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1.Complete the sentences with life events.
One of my favourite people is my grandmother. She 1 _______________ in the 1960s in a village in
France, and because things were difficult, she stopped her

education to start work, and she 2 _______________ in a local shop when she was 16 years old. Later,
she decided to go back to school and then she

3 _______________ in Paris to study medicine. She met my grandfather in Paris, and when they finished
their studies, they 4 _______________ to a small town

outside the city. They both worked as doctors for many years, but last year they 5 _______________ and
now have more time to spend with their grandchildren!

2.Complete the sentences. Everyday objects

1 Have you got any coins in your __________ ?I need some change for the drinks machine.

2 Oh no! I left my __________ at home. I can’t open the front door.

3 Do you have a __________ with you? It was windy outside, and I want to do my hair.

4 She has a __________ on her living room wall so she can tell the time easily.

5 He always wears a __________ to protect his head when he goes cycling.

In my bedroom, I have many objects that I use every day. On my bedside table, I have an
1______________ _______________ to wake me up in the morning. I have a 2 _______________ on the
wall so I can see my plan for the week and the month and make a note of important dates. I usually keep
my 3 _______________ in a bowl on the desk, I forgot them once and was locked out of the house! I
have a 4 _______________ on the table to tidy my hair in the morning, and I check how I look in my
reflection in the 5 _______________ before I leave.

3. Write the correct TV programme or film next to the definition.

1 a TV programme about preparing food to eat _______________ _______________

2 a TV programme with a number of episodes about emotional, tragic or exciting stories___________

3 a film that makes you feel scared _______________ _______________

4 a film about love ______________________________

5 a film or TV programme made for children, with drawing and animation

6 a television programme where people compete to be the best singer, dancer or entertainer

7 a film about a character who has special powers that can be used for saving people and fighting

against evil __________

8 a film in the future, often with space travel and life on other planets __________

4. Write the correct option to complete the sentences.

1 The party is next weekend. We need to send the _______________________to people today!
2 Many people think that the wheel was the most important human ___________________

3 The athletic team was feeling proud after winning the sports _________________________

4 He saw a magazine _________________________ for a new video game hewanted to play.

5 They reached an ___________________________ after talking for a long time.

5. Complete the sentence with the verb in the present simple or the present
My favourite cookery programme is Just Cook, I 1 _____________________ (watch) it
every week. Today, the chef 2 _____________________ (show) us how to make sushi. I
can’t wait to try it. I 3 _____________________ (love) Japanese cooking and Japanese
culture. At the moment my sister and I 4 _____________________ (learn) calligraphy
through an online class – in fact, my sister 5 _____________________ (clean) our paint
brushes right now for our class later.
6. Choose the correct verb to complete the sentences and questions in the past
simple. There are three extra verbs.
drive go make read stop swim think write
1 What did she __________ of the new Tom Holland film?
2 Last summer, they __________ in the local swimming pool every day.
3 Yesterday, he __________ a chocolate cake for his mum’s birthday.
4 Did you __________ to the gym last week?
5 I __________ all the Harry Potter books before I was 12 years old
7. Write sentences and questions with the past continuous.
1 Arthur and Jake _______________ in the mountains last week. (+ ski)
2 He _______________ his new sunglasses in the library yesterday. (- wear)
3 Sarah and Liz _______________ five minutes ago. (+ talk online)
4 _______ you ________ at 6:00 pm last night? (+ study)
5 One hour ago she _______________ in the park. (- run)

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