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Hydrobiologia 436: 217–235, 2000.

© 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Nutrient fluxes in intertidal communities of a South European

lagoon (Ria Formosa) – similarities and differences with a
northern Wadden Sea bay (Sylt-Rømø Bay)

Ragnhild M. Asmus1 , Martin Sprung2 & Harald Asmus1

1 Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar-und Meeresforschung, Wadden Sea Station Sylt 25992 List/Sylt, Germany
2 CCMAR-UCTRA, Universidade do Algarve, Campus de Gambelas, P-8000810 Faro, Portugal

Received 28 May 1999; in revised form 3 July 2000; accepted 7 August 2000

Key words: nutrient flux, nitrogen, phosphate, tidal flats, temperature, geographical comparison

During an annual cycle, flux rates of oxygen, nitrate, nitrite, ammonium, phosphate and silicate were measured
in light and dark bell jars at three sites in Ria Formosa (Algarve, Portugal) enclosing either a natural macrophytic
community (macroalgae on sand or mud, a seagrass bed of Zostera noltii) or bare sediments. The results are
compared with a preceeding study in which the same bell jar technique has been applied in the Sylt-Rømø Bay of
the northern Wadden Sea. Nitrate flux was mainly directed from the water column to the benthic communities in
Ria Formosa, as well as in the Sylt-Rømø Bay. However, nitrate uptake was higher in the northern, more eutrophic
study area. In Ria Formosa, nutrient concentrations were lower than in the Sylt-Rømø Bay possibly due to strong
water exchange with Atlantic waters. High temperatures and strong insolation had a greater impact on nitrate fluxes
in Ria Formosa than in the Sylt-Rømø Bay. Bioturbating macrofauna increased ammonium efflux in the Sylt- Rømø
Bay while this effect was not as pronounced in the Ria Formosa study sites. Benthic phosphate uptake dominated
in the Ria Formosa and was correlated to initial phosphate concentrations in incoming waters. At both study sites,
oxygen and nutrient fluxes were correlated with temperature. Additionally, flux rates were strongly influenced
by biotic components and levels of eutrophication. A literature survey showed that mainly in temperate regions,
material fluxes increase with temperature, whereas in warmer areas, ammonium and phosphate fluxes between
sediment and water were generally lower.

Introduction the state of oxidation of sediments is important for the

influx or efflux of nutrients (Rysgaard et al., 1996).
The nutrient and oxygen exchange between sediments Hence, eutrophication is of great importance (Nowicki
and water has been studied extensively in the tem- & Oviatt, 1990). Benthic communities may alter ex-
perate regions of the United States and Europe since change processes profoundly by bioturbation, excre-
the pioneering work of Pamatmat (1968), Rowe et al. tion (Kristensen, 1984; Hüttel, 1990), as well as sedi-
(1975) and Nixon et al. (1976). Despite differences ment enrichment with organic material by macrofauna
between ecosystems, some common features emerge. (Baudinet et al., 1990). At least temporarily, retention
Interactions of chemical, biological and physical pro- of nutrients in the benthic system is caused by benthic
cesses determine the extent to which nutrients are microalgae (Granéli & Sundbäck, 1985; Rizzo, 1990),
released or taken up by benthic communities. Remin- seagrasses and macroalgae (Sand-Jensen & Borum,
eralisation increases with the amount of labile organic 1991; Duarte, 1995). Bacterial remineralisation may
matter (Zeitzschel, 1980; Jensen et al., 1990, Sloth be the source of nutrient release from sediments in-
et al., 1995), and benthic-pelagic fluxes are depend- cluding denitrification (Seitzinger, 1987), but bacteria
ent on the nutrient concentrations in the water column need inorganic nutrients as well and may act as nutri-
(Boynton et al., 1980; Asmus, 1986). Additionally, ent sink (Alongi, 1991; Van Duyl et al., 1993; Zweifel

et al., 1993). The annual temperature regimes in study

areas are of great importance to nutrient fluxes (Nixon
et al., 1976). Hydrodynamics are acting via currents,
waves and turbulence (Rutgers Van der Loeff, 1981;
Wildish & Kristmanson, 1997; Asmus et al., 1998;
Widdows et al., 1998). This may cause different res-
ults from mesocosms and flumes showing higher rates
than in benthic chamber and core incubations (Asmus
et al., 1998).
In this study, data from Ria Formosa (Southern
Portugal) are compared to previously published data
from Sylt-Rømø Bay (Northern German Wadden Sea)
using the same bell jar technique. Both ecosystems
are quite similar under many aspects, but separated
by 18◦ latitude (or 2350 km on a SW–NE axis). Main
structural difference are extensive salt marshes in the
Ria, not present in the Sylt-Rømø Bay. The two tidal
basins have little freshwater input but a large water
exchange by tidal inlets with coastal waters either of
the Atlantic or of the North Sea. Hence, they are
well mixed and oxygenated marine systems. Will the
community metabolism be possibly higher caused by
elevated temperatures in the southern ecosystem or
will other processes dominate?

Study sites
Figure 1. Study sites in the Ria Formosa (Algarve, Portugal) in
Ria Formosa a muddy area (M), a sand flat (S) and a seagrass bed of Zostera
noltii (SG) growing on muddy sand. The Königshafen Bay (arrow)
Ria Formosa is a tidal lagoon covering an area of is situated 2350 km northeast in the Sylt-Rømø tidal basin, a part of
100 km2 at the southern coast of Portugal (Algarve). the Wadden Sea.
It is separated from the Atlantic Ocean by several
sandy islands. Lagunal waters are exchanged with
the Atlantic by 6 deep inlets. The tidal range var- more erratic. Salinity is between 36 and 38 all year
ies between 2.8 m during spring tide and 0.6 m at round apart from an occasional decrease after heavy
neap tide. The residence time is extremely short vary- rainfall in winter (Falcão et al., 1985). Nutrient flux
ing between half a day and 2 days (Neves et al., measurements were carried out at a muddy station
1996). Approximately two thirds of the area is inter- (M), a sandy site (S) and in a muddy Zostera noltii
tidal during mean low tide, one third of the total lagoon bed (SG) in the western part of Ria Formosa (Figure
area is occupied by saltmarshes or salinas (Teixeira 1). Organic matter content of dried sediments ranged
& Alvin, 1978). Sediments are mainly muddy along from 1 to 1.4% for the sandy sediment, for muddy
the mainland coast and become more sandy close to sediments of the seagrass bed and under macroalgal
the dune islands. Perennial seagrass beds extend sub- covers from 7 to 8% with little seasonal variation (loss
tidally (mainly Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Aschers., on ignition at 450 ◦ C for 3 h).
but also Zostera marina L. and Z. noltii Hornem.) and
intertidally (Zostera noltii). In the inner part of the Sylt-Rømø Bay
lagoon, green algae, mainly Ulva spp. and Entero-
morpha spp., but also Fucus spp. and Gracilaria spp. In the North Sea, the Wadden Sea extends along the
regularly form thick mats in winter (up to 2970 g DW coast of the Netherlands up to southern Denmark. At
m−2 ; Reis & Sprung, 1995) which decay during sum- the German-Danish border, the Sylt-Rømø Bay of 404
mer (except Fucus). On the sand flats, seasonality is km2 is enclosed by the islands Sylt and Rømø and

