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Republic of the Philippines



February 26, 2024


Associate Committee Advocate for Health and Wellness
Helping Hands Community
PUP San Juan City Campus
San Juan City, Metro Manila

Dear Ms. Cedilla

Greetings of Peace!

Helping Hands Community has its unwavering commitment of providing efficient and
exceptional psychosocial support to our fellow Isko and Iska here at our Sintang Paaralan and to
the community we pledged to serve. To fulfill this, advocates are expected to fully participate
and engage in every activity, meetings, and other undertakings we need to work with, in line with
the success and interest of this community.

We are writing this letter of Notice to inform you that your recent attendance has been
consistently not meeting expectations. According to our attendance records dating back to the
previous meeting and events since 2023, you have failed to attend on more than 3 occasions/
meetings/ engagement without an acceptable excuse, notice or approval.

As a reminder, according to Article 21 Section 2, of Helping Hands Community By Laws;

“Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without proper notice would receive a Warning
from their respective advocates. Three (3) consecutive warnings would result in the issuance of
Notice to Explain (NTE). If the violation would progress, removal of the project would take
effect upon the approval of the majority of the executive committee after an investigation and
voting numbers of 25% that would be done by a special meeting to be called by the
Advocate/Chairperson and Adviser/s.”

Attendance and engagement is part of your duties as you assumed to this office. This is affirmed
by the provision of our ByLaws as stated at Article 13 Section 1; “In order to ascertain the
aptitude for office and continued commitment, the community shall assess the advocates’
performance at any time during their assumption to office, based in part on the following
reasonable standards, all of which were made known to Advocates at the time of their
a. Working relationship / Cooperation d. Initiative and Interest in duties
with co-Advocates e. Leadership
b. Attendance/Punctuality f. Commitment
c. Quality Assurance g. Engagement

Poor attendance and frequent lack of engagement impede the community's workflow and affect
our capacity to run operations smoothly. This written warning serves to emphasize how serious
an issue this is in our community and is an infraction of our community policy.

We understand that there are unavoidable situations that may result in your unexpected lack of
engagement or absence. To inform you, if you have an emergency or you expect that you
couldn’t report to the specific engagement that was scheduled, you are required to inform us
ahead of time. You can inform your Committee Advocate as a notice for your absence.

If your attendance issues continue, you'll receive a second write-up. If your attendance and
engagement still does not improve, we will issue a third and final write-up. After that, if there is
still no improvement, your oath of office will be terminated after a review and evaluation of the
executive committee and Adviser.

We would also like to remind you that we take the health and well-being of our Advocates and
members very seriously. We encourage you to avoid potential future consequences by improving
your attendance and engagement.

If you would like to discuss any personal or professional concerns you may be experiencing that
are causing or contributing to your attendance issues, please speak with your Committee
Advocates, Project Advocate, or with our community Adviser.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us through the
community’s email.

Thank you!


Secretary, HHC

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