Hamilton Sundstrand
ALLWEILER AG Presens AS Stanhope-Seta
Control Co ___________________ S&N Pump Co Wilks Enterprise Inc
Hayward Gordon Ltd Thompson Pump & Manufacturing
Hydra-Cell Industrial Pumps HYDROGENATION
TRIPLEX Genoil Inc
Wanner Engineering Inc CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps
seepex Inc Mixing & Mass Transfer
PETROCHEMICAL & Systems Technologies
Viking Pump Inc
ALLWEILER AG Gardner Denver
Flowserve Corp Gardner Denver Machinery Inc

24 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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MASS TRANSFER SCANCAB A/S International Paint n Mil-Ram Technology Inc

Mixing & Mass Transfer International Protective Coatings (See ad p 15)
Technologies Marioff Corp Oy
Butler Manufacturing Co FOAM SYSTEMS
MCT Brattberg AB
MIXING ContainerWest Sales Ltd Ansul Inc
Aeration Industries International Inc Easi-Set Industries/Precast Fire Combat
Thermafiber Inc
Mixing & Mass Transfer Buildings n Mesa Rubber Co
Technologies Workrite Uniform Co
Precision Quincy Corp (See ad p 21)
Ansul Inc
Direct Drive Systems COMMUNICATIONS Honeywell Safety Products
n Omega Engineering Inc Bourgeois & Associates Inc
CON-SPACE Communications
(See ad p 2, 3) Fire Combat
Data Comm For Business Inc
Fire & Safety Equipment
Marioff Corp Oy GATES, ACCESS
Mackay Communications
Analytical Instruments Corp SimplexGrinnell Battery Operated Barrier
SkyWave Mobile Communications
Special Electronics & Designs Inc FIREFIGHTING (See ad p 25)
ABB Inc Storacall Teleacoustics Ltd Ansul Inc
AMETEK Process Instruments William Frick & Co G-raff Systems
Bronto Skylift
Automation Products Inc Eldred Environmental & Export GRATING, FLOORING
BARTEC GmbH Fire Combat Kee Safety Inc
Cooper B-Line
Brimrose Corp of America FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions SCANCAB A/S
COSA Instrument EMERGENCY RESPONSE Marioff Corp Oy Scotgrip UK Ltd
COX Instruments C I Agent Solutions Petans Ltd
Emerson Process Management FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions
FOSS NIRSystems Inc FIRST AID Banner Engineering Corp
Industrial Scientific Corp
GrayWolf Sensing Solutions Fire & Safety Equipment Cooper B-Line
Petans Ltd
JH Technology Inc Krusman Nödduschar AB Ebo Systems SAS
Sorbent Products Co Inc
Michell Instruments Ltd Tufport Industries Ltd Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc
Tufport Industries Ltd
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc G-raff Systems
(See ad p 15) Kee Safety Inc
Arkema Inc
Capital Safety SCANCAB A/S
Newport Electronics Inc Bourgeois & Associates Inc
EverGlow NA Inc
n Omega Engineering Inc Fireye Inc HAZMAT
(See ad p 2, 3) Viking Life Saving Equipment
Micropack Detection (Americas) Inc Clean Harbors Environmental
optek-Danulat Inc EVACUATION
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc EverGlow NA Inc
Stanhope-Seta Viking Life Saving Equipment
Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co Yale Cordage
Titanium Fabrication Corp Fire & Safety Equipment
Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty Gateway Safety Inc
Services Lab Safety Supply
Spectronics Corp
Continental Disc Corp FALL
Capital Safety
Brimrose Corp of America
Fire & Safety Equipment
PANalytical BV
G-raff Systems
Wilks Enterprise Inc
Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd
STEAM TRAPS Kee Safety Inc
Miller Fall Protection/Sperian
Applied Analytics Inc Scotgrip UK Ltd
PANalytical BV TYDUS Maintenance Supply Inc
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc Yale Cordage
Atlas Incinerators A/S Hannay Reels Inc
BPC - Bio Petro Clean Marioff Corp Oy
CHEMetrics Inc SimplexGrinnell
Perenne Equipamentos e Sistemas
Severn Trent Services Adalet
BullEx Digital Safety
SAFETY/HEALTH Lightning Eliminators & Consultants
ALARMS Pyroban Corp
Cooper Crouse-Hinds SimplexGrinnell
FHF Funke Huster Fernsig GmbH
Industrial Scientific Corp Ansul Inc
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Bourgeois & Associates Inc
(See ad p 15) Canadian Linen & Uniform Service “The Safety Gate Company”
Mobilarm Det-Tronics Ltd www   1-800-962-6111
R STAHL International SA
Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 25


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CON-SPACE Communications Industrial Video & Control Co Maloney Industries SOFTWARE

FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions n Mil-Ram Technology Inc n ProSep Technologies Inc
Nextteq LLC (See ad p 15) (See ad Front Cover) ACCOUNTING, STATISTICS
Precision Quincy Corp Mst Inc Universal Industries BOLO by WellPoint Systems Inc
Special Electronics & Designs Inc Newson Gale Inc Palisade
GEA Westfalia Separator Systems RiskAdvisory
Cirrus Research Plc Global Wire Cloth
Staco Systems CAD
Gateway Safety Inc Hiller GmbH
Wolf Safety Lamp Co Ltd Eurocon InfoSystem AB
Rescom Sales Inc Keller Products Inc
Work Area Protection Corp FARO Technologies Inc
Special Electronics & Designs Inc n ProSep Technologies Inc
SAFETY TOOLS (See ad Front Cover) Rescom Sales Inc
INTERCOMS Texas Engineering Systems
Bulwark Protective Apparel Total Separation Solutions LLC
Rescom Sales Inc
Special Electronics & Designs Inc MEMBRANE SEPARATION
Snap-on Industrial ChemSW Inc
LIGHTING William Frick & Co Perenne Equipamentos e Sistemas
de Agua Ltda ProComSol Ltd
Automatic Power Inc
Chalmit Lighting
Battery Operated Barrier (See ad Front Cover) Aclaro Softworks Inc
Cooper Crouse-Hinds
CEM Systems Ltd Total Separation Solutions LLC BOLO by WellPoint Systems Inc
EverGlow NA Inc
Gassonic ChemSW Inc
FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions MULTIPHASE
Industrial Video & Control Co Drillinginfo Inc
LDPI Inc Gas Turbine Efficiency LLC
MSE e3a3 Ltd
Magnum Products LLC Hiller GmbH
Smarter Security Systems Ltd Eurocon InfoSystem AB
Pelican Products Inc Presens AS
Videx Inc n MacDonald, Dettwiler & Assoc
Rig-A-Lite n ProSep Technologies Inc Ltd(MDA)
R STAHL SELF CONTAINED BREATHING (See ad Front Cover) (See ad p 27)
Victor Lighting APPARATUS Twister B V
Wolf Safety Lamp Co Ltd Draeger Safety Inc ODS-Petrodata
Dynetek Industries Ltd OIL/WATER SEPARATORS n Omega Engineering Inc
Lab Safety Supply
Falcon Electric Inc RiskAdvisory
Lightning Master Corp SIGNAGE, LABELS ROSEN Group
EverGlow NA Inc
Express Signs (North East) Ltd
Amercoat Canada Eurocon InfoSystem AB
Fire & Safety Equipment
Cooper B-Line Veritech Software LLC
Glasforms Aeration Industries International Inc
EverGlow NA Inc
K-Sun Corp Aquatech International Corp DRILLING
Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc
Lab Safety Supply Carbonair Environmental Systems Kalsi Engineering Inc
G-raff Systems
Marking Services Inc Inc ODS-Petrodata
New Avionics Corp
Panduit Corp CCS Midstream Services Paradigm Geophysical Corp
Tech Products Inc C I Agent Solutions SPT Group Norway AS
Scotgrip UK Ltd
William Frick & Co Corlac Industries Technical Toolboxes Inc
RADIATION DETECTORS Work Area Protection Corp Flottweg Separation Technology Inc
Saint-Gobain Crystals
SMOKE DETECTORS GEA Westfalia Separator Systems
Genoil Inc
RESCUE Bourgeois & Associates Inc Abacus Solutions Inc
Hiller GmbH
Capital Safety Aclaro Softworks Inc
SPEAKERS Hudson Industries
CON-SPACE Communications Aker Arctic Technology In
Howard Leight Keller Products Inc
Hannay Reels Inc BOLO by WellPoint Systems Inc
n Mesa Rubber Co
Miller Fall Protection/Sperian TRAINING AIDS Drillinginfo Inc
(See ad p 21)
Mobilarm BullEx Digital Safety ENSYS Energy
Special Electronics & Designs Inc Capital Safety OMAX Corp n MacDonald, Dettwiler & Assoc
Yale Cordage ESS Pall Corp Ltd(MDA)
Global Training Solutions Inc Parker Hannifin Corp (See ad p 27)
GSE Systems Inc
n ProSep Technologies Inc Molli Computer Services Inc
Canadian Linen & Uniform Service (See ad Front Cover) Palantir Solutions
Miller Fall Protection/Sperian
DUPONT DE NEMOURS Quincy Compressor Palisade
International SA VENTILATION RCI Technologies Inc RiskAdvisory Air Chiller Inc Siemens AG Energy Sector Veritech Software LLC
Topps Safety Apparel Inc Siemens Water Technologies
Viking Life Saving Equipment SEPARATION Stettler Oil & Gas ENGINEERING
Workrite Uniform Co Superior Technical Ceramics Corp Aclaro Softworks Inc
COALESCERS ARLA Maschinentechnik GmbH
AEMC Instruments Cummins Filtration Clark-Reliance CanWeb Internet Services Ltd
BARTEC GmbH Keller Products Inc Dresser-Rand Co Cooper Bussmann
Continental Disc Corp Quincy Compressor Flottweg Separation Technology Inc Engineering Software
FHF Funke Huster Fernsig GmbH Universal Industries GEA Westfalia Separator Systems Eurocon InfoSystem AB
GM International Safety Inc Hiller GmbH
H2S REMOVAL Exele Information Systems Inc
Industrial Scientific Corp Keller Products Inc
GE Water & Process Technologies FARO Technologies Inc
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc Lakos Separators and Filtration
Hiller GmbH GSE Systems Inc
(See ad p 15) Systems
Maloney Industries John M Campbell and Co
Mobilarm Martin Engineering
Newson Gale Inc
n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery OMAX Corp
Services LLC RCI Technologies Inc n Omega Engineering Inc
SAFETY, INTRINSIC (See ad p 12, 13) Stettler Oil & Gas (See ad p 2, 3)
Superior Technical Ceramics Corp Paradigm Geophysical Corp
FHF Funke Huster Fernsig GmbH
FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions
Corlac Industries
GM International Safety Inc

26 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Tools: hand, power

TCR Engineering Services n MacDonald, Dettwiler & Assoc GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms HOSE, CABLE
Technical Toolboxes Inc Ltd(MDA) Lee Specialties Ltd Parker / Page International Hose
Texas Engineering Systems (See ad p 27) Quick Oilfield Solutions Polyflex
Veritech Software LLC RiskAdvisory SPT Group Norway AS Yale Cordage
SPT Group Norway AS Technical Toolboxes Inc
ThermoProbe Inc Weatherford Production
Aclaro Softworks Inc Optimization Atlas Maridan Aps
Drillinginfo Inc
Hampson-Russell Software & CanWeb Internet Services Ltd Belsim Production LLC
JW Fishers Manufacturing Inc
Services Engineering Software CanWeb Internet Services Ltd
miniBOOSTER Hydraulics A/S
OpenSpirit MPRI ENSYS Energy
Paradigm Geophysical Corp Saipem America Inc
Global Training Solutions Inc
PIPELINE Trelleborg CRP Inc
ROSEN Group Aclaro Softworks Inc
Geovariances Ashtead Technology
SPT Group Norway AS Palisade
Hampson-Russell Software & Technical Toolboxes Inc Paradigm Geophysical Corp
Services SPT Group Norway AS TOOLS: HAND, POWER
Paradigm Geophysical Corp CS Unitec Inc
CanWeb Internet Services Ltd Hampson-Russell Software &
GIS Engineering Software Services E H Wachs Co
Geospatial Corp Geovariances OpenSpirit BOLTING TOOLS
NDT Systems & Services AG n Omega Engineering Inc Paradigm Geophysical Corp
OpenSpirit (See ad p 2, 3) Hydratight
OPERATIONS Technical Toolboxes Inc SUBSEA ROBOTICS Hydratight Ltd
Abacus Solutions Inc Veritech Software LLC AUBONOMOUS Hytorc
Actenum Corp
Belsim Production LLC (AUV) Jetyd Corp
Actenum Corp
CanWeb Internet Services Ltd Atlas Maridan Aps miniBOOSTER Hydraulics A/S
Belsim Production LLC
Exele Information Systems Inc Lexycom Technologies Inc Norbar Torque Tools Ltd
BOLO by WellPoint Systems Inc
Global Training Solutions Inc Trelleborg CRP Inc Norbar USA Inc
Echometer Co
GSE Systems Inc SPX Hydraulic Technologies
ENSYS Energy
Titan Technologies International Inc



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Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 27


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TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools GENERAL HAND TOOLS JD Neuhaus GmbH & Co Kg Titan Technologies International Inc
Torkworx Armstrong Industrial Tools Simson Power Tools AB TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools
b3o enviroTek SPX Hydraulic Technologies Torkworx
BOLTS Wright Tool Co
Hytorc Thern Inc
Metal Coatings Corp
Lowell Corp Yale Cordage WINCHES
Superbolt Inc
Norbar Torque Tools Ltd JD Neuhaus GmbH & Co Kg
Zero Products Inc NUT RUNNERS
Reed Manufacturing Co J D Neuhaus Lp
Enco Snap-on Industrial SAWS
HGG Profiling Equipment BV TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools CS Unitec Inc WRENCHES
miniBOOSTER Hydraulics A/S Wright Tool Co Armstrong Industrial Tools
Reed Manufacturing Co
GENERAL POWER TOOLS Power House Tool Inc INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc
E H Wachs Co
CS Unitec Inc
Reed Manufacturing Co
CS Unitec Inc Norbar Torque Tools Ltd BOLTIGHT Ltd
Hydratight RIDGID
E H Wachs Co Snap-on Industrial
Hydratight Ltd Snap-on Industrial
TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools
FASTENERS INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools
BOLTIGHT Ltd HOISTS Simson Power Tools AB Torkworx
Caplugs Columbus McKinnon Superbolt Inc Wright Tool Co
Jetyd Corp JD Neuhaus GmbH & Co Kg Titan Technologies International Inc
Metal Coatings Corp J D Neuhaus Lp Torkworx VALVES
Zero Products Inc n BellowsTech LLC
BOLTIGHT Ltd Armstrong Industrial Tools
TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools Global Supplier ApS Hydratight ControlAir Inc
Hydratight Hydratight Ltd Emerson Process Management
Lowell Corp Hytorc Inserta Products Inc
miniBOOSTER Hydraulics A/S INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc Ronk Electrical Industries Inc
INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc
Simson Power Tools AB Jetyd Corp
Simson Power Tools AB BALL
SPX Hydraulic Technologies Norbar Torque Tools Ltd
SPX Hydraulic Technologies Asahi/America Inc
Snap-on Industrial
Titan Technologies International Inc LIFTING Autoclave Engineers
SPX Hydraulic Technologies
Columbus McKinnon Behringer Corp


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BORSIG Service GmbH TLV Corp Lexair Inc ASCO Valve Canada
Brush Wellman Inc Velan Valve Corp Stream-Flo USA
Burcelik Valve
CoorsTek Inc
CHOKES Asahi/America Inc PLUG
Dualco GW Lisk Co DeltaValve Caplugs
Econosto UK Ltd Superior Technical Ceramics Corp Econosto UK Ltd Dualco
Emerson Process Management Global Flow Technologies Flowserve Corp
Flowserve Corp Hammond Valve
Fluid Power Inc Louisiana Valve Source Inc
Lexair Inc Burcelik Valve
GF Piping Systems M&J Valve
Everlasting Valve Co
Global Flow Technologies CONTROL Nibco Inc
Louisiana Valve Source Inc
Hammond Valve Amot Controls OFM An SPX Brand
Industrial Specialties Manufacturing ARCA Regler GmbH SPX Flow Control REFINING
Innovative Pressure Technologies Emerson Process Management Traeger Brothers & Associates Inc DeltaValve
Inserta Products Inc KOSO America Velan Valve Corp Everlasting Valve Co
KF Industries Lexair Inc Worldwide Oilfield Machine Inc
Louisiana Valve Source Inc Louisiana Valve Source Inc
GLOBE Air Liquide America Specialty Gases
Nibco Inc M&J Valve
ARCA Regler GmbH LLC
n Omega Engineering Inc Motion Industries
Econosto UK Ltd n Cashco Inc
(See ad p 2, 3) Norriseal
Emerson Process Management (See ad p 29)
n Omega Engineering Inc
PBM Inc Global Flow Technologies Enardo
Swagelok Co (See ad p 2, 3)
Hammond Valve Gascat Industrial e Comercio Ltda
T3 Energy Services Parker Fluid Control Division
TLV Corp Hydraulics International Inc
Tyco Flow Control SPX Flow Control
Velan Valve Corp The Lee Co
Velan Valve Corp T3 Energy Services
Louisiana Valve Source Inc
Worldwide Oilfield Machine Inc T 3 Energy Services INSTRUMENT
TLV Corp n Omega Engineering Inc
(See ad p 2, 3)
Innovative Pressure Technologies CRYOGENIC
Gems Sensors & Controls
BUTTERFLY n Cashco Inc
KOSO America KNIFE GATE (See ad p 29)
Asahi/America Inc n Omega Engineering Inc Tyco Flow Control
Burcelik Valve (See ad p 2, 3) DeltaValve
Econosto UK Ltd LOCK-OUT/TAG-OUT Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH
Flowserve Corp DIAPHRAGM Tech Products Inc
n BellowsTech LLC SAMPLING
GF Piping Systems MANIFOLD Everlasting Valve Co
Global Flow Technologies (See ad p 22)
GW Lisk Co PBM Inc
Hammond Valve n Omega Engineering Inc
Innovative Pressure Technologies Sentry Equipment Corp
KF Industries (See ad p 2, 3)
TLV Corp
Worldwide Oilfield Machine Inc
Nibco Inc ASCO Valve Canada
Everlasting Valve Co
Norriseal NATURAL GAS Gems Sensors & Controls
MAC Equipment
n Omega Engineering Inc PBM Inc
ASCO Valve Canada GW Lisk Co
(See ad p 2, 3) Burcelik Valve The Lee Co
Tyco Flow Control ELECTRIC Can-Con Industries Inc Parker Fluid Control Division
Velan Valve Corp n EIM Controls Inc Gascat Industrial e Comercio Ltda
(See ad p 7)
GW Lisk Co
CHANGE-OVER Autoclave Engineers
GF Piping Systems
Nord-Bulk Pte Ltd NEEDLE The Lee Co
Precision Engine Controls Corp
Autoclave Engineers Snap-tite Inc
CHECK EMERGENCY SHUTOFF Industrial Specialties Manufacturing
Amot Controls Innovative Pressure Technologies
Eldred Environmental & Export M&J Valve
n EIM Controls Inc KF Industries
Flowserve Corp Morrison Bros Co
(See ad p 7) SPIR Star Ltd
Fluid Power Inc SPX Flow Control
Gascat Industrial e Comercio Ltda PETROCHEMICAL Stream-Flo USA
GF Piping Systems
KF Industries Everlasting Valve Co
Global Flow Technologies TANK BLANKETING
Morrison Bros Co Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH
Hammond Valve n Cashco Inc
Parker Fluid Control Division SWEDPARTS HAMBURG
Hydraulics International Inc (See ad p 29)
Industrial Specialties Manufacturing FLOW CONTROL PINCH
Innovative Pressure Technologies ARCA Regler GmbH TEMPERATURE CONTROL
Lexair Inc
Inserta Products Inc GW Lisk Co Newport Electronics Inc
KF Industries The Lee Co PIPELINE Schischek GmbH Explosionproof
The Lee Co n Omega Engineering Inc Advance Products & Systems Inc
Lexair Inc (See ad p 2, 3) Burcelik Valve
n Omega Engineering Inc
M&J Valve Parker Fluid Control Division Dualco
(See ad p 2, 3)
Norriseal Precision Engine Controls Corp Sub-one Technology
PBM Inc Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH T 3 Energy Services VALVE CHAINWHEELS
Schutte & Koerting Schischek GmbH Explosionproof Trumbull Industries
Snap-tite Inc Sensus

30 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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2009 Petroleum Buyers Guide

Section lists companies offering one or more of 37 oil and gas-applicable special-
ties. A broad range of upstream, midstream, downstream, engineering, construc-
tion, and financial services are highlighted.
Like the Products section, the Guide’s Services grouping lists companies alpha-
betically under each category. Quick-reference format with web addresses and
telephone numbers is also provided in this section. Complete additional service
company information is provided in the Companies section.

AIRCRAFT, CHARTER ROSEN Group ECT Offshore Service AB Deutsch

Aviation Technology Services Llc Saipem America Inc Enventure Global Technology Divelbiss Corp
UTC Overseas Smart Drilling GmbH Envirocore ECT Offshore Service AB
SPT Offshore Frontier Drilling Edg Inc
ASSET MANAGEMENT, Stallion Oilfield Service Geoservices SA Electrochem
TRACKING United Pipeline Systems Harwood Capital Inc Enerscope Systems Inc
@hand Corp Voith Industrial Services Engineering IFP Engineering Software
GmbH Mhd Offshore Group Eurocon InfoSystem AB
Robert J Beck and Associates
BOLO by WellPoint Systems Inc Namtvedt SealMaker Services A/S Express Integrated Technologies
Cantest Solutions Inc
Crowley Marine Services Inc Petans Ltd FalCan Industries Ltd
ChemSW Inc
CUDD Well Control Q&B Servicos Ltda GeoCompany Tecnologia
Eagle Rock Energy Partners
Enerscope Systems Inc Engenharia & Meio Ambiente Ltda
Harwood Capital Inc Stallion Oilfield Service
Epsis Governor Control Systems Inc
SkyWave Mobile Communications Total Separation Solutions LLC
Exploration Logistics Group plc GSE Systems Inc
Western Land Services Inc
Fugro-Jason EDUCATION IMPaC Offshore Engineering GmbH
Honeywell International Inc Knighthawk Engineering
John M Campbell and Co Lightning Eliminators & Consultants
TREATING Energy Institute
Knighthawk Engineering Global Training Solutions Inc
TCR Engineering Services Linde AG
LAGO Energy John M Campbell and Co
Lightning Eliminators & Consultants Lummus Technology
COMMISSIONING/ System Improvements Inc
MarTech Systems Inc
DECOMMISSIONING n MacDonald, Dettwiler & Assoc MATCOR Inc
ANT Applied New Technologies AG Ltd(MDA)
Mohawk Innovative Technology Inc
n ProSep Technologies Inc (See ad p 27) 3X Engineering
(See ad Front Cover) Aker Arctic Technology In Namtvedt SealMaker Services A/S
Mhd Offshore Group
Al Masaood Oil Plus Ltd
Oil Plus Ltd n ProSep Technologies Inc
CONSTRUCTION Palantir Solutions ARLA Maschinentechnik GmbH
(See ad Front Cover)
Aker Arctic Technology In Bal Seal Engineering Inc
Paradigm Geophysical Corp ROSEN Group
Butler Manufacturing Co BARTEC GmbH
Pathway to China Saipem America Inc
CB&I n BellowsTech LLC
Phoenix International Inc Sandvik Process Systems
CB&I Lummus (See ad p 22)
Quincy Compressor Siirtec Nigi SpA
CCI Inspection Services Inc Boots & Coots International Well
ROSEN Group Smart Drilling GmbH
n CH2M HILL Control Inc
(See ad Back Cover) Rwd Technologies Inc CB&I S&N Pump Co
Containerhouse International Inc System Improvements Inc CB&I Lummus Solutia
Eagle Rock Energy Partners Terra Remote Sensing Inc Cetek Ltd SPT Offshore
Eiffel UTC Overseas n CH2M HILL TCR Engineering Services
Western Land Services Inc (See ad Back Cover) T-Rex Subsea
WFN Strategies Cooper Bussmann TSEC - Tito Silveira Engenharia e
Linde AG
Crowley Marine Services Inc Consultoria Ltda
Baker Hughes Inc Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc
Omega Natchiq Inc


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Environmental/pollution control

Voith Industrial Services Engineering Hampson-Russell Software & SimplexGrinnell ROSEN Group
GmbH Services TSEC - Tito Silveira Engenharia e R STAHL
Western Land Services Inc Ifremer Consultoria Ltda Saipem America Inc
WFN Strategies Paradigm Geophysical Corp Tube Tech International Ltd United Pipeline Systems
Wood Group Scan Geophysical ASA Varna Products TRC Wood Group
Terra Remote Sensing Inc Voith Industrial Services Engineering
Atlas Incinerators A/S GeoCompany Tecnologia MANUFACTURING BORSIG Service GmbH
CCS Midstream Services Engenharia & Meio Ambiente Ltda AC Dandy Products Ltd
Cetek Ltd
Clean Harbors Environmental IFP Allied Transmissions Ltd n CH2M HILL
The CMM Group LLC SPT Offshore (See ad Back Cover)
DMT GmbH & Co KG Emco Wheaton GmbH
HEATING/COOLING Engineering Software
Sandvik Process Systems GD Engineering
Hazmatpac Inc
Solutia Hertz Equipment Rental Corp
MarTech Systems Inc
n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Tranter PHE Inc All Metals & Forge Hudson Industries
Services LLC Amiad Filtration Systems Knighthawk Engineering
(See ad p 12, 13) INSPECTION n BellowsTech LLC Magnetrol International Inc
Nickpoint Environmental Services Allied Transmissions Ltd (See ad p 22)
Marking Services Inc
Inc Martin Engineering BORSIG Boiler Systems GmbH
R&G Laboratories Inc
PVAC R C Ltda Mistras Group Inc BORSIG Service GmbH
TSEC - Tito Silveira Engenharia e
Rotronic Instrument Corp MTU Maintenance Can-Con Industries Inc Consultoria Ltda
Sandvik Process Systems Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH Containerhouse International Inc UOP
Western Land Services Inc Nord Marine Services Ltd Corlac Industries
Phoenix International Inc De-In Industries PIPELINE CLEANING
FINANCIAL Quest TruTec LP Emco Wheaton GmbH ROSEN Group
Allegiance Capital ROSEN Group Enviro-Pak/Tech Oil Products Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty
Robert J Beck and Associates Sulzer Enpro Inc FalCan Industries Ltd Services
Harwood Capital Inc System Improvements Inc Foremost Industries LP


PreConstruction Catalysts Inc LEGAL Global Supplier ApS BORSIG Boiler Systems GmbH
Quantum Energy Partners Plexus Hole Opener Corp BORSIG Service GmbH
SMH Capital TSEC - Tito Silveira Engenharia e Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Cantest Solutions Inc
Tristone Capital Consultoria Ltda
Kalapi Engineering Associates Pvt
VERSABAR Inc Ltd (See ad Back Cover)
MAINTENANCE Leading Edge Manufacturing Corus Tubes
Mhd Offshore Group Degerfors Formings AB DEFORM
Oil Plus Ltd Allied Transmissions Ltd Dynetek Industries Ltd
Pathway to China
b3o enviroTek GeoCompany Tecnologia
Peaceland Fabricating
Q&B Servicos Ltda
Engenharia & Meio Ambiente Ltda
Gas Turbine Efficiency LLC BARTEC GmbH NDT Systems & Services AG
BORSIG Boiler Systems GmbH Q&B Servicos Ltda
Scotgrip UK Ltd
Baker Energy Butler Manufacturing Co United Pipeline Systems
Stettler Oil & Gas
n CH2M HILL Cetek Ltd
(See ad Back Cover) TURBOCAM International PROCUREMENT
Conbor Borrachas Tecnico
IFP Wilco Industries Ltd CB&I Lummus
Industriais Ltda
Lummus Technology Containerhouse International Inc Eiffel
CTI Industries Inc IMPaC Offshore Engineering GmbH
Eagle Rock Energy Partners
Emco Wheaton GmbH Pathway to China
GEOLOGICAL Express Integrated Technologies
Norbar USA Inc
PreConstruction Catalysts Inc
Divestco Inc LLC Phoenix International Inc
Voith Industrial Services Engineering
DMT GmbH & Co KG FAG Bearings Quest TruTec LP GmbH
Englehart Energy Inc Fixturlaser AB TURBOCAM International WFN Strategies
GeoCompany Tecnologia Geoservices SA
Engenharia & Meio Ambiente Ltda OFFSHORE REFINING
Global Supplier ApS
Harwood Capital Inc Aker Arctic Technology In BPC - Bio Petro Clean
Goulds Pumps
IFP ANT Applied New Technologies AG CB&I
Howden Buffalo Inc
Paradigm Geophysical Corp Ballast Technologies Inc Cetek Ltd
Terra Remote Sensing Inc Crowley Marine Services Inc DeltaValve
MAN Turbo AG
WFN Strategies Eiffel Genoil Inc
MTU Maintenance
Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH Marking Services Inc IFP
GEOPHYSICAL Oreco A/S Namtvedt SealMaker Services A/S MarTech Systems Inc
Baker Hughes Inc Phoenix International Inc Nordseetaucher GmbH Umicore Precious Metals Refining
Divestco Inc POLARIS Laboratories Omega Natchiq Inc UOP
DMT GmbH & Co KG Q&B Servicos Ltda Petans Ltd
Fugro-Geoteam AS ROSEN Group Phoenix International Inc RENTAL
Q&B Servicos Ltda AC Dandy Products Ltd

32 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Well intervention

Boots & Coots International Well MSE Data Comm For Business Inc Paradigm Geophysical Corp
Control Inc PVAC R C Ltda n MacDonald, Dettwiler & Assoc Paradigm Strategy Group Inc
Canadian Linen & Uniform Service Raxton Ltd Ltd(MDA) Rwd Technologies Inc
Carbonair Environmental Systems (See ad p 27)
System Improvements Inc Southernstar Consultants
Inc Mackay Communications
TSEC - Tito Silveira Engenharia e System Improvements Inc
Enviro-Pak/Tech Oil Products Consultoria Ltda Sea-Image Corporation Ltd
Hole Opener Corp Voith Industrial Services Engineering SkyWave Mobile Communications TRANSPORTATION
Impact Guidance Systems Inc GmbH Stallion Oilfield Service
Biglift Shipping BV
Industrial Scientific Corp WFN Strategies
Crowley Marine Services Inc
Mahaffey Fabric Structures Livingston International Inc
UTC Overseas
SPT Offshore Divestco Inc Baker Energy
Titan Technologies International Inc Fugro-Geoteam AS Boots & Coots International Well WELL
GeoCompany Tecnologia Control Inc
VERSABAR Inc Boots & Coots International Well
Engenharia & Meio Ambiente Ltda BullEx Digital Safety
Control Inc
RESEARCH OYO Geospace Corp Capital Safety
The GasGun Inc
Drillinginfo Inc Paradigm Geophysical Corp Cooper Bussmann
Namtvedt SealMaker Services A/S
Energy Institute Energy Institute
Wood Group
TANK CLEANING Exploration Logistics Group plc
SAFETY/HEALTH BPC - Bio Petro Clean Global Training Solutions Inc WELL INTERVENTION
Baker Energy CCS Midstream Services GSE Systems Inc Boots & Coots International Well
Canadian Linen & Uniform Service Knighthawk Engineering Hampson-Russell Software & Control Inc
Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty Services Impact Guidance Systems Inc
Energy Institute
Services John M Campbell and Co Namtvedt SealMaker Services A/S
Exploration Logistics Group plc
Miller Fall Protection/Sperian Saipem America Inc
Express Signs (North East) Ltd
Hazmatpac Inc
John M Campbell and Co
Beier Radio NACE International
Modutank Inc

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Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 33


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2009 Petroleum Buyers Guide

Section carries the most extensive individual manufacturer or service supplier

information, as provided by those firms. Nearly 1,000 companies are listed al-
phabetically with address, telephone, fax, email, web address, key personnel, and
short company description.

3M Oil & Gas ABB Inc Aclaro Softworks Inc

3M United Kingdom Plc, 3M Centre, Cain Rd, (div of Analytical Products) 11000 Richmond Ave, Suite 180, Houston, TX
Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8HT UK, 843 N Jefferson St, Lewisburg, WV 24901, 77042, 713-781-2000, toll-free: 877-222-5276,
44-1344-858000, 304-647-4358, FAX: 304-647-4236, FAX: 713-781-2049,,
Contact: Dawn Ricketts,
Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Sandra Farren Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Dale Morgan
3X Engineering Provides solutions that combine analyzers, Provides enterprise oil and gas software solutions
advanced process control, process, and application for reserves reporting, planning, budgeting, capital
9 Avenue Albert II, , Monaco, Monaco,
knowledge to create value for customers. These allocation, financial reporting, operational reporting,
include laboratory and on-line delite analyzers (gas and performance management through its
chromatography, IR/UV photometry, and mass industry-leading petroLOOK systems. Has offices in
Specializes in pipe repair. Provides solutions for
spectrometry). Houston, Calgary, and Aberdeen and clients in
pipes in different domains, such as corrosion and
leaks. North America, South America, Europe, and Africa.

@hand Corp Acromag Inc

4030 W Baker Ln, Suite 550, Austin, TX 78759, 30765 S Wixom Rd, PO Box 437, Wixom, MI
888-686-9993,, 48393-7037, 248-295-0880, FAX: 248-624-9234,,
Contact: Dir Energy Solutions, Leo Mandoza Accoat A/S Contact: Inside Sales
Provides software solutions for mission-critical Munkegaardsvej 16, DK-3490 Kvistgarrd, Designs and manufactures measurements and
mobile work processes, including asset Denmark, 45-4912-6800, FAX: 4549126899, control instrumentation products for manufacturing,
management, field service, and materials, military, transportation, utilities, and scientific
management. The company connects the mobile Contact: Prod Spec Oil and Gas, Niels research industries. Signal conditioning products
workforce to enterprise information systems by Melgarrd Christensen include transmitters, converters, isolators, alarms,
delivering solutions with patented mobile software Offers long term corrosion protection and flow and computation modules. Network I/O modules
technology, configure-to-order applications, and enhancement, the leading European support Ethernet, Modbus, 4—20 mA, and Profibus
strategic solution services. applicator for fluoropolymer coatings. protocols.
Capabilities development and customization
Abacus Solutions Inc of coating processes; handling and managing ACR Systems Inc
large and heavy items; flexible and versatile 12960 84th Ave, Bldg 210, Surrey, British
24704 Voorhees Dr, Los Altos Hills, CA 94022,
production facilities; and supplying to Columbia, Canada V3W 1K7, 604-591-1128,
customers worldwide. FAX: 604-591-2252,,
Contact: CEO, Salim J. Jabbour
Offers the modern software SATURN, a web-based Contact: Territory Sls Mgr, Juliette Sicotte
AC Dandy Products Ltd Manufactures compact, portable Data Loggers.
enterprise integration and risk management system. 4012 49th St, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada T9A
Offers capabilities, including deal capture, These electronic devices measure and record
2K1, 780-261-5300, toll-free: 800-642-2952, parameters such as temperature, relative humidity,
transaction management, data mining, data FAX: 780-352-2249,
analysis, price simulation, generation optimization, current, voltage, pressure, process signals, pulse
Contact: Sls Mgr, Ray Hurcomb frequency, and more. Recorded data can be
contracts valuation, risk analytics, budgeting and Manufactures a line of electrical distribution
financial analysis, extensive reporting and seamless downloaded to a PC or laptop and analyzed with
products, including standard and custom the company’s easy-to-use and versatile software.
integration with other tools. enclosures, phase converters, unit substations, oil
well and parking lot controllers, and power
distribution gear, as well as pedestals for parking
lots, marinas, and RV parks. Offers rentals of quality
custom electrical products through the Temp
Power Division.


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Alignment Supplies Inc

Actenum Corp Advance Products & Systems Inc Air Compressor Energy Systems Inc
675 Water St, 10th Floor, Vancouver, British PO Box 60399, Lafayette, LA 70596-0399, 10151 S Perdue, PO Box 80048, Baton Rouge,
Columbia, Canada V6B 1N2, 604-681-1262, FAX: 337-233-6116, toll-free: 800-315-6009, FAX: LA 70898, 225-272-2722, toll-free:
604-687-1256,, 337-232-3860,, 800-962-9837, FAX: 225-272-1424,,
Contact: VP Bus Dev, Owen Plowman Contact: Pres, Tom Forlander Contact: Pres, Ron Naquin
Provides software that takes the guesswork out of Manufactures pipeline accessories for the water, Manufactures special compressor packages. The
planning and scheduling by giving you immediate wastewater, oil and gas industries both company handles sales, service, and parts for
feedback on decisions you make as you assign domestically and internationally. Products compressors, dryers, FRLs, aftercoolers, and air
resources to activities. Interactively reschedule manufactured include casing spacers, pipe seals receivers. More than 30 years of experience in
during daily operations to maximize the utility of (Innerlynx), isolating gasket kits, nite caps, u-bolt design, engineering, and fabrication.
assets and get the right equipment in the right pipe supports, safety spray shields, kleerband
place at the right time. flange protectors. Air Liquide America Specialty Gases LLC
6141 Easton Rd, PO Box 310, Plumsteadville, PA
ADACONN Aecometric Corp 18949, 215-766-8860, toll-free: 800-217-2688,
538 Township Line Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422, 374 Ohio Rd, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada FAX: 215-766-2476,,
215-643-1900, FAX: 215-643-4017, L4C 2Z9, 905-883-9555, FAX: 905-883-9578,,, Contact: Dir Mktg/Comms, Robert G. Jefferys
Offers products that include a proprietary line of Contact: Sls Mgr, Mike Fenton Manufactures specialty gases and gas handling
adapters and connectors. These products are used Designs and supplies industrial combustion equipment for hydrocarbon, natural gas, medical,
in industrial and mobile integrated hydraulic equipment. Custom designs each application environmental, semiconductor applications, and
systems to save space, time, and money, allowing the equipment to be tailored for the more.
eliminating piping leaks and adding value and application. Common applications include sulphur
integrity to a system. recovery unit burners, petrochemical furnace Airport Windsock Corp
burners, hot gas generators, rotary kiln burners, fuel 3051 100th St, Barnesville, MN 56514,
Adalet handling systems, valve trains, and integrated 218-493-4300, FAX: 218-493-4305,
(div of Berkshire Hathaway) systems.,
Scott Fetzer Div
4801 W 150th St, Cleveland, OH 44135, AEMC Instruments Aker Arctic Technology In
216-267-9000, FAX: 216-267-1681, 200 Foxborough Blvd, Foxborough, MA 02035,, Merenkulkijan Katu 6, FI-00980 Helsinki, Finland,
508-698-2115, FAX: 508-698-2118, 358-10-670-2540, FAX: 358-10-670-2527,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Matthew R. Piecuch,
Offers a line of enclosures and fittings to the,
Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, John Olobri Contact: Mktg Mgr, Göran Wilkman
hazardous and nonhazardous environment Manufactures electrical test and measurement
markets. Engineered enclosure systems include Specializes in ice technology for shipyards, ship
instruments, including power quality and harmonic owners, and offshore. Offers engineering services
explosion-proof and stainless-steel junction boxes, meters, ground resistance testers, megohmmeters
motor-control enclosures, meter and instrument as well as ice model tests in an unique new facility
and insulation resistance testers, transformer in Helsinki, Finland.
housings, increased safety terminal and control ratiometers, digital and clamp-on multimeters, Data
enclosures and thermal management systems. Loggers, current measurement probes,
environmental testers, and more. Aker MH AS
Adalet Wireless (div of Aker Solutions)
(sub of Berkshire Hathaway) Dvergsnes, PO Box 413, 4639 Kristiansand,
Scott Fetzer Div Norway, 47-380-57000, FAX: 47-380-57501,
4801 W 150th St, Cleveland, OH 44135,,
216-267-6864, FAX: 216-267-3219,, Contact: VP Sls, Olav Kvaale Provides drilling solutions and drilling equipment for
Contact: Mktg/Sls Mgr, Matthew R. Piecuch Aeration Industries International Inc the high-efficiency drilling market.
Manufactures industrial wireless systems. Markets 4100 Peavey Rd, Chaska, MN 55318,
a line of industrial wireless systems which include 952-448-6789, toll-free: 800-328-8287, FAX: Aker Subsea AS
rugged NEMA 4X, explosion-proof Class 1, Division 952-448-7293,, (div of Aker Solutions)
1, multipoint wireless systems, battery, AC and DC PO Box 94, N-1325 Lysaker, Norway,
powered wireless systems, and DIN rail-mounted Contact: VP Mktg, Cheri Cohen 47-22-94-58-91, FAX: 47-67-82-64-00,
systems. Manufactures surface aeration equipment;,
supplies high quality treatment systems, and
AIRE-O2 Triton aerators, and mixers to provide Provides offerings that cover all phases of life in the
AD Products solutions for the challenging industrial
4799 W 150th St, Cleveland, OH 44135, field, from concept screening and design through
wastewater industry, including the petroleum manufacturing and commissioning to operational
800-325-4935, FAX: 216-267-5392, segment. Aerators have been delivered, support and maintenance. The company provides
throughout the USA and in more than 92 complete subsea production systems, as well as countries.
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Joe Shoemaker intervention, marine operations, installation, and
geological services.
Offers thousands of products, including electrical
enclosures, thermal management products, Air Chiller Inc
pressure gauges, instrumentation devices, and 920 N Palestine, Athens, TX 75751, Alignment Supplies Inc
more. 800-925-0269, FAX: 903-675-0018, 1681 Lance Pointe Rd, Suite 2, Maumee, OH, 43537, 419-887-5890, toll-free: 800-997-4467,
Advanced Polymer Coatings Contact: Dir Oper, Bill Hochmuth FAX: 419-887-5893,
951 Jaycox Rd, PO Box 269, Avon, OH 44011, Manufactures explosion-proof portable,
440-937-6218, toll-free: 800-334-7193, FAX: misting/cooling systems specifically designed for
440-937-5046, the oil and gas industry. The company’s units bring Contact: Sls Mgr, Paul Berberian, comfort to the surrounding environment, which Distributes Easy-Laser alignment and measurement makes workers more efficient and reduces errors systems nationwide for shaft, pulley, bore, turbine,
Contact: Tech Sls/Support, Sharon O. Short and health-related heat incidents. roll parallel, and machine alignment for flat, straight,
Manufactures corrosion, erosion, and chemical square, and spindle pointing direction. Also offers
resistant coatings for primary and secondary alignment training classes as well as laser repair
containment linings for heavy industry, utilities, and calibration.
petrochemical, rail, bulk transportation, and marine
cargo vessels.

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 35


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Allegiance Capital

Allegiance Capital Amercoat Canada

5429 LBJ Freeway, Suite 750, Dallas, TX 75240, 1174 S Service Rd W, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
214-217-7727, FAX: 214-217-7751, L6L 5T7, 905-847-1500, toll-free: 800-387-7151,, FAX: 905-847-5899,,
Contact: Chmn/Founder, David Mahmood Contact: Pres, Daniel Agnew
All Metals & Forge
Helps energy related companies, product Manufactures and distributes Amercoat Protective
239 New Rd, Parsippany, NJ 07054,
manufacturers, and service companies grow and Marine Coatings in an ISO:9001 certified plant
973-276-5000, toll-free: 800-600-9290, FAX:
through acquisition, or range financing, or sell their in Oakville, Ontario, Canada under license from
business for a premium price. As an acknowledge PPG. Product lines include Dimetcote, Amerlock,
leader and financial resource for energy-related Amershield, Tideguard and PSX engineered
Contact: Pres, Lewis Weiss
companies. Siloxane.
Offers an ISO 9001:2001/AS9001/EN9001
SALES OFFICES: certified supplier of alloy steel, aluminum,
Allegiance Capital carbon steel, cobalt, magnesium, nickel, American Alloy Steel
New York, NY 212-949-6772, FAX: stainless steel, super alloy, titanium, tool 6230 N Houston-Rosslyn Rd, PO Box 40469,
212-949-6783,, steel, and tungsten in all mill forms and Houston, TX 77091, 713-462-8081, toll-free: shapes. Quick turnaround on custom orders 800-231-3502, FAX: 713-462-8342,
Allegiance Capital for open die forgings, seamless rolled rings,,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada and specialty bar products. Contact: Exec VP, Pat Moore
604-601-2054, FAX: 604-683-8125, Distributes pressure vessel carbon and, chrome-moly plate and round bar. Also stocks
Alloy Engineering Co abrasion resistant wear plate and marine and HQ Div offshore plate grades.
844 Thacker St, Berea, OH 44017,
Allen Gears 440-243-6800, FAX: 440-243-6489,,
American Excelsior Co
Atlas Works, Station Rd, Pershore, WR10 2BZ
UK, 44-1386-552211, FAX: 44-1386-554491, 850 Ave H E, Arlington, TX 76011, 817-385-3500,, Contact: Sls Mgr, Patt Cretu toll-free: 800-777-7654, FAX: 817-649-7816,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Samantha Griffith Fabricates quality stainless steel and high nickel,
Designs, manufactures, and services epicyclic alloy products that maximizes output. Fabricates Manufactures and distributes lines of products for
(planetary) and parallel shaft gearboxes for the replacement equipment, such as mufflers, retorts, packaging, cushioning, engineered foam
petroleum, energy and oil and gas industries. radiant tubes, fans, recuperator bundles, grids, specialties, erosion control, and a variety of
Provides speed reduction and speed increasing racks, hooks, grates, inner covers, fixtures, tubes, engineered wood fibers.
solutions to drive pumps, compressors, and code vessels, base rebuilds, very large fabrications,
generators worldwide. and more. American Sensor Technologies Inc
450 Clark Dr, Mt Olive, NJ 07828, 973-448-1901,
Allied Fluid Conditioners Inc Alloy Screen Works FAX: 973-448-1905,,
536 Township Line Rd, Bldg B, Blue Bell, PA 18102 E Hardy Rd, Houston, TX 77073,
19422, 215-643-0350, FAX: 215-643-4017, 281-233-0214, toll-free: 800-577-5068, FAX: Contact: Sales, 281-233-0487,, Manufactures pressure sensors, transducers, and transmitters for hazardous locations and IS
Offers mobile heat exchanger solutions that are Contact: Pres, James Jackson applications. Hydrocarbon storage liquid level
reliable, have quiet operation, long life, low cost, Offers well screens for sand control in oil and gas sensors. LVDT, rotary, and position sensors.
and are lightweight. Standard units provide to wells. Prepacks, laminants, and all-welded screens.
180,000 BTU/hr heat rejection. Compact aluminum Perforated and slotted pipes. AMETEK
cores with flat tube design and internal turbulators Technical & Industrial Products Div
greatly improve heat transfer. Sealed DC fans are ALLWEILER AG 627 Lake St, Kent, OH 44240, 330-673-3452,
standard. (sub of Colfax Corp) FAX: 330-677-3306,
Allweilerstr 1, 78315 Radolfzell, Germany, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Shannon Booth
Allied Moulded Products Inc 49-7732-86-0, FAX: 49-7732-86-436, Supplies brush and brushless DC motors, pumps,, controllers, blower systems, and ROTRON
222 N Union St, Bryan, OH 43506,
Contact: Bus Dev/Mktg, Edwin Braun regenerative blowers for a range of applications.
419-636-4217, FAX: 419-636-2450,, Manufactures centrifugal, propeller, screw, progressing cavity, gear, and peristaltic pumps and AMETEK
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Bill DeRoche macerators especially for marine, offshore, water Calibration Instruments Div
Manufactures NEMA Type 4X fiberglass and wastewater, power generation, process 8600 Somerset Dr, Largo, FL 33773,
enclosures. The nonmetallic enclosures are well technology and chemistry, food and 727-536-7831, toll-free: 800-527-9999, FAX:
suited for severe indoor or outdoor severe pharmaceutical, building industry, tool machinery, 727-539-6882,
applications. Fiberglass enclosures are corrosion pulp and paper, oil and gas, bioenergy, and heat Contact: Prod Mgr, Scott Crone
resistant and handle severe temperature transfer. Offers the M&G product line, which includes
applications. Enclosures are UL listed and CSA primary standards, pneumatic deadweight testers,

approved and come with stainless-steel hardware. Al Masaood hydraulic deadweight testers, digital pressure
Projects and Engineering Services Div calibrators, dial gauge comparators, digital
Allied Transmissions Ltd PO Box 322, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, hand-held test systems, and pneumatic and
971-2-677-1688, FAX: 971-2-677-0840, hydraulic pumps.
235149 Ryan Rd, RR #5, Calgary, Alberta,
Canada T2P 2G6, 403-279-9505, toll-free:,
888-232-2203, FAX: 403-279-7362, AMETEK, Altronic Inc US Gauge Div 712 Trumbull Ave, Girard, OH 44420, 820 Pennsylvania Blvd, Feasterville, PA 19053,
Contact: Purch, Virginia Smith-Jones 330-545-9768, FAX: 330-545-9005, 215-355-6900, toll-free: 888-625-5895, FAX:
Serves as dealers for Allison automatic, 215-354-1802,
transmissions. Provides parts, sales, and service. Contact: VP After-Market Sls/Svc, David Bell Contact: Mktg Mgr, Trish Gabler
Manufactures ignition systems, instrumentation, Supplies high-quality, competitively priced pressure
controls, and fuel delivery systems for natural and temperature measurement products. Products
gas-fueled engines. Offers both mechanical and include Bourdon tube and diaphragm capsule
digital ignition systems; electronic instrumentation pressure gauges ranging in size from 1 1/2 to 6 in.
for sensing temperature, pressure, and speed; with brass, stainless-steel, alloy steel, or Monel
engine speed governing; starting systems; and internals.
engine control systems for optimizing engine
performance and compressor throughput.

36 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Arabian Construction Engineering Co (ACEC)

AMETEK Amot Controls ANT Applied New Technologies AG

Trace Analytical Div (div of Roper Industries) Hinter den Kirschkaten 32, 23560 Lubeck,
455 Corporate Blvd, Newark, DE 19702, 8824 Fallbrook Dr, Houston, TX 77064, Germany, 49-451-58380-0, FAX:
302-456-4400, toll-free: 800-222-6789, FAX: 281-940-1800, FAX: 281-668-8802, 49-451-58380-99,,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Kim Montani Contact: Nat’l Sls Dir, Bill Ellerbrock Contact: Sls Mgr, Jochen Kleimann
Offers the monitoring of various contaminants in Provides the oil and gas, rail, marine, power Manufacturers specialized equipment for cutting
bulk gas supplies for the semiconductor industry. generation, and other markets with tailored design and dismantling tasks within the offshore oil and
Product line includes a series of gas purity monitors solutions for the control and monitoring of process gas industries. Supplies Water Abrasive
and ancillary equipment such as gas blenders and packages, engines, compressors, and pumps. Suspension (WAS) jet cutting equipment and
stream switchers. Contaminants that can be Manufactures thermostatic valves, pressure cutting devices, such as cutting tables and
detected include H2, CO, CO2, CH4, and sensing valves, level switches, fuel control valves, manipulation systems.
nonmethane hydrocarbons. and other products for total engine protection.
Appleton Electric
AMETEK Analytical Instruments Corp (sub of Emerson)
Drexelbrook Div 9845 Drysdale, Houston, TX 77041, EGS Electrical Group Div
205 Keith Valley Rd, Horsham, PA 19044, 713-460-5757, FAX: 713-460-1987, 9377 W Higgins Rd, Rosemont, IL 60018,
215-674-1234, FAX: 215-674-2731,, 847-268-6000, toll-free: 800-621-1506, FAX: Contact: VP, Gilbert Coody 847-268-6016,,
Contact: Mktg Coord, Danielle Haupert Manufactures precision analyzers: distributed
Offers eight different technologies, including radar, control chromatography systems; process, Contact: VP Int’l Sls, John Peterson
ultrasonic, RF admittance, TDR, magnetostrictive, pipeline/BTU, loaboratory; complete package Manufactures IEC and NEC electrical products for
hydrostatic, and vibration technology. responsibility. virtually every type of environment. Industrial
products include conduit and cable fittings, plugs
AMETEK Process Instruments Analytik Jena AG and receptacles, enclosures, controls, conduit
150 Freeport Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15238, boxes, and industrial lighting.
Konrad-Zuse-Str 1, 07745 Jena, Germany,
412-828-9040, FAX: 412-826-0399, 49-3641-77-70, FAX: 49-3641-77-9279,,, Applied Analytics Inc
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Kim Montani Contact: Int’l Sls Mgmt, Andrea Glomb 29 Domino Dr, Concord, MA 01742,
Manufactures process analyzers and Develops high quality analytical instruments for 978-287-4222, FAX: 978-287-5222,
instrumentation servicing worldwide markets. We atomic spectrometry (AAS, AFS), molecular,
focus experience on designing new, analyzers that spectoscopy (UV VIS, VIS), elemental analysis (C, Contact: Sls/Mktg, Julie Williams
help customers achieve higher levels of productivity N, S, Cl), and sum parameter analysis (TOC/TN, Provides applied analytics manufacturers on-line
and quality. We do this by seeking out ways to TOX). Products are designed for industrial and process analyzers and sampling systems for the
overcome the limitations of current methods of scientific applications in the field of environment, life chemical, petrochemical, power generation, and
process monitoring, control, and quality assurance. science, chemical industry, petrochemical, and pharmaceutical industries.
renewable energy sources.
Amiad Filtration Systems APS Technology Inc
2220 Celsius Ave, Oxnard, CA 93030, ANGEL Services 7 Laser Ln, Wallingford, CT 06492-1928,
805-988-3323, toll-free: 800-969-4055, FAX: (div of ITT Corp) 860-613-4450, FAX: 203-284-7428,
805-988-3313,, Space Systems Div, 800 Lee Rd, Rochester, NY 14606, Contact: Mktg Dir, Brian Stroehlein
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Jim Lauria 585-269-5121, FAX: 585-269-5603, Provides advanced and reliable MWD/LWD,
Offers a line of filtration products with inlet/outlet, vibration management, and drilling performance
sizes from 3/4 to 24 in., flows to 18,000 gpm per Contact: Dir, Daniel Brake systems. The company’s New England design
single unit, and filtration degrees ranging from 5000 Offers comprehensive aerial leak surveys that center also offers in-house turnkey analysis,
to 2 microns. The systems can be built to ASME enhance safety and efficiency of pipeline hardware and software design, manufacturing,
code and a multitude of construction materials operations. Flies above pipeline’s right-of-way assembly, test, and support services to meet your
suitable for any application. (ROW), the company finds natural gas leaks that electromechanical, instrumentation, and sensor
other methods miss. needs.
23147 W Highway 6, Alvin, TX 77511, Anko Products Inc Aquatech International Corp
281-331-5956, FAX: 281-585-1780, 3007 29th Ave E, Bradenton, FL 34208, One Four Coins Dr, Canonsburg, PA 15317,, 941-749-1960, toll-free: 800-446-2656, FAX: 724-746-5300, FAX: 724-746-5359,
Provides separation and mass transfer products to 941-748-2307,,,
the refining and chemical industries. Contact: Dir Sls NA, Devesh Mittal
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mktg Mgr, Thomas Collentine Provides water purification technology for industrial
AMKO Systems Inc and infrastructure markets with a focus on
250 W Beaver Creek Rd, Unit 6, Richmond Hill, Ansul Inc desalination, water reuse, and zero liquid discharge.
Ontario, Canada L4B 1C7, 905-771-1444, FAX: One Stanton St, Marinette, WI 54143, Groups include Raw Water Treatment, Ion
905-771-1616,, 715-735-7411, toll-free: 800-346-3626, FAX: Exchange, Membrane Processes (UF/RO/MBR),
Companies 715-732-3608, Thermal Desalination (MED/MSF),
Contact: Pres, Doris Kosch Offers special hazard fire solutions you’ll find Wastewater/Effluent Treatment, and Zero Liquid
Provides monitoring solutions for the supply of undergorund, offshore, on board, in the kitchen, Discharge.
in-situ and extractive continuous emission around the plant, at the office, off the road, and in
monitoring systems (CEMS) for gas turbines, SAGD the air. The company’s 1000 trained distributors Arabian Construction Engineering Co
plants, refineries, coal-fired G.S. pulp and paper backed by 30-plus field offices protect people and (ACEC)
mills, cement plants, incinerators, and more. property from fire virtually anywhere in the world. 18 Jabr Bin Mohd, PO Box 1277, Doha, 1277
Turnkey CEMS process and ambient air monitoring Qatar, 974-44-148-62, FAX: 974-44-301-12,
systems incorporate advances from SICK-MAIHAK,
Eco-Physics, ASI, KNF Neuberger, and Testo. Contact: Man Dir, G. W. Shousha’a
Provides construction management, civil
engineering, trading, projects, sales, services,
agencies, and representation of international
companies in various fields, such as the oil and gas
industry, petrochemical, human resources
solutions, power generation, shipping,
telecommuncation, travel industry, medical
supplies, and more.

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ARCA Regler GmbH

ARCA Regler GmbH Asahi/America Inc Atlas Copco Hurricane LLC

Kempener Strasse 18, 47918 Toenisvorst, 35 Green St, PO Box 653, Malden, MA 02148, 1015 Hurricane Rd, Franklin, IN 46131,
Germany, 49-2156-7709-0, FAX: 781-321-5409, toll-free: 800-343-3618, FAX: 317-736-3800, toll-free: 800-754-7408, FAX:
49-2156-770955,, 781-321-4421,, 317-736-3801,,
Contact: Sr Eng, Harald Seidler Contact: Tech Eng, Ken Blystone
Manufactures control valves and steam reformers. Manufactures and supplies a compliment of Contact: VP/Sls Mktg, Richard Baker
The product range consists of globe, butterfly, corrosion-resistant fluid flow products, including Offers high-pressure booster incorporate
hygienic and sterile valves in sizes of DN 1/2-32 in. thermoplastic valves, pneumatic and electric technologies, application flexibility, and size and
and pressure classes PN 10-630, ANSI 150-ANSI actuators, high-purity pipe systems, and welding weight advantages. Supplying airpower to rugged
2500 sp. cl. with pneumatic, electric and hydraulic equipment. Products are sold throughout the USA industries in extreme environments requires reliable
actuators, I/P- and smart positioners. HART, and Latin America, with nearly 1000 locations. ISO equipment. Rises to the challenges by offering
PROFIBUS, and field communications available. 9001 certified. world-class products that are dependable,
adaptable, and serviceable.
Arizona Instrument LLC ASCO Valve Canada
1912 W 4th St, Tempe, AZ 85281, 602-470-1414, 17 Airport Rd, PO Box 160, Brantford, Ontario, Atlas Incinerators A/S
toll-free: 800-528-7411, FAX: 480-480-0656, Canada N3T 5MB, 519-758-2700, FAX: Masnedoevej 73, PO Box 143, DK-4760, 519-758-5540,, Vordingborg, Denmark, 45-55-34-66-55, FAX:
Contact: Dir Sls, Rick Ervin 45-55-37-66-33,,
Designs, manufactures, and markets a line of Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Jon Haigh
Computrac precision moisture/solids/ash analysis Manufactures 2-, 3-, and 4-way solenoid valves, Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Erik Vilhelmsen
instruments, including the Computrac Vapor Pro Fx temperature and pressure switches, pressure Offers prevention of oil and garbage pollution at
moisture analyzer, which accurately measures sensors, combustion products, fluid power sea. Product line has been on the market since
moisture levels in liquids and most oils down to 10 products, and valve position indicators. 1974 and more than 5000 incinerators have been
ppm in as little as three minutes without using toxic installed worldwide within the marine and offshore
reagents or glass. Ashcroft Inc industry, on power plants, and more.
250 E Main St, Stratford, CT 06614-5145,
Arkema Inc 203-378-8281, toll-free: 800-328-8258, FAX: Atlas Maridan Aps
2000 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19130, 203-385-0408,, Atlas Elektronik GmbH
215-419-7000, FAX: 215-419-7930, Agern Allee 3, 2970 Hoersholm, Denmark,, Manufactures pressure and temperature monitoring 45-4576-4050, FAX: 45-4576-4051, devices for oil and gas processing and distribution.,
Provides industrial chemicals, including acrylics, Best known by the brand names Ashcroft, Heise, Contact: Mktg/Sls Mgr, Jesper Peter Menne
PMMA, thiochemicals, fluorochemicals, hydrogen and Weksler. Specializes in pressure gauges, Baunsgaard
peroxide, and performance products, such as instrument isolators, pressure switches, Develops and integrates autonomous underwater
technical polymers, specialty chemicals organic thermometers, pressure transducers/transmitters, vehicles. Specialized in development AUVs,
provider, additives, formaldehyde resins, and and calibration equipment, including intrinsically systems for control of underwater vehicles (AUV,
agrochemicals. safe and explosion-proof designs. ROV, ROTV, and Towed Array) as well as
integration of payload sensors.
ARLA Maschinentechnik GmbH Ashtead Technology
Hansestr 2, D-51688 Wipperfuerth, Germany, Unit 3, The Technology Bldg, Kirkton Ave, Autoclave Engineers
49-2267-6585-0, FAX: 49-2267-6585-70, Pitmedden Rd In Est, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 0BF 8325 Hessinger Dr, Erie, PA 16509,, UK, 44-1224-771888, FAX: 44-1224-770129, 814-860-5700, FAX: 814-833-0145,
Contact: Man Dir, Andreas Laschet,,
Specializes in engineering services to improve and Contact: Customer Service
detect the dynamic behavior of drivelines in rotating Contact: Dir Sls, Colin Erskine Manufactures high and ultrahigh pressure valves,
machinery. This includes the analysis of torsional Rents equipment that represents the best in the fittings, and tubing for pressures to 100,000 psi.
and lateral vibrations as they occur in drive industry, starting with fiberoptic multiplexers, NDT Products include needle, ball, check, and relief
systems. The rotordynamic optimization contains equipment, inspection equipment, long- and valves; NPT and ferrule fittings to 15,000 psi; coned
the analysis of bearings as well. Also offers ultrashort baseline (LBL and USBL) positioning and threaded fittings and adapters from 10,000 to
simulation software. systems and accessories, surface positioning 100,000 psi; and stainless or specialty tubing for all
equipment that features global positioning systems pressures.
Armstrong Industrial Tools and gyrocompasses and bathymetric, subsea
(div of Danaher) cameras, side-scan and sub-bottom profiling Automatic Power Inc
Danaher Tool Group Div systems. 213 Hutcheson St, Houston, TX 77003,
14600 York Rd, Bldg A, Sparks, MD 21152, 713-228-5208, FAX: 713-228-3717,
410-773-7987, toll-free: 800-763-1233, FAX: Atlas Copco,
877-356-2952,, Drilling Solutions Div 2100 N First St, Garland, TX 75040, Contact: Sls Mgr, Bob Nichols
Contact: Gen Mgr, Daniel Mislak 972-496-7240, FAX: 972-496-7425, Manufactures marine and aviation obstruction light

Manufactures industrial quality hand tools., fog signals and racons. Supplier for solar power systems. ATEX and NEC approvals.
Arrow Engine Co Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Joanna Jester
(div of Trimas) Manufactures rotary drills specifically designed for Automation Products Group Inc
2301 E Independence, Tulsa, OK 74110, the oil and gas, deep hole, and mining industries. 1025 W 1700 North, Logan, UT 84321,
800-331-3662, FAX: 918-699-3202, 435-753-7300, toll-free: 888-525-7300, FAX:, Atlas Copco Compressors LLC 435-753-7490,,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Kevin Boucher 1800 Overview Dr, Rock Hill, SC 29730,
Manufactures Arrow C-series (continental-climax) 413-536-0600, FAX: 803-817-7336, Contact: Cust Svc Mgr, Shawn Rigby
engines, VR engines, Lufkin engines, chemical, Manufactures level sensors, pressure transmitters,
injector pumps, VCR-2 Compressor, gas products, and digital pressure gauges for process control
including scrubbers, separators, coalescers and Contact: VP Comms/Branding, Paul Humphreys applications.
gas engine automation equipment. Supplies Supplies air compressors, selling one of every three
replacement parts for Ajax, Fairbanks Morris, compressors and serving more than a quarter of a
Gemini, Ford, Hercules, Caterpillar, Waukesha million customers on six continents.
Intermediate, and VHP lines.

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Automation Products Inc Baker Hughes Inc Bal Seal Engineering Inc
Dynatrol Div 2929 Allen Pkwy, Suite 2100, Houston, TX 77019, 19650 Pauling, Foothill Ranch, CA 92610-2610,
3030 Maxroy St, Houston, TX 77008, 713-439-8118, 949-460-2100, toll-free: 800-366-1006, FAX:
713-869-0361, toll-free: 800-231-2062, FAX: Provides the worldwide oil and natural gas industry 949-460-2300,,
713-869-7332,, products and services for drilling, formation evaluation, completion, and production. Creates Contact: Mktg/Comms, Mark Halloran
Manufactures Dynatrol on-line systems for value for the producers by providing advanced Provides custom-engineered sealing, connecting,
measurement of density, specific gravity, percent technology to find, develop, produce, and manage conducting and shielding solutions for energy, oil
solids, percent concentration and viscosity for use oil and gas reservoirs, operating in more than 90 and gas applications. Products, formulated from
in the petroleum industry. The Dynatrol level countries serving international and national oil PEEK, PTFE, UHMWPE and other
switches provide liquid and slurries level detection companies. high-performance materials, employ canted-coil
and bulk solids level detection for a wide range of spring technology for enhanced equipment
product applications. Baldor Electric Co performance and reliability.
PO Box 2400, Fort Smith, AR 72902,
Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH 479-646-4711, FAX: 479-648-5792, Banner Engineering Corp
Grützmühlenweg 44, 22339 Hamburg, Germany, 9714 Tenth Ave N, Minneapolis, MN 55441,
49-40-538-904-32, FAX: 49-40-538-21-40, Contact: Exec VP Sls, Randy Colip 763-544-3164, toll-free: 888-373-6767, FAX:, Markets, designs, and manufactures industrial 763-544-3213,,
Contact: Carsten Teichler electric motors, power transmission products,
Manufactures electrohydraulic actuators and drives, and generators. Contact: Dir Mktg/Comms, Bob Durkee
regulators for safety and control valves, suitable for Manufactures electronic machine guarding
hazardous areas. Offers worldwide service and Baldwin Filters systems, photoelectric and ultrasonic sensors,
representatives in several countries. ATEX certified. (A CLARCOR Co) fiberoptic assemblies, vision sensors, precision
4400 E Highway 30, PO Box 6010, Kearney, NE measurement systems, and wireless networks.
Aviation Technology Services Llc 68848-6010, 308-234-1951, toll-free: Serves a variety of industries, such as petroleum,
7355 S Peoria St, Suite 112, Box A-1, 800-822-5394, FAX: 800-828-4453, automotive, packaging, pharmaceutical,
Englewood, CO 80112, 303-858-1359,, semiconductor, carwash, metalforming, food, Contact: Mktg/Comms Coord, Jean Seitz processing, printing, and material handling.
Specializes in airborne high pressure gas pipeline Manufactures air, coolant, fuel, hydraulic, and lube
leak detection utilizing the Boreal laser and video filters. Bardex Corp
right-of-ways. Helicopter services supporting the 6338 Lindmar Dr, Goleta, CA 93117,
energy industry crew transport, and external load Ballast Technologies Inc 805-964-7747, FAX: 805-683-1763,
operations. 4620 S Coach Dr, Tucson, AZ 85714-3442,,
520-790-2229, toll-free: 866-547-8349, FAX: Provides hydraulic load handling equipment for a
AW-Lake Co 520-790-2239,, number of diverse applications, including rig
8809 Industrial Dr, Franksville, WI 53126, skidding, FPSO mooring, TLP tendon tensioning,
262-884-9800, toll-free: 800-850-6110, FAX: Contact: Pres, Mark A. Ensio shiplifts, portable pier systems,
262-884-9810,, Supplies and installs fixed ballasts. The company’s construction/erection, and SCR (steel catenary system, named Perma Ballast, is acknowledged to riser) pull-in.
Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Curt Foreman be fast and cost-effective method of ballast
Manufactures positive displacement, turbine, mass installation. The rapid and environmentally safe Barkman Concrete Ltd
coriolis flowmeters, plural component metered process and materials require minimal vessel Con-Duct Trench Div
mixing systems, flow computers, controllers, and modification, which yields savings for vessel 909 Gateway Rd, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
flow monitors and flow ranges from 1 gpd to 5000 owners and shipyards. R2K 3L1, 204-667-3310, toll-free: 800-342-2879,
bpm. FAX: 204-663-4854,
Balmac Inc,
b3o enviroTek 8205 Estates Pkwy, Unit N, Plain City, OH 43064,
Locate Underground Div 614-873-8222, FAX: 614-873-2519, Contact: Prod Consultant, Myron Vogt
695 Nashville Park, #310, Gallatin, TN 37066,, Offers precast concrete utility trenches and covers
615-989-1576, FAX: 615-206-7592, Contact: VP, Steve Crawford for locations requiring fast, easy location and, Manufactures vibration measurement access of in-ground cables. Available in high instrumentation used in applications or rotating strength cast concrete and/or lightweight glass fiber
Contact: Dir Opers, Julie Cosens machinery. Products include vibration analyzers, reinforced concrete (GFRC). Installed throughout
Provides leak detection systems for hydro test meters, monitors, vibration switches, transmitters, North America, engineered to provide the ultimate
failure, pipe locating services, pipe locating, PVC and sensors. in durability.
pipe locating, and an assortment of tools and
systems for the utility and energy industries. Balmoral Offshore Engineering BARTEC GmbH
(div of Balmoral Comtec Ltd) Max-Eyth Str 16, PO Box 1166, D-97980 Bad
Baker Energy Balmoral Park, Loirston, Aberdeen, AB12 3GY Mergentheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany,
Northbelt Office Center II, 785 Greens Pkwy, UK, 44-1224-859-000, FAX: 44-1224-859-059, 49-7931-597-0, FAX: 49-7931-597-119,
Suite 100, Houston, TX 77067, 281-579-7850,,,
toll-free: 800-235-5290, FAX: 281-579-4545, Contact: Int’l Bus Dev Dir, Jim Hamilton Functions as an internationally acting company in, Provides rigid, dynamic, and BHOR riser buoyancy; the field of safety technology. The protection of ROV/AUV and subsurface buoyancy; elastomer people and the environment by the safety of
Contact: Mktg Dir, Gary Phillips cable protectors; bend restrictors; stiffeners, components, systems, and plants is the corporate
Provides total asset management solutions, clamps; and riser protection guards. Operates its mission statement. Provides components and
including operations engineering, own hydrostatic test center which accommodates a systems tested to international standards, and has
competency-based recruiting and training, variety of products from small systems through to acquired an international position among safety
operations and maintenance personnel, HSE&C the largest rigid riser modules. technology suppliers.
program management, and supply chain and
logistics management.

