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How to Unsuspend Your

TikTok Account | Simple
Steps by Steps Guide
J U LY 2 8 , 2 0 2 0 - 7 M I N S R E AD

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TikTok is a fun platform where you can

show your creativity and talent through
your short videos. You can add cool filters
which makes your video attractive.
You can also share those videos among
your friends and followers which makes you
popular. Sometimes because of your mis-
take or bad content, you might offend a
group of community or break the TikTok
community guidelines through your video.
Because of this activity, your TikTok ac-
count might temporarily or permanently
get suspended. So, in this article, I will be
guiding you with how you can unsuspend
your TikTok account.

Moreover, you will also be learning about

the reasons or conditions under which
you’re TikTok account gets suspended, and
different types of suspension and how to
resolve it.

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Table of Contents 
1. Reasons Your TikTok Account Suspended
1.1. Users Fault
1.2. TikTok Fault
2. Type of Suspension and its Solutions
2.1. Suspension from Live Streaming
3. Solution: Unsuspend your TikTok Ac-
count From Live Stream
3.1. Step 1: Open Your TikTok App
3.2. Step 2: Go to Your Profile
3.3. Step 3: Go to Your Privacy and Set-
tings Menu
3.4. Step 4: Go to Report a Problem
4. The Account is Currently Suspended
4.1. Solution
5. What To Do When TikTok Disables Your
Account and You Can’t Even Login
5.1. Solution
6. Conclusion

Reasons Your TikTok Ac-

count Suspended
Mostly, there are two reasons under which
your TikTok account might get suspended
and they are as follows:

Users Fault
In most cases, it is the user’s fault because
of which their account might temporarily
or permanently get suspended.

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Before creating your account, you might

have agreed to TikTok terms and conditions
or community guidelines under which your
account might temporarily or permanently
get suspended.

If you have violated any community guide-

lines, according to your agreed terms and
conditions, TikTok has full authority to
temporarily or permanently suspend your
TikTok account.

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Your uploaded videos include the following

factors which might break TikTok commu-
nity guidelines and they are as follows:

• You might have included any signs or

symbols which represent a dangerous
organization or an individual like a

• Promotion of any criminal activities

like assaulting, kidnapping, robbery,

• Sale or use of weapons in your video.

• Sale or use of drugs in your video.

• Violent and graphic content of hu-

man-like physical violence.

• Violent and graphic content of ani-

mals like the slaughtering of real

• Activities like suicide, self-harm, and

other dangerous acts.

• Hate speech against politicians, reli-

gious groups, or any other

• Harassment and bullying.

• Adult nudity and sexual activities in

your video.

• Any social evils like child abuse.

• If you are under 13 while making your

TikTok account may suspend your
TikTok account permanently.

Therefore, these are some of the reasons

you might have done because of which your
TikTok account is temporarily or perma-
nently suspended.

TikTok Fault
Sometimes TikTok can do mistakes and can
suspend your account without listening to
your opinion regarding your uploaded

Unknowingly, while shooting your video,

you might have captured the things which
break the community guidelines of TikTok.

Another reason for tiktok suspending your

account might be: TikTok misinterpreted
one of your videos as harmful which may
not have been your intention that is shown
in the video.

After the possible reasons let us discuss the

type of suspension because of which your
account is suspended and how to unsus-
pend your TikTok account.

Type of Suspension and

its Solutions
There are three types of suspension your
account may have suffered. You can choose
your situation mentioned below which are
explained in detail and apply solutions to
unsuspend your TikTok account.

Suspension from Live Stream-

Suspended from live streaming is the most
common one.

However, your other function on your Tik-

Tok account will perform smoothly.

Moreover, the ban on live streaming typi-

cally happens because you might have bro-
ken some of the TikTok community guide-
lines unintentionally.

While going on a live stream video you

have to be careful. If it is too sensitive to
perform an act, say in front of a 13-year-old
child in the presence of their parents, they
might report your and you may get your
live streaming suspended.

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Sometimes you can get suspended by play-

ing copyright music, video, or background
music while going on live.

The only good thing about suspension from

the live stream is it is a temporary suspen-
sion. If it is a minor offense you will get
your account after 24 hours.

However, if it is a major offense it will

take 7 days to be unsuspended.

Solution: Unsuspend your

TikTok Account From Live
The steps to get uplift of suspension from
live streaming are as follows:

Step 1: Open Your TikTok App

Firstly, you need to search your TikTok app
on your mobile phone and tap on it.

If you haven’t login to your account, first

log in to your TikTok account using your
account username and password.

Step 2: Go to Your ProHle

After you have successfully login your ac-
count, go to the bottom right corner of your
screen and tap my icon. So, that you can go
to your profile page.

Step 3: Go to Your Privacy and

Settings Menu
After you have entered to your profile page
in the top right corner, you will find three
vertical dots these vertical dots will lead
you to privacy and settings page. Now, tap
on dots.

Step 4: Go to Report a Problem

After you have entered your privacy and
settings page, go to the “About” tab then go
to report a problem

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In the report on a problem page

page, you
will see most of the common questions that
are asked by TikTok users. You can select
from the given option according to your

You can also give your feedback and can get

your problem to the concerned authority.

If you don’t get the desired result by fol-

lowing the above steps you can also contact
them by sending mail in the following
email accounts






However, you need to be polite in your mail

message while sending them.

You can also tweet them


• @tiktok_in

• @tiktokcreators

The Account is Currently

When you receive “The Account is Current-
ly Suspended”, your account is already sus-
pended and you won’t be able to post any
TikTok videos.

Moreover, when you log in to your TikTok

account you won’t be able to see your user-
name, and your number of followed, follow-
ing, and likes will be replaced by” –“sign.

However, you can go live through your Tik-

Tok account. You can even tell your follow-
ers to follow back in that particular ac-

In this type of suspension, you need to be

patient because it can take 1 week to a
month to uplift your account and will get
restored automatically.

The reason for this type of suspension

might be due to the violation of community

However, if the level of violation is not that

offensive, your account will get temporarily
suspended; not permanently.

If you don’t feel like you haven’t done any-
thing wrong. You can follow the above-
mentioned steps immediately.

Moreover, you can contact the concerned

authority through mail and twitter which is
mentioned above.

Also Read: How To Change / Add a

Phone Number on TikTok

What To Do When TikTok

Disables Your Account
and You Can’t Even Login
By far this is the worst suspension in Tik-
Tok; because you won’t be able to login to
your account in this suspension.

The main reason behind TikTok disabling

your account is: you might be under thir-
teen in age while creating this account or
you might have done something terrible.


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In this case, you can do nothing except you
can contact TikTok account recovery.

When you try to log in to your account a

dialogue box appears which provides you
two options logout or cancel deactivation.

You can enter cancel deactivation and can

mail them or contact them on twitter.

If this message doesn’t show up you can

follow the above-mentioned steps to con-
tact the customer support team.

I hope after reading this article you can
solve all your problems regarding the sus-
pension of your account.

I would like to say thank you for reading up

theaa end
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onthly article.
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