2 dams connecting these islands with the mainland. intensity was monitored by a discoidal sensor in air by
Water is exchanged between the North Sea and the a Li-Cor recorder.
Sylt-Rømø Bay through one large tidal gully. The tidal In the Sylt-Rømø Bay, flux rates of oxygen, ni-
range is 1.80 m, and salinity varies seasonally between trate, nitrite, ammonium and silicate were monitored
28 and 32. The residence time in the Sylt-Rømø Bay is monthly during an annual cycle in 1980. A pair of light
about 51 days (Müller, unpublished). One third of the and dark bell jars each were incubated on an Arenic-
Sylt-Rømø area is intertidal, only small salt marshes ola sand flat, a Nereis sand flat and a sandy Zostera
exist. The study site ‘Königshafen’ is a small part (5.5 noltii seagrass bed. The results from the bell jar meas-
km2) of the total bay at the northern tip of the island of urements in the Sylt-Rømø Bay have already been
Sylt. Main types of benthic communities of this Wad- published (Asmus, 1986) and serve as comparison to
den Sea area are sand flats, mussel beds, small mud the results obtained in Ria Formosa. In addition, nu-
flats and seagrass beds (Zostera noltii, Z. marina). Or- trient fluxes and primary production were measured
ganic content of sandy sediments ranges from 0.5 to in core incubations in 1993/94 in Königshafen at the
1.0% and from 2 to 6% for muddy sediments (loss on same sites showing similar nitrogen fluxes as some 10
ignition) (Kristensen et al., 1997). Macroalgae, mainly years ago, but significantly higher oxygen production
green algae, only thrive during particular summers to in the 1990s than in the 1980s by microphytobenthos
a significant extent (Reise et al., 1989). (Kristensen et al., 1997; Asmus et al., 1998a, b).

Materials and methods Because the data sets are comparably small (n<100),
the data have been treated statistically by nonpara-
Bell jar technique metric tests. They are included in the STATISTICA
package (1994) (Mann–Whitney U -test, Spearman
Light (plexiglas) and dark bell jars (PVC, area 650
R correlation, Wilcoxon matched pairs test; Sachs,
cm2 ) were pushed into the sediment just before the
1984). Additionally multiple and nonlinear regression
tide reached the study site. During rising tide, the
analyses were applied.
bell jars were filled with water (volume 17.7 l). Wave
action was transmitted into the bell jars by the flex-
ible plastic foils covering their top. In the Sylt-Rømø Results
Bay, wave action was strong enough to secure water
mixing inside the bell jars, in Ria Formosa, an ad- Temperature and light
ditional hand driven stirrer was inserted. The study
sites in Ria Formosa were monitored every second Temperature and light conditions are distinctly differ-
month during an annual cycle (1990–1991). On the ent in the northern and the southern European study
sand (S) and mud flats (M), one pair of bell jars was area. During the bell jar incubation, water temperature
placed over an existing algal patch, another pair was at the sites in Ria Formosa varied from 12 to 13 ◦ C
installed at an adjacent site with no algal cover. In in January and December and 24 ◦ C in August. The
the Zostera noltii bed, it was attempted to select sites lowest temperatures in the Ria are as high as those
with maximum and minimum shoot density. Approx- in the Sylt-Rømø Bay in spring (May) and autumn
imately every hour, samples were taken for oxygen (September) (Figure 2). During winter, tidal flats of
determination by a syringe and analysed by Winkler the northern Wadden Sea are frozen regularly.
titration. Variation in oxygen content was calculated Mean incident radiation recorded during the exper-
by a linear regression of the oxygen content over time. iments around noon are distinctly higher in Ria For-
In the beginning and the end of incubation lasting 3–5 mosa than in the Sylt-Rømø Bay. The lowest winter
hrs additional samples were taken by syringes for nu- light intensity in Ria around noon is as high as in Sylt-
trient analysis (nitrate, nitrite, dissolved phosphate and Rømø Bay in spring or autumn. In summer, highest
silicate) following the methods described in Graßhoff light intensity in Sylt-Rømø Bay reaches only values
et al. (1983). The enclosed macrophytic and macro- of cloudy days in Ria Formosa (Figure 2).
faunal biomass (dry weight and ash free dry weight,
respectively) was determined at the end of measure-
ments. Parallel to the measurements, the incident light

Figure 2. Annual water temperature and light curves measured dur-

ing the bell jar incubations in Ria Formosa and Sylt-Rømø Bay. Figure 3. Annual cycle of above ground biomass (g dry weight
Light intensity indicates the incident radiation above the water m−2 ) of Zostera noltii at the study sites in the Ria Formosa and
surface around noon. in the Sylt-Rømø Bay.

