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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS

Compatibility Guide
SP and TMS Versions 7.0 to SP 8.4/TMS 8.4
Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

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Document Number: SPTMS-CG-84-2018/03
27 March 2018

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide


Revision History ..................................................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Preface ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Who Should Use This Guide? ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
What Products are Covered in This Guide? .................................................................................................................................. 5
About Software Versions ............................................................................................................................................................... 6
About SP and TMS Support Lifecycles............................................................................................................................................ 7
About the Appliance Lifecycle for SP and TMS ............................................................................................................................ 7
About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS .............................................................................................................................. 8
SP and TMS Software/Appliance Compatibility .............................................................................................................................. 9
About Compatibility Ratings for SP and TMS Software/Appliances ............................................................................................. 9
SP Software Compatibility with SP Appliances ........................................................................................................................... 10
SP software version / SP appliance compatibility matrix ...................................................................................................... 10
TMS Software Compatibility with TMS Appliances ..................................................................................................................... 11
TMS software version 7.0.0 – 8.1.1 / TMS appliance compatibility matrix ........................................................................... 11
TMS software version 8.2.0 – 8.4.0 / TMS appliance compatibility matrix ........................................................................... 12
SP Software Compatibility with TMS Appliances ........................................................................................................................ 13
SP software version 8.0.x and higher / TMS appliance compatibility matrix ........................................................................ 13
SP software version 7.0 – 7.6.4 / TMS appliance compatibility matrix ................................................................................. 14
Supported Upgrade Paths ............................................................................................................................................................... 15
Supported Upgrade Paths to Arbor Networks SP 7.0 – 8.4 ........................................................................................................ 15
Supported Upgrade Paths to Arbor Networks TMS 7.0.0 – 8.4.0 ............................................................................................... 16
Supported Web Browsers ............................................................................................................................................................... 17
Supported Browsers for SP 7.0.x to 8.x.x ................................................................................................................................... 17
Multi-Version Support in SP and TMS Software ........................................................................................................................... 18
Benefits of Multi-Version Support ................................................................................................................................................ 18
Limitations of Multi-Version Deployments ................................................................................................................................... 18

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

About Long-Term Support for Multi-Version Deployments ......................................................................................................... 19

About Multi-Version Information on the Appliance Status Page ................................................................................................. 19
Multi-Version Deployment Rules ................................................................................................................................................. 19
Additional Rules for Older Multi-Version Deployments ............................................................................................................... 20
Multi-Version Deployment Guidelines ......................................................................................................................................... 20
Virtual SP Support in Multi-Version Deployments ....................................................................................................................... 20
Software TMS Support in Multi-Version Deployments ................................................................................................................ 20
About Upgrading to a Multi-Version Deployment ........................................................................................................................ 21
Before you upgrade: verify post-upgrade compatibility ........................................................................................................ 21
Multi-Version Deployment Upgrade Process ........................................................................................................................ 21
SP and TMS Software Compatibility .............................................................................................................................................. 23
About Compatibility Ratings for Software Version Pairs ............................................................................................................. 23
SP/TMS Software Version Compatibility Matrix .......................................................................................................................... 24
SP / TMS compatibility for TMS versions 8.0.0 and higher .................................................................................................. 24
SP / TMS compatibility for TMS versions 7.0.0 – 7.6.1 ........................................................................................................ 25
SP Leader / SP TRA Software Version Compatibility Matrix ...................................................................................................... 26
SP Leader / SP TRA compatibility for SP TRA versions 8.0 to 8.4 ...................................................................................... 26
SP Leader / SP TRA compatibility for SP versions 7.0 to 7.6.4 ........................................................................................... 27

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

A deployment of Arbor Networks SP and TMS products can have multiple software versions running on multiple SP and TMS
appliances. This SP and TMS Compatibility Guide describes Arbor’s support for these multi-version, multi-platform deployments.
Arbor updates this guide whenever a new or updated SP or TMS product is released.
Note: In this guide, the term “deployment” includes SP-only deployments and SP/TMS deployments unless otherwise specified.
Also, the term “appliance” includes any physical or virtual device that runs SP or TMS software.

Who Should Use This Guide?

