Digital Marketing & Its Effects On The Business.

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Course Title: Principles of Marketing

Course Code: 1202

Report on Observation of Digital Marketing in Business.

Submitted To
SK. Alamgir Hossain
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Submitted By
Amrita Saha Priya

Id: B200203072
15th batch
Department of Finance
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Date of Submission: 28.11.2022

Transmittal letter:

Date: July 18,2022

Sk. Alamgir Hossain
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Jagannath University, Dhaka.

Subject: Submission of report on observation of Digital Marketing in Business.

Dear Sir

I am glad to inform you that I have completed the observation of the Digital Marketing in
Business. I have submitted a report based on real experience, information from researchers
& Analysts. I have done my best to make the report as per your instructions. The report
focuses primarily on Digital Marketing in Business.
It was a valuable experience for me to observe and collect data directly. I am grateful to such
an opportunity to gather real-world experience working in a topic.

I hope you'll be happy to accept my report and compel me.

Sincerely yours
Amrita Saha Priya
Id: B200203072
15th batch
Department of Finance
Jagannath University, Dhaka

Executive summary

Project Title: Digital Marketing & its effects on the Business.

Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as
personal computers, smartphones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with
stakeholders. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail,
apps (classic and mobile) are one of the best online media companies.
American marketplace the company offers a plethora of services in all online media
platforms. The offerings include marketing and consulting on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,
Slide Share, YouTube, and Google. Though the company was started only two years ago, it is
way ahead of most of competitors through its relentless pursuit of perfection and enormous
amount of creativity which they put in their work. The firm worked with multiple brands on
social media and currently have 4 out of Top 30 brands in Facebook USA.

The project was "A study on digital marketing and its impact on business. This report will
help to get an idea about digital marketing and how the digital marketing has impact on
revenue generation for digital marketing companies. Through this study we will see how
online media companies emerging how they are generating revenue and how they are
growing economically and revenue generation models of online media companies.
Customers are highly information seekers. They collect more information about a product
before buying it. Most of customers are getting stimulus through advertisements, but they
are not reaching to end phase of customers purchase journey, mainly in high involvement
purchases. Brands are getting more touch point to reach their target group in this digital era.
More details about findings are given this report.

Table of Contents
Transmittal letter: ............................................................................................................................ 1
Executive summary ......................................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 5
Customer Engagement and Today’s Digital Marketing ................................................................. 5
The Changing Marketing Landscape: ......................................................................................... 6
Digital Marketing Trends ................................................................................................................ 6
Mobility or Mobile Marketing: ................................................................................................... 6
Social Media Marketing: ............................................................................................................. 6
Social-local Mobile Marketing: .................................................................................................. 7
Personalized content marketing: ................................................................................................. 7
Research Methodology ................................................................................................................... 7
Data collection: ........................................................................................................................... 7
Sources of Data: .......................................................................................................................... 7
Contact Methods ............................................................................................................................. 9
Mail interviewing ........................................................................................................................ 9
Telephone interviewing: .............................................................................................................. 9
Personal Interviewing:................................................................................................................. 9
Online Behavioural and Social Tracking and Targeting............................................................... 10
Behavioural Targeting: .............................................................................................................. 10
Marketing analysis: ................................................................................................................... 10
Questionnaires............................................................................................................................... 11
Mechanical Instruments: ........................................................................................................... 11
Types of Digital Marketing ........................................................................................................... 11
Push marketing: ......................................................................................................................... 12
Pull marketing: .......................................................................................................................... 12
Benefits of Digital Marketing ................................................................................................... 12
History of Digital Marketing ........................................................................................................ 12
Digital Content Platforms ............................................................................................................. 14
Digital Media............................................................................................................................. 14
Digital Data ............................................................................................................................... 14
Digital Technology .................................................................................................................... 14

