Bill Walsh College Football (USA)

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IBILL WALSH] LE INSTRUCTION BOOKLET ey ———— Paonia PO ome MUSCLE USL : Cara eau TOP Sc WARNING: PLEASE READ THE ENCLOSED CONSUMER INFORMATION AND PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET CAREFULLY BEFORE USING YOUR NINTENDO* HARDWARE SYSTEM OR GAME PAK. LceNseD er reuteno0 guren warrenn0 BURSA SES SSI Bra rnecrr ea tend ane Peastesro repaying or Mintivenesormenoame — EEAePaLALtY ora SUPER MULTITAP The Super Mulitap” lets up to five pl ers butt heads or play as ccammates Just plug the adapter into Control Socket #2 on the Super NES. and you're ready to go. NOTE: The Super Multitap” is not de Scope othe Super NES Mouse ed for use with the Super NES Super Super Mohit” isa trademark of Hudson Sofi USA Ine All hts reserved. 1 SPORTS. CONTROLLING THE GAME LEFT & RIGHT BUTTONS CONTROL PAD SELECT START SUPER NES Controller PAUSING THE GAME + Press START KICKING Kiel the ball: 1) Bio set the kicker in motion 2} B when yellow diamond reaches top of Power Meter to kick ball «Aim the ball: Contre] Pad LEFT/RIGHT while vertical kicking meter is in motion. + Mave the kicking team to onside formation before the kick: 1) Awoeallanaudible 2) Ato position team to left or ¥ to position right + Move the kicking tear back to its original formation: 1) Ato call an audible 2) Bu RECEIVING A KICK Kick reture em before or run unless you move \utomatica ing the * Control Pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT: Take control of ball carrier. BEFORE THE SNAP ‘Offense * Snap the ball: B * Call an audible fa different play at the line of scrimmage): 1} A The audible indi on the screen, 2) A, Bor V tasele ‘See Offensive Audibles on p13.) © Cancel and audible: X NOTE: THE BALL MUSI BE SNAPPED BEFORE THe 25-secOND PLay CLOCK REACHES ZER0 OR THE QEFENSE WIL, BE PENALIZED FIV va Defense * Control different player: B or X «Callan audi 1) Press A The audible indicator 2) Press A, Bor C10 No-Huddle Offense + Call « play in the na-huddle offense: Hold A alter the whistle is blown, Your tea Iines up in the sare formation and runs the play it ppears on the screen. ated p! 3 SPORTS. fous down, If you want to run a different audible, (See Offensive Audibles on p. 13) Stop Clock Play © Run the “QB Stop Clock” play 1) Hold ¥ after the whistle is blown. 2) Press B ta hike the ball. The quarterback takes the snap throws the ball into the ground automatically as long as you don’ take control of the QB by touching the Control pad. AFTER THE SNAP Olfense Running * Diver ¥ © Umph" forward: B © Spin: A © Hurdle: X + Change directions: Control Pad LEFI/RIGE UP/DOWN Passing * Call up Passing Windows: B + Pass ta the player in window A: A ¢ Pass ta the player in # Pass to the player i Receiving © Dive for the ball: ¥ + Activate the receiver close + Jomp and raise hands: X st to the ball: B Punting 1) Brosnap the ball 2} Control Pad LEFTYRIGHT while meters in eiotion to aim punt 3) Bwhen the yellow diamond reaches the top of the Power Meter to kick ball Defense Dive at ball cartier: Y Activate the defender clasest io the ball: B Jamp and raise hands to block a kick or intercept a pass: A Fire offthe line as bal is snapped: Button LEFT/RIGHT During Instant Replay Rewind: ¥ Run the tape (lrame by frame}: X Run the tape (normal speed): B Fast Forward: A Move the cursor that isolates the camera on one player or on one specific point on the field: ControlPad UP/D OWN/LEFT/RIGHT Rotate field and players) Button LEFT/RIGHT TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPER NES MULTIPLAYER ADAPTER. CONTROLLING THE GAME. STARTING THE GAME... SETTING UP THE GAM) PLAYING A REGULAR GAME... OFFENSIVE COORDINATION DEFENSIVE COORDINATION. THE PAUSE SCREEN. RESUME GAME, : INSTANT REPLAY TIMEOUTS. 