If you already have SP or SP/TMS deployed in your network, this guide can help you plan your next upgrade. If you are designing
a new deployment, this guide can help you choose the right mix of SP and TMS products for your network.

What Products are Covered in This Guide?

This guide covers all SP and TMS appliances and software versions that Arbor supports at the time of publication. Arbor’s support
for an SP or TMS product depends on the product’s lifecycle status. See About SP and TMS Support Lifecycles on page 7.
This guide does not cover SP and TMS firmware or TMS chassis expansion modules. For assistance with firmware and module
compatibility, provisioning, and upgrades, contact the Arbor Technical Assistance Center (ATAC) at

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

About Software Versions

Arbor SP and TMS software releases have “x.y.z” version numbers, where:
• SP “x.0” or TMS “x.0.0” is a major release with significant new features and substantial improvements, for example, SP 7.0
and TMS 8.0.0.
• SP “x.y” or TMS “x.y.0” is a minor release with useful added features and enhancements, for example SP 8.1 and TMS 7.6.0.
• SP or TMS “x.y.z” is a maintenance release for bug fixes, for example, SP 8.1.2 and TMS 8.0.1.
Note: Before SP 7.0 and TMS 7.0.0, maintenance releases were called “patch” releases.
Arbor supports major and minor SP and TMS software releases for three years. New major and minor releases occur about once
or twice per year. Maintenance releases occur more often.
See About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS on page 8.
The 3-year software lifecycle includes several major, minor, and maintenance releases. For major releases, the lower the “x” digit
in the version number, the older the release. However, for minor and maintenance releases, a lower “x” digit does not always
indicate an older release. For example, SP 7.6.4 (x=7) was released after SP 8.1 (x=8).
Therefore, when comparing software versions, this guide uses number-dependent terms such as “higher” and “lower.” It avoids
release date-dependent terms such as “older” and “newer.” For example, SP 7.6.4 was released after SP 8.1. However, rather
than saying that SP 7.6.4 is “newer” than SP 8.1 (which it is), we say SP 8.1 is a “higher” version than SP 7.6.4.

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About SP and TMS Support Lifecycles

Arbor’s product lifecycle policy determines which products Arbor currently supports. The policy defines separate appliance
lifecycles and software lifecycles for each product line. Appliance lifecycles and software lifecycles are different. However, SP and
TMS appliances follow the same appliance lifecycle. Likewise, SP and TMS software versions follow the same software lifecycle.
The lifecycle status of the SP and TMS appliances and software in your deployment tells you if and when you can upgrade. Before
you upgrade, consult this guide to help you determine which appliances or software you can upgrade to.
Arbor’s SP and TMS appliance and software lifecycles are summarized below. For more information, download the Arbor Product
Life Cycle Policy document from the ATAC website (

About the Appliance Lifecycle for SP and TMS

Each phase of the SP and TMS appliance lifecycle is shown below:

Arbor provides the following types of support for SP and TMS appliances during each phase of the appliance lifecycle:
• General Availability (GA): New software upgrades, maintenance software releases, appliance replacement, and phone
• End of Sale Notice and End of Sale: Same support as GA. Arbor sends out an End of Sale notification at the start of this
• End of Maintenance (EoM): Appliance replacement and phone support only.
When an SP or TMS appliance reaches the End of Life (EoL) phase, all support ends and the appliance is no longer included in
this guide.
To view the lifecycle status and relevant dates for Arbor Networks SP and TMS appliances, download the “Arbor SP Lifecycles”
document or the “Arbor TMS Lifecycles” document from the ATAC website (

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About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS

Each phase of the SP and TMS software lifecycle is shown below:

Arbor’s software support lifecycle applies to major (x.0) releases and minor (x.y) releases only. For maintenance releases (version
x.y.z), the first two digits in the version number determine the support lifecycle.
See About Software Versions on page 6.
Arbor provides the following types of support for SP and TMS software during the GA phase and EoM phase of the software
• GA: New software upgrades, maintenance software releases, and phone support.
• EoM: Phone support only.
When an SP or TMS software version enters the End of Support (EoS) phase, all support ends and that software version is no
longer covered in this guide.
To view the lifecycle status and relevant dates for Arbor Networks SP and TMS software products, download the “Arbor SP TMS
Software Lifecycles” document from the ATAC website (