Evaluation from traditional marketing to digital market .............................................................. 14
Evolution of marketing: ............................................................................................................ 15
Start of digital marketing: ......................................................................................................... 15
Digital Marketing Growing: ...................................................................................................... 15
Digital of Direct and Digital Marketing: ................................................................................... 15
The Digital Age, Marketing and the Internet ................................................................................ 16
Online Marketing: ..................................................................................................................... 16
Online Advertisement: .............................................................................................................. 17
Email Marketing:....................................................................................................................... 17
Online Videos:........................................................................................................................... 17
Advertising Costs: ..................................................................................................................... 18
Advantages of Digital Marketing.................................................................................................. 18
RESEARCH PROBLEMS ........................................................................................................... 20
The digital marketing tactics that will be most effective in 2022 ................................................. 20
The Top 10 Most Effective Methods to implement in 2022 ..................................................... 21
Future of Marketing ...................................................................................................................... 22
Success Rate of Digital Marketing: .............................................................................................. 23
Effectiveness of online advertising ............................................................................................... 23
Example: Tesla Advertising Strategy:....................................................................................... 24
Cost Reduction Strategies ............................................................................................................. 25
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 26


What is marketing?
The process by which companies engage customers build strong customer relationships and
create customer value in order to capture value from customers in return. The two fold goal
of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to keep and grow
current customers by delivering value and satisfaction. Marketing process is consist of 5
steps. They are:
1. Understand the marketplace and customer needs and want.
2. Design a customer value driven marketing strategy.
3. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value.
4. Engage customers, build profitable relationships and create customer delight.
5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity.

Customer Engagement and Today’s Digital Marketing

What is digital marketing?

➢ Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital
distribution channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The
basic advantage in this form of advertising lies in its low-cost models. Digital marketing
can be classified into pull and push marketing.

The digital age as spawned a dazzling set of new customer relationship building tools, from
websites, online ads and videos, mobile ads and apps, and blogs to online communities and
major social media, such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat and Instagram. Today’s
companies are using mobile, online and social media to refine their targeting and to engage
customers more deeply and interactively. The burgeoning internet and social media have
given a huge boost to customer-engagement marketing. Today’s consumers are better
informed, more connected and more empowered than ever before. Newly empowered
consumers have more information about brands and they have a wealth of digital platforms
for airing and sharing their brand view with others.

The Changing Marketing Landscape:
Everyday, dramatic changes are occurring in the marketplace. We examine the major trends
and forces that are changing the marketing landscape and challenging marketing strategy.
We look at five major development the digital age, the changing economic environment, the
growth of not-for-profit marketing, rapid globalization, and the call for sustainable
marketing practices.

Digital Marketing Trends

Organisations are implementing a wide range of digital channels so as to engage customers

in a more personalized way. Digital marketing trends that organisations are rapidly
embracing includes
• Mobility
• Social media
• Social-local media marketing
• Personalised content marketing

Mobility or Mobile Marketing:

Mobile marketing is perhaps the fastest- growing digital marketing platform. Smartphones
are ever present, always on, finely targeted and highly personal. This makes them ideal for
engaging customers anytime, anywhere as they move through the buying process. Four out
of five smartphone users use their phones to shop, browsing product information through
apps or the mobile web making in store price comparisons, reading online product reviews
finding and redeeming coupons and more. Almost 30% of all online purchases are now made
from mobile devices and mobile online sales are growing 2.6 times faster than total online
sales. Marketers use mobile channels to stimulate immediate buying, make shopping easier
enrich the brand experience or all of this.

Social Media Marketing:

It’s hard to find a brand website, or even a traditional media ad, that doesn’t feature links to
the brand’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Snapchat, Pinterest, LinkedIn,
or other social media sites. Social media provide exciting opportunities to extent customer
engagement and get People talking about a brand.
Some social media are huge- Facebook has more than 1.59 billion active monthly members.
Instagram has more than 400 million active monthly users, Twitter has more than 315

million monthly users, Google+ racks up 300 million active monthly visitors and Pinterest
draws in more than 100 million users. Online social media provide a digital home where
people can connect and share important information and moments in their lives. As a result,
they offer and ideal platform for real-time marketing by which marketers can engage
customers in the moment by linking brands to important trending topics, real world events,
cause, personal locations or others.