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Battery Operated Barrier

Battery Operated Barrier Belden Beverlin Manufacturing Co

7054 CR 521, Bayfield, CO 81122, 2200 US Highway 27 S, Richmond, IN 47374, 3515 Raleigh Dr SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49572,
970-946-4180,, 765-983-5200, toll-free: 800-235-3361, FAX: 616-949-5990, FAX: 616-949-0873, 765-983-5294,,,
Contact: Owner, Dennis Evers Contact: Dir Sls, John Watson
Provides portable 12 ft. barrier gates for well sites Manufactures cabling solutions for the industrial Manufactures perforated tubes and steel tube
and anywhere you need to limit access. The market, including DataTuff cables for industrial products.
company’s security barriers can be set up instantly. Ethernet, as well as DataBus, DeviceBus, and
For locations prone to terrorism, the company ControlBus cables that support numerous fieldbus Biglift Shipping BV
offers tire shredders that work with the gates to networks. Other products are Blue Hose for PLC Radarweg 36, PO Box 2599, 1000 CN
flatten all tires of a threatening vehicle instantly, systems, cables for variable frequency drives, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 31-20-4488-300,
reducing the threat. instrumentation, control, and flexible automation FAX: 31-20-4488-333,
BEAR Power Supplies
1916 Route 96, Phelps, NY 14532, n BellowsTech LLC Specializes in heavy lift and project cargo
315-548-5000, toll-free: 800-551-2327, FAX: Precision Manufacturing Group LLC Div transportation worldwide.
315-548-5100,, 1289 N US Highway 1, Suite 1, Ormond Beach, FL 32174, 386-615-7530, FAX: 386-615-7973,,
Bollfilter UK Ltd
Contact: Global Sls Mgr, Peter Growney (sub of Boll & Kirch)
Designs and makes rugged power supplies for
UK Technical Sales & Support Div
commercial, industrial, and medical systems. Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Jim Barkand
Union 9 Station Way, Station Rd, Tolleshunt
Standard and custom products include AC/DC, Produces edge welded bellows, specializing in
D’arcy, Essex, CM9 8TY UK, 44-1621-862-180,
DC/DC, and DC/AC converters from mW to kW the custom design and manufacturing of pre-
FAX: 44-1621-869-257,,
with compact size and high reliability. All products cision edge welded bellows and assemblies,
feature long life and reliable operation from -40°C to in an array of alloys and dimensional configu-
Contact: Dir, John Dow
at least 70°C. rations serving the high vacuum, semiconduc-
Offers sales, service, spares, and technical advice
tor, oil services, and process control
on a range of fully automatic, manual simplex and
industries. Materials include titanium, 316LSS,
Robert J Beck and Associates AM350SS, aluminum and inconel/hastelloy.
duplex filters, and strainers in the product range of
5377 S Irvington Ave, Tulsa, OK 74135, liquid separation, gas particle filters, and
(See ad p 22)
918-630-2891, coalescers.
Provides energy-economic analysis and planning
for the energy industry. Provides short and long Belsim Production LLC
(sub of BELSIM S A)
Bollinger Shipyards Inc
term outlook analysis for energy industry planning, PO Box 250, Lockport, LA 70374, 985-532-2554,
operational, investment analysis. Rue Berotte 29 A, 4470 St Georges, Belgium,
32-4-259-88-88, FAX: 32-4-259-88-89, FAX: 985-532-7225,,,
Behringer Corp Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Ulrika Wising
17 Ridge Rd, Branchville, NJ 07826, Specializes in solutions for energy management, Contact: Exec VP Sls/Mktg, Robert A. Socha
973-948-0226, FAX: 973-948-2562, production allocation/accounting, performance Provides shipbuilding and repair., management, condition based maintenance, and optimization in petroleum production, refining, and
Contact: Prod Mgr, Scott Christina chemical industries, and in the energy sector. The
Manufactures and markets hydraulic accessories, core business is the field of advanced data
including filter elements, valves, and clamps. validation and reconciliation.
Represents Mahle Industrial Filters and Roetelmann
high pressure ball valves.
Ben-Mor BOLO by WellPoint Systems Inc
1105 Lemire St, Saint-Hyacinthe, Quebec, 12596 W Bayaud Ave, Suite 400, Lakewood,
Beier Radio Canada J2T 1L8, 800-481-0022, FAX: CO 80228, 303-987-2238, toll-free:
2605 Concord Rd, Belle Chasse, LA 70037-3104, 800-498-0022,, 866-987-2238, FAX: 303-986-5558,
504-341-0123,,, Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Richard Plante
Contact: Sls Mgr, Buddy Morgan Manufactures and distributes wire rope, coated Contact: Sr VP WW Sls/Svc, Carrie Manion
Provides electronic engineering, systems wire rope, slings, chains, and fittings. Provides the oil and gas industry with a
integration, submittals to regulatory bodies, project customer-centric accounting and land and
management, and installation of electronic systems production software. The interface design and
of marine vessels, which include dynamic
Bernard Welding Equipment
449 West Corning Rd, PO Box 667, Beecher, IL configurable systems increase user
positioning systems, machinery automation-control productivity and efficiency through
and monitoring equipment, satellite systems, 60401, 708-946-2281, toll-free: 800-946-2281,
FAX: 708-946-6726,, streamlined functionality and real-time data
communicatios, and navigation systems. analysis. Offers users an integrated, highly
Offers premier MIG guns and consumables for the scalable software suite to efficiently process
BEI Industrial Encoders data and provide immediate access to

most demanding of industrial welding applications.

7230 Hollister Ave, Goleta, CA 93117, From our semi-automatic, air-cooled Q-Guns and pertinent information.
805-968-0782, toll-free: 800-350-2727, FAX: CenterFire consumables to our self-shielded
805-968-3154,, flux-cored Dura-Flux gun, each product offers the
durability, precision and quality that our customers
Manufactures rugged ATEX compliant rotary optical Unit 2, Junction 10 Business Park, Walsall, West
have come to expect from Bernard.
encoders for oil and gas services. Well sealed and Midlands, WS2 0LE UK, 44-8707-744-661, FAX:
rated for hazardous environments per international 44-8707-744-662,,
standards. Explosion-proof and safe models,
Industrial Mesh Div Contact: Dir, Fred Heaton
combined with BEI isolation barriers, ensure
Deerlijkstraat 58A, Zwevegem, Belgium, Designs and manufactures hydraulic bolt tensioning
complete ATEX compliant solutions. Used in coiled
32-56-73-4530,, equipment on quick delivery, including bolt
tubing, drawworks, slickline, top drive, wireline, and tensioners, hydraulic nuts (including
other oilfield applications.
Contact: Global Key Acct Mgr, Frederik De Knijf high-temperature, HydraNut), hydraulic pumps (air,
Manufactures Armapipe, a spot-welded mesh of electric, and hand models), ultrasonic bolt
galvanized low-carbon steel wire used to reinforce elongation measurement, thread protection caps,
the concrete coating of offshore pipelines. flexible hoses, and quick connectors.

40 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Burcelik Valve

Boots & Coots International Well Control Bortech Corp Brown Corrosion Service Inc
Inc 66 Victoria St, Keene, NH 03431, 603-358-4030, PO Box 940638, Houston, TX 77094,
7908 N Sam Houston Pkwy W, 5th Floor, FAX: 603-358-4007,, 832-327-0965, FAX: 832-327-0968,
Houston, TX 77064-3513, 281-931-8884, FAX:,
281-931-8302, Contact: Pres, Leo White
Contact: VP Bus Dev, Larry Burleson Repairs worn bores, pins, shafts, faces, and conical Contact: VP, Jane N. Brown
Provides pressure control services to oil and gas seats; with IDs, ranging from 0.5 to 12 ft. by Provides cathodic protection supply and service,
companies around the world. The company’s well applying a GMAW weld overlay. Provides ID corrosion control, corrosion monitoring equipment
intervention services are designed to enhance well cladding of round (symmetrical) parts, such as and systems, and sand and hydrogen monitoring
production and reduce the number and severity of nozzles and tubes, using stainless steel or nickel systems. The company specializes in material
critical well events. The response segment consists alloys. Local demonstrations and training are degradation and corrosion/erosion control.
of emergency services utilized during a critical well available.
event. Brush Wellman Inc
Bourgeois & Associates Inc Alloy Div
BORSIG Boiler Systems GmbH Station 1, PO Box 10157, Houma, LA 70363, 17876 St Clair Ave, Cleveland, OH 44110,
Schellerdamm 16, D-21079 Hamburg, Germany, 985-851-0881, FAX: 985-851-0888, 216-486-4200, toll-free: 800-443-7731, FAX:
49-40-303726-0, FAX: 49-40-303726-4050,, 216-383-4005,, Contact: Pres, Roger Bourgeois,
Offers fixed boilers, heat recovery boilers, power Sells, services, and installs fire
plant engineering, and power plant services. detection/suppresion systems. Contact: Mktg Dir Ind’l Components, Bill
BPC - Bio Petro Clean Manufactures nonmagnetic, high strength,
BORSIG Membrane Technology
corrosion-resistant copper alloys. Products include
(sub of BORSIG GmbH) 5090 Richmond Ave, #148, Houston, TX 77056,
rod, bar, tube, instrument housings, subs, forgings,
Bottroper Str 279, 45964 Gladbeck, Nordhein, 646-367-3729,,
near net shape casting, and machined
Westfalen, Germany, 49-2043-4006-01, FAX:
components. Alloys include: Brush Alloy 25 (CuBe)
49-2043-4006-6299,, Delivers ecological solution (ACT) for wastewater
for thread spacers; ToughMet (CuNiSn Spinodal treatments. The company directly addresses the
Bronze Alloy) for exploration; and completion tools
Contact: Man Dir, Stegger challenges facing various industries, including oil
and valves, umbilicals, capillary tubes, and polished
Provides membranes, membrane modules, and refineries, oil storage farms, drilling sites, marine
membrane systems for VOC emission control ports, contaminated reservoirs, and storage tanks.
systems, such as vapour recovery units. Offers
product recovery units, membrane separation BS&B Safety
Brimrose Corp of America
systems for fuel gas conditioning, and new 7455 East 46th St, Tulsa, OK 74145,
19 Loveton Cir, Hunt Valley Loveton Ctr, Sparks,
separation technologies. 918-622-5950, FAX: 918-665-3904,
MD 21152, 410-472-7070, FAX: 410-472-7960,,,
BORSIG Process Heat Exchangers Manufactures high-quality pressure relief devices,
Contact: Apps Eng, Shana Middleton
GmbH explosion protection systems, and wireless
Manufactures portable NIR spectrometers used for
monitoring solutions that are marketed throughout
(div of Borsig GmbH) in-line processing or laboratory analysis.
the world. The company is ISO 9001 certified with
Egellsstr 21, D-13507 Berlin, Germany, Applications include: raw material ID; measuring,
manufacturing facilities.
49-30-4301-01, FAX: 49-30-4301-2447, monitoring, and controlling the manufacturing, process; measuring moisture, density, and
Contact: Man Dir, Nassauer viscosity; detecting and quantifying aromatics, Bulldog Specialties Ltd
Offers process gas waste heat recovery systems for additives; separating high, medium, and low quality 1312 W 2nd, PO Box 7037, Odessa, TX 79763,
ammonia, caprolactam, formaldehyde, hydrogen, characteristics; and measuring the cetane index in 432-333-4652, toll-free: 800-444-9504, FAX:
methanol, nitric acid and coal gasification plants addition to several other applications. 432-337-9106,
and for plants partial oxidation of oil and natural,
gas. Also offers quench coolers (tunnelflow and Broadpoint
linear design) and scraped surface exchangers. Contact: Pres, Gene L. Kirby
11335 Clay Rd, Suite 190, Houston, TX 77041,
Manufactures oil field equipment and distributes
281-501-4700, toll-free: 800-458-8301, FAX:
BORSIG Service GmbH wholesale.
(sub of BORSIG GmbH)
Egellsstr 21, D-13507 Berlin, Germany, Offers a GSM digital wireless network that covers BullEx Digital Safety
49-30-4301-01, FAX: 49-30-4301-2771, more than 100,000 square miles of the Gulf of 85 Broadway, Albany, NY 12204, 518-689-2023,, Mexico and provides voice, voicemail, texting, toll-free: 888-428-5539, FAX: 518-689-2034,
Contact: Man Ind’l Svcs, Adehahr faxing, Internet, e-mail, and data. The company,
Provides industrial services for power plants, provides Ku and C-band satellite packages Contact: Sls Mgr, Jeffrey Kennedy
chemical and petrochemical plants, refineries, domestically, internationally, onshore, and offshore Utilizes patented smart technology to develop
general industries, and district supply plants. Offers that include voice, fax, and data video. life-saving products for the global workforce,
new fabrication of spares. Offers machines, ball manufacturing both live-fire and digital extinguisher
valves, pressure vessels, valves, power plants, training systems. Serves a diverse customer base
Bronto Skylift
refrigeration plants, pipe work, pumps, and from its corporate and manufacturing headquarters.
blowers. Teerivuorenkatu 28, FI-33300 Tampere, Finland,
358-20-7927-111, FAX: 358-20-7927-300,, Bulwark Protective Apparel
BORSIG ZM Compression GmbH Manufactures truck mounted hydraulic platforms. (div of VF Imagewear)
(div of Borsig GmbH) 545 Marriott Dr, Nashville, TN 37214,
Seiferitzer Allee 26, 08393 Meerane, Germany, 615-565-5000, toll-free: 800-223-3372, FAX:
49-3764-5390-0, FAX: 49-3764-5390-5090,
Brookfield Engineering Laboratories Inc
615-565-5284,, 11 Commerce Blvd, Middleboro, MA 02324, Provides secondary flame-resistant apparel to the
Contact: Sls Mgr, Gast 508-946-6200, FAX: 508-946-6262, North American industrial market, primarily serving
Offers reciprocating compressors for process, the electric utility and petrochemical segments
gases, reciprocating compressors for CNG filling through the designing, manufacturing, and
stations, and centrifugal compressors for process Contact: Gen Mgr Process Sls, Steven marketing of a range of apparel products. Also
gas blowers and blower systems. Service for Cicchese offers technical service.
compressors and blowers. Manufactures laboratory and process viscometers
and rheometers. Manufactures the DV II+ and PVS
viscometers used in the development of fracturing Burcelik Valve
and drilling fluids. The TT100 in-line viscometer is Ata Center, Ahi Evren Cad #1 K3, Maslak,
used in monitoring these fluids in the field. Istanbul, 80870 Turkey, 90-212-286-66-40, FAX:

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Burgmann Industries GmbH & Co KG

Burgmann Industries GmbH & Co KG Callidus Technologies LLC Canadian Linen & Uniform Service
Aeussere Sauerlacher Strabe 6-10, D-82515 7130 S Lewis Ave, Suite 335, Tulsa, OK 74136, Factory Outlet Div
Wolfratshausen, Germany, 49-8171-23-0, FAX: 918-496-7599, FAX: 918-496-7589, 4525 Manilla Rd SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
49-8171-23-1214,,, T2G 4B6, 403-243-8080, FAX: 403-214-4325, Designs, manufactures, supplies, and services,
Contact: Press Officer, Ellen Klier environmental combustion equipment; such as
Offers a product range that includes: mechanical process heater burners, flare systems, vapor Contact: Sls Mgr, Peter Robinson
seals, stuffing box packings, static seals, magnetic control systems and thermal oxidizers/incinerators, Offers a line of fire retardant wear, safety wear,
couplings, automotive seals; fabric, rubber and to the petroleum, petro-chemical, and high-visability wear, and summer and insulated
metal expansion joints; seal supply systems, and pharmaceutical industries. winter work wear. Contractual rental and cleaning
rotary kiln sealing systems. services available. Towels, washroom facility
Calnetix services, entrance, and company logo mat rentals
Butler Manufacturing Co available. Will design custom uniforms and rental
12880 Moore St, Cerritos, CA 90703,
programs. Complete line of napery and linen
1540 Genessee St, Kansas City, MO 64102, 562-293-1660,,
816-968-3000,, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Wendy Holt
Provides superior-performance buildings for the Develops and manufactures high efficiency Can-Con Industries Inc
petroleum industry. The company maximizes permanent magnet motors, generators, and (A Wolseley Co)
productivity with clear-span structural framing, magnetic bearing systems. Speeds from 5000 to 9333 45th Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E
weathertight standing-seam metal roof systems, 400,000 rpm and powers of 1 kW to 2 MW. 5Z7, 780-436-1930, FAX: 780-435-4849,
and an energy-efficient building envelope. Can experience with integration of these systems into,
compress building schedules to get you up and turbomachinery and offers cost-effective solutions Contact: Reg Mgr, Scott A. Toshack
running faster. from prototyping to production. Manufactures and distributes pipe fittings and
accessories for the natural gas, oil, and water
Butterworth Inc Calnetix Power Solutions
16737 W Hardy Rd, Houston, TX 77060, (sub of Calnetix Inc)
281-821-7300, FAX: 281-821-5550, 2901 SE Monroe St, Stuart, FL 34997, Cannon Instrument Co, 772-219-9449,, 2139 High Tech Rd, State College, PA 16803,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Mark Murphy 800-676-6232, FAX: 814-353-8007,
Manufactures, sells, and leases tank cleaning Contact: Mktg Mgr, Wendy Holt,
equipment and accessories (hose). Manufactures microturbine power generation and
waste heat recovery electric generation equipment. Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Frank Saylor
Both microturbines and waste heat generators Manufactures automatic and manual glass capillary
(WHG) are available in 100 kW units. Both products viscometers (including the Cannon Automatic
Gifhorner Strasse 59, 29379 Knesebeck, Viscometer for petroleum products), cold cranking
can be packaged in configuration that will allow
Germany, 49-5834-50-0, FAX: 49-5834-50-320, simulator, Cannon mini-rotary viscometer, high
them to run parallel to achieve outputs of 1000 kW, temperature high shear viscometer, thermoelectric
and above.
Contact: Sls Mgr Oil/Gas Downstream, Lutz bending beam rheometer, constant temperature
Nieberg baths, and viscosity standards. North American
Produces stainless-steel materials in Europe. Cameron
Measurement Systems Div distributor for Tanaka Automated Flash Point
Product range includes longitudinally welded testers, pour/cloud point testers, and other
stainless-steel pipes and fittings, vessels, and 1000 McClaren Woods Dr, Coraopolis, PA
15108-7766, 724-273-9300, FAX: 724-273-9301, automated petroleum testers.
special piping components in stainless steel,
titanium, nickel, copper alloys, and clad material.,
Contact: O&G Prod Mgr Caldon Ultrasonic, Canongate Technology Inc
Christopher Laird 2045 S Arlington Heights Rd, Arlington Heights,
Bw Technologies
Manufactures ultrasonic products at the Caldon IL 60005, 847-593-1832, FAX: 847-593-1629,
3279 W Pioneer Pkwy, Arlington, TX 76013, Ultrasonics Technology Center in Pennsylvania.,
817-274-2487, toll-free: 888-749-8878, FAX: Caldon brand LEFM ultrasonic products measure
817-274-8321,, mass and volumetric flowrate, temperature, density, Contact: VP, Ron McRae and viscosity. Offers complete turnkey services, Provides continuous and point level instruments for
Contact: Mgr Cust Svc, Gigi Grubbs including engineering, design, manufacturing, noninvasive sensing of liquid level. No tank
Provides gas monitoring instrumentation. technical support, in-house maintenance, and penetration is required by these devices.
Showcasing a full line of portable, fixed, and remote monitoring.
stand-alone equipment, The company utilizes
advanced microcontrollers and sensing technology Cantest Solutions Inc
to design and produce small, user-friendly and Cameron’s Measurement Systems 23 Eastlake Crescent NE, #2, Airdrie, Alberta,
cost-effective instruments for the gas detection Division Canada T4A 2H5, 403-912-9129, toll-free:
industry. (div of Cameron) 800-318-1441, FAX: 403-912-9337,
Measurement Systems Div
14450 JFK Blvd, Houston, TX 77032, Contact: Oilfield Svcs Mgr, Lee Krause
Caldon Ultrasonics 281-582-9500, toll-free: 800-654-3760, FAX: Provides third party evaluation services to the
Cameron Measurement Systems Div

281-582-9599,, oilfield storage tank industry. The skilled workforce

1000 McClaren Woods Dr, Coraopolis, PA 15108, and technologies and high corporate standards
724-273-9300, FAX: 724-273-9301, Contact: Dir US Sls, Gary Delander have earned the company a solid reputation for, Designs, manufactures, and dustributes delivering quality precision leak detection testing for
Contact: Ultrasonics Prod Leader, Christopher measurement and control instrumentation for the both underground and aboveground storage tanks
B. Laird global oil and gas and process control industries. and external visual inspection services.
Supplies precision ultrasonic flowmeters for Our flagship product brands are BARTON, NUFLO,
petroleum measurement, leak detection, allocation CLIF MOCK, JISKOOT, and CALDON.
measurement, and custody transfer measurement. CanWeb Internet Services Ltd
Cameron’s Measurement Systems 1086 Modeland Rd, Bldg 1010, Sarnia N75 6LZ,
Caledus Ltd
Division-Caldon Ultrasonics Ontario, Canada, 519-332-6900, toll-free:
4 Rubislaw Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1XE UK, 877-422-6932, FAX: 519-332-6464,
Coraopolis, PA 724-273-9300, FAX:
44-1224-659000, FAX: 44-1224-659001,,
724-273-9301, Contact: Pres, David Grant
Contact: CEO, Paul Howlett Cameron’s Measurement Systems
Division-Jiskoot Provides iWare knowledge management solutions
Provides proven technology on a global basis. to enable companies to manage the most important
Offers SlimWELL, a well construction technology Tunbridge Wells, UK 44-1892-518000, FAX:
44-1892-518100, resource. Offers operator support, compliance
based on close-clearance, flush-jointed liners; and management, maintenance management,
TD Solutions which offers a range of products and engineering, and coordination operations.
services to ensure all oilfield tubulars reach total
depth in challenging well environments.

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Capital Safety Caterpillar Global Pipeline CCS Midstream Services

3833 SALA Way, Red Wing, MN 55066, (Div of Caterpillar inc) (div of CCS Corp)
651-388-8282, FAX: 651-388-5065, 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1100, Houston, 2400 530 8th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, TX 77040, 713-329-2288, T2P 3S8, 403-233-7565, FAX: 403-261-5612,,
Contact: VP Sls, Kevin Coplan Provides treatment, recovery, and disposal of
Provides innovative products such as full body Contact: Pipeline Mgr, Daniel Macholan petroleum byproducts. Finds solutions that
harnesses, shock absorbing lanyards, self Equipment manufacturer for onshore oil and natural maximize effeciencies at every level. Customer
retracting lifelines, rope grabs, confined space gas pipeline construction. service facilities in Saskatchewan, Alberta, and
equipment, ladder safety systems, anchorage British Columbia.
connectors, horizontal lifeline, custom-engineered CAT PUMPS-High Pressure Pumps &
systems and professional training and consulting Systems CEC Vibration Products Inc
for maximum worker protection. 1681 94th Ln NE, Minneapolis, MN 55449, 746 Arrow Grand Cir, Covina, CA 91722,
763-780-5440, FAX: 763-780-2958, 626-938-0200, toll-free: 800-468-1345, FAX:
Caplugs, 626-938-0202,,
2150 Elmwood Ave, Buffalo, NY 14207, Manufactures high pressure, reciprocating, triplex
716-876-9855, FAX: 716-874-1680, pumps to 320 gpm, 7000 psi for methanol/glycol Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Richard Rogers, injection, secondary recovery, gas turbine mist Manufactures vibration sensors and condition cooling and seawater desalination, plus custom monitoring equipment specialized for use in harsh
built pumps to API 674 specs, 316SSL block-style environment applications. Manufactures a line of
Carbonair Environmental Systems Inc flushing/cooling models, and custom designed velocity sensors, accelerometers, digital switches,
power units offering energy efficiency, long life, and transmitters, signal conditioners, cable assemblies,
7500 Boone Ave N, Suite 101, Brooklyn Park, MN
low maintenance. and vibration monitoring systems used in predictive
55428, 763-315-4771, toll-free: 800-526-4999,
maintenance, qualification, and test cell
FAX: 763-315-4614,
CB&I applications., 2103 Research Forest Dr, The Woodlands, TX
Contact: Sls Mgr, Bob Bergsgarrd 77380, 832-513-1000, FAX: 832-513-1005, CEM Systems Ltd
Supplies groundwater treatment solutions for, Unit 4, Ravenhill Business Park, Belfast, BT6
customers in the environmental, petroleum, and Contact: Dir Global Mktg, Bruce Steimle 8AW UK, 44-28-9045-6767,
construction industries for rent. Also sells low Combines proven process technology with global,
profile airstrippers, oil/water separators, and GAC capabilities in engineering, procurement, and Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Philip Verner
adsorbers for permanent applications. Built a construction to deliver comprehensive solutions to Provides advanced access control and security
reputation by combining water treatment process customers in the energy and natural resource management systems. Originating from a computer
knowledge and the ability for putting together industries. Drawing upon the global expertise and background and with more than 20 years of
custom systems with customer service and a local knowledge of approximately 18,000 experience in the IT and security industry, and has
commitment to safety and the environment. employees in more than 80 locations. Safely and developed a strong understanding of the IT issues
reliably executes projects worldwide. and strategies that companies have in place.
Carrack LTD Provides access control, ID badging, and more.
Badentoy Crescent, Portlethen, Aberdeen, AB12 CB&I Lummus
4YD UK, 44-1224-783100, FAX: (sub of CB&I) CeRam-Kote Coatings
44-1224-783400,, Oostduinlaan 75, 2596 JJ The Hague, The 1800 Industrial Dr, PO Box 2119, Big Spring, TX Netherlands, 31-70-373-2010, FAX: 79721, 432-263-8497, FAX: 432-263-5269,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Sandy McBain 31-70-373-2750,,
Buys and sells new and surplus certified casing, Contact: Comms Mgr, Maria Principe
tubing drill pipe, drill collars, handling equipment, Combines proven process technology with global Contact: Pres, Kevin Freeman
pumps, subsea equipment, and general oil field EPC capabilities to deliver comprehensive solutions Manufactures and applies high performance
equipment. to customers in the energy and natural resource CERAM-KOTE ceramic coatings. Application
industries. Offers engineering, procurement, and division coats the internals and externals of
Carthago International Solutions Inc construction with approximately 17,000 employees tubulars, tanks, and oilfield equipment, and has
in more than 80 locations worldwide. experienced, insured field service crews. The
28-24 Steinway St, Suite 240, Astoria, NY 11103,
product division sells coatings to many industries,
212-217-2222, FAX: 212-217-1598,
CCI Inspection Services Inc primarily for protection against corrosion, erosion,,
2210 N Frazier, Suite 200, Conroe, TX 77303, and abrasion.
Contact: Pres, Mourad Baraket
Develops and manufactures nuclear gas detectors 281-367-6740, toll-free: 800-521-8879, FAX:
based on proprietary opto-acoustic sensor 936-441-4974,, Cetek Ltd
technology. Products include combustible gas (div of Fosbel)
detectors, as well as gas CO2, H2S, HCl, and NH3. Distributes Elcometer, Extech, and Monipower 20600 Sheldon Rd, Brook Park, OH 44142,
High end sensors for improved safety. MBX. Services include: coating (NACEMA trained 216-362-3900, FAX: 216-362-3901,
and certified), construction (project management),,
existing condition surveys (API 653), maintenance Contact: Bus Dir, Steve Cherico
n Cashco Inc
Valve Concepts Div (site supervision), NDT (VT, PT, MT, UT, x-ray Provides a range of services to improve the
607 W 15th St, Ellsworth, KS 67439, interpretation), pipeline (utility, weld, chief, drill, efficiency of fired heaters, including high-emissivity
785-472-4461, FAX: 785-472-3539, tie-ins, stringing), and welding (AWS¾trained and coatings for process tubes and refractory surfaces, certified). online tube descaling, hot refractory repair and
Manufactures weight-loaded, spring-loaded inspections. The coating technology includes a full
and pilot operated vent valves, gauge hatches, CCS-inc Comprehensive Computer technical evaluation of the fired heater before the
application to estimate the benefit that will be
emergency relief vents, flame arresters, deto- Solutions
nation arresters, self contained and pilot oper- derived.
105 Industrial Dr, Christiansburg, VA 24073,
ated tank blanketing valves. Manufactures a 540-382-4234, toll-free: 800-277-3077, FAX:
line of customer tank manifolds allowing en- 540-382-4701,, n CH2M HILL
tire blanketing and venting systems to be 9191 S Jamaica St, Englewood, CO 80112,
mounted into a single tank nozzle. ISO 9001 Contact: Sls Coord, Willa Caldwell 303-771-0900, toll-free: 888-2426-4455, FAX:
registered company. Designs, manufactures, and integrates industrial 720-286-9250,
(See ad p 29) computer systems and NEMA-rated computer and Provides engineering, procurement,
printer enclosures. The engineering staff is skilled at construction, and operations for public and
working with customers as an extension of their private clients.
own design teams to develop turnkey solutions for (See ad Back Cover)
industrial and mission-critical applications.

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Chalmit Lighting

Chalmit Lighting Cirrus Research Plc The CMM Group LLC

Hubbell Ltd Div Acoustic House, Bridlington Rd, Hunmanby, 2071-C Lawrence Dr, PO Box 5903, De Pere, WI
PO Box 5575, Glasgow, G52 4AP UK, North Yorkshire, YO14 0PH UK, 54115-5903, 920-336-9800, toll-free:
44-141-88-25555, FAX: 44-141-88-33704, 44-1723-891655, FAX: 44-1723-891742, 866-336-9800, FAX: 920-336-9797,,,
Manufactures and supplies hazardous area Contact: Export Sls Mgr, Jonathan Phillips
luminaries to more than 40 countries around the Manufactures a range of noise measurement Contact: Pres, Charles M. Martinson
world. The global range of IEC and NEC products instruments and is ISO 9001:2000 certified. The Manufactures regenerative thermal, catalytic, and
are suitable for hazardous area lighting and company produces intrinsically safe noise thermal recuperative oxidizers, which destroy to
apparatus installations on any continent and dosimeters with ATEX, EEx, IECEx, and MSHA 99.9% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
complying with all international codes and certification along with sound level meters for hazardous air polluntants (HAPs) found in process
standards. environmental and health and safety noise control. air streams, exceeding all local, state, and federal
clean air standards. Offers oxidizers in airflow
CHEMetrics Inc ClampOn capacities from 3000 to 100,000+ scfm.
4295 Catlett Rd, Calverton, VA 20138, Damsgaardsveien 131, 5162 Laksevaag, Norway,
540-788-9026, toll-free: 800-356-3072, FAX: 47-5594-8850, FAX: 47-5594-8855, Colfax Corp
540-788-4856,,, 1710 Airport Rd, Monroe, NC 28110, Contact: Mktg Coord, Tonje Dahl 704-289-6511, toll-free: 877-853-7867, FAX:
Manufactures simple-to-use, accurate portable Supplies ultrasonic non-intrusive sensors for 704-289-9273,
water quality testkits and instruments. Some of the sand/particle monitoring, pig detection, leak,
test analytes include ammonia, phenols, dissolved monitoring and corrosion-erosion monitoring to the
oxygens, sulfides, and iron. Also produces a TPH global oil and gas industry. All products are based Contact: Dir Oil/Gas Mktg, Mike Moore
kit for testing hydrocarbons in soil. Each testkit on the same, well proven technology platform. Global leader in critical fluid-handling solutions,
contains patented, self-filling ampoules. SALES OFFICES: including the manufacturer of positive displacement
industrial pumps and valves used in global oil and
ClampOn Inc
ChemSW Inc gas, power generation, marine, naval, and a variety
Houston, TX 281-492-9805, FAX:
4771 Mangels Blvd, Fairfield, CA 94534, of other industrial applications. Additional
707-864-0845, FAX: 707-864-2815, information about Colfax’s products, businesses,, and practices.
Provides laboratory asset management systems as
well as chemical inventory software and services.
Clark-Reliance Columbus McKinnon
Jerguson Gage & Valve Div
The company offers a range of products to 140 John James Audubon Pkwy, Amherst, NY
16633 Foltz Pkwy, Strongsville, OH 44149,
streamline laboratory processes and reduce 14228, 716-689-5400, FAX: 716-689-5645,
440-572-1500, FAX: 440-238-8828,
chemical purchasing and disposal costs. The,
company supports more than 15,000 customers in Contact: Dir- Mktg Rsch/Comms, Rob Beightol
more than 40 countries worldwide. Manufactures a broad line of material handling
Contact: Sls Mgr, Chris Fadden
products for use in a wide range of markets around
Manufactures instrumentation and filtration
Cheng Fluid Systems the world. Products include hoists, lifting chain,
products serving the global market. Instrumentation
480 San Antonio Rd, Suite 120, Mountain View, overhead crane systems and below-the-hook
group includes: Jerguson level indication and
CA 94040, 650-559-9292, FAX: 650-947-9273, attachments. Many of the brands are recognized
control products, Jacoby-Tarbox sight-flow, around the world.
indicators and Clark-Reliance Boiler-Trim products.
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Richard J. Golomb Filtration group includes: Aftermarket Filtration
Manufactures two products that control flow Elements, Anderson Separator, HYCOA (Hydraulic Compressco Canada Inc
turbulence in piping systems created by elbows, Company of America) and National Filtration (sub of Tetra Technologies)
tees, and sudden expansions. systems-providing air, gas, and liquid separators. 5050 76th Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2C
2X2, 403-279-5866, FAX: 403-279-5880,
Christy Catalytics LLC
Clean Harbors Environmental
4641 McRee Ave, St Louis, MO 63110, Contact: VP Canada, Kevin Book
42 Longwater Dr, Norwell, MA 02061-9149,
314-773-7500, FAX: 314-773-8371, Provides manufacturing, sales, rentals, and service
781-792-5000, FAX: 800-282-0058,, of the company’s patented 48 hp reciprocating,
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Jim Chwirut gasjack compressor. Suction pressures from 0–50
Manfactures ceramic and refractory alumina psig, discharge to 500 psig, and flow rates to 700
internals for fixed bed reactors and adsorbers, mcsd.
including PROX-SVERS support balls and ceramic
(div of Melville Industries Inc) Compur Monitors GmbH& Co KG
heat-exchange media. Other refractory shapes,
219 Saint Michael Dr, Suite 2, Riverside, NJ Sales Div
such as hexagonal alumina tiles, are used as
08075, 856-461-0091, toll-free: 800-990-6163, Weissenseestr 101, D-81539 Muenchen,
catalyst hold-down in synthesis gas applications.
FAX: 856-461-0092,, Germany, 49-89-62-038-0, FAX:
Also custom fabricates refractory shapes to order. 49-89-62-038-184,,
Contact: Man Dir, Frank A. Chille Jr.
C I Agent Solutions Manufactures the ClearDrain system, a complete

Contact: GF, Bernd Rist

11760 Commonwealth Dr, Louisville, KY 40299, replacement for air dryers, oil rigs, and heavy Manufactures, sells, and services high quality gas
502-267-0101, toll-free: 866-242-4368, FAX: equipment. ClearDrain is a dessicant-free system, detectors. Product range includes fixed and
502-267-0181,, self-cleaning, self-defrosting, and self-lubricating. portable detectors for toxic and flammable gases. Temperature range is -100°F to 185°F. Has been
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Terry Masters installed on HRI (k/n/a Loadcraft) mobile oil rigs
Provides products utilizing technology to prevent since 1996. Installations worldwide. Six year Computer Dynamics
and mitigate hydrocarbon releases into the unlimited hour product warranty. (sub of GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms)
environment. The company has developed a blend GE Fanuc Embedded Systems Div
of polymers which can instantly solidify liquid 7640 Pelham Rd, Greenville, SC 29615,
hydrocarbons on land or in water. Products include 864-627-8800, FAX: 864-675-0106,
booms, bags, and emergency response kits.,
Contact: Sls Oil/Gas, Ryan Nelson
Manufactures enclosed and open frame flat-panel
display systems, both computers and monitors, for
OEMs and end-users in an array of industries,
including hazardous outdoor and indoor
environments. Custom and semicustom design
capabilities to fulfill demanding applications.

44 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Corr Instruments

Conbor Borrachas Tecnico Industriais Continental Disc Corp Cooper Bussmann

Ltda 3160 W Heartland Dr, Liberty, MO 64068-3385, (div of Cooper Industries)
Av Itaoca, 1185/1197 and Warehouse, Rio De 816-792-1500, FAX: 816-792-2277, 114 Old State Rd, PO Box 14460, Ellisville, MO
Janeiro, Brazil, 55-21-2270-0821, FAX:, 63021, 636-527-3877, FAX: 800-544-2570,
55-21-2270-0821,, Contact: Sales Department, Manufactures rupture discs, disc holders and vent
Contact: Sls/Mktg Dir, Homero Bicalho de panels to protect against damaging Contact: VP Sls, Kevin Duggan
Rezende overpressure/vaccum conditions. Designs, sizes, Develops, manufactures, and markets circuit
Provides manufacturing, technical assistance, and burst pressures and materials to fit a variety of protection products, and provides engineering,
maintenance of accessories and parts of clutches, applications. Products have certified flow training, and testing services globally for the
pneumatic brakes, rubber molded parts, and resistance values and bear the ASME UD Code electrical, electronics, and transportation industries.
couplings, on- and offshore under a quality symbol stamp. An ISO 9001 certified quality system Reduces downtime, promotes workplace safety,
management system certified by RINA/IQNet as manufacturer. and offers code compliance solutions.
being in compliance with standard ISO 9001:2000.
ControlAir Inc Cooper Crouse-Hinds
Concoa 8 Columbia Dr, Amherst, NH 03031, (div of Cooper Industries)
Controls Corp of America Div, 1501 Harpers Rd, 603-886-9400, toll-free: 800-216-3636, FAX: PO Box 499, Syracuse, NY 13221,
Virginia Beach, VA 23454, 757-422-8330, FAX: 603-889-1844,, 315-477-5531, toll-free: 866-653-0640, FAX:
757-422-3125 315-477-5179,
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Richard Green Contact: Tech Sls, John Walsh,
Develops new and improved products for the Manufactures general and precision air pressure
pressure control industry. Invests in R&D to develop regulators, I/P transducers, E/P transducers, P/I Contact: Prod Line Mgr, Nick Daddabo
a continuous stream of pressurizing controls. The transducers, MITE relays, bubbler-level systems, Manufactures and markets high quality products
company’s goal is to understand values in order to and frictionless diaphragm air cylinders. The ISO that provide safety and protect electrical systems in
streamline development and successfully launch 9001 registered quality system assures controlled residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial
gas control solutions. specifications and processes, resulting in high environments. The company offers a line of
performance and dependable pneumatic controls. products, including conduit and cable fittings;
control stations and apparatus; plugs and
Conservatek Industries Inc receptacles; industrial lighting; cast and sheet metal
PO Box 1678, Conroe, TX 77305, 936-539-1747, Control Co
enclosures; signals and alarms; and hazardous area
toll-free: 800-880-3663, FAX: 936-539-5355, 4455 Rex Rd, Friendswood, TX 77546, and corrosion-resistant products., 281-482-1714,,
Designs, fabricates, and installs aluminum domes Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Cindy Gisler
and aluminum roof structures for use on tanks of Offers New Traceable Instruments for food,
various shapes and sizes. Typical applications pharmaceutical, petroleum, paper, metal, and
include petroleum storage, water storage, chemical labs. ISO 9001 certified. Instruments are
wastewater treatment basins, and bulk storage supplied with a Traceable Calibration Certificate,
enclosures in the industrial and municipal markets. traceable to NIST. Calibration complies with CoorsTek Inc
ISO/IEC 17025 requirements and is A2LA 16000 Table Mountain Pkwy, Golden, CO
CON-SPACE Communications (American Association for Laboratory) accredited. 80403, 303-271-7000, toll-free: 800-821-6110,
Search Systems Inc Div FAX: 303-271-7009,,
1160 Yew Ave, Blaine, WA 98231, 800-546-3405, Control Instruments Corp
FAX: 800-546-3410,, 25 Law Dr, Fairfield, NJ 07004, 973-575-9114, Contact: Prod Mgr, Rusty Denney FAX: 973-575-0013, Serves the global oil and gas industry with
Contact: Inside Sls Coord, Renee Magnusson, severe-service pump plungers, centrifugal
Offers Conspace Communications and Videogear pump components, pulsation dampeners,
that are designed for high noise and explosive Contact: Dir Sls, Debra Woods surge protection equipment, and replacement
environments. The Hardline systems offer two-way, Offers cost-effective monitoring for safety and bladders. The oilfield experts help optimize
simultaneous voice communications for confined quality in applications worldwide. The family of system performance and extend system life.
spaces. The range of radio accessories are built products includes continuous process analyzers,
tough and work in high noise situations or with any flamable gas, toxic gas and oxygen monitors,
respiratory protective equipment suits. emissions monitors for VOCs, and remote access
Corlac Industries
and control devices for all gas and vapor monitoring PO Box 10050, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada
needs. T9V 3A2, 780-875-8459, FAX: 780-875-9530,
Containerhouse International Inc
300 Battleground Rd, Houston, TX 77571, Contact: Sales
281-478-0505, FAX: 281-478-0736, n Control Microsystems Specializes in the fabrication, sandblasting, painting, 48 Steacie Dr, Kanata, Ontario, Canada K2K and coating of tanks and SKUD’s (inclined free 2A9, 613-591-1943, toll-free: 888-267-2232, water knockouts). Because we are ASME certified
Contact: Pres/Gen Mgr, George Vernau Jr. FAX: 613-591-1022, to build pressure vessels and utilize API codes in
Offers portable, customized buildings and, tank manufacturing, our qualified team ensures high
containers, including control rooms, workshops, quality standards of products and services.
storage buildings, living quarters, and more. Contact: VP Mktg, Stephen Goodman
Offers solutions for oil and gas production op-
timization. Products are totally integrated, re- Corr Instruments
ContainerWest Sales Ltd 303 Clarence Tinker Dr, Suite 116, San Antonio,
motely configurable from well to network, and
11660 Mitchell Rd, Richmond, British Columbia, offers Modbus, Enron Modbus, DF1 and DNP3 TX 78226, 210-924-3101,
Canada V6V 1T7, 604-322-0533, toll-free: protocols. Innovative flow and pressure mea-,
800-561-9530, FAX: 604-322-0540, surement products augment the SCADAPack, family of programmable controllers, notably Contact: Sr Apps Eng, Lietai Yang PhD
Specializing in shipping container sales, rentals, the RealFLO 4202 Gas Flow Computer. Offers coupled multielectrode array sensor (CMAS)
and custom manufacturing for more than 30 years. (See ad p 9) systems for easily and quantitatively monitoring
The company offers a variety of secure mobile localized and general corrosion in gases, liquids,
storage, portable building, and enclosure solutions and biodeposits in the field. CMAS has unlimited
that can be customized to suit customer needs. Cooper B-Line
life (>10 years), measure pitting, and crevice
Rush orders welcome. Services offered throughout Grip Strut Safety Grating Div
corrosion from 0.02 to 2000 mpy (0.5 to 50,000
western Canada. 3764 Longspur Rd, Pinckneyville, IL 62274,
μm/yr), and is virtually unaffected by H2S.
618-357-5353, toll-free: 800-851-9341, FAX:
Contact: Dir Mktg, Steven Groner
Offers safety grating, platforms, and treads; cable
tray, metal framing, and hardware.

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Corus Tubes

Corus Tubes CST Industries Custom Instrumentation Services

(div of Corus Group Ltd) 5400 Kansas Ave, Kansas City, KS 66106, Corp-CiSCO
Weldon Rd, PO Box 101, Corby, 913-621-3700,, 7325 S Revere Pkwy, Centennial, CO 80112,
Northamptonshire, NN17 5UA UK, Specializes in pre-engineered and prefabricated 303-790-1000, FAX: 303-790-7292,
44-1536-402121, FAX: 44-1536-404004, steel, aluminum, and stainless-steel storage tanks., Industries served include power and energy, water Contact: Dir Mktg, Vic Johnson supply and treatment, wastewater treatment, and Offers custom built quality CEMS and DAHS
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Richard Freeman dry bulk storage. Applications include all types of solutions to meet air permit requirements. Full
Supplies products and services specially packaged water, municipal and industrial wastewater, service manufacturer. Offers start-up, certification,
to meet the specific needs whether in the OCTG, petroleum products, dry bulk plastics, minerals, and training, and field services. Supplies more than 850
onshore or offshore pipeline, process plant sectors chemicals. CEM systems with a certification rate of 99+% on
of the industry. Specializes in deepwater products the first attempt. Class 1 Division 2 Requirements,
such as thickwall double submerged arc welded CS Unitec Inc as well as build RIES and specialized analytical
pipe and pipe-in-pipe systems. systems.
22 Harbor Ave, Norwalk, CT 06850,
203-853-9522, toll-free: 800-700-5919, FAX:
COSA Instrument 203-853-9521,, CYBERNETIX SA
84G Horseblock Rd, Yaphank, NY 11980, Oil and Gas Business Unit Div
631-345-3434,, Contact: Pres, Tom Carroll Technopole de Chateau Gombert, Rue Albert Provides industrial power tools for oil, gas, and Einstein BP 94, F-13382 Marseille, France,
Specializes in high technology analyzers for a range petrochemical applications; offering air and 33-4-91-21-77-20, FAX: 33-4-91-21-77-01,
of applications in many industries, including hydraulic tools for safe operation in hazardous,
petrochemical, energy, environmental, areas, as well as electric tools. ATEX-approved Contact: Oil/Gas Mgr, Jean-Jacques Quesnel
pharmaceutical, semiconductor, and plastics. The tools make working with pipe and structural steel Provides subsea solutions for the offshore oil and
focus is in moisture analysis, elemental analysis, easier and safer. Portable hacksaws, magnetic gas industry. Through the design, fabrication, and
combustion control, emissions monitoring, heating drills, band saws, and more. operation of autonomous vehicles and remote
value analysis, Karl Fischer products, hydrogen operated equipment, delivers cost-effective IRM
analyzers, portable emissions analyzers, and gas CTI Industries Inc (inspection, repair, and maintenance) services and
calorimeters. instrumentation and monitoring systems,
283 Indian River Rd, Orange, CT 06477,
particularly in deep and ultradeep waters.
203-795-0070, FAX: 203-795-7061,
Oil & Gas Div Contact: Gen Mgr, Peter Tallman Danfoss Drives
Parallelvej 2, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark, Provides sleeving for heat exchanger tubes. The (div of Danfoss Inc)
45-4597-2211, FAX: 45-4597-2212, shield/seal thin-walled metallic tube insert and the 4401 Bell School Rd, Loves Park, IL 6111,, full length tube liner allow cost savings over 815-639-8600, toll-free: 800-432-6367, FAX:
Contact: Dir Oil/Gas, Johnny Mikkelsen retubing or replacement. Customers include 815-639-8000,,
Offers services for all aspects of the oil and gas Aramco, BP, ChevronTexaco, ConocoPhillips,
field; from production, through transmission and ExxonMobil, PDVSA, Shell, and others. Contact: Mktg Mgr, Jeff Duncan
treatment, to distribution to consumers. Disciplines Offers AC variable speed drives ranging from 1/2 to
include oil and gas engineering, risk and safety 600 hp. Many models UL, CUL, CSA, and VDE
CUDD Well Control
management, financial disciplines, environment rated. Manufactured in an ISO 9001 facility.
management, professional advice, and complete 16770 Imperial Valley Dr, #100, Houston, TX
field development plans. Total engineering design 77060, 713-849-2769, toll-free: 800-990-2833,
FAX: 713-849-3861,, Data Comm For Business Inc
of onshore/offshore installations. 2949 CR 1000E, Dewey, IL 61840,
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Trampas Poldrack 217-897-6600, toll-free: 800-432-2638, FAX:
COX Instruments Provides blowout firefighters, well control 217-897-1331,,
15555 N 79th Pl, Scottsdale, AZ 85260, specialists and engineering services.
480-922-7446, FAX: 480-948-3610, Contact: VP Sls, Dan Smith, Manufactures and distributes a line of
Cummins Filtration communications equipment specifically designed
Cummins Inc Div
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Ron Madison for SCADA, AMR, load management, and remote
2931 Elm Hill Pike, Nashville, TN 37214,
Supplies precision turbine flowmeters, sonic access applications. Other equipment includes
615-367-0040, toll-free: 800-777-7064,
nozzles, variable area flowmeters, and ancillary Etherseries, T1E1 extenders, RS-422 to RS-232,
products for today’s demanding liquid and gas flow converters, modems, radios, SCADA protocol over
measurement applications. The company’s IP, DSUs, FRADs, gateways, routers, bit error rate
Contact: Dir N.A. Oil/Gas, Ken R. Swalls
flowmeters have been recognized for their tester, serial data encryption, and more.
Designs and manufactures air, fuel, hydraulic and
uncompromised accuracy and reliability. Diverse
lube filtration, chemicals and exhaust systems
customers can be found in a range of processing DCL Mooring & Rigging
technology products for all engine-powered
equipment. Going beyond compliance, proactively 4500 N Galvez St., New Orleans, LA 70117,
seeks improvements to products and processes 504-944-3366, FAX: 504-947-8557,
Crowley Marine Services Inc and offers environmentally friendlier product

(sub of Crowley Maritime Corp) choices.

16701 Greenspoint Park Dr, Suite 195, Houston,
TX 77060, 281-774-5400, FAX: 281-774-5497,
Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Sprague,
Contact: VP, Jim Shettig
Engages in a diverse group of energy support 10195 Brecksville Rd, Brecksville, OH 44141,
services, including shipping, logistics, and marine 440-838-7690, FAX: 440-838-7528,
services-related businesses. Operates a fleet of,
more than 300 vessels. Services provided with
terminal tugs, offshore heavy lift deck barges, Contact: Dir Mktg/Sls, Michael Greene
rig/ocean towing, arctic all-terrain transportation Manufactures a range of high pressure air-driven
vehicles, salvage vessels, and equipment. hydraulic pumps, gas boosters, power units,
specialty valves, and accessories. Products are
simple in design, providing the user with
cost-effictive and energy saving benefits for many
industrial and research applications.

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Divestco Inc

DeltaValve DH Instruments
(div of Curtiss-Wright Flow Control Corp) (A Fluke Co)
857 W South Jordan Pkwy, Suite 100, South 4765 E Beautiful Ln, Phoenix, AZ 85044-5318,
Jordan, UT 84092, 801-984-1000, FAX: 602-431-9100, FAX: 602-431-9559,
Deepwater Corrosion Services Inc Contact: VP WW Sls, Steven J. Wilkie Contact: Pres, Martin Girad
10851 Train Ct, Houston, TX 77041,
Designs, engineers, and manufactures industrial Provides high accuracy pressure and flow
713-983-7117, FAX: 713-983-8858,
equipment for delayed coking within the oil and gas calibration standards and services, including,
industry. Products include the DeltaGuard coke PG7000 reference level pressure standards, PDC4
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Timothy Britton
drum unheading device for both the top and bottom pressure controller/calibrators, RPM4 reference
Specializes in offshore corrosion control
of the coke drum, the in-line repairable isolation pressure monitors, molbloc/molbox mass flow
products and services. Offers engineered
valves and their auto-switch coke cutting tool. calibration systems, and compass calibration
systems that provide quality and cost-efficient
software. Also provides calibration service, repair,
installation. The company provides cathodic
Dematic Corp and training.
protection, including anodes, CP monitoring,
and more. Provides inspection services, CP 507 Plymouth Ave NE, Grand Rapids, MI
probes, and the I-Rod brand pipe supports. 49505-6029, 616-913-7700, toll-free: Dickson Co
800-530-9153, FAX: 616-913-7701, 930 S Westwood Ave, Addison, IL 60101,
SALES OFFICES:, 630-543-3747,,
Deepwater EU Ltd Offers material handling systems, supply chain
Canterbury, CT34JJ UK 44-1227-290305, analysis, system design, project management, Manufactures Data Loggers, chart recorders, and
FAX: 44-1227-290306, implementation of integrated solutions, paperless wireless systems for monitoring temperature,, picking technologies, automated storage/retrieval, humidity, pressure, event, and universal inputs. material flow conveyors, and high-speed sortation
systems. Direct Drive Systems
DeFelsko Corp 12880 Moore St, Cerritos, CA 90703,
802 Proctor Ave, Ogdensburg, NY 13669, Den-con Tool Co 562-293-1660,,
315-393-4450, FAX: 315-393-8471, 5354 South I-35, Oklahoma City, OK 73129,, 405-670-5942, FAX: 405-672-5884, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Wendy Holt
Contact: Gen Mgr, David Beamish, Manufactures a line of permanent magnet high
Manufactures coating thickness gauges and Contact: Pres, Larry Denny speed high power motors and alternators and all
inspection instruments. Manufactures pipe handling tools and RFID tagging necessary power electronics. The company’s drive
and tracking systems. systems operate at 8000 to 30,000 rpm and couple
Degerfors Formings AB DEFORM directly to loads without gearboxes, increasing
PO Box 25, SE-693 21 Degerfors, Sweden, Det-Tronics Ltd efficiency while reducing size, weight, and capital
46-586-47300, FAX: 46-586-44914, (sub of Detector Electronics Corp) and ownership costs., Mathisen Way, Colnbrook, Slough, SL3 0HB UK,
Contact: Export Mgr, Conny Lundstedt 44-1753-683059, FAX: 44-1753-684540, Ditch Witch
Provides forming of pressure vessels, spheres,, PO Box 66, Perry, OK 73077-0066,
tanks, heads, hemiheads, dished ends, cones, and 580-336-4402, toll-free: 800-654-6481, FAX:
other 3-D forming in all steel grades: quenched and 580-572-3523,,
tempered, stainless, carbon, cladded, and titanium.
(div of Industrial Connectors)
Hot and cold forming with additional heat treatment. Provides equipment to industry, including compact
Offshore Div
8 Blvd Pierre Lefaucheux, 72027 Le Mans, utility, trenchers, HPD, and electronics.
De-In Industries France, 33-243-61-45-45, FAX: 33-243-61-73-80,
PO Box 559, Debolt, Alberta, Canada T0H 1B0,, Divelbiss Corp
780-957-2521, FAX: 780-957-3779, Contact: Mktg/Comm Dir, Matthew Smith 9778 Mt Gilead Rd, Fredericktown, OH 43019, Offers wet and dry mateable electrical power, signal 740-694-9015, toll-free: 800-245-2327, FAX:
Contact: Sales and optical connectors for topside, subsea, 740-694-9035,,
Provides fabrication of storage tanks, cement silos, downhole and custom designs. Topside
pre-mix tanks and asphalt tanks. We are proud of splash-zone/dry/eexd connectors for FPSOs, Contact: Sls/Mktg, Michael Colgin
our ability to meet the needs of all our customers turrets, SPMs, support vessels and platforms. Designs and manufactures both standard and
throughout Canada and the United States focuses Subsea connectors for power distribution, SCMs, custom electronic controls for automation.
on storage tanks for fertilizer, grain processing tubing hangers, Xmas trees, hermetic penetrators Standard controllers are centered on patented PLC
waste, oil well production and rental tanks. and seismic. Downhole connectors for logging and on a Chip technology. Available in off-the-shelf
reservoir monitoring. controllers, modules, or at chip level; all PLC on a
Deloro Stellite Inc Chip based products program with EZ ladder
(sub of Deloro Stellite Group) Dexter Magnetic Technologies Inc software.
471 Dundas St E, PO Box 5300, Belleville, 2007 Industrial Blvd, Suite D, Rockwall, TX
Ontario, Canada K8N 5C4, 613-968-3481, FAX: 75087, 847-956-1140, toll-free: 800-345-4082, Divestco Inc
613-966-8269,, FAX: 800-345-8193,,
707 7th Ave SW, #700, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 3H6, 403-237-9170, toll-free: 888-294-0081,
Contact: S Reg Off/Sls Mgr, Mike Wartko Contact: Bus Mgr Oil/Gas Prods, Tim Price FAX: 403-229-4853,,
Provides solutions to challenging high temperature, Offers undercurrent, commercial downhole turbine
wear, corrosion, and abrasion problems. The generator systems for LWD, MWD, and rotary Provides a comprehensive and integrated portfolio
company is a development partner that will cast steerable. Complete design, fabrication, and of software, services, data, and consulting to the oil
and machine components to your specifications assembly of magnetic systems, including NMR and gas industry. Through commitment to aligning
upstream and downstream, including components source magnet assemblies, nondestructive MFL and bundling products and services, the company
for MWD/LWD tools, safety flappers, nozzles, source assemblies, rotary and linear magnetic is creating integrated solutions and unique benefits
thermowells, and more. couplings and actuators, 3-D magnetic modeling, for the marketplace.
SALES OFFICES: field mapping, testing, and calibration.
Deloro Stellite Southern Regional Office
Katy, TX 281-579-9447,,

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DMT GmbH & Co KG

DMT GmbH & Co KG Dresser-Rand Co Ltd DuPont Performance Elastomers

Exploration & Geosurvey Div (formerly Peter Brotherhood Ltd) 300 Bellevue Pkwy, Wilimington, DE 19809,
Am Technologiepark 1, PO Box 130101, 45307 85 Papyrus Rd, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 800-853-5515, FAX: 302-792-4450,
Essen, Germany, 49-201-172-1970, FAX: PE4 5HG UK, 44-1733-292-200, FAX:,
49-201-172-1971,, 44-1733-292-300,, Offers a variety of thermoset rubber products,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Thorsten Mueller including Viton, Neoprene, Kalrez, and Vamac used
Provides engineering services in the fields of mining Contact: Gen Mgr Compressor Sls, Tony Murphy in the automotive, chemical processing, and
and deposit exploration, infrastructure, mechanical, Designs, manufactures, installs, and commissions general rubber industries. Supplies worldwide.
and systems engineering, as well as technical API 618 gas compressors and steam turbines (to
safety for buildings and plants. Develops, produces, 40 MW). The company has experience in providing Durex Industries
and sells geophysical, geodetic, and other equipment for refineries, petrochemical plants,
190 Detroit St, Cary, IL 60013, 847-639-5600,
measuring equipment worldwide, including DMT FPSO vessels, marine applications, oil and gas
toll-free: 800-762-3468, FAX: 847-639-2199,
CoreScan II, a digital drill core imaging system. industry, power generation, and waste-to-energy,
applications worldwide.
n Donaldson Company Inc Contact: Reg Sls Mgr, Mike Forbes
Gas Turbine Systems Div Drillinginfo Inc Manufactures a variety of electric heaters and
1400 W 94th St, PO Box 1299, Minneapolis, Energy Services Group Div temperature sensors for the thermal process
MN 55440, 952-887-3131, FAX: 952-887-3843, PO Box 5545, Austin, TX 78763, 512-519-5501, requirements of the petroleum industry, including,, custom designed thermocouples, multipoint sensors, circulation heating systems, pipe trace
Contact: Sls Mgr, Henrik Blichfeld heaters, and temperature controls.
Provides air filtration systems and replace-
Dsr Corp/Dsr Wire Corp
ment filters, hydraulic filters, and retrofit ser- Woosin Bldg 7f, 646-15 Yeoksam-dong,
vices on air inlet systems for turbines and Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 135-911 South Korea, Dwyer Instruments Inc
compressors. Sales and service worldwide. 82-2-3420-3700, FAX: 82-2-3420-3600, PO Box 373, Michigan City, IN 46361,
(See ad p 11), 219-879-8000, toll-free: 800-872-9141, FAX:
Manufacturers and specializes in fiber rope, super 219-872-9057,,
sling, wire rope, wire, and stainless wire in Korea.
Double Life Corp Contact: Prod Mgr, Craig Martin
200 N Rockwell Ave, Oklahoma City, OK 73127, Produces a range of competitively priced precision
405-789-7867, FAX: 405-792-2202,
8404 Braniff Ave, Houston, TX 77061-5224, instruments for measuring, transmitting, and controlling pressure, temperature, level, and flow.
Contact: Sls Mgr, Nicole Griffin 713-644-7764, FAX: 713-644-7761,, Committed to a standard of customer service,
Manufactures solids control and centrifugal pumps. including competitive prices and knowledgeable
Washpipes and parking along with drilling mud
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Ron Meade technical support that generates and sustains
equipment. long-term relationships.
Manufactures a complete line of valve lubrication
equipment, fittings and adapters. Products include
Draeger Safety Inc screw-prime, hydraulic and pneumatic grease Dynetek Industries Ltd
101 Technology Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15275, guns, and large self-contained skid mounted 4410 46th Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2B
412-787-8383, FAX: 412-787-2207, lubrication systems. A line of valve lubricants, 3N7, 888-396-3835, FAX: 403-720-0263,, sealants and cleaners are offered. Also offers,
Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Shelli Cosmides complete valve maintenance training. Contact: Dir Sls, Donald Fraser
Manufactures quality gas detection instrumentation Designs and manufactures advanced lightweight
and respiratory protection products. Complete fuel storage systems for compressed natural gas
range of gas detection products using the
Dunlop Oil & Marine Ltd
Moody Ln, Pyewipe, Grimsby, Northeast (CNG), compressed hydrogen, and industrial gases.
company’s own sensor technology and complete Used in various applications around the world, the
offerings of respiratory protection from disposable Lincolnshire, DN31 2SY UK, 44-1472-359281,
FAX: 44-1472-362948,, core system technology is the lightweight, Dynecell
air purifying products to SCBA and four-hour cylinder made from a seamless, thin wall aluminum
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Chris Slater liner covered with a full carbon fiber overwrap.
Designs, manufactures, and supplies hoses for the
Dresser Natural Gas Solutions oil, gas, petrochemical, and dredging industries, for Dynex Rivett Inc
(div of Dresser Inc) both onshore and offshore based operations 770 Capitol Dr, Pewaukee, WI 53072,
Infrastructure Solutions Div (OCIMF). 262-691-2222, FAX: 262-691-0312,
2822 S 1030 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84119,,
801-487-2225, FAX: 801-487-2587,
Duoline Technologies,
(sub of Robroy Industries) Contact: Dir Global Sls, Jim Celmer
Manufactures Mooney and REDQ pilot operated
9019 N County Rd, West Odessa, TX 79764, Manufactures pumps for wellhead control systems
regulators 1 inch through 12 inch CL150, 300, 600.
903-843-5591, FAX: 432-552-9701, for reliable operation to 15,000 psi. Water-glycol, pumps lower system costs. The single fluid design
Dresser-Rand Co Provides an organization of synergistic member eliminates a separate lubrication circuit and the cost

10205 Westheimer Rd, West 8 Tower, Suite companies dedicated to product and service of ongoing maintenance. Mineral oil pumps
1000, Houston, TX 77042, 713-354-6100, FAX: leadership within specialty markets. requiring only 1 hp input power are used for
713-354-6110,, land-based panel systems and portable torque tool power units.
Supplies rotating equipment solutions, with DUPONT DE NEMOURS International SA
field-proven centrifugal and reciprocating C/o The McOnie Agency, Guildford, Surrey, GU3
3JW UK, 44-148-323-7230, Dynisco
compressors, steam turbines, expanders, gas, 38 Forge Pkwy, Franklin, MA 02038,
turbine packages and control systems. Delivers a 508-541-9400, FAX: 508-541-6206,
complete package of solutions for the worldwide oil
Creates sustainable solutions essentail to a better,,
and gas, chemical, petrochemical, and process
safer, healthier life for people everywhere. Contact: Oil/Gas Segment Leader, Douglas Joy
Operating in more than 70 countries, the company Supplies a variety of pressure and temperature
offers a range of products and services for markets, measurement sensors for the oil/gas services
such as agriculture, nutrition, electronics, industry.
communications, safety and protection, home and
construction, transport, and apparel.

48 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Eldred Environmental & Export

e3a3 Ltd Ebo Systems SAS Eiffel

Riverside Business Centre, Riverside Rd, (sub of Hager Group) Offshore Energy Div
Lowestoft, NR33 0NQ UK, 44-1502-446-148, Zone Industrielle, PO Box BP5, 54920 Villers La 48-50 rue de Seine, 92707 Colombes, France,
FAX: 44-1502-500-522,, Montagne, France, 33-3-82-44-01-07, FAX: 33-1-47-60-4754, FAX: 33-1-47-60-4705, 33-3-82-26-10-41,,,
Contact: Stephen Scales Contact: Offshore Div Dir, Arnaud De Villepin
Offers compact and powerful Wells head Contact: Comm Dir, Pascal Muller Provides an EPCI contractor for offshore projects.
controllers and Data Loggers utilizing Manufactures FRP/GRP cable trays, racks, ladders, With more than 40 years of experience, the
microprocessor technology specifically for artificial ducts, and light structures. More than 45 years of company is able to construct technical modules,
lift systems. Controllers and drives with optimization experience worldwide. living quarters, production platforms, jackets, and
algorithms for rod, progressive cavity, and electrical jack-up platforms with quality and HSE
submersible pumps will prevent damage while Echometer Co requirements.
maximizing the production output of the well. 5001 Ditto Ln, Wichita Falls, TX 76302,
940-767-4334, FAX: 940-723-7507, n EIM Controls Inc
EagleBurgmann Industries LP, 13840 Pike Rd, Missouri City, TX 77489,
10035 Brookriver Dr, Houston, TX 77040, Contact: Sls Oper, Jenny Pruner 281-499-1561, toll-free: 800-679-1561, FAX:
713-939-9515, FAX: 713-939-9091 Manufactures oil field acoustic liquid level 281-499-8445,,
Contact: Dir Mktg, Ray Poltorak instruments, dynamometers, and motor power
Manufactures mechanical seals. The company measuring equipment for optimizing gas and oilwell Offers common sense valve control world-
supplies standard and advanced engineered production. wide, including Series 2000 electric actuators.
systems in addition to a line of cost-effective Quarter and multiturn designs come in a
services to users of rotating equipment, including Eclipse Scientific range of frame sizes, horsepower ratings, and
enhanced reliability services, MRO inventory output speeds to meet a variety of torque,
60 Baffin Pl, Unit 4, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
management, repair, and training. voltage, operating time, and valve shaft diam-
N2V 1Z7, 519-886-6717, toll-free: 800-490-1072,
eter requirements.
FAX: 519-886-1102,,
(See ad p 7)
Eagle Rock Energy Partners
16701 Greenspoint Park Dr, Houston, TX 77060, Provides quality services, training, and products.
281-408-1211, Equipped with advanced inspection tools, the E Instruments Group, company specializes in phased array, TOFD, and 172 Middletown Blvd, Suite B201, Langhorne, PA automated ultrasonic inspections. Training 19047, 215-750-1212, FAX: 215-750-1399,
programs include classroom or in-field training.,
Product list is continually updated.
Eagle Technology Inc Contact: Prod Mgr, Jason Esteves
11019 N Towne Square Rd, Suite 8, Mequon, WI Manufactures instrumentation solutions for the
53092-5015, 262-241-3845, toll-free: Econosto UK Ltd
petroleum, oil, fuel, gas, power, process, industrial,
800-388-3268, FAX: 262-241-5248, Whiteacres, Cambridge Rd, Whetstone Leicester,
institutional, chemical, pharmaceutical, food,, LE8 6ZG UK, 44-116-272-7300, FAX:
automotive, and HVAC markets.
Develops computerized maintenance management 44-116-272-7345,,
systems (CMMS) and enterprise asset management
(EAM). Helps companies increase efficiency by Provides valves for all industries from stock. Elcometer Inc
allowing facilities and production equipment to run 1893 Rochester Industrial Dr, Rochester Hills, MI
smoothly and comfortably with minimum downtime ECT Inc 48309, 800-521-0635, FAX: 248-650-0501,
through the ProTeus software solution. A unique,
401 E Fourth St, Bldg 20, Bridgeport, PA 19405,
feature in ProTeus is the ability to interface with Contact: Sls Mgr, Joel Bialek
610-239-5120, FAX: 610-239-7863,
building automation systems. Manufactures and distributes instruments for the,
quality control of surface coatings. Offers a line of
Contact: Dir, Bruce Tassone
coating, concrete, and physical test inspection
Easi-Set Industries/Precast Buildings Manufactures turbomachinery cleaners and other
instruments for both field and laboratory use.
5119 Catlett Rd, PO Box 400, Midland, VA specialty chemistries. Also offers customized pump
22728, 540-439-3266, toll-free: 800-547-4045, skids and chemical injection equipment.
FAX: 540-439-1232,, Elcometer Ltd ECT Offshore Service AB Edge Ln, Manchester, M43 6BU UK,
Contact: Tech Dir, Rick Groves 44-161-371-6000, FAX: 44-161-371-6010,
Ovädersgatan 14, SE-418 34 Gothenburg,
Provides pre-engineered transportable precast,
Sweden, 46-31-530040, FAX: 46-31-530045,
concrete buildings (from producers nationwide): Contact: New Media Tech Author, Vicky,
maintenance-free, weather-tight, secure, durable, Meldrum
Contact: Svc Mgr, Johan Axelsson
post tensioned roof and floor, no foundation Manufactures high quality inspection equipment,
Develops drinking water treatment systems that will
required, quick installation, preassembled, and field with specialized divisions dedicated to coatings
secure the water quality and fulfill the requirements
erected. Buildings for hazmat, shelters, inspection, concrete inspection, and industrial
from any government, and has extensive
mechanical/electrical control, utility equipment, and metal detection. Also manufactures gauges for
experience of decontaminating Legionella bacteria
storage. Clear span sizes from 10x12 ft. to 40x200 ft. coating thickness, viscosity, holiday detection and
within the marine/offshore sector. In cooperation
abrasion, as well as other nondestructive test
with ECT Water Academy AB, the company
equipment. Provides choice and peace of mind,
Easy-Laser/Damalini AB
educates offshore personnel in drinking water
meeting your inspection needs.
Abacksgatan 6b, 431 67 Molndal, Sweden, handling.
46-31-708-6300, FAX: 46-31-708-6350,, Eldred Environmental & Export
Edg Inc Fol-Da-Tank Co Div
Contact: Man Dir, Anders Edenhammar 10777 Westheimer, #700, Houston, TX 77042,
Provides measurement and alignment systems for 1275 W 11th St, PO Box 110, Milan, IL 61264,
713-977-2347, toll-free: 888-334-9298, FAX: 309-787-3500, toll-free: 800-637-8265, FAX:
shaft alignment, sheave/pulley alignment, and 713-977-2387,
geometric measurements, such as straightness, 309-787-3635,,
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Rick Brooks
flatness, squareness, parallelism, and spindle Provides engineering and design solutions,
direction. Durable intrinsically safe ATEX/Ex/IECEx Contact: Sls Mgr, Chad Christensen
including project management, procurement, Manufactures portable secondary containment
approved shaft alignment system (also both IP66 inspection, high definition (laser) surveying,
and IP67 approved) and sheave/pulley alignment berms, folding fram liquid containment tanks, onion
construction management, and operations support. style self supporting tanks, and pillow tanks for
system. Serves the upstream, midstream, and downstream emergency temporary spill containment.
segments of the oil and gas industry, industrial
plants, marine and land-based, terminals and ports,
and handling facilities for liquid and dry bulk.

