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Mission and Vision of Organizations:

1. Grameenphone Mission and Vision:

Vision We exist to help our customers get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives. Were here to help. Mission Grameenphone is the only reliable means of communication that brings the people of Bangladesh close to their loved ones and important things in their lives through unparalleled network, relevant innovations & services.

2. Airtel:
VISION: To be globally admired for telecom services that delight customers -bench marked by more business -first private telecommunication company to launch long distance services. Mission Will meet the mobile communication needs of our customers through error -free service delivery -innovative products and services -cost efficiency -unified messaging solutions

3. Robi: Mission:
To be the most preferred GSM cellular service provider in Bangladesh to provide total customer satisfaction as the company strives to become the most preferred GSM cellular service provider in Bangladesh that they will achieve through developing people, products, and services of the highest quality and meeting the needs of its employees, shareholders and the nation.

4. BRAC Bank:
Corporate Vision Building profitable and socially responsible financial institution focused on Market and Business with Growth potential, thereby assisting BRAC and stakeholders to build a just, enlightened, healthy democratic and poverty free Bangladesh. Corporate Mission

Sustained growth in Small & Medium Enterprise sector Continuous low-cost deposit Growth with controlled growth in retail assets. Corporate Assets to be funded through self-liability mobilization. Growth in Assets through syndications and investment in faster growing sectors.

Continuous endeavor to increase non-funded income Keep our debt charges at 2% to maintain a steady profitable growth Achieve efficient synergies between the banks branches, SME unit offices and BRAC field offices for delivery of remittance and Banks other products and services

Manage various lines of business in a full controlled environment with no compromise on service quality

Keep a divers, far flung team fully controlled environment with no compromise on service quality

Keep a diverse, far flung team fully motivated and driven towards materializing the banks vision into reality

5. Jamuna Bank:
VISION To become a leading banking institution and to play a pivotal role in the development of the country. Mission The Bank is committed to satisfying diverse needs of its customers through an array of products at a competitive price by using appropriate technology and providing timely service so that a sustainable growth, reasonable return and contribution to the development of the country can be ensured with a motivated and professional work-force.

6. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited:

To be a pioneer in Islami Banking in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the growth of the national economy.

Achieving the satisfaction of Almighty Allah both here & hereafter. Proliferation of Shariah Based Banking Practices. Quality financial services adopting the latest technology. Fast and efficient customer service. Maintaining high standard of business ethics. Balanced growth. Steady & competitive return on shareholders' equity. Innovative banking at a competitive price. Attract and retain quality human resources. Extending competitive compensation packages to the employees. Firm commitment to the growth of national economy. Involving more in Micro and SME financing.

Analyzing And Findings:

Providing trouble-free and nationwide network at the cost where everyone can afford with the intention of keeping Bangladesh in the competition with other Developed and Developing countries are the main mission of GrameenPhone.

Giving subscribers the highest possible priority and the most on-demand service Airtel aims to be delightful to everyone from customers to shareholders and thus they want their company to be one work-friendly and class leading one.


Keeping everyone in mind from users to employees and fulfilling their needs along with the view of keeping nation on the top are the keys to a healthy business and Robi never over looked that in their competition to beat the best, so they are in a relentless pursuit of quality service.

BRAC Bank:
As a responsible corporate body BRAC Bank Ltd. has undertaken various initiatives considering the interest of customers, employees, shareholders, communities and environment. These initiatives go beyond the statutory obligation/mandatory compliances to voluntary activities that promote sustainable development. BRAC Banks vision which focuses on double bottom line that it should make decisions based not only on profit but also based on social and environmental consequences is closely linked to the principles of CSR. Some Gap of BRAC Bank: 1. They dont have enough ATM booth. 2. Their banking charge is little higher than the general people expectation. 3. They dont have enough branches in rural area. Solutions: 1. Have to set up more ATM booth. 2. Banking charge should be minimized. 3. Have to set up more branch in rural so that people from the rural area can easily adopt with banking transaction.

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited:

Some Gaps of Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited: 1. Decision making process is very lengthy and sometimes it creates problems, which is unexpected to the customers.

2. The total number of employees in comparison with needed is very short. This is hampering the daily operation of the Bank. 3. Lack of proper explanation of records and document records keeping system. Solutions: 1. Decision making power should be decentralized effectively so that business can promptly be enhanced. 2. A handsome number of qualified employees & staffs should be appointed very soon for maintaining the normal flow of work. 3. Filing and record keeping system of the bank should be modernized .At present operation system is partially computerized and on line banking should be started very soon. 4. Effectiveness of credit policy largely depends on Banks branch, divisional & national level information system. 5. Effective implementation of credit policy and recovery tare depends on higher educated, trained and skilled personnel. Bank should procure and develop such types of employees for its credit wings.

Jamuna Bank:
Jamuna Bank is doing their business with their customers in few places. And they also do not enough ATM booths for their customers. So they are not giving their customers enough facilities. So they have to increase their branch and ATM booths also. Otherwise they could not give their customers and clients enough facilities. And they also could not do compete with others leading banks, who are now leading in the market.