Seagrass, macroalgae and macrofauna

DW m−2 ) and on the mud flat all year round (115 ± 50
In Ria Formosa, seagrass beds are perennial. At the g DW m−2 ). Green algae predominated (Ulva spp. and
intertidal study site, the biomass of Zostera noltii was Enteromorpha spp.) with the exception of bell jars at
very high, showing little variation during the year the muddy site in summer. At this time, Fucus vesicu-
and approximately equal above and below ground losus L. and Gracilaria spp. were abundant. Biomass
biomass (annual mean above ground biomass: 869 values given here originate from the bell jar measure-
± 163 g DW m−2 , mean below ground biomass: ments only, and do not give large scale mean values
793 ± 202 g DW m−2 ) (Figure 3). In the northern for Ria Formosa.
Wadden Sea, seagrass beds are losing their leaves in Data on the macrofauna extracted from the bell jars
winter, but the rhizomes of Zostera noltii are persist- have been published by Sprung (1994): their mean an-
ent. Growing season for seagrasses begins in May in nual biomass was estimated as 15.4 (sand flat), 17.2
the Sylt-Rømø Bay, they reach their highest biomass (Zostera noltii bed) and 25.1 (mud flat) g ash free dry
in August/September and lose their leaves in autumn weight m−2 . Biomass of the sand flat community was
(Asmus & Asmus, 1985, Asmus et al., 1998). The characterised by suspension feeders dominated by the
maximum biomass of Zostera noltii in the Sylt-Rømø gastropod Mesalia brevialis (Lamarck). Main species
Bay varies from year to year between 80 and 140 of Zostera beds were polychaetes Melinna palmata
g DW m−2 (Asmus et al., 1998) and, therefore, it Grube, a suspension feeder, and Nereis diversicolor
is much lower than the annual mean biomass of the O. F. Müller, an omnivorous species. On the mud flat,
Zostera noltii bed in Ria Formosa. only two species dominated biomass, the suspension
Macroalgae were present at the sandy study site of and deposit feeding bivalve Scrobicularia plana (Da
the Ria Formosa from January until July (207 ± 53 g Costa) and the polychaete N. diversicolor.

In Königshafen of the Sylt-Rømø Bay, biomass of northern area, but it also applies to seagrass beds
macrofauna was nearly doubled of comparable sites (p=0.03, n (Ria)=7, n (Sylt)=9, same test). Next to
in the Ria Formosa (30.2 g AFDW m−2 on a Zostera the higher seagrass biomass in the Ria Formosa, this
noltii flat, 27.6 g AFDW m−2 on an Arenicola flat; difference is due to the short vegetational period in
Asmus & Asmus, 1985). In Zostera noltii beds, the the Sylt-Rømø Bay between May and October. Dur-
grazer Hydrobia ulvae (Pennant) dominated the mac- ing this time, primary production may be at times
rofauna community, whereas in the Arenicola flat, the as high as in Ria Formosa. However, considering
lugworm Arenicola marina (L.) had the highest share the entire year, seagrasses are more productive in the
in macrozoobenthic biomass. Ria Formosa than in the Sylt-Rømø Bay. Bare sands
at comparable sites in the Sylt-Rømø Bay showed
Oxygen flux a lower oxygen production in 1980 than in the Ria
Formosa in 1990/91 (U -test, p=0.03, n(Ria)=7, n
At all three Ria Formosa sites, net oxygen production (Sylt)=9).
was significantly higher in bell jars enclosing mac- The oxygen consumption of comparable benthic
rophytes than in those with bare sediments (Mann– communities was similar in the Ria Formosa and in the
Whitney U -test, two sided; sand with algae versus Sylt-Rømø Bay (seagrass beds in Ria vs Sylt, sandy
sand without algae, p<0.050, n=11; mud with algae areas, no significant difference). In the Sylt-Rømø
vs mud without algae, p<0.020, n=12; seagrass vs Bay, oxygen consumption was mainly influenced by
control, p<0.020, n=12). Looking at all sites, net the macrozoobenthic biomass and temperature (As-
oxygen production in bell jars enclosing macroalgae mus, 1982; Asmus & Asmus, 1985), while in the
or seagrass was correlated with macrophytic biomass Ria Formosa community, respiration was mainly in-
(Spearman R, p=0.055, n=18). Therefore, photosyn- fluenced by macrophytes.
thesis in terms of net oxygen production was not in
general correlated with light intensity. A significant Nitrate and nitrite fluxes
increase in net oxygen production with light intensity
was found in the control bell jars bare of macrophytes At all three study sites in the Ria Formosa benthic
at the sandy and at the seagrass site with abundant mi- communities, both with and without macrophytes,
crophytobenthos (Spearman R, p=0.085, n=9). The took up nitrate intensively from the water column (sign
amount of macroalgal or seagrass biomass displayed test Dixon & Mood, p=0.010, n=64) (Figures 5 and
also a pronounced impact on the oxygen consumption 6). In the seagrass bed and at the muddy site, ni-
in the dark bell jars since it was significantly higher trate uptake was higher than at the sandy site (U -test,
in those enclosing macrophytes (Mann–Whitney U - p=0.050). Sometimes, nitrate release was registered
test, all sites p<0.02, n (with macrophytes)=18, m in the bell jars without macroalgae on the sand flat
(without macrophytes)=15). (Figure 5a). In the muddy area, nitrate was taken up
Oxygen was most intensely produced by green at high rates in light incubations of mud covered with
algae mats on sand, whereas the corresponding en- macroalgae from December until June, while a distinct
closure of bare sand showed smaller rates of oxygen nitrate production dominated especially in dark incub-
production by microphytobenthos throughout the year ations of mud with macroalgae in the second half of
(Table 1) (Figure 4). Net oxygen production at the the year probably due to decaying processes (Figure
muddy site with comparable algae cover was much 6a). Nitrite flux rates were distinctly lower than nitrate
lower than at the sandy site with algae cover. In June fluxes and they were not correlated with one another.
and August, the dense macroalga were hardly pro- At the sandy site, nitrite was mainly released while
ductive in the muddy area (Figure 4). Seagrass beds uptake of nitrite dominated in the muddy and in the
showed a distinct and regular net oxygen production seagrass area (Table 1).
throughout the year, while in the control bell jars net In the northern and the southern study areas, the
oxygen production was much smaller (Table 1). nitrate fluxes were mainly directed from the water
Considering all sites, the oxygen production in column to the benthic communities. In the Sylt-
light bell jars was more than two times higher in Rømø Bay, the uptake rates were significantly higher
the Ria Formosa than in the Sylt-Rømø Bay (U -test, than in Ria Formosa (U -test, p=0.004, n(Sylt)=48,
p=0.010, n(Sylt)=25, n(Ria)=35) (Table 1)). This was n(Ria)=64) (Figure 5). Uptake was highest in the Sylt-
in the first instance due to missing macroalgae in the Rømø Bay in winter, whereas in the Ria, maximum