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SP and TMS Software/Appliance Compatibility

When you are planning a new deployment or upgrading your deployment, use this section to answer software/appliance
compatibility questions, such as:
• Which SP appliances does SP software version (X) support? See SP Software Compatibility with SP Appliances on page 10.
• Which TMS appliances does TMS software version (X) support? See TMS Software Compatibility with TMS on page 11.
• Which TMS appliances does the SP leader support when the leader runs SP software version (X)? The answer determines
which TMS appliances you can add to your deployment. See SP Software Compatibility with TMS Appliances on page 12.
Note: If you don’t see an SP or TMS software version or appliance in this section, Arbor no longer supports it. See About SP and
TMS Support Lifecycles on page 7.

About Compatibility Ratings for SP and TMS Software/Appliances

The software/appliance compatibility matrices in this section use the following symbols to indicate compatibility between each
software version and appliance:
Symbol Indicates
• The software version is compatible with the SP or TMS appliance.
✓ • The appliance is Generally Available (GA).
• You can upgrade the software on the appliance.
• The software version is compatible with the SP or TMS appliance.
S • The appliance has reached End of Maintenance (EoM).
• You cannot upgrade the software on the appliance.
 The software version is not compatible with the SP or TMS appliance.

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

SP Software Compatibility with SP Appliances

The matrix below shows the SP appliances that each SP software version supports.
For SP and TMS software compatibility ratings, see SP and TMS Software Compatibility on page 23.
Note: (BI, CP, FS, PI) 5500 appliances reached EoM on July 1, 2016.

SP software version / SP appliance compatibility matrix

SP Appliance
Appliance-based License Flexible License
SP Version (BI, CP, FS, PI) 5500 (BI, CP, FS, PI) 6000 SP 6000 SP 7000
7.0 (all versions) S  ✓ 
7.5.1 S ✓ ✓ 
7.5.3 S ✓ ✓ ✓
S ✓ ✓ 
S1 ✓ ✓ ✓
8.0 (all versions)
8.1 (all versions)
8.2 (all versions)
 ✓ ✓ ✓

1Arbor does not recommend running any version of SP 8.0 on SP 5500 appliances with serial numbers starting with AZLR due to lower
performance on aging hardware. Contact ATAC ( before upgrading to any version of SP 8.0 on a SP 5500

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TMS Software Compatibility with TMS Appliances

The matrix below shows the TMS appliances that each TMS software version supports.
For SP and TMS software compatibility ratings, see SP and TMS Software Compatibility on page 23.
Important: TMS appliances are compatible with different versions of SP software. See SP Software Compatibility with TMS
Appliances on page 12 for the SP versions required on the leader to support each appliance.

TMS software version 7.0.0 – 8.1.1 / TMS appliance compatibility matrix

TMS Appliance
Cisco ASR9K
vDDoS Cisco HD1000 HD1000
(10G, ASR9K (4x100G + (4x100G +
TMS 2300 20G, 5000 HD1000 5000 vDDoS Software 8x10G)/ 8x10G)/
Version 4000 40G) (32x10G) 2800 (16x10G) (4x100G) (60G) 2600 TMS1 PPM–20G PPM–50G
7.0.0 ✓          
7.0.1  ✓2         
7.0.3 ✓ ✓         
7.0.5   ✓        
✓ ✓         
7.6.0 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓       
7.6.1 ✓3 ✓ ✓ ✓       
8.0.0 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓     
8.0.1 ✓3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓     
8.1.0 ✓3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    
8.1.1 ✓3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   
1Software TMS was released in TMS 8.3.0 as vTMS running in a VM only. To run outside of a VM, Software TMS requires TMS 8.3.1 and
higher. Software TMS follows the software lifecycle, not the appliance lifecycle. See About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS on page 9.
2 To support a Cisco ASR9K vDDoS 10G, 20G or 40G running TMS 7.0.1, the SP leader requires SP 7.0.1.
3TMS 4000 appliances with TMS 7.6.1 or a higher 7.6.x version, or with TMS 8.0.1 or higher can have APM-E modules only. TMS 4000
appliances with APM-10 modules, or a mix of APM-10 modules and APM-E modules are no longer supported.

