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Alternative tectonic models for the Late Palaeozoic-Early Tertiary

development of Tethys in the Eastern Mediterranean region

A . H . F. R O B E R T S O N l, J. E . D I X O N 1, S. B R O W N 1, A . C O L L I N S 1, A .
MORRIS 3, E . P I C K E T T 1, I. S H A R P 1 & T . U S T A O M E R 2
1Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Edinburgh, West Mains Road,
Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK
2Department of Geology, Istanbul University, A vcilar, 34850 Istanbul, Turkey
3Department of Geological Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth,
Devon P L 4 8 A A , UK

Abstract: A summary and discussion is given of alternative models of the tectonic evolution of
the Tethyan orogenic belt in the Eastern Mediterranean region, based on recent information.
Model I (Robertson & Dixon 1984). A single Tethyan ocean continuously existed in the
Eastern Mediterranean region, at least from Late Palaeozoic onwards. The dominant
influences were episodic northward subduction of Tethyan oceanic crust beneath Eurasia,
and the northward drift of continental fragments, from Gondwana towards Eurasia. During
the Mesozoic, the south Tethyan area was interspersed with Gondwana-derived
microcontinents and small ocean basins. Ophiolites formed mainly by spreading above
subduction zones in both northerly (internal) and southerly (external) oceanic basins during
times of regional plate convergence, and were mainly emplaced as a result of trench-passive
margin collisions. In a related model, Stampfli et al. (1991) argued for spreading along the
North African margin in the Late Permian.
Model 2A (Dercourt et al. 1986). Only one evolving Tethys existed. Triassic-Jurassic
oceanic crust (Neotethys) formed in a single Tethyan ocean basin located north of
Gondwana-related units. Spreading later formed a small ocean basin in the present Eastern
Mediterranean Sea area during the Cretaceous. Jurassic and Cretaceous ophiolites formed at
spreading ridges and record times of regional plate divergence. In an updated version, Model
2B (Dercourt et al. 1993), spreading extended along the northern margin of Gondwana, with
an arm extending through the south Aegean, splitting off a large microcontinent. Further
spreading in the Cretaceous then opened the Eastern Mediterranean basin and fragmented
pre-existing carbonate platforms. The Mesozoic ophiolites were seen as being mainly
far-travelled from northerly (i.e. internal) orogenic areas.
Model 3 ($eng6r et al. 1984). Subduction in the Late Palaeozoic was dominantly
southwards, beneath the northern margin of Gondwana in the Eastern Mediterranean. This
subduction led to opening of Triassic backarc basins; and a rifted Gondwana fragment
(Cimmeria) drifted across a pre-existing Tethys (Palaeo-Tethys) to collide with a passive
Eurasian margin. In their model, a backarc basin (Karakaya Basin) rifted and then closed
prior to collision of a Cimmerian microcontinent in the Mid Jurassic, and this was followed by
renewed rifting of a small ocean basin in the Early Jurassic. Mesozoic ophiolites mainly
formed above subduction zones; they were variously seen as far-travelled (in the 'Greek
area'), or more locally rooted (in the 'Turkish area').
Recent evidence shows that difficulties exist in detail with all three models. However, four
key elements are met in Model 1: dominantly northward subduction in the north; multiple
ocean basins from Triassic onwards in the south; supra-subduction spreading of the major
ophiolites; and emplacement from both northerly and southerly Mesozoic oceanic basins.
Palaeomagnetism has played an important role, in setting the large-scale Africa-Eurasia
relative motion framework and in providing tests for the tectonic affinities of smaller units,
but such smaller-scale studies have often been compromised by the geological complexity and
by the remagnetisation of tectonically thickened units.

This p a p e r presents a s u m m a r y and discussion of i m p o r t a n t i n f o r m a t i o n g a i n e d over the last

the validity of alternative reconstructions, of the d e c a d e or so (Fig. 1). T h e r e a d e r is r e f e r r e d to
tectonic evolution of the T e t h y s o c e a n in the the m a i n syntheses cited b e l o w for a r e v i e w and
E a s t e r n M e d i t e r r a n e a n area in the light of r e f e r e n c e s to earlier literature (i.e. p r e - m e d -

FromMorris, A. & Tarling, D. H. (eds), 1996, Palaeomagnetismand Tectonicsof the 239

MediterraneanRegion, Geological Society Special Publication No. 105, pp. 239-263.

Fig. 1. Outline tectonic sketch map including the main tectonic units and localities mentioned in the text. Note:
neotectonic features are omitted.

Fig. 2. Alternative reconstructions of the Eastern Mediterranean Tethys in the Late Permian. (a) Model 1 -
Robertson & Dixon (1984); (b) Model 2B - Dercourt et al. (1993); (c) Model 3 - ~eng6r et al. (1984); (d)
Stampfli et al. 0991). See text for discussion.

1980s). We will highlight the components of our own discussion we simply refer to Tethys as
earlier syntheses that have been supported by the ocean basin system that was present in the
more recent data and indicate those that can now Eastern Mediterranean region at any given time
be discounted. The discussion is intended to (e.g. Late Palaeozoic Tethys, Early Cretaceous
clear the way for future, improved tectonic Tethys etc.), with no palaeogeographic impli-
reconstructions, in which palaeomagnetic data cations. To simplify discussion we refer to the
will continue to play an important role. orogenic assemblage in the west, including
The terms T e t h y s , Palaeotethys (or Palaeo- Greece, Albania and former Yugoslavia as the
Tethys) and Neotethys (or Neo-Tethys) have 'Greek area' and that in the east, including
been used in m a n y different ways, that are often Turkey, Cyprus and northern Syria as the
model dependent. Below, the terms used by 'Turkish area'.
individual authors are retained when their Recent reconstructions assume a wedge-
individual models are discussed. However, in shaped Tethyan embayment in the Eastern
242 A . H . F. ROBERTSON E T AL.

Fig. 3. Alternative reconstructions of the Eastern Mediterranean Tethys in the Late Triassic-Early Jurassic.
(a) Model 1 - Robertson & Dixon (1984); (b) Model 3 - Seng6r et al. (I 984); (c) Model 2B - Dercourt et al.
(1993); (d) Alternative model of Stampfli et al. (1991). See text for discussion.

Mediterranean, at least from Late Permian to models for the Eastern Mediterranean region as
Early Tertiary time. The main uncertainty a whole have been proposed.
concerns the role of possible mega-shear be-
tween Gondwana and Laurasia during Permo-
Triassic time (Livermore et al. 1986). The M o d e l 1: single e v o l v i n g T e t h y s m o d e l
Eurasia-Africa fit is relatively well constrained Robertson & Dixon (1984) argued that Tethys in
from Early Jurassic onwards, based on palaeo- the Eastern Mediterranean region existed as a
magnetic data and ocean floor magnetic anom- wide ocean that developed continuously from
aly correlations (Livermore & Smith 1984; late Palaeozoic to Recent time (Figs 2a, 3a, 4c,
Dercourt et al. 1986). 5a & 6a). The south margin of Eurasia was seen
as an active continental margin undergoing
Alternative tectonic models mainly northward subduction. The southern,
Gondwana margin (i.e. Africa) was seen as
Over the last ten years, three main alternative passive, at least from the Late Palaeozoic

Fig. 4. Alternative reconstructions of the Eastern Mediterranean Tethys in the Jurassic. (a) Alternative model
of Robertson et al. (1991); (b) Model 3 - ~eng6r et al. (1984) (c) Model 1 - Robertson & Dixon (1984); (d)
Model 2A - Dercourt et al. (1986). See text for discussion.

onwards. During the Permo-Triassic, microcon- south-Tethyan area of the Eastern Mediter-
tinents were rifted from Gondwana, then drifted ranean as Mesozoic oceanic crust interspersed
variable distances into the Mesozoic Tethys with continental fragments, rifted from Gond-
ocean, followed in due course by amalgamation wana (Fig. 4a). These fragments included the
with an Eurasian active margin to the north. The large Adrian microcontinent (Apulia), the Pela-
large continental area of Adria (i.e. Apulia) was gonian zone in Greece and the Tauride car-
shown as a promontory of Gondwana. Large bonate platforms of Turkey. It was also
ophiolites, of Jurassic age in the westerly 'Greek suggested that rifting was initiated in the Late
area' and of Late Cretaceous age in the easterly Permian to form an open seaway adjacent to the
'Turkish area' were seen as a consequence of present North African continental margin in the
spreading above oceanic subduction zones, Eastern Mediterranean.
initiated by regional plate convergence (Pearce Stampfli et al. (1991) proposed a somewhat
et al. 1984). similar model involving northward subduction
Robertson et al. (1991) further interpreted the of Palaeotethys and early rifting of a southerly
244 A . H . F . ROBERTSON ET AL.

Fig. 5. Alternative reconstructions of the Eastern Mediterranean Tethys in the Early Cretaceous. (a) Model 1
- Robertson & Dixon (1984); (b) Model 3 - ~eng6r et al. (1984); (c) Model 2A - Dercourt et al. (1986); (d)
Model 2B - Dercourt et al. (1993). See text for discussion.

Neotethys (Figs 2d &3d). It was argued that (i.e. pre-Permian) and Neotethyan (i.e. Permo-
spreading took place in Late Permian time to Triassic) oceanic crust were separated by long,
form a south-Tethyan small ocean basin, ex- north-south transforms (e.g. in central Turkey).
tending along the northern margin of Gondwana Palaeotethys in the west was subducted north-
from North Africa (Libya-Tunisia) through the wards, opening the Caucasus, Vardar and
present Eastern Mediterranean Sea to the Oman Hallstatt small ocean basins.
region. Permian spreading separated an
Adrian-Turk microcontinent from an Iranian
M o d e l 2: single M e s o z o i c T e t h y s m o d e l
microcontinent (extending eastwards to include
the Kir~ehir massif). Most of the spreading in the One basically similar model evolved from the
southerly, Eastern Mediterranean basin had mid-1980s to early 1990s (Models 2A and 2B).
ended by the Triassic, in contrast to Model 1. Model 2A (Dercourt et al. 1986) envisaged a
For Late Triassic (Norian), time a complex simple palaeogeography of Tethyan oceanic
model was envisaged in which Palaeotethyan crust in the Eastern Mediterranean, whereas in

Fig. 6. Alternative reconstructions of the Eastern Mediterranean Tethys in the Late Cretaceous. (a) Model 1 -
Robertson & Dixon (1984); (b) Model 2B -Dercourt et al. (1993). See text for discussion.

