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Writing coursework, especially for a subject like Personal Exercise Plan, can be quite challenging.

requires not only a solid understanding of the subject matter but also excellent research,
organization, and writing skills. Crafting a coursework that meets the requirements, demonstrates
critical thinking, and effectively communicates ideas can be a time-consuming and stressful task for
many students.

If you find yourself struggling with your Personal Exercise Plan GCSE coursework, seeking
assistance from professionals can be a wise decision. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that
specializes in providing academic support to students facing coursework challenges. Their team of
experts can help you with research, writing, editing, and formatting, ensuring that your coursework
meets the highest standards and reflects your knowledge and understanding of the subject.

By ordering from ⇒ ⇔, you can save yourself time and alleviate the stress
associated with coursework deadlines. Their services are designed to support students in achieving
academic success while allowing them to focus on other important aspects of their education and
personal life. Don't hesitate to reach out to ⇒ ⇔ for assistance with your Personal
Exercise Plan coursework and experience the benefits of professional academic support.
For my interval training I used 3 distances, these were 15m, 30m and 40m. Because of the increase
in tissue temperature the post-exercise period is an ideal time to stretch and improve or maintain
joint range of movement and flexibility. Strength will allow me to win tackles and headers easier,
allow with an increased ability to shield and keep the ball under pressure. To stop this from
happening, you need to train every 2-3 days to keep your fitness level where it is. The FTG (fast
twitch) muscle fibres come into benefit here because when doing running activities, energy is being
released from muscular contractions very quickly and rapidly. While trying to keep both shoulders on
the ground, roll your legs over to one side and try to get your knees to touch the floor beside you. It
is relatively short, focused and progressively dynamic. I choose specificity, which was important, as
one of my aims was to improve my fitness levels in specific areas in netball. I am thinking of doing a
session on Fartlek, because this is ideal at working at different intensities. My FEV1 (lung strength
or forced expiratory volume in 1 second) is at 3.58 pre-test and 6.61 at the post-test, however, the
general average is 4.28, which indicates my lung strength is well below par. My fitness levels are
measured doing fitness test, which are in a different parts of the plan. I must, after the exercise, also
cool down to make sure my muscles will not get stiff or achy the next day, resulting in a reduced
performance. I don’t think that it’s will take that many sessions for me to notice some changes in my
overall fitness levels. Another thing I realized when I did it was that I was really unfit. I usually do a
set amount of repetitions of 10K weights and when I can I do press ups and sit ups. I think these
changes will still work me but not overwork me past my limits. I must also ensure that the
equipment I use is safe and appropriate for what I am doing. We warm up to prevent ourselves from
sport injuries. Every so often it acts up and all I can do is rest it. This will improve my speed, agility
and muscular endurance of the quadriceps and hamstrings. You work at a pace that keeps your heart
rate in the aerobic training zone. I will do this with both my arms. This is working slightly different
muscles around the shoulder joint. They are in-between the mesomorph and endomorph on the scale,
but should be a lot closer to the mesomorph than an endomorph. Being a mesomorph is the preferred
body shape of a football, specifically a striker. Martial arts requires many skill related fitness
characteristics such as: agility, power, reaction time and balance, and also health related fitness
characteristics such as: strength, speed, body composition, flexibility and both types of endurance
(cardio-respiratory and muscular). This is a very far distance and need a lot of power to be able to
kick the ball so hard. To improve my balance I will use two bricks and stand on them whilst making a
golf swing, you can see this in the diagram below. I worked on each station for 45 seconds, my first
set after my heart rate had risen to 156 I was working in aerobic threshold and this was at the top of
my threshold. Aerobic training sessions tend to last for 20 minutes or longer where as strength
training sessions are generally shorter and less sustained. He already trains once a week but needs to
progress in order to become more fit.
Exposing the body to high altitude causes it to acclimatise to the lower level of oxygen available in
the atmosphere. I to find all the running difficult at times but have decided to run outside as well as
inside to improve my speed in different conditions and terrains I upped the level I was working at on
the cardiovascular machines to level 5. I had been sweating for over an hour or so I had lost a lot of
water. My previous scores for my test on the cardiovascular system before my 8 week training
programme was 5.6, therefore I am aiming for a score of around 6.5 to 7.5. If I get my heart rate up
to this 3 times per week for at least 20 minutes then my CV will improve and in getting it up there
through running etc my local muscular endurance will improve. With a balanced composition, the
body will use energy and water efficiently and reduce joint stress. These training sessions are done
on Monday, Tuesday and Sunday. See other similar resources ?2.00 (no rating) 0 reviews BUY
NOW Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. During the downward phase you are
performing negative work and the hamstrings, working as the antagonist, contracts eccentrically and
help to control the movement. They could progress this training by running a bit faster each time, or
running further each time etc. It also gave me a lot of feedback on my skill levels and enlighten me