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TMS software version 8.2.0 – 8.4.0 / TMS appliance compatibility matrix

TMS Appliance
Cisco ASR9K
vDDoS Cisco HD1000 HD1000
(10G, ASR9K (4x100G + (4x100G +
TMS 2300 20G, 5000 HD1000 5000 vDDoS Software 8x10G)/ 8x10G)/
Version 4000 40G) (32x10G) 2800 (16x10G) (4x100G) (60G) 2600 TMS1 PPM–20G PPM–50G
8.2.0 ✓2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    
8.2.1 ✓2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   
8.3.0 ✓2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  
8.3.1 ✓2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
8.4.0 ✓2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1Software TMS was released in TMS 8.3.0 as vTMS running in a VM only. To run outside of a VM, Software TMS requires TMS 8.3.1 and
higher. Software TMS follows the software lifecycle, not the appliance lifecycle. See About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS on page 9.
2TMS 4000 appliances with TMS 7.6.1 or a higher 7.6.x version, or with TMS 8.0.1 or higher can have APM-E modules only. TMS 4000
appliances with APM-10 modules, or a mix of APM-10 modules and APM-E modules are no longer supported.

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

SP Software Compatibility with TMS Appliances

To add, configure, and manage a TMS appliance in the SP web user interface (UI), the SP software version running on the SP
leader and all SP managing appliances must support that TMS appliance. The matrix below shows the TMS appliances that each
SP software version supports.
For SP and TMS software compatibility ratings, see SP and TMS Software Compatibility on page 23.
Important: TMS appliances are compatible with different versions of TMS software. See TMS Software Compatibility with TMS
Appliances on page 11 for the TMS versions required to support each appliance.

SP software version 8.0.x and higher / TMS appliance compatibility matrix

TMS Appliance
vDDoS Cisco HD1000 HD1000
(10G, ASR9K (4x100G + (4x100G +
SP 2300 20G, 5000 HD1000 5000 vDDoS Software 8x10G)/ 8x10G)/
Version 4000 40G) (32x10G) 2800 (16x10G) (4x100G) (60G) 2600 TMS1 PPM–20G PPM–50G
8.0.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓     
8.1.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   
8.2.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓    
8.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
8.4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
1Software TMS was released in TMS 8.3.0 as vTMS running in a VM only. To run outside of a VM, Software TMS requires TMS 8.3.1 and
higher. Software TMS follows the software lifecycle, not the appliance lifecycle. See About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS on page 9.

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

SP software version 7.0 – 7.6.4 / TMS appliance compatibility matrix

TMS Appliance
vDDoS Cisco HD1000 HD1000
(10G, ASR9K (4x100G + (4x100G +
SP 2300 20G, 5000 HD1000 5000 vDDoS Software1 8x10G)/ 8x10G)/
Version 4000 40G) (32x10G) 2800 (16x10G) (4x100G) (60G) 2600 TMS PPM–20G PPM–50G
7.0 ✓          
7.0.1  ✓2         
✓ ✓         
7.5.1 ✓ ✓ ✓3        
7.5.3 ✓ ✓ ✓  ✓      
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓       
✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓      
7.6.4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓     
1Software TMS was released in TMS 8.3.0 as vTMS running in a VM only. To run outside of a VM, Software TMS requires TMS 8.3.1 and
higher. Software TMS follows the software lifecycle, not the appliance lifecycle. See About the Software Lifecycle for SP and TMS on page 9.
2 The SP leader requires SP 7.0.1 to support a Cisco ASR9K vDDoS (10G, 20G, or 40G) that is running TMS 7.0.1.
3 The SP leader requires SP 7.5.1 or higher to support a TMS 5000 (32 x 10G) that is running TMS 7.0.5.

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

Supported Upgrade Paths

The matrices in this section describe valid upgrade paths for all supported versions of SP and TMS software. You can upgrade the
software on a SP or TMS appliance any time before the appliance enters EoM.
See About the Appliance Lifecycle for SP and TMS on page 7.