Table 1. Mean annual flux rates of oxygen (mg m−2 h−1 ) and nutrients (µmol m−2 h−1 ) given with (standard error) and (number of observations) measured in bell jars in different benthic
communities of Ria Formosa and Sylt-Rømø Bay, n.m.=not measured

O2 Prod. O2 Cons. Nitrate Nitrite Ammonium Silicate Phosphate

Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark Light Dark

Ria Formosa
Sand + Alg. 715 (303) [4] −167 (39) [4] −3 (4) [4] −19 (16) [4] 2 (2) [4] 4 (3) [4] n.m. n.m. −206 (46) [4] −94 (53) [4] −6 (3) [4] −8 (1) [4]
Sand 130 (23) [7] −27 (7) [7] −2 (14) [6] 11 (18) [3] 4 (3) [5] 14 (10) [4] n.m. n.m. −53 (79) [6] 71 (81) [4] 3 (9) [6] 19 (15) [4]
Mud + Alg. 111 (27) [7] −32 (13) [7] −63 (40) [7] 33 (27) [7] −1 (2) [6] −3 (2) [7] 53 (60) [4] 253 (186) [5] 72 (75) [6] 36 (55) [6] −6 (4) [6] −7 (12) [6]
Mud 5 (18) [5] −7 (6) [4] −12 (6) [5] 16 (27) [6] −3 (3) [6] 1 (1) [4] 33 (53) [4] 206 (76) [4] 175 (96) [5] 124 (69) [6] −21 (17) [5] −13 (15) [6]
Seagrass 294 (55) [7] −68 (9) [7] −63 (28) [7] −30 (16) [7] −5 (2) [7] −2 (2) [7] −92 [1] 27 [1] 80 (60) [8] 60 (62) [8] −9 (5) [7] −8 (4) [7]
Control 77 (10) [5] −56 (18) [4] −40 (41) [4] −50 (25) [4] −3 (4) [4] 0 (1) [4] 215 [1] 223 [1] −11 (110) [4] −99 (39) [4] −2 (12) [4] −9 (6) [4]

Sylt-Rømø Bay
Arenicola flat 64 (14) [9] −32 (7) [9] −92 (51) [9] −132 (40) [8] −5 (5) [9] −1 (8) [8] −2 (48) [8] 55 (77) [7] 264 (379) [9] 74 (409) [8] n.m. n.m.
Nereis belt 79 (51) [8] −86 (23) [8] −35 (23) [8] −43 (26) [7] −4 (2) [7] −6 (2) [6] −41 (26) [6] −21 (29) [6] 402 (193) [7] 196 (109) [7] n.m. n.m.
seagrass bed 118 (56) [9] −98 (28) [9] −96 (37) [9] −65 (26) [7] −9 (2) [9] −7 (3) [7] −55 (46) [8] −85 (63) [5] −229 (107) [9] 5 (54) [6] n.m. n.m.

Figure 4. Community oxygen gross (grey shading) and net production (+, white columns) and consumption (-) in light and dark bell jars with
and without macroalgae cover in sand (a) and mud (b) and in a seagrass bed of Zostera noltii (c) (August 1990 until December 1991). Biomass
of macroalgae and seagrass (above ground) is indicated by diamonds.

nitrate uptake was found in summer. This can be ex- of nitrate concentration was smaller (up to 4.38 µmol
plained by distinctly higher nitrate concentrations in l−1 ) (Table 2) and there was no significant correlation
tidal waters in winter and spring (up to 56 µmol l−1 , between concentrations and flux rates. However, ni-
Asmus, 1986) (Table 2) in the Sylt-Rømø area, and the trate fluxes increased with rising temperature in the
correlation between nitrate concentrations and fluxes. Ria Formosa (Spearman Rank correlation, all sites,
The higher the concentration, the more nitrate was p<0.005, n=64). Nitrate uptake, as well as nitrate
taken up in the Sylt-Rømø area. In summer, when ni- release, were higher in summer than in winter.
trate concentrations were near zero, nitrate fluxes were Light intensity had a distinct impact on the nitrate
extremely low. In the Ria Formosa, the seasonal range flux rates in the Ria Formosa. Nitrate uptake was sig-

Figure 5. Nitrate fluxes in light and dark bell jars (shaded). Positive rates show release, negative ones uptake by the enclosed community. (a)
Nitrate flux in sandy sediments with and without macroalgal cover. (b) Nitrate fluxes in seagrass beds of Zostera noltii in Ria Formosa with
bare sediments as control, and (c) in a Zostera noltii bed in the Sylt-Rømø Bay (redrawn after Asmus, 1986).

nificantly higher in light than in dark incubations, and Ammonium fluxes

on the other hand, release of nitrate was more intense
in dark than in light (Wilcoxon matched pairs test, all In the Ria Formosa, ammonium fluxes were mainly
sites, p=0.050, n=29). This was contrary to results measured at the muddy site. Release of ammonium
from the Sylt-Rømø Bay, where nitrate fluxes showed was more often registered than uptake (sign test Dixon
no significant difference between light and dark bell & Mood, n=17, p=0.02) (Figure 6b). Ammonium re-
jars over the entire year. Nitrogen fluxes measured in lease rates was higher than uptake (U -test, p=0.050,
the 1990s were in the same order of magnitude than n=17). In light bell jars, ammonium uptake was signi-
those measured in the 1980s in the Sylt-Rømø area ficantly higher than in dark bell jars where ammonium
(Kristensen et al., 1997; Asmus et al., 1998) so that release dominated (mud with macroalgae, mud, Wil-
the differences are indeed site specific. coxon matched pairs test, p=0.05, n=8).

