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Siddhars Commandments for Ideal and Healthy Living

M. Allimuthu Prologue:

Siddha science originated from the origin of the first civilization itself. They loved and worshipped the nature like Sun, Moon, Animals, Light, Rain, Wind, Fire, Water, Earth, and Ether etc surrounding them. They lived on pace with the nature and keenly observed even the minute changes and happenings around them. Nature also provided them all their needs to lead a happy and healthy life. Now due to our fast phase of life, we are really missing the wonders of nature and ultimately walk into many diseases of the mind and body. We definitely need a healthy and progressive life style instructed by our forefathers to lead a healthier life. In the Siddha text, Patharthaguna Sinthamani detailed instructions are given in the form of Tamil Verses to lead a healthy and blissful life. They are called as Noianugavithi olukkam (Noi Disease, Anugha vithi commandments to avoid, Olukkam Righteousness, morality) in this literature. This article deals with the salient features of the text. Some of the virtues mentioned may seem to be very hard to follow now-a-days, but with much more effort, they can be achieved to lead a healthier life.

Siddhar Agasthiyar & Siddhar Thirumoolar

Professor & HOD, Dept of Udal Thathuvam (Physiology), Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tamilnadu, India.

jpz;zkpuz;Ls;Ns rpf;f ylf;fhkw; ngz;zpd;ghnyhd;iwg; ngUf;fhky; -cz;Zq;fhy; ePHRUf;fp NkhHngUf;fp nea;AUf;fp cz;gtHjk; NgUiuf;fpw; NghNk gpzp. (gjhHj;j Fz rpe;jhkzp) Meaning: Definitely one should not suppress urine and motion. Bowel habit has to be regulated and motion should be evacuated everyday regularly in the morning. This will clear the alimentary canal and excretory systems. According to Siddhars, indulgence in sex should be regulated between correct intervals. Next before consuming, the water should be fully boiled. The butter milk should be fully diluted with water and ghee should always be taken in the form of liquid after heating. Following these simple methods will help us to get rid of diseases. These methods and the points to come will help us to avoid death by Lord Yamatharmaraja (conqueror of life as per Hindu belief). ghYz;Nghk;; vz;nza;ngwpd; nte;ePhpw; Fspg;Nghk; gfw;GzNuhk; gfw;WapNyhk; gNahjuK %j;j VyQ;NrH FoypaNuh bsntapYk; tpUk;Nghk; ,uz;llf;Nfhk; xd;iwtpNlhk; ,lJifapw;gLg;Nghk; Meaning: Drinking milk daily is advised. Milk is one of the essential diets to fulfill the bodys requirements. Oil bath should be performed in hot water only. Sleeping and coitus during day time is not advised for the citizen by Siddhars. For sexual act instead of an elder lady, the younger one than yourself should be selected. Exposure to the morning Sun rays is not advised but the evening Sunlight is stated to be good for the body. Urination and defecation is not shunned at any time. But according to the Siddha texts, the semen should be preserved and should be let out only at ones own strong consent. The left hand folded and kept under the head during sleep is advised.

%yQ;NrH fhpEfNuhk; %j;jjapH cz;Nghk; Kjehspw; rikj;jfwp aKnjdpD kUe;Njhk; Qhye;jhd; te;jpbDk; grpj;njhopa Tz;Nzhk; ekdhHf;fpq; NfJfit ehkpUf;F kplj;Nj

Meaning: Do not eat the things which are capable of producing piles (Hemorrhoids). Pungent curd when eaten mixed with more water is good for health. Cooked materials on the previous day, even if it is equal to nectar should be avoided. Even if a person gets Nectar (Amirtham - the death preventing medicine), he should not eat it without hunger. Thus one who spends his life will not be conquered by death through Yaman (conqueror of life).

cz;gjpU nghOnjhopa %d;WnghO Jz;Nzhk; cwq;Ftjp uhnthopag; gfYwf;fk; nra;Nahk; ngz;flikj; jpq;fSf;NfhH fhyd;wp kUNthk; ngUe;jhf nkLj;jpbDk; ngaHj;JeP uUe;Njhk; kz;guT fpoq;Ffspw; fUizad;wpg; GrpNahk;; thioapsk; gpQ;nrhopaf; fdpaUe;jy; nra;Nahk; ez;Gngw Tz;lgpd;G FWeilAq; nfhs;Nthk; ekdhHf;fpq; NfJfit ehkpUf;F kplj;Nj.

