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Writing coursework can be a challenging task, especially when it comes to subjects like Physical

Education (PE). PE coursework often requires a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical
application, making it demanding for students to produce a well-rounded and comprehensive piece.

Here are some reasons why writing PE coursework can be difficult:

1. Integration of Theory and Practice: PE coursework typically involves combining

theoretical concepts with practical demonstrations. This requires a deep understanding of
both aspects and the ability to articulate the connections between theory and real-world
2. Data Analysis: Depending on the nature of the coursework, students might need to collect
and analyze data related to physical activities or sports performance. Analyzing data and
drawing meaningful conclusions can be challenging for those not well-versed in statistical
3. Subject Specificity: PE coursework often requires a specific vocabulary and understanding
of concepts related to sports science, anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. This
specialized knowledge can pose a challenge for students who are not familiar with these
4. Time and Effort: Researching, planning, conducting practical experiments, and writing a
coherent coursework document can be time-consuming. Balancing the demands of
coursework with other academic and personal commitments can be a significant challenge.

For those facing difficulties or time constraints, seeking professional assistance can be a viable
option. ⇒ ⇔ is a service that offers support with academic writing, including
coursework. They have experienced writers who can help with research, writing, and editing,
providing students with the necessary guidance to produce a high-quality coursework document.

While seeking external help can be beneficial, it's essential for students to ensure that they follow
ethical guidelines and academic integrity standards. Using writing services responsibly, as a
supplement to one's own efforts, can provide valuable insights and support in completing challenging
coursework assignments.
Make sure there is no jerky movements and that the fingertips remain level and the legs flat. I could
keep swapping the two positions 4 or 5 times until I show an improvement. A Fartlek session usually
lasts for at least 30 minutes. As we were doing it inside in a sports hall the weather didn’t need to be
taken into account. If this muscle gets injured it would take a long time to heal and would make any
position uncomfortable so it is very important to stretch this muscle and all the others very well in
order to keep in good health. It is the different rates at which a person is able to perform a movement
or cover a distance in a short period of time. So, to assist scholars in completing the assignment.
People saw the muscle, and expected me to be immobile, and also to tire rapidly. I don’t think I
would need to adapt the fitness programme but I may gain more from it if I did the programme after
I had recovered fully from my injury. Every mark is vital, this will help them access the higher marks.
Fartlek, which was first developed in the 1930's, originates from Swedish for 'Speed Play'. In this
practice you use something bigger than a credit card, as the gap shouldn’t be as small as it is with
your left arm and left side of the chest. So if improvements are to be made to different parts of a
player’s fitness, it will be done during the off season. It usually requires some sort of learning some
of them consist of. As this fitness programme is only a temporary one and isn’t going to be a regular
occurrence in my everyday life, the results won’t show a vast increase in results every week it will
only differ slightly. You need to a eat a varied diet to keep healthy and different sports require
different amounts of each type of food and this can affect your performance if you eat the wrong
things or the wrong amounts. This would also be suitable for me in order to improve my speed and
general fitness. In the photographs, notice how the player making the tackle is well-balanced, but the
player being tackled has been caught off balance. As he mainly plays as a defender, I will be
targeting these weaknesses and improving them through training. Good example of the gcse pep -
Kingstone Academy Trust. The aim of plyometric training is to improve muscle power by training the
muscles to contract strongly. Which means increasing; F requency, I ntensity, T ime they do it for and
the Type of exercise they do. At the start I was motivated but as the weeks went on by I felt as
though I wasn’t as motivated. Someone who naturally builds muscle quickly may not need to do as
much weight training, but concentrate more on cardiovascular activity. Both of these pictures show
the transfer of weight onto the bent leg in order to feel the stretch on the calf muscle. This should be
recorded and compared to national standards. Our respiratory system consists of tubes, lungs, carbon
dioxide, oxygen, blood veins, etc. Our business does NOT deal with ghostwriting services as we are
aware of this being one of the academic misconducts. Hold 10 seconds, and then relax arms as far as
possible, grasping the ankle of the extended leg and pulling your. It is necessary to warm up the
different muscle groups.
Progression will be a key factor in my Physical exercise program as in each week I will be
attempting to increase repetitions of my exercises that relate to power and agility. Football is a
competitive sport and is known as an invasion game, and by gaining territory through passing,