0. DRIVE SUMMARY . s GAME STATS....... - - ee SET AUDIBLES... cn + as PLAY CALL MODE. wennenn nnn z 3B PASS CATCH MODE 2.0. - ermine SUBSTITUTE QUARTERBACK... | SET MUSIC. Fa EA SPORTS TICKER .oosoeonon - PLAYING A FULL SEASON. ENTERING THE PLAYOFFS soon . RESTORING SEASON AND PLAYOFF STANDE OFFENSIVE FORMATIONS OFFENSIVE PLAYS a DEFENSIVE FORMATIONS... CREDITS. “| Tike the gaime to be a historical event, With the long standing rivalries, there is @ history to each and every game,” Bill Walsh on College Football STARTING THE GAME 1. Flip OFF the power switeh on your Super Nintendo Entertainment WARNING: Nevee TRY TO INSERE O8 REMOVE 4 GAME Pak WHEN THE POWER IS ON, 2. Make sure a Contra the Super NES. If you're playing against a fviend, plug the other Controller inta Controller Socket 2 5 plugged into the Controller Socket 1 on 5. Insert the Game Pal into the slat on the Super NES Pross firmly’ to lock the Game Pak in place 4, Turn ON the power switch, ‘The EA Sports and High Score logos appear. If you de Degin again at step 1 see them, 5, When Coach Walsh’s picture appears, pross START to bring up the Game SeiUp screen, Game Set-up Screen Use the Game Set-Lip sereen ta customize your caniest. + Cycle through options: Contral Pad UP/DOWN. * Cycle through choices for the selected option: Control Pad TRIGHT, ults in Bold type) @ GAME REGULAR GAME: Play against the computer or a fi records dan’t count. NEW SEASON: (Available only for 1993 teams) Play @ season from beginning to end. Play one or all of the games and take any team to the National Champianship, PLAYOFFS: 1995 Playolis: 12 1995 Teams All Time Playoffs 12 National Championship Teams from the 70's, ‘80's and “90's nd, Stats and To tearm more about the playoff tournament, turn to ENTERING THE PLAYOFFS an page 27. RESTORE PASSWORD: Resume a season or tournament in pragress atthe next scheduled game, (You must have alreacly won a taurnament game or have played a season game to select this mode.) Tus to Restoting Scasan and Playotf Standings 07 p. 30 to leaxm move about restoring a seasout or playoff HOME Select the te VISITOR Select the visiting team, playing fer the heme crowd, Nore: WHEN YOU'RE PLAYING IN A TOURNAMENT, THE-COMPUTER DECIDES WHICH PLAYER IS THE HOME ‘QUARTER 15 MINUTES 3 MINUTES 10 MINUTES WEATHER FAIR WIND RAIN snow NIGHT ‘VARIABLE ‘When you've set up the game to your liking, press START, Player Select Screen © Players select your teams: Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT to move the cantroller icon (on the screen} under the team of your choice. Press START to exit, POSIEION YELLOW BAR RATING GRAPH Scouting Report PLAYING A REGULAR GAME ‘THE SCOUTING REPORT 1 select screen, the scouting report app .s are Compared in nine major areas. The higher the yellow bar in a team’s rating graph, the more talent the team has in that ‘area. Press START to go to the Coin Toss. Here both tea 10 COIN TOSS/WIND Coin Toss Before the referee can start the game, the ust be tossed. The winner must choose ta kick or receive, and the loser must choose ‘whieh goal his team will defend in t half, Press the Conttol Pad LEFT/RIGHT before the coin hits the ground 1o toggle between heads and tails FLAG Wind Direct jon Screen If you lose the toss, you must choose a goal to defend. Look at the wind sock ta see which direction (if any) the wind is blowing, Make sue to nove which goal the wind is blowing towaed, and remember that " ‘ same direction for the id the the wind blows with the same farce and in line game. Press ¥ to defend the home team’s goal or B to des ing tears goal RECEIVING THE KICK If you're receiving the kick, your return man automatically catches the ball. f the return man catches the ball in the end zone he wil re ja place until you run him out. If you do not ran him aut, the referee will signal a touchback, If she return man catches the ballin frant of © endzone he will automatically move up-lield, You can take over xyou wish by pressing the contrat pad Press the car tomave, KICKING rol pad in the dizection you wamt the player with the star STRENGTH Kick Meter The following kicking instructions apply to kickofls, punts and field goals, 1, Press B to snap the bal and stant the strength meter moving upward 2. To aim the kick, Contral Pad LEFT/RIGHT alter you press B. 3, Press B again