Supported Upgrade Paths to Arbor Networks SP 7.0 – 8.4

Note: All versions of SP 6.0 and 7.0 have reached EoM. These versions are no longer being developed, maintained, repaired, or
To SP Version
From SP Version 7.0 7.0.1 7.0.2 7.0.31 7.5.x 7.6.x 8.0.x 8.1.x 8.2.x 8.3 8.4
6.02 ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  
7.0  ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  
7.0.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  
7.0.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  
7.0.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓  
7.5.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓3 ✓3
7.6.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓3 ✓3
8.0.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.1.x ✓ ✓ ✓
8.2.x ✓ ✓
8.3 ✓
1 SP 7.0.3 does not support the Xen Project hypervisor. Do not upgrade an SP 7.0.x virtual machine (VM) to an SP 7.0.3 VM if you plan to run
the SP 7.0.3 VM on Xen.
2Upgrading from SP 5.8 or lower to SP 7.0 or higher requires upgrading to SP 6.0 first. SP 7.0 and higher versions are 64-bit. SP 6.0 and lower
versions are 32-bit. Only SP 6.0 supports the 32-bit to 64-bit upgrade.
3 Upgrading from SP 7.5 or 7.6 to SP 8.3 or 8.4 is untested.

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Supported Upgrade Paths to Arbor Networks TMS 7.0.0 – 8.4.0

Before you upgrade the software on an TMS appliance, use this matrix to verify that the upgrade path is supported.
Note: All versions of TMS 6.0 and 7.0 have reached EoM. These versions are no longer being developed, maintained, repaired,
or tested.
Note: You can only upgrade the TMS 8.1.1 software on a TMS 2600 appliance to TMS 8.2.1 and higher. TMS 2600 appliances
can only run TMS 8.1.1 or TMS 8.2.1 and higher.
To TMS Version
From TMS Version 7.0 7.0.11 7.0.3 7.0.52 7.5.x 7.6.x 8.0.x 8.1.x 8.2.x 8.3.x 8.4.x
6.0 patch 53 ✓  ✓  ✓ ✓     
7.0  ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓    
7.0.1 ✓  ✓ ✓ ✓    
7.0.3  ✓ ✓ ✓    
7.0.5  ✓ ✓    
7.5.x ✓ ✓    
7.6.x ✓    
8.0.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.1.x ✓ ✓ ✓
8.2.x ✓ ✓
8.3.x ✓
1 TMS 7.0.1 is for the Cisco ASR9K vDDoS (10G, 20G, and 40G) models only. You cannot upgrade to TMS 7.0.1.
2 TMS 7.0.5 is for the TMS 5000 (32 x 10G) only. You cannot upgrade to TMS 7.0.5.
3 If you are upgrading from TMS 5.7 or lower, you must upgrade to TMS 5.8 or 6.0 before you can upgrade to TMS 7.0.0 or higher.

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Supported Web Browsers

Use the matrix this section to find out which web browser versions will run the SP web UI for your deployment. If necessary,
upgrade your browser before you upgrade the SP or TMS software.
Arbor tests the following browsers for compatibility with SP web UI:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer (MS IE)
• Mozilla Firefox
• Google Chrome
Note: In SP/TMS deployments, you access all TMS UI functions through the SP web UI. Compatible SP and TMS software
versions support the same browser versions. See SP/TMS Software Version Compatibility Matrix on page 24.

Supported Browsers for SP 7.0.x to 8.x.x

Browser Version
SP Software Version
MS IE Firefox Chrome

7.0.x 9 1, 101, 11 31ESR, 33 

7.5.x 101, 11 38ESR, 38 Latest (43)
7.6.x 101, 11 38ESR, 41 Latest (46)
8.0.x 11 38ESR, 44 Latest (48)
8.1.x 11 45ESR, 49 Latest (54)
8.2.x 11 52ESR, 52 Latest (57)
8.3 11 52ESR, 55 Latest (61)
8.4 11 52ESR, 55 Latest (61)
1Internet Explorer versions 9 and 10 are not officially supported because they default to Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.0 cryptographic
protocol, which SP no longer supports. If you configure Internet Explorer 9 or 10 to use a newer version of TLS, the browser should work, but it
has not been tested.

