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Urban Strategies for an inclusive Public Space

Institutional Elective

Gendering Cities

Radha Sahdev


5th Year B.Arch

Site Selection

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

Lajpat Nagar

Metro Station

Lajpat Nagar

Metro Station Mar




Metro Station
Site Connectivity

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

Lajpat Nagar


Metro Station
in R


Sub Post
Complex Roa
Office d
Activity Mapping
Metro Station
3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2
Bus Stop
Rickshaw Stand
Police Station
Post Office
Public Restroom
Grocery Store
Views around Site

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

14 13
15 6 2
11 4 1
9 5 7 3
12 8

Views around Site

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

1 Isolated & Dark Service road 2 Junction from Main road to Service road 3 Dimly lit Service road junction 4 Dimly lit Service road junction 5 Well lit junction around the Plaza

6 Well lit junction around the Plaza 7 Active junction corner around the Plaza 8 Well lit Public Plaza 9 Well lit Public Plaza 10 Well lit Public Plaza

11 Well lit junction around the Plaza 12 Isolated parking street around the Plaza 13 Partially lit frontage of the Police Station 14 Well lit store facades on the Main road 15 Isolated & Dark Service road
Safety Audit

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

Audit conducted for the Service road street catering to the Public Plaza

Using analytical parameters from MySafetipin App

Lighting Walk Path Openness

Lighting is poor in most parts of the Footpath not separated from the Street character is partly open ue
street. Only the plaza surroundings road in most parts of the service to fenced off parks, and the
have ample lighting. lane. Hence, walking and driving movement paths are restricted in a
lane coincide. single direction for most parts
except the junctions.

Visibility Public Transport Security

Visibility around the junctions and Public and private transport Street has sense of security due to
within the plaza is significantly high available and short walkable availability of Police Station right
due to increased activity, vendors distance, however restricted to the beside the Plaza, and also
and gathering. main road which can be accessed constables and personnel often
from the junctions only. present in the street.

People Gender Usage Feeling Safe

Most crowd restricted to and Usage of the street is somewhat Due to the dark, isolated character
around junctions as activity diverse with a mix of men and of the street, the safety aspect of
hotspots, rest of the street isolated women present at various hours of accessing and using the street to
or ony used for vehicle parking. the day. travel as a pedestrian is below
Observations & Issues

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

Poor Lighting in Most Areas:

The overall poor lighting in most parts of the street posed a significant safety concern, especially during darker hours. Inadequate lighting affected visibility,
potentially leading to accidents or incidents of insecurity.

Restricted Movement Paths:

The restriction of movement paths to a single direction for most parts, except at junctions, disrupted the flow of pedestrians. This limitation may have resulted
in congestion and inconvenience for users.

Limited Accessibility Within the Street:

The limited accessibility within the street itself, with access primarily from junctions, hindered the convenience of movement. This may have discouraged
pedestrians from exploring or utilizing the full extent of the public space.

Inaccessible Public Parks:

The expansive public parks and green spaces fenced off without public access acted as a barrier rather than a potential integration into the public space,
hindered the pedestrian flow and their accessibility to a public resource.

Uneven Crowd Distribution:

The concentration of most crowds around junctions as activity hotspots left other parts of the street isolated or primarily used for vehicle parking. This uneven
distribution impacted the overall vibrancy and social dynamics of the public space.

Lack of Inclusive Design for Disabilities:

The absence of features such as ramps, tactile paving, or other inclusive design elements may have limited the accessibility of the public space for individuals
with disabilities. This exclusionary design diminished the usability of the area.

Limited Street Amenities:

Inadequate street furniture and amenities diminished the overall usability of the public space. A lack of seating, trash bins, and other amenities reduced the
comfort and convenience for those using the plaza.

Ineffective Wayfinding and Signage:

Poor wayfinding signage impeded the ease of navigation within the public space. Visitors may have found it challenging to locate key areas or amenities,
affecting the overall usability and experience.

Noise Levels and Disturbances:

Uncontrolled noise levels, whether from traffic or other sources, created a less enjoyable environment. Excessive noise may have hindered communication
and contributed to a less inviting public space.
Intent of Intervention

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

The primary intent behind the intervention and design strategy is to transform the existing public realm into a dynamic, inclusive, and inviting space that
caters to the diverse needs of the community and enhances the overall quality of urban life. This initiative seeks to address existing challenges and create a
more accessible, safe, and vibrant environment for residents, visitors, and businesses in the vicinity.

Promoting Safety and Security:

The primary focus is on creating a safe and secure public space. By improving lighting infrastructure, enhancing security measures, and
strategically placing surveillance, the aim is to instill a sense of safety and discourage anti-social activities.

Enhancing Accessibility for All:

Interventions are designed to make the public realm accessible to people of all abilities. This includes the implementation of inclusive design
elements such as ramps, tactile paving, and clear pedestrian pathways to ensure that the space is welcoming and usable for everyone.

Improving Circulation and Movement:

The interventions aim to reconfigure movement paths to improve the flow of both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. By redesigning footpaths and
introducing flexible layouts, the goal is to create a more efficient and user-friendly circulation system.

Encouraging Community Engagement:

Community engagement is a key element of the proposed interventions. By organizing cultural events, performances, and activities, the intent is to
foster a sense of community and create a vibrant atmosphere that encourages social interaction and collective participation.

Creating a Sense of Place:

The introduction of greenery, street furniture, and amenities aims to create a more aesthetically pleasing environment. These elements contribute
to the creation of a distinct sense of place, making the public realm a destination rather than merely a thoroughfare.

Supporting Local Businesses:

Collaboration with local businesses is crucial to the success of the intervention. By integrating outdoor seating areas, pop-up markets, or cafes, the
aim is to stimulate economic activity, support local entrepreneurs, and contribute to the vitality of the area.

Improving Wayfinding and Navigation:

Effective wayfinding signage is essential to enhance the usability of the public space. Clear and informative signage will guide residents and visitors
to key locations, amenities, and attractions, promoting exploration and discovery.

Diversifying Usage and Activities:

The interventions seek to diversify the usage of the public space. By introducing various activities and amenities, the aim is to attract different
demographics, ensuring that the area remains lively and relevant throughout the day.

3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2



3C’s Complex Plaza, Lajpat Nagar 2

Direct connection expanding the Public Realm Improved street infrastructure such as street lights

Active sidewalks, increased vending zones

Improved tactile pavement materials for accessibility for all
Shaded seating structures

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