Figure 6. Nitrate and ammonium fluxes in muddy sediments of Ria Formosa with and without macroalgal cover of (biomass is indicated by

High ammonium effluxes and the macroalgal bio- sible nitrification of ammonium in the well oxygen-
mass correlated significantly with release of nitrate at ated enclosures. The seagrass bed took up ammonium
the mud site between June and December during algae in the light bell jars and released small amounts of am-
cover (multiple regression, R=0.999, no. of cases 4, monium in the dark as evidenced during a campaign in
p=0.018, ammonium beta=0.91, biomass beta=0.44). September 1991 (Table 1).
Highest ammonium release rates were monitored in Both in the Ria Formosa and Sylt-Rømø Bay, am-
bell jars enclosing partially decaying macroalgae in monium fluxes were influenced by light emphasising
summer. In dark incubations, ammonium fluxes and the importance of uptake by micro-and macrophytes.
nitrate fluxes demonstrated a significantly positive cor- In the Sylt-Rømø Bay, bioturbating macrofauna, es-
relation both in bell jars with and without macroalgae pecially the lugworm Arenicola marina increased am-
(r=0.758, n=9, Spearman R: p=0.01) indicating a pos- monium release from the sediment (Asmus, 1986).
Table 2. Annual range of nutrient concentrations (µmol l−1 ) in Silicate concentrations in tidal waters were gen-
incoming tidal waters in Ria Formosa and Sylt-Rømø Bay during
bell jar experiments.
erally high (Table 2). Silicate was taken up by the
sand flat (Figure 8), whereas in most cases, silic-
Nitrate Nitrite Ammonium Silicate Phosphate ate was released at the muddy site. In the muddy
Sand 0.3–1.7 0–0.12 3.0–13.4 0.35–0.86 seagrass bed, efflux of silicate dominated compared to
Mud 1.1–3.5 0–0.33 2.4–11.1 6.5–29.2 0.50–1.64 the control (U -test, p=0.050, n=24). In light bell jars
Seagrass 0.2–4.4 0.30–0.58 5.8–11.1 3.6–12.7 0.25–1.52 there was a significant positive correlation between
net oxygen production and silicate flux rates (n=32,
Sylt-Rømø 0–56.6 0.19–2.31 0–10.2 5.5–87.2 0∗ –4.91∗
Bay p=0.003). Silicate uptake was elevated at high primary
production, showing the importance of diatoms. Tem-
n.m.=not measured, ∗ phosphate concentrations in 1984. perature had a promoting effect on silicate flux (n=63,
In analogy to ammonium fluxes, silicate fluxes in
This bioturbation effect could not be documented the Ria Formosa were mainly caused by the activity of
for Ria Formosa stations. Here, correlations between micro- and macrophytes with emphasis on benthic and
ammonium, nitrate and phosphate fluxes imply that epiphytic diatoms. In the Sylt-Rømø Bay, bioturbating
ammonium effluxes were directly caused by reminer- macrofauna was important as well for the silicate flux
alisation. resulting in a silicate release from sandy sediments
(Asmus, 1986). The muddy seagrass bed in the Ria
showed silicate release, while a sandy seagrass bed in
Phosphate and silicate fluxes the Sylt-Rømø Bay showed silicate uptake. This dif-
ference is probably due to a combination of different
Considering all sites, uptake of phosphate by the sediment type and epiphytes.
benthic communities prevailed (sign test, Dixon &
Mood, p=0.010, n=61) (Figure 7). Phosphate fluxes
were dependent on concentrations in incoming wa- Discussion
ters (Table 2); phosphate was taken up at elevated
phosphate levels while efflux dominated at low con- Ria Formosa versus Sylt-Rømø Bay
centrations (Spearman Rank, n=63, p=0.0005). In
general macroalgae and seagrass increased the tend- Functional differences between Ria Formosa and the
ency for the uptake of phosphate by the benthic com- Sylt-Rømø Bay are mainly caused by varying climatic
munity. Low uptake rates of phosphate were meas- conditions between southern and northern European
ured at the sandy site with macroalgal cover, whereas coastal areas. The effects of temperature, light, biotic
bare sand showed a tendency to release phosphate community composition and initial nutrient concentra-
(U -test, p=0.050, n=10). On mud flats with and tions on nutrient and oxygen flux rates in both study
without macroalgal cover, phosphate was mainly taken sites are summarised in Table 3.
up except for some occasions during summer with In the Sylt-Rømø Bay, the low winter temperatures
simultaneous high effluxes of ammonium (mud + al- around freezing point are limiting factors for biolo-
gae, June, August, dark bell jars). Here, phosphate gical and chemical processes. The promoting effect of
fluxes in light and in dark incubations were correlated rising temperatures may reach optimal conditions in
with the corresponding ammonium fluxes (PO4 3− flux summer, but high temperatures may only have harm-
dark vs. NH4 + flux dark: r=0.879, n=9, Spearman ful effects in exceptionally hot summers during low
R: p=0.035; PO4 3− flux light vs. NH4 + flux light: tide. At times, this may be a problem in the Ria For-
r=0.604, n=8, p=0.05). The seagrass bed took up mosa, comparable to the nearby Spanish Palmones
phosphate intensively, whereas the phosphate rates at River Estuary where green algae (Ulva species) suffer
the control site with low shoot density varied between from thermal stress during summer (Hernández et al.,
release and uptake. Phosphate flux rates were signific- 1997). In the muddy area of Ria Formosa, macroalgal
antly positively correlated with nitrate fluxes in dark primary production was reduced at high summer tem-
incubations (all sites, r=0.50, n=30, p=0.01). Phos- peratures. Most marine algae die off above 35 ◦ C
phate was taken up simultaneously with nitrate, nitrate (Lüning, 1985). Similar differences may be expected
release was high when phosphate release increased. for the light climate. In northern tidal flats, primary

Figure 7. Phosphate exchange rates between benthic communities and overlying water in Ria Formosa (light and dark bell jars, + release, -
uptake, August 1990 until December 1991).

production is light limited for a short period in winter tidal flats entering the food web and remineralisation
and light saturated in summer (Admiraal, 1977). In cycles. Hence, we can only judge indirectly on the
Ria Formosa, even in winter, high photosynthesis eutrophication level by inorganic nutrients. These con-
of seagrasses and micro- and macroalgae was found. centrations, especially of nitrate, are relatively low in
Damaging effects of a very high insolation in summer, the study sites of the Ria Formosa. This is at first sight
especially UV-radiation, are still to be investigated. surprising, since sewage treatment is still in its initial
Both areas differ with respect to the level of eu- phase in the Algarve which is densely populated and
trophication. Nixon (1995) defined eutrophication as visited by numerous tourists. Additionally, the culture
an increase in the supply rate of organic matter to of fruits and vegetables is intense. The negative ef-
an ecosystem. We can only speculate about the sup- fects of all these sources of pollution are reduced by
ply of organic matter in the Ria Formosa. Probably strong tidal exchange with Atlantic waters causing an
there is a large export of detritus from salt marshes to extremely short residence time.