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Electrochem Emerson Process Management Emmert International

(sub of Greatbatch Ltd) Fisher Div (div of Emmert Industrial Corp)
1000 Wehrle Dr, Clarence, NY 14031, 301 S 1st Ave, Marshalltown, IA 50158, 11811 SE Highway 212, Clackamas, OR 97015,
716-759-5800, toll-free: 866-224-8164, FAX: 641-754-3011, FAX: 641-754-2830, 503-655-7191, FAX: 503-655-3933,
716-759-2562,,, Delivers time tested solutions designed to help Contact: VP Spec Proj, Terry M. Emmert
Contact: Sls Mgr, David Sieck customers reduce plant maintenance cost, reduce Specializes in overweight, oversized hauling, heavy
Provides technology solutions to the oil and gas capital requirements, reduce cost of regulatory lifting of large power components, entire plant
industry with reliable, durable lithium batteries used compliance, and increase process availability. This installation, and relocation. Offers expertise and
in downhole drilling. The company now offers is enabled by products–such as Fisher control equipment to move anything, anywhere worldwide.
wireless sensor solutions; a complete system valves, regulators, instrumentation, and
empowering operations in a range of oil field performance services–which are made for the Empire Magnetics
applications, including exploration, drilling, process control industry. 5708-B LaBath Ave, PO Box 1908, Rohnert Park,
production, refining, and transportation. CA 94928, 707-584-2801, FAX: 707-584-3418,
Emerson Process Management,
Electrochemical Devices Inc Rosemount Tank Gauging Div
PO Box 355, Belmont, MA 02478-0003, Gamlestadsv 18B, PO Box 13045, 402 51 Contact: Pres, Rick Halstead
617-484-9085, FAX: 617-484-3923, Goteborg, Sweden, 46-31-337-0000, FAX: Offers specialty motors, gearboxes, and feedback, 46-31-253-022,, devices for vacuum, radiation, wet, cryogenic,
Contact: VP Mktg/Sls, John Olson dusty, and hazardous environments.
Manufactures permanently installed reference Contact: Sls Mgr, Johan Sandberg
electrodes with long demonstrated design lives for Offers tank management with noncontact, reliable, EMS USA
all applications. Also offers linear distributed and maintenance-free radar level gauges. Provides the
2000 Bering Dr, Suite 600, Houston, TX
probe-type impressed current anodes along with tool for inventory and custody transfer tank
77057-3835, 713-595-7613, FAX: 713-595-7645,
other cathodic protection products. gauging. The tank gauging system includes level,,
temperature, pressure, mass, volume, and water
Contact: Dir Mktg/Comms, Trevor Eade
Elliott Co interface detection. Comes with the option of being
Offers fully-integrated pipeline operations,
(sub of Ebara Corp) installed in a wireless configuration.
management, and maintenance services to pipeline
901 N Fourth St, Jeannette, PA 15644, owners, operators, local distribution companies,
724-527-2811, FAX: 724-600-8442, Emerson Process Management and independent power, oil, and gas producers, Rosemount Analytical Div throughout North America. Eliminates the need for
Contact: VP Americas Sls, Kevin Eads 6565 P Davis Industrial Pkwy, Solon, OH 44139, multiple contractors by delivering an integrated
Designs, manufactures and services 440-914-1261, toll-free: 800-433-6076, FAX: solution—one invoice, one point of contact, and
turbomachinery, including centrifugal compressors 440-914-1271,, one comprehensive insurance coverage.
and steam turbines used in oil and gas,
petrochemical and LNG markets and other Contact: Customer Support Center
industrial and power applications.
4470 S 70th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74145,
Emerson Process Management 918-622-6161, toll-free: 800-336-2736, FAX:
Emco Wheaton GmbH Remote Automation Solutions Div 918-622-0004,,
Emcostrasse 24, D-35274 Kirchain, Germany, 1100 Buckingham St, Watertown, CT 06795,
49-6422-840, FAX: 49-6422-5100, 860-945-2200, toll-free: 800-395-5497, FAX: Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Bruce Isentol, 860-945-2278,, Manufactures pressure/vacuum relief valves, flame
Contact: Jean-Philippe Hudelot arrestors, and emergency relief vents for storage
Develops and manufactures total solutions for Contact: Prod Mgr, John Culp tanks and vapor recovery. Arrestors feature a
loading liquid products; marine loading arms, Supplies flow computers, RTUs, presets, patented design which is less prone to plugging.
loading arms for road and rail tankers, swivel joints, instruments, and engineering services under the Valves provide cold weather performance and
API couplers, emergency separation systems, Bristol, Control Wave, FloBoss, ROC, and Danload resistance to sticky substances. Approvals include
floating suctions, and safe access equipment. brands. U.S. Coast Guard, Factory Mutual, ATEX, and ISO
EMCO Wheaton USA Inc EMGS Americas
Houston, TX 281-856-1300, FAX: 16000 Barkers Point Ln, Suite 145, Houston, TX Enco
281-856-1325,, 77079-4023, 281-920-5601, PO Box 357, Farmingdale, NY 11735, Offers EM imaging that can reveal the presence of 800-873-3626, FAX: 800-965-5857,
commercial hydrocarbon reserves and can identify,
Gardner Denver France SA
reservoirs before seismic surveys are conducted. Supplies machinery, machine tools, and shop
Paris-Montrouge, France 33-1-46-12-41-41,
FAX: 33-1-46-12-41-59, supplies. The company features a low price, EMK3 guarantee and a 99% in-stock inventory of all items 15770 N Dallas Pkwy, Suite 200, Dallas, TX ordered.
75248, 972-267-3653,,
EMEC Americas Inc Endress+Hauser

Contact: VP Sls/Bus Dev, Terry Coulter 2350 Endress Place, Greenwood, IN 46143,
1365 Piper Rd, Ashby, MA 01431, 978-386-0000,
Provides information technology solutions designed 317-535-7138, FAX: 317-535-8498,
toll-free: 800-998-3632, FAX: 978-386-0002,
for oil and gas producers, marketers,,,
first-purchasers, and operators of gathering and Contact: Mktg Asst, Ladonna Gilbert
transportation systems. The company’s software Supplies process automation solutions. The
Contact: Pres, Joe Novelli
helps realize key business objectives across both company develops sensors and systems for
Provides quality for the oil and gas industry.
upstream and midstream business processes, production and logistics. These products acquire,
Achieves product performance through the
thereby enabling significant, sustainable transmit and use process information.
application of proprietary manufacturing techniques
improvements in revenue, productivity, and internal
and advanced product engineering to meet
rigorous industry applications. Technology Enerac Inc
solutions include solenoid, centrifugal, and motor 67 Bond St, Westbury, NY 11590, 516-997-2100,
driven metering pumps. toll-free: 800-695-3637, FAX: 516-997-2129,,
Emerson Process Management Contact: Nat’l Sls Dir, Bill Dascal Jr.
Rosemount Div Manufactures portable emissions analyzers for
8200 Market Blvd, Chanhassen, MN 55317, boilers, exhausts turbines, furnaces, and heaters for
952-906-8888, toll-free: 800-999-9307, FAX: NOx, SO2, CO, O2, HC, and temperature reading.
Offers a line of pressure, temperature, flow, and
level instrumentation.

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Everlasting Valve Co

Energy Institute Enventure Global Technology E-T-A Circuit Breakers

61 New Cavendish St, London, W1G 7AR UK, 15995 N Barkers Landing, Suite 350, Houston, 1551 Bishop Ct, Mt Prospect, IL 60056,
44-20-7467-7100, FAX: 44-20-7255-1472, TX 77079, 281-552-2200, FAX: 281-552-2201, 847-827-7600, FAX: 847-827-7655,,,
Offers a chartered professional membership body Contact: Global Bus Dev Mgr, Gary Prehoda Manufactures circuit breakers for equipment and is
for those working in energy. Provides an Provides solid expandable technology solutions for a resource for circuit protection technologies:
independent focalpoint to engage business and the energy industry. With 10 years of service thermal, thermal-magnetic, magnetic, electronic,
industry, government, academics, and the public. experience, the company has a global presence and high performance. All modules are precision
Promotes the safe, environmentally responsible, with operations in North America, the Middle East, manufactured and fit the ever-increasing number of
and efficient supply and use of energy in all its Asia/Pacific, South America, Europe, and the Far applications created by advancing technology.
forms and applications. East.
Euramco Safety
Enerscope Systems Inc Envirocore 2746 Via Orange Way, Spring Valley, CA 91978,
15859 116th Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada IROC Energy Services Partnership Div 619-670-9590, FAX: 619-670-7345,
T5M 3W1, 780-439-9600, toll-free: 1910 715 5th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada,
866-501-0818, FAX: 780-439-7787, T2P 2X6, 403-263-1110, FAX: 403-263-1182,,, Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Dale Mohn Contact: Sr VP, Dean Webster Manufactures a line of electric-, gasoline-, air-, and
Supplies equipment for the oil and gas industry. Specializes in UASe construction, including general water-driven turbo blowers under the RAMFAN
Offers filtration systems worldwide. Provides oilfield construction, UASe and well site brand name. The RAMFAN Hazardous Location line
products, including LAKOS and Amiad, for the oil preparation, and road construction. of turbo ventilators and ducting is designed
and gas industry. specifically for safe hazardous environment
Environetics Inc ventilation and include ATEX and UL certification.
Engineering Software 1201 Commerce St, Lockport, IL 60441,
PO Box 1180, Germantown, MD 20875, 815-838-8331, toll-free: 866-483-8300, FAX: Eurocon InfoSystem AB
301-540-3605, FAX: 301-540-3605, 815-838-8336,, PO Box 279, 891 26 Örnsköldsvik, Sweden,, 46-660-29-56-00, FAX: 46-660-83-805, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Richard Winters,
Contact: R&D Eng, Gordan Feric Manufactures environmental control products that Contact: Mktg/Sls Mgr, Per Åström
Provides engineering high performance computing contain or divert liquid. Porta Tank is a portable Specializes in software that manages information
e-solutions; continuing education and professional tank used for water or chemical storage. Oil booms and creates a structured and cost-effective
development hours; and e-courses for energy are used for oil spills. E-Berm is used for secondary environment to control all aspects of a project,
conversion systems. containment. plant, and site. The main product is SiteBase, an
integrated site system for process industries. The
Englehart Energy Inc Enviro-Pak/Tech Oil Products key functions in SiteBase are project engineering
400 N Sam Houston Pkwy E, Suite 301, Houston, 4308 W Admiral Doyle Dr, New Iberia, LA 70560, and document handling.
TX 77060-3537,,, 337-367-6165, FAX: 337-367-9956,, Euro Petroleum Consultants Ltd (EPC)
Offers oil and natural gas finding geologists, Contact: Sls Mgr, Lonnie Harrington 44 Oxford Dr, Bermonsey St, London, SE1 2FB
geophysicists, and petroleum engineers with an Manufactures, sells, and rents cargo baskets and UK, 44-20-735-78394, FAX: 44-20-735-78395,
average of 30 years experience in exploration and compaction equipment, including general waste,
production and a 78% production completion compactors, recycling compactors, drum crushers,
success rate. Provides complete prospect filter crushers, balers, and galley grinders. Contact: Conference Dir, Suzanne Costello
presentations with appropriate technical data, Organizes technology and business conferences
volumetric calculations, and full cost economic Enviro-tech Systems LLC and also provides independant consulting advice
models. 17327 Norwell Dr, PO Box 5374, Covington, LA and assistance through all stages of project
70435, 985-809-6480, FAX: 985-809-6422, analysis and implementation.
680 Fairfield Ct, PO Box 979, Ann Arbor, MI EverGlow NA Inc
48106, 734-761-1270, FAX: 734-761-3220, Contact: Pres, Frank A. Richerand 1122 Industrial Dr, PO Box 830, Matthews, NC, Designs and manufactures oil/water separation 28106-0830, 704-841-2580, toll-free:
Contact: Sls Mgr, Ray Kelley equipment, including the Enviro-Sep and 866-744-4706, FAX: 704-841-2582,
Manufactures hazardous gas and vapor detection Enviro-Cell. Also provides technical services and,
systems for industrial health and safety applications repairs on all oil/water separation equipment, Manufactures code compliant photoluminescent
and portable instruments for confined space entry. including Wemco, Tridair, Monosep, and other exit signs, exit path markings, stair and handrail
Manufactures toxic, combustible and oxygen manufacturers. markers, obstacle and hazard markers, safety
detectors, compressed breathing air monitors, and equipment signs, films, tapes, and coatings.
portable and fixed multipoint systems for a range of Epsis
hazardous gases. 1200 Smith St, Suite 1600, Two Allen Center, Everlasting Valve Co
Houston, TX 77002, 713-353-4615, FAX: 108 Somogyi Ct, South Plainfiled, NJ 07080,
ENSYS Energy
713-353-4601,, 908-769-0700, FAX: 908-769-8697,
1775 Massachusetts Ave, Suite 3, Lexington, MA Contact: VP NA Sls/Mktg, Lee Alvarez,
02420, 781-274-8454, FAX: 888-453-1270, Supplies technology for integrated operations in the, exploration and production industry. Contact: Gen Sls Mgr, David Jenkins
Contact: Pres, Martin Tallett Develops the self-lapping flat rotating disk metal
Specializes in analysis and modeling of refining and ESS seated valve to handle abrasive slurries. The
oil markets; also specializes in software and 1620 W Fountainhead Pkwy, Suite 100, Tempe, company’s valves replace installed valves that are
services for oil field production management and AZ 85282, 480-346-5500, toll-free: repaired more than once a year to increase
multiphase flow computation. 800-289-6116, FAX: 480-346-5599, production and profit. Valve capabilities are vacuum, to 10,000 psig, temperatures to 1500°F, and sizes
Contact: CRO, Ian Achterkirch to 18 in.
Provides environmental, health, and safety (EH&S),
and crisis management sustainability software that
supports governance, risk, and compliance. The
company has provided global and local software
solutions for thousands of businesses and
government agencies worldwide. Headquartered in
Tempe, AZ, with offices in Denver, Houston,
Washington D.C., Beijing, Calgary, and London.

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Exele Information Systems Inc

Exele Information Systems Inc n FabEnCo Inc FalCan Industries Ltd

445 W Commercial St, East Rochester, NY, 2002 Karbach St, Houston, TX 77092, 260 Hartley Ave, PO Box 1178, Fort Macleod,
585-385-9740,, 713-686-6620, toll-free: 800-962-6111, FAX: Alberta, Canada T0L 0Z0, 403-553-2114, 713-688-6031, toll-free: 866-853-2114, FAX: 403-553-2527,
Contact: Dane Overfield Designs develops, manufactures and markets,
Provides consulting software engineering company quality fabricated metal productsincluding the Contact: Pres, James Vandervalk
that specializes in manufacturing applications such as FabEnCo Self-Closing Safety Gate. Manufactures a complete line of equipment trailers
real-time process control. A privately-held company (See ad p 25) and truck/service decks. Specializes in custom
founded in 1978, provides consulting, environmental fabrication design and engineering. Provides onsite
reporting, and software products for process Fabricated Plastics Ltd engineers and draftsmen who can work with the
automation (OPC, SCADA, PI), and systems. 2175 Teston Rd, Maple, Ontario, Canada L6A customer to design specialized units. Also
1T3, 905-832-8161, FAX: 905-832-2111, manufactures heavy duty bumper grill guards and a
Exploration Logistics Group plc, truck mounted crane.
Bldg 8, 3rd Floor, Vantage Point Business Village,
Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, GL17 0DD UK, Contact: VP Sls, Greg Landry Falcon Electric Inc
44-1594-545100, FAX: 44-1594-545101, Designs, engineers, and custom fabricates high 5106 Azusa Canyon Rd, Irwindale, CA 91760,, quality piping systems, pollution control, and 626-962-7770, toll-free: 800-842-6940, FAX:
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Johanna Morgan chemical processing equipment from FRP and 626-962-7720,,
Specializes in the provision of medical and safety thermoplastic lined FRP materials for the mining,
solutions for companies operating in remote and chemical processing, semiconductor, metal finishing, Manufactures award-winning, rugged power
hazardous environments. With 1000 experienced iron and steel, food, pulp and paper, and pollution backup and protection systems (UPS) and
staff worldwide, the company offers health and control industries. Products include pipe, tanks, specializes in oil/petroleum applications. Offers
safety services, medical support, medical supplies vessels, scrubbers, mist eliminators, and more. UPS products with galvanic isolation to protect
and equipment, driver training, mountaineering petroleum equipment in harsh environments. Our
support, mine and unexploded ordinance FactoryNetwork Inc products are used by Chevron, Allis Chalmers, and
clearance, and explosive detection dog teams. 9423 Montgomery Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45242, other major oil industry companies with more than
513-273-4760, FAX: 866-612-7089, one million units worldwide., FARO Technologies Inc
Provides an online marketplace for new and used 125 Technology Park, Lake Mary, FL 32746,
industrial equipment and services. 407-333-9911, FAX: 407-333-4181,,
FAFNIR GmbH Contact: Mktg, Dan Alred
Express Integrated Technologies LLC
Bahrenfelder Strasse 19, PO Box 50 13 49, Develops portable devices for 3-D measurement,
1640 S 101st East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74128-4630,
22765 Hamburg, Germany, 49-40-398-2070, inspection, imaging, and documentation. Focus is
918-622-1420, FAX: 918-622-1457,
FAX: 49-40-390-6339,, on simplifying customers’ work with tools that make, them more productive. Instruments allow for more
Contact: Dir Sls, Lars Weidemeyer complex measurement which could not be
Contact: Mktg Coord, Phyllis Kraus
Provides, designs, and builds fired heaters; Develops and produces filling sensors, overfill achieved with traditional techniques.
waste heat systems to process fluids for prevention devices, limit signal controls, vapor flow
energy recovery, steam generation, and heat sensors, and continuous level measurement Farwest Corrosion Control Co
media systems. Provides engineering support systems for the oil, chemical, pharmaceutical, and 1480 W Artesia Blvd, Gardena, CA 90248,
and services for thermal performance food industries. The close cooperation with 310-532-9524, FAX: 310-532-3934,
evaluations, heater modification studies, customers is an important factor for putting ideas,
combustion evaluations, burner upgrades and into practice and ensuring the functionality of
emissions improvements, replacement parts, products.
start-up assistance, and inspection services. Contact: VP, Troy Rankin
Provides cathodic protection and corrosion related
FAG Bearings materials, equipment, and services. Operates on a
Express Signs (North East) Ltd Schaeffler Group USA Inc Div worldwide basis with six warehouse locations.
Unit 1 Portrack Grange Close, Stockton-on-Tees, 200 Park Ave, Danbury, CT 06813,
Cleveland, TS18 2PU UK, 44-1642-670748, 203-830-8123, FAX: 203-830-8171, FasTest Inc, 1646 Terrace Dr, Roseville, MN 55113,
Provides industrial and commercial engraving, laser 651-645-6266, toll-free: 800-444-2373, FAX:
engraving, S/S cable markers, labels, signs, Designs and produces high quality bearings for 651-645-7390,,
identifications products, and health and safety signs. mud pumps, rotary pumps, swivels, and block
hooks. Offers products and services for mounting, Contact: VP Mktg, Grant Bistram
Expro Americas LLC alignment, lubrication, condition monitoring and Supplies engineered connectors. The company is a
738 Highway 6 S, Suite 500, Houston, TX 77079, vibration analysis, bearing maintenance and dedicated manufacturer of productivity and quality
713-463-9776, FAX: 281-587-8833, measurement equipment, heater products, and improvement tools for pressure and vacuum, field services. testing, including a line of specialty connectors that

Provides services and products that measure, provide leak-tight, reliable connections for industrial
improve, control, and process flow from high-value Fairchild Industrial Products Co applications via temporary connections that mate
oil and gas wells. Services include well testing, 3920 West Point Blvd, Winston-Salem, NC and seal with proprietary and/or standard interface
production systems, wireline intervention, 27103, 336-659-3438, FAX: 336-659-9323, of customers’ products.
measurements, chokes, connectors, and
measurements, providing customers with the well Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Brian Carpenter FCI Fluid Components International LLC
flow services they need. Manufactures precision pressure control devices, 1755 La Costa Meadows Dr, San Marcos, CA
including pressure regulators, volume boosters, 92078-5187, 760-744-6950, toll-free:
eyevis pneumatic relays, I/P pressure transducers, and P/I 800-854-1993, FAX: 760-736-6250,
In Laisen 76, D-72766 Reutlingen, Germany, pressure transmitters.,
49-712-143-303-0, FAX: 49-712-143-303-22,, Contact: Mktg/Comms, Mary Pund
Contact: Dir Mktg/Int’l Sls, Eric Hénique Manufactures mass flowmeters, gas flowmeters,
Manufactures large screen systems for control liquid flowmeters, liquid flow switches, gas flow
rooms, information, communications, simulation, switches, and liquid level switches for industrial
and virtual reality. Offers a range of products for processes and on-board aircraft applications.
visualization of information and sensible data,
including DLP rear projection cubes, LCD monitors,
graphics controllers, and display and well
management software.

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Flowserve Corp

Fecon Inc Fire Combat Flex-a-Seal Inc

3460 Grant Dr, Lebanon, OH 45036, (div of Sensor Electronics Corp) One Jackson St, Essex Junction, VT 05453,
513-696-4430, FAX: 513-696-4431, 5500 Lincoln Dr, Minneapolis, MN 55436-0407, 802-878-8307, toll-free: 800-426-3594, FAX:, 952-938-9486, FAX: 952-938-9617, 802-878-2479,,
Contact: VP Sls, Mike Slattery,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Sarah Robb Contact: Bus Dev, Rodney Strong
Fedd Wireless LLC Manufactures single, dual, and triple agent component, Manufactures mechanical seals for the fluid sealing
trailer and skid systems using dry chemical, foam, and industry. Products range from simple single-spring
5315-B FM 1960 West, Suite 364, Houston, TX
clean agent fire suppression systems. seals to complex engineered cartridge designs. The
77069, 832-375-0807, FAX: 832-375-0898,, company is renowned for its welded bellows Fire & Safety Equipment capabilities and its patented split seal cartridge
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Jim Brooks 2420 Harrison Ave, PO Box 5646, Rockford, IL design. Offers quick and dependable deliveries and
Manufactures an industrial data acquisition system 61125, 815-394-0100, toll-free: 800-541-2528, engineering support.
that monitors hydrocarbons, pressure, temperature, FAX: 815-394-0320,
flow, volume, and vibration in tanks, pipelines, Contact: Cust Svc Mgr, Diana Bliss Flir Systems Inc
pumps, fans, and rotating equipment throughout a Distributes safety equipment. Free 184-page 25 Esquire Rd, North Billerica, MA 01862,
facility. Information is then wirelessly transmitted to catalog of personal protective equipment, gloves, 978-901-8000, FAX: 978-901-8887,
any receipt point(s) located worldwide. clothing, footwear, respirator, eye and face,
protection, and more. Fire extinguisher sales and Contact: Mktg/Comms, Ed Metro
FHF Funke Huster Fernsig GmbH service and Ansul fire suppression systems. Offers GasFindIR IR camera that detects VOC gas
Gewerbealle 15-19, PO Box 140166, 45478 leaks quickly and easily. Capable of rapidly
Muelheim/Ruhr, Germany, 49-208-8268-0, FAX: Fireye Inc scanning large areas and miles of piping, the
49-208-8628-268,, (div of UTC) rugged GasFindIR delivers real-time thermal images
Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Hans Gunkel Fire & Security Div of gas leaks. GasFindIR operates within a
Manufactures weather and explosion proof 3 Manchester Rd, Derry, NH 03038, temperature range of 5°F to 122°F (-15°C to +50°C)
signalling devices and telephone sets, 603-432-4100, FAX: 603-432-1570, and maintains a 40 G industrial shock rating.
loudspeakers, IP phones, and monitoring systems.,
Manufactures flame, safeguard, and burner controls Flottweg Separation Technology Inc
for industrial and commercial applications. (div of Flottweg AG Germany)
Fibergrate Composite Structures Inc
10700 Toebben Dr, Independence, KY 41051,
5151 Beltline Rd, Suite 700, Dallas, TX 75254,
Fischer Technology Inc 859-448-2300, FAX: 859-448-2333,
972-250-1633, FAX: 972-250-1530,
750 Marshall Phelps Rd, Windsor, CT 06095,,,
860-683-0781, toll-free: 800-243-8417, FAX: Contact: Ind Mgr, Ed Sweeney
Manufactures fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP)
860-688-8496,, Manufactures liquid and solid separation
products, including grating, structural shapes, equipment, including decanter centrifuges, tricanter
handrails, and ladders. Key product features, such
Contact: Inside Sls Rep, Juliann Goodwill centrifuges, disc centrifuges, and related systems.
as corrosion resistance, slip resistance, flame
retardancy, impact resistance, and low Manufactures coating thickness, ferrite content,
maintenance, qualify these products for use in all and material analysis measurement instruments. Flowline Specialists Ltd
types of marine vessels and offshore structures. Various measurement principles are incorporated Mill of Crichie, Fyvie, Turriff, AB53 8QL UK,
into hand held and bench top modules. Thickness 44-1651-89-1890,
measurement includes anodization, paint, and,
Fibox Enclosures precious metals with single, double, or alloy
810 Cromwell Park Dr, Suite R, Glen Burnie, MD coatings. Other product offerings include porosity Contact: Man Dir, Alistair Nieuwenhuyse
21061, 410-760-9696, toll-free: 888-342-6987, testers, conductivity meters, x-ray fluorescence, Supplies under rollers, including shelf loading rollers
FAX: 410-760-8686,, certified standards, and foils. for flexible pipe and umbilical reels, powered reels,
and HP hoses for ship to rig hose transfer,
Contact: Mgr, Diane Souffie
Fisher Tank Co turntables and subsea pallets, tensioners, reels,
Manufactures corrosion resistant plastic enclosures
3131 W 4th St, Chester, PA 19013, flexible pipe, umbilicals and buoyancy modules. We
for the electronic and electrical industries. The
610-494-7200, FAX: 610-485-0157, also carry out plastic welding and pressure testing
company’s NEMA 4X enclosures protect products, of flexible pipes.
from hostile environments. Offers more than 700
off-the-shelf sizes, from 2x2x2 in. to 24x16x10 in. Contact: Sls Mgr, Fred Ruinen
Provides fabrication, erection, repair, and modification Flowserve Corp
of aboveground welded steel storage tanks. Pump Div
Fieldserver Technologies
SALES OFFICES: C/o TriCom B2B, 1200 Industrial Park Dr,
1991 Tarob Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035, Vandalia, OH 45377, 937-890-5311, toll-free:
408-262-2299, toll-free: 888-509-1970, FAX: Southeast Sales Office
800-728-7867, FAX: 937-890-5314,
408-262-9042,, Lexington, SC 803-359-4173,,
Provides fluid motion and control products and
Provides gateways and protocol translators that services. Operating in more than 55 countries, the
enable interoperability between different devices company produces engineered and industrial
and systems, even when they utilize different pumps, seals, and valves, as well as a range of
communication protocols. Has a large protocol related flow management services.
Flowserve Corp
FIMA Maschinenbau GmbH Fixturlaser AB 1978 Foreman Dr, Cookeville, TN 38502,
Oberfischacher Str 58, 74423 Obersontheim, Östergårdsgatan 9, PO Box 7, SE-431 21 931-432-4021, toll-free: 800-251-6761, FAX:
Germany, 49-7973-693-614, FAX: 49-7973-693, Molndal, Sweden, 46-31-706-2800, FAX: 931-432-5518,,, 46-31-706-2850,,
Develops individual solutions in fluid mechanics Contact: Dir Mktg Process, Roy Johnson
and process technology. Realizes Contact: Man/Mktg Dir, Hans Svensson Provides the systems, products, and experience to
customer-specific systems. Develops, manufactures, and markets help your processes run smarter, safer, and more
laser-based measurement instruments for efficiently. The industry’s most complete range of
alignment and positioning of rotating valves, actuators, positioners, controls and
machinery in any kind of manufacturing switches- complemented by their comprehensive
industry. Our systems are user friendly tools R&D, engineering, and global support services-
that minimize the number of operations provide every customer with a one-stop solution to
involved in the alignment process, thus their flow control needs.
speeding up the process.

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FLSmidth Inc

FLSmidth Inc Foremost Industries LP Frontier Drilling

Pneumatic Transport Department Div 1225 64th Ave NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E Statsminister Michels, PO Box 6076, NO-5892
2040 Ave C, Bethlehem, PA 18017, 8P9, 403-295-5800, toll-free: 800-661-9190, FAX: Paradis, Norway, 47-5592-2820, FAX:
610-264-6800, toll-free: 800-523-9482, FAX: 403-295-5810,, 47-5592-2930,
610-264-6735,, Provides drilling and early production services. Contact: Tech Sls, Al Pleskie
Contact: Sls Mgr, Fred Wuertele Designs and manufactures oilfield equipment, Frontier Power Products Ltd
Offers an industry leader in pneumatic conveying coiled tubing drills, hybrid coiled tubing units, and 7983 Progress Way, Delta, British Columbia,
for bulk materials handling. The company offers joint pipe drilling units to the line of tracked and Canada V4G 1A3, 604-946-5531, FAX:
technology and experience in all aspects of material wheeled all-terrain vehicles. Top drives, pipe 604-946-8524,,
handling systems, and has more than 30 offices, handling systems, surface casing rigs, and floating
subsidiaries, and joint ventures located around the cushion subs for maximum productivity. Contact: Pres, Larrie York
Supplies diesel and gas engines to 4000 hp.
FORTA Corp Manufactures diesel powered generator sets,
Fluid Components International (FCI) Drilling Products Div custom pumping units, power units, and NG
1755 La Costa Meadows Dr, San Marcos, CA 100 Forta Dr, Grove City, PA 16127-6399, engines. Authorized distributor for John Deere,
92078-5187, 760-744-6950, toll-free: 724-458-5221, toll-free: 800-245-0306, FAX: Kubota, and Mitsubishi engines. Funk power
800-854-1993, FAX: 760-736-6250, 724-458-8331,, transmission products and Kohler generators., Contact: Drilling Prods Mgr, Keith Davis Fugro-Geoteam AS
Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Mary Pund Provides several premium performance products (sub of Fugro NV)
Offers a selection of thermal dispersion mass within the drilling products division, including the Development & Production Div
flowmeters, flow switches, and level switches for Super-Sweep fiber hole-cleaning agent and the Hoffsveien 1C, PO Box 490 Skoyen, N-0213
the oil and gas industry. Direct mass flow is ideal for PhenoSeal loss circulation material. Oslo, Norway, 47-22-13-4600, FAX:
monitoring complex mixed, variable flare gas 47-22-13-4646,,
applications. FOSS NIRSystems Inc
7703 Montpelier Rd, Laurel, MD 20723, Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Jan Helgebostad
Fluid Design Solutions Inc 301-680-9600, toll-free: 800-343-2036, FAX: Operates a high technology fleet of seismic vessels.
PO Box 3466, Spruce Grove, Alberta, Canada 301-236-0134,, With more than 30 years of experience, the
T7X 3A7, 780-960-8848, FAX: 780-960-8877, company is capable of meeting today’s variety of Contact: Pres, Philip Irving technical and environmental challenges when
Contact: Pres, Shawn Neilsen Supplies laboratory, at-line, and process near-IR acquiring and processing 2-D, 3-D, and 4-D
Manufactures oilfield equipment. (NIR) solutions for use in the pharmaceutical, seismic data.
chemical, and petrochemical industries. Has more
Fluid Dynamics International than 40 years of industry experience and more than Fugro-Jason
White Pl, River Rd, Taplow, Bucks, SL6 0BG UK, 18,000 successful installations worldwide. 6100 Hillcroft, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77081,
44-1628-634-073, FAX: 44-1628-670-981, Committed to providing accurate and precise rapid 605-491-4144,,, test and measurement products to meet the customer’s needs. Contact: Mktg Dept, Erik Johnson
Supplies catalytic water treatment systems to Helps customers increase the profitability of their
prevent scaling caused by hard water, salts, FoxFury Personal Lighting Solutions reservoirs through quantitive integration of
seawater, and some waxes. 2091 Elevado Hills Dr, Vista, CA 92078, geoscience and engineering information into highly
760-945-4231, FAX: 760-758-6283, accurate and predictive reservoir models.
Fluid Metering Inc, Customers can take advantage of this advanced
Contact: Dir Mktg, Antonio Cugini technology either by purchasing software and
5 Aerial Way, Suite 500, Syosset, NY 11791,
Manufactures UL 913 class 1, Division 1 personal training or by utilizing our experienced consulting
516-922-6050, toll-free: 800-223-3388, FAX:
lighting solutions which offer hands-free use, service staff to perform the processing and analysis
enhanced distance and peripheral visibility, and on their behalf.
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Herb Werner immediate situation assessment.
Manufactures metering pumps and dispensers with
valveless positive displacement design. Features Fox Thermal Instruments Inc
include ceramic/fluorocarbon fluid path, low dead 399 Reservation Rd, Marina, CA 93933,
volume, flows from 0 to 2500 ml/min, pressures to 831-384-4300, FAX: 831-384-4312,
100 psig, and accuracy better than 1%., Future Fibre Technologies US Inc
Fluid Power Inc Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Rich Cada 800 W El Camino Real, Suite 180, Mountain
534 Township Line Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422, Manufactures Model 10A thermal mass flowmeter; View, CA 94040, 770-973-2531, FAX:
215-643-0350, FAX: 215-643-4017, the Model FT2 gas mass flowmeter; and the Model 435-417-6671,, SW100 thermal flow and level switch. Experienced
Supplies hydraulic, pneumatic, and lubrication in thermal flow design, proactive to customer Contact: Bus Dev, Erick Reynolds

products and services representing 75 needs, and is dedicated to the development of new Manufactures Secure Fence and Secure Pipe
manufacturers. Designs and manufactures custom products. outdoor fiberoptic intrusion detection and
hydraulic fluid power systems, cooling systems, monitoring systems that provide early warning
lubrication systems, and valve packages. FRIATEC Aktiengesellschaft and location of intrusions on perimeters and
Rheinhütte Pumpen Div buried pipelines. Requires no electronics and
Force Compression Systems Rheingaustraße 96-98, 65203 Wiesbaden, no power in the field. Patented technology is
Germany, 49-611-604-0, FAX: 49-611-604-328, in use at military, commercial, and pipeline
PO Box 652, Stettler, Alberta, Canada T0C 2L0,, facilities worldwide.
Contact: Sls Dir/Export Dept, Manfred Kamme
Contact: Sales
Supplies the chemical, petrochemical, fertilizer, and
Manufactures a line of casing gas and booster
related industries with a range of vertical and
compressors to 400 HP. We believe in providing a
horizontal pumps in metal, plastic, and ceramic
standard proven product to meet the needs of
materials. Offers vertical and horizontal pumps for
multiple customers. All of our packages have
molten sulphur, veritcal, and horizontal pumps for
pre-engineered options to fit most applications.
sulphuric and phosphoric acid at all concentrations
Committed to meeting your compression need
and temperatures.

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GEA Westfalia Separator Systems

G3 Technologies The GasGun Inc Gateway Safety Inc

2536 W 239th St, Louisburg, KS 66053, 165 SW Tualatin Loop, West Linn, OR 97068, 11111 Memphis Ave, Cleveland, OH 44144,
913-947-7205,, 503-557-1370,, 216-889-2000, FAX: 216-749-0526,
Contact: Pres, Jim Grimes,
Designs and manufactures specialized wireless I/O Contact: Pres/CEO, Adam Schmidt
devices for remote site monitoring and control in Provides a wireline conveyed propellant stimulation Contact: VP, Matthew J. Love
the oil and gas industry, for well fields, pipelines, device based on proprietary ballistic technology Designs and manufactures industrial safety
and more. Both stand-alone master/slave pairs for from the U.S. military. It incorporates a design by products. Over the course of 60 years, the
cable replacement and Modbus Slave units are using progressively burning propellants that have company has earned a reputation as a provider of
offered. The wireless I/O is robust, highly been proven by independent research to be many durable, yet cost-effective, personal protection
integrated, and optimized for solar power. times more effective in creating fractures and equipment. Product lines are available in eye, face,
increasing formation permeability. head, hearing, and respiratory protection.
Galvotec Alloys Inc
181 Grefer Ln, Harvey, LA 70058, 504-362-7776, Gasoline Chemicals-Federal Process The Gauge House
FAX: 504-362-7440,, Corp 117 Row 1, PO Box 80426, Lafayette, LA 70508, 4620 Richmond Rd, Cleveland, OH 44128, 337-261-0510, FAX: 337-261-0512,
Contact: Reg Mgr, Linda B. Perque 216-464-6440, FAX: 216-464-2080,,, Contact: Sls, Scott Rowe
Gamajet Cleaning Systems Inc Offers a line of products for the petroleum,
604 Jeffers Cir, Exton, PA 19341, 610-408-9940, plumbing, LP gas, HVAC, automotive, and general GD Engineering
toll-free: 877-426-2538,, industrial markets. From industrial thread sealants (div of SPX Flow Control) and cutting oils to gas gauging pastes and 19191 Hempstead Hwy, Houston, TX 77065,
Contact: Pres, Bob Delaney industrial cleaning chemicals, provides a choice for 281-807-2815, FAX: 281-807-2805,
Manufactures rotary impingement cleaners for both tough, reliable chemical products that get the job,
above- and underground storage tanks. done.
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Steven King
Gardner Denver Gassonic Manufactures high pressure pipeline products.
1800 Gardner Expwy, Quincy, IL 62305, Energivej 42A, DK-2750 Ballerup, Denmark,
217-222-5400, FAX: 217-228-8243, 45-44-700-910, FAX: 45-44-700-911, GEA Jet Pumps GmbH,, Einsteinstrasse 9-15, 76275 Ettlingen, Germany, Contact: Man Dir, Martin T. Olesen 49-7243-705-0, FAX: 49-7243-705-351,
Contact: Mktg Spec, Susan Wray Provides ultrasonic gas leak detectors for the,
Produces blowers, air compressors, petroleum processing industry worldwide. Ultrasonic gas leak Contact: Gen Mgr, Alberto Riatti
pumps, water jetting pumps and accessories, fluid detection ensures instant detection without being Provides jet pumps, jet vacuum pumps, steam jet
transfer equipment, and liquid ring pumps. Designs, affected by changing wind directions and fast cooling systems, vacuum degassing units, vacuum
manufactures, markets, and services a diverse dilution of the gas. The company is part of General condensation systems; jet gas and Venturi
group of pumps used in oil and natural gas drilling Monitors, total solution providers for flame and gas scrubbers for the chemical industry, refineries, steel
production, well servicing, and stimulation. detection systems. degassing, polyester production, and sea water
desalination. Has an R&D center with test benches
Gardner Denver Machinery Inc Gas Turbine Efficiency Inc and numerous test plants.
4747 S 83rd East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74145, 300 Sunport Ln, Orlando, FL 32809,
918-664-1151, FAX: 918-664-6225, 407-304-5200, FAX: 407-304-5201,,, Contact: Pres, Michael S. Thomas
Designs, manufactures, and supplies proprietary
cleantech energy saving and performance
Gas & Air Systems Inc enhancing systems to the power generation, oil and
1304 Whitaker St, Hellertown, PA 18055, gas and aviation industries. The company’s GE Analytical Instruments
610-838-9625, FAX: 610-838-9650, portfolio of patented cleantech solutions save fuel, (div of GE), reduce emissions, increase availability, and extend 6060 Spine Rd, Boulder, CO 80301,
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Robert O’Brien turbine and parts life. 303-444-2009, toll-free: 800-255-6964, FAX:
Offers factory authorized compressor packaging 303-527-1797,,
and distribution. Provides application and package
Gas Turbine Efficiency LLC
design engineering, and fabricates packages Contact: Sls, Sandy Barber
incorporating high quality compressors 300 Sunport Ln, Orlando, FL 32809, Manufactures instruments for measuring total
manufactured by Howden, Burton Corblin, and 407-304-5200, FAX: 407-304-5201, organic carbon (TOC) in water, and also offers
others. Maintains a large inventory of genuine,, highly sensitive total boron and nitric oxide
factory approved spare parts and provides field Contact: Pres, Michael S. Thomas analyzers, as well as oil-on-water monitoring
services. Designs, manufactures, and supplies cleantech systems. The company’s brands include
energy saving and performance enhancing Sievers and Leakwise.
solutions to the power generation, oil and gas and
Gascat Industrial e Comercio Ltda aviation industries. The company’s extensive
Rodovia SP-73, No 1141, Indaiatuba, 13347-390 portfolio of patented cleantech solutions save fuel, GEA Westfalia Separator Systems
Brazil, 55-19-3936-9300, FAX: 55-19-3935-6009, reduce emissions, increase availability, and extend Werner-Habig-Str 1, 59302 Oelde, Germany,, turbine and parts life. 49-2522-77-0, FAX: 49-2522-77-1778,
Contact: Mgr, Celso Nieto,
Produces pressure regulators, shut-off valves, relief
Gates Corp
valves, heaters, gas filters (cartridges, quick Contact: Head Oilfield, Thomas Perschke
Fluid Power Div
closure, basket, and combined), pressure regulation Delivers compact system solutions with high speed
1551 Wewatta St, PO Box 5887, Denver, CO
and measurement stations, and city-gates; all centrifugal separators. Main applications: drain
80217, 303-744-1911, toll-free: 800-366-3128,
embedding high technology and quality. water, drilling mud, produced water, crude oil,
FAX: 303-744-4499,, bilgewater, slop oils, and oil sands. Helps to improve return on capital employed and to meet
Contact: Mktg Dir, Sheila Schnoor stringent environmental regulations.
Provides belts, hoses, and hydraulics.

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GE Energy

GE Energy GeoCompany Tecnologia Engenharia & Gesellschaft für OELTECHNIK mbH

Optimization and Control Div Meio Ambiente Ltda Lessingstrasse 32, 68753 Waghäusel, Baden,
1631 Bently Pkwy S, Minden, NV 89423, Praca dos Crisântemos, 26, Barueri, SP Würtemberg, Germany, 49-7254-981-232, FAX:
775-215-2226, FAX: 775-215-2864, 06453-020 Brazil, 55-11-4195-4435, 49-7254-981-239,,,,
Serves the condition monitoring needs of many Contact: Int’l Sls, Bernhard Hackmann
industries through portfolio of Bently Nevada Contact: Dir, Roberto Kochen Specilizes in the design and fabrication of shell and
permanent and portable vibration monitoring Specializes in environmental, geotechnical, and civil tube heat exchangers, enhanced surface inter- and
instrumentation. System 1 software links online and solutions for infrastructure. The company’s mission aftercoolers for turbo compressors, surface
offline condition monitoring technologies and is to bring modern techniques of civil and condenser systems, fin fan heat exchangers, and oil
provides services covering product repair and environmental engineering to Brazilian clients. systems. The company designs and fabricates
installation, machinery diagnostics, and consulting Activities include oil and gas, transportation, water pressure vessels according to international and
services for reliability improvement. systems, environment, and energy following. national codes and design regulations.

GE Fanuc Intelligent Platforms Geoservices SA GE Water & Process Technologies

Route 29 N & Route 606, PO Box 8106, 7 Rue Isaac Newton, PO Box 20, 93151 Le 4636 Somerton Rd, Trevose, PA 19053,
Charlottesville, VA 22911, 434-978-5200, Blanc-Mesnil, France, 33-14-814-8383, FAX: 215-355-3300, toll-free: 800-869-2837, FAX:
toll-free: 800-433-2682, FAX: 434-978-5205, 33-14-814-8585,, 215-953-5524,,
Contact: Global Ind Mgr Oil/Gas, Mayank Contact: Comms Mgr, Keith Ross Supplies water, wasterwater, desalination, and
Mehta Provides a range of oilfield services that help process systems solutions. Delivers value by
Provides a high performance technology company operators evaluate hydrocarbon reservoirs and improving performance and product quality,
and global provider of hardware, software, services, optimize field exploration, development, and reducing operating costs and extending equipment
expertise, and experience in automation and production. Serves the oil and gas industry life. Offers solutions to optimize system
embedded computing, with products employed in worldwide through a network of district offices and performance, safeguard customer assets from
virtually every industry, including manufacturing bases in more than 50 countries, providing mud corrosion, fouling, and scaling, and protect the
automation, defence, automotive, logging, well intervention (slickline), and field environment through conservation.
telecommunications, healthcare, and aerospace. surveillance.
Part of GE Enterprise Solutions. GfG Instrumentation Inc
Geospatial Corp 1194 Oak Valley Dr, Suite 20, Ann Arbor, MI
Gems Sensors & Controls 229 Howes Run Rd, Sarver, PA 16055, 48108, 734-769-0573, toll-free: 800-959-0329,
One Cowles Rd, Plainville, CT 06062, 724-353-3400, FAX: 724-353-3049, FAX: 734-769-1888,,
860-747-3000, toll-free: 800-378-1600, FAX:,
860-747-4244,, Contact: Pres, Bob Henderson Contact: Exec VP, Linda Ward Develops and manufactures a line of portable gas
Designs and manufactures a portfolio of liquid level, Provides solutions to the underground detectors, fixed systems, and respiratory airline
flow and pressure sensors, miniature solenoid infrastructure industry. Proven mapping systems monitors to provide protection from combustible
valves, and preassembled fluidic systems to exact technology accurately maps x-y-z centerline gases and vapors, oxygen hazards, and toxic
customer application and manufacturing coordinates and creates 3-D maps/GIS databases. gases. Reliable protection that can be customized
requirements. Offers the right solution through Technology provides clients in the oil and gas, to meet your specific gas detection needs.
personal attention, extensive application electric, municipal services (water and sewer),
knowledge, engineering expertise, and lean telecommunications, GIS, and HDD markets fast, GF Piping Systems
manufacturing methodologies. cost-effective solutions. 2882 Dow Ave, Tustin, CA 92780, 714-731-8800,
toll-free: 800-854-4090, FAX: 714-731-6201,
49 bis Ave Franklin Roosevelt, BP 91, 77212 Provides high quality piping systems products,
Avon, France, 33-1-60-74-90-90, FAX: offering specific system solutions in a range of
33-1-64-22-87-28,, industries. Specific products include plastic pipes and fittings, valves, actuators, rotameters,
General Monitors Contact: Sls Mgr, Patrick Magne fabrications, fusion joining technology, heat
26776 Simpatica Cir, Lake Forest, CA 92630, Develops and provides geostatistics-related exchangers, secondary containment, flow
949-581-4464, toll-free: 800-330-9161, FAX: software packages, including ISATIS, training and monitoring and process control instrumentation,
949-581-1151,, consulting services to the oil and gas industry, and training programs. mining companies, environmental agencies and
Contact: Regional Sales Manager consultancy offices around the world. Expertise lies G&G International NV
Manufactures gas monitoring and flame in resource classification, time-to-depth conversion, Molenweg 109, 2830 Willebroek, Belgium,
detection instruments. Products include risk assessment and seismic QC. 32-3-860-20-11, FAX: 32-3-886-58-04,
combustible gas detectors; hydrogen sulfide,
(H2S) gas detectors, flame detectors, toxic gas Gerlinger Carrier Co/GC Contact: Ch Comm Off, Pieter van Acker
detectors, oxygen deficiency detectors, and 665 Murlack Ave NW, PO Box 5288, Salem, OR Engineers and constructs large pressure vessels,

fire and gas systems. With more than 45 years 97304, 503-585-4191, FAX: 503-364-1398, columns, reactors, drums, bullets, spheres, and
of experience, the company is committed to, storage tanks to all international standards. Serves
protecting life and property. the petrochemical industries. Processes carbon
Contact: Mark Lyman and stainless steel and special alloys to 150 mm
Designs and manufactures straddle carriers. Fast thickness. Items to 2000 tons, 20 m diameter can
Genoil Inc and efficient handling of long, heavy loads. Lift be shipped worldwide in one piece.
2020 633 6th Ave SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada capacities from 30,000 to 90,000 lbs. Available in a
T2P 2Y5, 403-750-3450, FAX: 403-290-0592, range of package sizes. Helps solve tough material,
handling problems in a range of applications. 3943 Valley E Industrial Dr, Birmingham, AL
Contact: Pres, Thomas Bugg
Develops hydrocarbon and oil and water separation 35217, 800-778-6002, FAX: 408-294-2064,
technologies. The Hydroconversion Upgrader,
(GHU) upgrades and increases yields of heavy
crudes and refinery feedstocks into light, clean Manufactures pipeline markers and warning decals.
transportation fuels. The Crystal bilge water
treatment system meets U.S. Coast Guard
standards according to International Maritime
Organization’s MEPC Resolution 107 (49) MEP.

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G-raff Systems

Global Detection Systems Corp GM International Safety Inc Governor Control Systems Inc
3904 Searle Dr, Houston, TX 77009, (div of GM International Srl) 3101 SW 3rd Ave, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315,
713-984-1437, FAX: 713-984-0955, 17453 Village Green Dr, Houston, TX 77040, 877-659-6328, FAX: 954-761-8768,, 713-896-0777, toll-free: 800-960-3088, FAX:, 713-896-0782,, Contact: Oper Mgr, Kenny Dennis
Contact: Pres, Ken Price Specializes in control, starting, and monitoring
Manufactures a line of combustible and toxic gas Contact: Sls Mgr, Giorgio Landrini solutions. Control system
detectors and control systems. The systems are Manufactures intrinsically safe instrumentation, engineering/modernizations, 24/7 worldwide
designed for harsh industrial and offshore such as isolators, barriers, digital/temperature service/repair, tech support, and product training.
applications and carry CSA certifications. The multiplexers, display, and power supplies. Also Schaller Visatron Oil Mist Detection systems,
electronic displays offer user-friendly access and offers a full line of SIL3 rated products. Offers high Dynalco instrumentation, TDI air starters, and DCL
state-of-the-art diagnostics. quality products at competitive pricing with stock emissions controls.
Global Energy Services Ltd GOW-MAC Instrument Co
#10, 5920 11th St SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Godwin Pumps 277 Brodhead Rd, Bethlehem, PA 18017,
T2H 2M4, 403-243-0820, FAX: 403-243-3425, One Floodgate Rd, Bridgeport, NJ 08014, 610-954-9000, FAX: 610-954-0599, 856-467-3636, FAX: 856-467-4841,,, Contact: Sales
Global Flow Technologies Manufactures gas chromatographs, gas analyzer
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Joseph L. Abbott Jr. packages, and specialty gas handling equipment
10600 Corporate Dr, Stafford, TX 77477,
Sells, rents, and designs dumping systems. for user-specified industrial gas applications, as
281-565-1010, toll-free: 800-231-3530, FAX:
Automatic self-priming pumps in sizes 2 to 18 in. well as laboratory and educational purposes.
with flows to 10,000 gpm and heads to 600 ft. More Instruments include GCs and detectors, gas
than 24 U.S. rental offices, global network of analyzers, gas leak detectors, total hydrocarbon
Contact: VP Int’l Sls, Maury Mills
distributors, rental fleet, more than 5000 pumps, gas analyzers, moisture analyzers, and specialty
Manufactures DSI gate, globe and check valves,
complete parts inventory, and manufacturing gas handling systems.
PBV floating and trunnion mounted ball valves, ABZ
facilities on two continents.
butterfly valves, and Quadrant ball and butterfly
valves and actuators for the petroleum, gas, power, Grabner Instruments Messtechnik
and chemical industries worldwide. W L Gore & Associates Inc GmbH
Fibers Div Dr Otto-Neurath-Gasse 1, A-1220 Vienna,
PO Box 1488, Elkton, MD 21922, 410-392-3200, Austria, 43-1-282-16-27-13, FAX:
Global Supplier ApS, 43-1-280-73-34,
(div of Global Supplier Hoilding)
Skagensvej 334a, 9800 Hjorring, Denmark,,
45-98-920-656, FAX: 45-98-900-656, Gorman-Rupp Co, PO Box 1217, Mansfield, OH 44901-1217, Contact: Prod Mktg Mgr, Hannes Pichler
Offers a network in the marine and offshore sector 419-755-1011, FAX: 419-755-1251, Manufactures fully automated, portable, rugged,
to secure customers’ safe delivery of finished, and easy-to-operate fuel and oil analyzers for
machine forgings, castings, and steel parts from Contact: Sls Mgr Ind’l Pumps, John Zgela accurate quality control in the laboratory, as well as
China. Certificates 3.1 and 3.2 from DNV, ABS, and Manufactures high performance, high quality for fast on-site tests in mobile laboratories. Product
others. Helps with everything, from drawings to pumps and pumping systems that allow for lasting line includes vapor pressure, flashpoint and
assembly and delivery. service in the construction, municipal, water, distillation testers, fuel and viscosity analyzers, and
wastewater, sewage, industrial, petroleum, fire, other instruments.
Global Training Solutions Inc agricultural, and OEM markets. Pump line includes
3136 Winston Churchill Blvd, PO Box 26067,
self-priming centrifugal, standard centrifugal, Grace Engineered Products Inc
submersible, trash, priming assisted, rotary gear, 5001 Tremont Ave, Davenport, IA 52807,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada L5L 5W7,
and air-driven diaphragm. 563-386-9596, toll-free: 800-280-9517, FAX:
416-806-5777,, 563-386-9639,,
Contact: VP Sls, Annalisa Larocca Gough Econ
Supplier of training programs and instructor-led 9400 N Lakebrook Rd, PO Box 668583, Provides products that assist people with electrical
courses aimed at the development, training, and Charlotte, NC 28266-8583, 704-399-4501, safety while increasing employee productivity.
safety of employees. Training programs are toll-free: 800-264-6844, FAX: 704-392-8706, Known as the “Thru-door Electrical Safety People.”
available on interactive CD-ROM, web-based,
e-learning, and DVD and VHS formats. Training Manufactures heavy-duty bucket elevator and Graco Inc
topics include maintenance, operations, industrial conveyor systems, belt conveyors, vibratory PO Box 1441, Minneapolis, MN 55440,
skills, safety and environment, health, human feeders, and screens. 877-844-7226, FAX: 612-623-6940,
resources, and sales.,
Goulds Pumps
Global Wire Cloth (sub of ITT) Manufactures pumps, meters, valves, hose reels,
1550 N 105th E Ave, Tulsa, OK 74116, 240 Fall St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148, and other fluid handling equipment used in
918-836-7211, FAX: 918-836-7249, 315-568-2811, toll-free: 800-734-7867, FAX: lubrication applications, as well as sprayers for
315-568-7759,, corrosion control applications.
Contact: Dir Sls, Tom Remy Contact: Dir HPI Global Mktg, Chad Tuttle G-raff Systems
Manufactures and sells replacement shaker Provides pumps, parts, and integrated service 5384 Evergreen Pkwy, PO Box 406, Sheffield
screens for Derrick, Brandt, Fluid Systems, Swaco, solutions for the hydrocarbon processing industries. Village, OH 44054, 440-238-4360, FAX:
and more. Offers service and pricing to meet any Pumpsmart control and ProSmart predictive 440-934-4052,,
and all of your screening, sifting, and sizing needs. condition monitoring solutions enhance life cycle
The company’s screens are designed to deliver and lower costs of industrial rotating equipment. Contact: Sls Mgr, Doug Ingram
high performance to a variety of industries. Manufactures a line of tank truck fall protection
equipment and access equipment.

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Granco Manufacturing Inc

Granco Manufacturing Inc GSE Systems Inc Hannay Reels Inc

2010 Crow Canyon Pl, Suite 100, San Ramon, 1332 Londontown Blvd, Suite 200, Sykesville, 553 State Route 143, Westerlo, NY 12193,
CA 94583, 925-359-3290, FAX: 925-359-3291, MD 21784, 410-970-7800, FAX: 410-970-7997, 877-467-3357, FAX: 800-733-5464,,,,
Contact: Pres, Ivan R. Dimcheff Contact: Dir Process Simulation, Majid Mirshah Contact: Sls Mgr, A. David Guilzon
Offers fluid transfer pumps, moving all petroleum Provides real time, dynamic, high-fidelity operator Manufactures quality industrial hose and cable
products from diesel fuel to #2 grease. Truck training simulators, and modeling software for the reels. Offers variety, built-to-order, and delivered on
mounted pumps for diesel fuel dispensing and refining, petrochemical, oil and gas, chemical, and time.
other petroleum products. Stationary pumps for power generation industries. A global provider of
refineries and blenders. Total packaged systems OTSs that offer extensive process modeling Hardy Instruments
designed for each application. experience and complete training solutions. 3860 Calle Fortunada, San Diego, CA 92123,
858-278-2900, FAX: 858-278-6700,
Graphite Metallizing Corp GW Lisk Co,
Graphalloy Div 2 South St, Clifton Springs, NY 14432,
1050 Nepperhan Ave, Yonkers, NY 10703, 315-462-2611, FAX: 315-462-7661, Contact: App Engr, Dennis Drake
914-968-8400, FAX: 914-968-8468,, Designs and manufactures vibration monitoring, Contact: Reg Sls Mgr, Kevin Rice products that allow the customer to predict
Contact: Gen Mgr, Eben Walker Designs and manufactures solenoids and valves for problems, prevent machinery damage, avoid costly
Manufactures bearing material used commonly in pilot flows of gaseous and hydraulic fluids for both downtime, and reduce operation and maintenance
high temperature and submerged applications. The ultradeep subsea and surface applications in costs. Vibration instruments include machine
company’s self lubricating properties make it the addition to solenoids and valves for hazardous monitors, vibration transmitters, vibration switches,
upgrade of choice for dry run and other tough locations. Surface applications include the design, signal conditioners, accelerometers, and sensors.
pump applications. development, and manufacture of devices such as
flame arresters and LVDTs. Harwood Capital Inc
Graves & Co 1255 Treat Blvd, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA
1415 Louisiana, Suite 2100, Houston, TX 77002, Hamilton Sundstrand 94597-7965, 510-658-6398, FAX: 510-658-7743,
713-650-0811, FAX: 713-650-0840, Applied Instrument Technology Div,, 2771 N Garey Ave, Pomona, CA 91767,
Contact: Owner/Pres, John Graves 909-593-3581, Contact: Pres, Thomas Swaney
Provides transaction advisory, service, and support Manufactures rugged reliable spectroscopy and Manages and finances oil and gas projects. Works
to the upstream oil and gas industry. The firm has a gas chromatography process analyzers for on-line primarily onshore USA, but has Asian experience.
predominant buy-side focus, and assists clients in monitoring and process development. Product lines Invests its own funds in start-up stages of land and
the acquisition of producing properties, negotiating include: Analect FTIR/NIR, PIONIR NIR, RPM exploration projects. Will finance larger acquisitions
and documenting exploration joint ventures and Raman, the MGA line of process mass using outside sources.
drilling deals, and in conducting due diligence for spectrometer and the FXi process gas
lenders. chromatograph. Analysis solutions for CDU to final Hawe Hydraulics
9009-k Perimeter Woods Dr, Charlotte, NC
GrayWolf Sensing Solutions 28216, 704-509-1599, FAX: 704-509-6302,
12 Cambridge Dr, Trumbull, CT 06611, Hammelmann Corp,
203-416-0005, FAX: 203-416-0002, 600 Progress Rd, Dayton, OH 45449,, 937-859-8777, toll-free: 800-783-4935, FAX: Manufactures steel designed products with zero
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Rick Stonier 937-859-9188, leak valve technology. Products include directional
Offers portable, mobile PC based monitors for Contact: Denny Mesarvey spool valves with or without proportional control,
indoor air quality, toxic gas, VOC, and airspeed. Manufactures thousands of pumps and waterjetting load holding valves, axial piston displacement
Classic line of instruments for IAQ pressure and units for service in a range of industries worldwide. pumps and MSHA approved explosion proof coils.
general HVAC applications. On board sensor tips Pumps feature a high pressure, friction free piston The company is positioned to respond quickly to
include government and industry guidelines. seal assembly. This patented high pressure design service needs.
Snapshot of continuous Data Logging. Stores data eliminates high pressure packing. Supplies high
with text, graphic, and audio notes. Inquire for pressure equipment to the following industries: Hayward Gordon Ltd
purchase, lease, and rental. automotive, concrete plants, cleaning contractors, Calgary Alberta Branch Div
airports, chemical, foundries, construction, and 6143 4th St SE, #8, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Greenstone Inc of Delaware shipbuilding. T2H 2H9, 403-253-2737, FAX: 403-253-1353,
(sub of Greenstone Holdings Inc),
11 Penn Plaza, 5th Flr, New York, NY Hammond Valve
10001-2003, 877-387-3330, FAX: 646-304-2439, 16550 W Stratton Dr, New Berlin, WI Contact: Central Reg Mgr, Tom Stiles, 53151-7301, 262-432-2702, FAX: 262-432-2703, Offers solids handling pumps, vertical sump, pumps, molten sulphur pumps, progressive cavity
Contact: CEO, Sal Miwa pumps, positive displacement pumps, drilling fluid
Manufactures and imports anticorrosion coating Offers high quality ball, plumbing, butterfly, gate, pumps, metering pumps, chemical transfer pumps,
Permeate for steel and concrete, GreenShield globe, and check valves from 1/4 to 48in. Valves dynamic mixers and agitators, top and side

sealer for wood and paper, MagneLine polymer are available in bronze, cast iron, ductile iron, cast entering mixers, static mixers, chemical skid
cement mortar, and Crystal-Guard asbestos sealer. steel, carbon steel, and stainless steel with a variety packages, methanol injection packages, polymer
of operators, actuation, and accessories. make up and metering packages, strainers, and
Groveley Detection filters.
Anchor Works, Groveley Rd, Christchurch, Hampson-Russell Software & Services
Dorset, BH23 3HB UK, 44-1202-483497, FAX: GGG Veritas Div Hazmatpac Inc
44-1202-486658,, 5 Kew Rd, Parkshot House, Richmond, Surrey, 5301 Polk St, Bldg 18, Houston, TX 77023, TW9 2PR UK, 44-20-8334-8091, FAX: 713-923-2222, FAX: 713-923-1111,
Contact: Man Dir, Robert Bennet 44-20-8334-8191,,
Specializes in the supply of gas and flame detection,
products. Products include instrument air driven Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, David Loeschner
sampling systems, IR gas detectors, GDU Contact: Sls/Training, Natasha Hunt Manufactures and distributes a line of United
acoustic/ultrasonic gas leak detectors, toxic Provides geophysical software, training, and Nations certified containers and complete
detectors, and a variety of flame detection technical services. The London office serves clients packaging systems for the shipment of hazardous
products. Provides on-site surveys and services in Europe, Africa, and India, two regional offices materials by air, ground, and water transportation.
related to all of the company’s products. serve Middle East and CIS. The software is The UN certified and ISTA tested packaging meets
designed for reservoir characterization, including the regulatory requirements for transporting
AVO and fluid inversion, pre/post-stack seismic hazardous materials domestically and
inversion, seismic attribute analysis, geostatistics, internationally.
4-D, and multicomponent seismic.

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Howard Leight

HBD/Thermoid Inc Hexion Hole Opener Corp

(sub of HBD Industries Inc) Oilfield Technology Group Div PO Box 82006, 103 Southpark Rd, Lafayette, LA
1301 W Sandusky Ave, Bellefontaine, OH 15115 Park Row Dr, Suite 160, Houston, TX 70508, 337-837-3314, FAX: 337-837-3058,
43311-1082, 937-593-5010, toll-free: 77084, 281-646-2800, FAX: 281-646-2898,,
800-543-8070, FAX: 800-423-4354,,, Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Bill Kemp Offers specialized drilling equipment for
Contact: Gen Sls Mgr, Ed Bookwalter Offers a range of resin coating proppants, from underreaming, hole opening, and well
Offers the Thermoid brand. Thermoid has set the waterfracs to extreme HPHT fracturing conditions. abandonment - both domestically and
standard for reliable industrial rubber products, Also offers PropTrac (fracture diagnostics). internationally. Provides logistical and operational
including conveyor belting, ducting, hose (aviation, services, including pre-well planning, proper tool
automotive, industrial, marine, and petroleum), HGG Profiling Equipment BV selection, and adaptation of equipment to specific
power transmission belts, and rubber bands and Zuidrak 2, PO Box 66, 1775 ZH Middenmeer, downhole parameters and conditions.
rolls. From standard to custom-designed, the Noord Holland, The Netherlands, 31-227-504030,
company can create a rubber product to meet your FAX: 31-227-501903,, Honeywell Analytics
specific needs. Contact: Sls Mgr, Igor Gieltjes 405 Barclay Blvd, Lincolnshire, IL 60069,
Specializes in the field of steel profile cutting. The 847-955-8260, toll-free: 800-321-6320, FAX:
HDA/SMC company gives full and thorough advice in the 847-955-8210,,
230 S Siesta Ln, Tempe, AZ 85281, complete logistical process in your company. From
480-967-8989, FAX: 480-894-2578, automatic feed-in and feed-out equipment to Provides product and service solutions that, professional software programming, the company improve efficiency and profitability, support
Contact: Sls, Tom Elsby assures your operators can spend the best part of regulatory compliance, and maintain safe,
Designs and develops turnkey contract the time actually cutting. comfortable environments in homes, buildings, and
manufacturing of surface and down-hole industry. Based in Lincolnshire, Illinois and Zurich,
electronics. Offers 200°C memory products, Hiller GmbH Switzerland, with distributors and agents located
custom hybrids, and MCMs. Schwallbenholzstr 2, 84137 Vilsbiburg, Germany, across the globe. Brings together expertise in the
49-8741-48-0, FAX: 49-8741-48-710, design, manufacture, and technology of gas
Heatrex Inc, detection.
PO Box 515, Meadville, PA 16335, Contact: Sr Process Eng Sls, Arnim Hertle
814-724-1800, FAX: 814-333-6580, Designs and manufactures decanter centrifuges Honeywell International Inc, and associated plants. Typical petroleum industry Honeywell Process/Field Solutions Div
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Earl E. Pifer applications include recovery of oil from oily 14503 Bammel N Houston Rd, #300, Houston,
Manufactures a range of custom tubular heating wastes, dewatering of sludges from waste TX 77014, 281-444-2282, FAX: 281-444-0246,
element based products for the petroleum industry. treatment, and sulphur dewatering from gas
Products include screw plug, over-the-side, and desulfurization. The centrifuges can be built to Contact: Mktg Mgr Corrosion, Dawn C. Eden
flanged immersion heaters, as well as complete various engineering standards and to different Provides state-of-the-art corrosion monitoring
circulation heaters with controls. Also available are levels of explosion-protection. systems; custom probes; corrosion engineering,
finned tubular duct heaters. consulting expertise; predictive software for
Hilliard Corp process optimization, materials selection, and risk
Hellan Strainer Co HILCO Div assessment. SmartCET transmitters interface
3249 E 80th St, Cleveland, OH 44104, 100 W 4th St, Elmira, NY 14902, 607-733-7121, real-time corrosion measurement with process
216-206-4200 FAX: 607-735-0836,, information, providing insights on the true
Contact: Sls Mgr, Clark Wormer economic impact of corrosion and methods to
Offers self-cleaning strainers and filtration products Contact: Mktg Mgr, Rob Doud achieve improved process control and efficiency.
which meet PED 97/23/EC. Products offered in a Offers a range of motion control products, oil
varitety of materials, including 25 Cr stainless steel filtration and reclaiming equipment, starters for Honeywell Safety Products
for the offshore industry. Designs remove solids industrial gas engines, diesel engines, and gas 1136 2nd St, Rock Island, IL 61201,
without interrupting process stream. Provides a turbines, and plate and frame filter presses. The 309-786-7741
solution for protection of firewater systems, heat filtration systems are sold under the trade names of Manufactures rubber, neoprene, and PUC,
exchanger streams, and other critical processes. HILCO and Star Filters. protective footwear, including slip resistance,
ISO 9001 certified by DNV. chemical resistant, toe and metatarsal protecting,
Hitachi America Ltd puncture-resistant midsoles, and cold protection.
Herculock Industrial Systems Div
PO Box 197, Prospect, OH 43342, 9700 Richmond Ave, Suite 165, Houston, TX Houston Wire & Cable Co
740-494-2620, toll-free: 800-345-2590, FAX: 77042, 713-782-0529, FAX: 713-782-0981, 10201 N Loop East, Houston, TX 77029,
740-494-2274,,, 713-609-2100, FAX: 713-609-2101, Contact: VP Oil/Gas, Eiji Hashio,
Offers the complete line of HERCULOCK all-brass Supplies more than 1000 sets of centrifugal Contact: Mktg Mgr, Lance Howland
padlocks. Crafted out of solid brass to withstand compressors to various clients worldwide. The Specializing in the power generation industry since
harsh environments. Locks can be keyed alike, company also manufactures motors, gas turbine 1975, the company brings experience and a proven
different, master, or grandmaster. Also can be generators, variable frequency drives, and pumps track record to construction jobs, both stateside
keyed to an existing key. to the oil and gas industry. and abroad. Provides a broad wire and cable
product offering, and a focus on supplying various
Hernon Manufacturing Inc Hoffer Flow Controls Inc energy markets.
121 Tech Dr, Sanford, FL 32771, 407-322-4000, 107 Kitty Hawk Ln, PO Box 2145, Elizabeth City,
toll-free: 800-527-0004, FAX: 407-321-9700, NC 27909, 252-331-1997, toll-free: Howard Leight, 800-628-4584, FAX: 252-331-2886, (div of Sperian Hearing Protection LCC)
Produces a selection of high performance, 7828 Waterville Rd, San Diego, CA 92154,
adhesives and sealants. Also designs and Contact: Mktg Mgr, Janna Critcher 800-430-5490, FAX: 401-232-3112,
assembles a line of precision dispensing equipment Manufactures turbine flowmeters and electronics,
to supply turnkey, single-source responsibility for the measurement of clean liquids and gases.
systems. ISO 9001:2000 registered. Manufactures hearing protectors in the industrial
market and the recognized innovator in protection
Hertz Equipment Rental Corp and people-oriented fit. Offers the widest variety of
single-use, multiple-use and earplugs and bands,
225 Brae Blvd, Park Ridge, NJ 07656,
as well as earmuffs that raise the bar for innovative
201-307-2000, toll-free: 888-777-2700,
design, performance, and comfort.

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Howden Buffalo Inc

Howden Buffalo Inc Hydramotion Ltd Ifremer

Gyrol Fluid Drives Div 1 York Rd Industrial Park, Malton, York, North Commercial Department Div
8111 Tireman Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126, Yorkshire, YO17 6YA UK, 44-1653-600294, FAX: Technopole de Brest-Iroise, BP70, Plouzane,
313-931-4000, FAX: 866-740-3025, 44-1653-693446,, France, 33-2-98-22-44-89, FAX:, 33-2-98-45-38-57,, Contact: Prod Mgr, Danny Morbey
Contact: Prod Mgr, Robert Steffeck Offers on-line and portable viscosity measurement. Contact: Head Commercial Dept, Sylvie
Manufactures variable speed hydraulic couplings. All viscometers are high performance, Pichereau
Provides new equipment, spare parts, rebuilds, and zero-maintenance instruments that are easy to use. Offers products and services in R&D activities,
offers field service for both plants and pipelines. Measurement is instant, with no expensive consultancy, research in partnership for the safe
accessories. Fully calibrated in the factory, the exploration and production of ocean resources. The
Howden Compressors LLC viscometer is ready to use straight out of the box. institute covers a range of marine sciences and
(div of Howden Buffalo) technologies, including underwater vehicles, deep
1850 N Gravers Rd, Plymouth Meeting, PA Hydratight sea monitoring, and surveys on geological hazards.
19462, 610-313-9800, FAX: 610-313-9215, Also offers studies in laboratories.
1102 Hall Ct, Deer Park, TX 77536,, 713-860-4242, FAX: 713-860-4201,, Ikey Industrial Peripherals
Contact: Gen Mgr, Thomas Hoopes Contact: Bus Leader Gulf Reg, Kathleen Baker 2621 Ridgepoint Dr, Suite 235, Austin, TX 78754,
Manufactures a range of oil-injected and oil-free Provides bolt tightening and machining 512-837-0283, toll-free: 800-866-6506, FAX:
screw compressors, as well oil-free reciprocating, technologies, including a range of tensioning, 512-927-8530,,
diaphragm and turbo blowers for the petrochemical torquing, machining, pipe cutting, and Morgrip pipe Contact: Mktg Mgr, Danielle Nepustil
industry. They are available in packaged connection equipment for sales and rental. Also Designs and manufactures industrial peripherals,
configurations to meet most API specifications. offers repair and refurbishment services for onshore including rugged keyboards, pointing devices, and
and offshore applications. flat-panel displays. All products built to NEMA 4X
Hoyt Electrical Instruments specification are capable of withstanding dirt, dust,
23 Meter St, PO Box 8798, Penacook, NH 03303, Hydratight Ltd extreme temperatures, water, and ice. The
603-753-6321, toll-free: 800-258-3652, FAX: intrinsically safe and nonincendive peripherals are
Bentley Rd S, Darlaston, West Midlands, WS10
603-753-9592,, also ideal for hazardous oil and gas environments.
8LQ UK, 44-121-5050-600, FAX: 44-121-5050-800,,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Joe Legerstee
Offers analog and digital panel meters, switchboard Provides joint integrity solutions to the oil and gas (div of Marks Work Wearhouse)
meters, earth leakage relays, timers, relays for industry, offering a range of quality bolt tightening 6325 11th St SE, #14, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
voltage, current, frequency, generator controls, and metal pipe connecting products and services T2H 2L6, 403-692-7039, toll-free: 800-663-6275,
insulation testers, transducers, and current globally. Customers are supported by experienced FAX: 403-692-7580,
transformers. engineering teams. Contact: Reg Sls Mgr, Curtis Bellows
Supplies diesel-resistant and antislip safety
HR4 Ltd footwear, fire retardant garments, and promotional
Hydraulics International Inc
PO Box 251, Hereford, Herefordshire, HR2 8ZB garments, and hard goods. Canadian-based and
9201 Independence Ave, Chatsworth, CA 91311, service worldwide.
UK, 44-1432-353555, FAX: 44-1432-353797, 818-407-3400, toll-free: 888-780-7867, FAX:, 818-407-3428,,
Provides driver safety and training support solutions IMI Sensors
to the energy industry. The driver safety training Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Les Turner (div of PCB Peizotronics Inc)
includes defensive, off-road, desert, and specialist Manufactures a range of air-driven liquid pump, air 3425 Walden Ave, Depew, NY 14043,
vehicle driving. Offers vehicle monitoring and and electric driven gas boosters, air-driven air 716-684-0003, toll-free: 800-959-4464, FAX:
tracking system advice, driving audits, and land pressure amplifiers, high-pressure valves and 716-684-3823,,
transport management consultancy. components, turbine flow meters, and standard or
custom-packaged systems. Manufactures a line of industrial piezoelectric
Hudson Industries vibration sensors for machinery monitoring,
diagnostics, predictive and protective maintenance,
439 Neisler St, Shelby, NC 28152, 704-480-0014, Hytorc and process control applications. Offers a variety of
toll-free: 866-382-2990, FAX: 704-482-9881, (div of Unex Corp) industrial junction boxes, cable assemblies, and, 333 Route 17 N, Mahwah, NJ 07430, mounting accessories that allow for routine
Designs and manufactures standard and 201-512-9500, toll-free: 800-367-4986, FAX: measurements in inaccessible or hazardous
engineered oil/water separation units for more than 201-512-9615, locations.
twenty years, From steel, to offshore, to Contact: Dir Sls, Eric Junkers
environmental, the company’s products meet a Provides hydraulic and pneumatic torque tools and
range of application needs. The company efficiently industrial fastener technology. Assures safety, IMPaC Offshore Engineering GmbH
serves worldwide intrests throughout the industry, quality, and scheduling. Hohe Bleichen 5, D-20354 Hamburg, Germany,
offering years of engineering experience. 49-40-355-440-0, FAX: 49-40-34-05-00,,
Huntingdon Fusion Techniques Contact: Mktg Mgr, Juergen Kaiser
1-4 ave de Bois-Preau, 92852 Rueil Malmaison,

Provides engineering, procurement, and

Stukeley Meadow, Burry Port, Carmsarthenshire, France, 33-1-47-52-60-00, FAX: construction management services to the oil and
SA16 0BU UK, 44-1554-836-836, FAX: 33-1-47-52-70-00, gas industry, for both offshore and onshore
44-1554-836-837,, Functions as an international research and training projects. center and is developing the transport energies of the
Contact: Mktg, Mike Dunn 21st century. Provides public players and industry
with solutions for a smooth transition to the energies Impact Guidance Systems Inc
Hydra-Cell Industrial Pumps and materials of tomorrow in a more efficient, more 519 E Oak Hill Dr, Spring, TX 77386,
(div of Wanner Engineering Inc) economical, clean, and sustainable way. 281-466-1631, FAX: 281-466-1635,
1204 Chestnut Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403,,
612-332-5681, toll-free: 800-369-4172, FAX: Contact: Pres, Stuart McLaughlin
612-332-6937,, Provides a research and development company that recognizes the need to develop high quality
Contact: CEO/Sls/Mktg, Joe Grewe intelligent downhole tools for the drilling/completion
Manufactures high pressure diaphragm pumps, and data acquisition aspects of the industry. These
nonmetallic ANSI centrifugal pumps, and pressure downhole tools for both Slickline and CT allow
control unloader valves. operators to improve their knowledge of downhole
environments at significant cost savings.