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

Multi-Version Support in SP and TMS Software

Multi-version support allows you to run different versions of SP or TMS software, or both, in a single deployment. Software
versions require multi-version support if the “x” or “y” digits in their version numbers are different; for example:
• SP 8.0 and SP 8.4
• TMS 7.5.0 and 8.0
• SP 8.2 and TMS 7.6.0
SP and TMS software switches to multi-version mode automatically when you run different software versions in a deployment. It
does not switch to multi-version mode if you’re simply running different maintenance releases for a single version. For example,
multi-version support is not required to run SP 7.6.3 and TMS 7.6.1 in a deployment.
See About Software Versions on page 6.

Benefits of Multi-Version Support

Multi-version support allows you to upgrade a deployment incrementally. It keeps your deployment available while running
different major or minor versions of SP or TMS software.
For example, with multi-version support, you can upgrade a deployment that spans several time zones one location a time. The
upgrades can take place over several days while unaffected portions of the deployment remain online.
Running a deployment in a multi-version state should be a short-term solution. A deployment can function long-term in a multi-
version state, but there are limitations (described next).

Limitations of Multi-Version Deployments

In a multi-version deployment, some limitations apply when using the UI on the SP leader to configure a TMS appliance. The
limitations depend on the type of multi-version deployment that you are working in.
• If the SP software on the leader is newer than the TMS software, some newer TMS features, such as new countermeasures
or settings, might appear in the SP UI. However, these newer features might not be supported in the older TMS software.
• If the SP software on the leader is older than the TMS software, some newer TMS features might not appear in the SP UI
even though they are supported in the newer TMS software. However, any newer TMS features that are enabled by default in
the TMS software will continue to work without SP UI control.
To avoid running a multi-version deployment, Arbor recommends that you deploy all SP and TMS appliances with the same
software version. Ideally, this is the highest compatible version for all appliances.
Note: To find the highest compatible software version for an SP or TMS appliance, see SP and TMS Software/Appliance
Compatibility on page Error! Bookmark not defined..

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About Long-Term Support for Multi-Version Deployments

Long-term support for multi-version deployments is available in SP and TMS version 7.5.1 and higher and only. If your deployment
is running a lower SP or TMS release, you must upgrade to 7.5.1 or higher to run multi-version long-term.
With long-term multi-version support, you do not need to upgrade all appliances to the same version number. You can run
different, but compatible, versions of SP and TMS in your deployment.
See SP and TMS Software Compatibility on page 23.

About Multi-Version Information on the Appliance Status Page

As of SP 7.5.1, the Appliance Status page in the SP web UI no longer indicates the following multi-version status information:
• A deployment is running in multi-version mode.
• An appliance is running with a version not listed as compatible in the SP/TMS Software Version Compatibility Matrix on page
Ignore the Multi-Version Status and Supported Versions fields in SP 7.5.1. These fields do not appear in higher SP versions.

Multi-Version Deployment Rules

Follow the rules in this section if the SP leader in your multi-version deployment is running SP version 7.5.2, 7.6.x, 8.0.x, 8.1.x,
8.2.x, 8.3, or 8.4:
• The SP leader appliance, backup SP leader appliance, and any other SP appliances that have the user interface role, data
storage role, PI appliance-based license, or BI appliance-based license, must be running the highest SP software version.
(This includes maintenance releases.)
• Do not reassign routers to a different managing appliance when your deployment is in a multi-version state.
• Differences in the maintenance release level (the “.z” in version number “x.y.z”) are not multi-version.

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Additional Rules for Older Multi-Version Deployments

If the SP leader in your multi-version deployment is running SP version 7.5.1, 7.5.0, or 7.0.x, follow these rules in addition to those
in the previous section:
• Appliance-licensed SP Flow Sensor (FS) appliances must be at the same version as their SP manager appliance.
• TMS appliances must be at the same version as their SP manager appliance.
• There should a difference of no more than two versions between the SP leader and any other SP or TMS appliance in a

Multi-Version Deployment Guidelines

The following guidelines for a multi-version deployment should be followed whenever possible, but your deployment will still be in
a supported state if you cannot follow them:
• Leave a deployment in a multi-version state for as little time as possible.
• Have only two software versions present in a deployment at the same time.
• Each major release (x.0) and minor release (x.y) is a separate version.
• Make upgrading all your SP appliances to the latest SP version a higher priority than upgrading your TMS appliances to the
latest TMS version.
• Keep the distance between the versions of software that are running in your multi-version deployment to a minimum.