Figure 8. Silicate uptake and release rates measured at 3 study sites (a) sand with and without macroalgae, (b) seagrass and control, (c) mud
with and without macroalgae in Ria Formosa.

In the Sylt-Rømø Bay, nutrient concentrations are denitrification are still missing in the Ria Formosa.
much higher, especially the winter values of nitrate. Although climatic conditions showed a strong im-
The nutrient load of coastal waters of the North Sea pact on oxygen and nutrient fluxes, the rates of ma-
and the Wadden Sea is very high, and oxygen deple- terial exchange were not only simply higher in the
tion is mainly prevented by strong tidal hydrodynam- southern study site. The interplay of involved forces
ics (De Jonge et al., 1994). In the Sylt-Rømø Bay, determined the balance between uptake and release of
an elimination of nitrogen via denitrification is small material by benthic communities.
(annual range from 1 to 56 µmol m−2 h−1 ) depend-
ing largely on nitrate concentrations in the overlying North versus South
water (60–90% of the total denitrification) (Jensen et
al., 1996). Also, nitrification is low (annual means of The promoting effect of rising temperatures on oxygen
6.1–16 µmol m−2 h−1 ) with a low coupling to de- and nutrient fluxes could be demonstrated in numerous
nitrification (Jensen et al., 1996). Measurements of regional studies (Nixon et al., 1976, 1980; Zeitzschel,
1980, Table 4). Considering the complex interactions
Table 3. Summary of effects of different ecosystem variables on nutrient flux rates in the Ria Formosa and in the Sylt-Rømø Bay.
Statistically significant correlations are indicated by ∗

Temperature Light Concentrations Presence of Macrophytes

in the water column or Macrofauna

Ria Formosa
Community Oxygen Production ∗

Microbial Oxygen Production ∗ ∗

Community Oxygen Consumption ∗

Nitrate Flux ∗ ∗

Ammonium Flux ∗ ∗ ∗

Phosphate Flux ∗ ∗

Silicate Flux ∗ ∗

Sylt-Rømø Bay
Community Oxygen Production ∗ ∗ ∗

Community Oxygen Consumption ∗ ∗

Nitrate Flux ∗

Ammonium Flux ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗

Silicate Flux ∗

regulating the material exchange between sediment temperature ranges seems to prevent a biogeograph-
and water, the question arises whether this relationship ical increase in community oxygen flow from North to
is still valid in a biogeographical comparison between South. Nitrate has been released in several studies, but
northern and southern areas. Only a small selection uptake of nitrate by sediments is frequently recorded
of the meanwhile huge number of studies in temper- in relation to ambient nutrient concentrations (Boyn-
ate regions can be presented (Table 4). For reasons ton et al., 1980). Silicate is most frequently released
of comparison, consideration is given mainly to stud- from sediments caused by temperature dependent dis-
ies, in which light and dark benthic chambers have solution processes (Lewin, 1961) and is enhanced by
been used in shallow waters, since nutrient fluxes vary bioturbation (Helder & Andersen, 1987; Gehlen et al.,
with water depth (Banta et al., 1995). Core incuba- 1995). Silicate uptake is caused by benthic diatoms in
tions are in many respects comparable to bell jars as the studies cited here. In coral reefs, net silicate fluxes
far as the size of the enclosed sediment area is con- between sediment and water are small or negligible
cerned (Asmus et al., 1998), and in this context they (D’Elia & Wiebe, 1990). Reef sediments consist to
are mainly considered to fill in geographical gaps. Ex- a large part of eroded deposits from corals and other
change rates of bare sandy to muddy sediments with a carbonate bearing organisms as molluscs (for review
natural macrofauna population, except dense aggrega- see Alongi, 1989).
tions of bivalves, are compared from northern regions, In most study areas, the release of ammonium
with ice cover in winter, to southern sediments of coral dominates over ammonium uptake. However, in areas
reefs, river estuaries and a mangrove system (Table 4). of high microphytobenthic activity, ammonium is
Oxygen, nitrate and silicate fluxes showed no clear taken up intensively (Rizzo, 1990; Sundbäck et al.,
North South trend. In shallow tidal and subtidal flats, 1991). Nixon et al. (1976) measured a strong increase
oxygen production by microphytobenthos is high (e.g. in ammonium efflux between temperatures just above
Narragansett Bay, Chesapeake Bay, Ria Formosa, 0 and up to 24 ◦ C. Additionally, Fisher et al. (1982)
Sylt-Rømø Bay, Table 4). The oxygen consumption found high values of ammonium release between 15
displays a broad range between −4 (Ems Dollard es- and 25 ◦ C. A similar trend is evident in a worldwide
tuary, Van Es, 1982) and −314 mgO2 m−2 h−1 (Bay comparison. In areas of low annual mean temperatures
of Cadiz, Forja et al., 1994) without relation to an- (9 – 15 ◦ C), small ammonium release rates are found,
nual medians of temperature. The adaptation of micro- while in warmer regions (15 – 20 ◦ C), also higher
and macrobenthic populations to their environmental ammonium effluxes are measured (Table 4, Figure 9).
Table 4. Oxygen flow (mg O2 m−2 h−1 ) and nutrient flux rates (in µmol m−2 h−1 ) measured in northern and southern areas. Oxygen units
were converted from ml O2 to mg O2 by the factor 1.43, and mmol O2 to mg O2 by the factor 32. o.m.=organic matter=Loss on ignition., l. and
d.=light and dark bell jars