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JD Neuhaus GmbH & Co Kg

Indeeco Industrial Video & Control Co Ion Signature Technology

425 Hanley Industrial, St Louis, MO 63144, 330 Nevada St, Newton, MA 02460, 51 Industrial Dr, North Smithfield, RI 02896,
314-644-4300, FAX: 314-644-5332, 617-467-3059, FAX: 617-687-0751, 401-767-4360, FAX: 401-767-3367,,,,
Designs and manufactures commercial and Contact: Mktg Mgr, Clarke Esler Contact: Pres/CEO, John Moore
industrial electric heating and control systems. A Manufactures high performance IP video camera Develops technologies for corporate, independent
staff of skilled workers build state-of-the-art systems for security, surveillance, marine, and testing, and government laboratories that demand
heaters. Its engineers and technicians, process control applications. Systems are accurate, highly productive chemical analysis. The
ASME-certified welders, quality assurance comprised of enterprise class video management company’s products reduce the time required to
personnel, skilled electronic and electrical software and high quality cameras. Software prepare and analyze complex chemical samples
assemblers, and panelboard fabricators work provides the ability to integrate video into SCADA and interpret data. Result: increased capacity and
together to provide customers with turnkey heating applications. Offers cameras designed for safe use profitability for quality-driven, high throughput
solutions. in certified areas. organizations by providing faster, simpler, and more
accurate analyses.
Industrial Engines Ltd Innovative Pressure Technologies
14355 120th Ave, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada 4922 Pittsburgh Ave, Erie, PA 16509-6207, IRO
T5L 2R8, 780-484-6213, toll-free: 888-887-0008, 814-833-5200, FAX: 814-836-1824, Engelandlaan 330, PO Box 7261, 2701 AG
FAX: 780-732-0400,,, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands, 31-79-341-1981, Contact: Sls/Mktg, Wade Brandon FAX: 31-79-341-9764,,
Contact: Gen Mgr, Al Dobler Specializes in precision machined valves, fitings, Contact: Man Dir, H. P. De Boer
Offers natural gas engine: 10 to 252 bhp. and fluid control devices, all of which are Provides an association of Dutch suppliers in the oil
Manufacturers represented: Ford, Lister-Petter, and customized to meet specific design requirements. and gas industry.
Inserta Products Inc ITT Goulds Pumps
Industrial Scientific Corp 538 Township Line Rd, Blue Bell, PA 19422, (div of ITT Corp)
1001 Oakdale Rd, Oakdale, PA 15071, 215-643-0192, FAX: 215-643-4017, 240 Fall St, Seneca Falls, NY 13148,
412-788-4353, toll-free: 800-338-3287, FAX:, 315-568-7122, toll-free: 800-734-7867, FAX:
412-788-8353,, Offers a proprietary line of valves and modular 315-568-7145,,
Contact: Adv/Promo Mgr, Chris Lange fittings that are used in industrial and mobile Contact: Global Mktg Mgr O/G, Chad Tuttle
Designs, manufactures, sells, and services gas integrated hydraulic systems. They are designed to Provides pumps, valves, and submersible agitators;
monitoring instruments, systems and related save space, time, money, eliminate piping leaks, fresh water makers and process water systems for
products. With continuous improvements in and add value and integrity to the overall system. offshore.
engineering and R&D, lean manufacturing
operations and expanded service capabilities, the INTEGRA Services Technologies Inc ITW Devcon Coatings
company provides rugged, dependable products in 3238 E Pasadena Frwy, Pasadena, TX 77503, 1685 Galt Industrial Blvd, St Louis, MO 63132,
monitoring hazardous gases in the most 713-920-2400, FAX: 713-920-2313, 314-733-1110, FAX: 314-733-1164,
demanding work environments.,,
Industrial Specialties Manufacturing Contact: Mktg, Debbie Jackson Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Dannie L. Vickers
4091 S Eliot St, Englewood, CO 80110, Specializes in bolted joint integrity offering a variety Manufactures and sells a complete line of advanced
303-781-8486, toll-free: 800-781-8487, FAX: of products and services in Hydraulic Bolting, on technology coatings, including epoxies, urethanes,
303-761-7939,, site machining and engineering. Our products are polyureas, polyurethanes, and vinyl esters. available for rent, sale or for use with specialized
Contact: Pres, Jim Davis technicians and are used in a variety of industries Iwaki America Inc
Supplies miniature pneumatic, vacuum, and fluid both topside and subsea. 5 Boynton Rd, Holliston, MA 01746,
circuitry components to OEMs and distributors 508-429-1440, FAX: 508-429-1386,
worlwide. The company’s online catalog is easily International Paint,
searchable by product specification, category, and (sub of Akzo Nobel) Contact: Cust Svc Mgr, Peter Brule
key word. Coatings Div Offers a joint venture which combines Walchem’s 50
6001 Antoine Dr, Houston, TX 77091, years of chemical injection and control experience
Industrial Textiles & Plastics Ltd 713-682-1711, toll-free: 800-589-1267, FAX: with 40 years of the company’s pump designs.
Stillington Rd, Easingwold, York, Y061 3FA UK, 713-684-1514,
44-1347-825210,, Contact: Prod Mktg, Diane Longoria J4 Communications Provides a range of high performance coatings and
4930 Chippewa Rd, Unit D, Medina, OH 44256,
Contact: Export Mgr, Peter Winter fireproofing for the oil and gas, chemical
330-764-9444, FAX: 330-725-7265,
Manufactures Powerclad scaffold sheeting systems processing, mining, and marine industries. The
for weather protection and containment. Sold company is a part of Akzo Nobel, a market driven,
worldwide for maintenance enclosures in refineries, technology-based company specializing in
petrochemical sites, and pipeline projects. coatings, chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. JD Neuhaus GmbH & Co Kg
Specialists in high performance flame retardant Werbeleiter, 58449 Witten-Heven, Germany,
grades. International Protective Coatings 49-2302-208-219, FAX: 49-2302-208-286,
Felling, Stoneygate Ln, Gateshead, Tyne & Wear,
Manufactures air driven hoists, winches, and cranes
Industrial Tomography Systems NE10 0JY UK, 44-1914-022661, FAX:
with a worldwide reputation. The main applications
Speakers House, 39 Deansgate, Manchester, M3 44-1914-022630,
are in hazardous areas.
2BA UK, 44-161-832-9297, FAX:,
44-161-839-5195,, Contact: WW Mkt Mgr Oil/Gas, Ian Fletcher
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Emeline Bodard Offers a range of accredited coating systems
Instrumentation, software, and sensors from ITS are designed to provide high performance fire and
used to characterize a wide range of multiphase corrosion protection in tough environments. From
processes, including mixing, separation, flow and Interfine and Chartek, to Interline and Interthem, the
reactions. global products and experience help deliver
enhanced solutions for oil and gas assets

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Jetyd Corp

Kalsi Engineering Inc

745 Park Two Dr, Sugar Land, TX 77498,
281-240-6500, FAX: 281-240-0255,
Contact: Seals App Engr/Cust Support, Jeffrey
D. Gobeli
Jetyd Corp Johnson Controls Inc
Provides consulting engineering services, including
120 Wesley St, South Hackensack, NJ 07606, York Process Systems Div
the design, analysis, and testing of mechanical
201-343-4570, FAX: 201-820-2545, 100 CV Ave, Waynesboro, PA 17268,
equipment and structures. Oilfield related and a line, 610-640-0370, toll-free: 800-487-2653, FAX:
of hydrodynamic thrust bearings and hydrodynamic
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, James Fix 610-640-0378,,
rotary shaft seals that are used in downhole drilling
Manufactures industrial fasteners, hydraulic
applications for retaining lubricants and excluding
and pneumatic torque tools. Our fasteners Contact: YPS Sls/Mktg Mgr, Robert F. Fahey
provide perfect precision, safety, and Manufactures refrigeration and gas
increased productivity. Products include compression equipment used in the
clamp, loadisc, and JGUN. petrochemical, gas processing, Kayden Instruments
pharmaceutical, industrial gases, and general 3368 114th Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
refrigeration industries. Designs and T2Z 3V6, 403-253-1423, FAX: 403-253-1460,
JH Technology Inc manufactures heavy-duty refrigeration and,
4233 Clark Rd, Unit 9, Sarasota, FL 34233, compression systems using Frick brand rotary Contact: VP Gen Mgr, Ron Charuk
941-927-0300, toll-free: 800-808-0300, FAX: screw compressors and York Turbomaster Manufactures flow, level, interface, and temperature
941-925-8774,, multistage centrifugal compressors. instruments. Designs feature no moving parts, digital electronics, constant display of function,
Contact: Pres, Harry L. Trietley SALES OFFICES:
automatic internal diagnostics, remote
Manufactures standard and custom signal Johnson Controls/York Process Systems communications, and many sensor configurations.
conditioners, process transmitters, and alarms. Houston, TX 713-934-3394, FAX:
Per-requirement minisystems for specific 713-934-7854,, Kee Safety Inc
applications. Also offers ultrasonic leak detectors.
100 Stradtman St, Buffalo, NY 14206,
716-896-4949, toll-free: 800-851-5181, FAX:
John Crane JULABO Labortechnik GmbH 716-896-5696,,
Mechanical Seals Div Eisenbahnstrasse 45, 77960 Seelback,
6400 W Oakton St, Morton Grove, IL 60053, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, 49-7823-51-0, Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Andrew Kirk
847-967-2400, FAX: 847-967-3915, FAX: 49-7823-24-91,, Provides components and creates aluminum and, steel safety railing systems for commercial and
Engineers sealing systems, which include Contact: Dir Mktg/Sls, Mark Bitterwolf industrial purposes. USCG-ABS handrails and
mechanical seals, packings, Sealol metal bellow Manufactures precise liquid temperature control OSHA compliant quadrails. Also offers an
seals, Lemco seal support systems, and instruments for research, science, and industry. alternative method of securing secondary steelwork
Metastream couplings. Provides solutions for temperature control and building services equipment to primary
applications from -95°C to +400°C. Subsidiaries in steelwork. No project is too big, or safety railing too
John Deere Power Systems cooperation with distribution and service partners small.
worldwide warrant customer proximity and service.
3801 W Ridgeway Ave, Waterloo, IA 50701,
800-533-6446, FAX: 319-292-5075, Keller Ag Fur Druckmesstechnik, JW Fishers Manufacturing Inc St Gallerstrasse 119, CH-8404 Winterthur, 1953 County St, East Taunton, MA 02718, Switzerland, 41-52-235-2525, FAX:
Manufactures and markets 30–448 kW (40–600 hp) 508-822-7330, FAX: 508-880-8949, 41-52-235-2500,
industrial diesel engines and 56–455 kW (75–610, Manufactures isolated pressure sensors on
hp) marine diesel engines, as well as drive train Contact: Sls Mgr, Christopher Combs piezoresistive basis. In Europe the largest
components for use in a variety of off-highway Specializes in the design and manufacture of manufacturer of industrial transmitters. The
applications. underwater search equipment. Product line company’s strengths: high volumes at low prices,
includes underwater metal detectors, marine high flexibility pressure ranges: 5 mbar to 2000 bar.
John M Campbell and Co magnetometers, underwater camera systems, Certified according to ISO 9001/EN 29001.
ROVs, sidescan sonars, acoustic pingers, scanning
1215 Crossroads Blvd, Norman, OK 73072,
sonar, and cable tracking systems.
405-321-1383, FAX: 405-321-4533, Keller Products Inc, PO Box 26, Lexington, MA 02420, 978-264-1911,
Contact: Mktg Coord, Amy Carlisle Kafko International Ltd toll-free: 800-352-8422, FAX: 978-264-0221,
Offers training to oil and gas industry engineers. 3555 W Howard St, Skokie, IL 60076,,
Provides PetroSkills facility training, with courses in: 847-763-0333, toll-free: 800-528-0334, FAX: Contact: Pres, R. Strauss
electrical and instrumentation, gas processing, 847-763-0334,, Manufactures small (200 gph) packaged portable
mechanical, offshore, operations management, oil/water separators containing air-operated
procurement/supply chain management, Contact: Brand Mgr, Rick Morgando self-priming pumps (no electricial) and permanent
production facilities, refining, transportation, water Manufactures Oil Eater and Oil Eater Orange oil coalescer elements.

treatment and corrosion, reliability engineering, cleaner/degreaser, truck wash, absorbent pads,
health and safety, and environment. and aqueous parts washers. Oil Eater is
biodegradable, nontoxic, and noncorrosive. Kernco Instruments Co Inc
420 S Kenazo Ave, El Paso, TX 79928,
John M Ellsworth Co Inc 915-852-3375, toll-free: 800-825-3875, FAX:
8700 N Bradley Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53224, Kalapi Engineering Associates Pvt Ltd 915-852-4084,,
800-563-8858, FAX: 800-563-8848, Kalapi Group Div E-12 MIDC Kupad Block, Sangli-Miraj Industrial Sells instruments to general manufacturing, R&D
Area, Sangli Maharashtra, 416436 India, facilities, and industrial plants. Furnishes a line of
91-233-264-4006, FAX: 91-233-264-4570, instruments for laboratory use for measuring, recording, and controlling; equipment for R&D,
Contact: Man Dir, Yogesh Lohokare quality control, maintenance, monitor speed, water
Produces castings and steel parts to exact quality, and environmental parameters; vibration
specifications with material certificates. Has analyzers and multiple gas detectors with alarm
experience in machining components for the oil and capabilities. Products sold worldwide.
gas industry. High corrosion resistant castings in
stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, Monel,
Inconel, Niresist, Hastealloy, and more;
development with tooling on CAD/CAM and finish
machined to specifications.

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LAGO Energy

LEONI Kerpen GmbH KME Germany AG Krohne Inc

Business Unit Industrial Products Div SMa Div 7 Dearborn Rd, Peabody, MA 01960,
Zweifaller Str 275-287, PO Box 1520, 52249 Klosterstrasse 29, PO Box 3320, 49074 978-535-6060, FAX: 978-535-1720,
Stolberg, Germany, 49-2402-17-1, FAX: Osnabrueck, Germany, 49-541-321-3011, FAX:,
49-2402-7-55-90,, 49-541-321-3020,, Contact: Mktg Dir, Joe Incontri
Manufactures cables for worldwide industrial Contact: Sls Mgr, Klaus Steinkamp Offers technological leader in the development,
project business and structured office cabling. Manufactures copper and copper alloy products for manufactures and distributes accurate, reliable and
Offers instrumentation cables, thermocouple the offshore and shipbuilding industry, tubes, cost-effective, measuring instruments for the
extension and compensation cables, low- and flanges, and fittings of corrosion resistant alloy CuNi process industries. Focuses on forming partnership
medium-voltage cables, copper and fiberoptic data 90/10 for seawater piping systems are offered. with its customers to provide them with the most
and bus cables (industrial Ethernet), including reliable solutions available in the marketplace.
accessories. Also offers customer-specific products KNF Neuberger Inc
manufactured to more than 150 different 2 Black Forest Rd, Trenton, NJ 08691, Krusman Nödduschar AB
international and national standards. 609-890-8600,, Metallverksgatan 12, PO Box 404, SE-722 20 Västerås, Sweden, 46-21-14-92-00, FAX:
KF Industries Contact: Process Eng, Rich Aerts 46-21-14-92-50,,
(sub of CIRCOR Energy Products Inc)
1500 SE 89th St, Oklahoma City, OK Knighthawk Engineering Supplies emergency showers and eye/face
73149-5249, 405-631-1533, toll-free: washes; knowledge regarding risk measurements,
17625 El Camino Real, Suite 412, Houston, TX
800-654-4842, FAX: 405-631-5034, regulation, and laws that are required for
77058, 281-282-9200, toll-free: 800-737-0591,, emergency equipment and routines in order to
FAX: 281-282-9333,
Manufactures gas and oil pressure control prevent injuries.,
products. Applications range from the wellhead to
the pipeline both onshore and offshore. Products
Performs consulting, field services, and testing. K-Sun Corp
include ball, check, gate, globe, needle, butterfly
With the company’s new metallurgical and 370 SMC Dr, PO Box 309, Somerset, WI 54025,
valves, and pipeline closures. Markets served
materials lab, it is able to perform equipment testing 715-247-4440, toll-free: 800-622-6312, FAX:
include oil and gas, petrochemical, power
and evaluation. Has a scanning electron 800-522-9108,,
generation, and industrial.
microscope and provides digital laser scanning in Contact: Linda Law
the lab or on-site. Provides labling, marking, signage, and industrial
Kidd Pipeline & Specialties Inc identification solutions and has numerous electronic
14826 Yarberry, Houston, TX 77039, KOBOLD Instruments Inc labeling machines, software, and supplies. The
281-442-0270, FAX: 281-590-4705, company also provides solutions through
1801 Parkway View Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15205,, technology innovations, strong customer support,
412-788-2830, FAX: 412-788-4890,
Contact: Pres, Doris Davis dedicated professional employees, continued flow,
Manufactures Sphere and Pig Passage Indicators of new products, and aggressive distribution
Contact: Dir Oper, Pete Barna
for mainline and meter prover service, flow partnerships.
Manufactures flow, pressure, level, and
indicators, scraper cups, and discs. Offers specialty
temperature instruments to measure and monitor
polyurethane molded products.
liquids and gases. Provides a line of German design n K-TEK Corp
sensors, switches, and transmitters in the industry. 18321 Swamp Rd, Prairieville, LA 70769,
Kinetrol Ltd Combines the quality and reliability of German 225-673-6100, toll-free: 800-735-5835, FAX:
Trading Estate, Farnham, GU9 9NU UK, design with the cost effectiveness and quick 225-673-2525,,
44-1252-733-838, FAX: 44-1252-713-042, delivery of a U.S. manufacturing facility., Contact: Dir Mktg/Cust Svc, Kevin
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Geoff Burton Hambrice
Kohlswa Gjuterei AB Provides series Magnetostrictive Transmit-
Manufactures quality 1/4 turn pneumatic rotary
Bruksgatan, PO Box 101, 730 30 Kolsva, ters. Measuring the level of liquids in storage
actuators, as well as a range of positioners and
Sweden, 46-221-83000, FAX: 46-221-83019, tanks and production vessels is made simple
on/off control modules. Has a quality program, and, and reliable with K-TEKs AT 100/200
now has ATEX approvals to Category 1.
Contact: Pres, P. H. Thoreson magnetostrictive transmitters. The highly ac-
Manufactures high grade and stainless-cast-steel curate transmitter, 0.01% of full scale, is the
Kingsbury Inc components, such as mooring chain accessories, first of its kind to be certified to IEC61508 for
10385 Drummond Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154, shackles, swivels, triplates, ramplates, tow pins, use in safety implement systems as a 1001 de-
215-824-4000, FAX: 215-824-4999, propeller blades, hub bodies, and more. Approved vice where a rating of SIL 2 is required., by ABS, DNV, LRS, BV, RMS, and Achilles. (See ad p 17)
Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Mick McCann
Offers tilt pad thrust and journal bearings KorKap Coated Conduit
recognized an industry standard. Continues to Lab Safety Supply
(sub of Robroy Industries)
introduce technologies that improve the PO Box 1368, Janesville, WI 53547,
1100 US Highway 271, Gilmer, TX 75644,
performance of hydrodynamic thrust and journal 608-754-2345, toll-free: 800-356-0783, FAX:
903-843-5591, FAX: 903-843-5595,
bearings. 800-543-9910,,,
Dedicated to product and service leadership within
Kistler Instrument Corp Contact: Customer Service Department
specialty markets.
Distributes tools and equipment to keep workers
75 John Glenn Dr, Amherst, NY 14228-2171,
safe and workplaces running smoothly. Product line
716-691-5100, toll-free: 888-547-8537, FAX: KOSO America includes personal protective equipment, gas
716-691-5226,, 4 Manley St, West Bridgewater, MA 02379, detection/air monitoring, nonsparking tools, spill 508-584-1199, FAX: 508-584-2525, control instrumentation, and more.
Contact: Sls Eng, Rich Marinucci,
Manufactures force, pressure, acceleration, torque, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Mark Gallagher
and material strain instrumentation, including LAGO Energy
Produces REXA customized electraulic actuators
sensors, signal conditioning electronics, calibration 171 N Valley Oaks Cir, The Woodlands, TX
and drives. The Xpac series has modulating duty
equipment, process monitors, and test stands. A 77382, 713-344-1205, FAX: 713-589-3553,
cycle, optional spring failure upon loss of power,
unit of the Kistler Group, Winterthur, Switzerland, it
positioning accuracy, and options to provide
received ISO 9001 certification in 1994 and Brings together public and private projects to
execution in demanding applications. Manufactures
subsequently ISO/EIC17025. Sensing technologies investors and companies within the industry. Match
KOSO HAMMEL DAHL control valves that fulfill
include piezolelectric, variable capacitance, strain them with those that can provide the financing,
many uses in automation markets.
gauge, and piezoresistive. technology and expertise. Consultancy and
management advice expand business strategies
and services.

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Lakos Separators and Filtration Systems

Lakos Separators and Filtration Systems The Lee Co Lexycom Technologies Inc
1365 N Clovis Ave, Fresno, CA 93727, 2 Pettipaug Rd, PO Box 424, Westbrook, CT 1227 Reserve Dr, Longmont, CO 80501,
539-255-1601, FAX: 539-255-8093, 06498, 860-399-6281, toll-free: 800-533-7584, 303-774-7822, FAX: 303-774-7828,, FAX: 860-399-2270,,,
Contact: Mktg Dir, Bill Vander Plaats Offers a standard product line featuring the
Manufactures centrifugal action sand separators Designs and manufactures miniature, precision fluid Tiamis-800 series of software defined radios. With
and filters for the oil and gas industry. With no control products, including Lee plugs, solenoid programmable RF channel bit rates,
moving parts and zero liquid loss, the separators valves, single- and multi-orifice flow restrictors, interchangeable data interfaces, on-board firmware
offer a maintenance-free alternative. nozzles, safety screens, check valves, relief valves, bank, multiple data channels and a variety of user
flow controls, shuttle valves, and other selectable network protocols, the company’s
Lancaster Flow Automation microhydraulic components for use in down hole transceivers are able to meet the needs of
6718 Northwinds Dr, Houston, TX 77041, tools, subsea systems, and other industries demanding applications.
713-983-9444, toll-free: 866-603-9444, FAX: worldwide.
713-983-6392,, Liebherr-Werk Nenzing GmbH Lee-Dickens Ltd Offshore Crane Sales Department Div
Manufactures high performance, low torque Rushton Rd, Desborough, Kettering, Northants, Dr Hans Liebherr Str 1, PO Box 10, 6710
production and drilling chokes. NN14 2QW UK, 44-1536-760156, FAX: Nenzing, Austria, 43-50809-41481, FAX:
44-1536-762552,, 43-50809-41625,,
Lascar Electronics
Contact: Internal Sls, Rebecca Gee Contact: Head Offshore Cranes Dept,
4258 W 12th St, Erie, PA 16505, 814-835-0621,
Manufactures electronic process control Alexander Klimmer
FAX: 814-838-8141,
instrumentation and sensors. Specializes in signal Develops a range of crane technology, including,
conditioning equipment, trip amplifiers, power explosion-proof diesel and electric drive units for
measurement related instrumentation, relative use in temperatures to -50°C or special lifting
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Sian Currie
humidity and temperature probes and transmitters heights to 1000 m under the sea, as well as well
Designs and manufactures a series of USB Data
(intrinsically safe), capacitance level probes, and rope and ram luffing cranes. Cranes with slew
Loggers and a range of digital panel meters,
digital process indicators. Also manufacutures, bearings or mast type cranes are also available.
including LCD and LED displays, voltmeters, loop
powered meters, thermometers, counters, and installs, and commissions telemetry, SCADA, and
graphic displays. remote control for monitoring systems. Lightning Eliminators & Consultants Inc
6687 Arapahoe Rd, Boulder, CO 80303,
Lautrette Filtration Pipeline Equipment Lee Specialties Ltd 303-447-2828, toll-free: 800-521-6101, FAX:
7739 Edgar Industrial Way, Red Deer, Alberta, 303-447-8122,,
Le Chemin, 61.800 Montsecret, France,
Canada T4P 3R2, 403-346-4487, FAX:
33-2-33-96-06-97, FAX: 33-2-33-66-22-61,
403-347-3312,, Provides effective, field-tested solutions to complex, lighting, grounding, and surge problems since
Contact: Pres, Jim Lee 1971.
Contact: Gen Mgr, Jean-Claude Lautrette
Represents English and American companies on Specializes in the design, manufacture, and
the French market in gas/petro pipeline equipment. sale/rental of wireline equipment. Offers a line of Lightning Master Corp
The company is looking for other companies to be Made-in-Canada innovations and solutions to 1351 N Arcturas Ave, Clearwater, FL 33765,
represented in France. better serve individual business needs, including 800-749-6800, FAX: 727-499-0138,
data acquisition systems and software, pressure,
control equipment, grease injector systems,
Layher Inc production logging tools, and wireline trucks.
Layher USA Div Contact: VP Engr, Richard Beatie
4847 Timber Creek Dr, Houston, TX 77017, Designs, manufactures and installs lightning
866-300-0904, FAX: 713-947-1441,
Leistritz Corp protection, surge and grounding systems to protect, 165 Chestnut St, Allendale, NJ 07401, oil, offshore, gas, chemical and processing facilities
Contact: Exec VP, Frank Frietsch 201-934-8262, FAX: 201-934-8266, around the world.
Distributes products to the U.S. and Canada.,
Original Ring Scaffold with more than 60 years of Flowserve Limitorque
experience and R&D. Develops with customers in Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Jeffery DeVaul 5114 Woodall Rd, Lynchburg, VA 24502,
providing the best scaffolding with the utmost in Engineers and manufactures screw pumps for 434-522-4107, FAX: 434-845-9736,
service and dependability. Offers financing multiphase and high pressure crude oil,
programs. applications. Pumps handle flow rates to 330,000 Produces the electronic nonintrusive MX and QX,
bpd and differential pressures to 2100 psi. Offers a electric powered SMB and L120, and pneumatic
totally engineered solution, including pump, driver, powered L270 actuators for power, oil and gas,
LDPI Inc drive, controls, on-skid piping, liquid knockout
4404 Anderson Dr, Eau Claire, WI 54703, water/wastewater treatment, mining, and other
boot, and instrumentation. industries. More than 75 years of experience.
715-839-9585, toll-free: 800-854-0021, FAX:
715-839-8145,, Installations worldwide, from the Arctic cold to the
Lenox Instrument Co desert heat.
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Wayne Nash 265 Andrews Rd, Trevose, PA 19053,

Manufactures specialized fluorescent, 215-322-9990, toll-free: 800-356-1104, Linc Milton Roy

incandescent, and HID lighting fixtures for, 201 Ivyland Rd, Ivyland, PA 18974,
hazardous, harsh, dusty, and wet/damp Contact: VP, Bill Lang 215-293-0465, FAX: 215-293-0498,
environments. Manufactures and supplies remote vision,
instruments (RVI). Offers a full line of borescopes, Contact: Prod Mgr, Coogan Cameron
videoscopes, and light sources. Also manufactures Provides pneumatic pumps available from 0.64
Leading Edge Manufacturing FireSight, a line of high temperature boiler and
303 Chemin Metairie, Youngsville, LA 70592, gal/hr to 90 gal/hr with discharge pressures ranging
furnace camera systems. from 100 psig to 15,000 psig. Electric plunger
337-856-4550, FAX: 337-856-8597, pumps can be multiplexed for a variety of flows and
Lexair Inc pressures to meet your needs. Switches can
2025 Mercer Rd, Lexington, KY 40511, monitor liquid levels to produce pneumatic or
Leading Edge Turbine Technologies 859-255-5001, FAX: 859-255-6656, electrical output.
20120 E Hardy Rd, Houston, TX 77073,,
281-821-2255, FAX: 281-821-7755, Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, John Wayne Jennings Lindapter Canada/UCC Industries, Designs and manufactures industrial products. International Inc
Provides an independent industrial steam and gas Manufactures fluid power products, valves and
turbine repair company that provides repair 895 Sandy Beach Rd, Units 12&13, Pickering,
machine tool accessories, delivering products for Ontario, Canada L1W 3N7, 905-831-7724,
services for the global power generation, pipeline, today’s global market needs.
petrochemical, and paper mill industries. toll-free: 800-308-1043, FAX: 905-831-5872,,

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MAC Equipment

Linde AG Loipart AB LUDECA Inc

Linde Engineering Div (div of Loipart Oy) 1425 NW 88th Ave, Doral, FL 33172,
Dr Carl von Linde Strasse 6-14, 82049 Pullach, Metallgatan 2-4, PO Box 694, SE-441 18 305-591-8935, FAX: 305-591-1537,
Germany, 49-89-7445-0, FAX: 49-89-7445-4908, Alingsas, Sweden, 46-322-668-360, FAX:,, 46-322-637-747,, Contact: Asst Sls Mgr, Nils Heilemann
Contact: Head Mktg, Volker Gerndt Provides preventive, predictive, and corrective
Designs and builds turnkey process plants for a Contact: Mktg Mgr, Kristian Vidfar maintenance solutions, including shaft and bore
variety of industrial users and applications: the Supplies marine galley and laundry systems. The alignment straightness and flatness measurement,
chemical and petrochemical industries, oil refineries company distributes Electrolux in addition to many monitoring of thermal growth, vibration analysis and
and fertilizer factories, air separation, manufacturers other renowned brands. balancing equipment, software, services, and
of hydrogen and synthesis gases, natural gas training.
treatment, and pharmaceutical industries. Lone Star Fasteners LP
24131 Hardy Rd, Spring, TX 77373, Lufkin Industries Inc
LIN SCAN Advanced Pipeline & Tank 281-353-1191, toll-free: 800-645-2764, FAX: Power Transmission Div
Services 281-353-7055,, 407 Kiln St, PO Box 849, Lufkin, TX 75902,
Hamriya Free Zone, PO Box 62159, Sharjah, 936-637-5224, FAX: 936-633-3916,
United Arab Emirates, 971-6-526-2042, FAX: Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Steve Cabral,
971-6-526-2043,, Manufactures standard and specialty fasteners out Contact: Mktg Assoc, Kelly Ferrara of stainless steel, B7, L7, and specialty alloys. Specializes in the design and manufacture of
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Alexey Emelianov Manufacturing capacity includes zinc and custom-engineered gears for power generation, oil
Provides pipeline integrity solutions for oil and gas phosphate plating, Xylan, Sermaguard, and other and gas, refining, and pipeline applications. Built
industry worldwide. Services include utility and coatings to meet client specifications in all major per API specifications, experience includes units
intelligent pigging and x-y-z mapping of pipelines. global energy markets. All testing is done in a full rated greater than 100 MW; units operating greater
In-line equipment of LIN SCAN is capable of service lab. than 50,000 rpm; and units with pitchline velocities
running in pipelines with nonstandard conditions. greater than 35,000 fpm.
Project management of LIN SCAN is supported all Louisiana Valve Source Inc
over the globe by an agent network. PO Box 130, Milton, LA 70558, 337-216-8929, Lummus Technology
FAX: 337-857-2969,, (sub of a CB&I Co)
Linvic Engineering 1515 Broad St, Bloomfield, NJ 07003,
Hickman Ave, Wolverhampton, WV1 2DW UK, Offers valve reconditioning, repair, and can also 973-893-1515, FAX: 973-893-2000,
44-1902-456-333, FAX: 44-1902-455-856, provide new valves. The company has expanded, into the pipeline transmission, petrochemical, Contact: Comms Mgr, Maria Principe
refinery, power, and pulp and paper industries. ISO Combines proven process technology from its
9001:2000 certified. The field services crews can Lummus Technology business with global
Liquid Process Systems Inc
handle valve maintenance needs and minor field capabilities in engineering, procurement, and
1025-A Technology Dr, Indian Trail, NC construction to deliver comprehensive solutions to
repairs and PSV testing. Offers full service
28079-5514, 704-821-1115, customers in the energy and natural resource
locations., industries.
Contact: Sls, Judy Shums
Manufactures hot oil, thermal fluid, and heat Lowell Corp
transfer fluid filtration systems. Side stream, PO Box 158, Worcester, MA 01613, n MacDonald, Dettwiler & Assoc Ltd
continuous filtration without disrupting hot oil 508-835-2900, toll-free: 800-456-9355, FAX: (MDA)
system operation. 508-835-2944,, 13800 Commerce Pkwy, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada V6V 2J3, 604-278-3411,
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Scott Rieder FAX: 604-278-1837,
Livingston International Inc,
Manufactures bolt-thru ratchet wrenches that are
3636 23rd St NE, Suite 300, Meridian Corporate
designed for working in the pipeline industry. The
Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 8Z5, Provides advanced information solutions that
company’s ratchets are available with handle
403-263-7856, FAX: 403-266-2956, are essential for decision making. Our solu-
lengths from 8 to 60 in. Sockets are available to fit tions capture and process large amounts of
hexagon or square nuts from 5/8 to 9 1/8 in.
data, produce essential information, and im-
L&J Technologies prove the decision making and operational
5911 Butterfield Rd, Hillside, IL 60162, performance of business and government or-
4404 Anderson Dr, Eau Claire, WI 54703, ganizations. In addition we conduct a broad
715-839-8280, toll-free: 800-657-6956, FAX: range of customer funded Advanced Technol-
715-839-8647,, ogy development aimed at further extending
Manufactures tank level gauging and filtering human capability.
equipment, control systems technology, and
Contact: Sls Mgr, Dave Zuberbuehler (See ad p 27)
related products. The company’s custom
Manufactures standard and custom personnel
engineering services, reliable technology, and
lifting and material handling systems in a variety of
state-of-the-art manufacturing facility help to MAC Equipment
power options for the industrial marketplace,
maintain production relationships with suppliers, 7901 NW 107th Terrace, Kansas City, MO
including hazardous locations.
representatives, and customers. 64153-1910, 800-821-2476, FAX: 816-891-8336,
LOGSTOR Lubrication Engineers Inc
Logstor Oil & Gas Div 300 Bailey Ave, Fort Worth, TX 76107, Designs and manufactures a line of pneumatic
Danmarksvej 11, 9670 Logstor, Denmark, 800-537-7683, FAX: 800-228-1142, conveying and air filtration equipment. Offers
45-9966-1000, FAX: 45-9966-1180, design build assistance, process control, and real, Contact: VP Sls, Vincent M. Tofani world testing. Processing industries served:
Contact: Global Sls Mgr, Klaus Andersen Manufactures high performance mineral and chemical, food, pet food, grain, ag and feed, wood
Manufactures thermally pre-insulated pipelines for synthetic lubricants designed to meet demanding and wood products, coal fired power plants,
the oil and gas industry designed to meet client performance standards. The company’s ethanol, minerals and mining, and petrochemical.
specified requirements both onshore and offshore. professional lubrication consultants offer LE
Production facilities; nine plants in Europe, two Enhanced Lubricants and reliability solutions.
plants in Asia, one plant in MEA, and a mobile
production unit for worldwide on-site production.
Annual turnover 300 MEUR.

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Mackay Communications

Mackay Communications Maloney Industries MarTech Systems Inc

3691 Trust Dr, Raleigh, NC 27616, 8825 Shepard Rd SE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada 35 Viburnum Ct, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648,
919-850-3000, FAX: 919-954-1707, T2C 4NR, 403-279-5000, FAX: 403-279-2068, 609-896-4457, FAX: 760-280-9823,,, Served more than 350 onshore and offshore oil and
Contact: Dir Satellite Svcs, Patrick Fisher gas industry clients in more than 40 countries Contact: Pres, Loraine Huchler PE CMC
Provides quality communications, navigation, and around the world since 1964. The services provided Provides technical services for water utility systems
below-decks equipment to offshore, marine, and by Maloney include engineering, design, fabrication, to reduce corrosion and deposition, maximize
land-mobile industries, bringing the most advanced installation, supervision, commissioning startup and reliability, energy effciency, and minimize water
applications in the market. Offering satellite operator training services for the complete range of usage. Audit water systems, troubleshoot failures,
systems with 64-492 kbps data transmission, oil and gas production equipment and custom provides oversight to chemical supplier, conducts
real-time video and voice communications; vessels. technology feasibility studies for system expansion
Inmarsat, VSAT, and Iridium platforms with and replacement, bid water treatment chemicals,
worldwide installation and airtime. MAN Turbo AG and trains engineers and operators.
Steinbrinkstrasse 1, 46145 Oberhausen, North
MADCON Corp Rhine, Westphalia, Germany, 49-208-692-01, Martin Engineering
63374 Old Military Rd, Pearl River, LA 70452, FAX: 49-208-692-2019,, One Martin Pl, Neponset, IL 61345,
985-863-7773, FAX: 985-863-7763, 309-594-2384, toll-free: 800-544-2947, FAX:, Contact: VP Sls/Contracts, Reinhard Chudzicki 309-594-2432,, Manufactures turbomachinery, offering
Contact: Pres, Bruce Trader comprehensive product lines of compressors and Contact: OEM Sls Mgr, Mike Kargl
Provides a complete array of underwater services. turbines using 250 years of accumulated Offers an extensive product line of shale shaker
Offers patented repair methods for structural experience from former OEM companies to create vibrators and is a distributor in the oil and gas
repairs to collapsed wells, severely deteriorated made-to-measure solutions for customers and industry. Offers shale shaker vibrators for new
conductors, rises, and underwater members operators, from single machines to turnkey machines as well as a comprehensive list of models
utilizing advanced composite materials. Operates packages. for replacement vibrators, including aftermarket
offshore dive and construction support vessels. vibrators for Derrick shale shakers.
Marc Climatic Controls Inc
Magnatech Ltd Partnership PO Box 218309, Houston, TX 77218, Martin Metallurgical Supply Inc
6 Kripes Rd, PO Box 260, East Granby, CT 713-464-8587, toll-free: 800-397-0131, FAX: 2150 Northmont Pkwy, Suite H, Duluth, GA
06026-0260, 860-653-2573, FAX: 860-653-0486, 713-468-8810,, 30096, 770-418-0506, FAX: 770-418-0855,,, Contact: Inside Sls, Chris Fulmer
Contact: Pres, John G. Emmerson Provides CSA (C/US) certified explosion-proof air
Manufactures specialized equipment for orbital pipe conditioners, explosion-proof air conditioning Master Bond Inc
welding using GTAW and FCAW welding systems, and other hazardous location equipment 154 Hobart St, Hackensack, NJ 07601,
processes. The company’s mission is to provide for the petrochemical, refining, and offshore 201-343-8983, FAX: 201-343-2132,
products that will increase welding productivity and industries.,
quality for customers in the pipeline industry, and Contact: Mktg Mgr, James Brenner
the fabrication/field erection of petroleum and Mariner Energy Inc Manufactures more than 3000 grades of adhesives,
petrochemical processing pipe work. On Briar Lake Plaza, Suite 2000, 2000 W Sam sealants, and coatings. Offers high strength polymers
Houston Pkwy, Houston, TX 77042, that withstand thermal cycling and high temperatures.
Magnetrol International Inc 713-954-5500, FAX: 713-954-5555, They also exhibit resistance to chemicals, including
5300 Belmont Rd, Downers Grove, IL 60515,, water, oils, fuels, acids, and bases.
630-969-4000, FAX: 630-969-9489,, Offers a growth oriented oil and gas company with MATCOR Inc
Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Kathleen J. diversified operation in the Permian Basin and the 301 Airport Blvd, Doylestown, PA 18902,
Cacciato Gulf of Mexico. 215-348-2974, FAX: 215-348-2699,
Provides level and flow instrumentation. Offers,
multiple technologies, including buoyancy, contact Marioff Corp Oy Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Ted Huck
ultrasonic, air sonar, RF capacitance, thermal PO Box 86, Virnatie 3, FI-01301 Vantaa, Finland, Provides corrosion engineering services and cathodic
dispersion, magnetic level indicators, Eclipse and 358-9-8708-51, FAX: 358-9-8708-5399, protection solutions worldwide. Manufactures, installs,
Horizon guided wave radar transmitters, and the, commissions, and tests corrosion protection materials
Pulsar Pulse Burst radar level transmitter. Supplies, develops, and manufactures the HI-FOG for the oil and gas industry. Offices in Texas (Houston)
water mist fire protection systems. Applications and Pennsylvania.
Magnum Products LLC include industrial gas turbines, machinery spaces,
215 Power Dr, Berlin, WI 54923-24, metro and tunnel protection, food processing Mattracks Inc
920-361-4442, FAX: 920-361-2214, plants, computer and telecommunication rooms, 202 Cleveland Ave E, PO Box 214, Karlstad, MN, hotels, offices and heritage buildings, and 56732, 218-436-7000, FAX: 218-436-7500,
Contact: Mktg Coord, Debbie Hartwig marine-based applications, such as cruise vessels,

Supplies mobile light towers. In addition, the and offshore. Manufactures conversion systems that are
company has a complete line of mobile generators, technologically advanced, independent, rubber
water trailers, and dewatering trash pumps. Marking Services Inc track systems, and can allow you to access
Commitment to manufacturing, customer-driven 5518 Decker Dr, Baytown, TX 77520, off-road worksites and other environmentally
service, and products. 281-424-6710, toll-free: 800-813-8642, FAX: sensitive areas with minimal impact.
Mahaffey Fabric Structures Max Machinery Inc
4161 Delp St, Memphis, TN 38118, Contact: Sls Mgr Offshore/Petrochem, Don Flow Meter Div
901-363-6511, FAX: 901-362-8700, Aucoin 33 Healdsburg Ave, Healdsburg, CA 95448,, Manufactures, designs, and installs pipe 707-433-2662, FAX: 707-433-1818, identification and valve tagging systems worldwide.,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Kevin Ponder Clients recognize the benefits of quality labeling
Provides blast-tested, industrial structures for and the long-term cost savings associated with Contact: Prod Line Mgr, Dan Turek
temporary warehouses, dining facilites, refinery and faster, more efficient plant commissioning and Offers precision P-D flowmeters for tough liquid
plant site covers, environmental enclosures, and start-ups, improved operator training, and measurement applications: able to measure flow
more. Structures can be outfitted with flooring, enhanced plant safety for employees. rates as low as 1 cc/minute, fluids with viscosities
lighting, doors, HVAC, and fire safety equipment. from 0.2 to 1 million cP, pressure and temperature
ratings to 7500 psi and 550°F. Linearized outputs
within 0.2 and 0.3% of reading accuracy.

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Midwest Brake

McCrometer Inc MENCK GmbH Metrix Instrument Co

3255 W Stetson Ave, Hemet, CA 92545, (sub of an ACTEON Co) (div of Roper Industries)
951-652-6811, toll-free: 800-220-2279, FAX: Am Springmoor 5a, 24568 Kaltenkirchen, 8824 Fallbrook Dr, Houston, TX 77064,
951-652-3078, Germany, 49-4191-911-0, FAX: 281-940-1802, toll-free: 800-638-7494, FAX:
Contact: V-Cone Customer Service 49-4191-911-100,, 713-559-9421,,
Manufactures flowmeters for agriculture irrigation,
water, wastewater, oil and gas, power, HVAC, Contact: Man Dir, Christoph Daum Contact: Apps Spec, Minh Tu
universities, and other processing markets. Provides specialized hydraulic pile driving solutions Serves customers worldwide with a line of
Products include Mc Propeller & Water Specialties in the offshore oil and gas exploration, wind farm, instrumentation to measure and monitor vibration
Propeller flowmeters, Ultra Mag, Marsh Multi-Mag bridge, and harbor markets. With more than 35 and provide early warning of machinery failure.
and Single-Mag magnetic flowmeters, V2 System, years of experience the company offers the MUP Products include proximity probes, cables,
and V-Cone and Wafer-Cone differential pressure deepwater system, noise reduction systems, and transducers, switches, transmitters, sensors,
flowmeters. more. accelerometers, monitors, and portable meters.
Also features direct replacements for GE/Bently
MCG Surge Protection n Merichem Chemicals & Refinery Nevada 3000, 3300, and 7200 Series components.
12 Burt Dr, Deer Park, NY 11729, 631-586-5125, Services LLC
toll-free: 800-851-1508, FAX: 631-586-5120, Gas Technology Products Div Mhd Offshore Group, 846 E Algonquin Rd, Suite A100, Schaumburg, 10695 W Shadow Wood Dr, Houston, TX
Contact: Sls Mgr, Sue Baron IL 60173, 847-285-3850, FAX: 847-285-3888, 77043-2723, 713-595-8880, FAX: 713-595-8881,
Manufactures lightning, transient, and surge,,
protection devices for AC power, data line, signal Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, J. C. Miller
line, DC, and low voltage crowbar applications. Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, William Rouleau Manufactures drilling and production riser tensions
Units install at the service panels, equipment Offers both liquid and solid media for TLPs, semis, and drillships operating in water
input/output, or directly inside. Twenty-year desulfurization products and technologies to depths to 10,000 ft. and loads of 2500 kips.
warranty, custom applications available. ISO sweeten gas streams and ventilation air con-
9001:2000 certified. UL. taining virtually any levels of hydrogen sulfide
or mercaptans for systems of widely ranging
Michell Instruments Ltd
capacities. Provides media equipment, engi- 48 Lancaster Way Business Park, Ely,
McNichols Co Steel Service Centers neering, installation and service to create a Cambridgeshire, CB6 3NW UK, 44-1353-658031,
Headquarters Div flexible process that operates easily, safely FAX: 44-1353-658199,,
2502 N Rocky Point, #950, PO Box 30300, and economically.
Tampa, FL 33630-3300, 813-282-3828, toll-free: (See ad p 12, 13) Contact: Sales Team, Landucci
800-237-3820, FAX: 813-243-1888, Manufactures dew point instruments, cooled mirror, hygrometers and hydrocarbon dew point meters.
Contact: Sls Mgr, Ben Carlson n Mesa Rubber Co
(div of Mesa Industries Inc)
Specializes in products with holes in them, MICO Inc
4141 Airport Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45226,
perforated and expanded metal; wire mesh; bar, 1911 Lee Blvd, PO Box 8118, North Mankato,
513-321-4511, FAX: 513-321-8178,
plank, and safety grating; for same day stock MN 56003, 507-625-6426, FAX: 507-625-3212,,
Contact: Sls Mgr, David Schafer Contact: Applications Department
MCT Brattberg AB Manufactures products for the petroleum in- Designs and manufactures braking and controls
371 92 Karlskrona, Sweden, 46-455-375200, dustry and is ISO 9001:2000 certified. The worldwide. Products include object detection brake
FAX: 46-455-375290,, company has produced quality floating roof interlock system, 691 brake lock system, dualocks, drain systems, skimmer systems, floating roof caliper disc brakes, multiple disc brakes,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Bo Birgerud seal systems, gauge pole covers, roof leg air/hydraulic actuators, hydraulic throttle controls,
Offers cable and pipe penetration systems. boots, geomembranes, collapsible storage hydraulic reservoirs, quadrigage, switches,
tanks, portable beam systems, vapor collec- accumulator charging valves, and hydraulic brake
Mega_F Motion Systems Ltd tions systems and a variety of other specialty valves.
PO Box 540, Yokneam, 20692 Israel, applications, products, and accessories.
972-4-9891-050, FAX: 972-4-9891-080, SALES OFFICES: Micropack Detection (Americas) Inc, Mesa Rubber Co 1227 Lakecrest Ct, Fort Collins, CO 80526,
Develops and markets software intensive Houston, TX 281-469-8098, FAX: 970-377-2230, FAX: 970-377-2273,
programmable DSP based motion control 281-469-9524,,,
products: DSP motion control modules and
multiaxis motion controllers, motion systems, Mesa Rubber Co Contact: Sls Mgr, Adrian Lloyd
drives, motion analyzers, and motion development Monrovia, CA 626-359-9361, FAX: Manufactures advanced CCTV visual flame
tools. 626-359-7985,, detection for high hazard applications such as offshore oil and gas production platforms, natural
Menardi (See ad p 21) gas compressor stations, and gas processing
One Maxwell Dr, Trenton, SC 29847, facilities, refineries, and chemical processing plants.
803-663-6551, toll-free: 800-321-3218, FAX: Metal Coatings Corp
Midwest Brake
803-663-4029,, PO Box 630407, Houston, TX 77263, 713-977-0123, toll-free: 877-977-0123, FAX: 26255 Groesbeck Hwy, Warren, MI 48089,
Manufactures and supplies all styles of filter bags 713-977-0824,, 586-775-3000, toll-free: 800-525-4503, FAX:
for use in pulse jet, reverse air, and shaker 586-775-3040,,
baghouses. Supplies special woven fabrics made Contact: Sls Mgr, Tim Mullen
from poyester, fiberglass, homopolymer acrylic, Provides industrial coatings for the oil, gas, and Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Kurt Liebold
polypropylene, aramid, PPS Teflon, and many other petrochemical industries. Coatings applied include Manufactures oil shear clutch and brake systems,
fibers; most available with a Mikrotex PTFE fluoropolymer, xylan, Teflon, PTFE, moly power transmissions, and industrial friction
membrane. phosphate, halar, epoxy, phenolic, polyurethane, materials. Products include motor brakes, clutches,
inorganic zinc, PPS, FEP, dykor, PFA, fastener clutches/brakes for conveyors, winches, constant
coatings, and fluorokote. tension winches, draw works, cranes, hoists, and
material handling equipment. Friction material,
brake lining, friction blocks, brake bands, industrial
brake bonding, and clutch disks for industrial

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Midwestern Manufacturing Co

Midwestern Manufacturing Co Miratech Corp Mobrey Measurement

2119 S Union Ave, Tulsa, OK 74107-2703, 420 S 76th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74108, (div of Emerson Process Management)
918-858-4242, FAX: 918-858-4269, 918-622-7077, toll-free: 800-914-3141, FAX: 158 Edinburgh Ave, Slough, SL1 4UE UK,, 918-663-5737,, 44-1753-756600, FAX: 44-1753-823589,,
Contact: Tom Golden Contact: Sls Admin, Autumn Janet
Provides emission solutions for industrial engines. Contact: Int’l Sls Mgr, Stuart Rattlidge
Miller Fall Protection/Sperian Ongoing compliance for customers is provided Manufactures measurement and control
through NSCR and SCR catalysts, silencers, diesel instrumentation. Offering single-source supply for a
1345 15th St, PO Box 271, Franklin, PA 16323,
particulate filters (DPF), field service, training, and range of level, flow, pressure, density, viscosity, and
814-432-2118, toll-free: 800-873-5242, FAX:
air/fuel ratio controllers. other measurement solutions.
Manufactures fall protection products, confined Mistras Group Inc Modutank Inc
space equipment, professional training and 195 Clarkesville Rd, Princeton Junction, NJ 41-04 35th Ave, Long Island City, NY 11101,
engineered solutions. 08550, 609-716-4000, FAX: 609-716-0706, 718-392-1112, toll-free: 800-245-6964, FAX:, 718-786-1008,,
Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co Provides complete NDT inspection and testing
services for partners in academic, government, and Contact: Pres, Reed Margulis
George Washington Hwy, PO Box 950, Danbury,
industries, including oil and gas, petrochemical, Manufactures a versatile, low cost line of
CT 06810, 203-743-4447, toll-free:
nuclear, fossil fuel, aerospace, and civil above-ground, bolt-together modular steel tanks in
800-992-2424, FAX: 203-791-8702,
infrastructure applications. unlimited capacity ranges for virtually every liquid,
containment need. Standard and customized tanks
Mixing & Mass Transfer Technologies assemble easily and rapidly for indoor and outdoor
Offers a full line of PTFE release agents/dry
locations with little or no site preparation.
lubricants, precision cleaning solvents, solvent PO Box 315, State College, PA 16804,
cleaners, epoxy resins and curing agents, Krytox 410-570-3164, FAX: 814-466-8761,
fluorinated oils, and grease. Specializes in small, Mohawk Innovative Technology Inc
and custom packaging. Available in aerosols and Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Jim Schlachter 1037 Watervliet-Shaker Rd, Albany, NY
bulk liquid. Addresses difficult challenges in single- or 12205-2033, 518-862-4290, FAX: 518-862-4291,
multiphase mixing applications to improve the,
n Mil-Ram Technology Inc processing of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Contact: VP Program Dev, James F. Walton II
4135 Business Center Dr, Fremont, CA 94538, The company was founded by experts and leaders Provides advanced product development, R&D and
510-656-2001, FAX: 510-656-2004, in the mixing and mass transfer fields. high-speed rotating machinery. Products include, compliant foil bearings and seals, lubricant-free
Contact: Pres, Carlos Ramirez M&J Valve high-speed motors and high temperature, low
Manufactures gas/fire detection instruments, friction coatings. Rotor-bearing system integration
19191 Hempstead Hwy, Houston, TX 77065,
transmitters, fixed systems, wireless telemetry and customization design and manufacturing
800-231-3690, toll-free: 800-231-3690, FAX:
systems and a range of chemically selective, services are also provided.
281-894-1332, m&,
patented sensors, which feature no false
alarms. Products are designed to monitor and Contact: VP Sls, John Starck Molli Computer Services Inc
detect hazardous gases, toxic, combustible, Provides valve products to the hydrocarbon PO Box 6129, Colorado Springs, CO 80934,
oxygen deficiency, VOC and flame detection pipeline, storage, and distribution markets for more 719-520-1790, FAX: 719-387-1690,
for personal safety, environmental protection than four decades. With a product offering of slab,
and process controls. and expanding through conduit gate valves, axial Contact: Pres, Frank Molli
(See ad p 15) and rotary control valves, and piston and swing Provides a Windows-based petroleum economics
valves. M&J Valves can provide a variety of flow and decline curve analysis program with several
control solutions for liquid, geothermal, and gas advanced and flexible features. Free production
markets. history data is available from thirteen states: AL, CA,
CO, KS, LA, MI, NM, OK, MS, TX, UT, WV, and WY.
MM Newman Corp
24 Tioga Way, PO Box 615, Marblehead, MA Moore Industries International Inc
Milton Roy 01945, 781-631-7100, toll-free: 800-777-6309, 16650 Schoenborn St, North Hills, CA
201 Ivyland Rd, Ivyland, PA 18974, FAX: 781-631-8887,, 91343-6196, 818-894-7111, toll-free:
215-441-0800, FAX: 215-441-8620, 800-999-2900, FAX: 818-891-2816,, Contact: Sls Mgr, Charles Loutrel,
Contact: Prod Mgr, Jim Carling Manufactures Heli-Tube spiral cut cable wrap, a Contact: Dir Corp Mktg, Steve Todd
Manufactures engineered metering pumps, versatile expandable plastic cable harness. Provides interface field processes with
accessories, and fluid handling systems. The Applications range from organizing wires, hoses, computer-based systems, readout equipment and
product family is specifically designed for the and tubing in industrial, electrical, electronics, other instrumentation. Distributes I/O, temperature
energy market to address the aggressive aviation, automotive, marine, medical, instrumental, sensors and transmitters, signal conditioners,
environments, extreme pressures, variable and automation products, to protecting high fieldbus products, service and experience help you

flow ranges, and unique applications required pressure hoses and electrical power tool cords do it efficiently, safely, and cost-effectively.
in the oil and gas industry. against abrasion.
Moorlink AB
Mobilarm Bror Nilssons gata 5, 417 55 Gothenburg,
miniBOOSTER Hydraulics A/S PO Box 1533, Applecross, Australia 6953, Sweden, 46-31-301-20-60, FAX:
Ellegaardsvej 25G, DK-6400 Soenderborg, 61-89315-3511,, 46-31-708-79-00,,
Denmark, 45-74-42-92-92, FAX: 45-74-42-42-04,, Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Peter Gedye Contact: Man Dir, Bjorn Paluquist
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Thyge Bollmann Produces crew safety monitoring systems (for use Offers mooring components designing worldwide.
Offers a range of hydraulic pressure boosters, on vessels and in marine-based facilities) that
which are used worldwide in a variety of generate automatic and immediate alarms in
applications. The compact size of the personnel emergencies, such as man overboard, as
miniBOOSTER allows for installation at a point well as marine survivor locating devices to provide
where high pressure is needed. That means less in-water tracking of MOB casualties and improve
expansive low pressure components can be used rescue time.
in most of the hydraulic systems.

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Neptune Oceanographics Ltd

Morrison Bros Co MTS Systems Corp Nash A Gardner Denver Product

325 E 24th St, Dubuque, IA 52001, (div of MTS Senors Div) 9 Trefoil Dr, Trumbull, CT 06611, 203-459-3900,
563-583-5701, FAX: 563-583-5028, 3001 Sheldon Dr, Cary, NC 27513, toll-free: 800-553-6274, FAX: 203-459-3988,, 919-677-0100, FAX: 919-677-0200,,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Jerry Schollmeyer, Manufactures liquid ring vacuum pumps,
Manufactures products for the petroleum marketing Contact: Sr Mktg/Comms Mgr, Janet Rapp compressors, and engineered systems serving the
industry. Product line consists of service station Offers magnetostrictive linear position sensing chemical, petroleum, power, paper, mining,
equipment, tank truck fittings, aboveground storage technology and is committed to research and environmental, and food industries. Provides global
tank fittings, venting equipment, industrial valves, development, product quality, and customer service and technical support for its products
line strainers, monitoring well manholes and plugs, service. Manufactures rugged and reliable through its locations worldwide.
vapor recovery, overfill prevention valves, liquid Temposonics position sensors, as well as the
level gauges, and other valves and fittings. repeatable and accurate liquid level transmitters National Wire & Cable Corp
and gauges. ISO 9001 certified.
136 San Fernando Rd, Los Angeles, CA 90031,
Motion Industries 323-225-5611, FAX: 323-225-4630,
(div of Genuine Parts Co),
1605 Alton Rd, Birmingham, AL 35210,
205-956-1122, toll-free: 800-526-9328, FAX: Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Vic Alfonsi
205-957-5290, Designs and manufactures tough, dependable
Contact: VP Mktg/Adv, Linda Price geophysical cables. The company’s engineers have
Distributes industrial MRO replacement parts. the technical knowledge to deliver cable that meets
MTU Maintenance Berlin-Brandenburg
Offers more than three million quality replacement or exceeds specifications no matter how harsh the
parts to industry, including bearings, mechanical
(div of MTU Aero Engines)
power transmission, electrical and industrial
Dr Ernst Zimmermann Str 2, 14974
automation, hydraulic and industrial hose, hydraulic NCA Norse Cutting and Abandonment
Ludwigsfelde, Brandenburg, Germany,
and pneumatic components, process pumps and
49-3378-824-213, FAX: 49-3378-824-389, 5535 Brystone, Northwoods Business Park W,
equipment, industrial supply products, material, Houston, TX 77041, 832-327-3640, FAX:
handling, and seals and accessories.
Contact: Uwe Kaltwasser 832-327-3645,
Provides OEM independent maintenance, Provides cutting services for well abandonment and
MPRI repair, and overhaul for industrial gas turbines decommisioning. By having access to a toolbox full
(div of L3 Services Group) GE LM2500, LM2500+, LM 5000, and LM6000. of advanced cutting techniques, including abrasive
Oakhill Rd, Gulls Cry, Isle of Wight, PO34 5AP In addition to in-shop repair and overhaul, waterjet cutting, guillotine saws, hydraulic shears,
UK, 44-1983-567608, FAX: 44-8700-515312, services include engineering, monitoring, diamond wire cutting, and more. The company, periodic inspections, alignment, testing, makes it their objective to recommend the optimal
Contact: Dir MPRI Simulations Group UK, Ray boroscoping, training, and global field method for specific applications.
Gillett services available 24 hours/365 days a year.
Provides training services and equipment to both
military and commercial operators in the oil and gas
industry. Also provides simulators for the training of Muis Controls Ltd
personnel in all types of crane, drilling, liquid 29 Riel Dr, St Albert, Alberta, Canada T8N 5C6,
cargo/process simulation systems, and vehicles. 780-459-7080, toll-free: 800-661-8823, FAX:
Range includes marine simulators for ship handling 780-459-7085,,
and engine room use. NDT Systems & Services AG
Contact: Pres, Bill Muis Am Hasenbiel 6, 76297 Stutensee, Germany,
MSA Supplies industrial flowmeters, flow indicators, rota 49-7244-7415-0, FAX: 49-7244-7415-97,
PO Box 427, Pittsburgh, PA 15230, meters, flow switches, flow totalizers, variable area,
800-672-2222, FAX: 412-967-0398, flowmeters, sight flow indicators, turbine Contact: Dir Sls, Ulrich Schneider, flowmeters, positive displacement flowmeters, Provides a range of advanced pipeline
Contact: Customer Service Center paddle wheel flowmeters, flow rate indicators, flow inspection services, including metal loss and
Manufactures and sells products to protect the transmitters, and flow computers. crack inspection, using state-of-the-art in-line
safety and health of people worldwide in a diverse inspection tools based on the ultrasound and
range of industries and businesses. Products NACE International MFL technology. Additional services include
include confined space equipment, monitors, and 1440 S Creek Dr, Houston, TX 77084, pipeline preparation, geometry inspection as
portable and permanent gas detection instruments. 281-228-6200, FAX: 281-228-6300, well as integrity assessment based on in-line
Products help provide protection from fire, volatile, inspection data.
organic compounds, combustibles, oxygen Contact: Mktg Mgr, Stephanie Garner SALES OFFICES:
deficiency, toxic gases, vapors, and particulates. Offers a corrosion engineering and science society. NDT Systems & Services (America) Inc
With more than 20,000 members worldwide, the Houston, TX 713-799-5400, FAX:
MSE organization is dedicated to promoting public 713-799-5406,,
10 County Line Rd, Suite 20, Branchburg, NJ safety, protecting the environment, and reducing
08876, 908-575-9880, the economic impact of corrosion through training
Acts as a security systems integrator providing sales, and certification, industry standards, and
Neptune Oceanographics Ltd
implementation, and service of access control, conferences.
Sapharey House, Sturt Rd, Charlbury, Oxon, OX7
CCTV, mesh network, intercommunications, 3SX UK, 44-160-881-9177,
turnstiles, and other security systems. Namtvedt SealMaker Services A/S,
Namtvedt Offshore A/S Ltd Div Provides subsea pipeline leak detection services.
Mst Inc 169 Eiganesveien, PO Box 414, Madla, 4009
Hafrsfjord, Stavanger, Norway, 47-464-74-641,
PO Box 87, Hicksville, OH 43526, 800-542-6646,,
FAX: 419-542-6475,
Contact: Partner, Ken Phillips
Offers engineered leak repair solutions from
diagnostic to remediation. Specialty sealants
designed specifically to repair subsea leaks,
SCSSV leaks, control line leaks, umbilical leaks,
wellhead leaks, hanger leaks, casing-tubing
connection leaks, and various downhole equipment

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Net Safety Monitoring Inc

Newson Gale Inc Norbar Torque Tools Ltd

(div of Newson Gale Ltd) Beaumont Rd, Banbury, OX16 1XJ UK,
1072 Madison Ave, Lakewood, NJ 08701, 44-1295-753600, FAX: 44-1295-753609,
732-987-7715, FAX: 732-791-2182,,, Contact: Gen Sls Mgr, Jonathan Firnberg
Contact: Pres/CEO, Graham Tyers Provides torque tools and torque measuring
Net Safety Monitoring Inc Provides static control equipment for hazardous equipment to 100,000 nm, including equipment
2721 Hopewell Pl NE, Calgary, Alberta,
areas, grounding and bonding clamps, and designed specifically for subsea and harsh
Canada T1Y 7J7, 403-219-0688, toll-free:
assemblies; intrinsically safe self-testing bond-rite environment use. Services accredited to local
866-347-3427, FAX: 403-219-0694,
clamps, earth-rite static ground monitoring and standards available from Norbar laboratories in the,
indication systems, and test equipment and U.K., USA, Australia, and Singapore.
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Mike Nugent
Designs, develops, and manufactures fixed Norbar USA Inc
toxic and combustible gas detectors, flame Nextteq LLC PO Box 740617, Orange City, FL 32774,
detectors, safety systems, and ancillary safety 8406 Benjamin Rd, Suite J, Tampa, FL 33634, 386-774-1184,,
and security products—all certified to the 813-249-5888, toll-free: 877-312-2333, FAX:
strictest global standards. Offices in the USA, 877-312-2444,, Contact: Gregory Young
Canada, UAE, and Singapore deliver Manufactures USM line of ultrasonic bolt elongation
unparalleled service/support. Offers six product lines: gas detection, respiratory and load measurement instruments for critical
protection, law enforcement investigation, bolted joints. Measure and reverify bolt preload
Homeland Security/first response/Hazmat testing, over time.
J D Neuhaus Lp surface and skin chemical detection, and water and
9 Loveton Cir, Sparks, MD 21152, 410-472-0500, soil analysis. The company is a trusted global Nord-Bulk Pte Ltd
toll-free: 800-331-2889, FAX: 410-472-2202, leader in the industrial hygiene and safety industry,, 159 Telok Ayer St, Singapore 068614, Singapore,
with strong commitments to advancing safety and
Contact: Reg Sls Mgr, John Schmidt 65-6227-5465, FAX: 65-6225-1328,
Manufactures air hoists, winches, monorails,,
cranes, bop handling systems, low headroom Offers a consultant company with a range of
Niagara Blower Heat Transfer theoretical and practical skills which are applicable
designs Icon 275 lbs to motions capacity family
673 Ontario St, Buffalo, NY 14207, to several areas, such as pilot study, new buildings,
business, operating worldwide.
716-875-2000, toll-free: 800-426-5169, FAX: investigation on existing systems for improvements,
716-875-1077,, and on-site supervision, all of which is done under
New Avionics Corp customer premises.
2631 E Oakland Park Blvd, Ft Lauderdale, FL Contact: WSAC Sls, Mark Vogel
33306, 954-568-1991, FAX: 954-568-2577, Offers a design-build manufacturer providing Nordisk Hojtryk A/S, engineered solutions to heat and transfer
Contact: VP, Richard Hackmeister Vidalsvej 4, DK-9230 Svenstrup, Denmark,
applications at power, process, refinery, food, and
Provides optical ice sensors for use on oil rigs and 45-98-383-200, FAX: 45-98-383-282,
brewing facilities worldwide since 1904. The
related equipment. No moving parts. Ice*Meister,
company’s customized product lines include
Model 9734 industrial ice detecting sensor systems Contact: Man Dir, Jesper Lindberg
closed-loop evaporative wet surface air coolers
provides ice protection to -40 deg C. Senses rime Designs and builds high pressure pumping systems
(WSAC) and “No-Frost” liquid desiccant
ice, frost and condensation by optical opacity, to 3000 bar, air compressors for zone 2 to 70
dehumidification systems. 3
senses clear ice and raindrops by optical refraction. m /min, and air dryers as power packs for the oil
Normally-open relay contacts communicate with and gas, marine, and industrial sector for NORSOK,
Nibco Inc DNV, API, and ATEX.
host system.
1516 Middlebury St, Elkhart, IN 46516,
574-295-3000, toll-free: 800-234-0227, FAX: Nord Marine Services Ltd
Newpark Mats & Integrated Services 574-295-3307,,
2900 Highway 93, Carencro, LA 70520, 42 Dundee Ave, Mount Pearl, Newfoundland and
337-896-8976, toll-free: 877-628-7623, FAX: Labrador, Canada A1N 4R7, 709-747-7733, FAX:
Contact: Sr Prod Mgr Valves/Actuation, Phil Liles
337-896-1971,, 709-747-7799,,
Provides flow control products to customers in
residential and commercial construction, fire
Provides prefabricated interlocking mat systems for Sells and services marine, environmental response,
protection, industrial, and irrigation markets. The
construction drilling and work sites, on-site and and military equipment and supplies. The company
company specializes in the manufacture of plastic
offsite environmental services, including site is ISO 9000 registered and is managed to comply
and metal fittings, valves, actuators, plastic pipe,
assessment, pit design, construction and drilling, with strict quality control standards set out by
thermoplastics, pipe hangers, supports, channels,
waste management, and regulatory compliance Transport Canada (TC), International Marine
and strut and seismic bracing.
services. In addition, the company also provides Organisation (IMO), Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS),
temporary work site services to the pipeline, Det Norske Veritas (DNV), and more.
Nickpoint Environmental Services Inc
electrical utility, and highway construction
310, 1011, 1st St SW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Nordseetaucher GmbH
T2R 1J2, 403-260-6702, FAX: 403-260-6701,
Bramkampweg 9, 22949 Ammersbek, Germany,,
49-4102-23180, FAX: 49-4102-231820,

Newport Electronics Inc Contact: Pres, Bill Scott

2229 S Yale St, Santa Ana, CA 92704,,
Specializes in preconstruction environmental
714-540-4914, toll-free: 800-639-7678, FAX:
planning and approvals, including environmental
203-968-7311,, Contact: Man Dir, Claus Mayer
field reports, area operating agreements, Offers offshore and onshore diving operations,
watercourse/water body crossings, environmental
Contact: Sales Department underwater welding, deep tunneling, saturation, and
assessments, environmental inspections and
Provides a line of signal conditioners, transmitters, nuclear diving. Performance capabilities range from
audits, historical resources, and environmental
controllers, and meters that offer state-of-the-art sat and semisat diving to salvage work, underwater
routing and sighting. Also provides aboriginal
technology, uncompromising accuracy, and quality. welding, cutting, preservation, and concreting, as
consultation and traditional knowledge studies, and
Covering a selection of signal inputs, including: well as documentation by video and television with
one-call solutions, and ticket management.
process/DC voltage and current; strain; cameras operated by remote control or by divers.
temperature from thermocouples; humidity; RTDs
and noncontact IR detectors; frequency; pulse; AC
voltage and current; and analytical measurements,
including pH and more.