to stop the meter and strike the ball. The higher the meter is at the tinte when you stop it, the farther the ball will travel Onside Kick Onside Kick Formation 1. Press Ato call an audible, then press ¥ to set up onside right formation or press A to set onside left form: you change your mind and want to return to the normal kickoff formation, press Aand then B.) 2. Press B to start the kik meter, 3. Press B again immediately while pressing the control pad LEFT/RIGHT. OFFENSE COORDINATION Bill Walsh College Football al from the moment the ball is snapped simply call a play and watch it unfold + To Calla Play: Control Pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT, then press the button corresponding to the lever of the pla. OFFENSIVE AUDIBLES. ‘Alfake snap might draw the defense alfsides: Press X ‘The snap starts the play: Press B ‘An audible changes the play'al the line: Bross A you the choice to control « play ll the referees blow it dead, or to 8 SPORTS ‘The following are the default audibles, Tume fo Set Audibles om p. 22 0 lear move about setting your ozo audibles. Hail Mary (Shotgun): Press A Cross Pass (Pro): Press B Fullback Counter (Pray: Press ¥ RUNNING, The handoff on a running play is automatic. You take control after the handott On pite plays you must press B to piteh the bal to the back. The star symbal marks the ball carrer, and his jersey number appears so you know who he is. Use the control pad and the action butions to move the ball carrier through the defense, or watch the computer execute the play you just called, Pitch to back: Press B Dive: Press ¥ Spin: Press A ‘Umph": Press B Hurdle: Press X PASSING Th and B, buttans, Pass to a receiver by press re are three receivers for every passing play, represented by the Y, A ig the corresponding button Passing Windows 4 Alter you snap the ball, wait for the passing windows to pop up belate you press any buttons or the control pad. You ean let the computer execute the play or you can press the button that matches the window of the intended receiver. If you move the quarterback out of the packet or off his designed roll-out by pressing the control pad in any direction, the computer will no longer execute the play. Then i's up to you to press B to bring up the passing windows, choose a receiver, antl pass the ball Once the ball is in the air, the passing windows disappear. The target spot witere the ball is Readed appears on the field as a yellow, eieled cross Press B to switch control to the intended receiver, then use the control pac! to guide the receiver to the spot if he’s nat already there. Nise, you can press X to raise the reeeiver's hands. This increases the chance of catching the ball. + Reach for the ball: Press X BROKEN PASSING PLAYS f you press the control pad (.e., take control of the quarterback) tefore the passing windows pap up, the passing windows will not appear automatically + Show passing windows: Press B O HUDDLE OFFENSE When the clock’s running down at the end of a half or at the end of a game, mast teams don't take the time to huddle. At the end of a play you can go straight to the line of scrimmage: + Press A right alter the whistle. You ean algo run a“Stop Clack” play where the quarterback throy the ball into the ground to stop the clock. ‘This is useful when you're out of timeouts and you have an extra down to play with. © Runa “Stop Clock” play: Press ¥ DEFENSIVE COORDINATION As with the offense, the computer will contra the defense if you ish in fact, you don't even have to call your own formations, sets and plays. I'you don't chanse a defense, your team runs the defense it ran the previous play, (See page 35 for a description af each formation.) Alter calling a defensive play, you can seleet the man you want to control by pressing B or X until the star appears under that player Dive: Press ¥ Power Tackle: Press A Control player closest ta ball: Pross B Raise Hands to breale up pass: Press X TWO PLAYER—TEAMMATES When playing in the Teammates mode, the player with controller 1 controls the man on the YELLOW