Virtual SP Support in Multi-Version Deployments

The same multi-version rules and guidelines apply whether your deployment is running SP software on physical appliances, virtual
machines (VMs), or both.
With SP 6.0 and higher, any non-leader SP appliance can run in a VM.
Cloud-based licensing allows you to use virtual machines (VMs) for the SP leader and backup leader in your deployment.
• With SP version 7.0.3 or higher, you can run a deployment with a virtual leader and a virtual backup leader.
• With SP version 8.0 or higher, you can run a deployment with a virtual leader and a virtual or physical backup leader.

Software TMS Support in Multi-Version Deployments

The same multi–version rules and guidelines apply whether your deployment is running Software TMS on physical or virtual

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About Upgrading to a Multi-Version Deployment

Use this section to help you prepare for an upgrade that will result in a multi-version deployment. It tells you what to verify before
upgrading. It also describes the process to follow when upgrading to a multi-version deployment.
Note: You can ignore this section if your upgrade will result in a single-version deployment. In that case, follow the instructions in
“Upgrading SP and TMS Software” in the Arbor Networks SP and TMS Advanced Configuration Guide.

Before you upgrade: verify post-upgrade compatibility

If your deployment will be multi-version after you upgrade, use the matrices in this guide before you upgrade to verify the following
types of post-upgrade compatibility:
• Use the SP/TMS Software Version Compatibility Matrix on page 24 to verify post-upgrade compatibility for SP software
(running on the SP leader) and TMS software.
• Use the SP Leader / SP TRA Software Version Compatibility Matrix on page 26 to verify post-upgrade compatibility for SP
Software (running on the SP leader) and SP software running on SP TRA appliances.
• Use the SP and TMS Software/Appliance Compatibility on page 9 to verify that the SP leader will support all new and existing
TMS appliances in your deployment post-upgrade.
(Optional) To check if software running on the SP leader supports a TMS appliance:
a. In the SP web UI, navigate to the Configure Appliances page (Administration > Appliances).
b. Do one of the following:
Click Add Appliance.
Click the name link for an existing TMS appliance.
c. On the Appliance tab, click the Appliance list and scroll down.
d. If your TMS appliance is on the list, the SP software supports it. If not, you must upgrade the software on the TMS

Multi-Version Deployment Upgrade Process

Note: You cannot access the SP web UI, the SP CLI, or the SP API while you upgrade the SP leader appliance and any non-
leader SP appliances.
To upgrade your deployment to a multi-version deployment, perform the following steps:
1. If your deployment has a backup SP leader, disable automatic failover for the backup leader in the SP web UI.
For instructions, see “Configuring high availability settings on an appliance that has the user interface role” in the topic
“Configuring High Availability Settings” in the Arbor Networks SP and TMS User Guide.

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2. Upgrade the software on the appliances in your deployment in the following order:
a. SP leader appliance
b. Backup SP leader appliance
c. Non-leader SP PI appliances or SP appliances with the user interface role
d. SP BI appliances or SP appliances with the data storage role
e. SP CP and FS appliances or SP appliances with the traffic and routing analysis role
f. TMS appliances
For software upgrade instructions, see “Upgrading SP and TMS Software” in the Arbor Networks SP and TMS Advanced
Configuration Guide.
3. (Optional) Configure any new appliances that you added to your deployment.
See “About Configuring SP Appliances and TMS Models” in the Arbor Networks SP and TMS User Guide.
4. If your deployment has a backup SP leader, enable automatic failover for the backup leader in the SP web UI.

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SP and TMS Software Compatibility

About Compatibility Ratings for Software Version Pairs

The software compatibility matrices in this section use the following symbols to indicate compatibility between software version
Symbol Rating Indicates
The pairing is thoroughly tested and compatible long-term. You can maintain
✓ Recommended
recommended pairings in your deployment indefinitely.
The pairing is tested less than a recommended pairing. It should only be deployed
S Supported short-term. You can use supported pairings if you need extra time to, for example,
upgrade many appliances or appliances in different data centers.
The pairing is untested and should only be deployed on a very short-term basis.
T Temporary For example, you can deploy a temporary pairing during an intermediate step of a
multi-version upgrade.
 Unsupported The pairing is not supported and should not be deployed.