Opinion of their work:

Grameenphone are fulfilling their mission in real life because they have done the widest and trouble free network in the country and though their price is higher than other operators but its cost effective in contrast with their services. Wherever customer go or live they can connected to GP as it has the widest range of network. GP doesnt disparity

between rural and urban areas as they provide same services to them. So, by their service and infrastructure they can compete with developed and developing countries.

Airtel fulfill customer needs in terms of low cost but their network is not wide and its also not very much reliable and convenient in terms of trouble free network. As they do not have the wide network thats why cannot meet the needs wherever the customer is. To become friendly they sometimes over do some act like by sending too much promotional massages that irritate customers. So they are not world-class company yet.

Robi providing low price and wide range of network and services but as they have promised to be the most preferred cellular company they are not fulfilling it as a hole because their network system is not the best in the country yet. Their quality is good but not the best as they have promised.

BRAC Bank:
While most of their overall environmental impact is indirect, resulting from their financing and investment activities, they also have a direct impact on the environment through their day-to-day business operations. They are working towards reducing waste and the more efficient use of resources. The second step is reducing their indirect environmental impact by managing their investing activities.

Jamuna Bank:
Jamuna bank is providing many kind of banking services, which is not sufficient for do compete with other bank. But they are trying to leading bank. So they are trying but not fulfilling their mission and vision yet.

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited:

The Bank is committed to run its activities as per Islamic Shariah and thus it has different investment(credit) modes, different repayment schedules, different disbursement procedure, different mark up system. And also has a different Credit (Investment) policy. People are getting more benefit from the dealings of Islamic banking because here quarterly interest is not charged and there is no possibility of interest to be converted into principal.

SWOT Analysis of Grameenphone:

STRENGTHS: Being the largest player in the market, GP has a considerable amount of hold in the market. The strengths of GrameenPhone are as follows:

Established Brand: The branding activities have led GrameenPhone to build a strong brand. Individualism: Although GrameenPhone has close affiliation with its multinational parent company, GrameenPhone has an i n d e p e n d e n t brand identity in the market.

Experience in telecom market: Most of the Point of Sale (POS) i.e. the G P o u t l e t s h a s e x p e r i e n c e o n s e l l i n g t e l e c o m p r o d u c t . G P h a s t h e largest distribution channel in Bangladesh, which enables to offer their product in every corner of Bangladesh.

Widest Coverage: GP has covered all over the country.


Trust: and





affordable price have earned customer

confidence and made people depended on GP on a day to day basis.

WEAKNESS: Every company has its weak points and GP is no exception to that rule. The weaknesses of GP are:

No Copyright: The GP brands are not protected by copyrights, which has led to the misuse of the branding attributes and bears the risk of such misusage in future as well.

Market follower: GP is not market leader as they follow others. GP is good at following suit rather than innovation. The proof of this can be seen now, as its rivals reduce tariffs and increase the increased validity of the prepaid service, GP immediately followed suit. In fact it came up w i t h a w h o l e n e w p a c k a g e c a l l e d D J U I C E , c o n s i s t i n g o f r e d u c e d c a l l rates. This attitude of GP is a very big weakness as new subscribers are immediately attracted to the price cut of GPs rivals and by the time GP follows suit, it would have lost the potential subscribers to its rivals.

Lack of working capital for Outlet and Individual agents: This is a major setback for GP as most of the retailers cannot provide optimum service and thereby hurting GPs image to some extent.

OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities for GP are endless. They have the money and experience to diversify. The main opportunities for GrameenPhone would be:

Brand Value of GP: GP products are well known for its services a n d quality. Because of this goodwill many potential subscribers might be attracted to GP. To have continuous presence of GP all over Bangladesh. More international roaming partners. Good pre paid service would bring more revenue. Hand set and Kit lifting from the same point. GP sells all cellular related products at the same place. So it is convenient for the consumer to get everything under one roof.

Better utilization of IT resources which would give GP the opportunity for faster growth Flexible billing system. Availability of concern contact point of GP. No matter what the time is, there is always someone at GP to answer all the subscribers queries.

THREATS: No matter how big or small, companies will always have threats that question their very existence. However some threats remains within the company itself rather than from its rivals or the anticipated newcomers. These threats could arise from the strategies adopted by the company, in this case GP, which prohibit GP to function smoothly. The threats for GrameenPhone would be:








c o n s u m e r s a r e demanding lower tariffs and better quality. This might pose a threat to GP.

Fluctuations in the foreign exchange market as another a r e a o f concern while possible changes in fiscal policies like the tax regime m a y a l s o h a v e a n e g a t i v e g r o w t h o f t h e m o b i l e p h o n e sector.

Higher GP products.






c e l l u l a r p h o n e providers. This discourages the various sales agent selling

Lack of interconnection with fixed network. Political favoritism to other operators.

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