Victim Impact Statements

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Your Honor,

My name is Alex, and I stand before you today bearing the weight of an unimaginable loss. My
daughter, Alyssa, was a beacon of light in the lives of all who knew her. Her vibrant spirit, her
boundless kindness, and her unwavering dedication to helping others defined her essence.
Alyssa was not just working towards her degree; she was working towards making the world a
brighter place, one act of kindness at a time.

Alyssa's love knew no bounds. She possessed a heart so full of generosity and compassion that
to speak of her in the past tense shatters my soul. She was a loving daughter, a cherished
friend, and a beacon of hope for a better world. Alyssa believed in the goodness of people, and
she dedicated her life to uplifting those around her.

But now, due to a senseless act, a life so full of promise has been stolen, not just from Alyssa,
but from all of us. The void left by her absence is a chasm that can never be filled. Every dream
unfulfilled, every milestone unachieved, echoes the permanence of our loss. The person
responsible for taking Alyssa from us has not only extinguished a precious life but has
irrevocably altered the lives of those who loved her most.

Your Honor, the pain of losing Alyssa is an agony that words fail to capture. It is a pain that
suffocates, a sorrow that immobilizes. Our family is forever changed, our hearts irrevocably
broken. Alyssa's death is a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the cruelty of a world where
such senseless violence can rob us of our dearest treasures.

As you consider the gravity of this loss, I implore you to recognize the devastation that has been
inflicted upon our family and the wider community that cherished Alyssa. Her life was a
testament to the beauty of the human spirit, and her absence is a void that can never be filled.

In honoring Alyssa's memory, I ask for justice that reflects the magnitude of our loss, the
potential stolen, and the profound grief we endure every moment without her. Alyssa deserved a
lifetime of moments, not a senseless end. Our family deserves to see accountability for the life
taken from us, for the future Alyssa will never have.

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share the impact of Alyssa's life and the depth of
our loss. May our justice system reflect the value of the life she lived and the sorrow of her


From Laticha Bracero’s sister Michelle Del Bosque:

Just a few days before this horrific accident I sent my sister a text. I said, “Lety?” She didn’t answer. I
was always so worried about them because they would travel and being the overbearing sister I am I
would treat her like I was her parent. She was one year younger than I. When our mother passed away
she was really all I had along with my niece and my own child. I don’t think you understand the severity
of your actions. I don’t think you understand what you have done to innocent people. For whatever
reason you were driving recklessly through red lights that day without any remorse for human life. My
niece and my sister were the most caring, beautiful people that would help anyone if needed. They did
so much for others and taught me at times to be a better person. They were my world, my life. Now
they’re gone. Our family will never be the same and you took that from us. Please take this as a severe
lesson. Change your ways. Change your life. Be a better person. Be a better human being to yourself and
those around you.

Please judge I ask that we do not allow him a bond. Given his background he needs to be held so that he
cannot ever harm another human being again. Please help us get justice for Laticha Bracero and Alyssa
Cordova. Please ensure this never happens again to another family.

Thank you.

Michelle Del Bosque

Dear Judge,

We the family of Laticha Bracero and Alyssa Cordova are writing to you today to urge you to deny bond for
the defendant in this case, who was arrested for reckless driving that resulted in the deaths of our two
innocent beloved family members, Laticha Bracero, 42, and Alyssa Cordova, 21.

Judge, as you know, the defendant was speeding and ran several red lights, striking Laticha and Alyssa as they
were crossing the street to get back to their car to come home after a concert. Laticha was pronounced dead
at the scene, and Alyssa succumbed to her injuries shortly thereafter. This tragedy has left a enormous gaping
hole in all of our family's hearts and lives.

Alyssa was a healthy 21 year old with her entire life in front of her. This person took it into his hands and
made the decision to carelessly and maliciously use his vehicle as a weapon that night.

Alyssa will never get married, she will never have children, she will never graduate from college, she will
never get to enjoy another of what I promise you would have been many celebrated birthdays and life

Laticha will also never get to see her daughter grow older and enjoy all the milestones she had in front of her.
Laticha was caring, loving and overprotective to the point she would escort Alyssa to concerts and events to
ensure she was safe and happy even into her adult years. She was an amazing mother, sister, niece, aunt,
cousin and friend to so many.

Our family is completely devastated by the careless and cold nature the defendant acted in. He clearly had
zero regard for anyone that night and showed absolutely no remorse as media outlets reported he hit another
car after striking Laticha and Alyssa. Clearly an indictment that he was trying to get away, leaving them to die
alone in the street.

Your honor, we implore you to be our advocate for justice. We cannot be present as we have no family in St.
Louis and we are trying to pick up the pieces and plan for 2 funerals. We are pleading to the court that you
consider the defendant's actions were not merely a lapse in judgment; they were a conscious choice to
disregard the safety of others and the law. He ran a red light and was speeding, demonstrating a blatant
disregard for the law and the well-being of others on the road. Such behavior cannot be tolerated, and it is
imperative that the defendant is held accountable for his actions.

Releasing the defendant on bond would send a dangerous message that his actions are not taken seriously. It
would also pose a significant threat to the community, as there is no guarantee that he would not re-offend if
released. The defendant's reckless behavior has already caused irreparable harm, and we cannot afford to
risk further tragedy.

Your honor, we ask that you please understand that his actions warrant the strongest possible punishment,
and denying bond is a crucial step in ensuring that justice is served.

Thomas, Annette, Anita, Aida, Alice, Michelle, Alex and the entire Bracero Family!

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