Model 2B (Dercourt et al. 1993) this has become Model 2B of Dercourt et al. (1993) adopted
more varied, particularly for Cretaceous-Early the framework of the earlier Model A (Dercourt
Tertiary time. et al. 1986), but with several new elements (Figs
In Model 2A, Dercourt et al. (1986) argued that 2b & 5c). The concept of 'transit plates' was
only one Tethys ocean basin existed during Early introduced. These were units of 'combined
Mesozoic time; a second smaller ocean basin then oceanic and continental crust' and were deemed
opened in the south of the area in the Cretaceous to have moved continuously northward from
(Figs 4d & 5a). As in Model 1, above, the near Gondwana to collide, in turn, with an
Gondwana margin was passive, while the Eu- Eurasian active margin to the north. In several
rasian margin was of active, subduction-related cases, these 'transit plates' partly correspond to
type. The Mesozoic ophiolites were seen as known geological units (i.e. Kir~ehir Massif,
forming at mid-ocean ridges during times of Turkey; Mega-Lhasa further east). However,
regional plate separation. These ophiolites all the D r a m a plate, in the 'Greek area' is not
were assumed to have been rooted in a single clearly defined as a geological entity. Transit
Mesozoic Tethyan oceanic basin (Neotethys). plates were apparently introduced mainly to
The Jurassic 'Greek' ophiolites (e.g. Pindos) satisfy kinematic constraints of the model. The
were, thus, rooted to the north-east, in the south Eurasian margin is seen as mainly active
Vardar (Axios) zone or beyond, while the with northward subduction, as in Model 1.
Cretaceous 'Turkish' ophiolites (e.g. Lycian and Neotethyan crust formed at a spreading ridge
Antalya) were derived from the north, from a system in the south from the Late Permian
single Neotethyan ocean basin. During Permian onwards. All of southern Turkey (e.g. the
to Jurassic time, the north Gondwana margin was Taurides) and the south Aegean (e.g. Gavrovo-
faulted to form intracontinental rift basins (e.g. Tripolitza zone) were seen as part of Gondwana.
Pindos basin). Adria (Apulia) was considered as In contrast to Model 2A, in which only one
the largest of these rifted units; it was only Neotethyan basin was present, an arm of the
detached, leaving a small ocean basin behind it Permian Neotethys is inferred to have extended
during the Cretaceous. On the other hand, large through the south Aegean (e.g. through Hydra
units of Eastern Turkey (e.g. Bitlis-Pfitfirge) island) to connect with the Lagonegro zone
were seen as part of a promontory of Gondwana. further west, thus splitting a Serbo-Pelagonian

microcontinent (Fig. 3c). By the Late Triassic new (i.e. Neo-Tethyan) back-arc basin as the
(late Norian), the Drama transit plate had older (i.e. Palaeo-Tethyan) ocean was subduc-
moved northeastwards from the Adrian micro- ted (Figs 3b & 4b). Eventually, the rifted
plate, opening a Vardar ocean between a Cimmerian fragment collided with the Eurasian
Serbo-Pelagonian microcontinent and the passive margin, followed by 'Tibetan-type' mag-
Drama plate. The Jurassic Svoula flysch, ex- matism, (~}eng6r et al. 1994). Prior to this
posed in the Vardar zone of northeastern collision, a backarc basin opened within the
Greece, accumulated in this basin and was later Cimmerian fragment (Karakaya basin) and then
thrust southwestwards to its present position. In closed during collision. Renewed rifting then
other words, the Svoula flysch is considered to took place within the Palaeo-Tethyan suture to
be grossly allochthonous in this model, since it open a new Neotethyan ocean basin in the Early
was deposited to the north of the Serbo- Jurassic (i.e. Intra-Pontide ocean). Rifted
Macedonian zone, but now crops out to the microcontinental fragments in the south Tet-
south of it. The Jurassic ophiolites of the 'Greek hyan region (e.g. Menderes, SW Turkey) were
area' are, likewise, seen as being very substan- separated by Triassic Neotethyan oceanic crust,
tially allochthonous. They were rooted within of backarc origin. Most of the ophiolites were of
the Vardar ocean (north of the Serbo- supra-subduction zone type, rather than mid
Macedonian microcontinent) and were later ocean ridge type (e.g. Troodos). A northerly
thrust over the Serbo-Macedonian zone, along (internal) origin was accepted for the Jurassic
with the Svoula flysch, ending up partly within ophiolites of the 'Greek area', while the Cre-
the Vardar zone in northeastern Greece (i.e. taceous ophiolites of the 'Turkish area' were
Vardar ophiolites) and partly within the Sub- seen as having been emplaced from several
Pelagonian and Pindos zones further west (e.g. different ocean basins (e.g. Ankara-izmir-
Da~,lan Vourinos and Pindos ophiolites). Dur- Erzincan, Inner Tauride and Intra-Pontide;
ing the Early Cretaceous, in Model 2A (Fig. 5c), ~eng6r & Yllmaz 1981). Cretaceous-Early Ter-
a southerly Neotethyan basin then opened, tiary arc magmatism documented the active
rifting off a huge microcontinental block for the margin history of the south margin of Eurasia
first time, encompassing most of the Gondwana- (5}eng6r et al. 1991). On a much wider scale
derived units in the Eastern Mediterranean Seng6r (1992) has gone on to identify Palaeo-
(including Adria, Taurides etc.). By contrast, in Tethyan units and sutures throughout Asia.
Model 2B this same continental area was Each of these models involves movement of
envisaged as fragmenting into a number of tectonic units (whether ophiolitic or microcon-
smaller microplates, notably Sakarya, a com- tinental) relative to the major bounding plates of
bined Pelagonian-Menderes-Tauride micro- Gondwana and Eurasia. Palaeomagnetism has
plate and a small Bey Da~lan microplate in the played a key role in documenting the motion
Cretaceous (Fig. 5d). In the latest Cretaceous histories of the major plates. Under ideal
(Campanian-Maastrichtian) the ophiolites of circumstances, palaeomagnetic apparent polar
the 'Turkish area' were thrust from a northerly wander paths for microcontinental units could
Neotethyan ocean basin, leaving a collage of be compared to those of the bounding con-
continental blocks to collide with Eurasia in the tinents, in order to clarify the history of
Early Tertiary. In summary, the key differences separation, motion and docking. Unfortunately,
between Models 1 and 2B are the presence, it has proved impossible to define apparent polar
versus absence, of a Permian-Triassic south wander paths for most such units, because of a
Tethyan oceanic basin system, and the contrast- lack of suitable lithologies of a range of ages for
ing inferred origins of the 'Greek' and 'Turkish' palaeomagnetic study. However, in several
ophiolites (i.e. Model 1, partly southerly; or cases inclination data have been used success-
Model 2, entirely northerly derived). fully to determine the proximity of individual
tectonic units to the palaeo-position of the
bounding plates (i.e. Gondwanan versus Eu-
M o d e l 3: s o u t h w a r d - s u b d u c t i o n model
rasian affinities). For example, Sanbudak et al.
Seng6r et al. (1984) envisaged the south margin (1989) obtained palaeolatitudes within Lower to
of Eurasia as being passive in the Late Palaeo- Middle Triassic units of the western Pontides
zoic-Early Mesozoic, whilst the northern mar- which were consistent with those expected along
gin of Gondwana was active (Fig. 2c). the southern edge of Eurasia (in line with the
Southward subduction beneath the Gondwana location of the Pontide units in Models 1 and 2).
margin lead to rifting of a single elongate It should also be mentioned that it has been
Gondwana-derived continental fragment, Cim- suggested that some, or all, of the tectonically
meria, that then drifted northward opening a transported units within the Eastern Mediter-

ranean region might be allochthonous terranes subduction along all, or part, of its length in the
that originated outside the area. For example, Eastern Mediterranean region from Late Per-
Lauer (1984) used palaeomagnetic data to mian to Early Tertiary time (Fig. 2a & b).
suggest that Turkey consists of three blocks Specifically, in Model 2B northward subduction
(Pontides, Western Taurides and Eastern Tau- was inferred for the entire Late Permian to Early
rides) which were originally located off the Tertiary period, except possibly for the Late
southeastern Arabian margin during the Triassic Jurassic. In Model 3, the Eurasian margin was
and which moved independently northwestwards passive in the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic,
until Neogene collision. Subsequent studies but was active in the Cretaceous-Early Tertiary,
within Lauer's Western Tauride block (in SW with the south margin of Eurasia as the site of rift
Turkey) have documented either Neogene rem- volcanism in the Early Jurassic (,~eng6r &
agnetization (also affecting some of the units Ymlmaz 1981). In line with Models 1 and 2,
sampled by Lauer (1984); Morris & Robertson Stampfli et al. (1991) stressed the role of
(1993)), or apparently primary Late Triassic ophiolitic melange (e.g. Karakaya; Tekeli 1981)
magnetostratigraphies which indicate differing and olistostromes (Weidmann et al. 1992) as
palaeolatitudes of 14~ (from the B61iicetkta~l evidence of active margin processes associated
section (Gallet et al. 1992), which is consistent with an active Eurasian margin (Figs 2d & 3d).
with a location in the 'Gondwanan embayment') All of the region north of their Pindos ocean was
and 17~ (from the Kavur Tepe section (Gallet et seen as being composed of accretionary terranes
al. 1993), which suggests a location close to the of Gondwanian origin (e.g. Serbo-Macedonian
northern margin of India during the late Tri- zone). It was specifically envisaged that melange
assic). There is no obvious geological evidence in the island of Chios (NE Aegean), including
for such contrasting origins of these units. Palaeozoic exotic blocks in a partly Permian
Clearly, further detailed palaeomagnetic studies clastic matrix, represented evidence of a Palaeo-
of the Mesozoic Tauride successions are necess- tethyan subduction-accretion complex (Papani-
ary to resolve this controversy. kolaou & Sideris 1983; Baud etal. 1991).