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Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda

Norriseal OFI Testing Equipment Olympus

(a Dover Co) 1006 W 34th St, Houston, TX 77018, 48 Woerd Ave, Waltham, MA 02453,
11122 W Little York, Houston, TX 77041, 713-880-9885, FAX: 713-880-9886, 781-419-3900, toll-free: 800-225-8330, FAX:
713-466-3552, FAX: 713-896-7386,, 781-419-3980,,, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Monica Gallamore
Contact: Sls Mgr, Gary Kendall Manufactures and supplies testing equipment for Contact: Mktg Mgr, Meindert Anderson
Manufactures pneumatic level controllers, level the drilling fluids, cementing, and wastewater Manufactures testing instruments that are used in
switches, pressure controllers, dump valves, control industries. Products include viscometers, mud industrial and research applications, including
valves, piston check valves, and the angle-disc balances, filter presses, roller ovens, aging cells, aerospace, power generation, petrochemical, civil
design manual or automated butterfly valve in mixers, blenders, consistometers, curing chambers, infrastructure, automotive, and consumer products.
resilient seat or metal lined to ISO 9001, API 6D, compressive strength testers, portable kits, and The company’s instruments contribute to the
ABS, and PED certification. more. Also provides repairs and custom designed quality of products and add to the safety of
equipment. infrastructure and facilities.
Norton Corrosion Ltd
8820 222nd St SE, Woodinville, WA 98077, OFM An SPX Brand OMAX Corp
425-483-1616, toll-free: 1-800-426-3111, FAX: 3521 FM 646, PO Box 817, Santa Fe, TX 77510, 21409 72nd Ave S, Kent, WA 98032,
425-485-1754,, 281-337-1003, FAX: 409-925-7972, 253-872-2300, FAX: 253-872-6190,,,
Contact: Tech Mktg, Jerry Weiser Contact: Sls Mgr, Don Arrington Contact: VP Mktg, Sandra McClain
Designs material supply, O&M, and problem Manufactures affordable, precision,
solving. Protects POL pipelines, tank farms, OI Analytical computer-controlled abrasive JetMachining
underground and aboveground tanks, fuel piers, systems, making them easy to use in a variety of
151 Graham Rd, PO Box 9010, College Station,
sheetpile walls, bulkheads, and ballast water industries. Systems cut any material, including
TX 77842, 979-690-1711, toll-free:
treatment plants. Provides the physically survivable metals, ceramics, glass, and composites without
Morganode II; marine anodes; and Bayanode probe heat affected zones. These are great for production
Manufactures analytical instruments and
anodes. Offers cost-effective and practical designs, runs, short runs, and prototyping.
continuous air monitoring systems for detecting
while providing material supply and construction
and measuring chemical compounds and elements
feedback. n Omega Engineering Inc
in petrochemicals and enviromental samples.
One Omega Dr, PO Box 4047, Stamford, CT
NOV M/D Totco 06907, 203-359-1660, FAX: 203-359-7700,
Oil Plus Ltd
(div of National Oilwell Varco),
Sales Headquarters Div Dominion House, Kennet Side, Newbury, Contact: Flow Sales
12950 W Little York, PO Box 800457, Houston, Berkshire, RG14 5PX UK, 44-1635-30226, FAX: Processes measurement and control products
TX 77280-0457, 713-937-5700, FAX: 44-1635-49618,, for flow, level, pressure, temperature, data ac-
719-973-5730,, quisition, and electric heaters. Contact: Tech Dir, Keith Robinson (See ad p 2, 3)
Contact: Sr Mktg Mgr, Ron Stone Provides independent specialist technical expertise
Provides drift instruments, gauges, sensors, data to the international oil and gas industry. The
company’s technologists, scientists, and engineers Omega Natchiq Inc
acquisition, communication services, and business
have extensive operating experience and together 4418 Pesson Rd, New Iberia, LA 70560,
integration. With quality service the company
with the fully equipped laboratories, provides clients 337-365-6028, FAX: 337-359-8935,
focuses on delivering business results.
with a practical approach to operational and,
maintenance requirements.
Nowata Filtration Contact: Gen Mgr Bus Dev, Scott McKay
(Member of the amafiltergroup) Provides for the global energy industry. Operations
Nowata and ProGuard Filtration Div Oil Skimmers Inc included 75 acres of 6000 ton capacity, multiservice
428 N Elm, PO Box 678, Nowata, OK 74048, 12800 York Rd, Cleveland, OH 44133, port facilities. Onshore, offshore, subsea
918-273-2204, toll-free: 800-259-2204, FAX: 440-237-4600, toll-free: 800-200-4603, FAX: fabrication, ASME pressure vessels with R and U
918-273-2101,, 440-582-2759,, stamps, automation and control systems, electrical and instrumentation services, panel manufacturing,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Steve Franke Contact: VP Sls, Jim Petrucci fire and safety detection, and suppression systems.
Supplies high and low pressure ASME Code Offers long-lasting customized oil skimming
cartridge and bag type filter housings. Serving not equipment and solutions for diverse manufacturing
only the oil production market but also providing and industrial applications that require dependable,
general industrial, chemical, and petrochemical filter continuous removal of oil from process liquids and
solutions. wastewater. With thousands of systems in
operation, some for more than 35 years, the
company provides reliable, cost saving oil
skimmers with customer service and support. Omel Bombas E Compressores Ltda
3200 Wilcrest, Suite 170, Houston, TX 77042,
832-463-3000, FAX: 832-463-3100, Rua Silvio Manfredi, 201, Guarulhos, 07241000, Oil Stop Brazil, 55-11-2413-5400, FAX: (div of Ampol) 55-11-2412-5056,,
Contact: Mktg/Adv Mgr, Nicole Workman 1208 Peters Rd, Harvey, LA 70058,
Provides market intelligence for the upstream 504-361-4321, FAX: 504-361-4323, Contact: Export Dir, Marzio Vallo
offshore energy industry. Products include market, Manufactures special pumps for a variety of
data for offshore rigs, platforms, floating production Contact: Sls Mgr, Leo Guidroz applications: process centrifugal pumps, ANSI
systems, supply vessels and field Manufactures oil spill control equipment, including and API-610, metering pumps, vacuum
development/construction. Delivery of information inflatable and solid flotation containment booms, pumps, PD blowers, rotameters, and pinch
includes web-based data systems, strategic temporary liquid storage devices, boom storage valves, all of them with quality assured by
reports, forecasts, newswires, data publications and deployment reels, and accessories. The NBR-ISO 9001:2000. Offers supervised start
and directories. company also provides oil skimmers, pumping up for equipment. More than 55 years of
systems, and emergency response vessels. service.
Specializes in permanent protection installations
Offshore Denmark worldwide.
Norremarksvej 27, 9270 Klarup, Denmark,
45-9831-7711, FAX: 45-9831-7755,,
Contact: Man Dir, Mogens Tofte Koch
Provides a network of Danish companies that
manufactures products from all aspects in the
marine/offshore industry.

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OMNI Flow Computers Inc

OMNI Flow Computers Inc OPW Engineered Systems Palisade

12620 W Airport Blvd, Suite 100, Sugar Land, TX (sub of OPW Fluid Transfer Group) Palisade Europe
77498-6141,,, Dover Div 31 The Green, West Drayton, UB77PN UK, 2726 Henkle Dr, Lebanon, OH 45036, 44-1895-425-050, FAX: 44-1895-425-051,
Contact: Inside Sls Mgr, Don Spain 513-932-9114, toll-free: 800-547-9393, FAX:,
Provides flow computers worldwide. The installed 513-932-9845,, Contact: Sls Dir, Chris Marlow
base connects to more than 30,000 liquid and gas Develops risk and decision analysis software.
flowmeters in more than 70 countries. Servicing Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Greg Carrino Products including @RISK and the Decision Tools
exploration and production, pipeline networks, Provides solutions for the safe handling, transfer, Suite integrate seamlessly with Microsooft Excel to
refinery and petrochemical markets, OMNI goes and monitoring of hazardous bulk products provide cutting edge techniques such as Monte
further in taking flow measurement to a higher level. worldwide. Carlo simulation, optimization and Neural
networking tools in a familiar and intuitive
One Eye Industries Inc (OEI) Oreco A/S environment.
6320 11th St SE, #12, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Lejrvej 25, 3500 Vaerloese, Denmark,
T2H 2L7, 403-242-4221, toll-free: 877-888-8727, 45-4332-0200, FAX: 45-4332-0201, Pall Corp
FAX: 403-242-4249,,, 25 Harbor Park Dr, Port Washington, NY 11050, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Christine Qvistorff 516-484-3600, toll-free: 888-873-7255, FAX:
Contact: Pres, Roger Simonson Develops and markets automated tank cleaning 516-484-0364,,
Manufactures environmentally friendly reusable and oil recovery solutions. The mobile, fully
filters and magnetic filtration systems, with integrated systems combine cleaning of Supplies disposable cartridge filters, backwashable
applications in the oil and gas industry. Also aboveground oil storage tanks with simultaneous filter systems, liquid/liquid and liquid/gas,
specializes in pipeline filtration and erosion sludge separation. The company’s non-man-entry coalescers, portable water systems, and boiler feed
reduction. Offers filtration solutions that are a solutions make tank cleaning faster, safer and more water systems to the oil and gas industries, and is
patented new technology with flexible designs. environmentally-friendly than manual methods developing new crude oil desalting solutions.
Welcomes new challenges. while ensuring high cleaning quality.
Palmer Wahl Instrumentation Group
OpenSpirit Osprey Biotechnics 234 Old Weaverville Rd, Asheville, NC 28804,
4800 Sugar Grove Blvd, Suite 500, Stafford, TX 1833A 57th St, Sarasota, FL 34243, 828-658-3131, toll-free: 800-421-2853, FAX:
77477, 281-295-1400, FAX: 281-295-1401, 941-351-2700, toll-free: 800-553-7785, FAX: 828-658-0728,,, 941-351-0026,
Integrates upstream applications and data stores, Contact: Sls Mgr, Alan Clark
improving the efficiency and productivity of Owen Oil Tools Manufactures industrial temperature, pressure,
geoscientists, geotechnical specialists, and (sub of Core Lab) humidity, test, and calibration instruments,
database managers and enabling senior managers 12001 County Rd 1000, PO Box 568, Godley, TX including thermal imaging cameras; IR
to make better decisions while reducing costs. 76044, 817-551-0540, toll-free: 800-333-6936, thermometers: thermowells; pressure gauges; chart
FAX: 817-551-0795,, recorders; RTD and TC meters; Data Loggers; megohmmeters; and ohmmeters. ISO 9001:2000
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Mike Miller certified.
Supplies high performance perforating, pipe
recovery, and casing patch systems, and PANalytical BV
thru-tubing rental tools and services. Has more than Lelyweg 1, PO Box 13, 7600 AA Almelo, The
37 worldwide locations, including 16 in the USA, Netherlands, 31-546-534-444, FAX:
optek-Danulat Inc nine in Canada, and 12 internationally (Europe, 31-546-534-598,,
N118 W18748 Bunsen Dr, Germantown, WI Middle East, Asia, Pacific, and South America).
53022, 888-864-4288,,
Offers a complete petrochemical package. An
OYO Geospace Corp established range of x-ray fluorescence (XRF)
Contact: App Spec, Steven Schoenborn
7007 Pinemont Dr, Houston, TX 77040, spectrometers, a global support network, standard
Proves inline, real time, low maintenance
713-986-4444, FAX: 713-986-4445, sets, and instant online performance testing
photometric analyzers to detect trace, program—take analysis from calibration to
hydrocarbons and aromatics (BTX) in water, certification.
trace water in refined fuels and oils, ASTM,
Saybolt/APHA color, and total suspended Designs, manufactures, and deploys a spectrum of
solid concentrations. Can accommodate seismic instrumentation solutions and accessories Panduit Corp
hazardous area classifications, extreme for the oil and gas industry worldwide. 17301 S Ridgeland Ave, Tinley Park, IL 60477,
temperatures, and pressures. Process Headquarters are located in Houston, Texas, with 708-532-1800, toll-free: 800-777-3300, FAX:
efficiency and control is greatly increased, international sales in Canada, China, Russia, and 708-532-1811,,
improving product quality while saving money. the United Kingdom.
Contact: Global Mktg/Comms Mgr, Jennifer
Palantir Solutions Pasek
Optical Cable Corp Studio 302, Westbourne Studios, 242 Acklam Rd, Develops and provides solutions that help
5290 Concourse Dr, Roanoke, VA 24019, London, W105JJ UK, 44-207-524-7560, FAX: customers optimize physical infrastructure growth

540-265-0690, toll-free: 800-622-7711, FAX: 44-845-280-1876, through simplification, agility, and operational
540-265-0724,,, efficiency. The company’s unified physical infrastructure based solutions give enterprises the
Contact: Inside Sls Mgr, Tom Nackley Contact: Bus Dev, Amy Williams-Allden capabilities to connect, manage, and automate
Manufactures fiberoptic cables for both indoor and Provides economic and planning solutions to the oil communications, computing, power, control, and
outdoor data communications applications. and gas industry. Expertise in fiscal regimes, risk security systems for a smarter, unified business
analysis, and portfolio management. foundation.
269 Rue De Montepy, 69210 Fleurieux Sur
L’Arbresle, Rhone Alpes, France,
33-4-72-52-95-74, FAX: 33-4-72-52-95-75,,
Manufactures canned motor pumps.

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Perma-Cote Coated Conduit

Parker / Page International Hose Peaceland Fabricating

4700 Lone Star Blvd, Fort Worth, TX 76106, PO Box 331, Hythe, Alberta, Canada T0H 2C0,
817-984-0135, FAX: 817-624-9095, 780-356-2200, FAX: 780-356-2822,,
Provides braided fluoropolymer hose products. Contact: Sales
Manufactures current focus on shop fabricated
Paradigm Geophysical Corp
Parker Scanrope AS tanks and rental tanks of all sizes up to 1000 BBL.
Two Memorial City Plaza, Houston, TX 77024,
(sub of Parker Hannifin Corp) We also manufacture shale bins, mud tanks, and
713-393-4800, toll-free: 800-888-3273, FAX:
Energy Products Div flare tanks. We are currently working together with
Banebakken 38, PO Box 295, NO-3101 Stettler Oil and Gas separating equipment. Our
Tonsberg, Norway, 47-33-35-55-00, FAX: facility is able to offer a complete manufacturing
Contact: CEO, John W. Gibson Jr.
47-33-35-55-01,, service from design through fabrication to
Provides enterprise software solutions for application of coatings and linings.
digital subsurface asset management serving
the global oil and natural gas exploration and Contact: Dir Mooring Div, Stein P. Andersen
production industry. Software solutions and Manufactures steel and polyester mooring lines for Pelco Inc
integrated services for prospect generation FPUs and Modus, as well as subsea umbilical and 3500 Pelco Way, Clovis, CA 93612,
and evaluation support every stage in the oil power transmission cables. Factory located by the 559-292-1981, FAX: 559-348-1120,
and gas E&P process, from data processing sea with a deep water berth. Long list of references,
and imaging, and visualization interpretation. from renowned customers worldwide. Designs, develops, and manufactures video
security systems and equipment. The company has
Parker Titan a history of offering quality products and
Paradigm Strategy Group Inc (div of Parker Hannifan) technologies, and 100% guaranteed customer
1117 E Putnam Ave, #347, Riverside, CT 06878, Industrial Hose Products Div satisfaction.
203-637-1092, FAX: 203-637-5927, 11121 Garfield Ave, PO Box 1007, South Gate,, CA 90280, 562-862-1922, FAX: 562-869-0592, Pelican Products Inc
Contact: Man Dir, Ed Downing 23215 Early Ave, Torrance, CA 90505,
Provides practical nontheoretical business-oriented 310-326-4700, FAX: 310-326-3311,
training in energy risk management and asset Pathway to China,
optimization. Programs are structured to the 300 Wilcrest Dr, Suite 300, Houston, TX 77042, Contact: Mktg/Adv Analyst, Keith Swenson
specific needs of today’s complex energy industries 713-954-4878, FAX: 281-966-1878, Provides a global leader in the design and
and are designed to excite participants by providing, development of advanced lighting systems and
skill sets necessary for confidently managing virtually indestructible cases for protecting valuable
multiple energy risks and developing new products. Contact: Dir, Austin Zhao equipment.
Specializes in China business services, including
both consulting and implementation. Provides the Pepperl+Fuchs
Parker dominick hunter opportunity for American companies to do business Process Automation Div
5900-B Northwoods Pkwy, Charlotte, NC 28269, with China directly, efficiently, and cost-effectively. 1600 Enterprise Pwky, Twinsburg, OH 44087,
704-921-9303, toll-free: 800-345-8462, FAX: Featured services include sourcing and outsourcing 330-425-3555, toll-free: 800-253-5266, FAX:
704-921-1960, programs designed to enable you to get quality 330-425-4607,,, products at low costs from Chinese manufactures without brokers or hassels. Offers intrinsic safety interfaces and hazardous
Contact: Mktg Svcs, Jane Sexton
location equipment. The company’s portfolio
Manufactures compressed air and gas filtration and
purification equipment, nitrogen gas generators and PBM Inc contains a range of explosion protection systems
1070 Sandy Hill Rd, Irwin, PA 15642-9409, and interface equipment. Also offers industrial
process water chillers.
724-863-0550, toll-free: 800-967-4726, FAX: grade monitors, BEBCO purge and pressurization
724-864-9255,, systems, FieldConnex fieldbus installation systems,
Parker Fluid Control Division online corrosion monitoring transmitters, and level
95 Edgewood Ave, New Britain, CT 06051, Manufactures ball valves and specialty valves for sensing technologies.
860-827-2300, FAX: 860-827-2384, controlling and automating process lines. PBM, Adjust-O-Seal allows easy inline maintenance. Perenne Equipamentos e Sistemas de
Contact: Customer Service Sanitary valves available in two-way, flush tank, Agua Ltda
Produces solenoid and process control valves, diverter port, and multiport styles, with three
including Skinner, Gold Ring, R Series, Sinclair Rua da Consolacao 247, Sao Paulo, SP-CEP
different port sizes. Combines specific application 01301-903 Brazil, 55-11-3546-1800, FAX:
Collins, and Angle Body. requirements with creative engineering and quality 55-11-3546-1842,,
manufacturing processes.
Parker Hannifin Corp Contact: Int’l Rltns Mgr, Jose Roberto Ramos
Hydraulic Filter Div PCB Piezotronics Inc Offers systems for municipal and industrial areas.
16810 Fulton County Rd, #2, Metamora, OH 3425 Walden Ave, Depew, NY 14043, Water purification, desmineralization systems, and
43540, 419-644-4311, toll-free: 800-253-1258, 716-684-0001, toll-free: 800-828-8840, FAX: wastewater systems. Engineering, manufacturing,
FAX: 419-644-6205,, 716-684-0987,, assembling, erecting, installing, training, operating, Designs and manufactures accelerometers, and technical services. Specialized in membrane
Manufactures hydraulic and lubrication filters. Also microphones, pressure and force sensors, torque technology for water and wastewater treatment:
offers fluid analysis equipment. The company’s transducers and load cells, utilizing ICP, charge reverse osmosis, nanofiltration, ultrafiltration, and
technical resources assure you the right filtration output, capacitive, strain gage, piezoresistive, TEDS microfiltration. Equipments design, membranes for
technologies, advanced designs, consistent and MEMS sensing technologies. All products are replacement, and chemicals.
manufacturing and a network of helpful, specialized backed by a guarantee.
professionals trained to support your team.
Perma-Cote Coated Conduit
Pdc Machines Inc (Sub of Robroy Industries)
Parker Hannifin Corp 1875 Stout Dr, Warminster, PA 18974, 1100 US Highway 271, Gilmer, TX 75644,
6035 Parkland Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44124-4141, 215-443-9442, FAX: 215-443-8530, 903-843-4388, FAX: 903-843-2516,
216-896-3000, toll-free: 800-272-7537, FAX:,,
216-896-4410,, Contact: Mktg/Sls, Osama Al-Qasem Manufactures diaphragm compressor where there is Robroy Industries is an organization of synergistic
Contact: Sr Mktg Admin, Sherrill I. Owens a need for ultra high purity leak tight gas member companies dedicated to product and
Manufactures motion and control technologies and compression. Handling discharge pressures from service leadership within speciality markets.
systems, providing precision engineered solutions above atmospheric to 15,000 psig and beyond.
for a variety of commercial, mobile, industrial, and Provides gas producers, electrolyzer manufacturers,
aerospace markets. renewable energy and fuel cell organizations,
universities and government affiliations.

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Permian Production Equipment Inc

Permian Production Equipment Inc Pigs Unlimited International Inc

PO Box 50725, Midland, TX 79710, Suite C1, 23802 FM 2978, Tomball, TX 77375,
432-563-1266, FAX: 432-694-4532, 281-351-2749, toll-free: 800-578-7436, FAX:, 281-351-4658,,
Contact: Pres, Charles McCoy Contact: VP, Keith Wagner
Power House Tool Inc
Manufactures the Beam Gas Compressor (BGC),
626 Nicholson St, Joliet, IL 60435,
which utilizes the energy of the pumping unit on Pipeline Seal & Insulator Inc 815-727-6301,,
location to compress low pressure gas into the 6525 Goforth St, Houston, TX 77021,
sales line and increases production by reducing 713-747-6948, FAX: 713-747-6029, Contact: Inside Sls Mgr, Stephanie
formation back pressure. Porterfield
Offers the Black Jack Stud Runner, which has
Petans Ltd Plasti-Bond Coated Conduit successfully removed studs worldwide, and
The Training Centre, Bullock Hill, Horsham St (sub of Robroy Industries) the Speed Heater Controller, which heats
Faith, Norwich, NR10 3HT UK, 44-1603-891255, 1100 US Highway 271, Gilmer, TX 75644, studs fast. Other products include tightwire
FAX: 44-1603-890827,, 903-843-5591, FAX: 903-843-5595, alignment kits, taper gauges, extensometers,, and other turnaround tools.
Contact: Gen Mgr, Michael Wilder
Provides training to U.K. and international offshore Dedicated to product and service leadership within
standards in survival, firefighting, HUET, helicopter Power Partners Inc
specialty markets.
HLO, DGAS, maritime, first aid, and emergency 43 Broad St, Hudson, MA 01749, 978-567-9600,
response. Certificates are recognized by every FAX: 508-967-9601,
major employer in the global oil and gas business. Plexus,
First class facilities in Norwich, U.K. with easy 1900 736 6th Ave Sw, Calgary Ab, Alberta,
international links across the globe. Canada T2P 3T7, 403-215-2752, FAX: Contact: Sls Mgr, Steve Swenson
403-531-4720,, Designs and manufactures AC/DC power supplies and DC/DC converters from 1 to 650W.
Petrolab Company Offers a cooperative initiative of Ballard Saphr Engineering and sales support from experienced
7A Harriman Campus Rd, Albany, NY 12206, Andrews & Ingersoll, LLP, Day, Jackson Walker power supply industry professionals to help select
518-689-0222, FAX: 518-689-0225, LLP, and Thackray Burgess acting as co-counsel. from thousands of standard products and provide a, The firms work together to bring clients the modified or custom design.
Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Angel Schell unparalleled ability to manage large sophisticated
Distributes for Grabner, Petrotest, Lovibond, energy transactions internationally.
Tamson, Lawler, and Spectro Analytical Power Sources Unlimited
Instrumentation, offering a complete selection of 200 Stonewall Blvd, Suite 4, Wrentham, MA
products for the petroleum industry. The on-line and 02093, 508-384-1419, toll-free: 800-966-7784,
laboratory products include vapor pressure, FAX: 508-384-1896,,
viscosity, flashpoint, moisture content, color,
penetration, low sulfur, oxidation stability, and more. Contact: Pres, Ray Newby
Provides individualized customer service to assist
POLARIS Laboratories engineers and buyers with power conversion
Phaze Technologies AS
7898 Zionsville Rd, Indianapolis, IN needs. Products range from 1W DC/DC converters
PO Box 123, 3421 Lierskogen, Norway, to 3000+W AC/DC power supplies for a variety of
47-32-24-27-12, FAX: 47-32-24-27-10, 46268-2177, 317-808-3750, toll-free:
877-808-3750, FAX: 317-808-3751, markets, including medical, industrial, instrumentation, data communications, and
Contact: Tech Mgr, Peder Hansson,
Contact: VP Sls, Brett Minges telecommunications. Informational website includes
Offers high quality testing of oils, fuels, and detailed product specifications and online
Phoenix Contact procurement.
coolants for maintenance and reliability
PO Box 4100, Harrisburg, PA 17111, puposes. Most routine tests are complete
717-944-1300, FAX: 717-944-1625, within 24-hours with test results, management Precision Engine Controls Corp, reports, and the ability to create work orders 11661 Sorrento Valley Rd, San Diego, CA 92121,
Contact: Technical Service Department available are immediately through the 858-792-3217, toll-free: 800-200-4404, FAX:
Develops and manufactures electronic components company’s free Internet service, HORIZON. 858-792-3200,,
and connection systems. Offers a range of ISO 17025:2005 A2LA accredited.
products for the process industry, including Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Steve Dingsdale
terminal blocks, power supplies, signal Manufactures control systems, fuel metering valves,
conditioners, and surge suppression. Polyflex and actuators for industrial and marine gas turbine
(sub of Parker Hannifin Corp) engines in offshore, pipeline, marine, and power
Phoenix International Inc Energy Products Div applications.
375 Highway 182, Bayou Vista, LA 70380, 12840 Sugar Ridge Blvd, Stafford, TX 77477,
985-399-0606, FAX: 985-399-0604, 281-925-4500, FAX: 281-530-5353,, Precision Quincy Corp,

Contact: Sls Mgr, Paul Walker 1625 W Lake Shore Dr, Woodstock, IL 60098, 815-338-2675, FAX: 815-338-2960,
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Gary T. Gibbs Designs and manufactures state-of-the-art subsea
umbilicals, power cables, and mooring lines; 2.2,
Provides manned and unmanned underwater
opertations, design engineering, and project million lbs, 1000 MT finished capacity. Complete
engineering and technical support. Contact: Mktg Coord, Mike Koontz
management to clients in the offshore oil and gas, Manufactures prefabricated shelters. Established in
defense, and other ocean-related industries 1943, the company supplies OEMs and direct
worldwide. Expertise is available from six regional Potters Industries Inc customers nationwide with shelters and
offices in the areas of wet and dry hyperbaric PO Box 840, Valley Forge, PA 19482-0840, components at competitive prices.
welding, conventional and atmospheric diving, 610-651-4715, toll-free: 800-552-3237, FAX:
robotic systems, and tooling. 610-408-9724,, PreConstruction Catalysts Inc
Contact: Mktg Spec, Robert Flanagan 18156 Darnell Dr, Olney, MD 20832,
Pigging Products & Services Association
Manufactures solid and hollow light weight glass 301-570-9100, FAX: 240-363-0062,
PO Box 2, Stroud, Gloucestershire, GL6 8YB UK,,
44-1285-760597, FAX: 44-1285-760470, microspheres for drilling fluids and muds, pipe
insulation, drilling cements buoyancy modules and Contact: Pres/CEO, Michael J. Weiner, Connects end buyers with end sellers without
Contact: Exec Sect’y, Gill Hornby proppants, property enhancements include reduce
torque, reduced cost, thermal insulation, light intermediary interference. The company’s role is to
Serves the pipeline industry. Provides information put those who can sign a contract with those who
on sourcing pigging equipment and services, weight, and high strength.
can sign a check.
technical information service, training courses and
pigging seminars.

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Quest TruTec LP

Presens AS n ProSep Technologies Inc PVAC R C Ltda

Ullern Alle 28, NO-0381 Oslo, Norway, (sub of ProSep Inc) (div of EVAC Distributor In Brazil)
47-22-06-40-70, FAX: 47-22-06-40-71, 5353 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Suite 150, Marine Div, Houston, TX 77041, 281-504-2040, toll-free: Rua Luis Otavio N 2955, Campinas, 13088-130
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Voula Terzoudi 866-377-8788, FAX: 281-598-2688, Brazil, 55-19-32563-490, FAX: 55-19-3256-4661,
Supplies high accuracy pressure sensors based on,,
proprietary patented technology. The combination Contact: VP Bus Dev, John B. Sabey Contact: Dir, Pedro Nobrega
of the company’s technology, together with design Supplies quality equipment packages, sys- Provides vacuum sewage collection systems such
capabilities and technology expertise for advanced tems, services, and other customized process as vacuum centrals, vacuum generators, and
pressure sensing solution, has resulted in a range of solutions to the oil and gas industry. Solutions vacuum tanks. Sewage treatment plants. Biological
pT sensors for oil and gas applications with a include proprietary internals, scrubbing and and physical chemical type, IMO certified. Vacuum
number of advantages over other current solutions demisting, gas sweetening membrane skids, toilets and offshore or onshore maintenance and
on the market. primary separation complete with compact spares parts services for EVAC vacuum toilets
separation internals, crude dehydration and systems and sewage treatment plants.
desalting, H2S scavengers, and produced wa-
Pressure Systems Inc ter treatment systems.
34 Research Dr, Hampton, VA 23666, Pyroban Corp
(See ad Front Cover)
757-865-1243, toll-free: 800-328-3665, FAX: (div of Pyroban Group Ltd)
757-865-8744,, 590 Bloomfield Ave, #372, Bloomfield, NJ 07003, P&R Technologies 973-748-0760, FAX: 973-842-0508,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Dale Beardsley PO Box 554, Portland, OR 97207, 503-292-8682,,
Manufactures submersible and aboveground FAX: 503-292-8697,, Offers explosion protection services and consulting
hydrostatic level transducers. Pressure ranges as for powered industrial, offshore, and oil field
low as 0–35 in. of water and includes models Contact: Pres, George Osgood equipment.
designed for pump control, tank level, and a variety Offers thermal imaging cameras for leak detection
of storm, potable, waste, and groundwater and perimeter security. Offers bird diverters, hazing Q&B Servicos Ltda
monitoring applications. Offers a line of rugged and devices, markers, flags, and LED obstruction lights.
Estrada Asfaltada do PT da Petrobras, 949
precise KPSI transducers. Imboassica, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, 27910-970
PSI-Pipeline Seal & Insulator Inc Brazil, 55-22-2105-4100, FAX: 55-22-2105-4101,
Printrex Inc 6525 Goforth St, Houston, TX 77021,,
276 E Gish Rd, San Jose, CA 95112, 713-747-6948, toll-free: 800-423-2410, FAX:
408-573-1200, FAX: 408-573-1600, 713-747-6029,, Contact: Dir, Miguel Queiroz, Provides maintenance, welding, blasting, painting
Contact: VP Admin, Mia Bossie Contact: Dir Sls, Jay Keldsen on large structures, operation, maintenance, and
Produces high performance printers and plotters for Manufactures quality sealing gaskets, casing repair on platforms, rigs, offshore cranes, electrical
well logging and log analysis applications. With the isolators, and Link-Seal modular seals for the oil submersible pumps, inflatable packers, and
new C930 full color plotter and the recent and gas industries. Products have been pressure downhole gauges. Pipeline inspection
acquisition of the Atlantek product line, the manufactured for more than 40 years, and the gauges and corrosion monitoring.
company now has products for every geophysical company currently manufactures to ISO 9001:2000
application. standards. Quabbin Wire & Cable Co Inc
10 Maple St, Ware, MA 01082-1597,
PTC Electronics Inc 413-967-6281, toll-free: 800-368-3311, FAX:
45 Whitney Rd, Suite B-9, Mahwah, NJ 07430, 413-967-7564,,
201-847-0500, toll-free: 800-989-9518, FAX:
201-847-1394,, Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Kevin B. Drummond Manufactures harsh environment data cables that
Contact: VP Sls, John C. Kicks withstand vibration, crushing, and impact. The
ProComSol Ltd Provides measurement solutions in areas of cable jacket provides resistance to cut throughs,
13000 Athens Ave, Suite 104G, Lakewood, OH pressure, weight, and force since 1978. Distributes tears, abrasions, oils, and most industrial fluids. The
44107, 216-221-1550, toll-free: 877-221-1551, pressure transducers and transmitters jacket remains round, making it possible to
FAX: 216-221-1554,, manufactured in the USA by American Sensor pressure over mold connectors and seal to O-rings Technologies. Load cells, force transducers, and and gaskets used with IP67 rated connections.
Designs and manufactures both the hardware electronics by SCAIME. Also distributes London
and software needed to perform complete Intuitive digital indicators. Complete tank level
HART device configuration and monitoring Quantum Energy Partners
systems—display and record level(s).
using your PC or PDA. Our products are 777 Walker St, Suite 2530, Houston, TX 77002,
certified by HART Communication Foundation 713-328-0022,,
to meet the HRT standards. Our quality Pureaire Monitoring Systems Inc
system is registered to ISO 9000:2000. 557 Capital Dr, Lake Zurich, IL 60047, Contact: Man Dir, David L. Bole
847-726-6000, toll-free: 888-788-8050, FAX: Provides private equity to the global energy
847-726-6051,, industry. With more than $5 billion in assests under
Production System Specialists Inc management, the company targets investment
PO Box 57, Carencro, LA 70520-0057, Contact: Pres, Al Carrino opportunities between $50 and $500 million with
337-668-4882, FAX: 337-668-4883 Provides sales and support of stationary and proven management teams in the oil and gas
Specializes in glycol dehydration and BTEX portable hazardous gas detection systems for life upstream and midstream sectors.
condensers. safety and emission monitoring applications.
Detectable gases include O2, Cl2, F2, HCI, HF, Quest TruTec LP
Pro-Seal Lift Systems hydrides, NF3, VOCs, and many other toxic and (div of Quest Integrity Group LLC)
corrosive gases. Renewable sensors provide fast, 1004 Central Ave S, Kent, WA 98032,
211 Stubblefield Lake, Huntsville, TX 77340,
reliable, and economical protections for personnel, 253-893-7070, FAX: 253-893-7075,
abatement scrubber, and fenceline monitoring.,
Offers production improvement of gas wells, Contact: Contracts/Mktg Mgr, Margo Reyna
automatic operation, and flow control through Soap Provides advanced measurements, performance
Stick Launchers. Also offers disc plungers; high modeling, and process solutions to the global
efficiency plunger lift seals for low GLR oil wells; refining, chemical and gas processing, and power
and field replacement seal kit. generation industries. The company’s highly
quantitative and proprietary data-centric
technologies provide true condition-based
monitoring capabilities that can be digitally linked to
the operator.

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Quick Oilfield Solutions

Quick Oilfield Solutions Raycap Inc Remote Control Sweden AB

110 8th Ave SW, Suite 300, Calgary, Alberta, 2310 N Molter Rd, Suite 102, Liberty Lake, WA Kontrollvagen 15, PO Box 80, SE-791 22 Falun,
Canada T2P 1B3, 403-648-3944, toll-free: 99019, 509-892-3660, FAX: 509-892-3690, Sweden, 46-23-58700, FAX: 46-23-58745,
877-254-9601, FAX: 403-237-9601,,,, Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Jeff Gibbons Contact: Sls Mgr, Lars Ersson
Contact: Sls Mgr, Richard Evans Manufactures advanced transient voltage surge Manufactures pneumatic, electric, hydraulic, and
Builds Field Data Capture software which can be suppression modules and systems for a range of electrohydraulic actuators for quarter turn and
deployed in field offices, laptops, and intrinsically applications. The company exports its Rayvoss multiturn valve applications for the oil, gas, and
safe hand helds. It tracks production and systems and Strikesorb modules to more than 40 petrochemical industries.
maintenance data related to wells, compressors, countries around the world and has operations in
tanks, and other field equipment. the USA, Canada, Panama, Switzerland, Romania, Reotemp Instruments
Bulgaria, and Serbia-Montenegro. 10656 Roselle St, San Diego, CA 92121,
Quincy Compressor 858-784-0710, toll-free: 800-648-7737, FAX:
En Pro Industries Div Ray Oil Tool Co Inc 858-784-0720,,
701 N Dobson Ave, Bay Minette, AL 36507, PO Drawer 1078, Broussard, LA 70518-1078,
217-222-7700, FAX: 251-937-7182, 337-837-4768, toll-free: 800-937-4768, FAX: Manufactures temperature and pressure, 337-837-4771,, instrumentation. Products include bimetal thermometers, thermowells, pressure and
Contact: Mktg Svc Mgr, Jacqueline Gay Contact: Pres, Ray Mikolajczyk temperature switches, pressure gauges, diaphragm
Designs and manufactures reciprocating and rotary Develops and manufactures new innovative casing seals, pressure transmitters, remote reading
screw air compressors ranging from one-third to cementing accessories and their placement. thermometers, RTDs and thermocouples, and
350 horsepower; vacuum pumps and a full line of digital thermometers. Also offers a variety of niche
air treatment components. Nearly 40% of rotary Raytek Corp temperature products for the compost, waste
sales are considered custom orders with (sub of Fluke) management, and recycling markets.
one-of-a-kind configurations ranging from electrical Automation Div
specialties to freeze-protection options. 1201 Shaffer Rd, PO Box 1820, Santa Cruz, CA Rescom Sales Inc
95061-1820, 831-458-3900, FAX: 831-458-1239, 214 Bruce Ave, Kincardine, Ontario, Canada N2Z
Racine Flow Meter Group, 2P3, 519-396-8555, toll-free: 800-665-2740, FAX:
8635 Washington Ave, Racine, WI 53406-3738, Contact: Mktg/Comms Coord, Si’Ike 519-396-4045,,
262-639-6770, FAX: 262-639-2267, Koltermann, Manufactures noncontact IR temperature sensors Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Tom Walters for process monitoring, quality control, and Offers safe radio interfaces for hazardous
Contact: Dir Sls, Michael Scoon maintenance. Products include automation environments, safe hard line communications for
Serves construction, industrial, municipal and thermometers and on-line sensors, including confined space/rescue, and vehicle
commercial markets worldwide and offers high miniature sensors, sensors with microprocessors, communications for high noise environments;
quality and cost-effective solutions for must-flow two-way communication, and IR line scanners. headsets and hearing protection, along with
measurement applications. The company is specialty services in air/communications, molding,
comprised of six flowmeter divisions representing a RCI Technologies Inc prototyping, testing, electrical design and
variety of measurement technologies. 462 Borrego Ct, Suite D, San Dimas, CA 91773, development, mechanical design and development,
909-305-1241, toll-free: 800-868-2088, FAX: drafting services, system integration, and quality
RAE Systems 909-305-1245,, certification programs.
3775 N 1st St, San Jose, CA 95134,
408-952-8200, FAX: 408-952-8480, Contact: Pres, Robert Randle Rexnord Industries LLC, Manufactures, distributes, and services the fuel 5555 S Moorland Rd, New Berlin, WI 53151, industry. Offers a line of filter-less universal fuel 262-796-4065,
Develops and manufactures rapidly deployable, purifiers, portable tank cleaning units, and NEMA4 Manufactures and markets power transmission and
multisensor chemical, and radiation detection UL 508A automatic fuel recirculating systems. water management products.
monitors and networks for Homeland Security and Products remove 100% of all free water and 99%
industrial applications. of contaminants.
R&G Laboratories Inc
217 Hobbs St, Suite 105, Tampa, FL 33619,
RainMaker Energy LLC Reed Manufacturing Co 813-643-3513, FAX: 813-793-4429,
10077 Grogans Mill Rd, Parkwwod One, Suite 1425 W 8Th St, PO Box 1321, Erie, PA,
275, The Woodlands, TX 77380, 832-482-3612, 16512-1321, 814-452-3691, toll-free: Contact: Sls/Mktg Coord, Cheryl Huff
FAX: 832-482-3617,, 800-666-3691,, Offers a full service laboratory that provides a range of tests on oil, grease, coolants, fuel, and
Contact: Co-Owner/Pres, Richard W. Munn Contact: Pres Sls/Fin, Scott K. Wright transformer oil. Supports clients with quick service,
Focuses on acquisition of onshore U.S. production, Provides variety in pipe and tubing cutters, cutter accurate and concisely reported interpretation of
including operated and nonoperated oil and gas wheels, vises, and offers the largest tool selection data.
properties with significantly underdeveloped assets for plastic pipe applications. Groovers, threaders,
power drives, dies and oil figure prominently in the
Richter Chemie-Technik GmbH

Raxton Ltd line, along with water services tools and machines,
wrenches, and general figure prominently in the PO Box 100609, 47883 Kempen, Germany,
Kingsway, South Westgate, Aldridge, West 49-2152-146-0, FAX: 49-2152-146-190,
line, along with water services tools.
Midlands, WS9 8FS UK, 44-1922-450-400, FAX:,
44-1922-450-401,, Contact: Mgr Mktg, Manfred Kluge Remote Automation Solutions Manufactures plastic lined process pumps; and
Contact: Sls Dir, Ray Kill (div of Emerson Process Management) shut-off, control, and safety valves for corrosive,
Provides flameproof electrical thread conversion Bristol Div hazardous, contaminated, pure, and high purity
adaptors, reducers, stopping plugs, cable glands, 1100 Buckingham St, Watertown, CT 06795, fluids in chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical,
drain plugs, insulated adaptors, stopper boxes, and 860-945-2200, toll-free: 800-395-5497, FAX: industrial, semiconductor, and environmental
accessories. Thread forms include NPT, Isometric, 860-945-2278,, applications. Materials include PFA, PTFE,
PG BSP, and ET in a variety of materials. Products PE-UHMW, hastelloy, tantalum, SiC, ASME/ANSI,
are certified to CSA, ATEX, CENELEC, and GOST. Contact: Dir Prod Mktg, Robert Findley and ISO/DIN.
A quality assured EN 9001:2000 company. Offers products that have measured, monitored,
and controlled industrial processes. The goal is to
develop products which meet the varied needs of
customers in the water, wastewater, oil, gas, and
process industries, then provide those customers
with service and support.

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Rotork Process Controls Inc

(sub of Emerson) Kruppstrasse 1, 49835 Wietmarschen, Germany,
400 Clark St, Elyria, OH 44035, 440-323-5581, 49-5908-937-37-0, FAX: 49-5908-937-37-19,
toll-free: 800-769-7743, FAX: 440-329-4551,,, Develops and manufactures products and systems
Contact: Dir Mktg/Comms, Steve Dyer using high performance RoPlasthan elastomers.
Manufactures hand and power tools. Markets
RKI Instruments Inc
Product line includes EasyClean and UltimateClean
33248 Central Ave, Union City, CA 94587,
products in more than 130 countries. The pipeline cleaning tools (ATEX), cups and discs,
510-441-5656, toll-free: 800-754-5165, FAX:
company’s products include threading and drain transmitters, Data Loggers, electronic pig
cleaning machines and more than 300 types of detectors, sensors, rollers, elastomer bearings,
tools serving the rental, plumbing, HVAC/R, vibration dampers, clamps, valve insulation plates,
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Dave McEndarffer
industrial, electrical, petroleum, institutional, diabolo rollers, buffers, wheel chocks, fasteners,
Supplies portable and fixed systems/gas
commercial, and hardware markets. Subsidary of and more.
detection solutions. Markets instruments and
St. Louis, Missouri-based Emerson.
sensors, as well as actively develops its own
product lines. Technologies used include
Rig-A-Lite catalytic combustion, thermal conductivity,
(div of AZZ Inc) electrochemical, IR, paper tape, pyrolization,
8500 Hansen Rd, PO Box 12942, Houston, TX and metal oxide.
77217, 713-943-0340, FAX: 713-943-8354,,
Contact: Dir Petroleum Sls, Jeff Jannsen R&M Energy Systems ROSEN Group
Contact: Inside Sls Mgr, Anita Burnside (sub of Robbins & Myers Inc) Obere Spichermatt 14, 6370 Stans,
Provides quality lighting for the oil and gas industry. Fluid Management Group Div Switzerland, 41-41-618-0300, FAX:
10586 US Highwaywy 75 N, Willis, TX 77378, 41-41-618-0319,,
936-890-1064, toll-free: 877-465-8600, FAX:
RigPower LLC Contact: Mgr Corp Mktg, Wolfgang Krieg
10345 S Perdue Ave, Baton Rouge, LA Offers a range of products and services to the
70814-4912, 225-272-8800, FAX: 225-272-8830, Contact: VP Sls, Gene Sparkman oil and gas industry covering pipe diameters, Performs field services, such as installation, to 64 in. for any length or configuration,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Larry Breeland inspection, troubleshooting, and refurbishment on (in-line cleaning, in-line inspection, EMAT
Provides (1135A) single pole electrical connectors. R&MES products: progressing cavity pumping crack detection and coating disbondment,
The RMP and Secure Mount series offer increased systems, stuffing boxes, closures, tubing/rod multidiameter pipeline inspection, leak
safety, reliability, and ease-of-use through color rotators, rod guide systems, wellheads, valves, detection, robotic inspection, data services,
coding. Additionally, the Secure Mount series offers swing joints, hammer unions, artificial lift and asset integrity management support).
a panel mount receptacle, which is designed to accessories, and down-hole tools.
eliminate costly melamine panels and installation
time. ROSEN Europe
The Rochester Corp/Tyco Electronics Oldenzaal, The Netherlands 31-541-587-000,
Rigserv International LLC Tyco Electronics Corp Div
(sub of Rigserv Ltd)
751 Old Brandy Rd, Culpeper, VA 22701, ROSEN Far East
11381 Meadowglen, Suite F, Houston, TX 77082,
540-825-2111, FAX: 540-825-2238, Selangor, Malaysia 60-3-5569-9000,
281-870-0833, FAX: 281-870-0480,,,
Contact: Gen Mgr, David Harris
Contact: Man Dir, Y. T. Chan
Manufactures electromechanical optical cables
Offers drilling control system, drilling automation, ROSEN Middle East
used in the oil industry, gas industry, and
drilling instrumentations system, integrated Dubai, United Arab Emirates 971-4-881-4495,
government systems. Produces wire products.
AutoDriller and Crown/Floor Saver, and complete,
driller’s control cabin. Provides system design,
engineering, new or upgrade for offshore/land rigs Ronk Electrical Industries Inc ROSEN North America
and drilling instruments. 106 E State St, PO Box 160, Nokomis, IL Houston, TX 281-442-8282,
SALES OFFICES: 62075-0160, 217-563-8333, toll-free:,
800-221-7665, FAX: 217-563-8336,
Rigserv Ltd,
Aberdeen, UK 44-1224-724-212, FAX:
44-1224-724282,, Contact: Sales Department Rotating Machinery Services Inc/RMS Manufactures single- to three-phase converters. Power Solutions
Allows operation of three-phase motors from 2760 Baglyos Cir, Bethlehem, PA 18020,
RiskAdvisory single-phase power sources. Also offers 484-821-0702, FAX: 484-821-0710,
(div of SAS) double-throw switches for stand-by power systems,
401 9th Ave SW, Suite 970, Calgary, Alberta, and power factor correction capacitors.
Canada T2P 3C5, 403-263-7475, Contact: VP Sls, Kurt Diekroeger, Provides a range of turbomachinery engineering,
Roper Pump Co rerate, overhaul, and field services to users of
Contact: Mktg Strat Energy Risk, Kathy Walsh
(div of Roper Industries) compressors, steam turbines, expanders, and gas
Provides risk solutions to companies operating in Oil & Gas Industries Div
today’s volatile energy market. Since 1995, the turbines. Services the refining, chemical, gas
3475 Old Maysville Rd, PO Box 269, Commerce,
company has provided software, consulting, and transmission, power generation, and steel
GA 30529, 706-335-5551,
educational services to 220+ clients globally. industries. Experienced engineers, technicians, and,
Solutions for energy risk management represent a manufacturing personnel.
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Lane Peeler
complete front, middle, and black office risk Provides a selection of Mud Motor Power Sections
management platform. for directional, horizontal, and vertical drilling Rotork Process Controls Inc
applications, including the DragonSlayer High (Sub of Rotork Controls Inc)
Performance (HP) rubber stators, which can handle Rotork Process Controls Div
applications to 425°F. Also provides gear pumps 5607 W Douglas Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53218,
and progressive cavity pumps for general fluid 414-461-9200, FAX: 414-461-1024,
transfer applications.,
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Howard Williams
Manufactures electric, pneumatic, and hydraulic
valve actuators and associated control systems,
valve gearboxes, and valve accessories - support
by the Rotork worldwide service network.

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Rotronic Instrument Corp

Rotronic Instrument Corp Saft

160 E Main St, Huntington, NY 11743, 12 rue Sadi Carnot, F-93170 Bagnolet, France,
631-427-3898, FAX: 631-427-3902, 33-1-4993-1918,, Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Antoine Brenier
Contact: Svc/Sls Coord, Michael Foran Designs and manufactures high technology
Manufactures and distributes high accuracy, high batteries for industry. Batteries are used in high
Sartomer Co Inc
precision instruments for measurement of relative performance applications, such as industrial,
(div of Total SA)
humidity, dew point, and moisture in industrial infrastructure, processes, transportation, space,
Oaklands Corporate Center, 502 Thomas
process, semiconductor fabrication, and HVAC and defense. Manufacturer of primery lithium
Jones Way, Exton, PA 19341, 800-727-8663,
instrumentation. Also a leader in HVAC batteries for a range of end markets.
FAX: 610-363-4140,,
instrumentation for precision measurements in
semiconductor fabrications and pharmaceutical Saint-Gobain Crystals Contact: Dir Mktg Svc/Admin, Bob Green
processing. Scintillation Products Div Offers SAR-GEL water indicating paste, which
17900 Great Lakes Pkwy, Hiram, OH 44234, detects water levels in fuel tanks, helping
R STAHL 440-834-5600, FAX: 440-834-7860, prevent costly contamination. White,
Am Bahnhof 30, 74638 Waldenburg, Germany,, smooth-flowing paste is easily applied to
49-7942-943-0, FAX: 49-7942-943-4333, dipstick and turns red when it comes in, Contact: Prod Mgr, Daniel Meldrum contact with water.
Manufactures safety technology for hazardous ares. Supplies ruggedized sodium iodide gamma ray
Based in Waldenburg, Gremany, the company is a detectors to the well logging industry in addition to
supplier of explosion protected automation, control other high performance scintillators and gas-filled Sarva Bio Remed LLC
and distribution, installation, operating and radiation detectors. Notable brands include Bicron, 11 N Willow St, Trenton, NJ 08608,
monitoring, lighting, signaling, alarm components, TGM, and our new BrilLaneCe, and PreLude 420 877-717-2782, FAX: 419-710-5831,
and systems. Key products include customer- scintillators.,
specific systems solutions for hazardous areas.
Saipem America Inc Contact: Pres/CEO, Satya Ganti
RSVP Actuators and Controls Manufactures VaporRemed for the elimination of
15950 Park Row, Houston, TX 77084,
heating oil fumes.
Highway 290 E, #600, Hempstead, TX 77445, 281-552-5600, FAX: 281-552-5904,
281-463-8089, FAX: 281-463-8046,,
sales@rsvpactuators, SCANCAB A/S
Contact: Pres, Fred Stockton Contact: Comm Mgr, Marco Sclocchi Kirkegaardsvej 29, Kliplev, DK-6200 Aabenraa,
Manufactures actuators for quarter turn valves, Provides subsea construction services to the Denmark, 45-7468-7701, FAX: 45-7468-7472,
scotch-yoke type. offshore oil and gas industry; specializing in,
engineering, construction, and maintenance Contact: Sls Mgr, Martin Eskildsen
Rush Gears Inc services. Offers cabins for drilling, pipe handling, and winch
operation. Provides access platforms for cabins
550 Virginia Dr, Dept 413.001, Ft Washington, PA
Saltys Manufacturing and control rooms for engineers and drillers.
19034, 215-542-9000,
Manufactures many types of gears, including 3174 State Highway 7 W, Center, TX 75935,
made-to-order gears. Also offers other toothed 936-598-3905,, Scan Geophysical ASA
products. Offers wastewater storage and disposal tank Rådhusgaten 23, NO-0158 Oslo, Norway,
solutions. Our frac-tanks are built entirely on site. 472-411-1000, FAX: 472-411-1010,
Rwd Technologies Inc Customized tanks have been developed for the use,
in a variety of industrial applications. We also can Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Kjell Karlsson
55 Waugh Dr, Suite 200, Houston, TX 77007,
custom manufacture virtually any product made of Offers marine seismic data acquisition company,
713-284-1800, FAX: 713-284-1801,
steel. specializing in marine streamer seismic and ocean,
bottom cable seismic . Currently operating three
Offers business process design and
Salzgitter Mannesmann Stainless Tubes steamer vessels within both high-end 2-D and 3-D
implementation, change strategy and management,
GmbH acquisition modes.
training design and implementation, and lean
system training, design, and implementation. (div of Salzgitter Group)
Tubes Div Scapa North America
Wiesenstr 36, 45473 Muelheim/Ruhr, Germany, 111 Great Pond Dr, Windsor, CT 6095,
Sabeus Inc 49-208-458-01, FAX: 49-208-458-2640, 860-688-8000, FAX: 860-688-7000,
26610 Agoura Rd, Suite 100, Calabass, TX,,
77060, 818-737-7700, FAX: 818-737-7704, Contact: Key Acct Mgr Oil/Gas, Joelle Contact: App Support, Tony Kibler, Greenwood Manufactures anticorrosion pipeline protection
Contact: Sls Eng, Jay Hong Offers seamless stainless-steel pipes and tubes; systems. The company’s efficient, cost-effective
Provides precise, reliable, cost-effective fiberoptic nickel-based alloy tubes and pipes; heat resistant, Renwrap products are designed for application to
sensing solutions for rugged environments. Our corrosion resistant, and high temperature resistant new construction pipe in both plant and infield
Field Sense systems permanently measure tubing and piping, from AD 6-250 mm, WT 0.5-50 settings, as well as the repair and reconditioning of
subsurface pressure, temperature, and strain in mm, in lengths to 25 m. Products are used within existing pipelines in the oil, gas, and water
order to optimize oilfield production and improve

power generation, oil and gas applications, industries.

equipment maintenance schedules. Maintains petrochemical and chemical industries, and more.
operations in Calabasas, California, Houston,
Texas, Freeport, Pennsylvania and Calgary S&C Electric Co
(Alberta), Canada. Sandvik Process Systems 6601 N Ridge Blvd, Chicago, IL 60626-3997,
(div of Sandvik Materials Technology Deutschland 773-338-1000, FAX: 773-338-2562,
SAFEGUARD TECHNOLOGY INC Salierstrasse 35, PO Box 4262, D-70736 Provides equipment and services for electric power
7207 Chagrin Rd, PO Box 274, Chagrin Falls, OH Fellbach, Germany, 49-711-5105-0, FAX: systems. Since its beginning in 1911, the product
44022, 440-247-1695, toll-free: 800-989-1695, 49-711-5105-196,, line has expanded significantly in electric power
FAX: 440-247-1156, switching and protection. Also offers a range of, Contact: Sls Mgr, Ulrich Nanz engineering, laboratory, and testing services for Supplies processing plants, steel belts, and electric utilities and commercial, industrial, and
Contact: VP, Jerome Kerlek associated service support, providing complete institutional power users.
Manufactures SAFEGUARD Retrofit Step, Ladder installations for the petrochemical, chemical, and
Rung, and Walkway Hi and HiGlo-traction covers. plastic industries. Special fields include complete
The antislip covers are installed over grating, granulation systems for sulphur, fertillizer, waxes,
concrete, steel, aluminum, and wood without resins, and fine chemicals. Offers feasibility studies,
downtime. Available in stainless galvanized steel test and pilot production, engineering/project
and Pultruded FRP composite in various colors management, manufacturing, supply and
(photoluminescent) and grades. Exceeds OSHA installation, start-up, spares, and service.
and ADA guidelines for COF values.

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Schischek GmbH Explosionproof SensorTran Inc

Mühlsteig 45, 90579 Gewerbegebiet V ___________________ 4401 Freidrich Ln, Bldg 307, Austin, TX 78744,
Langenzenn, Germany, 49-910-1908-10, FAX: 512-583-3520, toll-free: 866-333-2861, FAX:
49-910-19080-177,, 512-583-3565, Contact: VP Bus Dev, Jack Angel
Manufactures explosion proof actuators, sensors, Supplies fiberoptic-based distributed monitoring
seepex Inc
transducers and switching modules. Explosion solutions. Products include Gemini, next generation
(sub of seepex GmbH KG & Co)
expertise as well as international exports are key distributed temperature sensing (DTS) systems, and
511 Speedway Dr, Enon, OH 45323,
criteria. Lynx, the worlds first hybrid DTS/FBG system.
937-864-7150, FAX: 937-864-7157,
Complete solutions are offered for applications in,
Schutte & Koerting downhole O&G, pipeline leak detection/flow
Contact: CEO/Pres, Michael Dillon
2510 Metropolitan Dr, Trevose, PA 19053, assurance, and process vessel hotspot detection.
Offers turnkey systems designs and materials
215-639-0900, FAX: 215-639-1597, for the oil and gas industry. Progressive cavity, (pc) pumps handle solid, liquid and gas Sensus
Contact: Sls/Mktg Coord, Caroline Nelson phases without separation, operate at lower 805 Liberty Blvd, DuBois, PA 15801,
Manufactures power and process equipment. speeds for long service life, available with 814-375-8389, FAX: 814-375-8395,
control packages to prevent dry-run stator,
Schweitzer Engineering Lab damage, handle variable flow conditions, Contact: Prod Mgr/Eng, Richard C. DeAngelo
2350 NE Hopkins Ct, Pullman, WA 99163, viscous corrosive, and abrasive fluids with Offers natural gas regulator and metering solutions
509-332-1890, FAX: 509-332-7990, ease. for the worldwide gas utility industry. Highlighted by, FlexNet, a reliable RF AMI facilities in eight countries throughout the world.
Select-Arc Inc
Provides protection and monitoring for power
6000 Enterprise Dr, PO Box 259, Ft Loramie, OH Sentry Equipment Corp
systems, generators, and motors, including
45845-0259, 937-295-5215, toll-free:
automation, control, and communications products, 966 Blue Ribbon Cir N, PO Box 127,
800-341-5215, FAX: 888-511-5217,
and services. Leads in reliable systems and Oconomowoc, WI 53066-0127, 262-567-7256,,
products and customer support. Products are FAX: 262-567-4523,,
Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Mike Tecklenburg
proven in a temperature range, withstand harsh
Manufactures a line of premium quality flux cored
environments, and are covered by a ten-year Provides equipment for the sampling of liquids,
and metal cored, carbon steel, low alloy, stainless
warranty. gasses, slurries, and powders. Markets covered
steel, nickel alloy, and hard-surfacing welding
include the utility, chemical, petrochemical,
electrodes. The company backs its exceptional
Scotgrip UK Ltd pharmaceutical, food, and cement industries.
welding wire products with outstanding service and
Silverbank Industrial Estate, N Deeside Rd, Products include sample coolers, needle and
the best value-added in the industry. Selec-Arc sets
Banchory, Kincardineshire, AB31 5YR UK, cylinder panels, liquid and bulk solids samplers,
the standard in tubular welding electrodes.
44-1330-825335, FAX: 44-1330-825260, steam and water sample conditioning components, and systems, as well as specialty heat exchangers.
Select Industries
Contact: Man Dir, Ralph Prise
PO Box 2450, Wichita Falls, TX 76307, Servometer
Manufactures high quality, heavy duty antislip
940-855-0461, toll-free: 800-234-5801, FAX:
safety products for stairways, walkways, decks, Precision Manufacturing Group LLC Div
ladders, ramps, and gangways. Products are 501 Little Falls Rd, Cedar Grove, NJ 07009-1291,
designed to eliminate accidents, even in harsh 973-785-4630, FAX: 973-785-0756,
Contact: VP, Eddie Huber
working environments.,
Manufactures all types of solid chemical stick
Contact: Tech Support Assoc, Steven Oliphant
products designed for water removal, as well as
SEA CON Brantner & Associates Inc Manufactures custom metal bellows and
down hole chemical treatment applications.
assemblies, bellows-type flexible shaft couplings,
1240 Vernon Way, El Cajon, CA 92020, Manufacturer of extruded water soluble tubes for
gold plated bellows contact springs, and
619-562-7070, FAX: 619-562-9706, delivery of liquid chemicals in production systems.
lightweight and structurally rigid electroforms.,
Bellows are flexible, leak tight, and can be used as
Contact: Gulf Coast Sls Mgr, Glenn Pollock Senscient springs and flexible seals. Zero backlash, low
Manufactures underwater electrical connectors;
2951 Marina Bay Dr, Suite 130-307, League City, windup, and bellows-type flexible shaft couplings
submersible switches, wet and dry mateable
TX 77573, 877-374-6842,, can accommodate axial, angular, and offset
connectors, fiberoptic and connector cable deflections.
assemblies. Offers over 35,000 product designs.
Contact: CMO/VP, Jean Berthold
Locations in California, Rhode Island, Texas,
Offers SenseLine ELDS open path gas detectors, Servomex Inc
Mexico, and the UK. Provides solutions with
which feature orders of magnitude; better sensitivity
existing or custom designed products. 525 Julie Rivers Dr, Suite 185, Sugar Land, TX
for detecting flammable gases and low ppm level
77478, 281-295-5819, FAX: 281-295-5899,
toxic gases. Detects both methane and hydrogen
Sea-Image Corporation Ltd,
sulfide; faster response than any other H2S
Provides reliable, accurate, and stable gas
Unit 20, 4560 W Saanich Rd, Victoria, British detection technology; eliminates sensor
measurement solutions to industries worldwide.
Columbia, Canada V8Z 3G4, 250-519-0244, FAX: replacement or recalibration; eliminates false
Also provides paramagnetic sensing technology.
250-519-0246,, alarms; and remote functionality testing.
Contact: VP, Simon Skey SETA SA
Sensortechnics Inc
(div of Aquaquimica Ltda)
896 Main St, Walpole, MA 02081, 508-660-8823, Aqua Div
Sealed Enclosures Pty Ltd FAX: 508-660-8836,, PO Box 1439, Guerrico, 5458 1439 Argentina,
Factory 4, 43-47 Riverside Ave, Werribee, 54-11-460-41116, FAX: 54-11-460-41116,
Victoria, Australia 3030, 61-03-8742-3525, FAX: Contact: Sls Mgr, James McNeil,
61-03-9923-6497, Manufactures and distributes a range of sensors Contact: Dir Chemistry, Charles Vonsik
Provides pressure resistant enclosures for use and fluidic control systems. The product range Offers Biodrill, an environmentally compatible, high
underwater and in flood zones. includes pressure transmitters to 10,000 psi, liquid performance, multipurpose mud conditioner for
level sensors and switches, and oxygen and flow rheology control in water-based muds. This product
Seatools Bv sensors. All products can easily be modified is chrome-free (which makes it suitable for use in
Jan Van Der Heydenstr, PO Box 7433, 3280 AE according to customer requirments. areas where there are environmental concerns), is
Numansdorp, The Netherlands, high temperature resistant (400°F), contamination
31-186-68-00-00, FAX: 31-186-68-00-01, resistant to calcium, and works in salt water.,
Offers a specialist in underwater equipment and
dredging instrumentation.

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Severn Trent Services

Severn Trent Services Sick Maihak Inc Sierra Monitor Corp

3000 Advance Ln, Colmar, PA 18915, (sub of Sick Maihak GmbH Reute Germany) 1991 Tarob Ct, Milpitas, CA 95035,
866-646-9201,, 6900 W 110th St, Minneapolis, MN 55438, 408-262-6611, toll-free: 800-727-4377, FAX: 952-941-6780, FAX: 952-941-9287, 408-262-9042,,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Nadia Abboud,
Provides electrochlorination disinfection treatment Contact: Dir Mktg, Steve Ferree
solutions, using on-site generated sodium Offers analyzer and flow instrumentation; in-situ Manufactures hazardous gas detection systems for
hypochlorite produced from seawater worldwide. and extractive analyzers for single and multiple combustible gas, oxygen deficiency, and toxic
They serve marine wastewater treatment gases, and measurement instrumentation for dust, gases. Offers detectors and systems loaded with
applications and sea water disinfection needs for opacity, volume flow (ultrasonic), and level. communications features that provide the user with
the following applications: power generation, the critical safety data in a fast, efficient, and usable
desalination facilities, coastal industries, offshore oil SICK STEGMANN Inc manner.
and gas facilities, general marine, and cruise vessel (div of Max Stegmann GmbH)
industry. 7496 Webster St, Dayton, OH 45414, Signalcrafters Tech Inc
937-454-1956, toll-free: 800-811-9110, FAX: 57 Eagle Rock Ave, East Hanover, NJ 07936,
Shark Stainless 937-454-1955,, 800-523-5815, FAX: 973-781-9044,
(div of Shark Inc),
19717 62nd Ave S, Suite E102, Kent, WA 98032, Manufactures incremental modular, hollow shaft,
866-960-9779, FAX: 866-960-9779, shafted, and heavy duty encoders; single and Contact: Sls Mgr, Dave Jenkins, multiturn absolute encoders; linear absolute Manufactures communications equipment and test measuring systems; servo motor feedback and measurement instruments. Communications
Designs and manufactures stainless-steel storage systems; permanent magnet synchronous and equipment—remote control and status; telemetry;
furniture. Tool boxes, tables, lockers, and carts. stepper motors; compact gearboxes; rotary/linear automated communications path monitoring for
Provides OEM solutions as well. Products are over actuators; and geared motors. Custom and wire and microwave systems. Test and
built to stand up to intense use. modified designs available. measurement, portable battery operated frequency
selective voltmeter, 50 Hz to 5 MHz, built-in
Sharpmark USA Siemens AG Energy Sector oscillator. Also supports many former Lucas Ledex
(div of Sharpmark UK) (sub of Network Oil & Gas Div communications products.
Connections USA Inc) Postfach 10 15 07, 47015 Duisburg, Germany,
Formerly Network Connections USA Inc 49-9131-18-7032, FAX: 49-9131-18-7039, Siirtec Nigi SpA
221 Soldiers Creek Pl, Longwood, FL 32750,, Via Algardi 2, 20148 Milano, Italy, 39-2392-23-1,
407-321-7394, FAX: 407-321-7663, FAX: 39-2392-23-010,,, Contact: Press Officer, Oliver Loenker Contact: Comms Dir, Maurizio Perego Provides upstream, midstream, and downstream Operates worldwide in the oil and gas production
Contact: Tech Dir, Graham Barker solutions for the oil and gas industry. Offers a facilities, gas and liquid treatments, sulphur removal
Provides labels for data communication and product and solutions portfolio of power generation and recovery projects, flue gas treatments, gas
telecommunication installations. Offers a range of and distribution, compression and pumping, manufacture, process equipment, and
cable labels, patch panel labels, and module labels automation and control, industrial IT, water skid-mounted and modulated packages. Is ISO
that are supplied on U.S. letter size and A4 sheets management, and lifecycle services. 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 certified.
and can be printed using a PC and standard office
laser printer. Siemens Energy & Automation SimplexGrinnell
155 Plant Ave, Hauppauge, NY 11788, (div of Tyco)
Shell Global Solutions International BV 631-231-3600, FAX: 631-231-3334, Tyco Fire & Security Div
PO Box 4327, Houston, TX 77421,, 5800 Jefferson Hwy, Suite A, Harahan, LA 70123,
281-544-8844,, 504-736-0101, FAX: 504-736-9292, Contact: Sr Promo Admin, Gina Zervakos,
Contact: Mktg Svcs Coord, John Karas Supplies clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters for both
Provides technology focussed organizations. It gas and liquid with a large installed bases of Contact: Portable Fire Ext/Suppression, Gregg
provides business and operational consultancy, clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeters. Morgan
technical services, licensed technologies and Offers portable fire extinguishers, recharge, sell,
research and development expertise to the energy Siemens Water Technologies repair, suppression systems, galley hood systems,
and processing industries worldwide. fixed and wheeled CO2 systems, wheeled units of
181 Thorn Hill Rd, Warrendale, PA 15086,
800-525-0658, FAX: 724-772-1360, any kind, fire alarms, sprinklers, and any type of life
The Sherwin-Williams Co, safety equipment.
101 Prospect Ave NW, Cleveland, OH 44115,
216-515-4739, FAX: 216-566-1832, Delivers cost-effective, reliable water and Simson Power Tools AB wastewater treatment systems and services to Nitvagen 3, PO Box 68, 813 22 Hofors, Sweden,
municipal, commercial and institutional customers 46-290-23080, FAX: 46-290-24403,
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments worldwide.,
7102 Riverwood Dr, Columbia, MD 21046,

410-381-1227, toll-free: 800-477-1227, FAX: Sierra Instruments Inc Contact: Pres, Helen Norberg
410-381-1222,, 5 Harris Ct, Bldg L, Monterey, CA 93940, Produces and sells hydraulic jacks and tools. 831-373-0200, toll-free: 800-866-0200, FAX:
Contact: Mktg/Comms Coord, Kevin 831-373-4402,, Sioux Corp
McLaughlin One Sioux Plaza, Beresford, SD 57004-1500,
Manufactures scientific instrumentation, including Contact: Prod Mgr, Scott Rouse 605-763-3333, toll-free: 888-763-8833, FAX:
gas and liquid chromatographs, mass Manufactures high performance mass flowmeters 605-763-3334,,
spectrometers (GCMS, LCMS), UV-VIS, FTIR, ICP, and controllers for nearly any gas, liquid, or steam.
and AA spectophotometers, x-ray spectrometers, Also offers short delivery lead time, expert flow Contact: Mkt Segment Mgr, Mike Wiebers
environmental/TOC analyzers, and physical advice, and long term support. Manufactures a line of all-electric pressure washers,
measurement equipment, such as tentile/universal steam cleaners, and combination units that are
and hardness testers. Industries served include ideal for use on offshore rigs, FPSO units and
homeland security, petroleum, chemicals, platforms. Rugged construction for severe
polymers, automotive, environmental, and conditions. Units meet NEC, UL 1776, UL 1203-XP,
petrochemical. and CSA standards. Complete engineering
capabilities for application specific custom design.