dribbling or intercepting you are gaining an advantage for your team. Our customer service team will
review your report and will be in touch. ?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later ?1.00
(no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Last updated 27 July 2022 Share this Share through
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Lucy Simister's Shop 4.41 75 reviews Not the right resource. It was quite high at the beginning but
slowly decreased as the minutes went by. Both aspects of fitness could be improved in one session
simply by adding appropriate exercises to each station and by including heavier weights in the circuit.
The simplest and most accurate method for short distance passes is to use the inside of the foot,
which presents a large flat surface to the soccer ball. I don’t think I would need to adapt the fitness
programme but I may gain more from it if I did the programme after I had recovered fully from my
injury. I made good use of the monitoring sheet and it has been very helpful to me. Carbohydrates
are essential for long distance running; so many athletes eat lots of carbohydrates a few days before
the race. I will not rest in between stations as I shouldn’t need to because the circuit will be designed
to work on different muscle groups at each station. Martin did have a weakness in flexibility, which
has now improved dramatically. There are five main aspects to general fitness, which consist of the
following. I play goal defence or goalkeeper meaning that I need to be agile and strong in both my
play and my decisions. Bend your knee and take hold of the ankle of the leg, gently pull the ankle
towards your buttocks. Experts of My Assignment Services provide both the best GCSE PE
coursework writing service as well as online consultancy to learners. You need to stretch this muscle
to prevent in jury during physical injury. First thing we do is we plan our skills mentally, how we’re
going to do it, then we actually physically do it followed by reviewing it. Passing drills are important
for sharp, accurate play, and to learn effective use of space. After closely analysing Martin’s
performance in a game of football, I have pinpointed weaknesses in his tackling and passing. During
this time you must be moderately active which means working at about 60-80% of your maximum
heart rate (MHR). I can see that my leg action in this stoke is very strong, this is because I practise
training my legs regularly with a kick-board. By doing this you will make sure that the next morning
when you wake up you won’t be sore or stiff due to the build up of muscle lactic acid. Knowing
background knowledge such as this means that an effective and suitable plan was drawn up, and
overall I think it was very effective. If you have previously damaged this muscle you may want to
repeat this stretch 2 or 3 times to make sure that it is well and truly stretched. You are supposed to eat
a balanced diet which consists of seven essential components. As you can see my recovered rate was
very much lower in the fourth week than the first week, showing that I had improved in my fitness.
It tends to be the quicker your heart rate returns too normal the fitter you are. To train hard seven
days a week will only begin to have diminishing results, as my body has no time to rest. It is general
guidance notes that the students can access, but I found it really helpful with my students as they
were struggling. Screenshots of assessment samples on which our experts offer guidance are shown
below for your reference.
It also helps in the recovery of the muscles and heart rate and other tissue through the removal of
waste products. And then on the other it had a space for us to record how we thought the session
went. A plus is that you can adapt the circuits to focus on anything you wish e.g to work more on
skills. I tried my hardest very week but was somewhat put off my the pain in my ankle in some of the
more strenuous activities which meant that I wasn’t as focused or a s motivated as I could have been
and therefore wouldn’t have obtained accurate results. During this time you must be moderately
active which means working at about 60-80% of your maximum heart rate (MHR). Also it may
occur because I am trying to pass the ball the opposite way to where I am facing. Strength and
suppleness is the key to good court play in netball and therefore that is the reason why I chose to try
and improve it. If you cannot tackle you are left relying on intercepting passes when your opponents
make a mistake. I will run for short distances but run at a high intensity for around 150metres with
2-3 minutes rest in between; as I become better I will not rest for quite as long. I could overload by
increasing the number of reps or sets and reducing the rest time between the sets. The simplest and
most accurate method for short distance passes is to use the inside of the foot, which presents a large
flat surface to the soccer ball. It is found in foods like meat and dairy products. In this session I will
carry out exercises like bounds, hops, jumps on and off of boxes, leaps and skips. The body takes
time to adapt to the increased demands on it. Sometimes they get confused while choosing the
correct option and look for assistance from academic helpers. You can never separate these areas as
they are interdependent to get oxygen into the body, distribute it and get carbon dioxide out. Lie flat
out and bend your knees, placing the sole of your feet on the floor. This applies to competing
athletes and health fitness trainers alike. When the time increased in the latter weeks I found it very