star. The player with contreller 2 controls the player on the BLUE star. On offense, the-player with caller | “is” the quarterback and is responsible for calling the pl ingthe ball, ‘When playing with the Super Mulitap: Player # Color of Star Pls Yellow Player 2 Blue Player 3 White Player 4 Green Player 5 Gray 6 The player with controller 2 may use the B button to take control of any of the other players an the field. In most cases, the control 2 player ‘will choose to act as either a running back or a pass receiver, but some poopie might like to play on the line. ‘On passing plays, the player with controller 2 can press B to become the intended neceiver after the quarterback passes the ball. On running plays, the player with controller 2 must move the blue star to the proper running back before the ball is snapped in order to contro! the ball carrer. Otherwise, controller 1 automatically controls the ball carrier, calls the def ayers On defense, the player with control Bor X to ojce through the defensive THE PAUSE SCREEN The Pause Screen When you press START, the action stops and the Pause Screen appears. You can perform a number of options from this screen. * ‘Tasclectan option fram the Pause Seren: Press any bulton, RESUME GAME Retum to the action on the field 17 SPORTS. swine ne usa = aS =i @ AUMAOUE LW°87 BEN’ TLS, “7, '2 INSTANT REPLAY FORWARD FRAME FAST FOR’ BYsFRAME (SLO: MOTION) REWIND FORWARD. NORMAL SPEED Instant Replay Ron Barrand the EA Sports crew provide unlimited instant replay from two different angles: Normal and Reverse. At anytime during the game ‘youl can review the play that was just run as many times as you want. + To Access instant replay 1) Press START to pause the game. 2) Contral Pad DOWN to highlight Instant Replay, then press any button. 3) Follow the VCR-like control instructions in the left comnéh of the soteen to operate the replay camera, Poss ¥: Rewind Replay Frame by Frame at Normal Speed t Forward Press START: Stop Replay/Resume Game Press Button LEFT/RIGHT: Rotate Field 20 If you wish to isalate a particular player or a particular portion of the field, use the Control Pad ta position the yellow box over the player or portion of the field you want to isolate, then follow the above instructions TIMEOUTS Each team is allowed 5 per hall. 1) Press START to pause the game. 2) Control Pal DOWN to CALL TIMEQUT, then press any button “The Play Call screen appears, and the playclock is reset to 25 seconds, DRIVE SUMMARY Drive Summary ‘The Drive Summary displays the offensive plays run on the current drive. It shows the type of play (pass or rush), the yards gained or Lost and any penalties that have been called NOTE: IF YOU DON'T SEP EVERY PLAY YOU RAN DURING A DRIVE, Conrnoi. Pap UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT To schoLt THROUGH THE ENTIRE DRIVE SEMMARY, a ceo ear Gulia, Mess Game Stats To view the Si tics fora game: 1) Press START to pause the game. 2) Control Pad DOWN to GAME STATS. 3) Pressany button, 4) Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT to vies SET AUDIBLES ‘You can program up to thtec offensive (ancl thee defensive) audibles at any time between plays or whenever your reat the pause game sereen + To Set Audibles 1) Feom the Pause Game screen, Control Pad UP/DOWN W@ highlight SET AUDIBLES, then press any button The SET AUDIBLES screen appears. 2) Control Pad UP/DOWN to highlight the letter corresponding to the bution of your choice, then press any button. 3) Control Pad UP/DOWN to highlight the formation of your choice, thea press the button conesponding to the formation and play you vidual stats. PAUSE GAME screen. 2 PLAY CALL MODE Bill Walsh College Football features two methods af calling plays: Bluff Made and Direct Mode. Bluff Mode is « single-box mechanism which allows you to deceive a human opponent. Direct Mode is a more simple method of selecting plays. # To Select Bluif Mode or Direet Mode from the Pregame screen or the Pause screen: 1) Control Pad DOWN to Play Call Mode. 2) Press any buttan. The Play Call Selection screen appears. 