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Writing a coursework, especially on a specialized topic like Electric Eels, can be quite challenging for

various reasons. First and foremost, it requires a deep understanding of the subject matter, as well as
the ability to conduct thorough research to gather relevant information. Electric Eels, being a
specific and unique topic, may demand a comprehensive exploration of their biology, behavior,
habitat, and the mechanisms behind their electric abilities.

Furthermore, crafting a coursework involves organizing the gathered information in a coherent and
structured manner. Students need to demonstrate critical thinking skills, analytical abilities, and the
capacity to draw meaningful conclusions from their research. The process can be time-consuming,
and meeting deadlines may add extra pressure.

For those finding it overwhelming, seeking assistance is a reasonable option. ⇒

⇔ is one such service that can provide professional support in completing coursework. They offer
expert writers who are well-versed in various subjects, including specialized topics like Electric Eels.
By availing their services, students can save time, reduce stress, and ensure the quality of their

However, it's essential to approach such services with caution and ensure they maintain academic
integrity. Students should use external assistance as a supplementary tool for learning rather than a
shortcut to academic success. Before seeking help, it's advisable to understand the coursework
requirements, discuss with instructors, and only use such services responsibly.

In conclusion, while writing a coursework on Electric Eels can be challenging, seeking assistance
from reputable services like ⇒ ⇔ can be a valuable option for those struggling
with the task. Remember to approach these services ethically and use them as a learning aid rather
than a substitute for genuine academic effort.
In fact, it is the most shocking creature in the world. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next
lesson. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 18 October 2019 at 23:48 Keep on working, great
job. More than 220 species of South American knifefish in the electric eel's lineage use this highly
advanced method of communication and detection. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 18
October 2019 at 16:54 Great article. Now connect the combined batteries to the light bulb. The eels
even bend their necks to stay in contact with the target, ensuring that any predators they are
defending against feel their full wrath. They are most known to be found in the ponds of the
Amazon and also Orinoco basins of South America. If it is going to shock the water and its prey, it
has to be electrically open to current going out and coming back. They do not produce a constant
stream of electricity similar to how a power line would. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 5
March 2019 at 06:19 Today, when we do not have time to do exercise and on account of machinery
support, warning and upkeep of body's needed, in order that each part of your body works well. It
will then emit a larger shock that paralyzes the prey. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 22
October 2019 at 00:59 If you wish for to take a great deal from this piece of writing then you have
to apply these techniques to your won website. By the time the cells at the end fired, the ones at the
beginning would have already shut off again. You can use the ability to impress your friends or
know what type of eel you run into your next South American trip. Any other organisms in the
vicinity will feel the stunning effect of this powerful current as it goes through them. This is video
from the study shows the electric eel leaping in real time. This entire process happens so quickly that
it is almost impossible for the human eye to observe it in detail. It is the only species in the genus
Electrophorus, or able to produce electricity. The lemon is merely the environment in which this can
happen. That is more than enough to cause a person or animal considerable pain, but not enough to
really hurt him. These folds have a lot of surface area so that the fish can easily take up air. I'm
hoping to offer something back and aid others like you aided me. Electric eels can be of different
colors from black or drab grey, with their deep-sea species having patterned and colorful
characteristics, especially those found in tropical reef areas. The eels shot electric shocks, and within
a few minutes, two of the horses were already stunned and drowned. They can even convey
information about their sex and sexual receptivity, which is important during the breeding season.
Multiple shocks can cause a person to stop breathing or suffer from heart failure. The things that
slow me down when playing most electronic instruments are having to plug into speakers and find
batteries, so this instrument has its speaker and generator built in. Then the water increases the
voltage making it higher, helped by the presence of salt and other minerals. Give each other feedback
on your articles. 6. ELECTRIC EELS: Write a letter to an expert on electric eels.
However, this can also be a disadvantage for the fish because it means that the shock won’t be as
strong. Christos THEOPHILOU European Commission Directorate General for Maritime Affairs
and Fisheries Unit A2: Common Fisheries Policy and Aquaculture Living North Sea project launch
March 26 th 2010 Ghent. OUTLINE. Part I: Timeline of events. Its electrical sting can effectively
penalize a large cow. Then connect the negative end of the two batteries. But the gulper eel lives in
the deep sea. Species. Electric eel Saltwater eel Gulper eel Vinegar eel. Food. Amphibians Birds
Mammals Smaller fish. Also, tell the others which is the least scary of these (and why): electric
elephants, electric eels or electric cockroaches. They'll give your presentations a professional,
memorable appearance - the kind of sophisticated look that today's audiences expect. Any other