Study area Sediments Water Bell jars Volume; area Temperature◦ C

Depth (m) Min. Max. Median

USA, Atlantic Coast,

North to South
Narragansett Bay sand to silt-clay, o. m. 1.5 – 4.5% subtidal 5.8 – 7.3 d. 27 l; 0.24 m2 0 24 12
Potter Pond, Rhode Island mud, o.m. 15% <1 l.+d. 3l; 0.02 m2 −1.5 28 13.3
Potter Pond, Rhode Island sand, o.m. 2% <1 l.+d. 3 l; 0.02 m2 −1.5 28 13.3
Narragansett Bay different sediments d. 27 l; 0.25 m2 5 20 12.5
Chesapeake Bay, Patuxent estuary silts to clays, o.m. 1.5 – 2.6% 3 d. 38 l; 0.3 m2 3 29 16
Chesapeake Bay, Potomac River sandy mud to fluid mud subtidal d. 32 – 38 l; 0.16 – 0.3 m2 16
Chesapeake Bay, Cherrystone Inlet sand, silt-clay, o.m. 0.7 – 5.2% subtidal 1 l.+d. 7.2 l; 0.07 m2 6.5 32.4 19.5
Pamlico Sound, North Carolina organic rich <5 l. 62 l; 0.31 m2 1 24 12.5
Pamlico Sound, Cape Lookout Bight organic rich, org. carbon 2–3% >5 l. 4 l; 400 cm2 5 27.5 16.3
25 – 35 l; 0.2 – 0.4 m2
Georgia Bight fine sand, o.m. 0.7 – 2.5% 5, tides 2 d. 47.5 l; 0.25 m2 10 28 19

Siberia, Pacific Coast sand to mud, org. carbon 0.2% – 1.6% 3–7 l.+d. 2 l; 15 l; 0.05 m2 −1.6 20.5 9.5

Australia, Pacific Coast

Port Phillip Bay sand, sandy mud, mud, clay 7 – 24 d. 7 l; 0.073 m2 15

USA, Pacific Coast

San Francisco Bay 1.50 12 17 14.5
Tomales Bay sand to fine mud 4–6 l. 33 l; 0.2 m2 9 19 14

Europe, North to South

Baltic Sea, Gulf of Bothnia soft silt subtidal cores, lab. 400 ml; 50 cm2 4 15 9.5
Baltic Sea muddy sand, org. carbon 0.49% 20 l. 2094 l; 3.14 m2 8 12 10
Königshafen sand, o.m. 0.5% intertidal <1 l.+d. 4 – 18 l; 600 – 700 cm2 0 19.6 9.8
Königshafen sand – mud, o.m. 0.5 – 6% intertidal < 1 l.+d. cores 0.5 l; 50 cm2 3.6 22.2 12.9
Ems-Dollard estuary mud, silt, sand, org. carbon 0.5 –14% intertidal l.+d. 707 cm2 3.8 19.1 11.5
Ems-Dollard estuary mud, silt, sand, org. carbon 0.5 –14% intertidal l.+d. 3–6l 3.8 19.1 11.5
Shannon estuary mud, o.m. 1.4 – 8% intertidal d. cores 50 cm2 10 20 15
Tamar Estuary, SW England mud, org. carbon 1.0 – 2.57% intertidal lab. 314 cm2
Bay of Morlaix, France fine sand intertidal, 1 – 4 d. 40 – 50 l; 0.2 m2 6 18 12
Marennes-Oléron, France mud shallow intertidal l.+d. 0.3 l; 40 cm2 10 28 19
Atlantic, Bay of Cadiz clay, org. carbon 0.78 – 2.16% 0.5 – 8.5 d. 59.1 – 89.8 l; 0.385 m2 18.4
Atlantic, Ria de Formosa sand to mud intertidal aquaria 17 20 18.5
Atlantic, Ria de Formosa sand to mud intertidal <1 l.+d. 17.7 l; 650cm2 12 23.3 17.7

Mediterranean Sea
Thau lagoon &Carteau bay under + outside mussel culture, mud subtidal, 3.5 – 4 l.+d. 13.8 l; 0.11 m2 5.3 22.8 14.1
Thau lagoon &Carteau bay org. carb. 2.9 – 8.2%, o. m. 10.6 – 29.4%
Thau lagoon, France under + outside oyster culture, mud 5 l. 15 l; 0.114 m2 4 26 15
Golfe de Fos, France u.+o. mus. cult., muddy sand, sandy mud ca. 5 l. 17 l; 0.13 m2 7.6 20 13.8
Alfacs Bay, Ebro Delta sand to mud subtidal <1.5 – 5 d. 7 l; 700 cm2 19.5
Alfacs Bay, Ebro Delta sand to mud, o.m. 1 – 10.4% subtidal <1.5 – 5 d. 7 l; 700 cm2 19.5

Great Barrier Reef, Australia carbonate sands, o. m. 0.3 – 2.8% 2 – 16m light 315 l; 0.9 m2 25
Heron Island, Australia coral sands 0.5 – 8 l.+d. 900 cm2 25
Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, eutrophied sand to mud, org. carbon 2.9% 1 – 15−17 l.+d. 262 l; 7854 cm2 25
Kaneohe Bay, after sewage diversion l.+d. 262 l; 7854 cm2 25
Coconut Island, Kanehoe Bay sand + coral rubble, sandy silt subtidal, 1 – 1.5 l.+d. 262 l; 7854 cm2 25
St. Croix, US Virgin islands sand, org. carbon 0.19 – 0.59% subtidal d. 8 – 11 l; 0.049 m2 25
Papua New Guinea, Fly Delta mud intertidal l.+d. 1 l; 0.007 m2 31 32 31.5
New Caledonia sands + mud subtidal, 6.7 – 17 l.+d. 51.6 – 72.5 l; 0.2 m2 23.8 27.8 25.8

Joyuda Lagoon, Puerto Rico mangrove-fringed lagoon cores 35.26 cm2 25

Continued on p. 231

Nitrate Ammonium Phosphate Silicate Oxygen flux Authors

Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean Range Mean
from to from to from to from to from to

< −40 120 0 400 0 60 −150 −10 Nixon et al. (1976, 1980)
−80 80 20 440 −10 50 −190 133 Nowicki & Nixon (1985a, b)
−100 20 0 60 −10 10 −75 ca. 100 Nowicki & Nixon (1985a, b)
12 500 4.2 233 41.7 392 Elderfield et al. (1981)
−674 100 −105 1584 1 295 −171 −21 Boynton et al. (1980)
−300 250 −129 1083 −25 167 41.7 1042 −112 −5.2 Callender & Hammond (1982)
−71 28 −44 615 5.3 42 −219 212 Reay et al. (1995)
0 6.4 0 454 −8.3 46 −100 −26 Fisher et al. (1982)
0 0 0 28 1023 525.5 −4 97 46.5 Klump & Martens (1981)

ca. 2 ca. 35 10.9 ca. 25 ca. 104 57.7 ca. 8 ca. 50 22.3 −51 −142 Hopkinson (1985, 1987)