Discussion. Much of the detailed evidence for

Current controversies and n e w evidence
the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic tectonic
A number of important disagreements still exist history of the Eurasian margin is to be found in
between the main alternative tectonic models the central Pontide area of northern Turkey
outlined above. Key points to be resolved (Fig. 1). The structure of this area was initially
include the following. (i) Was the south Eu- mapped and interpreted in terms of southward-
rasian margin active or passive in the Late subduction, as in Model 3 (Ttiysfiz 1990). A
Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic? (ii) Were the south re-investigation then led to a re-interpretation
Tethyan Triassic basins intra-continental rifts, (Usta6mer & Robertson 1993, 1994, in press).
Red Sea-type small ocean basins, or backarc What was interpreted in the southward subduc-
basins? (iii) Did the large Mesozoic ophiolites tion model (Model 3) as the main Palaeo-
form at mid-ocean ridges, or by spreading above Tethyan suture, was reinterpreted as a latest
subduction zones? (iv) What was the size, Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic backarc basin (Kiire
distribution and timing of rifting of Gondwana- basin), remnants of which can also be found in
derived continental fragments? other areas, including the Crimea (Usta6mer &
Over the last decade important new infor- Robertson 1993). A unit previously seen as a
mation on these, and other, questions has Palaeo-Tethyan ophiolite was identified as an
become available, especially for northern and oceanic volcanic arc unit, with an oceanic
western Turkey, northeastern Greece, Albania basement (~angaldafg unit). Remnants of the
and the former Yugoslavia. Some implications main Palaeotethys (Permo-Triassic?) were rep-
of these results for alternative tectonic interpre- resented by a major north-dipping tectonic slice
tations are now outlined. Some of this evidence complex, including blueschists, and were inter-
has recently been summarized in the context of preted as a subduction-accretion complex. In
definition and recognition of tectonic facies addition, a Permian carbonate platform unit in
exposed in the Eastern Mediterranean area the south (Kar D unit) was seen as an accreted
(Robertson 1994). Gondwana-derived fragment. In summary, the
evidence from the central Pontides and adjacent
areas, including the Crimea, Caucasus and
S o u t h E u r a s i a n margin: active or p a s s i v e ?
Dobrogea is compatible with Models 1 and 2,
In Models 1 and 2, the southern margin of involving mainly northward subduction in the
Eurasia was episodically active, with northward Late Permian-Triassic. A more complicated
248 A . H . F . ROBERTSON ET AL.

picture, however, emerges from study of associ- the new evidence implies that, while subduction
ated melange terranes in the northwestern of Palaeotethys can be seen as mainly northwards
Pontides. in the Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic (based on
A large tract of central northern Anatolia, evidence from the central Pontides), some
stretching from the Aegean coast to eastern amount of southward subduction also took place,
Turkey, is composed of mainly low-grade recta- at least in the western Pontides. The nature of this
sedimentary and meta-volcanic rocks, forming a subduction remains unclear. It is possible,
melange terrain known as the Karakaya Com- however, that southward subduction was in-
plex (Karakaya Formation of Bingol et al. 1973). itiated relatively locally to accommodate rapid
Meta-ophiolites are present on the island of northward drift of Gondwana-derived continen-
Lesbos (Lesbos ophiolite) and the adjacent tal fragments (i.e. Taurides-Anatolides), as
mainland (Denizg6ren ophiolite). In the south- oceanic basins opened further south in the
erly dipping subduction model (Model 3), the Triassic (e.g. Antalya, Mamonia).
Karakaya Complex was interpreted as a Triassic The Jurassic history of the Eurasian margin in
marginal basin that opened within the Cimmer- the Pontides is particularly controversial. In
ian crustal fragment, as it migrated across Model 2B the Eurasian margin was again active
Palaeotethys, and then closed by the Early by the Early Jurassic, with supra-subduction zone
Jurassic. The key area to test this hypothesis is rifting from the Dobrogea eastwards. This
the type area of the Karakaya Complex in includes volcanism in a possible backarc basin
northwestern Turkey. Okay et al. (1991) west ofMoesia (Sandulescu 1989). Bycontrast, in
mapped much of this area, including the Biga Model 3 the Eurasian margin rifted in the Early
Peninsula, and established a tectono-stratigra- Jurassic to form an Intra-Pontide ocean to the
phy of low-angle thrusted units, which they south, followed by passive margin subsidence.
interpreted generally in line with Model 3 (i.e. as There is a general consensus that northward
a backarc basin). They also observed that thrust subduction then took place in the Cretaceous-
vergence was generally northwards. Early Tertiary, and continued until stopped by
Much additional work was recently completed collisions of Gondwana-derived continental
on this area (Pickett 1994; Pickett et al. in press). units with the Eurasian active margin.
The Karakaya Complex shows the character-
istics of an accretionary prism related to subduc-
tion. The accreted units include: basalts and South Tethyan evolution
volcaniclastics of within-plate type; basalts of It is generally agreed that southerly areas of the
mid-ocean ridge type overlain by radiolarites Tethyan orogenic belt in the Eastern Mediter-
and turbiditic sandstones; and Permian shallow- ranean are dominated by crust by Gondwanian
water limestones associated with terrigenous origin. However, disagreements remain particu-
sediment. The accretionary prism is unconform- larly as to the timing of rifting, size and
ably overlain by little-deformed siliciclastic and distribution of microcontinents; as to whether
shelf carbonates of Late Triassic to Jurassic age. intervening basins were floored by stretched
The large thrust sheets of ultramafic rocks continental crust or oceanic crust (or both); and
(represented by the Lesbos and Denizg6ren also as to the settings of ophiolite genesis and
ophiolites) exhibit local metamorphic soles and emplacement.
underlying tectonic melange (on Lesbos) and
were emplaced onto Permian carbonate plat-
forms. Structural evidence, including outcrop- Permian rifting and spreading
scale shear fabrics and folds, and evidence of Each of the Models 1-3 identified the Permo-
large-scale thrusting of units (including the Triassic as a time of important rifting of
ophiolites) indicate an original direction of microcontinents from Gondwana. In Model 1
thrusting towards the north. In summary, the (Fig. 3a), rifting of external units took place in the
recent evidence from the Karakaya Complex Permo-Triassic in the northerly (i.e. more
from northwestern Turkey supports its interpre- internal) units (e.g. Vardar), but not until the
tation as a subduction-accretion complex, as in Triassic in southerly (i.e. external) units (e.g.
Models 1 and 2, rather than a backarc basin Pindos zone and Antalya). In Model 2A, rifting
origin (Model 3). However, it appears that this to create Neotethys took place in the Triassic,
subduction was southwards, rather than north- wholly within Palaeotethys, close to its Gond-
wards (as in Models 1 and 2). This is not in itself wana margin (Fig. 2b). However, in Model 2B
evidence in support of Model 3, however, as in (Fig. 3c), Permian deep-water sediments in the
this case the Palaeo-Tethyan subduction zone central Aegean area (i.e. on Hydra, E Pelo-
was seen as being located much further north, in ponnese) were taken as evidence of an early
the Pontides-Caucasus region (Fig. 1). Instead, oceanic connection (Pindos ocean of Model 2B)

through the central Aegean from a Permian Triassic rifting a n d s p r e a d i n g

