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Name: Paolo Aramayo Mendoza Grade (nota):


Watch the Dead to me’ episode on Alexia's platform. This video is in English and
without subtitles. Then answer the following questions.
***Please remember that the aim of this activity is to improve listening skills in
English. Since all the material is provided to you, try to understand the dialogues
without the need for subtitles or watch it in Spanish. Repeat the recording as
many times as you need to improve listening.

1. What’s Jen husband’s name?

2. Where did Judy and Jen meet?
At a grief retreat group
3. How does Judy try to break the ice?
Talk about seeing Jen in a real estate ad
4. Why did Jen’ neighbor bring her some food at the beginning of the chapter? If you are not
sure, do some research about US traditions in these cases and explain it.
Sympathy food that may help Jen get over her husband's death
5. Why does Jen think she is a Jo?
Because it's tough and she is from Brooklyn
6. Jen doesn’t really meditate. What does she do instead?
Listen to metal music.
7. Why does Jen yell at Judy at the grief’s meeting?
Because she lied about Steve, he's actually alive and he left her 2 months ago.
8. Where is Judy working? Try to pay attention carefully, they mention it.
In a nursing home
9. In which room is Judy going to stay in Jen’s house?
In the guest room, which used to bet ted's music studio
10. What does it mean to take pity on someone? If you don’t know, search the meaning!
Feel sorry for someone and do something that shows this.

** Delivery deadline: 04-03-2024 23:59.

*** This activity will be part of the percent within the partial exams of the second trimester.

C/Manuel López Antolí, 1 A 47009 Valladolid T. 983363330

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