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SKF Magnetic Bearings Smith Tank & Equipment Co Solon Manufacturing Co

(div of SKF Canada Ltd) PO Box 2014, Tyler, TX 75710, 903-597-5541, 425 Center St, PO Box 207, Chardon, OH
928 72nd Ave NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E toll-free: 800-826-5663, FAX: 903-595-6804, 44024-0207, 440-286-7149, toll-free:
8V9, 403-232-9292, FAX: 403-232-9255,, 800-323-9717, FAX: 440-286-9047,, Contact: Outside Sls Mgr, R. Dent Shillinglaw, Manufactures steel, stainless and aluminum tanks. Contact: Ch Eng, George Davet
Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Todd Reitsma Includes vertical and horizontal UL142 tanks, Offers pressure switches available in a variety of
Supplies magnetic bearing technology for a range API650 and 12F vertical tanks, mixing and blending temperature and pressure ranges. The modular
of industrial applications, such as turbo tanks. All tanks available with factory-applied design allows combinations of special features to
compressors, high speed motors and generators, linings, insulation and jacket, with many heat be combined to specify unusual pressure switch
turbo expanders, test stands, and more. In addition, sources available. Also manufactures functions used in applications, such as process
the company now offers S2M Magnetic Bearing truck-mounted water trucks fuel bobtails, vacuum control and monitor flow and maintaining pressure
products. trucks service trucks and oilfield trucks. and levels of processes with adjustable pressure
SkyWave Mobile Communications Snap-on Industrial
1145 Innovation Dr, Suite 288, Ottawa, Ontario, (div of IDSC Holdings LLC) Solutia
Canada K2K 3G8, 613-836-4844, toll-free: 2801 80th St, Kenosha, WI 53141, 262-656-5200, Therminol Heat Transfer Fluids Div
866-202-3762, FAX: 613-836-1088, toll-free: 877-740-1900, FAX: 877-740-1880, 575 Maryville Centre Dr, St Louis, MO 63141,,, 800-433-6997, FAX: 314-674-7907,
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Dan Poirier,
Offers two-way satellite telematics products and Contact: Contract/Proj Mgr, Jeffrey Mitchell Contact: Therminol Fluids Spec, Ravi Prakash
services. Products are field-tested and proven Offers a range of international markets, reaching Offers Therminol heat transfer fluids, which can
reliable for a range of industry applications. Product every corner of the globe. We offer a tremendous meet the operating needs of most single- or
brands DMR-200, DMR-800 series terminals, and range of tools, from hand tools to complete work multiple-user systems. In properly designed
SureLinx 8000 series are designed for use with stations to mobile tool cribs, all designed, built and systems, the fluids will perform within their
SkyWave D+ and SkyWave IsaM2M network tested to meet the highest demands for quality and respective temperature ranges for extended
services. long-life performance. Tools that fit the task, the periods without breakdown or corrosion. Fluids are
process, the organization only from snap-on available in temperature ranges from -115°C
Smart Drilling GmbH industrial. (-175°F) to 400°C (750°F).
Am Technologiepark 1, 45305 Essen, Germany,
49-201-172-1454, FAX: 49-201-172-1447, Snap-tite Inc Sonardyne International Ltd, Quick Disconnect and Valve Div Blackbushe Bussiness Park, Yateley, Hampshire,
Contact: Man Dir, Werner Vorhoff 201 Titusville Rd, Union City, PA 16438, GU46 6GD UK, 44-1252-872288, FAX:
Provides system solutions for all kinds of drilling 814-438-3821, FAX: 814-438-3069, 44-1252-876100,,
applications. In the market for Rotary Steerable,
Systems (RSS), the company provides systems for Contact: Sls Dir, Richard Binks
6 to 17.5 in. drilling diameter for vertical and Contact: Customer Service Designs and manufactures underwater acoustic
directional drilling projects. Manufactures hydraulic quick disconnect hose positioning, navigation, and communication
couplings in push-to-connect, flat face, no-drip, systems for the offshore oil and gas industries.
Smarter Security Systems Ltd thread-to-connect styles, hydraulic directional Applications for the company’s technology include
control valves; check, relief, high pressure, and flow deepwater construction survey, position referencing
1515 S Capital of Texas Hwy, #210, Austin, TX
control valves. ISO 9001 certifed. for DP vessels, ROV tracking, marine seismic, high
78746-6578, 512-328-7277, toll-free:
800-943-0043, FAX: 512-328-7280, speed data telemetry, and remote valve control., S&N Pump Co 7545 Breen Dr, Houston, TX 77086, Sonatest Ltd
Contact: VP Sls, Mark Ellsworth 281-445-2243, FAX: 281-445-4061, Dickens Rd, Old Wolverton, Milton Keynes,
Provides intelligent security solutions. Entry and, Buckinghamshire, MK12 5QQ UK,
outdoor product lines include: Fastlane optical 44-1908-525-927, FAX: 44-1908-321-323,
turnstiles for lobby security; Door Detective tailgate Contact: U.S. Sls Dir, Matt Chamberlain,
and direction controls for open doors; cost-effective Provides the offshore seawater market with Contact: Comms Mgr, Corinna Cuciureanu
and accurate SmarterFence fiber intrusion customized submersible pump system solution: Designs and manufactures a range of high
detection systems; covert outdoor DVRs; and offering design, engineering, fabrication, packaging, performance ultrasonic equipment and NDT
SmartSentry, a complete mobile surveillance and worldwide customer support with stocking accessories.
solution. programs and service technicians available around
the clock, seven days a week. Sorbent Products Co Inc
SMH Capital 645 Howard Ave, Somerset, NJ 08873,
600 Travis, Suite 5800, Houston, TX 77002, SolArc 732-302-0080, toll-free: 800-333-7672, FAX:
713-220-5138, FAX: 713-250-4294, 9701 Richmond Ave, Suite 250, Houston, TX 732-302-0969, 77042, 713-360-5100, toll-free: 888-594-7320, Offers sorbents that keep work areas clean and
Contact: Man Dir/Head Energy Banking, Ric FAX: 713-339-4337,, safe from virtually any spill, drip, or leak. Helps keep
Saalwachter you in compliance and the workers safe and
Provides a full-service investment bank providing Contact: VP Mktg, Eric Johnson injury-free.
middle market companies with private placements Provides multicommodity supply, trading, and risk
and public offerings of equity and debt securities, management software and services. The SOR Inc
as well as financial advisory services in connection company’s solutions are used by companies to
14685 W 105th St, Lenexa, KS 66215,
with mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, and enhance their profitablity and operational
800-676-6794, FAX: 913-888-0767,
recapitalizations. The firm provides a full spectrum effectiveness. Software and services cover a range,
of investment banking services, including raising of vertical industries, including energy,
Contact: Cust Svc Dir, Joel Bradley
capital and research coverage. transportation, finanace, agriculture, consumer
Offers a line of pressure, level, temperature and
goods, and more.
flow instrumentation for a variety of industries and
applications. Registered quality system to ISO

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Southernstar Consultants

Southernstar Consultants Sponge-Jet Inc SSS Clutch Company Inc

1506 Crooked Stick Dr, Valrico, FL 33594-7815, 235 Heritage Ave, Suite 2, Portsmouth, NH 610 W Basin Rd, New Castle, DE 19720,
813-653-3090,, 03801, 603-610-7950, FAX: 603-431-6043, 302-322-8080, FAX: 302-322-8548,,,
Provides construction contracts training and claims Contact: VP, Ted Valoria Contact: Pres, Morgan L. Hendrey
and disputes resolution. Consulting for U.S. and Offers Blast Where You Want—extend platform life, Provides gear type overrunning clutches for dual
international aboveground storage tank terminals reduce shutdowns, blast new sensitive and rotating driven fans, pumps, compressors, and generators,
for crude oil and refined products, spherical equipment, and reduce damage to adjacent as well as combined cycle and CHP plant. Also,
pressure vessels, and LNG import and export coatings; lower material handling costs, handling clutches for automatic turning gears and gas
terminals. freight to and from the platform, as well as disposal turbine storing.
costs. Manufactures dry, low dust, low rebound,
Special Electronics & Designs Inc reusable Sponge Media abrasives and high Staco Systems
214 Bruce Ave, Kincardine, Ontario, Canada N2Z production, and more. 1139 Baker St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626,
2P3, 519-396-8555, FAX: 519-396-4045, 714-549-3041, FAX: 714-549-0930,, SPT Group Norway AS,
Contact: Media/Design Spec, Wendy Goodfellow (sub of SPT Group)
Offers custom communications equipment, Gasvikveien 2-4, PO Box 113, 2027 Kjeller, Manufactures pushbutton display switches for
headsets, radio accessories, and vehicle intercoms Norway, 47-64844550, FAX: 47-64844500, military and commercial applications. The
for confined space, Hazmat, USAR, utilities, fire and, company’s product mix includes rugged, full travel,
rescue, nuclear, tactical, marine, EMS, mining, Contact: Exec VP Mktg/Sls, John Olaf Romma and intrinsically safe for the military, first responder,
industrial, high noise, and challenging Provides a combination of software and consulting and oil and gas industries.
environments, as well as design, development, services within the areas reservoir, drilling,
molding, and assembly services. production, and integrated solutions to the Stallion Oilfield Service
international petroleum industry. Products such as
950 Corbindale Rd, Houston, TX 77024,
SPECTRO Analytical Instruments Inc Olga, Drillbench, Epdm, and Mepo are bridging the
713-528-5544, FAX: 713-528-1276,
(sub of SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH & gap between the reservoir simulations and process,
Co KG) plant simulations. Provides a global presence with
Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Mike Moore
AMETEK Materials Analysis Div offices worldwide.
Provides wellsite support services and production
1515 N US Highway 281, Marble Falls, TX 78654, and logistics services to the oilfield with more than
830-798-8786, toll-free: 800-580-6608, FAX: SPT Offshore 2400 employees in 55 locations. The range of
830-798-8467,, (sub of Volker Wessels) critical wellsite services includes onshore and Korenmolenlaan 2, PO Box 525, 3440 AM offshore workforce accommodations and remote
Contact: Gen Mgr, Robert P. Bartek Woerden, The Netherlands, 31-348-435260, FAX: camp complexes, surface rental equipment, solids
Manufactures analytical instrumentation for the 31-348-435261,, control, communication services, wellsite
petroleum industry. Products include high end construction, rig relocation, and more.
systems for laboratory use, benchtop systems for Contact: Man Dir, Mark Riemers
at-line applications, and in-line systems for real time Specializes in suction pile foundations and anchors
process control. Applications include S in crude,
Standard Machine
for platforms and moorings. Developed four self
bunker fuel, residuals, ultralow S in diesel, lube oils, installing platform (SIP) concepts and the suction 868 60th St E, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan,
and more. embedded anchor (SEA) for deepwater moorings. Canada S7K 8G8, 306-931-3343, toll-free:
800-329-4327, FAX: 306-931-4741,,
Spectronics Corp SPX Flow Control Contact: CEO/Pres, Greg Porter
956 Brush Hollow Rd, Westbury, NY 11590, 19191 Hempstead Hwy, Houston, TX 77065, Supplies to the oil and gas industries. Designs and
516-333-4840, FAX: 516-333-4859, 800-231-3690, FAX: 281-894-1332, manufactures speed increaser/speed reduction,, gear drives for all types of applications, including
Contact: Cust Svc Mgr, Gloria Blusk Manufacturers engineered fluid solutions, closures, top drives and compressor drives. Also
Provides fluorescent dyes and UV lamps that are filters, and industrial valves serving oil and gas manufactures open gearing for mud pumps,
used to detect leaks in liquid storage tanks, while markets worldwide. Our products are found in the draworks, centrifuges, and specialty OEM
high intensity UV and UV/blue light lamps are used most stringent and aggressive environments were applications.
for nondestructive testing to pinpoint flaws and equipment is expected to preform flawlessly day
contamination in pipelines worldwide. after day. Brands serving the oil and gas market
include Copes-Vulcan, DeZURIK, GD Engineering,
M&J Valve, OFM, and Plenty Filters. London St, Chertsey, Surrey, KT16 8AP UK,
Sphinx Adsorbents Inc 44-1932-564391, FAX: 44-1932-568363,
53 Progress Ave, Springfield, MA 01104,,
413-736-5020, FAX: 413-736-8257, SPX Hydraulic Technologies, 5885 11th St, Rockford, IL 61109, 815-874-5556, Contact: Sls, Gill Davison toll-free: 800-541-1418,, Designs and manufactures quality control
Contact: Sls, Linda Poery instruments used to measure the physical
Provides adsorbents and desiccants for industrial Contact: Sls Dir, Ray Champi characteristics that determine product quality and
applications. Manufactures high performance, fluid power and consistency. Used by many diverse industries,

railway integrity products and systems. Product including petrochemical, pharmaceutical, food,
SPIR Star Ltd brands include Power Team, Stone, Hytec, Globe, cosmetics, plastics, and transport. Measurements
10002 Sam Houston Center Dr, Houston, TX and rail systems. include flash point, vapor pressure, viscosity,
77064, 281-664-7800, FAX: 281-664-7850, particulates, penetration, contaminants, and other, SPX Process Equipment quality parameters.
Contact: Sls Mgr, Jerry Carter (div of SPX)
Provides high pressure hoses for waterblast SPX Flow Technology Segment Div Status Instruments Inc
cleaning, jet cutting, surface preparation, and flex 611 Sugar Creek Rd, Delavan, WI 53115, 456 Park Ave, Scotch Plains, NJ 07076,
lancing. Made of chemical-resistant thermoplastic 262-728-1900, toll-free: 800-252-5200, FAX: 800-700-3272, FAX: 800-700-5468,
and reinforced steel wire. Operating pressures 800-252-5012,,,
range from 10,000 to 50,000 psi, and ID sizes from Contact: Sls Mgr, Ed Grafstrom
1/8 to 1 in. Manufactures fluid solutions, metering and blending Supplies field and DIN rail mount temperature and
systems, pumps, mixers, valves, and fittings serving RH transmitters, plus signal conditioners and line,
the gas and oil industries, as well as after-market battery, and loop powered digital indicators and
support services. Brands serving the oil and gas isolators.
market include Bran+Luebbe, GD Engineering,
Johnson Pump, Lightnin, and Plenty Mixers.

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SymCom Inc

Stettler Oil & Gas Sub-one Technology Superior Technical Ceramics Corp
PO Box 652, Stettler, Alberta, Canada T0C 2L0, 4464 Willow Rd, Bldg 103, Pleasanton, CA 600 Industrial Park Rd, St Albans, VT 05478,
403-742-6686, FAX: 403-742-8225, 94588, 925-924-1020, FAX: 925-924-1025, 802-527-7726, FAX: 802-527-1181,
Contact: 403-266-4556, Sales,,
Offers low overhead, competitive purchasing, and Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Megan Paige
flexibility enabling us to offer a quality product at an Develops a method for depositing anticorrosive, Contact: Sls Mgr, Jeffery Brundage
economical price. The contractors we employ have super hard, smooth, pure films on the internal Manufactures custom-designed oxide-based
a combined total of over 100 years experience in surfaces of a spectrum of products, including technical ceramics for applications requiring
the oil and gas industry. All packaging and pipes, pumps, valves, vessels, cylinders, and more. extreme wear and corrosion resistance, high
construction is done under an ABSA registered QC This technology applies to any industry in which a temperature capability, and insulators for electrical
program. protective anticorrosive coating can produce resistance. Uses multiple forming and machining
substantial cost savings. methods to produce components to exacting
Stewart & Stevenson standards. Also stocks standard ceramic parts.
1000 Louisiana, Suite 5900, Houston, TX 77002, Sulzer Enpro Inc
713-751-2700, FAX: 713-751-2701, 1516 Engineers Rd, Belle Chasse, LA 70037, Sure Flow Products LLC, 504-392-1800, FAX: 504-392-2235, 28265 Beck Rd, Unit C-11, Wixom, MI 48393,, 248-380-3569, FAX: 248-380-3568,
Contact: VP, Dennis Weisgerber Supplies sales and service for Woodward,
Provides equipment and service to the oil and gas governors, TDI Air & Gas starters, Lincoln
industries, as well as others. Diversified product line Lubrication, and Altronic Instruments. Offers on-site Contact: Nat’l Sls Mgr, Marty Petrill
includes well stimulation equipment, workover, well inspection, overhaul, and troubleshooting services Provides flow instrumentation, including sight flow
servicing and drilling rigs, coiled tubing equipment, for rotating and reciprocating machinery. indicators, switches, transmitters, monitors,
power generation and electrical systems, as well as rotameters, and totalizers for use in applications of
engines, transmissions, and materials handling Sulzer Pumps Ltd oils, lubricants, solvents, paints, water, air, and
equipment. Zuercherstrasse 12, 8401 Winterthur, gases. Offer filtration products and new product
Switzerland, 41-52-262-3904, FAX: release monitors the amount of water in oil.
Stewart Tubular Products 41-52-262-0040,, Products are cost effective flow solutions for OEMs
1810 Afton St, Houston, TX 77055, and end users.
713-682-1486, FAX: 713-682-1489, Contact: Global Mktg Mgr, Claudia Proeger, Provides market-focused pumping solutions and services with a network of manufacturing and
Contact: Pres, Steve Samuel packaging facilities and sales offices and
Manufactures down hole tubular accessories, representatives in more than 150 countries. With
including pup joints, blast joints, flow couplings, more than 60 service centers worldwide, the
crossover connectors, and couplings. The company is able to consistently meet the changing
Swagelok Co
company also provides machining and threading demands of the petroleum market.
31500 Aurora Rd, Solon, OH 44139,
services, and is licensed to thread Hydril, VAM,
440-349-5934, FAX: 440-349-5843,
Tenaris, and API connections. Provide high quality SunGard,
products at competitive prices. 1331 Lamar St, 4 Houston Center, Suite 950,
Houston, TX 77010, 713-210-8000, FAX: Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Brent Baker
Storacall Teleacoustics Ltd 713-210-8001, Develops and provides fluid system solutions,
Cheltenham Trade Park Arle Rd, Cheltenham,, including products, assemblies and services
Glos, GL51 8LZ UK, 44-124-257-0995, FAX: for the chemical and petrochemical, oil and
44-124-222-6131,, Contact: Sr VP Mktg, Sharon Fortmeyer-Selan gas, sanitary, power generation and Offers help to energy companies; industrial and semiconductor industries. Manufacturing,
Contact: Dir, Richard Penney financial services to efficiently compete in global research and distribution facilities support a
Provides acoustic telephone hoods, cabinets, energy markets by streamlining and integrating the global network of more than 200 authorized
kiosks, and special environment phones. trading, risk management, and operations of sales and service centers in 57 countries.
physical commodities and their associated financial
Stork H&E Turbo Blading instruments. These solutions provide front to back
office support for management of transactions, SWEDPARTS HAMBURG
334 Comfort Rd, Ithaca, NY 13053, Oil Gas & Petrochem Div
607-351-7418, FAX: 607-277-1193, accounting, risks, logistics, and enterprise data.
Buchheisterstrasse 6, 20457 Hamburg, Germany,, 49-40-319-6028, FAX: 49-40-319-1395, Superbolt Inc,
Contact: Area Mgr, Joe Walker 1000 Gregg St, PO Box 683, Carnegie, PA Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Samir Hashem
Manufactures gas turbine compressor blades, 15106, 412-279-1149, toll-free: 800-345-2658, Specializes in the provision of system technologies
vanes, rotors, stators, IGV, and inlet guide vanes; FAX: 412-279-1185,, and integrated engineering supplies for offshore
steam turbine blades, buckets, rotors, and stators, and onshore, upstream, midstream, and
blower and axial fan and axial compressor blades. Contact: Pres, Robert Steinbock downstream operations, pertaining to the oil, gas,
All new OEM replacement parts faster and at less Manufactures patented multijackbolt tensioners and petrochemical industrial sectors and other
cost than OEM. Independent manufacturer ISO designed to eliminate unsafe and time consuming
related industrial sectors, providing technical
9001 and AS 9000. bolting methods. Only hand tools are required for equipment, components, accessories, spare parts,
installation and removal of any size tensioner. and expert services.
Stream-Flo USA
12777 Jones Rd, Suite 332, Houston, TX 77070, Superior Manufacturing & Hydraulics SymCom Inc
832-912-1022, FAX: 832-912-1151, (div of McCoy Corporation Co) 2880 N Plaza Dr, Rapid City, SD 57702,, 4225 Highway 90 E, Broussard, LA 70518, 605-348-5580, FAX: 605-348-5685,
Contact: US Mktg Mgr, John Brown 337-837-8847, FAX: 337-769-1268,,
Offers API 6D swing check valves from 2–48 in. and, Contact: Cust Svc, Warren Leopold
API 6D piston check valves from 2–12 in. The Provides products to monitor the power supply and
company also offers nonslam nozzle checks from Specializes in the design, manufacture, sale, and protect electric motors before damage occurs to
2–48 in. repair of hydraulic power equipment, including the windings of a compressor, pump, or other
tongs, backups, bucking units, and power units. motor. These products protect against damage
Also manufactures Grit Face dies and inserts, which from overvoltage, undervoltage, voltage unbalance,
can be custom designed to fit any corrosion single-phasing, phase reversal, overcurrent,
resistant alloy (CRA) handling tool. undercurrent, current unbalance, and ground fault.

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Symmetric Research

Symmetric Research T D Williamson Inc Tel-Tru Manufacturing Co

9805 NE 116th, #7407, Kirkland, WA 98034, 5727 S Lewis St, Suite 300, PO Box 3409, Tulsa, 408 St Paul St, Rochester, NY 14605,
702-341-9325,, OK 74101, 918-447-5383, FAX: 918-447-5050, 585-232-1440, toll-free: 800-232-5335, FAX: 585-232-3857,,
Contact: Prod Spec, Kip Wyss Designs, manufactures, and services engineered Contact: Sales
Manufactures high resolution data acquisition systems for monitoring, pigging, tapping, plugging, Manufactures and distributes instrumentation
equipment for the PC at reasonable prices. The and inspecting essential piping systems. Markets products, including bimetal thermometers, digital
PARxCH family of 24-bit A/D boards include one, its products and services through a global network thermometers, temperature and pressure
four, and eight channel models, sample from DC to of strategically located international service and/or transmitters, pressure gauges, and accessory
5 kHz, and come with acquisition software. manufacturing facilities in the United States, products that are designed and manufactured for
Terminal boards, amplifiers, and GPS timing units Belgium, England, India, and Singapore. worldwide distribution to industrial, OEM,
are also available. commercial, HVAC, and food service markets.
Technical Industries Inc
Synflex PO Box 5252, Lafayette, LA 70505, Terra Remote Sensing Inc
(div of Eaton Corp) 337-984-2000, 1962 Mills Rd, Sidney, British Columbia, Canada
115 Lena Dr, Aurora, OH 44202, 330-562-3838, V8L 5Y3, 250-656-0961, toll-free: 800-812-4212,
FAX: 330-995-5419,, FAX: 250-656-4604, Technical Toolboxes Inc,
Contact: Prod Mgr, Mike Rauh
3801 Kirby Dr, Suite 520, PO Box 980550,
Manufactures high pressure hoses and control Contact: VP Marine, Harry Olynyk
Houston, TX 77098, 713-630-0505, FAX:
umbilicals. The original thermoplastic hose and the Offers world-class technology for digital airborne
first to use planetary cabling for subsea mapping, geographical information systems,
applications. Innovator in 17E compliant hoses for hydrographic charting, and marine geophysical
Contact: Pres, Joe Summa
flying leads and workover bundles. surveying. The company provides digital mapping
Develops integrated software suites (“toolboxes”)
for engineering and technical professionals in the solutions for the linear engineering market through
Systech Instruments Ltd energy industry. The software provides technical powerful, proprietary hardware and software
17 Thame Park Business Centre, Wenman Rd, professionals with the tools they need to address packages.
Thame, OX9 3XA UK, 44-1844-216838, FAX: and solve the drilling, production, process, and
44-1844-217220,, pipeline problems they face every day. testo AG Testo-Strasse 1, PO Box 1140, 79853 Lenzkirch,
Contact: Sls Dir, Gerald Burr Tech Products Inc Germany, 49-7653-681-700, FAX:
Provides efficient and innovative solutions to many 49-7653-681-701,,
105 Willow Ave, Staten Island, NY 10305,
oxygen analysis and gas detection problems. The Develops, manufactures, calibrates, and distributes
718-442-4900, toll-free: 800-221-1311, FAX:
company has developed into a leading expert in portable electronic measuring instruments and
oxygen and moisture detection. probes for temperature, humidity, velocity,
Contact: Sls Mgr, Daniel O’Connor pressure/refrigeration, flue gas/emission, indoor air
System Improvements Inc Provides identification products to the petroleum quality, light/sound, water analysis,
238 S Peters Rd, Suite 301, Knoxville, TN 87923, industry since 1948, including Do-Not-Dig signs, rpm/endoscopy, and stationary measurement
423-539-2139, FAX: 865-539-4335, pipeline markers, and aerial observation markers, technology. Delivers worldwide via 25 subsidiaries, (A-Frames) for aboveground and underground and 50 sales representatives.
Specializes in TapRooT root cause analysis training. pipeline. Using the Everlast technology, the
The TapRooT system solves problems both company has made signs that are being used on Texas Engineering Systems
reactively and proactively. the Alaskan pipeline and on Tucson Electrical 3630 N Josey Ln, Suite 100, Carrollton, TX
power’s transmission towers. 75007, 972-395-2138, FAX: 972-395-2139,
T3 Energy Services,
7135 Ardmore St, Houston, TX 77054, Teledyne Hastings Instruments
713-996-4110, FAX: 713-440-3210, (div of Teledyne Technologies Inc) Contact: Inside, Billy Baker, PO Box 1436, Hampton, VA 23661-0436, Provides 3-D OAD, rapid prototyping and analysis
Contact: VP, James McMullan 757-723-6531, FAX: 757-723-3925, solutions to help engineers and designers create
Manufactures, remanufactures, and services drilling, better products. With 11 certified application
and production sector oilfield products within the oil engineers and training facilities in Houston, Dallas,
and gas industry. Products include a range of Contact: Dir Sls, Doug Baker Austin, Oklahoma City, Tulsa and Baton Rouge, we
pressure control, flow control, wellhead equipment, Designs and manufactures vacuum and mass flow have the knowledge, ability, and expertise to assist
and pipeline valves. Publicly traded on NASDAQ instrumentation. Products include the IGE-3000 Ion you.
(TTES). Gauge, Model 2002 OBE, the Model 2002, the
HPM 4/6, and the 760 Plus digital vacuum TGS Geological Products and Services
T 3 Energy Services controllers. Flow products include all-metal seal (div of TGS-NOPEC Geophysical Co)
7135 Ardmore St, Houston, TX 77054, massflow controllers, Metaline, and the 300 and 2500 Citywest Blvd, Suite 2000, Houston, TX
713-996-4110, FAX: 713-440-3210, 400 series, in both analog and digital formats. 77042-3035, 281-319-4944, toll-free:, 888-564-5463, FAX: 281-319-4945,

Contact: VP Sls, James McMullan Teledyne RD Instruments Inc,

Provides a broad range of oil field products and (div of Teledyne Technologies) Contact: Sls, Shawn Hanson
services primarily to customers in the drilling, 14020 Stowe Dr, Poway, CA 92064, Provides well data, with more than five million logs
completion of oil and gas wells, and the 508-539-6960, FAX: 858-842-2822, from more than 20 countries available online.
transportation and production of oil and gas., Thermafiber Inc
TCR Engineering Services Contact: Mktg/Comms Mgr, Margo Newcombe (div of TF Holding Corp)
Manufactures acoustic doppler current profilers 3711 Mill St, Wabash, IN 46992, 260-563-2111,
Plot No EL-182 MIDC-TTC Electronic Zone,
(ADCPs) and doppler velocity logs (DVLs). Offers toll-free: 888-834-2371, FAX: 260-563-8979,
Behind Nelco, Mhape, Mumbai, 400 710 India,
ease-of-use, reduced cost, and patented,
91-22-6516-8200, FAX: 91-22-2761-2044,
broadband technology; providing fast, accurate, Contact: Cust Rltns Mgr, Kim Driscoll,
high resolution water current profiling in every Manufactures mineral wool fiber in loose, blanket,
Contact: Dir Global Sls, Rohit Bafna
environment. board, block, and pipe section forms for
Provides mechanical testing, chemical analysis,
temperatures to 1900°F. Also distributes ceramic
positive material identification (PMI, including onsite
fiber in loose and blanket forms, as well as various
carbon detection). Non destructive testing (UT, DP,
acoustical insulation products.
MP, PT, automated UT using ToFD, helium leak
detection, ferrite measurement, portable hardness),
metallography, welder, qualification (as per ASTM,
ASME and API), RoHS compliance testing, in-situ

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TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools

Thermal Instrument Co Thompson Pump & Manufacturing Titan Technologies International Inc
217 Sterner Mill Rd, Trevose, PA 19053, (div of Corporate Headquarters) 9001 Jameel St, Suite 180, Houston, TX 77040,
215-355-8400, FAX: 215-355-1789, 4620 City Center Dr, PO Box 291370, Port 281-449-9994, toll-free: 866-345-8484, FAX:, Orange, FL 32129, 386-767-7310, toll-free: 281-449-9996,, 800-767-7310, FAX: 386-761-0362,
Contact: Sls Engr, Michael Fiantra, Contact: Sls Coord, Gary Piper
Manufactures thermal mass flowmeters and flow Offers sales and rentals of hydraulic torque
switches. Offers a full service manufacturer and provider of wrenches, pneumatic torque wrenches, electric
high quality engine-powered portable pumps, torque wrenches, hydraulic stud tensioners,
n Thermo Fisher Scientific pumping equipment, and engineering expertise for hydraulic power units, hydraulics nuts, flange
1410 Gillingham Lane, Sugar Land, TX 77478, the toughest dewatering, bypass, and emergency spreaders, nut splitters, sockets, and adapters.
713-272-2158, toll-free: 800-437-7979, FAX: pumping applications. The company sells and rents
713-272-4573, wet and dry prime trash pumps, sound attenuated TLV Corp
Manufactures analytical instruments electrical models, diaphragm pumps, hydraulic submersible
13901 S Lakes Dr, Charlotte, NC 28273,
measuring and testing equipment, electronic pumps, high pressure pumps, and wellpoint
704-597-9070, FAX: 704-583-1610,
and communication measuring and testing in- pumps.,
struments, geophysical and geotechnical in- Contact: Mktg/Adv, Melissa Morrow
struments, soil measuring equipment, rock 3PS Inc Offers a variety of products, including steam traps,
and strata measuring equipment, seismologi- 1300 Arrow Point Dr, Cedar Park, TX 78613, valves, condensate recovery systems, and
cal instruments, land surveying instruments, 512-610-5200, FAX: 512-610-5201, developments in measurement and control
hydrological instruments, and meteorological, equipment.
instruments. Manufactures load cells, specializing in force
(See ad p 19) measurement systems built to customer TMS Metalizing Systems Ltd
specifications. Typical applications include on- and
9619 Provost Rd, PO Box 2136, Silverdale, WA
ThermoProbe Inc offshore drilling, crane load monitoring, and other
98383, 360-692-6656,,
613 E Court St, Jackson, MS 39201, harsh environment applications. Also is a Mipeg
601-939-1831, FAX: 601-355-1831, distributor.
Contact: Pres, Dave Wixson, Manufactures and distributes thermal spray
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Ray Adams Th Wortelboer BV metalizing equipment worldwide, including arc
Manufactures intrinsically safe portable electronic PO Box 5, NL-6580 AA Malden, The Netherlands, spray, flame spray, plasma spray, and HVOF
thermometers (PETS) for petroleum gauging, 31-24-358-65-14, FAX: 31-24-358-70-79, systems. Offers the Bridemaster and Handi-Arc
hand-held precision digital thermometers for, systems, a variety of metallization systems,
laboratory, and ThermoTab gauging software for Contact: Export Mktg Mgr, Rob van der metalizing wire sales, consumable sales, and
Palm OS. Haijden training. Has been in business since 1988.
Manufactures heavy duty stationary pipe end
Thermo Scientific preparation machines for the pipe building industry, Tobul Accumulator Inc
(div of Process Instruments) for beveling thick-walled pipes and highly resistant
186 Accumulator St, Bamberg, SC 29003,
Material Characterization Business Unit Div materials e.q. duplex and Hastelloy. Wortelboer
803-245-5111, FAX: 803-245-2636,
25 Nimble Hill Rd, Newington, NH 03801, relies on 60 years of experience. The machines are,
800-258-0830, FAX: 603-436-8411, located on all major industrial areas in the oil and
Contact: Factory Sls Mgr, Mark S. West, gas industry around the world.
Provides custom engineered hydraulic piston accumulators to 20,000 psi MAWP, to 250 gallons;
Contact: Sls Mgr/Mats Characterization, John Tiancheng aviation purification gas bottles, bladder accumulators, and
Quigley equipments co ltd accessories, including safety shutoff valves for
Supports a range of industries with comprehensive No 1 Chuangye Rd, New & High Technology accumulators.
material characterization solutions; designed to Development Zone, Xinxiang, Henan, 453003
analyze and measure viscosity, elasticity, People’s Republic of China, 86-0373-352-0629,
processability, and temperature-related mechanical Topps Safety Apparel Inc
FAX: 86-373-352-0026,,
changes of plastics, food, cosmetics, 2516 E State Rd 14, PO Box 750, Rochester, IN
pharmaceuticals, and coatings, plus a variety of 46975, 800-348-2990, FAX: 574-223-8622,
Manufactures various filter elements for the
liquids and solids.,
petrochemical, chemical, oil and gas, water
treatment, steel, beverage, and more.
Contact: Sls/Cust Svc, Kathy Dehne
Thermo Scientific Niton Analyzers Manufactures flame resistant apparel, including
900 Middlesex Tpke, Bldg 8, Billerica, MA 01821, The Tintometer Ltd coveralls, shirts, pants, and jackets of Nomex,
978-670-7460, toll-free: 800-875-1578, FAX: The Colour Laboratory Div Indura, and Firewear.
978-670-7430,, Lovibond House, Solar Way, Solstice Park, Amesbury, Wiltshire, SP4 7SZ UK,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Tom Anderson 44-1980-664-800, FAX: 44-1980-625-412,
Provides various analyzers, including the Niton XL3,
800 Series XRF, that are purpose built for Contact: Gen Mgr, Marke Reid
demanding customer applications. Analyzers Manufactures Lovibond instruments and reference
provide fast, accurate performance for verification materials for color analysis of fuels, oils, waxes, and
of alloy composition within seconds. Increased petrochemicals according to color scales specified TorcUP Industrial Bolting Tools
productivity, along with power documentation and in ASTM methods, such as Saybolt, ASTM color, 1025 Conroy Pl, Easton, PA 18040,
reporting tools, make the XL3 Series analyzers an Platinum-Cobalt/APHA, Lovibond RYBN, IP Units, 610-250-5800, toll-free: 888-887-2871, FAX:
essential tool for today’s PMI inspector. and Gardner Color. The company offers a 610-250-2700,,
specialized color analysis service, available on a
Thern Inc test-by-test basis. Contact: Sales Manager
5712 Industrial Park Rd, PO Box 347, Winona, Designs and manufactures an advanced line
MN 55987, 507-454-2996, toll-free: Titanium Fabrication Corp of hydraulic bolting tools. Produces and sells
800-843-7648, FAX: 507-454-5282, 110 Lehigh Dr, Fairfield, NJ 07006, hydraulic and pneumatic torque wrenches,, 973-808-4966, FAX: 973-227-2141, hydraulic pumps, nutsplitters range of
Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Scott Thelen, readers, and impact sockets.
Provides products to lift it, lower it, move it, and pull Contact: Pres/CEO, Brent Willey
it. Manufactures heavy-duty air winches to 10 ton Designs and fabricates mechanical equipment
capacity and power winches to 100,000 lbs and made of high performance metals, primarily
hand winches as small as 500 lbs, also portable titanium. Serving the oil and gas, chemical, paper,
and fixed cranes. mining, and military industries.

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Tranter PHE Inc Tristone Capital

1900 Old Burk Hwy, PO Box 2289, Wichita Falls, 335 8th Ave SW, #2020, Calgary, Alberta,
TX 76307, 940-723-7125, FAX: 940-723-1131, Canada T2P 1C9, 403-294-9541, FAX:, 403-294-9543,
Contact: Jody Stonecipher Contact: Chmn/Pres/CEO, George Gosbee
Provides a global heat transfer company with Provides fully integrated, comprehensive
representatives worldwide. The company has been investment banking, acquisitions and divestitures,
22707 Encinitas Cove Ct, Tomball, TX 77375,
at the forefront of plate heat exchanger technology and global equity capital markets services.
713-502-4550, toll-free: 888-502-9679, FAX:
for more than 70 years, offering proprietary Founded in 2000, the company has more than 170
products and components for industrial and employees with offices in five locations worldwide.
commercial applications around the world.
Contact: Reg Mgr, Pete Fuller
Delivers bolt working solutions, as well as Trumbull Industries
turnkey bolting services performed by TRC Consultants LC 1040 N Meridian Rd, PO Box 1556, Youngstown,
competent, specially trained bolting (div of PHDWin) OH 44501, 330-270-7800, toll-free:
technicians. Products and services insure the 5806 Mesa, Suite 215, Austin, TX 78731, 800-677-1799, FAX: 330-270-3090,
fasteners are worked in a safe and controlled 888-248-8062,,
manner, in any bolted connection. Contact: VP, Sam H. Miller
Contact: Sls/Mktg, Amy Robertson Offers chainwheels in ductile iron and stainless
Provides economic and decline curve analysis steel. Type 316 stainless chainwheels are ideal in
Toromont Energy Systems program written by petroleum engineers for corrosive environments such as saltwater and
10121 Barlow Trail NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada Microsoft Windows operating systems. The solution outdoor installations. Available with safety cable
T3J 3C6, 403-291-3438, FAX: 403-291-0158 for engineers, geologists, consultants, and restraints. Universal design allows chainwheels to
Contact: Sls Mgr, Damian Saunders executives who need a complete decline analysis either be clamped to valve handwheel or mounted
Offers a source for natural gas compression, and economics system. This power program directly to valve shaft. Established in 1922.
process, CO2, and refrigeration systems. Delivers integrates interactive decline curve and more.
complete compression and process system
TSEC - Tito Silveira Engenharia e
solutions worldwide. Trelleborg CRP Inc Consultoria Ltda
(div of Trelleborg Engineered Systems) Rua Couto de Magalhaes 744-Benfica, Rio de
Total Separation Solutions LLC 1902 Rankin Rd, Houston, TX 77073, Janeiro, 20930-090 Brazil, 55-21-3860-6739,
6650 W Sam Houston Pkwy N, Suite 450, 281-774-2600, FAX: 281-774-2626, FAX: 55-21-2580-6936,,
Houston, TX 77041, 832-467-3400,,, Contact: Eng DSc, Tito Luiz da Silveira
Provides adaptive drilling solutions by integrating Contact: Sr Sls Mgr, Doug Marti Provides consulting and engineering solutions for
engineering, experience, and execution with Designs, manufactures, and supplies engineered life assesment and integrity evaluation
proprietary Contender fluids and patented solutions for demanding environments with management; mechanical analysis and design;
technology to deliver the benefits of reduced costs, employees who are dedicated to customer service, compliance on Brazilian mandatory standards;
enhanced production, shortened time to problem solving, and innovation. failure analysis and prevention; materials
production, and minimal impact on the characterization; nondestructive evaluation and
environment. Services include water treatment, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions inspection; and field and laboratory metallography.
filtration, evaporation, and recycling.
2531 Bremer Rd, Ft Wayne, IN 46803,
260-749-9631, FAX: 260-749-4844, TT Technologies Inc
Tower Solutions, 2020 E New York St, Aurora, IL 60502-9515,
9814 N 83rd Pl, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, 630-851-8200, toll-free: 800-533-2078, FAX:
480-315-8830, FAX: 480-315-8833, Contact: Oil/Gas Segment Mgr, Eric Bucci 630-851-8299,, Provides an international network of more than 60 Contact: Cust Svc Mgr, Mike Patton facilities worldwide, including 32 manufacturing Provides trenchless underground equipment
Contact: Pres, Allen Karson sites, strategically-positioned materials and manufacturer of Grundomat piercing tool,
Creates self-erecting, totally automatic development laboratories, and design and Grundoram pipe rammers, Grundocrack pipe
multifunctional mobile towers providing quality application centers. The company provides more bursting equipment, Grundoburst pipe splitting and
solutions to user issues of needed height. Dedicated than 40,000 sealing and polymer products for lateral bursting equipment, Grundodrill 4X
to providing quality solutions to issues of needed aerospace, automotive, and industrial sealing and directional boring, and HDD assist.
height and easy-to-do business with every activity. bearing systems to customers worldwide.
Tube Tech International Ltd
TRADION OIL & GAS W/A PLC T-Rex Subsea 14 Rawreth Industrial Estate, Rawreth Ln,
Marketing Div (div of Texas ReExcavation LLC) Rayleigh, Essex, SS6 9RL UK, 44-1268-786999,
203 PTI Rd, Effurun, Warri, Delta State, 330003 3025 Maxroy, Houston, TX 77008, 713-783-3363, FAX: 44-1268-786998,,
Nigeria, 234-009-046-250909, toll-free: 800-865-3131, FAX: 713-586-0520,,, Contact: Man Dir, Mike Watson Provides turnkey product solutions, design and Specializes in cleaning services for heat
Contact: Man Dir, Nsionu Albert Onuorah development services, and custom fabricated exchangers, WHRUs, Texas towers, catalytic

Markets crude oil, representing different oil groups products for the offshore petroleum industry. reactors, and other items of up and downstream
and can also take up appointment as refinery Provides services from conceptual design through infrastructure. Provides a convention challenging
mandate/commission agent capable of sourcing equipment delivery starting or stopping at any point approach and ability to solve cleaning problems
product from genuine links. Also welcomes in between. Maintains comprehensive HSE/QA/QC that have defeated other companies. World leaders
investors for partnerships. programs ensuring safety and specification in the effective use of high pressure and ultrahigh
compliance. pressure water jetting.
Traeger Brothers & Associates Inc
PVF Div Tri-mer Corp
12405 SW 130th St, Miami, FL 33186, PO Box 730, Owosso, MI 48867, 989-723-7838,
305-371-5551, FAX: 305-371-8808,, Contact: Sls Eng, Todd Ainsworth
Contact: CEO/Pres, Howard Traeger Offers air pollution control systems consisting of
Addresses industrial concerns worldwide, stocking engineering, design, sales, and manufacturing.
Kitz valves, Smith valves, stud bolts, gaskets,
Weldbend fittings, and other items in several
Caribbean warehouses. Offers emergency service,
and features a sales staff with 50 years of
combined industrial supply experience. The
company specializes in creative solutions to
complex material supply problems.

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Universal Industries

Tuff-N-Nuff Pipeline Rockshield TURCK GmbH & Co Kg Ultra Check Inc

(div of Greenstreak Inc) Witzlebenstrasse 7, D-45472 Mulheim, Germany, 1575 Main St, Unit 6, Atlantic Beach, FL 32233,
3400 Tree Court Industrial Blvd, St Louis, MO 49-208-4952-0, FAX: 49-208-4952-264, 904-270-2709,,
63122, 636-861-0443, FAX: 800-325-3603,,, Contact: Prod Mgmt Process Automation, Ray
Contact: Mkt Leader, Robin E. Seils Kromhout Umicore Precious Metals Refining
Provides a blanket of protection for underground Provides effective product solutions for almost any A Greinerstraat 14, B-2660 Hoboken, Belgium,
pipelines and fiberoptic services. The company’s kind of application. TURCK has been a master of 32-3-821-7480, FAX: 32-3-821-7807,
design compliments CP systems without trapping innovation, dedicated to fulfill the diverse needs of,
water against the pipe. Patented layered filaments industrial automation. Offers versatile product
of flexible PVC plastic absorb shock during range, compromising sensors, interfaces and Contact: Comms Mgr, Marjolein Scheers
backfilling and provide long-term abrasion fieldbus technology products. Recycles precious metal bearing material.
Twister B V Union Wire Rope
Tufport Industries Ltd Einsteinlaan 10, 2289 CC Rijswijk, The (div of WireCo WorldGroup)
3551 River Rd W, Delta, British Columbia, Netherlands, 31-70-300-2222, FAX: 12200 NW Ambassador Dr, Kansas City, MO
Canada V4K 3N2, 604-946-0033, toll-free: 31-70-300-2200,, 64163-1244, 816-270-4826, FAX: 816-270-4707,
800-887-6288, FAX: 604-946-0522,,, Contact: Sls Dir, Hugh Epsom
Contact: Pres, Jeff Engelland Develops and markets gas treatment packages for Contact: Dir Oilfield Prod, Wayne Anderson
Manufactures only Transport Canada approved the oil and gas industry based around unique Manufactures wire rope worldwide. The company is
roll-over Mobile Treatment Center and Emergency proprietary supersonic technology. This technology the only major wire rope manufacturer in the world
Transport Vehicle; off-road ambulances. A cost enables high efficiency gas conditioning using to be API certified, QPL qualified, and
effect solution to providing safety on the work site compact, unmanned units with no moving parts, ISO-9001:2000 registered.
and patient transport. Easily mounted on any full chemical usage, or emissions.
size pick-up truck and may be transfered to other
vehicles. United Filtration Systems Inc
TXCO Resources Inc 6558 Diplomat Dr, Sterling Heights, MI 48314,
777 E. Sonterra Blvd, Suite 350, San Antonio, TX 586-802-5561, toll-free: 800-311-5561, FAX:
Tulsa Power 78258, 210-496-5300, FAX: 210-496-3232, 586-802-5562,,
913 N Wheeling, Tulsa, OK 74110,,
281-687-3693, FAX: 281-403-4927, Offers an oil and gas enterprise with interests in the Contact: Prod Mgr, Dirk Loveland, Maverick Basin, the onshore Gulf Coast and Marfa Supplies UFS, headline, and onstream filters for Basin of Texas and western Oklahoma. The sample process, instrumentation, liquid, vacuum,
Contact: Dir Bus Dev, Vinod Shirhatti company has had a long term growth in proved oil CNG, and other applications. The filters come in a
Designs and builds a range of coiling and material and gas reserves, leasehold acreage, production, variety of materials, pressure ratings, and micron
handling solutions for the pipe, conduit, hose, and and cash flow through established exploration and efficiencies to cover a spectrum of requirements.
tubing Markets. Solutions are available for winding development programs. The new Guardian membrane filters, Fast Loop, SS
material onto reels/spools or onto coils (stretch mini drain, and SP76 are compliant housings.
wrapped or banded). Both on and offline coilers Tyco Flow Control
have been built for material ranging from 1/4 in. Tyco International Div
(6.35 mm) tubing through 10 in. (254 mm) pipe. United Pipeline Systems
10707 Clay Rd, Houston, TX 77041, (sub of Insituform)
713-986-4665, 135 Turner Dr, Durango, CO 81303,
Tulsa Power LLC Manufactures and markets valves, actuators, and 970-259-0354, FAX: 970-259-0356,
3647 Heritage Colony Dr, Missouri City, TX controls, providing products, services, and,
77459, 281-687-3693, FAX: 281-403-4927, solutions for challenging applications. Delivers high, quality products in the oil and gas, power, Contact: Sls Dir, Jim Schmitz chemical, pharmaceutical, mining, marine, nuclear, Provides high density polyethylene (HDPE) lining
Contact: Dir Sls/Mktg, Vinod Shirhatti and food and beverage markets. system for protecting 2 to 52 in. diameter pipelines
Provides spooling applications, drill line spoolers, from abrasion and corrosion. The company has the
wireline units, deep wall reels, multipurpose trailers, TYDUS Maintenance Supply Inc trained manpower, specialized equipment, and
umbilical reels, winches, raw water reels, spooling PO Box 6439, Innisfail, Alberta, Canada T4G IT2, worldwide expertise to rehabilitate and protect new
decks, truck/trailer mounted ESP, bulk loading 403-651-4627, toll-free: 800-667-7930, FAX: and existing pipelines both onshore and offshore.
stations, coiled pipe drives, measuring accessories, 403-206-7005,,
and level wind mechanisms; IWOCS. Contact: Pres, Bill Kirk Universal Industries
Manufactures the WAMCO polished rod spacer 5014-65 St, Lloydminster, Alberta, Canada T9V
TURBOCAM International system. Respace the downhole pump or tap 2K2, 780-875-6161, FAX: 780-875-6169,
288 Route 125, PO Box 830, Barrington, NH bottom in minutes from the ground–no clamps
03825-0830, 603-905-0315, toll-free: moved–no climbing. Spacers are manufactured Contact: Sales
800-791-0133, FAX: 603-905-0211, from aluminum alloy. Engineer tested for safety. Offers a full line of oil and gas processing, equipment, including shop tanks, field tanks, flash
Contact: Sls Mgr, William Cole UE Systems Inc treaters, process vessels and steam generators and
Has provided more than 100 single- and 14 Hayes St, Elmsford, NY 10523, 914-592-1220, are supported by an experienced engineering,
multispindle five-axis milling machines at 11 toll-free: 800-223-1325, FAX: 914-347-2181, drafting and design team. Dedicated to
locations on four continents producing more than, manufacturing each and everyone of our products
one million bladed parts per year. The company Contact: VP Sls, Gary Mohr under the same strict quality control processes of
specializes in prototype and production Provides ultrasonic instruments for condition ASME certified pressure vessels and API tanks.
manufacture of impellers and other bladed monitoring and energy conservation applications,
components to 1100 mm for industrial, automotive, including leak detection, mechanical inspection,
and aerospace applications. condition-based lubrication, and electrical
inspection. Hand-held, analog, and digital models,
with on-board sound recording and Data Logging;
spectral analysis and data management software.
Some models rated intrinsically safe.

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Universal Silencer

Vacon Oyj Ventyx

Runsorintie 7, 65380 Vaasa, Finland, 3301 Windy Ridge Pkwy, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA
358-201-212-1, FAX: 358-201-212-205, 30339, 770-952-8444, toll-free: 800-868-0497,, FAX: 770-989-4231,,
Contact: Product Mgr/Dir Liquid Cooled,
Jussi-Pekka Sampola Contact: Jan Cook
Universal Silencer
Creates, develops, and provides AC drives Provides best-of-breed business solutions,
(sub of Global Headquarters)
worldwide. Offers AC drives in the power range of delivering asset management, mobile workforce
1925 Highway 51/138, PO Box 411, Stoughton,
0.25 kW to 5 MW. They can be used to control the management, customer care, energy trading and
WI 53589, 608-873-4272, toll-free:
speed of electric motors used by industry and risk management, energy operations, and energy
888-300-4270, FAX: 608-873-4298,
municipal engineering, and in power generation analytics solutions to more than 900 energy, utility,
using renewable energy. Solutions represent clean and communications customers, as well as to
technology. Since 1993. asset-intensive customers in selected commercial
Designs and manufactures acoustic and
emission technologies. With operations
throughout the world, standard and Vallourec & Mannesmann Tubes
customized systems are provided wherever Theodarstr 90, 40472 Duesseldorf, Germany, Veolia ES Industrial Services Inc
our customers projects are located; reducing 49-211-960-0, FAX: 49-211-960-2267, 2525 S Shore Blvd, Suite 410, League City, TX
complexity and costs. Engine and vent, 77573, 713-307-2160, FAX: 713-207-7622,
silencers and generator exhaust after Contact: HoD Proj Line Pipe, Werner Nöller,
treatment compliance products. Manufactures seamless hot rolled steel tubes. A Provides full service turnkey industrial cleaning,
large range of seamless steel tube sizes and has an mechanical, and maintenance services, and
annual output to three million tons. environmental waste management solutions. The
UOP company’s Special Services Group delivers
(div of Honeywell International) emergency response, high hazard response, inland
25 E Alonquin Rd, Des Plaines, IL 60017-5017,
Van Air Inc
Van Gas Technologies Div and offshore marine diving, ROV services, and
847-391-2000, FAX: 847-391-2253, abatement and remediation services.
2950 Mechanic St, Lake City, PA 16423,,
814-774-2631, toll-free: 800-840-9906, FAX:
Delivers cutting-edge technology to the petroleum
refining, gas processing, petrochemical production,
814-774-0778,, Veris Inc 6315 Monarch Park Pl, Niwot, CO 80503,
and major manufacturing industries. Offerings
Contact: Mktg Svcs, Kat Yonko 303-652-8550, toll-free: 877-837-4700, FAX:
include licensed processes, catalysts, molecular
Provides dehydrator production units that meet gas 303-652-8552,,
sieve adsorbents, and key mechanical equipment
specifications without BTEX emissions.
supported by an array of engineering and technical
Environmentally friendly units have a low operating Contact: VP Oper, John Good
cost and offer consistent performance at variable Provides accurate measurement in gases, liquids,
flows and pressures. Originator of desiccant and steam. The new Accelabar combines two
UPCO Inc dehydration technology. differential pressure technologies to produce
24403 AMAH Pkwy, PO Box 725, Claremore, OK operating ranges never before attainable in a single
74018-0725, 918-342-1270, toll-free: Varel International flowmeter; capable of generating high DP for
888-364-8726, FAX: 918-341-1278, measuring flow at high turndowns with no straight
1434 Patton Pl, Suite 106, Carrollton, TX 75007,, run requirements.
972-242-1160, toll-free: 888-273-5334, FAX:
Contact: VP Sls, Darla Bugg
Provides research and development of products to
ensure full utilization of its design capabilities and Veritech Software LLC
Contact: VP Sls NW Hemisphere, William 526 Kingwood Dr, Suite 259, Kingwood, TX
enhancement in severe applications. Evolved into a
Burton 77339, 866-904-8220, FAX: 866-904-8220,
company respected for commitment to the industry
Manufactures and sells PDC and roller cone drill,
with ongoing design and performance projects to
bits to the global oil and gas industry. The company
allow companies a choice.
specializes in supplying application-specific Produces desktop reference software for use by
products to customers, with a commitment to technical professionals in the energy and chemical
US Tsubaki quality, performance, and value. Products are industry.
Industrial Products Div available in sizes ranging from 2-7/8 in. to 36 in.
301 E Marquardt Dr, Wheeling, IL 60090,
847-459-9500, FAX: 847-459-9520, VERSABAR Inc
Varna Products TRC 11349 FM529, Houston, TX 77041,
Contact: Prod Mgr, George Basel 4350 Business Dr, Cameron Park, CA 95682, 713-937-3100, FAX: 713-937-7222,
Manufactures power transmission products, 530-676-7770, toll-free: 888-676-7770, FAX:,
including roller chains, engineering class chains, 530-676-7796,, Provides design, testing, rental and delivery of
sprockets, shock relays, and other miscellaneous spreader bars, slings, shackles and custom lift
PT components. Contact: Inside Sls, Tiffany McAchran systems. In response to customer needs, provides
Manufactures industrial pre-lube pumps. custom hydraulic winch-based pulling/lifting
systems supporting marine construction projects.
UTC Overseas Integrates engineering, planning, custom
Velan Valve Corp

1235 North Loop W, Suite 1200, Houston, TX fabrication, equipment rental and field personnel to
77008, 713-869-9939, FAX: 713-869-9995, 94 Avenue C, Williston, VT 05495, 514-748-7743,
FAX: 514-748-8635,, provide solutions to challenging projects.,
Contact: VP, Marco Poisler Contact: VP US Sls S/W, Charles Pogue VersaTube Building Systems
Provides resources and expertise to move anything Manufactures industrial valves, offering complete (Sub of Mid-South Metal Products Inc)
in the world, regardless of size, weight or valve solutions for the oil and gas industry, 50 Eastley St, Collierville, TN 38017,
complexity. Your critical timelines and budget including onshore and offshore production, 901-854-6855, toll-free: 800-900-7222, FAX:
parameters are our in-house transportation and pipelines, refining, and petrochemicals and LNG. 901-854-6878,,
logistics professionals guidelines. You consistently
get the professionalism and reliability you demand Contact: Bus Dev Mgr, Tom Neeley
for your large project transportation and logistics Manufactures pre-engineered steel frame systems
requirements. for residential, agricultural, commercial, and light
industrial building and shelter applications. Offers
engineering and design services for sun shields,
well pump covers, metering facility shelters,
compressor sheds, and custom structures for the
oil, gas, and liquid pipeline industry. Patented
“Slip-Fit” frame connections simplify assembly and
reduce construction time.

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Wanner Engineering Inc

Vibralign Inc Voith Industrial Services Engineering Wabash Power Equipment Co

530g Southlake Blvd, Richmond, VA 23236, GmbH 444 Carpenter Ave, Wheeling, IL 60090,
804-379-2250, FAX: 804-379-0189, (sub of Voith AG) 847-541-5600, FAX: 847-541-1279,, Voith Industrial Services Div,
Contact: Amy Newcomb Kreuzholzstr 7, 67069 Ludwigshafen, Germany,
Helps maintenance teams develop and maintain 49-621-66008-80, FAX: 49-621-66008-51, Contact: Pres, Richard Caitung
precision augment standards. Today fields a team, Offers three modern facilities to provide customers
of sales and customer service personnel providing with a range of power equipment and services,
professional alignment tools, training, and Contact: Man Dir, Michael O. Haid including: package boilers; rental boilers and
expedient repair and calibration services. Operates Offers consulting, engineering, construction, and electric generators; diesel, gas, and steam turbine
as the U.S. distributor of the Fixturlaser Laser maintenance services for the oil, gas, refining, generator units; pulverizing mills and accessories;
Alignment systems. chemical, pharmaceutical, and power industries. auxiliary equipment, and spare parts.
Fields of competence include project management,
Victor Lighting process design, plant safety, basic and detail E H Wachs Co
engineering, construction supervision, and
(div of Hubbell Ltd) 600 Knightsbridge Pkwy, Lincolnshire, IL 60069,
maintenance planning. Also offers industrial IT
PO Box 551, Glasgow, G52 9AH UK, 847-537-8800, FAX: 847-520-1168,
applications, including regulating and component
44-141-882-5555, FAX: 4-141-883-3704,,
modules for SCADA systems, migration software, Contact: Mktg Dir, John Geis
solutions, and more. Manufactures field portable pipe cutting, drilling,
Manufactures and distributes hazardous area and flange facing, and weld prep machine tools, in
industrial area luminaires. Hazardous area range is Voith Turbo BHS Getriebe GmbH addition to hand-held, truck, and trailer mounted
certified to comply with the latest ATEX directive. In Hans-Boeckler-Strasse 7, 87527 Sonthofen, valve exercisers and vacuum evacuators. Serving
addition, a number of products are certified as part Germany, 49-8321-802-0, FAX: the energy industry since 1883 and sold
of the IEC Ex scheme and under Russian (GOST), 49-8321-802-685,, internationally, the company offers equipment and
Thai (TIS), and Chinese (GB) standards. complete support.
Contact: VP Sls, Jean-Claude Debout
Videx Inc Offers a spectrum of power transmission products WAGO Corp
to meet the needs of the oil and gas industry for
1105 NE Circle Blvd, Corvallis, OR 97330, N120 W19129 Freistadt Rd, PO Box 1015,
upstream, midstream, and downstream
541-758-0521, FAX: 541-752-5285, Germantown, WI 53022, 262-255-6222, toll-free:
applications. Manufactures gear boxes, spare, 800-346-7245, FAX: 262-255-3232,
parts, high speed couplings, and rotor turning units.
Contact: Sls Channel Mgr, Tish Phillips,
Has been manufacturing turbo gears for more than
Designs and manufactures CyberLock electronic Contact: Mktg Mgr, Dean Norton
75 years.
padlocks. The padlocks, tough and intelligent, Provides Spring Pressure Connection Technology
cannot be picked, and the electronic keys cannot SALES OFFICES: that eliminates loose wires resulting caused by
be duplicated. Both the padlock and key store a Voith Turbo Inc vibration and temperature cycling. Innovations such
record of openings and denied entries. Each user’s Cincinnati, OH 513-797-8101, FAX: as the Cage Clamp provide corrosion-resistant and
key can be programmed to access selected 513-797-8103,, maintenance-free connections. The company’s
padlocks during certain days/times. product lineup includes: terminal blocks (DIN rail,
Voith Turbo Ltd Middle East chassis, and PUB), relays, power supplies, Wago
Viking Life Saving Equipment Sharjah, United Arab Emirates I/O-system, and more.
1400 NW 159th St, Suite 101, Miami, FL 33169, 971-6-557-0994, FAX: 971-6-557-0996,
305-614-6652, FAX: 305-614-6653,, Wahlcometroflex Inc 29 Lexington St, Lewiston, ME 04240,
Contact: Sls Dir, Keld Valentin 207-784-2338, FAX: 207-784-1338,
Designs, develops, manufactures, sells, and Vooner FloGard Corp,
maintains maritime evacuation systems, maritime 4729 Stockholm Ct, Charlotte, NC 28273,
liferafts, MOB boats, and personal protective and 704-552-9314, toll-free: 800-345-7879, FAX: Designs and manufactures dampers and expansion
safety equipment. ISO 9001 certified. Quality 704-554-8230,, joints (metallic and fabric). With more than 50 years
certified according to international DS/EN ISO of experience, the company has the track record of
9001: 2000. Contact: Sls/Mktg Mgr, Vince Visconti product performance and reliability.
Manufactures liquid ring vacuum pumps and
Viking Pump Inc compressors that are used in petroleum and Walchem Corp
A Unit of IDEX Corp chemical refining processes. Applications include; 5 Boynton Rd, Holliston, MA 01746,
406 State St, PO Box 8, Cedar Falls, IA 50613, evaporation, fermentation, distillation, dehydration, 508-429-1110, FAX: 508-429-7433,
319-266-1741, FAX: 319-273-8157, solvent recovery, and vacuum separation. Bronze,, or stainless-steel vacuum pumps and compressors Contact: Cust Svc Mgr, Tom Malcolm
Contact: Prod Mgr, Jim Albaugh are ideally suited to handle applications where Manufactures controllers, metering pumps,
Provides positive displacement pumping solutions explosive or corrosive gases are present. sensors, and accessories. Offers more than 50
for industrial, OEM, and sanitary applications. years of experience with a commitment to quality
Vulcascot Ltd and ingenuity.
Viper Supply LLC Gatwick Gate, Lowfield Heath, Crawley, West
PO Box 1722, Metairie, LA 700001-172, Sussex, RH11 OTG UK, 44-1293-560-130, FAX: Wanner Engineering Inc
504-212-8473, FAX: 504-217-8073, 44-1293-537-743,, Hydra-Cell Div, 1204 Chestnut Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403,
Manufactures OCTG, casing, tubing, line pipe, Distributes sheet plastics, industrial laminates, and 612-332-5681, FAX: 612-332-6937,
A106, and API 5CT. all types of engineering plastics. Also manufactures,
and distributes a range of floor-laid flexible cable Provides positive displacement hydraulically
voestalpine Tubulars GmbH & Co KG protectors. balanced diaphragm metering pumps, peristalic
Alpinestrasse 17, A-8652 Kindberg, Austria, hose pumps, nonmetallic ANSI mag-drive, and
43-50304-23-0, FAX: 43-50304-63-531, mechanically sealed centrifugal pumps.,
Furnishes its customers with seamless tubular
products. Produces seamless steel pipes with an
outside diameter to 177.8 mm (7 in.), manufactured
in API or special grades, with API or premium
connections. Heavy upset pipe available upon

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Wärtsilä Finland Oy

Wärtsilä Finland Oy Wellstream International Ltd WFN Strategies

(sub of Wärtsilä Corp) Wellstream House, Wincomblee Rd, Walker 21495 Ridgetop Cir, Suite 201, Sterling, VA
Power Plants Div Riverside, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, NE6 3PF UK, 20166, 703-444-2527, FAX: 703-349-5562,
Tarhaajantie 2, PO Box 252, FI-65100 Vasa, 44-191-295-9000, FAX: 44-191-295-9001,,
Finland, 358-10-709-0000, FAX: 358-6-356-9133,, Contact: Man Dir, Wayne Nielsen Contact: Sr VP/Pres NA, Steve Pywell Provides telecommunications engineering for
Contact: Gen Mgr, Ralf Stoor Provides quality spoolable pipeline products, remote and unique communications requirements,
Supplies power plants, pump units, and systems, and solutions to the oil and gas industry. including submarine and terrestrial optical cable,
compressor drivers based on diesel and gas Current portfolio includes offshore dynamic flexible microwave, mobile/WiMAX, satellite, and RF
reciprocation engines manufactured by Wärtsilä. risers and static flowlines for use to 2000 m WD, technologies for oil and gas clients. Supports RFP
Engines can use various fuel types: HFO, LFO, onshore flowlines (FlexSteel) suited to all onshore efforts for telecommunications services and the
crude oil, biofuels, and natural and associated conditions, and high temperature/high pressure physical deployment and develops the standards
gasses. Has engineering and project managment products for drilling and service applications. for system design, construction, and maintenance.
capabilities to deliver on equipment or EPC basis.
SALES OFFICES: Wellstream Australia Pty Ltd Wilco Industries Ltd
Wärtsilä North America Inc Perth, Australia 61-8-9278-2437, FAX: PO Box 309, Neilburg, Saskatchewan, Canada
Houston, TX 77032 281-233-6213, FAX: 61-8-9278-2727,, S0M 2C0, 306-823-4949, FAX: 306-823-4950,
281-233-6233,, Wellstream Canada Ltd Contact: Sales
Calgary, Alberta, Canada 403-261-8873, FAX: Manufactures storage tanks for the oilfield industry,
Weatherford Pipeline and Specialty 403-269-3287,, located on 10 acres of land in Neilburg,
Services Saskatchewan, 80 km southeast of Lloydminster,
the company has over 14,000 sq. ft. of shop space
7721 Pinemont Dr, Houston, TX 77040, Wellstream International Ltd and is capable of building tanks up to 32 in tall. The
713-580-9747, FAX: 713-580-9797, Houston, TX 713-431-0900, FAX: company builds all sizes of tanks., 713-431-0880,,
Contact: Global Sls/Mktg, Patti L. Meyer Wilks Enterprise Inc
Wellstream do Brasil Industria & Servicos
Offers services used throughout the lifecycle of 140 Water St, South Norwalk, CT 06854,
pipelines and process facilities. Pipeline services 203-855-9136, FAX: 203-838-9868,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 55-21-2107-6500, FAX:
include cleaning, filling, testing, dewatering, drying,,
nitrogen purging, inspection, and rehabilitation. Contact: VP Mktg, Carol K. Tunick
Process services include leak detection, vacuum Manufactures a variety of mid-IR instrumentation
drying, bolting, chemical cleaning, and pneumatic Wellstream International Ltd for on-site measurements, including the hand-held
and hydraulic pressure testing of HP pipework. Denver, CO 303-537-4606, FAX: InfraSpec VFA spectrometer for various biofuel
303-357-4623,, analyses; the InfraRan specific vapor analyzer for on-site measurement of specific gases; and the
Weatherford Production Optimization
(div of Weatherford International) InfraCal TOG/TPH analyzers for oil/grease
Production Optimization Div Western Land Services Inc measurement of produced water, wastewater, and
22001 North Park Dr, Kingwood, TX 77339, Corporate Headquarters Div soil samples.
281-348-1000, FAX: 281-348-1280, 1100 Conrad Industrial Dr, Ludington, MI 49431,, 231-843-8878, toll-free: 800-968-4840, FAX: William Frick & Co 231-843-3183,, 2600 Commerce Dr, Libertyville, IL 60048,
Contact: VP Mktg/Commercialization, Karl 847-918-3700, FAX: 847-918-3701,
Sakocius Contact: Dept Mgr, Jim Welch,
Provides real-time production optimization Serves the oil and gas industry. Offers leasing, Contact: Mktg Mgr, Andrew Magnuson
solutions for flowing wells and all forms of artificial abstract preparation, title, curative, landowner Specializes in durable and hard-to-produce labels,
lift. Helps operators increase production rates and negotiation and liaison, project design and decals, signs, and markers. Creates products and
reduce operating costs. Solutions include artificial management, land surveying, water management, prototypes for pipeline companies, utilities, and
lift optimization, control systems and subsea, cultural and natural resources, GIS, and other major manufacturers worldwide. A line of outdoor
reservoir monitoring, software and flow metering. mapping, premitting, and regulatory compliance. durable markers, signs, posts, tags, and labels can
Each of the systems provide benefits alone, but SALES OFFICES: be viewed at the company’s website.
coupled together create customized, Western Land Services Inc-Regional Office
comprehensive optimization solutions. Richfield, UT 435-896-5501, FAX:
WEG Electric Corp Western Land Services Inc-Regional Office
1327 Northbrook Pkwy, Suite 490, Suwanee, GA Sheridan, WY 307-673-1817, FAX:
30024, 678-249-2000, toll-free: 800-275-4934, 307-673-1823,, Western Land Services Inc Regional Office
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Gerardo Elias Williams Milton Roy
Blairsville, PA 724-459-8171, FAX: 201 Ivyland Rd, Ivyland, PA 18974,
Provides solutions to industrial electrical 724-459-8173, 215-293-0415, FAX: 215-293-0498,

technologies, offering a diverse and integrated

product line that includes motors, drives, controls, Western Land Services Inc Regional Office,
transformers, and generators. An industrial electric Clinton, AK 501-745-8834, FAX:
motor manufacturer in the Americas electric motors 501-745-8841, Contact: Prod Mgr, Coogan Cameron
in the world producing more than 10 million units Offers pneumatic pumps that are
annually. Westmark Bv ATEX-approved and designed specifically for
the harshest environments in the oil, gas and
Postbus 82, 3930 EB Woudenberg, The
petrochemical industries. The pumps
Netherlands, 31-33-461-48-44, FAX:
accurately inject chemicals, such as
methanol, corrosion, paraffin or scale
inhibitors, H2S scavengers and more, in all
Produces CABLESAFE, an “S” shaped hook made
phases of production both onshore and
out of very strong nonconductive and heat resistant
fiberglass, which is used for suspending cables and
hoses during turnaround works in the oil and gas

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Zotefoams Inc

Winters Instruments Work Area Protection Corp Yale Cordage

121 Railside Rd, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3A 2500 Production Dr, PO Box 4087, St Charles, IL 77 Industrial Park Rd, Saco, ME 04072-1804,
1B2, 416-444-2345, FAX: 416-444-8979, 60174, 630-377-9100, toll-free: 800-327-4417, 207-282-3396, FAX: 207-282-4620, FAX: 630-377-9270,,
Contact: Mktg Mgr, Desmond Knor,
Manufactures pressure and temperature Contact: VP Sls/Mktg, Richard Hildebrand
instrumentation. Product line includes pressure Contact: Pres, Richard Bielski Provides high quality cordage and rigging services
gauges, thermometers, pressure switches, Manufactures safety supplies, equipment, traffic to both public and private customers in the United
transmitters, and accessories. control devices, and products related to work zone States, Canada, and abroad. Mission is carried out
safety. efficiently, safely, and in a socially and
WireCo WorldGroup environmentally responsible manner to customers
Union Wire Rope Div Workrite Uniform Co and end users of products and services.
12200 NW Ambassador Dr, Kansas City, MO 1701 N Lombard St, Suite 200, Oxnard, CA
64163-1244, 816-270-4700, FAX: 816-270-4707, 93030, 805-483-0175, toll-free: 800-521-1888, Zencus International Ltd, FAX: 805-483-0678,, 501 The Chambers, Chelsea Harbour, London, SW10 0XF UK, 44-20-7351-1173, FAX:
Contact: Dir Oilfield/Logging Sls, Jeff Steimer Contact: Mktg Coord, Ben Staley 44-20-7352-8277,,
Manufactures Union Wire Rope drill lines which are Manufactures flame-resistant apparel in an
known for delivering performance and service life. assortment of styles, colors, sizes, and fabrics. The Contact: Sect’y, Anne Jackson
The company is API certified, QPL qualified, and company’s garments ensure protection for Offers a wireless field data acquisition and desk-top
ISO 9001:2000 registered. petrochemical, utility, and all industries needing visualization system. Delivers real-time wellhead
compliance with NFPA 70E requirements. and field data to the user’s desktop utilizing
WIRTH GmbH wireless technology and web-enabled data
Kölner Str 71-73, 41812 Erkelenz, Germany, Worldwide Oilfield Machine Inc visualization tools. Real-time data “from wellhead to
49-2431-83-0, FAX: 49-2431-83-267, 11809 Canemont St, Houston, TX 77035, desk-top” is now a reality at an affordable price., 713-729-9200, FAX: 713-729-7321,
Contact: Gen Mgr/Sls, Frank Lengersdorf, Zero Products Inc
Manufactures high technology oilfield drilling Contact: Mktg Mgr, Curg Click PO Box 24146, Houston, TX 77229,
equipment for on and offshore applications. With Improves existing valve designs to increase 713-675-0123, FAX: 713-675-6066,
more than 100 years of experience in the production reliability and reduce maintenance since 1980.,
of equipment for the oil and gas industry. Introduced a sealing concept for gate valves used Contact: Mgr, Tom Mullen
in the petroleum industry. After testing and at the Manufactures nuts, bolts, and fasteners. company and third party testing, the company’s
7715 Southmeadow Dr, Houston, TX 77071, Magnum gate valve proved its worth. In three ZOK International Group Ltd
832-372-6900, FAX: 713-723-1326, decades, the company has expanded its product Elsted Marsh, Midhurst, West Sussex, GU29 OJT, offering. UK, 44-1730-811920, FAX: 44-1730-811930,
Contact: Pres, Hiett Ives,
Provides Nikken Magsteps insoles are worn by Wright Tool Co Contact: Office Mgr, Lisa Montgomery
people worldwide and are on the market today. One Wright Dr, PO Box 512, Barberton, OH Offers gas turbine compressor cleaning fluids, with
Provides a feeling of increased energy, making feet 44203, 330-848-0600, toll-free: 800-321-2902, corrosion inhibition, approved for use by all major
feel less tired. They come in three trim-to-fit sizes. FAX: 800-543-2095,, engine manufacturers. Available from global distribution network. Used in onshore and offshore
Wolf Safety Lamp Co Ltd Contact: VP Sls, Greg Helbling applications, worldwide. Water based and
Saxon Rd, Works, Sheffield, S8 0YA UK, Offers more than 4000 tools for the industrial, biodegradable. Ensures maximum available power
44-114-255-1051, FAX: 44-114-255-7988, contractor, and MRO markets. All output, improved fuel efficiency, and reduced wear, Wright-manufactured products are U.S.-made and and tear on machine components.
Contact: Mktg Dir, Miles Jackson carry lifetime guarantees against defects in
Manufactures and supplies safety lamps, workmanship. Zotefoams Inc
flashlights, torches, searchlights, and worklights 55 Precision Dr, Walton, KY 41094,
certified safe for use in potentially explosive Xenemetrix Inc 859-371-4046, FAX: 859-371-4734,
atmospheres. (formerly Jordan Valley AR Inc),
8601 Cross Park Dr, Suite 200, Austin, TX Manufactures lightweight oil resistant materials
78754-4522, 512-973-9229, FAX: 512-973-9282, (foam) for seals and gaskets.,
Provides customers with quality and cost effective
elemental analysis through our energy dispersive
x-ray fluorescence (EPX RF) systems. Delivers
non-destructive multi-element determinations from
Wood Group ppb to high weight percentages of elements
17420 Katy Freeway, Suite 300, Houston, TX ranging from fluorine (F) to uranium (U).
77084, 281-828-3500, FAX: 281-647-3525,
Contact: Dir Corp Comms Americas, Bobbie
Offers engineering and production facilities,
well support, and gas turbine services,
providing a range of engineering, production
support, maintenance management, and
industrial gas turbine overhaul and repair
services to the oil/gas and power generation
industries worldwide.