difficult to adjust myself and pace my self so as not to become worse than the week before. This is
essential in any type of sport or activity. The follow-through should be long and smooth, and another
useful tip is to approach the kick slightly from the side whenever possible. I will use intensity in my
PEP by increasing the weights that I am using in my training session each week, this will make it
more difficult each time and as a result I have increased the intensity. Based on the theoretical and
practical understanding of health and well-being, scholars are assigned to solve some multiple-
choice questions. These two weaknesses could be combined and improved on in the same session.
Disclaimer: My Assignment Services provides academic assistance to students so that they can
complete their university assignments and projects on time. His weaknesses were cardiovascular
endurance and flexibility. This way reversibility will not occur but I will still be rested. One of the
greatest advantages of football is that derivatives of the game, such as five-a-side, can be played
indoors in sports halls and outdoors on any piece of land available and with fewer players than
normal for the full version of the game. We first of all need to choose a specific game and a specific
component of fitness to improve on. This action tells us how the respiratory system transports
oxygen from the air that we breathe.
The ability to produce co-ordination movement is necessary for the successful performance of
sporting skills. My strengths in football are passing in the main 3 types of ways e.g. Long, short, and
through. You need to hold this for 10-15 second and repeat if necessary. See other similar resources
?1.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. Fartlek
training is used to improve aerobic and anaerobic fitness and to enable you to enjoy moving quickly.
Heading skills also enable a team to use the long ball tactic bombarding the opposition with long
passes towards their penalty area. It is the different rates at which a person is able to perform a
movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. Reviews Select overall rating (no rating)
Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. A plus is that you can adapt the circuits to focus on
anything you wish e.g to work more on skills. There are a few ways in which we can do this for
example we could go for a light jog or a brisk walk. This is obviously not a good position to be in,
because if he were to perform a pass like this in a game situation it is likely that it will not reach its
receiver accurately or quickly. I can see that my leg action in this stoke is very strong, this is because
I practise training my legs regularly with a kick-board. When we want to keep the ball on the ground,
the head is down, over the ball. When doing plyometric training it puts great stress on joints so it is
vital for beginners to warm up first. Injuries that could occur if you do not warm up are pulling
muscles and tendons. This should be timed and compared to national standards. An extreme
endomorph would be very well suited to become a prop-forward in rugby. Based on the principles of
training, learners are also assigned to do some theoretical task as their assessment. It is most likely to
be one of the best flexible forms of training and it can be used to improve any kind of component of
fitness. My current level of fitness, in my opinion is quite average, as I maintain a high level of
exercise throughout the week. When we want to keep the ball on the ground, the head is down, over
the ball. A easy way to for students to see what is expected from them for each task, and for them to
tick off the section once it is completed. Reach towards the mid section of your back, using the
opposite hand to increase the stretch and support for the elbow. I have made sure that the training I
am doing will help to improve my strengths, weaknesses and general fitness. Write a review Update
existing review Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. I have decided that it will be
best if I train on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday with rest days in between. This is the ability of
muscles to maintain and repeat contractions without getting tired. In out fitness programme gender is
of no importance, as male and female will be doing the same activities. This is reversibility because
the reverse affects can start to happen. The plan was very much accustomed to what I wanted to
I didn’t do these stations because they would create more injury for my already injured ankle. This
will make sure that the muscle is stretched and prepared for physical activity and prevent most
injuries. In many sports and games, the concept of balance relates to our ability to keep our center of
mass over our base of support. Which means increasing; F requency, I ntensity, T ime they do it for
and the Type of exercise they do. Hold for 10 seconds, and then stretch other leg. Repeat.
Carbohydrates are essential for long distance running; so many athletes eat lots of carbohydrates a
few days before the race. My results show that my improvement rate varied from ach different
activity, for example I improved rather rapidly and dramatically on the dorsal rises, whereas on the
sit-ups it was a slow start and then a sudden peak at the end of the programme. But we do help
students by connecting them to online subject experts within an affordable price range. Accurate
short passes with supporting runs into space allows a team to keep possession, and build an attack.
This shows I am starting to reach your full potential and if you keep exercising at a constant level,