3) Control Pad| UP/DOWN to highlight the option of your choice. 4) Press any button, Your selection is made, and you return to the previous sereen * To Calla play in Bluff Mode: 1) Control Pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to move the box over the you wish to call, then press B. | Pad UP/DOWN /LEFT/RIGEI?, then press You can change your play afier you bluff by highlighting another play and pressing B. 3) Afier you have selected a play, press A to exit the Play Call sereen, NOTE: Digger Mone is IFFAULT MODE PASS CATCH MODE In both Auto Cateh Made Ou or Auto Cateh Mode Off the spot wh the pass has been aimed is highlighted with a target ZA 28 In Auto Catels Mode-On, the quarterback automatically passes the ball and the teceiver automatically runs under the pas. In Auto Cateh Mode Off you dan’t assume control of the intended receiver until the passed ball reaches its apex. Then you must use the comtral pat to guide the receiver tothe target © To Select Pass Catch Mode from the Pregame sereen or the Pause screen: 1} Control Pad DOWN to Pass Catch Mode, 2) Press amy button. 3) Control Pad UP/DOWN to select Auto Cateh Mode or Awio Catch Made Off. 4) Press any button, Your selection is mads, and you return to the previous screen, (Remember, when you take control of the quarterback, you miust first press B to bring up the passing windows, then you must press A, B, of Y io pass the ball to the appropriate woeeiver} NOTE: Auve Carc# Mone OX 1S THE DEFAULT Mo SUBSTITUTE QB When you're on offense, you can substitute your quarterback, If your backup signal caller is ¢ better runner than the starting guy You might want to put in the sub against team that has given up zero yards passing, + Torey your quarterback: 1) Press START to pause the game, then Contral Pad DOWN to SUBSTITUTE QB. 2) Press any button. Your quarterback is substituted, and you return to the playcalling screen. SET MUSIC Music is avail or turn it off ble at startup and when the gami your decision. EA SPORTS TICKER Check in on other scores around the country continually updated to bring you the mos PLAYING A FULL SEASO} Now for the first time you can play a full 11-game season with 24 teams from 1992. You can even play every game in the entire season and playotls. Each week simply select the game or games you want to play {hen go at ‘em one at a time. BILAL WALSH COLLEGE FOOTBAL keeps a close eye on all season games and provides you with up-to-the minute conference standings. paused, Turn i The EA Sports ticker vent late brealsing scores. + To Play @ Full Scason: From the Game $eiUp sereen, Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT to NEW SEASON, then press START, “The College Football Schedule for Week #1 appears + To Play @ game; Control Pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to highlight the matchup of your choice, then press B. A football appears in the bux helore each matchup, indicating you have chosen to play the game. If alter selecting 2 matchup, you decide you don’t want to play, press B again and the football disappears. You can play vance to Week cores and records are upd. If you don’t like the matchups you see, press SELECT. A new SCHEDULE FOR WEEK #l apaears of Week 41's games as you want, If you want ta without playing any games, press START. sll and the schedule for Week #2 appears. 25 SPORTS. Viewing Team Schedules From the Schedule screen you can check out each team's schedule, the ‘current standings for each conference, and the password you need to save your seasom in progress To View & team’s schedule: Control Pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to highlight the matchup which contains the team whose schedule you ‘want to view, then press ¥. The Team Schedule for the fo team appears. You can view the Team Schedules for any team on the top team’s schedule he Team Schedule for another team: Control Pad team of your choiee, then press B + To UP/DOWN to highlight th: ‘The Team Schedule for that team appears. To return to the Weekly Schedule screen, press