Neotethys to the east. The introduction of this
connection represented a considerable de- There is widespread evidence of rifting in the
parture from the previous concept (Model 2A) Early-Mid-Triassic, mainly from allochthonous
of a continuous and intact Gondwana margin in units, including the Budva (former Yugoslavia),
an area comprising the whole of Greece and the the Cukali (Albania), the Pindos and the
former Yugoslavia region (i.e. a large part of Sub-Pelagonian (Greece), SE Aegean (Harbury
Adria). Permian deep-water sediments of Crete & Hall 1988) the Antalya and Lycian (SW
and S Peloponnese (i.e. Phyllite-Quartzite unit) Turkey), Tauride (and Turkey) and Ko~ali (E
were seen as derived from this Pindos ocean. To Turkey) units. In Model 1, rifting was followed
reach their present southerly position substan- by genesis of small oceanic basins of Red Sea
tial southward thrusting was envisaged. In type in the Late Triassic (Carnian-Norian), with
strong contrast, in Model 3 rifting of the entire genesis of mid ocean ridge-type basalt (e.g. in
north Gondwana margin in the Eastern Pindos; Jones & Robertson in press). Spreading
Mediterranean took place in the Triassic to form was active (e.g. Pindos, Antalya), both in
a backarc basin system (Fig. 3b). westerly and southerly (i.e. external basins), and
in more northerly (i.e. internal) oceanic areas
Discussion. A number of lines of evidence (e.g. Vardar zone and N of Tauride platforms).
indicate that important rifting did take place In the southerly (external) basins, spreading was
along the north margin of Gondwana in the Late more extensive in the westerly 'Greek area' (e.g.
Permian, earlier than previously envisaged Pindos ocean) at this stage relative to the
(Stampfli et al. 1991; Robertson et al. 1991). 'Turkish area' (e.g. Antalya; Fig. 3a). This is
Doming of Permian age in the Levant (Helez) suggested particularly by the existence of sub-
and eastern Turkey (Hazro) may record rift- stantial subduction-accretion complexes record-
related uplift of thermal origin (Gvirtzman & ing closure of a wide Mesozoic-Early Tertiary
Weissbrod 1984). Seismic interpretation and Pindos ocean in the 'Greek area', as in Model 1
evidence from wells along the north margin of (Jones & Robertson 1991, in press; Degnan &
Africa (e.g. in Tunisia, Libya) and the Levant Robertson 1990, in press). Alternatively,
(e.g. Palmyra rift) document Late Permian similar-sized oceanic basins might have formed
rifting (Garfunkel & Derin 1984; M'Rabat et al. in both areas in the Late Triassic (Robertson et
1989; Burolet et al. 1978; May 1991). Deep- al. 1991 ; Fig. 4a). Support for the existence of a
water sediments of Permian age, in Sicily, Crete westerly (external) ocean basin in the 'Greek
and the SE Peloponnese also imply the existence area' has come from numerous authors, includ-
of a deep basin adjacent to the present north ing Karamata (1988) for Serbia, Mercier &
African margin (Kozur 1991; Krahl 1992). The Vergely (1986), Smith (1993) and Doutsos et al.
presence of a cosmopolitan radiolarian fauna (1993) for Greece, Poisson (1984) for SW
indicates that this basin had an open-marine Turkey and Fourcade et al. (1991) for SE
connection from east to west. Two alternatives Turkey. By contrast, in Model 2A these units
are that: (i) rifting in the Late Permian gave rise were all rooted in a single northerly Neotethyan
to a broad rift floored by stretched continental ocean basin. In the derivative Model 2B, a
crust, with actual spreading delayed until the Kir~ehir 'transit plate' was rifted from Gond-
Triassic (Robertson et al. 1991); or (ii) that wana in the Early Triassic. Also in Model 2B,
spreading began in the Late Permian, forming a the Jurassic Svoula flysch in NW Greece was
small ocean basin along the northern margin of seen as having accumulated within a Vardar
Gondwana, and was followed by thermal sub- (Axios) ocean near the western margin of a
sidence in the Triassic (Stampfli et al. 1991). By Drama transit plate (Fig. 3c). In Models 2A &
contrast, Kozur (1991) envisaged a wide south- 2B tectonic movements in the southern areas
erly Pindos oceanic basin, accommodating most (e.g. North African margin) were restricted to
of the gap between Africa and Eurasia in the block faulting and formation of rift basins,
Permo-Triassic. This seems unlikely, however, including the Ionian trough in Greece and
especially as ophiolites (or other evidence of Albania and the Klzlhca ~orak G61 basin in SW
oceanic crust) are not known to be associated Turkey (Poisson 1984). All such rifting in the
with the Permian outcrops (e.g. the Phyllite- Permian-Jurassic was merely a precursor to
Quartzite unit). In summary, it is concluded that spreading in the Cretaceous. In Model 3
a large continental fragment rifted from Gond- (Fig. 3b), southerly back-arc basins (e.g. An-
wana in the Late Permian, and was separated talya, Mamonia) opened in the Triassic to
from Gondwana by a broad rift, or narrow ocean accommodate the full separation of Africa and
basin, running along the North African margin Eurasia, as Palaeo-Tethys was eliminated to the
to the Levant. north.

Discussion. Recent field and geochemical evi- This, however, contradicts the clear evidence
dence strongly supports interpretation of the that the deep-water passive margin successions
Pindos zone (i.e. represented by the Pindos- (e.g. Halobia limestones and radiolarian cherts)
Olonos nappes; Fleury 1980) as being oceanic bordering the adjacent carbonate platforms
(Fig. 3a), rather than merely a rift basin (as in (e.g. Bey Da(~lan; Karacahisar) span at least
Models 2B and 3). Tholeiitic (rather than Upper Triassic to locally Upper Cretaceous with
alkaline-type) volcanics are present beneath no major break. Rifting and initial spreading to
Triassic deep-sea sediments in the Peloponnese form these passive margins took place much
(Degnan 1992). Triassic to Early Tertiary sedi- earlier, mainly in the Late Triassic. The Ceno-
mentary thrust sheets (Pindos-Olonos nappes) manian platform subsidence may instead relate
are much more consistently interpreted as the to the inferred onset of supra-subduction zone
deep-water (i.e. thousands of metres) passive spreading (i.e. rear subduction zone extension),
margin of Adria (Apulia), rather than as possibly coupled with a near global demise of
relatively shallow-water rift sediments (Degnan carbonate platforms around this time.
& Robertson 1990). Structural unstacking of the
Pindos-Olonos nappes indicates that at least
P r o m o n t o r i e s or m i c r o c o n t i n e n t s ?
300km of basement have disappeared; this is
most easily explained by subduction of oceanic A long-standing question is whether Adria
crust within a Pindos oceanic basin in the Early (Apulia) and the Bitlis-Pfitiirge massifs persisted
Tertiary (Degnan & Robertson in press). Similar as promontories of Gondwana (Channell et al.
arguments apply to the Antalya region, where 1979), as in Model 1 (Fig. 2a), or became
basalts of Late Triassic age range from tran- completely detached in the Mesozoic, as in
sitional to MORB type (Robertson & Waldron Models 2A, 2B. Palaeomagnetic studies have so
1990), although the scale of the accretionary units far been inconclusive (see Channell this volume).
is relatively small compared to the Pindos zone in
Greece. The evidence to distinguish a Red Sea Discussion. Recent field and seismic evidence
from a backarc basin origin remains uncertain, in now support the 'fully detached' interpretation
that in the 'Turkish area' (e.g. Antalya) Triassic (Model 2A) of Dercourt et al. (1986), although
basalts contain no identifiable subduction com- this separation probably dates from the Permo-
ponent (Robertson & Waldron 1990), whereas in Triassic rather than the Cretaceous (see Chan-
some parts of the'Greek area' (e.g. Peloponnese, nell et al. 1979). In Models 1 and 3, the large
Pe-Piper & Piper 1990) a subduction signal is Bitlis and Pfitfirge metamorphic massifs in SE
present. However, it is possible that this does not Turkey were seen as separate microcontinents
indicate contemporaneous arc volcanism but within Neotethys, while in Models 2A & 2B they
instead an inherited lithospheric mantle signa- were still attached to Gondwana as a large
ture, especially as associated sediments are irregular promontory. Geochemical evidence of
mainly terrigenous and are therefore unlikely to Triassic low-grade meta-lavas in the Bitlis and
be arc derived. In addition, allochthonous units Pfitfirge massifs favours rifting from Gondwana
that in Models 2A & 2B had an internal (Fig. 4a). Also, recent work in SE Turkey allows
(northerly) origin, in fact, show structural interpretation of units located structurally be-
evidence of initial thrust displacement generally tween the Bitlis and Piitiirge massifs and the
northwards from southerly (external) ocean Arabian foreland beneath as remnants of a
basins. This includes the Sub-Pelagonian zone, sutured Mesozoic ocean basin; this separated
Greece (see Smith 1993) and the NE area of the the Bitlis and P(itiirge microcontinents from
Antalya Complex (Waldron 1984). Restoration Gondwana during the Mesozoic (Akta~ &
of thrust sheets in SE Anatolia also supports the Robertson 1990; Yllmaz 1991; Fourcade et al.
existence of a southerly Early Mesozoic ocean 1991).
basin in this area adjacent to the Arabian margin
(Akta~ & Robertson 1990; Ydmaz 1991; Four-
Cretaceous spreading o f southerly basins
cade etal. 1991).
Related to the question of the origin of In Model 1, further, spreading is envisaged to
southerly oceanic basins, Dilek & Rowland have taken place in the southern part of the
(1993) supported a southerly (external) origin of Eastern Mediterranean region in the Upper
the allochthonous Antalya units from within the Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous (Fig. 5a). This
Isparta angle area. However, they suggested widened pre-existing, relatively narrow, south-
that rifting to form a small oceanic basin did not erly Triassic ocean basins (e.g. Antalya; Mamo-
take place until the Cenomanian, when the nia). Space was created for this spreading by
carbonate platform subsided and broke up. partial closure of the Pindos and Vardar oceans.

