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Unit 5:

• Documents and correspondence.

• Past simple: be and regular verbs.
• How to apologize.
• Solving problems.

M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023

Documents and correspondence
• Sheets of paper: hojas de papel
• Print: impirmir
• Photocopy: fotocopiar
• CV: currículum
• Hard copy: copia física
• Scan: escanear
• Save: guardar
• Application form: formulario de postulación
• Order form: formulario para orden
• E-invoice: factura electrónica
• E-receipts: recibos electrónicos
• E-delivery notes: remitos electrónicos
• Business card: tarjeta de presentación
• Contract: contrato
• Fill in = Fill out (rellenar) (BrE vs AmE)
Past Simple: verb to be
Sujetos: Affirmative: Negative:
Significa ser/estar:
I (yo) ’ Yo: era/fui
You (tú/ustedes)
Tú: eras/fuiste
We (nosotros)
They (ellos)
’ Nosotros: éramos/fuimos
Ellos: eran/fueron
He (él) Él: era/fue
She (ella) ´
It (cosa/animal)
I was at the conference room
I wasn’t at the conference room.
Cómo armar oraciones: He was a sales manager.
He was not a sales manager/ He wasn´t a sales manager
Aff/Neg: Sujeto + verbo to be + complemento They were Friends.
They were not friends/ They weren´t friemds
Was she at work at 5pm? Yes, she was/No, she wasnt
Question: Verbo to be + sujeto + complemento ?
Were you at the cafeteria? Yes, I was / No, wasn´t / Yes, we were /
No, we weren´t. yes, you were/ no, you weren´t
Answer: Yes/No, sujeto + verb to be
M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023
Past Simple: regular verbs Al utilizar el auxiliar
usamos el verbo en
Affirmative: Sujeto + verbo con d/ed+ complemento forma bas (no
agregamos –ed ni
usamos la lista)
Negative: Sujeto + DID NOT / DIDN’T+ verbo BASE + complemento

Question: DID + sujeto + verbo BASE + complemento ? Yes/No, + I/he/she/it/we/you/they + did/didn’t

Usamos este tiempo para hablar de cosas que finalizaron en el pasado, o cuándo inició una acción Ejemplos:
I worked 9 hours yesterday.
I didn’t work 9 hours yesterday.
Cuándo agregar “d” y cuándo “ed” He travelled to London.
He didn´t travel to London.
We waited for 25 minutes
• Cuando utilizamos verbos regulares (los que NO están en la lista de verbos)
We didn´t wait for 25 minutes
• Regla general: se agrega ed. (Work → worked, export → exported, etc.)
Did she apply for the job?
• Si el verbo ya termina en -e: se agrega sólo la d. (Decide → decided, provide → provided,, etc)
Yes, she did / No, she didn´t
• Si el verbo termina en consonante + vocal + consonante: se duplica la última letra y se agrega ed:
Did you visit Peter?
(Stop →stopped. prefer → preferred, etc.)
Yes I did/ No, I didn´t/Yes, we did/No we didn
M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023 Yes you did/No ypu didn´t
Apologizing | Solving problems
Apologizing: (Disculparse)
Oh no! I forgot to… (oh no! Me olvidé de…)
I’m sorry, I didn’t… (perdón, no hice…)
Ok/No problem!

Explaining the problem: (explicar el problema)

I’ve/We’ve got a problem with…. (tengo/temenos un problema con…)
There are some problems with… (hay algunos problemas con…)
I/We can’t… ( no puedo/Podemos…)
We did …, but it didn´t work (hicimos ….. Pero no funcionó)

Solving the problem: (Resolver el problema)

You need to….(necesitás….)
We can…. (Podemos…)

Promising action: (Prometer una acción)

I’ll… (voy a…) puede seguir speak to/explain the situation/let you know, etc

Responding and thanking: (responder y agradecer)