START. ious weeks or to get a preview of EFT/RIGHT. + To View results from p: ‘upcoming games: Button Viewing Conference Standings + To View Conference Standings: Press A standings for the Easter Conference appears. Té view the standings of the Western Conference, Contral Pad LEFT/RIGHT. To retutn t0 the Weekly Schedule screen, press START. Saving a Season * To View the current password: Press X. The Current Password appears, Press START to roturn to the Weekly Schedule sereen To lear how to restore to season-in-progress, turn to Restoring Scason or Playotl Standings ov p. 30 ‘When you have selected the game(s) you want to play, press START. ath, then, The PLAY OPTIONS screen app! press START. ars. Chose the quarter ‘The PLAYER SELECT screen appears. Choose tcams now. ‘The SCOUTING REPORT appears. You play a season game the same way yau play a regular game. After a Season Game After a Season Game, the schedule for the next week appears. NTERING THE PLAYOFFS BILL WALSH COLLEGE FOOTBALL. features two types of playott one featuring the 1992 teams and one featuring the best teams since 1078. Both types of playoffs work the same way » To Enter the Playoffs: Fram the GAME SETUP screen, highlight GAME. then Conirol Pad LEFT/RIGHT to highlight Playoffs or All Time Playells # To Select a team (Remember, you can play with any team.) 1) Control Pad DOWN to highlight the Home or Visiting team, 2) Control Pad LEFIYRIGHT until the team of your choice appears, 3) When you're ready to ga, press START. ‘The Round 1 Sche ule screen appears, matrol Pad UP/DOWN/LEPT/RIGHT to cour choice, then press BL + To Select a matchup: highlight the matchup A fool chos a appears in the box before each matchup, indieating you have play the game. If, alter selecting & matchup, you decide you press B again and the lootball disappears op ‘You can play as many games as you want, or you can advance to the next round without playing any games. selected the gamefs) you want to play, press START. The REE appears. Playoff Tree I Tree. sol Pad LEFT/RIGHT to serll the Play you're ready to move on, Press START. The PLAY OPTIONS ssereen appears. Set up the quarter le START th as you would any other game, then press ‘The PLAYER $I START {CT sereen appears. Choose teams now, then press The TEAM MATCHUP screen ap thet game. ears. Proceed as you would with any Saving the Playofts The Password lets you save a season in progress. Copy it down and put it in a safe place after each contest or before you tum off the Super NES + To View the current password: Press X. The Current Password appears. Press START to return to the Weekly Schedule screen. To learn how to restore the playoffs-irv-progress, see Restoring Season or Playoff Standings be! When you have selected the game(s} you want to play, press START. The Playoff Tree appears Press START. The PLAY OPTIONS screen appears, Choose the quarter length and the weaiber, then press START. The PLAYER SELECT sereen appears, Choose teams now, then press START, ‘The TEAM MATCHUP screen appears. You play a Playoif game the samme way you play 2 regular game. After a Playoif Game After « Playoff Game, Bill Walsh gives 4. post-game review, and the ROUND 2 PLAYOFFS screen appears. Select your game(s) as before, then press START to advance to the Playoll Tree. 20 RESTORING SEASON AND ; PLAYOFF STANDINGS BILL WALSH COLLEGE FOOTBALL saves an in- progress or p rg Wy number af season Ss. + To restore a season ara playtt 1) From the Game Setup m highlight GAME. 2) Control Pad LEFT/RIGHT to highlight RESTORE PASSWORD, then press START. The RESTORE SEASON screen appears. Restore Season 3) Pross the Contre! Pad UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT to highlight the first character of your password, then press B to select the character. {U1 you make a mistake, press A to erase the character(s.) Repeat until you have completely entered your password, then press START 30 OFFENSIVE FORMATIONS le formations. Each team has two of the aybook Below is a list of the ava first four formations in its Trap Wishbon 1 Formation Flexbone Pro F © Near ion Goal line Special Teams, OFFENSIVE PLAYS FLOQD One of the most effective ways for a quart is to flogd, or overload the zone with has to think twice about leaving his ow another guy's zane. cur You've heatd of turning on a dime, That's sportsweiter talk, [ never really understood why youd want to do that, even if it was possible. [ guess it means turning fast. I think cutting is a move accurate description ofthe abiliy to change direotion. 