The Theory of Evolution

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The Theory of

By Dr Vipan Goyal
The Theory of Evolution
• In science, the term “Theory” does not express doubt.
• In science, the term theory is used to represent ideas and
explanations that have been confirmed through tests and
• The theory of evolution remains one of the most useful theories in
biology because it explains many questions and observations.
Oparin's Modern Theory
• (a) Oparin (1924) proposed that “life could have originated from non-living
organic molecules.”
• (b) He believed in Biochemical origin of life. Haldane (1929) also stated
similar views. Oparin greatly expanded his ideas and presented them as a
book “The origin of life” in 1936.
• (c) According to this theory, the Earth originated about 4,500 million years
ago. When the earth was cooling down, it had a reduced atmosphere. In
this primitive atmosphere nitrogen, hydrogen, ammonia, methane, carbon
mono-oxide and water were present.
• Energy was available in the form of electric discharges by lightening and
ultraviolet rays.
• As soon as the earth crust was formed, it was very much folded. Torrential
rains poured over the earth for centuries and were deposited in deep
• (d) Miller's Experiment: An American scientist (Biologist) Stanley Miller
(1953) performed an experiment under support Oparin's theory of origin
of life.
• (e) Miller took a flask and filled it with methane, ammonia and hydrogen
in proportion of 2:1:2 respectively at 0°C.
• This proportion of gases probably existed in the environment at time of origin of
• This flask was connected with a smaller flask, that was filled with water, with the
help of glass tubes.
• In the bigger flask, two electrodes of tungsten were fitted. Then a current of
60,000 volts was passes, through gases containing bigger flask for seven days.
• At the end of seven days, when the vapours condensed, a red substance was found
in the U-tube.
• When this red substance was analyzed, it was found to contain amino acids,
Glycine and nitrogenous bases which are found in the nucleus of a cell.
Important living fossils

1. Peripatus (Arthropoda) 2. Limulus (Arthropoda)

3. Nautilus (Mollusca) 4. Neopilina (Mollusca)
5. Lingula (Brachiopoda) 6. Latimeria (Coelacanth fish)
7. Sphenodon (Reptilia) 8. Didelphis (Opossum)
Connecting links
Organism Connecting link between
1. Viruses Living and nonliving
2. Euglena (Protozoa) Plants and animals
3. Proterospongia (Protozoa) Protozoa and Porifera
4. Peripatus (Arthropoda) Annelida and Arthropoda
5. Neopilina (Mollusca) Annelida and Mollusca
6. Balanoglossus (Chordata) Nonchordata and Chordata
7. Dipnoi (Lungfish) Pisces and Amphibia
8. Archaeopteryx (Aves) Reptiles and Birds
9. Prototheria (Mammalia) Reptiles and Mammals
Lamarck’s Theory of Acquired
• Some thought that you would gain or lose features if you overused
or didn’t use them, and you could pass these new traits onto your
• This was known as the Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics
• Book: Philosphic Zoologique
• A lizard that didn’t use it legs would eventually not have legs and its
offspring wouldn’t have legs
• A giraffe stretched its neck to reach higher leaves, and this
stretched neck would be a trait inherited by its offspring.
• Lamarck’s Theory was eventually discarded – PROVEN TO BE
• Why?
• Logically it doesn’t work. Imagine if you were in a car accident and
had a leg amputed. This does not mean that your children will only
have one leg. Features gained during life are not passed on to
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural
• Darwin was a naturalist who observed many species. He is famous for his
trips to the Galapagos Islands, his observations of the finches (and other
animals) and the book he wrote: “The Origin of Species:
1. Variation exists among individuals in a species.
2. Individuals of species will compete for resources (food and space)
3. Some competition would lead to the death of some individuals while
others would survive
4. Individuals that had advantageous variations are more likely to
survive and reproduce.
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural
• In this process he describes came to be known
as Natural Selection. The favorable variations are
called Adaptations
• Darwin’s Finches: Darwin noted that all the finches
on the Galapagos island looked about the same
except for the shape of their beak.
• His observations lead to the conclusion that all the
finches were descendants of the same original
population. The shape of the beaks were
adaptations for eating a particular type of food (Ex.
long beaks were used for eating insects, short for
Evidence of Evolution
• 1. Fossil Evidence
 If today’s species came from ancient species, the we should be able to
find remains of those species that no longer exist.
 We have tons of fossils of creatures that no longer exist but bear
striking resemblance to creatures that do exist today.
 Carbon dating–gives an age of a sample based on the amount of
radioactive carbon is in a sample.
Evidence of Evolution
• 2. Evidence from Living Organism

 Homologous Structures–structures that are embryologically similar,

but have different functions, the wing of a bird and the forearm of a
 Vestigial Organs–seemingly functionless parts, snakes have tiny pelvic
and limb bones, humans have a tail bone, pinna of the ear, nictating
membrane, vermiform appendix,
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