Don’t worry
That would be great
Thanks a lot for your help
No problem M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023
Unit 6:
• Social media and networking
• Past Simple: Irregular verbs and time expressions
• How to describe a trip
• Making conversation

M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023

Social media and networking
• Social network (red social) sustantivo
• Connect (conectar) verbo
• Share (compartir) verbo
• Post (publicación/publicar) verbo/sustantivo
• Comment on (comentar) verbo
• Click on like (darle like)
• Groups/circles (grupos/círculos) sustantivo
• Build professional networks (construir redes profesionales)
• Profile (perfil) sustantivo
• Connect with (conectar con) verbo
• Follow (seguir) verbo/sustantivo
• Timeline (inicio/línea de tiempo) sustantivo
• Add (agregar) verbo
• Join (unir) verbo
• Update (actualizar/subir algo) verbo
• Search (buscar) verbo
Past Simple: irregular verbs
Sujeto + verbo lista + complemento They went to Disney / She went to Disney
They didn´t go to Disney /She didn´t go to Disney
Did they go to Disney? /Did she go to Disney?
Yes, they did/ No, they didn´t/ Yes, she did/ No, she didn´t
Negative: Sujeto + DID NOT / DIDN’T+ verbo BASE + complemento

Question: DID + sujeto + verbo BASE + complemento ? Yes/No, + I/he/she/it/we/you/they + did/didn’t

Time expressions:
• Last night/week/Monday/etc (anoche./la semana pasada/el lunes pasado) Generalmente van al
• 2 days/ 3 years/ a month ago: Hace un mes/2 días/3años (cuantifica el tiempo) final de la oración
• In 2008: En 2008 (generalmente va con un año) aunque podrían ir al
• On 24th october/Tuesday: en el 24 de octubre/martes (generalmente con un día) principio para dar más
• When I was in Japan/ he was young / we were Friends : cuando yo estaba en Japón/él era joven/ éramos amigos énfasis
• Yesterday (ayer)
• This morning/week/etc, today (pueden ser pasado!!!!)
We had a conference on 24th october / On 24th october we had a conference
I went to the bar last night / Last night I went to the bar I lost my phone when I was in Japan / When I was in Japan I lost my pone
I visited
. London 2 days ago/ 2 days ago I visited London We had an exam yesterday / Yesterday we had an exam
I graduated From school in 2008 / In 2008 I graduated from school I had breakfast this morning/ This morning I had breakfast

M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023

How to describe a trip
• Nice/Ok/fine/Good: Bien
• Delicious: delicioso
• Interesting: interesante
• Terrible/awful: terrible/mal
• Tiring: cansador
• Comfortable: cómodo
• Long: largo / Short: corto
• A journey: un viaje
• Meal/food: comida
• How was…? (¿qué tal estuvo…?)
• Flight: vuelo
• Hotel: hotel
• Was….Ok (¿Estuvo bien ….?)
Making conversation
Starting a conversation: (Empezar una conversación)
Can I join you? (¿puedo unirme?)
I hear you work for,,, (así que trabajás para…)
Is this your first time…? (¿esta es tu primera vez…?)
What do you think of…? (¿qué pensás de…?)
Do you come here every year? (¿venís todos los años?)
So you know a lot of people here? (¿conocés mucha gente acá?)

Offering: (ofrecerse a hacer algo)

Can I help you? (¿puedo ayudarte?
Can I get you something? (¿puedo traerte algo?
Would you like another…? (¿te gustaría otro/a…?)
Please take a seat (por favor tomá asiento) / Please go in and take a seat (por favor entrá y tomá asiento)

Responding: (Resonder a un ofrecimiento)

Yes, of course / Yes, please / Yes, that’s right
No, thanks / Thanks, but I’m fine / I think I’ll pass

Finisihing a conversation: (Finalizar la conversación)

Please excuse me (me disculpo…)
Nice talking to you (fue bueno hablar con vos)
See you later (nos vemos luego)
M. Julieta Cervantes | Inglés II 2023

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