my fitness will stay at that level. Our respiratory system consists of tubes, lungs, carbon dioxide,
oxygen, blood veins, etc. My predictions were correct and I did improve my agility, but my it only
improved by a small margin, which I believe can be made larger if the changes I have just mentioned
are made. Then we need to make sure we don’t get bored and we need to find different ways in
which we can motivate ourselves. Take leg (a) and place one foot on the knee of the opposite leg (b).
Training In my six week training program I will be focusing on Agility, Muscular Strength, Muscular
Endurance and flexibility, because these are the areas which I feel that I have to improve on to
become a better basketball player. AOP Exam Clip - Football Don't laugh about it, don't show your
suprise. I will work for 2 minutes and I shouldn’t need to rest between stations as the stations aren’t
very strenuous. In conclusion, his training program was successful as it is reflected in his results,
which have improved dramatically. If I overdo exercise I could risk torn muscles and joint injuries.
You need to hold this for 10-15 second and repeat if necessary. I am a competitive hockey, netball
and tennis player and so keeping fit for those activities is hard but needs to be done. However, I
think this is only a small improvement because my agility testing could have been a little more
intense. Overall I have achieved what I wanted to get out of this whole experience and I have
noticed a change in my game play. The body takes time to adapt to the increased demands on it. This
is obviously not a good position to be in, because if he were to perform a pass like this in a game
situation it is likely that it will not reach its receiver accurately or quickly. The fitter I get, the harder
it is to gain further improvement. In many cases it is simply about performing a skill at the right time
or in the right way so that it is effective. This is the ability to change the position of the body quickly
whilst keeping the whole body under control. The muscular system is taught in the applied anatomy
and physiology e part of physical education. I will have to base Martin’s training around
cardiovascular endurance and flexibility.
And then afterwards we will be carrying out the same test in order to see how much we improved
over the duration of the fitness plan. It is the different rates at which a person is able to perform a
movement or cover a distance in a short period of time. After each exercise and circuit a rest period
is used unless an advanced trainer is training, in which case there is no rest time. In off season much
of the preparation for the following season is done. Passing drills are important for sharp, accurate
play, and to learn effective use of space. There are a few ways in which we can do this for example
we could go for a light jog or a brisk walk. It is most likely to be one of the best flexible forms of
training and it can be used to improve any kind of component of fitness. I always stand about 5feet
back from the front line. If you are looking for GCSE PE coursework help, you must be planning to
build your career in any of the above-noted fields. We will be analysing each others performance and
recording weaknesses. During interval training you can vary different aspects to suit what you’re
training for. By doing this you will make sure that the next morning when you wake up you won’t be
sore or stiff due to the build up of muscle lactic acid. There are various cups and trophy’s that teams
compete for throughout the season, which runs from the end of August to the end of May. Reviews
Select overall rating (no rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. This is why tactics
and strategies often play a large role in determining the games outcome. By continuing, you agree to
our Terms and Conditions. These are very important because with it being aerobic exercise it helps in
the process of preparing the body both mentally and physically before major exercise to reduce the
risk of injury. Looking after your muscles helps to keep them performing to a high standard next time
you do physical activity or play sport. I will need to keep the level of physical exercise more or less
the same as well as my diet and any other things that will affect my results greatly in order to obtain
more accurate results. I will rest for 1 minute in between circuits but the rest period will shorten as
my fitness improves. Here is how I can test these elements to provide a base data to assess whether
my programme is successful or not. I would say my strength was literally that, My community service
experience essay was 5ft 10 and I always trained in a variety of other disciplines - martial arts, foil-
fencing, boxing, running and cycling - I had good flexibility coursework endurance to back-up the
way I could move explosively over the court, weaknesses hit the shuttle harder than most. It is found
in foods like meat and dairy products. This type of training is suitable for anyone looking to improve
their fitness. Ensure the flats of your feet remain in contact with the floor at all times. The purchased
document is accessible anytime, anywhere and indefinitely through your profile. This is the ability of
muscles to maintain and repeat contractions without getting tired. On average, Martin will exercise
for 30 minutes per session. Reach through the gap and around the outside of the leg (b), which is
bent and on the floor, pull the leg in as far as, is comfortable. People saw the muscle, and expected
me to be immobile, and also to tire rapidly.

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