Meaning: Three times diet per day is not advisable, only two times diet is ideal for health. Again they have stressed not to sleep in day time, but advised to sleep during night only which is good for health. According to Siddhars theory, the ideal time interval for coitus is once in a month. Drinking water in between the meals is not allowed; instead drinking at the end of the meals is strongly advised.

Except karunai kilangu (Typhonium trilobatum), other underground tubers are not advised to eat. The young unripe Banana fruit is advised to be consumed and not the ripe one. After the diet slight walking is to be performed for good health. The citizen one who leads this life style wont give way to Yaman.

MWjpq;fl; nfhUjlit tkdkUe; japy;Nthk; mlHehd;F jpq;fl;nfhUfhy; NgjpAiu EfHNthk; NjW kjp nahd;wiuf;NfhH juerpak; ngWNthk; jpq;fsiuf; fpuz;LjuQ; rtutpUg; GWNthk;

Meaning: Medication should be given to induce vomiting once in six months. The act of purgation should be induced once in four months. Nasal drops as documented in the texts should be given in the intervals of every forty five days. All the above said actions will regulate the Vatha, Pitha and Kapha equilibrium of the body. Shaving is to be performed once in every week.

tPUrJH ehl;nfhUfhy; nea;KOf;ifj; jtpNuhk; tpopfSf;fQ; rd%d;W ehl;nfhUfh ypLNthk; ehWfe;jk; Gl;gkpit eLeprpapy; KfNuhk; ekdhHf;fpq; NfJfit ehkpUf;F kplj;Nj.

Meaning: Oil bath should be performed once in four days interval. Getting eye drops once in three days will help to prevent occurrence of eye diseases and also essential for maintaining normal vision. Flowers and the perfumes are not to be inhaled during midnight which is not also good for health.

gfj;njhOf;F khjurQ; fue;Jilg;g kpitJ}l; gl neUq;Nfhk; jPgike;jH kuepoypy; trpNahk; Rfg;GzHr;rp ardgrdj;jUzQ; nra;Nahk; JQ;rYz tpUkyQ;ir NahfkOf; fhil tFg;ngLf;fpw; rpe;Jfr kpitkhiy tpUk;Nghk; tw;rye;nja; tk;gpJHrw; FUittpl khl;Nlhk; efr;ryK Kisr;ryKe; njwpf;Fkpl kZNfhk; ekdhHf;fpq; NfJfit ehkpUf;F kplj;Nj. gjhHj;j Fz rpe;jhkzp

Meaning: Siddhars commandments include avoidance of the smell arising from a lady during her menstruation cycle, not to go near the lamb and donkey. During the night time, coming in contact with the shadow of a man with Lamp, shadow of the tree should be avoided which is not good for health. The coitus performed during the time of digestion (after a full meal) should be avoided. During Sunset, avoid activities such as sleeping, eating, urination, defecation, coitus, and wearing dirty dress. You should worship a Cow with calf, Gods, Forefathers and Teachers during the evening time every day. Be cautious to leave away from the place where water drips from the hair and nails. Your body should not come in contact with this water. Those who follow all the above said commandments will get in to the mouth of death. By following these commandments strictly, the people of yesteryears led a peaceful life in accordance with the nature and experienced a disease free life. We are also advised to follow these rules to live the same, peaceful, eco-friendly life. It is a fact that nowadays it is not an easy job for us to follow all that has been said above. But our forefathers were able to practice this life style because they lived in accordance with the nature; they loved it, adored it, worshiped and protected it. So, let us also try to live in accordance with nature and try to live a life free from the dreaded diseases.

References: 1. Dr. Uthamarayan, Siddha Maruthuvanga Churukkam 3rd edition, 2003, Directorate of Indian Medicine & Homeopathy, Chennai. 2. Pathartha Guna Sinthamani. 3. Dr. Durairajan, Noi Illaneri (Noi Anugha vithi olukkam) 3rd edition, 1993, Directorate of Indian Medicine & Homeopathy, Chennai.

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