on what other parts of my games need to be improved. The abdominal crunches were very hard and
in the last circuit I found bicep curls quite tiring. Instead of lifting weights you could do press ups.
The stresses put upon the body cause an adaptation including capillarisation, strengthening of the
heart muscles and improved oxygen uptake. I will have to see how all of these changes go, whether
they are of a good degree of increase but I think they will be fine. I also focused on progressive
overload, as this is a gradual increase in workload, which leads to physical adaptation, which is what
I needed, as my aim was to improve my fitness, my body needs to adapt to the demands. I will test
endurance and power, I will not test strength and speed individually as a strength for power will
show if there was an improvement in both of these. I’m not tiring as much or as early in any of my
sessions. A mesocycle could last for around one-four months depending on the sport, which consists
of many microcycles, that aim to allow progress in a small variation in a small space of time so
overload will have limited change, specificity would be the same throughout, progression will be
consistent while also aiming to meet the fundamentals of the macrocycles long-term. By having a
faster sprint every so often, I will also run and jog outside as it will ultimately improve my speed
overall because I am practicing on different terrains and in different weathers. In an average game of
water polo a player will swim about 2-3miles. Static stretching (Appendix 3) should hold an isolated
muscle in a contracted state for 10 seconds, however this is not sport realistic so should only be
included in a cool-down. I also enjoy taking part in athletics, mainly relay, 200 metres and long jump.
In addition, the body releases hormones such as adrenaline and endorphins into the circulatory
system. The test only measures the leg and lower back flexibility but does show a substantial increase
of 7cm. I did the multistage fitness test which I got 10.9 which I was pleased with but I know I can
do better also I did the Cooper Run which I got 9 which is a good standard already, again I think I
can do better. I used two rest days in the week so my body could recover and so training could be
effective. There is a lot of violence involved in rugby and injuries can be nasty. I also perform them
before the program and after this will give a clear indication of how I am getting on. It happens by
the athlete withdrawing blood a few weeks before an important event.
These different sections are designed to specifically enhance a particular range of movement
required for that stage of competition or field of sport. I have already said he is going to train 4
times a week, but because he isn’t very fit, and has lot a lot of his fitness level because he has been
ill for a while with a broken leg, and was unable to exercise (before he broke his leg, he went to the
gym twice a week.) David was off his feet for about two months. Our aerobic system provides us
with long-term energy. This has to be a gradual change because his body is not yet able to take too
much exercise as he is quite unfit. A gradual and low intensity warm-up will obtain a state of
physical and mental readiness. Making sure that you rotate to the full extent of the hip joint. For the
leg press I will do two lots of ten reps of one hundred kilograms, for the bench press I will do five
lots of ten reps of forty kilograms, for the rowing machine I will do two lots of three hundred metres,
and for the sit ups I will do five lots of twenty sit ups. This is because you are constantly running at
different paces throughout the game. This will be because in my stretching of my cool-down I don’t
have any stretches to stretch my rectus abdominus. After doing so I will have a short rest period then
do a sit up multi level fitness test. David wants to become fitter because as he has got older he has
exercised less, and noticed he gets out of breath easier than he used to. If you train a lot as well you
will improve your overall figures even more. Eating the the correct quantities and combinations of
food will keep the body’s systems functioning properly and aid an athlete in improving performance.
It is relatively short, focused and progressively dynamic. This will make up the hour, the set time
David will start off his training, until he becomes fitter. Good example of the gcse pep - Kingstone
Academy Trust. His pace means that defenders often struggle to keep up with him, giving him,
essentially, a free crossing opportunity. It is vitally important that I always drink a lot when in a
fitness programme like this. An example is the hinge joint at the knee (which is designed for
stability). I left it for approximately 2 I was before I had anything to drink. For example first lap
could be slow jogging, next lap running at a reasonable pace, next lap sprinting, jog for 3 more laps,
run for two, jog for another one and sprint another two. Write a review Update existing review
Submit review Cancel It's good to leave some feedback. The infection causes inflammation of the
lung tissue and has symptoms such as. Lift smaller weights with many repetitions to build up
muscular endurance also for 10 minutes. This is used in most sports as it gives us almost limitless
energy for long periods of time, however if we do really hard work then we will use our anaerobic
system. Technique plays a big part in the vertical jump and so it may mean that I have bad technique.
Then in the second circuit I we use the 2kg medicine ball. Passive stretching is the final type of
stretch that is most ideal as it involves an external partner to aid the stretch and keep in control of its
limits. In that year we were finalists of the county club cup, showing great improvement as a team.
For the bench press I will do five lots of ten reps on eight kilograms, for the rowing machine I will do
four lots of fifty metre sprints and for the stretching, I will do it continuous with varied types for ten

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