Dunkirk History Coursework

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Writing coursework, especially on a complex historical topic like Dunkirk, can be a challenging and

time-consuming task. It requires extensive research, critical analysis, and the ability to articulate ideas
effectively. Dunkirk, being a pivotal event in World War II, demands a deep understanding of
historical context, various perspectives, and the impact on subsequent events.

Students often face difficulties in:

1. Research: Gathering reliable and relevant sources to build a comprehensive understanding of

Dunkirk's history can be challenging. It requires sifting through various materials, both
primary and secondary, to present a well-rounded perspective.
2. Analysis: Interpreting historical events and understanding their significance requires critical
thinking. Students need to analyze the causes, consequences, and various interpretations of
Dunkirk, considering different historical viewpoints.
3. Organization: Structuring the coursework in a coherent and logical manner is crucial. This
involves presenting arguments in a clear sequence, linking ideas, and ensuring a smooth flow
of information.
4. Time Management: Balancing coursework with other academic and personal commitments
can be overwhelming. Researching, drafting, and revising take time, and students may
struggle to meet deadlines.

For those finding it challenging, seeking assistance from professional services like ⇒
HelpWriting.net ⇔ could be a viable option. These services often provide:

1. Expert Writers: Skilled writers with expertise in historical topics can craft well-researched
and articulate coursework.
2. Timely Delivery: Professional services are known for delivering work within specified
deadlines, reducing stress for students.
3. Originality: Reputable services ensure that the content is plagiarism-free and tailored to the
specific requirements of the coursework.

While such services can be helpful, it's crucial for students to engage in the learning process and use
external assistance responsibly. They should view such services as supplementary to their own efforts
and ensure that the work aligns with academic integrity guidelines.