In Model 2A (Fig. 5c), by contrast, separation of ophiolite' of Albania (Shallo et al. 1990), where
a Gondwanian continental fragment is envis- a complete ophiolite succession is overlain by
aged as occurring entirely within the Cretaceous calc-alkaline extrusives and is cut by associated
to form the present Eastern Mediterranean intrusives (e.g. trondhemites). Elsewhere, this
oceanic basin. In Model 2B (Fig. 5d) the upper, arc-type unit has not been reported and
Serbo-Pelagonian block rifted into several evidence supporting an above-subduction zone
smaller fragments, possibly including a small genesis is mainly geochemical (e.g. Pindos
Parnassus platform in central Greece. Space was ophiolite; Jones et al. 1991). In the case of the
created by subduction of the Vardar (Axios) Upper Cretaceous Troodos ophiolite (recent
ocean (north of the Serbo-Pelagonian block). review: Robertson 1993), the extrusives include
unaltered volcanic glass, on which whole-rock
Discussion. There is, indeed, some evidence of geochemical and microprobe analysis indicate
volcanism in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous classic orogenic andesitic compositions (Robin-
in the southerly 'Turkish area'. This includes: (i) son & Malpas 1990). In addition, highly 'de-
tholeiitic volcanism of Late Jurassic-Early Cre- pleted' extrusives are locally present that have
taceous age in the Antalya region of SW Turkey been compared to the high-magnesium an-
(Robertson & Waldron 1990); (ii) reactivation desites (or boninites) from SW Pacific forearcs.
of passive margin units, with rift related alkaline Interpretation of other ophiolites in the Eastern
volcanism in the Ba6r-Bassit region of northern Mediterranean is mainly based on 'immobile
Syria (Delaune-Mayere 1984); (iii) increased element' geochemistry. This utilises elements
rates of subsidence of the deep-water passive that have not changed during weathering and
margin of the Levant and related volcanism, as low-grade metamorphism (Pearce et al. 1984),
evidenced from seismic, well and outcrop and also microprobe analysis of plutonic ophio-
studies (e.g. Mart 1987). Such volcanism marks litic rocks (e.g. chromites).
a reactivation of pre-existing passive margins, Applying these criteria to the Eastern
rather than initial rifting. Related uplift may Mediterranean ophiolites as a whole, subduc-
have been the cause of an unconformity near the tion-related origins are identified for the ma-
Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in the subsurface jority of the large ophiolites, including the
of the coastal plain. northerly Elekda~ ophiolite of the Central
In an extreme alternative view no spreading Pontides; (Usta6mer 1993; Usta6mer & Robert-
took place, even in the Cretaceous, and the son in press) and the Denizg6ren and Lesbos
Eastern Mediterranean is entirely floored by ophiolites in the northeastern Aegean (Pickett
continental crust (Hirsch 1984; Hirsch et al. 1994). This origin also applies to many of the
1995). All the allochthonous units were thrust a Jurassic ophiolites, including Pindos, Vourinos,
long distance from the northern margin of the 'Eastern-type' ophiolite of Albania and
Gondwana, which would be located near the those in the Southwestern Zone of Serbia
Black Sea. However, this is highly unrealistic, (Robertson & Karamata 1994). Supra-
especially as it would require present northward subduction zone settings are also identified for
subduction in the south Aegean to be entirely most of the Upper Cretaceous ophiolites of the
fuelled by subduction of continental crust. This 'Turkish area', including the Lycian, Mersin,
interpretation of a continentally-floored Eastern Troodos, Hatay, Ba6r-Bassit, Ko~ali and
Mediterranean Sea can safely be discounted and Guleman ophiolites (Robertson et al. 1991).
is not considered further here. These ophiolites are of 'pre-arc type', as a
related arc is not present. The reason for this is
that subduction was never sufficiently extensive
Origin o f southerly ophiolites
for the early stages of ophiolite genesis above a
In Models 1 & 3, the large Mesozoic ophiolites, subduction zone to be followed by genesis of a
including those of Jurassic age in the 'Greek thick arc unit above, as is seen in the SW Pacific
area' and Upper Cretaceous age in the 'Turkish region. Comparisons of the Tethyan ophiolites
area', were seen as being of supra-subduction with modern settings were recently discussed
zone origin, whereas in Models 2A and 2B these elsewhere (Robertson 1994).
ophiolites formed at 'normal' spreading ocean By contrast, several of the (generally smaller)
ridges (Dercourt et al. 1986, 1993). This issue Neotethyan ophiolites are geochemically of
clearly has a profound influence on the location mid-ocean ridge type (Robertson et al. 1991;
and nature of inferred plate boundaries. Jones & Robertson in press). Such ophiolites
formed during spreading, especially in the Late
Discussion. The field evidence is most com- Triassic. Most of this crust was later destroyed.
pelling in the case of the Jurassic 'Eastern However, remnants remain: notably the intact

'Western-type' ophiolites of Albania (Shallo et the Late Mesozoic-Early Tertiary (Fig. 4b).
al. 1990); the more fragmentary ophiolites in the During the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, the
Othris (Sipetorrema Lava) and Pindos (Avdella inferred successor to Palaeotethys, the Vardar
Complex) mountains; and extrusives of inferred (Axios) zone in Greece, was seen as undergoing
ophiolitic origin in SW Cyprus (Dhiarizos incipient collision and left-lateral mega-shear,
Group). but remained essentially open as an oceanic
A third type of ophiolitic setting, that of the basin until the latest Cretaceous-Early Tertiary.
backarc marginal basin lying behind a fully In Model 2 (i.e. single Mesozoic Tethys),
developed arc, is represented by the Late renewed spreading took place during the Late
Triassic-Early Jurassic Kiire ophiolite of the Permian-Triassic at mid ocean ridges located
Central Pontides, which developed behind the within Palaeotethys near the northern margin of
inferred (j;angalda~ arc (Usta6mer & Robertson Gondwana to form a Neotethyan ocean (Figs 2b
1993). Another example is the Mid-Late Ju- & 3c). There is thus the same problem as in
rassic Guevgeli Chalkidiki and Oreokastro Model 1, that older Palaeotethyan margins of
ophiolites (Haenel-R6my & Bebien 1985) mar- Gondwana are not preserved, for example in
ginal basin that probably opened behind an allochthonous units thrust to the south (e.g.
inferred Jurassic Paikon arc (Bebien et al. 1980; Lycian and Bey~ehir-Hoyran nappes). In Model
Brown & Robertson in press b), possibly as a 2B, the Cretaceous history of the Vardar zone is
series of discontinuous pull-aparts. An alterna- admitted to be unclear. It is suggested that a
tive, less likely, suggestion is that the Chalkidiki marginal sea might have formed and then closed
ophiolite in this area opened above a westward- between the Pelagonian zone and the Serbo-
dipping subduction zone, behind a 'Chortiatis' Macedonian zone, although this is inconsistent
volcanic arc of Mid-Late Jurassic age (Muss- with the concept of a single Serbo-Pelagonian
allam 1991). However, it now appears that the block for Late Permian-Jurassic time. On the
Guevgeli, Chalkidiki and Oreokastro ophio- other hand, Dercourt et al. (1993) acknowledge
lites, together with the meta-igneous Volvi that the Vardar ocean might have remained
Complex form remnants of a related intra- open as the main separation between Eurasia
continental marginal basin. and Adria (Apulia), as in Model 1.
An additional type of small oceanic basin is In Model 3, several different sutures were
represented by the Latest Jurassic-Cretaceous envisaged as being entirely of Mesozoic age (i.e.
Meglenitsa basin of the Vardar (Axios) zone in Neo-Tethyan). Palaeo-Tethys was a separate,
NW Greece; this appears to have developed as a earlier, ocean basin located further north. Of
pull-apart basin following suturing of the Early these Neo-Tethyan ocean basins, those in the
Mesozoic Vardar (Axios) oceanic basin in this south were seen as part of the Triassic back-arc
area (Sharp 1994; Sharp & Robertson in press b). basin system that opened above a southward-
dipping subduction zone ([zmir-Ankara-
Erzincan ocean; Fig. 3b). Eastwards, this ocean
I n n e r o r o g e n i c units
basin split into two strands separated by the
Additional important terrains, dominated by Kirsehir Massif, with the Inner Tauride ocean to
ophiolites or ophiolite-related rocks of Mesozoic the south and an eastward extension of the
age, are located between the southern margin of Ankara-|zmir-Erzincan ocean in the north.
Eurasia and Gondwana-derived microcontinen- Further north, the Palaeo-Tethyan suture was
tal units located further south. These units almost immediately split by rifting in the Early
include the Vardar (Axios) Zone in Greece, and Jurassic, following collision of the Cimmerian
a number of potential suture zones in Turkey, fragment with Eurasia, to form a new small
including the Intra-Pontide suture, Ankara- ocean basin (Intra-Pontide ocean; Seng6r &
Izmir-Erzincan suture and the Inner Tauride Ydmaz 1981).
suture (see ~eng6r & Ydmaz 1981). A further alternative model is that a subduc-
In Turkey, the northern margins of the tion zone dipped southwards from a remnant
leading Gondwana-derived continental frag- Palaeotethys, opening up a Cretaceous backarc
ments (e.g. Menderes) were seen in Model 1 as basin in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea area,
Palaeotethyan passive margins, facing into including the Troodos ophiolite (Dilek et al.
Palaeotethys and later into Neotethys (Fig. 3a). 1990). This scenario is similar to Model 3, except
The Late Palaeozoic reconstruction implied that that backarc spreading took place in the Late
the margins were as old as Palaeotethys itself. In Cretaceous, rather than the Triassic. This is,
Model 1, Palaeotethys remained open and however, not supported by evidence from the
continued to evolve into the Mesozoic as a southerly terrains (e.g. Mamonia, Cyprus) that
Neotethyan ocean strand, only closing finally in genesis of mid-ocean ridge type extrusives in

