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Name: Bernardo, Elison M.

Date: 02/16/24
Unit: 1
Week: Lesson/Topic: Introduction to Social Organization

Complete briefly and honestly each statement in relation to this week’s lesson/topic.

I used to think that Frankly, I thought that the term Social Organization is straightforward, especially when
looking at it from a simple point and view and disregarding the use of Sociological Lens.

Now I know that Therefore, I conclude that Organizational theories in a Social Structure are multifaceted and
branch out to many concepts with various definitions supporting an existing ideology.

However, I am not sure I am not sure if I could cover all or if not most of the theories encompassing Social
Organization, but I will try my very best to make time in absorbing these ideas from various
researchers and Sociologists.

I hope/plan to I plan to venture deeper into the topic and give highlights to how I can make use of my newly
gained knowledge to my advantage and benefit of others.

Overall, I feel _________ I felt the need to know why and how this topic is important. It always ends up to one answer,
because it is the unending hunger for wisdom, because being educated is a privilege and a tool for


Structural-Functional Dimensions of Max Weber (1969) Structural functionalism is a way of

Social Organization understanding society. This idea suggests
that every part of a society, like its laws,
families, jobs, and customs, has its own
purpose. Each piece is a part that helps
keep the whole picture together. If you
remove one, it can affect everything else
and the whole society could be changed.

Workers' alienation from work in relation (Blauner 1969, Woodward 1958) Alienation from work brought upon by the
to technology existing modern technology is prominent
in every workplace. The study has found
out the correlation between organizational
and individual level is very crucial. The
lack of personality affects the
performance of workers.

Organizational Equilibrium (Weber 1969, Gouldner 1954) Equilibrium means a state of balance or
matching necessary amounts. It's linked
to things we can see or measure and
depends on how we view organizations,
whether as the way work is set up, the
official rules in the organization, or the
physical things that an organization uses.

Line approach Levine (1982) Giving most of the power and decision
making to those in higher ranking status,
or the ‘boss’ or ceo in some company.
This gives the person the authority to
command and be the leader of an
organization or the group.

Organization as an Selznick (1969) Adaptive Organizations tend to be more

adaptive social structure. evolving and complex in relation to their
environment. To match the new
perspectives of organizations, it is being
treated as an adaptive system to amend
the trials and problems of the society.

social-ecological-technological system Miller Et al. (1967) Assessing data and information on the
three undermining subjects requires a
new holistic approach. The impact of
social, ecological, and technological
systems on a social structure system can
be treated as dynamic and has a wide
variety of implications.

Inherent Conflict between workers and Hage (1980) Goals and perspectives of employers and
laborers employees are most of the time different,
hence conflicts occur which is also an
essential part of organizational life. It is
inevitable to have misunderstandings, but
how this happens and the solution are key
points in studying this concept.

Stratification in Organization Baron Et al. (1984) Mobs of people being put into groups that
determine their status, purpose, and
socioeconomic status. They are ranked
on a hierarchical level to defer authority
and power over others. Achievements,
education, power, and wealth are some
examples of it

Administrative Bureaucracy in Berle and Means (1982) Organization bureaucracy are forms of
Organization organization that establish a set of rules
and regulation and a common goal. It can
be found in public or private institutions.

Empirical Phenomena and Interest Weber (1964) The shared or personal experience of
researchers could be a huge factor on
how they formulate a research problem, it
can be based on their interest or the
phenomena they experience and
somehow looking for concrete answers.

Organization as a Social Change Process Selznick (1966) The term change can be often heard
everywhere, mostly on organizations to
bring change to a dilemma. It was said
that organization is an avenue for a
positive change that can make the society

Organization is conservative by nature Lipset (1960) Conservatism argues that the society or
an organization is not a mere group, it is a
living organism that is working together to
survive and each member has its own
distinct and significant part.

Contemporary Organizational Theory Egelhoff et al (1982) Contemporary Organizational theory

refers to events from the past that are
currently and widely spread in the present
time. It focuses on what tools are
available for use in unlocking meanings in
an organization.

Traditional Organizational Theory Levine (1982) A strategy used in business also known
as top down structure. Allocating tasks
and focusing on management that results
in a chain of command, just like how a
traditional office works.

Lotha, G. (2023, September 5). Structural Functionalism. Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

HULL, F. M., FRIEDMAN, N. S., & ROGERS, T. F. (1982). The Effect of Technology on Alienation from

Work: Testing Blauner’s Inverted U-Curve Hypothesis for 110 Industrial Organizations and 245 Retrained Printers. Work and
Occupations, 9(1), 31-57.

Gazendam, H. W. M. (1997). The concept of equilibrium in organization theory. S.N.

Boisot, M., & Child, J. (1999). Organizations as Adaptive Systems in Complex Environments:

The Case of China. Organization Science, 10(3), 237–252.

Nilsson, A. Et Al. (2021). Social-ecological-technological systems consequences of mining:

An analytical framework for more holistic impact assessments. Elsevier LTD.

Zhou, L. Et Al. (N.D) Labor Relations Conflict in the Workplace: Scale Development,

Consequences and Solutions. Retrieved from

Baron, J. N. (1984). Organizational Perspectives on Stratification. Annual Review of Sociology, 10, 37–69.

Rockman, B. (2024, January 4). bureaucracy. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Ostrander, S.A. (2010). Social Change Organizations. In: Anheier, H.K., Toepler, S. (eds) International

Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer, New York, NY.

Viereck, P. , Dagger, . Richard , Ball, . Terence and Minogue, . Kenneth (2023, December 29).

conservatism. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Hertz, D. B., & Livingston, R. T. (1950). Contemporary Organizational Theory: A Review of Current

Concepts and Methods. Human Relations, 3(4), 373-394.

Malcolm, T. (2024). What Is a Traditional Organizational Structure? Conjecture Corp.

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