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 91


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2009 Petroleum Buyers Guide

A Cartridges 11 Couplings 10
Aboveground tanks 22 Casing (cutters, hangers) 7 Couplings 8
Absorbents 10 Catalyst supports 24 Couplings 22
Accelerometer 20 Catalysts 15 Cranes 8
Accelerometers 16 Catalysts 24 Cryogenic 30
Accessories 21 Cathodic protection 22 Custody transfer 22
Accessories 6 Cathodic protection 20 Custody transfer 11
Accessories 29 Cementing 7 Cutters 29
Accounting, statistics 26 Centrifugal compressors 6 Cutters 22
Accumulators 7 Centrifugal 23 D
Acidinzing 7 Centrifuges 7 Data acquisition 16
Actuators, general 6 Change-over 30 Data storage 26
Actuators 6 Check 30 Decking 25
Additives 7 Chemicals 20 Decommissioning 22
Adhesives 20 Chillers 15 Degassers 8
Adsorbents 10 Chokes 30 Dehydrators 15
Adsorbers 15 Chokes 8 Density 16
Agitators 15 Chromatographs 16 Derricks 8
Air conditioning 15 Clamps 22 Desalters 15
Air filters 11 Cleaning equipment 20 Design, construction 26
Air intake shutoff valves 10 Cleanup products 10 Detectors 14
Air purification 10 Closures 22 Dewpoint 16
Aircraft, charter 31 CO2 detection 14 Diaphragm 23
Alarms 25 CO2 injection 8 Diaphragm 30
Alignment 20 Coalescers 15 Diesel engines 10
Analyzers 16 Coalescers 11 Diesel motors 21
Aromatics analyzers 24 Coalescers 26 Differential pressure 16
Artificial Lift 7 Coat thickness measuring 22 Directional drilling 8
Asset management, tracking 31 Coatings/linings 8 Displays 16
Aubonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV) 27 Coatings/linings 22 Distributed control systems 24
Automation 16 Coatings 20 Distributed Control Systems 16
B Coatings 22 Diverter 30
Balancing 20 Columns 15 Dosing 23
Ball 29 Combustible gases detection 14 Downhole accessories 8
Ballast control 21 Commissioning/decommissioning 31 Downhole 23
Batch control 15 Commissioning 22 Drains 22
Bearings 10 Communications systems 8 Drawworks 8
Bearings 21 Communications 25 Drill bits 8
Bending equipment 22 Communications 22 Drill pipe 8
Bevelers 27 Communications 16 Drilling accessories 8
Bioremediation 10 Completion products 8 Drilling/production 31
Block-and-bleed 30 Compliance 10 Drilling/Production 7
Blowers 6 Components 21 Drilling 26
Blowout preventers 7 Compressor accessories 6 Drilling 23
Boilers 15 Compressor, turbine lubricants 6 Drills 29
Bolted tanks 22 Compressor, turbine transmitters 6 Drives 21
Bolting Tools 27 Compressor 30 Drives 10
Bolts/fasteners 22 Compressors, general 6 Drives 15
Bolts 29 Compressors/Turbines 6 Dryers 10
Booms 10 Compressors 24 Dryers 15
Boosters 6 Compressors 22 Duplex 23
Borescopes 20 Computers 11 E
Brazing, heating treating 31 Computers 16 Economics/financial analysis 26
Buildings, structures 7 Conditioners 14 Education 31
Buildings 25 Connectors 22 Elastomers 21
Burners 15 Construction 31 Electric motors 21
Butterfly 30 Consulting 31 Electric 6
C Containment 10 Electric 30
Cable management 7 Contractors 8 Electrical 16
Cable, trays 16 Control 30 Electrical 8
Cable 7 Controls 16 Electrohydraulic 6
CAD 26 Controls 21 Electropneumatic 6
Calibration 26 Coolers 15 Elements 11
Calibrators 16 Corrosion control 20 Elevators 8
Cameras 20 Corrosion control 8 Emergency acoustic BOP control 21
Carbon Monoxide detection 14 Corrosion monitoring 20 Emergency response 25


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Emergency shutoff 30 Gas sweetening 23 Legal 32

Emissions analyzers 10 Gas turbines 7 Level gauges 23
Enclosures 17 Gaskets 22 Lifting 29
Encoders 21 Gate 30 Lighting 26
Engineering 26 Gates, access 25 Lightning protection 23
Engineering 31 Gauge hatches 23 Lightning protection 26
Engines 10 Gauges 8 Line pipe 8
Enhanced oil recovery 8 Gauges 17 Linear 6
Environmental filters 10 Gear drives 8 Liquid/liquid separation 26
Environmental/Pollution Control 10 Gear 24 LNG storage 23
Environmental/pollution control 32 General hand tools 29 Lock-out/tag-out 30
Escape 25 General power tools 29 Logging while drilling (LWD) 8
Evacuation 25 Generator accessories 15 Lubricants 20
Expansion joints 22 Generator sets (electric) 15 Lubricants 8
Exploration/Development 11 Generators, general 15 M
Exploration 27 Generators 15 Maintenance 20
Eye protection 25 Geochemical 11 Maintenance 32
F Geographic information systems 11 Manifold 30
Fall protection/prevention 25 Geological 11 Manifolds 8
Fans 6 Geological 32 Manufacturing 32
Fasteners 29 Geophysical 11 Marine equipment 21
Fiberglass pipe, fittings 22 Geophysical 32 Marine vessel automation 21
Fiberscopes 20 Geotechnical 32 Marine vessel positioning 21
Filters, general 11 GIS 27 Markers, signage 23
Filters 24 Globe 30 Marking systems 18
Filters 6 Governors 10 Mass spectrometry 18
Filters 8 Grating, flooring 25 Mass transfer 25
Filtration 11 Grating 20 Measurement while drilling (MWD) 8
Financial 32 H Media 11
Fire control 25 H2S removal 26 Membrane separation 23
Fire prevention 25 Handrails/guards 25 Membrane separation 26
Fire protection 25 HAZMAT 25 Metering 23
Fire suppression 25 Hearing protection 26 Metering 24
Firefighting 25 Heat exchangers 15 Meters 18
First aid 25 Heat recovery 16 MetersS(0045)gas 14
Fittings 22 Heat tracing 16 MetersS(0045)liquid 14
Fittings 8 Heat transfer 16 Microturbines 7
Fixed gas detection 14 Heater treaters 26 Mist eliminators 15
Flame arrestors 22 Heaters, general 16 Mixers 8
Flame detection 14 Heaters 8 Mixers 15
Flame detectors 25 Heating/cooling 32 Mixing 25
Flame protection 10 Heating/Cooling 15 Moisture instruments 23
Flange alignment 29 Helicopters 8 Moisture 18
Flange spreaders 29 Hoists 29 Monitors/controls 23
Flanges 22 Holiday detectors 23 Monitors 14
Flanges 22 Hose, cable 27 Monitors 18
Flares 22 Hose 24 Mooring 8
Flares 24 Hose 21 Motors, general 21
Float, tape tank gauges 23 Hoses 8 Motors 21
Floating production offloading systems 8 Housings 11 Motors 8
Floating roof tanks 23 Humidity instruments 17 Motors 25
Flooring 20 Hydraulic tools, jacks 29 Muds 8
Flow assurance 32 Hydraulic 6 Multiphase flowmetering 14
Flow control 30 Hydrocarbon analyzers 24 Multiphase 24
Flow modeling 32 Hydrogen sulfide 14 Multiphase 26
Flow provers 8 Hydrogenation 24 Multiple gas detection 14
Flow rate indicators 14 I Multi-turn 6
Flow 11 Improved oil recovery 8 N
Flowlines 8 Indicators 23 Natural gas detection 14
Flowmeters 17 Indicators 17 Natural gas liquids 25
Fluids 8 Inhibitors 20 Natural gas 30
Flying leads 8 Inhibitors 14 Natural gas 24
Foam systems 25 Injection 24 Natural gas 7
Foaming agents 20 Inspection equipment 20 Navigation 11
Footwear 25 Inspection robots 27 NDT instruments 20
Forklifts, materials handling 20 Inspection 23 NDT testing 32
Formation evaluation 27 Inspection 32 Needle 30
Fractionators 15 Instrument 30 Nitrogen generators 15
Fracturing 8 Instruments 8 Nitrogen injection 8
G Instruments 16 Noise control 10
Gas compressors 6 Insulation 16 Nonslip products 26
Gas detection accessories 14 Intercoms 26 Nut runners 29
Gas detection 14 Interface detection 23 O
Gas Engines 10 Intrinsic safety 17 Odor control 10
Gas flares 15 Isolators 17 Offshore 32
Gas lift 8 K Offshore 24
Gas motors 21 Knife gate 30 Oil spill equipment 10
Gas process 30 L Oil/water separators 26
Gas processing 15 Laboratory 18 Operations 27
Gas processing 32 Launchers/receivers 23 Orifice fittings 14
Gas sweetening membranes 15 Leak Detection 10 Overfill protection 23

Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009 93


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Oxygen detection 14 Rental 32 Surge protectors 18

P Repair products 21 Swing-check 30
Packers 8 Rescue 26 Switches 23
Packing/gaskets/seals 21 Research 33 Switches 18
Packing 22 Reservoir engineering 27 Switches 14
Packing 15 Reservoir evaluation 11 T
Perforated tubes 8 Reservoir monitoring 9 Tank blanketing 30
Perforating 8 Resistivity tools 9 Tank cleaning 33
Peristaltic 24 Retrofit 21 Tank inventory 23
Petrochemical 24 Rheometers 18 Telecommunications/Satellite 33
Petrochemical 27 Rigs 9 Telemetry 23
Petrochemical 30 Risers 9 Temperature control 30
Petrochemical 32 Rotary drilling 9 Tensioners 9
Pig detectors 23 Rotary 24 Tensioners 29
Pig trackers 23 Rupture discs 25 Testers, valves 30
Pigs 23 S Testing 21
Pinch 30 Safety clothing 26 Thermal fluid systems 16
Pipe/fittings 22 Safety instruments 26 Thermocouples 18
Pipe 23 Safety tools 26 Thermometers 18
Pipelayers 23 Safety, intrinsic 26 Thickness gauges 21
Pipeline cleaners 23 Safety/Health 33 Tongs 9
Pipeline cleaning 32 Safety/Health 25 Tools: hand, power 27
Pipeline/Storage 22 Safety 30 Tools 9
Pipeline/storage 32 Samplers 15 Top drives 10
Pipeline 30 Sampling 30 Torque tools 29
Pipeline 27 Sand control 9 Totalizers 14
Pipeline 15 Saws 29 Totalizers 18
Pipewrap 23 SCADA 23 Toxic 15
Piston 30 Scaffolding 21 Training aids 26
Piston 24 Scotch yoke 6 Training 33
Platforms 8 Scrapers 23 Transducers 10
Plug 30 Screw 24 Transducers 18
Plunger 24 Screw 7 Transmitters 18
Polished rods 8 Scrubbers 10 Transmitters 14
Positive displacement 24 Seals 22 Transmitters 23
Power sources 18 Security/surveillance 26 Transmitters 10
Power supplies 18 Seismic 27 Transportation 33
Power Transmission 10 Seismic 33 Trays 15
Predictive maintenance 20 Seismic 11 Triplex 24
Pressure Vessels 15 Self contained breathing apparatus 26 Tubulars 10
Pressure 18 Sensors 18 Turbidimeters 20
Preventive maintenance 21 Separation 26 Turbine accessories 7
Process instruments 25 Separators 26 Turbines, general 7
Process vessels 15 Separators 9 Turnaround maintenance 21
Processing 24 Servo gauges 23 U
Processing 27 Shale shakers 9 Ultrasonic 14
Procurement 32 Shutdown systems 10 Underwater acoustic telemetry 21
Production 30 Signage, labels 26 Underwater hydrocarbon leak detection 21
Production 27 Signage 21 Underwater positioning 21
Production 24 Silencers 10 V
Progressing cavity 24 Single gas detection 15 Vacuum 24
Pump accessories 24 Skimmers 10 Valve chainwheels 30
Pump seals, gaskets 24 Sleeves 23 Valves 29
Pumping systems 8 Smoke detectors 26 Valves 23
Pumping units 9 Software 26 Vapor control 23
Pumps maintenance 21 Solenoid 30 Vapor recovery 11
Pumps 23 Speakers 26 Variable speed drives 10
Pumps 9 Specific gravity 18 Ventilation 26
Pup joints 9 Spectrometers 25 Vibration instruments 21
Q Spectrometers 18 Vibration 20
Quarter-turn 6 Speed increasers 9 Viscometers 10
Quintuplex 24 Speed reducers 9 Viscometers 20
R Spherical tanks 23 Viscosity 20
Rack-and-pinion 6 Stabilizers 9 VOC removal 11
Radar gauges 23 Stainless pipe, fittings 22 W
Radiation detectors 26 Steam traps 25 Washers 21
Radio frequency identification (RFID) 9 Steam turbines 7 Waste treatment 10
Reactors 25 Stimulation 9 Waste treatment 25
Reciprocating 24 Storage 15 Water treating 11
Reciprocating 7 Strainers 23 Welding equipment 21
Recorders 18 Strainers 11 Well control 10
Refining/Petrochemical 24 Stud runners 29 Well intervention 33
Refining 30 Submersible 6 Well 33
Refining 27 Submersible 24 Wellheads (conventional, geothermal, subsea) 10
Refining 24 Subsea cameras 27 Winches 10
Refining 32 Subsea production equipment 9 Winches 21
Refractometers 18 Subsea Robotics 27 Winches 29
Refrigeration 16 Subsea 30 Wire rope 10
Regulators 18 Subsea 6 Wireless 20
Relief 30 Sucker rods, guides 9 Workover umbilicals 10
Remote controller vehicles (RCV) 27 Sulfur analysis 25 Wrenches 29

94 Petroleum Buyer’s Guide 2009


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Delivering a World of Energy Solutions

We work with our clients, to meet the world’s demand for energy
bysafely delivering some of the most challenging and
complex programs around the world as well as local support services
and major projects to your critical operating facilities locally.

Our comprehensive portfolio From the arctic to the desert, on land and at sea, we provide innovative
includes the delivery of: consulting, engineering, procurement, construction, and operations and
𰁴𰀁 Refining / Gas Processing
maintenance solutions that span the entire energy value chain.
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𰁴𰀁 Pipelines & Terminals
𰁴𰀁 Gasification
With more than 25,000 employees worldwide working on six continents,
𰁴𰀁 Power our integrated project delivery teams will help you achieve your
𰁴𰀁 Renewables
𰁴𰀁 Chemicals
business, and project objectives anywhere in the world.
𰁴𰀁 Mining / Mineral Processing
𰁴𰀁 Water
𰁴𰀁 CO2 Capture / Injection
© 2009 CH2M HILL


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Technology –
The key to success in challenging markets

When oil and gas prices are high, technology obviously plays a key role
in helping find and produce the energy necessary to fuel growing global
economies. Likewise, when equipment and skilled personnel are in short
supply, technology helps ensure that our industry gets the maximum pro-
ductivity out of the limited asset base. Today, however, we are all faced with
a different environment – one in which oil and gas prices have fallen to
substantially reduced levels and the assets necessary to find and produce
energy are readily available. Nevertheless, technology remains the key to
success, even in challenging markets, because technical innovation pro-
vides the vehicle for achieving the cost reductions and increased efficiency
essential for maintaining the economic viability of many exploration and
development programs.
Throughout its history, the oil and gas industry has continually had to
deal with high levels of risk and uncertainty. In challenging markets, in
particular, effectively managing risks and reducing uncertainty can make
the difference between a project’s success and its failure. Reducing uncer-
tainty begins with putting together an optimized drilling plan that takes into
account all available information. One of the most important developments
in this area, which is highlighted in this publication, has been the develop-
ment of highly sophisticated dynamic models of the total drilling system
using finite element analysis of the BHA elements and precise detail of the
drill bit/formation interface.
Another important element of optimizing drilling efficiency and controlling
costs is avoiding drilling surprises that can result in increases in non-pro-
ductive time. Among the technologies contributing to improvements in this
area are managed pressure drilling, advancements in measurement-while-
drilling and logging-while-drilling systems, and improvement in the reliability
and performance of drill bits and downhole tools. Many of the important
advancements in these areas are also reviewed in this PennWell drilling
technology supplement.
Smith International, Inc. has sponsored this drilling technology supple-
ment as a means for helping operators around the globe better understand
how recent technical advancements can be effectively applied to improve
drilling performance, drive down drilling costs, reduce the levels of risk and
uncertainty and help meet the drilling challenges of today and tomorrow.


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— C O N T E N T S —

Advanced Formation 26
Innovative Drill Bit Design 2 Density Imaging

Understanding Downhole 7 High Performance PDM 28

Dynamic Conditions Power Sections

Solving Complex Vibration 10 Drilling Complex 32

Problems Underbalanced Wells

Advanced Services 12 Reducing the Risk of 35

Engineering Getting Stuck Downhole

An Engineered Approach to 15 Hard Rock Drilling 38

Drill Bit Selection Applications

Advanced PDC Bits for the 17 Improving Wellbore 40

Anadarko Basin Enlargement Reliability

Using Modeling and 19

Simulation for Selecting Manufacturing High 42
Drill Bits Performance PDC Cutters

Superior Performance for 21 Wellbore Departure with 45

Middle Eastern Carbonates One-Trip Reliability

Reducing Risk and 23

Uncertainty in Directional A Better Approach to Pipe 49
Wells Recovery

Maintaining Drill String 52


Custom sponsored by:

Publishing Production Manager,

Dorothy Davis
PennWell Petroleum Group
1455 West Loop South, Suite 400 Houston, TX 77027 U.S.A.
VP, PennWell Custom Publishing, Writer and Managing Editor, 918.831.9537 713.621.9720 • fax: 713.963.6285 supplement to:
Roy Markum Jerry Greenberg fax: 918.831.9415 PennWell Corporate Headquarters
Circulation Manager, Tommie Grigg 1421 S. Sheridan Rd., Tulsa, OK 74112
Presentation Editor/Designer, P.C. Lauinger, 1900–1988

Chad Wimmer 918.832.9207 Chairman, Frank T. Lauinger fax: 918.831.9722 President/CEO, Robert F. Biolchini


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( I D E A S )

IDEAS drill bit modeling

and simulation delivers
superior performance

W hen Smith Bits developed and pioneered its IDEAS® (Integrated

Dynamic Engineering Analysis System) several years ago, it rep-
resented a revolutionary breakthrough in fully understanding the
dynamics of a drill bit at the rock/cutter interface and how the bit behaves as an
integral part of the total drilling system. While IDEAS originally was developed to
optimally design roller cone bits, the proprietary software has since been applied
to fixed cutter bits. Today, as a result, every new roller cone and PDC bit
designed and produced by SMITH is first run in a virtual environment and
certified with IDEAS before being run in a customer’s well.
Attesting to the soundness and accuracy of the engineering prin-
ciples embodied in the IDEAS simulation algorithms, Hart’s E&P
magazine recognized SMITH as the World Record Leader for drill bit
performance the past nine consecutive years (1999-2007) for
PDC bits, natural diamond and diamond impregnated
bits, tungsten carbide insert bits, milled tooth bits
and hammer bits. SMITH attained this impressive
record through the accurate evaluation of drill bit
performance gained from IDEAS and using the
knowledge to design, build and apply PDC and
roller cone bits in a wide range of drilling applica-
tions while providing superior performance.

IDEAS design and cer tification process

IDEAS is used by Smith’s engineers as an interactive
tool to understand in detail how even very small
changes in cutter position and orientation can affect a
bit’s dynamic stability, which in turn affects a bit’s drilling
SMITH uses the IDEAS performance. IDEAS provides a graphic representation of
process to design both PDC a wide variety of elements that impact the drilling process.
and roller cone drill bits that The software details how each tooth, insert or PDC cutter
deliver superior performance removes formation, the movement of the bit within the wellbore,
in any target application. the force and bending moment condition of the drill string and each
element of the BHA.



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( I D E A S )

The IDEAS design process enables Smith’s drill bits to

move from concept to field proven performance significantly
quicker than bits developed via traditional design scenarios,
enabling Smith’s engineers to more quickly arrive at an op-
timum bit design. With IDEAS, a simulation model is used
to design, test and analyze a bit’s performance through the
drilling of a virtual well and conducting a virtual case study.
Once the bit’s performance objectives are defined, the IDEAS allows designers to quantitatively evaluate the
design is optimized through IDEAS, the bit is bottom hole behavior of cutters and cones to use this
manufactured by SMITH and run in the well knowledge to rapidly optimize bit performance.
for which it was designed. The bit then is
“IDEAS certified” and integrated into the cone or cutter layout and configuration is
company’s product line. designed to result in a stable bit that
With the traditional bit develop- rotates around its center, the key to
ment process, a bit’s performance an efficient and optimized drilling
objectives are defined, the bit is de- operation.
signed to meet those performance Each IDEAS certified bit includes
objectives, and an experimental bit is performance enhancements specific to
manufactured and then run in the field. the application for which it is designed.
Engineers analyze the results of the bit The result is a bit that consistently
run. If the bit does not meet the initial per- outperforms previous designs when mea-
formance objectives (and for initial designs, it sured against the same parameters and objectives.
invariably does not), the process is repeated until it For example, IDEAS-designed and certified bits result in
does. The often extended time lag between bit runs waiting improved rate of penetration (ROP), durability or specific bit
for appropriate testing opportunities further increases the behavior when utilized with a rotary steerable system. IDEAS
development time. In this design scenario, the customer is certified bits are consistently dynamically stable within the
essentially a testing service for the bit company, incurring operating envelope for which they are designed. The result
the time, expense and risk of developing a bit. is more stable bit designs and less stress on the BHA, which
ultimately results in improved bit durability.
IDEAS’ five basic elements IDEAS certified bits move through the design stage sig-
There are five basic elements to the IDEAS bit design and nificantly quicker and with a greater level of reliability and
product development process. They are: reduced uncertainty than ever before. IDEAS’ modeling
• Comprehensive drilling system analysis; and simulation capabilities removes the trial-and-error ap-
• Holistic design process; proach previously associated with the bit design process
• Application-specific performance enhancements; by utilizing laboratory tests to quantify variables such as
• Rapid solutions with reliable results; and cutter forces and rock removal rates. The IDEAS process
• Optimized integration of advanced materials. can prove the efficacy of the bit design prior to moving to
The IDEAS certification process includes examining the field trial stage. This ensures that drill bits that move
bit performance in relation to the entire drill string and into the field are true candidates for the application for
individual bottom hole assembly (BHA) components. The which they were designed.
simulation software also takes into account the specific SMITH can more effectively introduce advanced cutter
operating parameters and interaction of the individual ele- materials by utilizing the IDEAS process. Stronger and more
ments of the entire drilling assembly. durable materials work in conjunction with the IDEAS design
With the holistic design process, Smith’s bit design en- process and simulation capabilities to deliver a bit that is
gineers can account for every critical variable to assure more than just correcting a design for weak and high wear
that IDEAS-designed bits are optimized for performance. areas. The result is an optimally-designed bit for high perfor-
With IDEAS’ insight into bit performance, virtually every mance and abrasion and impact resistant cutters. 3


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( I D E A S )

Beginning the IDEAS analysis process

The IDEAS analysis process begins in a drilling research
laboratory where comprehensive tests are conducted to ac-
curately document cutter forces and rock removal rates for
specific cutter types in specific rock types. Smith’s IDEAS
lab is a state-of-the-art facility that provides design engi-
neers with the equipment and opportunity to validate their
design simulations in a controlled environment.
The sophisticated equipment allows the testing of cutting
structures on a virtually unconstrained range of formations characteristics of the bit in actual drill-
and rock types. The results provide quantitative feedback to ing conditions. As a result, the model
the engineer, who then confirms the bit’s performance ex- analyzes specific attributes of the well
pectations or provides data that can be utilized to improve geometry, the rock/cutter interface, BHA
the bit’s design specifications. configuration, drill string behavior and directional response,
The lab’s and engineers’ capabilities provide the cus- weight on bit (WOB), dynamic analysis of projected bit behav-
tomer with a bit that is the optimum solution for the drilling ior, rotary speed, and how changes in operating parameters
application in the shortest time possible. The customer can affect bit performance. All are taken into account as integral
have greater confidence that the bit will meet performance parts of the bit design process.
objectives the first time it is run in the well. The IDEAS software provides a virtual picture of the bot-
Data from IDEAS quantifies actual cutter forces and rock tom hole pattern of the bit, allowing the design engineer to
removal rates. The data is then used for the design analysis adjust the design to ensure that the bit will deliver stable,
in lithologies that compare to the particular field application vibration-free behavior during drilling. Additionally, IDEAS
rather than the estimated rock/cutter behaviors generated provides data on the load applied to each cutter in a given
by traditional design tools noted above. formation. With this information, the engineer can adjust
the cutting structure layout and geometry to optimize dura-
Modeling the entire drilling system bility while maximizing ROP, two objectives that sometimes
IDEAS is a dynamic model of the total drilling system. When are mutually exclusive.
the actual rock/cutter data is obtained, it is integrated The IDEAS process is used to certify a bit’s performance
into a full bit design model to determine the performance capabilities through dynamic simulation and modeling meth-

The IDEAS process significantly shortens the bit development process, and gets improved performance to the customer much faster than
the conventional trial-and-error method.



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( I D E A S )

odology that takes into account not only the lithology at the quiring a new or significantly modified bit to compensate
rock/cutter interface but the drill string, drive system, BHA for the inherent instability of a bit design under different
and the total system’s influence on the bit behavior. downhole or steering conditions.
IDEAS has enabled SMITH to take a revolutionary ap-
IDEAS cer tified directional bits proach to designing bits for directional applications. Rather
When it comes to directional bits, Smith’s philosophy, than offering a line of directional PDC bits with specialized
whether utilizing a positive displacement motor (PDM) or ro- features for the different types of rotary steerable systems,
tary steerable system (RSS), is that a single bit design can SMITH uses IDEAS to evaluate individual directional applica-
provide exceptional performance when used with a range of tions and then develop a bit design that remains dynamically
different types of directional drilling systems provided the stable for the intended range of applications and anticipated
bit has been designed to remain dynamically stable. This is directional systems.
where IDEAS comes into play. With IDEAS, each of the different types of rotary steerable
Historically, the perception was that each type of RSS, systems can be accurately modeled individually. As a result,
push-the-bit or point-the-bit, or steerable motor BHA, required it is possible to precisely model and predict how several dif-
its own precise bit design with highly specialized directional ferent IDEAS bit designs will perform, in specific formations
features. This still is the generally accepted philosophy with a specific RSS, with specific operating parameters and
among many bit designers and manufacturers. with specific BHAs. PDC bits can now be certified as being
However, incorporating IDEAS to analyze conventional dynamically stable and directionally responsive across a
directional bit designs has helped to reveal that, in many wide range of directional applications.
instances, the range of special directional features previ- With IDEAS, a bit designer no longer needs to focus on
ously incorporated into a bit served as little more than a stabilizing an unstable bit design. Instead, the designer
crutch that allowed a basically unstable bit design to drill can concentrate on optimizing the blade count, cutter
acceptably only in a specific directional application. A bit’s selection and layout, and hydraulic configuration to make
unstable characteristics are revealed when used with a the bit drill faster and last longer. Generally, directionally
slightly different BHA or in a different application, thus re- certified IDEAS bits can have reduced blade counts, larger

IDEAS calculates the loads placed on each individual PDC cutter, The IDEAS simulation is able to analyze not just the bit, but every
and enables engineers to fine-tune their designs to improve component in the bottom hole assembly (BHA) and drill string.
durability without sacrificing ROP. 5


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( I D E A S )

diameter PDC cutters and lower back rake angles relative

to conventional directional bits.
The larger diameter cutters establish full bottom hole
coverage, generate higher loads per cutter and provide
greater depth of cut to maximize ROP. IDEAS certified
directional bits remain stable and provide superior
performance with different types of steering sys-
tems in a wide range of applications, reducing
risk of suboptimal performance should it become
necessary to change the system’s configuration,
operating parameters or something else due to un-
foreseen developments during drilling. Drilling with a
stable bit reduces well costs and provides a smoother,
higher quality wellbore for completing the well.
In the oil and gas exploration and production busi-
ness, performance gains at the drill bit and reduction of take on greater importance. And
drilling risk and uncertainty are always important. However, IDEAS delivers the consistent performance
when energy prices are under pressure and every dollar gains necessary for driving down drilling costs in today’s
spent must provide even more value, performance gains challenging markets.

An IDEAS Certified Directional PDC bit was successfully run on multiple drive systems in the North Sea and delivered excellent perfor-
mance on both push-the-bit and point-the-bit RSS as well as a PDM. (Trademarks are owned by the respective referenced companies.)



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( i-D R I L L )

Understanding and optimizing

downhole dynamic conditions
with i-DRILL

S MITH commercialized i-DRILL® in mid-2004 following an eight-year,

multi-million dollar R&D and engineering effort. The goal was to de-
velop a highly accurate predictive modeling system for analyzing complex drilling
operations and developing optimized drilling program solutions to reduce risk
and lower drilling costs. i-DRILL provides a unique approach to a complete drilling
system analysis. Instead of the common practice
used in the past of assuming generalized bit-effect
factors on the formation, i-DRILL incorporates the
detailed effects of the bit/rock interaction and the
forces on all cutters individually as they dynami-
cally contact the rock.
The software is the industry’s most powerful pre-
well planning analysis resource. It is capable of
optimizing the total drilling process, including bit
selection, optimization of operating parameters,
bottom hole assembly (BHA) design, and precise
placement of each BHA element.
i-DRILL’s 4D modeling predicts a drilling system’s
performance and behavior using detailed geometric
input parameters, anticipated operating parameters,
extreme computing power, finite element analysis
(FEA) and laboratory-derived rock mechanics data.
The 4D modeling accurately predicts the vibrations
Understanding the dynamic behavior of the BHA through formation transi-
and accelerations often seen to have detrimental ef-
tions is critical to obtaining optimal performance. Note the significantly
fects on directional control, tool reliability, drill string lower contract forces of the i-DRILL optimized BHA assembly.
integrity and drilling performance. The software’s
ability to pinpoint sources and effects of torsional, axial and lateral oscillations en-
ables Smith’s drilling engineers and directional drillers to quantify design changes
to drill string configurations and optimize parameters.
Smith’s engineers can conduct a virtual case study utilizing i-DRILL’s simulation
capabilities in a way similar to what the company’s IDEAS simulation software
does for the bit design process. However, where IDEAS tests application-specific 7


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( i-D R I L L )

bit designs, i-DRILL models, analyzes and predicts an entire motors, hole openers and roller reamers, among other
drilling system’s performance and behavior. system elements.
Offset well data is integrated with comprehensive drilling When the causes of less than optimal drilling performance
data in a virtual downhole world created by powerful com- are identified, THE i-DRILL engineer can reconfigure the
puters. This approach allows the engineers to accurately modeled drilling assembly, using the simulation analysis to
identify the root causes of inefficient correct the identified performance
and damaging drilling behavior with- issues. This corrective action could
out drilling the well and exposing include substituting a different bit,
the operator to unnecessary risk. changing to roller reamers from sta-
The engineers then can objectively bilizers, moving the relative position
and precisely evaluate multiple ap- of the individual BHA components,
proaches for correcting the problem changing operating parameters or
utilizing i-DRILL’s FEA system. a combination of these or other
corrective actions until significant
How it works performance improvements are
Offset well data is used to calibrate confirmed.
i-DRILL’s simulation software for each When the i-DRILL engineer op-
individual application. Data includes timizes the drill string assembly
details of the physical characteristics and its components, a compre-
of the entire drill string, BHA and bit. hensive report documenting the
Information also includes directional simulation process is presented
surveys and caliper logs to characterize hole geometry as to the customer. The report contains the results of each
well as surface and downhole operating parameters includ- simulation and identifies all of the potential changes that
ing weight on bit (WOB), torque and RPM. Additionally, mud could be made to the drilling assembly and the effects
log and wireline data is included to characterize the forma- these changes would have on performance. The customer
tions being drilled. can choose the option that best meets its drilling objec-
The information is used to build a virtual replica of the tives, minimizes problems and improves performance.
offset drilling assembly, formations and wellbore inside
the i-DRILL workstation to model and simulate the op-
eration of the drilling assembly as a function of time.
i-DRILL allows for the analysis of specific target lithology
and behavior of each component of the drilling assembly,
allowing identification of suspect behavior, which is quan-
tified and illustrated through the software’s advanced
graphics capabilities.
Video clips of the simulation accurately show what
would be actually happening downhole. i-DRILL can virtu-
ally reproduce the static and dynamic components of any
drill string, including push-the-bit and point-the-bit rotary
steerable systems, vertical drilling tools and steerable
motors. Behavior such as high contact forces in the rotary
steerable BHA, bit whirl and excessive bending moments
in a cross-over sub are only a few examples of what can be To evaluate a drill string’s integrity, i-DRILL calculates bending mo-
ments throughout the entire drill string. This simulation includes a
learned in the “before optimization” analysis. i-DRILL’s ex-
PDC bit, mud motor with 1.2º bent angle housing, and two stabiliz-
tensive tool portfolio includes the differentiation between ers in a deviated well. Contact forces and bit directional and inclina-
push-the-bit and point-the-bit rotary steerable systems, tion forces are evaluated to predict directional tendencies, as well
concentric and eccentric reamers, positive displacement as drill string integrity.



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( i-D R I L L )

What i-DRILL can do for you

i-DRILL can process a multitude of simula-
tions representing any combination of drill
bit options, drilling assembly components,
drill string designs and component place-
ment. The simulation provides an in-depth
understanding of a drilling system’s integrity
by evaluating bending moments in two direc-
tions. The highly accurate simulations allow
the engineer and customer to quantitatively
evaluate various scenarios and then choose
the optimum solution, confident that the pre-
dicted performance will be duplicated in the
actual drilling application.
The simulation and analysis can pre-
dict the performance of new bit designs
for achieving step-change performance
improvement. It can predict the dynamic
behavior of directional BHAs and identify weak areas in The i-DRILL optimized drilling assembly exhibits substantial
the drill string and BHA to help prevent lost tools down- improvements in reduced contact forces, bending moments and
hole and subsequent expensive fishing operations. torque compared to the offset well drilling assembly.

i-DRILL can minimize harmful lateral, torsional and axial

vibrations through the selection of dynamically stable drill-
ing assemblies. The result is improved rates of penetration
(ROP), increased mean time between failure (MTBF) in MWD
and LWD electronic components and other tools, and mini-
mized connection failures and repair costs.
Additionally, the simulation and analysis results in bal-
anced drill bit and hole opener cutting structure loading
to eliminate excessive vibrations. i-DRILL develops more
accurate drilling program schedules with reduced risk of un-
planned delays, saving the customer time and money. Also,
its ability to accurately simulate the downhole behavior of
the drill bit, each component of the BHA, and the drill string,
allows the aggressive testing of new technology in a virtual
environment without incurring the risk or expense of trial-
and-error testing on the rig.
By giving customers the opportunity to truly understand
what is happening in
i-DRILL’s ability to accurately the dynamic downhole
simulate the downhole behavior of drilling environment,
the drill bit, each component of the i-DRILL is the key for
BHA and the drill string allows the
finding the optimum
aggressive testing of new technology
in a virtual environment without solution to even the
incurring the risk or expense of trial- most complex drilling
and-error testing on the rig. problems. 9


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( C a s e s t u d y )

i-DRILL solves complex vibration

problems, achieves record ROP
in Peruvian field

W hen PlusPetrol experienced excessive BHA/PDC bit vibration while

drilling in its high-profile Pagoreni field in Peru with a rotary steerable
system, the company called upon Smith’s i-DRILL engineering group to optimize
the BHA design, including the PDC bit selection for its next well.
The drilling problems were causing unacceptable rates of penetration (ROP)
while reducing the life of expensive downhole equipment, ultimately driving up
the cost of field development. The issues were most noticeable when using an
expandable reamer in a rotary steerable system BHA to drill a 10 5⁄8-in. pilot hole
reamed open to 12 ¼-in. Specific performance issues experienced while holding
angle in the tangent section included excessive torque-induced stick-slip as well
as high axial and lateral vibration problems.
PlusPetrol drilling engineers and Schlumberger rotary steerable system engi-
neers experimented with different operating parameters and BHA configurations in
an effort to mitigate the downhole vibration issues, but they achieved limited suc-
cess. Axial and lateral vibrations subsided slightly; however, stick-slip increased,
causing more downhole problems than the original BHA configuration.

» SMITH utilized its proprietary i-DRILL simulation and analysis software to

model the drill string configuration and behavior. The goal was to optimize
the drilling system including rotary steerable system, reamer, PDC bit and
operating parameters. Results were dramatic, enabling the Pag-1004D
well to become the performance benchmark, at that time.

PlusPetrol contacted Smith’s i-DRILL engineering group to optimize the BHA

design and the PDC bit selection for the operator’s Pag-1004D well. The i-
DRILL analysis focused on data and drilling practices from three previous
wells in which similar issues were encountered. SMITH utilized its proprietary
i-DRILL simulation and analysis software to model the drill string configuration
and behavior. The goal was to optimize the drilling system including rotary
steerable system, reamer, PDC bit and operating parameters.



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( C a s e s t u d y )

» Used in conjunction with suggested

operating parameters, the BHA delivered
all directional objectives while mitigating
axial and lateral vibrations.

Results were dramatic, enabling the Pag-1004D well to

become the performance benchmark, at that time. The rec-
ommendations of Smith’s i-DRILL engineers as a result of
the simulation successfully reduced vibrations to allow the
12 ¼-in. x 10 5⁄8-in. section to be drilled and underreamed
to its 8,482 ft TD in one run with an IDEAS certified MDi616
PDC bit. Used in conjunction with suggested operating pa-
rameters, the BHA delivered all directional objectives while
mitigating axial and lateral vibrations.
i-DRILL enabled the drilling team to simulate the behavior of several
Average ROP rose to 37.4 ft/hr on the Pag-1004D well BHA configurations and then choose the drilling assembly that best
from only 19.4 ft/hr on the Pag-1001D well, a 93% in- mitigated vibrations while allowing all of the directional objectives
crease. The BHA and bit delivered a high-quality, full gauge to be met.
wellbore at a final inclination of 46.8° as planned. By
reducing drilling issues and increasing ROP, PlusPetrol re-
alized a 15% reduction in cost/ft compared to its AFE, for Using i-DRILL’s ability to accurately simulate the behavior of the
a total savings of $1.2 million for the 12 ¼-in. x 10 5⁄8-in. drill bit and the reamer, these two cutting tools can be optimized to
hole section alone. deliver superior drilling synergy. 11


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( A d v a n c e d S e r v i c e s E n g i n e e r i n g )

Drilling costs reduced with

objective drill bit selection

W ithin SMITH is an independent applications organization that pro-

vides expert drill bit selection, in addition to drilling systems design
input and operating parameters selection, to its customers. Project demands on
an operator’s drilling engineering organization frequently means insufficient time
for a comprehensive bit selection process, often resulting in less than opti-
mal bit performance, in turn leading to higher well costs. Smith’s
Advanced Services Engineering (ASE) program provides full-
time, experienced and expert bit application specialists as
part of the customer’s drilling team.
The ASE engineer provides objective technical recom-
mendations to the customer for the optimal bits for the
application using a sophisticated suite of application
analysis tools and the vast amount of historical data
from our proprietary databases. Above all else, the ASE
engineer is trained to remain objective and always act
in the customer’s best interest, even when that means a
competitor’s bit selection over a Smith bit. In addition to advis-
ing the customer on bit selection, the ASE engineer provides feedback
to our design engineers on day-to-day drilling results and future drilling
requirements as a means for ensuring that SMITH maintains superior
bit performance.

Establishing a measurable goal

A bit’s performance and its interrelationship with a rig’s capabilities and the
downhole environment significantly impact drilling costs. The ASE engineer
considers the entire drilling environment as well as a rig’s capabilities when
selecting the optimal bit. This includes the bottom hole assembly, drilling fluids,
formation to be drilled, crew capabilities and any special drilling objectives during
the bit design process.
In establishing a measurable goal, ASE engineers help prepare a comprehensive
well plan and obtain the drilling team’s agreement to using this plan to evaluate



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( A d v a n c e d S e r v i c e s E n g i n e e r i n g )

drilling performance. A post-well analysis is performed

that measures the success of the actual results versus
the well plan and provides a permanent, formal reference
for future development wells.
ASE engineers are on site worldwide in a multitude
of drilling operations including multiple rig devel-
opments, exploration wells, shallow and deep
offshore wells and directional and extended
reach applications.

Optimal tools for op timal bits

The ASE engineer brings an arsenal of proprietary
design and modeling tools to identify the optimal bit for
the application. The toolbox includes Smith’s Drilling
Records System (DRS), a collection of around three
million bit runs from virtually every oil and gas field
in the world. The database was initiated in May 1985
and has been continuously updated and expanded for
oil, gas and geothermal wells. This information enables
ASE engineers to evaluate individual bit runs anywhere in
the world. When coupled with Smith’s Integrated Design
Engineering Analysis System (IDEAS), engineers can
simulate bit performance and enhance their bit designs to
optimize that performance to a specific application. unconfirmed rock strength analysis and roller cone and fixed
The ASE engineer also utilizes the Drill Bit Optimization cutter bit selections.
System (DBOS) to aid in determining the appropriate com- Operational needs and the well plan are added to the
bination of cutting structure, gauge protection, hydraulic process, including casing points and hole sizes, well direc-
configuration and other bit optimizing features to help tional plot, expected formation tops and mud weights and
achieve the lowest cost per foot drilled. SMITH has offered types. This results in an optimized minimum cost per foot
DBOS for 17 years and utilizes a supporting database con- well program that often also includes multiple options and
taining records from more than 11,300 projects in more alternatives to the initial well plan.
than 56 countries, encompassing more than 16,300 wells. The Yield Point software creates a graphical user inter-
Additionally, ASE engineers utilize Smith’s Yield Point drill- face to aid drilling engineers in specifying the mud types
ing hydraulics and hole cleaning simulation and analysis and properties necessary to satisfy rheological models of
software. Yield Point can identify potential hole cleaning drill strings and well annuli.
problems in the planning stage rather than during drilling When the well plan is complete, the appropriate rig and
operations, further lowering well costs. office personnel are briefed on the drilling program. They
can monitor the well prognosis during implementation of the
Well planning well plan. Any problems that may arise are identified and
Planning the well starts with support from DRS, DBOS and investigated and decisions are made to correct the issues,
Yield Point software and the ASE engineer’s experience and subject to the objective of maintaining optimal drilling ef-
expertise in drill bit design and application. The well plan be- ficiency safely and timely.
gins with the DBOS program and its analysis of offset wells Upon the well’s completion, a thorough performance as-
from the DRS and an array of other relevant information. sessment is conducted during which every facet of the drilling
The DBOS analysis provides a thorough reconstruction of operation is evaluated. The drilling team, including Smith’s
expected lithologies gleaned from well logs from the closest ASE engineer, then makes recommendations for improve-
offset wells. The information includes a formation analysis, ments, which will be incorporated into future well plans. 13


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( A d v a n c e d S e r v i c e s E n g i n e e r i n g )

Reducing drilling time reduces drilling cost ASE Group Partners with Petrobras
Smith’s ASE process and ASE engineers enabled Brazilian to Reduce Well Costs
160 7.00
national oil company Petrobras to reduce its drilling days
by up to 45% in the technologically challenging Tupi field in 140 6.00
the Santos Basin 180 miles south of Rio de Janeiro. The

Meters Drilled Per Day

ASE group within SMITH helped Petrobras optimize its op-

ROP (m/hr)
erations in the Tupi field, which could result in the country 4.00
increasing its proven reserves by up to 50%. The new field, 3.00
in approximately 8,200 ft of water, contains an estimated 60
5-8 billion barrels of light crude. 40
Delineation wells are being drilled to determine the size 20 1.00
of the field, however, based upon analysis from reservoir
0 0.00
characterization studies, engineers estimate that the field
1st Well 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
could be 500 miles long and 120 miles wide with a 400 ft
thick pay zone. Operator teamwork and Smith ASE group involvement resulted in
Due to the field’s potential size and the magnitude of the incremental meterage and ROP improvements in Tupi field.
development project, Petrobras wanted an independent ap-
plications engineering organization to provide unbiased drill To meet Petrobras’ well objectives, Smith’s ASE engineers
bit selection and well planning services to optimize perfor- and Petrobras’ engineers conducted an in-depth investiga-
mance and reduce expensive offshore drilling costs.The ASE tion of expected formation types and rock strengths that
engineers focus on recommending the ideal bit for a specific led to optimized bit recommendations to result in increased
application, including a competitor’s bit if it is appropriate. overall drilling efficiency. The ongoing interaction between
the two companies’ engineering teams enabled Petrobras to
organize its bit inventory in an application-specific manner
to assure the availability of the ideal bit for the application.
The study also identified an opportunity for SMITH to
use its unique and proprietary IDEAS simulator to develop,
test and manufacture new bit technology that conformed to
Petrobras’ specific application and requirements. The new bit
was designed to increase drilling distance (durability) and rate
of penetration (ROP), which in many situations are mutually
Petrobras and Smith Technologies ASE engineers mark the success exclusive, without compromising the geologist’s ability to cap-
of a recent Tupi field bit application with an awards ceremony. ture rock cuttings at the surface. The new bit technology is
Providing customers with unbiased, technical bit applications being tested on the formation below the salt interval.
expertise is the hallmark of the ASE organization. As a result of the cooperative effort between ASE en-
gineers and Petrobras’ engineers, the operator and its
Petrobras must use some of the world’s most sophisticat- partners are experiencing a significant savings on this ex-
ed and expensive deepwater drilling rigs where operational tremely challenging offshore project. One of the first wells
costs can reach $1 million per day. Because of the Tupi drilled in the subsalt exploration program required 110
field’s high stakes, advanced planning becomes a powerful days to reach TD. However, due to Smith’s ASE involvement
tool that can lead to significant cost savings. and other factors, Petrobras can now drill a similar well in
A proactive approach can reduce the chance of non-produc- the Tupi field area in approximately 60 days. ROP increased
tive, unexpected flat-time and help ensure that operations run from just under 2 m/hr during the first well to above 3 m/hr
as smoothly as possible. The ASE engineers can focus on any in the third well and more than 6 m/hr in the fifth well. The
combination of customer requirements including well planning, higher ROP resulted in increased footage drilled from just
logistics, data collection or post well analysis. DRS, DBOS, Yield less than 40 m drilled per day in the first well to more than
Point and IDEAS software is at the engineers’ disposal. 140 m per day in the fifth well.



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( D r i l l B i t O p t i m i z a t i o n S y s t e m )

Bit optimization system achieves

lower cost per foot drilled

S mith’s DBOS (Drill Bit Optimization System) is a software-based process

that identifies the Smith fixed cutter or roller cone bit with the appropri-
ate combination of cutting structure, gauge protection, hydraulic configuration and
other features to achieve the lowest cost per foot drilled. DBOS achieves this goal
by aiding the design engineer to optimize drilling performance to accurately match
the specific attributes and capabilities of the bit with the physical characteristics
of the interval to be drilled.
DBOS has been offered for
more than 17 years. As a result,
SMITH has amassed a database
that includes drilling records from
In this contour map of unconfined
more than 11,300 projects in 56 compressive strength, the light color
countries encompassing more than represents softer formation and
16,300 wells. DBOS utilizes this the darker color indicate harder
information to deliver the optimal formation within the same interval.
bit for a specific interval by incor-
porating a thorough analysis of
offset well data including well logs,
formation tops, mud logs, core
analysis, rock mechanics, drilling
parameters, bit records and dull bit
conditions. Mesh diagram shows the formation
To identify the optimal bit, DBOS contour.
combines a geologic mapping pro-
gram and well log correlation and
analysis software with Smith’s
proprietary algorithms for rock
compressive strengths, bit perfor-
mance analysis and bit selection.
The highly flexible service allows
Smith’s engineers to analyze
various levels of information and 15


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( D r i l l B i t O p t i m i z a t i o n S y s t e m )

The Post Run Analysis plot evaluates

the “as run” conditions that the bit/
BHA run experienced. Cross-plotting
the parameter data and the result-
ing ROP identifies optimal running

» DBOS determines unconfined rock compressive strength, effective porosity, abrasion

characteristics and impact potential. Rock properties help identify one or more potentially
optimal bit types for the application.
deliver a bit strategy based on input from a single offset
well, a multi-well cross section or a full-field mapping and
regional trend analysis.

Bit evaluation process

The DBOS evaluation process starts with an evaluation of
the formation types expected to be encountered in an inter-
val and the interval lengths, which is obtained from offset
well logs. DBOS determines unconfined rock compressive
strength, effective porosity, abrasion characteristics and
impact potential. Rock properties help identify one or more
potentially optimal bit types for the application.
DBOS then identifies various applicable bit characteristics
based on its analysis. Among the characteristics evaluated
by DBOS for both milled tooth and tungsten carbide insert
roller cone bits are cone layout, insert type, gauge protec-
tion, and optimal jet nozzle hydraulic configurations. For
PDC bit designs, cutter type and diameter, cutter density, over the given intervals and identifies which bit type would
bit profile, hydraulic configuration and gauge protection are be the most successful for drilling through particular single
also optimized. For high RPM turbodrilling applications, or multiple intervals. Parameters include, among other infor-
DBOS evaluates the PDC, natural diamond and Impreg bit mation, bit record information, directional surveys, real-time
technology options for drilling at RPM ranges from 1200 ROP and mud log data, rock type and strength data and
to 3000+ rpm. hydraulic and mechanical energy factors.
For each of the various levels of the DBOS service of- Post well analyses evaluate bit performance from available
fered, data are presented graphically to customers in log data including real-time ROP, weight on bit, RPM, torque, dull
plot form called a Drill Bit Selector Plot(s) which combines bit conditions and other parameters. This analysis provides
numerous parameters that affect the rate of penetration design and application engineering feedback for continuous
(ROP). The Selectors evaluate key bit performance variables bit optimization improvement.



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( O u t l a w )

IDEAS Certified Outlaw PDC bits

set numerous Anadarko Basin
drilling records

S mith’s OutlawTM PDC bit has become the performance leader in the
Anadarko Basin, a result of optimizing the bit through the IDEAS simu-
lation process. The 7 7⁄8-in. Mi616 six-blade bit features 26 face cutters and six
gauge cutters to provide the optimum balance of durability for longer bit runs and
aggressiveness for faster rates of penetration. Three standard series 60N nozzles
are precisely positioned to effectively clean the hole. The bit
also features an 8.88 sq. in. junk slot area. The bit is
optimized for superior performance in the tough carbon-
ate, shale and sandstone formations typically found in
the Anadarko Basin.
In 2008 alone, the Outlaw PDC bit set six drilling
records in numerous Texas and Oklahoma counties
in the Anadarko Basin for footage drilled and rate of
penetration (ROP). All were 7 7⁄8-in. PDC bits.
For example, Bronco Drilling Rig #6 drilled the Corwin
B 5-29 well for XTO Energy in Major County, OK, with an
Mi616MNSPX bit, achieving an ROP of 92 ft/hr. This was
104% faster than the best competitor bit offset run and
set a Major County ROP record to a depth of 8,543 ft. In
comparison, three offset wells drilled with competitor bits
experienced ROPs of 41 ft/hr, 44 ft/hr and 45 ft/hr.
In another Oklahoma county record well drilled with an
Outlaw PDC bit, Bronco Drilling Rig #42, contracted to
Kingfisher Resources to drill the Branham Trust 1-34 well in The 7 7⁄8-in. Mi616 has been tailored
Dewey County, set a footage record of 9,590 ft for a 7 7⁄8-in. drill- to the formations and applications
out PDC bit. The footage record was 27% farther than the best of the U.S. Mid-Continent area, and
offset run. The bit also achieved an ROP of 51 ft/hr, the highest has become a premier performer
of five offset wells. throughout the region.
In Texas, an Outlaw PDC bit set a Texas Panhandle ROP record of
77 ft/hr drilling 8,902 ft to a depth of 11,970 ft. The ROP was 24%
faster than the best offset well. The record-setting Zybach 207 well was
drilled by Unit Drilling Rig #339 for Forest Oil in Wheeler County. 17


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( O u t l a w )

There were more Texas record-setters with the Outlaw run. The well was drilled by Trinidad Drilling Rig #25, which
PDC bit. The Johnson LA 7059A well drilled by Unit Drilling achieved back-to-back Outlaw runs which drilled below
Rig #337 for Forest Oil in Hemphill County achieved an ROP 11,000 ft with an average ROP greater than 70 ft/hr.
of 82 ft/hr, 22% faster than the best competitor bit offset Goober Drilling, using an Outlaw PDC bit in two wells for
run with an ROP of 67 ft/hr. This bit set a Hemphill County Linn Operating in Wheeler County, Texas, drilled significantly
ROP record and drilled to a depth of 10,704 ft. The Johnson deeper and faster than offset bit runs. Linn Operating’s
LA 1359A well was drilled by the same rig with a 7 7⁄8-in. Dobson Ranch 40 04 well was drilled 9,240 ft with an
Outlaw bit, achieving an ROP of 75 ft/hr. Outlaw PDC bit, 23% farther than the closest competitor’s
A Smith Outlaw PDC bit set a Woodward County, Texas re- bit. The Outlaw bit drilled to a depth of 12,727 ft, deeper
cord ROP for a 7 7⁄8-in. PDC bit, drilling to a depth of 7,765 than all of the offset wells. The well was drilled by Goober
ft. This bit achieved an ROP of 85 ft/hr, 20% faster than Drilling Rig #18.
the best offset bit run of 71 ft/hr. The MCGU 3 3-33 well Goober Drilling Rig #15 used a 7 7⁄8-in. Outlaw PDC bit to
was drilled for Crusader Energy by Patterson-UTI Energy drill Linn Operating’s Dukes 7 04 well in Wheeler County,
Rig #412. achieving an ROP of 69 ft/hr, 23% faster than the best off-
While not record-setting wells, 7 7⁄8-in. Mi616MNSPX set run. This run achieved the fastest ROP and went deeper
Outlaw PDC bits were used to drill wells significantly faster than all of the offset wells.
or farther than the previously best offset wells. For example, It’s apparent from the above wells, record-setting or not,
an Outlaw bit drilled 8,627 ft in the Zybach 207 well in that Smith’s fixed cutter bits are the workhorses of the
Wheeler County, Texas, 76% farther than the best offset bit oilfield. The IDEAS Certified design process assures their
run of 4,888 ft. optimal performance. The above case studies verify that
An Outlaw PDC bit in another Wheeler County well drilled they outperform other PDC bits for the specific drilling ap-
8,556 ft, 38% farther than the best competitor bit offset plication for which they were designed with IDEAS.

» An Outlaw PDC bit in another Wheeler County well drilled 8,556 ft, 38% farther than
the best competitor bit offset run. The well was drilled by Trinidad Drilling Rig #25, which
achieved back-to-back Outlaw runs which drilled below 11,000 ft with an average ROP
greater than 70 ft/hr.

ROP comparison drilled
OutlawTM Corwin B 5-29 92 7816

Mi616VNSPX McKee 6-1 85 7733 Outlaw has

established many
Bit Type

field ROP records

HC506Z 45 George 1-6 7683 throughout the
U.S. Mid-Continent.
One example is
HC506Z 44 Wilda 1-6
shown here.

HC506Z 41 Noble 1-6 7519

30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Rate of penetration (ft/hr)



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( I D E A S a n a l y s i s r e p o r t )

Increased analytical precision in

drill bit selection

T he IDEAS Analysis Report (IAR) is the applications-focused output of the

IDEAS design simulation system. The IDEAS Analysis Report provides an
accurate plan for superior drilling performance, which is accomplished with a 13-
step process to optimize bit selection. Because the IAR analyzes the entire BHA
and drill string, detailed information on each component such as length, weight,
ID, OD and material properties, are critical to the accuracy of the IDEAS analysis
and recommendations.
To prepare an accurate IAR, the Smith engineer first compiles comprehensive
well plan information from the customer. This information includes well location,
well profile, drive system, directional program, BHA configuration, operating pa-
rameters, casing program, component specifications, drill string information, and
dimensions for all components of the drill string and BHA.
THE IAR engineer inputs the complete data set into the IDEAS simulation model.
Armed with this information, the proprietary design software evaluates the individu-
al bit’s performance in the specific application. Typically, several bit designs will be

The precise physi-

cal location of
each individual
cutter is input for
all the bits being
modeled in the
IAR analysis 19


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( I D E A S a n a l y s i s r e p o r t )

evaluated and the optimum bit will be identified. The results contacting the hole wall. High lateral force fluctuation is an
of the custom analysis are presented to the customer in a indication of bit vibration, while lower fluctuation indicates
detailed package that includes a summary of the application stable bit behavior and low vibration.
details, the bit performance objectives, bit layout, graphical The analysis measures the rate at which the bit’s axial
representation of the well profile and the specific BHA that velocity changes with time. Shock forces that the bit experi-
will be used. ences in a bouncing (axial) motion can lead to bit failure and
The IAR package also includes output from the IDEAS dy- failure of other BHA components. The more frequent spikes
namic simulation for each bit, which includes the bit bottom experienced by a bit on the IAR graph indicate a greater
hole pattern, the bit center trajectory, torque, lateral force incidence of bit bounce.
and lateral acceleration. Additionally, the analysis includes Axial force is measured as the calculated weight on bit
the optimized bit RPM and ROP projections. (WOB). The magnitude of the fluctuations in WOB indicates the
The profile and cutting structure geometry (including the forces that are applied to the bit face as a result of bit bounce.
precise location of each individual cutter) of the bits being Large fluctuations adversely affect cutter life and ROP, while
considered for the target applica- a constant and consistent load
tion are fundamental data input maximizes bit life and ROP.
parameters of the analysis. The Torsional vibration is measured
analysis generates a graphi- at the bit during the simulation
cal representation of the target and analysis. Severe fluctuations
well, which contains a measured in bit torque/torsional vibration
depth, azimuth and inclination can lead to premature bit failure
plot. The analysis also uses a and damage to other BHA compo-
gradient colored bar to indicate nents. Smaller, more consistent
the loading condition of the BHA fluctuations indicate stable bit
assembly in the wellbore, includ- behavior that contributes to lon-
ing indications of the BHA under ger bit life and increased ROP.
compression, neutral and under Torque values can be compared
tension. to the torque capability of direc-
The IDEAS analysis shows the tional or other downhole tools to
last 30 revolutions of each bit in help determine the suitability of
the dynamic simulation. In the the bit in the target application.
graphs on the previous page, a Lateral displacement for azimuth
light blue circle represents the and inclination are measured. The
center of the well at the start of analysis also measures the rela-
the simulation. Significant bit vibration represented by high tionship between ROP and RPM. Periodic fluctuation in RPM
eccentric rotation is graphically represented as is smooth, indicates torsional vibration or stick-slip behavior. High tor-
stable bit behavior, which is graphically represented by a small sional vibration can cause cutter breakage, accelerated cutter
magnitude of rotations. Additionally, the IDEAS simulation wear or cause other BHA components to fail. A smooth rela-
provides a graphic representation of the bottom hole behav- tionship between ROP and RPM indicates stable bit behavior
ior of the bits in the target formation. A choppy, basket weave and optimizes the performance of the bit and the BHA.
pattern would indicate unstable bit behavior while smooth, IDEAS helps SMITH to deliver superior bit performance
concentric patterns would indicate stable bit behavior. and solutions, from the “simplest” vertical hole to the most
Lateral acceleration and vibration are measured for each complex directional and rotary steerable applications. The
bit. Significant levels of lateral vibration can shorten bit life IDEAS applications analysis process customizes the drill-
and can cause lower rates of penetration (ROP). Low levels ing plan and proposed solution to the individual customer
of lateral vibration maximize bit life and increase ROP. The and its particular objectives. The result is the optimal bit
IDEAS simulation measures the lateral force acting on the for the formation, reduced drilling uncertainty and risk, and
bit due to its cutting action and the bit body’s gauge pads lower drilling cost.



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( S h a m a l )

Shamal Typhoon bits designed

specifically for Middle East
carbonate drilling

I n the Middle East, ”shamal” is a word used to refer to the strong northwest
winds funneled into the Persian Gulf through the mountains of Turkey and
Iraq to the northeast and the high plains of Saudi Arabia to the southwest. The
first major shamal typically occurs in late May and is known as Al-Haffar, or the
driller, because it is known to drill large depressions in the desert sand dunes.
Smith’s recent roller cone drill bit design, Shamal® Typhoon, was developed
specifically for the unique challenges of the Middle East region’s larger diameter
drilling applications. The original Shamal bit, Shamal TNG, established the SMITH
commitment to provide application-specific bit technology for the hard carbonate
formations found in the Middle East. The new design incorporates the traditional
Shamal features along with a new “Typhoon” hydraulics configuration for more
effective cleaning of large diameter holes. The proprietary IDEAS® modeling and
simulation software integrates the Shamal Typhoon hydraulics, innovative insert
geometries and advanced carbide technology to achieve optimal performance.
The latest Shamal drill bit iteration is setting new standards throughout the Middle
East region.

Computational fluid dynamics ensures optimized flow

The aptly-named Shamal Typhoon uses sophisticated computational fluid dynamics
(CFD) analysis techniques to evaluate fluid flow and ensure that flow is optimized
to clean the cones, remove cuttings more efficiently and ensure that the cutting
structure is always drilling virgin formation.
The nozzle configuration provides Smith’s engineers the capability to create the
best configuration for the specific application. The Typhoon hydraulics configura-
tion is currently available for bits with ODs of 16-in. and larger.
Historically, conventional three-nozzle bit designs experienced difficulty
cleaning the larger cones and effectively removing cuttings from the increased
bottom hole area. The Shamal Typhoon bit uses three Vector Extended (VE)
and three Dome Jet (J3) nozzles to provide the optimum hydraulic solution for
the specific application. With the six-nozzle configuration, SMITH successfully
addressed the problem with a significant improvement in the distribution of
available hydraulic energy. 21


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( S h a m a l )

able Smith’s engineers to build application-specific cutting

structures for optimal performance. Using the best combi-
nation of the inserts allows the engineer to fine-tune the
performance of a particular bit for a particular application.
Utilizing the IDEAS modeling and simulation software pro-
vides the information to certify the bit’s performance.

Developing carbides optimized for Middle East

SMITH has invested significant resources in R&D of car-
bides for Middle East carbonate drilling. The result is a
range of proprietary carbides with the microstructure char-
acteristics that offer a balance of impact durability and
abrasion resistance, a balance that typically has been dif-
ficult to achieve.
The VE nozzles precisely direct the fluid flow to the lead- Additionally, continuous advances in carbide technology
ing edge of the cones, providing the most efficient cleaning have resulted in carbides used in the Shamal Typhoon drill
without causing cone shell erosion. The J3 nozzles direct bits to provide significant increases in fracture toughness
fluid toward the intermesh area between the cones rather compared to the carbides in the original Shamal TNG bits.
than directly at them. The combined effect of the six nozzles The enhanced carbide material results in bits that drill faster
is a flow pattern that creates significant improvements in the and stay in the hole longer than all other conventional roller
path and velocity of the drilling fluid, optimizing cutter clean- cone bits.
ing and the displacements of cuttings off-bottom and up the
drill string, resulting in maximum rate of penetration (ROP). Record rate of penetration
In the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia, a 16-in. Shamal Typhoon
Ground breaking inser t geometries six-nozzle bit drilled 2,344 ft of hole, setting a field record
Working in combination with the superior hydraulics design, ROP of 90.15 ft/hr, 54.6% better than the five-well offset av-
Shamal Typhoon bits utilize a wide range of tungsten carbide erage of 58.32 ft/hr. Another important record was set with
inserts to maximize performance in a specific application. the well when the bit finished the hole section at a cost/ft of
The various insert geometries allow Smith’s design engi- $31 compared with $41/ft for the five-well offset average.
neers to choose the precise combination of insert shapes A hole section drilled in the field earlier with a 16-in.
for optimal ROP. The inserts include Incisor, Dogbone, Shamal Typhoon held the previous record with an ROP of
Conical, Chisel and Asymmetric Conical Edge shapes that 76.19 ft/hr and a per foot cost of $33.
can be used in combination for the optimal results. This study included three competitor products, one
Insert layouts on the Shamal Typhoon’s cones are pre- standard Shamal bit and two Shamal Typhoon bits. The
cisely calculated to achieve the ideal placement balance 16-in. Shamal Typhoon bit set the record in rotary drilling
for maximizing ROP while retaining a high level of durability. mode from the Wasia formation to mid-Thamama in one
The insert options complement the cone layouts and en- run (shoe-to-shoe).



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( P a t h F i n d e r )

Downhole imaging complements

directional drilling technology to
reduce drilling risk and uncertainty

P athFinder®, one of the recent additions to the Smith portfolio, provides

technically sophisticated services in the areas of logging-while-drilling
(LWD), measurement-while-drilling (MWD), and directional drilling including its
innovative rotary steerable systems (RSS) and downhole positive displacement
motors (PDMs). PathFinder’s name is most appropriate since it is one of only a
few companies in the industry with the sophisticated technology to offer a full
line of LWD/MWD and directional drilling products and services that help provide
the most efficient and cost effective path to the operator’s geological objectives.
By providing real-time downhole data that not only indicates the possible pres-
ence of hydrocarbons but also assists in improving drilling performance to reach
those hydrocarbons, PathFinder can reduce customer risk and cost while maximiz-
ing prospects. According to Spears and Associates, a leading oilfield consulting
business, over the past five years, PathFinder has
been the fastest growing full-service directional
services/MWD/LWD company, with a compound
annual growth rate of 37%.
LWD technology utilizes real-time formation information to assist real time
decision-making on altering the wellbore path to an optimum position in the forma-
tion that provides enhanced production of oil or natural gas. PathFinder’s MWD
products and services utilize downhole tools to precisely locate and direct the The PathMaker RSS can be configured
drilling assembly to the target. for either push-the-bit or point-the-bit
PathFinder offers the industry a unique and innovative rotary steerable system operation. This oprerational flexibility
is combined with state-of-the-art MWD
that can be operated in a point-the-bit or push-the-bit mode, unlike other systems
and LWD technology to deliver superior
that are either one or the other. PathFinder’s versatile RSS enables operators performance in the most challenging
to use the best mode for the application. This versatility is ideally matched with directional drilling applications.
Smith’s directionally certified IDEAS PDC bits, which are designed to be suitable
for use on both types of RSS rather than other PDC manufacturers’ bits, which are
designed and built for one particular RSS.
The company also supplies downhole drilling motors that incorporate Dyna-Drill
power sections for consistent power output and maximum durability. The motors
are designed to operate across a full range of speeds and torque levels and 23


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( P a t h F i n d e r )

to withstand severe environmental conditions such as high

temperatures, hard rock and abrasive drilling fluids.
All of the products and tools can be combined to produce
the most efficient tool string required for a particular appli-
cation. The directional products and services can accurately
drill deviated, horizontal and extended reach wells. In fact,
directional products and services can also be used to en-
sure a quality vertical wellbore in applications where there
is a natural tendency for a BHA to deviate.

Downhole measurement and imaging tools

PathFinder offers an impressive array of downhole measure-
ment and imaging tools to enhance and optimize the drilling
process and formation evaluation. The company continually
engages in research and development activities to improve
The LWD triple combo formation evaluation log plot shows the
its existing product line and services as well as to satisfy cus-
beginning of the hydrocarbon zone with a shale-to-sand gamma ray
tomers’ demand for new tools and services to increase their response change at X396, a significant increase in formation resis-
operational efficiency. The company’s R&D effort is conducted tivity and the corresponding density/neutron cross-over.
at its facilities in Houston, where most of its LWD and MWD
and directional drilling technologies are developed. PathFinder’s suite of LWD tools and services also in-
At the core of the company’s MWD/LWD system is the cludes the Slim Array Wave Resistivity (SAWR™) technology
modular fixed-collar HDS-1L directional tool with positive pulse that involves the use of proprietary tools and data analysis
telemetry. The tool provides continuous inclination and azi- techniques to improve the reliability and quality of resistiv-
muth information and acts as the telemetry module to make ity data for formation evaluation. The technology measures
real-time data transmission possible. The DataLink™ provides the formation resistivity by transmitting electromagnetic
real-time communication with PathFinder LWD sensors. waves through the formation surrounding a wellbore. The
PathFinder offers real-time Density Neutron Standoff SAWR tools, along with the larger Array Wave Resistivity
Caliper (DNSC) service. While neutron and density LWD (AWR) tools, are capable of operating in HPHT conditions
tools have been available to the industry for several years, up to 25,000 psi and 350°F.
early designs had no direct means to account for poten- The company’s Survivor™ HPHT Dynamic Pressure Module
tially large standoff-induced errors. The DNSC was the first technology measures the pressure and temperature of the
LWD tool designed to measure standoff directly and use drilling fluid in the drill pipe and annulus, providing informa-
that measurement to improve the accuracy of neutron and tion regarding the performance of the drilling equipment and
density measurements. borehole environment. The tools are compatible with the com-
PathFinder’s Slim Density Neutron Standoff Caliper pany’s other Survivor suite of tools as well as with its LWD
(SDNSC) technology provides customers with more reli- technologies such as its Directional/Gamma tool, AWR and
able wellbore caliper and formation density and porosity SAWR tools and the SDNSC tool.
measurements. This service is available in small wellbore
diameters. Built to operate in high pressure, high tem- At-bit gamma and inclination ser vices
perature (HPHT) environments, the SDNSC has a modular PathFinder provides at-bit inclination and gamma ray mea-
design for placement anywhere in the PathFinder bottom surements from the PayZone Inclination Gamma (PZIG)
hole assembly. The SDNSC tool utilizes the industry’s first System to reduce directional drilling risk in critical hole
low energy, high output Californium-252 neutron source. section (at-bit inclination) and early detection of changes in
Two ultrasonic transducers provide accurate and redundant lithology to accurately land horizontal wells where planned
standoff and while-rotating measurements, storing the data (at-bit gamma ray). The tool is designed to operate as two
in a high capacity memory. The battery provides over 300 separate subs. The lower sub (LXM), located directly behind
hours of power for use in extended bit runs. the bit, acquires then transmits data via wireless electro-



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( P a t h F i n d e r )

magnetic short-hop across the motor to the upper sub fed into the PayZone steering program from the PathFinder
(UXM), which then provides communication to the MWD/ surface system to enable real-time knowledge of where the
LWD components. The LXM at-bit sub measures dynamic bit is currently, which direction the well is heading and the
inclination and gamma ray units, providing the closest to the direction the well should be heading.
bit sensor offsets available in the industry.
The LXM modular sub can be used in rotary assembly ap- iF inder T M density imaging ser vice
plications as well as with steerable mud motors. PathFinder’s iFinder’s primary measurement is bulk density imaging, a
2-D rotary steerable system can be used in conjunction with graphical representation of the variation of bulk density
the PZIG modular subs. Additionally, the PZIG subs can be around the circumference of the wellbore. Density imaging is
utilized with PathFinder’s PathMaker® rotary steerable sys- made possible by the collimated source and detectors of the
tem or an independent RSS. density tool, which focuses the density measurement on the
The PZIG system is designed for the inclination and gamma formation directly in front of the sensor. As the tool rotates,
ray sensors to be completely independent of the mud motor the image covers the entire circumference of the wellbore.
or RSS for several reasons. The modular subs can be con-
figured to operate with any type of mud motor power section
or rotary assembly. Also, sensor reliability and operating life
are not affected by motor reliability. Operational decisions
on whether at-bit measurements are needed on a specific
run are not tied to the availability of an instrumented motor.
Additionally, the modular subs of the PZIG system are small
and easily transportable, and there is significantly lower lost-
in-hole exposure.