these areas took place in the Triassic. In In summary, we infer that the northward
addition, where Upper Jurassic-Early Cre- margin of Gondwana episodically fragmented
taceous oceanic volcanics have been identified, during the Palaeozoic, with microcontinents
as in the northeastern area of the Antalya crossing Palaeotethys to become amalgamated
Complex they lack any identifiable subduction with Eurasia. Mesozoic (i.e. Neotethyan)
component (Robertson & Waldron 1990). In oceanic crust formed within the remnant Tethys
addition, as yet there are no structural data from by spreading, both at mid ocean ridges and above
Late Cretaceous accretionary terrains of central subduction zones. The history of oceanic spread-
Anatolia (i.e. Ankara Melange) to support ing in the Late Palaeozoic is poorly understood,
southward subduction along the north margin of but may include genesis of the Lesbos and
the Tauride-Anatolide carbonate platforms in Denizg6ren ophiolites in the NE Aegean (men-
the Late Cretaceous. tioned earlier). Oceanic crust was formed above
subduction zones in the inner orogenic zones in
Discussion. Recent studies have not confirmed the 'Turkish area', at least in the Late Cre-
the existence of very old (i.e. pre-Permian) taceous, and was later preferentially preserved as
passive margins along the northern margin of the emplaced ophiolites (e.g. Lycian ophiolites). By
Tauride-Anatolide carbonate platforms and contrast, mid ocean-ridge type crust of Palaeo-
related allochthonous units in Turkey, as im- zoic and/or Mesozoic age was almost entirely
plied by Models 1 & 2. Instead, the available subducted and is preserved only as fragments in
evidence documents rifting in the Late Permian subduction/accretion complexes (Fig. 6a).
(e.g. Teke Dere unit of the Lycian nappes) and
the Triassic (e.g. north margin of the Bolkar
L a t e r a l correlations
Da~). On the other hand, fragments of Late
Permian carbonate platforms of Gondwanian One long-standing question relates to whether
affinities have been identified in the central Tethys in the 'Turkish area' can be traced through
Pontides. The implication is that the presently into the 'Greek area' at any given time. Until now
preserved inner orogenic units of central and correlations across the Aegean region have
northern Turkey (i.e. Anatolides) date only remained unconvincing (e.g. correlation of the
from the Late Permian-Triassic, rather than Pelagonian zone and Menderes massif). In part,
from an earlier Palaeotethys. This observation is this is because of limited exposure. However, it
consistent with Model 3, in which backarc rifting should also be noted that some of the major
accompanied the demise of Palaeo-Tethys tectonic events in the Greek and Turkish areas,
further south. However, a Permian-Triassic including the timing of creation and genesis of
rifting history could be explained in several ophiolites, were not synchronous and thus
other ways. First, the Pangean assembly might 'continuity' as it appears at present was either
have evolved by large-scale strike-slip to yield never present or is likely to have been obscured.
essentially new margins in the Permo-Triassic;
i.e. that Palaeotethys was itself newly created in Discussion. A particular case is whether the
the Permian. This is, however, difficult to Vardar (Axios) zone in northern Greece rep-
reconcile with the long-lived active margin resents an extension of the Palaeozoic-Early
history of Eurasia, as documented in Models 1 Mesozoic Tethys in the northerly (internal) units
and 2B (e.g. preserved in the Pontides). Sec- of the 'Turkish area'. From evidence in Serbia,
ondly, the lack of a Late Palaeozoic passive Karamata et al. (1992) argued for a continuation
margin along the northern margin of the of the Palaeozoic Tethys westwards into the
Tauride-Anatolide carbonate platform might Vardar Zone in this area. However, in northern
indicate an earlier history of rifting and fragmen- Greece the inference that the Vardar (Axios)
tation of Gondwana, with microcontinents drift- zone could represent Palaeotethys, as in Model 1
ing across Palaeotethys to be amalgamated with (Fig. 3a), has been criticised in view of the
Eurasia, and with corresponding renewal of the apparent absence of Palaeotethyan oceanic units
southern Tethyan margin. Multiple Palaeozoic- (e.g. ophiolites). Smith (1993) regarded the
Mesozoic rift events have, indeed, been re- Almopias (Vardar) ocean as a relatively minor
ported from Gondwanian-derived units in the oceanic basin, in contrast to a much wider
Taurides (Demirta~h 1984). Also, the Palaeo- inferred Mesozoic Pindos ocean further south-
zoic of Istanbul in the NW Pontides could west (in present co-ordinates). Ferri6re & Stais
represent a Gondwanian fragment that was (1994), Dimitriadis & Asvesta (1993) and Sharp
amalgamated with Eurasia in pre-Late Carbon- (1994) interpreted the Vardar (Axios) zone as a
iferous time. The Serbo-Macedonian zone in Triassic-Jurassic small ocean basin of Red Sea
northern Greece could have a similar history. type, although earlier (i.e. Late Permian) rifting
254 A. H. F. ROBERTSON E T A L .

cannot be entirely ruled out. Alternatively, the basins. Evidence of the existence of Cretaceous
main Late Palaeozoic (Pataeotethyan) suture extension and volcanism in the central Aegean
could lie within a stack of metamorphic nappes (e.g. Skyros; Jacobshagen & Wallbrecher 1984)
in the Rhodope massif, but be largely obscured was taken to indicate re-opening of the Vardar
by deformation (Sandulescu 1989). A potential (Axios) ocean in the Cretaceous, followed by
candidate is a zone of highly strained, eclogitized final closure in the Early Tertiary.
mafic rocks and serpentinites at the base of the
Lower Arda 2 unit in Bulgaria (Burg et al. 1990). Discussion. Recent work in the westerly Vardar
If so, the Serbo-Macedonian zone could have (Axios) zone of NE Greece confirms that
rifted from Gondwana in the Late Permian, and westward ophiolite emplacement onto the Pela-
drifted across the Late Palaeozoic Tethys to gonian zone did indeed take place in Late Jurassic
open a wide Permo-Triassic Vardar ocean, prior (i.e. post Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian) (Sharp et
to collision and amalgamation with the Eurasian al. 1991; Sharp 1994), possibly related to closure
margin. The Rhodope zone further north is of a Vardar oceanic basin in this area. This was
generally correlated with Eurasian continental followed by re-opening of a Late Jurassic to
crust of the Moesian platform (at least from Late essentially Cretaceous small oceanic basin,
Palaeozoic time onwards), for example, as represented by the Meglenitsa ophiolite (Sharp
exposed in the Strandja massif (see ~;eng6r et al. 1994; Sharp & Robertson in press a). Remnants
1984) and the (e.g. Armutlu Peninsula (Yllmaz of Cretaceous oceanic crust are also preserved as
1991). Further support for a relatively wide, ophiolitic rocks derived from the Vardar (Axios)
Early Mesozoic Vardar ocean comes from the zone further south in Greece (on Euboea and in
Paikon arc in the centre of the Vardar (Axios) Argolis), as summarized by Robertson et al.
zone in NE Greece. This includes thick meta- (1991). However, in SE Greece, there is no
volcanics and related volcaniclastics of Late evidence of closure of the Almopias ocean in the
Jurassic age (pre-Kimmeridgian-Tithonian; Late Jurassic, as indicated by the lack of
Mercier 1968) that overlie continentally derived corresponding deformation and metamorphism
meta-sedimentary lithologies in the Paikon unit. of the Pelagonian zone. In this more southerly
There is general agreement that these volcanics Greek area, the Vardar (Axios) ocean remained
relate to subduction during the Mid-Jurassic open into the Cretaceous as a remnant basin,
time (Baroz et al. 1987; Bebien 1994; Brown & finally closing only in Early Tertiary times (Clift
Robertson in press b). One interpretation is that & Robertson 1990; Clift 1992). A remnant
these volcanics were generated above a subduc- Vardar ocean basin probably also persisted in
tion zone dipping eastwards from the Pindos Serbia (Karamata et al. 1992), where the
ocean (Smith 1993). However, it is more Pelagonian zone and equivalents (Drina-Ivanica
probable that the subduction zone was located unit) also escaped regional metamorphism as-
actually within the Vardar (Axios) ocean, sociated with ophiolite emplacement during the
implying that a significantly wide ocean existed Late Jurassic (Robertson & Karamata 1994).
(>500km?). The Guevgueli, Chalkidiki and In summary, it is probable that the segments of
Oreokastro ophiolites (Eastern Vardar-Axios the leading edge of the Pelagonian microcon-
zone) are identified as the remains of a single, tinent collided with the south margin of the
narrow and effectively in situ Jurassic marginal Eurasia, represented by the Rhodope zone (by
basin that formed above an eastward-dipping then augmented by the accretion of the Serbo-
subduction zone at the southwestward margin of Macedonian block) while a remnant Vardar
the Serbo-Macedonian zone. (Axios) ocean basin remained open in adjacent
areas (as in Model 1). Ocean crust was then
created in the Cretaceous, both within the local
C l o s u r e o f the V a r d a r o c e a n
suture zone and the remnant Vardar (Axios)
The classic view is that the Vardar (Axios) ocean ocean (e.g. Meglenitsa ophiolite). The driving
finally closed in the Late Jurassic, with associ- force was probably strike-slip motion between
ated westward emplacement of ophiolites onto Gondwana and Eurasia during Late Jurassic-
the Pelagonian zone (Aubouin et al. 1970). Late Cretaceous time (e.g. Livermore & Smith
Similarly, Ziegler (1990), while not being con- 1984). Remnants of Mesozoic oceanic crust
cerned with the Eastern Mediterranean in located to the north of the Gondwana-derived
detail, nevertheless was of the view that Tethyan continental fragments in the 'Turkish area' are
oceanic crust had disappeared throughout the preserved in the Ankara-lzmir-Erzincan and
entire area (including Turkey) by the Early Inner-Tauride zones (Fig. 1; Seng6r & Yllmaz
Cretaceous, with the Late Cretaceous ophiolites 1981 ; Okay & Siyako 1993; and our unpublished
of the 'Turkish area' forming in local pull-apart data).