living things in the water will feel the stunning and shock effect from the electric eel’s current as it
goes through them. The ions could move back inside all of the cells to equalize all the charges
differences, but its known that cells continually pump ions out of the cells which is all part of a cell
chemistry. The jolt from an electric eel can incapacitate the fish and crustaceans that are the electric
eel’s prey, however. It has hundreds of ideas, activity templates, reproducible activities for. While we
don’t have a concrete answer as to why electric eels jump at threats, these results suggest it’s to
cause intense yet brief pain. Reply Delete Replies Reply Anonymous 18 October 2019 at 16:54 Great
article. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against this. Electricity is very
important in their day to day lives. For example, an electric eel is even capable of taking down a
large caiman. Most eels can be found in the ocean’s shallow ends, where they burrow holes into the
sand, among rocks or mud. Stack two batteries in “series” so that the negative end of one battery
connects with the positive end of the next, and the voltage adds up. Two 1.5 volt batteries stacked in
series inside a flashlight combine to produce 3.0 volts worth of electrical energy. The slender giant
moray is an excellent example of an eel that can grow to approximately 4meters in length. They are
carnivorous, mainly feeding on fish and small crustaceans. Electrophorus electricus is famous for its
ability to produce strong electrical currents, reaching 500-650 volts. Their anal and dorsal fins
highlight their worm-like bodies are connected with the caudal fin to form a single nerve covering
the available length of the fish. The anal fin is so helpful that the fish can not only swim forward, but
it can swim backward, and even hover. They live in small pools and streams with stagnant water.
This species is one of the unique creatures and, at the same time, very lethal. In short order, the pores
on the smooth side close, and the cell reverts back to its resting state. Each cell can only produce
0.15 V, though the organ can transmit a signal of nearly 10 V overall in amplitude at around 25 Hz in
frequency. To produce electricity, they direct the ions, which are charged particles. Freshwater eels
have a long snakelike body, while saltwater eels are generally longer and characterized by a
cylindrical body with better-defined gills. They employ such skills to hunt their prey, to defend
against their predators and to communicate with their peers.
All these electrocytes are in a stack and oriented in the same direction with the smooth side towards
the tail and the convoluted side towards the head. The eel is 2.4 meters long, weighs 45kgs, and can
discharge a shock of 860 volts. The destination operand must be a 16-bit register. However, when
the eel delivers an electric jolt, the body uses specific channels and closes the rest. They live in
waters all across Brazil, and also inhabit the Guianas, Venezuela, Suriname, Peru, and Ecuador. The
turbidity o f the water does not bother them, since anyway they have a bad vision. The scales that
cover their body are tiny, their eyes are small, and as they age, their vision decreases while the
amperage of their electric discharge increases. They can even convey information about their sex and
sexual receptivity, which is important during the breeding season. However, this can also be a
disadvantage for the fish because it means that the shock won’t be as strong. Imagine if instead of
connecting the batteries end to end, you line them up side by side and attach wires to connect the
positive end of one battery to the positive end of the other. This species of fish belongs under the
Anguilliformes order of ray-finned fish. Next, the electric eel releases a series of high-voltage pulses
which paralyze its prey and allows the electric eel to swallow its meal alive. Dr. NN Chavan Keynote
address on ADNEXAL MASS- APPROACH TO MANAGEMENT in the. These bonds allow the
positive charge in molecules as ions to flow outward from the back and front of a cell. They use
these electrocytes to survive by making the cells discharge concurrently letting off a burst of up to
600 volts which is equivalent of five times the electricity that is discharged by a single wall socket at
home. Its strongest electric pulses are produced by the main electrical organ, as well as two-thirds of
the Hunter’s organ. Their skin is greenish gray, their head is flattened and their mouth is large, with a
row of conical teeth in each jaw. They’re similar to a muscle, but they don’t play any part in the
animal’s swimming. Appliances in American homes need just 110 volts of electricity. Annoyed by the
lack of quality online outdoors publications willing to uphold high standards of value and ethics, he
decided to make the resource he would have wished to read. Reply Delete Replies Reply
Anonymous 18 October 2019 at 16:54 Great article. Check your answers. Talk about the words from
the activity. When the eel suspects a prey item is nearby, it emits two rapid electric pulses, called a
doublet. It would be extremely unlikely for such a shock to be deadly for an adult human, due to the
very short duration of the discharge. They can also concentrate the discharge by curling up and
making contact at two points along its body. The fish will jump onto the part of the animal that is
exposed so that they can target the perfect area to attack. This is video from the study shows the
electric eel leaping in real time. Using the mountain stream analogy again, putting batteries in parallel
is like standing two mountains side by side, each with a similar stream coming down. Exactly how
this works is not yet known, but it appears that at least three factors are involved. In theory then, it
would only be in extreme cases that an electric eel could kill a human. I.e. Only when the eel is
producing its full amount of electricity.

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