PayZone steering ser vices for real-time forward modeling

PathFinder’s PayZone Steering (PZS) service includes high
quality real-time LWD measurements and a software system
for interpreting the log responses and proposing adjust-
ments to the well plan. In addition to identifying the position The PZS suite of proprietary computer program was developed to
of the well in the geologic section, PZS is used to predict aid directional drillers in recognizing geological formation changes.
PZS software uses forward modeling to predict the responses of
lithology ahead of the bit. These services can be provided to
logging-while-drilling (LWD) gamma ray, resistivity, density-neutron,
the geologist at the wellsite or at an offsite location. density image, sonic sensors to the various geological formations
The service components include PayZone steering exper- along the proposed well path.
tise, modeling software, formation evaluation sensors and
at-bit inclination and gamma ray sensors. The key to the PathFinder’s bulk density measurement uses a patented
service is the PayZone steering software suite along with standoff weighting technique to select a subset of the
the expertise of the engineers. The PZS software provides a rotating data with a minimum of standoff. The company’s
working model that is updated based on the real-time MWD patented imaging algorithm employs a weighting technique
and LWD logs by the engineer. to focus the density measurement on discreet sectors
The software was developed for the geological steering around the wellbore. Because the algorithm does not “bin”
of a deviated well path. The geological earth model, the di- the data, there is no technical limit to the number of sectors
rectional well plan and the petrophysical data from real-time that can be imaged.
LWD logs are combined into a single modeling program. Density images are mainly used for geosteering because
The software generates synthetic log responses based on of the ability to determine the direction from which a par-
formation petrophysical properties and well trajectory. The ticular bed is entered or exited. Standoff, or caliper, images
geology model is adjusted to match the real-time log and de- become very important in geomechanics and wellbore sta-
termine the stratigraphic position of the well path. Real-time bility analysis while the wellbore image of the photoelectric
data from sensors located in the drill string are continually index may provide useful additional geological information. 25


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( P a t h F i n d e r )

iFinder features real-time transmission of computed log Another feature is automated closed-loop control for main-
data and quality parameters, and extreme temperature and taining inclination and azimuth, allowing the tool to be locked
pressure ratings of 350°F and 25,000 psi. The modular tool onto the target inclination and/or azimuth, providing automat-
design allows placement anywhere in the LWD tool string. ed control without the need for human interaction. The target
The tool has a 300 hour memory storage capacity of log data inclination and azimuth values can be changed using a down-
at 6-in. intervals at a drilling rate of 200 ft/hr. Its long life link if the well path or drilling target positions are moved.
battery power is used for LWD and logging while tripping. Lateral and axial vibration and stick/slip severity are
monitored using the onboard real-time detection system.
Rotar y steerable systems Severity levels are transmitted to the surface in real time,
PathFinder’s PathMaker RSS can be configured as a point- allowing the directional driller to change drilling parameters,
the-bit or push-the-bit system, depending on the application. if necessary, to reduce downhole vibration and stick/slip.
The point-the-bit system uses a near-bit stabilizer to provide
a fulcrum point to tilt the bit in the desired direction. The Mud motors
push-the-bit mode uses the steering unit to push the bit Cost-conscious oil and gas operators recognize the positive
sideways, resulting in higher dogleg severity (DLS), making it contributions that downhole motors can make to the econom-
more suitable for shallow, overgauged hole, washed out ap- ics of many drillable prospects. Drilling motors convert hydraulic
plications and open hole sidetracking. In situations where energy to mechanical energy to rotate the bit incrementally to
higher rotational speeds are required, the PathMaker RSS the drill string rotation, offering significant cost savings due to
can be powered with a PathFinder mud motor, and it is ideal higher ROP resulting from delivering more energy to the bit.
for performance drilling where maximum rate of penetration The application of downhole drilling motors has expanded from
(ROP) is required. the initial conventional directional kick-off applications to other
The RSS also can be integrated with any of PathFinder’s
MWD/LWD tools. For lower cost vertical applications, the
PathMaker can be run stand alone in automated vertical
control mode.
PathFinder launches innovative
The PathMaker system is designed with three hydrauli- iFinder Density Imaging service
cally actuated pads housed in a steering unit. While drilling,
the pads provide a constant contact force with the wellbore PathFinder recently introduced the innovative iFinderTM
to maintain the steering unit stationary. The toolface and Density Imaging service specifically designed to enhance
dogleg severity are controlled by proportionally offsetting and optimize borehole geosteering to help drilling engi-
the steering unit from the centerline of the wellbore, en- neers meet all critical directional objectives and complex
abling the tool to drill a constant curve resulting in superior well trajectory requirements. The iFinder tool generates a
wellbore quality and reduced torque and drag. real-time borehole visualization image by measuring and
The PathMaker system is the only RSS available that recording azimuthal density, photoelectric index and ultra-
provides real-time pad-contact caliper measurement while sonic stand-off. The iFinder service provides quantitative
drilling. The caliper measurements are taken from the physi- formation dip analysis and insight into wellbore stability.
cal pad position and gives the directional driller real-time
information several feet behind the bit. The information Technolog y Platfor m
provides real-time feedback on the wellbore condition and The iFinder tool utilizes density imaging to produce a
allows surface parameters to be optimized to ensure con- graphical representation of the density variations around
sistent and accurate directional response. the circumference of the borehole. The sophisticated mea-
Downlinking of steering commands to the RSS is achieved surement is accomplished by using a collimated source
using a non-intrusive patented drill string rotation program- and detectors to focus the density measurement on the
ming method. No special surface equipment or rig-up is formation directly in front of the sensor. As the tool ro-
required. The RSS relies entirely on drill string rotation and tates, the measurement covers the entire circumference
flow commands from the surface and is designed to allow of the borehole.
commands to be sent while on bottom and drilling ahead.



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( P a t h F i n d e r )

areas, including steerable drilling, medium and long radius drill- each field run, every motor is completely disassembled and
ing, re-entry, performance drilling, hole opening, under-reaming cleaned to undergo a rigorous inspection procedure.
and casing cutting, coring and milling. PathFinder’s reliable and versatile downhole measurement,
The PathFinder Drilling Motors (PDM) are positive displace- imaging and directional drilling products and services are
ment mud motors that incorporate high performance power designed and manufactured by expertly trained and experi-
sections for optimal durability. PDMs increase the bit’s RPM enced technical personnel to deliver accurate information
without increasing the drills tring’s rotational speed and en- to significantly reduce risk and uncertainty, thereby reducing
able drilling with less weight on bit. Drill pipe and casing costs and increasing success.
wear is reduced because the drill string does not rotate.
Figure 1. The iFinder Density Imaging The 4 ¾-in. iFinder
ROP is increased and long runs can be drilled for extended capability provides the directional driller Density Imaging tool
drilling operations. with the ability to more precisely steer the provides real-time
The company’s motors provide increased ROP, better hole wellbore by showing the direction from azimuthal images of
deviation control, and reduced drill string failure. PDMs also which the formation is entered and exited. bulk density and
reduce tear and wear of the swivel, kelly and rotary drives. photoelectric index
measurements in
Additionally, fuel costs are reduced compared to rotary drilling hole sizes from
because less energy is required to power the downhole motor. 5 7⁄8-in. to 7-in.
The critical components of the motors are serialized to
closely track their status throughout their useful life. The
components are retired from service after accumulating a
certain number of operating hours, regardless of their ap-
pearance, in compliance with PathFinder’s standards. After

PathFinder’s best-in-industry bulk density measurement

technology utilizes a patented stand-off weighting technique to
select the appropriate sub-set of rotating data. Similarly, our
patented imaging algorithm employs a weighting technique to
focus the density measurement on discreet sectors around the
borehole. Since the algorithm does not “bin” data, there are no
technical limits to the number of azimuth measurements that
can be imaged; however, the practical limit derived from the
azimuthal resolution of the detectors is 32 sectors for memory
images, while available communications bandwidth allows up Features
to 16 sectors to be transmitted up-hole in real-time. • Formation density and photoelectric
index image logs
Customer Benefit • Compensated neutron porosity and
density logs
The dataset is processed and graphically presented by cutting
• Dynamic standoff measurement and
the cylindrical borehole image open at the high side of the weighting processing helps minimize
borehole and folding it flat so it is oriented from left to right standoff effects on density and neutron
from high side to low side and back to high side (Figure 1). measurements
These density images and the photoelectric index image are • Real-time transmission of computed log
extremely useful for geosteering because they allow the driller data and quality parameters
• Extreme temperature/pressure ratings:
to determine the direction and angle from which a particular
350°F / 175°C, 25,000 psi
formation bed is entered or exited. The highly accurate stand- • Flow rates up to 375 gpm
off images are also important in geomechanics and wellbore • Modular design for flexible positioning
stability analysis. in the LWD tool string 27


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( D y n a - D r i l l )

Dyna-Drill remains the technical

leader in high performance power
sections for every application

W ith the merger of W-H Energy Services into SMITH, Dyna-Drill

Technologies returns to its roots. SMITH invented and launched
positive displacement motor technology to the oil and gas services industry
as an innovative tool for directional drilling more than 50 years ago, with the
introduction of the original Dyna-Drill design in 1958. To this day, the Dyna-
Drill identity remains synonymous with leadership in downhole drilling motor
1/2 4/5 Since its inception, Dyna-Drill has been a leader in advancing motor design
and technology, and the Company has developed an extensive product range
that has helped bring high performance motor technology into many new applica-
tions. The current Dyna-Drill Technologies product line includes configurations
from ultra slow-speed/high-torque to ultra high-speed/low-torque performance
power sections, coated high performance bearing packs and precision machin-
5/6 7/8 ing. Applications for Smith’s Dyna-Drill technology now extends to mud motors
Customized power
sections are available
for a wide range of
applications. Customers
can specify over 60
configurations to ensure
that the tool is perfectly
tailored to the target

Combining premium materials with state

of the art manufacturing techniques and
unsurpassed quality assurance process-
es, Dyna-Drill components are built to pro-
vide long-lasting optimum performance in
the toughest applications.



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( D y n a - D r i l l )

for straight hole, directional, air drilling, medium and short The higher performance power sections are designed for
radius wells and drilling high temperature environments. longer mud motor life and can be teamed with mud motors
Today, approximately one of every three positive displace- ranging from 1 11⁄16-in. to 11 ½-in. diameters. Extra slow
ment motor in use anywhere in the world has a Dyna-Drill ESX models, recommended for use with PDC bits, provide
power section speed ranges from 30-80 rpm and high torque ranges from
The Company’s manufacturing facilities provide the latest 3,500 to more than 22,000 ft-lbs. Roller cone bits typically
technology to the industry, including CNC machining cen- operate at slow speeds but not high torque. PDC bits, run-
ters, a custom-designed trepanning machine, high-capacity ning at any speed, require high torque. ESX power sections
vacuum furnacing capabilities, and state of the industry accommodate both operating demands.
product testing laboratories including an advanced elasto- For example, in one well drilled through deep Wyoming
mer and quality control measure lab. rock, an ESX power section helped increase rate of penetra-
Ongoing elastomer development efforts within Dyna- tion (ROP) by as much as 83%, outperforming bits running
Drill study the impact of drilling fluids on power section at higher speeds. The slow speed, high torque motor drilled
stators to produce the most technologically advanced approximately 10,000 ft in the tough downhole environment
materials for downhole motor equipment. The Company’s before requiring a replacement trip.
Matrix-3 coated bearings provide superior resistance to The product line also includes coiled tubing-compatible
wear, corrosion and mechanical fatigue. The bearings power sections that can be teamed with drilling motors
combine innovative metallurgy and brazing technologies ranging from 1 11⁄16-in. to 3 ¾-in. diameter. Additionally the
to provide exceptional bearing life in even the harshest Company offers extended length power sections to provide
drilling environments. the necessary torque for rotary steerable systems, which

» Dyna-Drill’s NBR-HR™ is one of the latest innovative rubber compounds and

increases torque by 50% over conventional compounds. NBR-HR stators offer
superior performance in aggressive drilling applications and is a cost effective
alternative to metal reinforced stators.

The Company is headquartered in Houston, TX, U.S.A. may also require higher RPM. The extended length power
and maintains its primary manufacturing facilities there. sections are available in extra slow speed, slow speed and
Dyna-Drill also operates a power section and PC pump medium speed configurations.
manufacturing facility in Nisku, Alberta, Canada, and a sta- Additionally the company offers extended length power
tor reline facility in Dubai, U.A.E. sections to provide the necessary torque for rotary steerable
systems, which may also require higher RPM. This power
High perfor mance elastomer technolog y section includes Dyna-Drill’s proprietary NBR elastomer
Dyna-Drill’s NBR-HR™ is one of the latest innovative rubber technology. The extended length power sections are avail-
compounds and increases torque by 50% over conventional able in extra slow speed, slow speed and medium speed
compounds. NBR-HR stators offer superior performance in configurations.
aggressive drilling applications and is a cost effective alter-
native to metal reinforced stators. Coated bearings boost perfor mance
To boost performance and increase mud motor durability,
Power sections for ever y application Dyna-Drill offers the proprietary Matrix-3 coated bearings.
Dyna-Drill offers more than 70 different power section mod- Tungsten and other carbide phases, bonded in a nickel-
els for virtually every conceivable application, from extra chrome matrix, are metallurgically fused to the base metal
slow, high torque models to high speed/low torque power to form a solid, inseparable unit. Coating thicknesses range
sections. They provide superior longevity for long production from .020-in. to .100-in. and apply to virtually every shape.
hours and optimal mud motor performance even in extreme The bearings provide exceptional resistance to metal-to-metal
drilling applications. impact, wear, corrosion and mechanical fatigue. 29


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( D y n a - D r i l l )

» Dyna-Drill experience, spanning decades, results in superior CNC machining of

extremely tight tolerance, ultra-high precision components ranging from very small
configurations to 30 ft collars, including MWD/LWD and wireline components.
Among the precision machining equipment are CNC machines for consistent
machining of products, a vertical machining center, a horizontal machining center
and turning center capabilities.

The Matrix-3 coating system provides very dense, medium-to- Dyna-Drill also offers relining services for previously
high carbide content and is metallurgically bonded at pressures used power sections where the worn or damaged rubber
exceeding 70,000 psi, increasing impact resistance. The coat- material is removed and relined at its service centers in
ing’s low porosity and high ductility of less than 2% increases the U.S., Canada and Dubai.
impact, corrosion and wear resistance.
Matrix-3 coating system chemistry allows
heat treating of bearings to a full range of re-
quired mechanical properties with no effect
on the coatings. Additionally, the composition
can be custom-formulated to provide optimal
performance characteristics for each specific
application and operating environment.

Precision machining for high performance power

Dyna-Drill’s manufacturing facility in Houston has
more than 80,000 sq. ft of design, production
and testing space. The production engineers,
teamed with leading edge computerized ma-
chining equipment, produce custom ordered
components and assemblies that are machined
to exacting measurements and tolerances.
As described in the PC pump manufacturing
details, Dyna-Drill utilizes the industry’s most
sophisticated Weingartner milling machine to
precisely contour rotors. The rotors are 17-4
stainless steel and chrome-plated for maximum
wear and corrosion resistance. The stators in-
corporate NBR and HSN elastomers for various
drilling applications and downhole conditions.
Dyna-Drill experience, spanning decades, re-
sults in superior CNC machining of extremely
tight tolerance, ultra-high precision components
ranging from very small configurations to 30
ft collars, including MWD/LWD and wireline
components. Among the precision machining
equipment are CNC machines for consistent
machining of products, a vertical machining
center, a horizontal machining center and turn-
ing center capabilities.



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( D y n a - D r i l l )

Power sections are manufac-

tured on ultra-sophisticated
machining stations that have
the ability to consistently hold
very tight tolerances. This
precision pays off in both
increased performance and
improved durability.

Quality control and inspection of ever y tool

Quality control of each power section design is secured Inspections include full traceability, 100% rotor profile
through an in-house 1,000 HP dynamometer powered by inspection, stator electronic gauges including tube ultra-
two triplex mud pumps, the largest PDM power section test- sound testing, and 100% inspection of serialized parts.
ing facility in the industry. It is capable of testing power The Dyna-Drill inspection process means that many of its
sections as large as 12-in. diameter and 25 ft long. Every customers can forego testing of incoming equipment, sav-
power section manufactured is proven on the dynamometer ing time and money.
prior to production release. Dyna-Drill Technologies brings reliable power for virtually
Dyna-Drill also conducts 100% final inspections of each any drilling application and downhole environment, includ-
tool. A coordinate measuring machine uses custom data ing soft or hard formations, high temperatures, vertical or
acquisition software to measure power section rotor and directional and rotary steerables and coiled tubing. The his-
stator core profiles, producing accurately measured parts tory and future of downhole drilling motor technology is truly
dimensions within .0001-in. discovered at Dyna-Drill. 31


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( R o t a t i n g c o n t r o l d e v i c e s )

Rotating control devices take off

the pressure when drilling complex
underbalanced wells

T he oil and gas industry continually explores increasingly difficult and com-
plex environments, in which non-traditional drilling methods are required.
These non-traditional methods include air, foam and gas drilling; underbalanced
drilling (UBD); and managed pressure drilling (MPD), all of which increase com-
plexity, often requiring meticulous planning and preparation to result in a safe and
successful operation.
SMITH offers HOLD®rotating control devices (RCDs), also called rotating heads,
for use in various drilling applications. Smith RCDs are designed and built with a
distinct focus on rig personnel safety, rig equipment and operational reliability. A
sealing element within the RCD seals around the drill string components to safely
divert dust, mud, air/gas, mist, foam or steam away from the rig floor.
The RCD’s main components include the spool or lower bowl with inlet and out-
let flanges, the bearing assembly, ,drive bushing assembly including the sealing
element and the kelly bushing. The sealing element is the most critical component
and is the barrier between the fluids in the wellbore and the rig floor personnel.
A seal is created by the stretch interference fit between the kelly/drill pipe and
the ID of the sealing element and this seal is 100% active once engaged. Seal
reliability and sealing element life are maximized through strict material quality
and manufacturing controls.

At Balance with SMITH

At Balance with SMITH, a joint business relationship, combines At Balance
Automated Pressure Drilling™ Services with Smith’s HOLD RCD products. At
Balance drilling services include a pressure management method that increases
The HOLD 2500 features a dual element
stripper rubber and real-time wellbore safety, enhances performance and reduces drilling costs. This revolutionary
pressure sensor and recorder. technology uses the Integrated Pressure Manager (IPM), which combines a high
speed programmable system with a real-time hydraulics model, to control down-
hole pressure with unmatched speed and precision. Combined with HOLD RCDs,
operators have a high-performance solution to the most complex and challenging
MPD applications.
At Balance Automated Pressure Drilling Services offer a better way to boost drill-
ing capability by instantly responding to changing pressure conditions and taking



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( R o t a t i n g c o n t r o l d e v i c e s )

rapid, accurate corrective action before potentially critical A safety interlock system prevents release of the sealing
well control events occur. Integrated pressure management element in the presence of wellbore pressure, eliminating
through a high speed control network facilitates a response the need for a secondary mechanical locking system. A vi-
at a speed that cannot be achieved with conventional and sual indicator pin on the head confirms when the system is
manual methods. locked down.
Accurate hydraulics result from calibrated, real-time mod- The HOLD RCDs offer built-in safety features for UBD and
eling, which provide a continuous stream of data to maintain MPD projects. The HOLD RCDs features a split body design
bottom hole pressure (BHP) within a tight safety window in with the bearing assembly attached to the mounting spool
narrow margins. Continuous pressure adjustments reduce with a heavy-duty lower clamp. The RCDs feature indepen-
the risk of wellbore instability, ballooning and annular load- dant high pressure oil circulation and bearing lubrication
ing, while driving stability and performance to new levels, system and mechanically energized stripper element to
even in hostile environments. provide an uninterrupted wellbore seal. Large, heavy-duty
tapered roller bearings provide low torque rotation and load
SMITH’S HOLD ROTATING CONTROL DEVICES support while continuous circulation of hydraulic oil lubri-
Rig site safety is the primary reason for using an RCD. cates and cools the bearings and seals.
The equipment allows drilling operations to continue while The HOLD RCDs also feature a real-time wellbore pressure
isolating the drilling personnel from potentially dangerous sensor and recorder. Additionally, a dual sealing element
wellbore fluids and gases. Conventional air, mist, foam and assembly is available to further increase safety for drilling
gas drilling requires an RCD for the isolation and redirection personnel and the rig floor area.
of the wellbore discharge. Additionally,
RCDs protect the environment by direct-
ing potentially harmful wellbore fluids and
gases through the processing equipment
on location before being returned to the
The Smith HOLD RCD is available in two
pressure ratings, the HOLD 1500 and HOLD
2500. The HOLD 1500 is rated for 1,500
psi operating pressure and has a bearing
assembly with a pass through of 13 3⁄8-in.
The HOLD 2500 is rated to 2,500 psi oper-
ating pressure and has a bearing assembly
with a pass through of 12 ¼-in. The HOLD
2500 is static pressure rated to 3,000 psi
or 5,000 psi dependant on the spool.
The remotely operated hydraulic lock-
down system on the HOLD RCD eliminates
the need to send personnel below the drill floor to release At Balance, a SMITH joint venture partner, offers automated drilling
primary locking systems when installing or replacing the pressure services for complex MPD applications
sealing element. The driller operates all hydraulic systems
from a control console on the rig floor, improving rig safety HOLD offshore kit for zero environmental discharge
and decreasing element replacement time. The sealing The offshore conversion kit for the HOLD 1500 and 2500
element can be changed independently from the bearing as- RCDs is the only system currently available that is in
sembly, saving rig time and eliminating the need for excess compliance with 100% zero environmental discharge. In
inventory at the rig site. the event of a sealing element failure, fluids are safely
Additional safety elements include a fail-safe locking contained within the overshot riser, preventing minor
mechanism, which requires hydraulic pressure to open. environmental incidents from impacting rig operations. 33


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( R o t a t i n g c o n t r o l d e v i c e s )

The offshore kit is easily adapted to land applications for The Model 7068 RCD is the low pressure workhorse, with
zero discharge compliance. 250 psi rotating pressure and 750 psi static test pressure.
The offshore conversion kit modifies the top section of The compact design makes the Model 7068 the perfect
the HOLD RCD with a custom flange. A typical installation choice for use on small drilling rigs where substructure height
would provide a top flange with a welded-on 24-in. OD over- is limited. This RCD is available in a version as short as 24
shot mandrel to engage the overshot packer for jackup or ⁄8-in. high, which is aptly dubbed the “Shorty” model.
tension-leg platform installation. The offshore conversion kit The Model 8068 RCD is designed for use on large diameter
is not restricted to just jackup and TLP applications. wells and features a split body design with the bearing as-
Although the offshore conversion kit is not designed to be sembly attached to the mounting spool with clamping dogs.
a structural member of the marine riser, it does provide a flu- The mounting spool is available for 13 5⁄8-in. to 20-in. BOP
id connection to enable flow through the RCD to the diverter bolt-on spools and 30-in. and 36-in. weld-on mounting flanges
and bell nipple used in many typical marine riser installa- for conductor pipe.
tions. In a marine riser installation, with the stripper rubber The Model 8068-G Geothermal RCD has been designed
element installed, all return flow is diverted through the side with several unique features that enable it to operate safely
outlet on the wellhead adapter spool. in high temperature environments. It uses the Model 8068
RCD bearing and drive bushing section for reliability and per-
Smith’s line of rotating control devices formance. The bearing section is fastened to the spool and
SMITH offers a full line of RCDs for virtually every balanced, sealed for safe operation. The spool is equipped with a large
underbalanced and MPD drilling situation, installation and diameter sealing element with an ID large enough to safely
application. For example, the DHS 1400 RCD is the Smith seal on large diameter drill string components such as drill
intermediate pressure rated drilling head, rated at 600 psi collars. Special water injection ports enable the sealing ele-
rotating pressure and 1,000 psi static test pressure. Its ments and exposed seal faces to be cooled and lubricated by
compact design and large 14-in. thru-bore make it the ideal circulating water through the head when tripping.
choice when substructure height is limited. The Model 7368 RCD is designed for use where space
is limited, such as on workover rigs. This model employs
the same design features as the larger Model 7068 low-
pressure RCD.
Smith rotating control devices, particularly when combined
with At Balance pressure management services, take the
pressure off both you and your drilling system for all your criti-
cal underbalanced and managed pressure drilling projects.

The Model 7068 is a low pres-

sure RCD especially suited for
small rigs where substructure
height is an issue.

The DHS 1400 is an intermediate

pressure RCD designed for use where
substructure space is limited.



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( I m p a c t s y s t e m )

AP impact system solves costly

sticky situations

T he complex drilling systems and assemblies that could include MWD/LWD

tools, rotary steerable systems and other expensive tools and electronics
mean that lost-in-hole situations could cost the operator hundreds of thousands
of dollars. Smith’s AP Impact System can significantly reduce the risk of this
potential loss of expensive equipment and the cost of having to plug back and drill
around a lost in hole drill string with its numerous jarring tools.
The jar is designed to move up and down the wellbore, releasing stuck drill
stem components by the tool’s impact. The driller controls the frequency and
force of the jar on the stuck downhole equipment. Smith’s AP Impact system
includes the Hydra-Jar AP tool, Accelerator AP, Jar-Pact Analysis Program and a
data acquisition program.
The Sup-R-Jar product is an addition to Smith’s impact system as the result
of the acquisition of W-H Energy Services, Inc. This tool is built with quality and
simplicity in mind, including only eight major components. The tool is simple to
build, easy to dress and extremely durable.
A jar’s application includes drilling conditions where the risk of differential stick-
ing, hole sloughing or other potential stuck-in-hole situations exist. They are also
used in fishing operations requiring significant down-hitting impact or alternating
up and down jarring force. Jars also may be required when downhole tools, direc-
tional and MWD/LWD equipment are used in the bottom hole assembly
(BHA). Extended and long-reach directional and horizontal applica-
tions may require multiple jars for maximum effectiveness.
Jars also are used in casing swaging operations
requiring impact for successful completion.
The Hydra-Jar AP Impact System is
the industry’s premiere performer for
reducing the risk of losing expensive
drill string equipment downhole. 35


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( i m p a c t s y s t e m )

Hydra-Jar AP
Smith’s Hydra-Jar AP frees stuck drill stem components dur-
ing drilling or workover operations by jarring both up and down
with an impact force controlled by the driller, who controls the
direction, intensity and frequency of the impacts. The system
works without applied torque so directional tools maintain
their orientation throughout the jarring operations.
Hydra-Jar’s high temperature seals make the tool ideal
for hostile drilling conditions. The tool will perform in every
drilling condition, onshore or offshore, in vertical, deviated,
ultra-deep and ultra-hot wells.
The tool is balanced to hydrostatic pressure through ports
open to the wellbore, ensuring consistent hitting performance
regardless of changes in downhole pressures. The tool also
is temperature-compensated through the use of a unique de-
tent system that provides consistent loading and firing of the
jar over a broad range of wellbore temperatures.
Hydra-Jar’s unique metering process compensates for the
decrease in detent cylinder oil viscosity as the jar is fired
repeatedly, ensuring consistent impact. The tool’s full bore
design minimizes pressure losses and provides wireline
compatibility. Additionally, the jar may be run in compression
or tension, providing optimized placement in the drill string.
A safety clamp enables the jar to be made up, racked and
handled like a drill pipe joint and can be made up and racked
like a standard length of drill pipe, reducing trip time.
Smith’s data acquisition program ensures that all Hydra-
Jar tools are tested to specification prior to being sent to
the wellsite. The system uses two pressure transducers to
perform a push test and pull test for short and full detent. A
laser rangefinder device measures the stroke length.

Accelerator AP
In most applications, the Hydra-Jar AP tool should be
run in conjunction with the Accelerator AP tool, which in-
creases the jar’s impact and protects the drill string and
surface equipment from jar shock loads. The Accelerator The Hydra-Jar The Accel- The Hydra-TT The TT Accel-
AP operates automatically with the jar to increase reliabil- AP can be run erator AP is Jar is a slimhole erator is designed
in compression run with the tool with the for coiled tubing
ity and ease of use. The tool combines the advantages
or tension to Hydra-Jar AP design and and other slim-
of up or down or up and down motion with hydraulic fluid allow maximum and protects performance hole applications.
for maximum jarring impact, resulting in as much as twice flexibility in drill the drill string attributes of the With the ability
the impact provided by competitors’ tools. Accelerator AP string place- from jar shock Hydra-Jar AP. to increase the
optimizes jar performance in extended reach directional ment, and will loads. This tool can energy of the
and horizontal wells where stored energy in the drill pipe is deliver consis- deliver superior Hydra-TT Jar, this
tent maximum results in the tool also protects
lost due to hole drag. extreme condi- the drill string
“hitting” power in
When used in conjunction with Hydra-Jar AP, the Accelerator the most difficult tions of HPHT from impact
AP replaces or supplements pipe stretch so the fish is hit applications. applications damage.



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( i m p a c t s y s t e m )

hard regardless of the depth of shallow or crooked holes. OD, is ideal for use in coiled tubing operations, snubbing,
Additionally, Accelerator AP provides the same hit with less small diameter rotary drilling and fishing applications. The
overpull at the jar. The hammer mass receives 100% trans- tool is capable of torque transmission and can be used
fer of the overpull. with a downhole motor. The standard tool features premium
Fluid compression inside the tool compensates for limited seals for use in high temperature and high pressure wells.
drill pipe stretch in shallow wells to provide stored energy to The tool’s large bore accommodates drop balls and flow
create maximum impact. The tool’s full bore design minimizes release equipment below the tool.
pressure losses and provides wireline tool compatibility. The TT Double Acting Accelerator is a slimhole impact en-
hancement tool designed to multiply jar impact by providing
Jar-Pact or enhancing the stored energy source. Its small diameter
Smith’s proprietary Jar-Pact software allows its engineers makes this tool, along with the Hydra-TT Jar, ideal for coiled
to model the placement and performance of the AP Impact tubing operations, snubbing and small diameter rotary drill-
System to ensure that Hydra-Jar AP and Accelerator AP pro- ing and fishing applications. The tool is recommended any
vide superior performance in a specific application. Jar-Pact time a jar is included in the work string during milling, drill-
uses information from the operator’s well plan including ing, workover, remedial or completion operations in vertical,
wellbore and BHA parameters and then recommends the deviated, ultra-deep and ultra-hot wellbores.
optimum jar tool placement in the BHA. The TT Double Acting Accelerator Tool’s nitrogen filled
compression chamber stores the tool’s en-
ergy while reducing tool length. The tool’s 6-in.
maximum stroke length increases acceleration
energy and improves the tool’s effectiveness.
The tool also functions as a shock absorber to
prevent impact damage to the BHA components
such as coiled tubing connectors and back pres-
sure valves.

Hydra-Stroke Bumper Subs for deepwater

The Hydra-Stroke Bumper Sub is a key drillstem
component for deepwater drilling operations
where drill string oscillation can be a problem.
The tool provides 6 ft of reliable telescopic move-
ment without placing limitations on drill string
torque capacity. The bumper sub is fully balanced
to the annulus and the mud pumps, making it
The proprietary Jar Pact software allows SMITH to model the placement of the completely reliable at any depth and in any drilling
Impact System to ensure that performance is optimized. environment.
The tool isolates drill string assemblies from
Optimal placement in the BHA is critical in order to avoid the effects of wave motion on floating drilling rigs. It also
locating the tools in or near the drill string’s neutral point or provides drill string travel in plug and abandon operations
transition zones. Jar-Pact also ensures that the ratio of the when low level jarring or bumping is necessary. The sub
hole size of the Hydra-Jar AP and Accelerator AP is within provides the travel necessary to deploy knives in casing cut-
recommended guidelines. ting operations. The closed drive system prevents ingress
of wellbore fluid into the drive section to improve reliability.
Slimhole impact tool The tool’s fully balanced feature eliminates pump-open ef-
The Hydra-TT Double Acting Hydraulic Jar is a slimhole im- fect caused by internal pressure.
pact tool with the same design principles as the Hydra-Jar. Smith’s wide array of jarring tools can get anyone out of a
The tool’s small diameter, ranging from 1 11⁄16-in. to 2 7⁄8-in. sticky situation. 37


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( P e r c u s s i o n h a m m e r s a n d b i t s )

The impact of Impax percussion

hammers and bits on hard
rock formations

T he Impax line of air percussion hammers and bits provides the industry
with the most effective and reliable combination of percussion tools when
drilling through hard rock formations. The Impax bits and hammers feature several
patented technologies to improve durability, performance, and reliability in hard
rock applications, thereby lowering cost per foot compared with the industry’s
conventional hammers and bits.

Hammer is designed for oilfield conditions

Smith’s hammers are designed specifically for the oilfield drilling conditions. The
Impax hammers feature optimum energy delivery and energy transfer to the bit and
rock. In addition, Impax hammers are capable of sustained operation with larger
volumes of water (mist) injection, a key requirement for the oilfield in presence of
water-influx from the hole. Impax hammers also offer improved durability from a
hardened steel sleeve that replaces the plastic “blow tube” used in conventional
hammers and are capable of operating at high downhole ambient temperatures
without loss of performance.
The blow tube, or the foot valve, is a plastic tube pressed into the bit. When
the piston travels past the blow tube, the lower chamber of the hammer is al-
lowed to exhaust. However, blow tubes have historically been the Achilles heel for
conventional hammers. A blow tube failure can result in complete stoppage of
the percussive action or at the very least, a significant reduction in performance.
Often, this means a trip out of the hole to replace the blow tube. Impax hammers
use a hardened steel guide sleeve to replace the blow tube and thereby improve
overall operational reliability. This feature eliminates any common blow tube fail-
ures due to high temperatures, shock and vibration, and fluid erosion.
SMITH offers a full In addition, the Impax hammers are designed with a larger lower chamber,
line of percussion bits which improves mist-handling capabilities and performance in high annular back
that provide superior pressure conditions encountered in deep hole drilling using high air volumes.
performance in a wide
The result is at least a 10-20% increase in water handling capability from mist-
range of challenging
applications. injection over conventional hammers and the saving of a trip out of the hole as
the “watering out” limit is approached in a well. Under the right conditions, Impax
hammers are capable of drilling at depths exceeding 13,000’.



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( P e r c u s s i o n h a m m e r s a n d b i t s )

Impax bits increase ROP, reduce cost per foot from the hole. The threaded retention system relies on the
Smith’s premium line of Impax percussion bits provide fact that the right-hand rotation of the drill string virtually
customers with a combination of high reliability, durability eliminates any chance of the bit retainer coming loose.
and drilling performance in some of the hardest and most Features, such as the retainers, add immense value to the
abrasive formations encountered in oil and gas drilling. overall success of percussion hammers and bits technol-
The Impax hammer bits feature 100% diamond enhanced ogy in the oilfield drilling applications.
inserts (DEI), which results in an increase in the drilled foot- SMITH is committed to being a leader in all the bit tech-
age as well as higher overall ROP. The ability to complete nologies used for oil and gas drilling, and is, in fact, the
long intervals with a single bit run results in substantially only major bit provider for fixed cutter, roller cone as well as
less down time and cost savings. Cutting structures and percussion drill bits!
DEI insert technology undergoes constant improvement to
meet application specific drilling conditions. For a given bit
size and cutting structure, multiple spline options are avail-
able for adaptability.
The “PD” gauge feature virtually eliminates the need for
reaming thereby improving the life of the next bit and provid-
ing a quality wellbore for subsequent casing operations. The
exhaust ports are designed for optimum hole cleaning, cut-
tings removal, and improved ROP. The bit profiles a concave
center, which offers good directional control, even in some of
the most crooked hole drilling conditions.
For drilling applications that do not require cutting struc-
tures with 100% diamond enhanced inserts, Smith’s Diamond
in Gauge Row (DIGR) line of hammer bits is a cost-effective
option. DIGR bits offer a full range of cutting structure op-
tions, while strategically using diamond enhanced inserts
in the gauge or outer rows only. This ensures that the bit
maintains full gauge. These bits provide excellent ROP and
durability in less demanding applications.

Industr y’s most reliable bit retention system

All Smith bits and hammers utilize the same patented bit
retention system for increased reliability. The patented bit
retention system is the industry’s most reliable and proven
retention system. The robust retainer system prevents the
loss of the bit head in the hole and saves the costs incurred The Impax hammer’s unique retainer design offers customers the
from expensive side-tracking or fishing compared to other assurance that should the bit experience a failure, the bit will be cap-
less reliable systems. The simple, yet elegant, retention tured and tripped out of the hole without the need for a fishing job.
system allows virtually any bit to be retained, regardless of
its size and spline configuration when run with the Impax
Conventional hammer bits use a set of split bit retain-
ing rings for retention. However in the event of a “shank”,
the retaining rings are unable to prevent the bit head from
being left in the hole. All Smith bits and hammers feature The Impax’s feed tube is of hardened steel which is much more du-
the bit retainer system, which serves as a secondary catch rable than the plastic material found in conventional percussion ham-
mechanism to secure the bit and allow it to be retrieved mers and improves energy transfer between the piston and the bit. 39


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( R h i n o X S )

Rhino XS reamer improves

wellbore enlargement and efficiency

S mith Borehole Enlargement (SBE) is an operating group within SMITH

that combines the wellbore enlargement products, technical capabili-
ties, people expertise and industry experience of both Smith Drilling & Evaluation
and Smith Technologies. The result is a blend of best in class products and
services. SBE unites the Smith Drilling & Evaluation leading wellbore enlarge-
ment technologies of the Rhino® XS reamer and Reamaster®, with the Smith
Technologies innovative and proprietary drilling products and design simulation
systems, which include the IDEAS® (Integrated Dynamic Engineering Analysis
System) design and modeling software and Quad-D bi-center bits.
The IDEAS capability to provide application-specific cutter design for drill bits is
also applied to the Rhino XS reamer, designing the optimal cutting structure for
borehole enlargement. IDEAS is used to design drilling and backreaming cutting
structures, providing the customer with a significant increase in reamer and drill-
ing performance.
The Rhino XS reamer performance is optimized with the remaining bottom hole
assembly (BHA) components, including the drill bit, by utilizing Smith’s proprietary
i-DRILL®modeling and analysis process. i-DRILL optimizes the entire drill string, in-
cluding reamers, by determining the precise placement of each BHA element.

Rhino XS reamer for simultaneous drilling and hole enlargement

The hydraulically expandable Rhino XS reamer is a concentric reaming
tool designed to enlarge the wellbore for improved equivalent circulat-
ing density (ECD) control, running casing and cementing clearance.
The tool can enlarge an existing or pilot wellbore by up to 25%. The
tool body houses three equally spaced cutter blocks with PDC
inserts for both drilling and backreaming. The tool is ideal for
use with rotary steerable systems (RSS), directional drilling
The Rhino XS utilizes application assemblies and adjustable stabilizer assemblies as well as
specific cutter blocks designed conventional enlargement of an existing pilot hole. The Rhino XS
with IDEAS, Smith’s sophisti-
cated modeling and simulation reamer has been successful in a wide range of situations including ex-
process for optimizing cutting tended reach drilling, backreaming in loosely consolidated formations and
structure performance. in highly abrasive formations.



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( R h i n o X S )

Durability increases with the one-piece cutter block/

extension mechanism. The single piece tool body design
also increases torque and load-carrying capacity, and the
balanced mass design eliminates vibration while drilling.
The reamer PDC cutters provide wear resistance and the
ability to drill a wide range of formations.
The cutter blocks are hydraulically actuated using system
differential pressure. The tongue-and-groove actuation sys-
tem (Z-Drive) traverses the cutter blocks to a pre-selected
diameter and hydraulically secures them in place. Pressure
The Rhino XS System deliv-
indication at the surface notifies the operator that the cut-
ers a superior solution in
ting blocks are fully deployed. The cutter blocks reliably the most challenging HEWD
collapse when the pumps are turned off to help ensure a applications.
problem-free trip out of the hole. During casing shoetrack
drillout,an integrated cutter block lock-out system internally
restricts fluid and ensures that the cutter blocks do not
Field-changeable nozzles ensure optimum cleaning at
every opening diameter. The large-bore nozzles accommo-
date high volume fluid requirements with optimized fluid
distribution between bit and cutter blocks. This high vol-
ume capability also accommodates fluid requirements for
RSS and directional assemblies..

Rhino stabilization system reduces vibration

The Rhino AB is a revolutionary tool
The Rhino Stabilization System is an integrated configu-
that provides the ability to perform
ration of the Rhino XS Reamer and Rhino Stabilizer. The HEWD operations in directional and
integral stabilizer pads on the Rhino Stabilizer assist in cen- downhole motor applications.
tralizing the BHA and helps prevent side cutting by the Rhino
Reamer cutting structure. This reduces vibration, improves
dynamic stability and optimizes drilling performance as well
as MWD/LWD and RSS performance.
The stabilizer activation method is a double ball drop,
the same activation method as the Rhino XS reamer. The
stabilizer configuration is typically run under gauge and 30
ft above the Rhino XS reamer.
The Rhino Stabilization System reduces vibration by uti-
lizing abrasion resistant stabilizer blocks, which feature
diamond enhanced gauge inserts and tungsten carbide
hardfacing. The stabilizer is deployed with the same proven
Z-Drive system used on the Rhino Reamer XS. tor. The Rhino AB (At Bit) Reamer is actuated by threshold
Modified internal component kits now allow the Rhino differential pressure to deploy cutter blocks simultaneously
Reamer to be closed (de-activated) in situations where this and similarly drill a high quality concentric borehole.
is desirable such as pulling out of hole while maintaining The Rhino XS reamer, the Rhino AB and Rhino Stabilization
full flow circulation. System offer the accurate combination for a high quality
The most recent addition to the Rhino family is a shortened wellbore, improved drilling performance, reliable operation
version of the tool that can be placed below a downhole mo- and consistently lower costs. 41


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( M e g a D i a m o n d )

Producing PDC products

for the world’s toughest
drilling applications

S mith’s Ultra-hard Materials division designs and manufactures high

performance PDC cutters, maintaining state-of-the-art, ISO 9001 qual-
ity certified manufacturing facilities in Provo, Utah (MegaDiamond), and Scurelle,
Italy (SupraDiamant). The ultra hard materials are used in Smith’s fixed cutter
PDC bits, roller cone bits and reaming tools as well as for cutting tools and in the
construction and mining industries.
Since its inception 43 years ago, MegaDiamond has become an industry leader
by combining its experience and expertise to produce a wide array of advanced
ultra-hard materials and products, including polycrystalline diamond (PCD) and
polycrystalline carbon boron nitride (PCBN) products. The company manufactures
the products using a complex high pressure, high temperature (HP/HT) process,
of which MegaDiamond is the world’s only company to have mastered the three
major HP/HT manufacturing technologies.
SMITH continues to develop new materials and technologies for ultra-hard prod-
ucts with increasing performance and reliability. Advanced materials labs provide
the tools necessary for controlling raw materials, analyzing compositions and
evaluating material properties. Sophisticated computer modeling and finite ele-
ment analysis (FEA) systems assist the highly qualified technical staff in designing
products for optimal performance.

Cubic Press Piston-Cylinder Press Belt Press



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( M e g a D i a m o n d )

Developing and improving ultra-hard technologies

MegaDiamond was founded in 1966 by Dr. H. Tracy Hall,
the renowned scientist who was the first person to success-
fully synthesize diamond in 1954 while working for General
Electric Research Labs.
In 1955, Dr. Hall left G.E. and joined Brigham Young
University (BYU) as a chemistry professor and director of
research, during which time he continued to improve and
develop synthetic diamond technology and associated man-
ufacturing equipment. In 1957, he invented the tetrahedral
press and later a belt press design that would be scaled up
to become the first commercial production equipment.
In 1966, Dr. Hall was joined by two other BYU profes-
sors, Dr. Bill Pope and Dr. Duane Horton, who formed
MegaDiamond to manufacture synthetic diamonds and HP/
HT equipment. PCD was developed by fusing diamond pow-
der particles together under high pressure, high temperature
synthesis conditions, forming a sintered diamond mass that
is simultaneously bonded to a tungsten carbide substrate.
This results in the advantage of extreme hardness (close
to natural diamond) and the toughness characteristics of MegaDiamond has mastered the techniques for using a variety of
tungsten carbide. advanced, state-of-the-art presses to create polycrystalline diamond
used in an array of cutting configurations.
Ten years later, in 1976, the first modern PDC fixed cutter
bit developed specifically for an oilfield application was suc-
cessfully run in the Rangely field in Colorado, opening the
door for diamond bit expansion into traditional roller cone
bit applications and increasing demand for MegaDiamond’s
SMITH acquired MegaDiamond in 1985 and still uses
many of Dr. Hall’s pioneering technologies and procedures
developed over his storied career. In 1994, SMITH acquired
SupraDiamant, a French company, and the Scurelle plant in
Italy in 1996.

PDC development and manufacture

SMITH has become an industry leader by studying material
characteristics and applying new and upgraded processing
techniques to provide the highest quality and best per-
forming polycrystalline ultra-hard products available. The
company produces an extensive line of engineered PDC press, belt press and piston-cylinder press. Each system
products including diamond enhanced inserts for roller cone is capable of generating ultra-high pressures (800,000
and percussion bits and PDC shear elements for fixed cutter psi/55 kbar) and temperatures (2,700°F/1,500°C) re-
bits and reamers. Grades are designed for specific mate- quired to sinter PCD and PCBN products. Each press design
rial and wear demands encountered in specific customer employs its own particular advantages relating to sintering
applications. characteristics and properties imparted to the product.
MegaDiamond is the world’s only company to master the MegaDiamond’s mastery of each of these technologies pro-
three major HP/HT manufacturing processes, the cubic vides the company with a unique advantage of optimizing 43


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( M e g a D i a m o n d )

sintering conditions for each product to obtain the highest

quality and performance for a given application.
MegaDiamond’s domed insert products are available with
813 diamond grade for applications needing more abrasion
resistant products and 820 diamond grade for more impact
resistant products. Smith’s proprietary insert designs in-
corporate transition layers between the diamond layer and
tungsten carbide substrate to improve impact strength and
thermal integrity.
The company’s shear cutter products are available in di-
ameters ranging from 11 mm to 19 mm and in lengths from
8 mm to 16 mm. The cutters are produced with a diamond Polycrystalline diamond cutters for drill bit are produced in a wide
grade that is effective in critical applications requiring high range of sizes and geometries.
impact and high abrasion resistance. The cutters incor-
porate a unique non-planar interface design for enhanced in a variety of functional tests that simulate real-world ap-
performance. plication conditions. Test data is fed back into the design
process to improve existing products and to culminate in new
Continued ultra-hard product development and innovative ultra-hard products.
With its team of scientists, researchers and engineers, Smith’s aggressive and proactive business strategy for
SMITH continues to develop new materials and technolo- expansion at both of its ultra-hard manufacturing facilities
gies to provide ultra-hard products with ever-increasing includes major investments at the MegaDiamond facility in
performance and reliability. Advanced computer systems Utah and additional press capacity at the Scurelle plant to
and FEA combine to yield improved product designs. enable manufacturing of shear cutters for oilfield diamond
Performance testing is an integral part of Smith’s product de- bits for Eastern Hemisphere markets.
velopment process. MegaDiamond possesses well-equipped High performance PDC cutters and diamond enhanced
test labs where its engineers evaluate materials performance tungsten carbide inserts are essential for supplying bits
that can drill both faster and farther and drive down the
cost of drilling. The ability to engineer and supply pro-
prietary cutter designs, provided by MegaDiamond and
SupraDiamant, is certainly a key factor in helping to keep
Smith Bits the undisputed leader in worldwide drilling re-
cords for PDC, roller cone, and percussion bits.

Smith’s MegaDiamond headquarters

in Provo, Utah.

SMITH operates a polycrystalline

diamond manufacturing plant in
Scurelle, Italy.



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( T r a c k m a s t e r )

Trackmaster wellbore departure

systems provide one-trip reliability

W hen drilling and development plans call for a complex multilateral

production scheme, or if it becomes necessary to sidetrack around
obstacles downhole, Smith’s Trackmaster Plus wellbore departure systems provide
application-specific one-trip sidetrack reliability and cost optimization. Trackmaster
services are tailored to specific wellbore departure objectives, constraints and
physical characteristics.
Wellbore geometry, casing program, formation properties, and rathole, comple-
tion and production requirements are only a few of the sidetrack parameters to be
considered. The system’s one-trip window success is based on matching specific
technologies to wellbore conditions and completion requirements. Thorough job
preparation by Smith’s personnel ensures the wellbore departure system matches
project objectives. Trackmaster Plus operators undergo comprehensive technical
and on-the-job training before taking charge of your wellbore departure.
The resulting one-trip reliability lowers sidetrack costs and results in faster as-
set exploitation. A comprehensive end-of-job report and analysis are standard parts
of the system package and are critical elements of the Trackmaseter Plus System
philosophy and vital to one-trip window success. Understanding what has worked suc-
cessfully drives the continuous improvement process and identifies best practices
for future projects. The permanent record will provide the basis for future planning.
Trackmaster Plus offers, among other products and services, a whipstock
system for hard formations, a thru-tubing system, cementing system, open hole
and tie-in systems, and flow-by system. The Trackmaster Plus GeoTrack® system
provides the capability to orient the system, set the whipstock, mill the window

The Trackmaster wellbore

departure system deliv-
ers superior performance
in the most challenging
applications. 45


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( T r a c k m a s t e r )

and drill the lateral section in a single trip. GeoTrack inte- curing the Trackmaster Plus whipstocks during sidetracking
grates window milling equipment, directional tools, project operations. Cased hole anchors are designed for depend-
engineering and directional planning to mill the window and able retrieval, except the Permanent Packer and Thru-Tubing
directionally drill the rathole. Anchor, which are non-retrievable.

Trackmaster Plus operational features Trackmaster Plus wellbore depar ture systems for
All Trackmaster Plus whipstock systems utilize a patented ever y application
multiple ramp design to deliver a high quality window by Trackmaster Plus wellbore departure systems are tailored
enhancing and maximizing the critical milling processes and to the specific application. The standard whipstock system
milling efficiency. Mill life is prolonged and a lower dogleg is recommended for exiting standard steel casing in a low-
severity (DLS) across the window is achieved. The fast cutout to-medium compressive strength formation where a 3-15 ft
ramp at the top of the whipstock cradles the full gauge lead rathole is required. The DLS is optimized across the exit to
mill while running in the hole and produces the necessary reduce stress through the window. A carbide Tri-Mill is used
kick-off angle to promptly initiate cut out. The result is a full- to cut the window in soft formations to provide a typical rat-
gauge window within a few inches of the cutout. hole while a FasTrack Tri-Mill is used for medium formations
The full gauge section extends the window and maximizes and extended ratholes.
its quality while reducing DLS. The mid-ramp accelerates Among the numerous departure system options,
the lead mill past its center point, reducing the risk of cor- Trackmaster Plus also offers the GeoTrack, MX Multilateral
ing the mill and facilitating completion of the window and Junction System and Radialok 3™ Level 3 Multilateral
rathole in one run. System and the OnPoint Whipstock Orientation System.
A one-way hinge incorporated into the Trackmaster Plus The operators for the Trackmaster Plus GeoTrack whipstock
system provides a flex point when running through doglegs. system undergo comprehensive technical and on-the-job train-
This ensures the whipstock seats properly against the cas- ing before taking charge of your wellbore departure. GeoTrack
ing when set in deviated hole sections. is designed to orient and anchor the whipstock, mill the window
The mill/whipstock hook-up system is designed to provide and drill a directional extended rathole in one trip. The system
higher torque values while delivering reliable shear perfor- includes the necessary components, engineering services
mance. The unique retention system allows up to 3° of flex and directional planning required to exit the casing and direc-
between the milling assembly and the whipstock for trouble- tionally drill the required hole section. The system’s one-trip
free passage through doglegs in the wellbore. window success is based on matching specific technologies
The standard mill configuration of the Trackmaster Plus to wellbore properties and completion requirements.
wellbore departure system is a tri-mill consisting of the The GeoTrack whipstock system is lowered into the well-
lead, follow and dress mill sections. In some applications, bore with the milling/drilling assembly. Once orientation
the dress mill is eliminated, resulting in a bi-mill design. has been completed, the multi-cycle bypass valve is closed
The lead mill is geometrically matched to the angles on the to allow sufficient flow through the mud motor to set the
Trackmaster Plus whipstock to maximize cutting structure retrievable hydraulic anchor. The motor is restrained from
engagement with the casing while minimizing the loads on rotation during this process by a lock-up system. When the
the whipstock face. This results in directing the milling ef- anchor has been set, the milling assembly is disconnected
ficiency into the casing and not the whipstock. The lead mill from the whipstock by upward pull, severing the shear bolt.
is available with a variety of cutting structures for efficient Increased fluid flow releases the motor lock-up, allowing
and cost effective performance. the motor to function freely. Conventional directional drilling
The follow mill elongates the window and utilizes the practices are used when the window has been milled.
Millmaster® carbide inserts with chip breaker feature for ef- The GeoTrack whipstock features optimized mid-ramp
ficient casing removal. The dress mill conditions the window geometry and delivers a quality full gauge window with
and ensures that subsequent assemblies can be deployed low DLS across the exit. The GeoTrack mill utilizes PDC
and retrieved through the window without problem. inserts, which withstand vibration and impact loading and
Trackmaster Plus’ anchors are either hydraulically or are optimized for steerability. The mill’s aggressive cutting
mechanically actuated and are extremely effective for se- structures deliver high rates of penetration (ROP).



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( T r a c k m a s t e r )

The Trackmaster Plus open hole system is recommended Multilateral junction systems
for going around a fish or other obstruction encountered Smith’s MX multilateral junction system provides a cost ef-
during the drilling operation. Depending on the nature of the fective alternative for the efficient exploitation of new and
fish, equipment for this departure can be configured for use mature reservoirs. It offers a solid platform for the construc-
with traditional tie-in type devices or inflatable packers and tion of TAML Level 3, 4 and 5 multilateral junctions in new
anchors. This system is ideal for drilling TAML Level 1 open
hole sidetracks. If using tie-in devices, the system could
require multiple trips, one to engage the anchor and one or
more to sidetrack and continue drilling.
Trackmaster Plus’s tie-in systems are deployed on a
specially designed shear sub, which can transmit sufficient
torque or fluid volumes to effectively anchor and orient the
system. If using an inflatable packer or anchor, a one-trip
system can be deployed. Orientation of the whipstock face
can be achieved by using the hydraulic swivel, which enables
orientation of the whipstock after the anchor is set and is
actuated in increments as small as 11.25°.
The Trackmaster Plus thru-tubing system is recommended
for exiting standard steel casing below the production tub-
ing or other restriction where a 3-15 ft rathole is required.
This is a non-retrievable system and is ideal for convention-
al and extended ratholes. The system features consistent,
fast and reliable milling performance. PDC cutters can be
added for increased wear resistance. The unique geometry
compensates for the relative size differences between the
whipstock diameters and casing diameter. The hydraulically
actuated kick-over hinge positions and stabilizes the whip-
stock. Use of an expandable, non-retrievable anchor spans
multiple casing sizes and weights.

OnPoint whipstock orientation system

Smith’s OnPoint whipstock orientation system reduces rig
time during sidetracking operations by providing wireline-
quality orientation 6-8 times faster than with standard
wireline systems by using mud pulse telemetry to update
tool face orientation every 60 seconds. The system is fully
integrated with the Trackmaster Plus wellbore departure
system, reducing rig time by eliminating a trip into the hole.
No additional trips are required to orient.
The rig floor display receives standpipe pressure from
the transducer, which decodes pressure pulses into
measurement data and provides the information on an
easy-to-read screen. Displayed data includes inclination,
azimuth, tool face, tool condition, total field strength and
With a cost effective, reliable orienting tool and multiple configura-
temperature. The tool is pressure rated to 15,000 psi and tions for multi-lateral junction systems, Trackmaster’s wide variety
temperature rated to 302°F (150°C). The system is wire- of wellbore departure options gives customers total flexibility in
line retrievable. optimizing their wellbore departure plan. 47


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( T r a c k m a s t e r )

and re-entry wellbores. Trackmaster Plus technology en- An optional expandable casing packer permits selective
ables the customization of the window profile and the ability isolation of the lateral open hole. A hydraulic setting se-
to place the junction in high compressive strength rock. quence for the expandable packer operates independently
The MX multilateral junction system is ideal for cased hole of Radialok 3’s setting and releasing sequence.
junctions in reservoirs with formation properties requiring Sidetrack operations are far too critical to settle for a
mechanical isolation across the junction and for multilateral “one-size-fits-all” solution. Smith’s comprehensive range of
junctions where selective re-entry is required. Trackmaster Plus wellbore departure systems have your needs
MX multilateral system components include a permanent covered, from “simple” sidetracks to complex multilaterals.
depth and orientation marker, which is set in place by the
whipstock anchor. The main bore tubular is pre-machined
with a matching window profile and provides a deployment
ramp for the lateral tubular. The upper profile orients the
lateral tubular and lands on the PLI for orientation to the
window. The lateral bore tubular telescopes inside the main
bore tubular and into the lateral section. The pre-machined
window aligns with the main bore tubular, and both tubular
sections create a mechanical junction. A guide shoe facili-
tates rotation of the main bore tubular.

Large ID multilateral system

The Radialok 3 Level 3 multilateral system combines large
ID access with high hanging capacity to optimize new and
mature reservoirs. The system maximizes main and lateral
bore access with a permanent junction, enhancing comple-
tion and production operations. The system meets all TAML
Level 3 requirements and utilizes Smith’s components for
optimal system reliability and performance.
The system’s large ID maximizes reservoir performance
as the main bore remains accessible for further drilling
and completion operations. Full circumference anchoring
improves lateral position integrity. The lateral bore anchors
with full radial contact, maximizing completion options for
hanging and torque capacity. The deflected tubular locates
the window and enters the upper leg, providing maximum ID
for liner hangers or packers in the lateral bore and allowing
maximum ID access for the main bore.
The hydraulic running tool conveys the liner system into
the lateral bore, transferring weight and torque to facili-
tate system setting. When the swivel and lock-up sub are
locked, the liner and lateral bore tubular can be run as a
single unit. When unlocked, it allows the orientation and
location of the lateral bore tubular without rotating the
liner. The window finder allows the optimum placement
of the lateral bore tubular. The hydraulically actuated arm
seeks the bottom of the window. A spline sub allows ori-
entation of the window finders and lateral liner hydraulic
running tool.



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( F i s h i n g a n d p i p e r e c o v e r y )

The right combination of tools,

technology and experience to
retrieve tubulars, casing and tools

W hen it becomes necessary to repair or remove damaged casing, or

to retrieve tools or pipe lost downhole, SMITH has every tool and
accessory for every conceivable situation plus the experience to get the job done
right the first time. Fishing and casing remediation tools include casing back-off
tools, packer milling and retrieving tools, internal and external casing and tubing
patches, mechanical casing cutters, casing scrapers and a complete line of mills
for every purpose.
For example, the casing back-off tool, used to replace worn or damaged sec-
tions of casing by unscrewing uncemented casing at a selected coupling location,
can be used effectively in both vertical and horizontal wells. The tool features
nine sub-assemblies, including two hydraulic anchors and a torque generator. The
hydraulic anchors allow the back-off tool to be used in horizontal wells. The tool is
cycled, and, using hydraulic pressure only, the torque generator and anchors work
in tandem to breakout and unscrew the casing threaded connectors with approxi-
mately one-half turn per cycle. When connection torque is sufficiently lowered, the
back-off tool is pulled out of the hole and a casing spear is run to complete the
unscrewing and recovery of the casing stump. A threaded connection remains
downhole for the new casing string to be stabbed into and made up.

Casing patches
External casing and tubing patches are designed to quickly and economically
repair damaged casing and tubing strings without reducing their ID. The patch
restores integrity to damaged tubulars in regular or slim hole sections. The slim
hole version of the tool is ideal for small, restricted wellbores or for use below
a restriction. The casing or tubing string must be removed to a point below the
damaged section in preparation for installation of the external casing patch. The
top of the casing or tubing stub is dressed with a milling tool and the patch is run
over the casing or tubing to a depth sufficient to engage the slip.
The external casing patch is available with lead or packer-type sealing
mechanisms. Extensions for underwater wellhead applications are available for
Casing back of tools are available in a
packer-type patches. Additionally, corrosion-resistant alloys and low-yield alloys variety of configurations for both verti-
are available for sour service wells. cal and horizontal wells. 49


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( F i s h i n g a n d p i p e r e c o v e r y )

» SMITH offers several fishing tools and taps to retrieve drill pipe, casing, tubing
and downhole equipment that cannot be engaged with external catch tools. The EFL
rotating and releasing spear ensures successful fishing operations by engaging the
bore of the fish in situations where external catch tools are not feasible, such as
when fishing drill pipe, casing or tubing.

Smith’s mechanical casing cutter can quickly convert

to alternate inside cutting diameters, increasing flexibility
while reducing rig time. The tool can cut casing and drill
pipe in multiple locations and is adjustable to cut multiple
casing sizes, often without tool conversion, and usually only
needing to change slips and friction blocks. The tool disen-
gages and resets to the run-in position automatically when
the casing is cut by an automatic nut that permits resetting
and disengaging the tool without returning it to the surface.
The casing cutter is available for casing sizes ranging from
4 ½-in. to 13 3⁄8-in.
The Mechanical Casting Cutter is designed
to quickly convert to alternate inside
Inter nal cutting and recover y tools cutting diameters.
SMITH offers several fishing tools and taps to retrieve drill
pipe, casing, tubing and downhole equipment that cannot
be engaged with external catch tools. The EFL rotating
and releasing spear ensures successful fishing opera-
tions by engaging the bore of the fish in situations where
external catch tools are not feasible, such as when fishing
drill pipe, casing or tubing. The spear features a full bore
to facilitate the use of wireline equipment during fishing
operations. The EFL rotating and releasing spear is avail-
able in ODs ranging from 1 29⁄32-in. to 11 ¾-in. The tool
disassembles into five components for on-site servicing,
and reduces maintenance costs by sacrificing wear slips.
It resets to the catch position downhole with one full left-
hand rotation.
The Itco-type releasing spear is designed to ensure
positive engagement with the fish and can internally en-
gage and retrieve drill pipe, casing, tubing or any other
obstruction with up to a 20-in. inside diameter. The tool
is built to withstand severe jarring and pulling strains.
Heavy-duty versions of the spear can be used with pulling
tools for maximum performance. The grapple and wicker
design ensures nearly 360° of engagement to minimize
damage or distortion of the fish. The Itco-type spear can
be released with right-hand rotation if necessary.
Several taps are available for use with the spears, in-
cluding a pin tap, which provides an economical means



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( F i s h i n g a n d p i p e r e c o v e r y )

to retrieve a tubular fish that is restrained from rotating.

The pin tap is designed to mate with a box up tool joint
and includes an open bore to allow wireline tools through
the tap. The one-piece taper tap is constructed with a fine
thread form that allows the tap to work as a threading
tool. The box tap/die collars are available with a choice
of special guides and are well-suited for threading onto
ragged-surface fish.

Overshot fishing tools

SMITH offers several releasing overshot fishing tools that
are designed to engage, pack off and retrieve tubular fish,
and they are especially suited to retrieve parted drill pipe
and drill collars. The Series 150-Type Releasing Overshot
features a large bore for use in conjunction with wireline
tools, and is available in a range of strength categories
for jarring and back-off operations. The Series 150-Type
Releasing Overshot is available in four different con-
figurations, ranging from full strength to slim hole and
extra slim hole to cover a range of external catch fishing
The Series 70-Type Releasing Overshot is specifically
designed to use when the top of the fish is too short to be
engaged with a Series 150-Type Overshot. With the grapple
positioned at the bottom of the tool, the overshot is able
to successfully engage fish with short necks. The tool’s
unique tapered helix internal construction provides 360°
Smith’s overshot product offering contains large bore, slimhole and
degree wall contact while distributing loads evenly on the
extra slim hole tools that offer reliable, cost effective options for
tool and the fish. Cylinder basket grapples are used when retrieving fish in the toughest applications.
the fish OD is more than one-half inch smaller than the
tool’s maximum catch size. The Rotating and Releasing (R&R) Overshot sets the
industry standard for reliability and flexibility when exter-
nally engaging fish under high torsional and tensile loads. A
unique segmented slip design developed to outlast conven-
» SMITH offers several releasing tional grapples is combined with lugs located between each
overshot fishing tools that are slip to provide a high-torque lock, delivering unmatched grip-
designed to engage, pack off and ping strength and reliability, job after job.
retrieve tubular fish, and they are Smith’s standard R&R Overshot assembly consists of a
especially suited to retrieve parted top coupling, body, standard guide, spring, slip carrier, one
drill pipe and drill collars. The Series set of slips and a blanking ring, all constructed of high-
strength steel. The R&R Overshot is designed as a left-hand
150-Type Releasing Overshot features high-torque overshot for use below the Smith Services AJ
a large bore for use in conjunction Reversing Tool.
with wireline tools, and is available When Smith people go fishing with customers, it’s not
in a range of strength categories for their day off. And they always arrive with the best combi-
jarring and back-off operations. nation of tools, technology and experience to get the job
done right. 51


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( M a c h i n i n g s e r v i c e s )

Maintaining drilling system

reliability requires a commitment
to quality drill string services

A n oilfield drilling system is a complex collection of many individual ele-

ments including the drilling rig, surface drilling equipment, the drill bit,
the bottom hole assembly (incorporating a combination of often very sophisticated
tools with electronics and complex mechanical components) and the drill string. The
performance of even the most advanced drilling rig and a complex steerable BHA
with a full suite of MWD and LWD tools can be compromised by a lack of attention to
maintaining drill string integrity. Drilling tubulars represent a substantial part of the
total capital equipment needed to drill a well, and proper maintenance and repair is
essential to avoid the high unplanned costs associated with drill string failure.

Tubular repair ser vices

High quality tubular repair services actually begin before the component ever sees
the machine shop floor. At SMITH, the first step is for a qualified representative to
meet with the customer to discuss the scope of work, review inspection reports and
dimensional data, and confirm that the connection to be
machined best suits the OD and ID of the tubular.
Smith’s machinists are experts in the machining and repair
of rotary shouldered connections and this ensures that each
job is performed to the API and Smith standards. Once each
tubular is in the lathe, the machinist sizes, monitors and mea-
sures all five of the critical elements of the rotary shouldered
connection: thread form, lead, taper, size and bevel diameter.
Connection recuts are the most common type of tubular
repair. The process is similar for drill collars, drilling tools, rotary kellys and other tubu-
lar products in a procedure that requires 4-6-in. of material to be removed depending
Mobile hardbanding brings state- on the connection type and its features. Enough material must be removed to ensure
of-the-art capability to customer that the damaged area near the base of the box or the pin is not part of the recut
locations and eliminates expensive connection. Most rotary shoulder connections can be recut and repaired at any Smith
freight charges moving tubulars to machining facility. All repairs to drill collars and downhole drilling tools are completed
and from a machine shop facility.
and inspected using calibrated lead and taper gauges and ring and plug gauges.
Tool joint build-up is an industry-accepted procedure to extend the service life
of drill pipe and Hevi-Wate drill pipe. Tool joints that meet minimum recommended
length and diameter criteria can be professionally restored to their original ID at



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( M a c h i n i n g s e r v i c e s )

selected Smith machining facilities. A properly rebuilt tool ultrasonic testing of drill collar bars after heat treating.
will yield a connection with the same OD, seal face and SMITH offers several important optional and beneficial
bevel diameter as a new tool joint. features for its drill collars. For example, slip and elevator
To ensure trouble-free life for a rebuilt tool joint, SMITH ad- recesses are designed to cut drill collar handling time by
heres to several processes and parameters. Among them is eliminating lift subs and safety clamps. Extreme care is
that the depth of the heat affected zone must be prevented taken to machine smooth radii, free of tool marks. Cold roll-
from entering the threaded area. A proprietary blend of wire ing the radii at the upper shoulder of each recess is done to
and flux provides build-up material with an optimum combina- extend the drill collar’s fatigue life.
tion of yield strength, wear resistance and ductility. Preheat An API stress-relief groove on the pin and an API back bore
and postheat cycles are carefully monitored to ensure that box are available as a requested option and are recommended
mechanical properties of the tool joint are maintained and ad- for drill collars and all downhole tools where fatigue can occur
equate postweld stress relief is accomplished. The tool joint as a result of bending. These features remove the unengaged
is machined to its finished diameter, hardband is reapplied threads in the highly-stressed areas of the drill collar connec-
and the connection is re-machined to specific dimensions. tion, providing a connection that is less likely to crack due to
fatigue because bending in the connection occurs in areas
Hardbanding for wear protection with smooth surfaces free of stress concentrations.
SMITH is known worldwide for its quality hardbanding for the Spiral drill collars reduce the area of contact between the
protection of drill collars, drill pipe, heavy wall drill pipe and drill collar and the wellbore wall. This feature should be ap-
other tools while downhole. An automatic, metal-arc, inert plied in drilling conditions where differential sticking occurs.
gas shielded, consumable electrode process is used with SMITH has the machining expertise and experience to
closely controlled preheat and postheat. manufacture new tools or repair old tools. Either way, the
Conventional hardband material consists of granular tung- tools are the highest quality in the industry thanks to Smith’s
sten carbide that is fed automatically into the molten puddle to rigorous manufacturing and inspection processes.
obtain uniform distribution of the tungsten carbide particles. A
selection of casing friendly, non-tungsten carbide hardband from Tubular Rentals
industry-approved suppliers also is available through SMITH. One of the companies that SMITH gained through the W-H
Energy acquisition was Thomas Energy Services and its Thomas
Standard and spiral drill collars Tools and Thomas Tubing Specialists operations. Thomas
The drill collar not only is the most common component in Tools is a rental operation providing drill pipe, high-torque drill
the bottom hole assembly (BHA), it also is the most critical pipe, drill collars, heavy weight drill pipe, high pressure blow
to the BHA’s overall performance. Hole size integrity results out preventers, handling tools, cross-over subs and specialized
from proper drill collar sizing, enabling the desired casing size downhole tools. Thomas Tubing Specialists rents premium tub-
to be run to bottom. The drill collar accomplishes this by limit- ing workstrings, high pressure BOPs, flow iron packages, high
ing lateral movement of the drill bit in the absence of larger pressure manifolds, tanks and all tubing handling tools.
diameter drilling tools. Also, drill collar stiffness is important Thomas Tools was the first company to initiate the develop-
to drill and maintain a straight wellbore. The first 90 ft of BHA ment of high-torque drill pipe in the U.S. in 1986, increasing
above the bit has the greatest impact on hole straightness the torsional strength of high-torque connections with what
and is where drill collar stiffness should be optimized. is called the “Thomas Tools Feature.” This feature incorpo-
Smith’s drill collars outperform the competition due to the rates a proprietary special box counterbore dimension in
care the company takes in material specification, heat-treat, the development and manufacture of the first high-torque
machining and inspection. SMITH can provide roller, milled double shouldered refacing tool.
or machined surface finishes to drill collars. The drill collar’s SMITH is recognized worldwide for being able to offer
connections are manufactured to specifications contained in everything in a drilling system, from the rotary table to the
API Spec 7. Connections are “kemplated” (phosophate coat- drill bit. This comprehensive understanding of all aspects
ed) to protect them from the elements after machining and of drilling technology and extensive global experience make
to help prevent galling upon initial make-up. All drill collars SMITH the ideal partner for maintaining the integrity of your
are rigorously inspected during their manufacture, including drill string to ensure total drilling system reliability. 53


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