Another key question further south is whether within the Pontides (Yllmaz 1991). In the NW
the Mesozoic Lycian nappes, including ophio- Pontides (e.g. Armutlu Peninsula), meta-
lites, were rooted to the north or to the south of ophiolites and related rocks are reported as
the Menderes Massif, which is generally agreed having been thrust southwards in the latest
to be a Gondwana-derived continental frag- Cretaceous (Yllmaz 1991). These ophiolites are
ment. A northerly origin was assumed in each of located to the north of the Palaeotethyan
Models 1,2 and 3. However, some workers have Karakaya accretionary complex, discussed ear-
argued that the dominantly Mesozoic carbonate lier (Fig. 1). Early Jurassic volcanics along the
thrust slices were either wholly or partly rooted length of the Pontides were interpreted as
to the south, as represented by the Koycegiz evidence of rifting to form a northerly, Mesozoic
nappe of Poisson (1984), and the K6ycegiz and small oceanic basin (intra-Pontide ocean) in
Elmah thrust sheets of C)zkaya (1990). These Model 3 (~eng6r & Yllmaz 1981). An alternative
workers postulated the existence of a rifted basin possibility is that the Early Jurassic Pontide
(i.e. KIzllca-(~orak g61; Poisson 1984) separat- volcanics and volcaniclastics are instead related
ing two continental fragments, now represented to continuing arc volcanism, and that the
by the Menderes metamorphic complex in the intra-Pontide oceanic crust formed in a backarc
NW and the Bey Da~larl carbonate platform to basin and/or pull-apart basin within the southern
the SE. Kinematic evidence from units beneath margin of Eurasia. In addition, further east, in
the emplaced nappe stack, from within the body the Central Pontides, unmetamorphosed ophio-
of the thrust sheets, and from the sole of the litic rocks were thrust northwards in the latest
overriding Lycian ophiolites all indicate that the Cretaceous from a Mesozoic Tethyan ocean to
Lycian nappes (i.e. upper units) were thrust the south (Tfiysfiz 1990; Usta6mer 1993). The
from the west to northwest of their present available evidence is limited and contradictory
location (Okay 1989; Collins & Robertson and further work is urgently needed on these
1995). Recent structural evidence, and analysis complex units.
of the sedimentary processes preserved in the In summary, oceanic regions between the
Lycian sedimentary thrust sheets additionally Gondwana-derived fragments to the south and
support the existence of a rift basin between the the Eurasian margin to the north mark the site of
Menderes Massif and the Bey Da(glan carbonate a Permo-Triassic Tethys ocean. In this region
platform, as shown in Model 2B (Fig. 5d). the Upper Permian Tethys evolved into the
Restoring the Lycian nappes and related units Mesozoic Tethys by a combination of subduc-
(e.g. Bey~ehir-Hadim nappes) to a northerly tion, northward drift of Gondwana-derived
position leads to their interpretation as passive fragments (e.g. Klr~ehir) and spreading of
margins and oceanic units facing northwards Mesozoic oceanic crust.
into the Mesozoic Tethys ocean. Evidence of
Permian rifting is preserved in the sedimentary
Ophiolitic root zones
Lycian nappes (i.e. at Teke Dere; De Gra-
ciansky 1972; Collins & Robertson, unpublished In Model 1, both the Jurassic and Cretaceous
data), and there is also extensive evidence of ophiolites were derived from several different
Triassic rifting along the north margin of the Neotethyan ocean basins. The Jurassic ophiolites
Tauride-Anatolide carbonate platforms (e.g. of the 'Greek area' were mainly derived from a
Bolkar Da(~). Such rift events could represent westerly (external) Pindos ocean and a more
detachment and northward drift of continental easterly (internal) Vardar ocean (e.g. Mountra-
fragments (e.g. Klr~ehir), as in Model 1. During kis 1984; Fig. 5a). Similarly, the Cretaceous
regional plate convergence in the Late Cre- ophiolites of the 'Turkish area' were derived from
taceous, Tethyan oceanic crust to the north was both southerly (e. g. Troodos) and northerly (e.g.
subducted northwards, while the Mesozoic Lycian) Neotethyan ocean basins (Okay 1989;
deep-sea sedimentary cover was accreted. The Fig. 6a). The Late Triassic-Early Jurassic Pindos
subduction complex and overriding Lycian ocean basin collapsed, possibly driven by re-
ophiolites were then emplaced southeastwards gional compression related to opening of the
over the northern Menderes Massif in the North Atlantic (Livermore & Smith 1984).
earliest Tertiary (Palaeocene), thus allowing Oceanic basins in the 'Turkish area' were not
shallow-water carbonate sedimentation to per- deformed until the Upper Cretaceous, related to
sist further south, until further southeastward opening of the South Atlantic.
overthrusting emplaced the Lycian nappes in In Model 2A (Dercourt et al. 1986), all of the
their final position during the Late Miocene. ophiolites were derived from a single Neote-
Mesozoic ophiolites of at least partly Late thyan ocean basin located to the north of
Cretaceous age are also located further north, Gondwana (Fig. 4d). All of the Cretaceous
256 A. H. F. ROBERTSON E T A L .

ophiolites of the 'Turkish area' (e.g. Troodos) gartner 1985) and structural (Clift 1990) data on
were derived from north of the Tauride car- the emplacement direction of the small Migdha-
bonate platforms (Ricou et al. 1984). litsa ophiolite unit of southern Argolis, Greece,
Dercourt et al. (1993) took the view (Model resulted from a Palaeogene relative rotation
2B) that the Jurassic ophiolites of the 'Greek across the Migdhalitsa graben. The inferred
area' were of 'ultra-internal origin', having been emplacement direction corrected for this local-
derived from a Vardar ocean basin rooted to the ized rotation is from (present) NE to SW,
NE of a Serbo-Pelagonian block (e.g. Papani- suggesting transport from the Vardar side of the
kolaou 1989). In practice, this would mean that Pelagonian Zone. This conclusion is not affected
ophiolites of the Vardar (Axios) zone (i.e. by removal of a later Neogene rotation (Kissel &
Almopias and Guevgueli) were thrust over the Laj 1988; Kondopoulou et al. this volume) of
Serbo-Macedonian zone, while the now more regional extent. In the 'Greek area' most
westerly ophiolites (e.g. Pindos and Vourinos structural studies favour derivation of the Pin-
ophiolites) were thrust even further, over the dos, Othris and Vourinos ophiolites from the
Pelagonian Zone as well. To explain the ap- Pindos ocean, from within the Pindos zone, with
parent absence of Jurassic emplacement in the emplacement northeastwards (present co-
'Turkish area' a major transform offset of the ordinates) onto a Pelagonian microcontinent
obduction front was inferred in Model 2B. (Robertson et al. 1991; Smith 1993; Doutsos et
In an alternative (traditional) model involving al. 1993). The traditional view of the ophiolites
large-distance thrusting, the ophiolites were as rooted in the Vardar zone (i.e. between the
rooted in the Vardar zone, rather than to the NE Pelagonian and Serbo-Macedonian zone) is,
of the Serbo-Macedonian zone and were then however, applicable to some of the ophiolites
thrust over the Pelagonian zone to the west (i.e. emplaced along the eastern margin of the
Aubouin et al. 1970; Ferri6re 1982; Jacobshagen Pelagonian zone (i.e. western Almopias ophio-
& Wallbrecher 1984). lites; Mercier, 1968; Sharp, 1994). The 'ultra-
In Model 3 ($eng6r et al. 1984; Fig. 5b), the internal hypothesis' (Model 2B - i.e. from NE of
Jurassic ophiolites of the 'Greek area' were all the Serbo-Macedonian zone) can now be con-
rooted in the Vardar (Axios) oceanic basin to clusively ruled out, based on the detailed
the NE (i.e. from between the Pelagonian and geological history of the supposed Vardar
Serbo-Macedonian zones), whereas separate (Axios) root zone in NE Greece. Notably,
origins of the Cretaceous ophiolites, both north within the Vardar (Axios) zone, the Jurassic
(e.g. Lycian ophiolite) and south (e.g. Antalya Svoula flysch and the Guevgueli ophiolite
ophiolites) of Gondwana-derived microcon- cannot have been emplaced by thrusting over
tinents were envisaged. the Serbo-Macedonian zone. The Jurassic
Svoula flysch is in depositional contact with
Discussion. The palaeomagnetic technique can older, Late Triassic shelf carbonates, that both
only effectively discriminate between magnetis- formed part of the relatively autochthonous SW
ation directions from different units where they margin of the Serbo-Macedonian zone (Stais &
diverge by more than 5-10 ~ This places a lower Ferri6re 1991; our unpublished data). The
limit of 500-800 km discernible relative palaeo- Guevgueli ophiolite and the related Volvi
latitudinal movements, equivalent to the in- Complex are well established as exhibiting
ferred width and spacing of many Neotethyan primary magmatic contacts with adjacent Serbo-
basins. In addition, east-west movements can- Macedonian zone metamorphics (Dixon &
not be detected palaeomagnetically. Palaeo- Dimitriadis 1984; Remy 1984; Sidhiropoulos &
magnetic inclination data are, thus, of limited Dimitriadis 1989; de Wet 1989) and are thus
value in distinguishing between alternative rooted where they now occur, within the eastern
ophiolite root zones. On the other hand, Vardar (Axios) zone.
structural data on ophiolite emplacement direc- The situation is also clear-cut in the 'Turkish
tions must be corrected for l o c a l i z e d post- area', where Mesozoic carbonate platforms
emplacement rotations determined from exposed between outcrops of supposedly once
palaeomagnetic declination data. R e g i o n a l ro- continuous, single ophiolite nappes (e.g. the
tations should be taken into account when Antalya and Lycian ophiolites) include sedi-
producing palinspastic reconstructions, but do mentary successions that extend in age beyond
not compromise structural emplacement data so the time of emplacement of those same south-
long as both the ophiolite root zone and relative erly ophiolites (~eng6r & Yllmaz 1981). In other
autochthons experienced equal rotation. For words, the ophiolites could not have been
example, Morris (1995) demonstrated that a transported across coeval sedimentary suc-
discrepancy between sedimentological (Baum- cession in their path without leaving any trace.