Remember, seeking help is acceptable, but understanding and internalizing the subject matter is
essential for academic growth.
Before commencing, Ramsay anticipated the shallow water of the English Channel and on May 27 a
request was. Sources A, B and C show that the Allies had been defencelessly at the mercy of the
Germans, and had had no hope of claiming a military victory at the time. This is a detailed source
and its primary evidence, which means it’s useful, but it’s written by a British Major so he maybe
patriotic and be one sided. For perhaps on another part of the beach they were lined up in columns
with great organisation. The source is written from a respected historian Allan Bullock, so it must be
quite reliable, and also this source links in with others, when it describes the boats as “swarm of
boats”. Dunkirk and The Battle of Britain - Why was Britain able to win the Battle. So all the way
they were for Hitler and if anyone went against Hitler they supported him just like America had
supported Britain. All sources are British, so we get a biased story because it’s only one sided. The
fact that there are these two aspects of the event is the reason why the quote appears to be self-
contradictory. The soldiers left behind lots of machinery due to the speed of the attacks from the
German Panzers. It also states that the army had “gained immeasurably in experience of warfare and
in self-confidence”, showing that there may have been other benefits from Dunkirk. These accounts,
and Cundall’s interpretation of them, may not have been entirely accurate, thus affecting the
painting. There were 68,000 casualties, and a lot of weaponry was lost. Although there are many
details included within it that are corroborated by other sources, the combination of the
aforementioned factors means that this interpretation is not necessarily totally accurate. For instance
he omits how many men were in Dunkirk to begin with and how many were left behind. I have
created and used these lessons to challenge and engage students, but also to show how much fun
learning about this part of history really is. When the German Heinkel planes came back to attack, he
“grabbed his gun and shot at them”. The author of the source describes it as a “terrible night for
there was hardly any army and the ones they did have were useless”. This view is supported by a
number of sources such as a picture drawn by Charles Cundall, an official war artist. In this source it
says that Dunkirk was an important and popular feature like Waterloo. For example, by the 31 st
May there was only a canal separating Dunkirk from the Germans. A number of sources support this
idea including an extract from Churchill’s memoirs. Is this a valid interpretation of the events in
Dunkirk in June 1940? Luckily the atmosphere was covered with heavy smoke, and that is what had
saved them but not themselves. Another piece of blatant propaganda was from the Minister of War
in source G, who boasts about the success of the British. We have a range of tried and tested
materials created by teachers for teachers, from early years through to A level. How far we can
believe this photograph is questionable, as all the other sources seem to mention that the troops on
the beach were under attack form enemy fire. The artist who painted this was sent to give the British
some hope. The number of Royal Navy ships that were available was found to be exceptional as if it
wasn’t for these particular ships only a limited number of soldiers could have been rescued. Some
would say that Britain still lived to fight another day that is also an important point.
Holding positions such as this was key to the defence of the port in order to provide extra time for
ships to arrive for evacuation. We must remember also that Atkins wants to make his book more
dramatic in order to sell better. In this source he tells us the real scene at Dunkirk and not the false
interpretation. The time of the war was extremely critical and people wanted good news and not bad.
On May 29 the German halt was ordered, but due to unidentified problems only 14,000 men were
evacuated that day. This makes them less reliable because if they were written after the time of the
evacuation, it is likely details may have been forgotten or made up. Overall this shows that the
soldiers were desperate and only thinking about themselves. They wanted the people of Germany to
have faith in them especially after the disaster of WW1. Consequently, some of the proportions are
not accurate, changing our perception of the scene. These sources also refer to operation Dynamo
that no other source talks about, so we get information on the build up and the plans for evacuation,
which are vital on our understanding of the battle. Write a review Update existing review Submit
review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The sight of 86- ships of all description aided and
encouraged the troops to continue and the knowledge the whole world was watching this great
escape gave the BEF the strength to pull through. By describing columns of soldiers it appears that
there to me lots of men to be rescued also there is no sign of the RAF in the photo, it appears that
they are not there helping. However the weaknesses are evident in the book’s title “The Incredible
Escape.2 This suggests Gelb had already made up his mind on Dunkirk and therefore wrote a one
sided argument to back up his view. We have created lessons for The Bank of England, The
Children’s Commissioner, MACS Charity, The British Legion, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal
Cases Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions
for schools across the UK. We have created lessons for The Bank of England, The Children's
Commissioner, MACS Charity, The British Legion, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases
Review Commission (UK Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for
schools across the UK. ?9.90 Bundle 20th Century History This bundle includes 11 lessons covering
the Cold War, and Terrorism. At the end of the day “The army still has a grin on their oily, bearded
faces”. By the 27 th of May the German Army had successfully advanced towards the beaches of
Dunkirk and with help from their Luftwaffe, he had been able to trap the BEF there. They have been
cruelly betrayed but never defeated or dispirited, which is one of the biggest weapons of winning the
war. This source is written by an RAF pilot therefore it is only one person’s account and he also
might have been traumatised by the whole event. This source came from a British Private and is very
negative towards Britain; so this would suggest that it is not biased. This gives an impression of a
very civil atmosphere, the fact that he was able to walk along the beach several times makes it seem
almost relaxed. Now Britain would still be able to continue in the war as they had not yet lost their
army. Newspapers talked of the “Dunkirk miracle” and the “Dunkirk Spirit”. Whether you’re looking
for fun maths worksheets or brand new guided reading activities, we have thousands of free and
premium resources for you to download. Also the language he uses affects the reliability as he uses
emotive words. Also it does not mention why it is written but may have been made more interesting
or controversial to sell if it was for public sale. This was a small boat rescuing people from the land
to bigger boats. We can see, however, that the bombardment of the port was extremely heavy. The
deliverance is that the young boy who went to war has now grown into seasoned veterans.