4 guy's going ane way and boom, be cuts and is going another way backs to beat roe coverage ultiple receivers. A defender zone to follow a receiver into PULL In a pall play the guard runs parallel ta the line uf seri up field when he clears the tight end. The running b behind, a smile on hi age and tums follows right a SPORTS, TRAP Like all good offensive plays, the Trap depends on deception to work: The idea is you “trap” « defensive guy into thinking one thing is happening. wnen really something ttl He, you let a defensive en i is goa SOE Sulenly GA disguised a as an offensive guard comes from an unexpected direction and the defensive guy is on his backside wondering what happened. ‘The runner jets through the area where the defensive guy was when he was standing up COUNTER A Counter play relies on misdirection. You try wo sell the defense on the idea that the play is going right, for example, when in fact you want {0 g0 left, I's @ tough sell. You send everybody but the water boy and the guy who's going to ca them moving the “swrong” way, give the ball to the running back and he runs to daylight in the opposite directio SCREEN A screen isa short pass caught behind the line of scrimmage, Usually the quarterback lures rushing defenders toward him and then foops a soft pass over theit outstretched hands to 4 moving running back/receiver who follows a screen of blackers downfield PLAYACTION Playaction {also called play fake) refers to a pass throw after the quarterback has faked « handoff to-a running back. The back tries to add to the deception by pretending tu take the ball and follow blockers. The iden is that the Fake delays the pass rushers, and makes the defensive backs run toward the line to help tackle the guy they think has the ball ¢ ball in one direction. When you have DRAW ‘The opposie of a play actlon pass he QB drops back as if to pass and bands off ta the running back who charges up the middle of the tion, By the time the mshi de the deception, momentum may have taken them beyond the ball earrier, QuicKouts Sometimes called a square out. In this pass patter the receiver takes & few steps uplield and makes a quick 90 degree cut to the nearest sileline. I he doesn’t want to sit next to the water cooler for the rest of| the game, he tries to stay in bounds CROSS Most crossing patterns are the opposite of quickouts ‘tums toward the middle of the field, Sone guys call them just depends on the angle that the regeiver r POST UP Post patterns ate for fast guys. The receiver runs downfield and angles in toward the goal post. If the quarterback can really air out the ball, and the receiver can un like the wind, this bomb ean score. STOP CLOCK Here the quarterback simply spikes the ball into the grows. DEFENSIVE FORMATIONS. the receiver ts. But it lard four down linemen (two tackles and wo ends) wit linebackers. 1's most effective against short passes andl the run. 4 Featuring three down linemen with four, linebackers, this defense is, ow the most popular in professional football. Used for short and medium zone pass coverage and containment against the fun, NICKEL Gets its name from the addition of When a pass is expected, tes and take out 2 down linema available, ive back (nickel back). lefensive back to their se er. Cover and Read sets are n del ns adi Linebat DIME When the defense is willing to martgage the farm that the next pl going to be a pass. they might put in a sixth defensive back. This Dime defense or Dime package. Cover and Read sets are available. the GOAL LINE. A good line up forstufting the short run and goal line 34 CREDITS