13 30 0.7 129 0.6 38 18 492 −39.3 54.8 Propp (1977) Propp et al. (1980)

−1.7 37.9 4.2 500 1.7 83.3 66.7 770.8 −136 −25 Berelson et al. (1998)

−45.8 −4.2 −21 4.2 66.7 46 −4.2 4.2 4.2 −83.3 458.3 246 −61 −17 −40 Hammond et al. (1985)
−4.2 2.5 −0.42 51 117 82 5.4 17.1 10 58 196 151 −20 −4.9 −12.5 Dollar et al. (1991)

2.8 11.7 0.2 30.9 −77.4 −15.3 Nedwell et al. (1983)

N: 18.3 2.3 66.7 −10.7 Balzer (1984)
−354 173 −290 371 −2638 1493 −195 416.5 Asmus (1986) Asmus & Asmus (1985)
−492 26 −96 150 −115.2 352 Kristensen et al. (1997)
−196 −4 Van Es (1982)
−208 0 −250 83 −8 42 −146 −21 −88 −16 Rutgers Van der Loeff et al. (1981)
−62 0 −31 40 300 170 0 80 40 −24.6 −7.2 Brennan & Wilson (1993)
−250 375 62.5 −24 170 −7.4 23 −210 131 Watson et al. (1993)
−120 60 51 369 210 −163 −22 Boucher & Boucher-Rodoni (1988)
−159.8 −34.3 11.7 209.4 −5.3 27 49.1 529.8 Feuillet-Girard et al. (1997)
0 0 0 258.3 1525 737.5 20.8 379.2 183.3 258.3 1479 616.7 −314.4 −92.1 −183.3 Forja et al. (1994)
−7.3 −1.0 −4.2 0 38.0 19.0 −0.3 4 1.9 −2.4 31.7 14.6 Falcao & Vale (1990)
−156 108 −24 −71 292 110.5 −88 63 −12.5 −314 440 63 −90.5 191 this study

15 382 −69 21 Barranguet et al. (1994)

−158 23.8 −30 600 −14.9 53.2 −160.9 84 Mazouni et al. (1996)
−59 5 3.5 366 −3.2 116.2 15.5 1206 Baudinet et al. (1990)
−22 8 44 100 70 −86.7 −38.3 −54.4 Vidal et al. (1989)
0 160 −2 −76.2 Vidal et al. (1992)

5.96 22.67 0 1.17 2.38 33.58 Hansen et al. (1987)

−4.4 4.1 Sorokin (1992)
4.2 54.9 3.0 128.8 −18.8 Smith et al. (1981)
5 37.1 1.9 127.5 −11.3 Smith et al. (1981)
−38 354 62.5 80 1146 45.8 −4.2 71 20.8 0 0 −170.8 Henderson (1981)
−131 141 −5 −90 372 71 Williams et al. (1985)
−20 −16.2 13.3 −16.6 3 Alongi (1991)
−3.2 0.43 6.8 30.3 −140.2 −27.8 −95 Boucher et al. (1994)
Boucher & Clavier (1990)
−6.4 0 −2.7 −7.4 250 50 Correodor & Morell (1989)
Morell & Corredor (1993)

Figure 11 Cumulative curves of means of maximal fluxes of

ammonium (N) and phosphate (•) in relation to annual median
values of temperature in intervals of 2 ◦ C (ammonium vs tem-
perature: y=−4304.6+515.344∗ x−8.91xˆ2+0.0842857, r=0.9778;
phosphate vs temperature: y=−761.706+98.324∗ x−1.993∗ xˆ2-
0.1 304285, r=0.9829). These curves are based on data from a
literature survey (Table 4).

Figure 9 Ammonium flux rates (median (dark diamond), minimum and more frequent than uptake, and higher phosphate
(light triangle) and maximum (dark triangle)) from geographical effluxes are found at elevated temperatures in temper-
regions with different annual median water temperatures (see also ate regions. In subtropical and tropical studies, lower
Table 4). The positions of the Sylt-Rømø area and the Ria Formosa
are indicated.
ranges and means of phosphate fluxes are recorded
(Table 4, Figure 10).
A plot of cumulative means of maximum am-
monium and phosphate release rates versus annual
median temperatures (Figure 11) display a steep, al-
most linear increase in temperate areas. However,
the incline is small at higher temperatures of sub-
tropical and tropical areas (Polynomial function fit-
ting: second order polynom, ammonium vs temper-
ature: y=−4304.6+515.344∗x−8.91xˆ2+0.0842857,
r=0.9778; phosphate vs temperature: y=−761.706+
98.324∗x−1.993∗xˆ2−0.1 304285, r=0.9829; STAT-
ISTICA, 1994). In subtropical and tropical areas,
lower flux rates are found in organically poor sed-
iments. But also high rates are recorded, as high
ammonification in a Brazilian tropical lagoon rich in
labile organic material (Fernex et al., 1992). Elev-
ated nutrient fluxes are also found in tropical studies
in eutrophic areas, as in the coastal ecosystem of the
Figure 10 Phosphate flux rates (median (above), minimum (light
Kaneohe Bay (Henderson, 1981; Smith et al., 1981).
diamond) and maximum (dark diamond)) from regions with differ- In the study by Smith et al. (1981), definitely lower
ent median annual water temperatures (see also Table 4). ammonium and phosphate fluxes were measured after
the reduction of the eutrophication by sewage input
into the bay. The entire level of nutrient flux was lower
Simultaneously, in all these areas, there are studies than in studies of temperate areas. In comparison to the
presenting only small ammonium release rates as well. hypoxic, organic rich sediments of temperate areas,
Going further to tropical regions, we mostly find lower sediments of coral reefs are more often poor in organic
values. Phosphate flux rates show a very similar pat- matter and well oxygenated. Nutrient concentrations
tern as ammonium fluxes. Release is generally higher in porewater and in the water column are lower than

in temperate areas (Williams et al., 1985; Capone et Biologie der Ria Formosa” sponsored by the Ministry
al., 1992; Charpy-Roubaud et al., 1996). The res- for Research and Technology (grant no. 03FO562A).
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