In the beginning, the plan was to simply evacuate all British non-combatants from the continent. It
can be seen as a deliverance by the fact that the British and French survived which is a great feat on
it’s own, because seeing what predicament the British and French were in, it was likely they were
going to lose. The photograph seems to be taken in the middle of a battle. Although there are many
details included within it that are corroborated by other sources, the combination of the
aforementioned factors means that this interpretation is not necessarily totally accurate. The
evacuation procedure itself was not well organised as there were not enough ships to start of with
and later on many ships were due to the bombing from the German forces. If the Frenchmen at the
beaches had not been there to help the British, then the evacuation would never have been seen as a
miracle. This source is first hand so there’s no area of misunderstanding. In my opinion it was a bit of
both, deliverance and disaster. He portrays images of troops crouching in pits and naval officers
turning on their troops. A deserted beach with abandoned equipment, dead British soldiers and
beached vessels and finally litter. But more importantly men were up to there necks in water fighting
each. We have created lessons for The Bank of England, The Children’s Commissioner, MACS
Charity, The British Legion, Tes, LikeToBe Careers, the Criminal Cases Review Commission (UK
Gov) and have also completed PSHE and Citizenship commissions for schools across the UK.
Another factor that helped the evacuation was “luck”, there was a cloud of smoke, and 47,310 men
were saved because the smoke delayed the Nazi attacks on evacuating the boats. Hillary also backs
up this; he mentions how men were bitter and not unnaturally. Churchill omits any factual detail for
instance 68,111 troops were killed, wounded and taken prisoner making the source unreliable. The
source is written from a respected historian Allan Bullock, so it must be quite reliable, and also this
source links in with others, when it describes the boats as “swarm of boats”. This was written on the
31 st May 1940 the article, if accurate could give us a good visual view of what the events were like
on the beaches of Dunkirk. The biggest blow was the amount of equipment that never returned too
Britain. If there were some sources from French and German men then it could support the
interpretation better. All lessons come in Powerpoint format if there is a wish to adapt and change. In
terms of reliability it is quite dependable because the Prime Minster has all the facts available to him.
I also know that most of the boat streamers were controlled by the navy not the civilians themselves.
Not only was the French army on the verge of collapse but the British expeditionary force who were
sent across the English channel to help stop the Germans, was trapped across the sea at Dunkirk on
the north-west coast of France. Sources A, B and C show that the Allies had been defencelessly at
the mercy of the Germans, and had had no hope of claiming a military victory at the time. The aims
of this bundle are to know and understand significant aspects of World War 2 on a global scale and
how Britain has influenced and been influenced by this conflict. In my opinion Dunkirk was a big
defeat for the British because they fled the German attack, rather than facing them with courage.
Holding positions such as this was key to the defence of the port in order to provide extra time for
ships to arrive for evacuation. This newspaper quotes directly from Churchill who was a key figure
during Dunkirk so he had access to details and was directly involved; allowing his information to be
more accurate. But on the other hand he might have exaggerated this for sales purposes, by writing
what they British public want to hear, and also this experience might have only been a one off. Huge
amounts of troops were saved and it remained a calm, orders evacuation.
This was only one end of the beach and very close to it, further up the beach and further away there
may have been less chaos and organisation compared to where he was. This is an account about
tired, ragged men who are unhappy. This hungry army still has the desire to win the war, but they
have suffered a major blow with the loss of heavy artillery, essential to winning the war. Winston
Churchill had made many patriotic and stirring speeches to substantiate that Dunkirk was a Victory,
which used to help lift the Dunkirk Spirit. Also even Churchill said, “Wars are not won by
evacuation”. Also he was in the navy; there is nothing in the source telling the reader about what the
Battle was like from the armies or citizens point of view. It shows how Britain were glorious and
how the tale of Dunkirk will be a remarkable moments in history forever. You can see he is
complementing his side too much, it seems too shallow. This tells us how the British are scared of the
Germans bullets and are running away. This suggests that the situation was very disorganised as they
would have been retreating from constant German attacks. The video still surpassed all the other
sources on supporting this interpretation. This was written on the 31 st May 1940 the article, if
accurate could give us a good visual view of what the events were like on the beaches of Dunkirk.
Due to heavy German fire only 8,000 soldiers were recovered in this first rescue attempt. He also
labels Dunkirk as a colossal military disaster which along with figures on injuries and the death toll
on troops gives the view of a military defeat. I know from my own knowledge that smoke covered
the skies from heavy bombing of the town. The artist who painted this was sent to give the British
some hope. Sources B and C are written by men who were working the ships, and were not trained
officers, while source A was written by Commander Thomas Kerr, who was one of the naval officers
sent to organise it. The British took it as a wonderful miracle; however the Germans believed that
Dunkirk was a defeat for the British. Cundall is an official war artist so he should give an official
representation on the events that took place which would make the source reliable. I also. This was
to make people feel proud of their country and the British army. The reason Italy supported
Germany in the war is because Italy had joined the German forces during the German attack against
France. If the moles had been destroyed it would have been very difficult to rescue such a large
number of troops. This clearly shows evidence that there was a rushed exit of the beach and backs up
this could certainly not be viewed as any form of victory. The Indications given out from the
commanders and the general is that the force was a Shambles. I also know that after the evacuation
ordinary people felt encouraged because of their efforts in Dunkirk and as a result people became
more involved in the war efforts, this was called Dunkirk spirit. This account is primary, first hand
evidence so the German is speaking from personal experience producing a useful source. For instance
specific figures are not given on the amount of troops rescued which suggest his knowledge lies
elsewhere. History Hit Reveals Winners of Historic Photographer of the Year 2023. Dunkirk and the
battle of Britain Sources Questions. This suggests that the military command had given up any hope
of regaining French land, instead submitting to an all-out retreat.

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