Design: Scott Ort, Happy Keller, Jim Simmons Strategy: Bill Walsh. Programing: Jolin Schappert Graphics: Matthew Crysdale, Bill Stanton Sound & Musie: Brian Schmidt Sound & Music Engine: Jason Anderson, fohn Schappert Design Contributions: Michael Rubinelli, Michael Braok, Bill Romer Executive Producer: Scott Orr Game Director: Happy Keller Assistant Producer: Kevin Hogan Technical Director: Rob Harrris Testing: John Beerio, Mike Caldwell, Greg Kawamura Scouting Reports: Tom Holmoe, Bob Singler, Dave Tipton, Mike Wilson Player Ratings: Dan Brock Product Management: Bill Romer Public Relations: Mary Snow Package Design: £. J. Sarraille Design Cover Photo Courtesy of: Rad Searcy Documentation: J. Poolas Documentation Layout: Sieve Naegele Quality Assurance: Erik Whiteford, Mike Yasko Special Thanks to: Greg Thomas, Tony Caton, Seott Patterson, Steven Chian, Tim Meekins, Jane Walsh, Cynthia Hamilton. Kyra Woody 35 STRONIC ARTS LIVITED WARRANTY ARANTY - Elacrcnic Arts warrants ia the "=a purchaser ol his Eloctonic Ans 216 product that the meciam on witch tie computer pregram is recarseaie ta ‘tom defects m materials aad workmanship lor a peed o ninety (20) days tom tro cate of perchase, This Elevionie Arts software program ie soles is vithout express pled waranty of ary Lad, ang Elections Arts is not ae Lean 164508 oF arnaiges ol any kind resuting tor use al this program, Electronic As agrees fora pring of ninety (20) days 10 ather epar or replace, atts option, Vee of charge. any Elochonie Arte settuaee product, postage paid, with preot of purehaes, at che i Arts Warranty Department. This warranty s not applicable to narmel weer an tear This warranty shall rot be applicable and shal be void # the dafectin the Elootonio Ants software product haz sen through apvae. uneeasanatie matreatment or neglect. LIVITATIONS - THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEUOF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND NO OTHER REPRESENTATIONS OF OLAIMS OF ANY NATURE SHALL. BINDING ON OF OBLIGATE ELECTRONIC ARTS. ANY IMPLIED WARIRANTH APPLICABLE TO THIS SOFTWARE PRODUCT. INCLUOING WARRANT! MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR & PARTIGUL: TO THE NINETY (99) DAY PERIOD OESCRE ELECTRONIC ARTS BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPE conseque MALFUNCTION GF THIS ELECTRONIC ARTS SOFTWARE PROCUCT ome tates do no allow initaions ag Kehow tong a iri warranty lasts andor al or consequental dams millions anor exclussss o1PaSéty may #6 ag 1 vou, THs womanly Qwes you spect rights. and you may also have otner rights which vary ‘rom sate to stat, RETUANG AFTER WARRANTY -To rept ranty period has expired, send the original below. Enciose a statement ott cormonsy erderfor 820.00 ay Jeo Elecarvs Ang aagece adeoss, anda check Curtomer Warranty P.O. Boe Ts Son Mateo, Calf you ees to ta i servoone abaut Us prac, cll usa though Frisay netnigen 8-99 am and-4.90.2m, Pace Te Ustoss indicated othorwisa, allsoftware end decums 2 Rights Reseed Bil Walsh Colege Footbal is @ trademark o Arts EA Sports andihe EA Spens logo are tademaris of Electonic An, 36 Pictured (from left to right}: Scott Patterson, Greg Thomas, John Schappert, Bill Stanton. Matihew Crysdale, ABOUT THE ARTISTS Founded in May, 1988, Visual Concepts was created with the goal of bringing video game development to new heights. Consisting of a talented staff of twenty-six employees, Visual Cancepts strives to creat great video games through innovative design and technical excellence John Schappert, the pragramming force behind this product, is the programmer responsible for the Super NES versions of Madden NE ‘94 and Desert Strike. He began programming over a decade ago, wher tne got his frst com Matthew Crysdale, Art Director and lead artist for this product, is a vetcran in the video game industry getting his start with the Apple II. He is an avid video game player, his current favorite being tre Legend of Zelda, John and Matt loak forward to creating more exciting gam: future,

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