Important: Before you perform a multi-version upgrade, verify that the upgrade will not yield any unsupported software version
pairings in your deployment. If you need help upgrading, contact ATAC (

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

SP/TMS Software Version Compatibility Matrix

Before you perform a multi-version upgrade, use this matrix to check the compatibility rating for each SP/TMS software version
pair that will exist in your SP/TMS deployment after you upgrade.
Important: TMS appliances are compatible with different versions of SP and TMS software. See TMS Software Compatibility with
TMS Appliances on page 11 for the TMS versions required to support each appliance. See SP Software Compatibility with TMS
Appliances on page 12 for the SP versions required on the leader to support each appliance.

SP / TMS compatibility for TMS versions 8.0.0 and higher

TMS Versions
SP Version
8.0.0 8.0.1 8.1.0 8.1.1 8.2.0 8.2.1 8.3.0 8.3.1 8.4.0
7.0.x         
7.5         
  T T T T T T T

7.5.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
  T T T T T T T

7.6.2 ✓ ✓ T T T T T T T
T T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.1.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.3 S S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.4 T T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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SP / TMS compatibility for TMS versions 7.0.0 – 7.6.1

TMS Versions
SP Version
7.0.0 7.0.11 7.0.3 7.0.52 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.6.0 7.6.1
7.0 ✓       
7.0.1 ✓ ✓      
7.0.2 ✓       
7.0.3 S  ✓     
7.5 S  ✓  S S S S
S  S S ✓ ✓ S S

7.5.3 S  S S ✓ ✓ S S
T  T T T T ✓ ✓

7.6.2 T  T T T T ✓ ✓
T  T T T T ✓ ✓

8.0.x T  T T S S S S
8.1.x T  T T S S S S
8.2.x T  T T S S S S
8.3     T T S S
8.4        
1 TMS 7.0.1 runs on Cisco ASR9K vDDoS (10G, 20G, and 40G) models only. You can only pair TMS 7.0.1 with SP 7.0.1.
2There is no SP version 7.0.5 corresponding to TMS 7.0.5. TMS 7.0.5 runs on the TMS 5000 (32 x 10G) only. You can pair TMS 7.0.5 with SP
7.5.1 or higher.

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Arbor Networks ® SP and TMS: Compatibility Guide

SP Leader / SP TRA Software Version Compatibility Matrix

An SP appliance with the traffic and routing analysis role (SP TRA) can run the same version of SP software as the SP leader and
backup leader. It can also run a compatible lower-numbered version as shown in the matrices in this section.
Note: The SP leader appliance, backup SP leader appliance, and any other SP appliances that have the user interface role or
data storage role must be running the highest-numbered SP software version. See Multi-Version Deployment on page 19.
Before you perform a multi-version upgrade, use these matrices to check the compatibility rating for each SP leader / SP TRA
software version pair that will exist in your deployment after you upgrade.

SP Leader / SP TRA compatibility for SP TRA versions 8.0 to 8.4

SP Leader SP TRA Version
Version 8.0 8.0.1 8.0.2 8.1 8.1.1 8.1.2 8.1.3 8.1.4 8.2.x 8.3 8.4
8.0 ✓          
8.0.1 ✓ ✓         
8.0.2 ✓ ✓ ✓        
8.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓       
8.1.1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓      
8.1.2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓     
8.1.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   
8.1.4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓   
8.2.x ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
8.4 T T T ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

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SP Leader / SP TRA compatibility for SP versions 7.0 to 7.6.4

SP Leader SP TRA Version
Version 7.0 7.0.1 7.0.2 7.0.3 7.5 7.5.1 7.5.2 7.5.3 7.6 7.6.1 7.6.2 7.6.3 7.6.4
7.0 ✓            
7.0.1 ✓ ✓           
7.0.2 ✓ ✓ ✓          
7.0.3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓         
7.5   T S ✓        
7.5.1   T S ✓ ✓       
7.5.2   T S ✓ ✓ ✓      
7.5.3   T S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓     
7.6   T T T S S S ✓    
7.6.1   T T T S S S ✓ ✓   
7.6.2   T T T S S S ✓ ✓ ✓  
7.6.3   T T T S S S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 
7.6.4   T T T S S S ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
    T T T T S S S S S
8.4             

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