To enable such emplacement to take place, Ricou Arabian passive margins to the south (Akta~ &
et al. (1979, 1984) proposed a complex model in Robertson 1990; Yllmaz 1991). Emplacement in
which ophiolites were first thrust onto the the east (e.g. Hatay, Ba6r-Bassit) was mainly in
Mesozoic carbonate platform in the north (i.e. the Campanian-Maastrichtian, while in the west
Bey Da~,lan) in the latest Cretaceous. The (e.g. Antalya) final emplacement over the
northerly part of the platform complete, with its marginal platforms was delayed until the Late
already emplaced units, was then thrust south- Palaeocene-Early Eocene (Poisson 1984;
wards in the Early Tertiary carrying ophiolites to Robertson 1993). Similarly, the Pindos and
a final southerly position (e.g. Antalya). More Vardar (Axios) oceans in the 'Greek area' were
recent field studies have not confirmed any such finally closed in Palaeocene-Eocene time
maj or thrust discontinuity within the Bey Da(~larl (Robertson et al. 1991). As noted earlier, the
carbonate platform (Robertson 1993). In ad- Troodos was an exception in that it remained
dition, the Troodos ophiolite in Cyprus (Gass within a remnant Mesozoic Tethyan oceanic
1990; Robertson & Xenophontos 1993) clearly basin until uplift during Plio-Quaternary time.
cannot have been thrust far over a platform to the
south in the latest Cretaceous, since the deep- Discussion. In the Greek area, in line with the
water sedimentary cover continues unbroken 'ultra-internal' ophiolite derivation in Model 2B
from the Campanian (Perapedhi Formation) into but in conflict with the original work in the area
the Lower Tertiary (Lefkara Formation) (e.g. (Mercier 1968; Mercier & Vergely 1994), God-
Robertson etal. 1991). friaux & Ricou (1991) argued that the Paikon unit
In summary, it is now clear that the (Vardar- of the central Vardar (Axios) zone represented a
Axios) zone in Greece and former Yugoslavia window into a regionally extensive Pelagonian
does, indeed, represent an important suture that platform, over which the Vardar (i.e. Almopias
was the site of oceanic crust of Early Mesozoic units) were thrust in the Early Tertiary. Alterna-
(and possibly earlier) age. Mesozoic oceanic tively, Bonneau et al. (1994) envisaged the
crust existed further east in the Turkish area Paikon unit as a stack of thrust sheets, also
south of the Eurasian margin and surrounding the emplaced from the NE in the Early Tertiary. The
most northerly derived Gondwana-derived frag- implication of the latter hypothesis is that the
ments (e.g. Klr~ehir). entire Vardar (Axios) is allochthonous and
derived from NE of the Serbo-Macedonian zone,
as in Model 2B. However, recent detailed
Closure o f Tethys
mapping now shows conclusively that the Paikon
Each of the alternative Models 1,2 and 3 envisage unit is, in fact, a single structurally coherent
progressive closure of Tethys in the Eastern tectono-stratigraphic unit that originated and
Mediterranean during Late Cretaceous-Early was emplaced entirely within the Vardar (Axios)
Tertiary time (Fig. 6a & b). Some oceanic crust zone (i.e. SE of the Serbo-Macedonian zone;
must have persisted into the Tertiary in view of Sharp & Robertson in press; Brown & Robertson
the remaining separation between Africa and in press). The Paikon unit cannot be correlated
Eurasia. However, this separation is seen as with the Pelagonian zone. The thrusting in the
being less significant in Model 2B than Models 1 Paikon unit referred to by Bonneau et al. (1994) is
& 3. Disregarding the evidence of such a the result of only localized post-emplacement
continuing oceanic gap, some have argued that compression of the Paikon unit within the Vardar
ophiolite emplacement, for example onto the (Axios) zone in the Early Tertiary.
Arabian passive margin in the latest Cretaceous, Ongoing discussions revolve around the lo-
marks the final closure of Tethys, (e.g. in Eastern cation and timing of closure and collisional
Turkey; Yazgan 1984). However, this hypothesis deformation of different units in different areas
can now be discounted. (e .g. of the Klr~ehir massif; e.g. G6rfir etal. 1984;
The chief difference between the three alterna- ~eng6r et al. 1985), which is beyond the scope of
tive models is that in Models 1 and 3, the Upper this brief summary (see Robertson & Grasso
Cretaceous ophiolites of the 'Turkish area' are 1995). In general, northward subduction beneath
seen as having formed above northward-dipping the Eurasian margin during the later stages of
subduction zones. By contrast, in Model 2 the Tethyan closure gave rise to Andean-type
Late Cretaceous 'Turkish' ophiolites represent magmatism (i.e. eastern Pontide arc) and rifting
evidence of renewed spreading at mid ocean of the Black Sea marginal basin (G6riir 1988).
ridges within a single Mesozoic Tethys. The Late Neotethyan units were progressively accreted to
Cretaceous ophiolites were emplaced when Eurasia (e.g. Cretaceous Ankara Melange;
subduction zones collided with, both microcon- Ko~yifgit 1991). The deformation front migrated
tinental (e.g. Bitlis-Pfittirge) and the main generally southward with time, towards Africa.
258 A. H. F. ROBERTSON E T A L .

By the Late Miocene the accretionary collage in crust was seen as swinging through the south
the east had collided with the Arabian promon- Aegean (Pindos ocean) to connect with rift
tory (Arabian sub-plate), and was followed by basins further west. However, models 2A and
activation of the present convergent margin in 2B do not take into account the critical role of
the Eastern Mediterranean. rifting and spreading in the Late Palaeozoic-
Palaeomagnetic data have provided much of Early Mesozoic in the south Aegean region.
the key evidence in unravelling the latest Also, the genesis of many large ophiolites above
(Neogene to Recent) stages of the collision. subduction zones and the derivation of ophio-
These data have been extensively described lites from several Mesozoic oceanic basins goes
elsewhere (e.g. Kissel & Laj 1988; Plazman etal. unrecognized.
1995; Kondopoulou et al. this volume; Piper et M o d e l 3 (~eng6r et al. 1984) postulated
al. this volume; and others). The palaeomag- southward-dipping subduction of Late Palaeo-
netic database on Neogene rotational defor- zoic Tethys (Palaeo-Tethys) beneath the north-
mation in the eastern Mediterranean has now ern margin of Gondwana. A Triassic back-arc
reached the stage where the palaeogeography basin opened, rifting a continental fragment
can be restored with reasonable accuracy to a from Gondwana, that then drifted northwards to
pre-rotational framework. This should lead to collide with a passive Eurasian margin in latest
improved tectonic models for the earlier Meso- Triassic time, partially closing a marginal basin
zoic to early Tertiary history. (Karakaya). This was followed by renewed
rifting to form a Mesozoic (Neotethyan) ocean
basin from the Early Jurassic onwards. More
recent work, however, has not confirmed domi-
Three principal alternative plate tectonic models nantly southward subduction of Tethys in the
have been discussed for the Late Palaeozoic- Late Palaeozoic-Early Mesozoic.
Early Mesozoic Tethyan history of the Eastern Our preferred model is now one in which the
Mediterranean region, together with numerous southern margin of Eurasia was active, under-
more local interpretations. going northward subduction throughout much,
M o d e l 1 (Robertson & Dixon 1984) inferred or all, of Late Palaeozoic-Early Tertiary time.
a long-lived Tethyan ocean evolving from the The Gondwana margin was passive during the
Late Palaeozoic through the Mesozoic into the Palaeozoic onwards. Continental fragments rif-
Tertiary, under the dominant influence of ted, drifted across Tethys and were amal-
northward subduction and rifting of continental gamated to Eurasia. Important rift/drift events
fragments from Gondwana. Tectonic units along took place along the north margin of Gondwana
the Eurasian margin were dominantly arc- in the Late Permian, Early-Mid-Triassic and
accretionary complexes related to northward Early Cretaceous. Rapid opening of Early
subduction. The Mesozoic palaeogeography of Mesozoic basins in the south was partly accom-
south Tethys was marked by interconnected modated by southward subduction of Late
oceanic strands interspersed with microcon- Palaeozoic Tethys, at least in NW Turkey. Large
tinents that were rifted from Gondwana. Ophio- ophiolites formed above subduction zones
lites mainly formed above subduction zones and mainly in the Late Permian-Triassic, Early-
were cmplaced when crustal units (e.g. micro- Mid-Jurassic and Late Cretaceous, while
continents) collided with subduction trenches. oceanic crust formed at 'normal' ocean ridges is
Based on the more recent evidence, this model mainly preserved as deformed and metamor-
remains broadly applicable, in that it success- phosed fragments in subduction-accretion com-
fully reconicles recent field evidence with a plexes. These ophiolites were rooted in a
viable kinematic scenario. number of both northerly and southerly oceanic
M o d e l 2 A (Dercourt et al. 1986) envisaged a stands and were mainly emplaced by trench-
single Mesozoic Tethyan ocean basin with margin collisions. Tethys remained open into
dominantly northward subduction beneath the the Early Tertiary, when it finally closed by
Eurasian margin, as in Model 1. However, the diachronous collisions of microcontinents, leav-
ophiolites were seen as having formed at mid ing a remnant only in the present easternmost
ocean ridges located within this single Mesozoic Mediterranean Sea area adjacent to the Levant.
Tethys (Neotethys). Some ophiolitcs reached Palaeomagnetic data have helped define the
their present positions by very long-distance regional framework of Africa and Eurasia.
thrusting (i.e. hundreds of kilometres). Model However, palaeomagnetic studies of the individ-
2B (Dercourt et al. 1993) envisaged a more ual components of the orogen have so far been
complex palaeogeography, particularly in the limited by the geological complexity and com-
Cretaceous. An arm of Permian-aged ocean mon problems of remagnetization. One excep-

tion is units in the south (e.g. Cyprus; see BROWN, S. & ROBERTSON, A. H. F. a New structural
Morris, this v o l u m e ) that w e r e located in the evidence from the Mesozoic-Early Tertiary Pai-
most p e r i p h e r a l (i.e. external) areas of the kon unit, north-eastern Greece. Bulletin of the
o r o g e n i c belt and did t h e r e f o r e not e x p e r i e n c e Geological Society of Greece, in press.
tectonic t h i c k e n i n g resulting from collision. - -& b Role of the Paikon Unit of the tectonic
evolution of Neotethys, NE Greece. European
Union of Geosciences, in press.
Helpful comments in the manuscript were received BUR6, J.-P., IVANOV,Z., R~cou, L.-E., DIMOR, D. &
from G. Jones, P. Degnan and T. Danelian. D. Batty KLAN, L. 1990. Implications of shear-sense criteria
assisted with drafting the figures. for the tectonic evolution of the Central Rhodope
Massif, southern Bulgaria, Geology, 18,445-454.
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