Social-local Mobile Marketing:

The growing popularity of smart mobile devices, increasing location based social activities
like experience sharing, review reading via social media, and the evaluation of GPS (Global
Positioning System) are helping companies leverage Social-Local-Mobile marketing

Personalized content marketing:

Customer engagement, acquisition and retention have all taken on a new dimension with the
delivery of unique, personalized and relevant messages through identified digital channels.
Email is one of the most preferred marketing channels to broadcast targeted organisation
messages and campaigns to existing and prospective customers.

Research Methodology

The research design and methodology are presented as follows:

Data collection:
• The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and
research design has been chalked out.
• While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the
research should keep in mind two types off data viz. primary and secondary.

Sources of Data:
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
1.Primary Data:
Primary data is information collected for the specific purpose at hand. Observational
research involves gathering primary data by observing relevant people, actions and

situations. Researchers often observe consumer behaviour to glean customer insights they
can’t obtain by simply asking customer questions. Marketers not only observe what
consumers do but also observe what consumers are saying. Marketers now routinely listen
on consumer conversations on blogs, social media and websites.

Research Approaches :
• Observation
• Survey
• Experiment

A wide range of companies use Ethnographic Research. Ethnographic research involves
sending observers to watch and interact with consumers in their “natural environment “.

Gathering primary data by asking people questions about their knowledge, attitudes,
preferences, and buying better behaviour.

Gathering primary data by selecting matched groups of subjects, giving them different
treatments, controlling related factors and checking for differences in group responses.

2.Secondary Data:
Secondary data consist of information that already exist somewhere having been collected
for another purpose. The companies internal database provides a good starting point.
Companies can buy secondary data from outside suppliers. Internet search engines can also
be a big help in locating relevant secondary information sources. However, they can be very
frustrating and inefficient. Secondary data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a
lower cost than primary data. Also, secondary sources can sometimes provide data an
individual company can not collect on its own information that either is not directly available
or would be too expensive to collect. Secondary data can also present problems. Researchers
can rarely obtain all the data they need from secondary sources.

Contact Methods

Mail, Telephone and personal interviewing

Mail interviewing
Mail questionnaires can be used to collect large amounts of information at a low cost per
respondent. Respondents may give more answers on a mail questionnaire than to an
unknown interviewer is involved to bias respondents' answers. However, mail
questionnaires are not very flexible all respondents answer the same questions in a fixed
order. And mail surveys usually take longer to complete and response rates are often low. As
a result, more and more marketers are now shifting to faster, more flexible, and lower cost
email, online and mobile phone surveys.

Telephone interviewing:
Telephone interviewing is one of the best methods of gathering information quickly and it
provides greater flexibility than mail questionnaires. Interviewers can explain difficult
questions and depending on the answers they receive, skip some questions or probe on
others. Response rates tend to be higher than with mail questionnaires, and interviewer
can ask to speak to respondents with the desired characteristics or even by name.
However, with telephone interviewing the cost per respondent is higher than with mail,
online, or mobile questionnaires. Also, people may not want to discuss personal questions
with an interviewer.

Personal Interviewing:
Personal interviewing takes two forms:
1. Individual interviewing and
2. Group interviewing.

Individual Interviewing:
Individual Interviewing involves talking with people in their homes or offices on the street,
or in shopping malls. Such interviewing is flexible. Trained interviewers can guide
interviews, explain difficult questions, and explore issues as the situation requires. They can
show subjects actual products, packages, advertisements, or videos and observe reactions
and behaviour. However, individual personal interviews may cost three to four times as
much as telephone interviews.

Groups Interviewing:
Group interviewing consists of inviting small groups of people to meet with a trained
moderator to talk about a product, service or organisation. Participants normally are paid a
small sum for attending. A moderator encourages free and easy discussion, hoping that
group interactions will bring out deeper feelings and thoughts.

Online Behavioural and Social Tracking and Targeting

In recent years, the internet has become an important tool for conducting research and
developing customer insights. But today’s marketing researchers are going even further –
well beyond online surveys, focus groups, and online communities. Increasingly they are
listening to and watching consumers by actively mining the rich veins of unsolicited,
unstructured, “bottom-up” customer information already coursing around the Internet.
Tracking consumers online might be as simple as scanning customer reviews and comments
on the company’s brand sites or on shopping sites as or Or it
might mean using sophisticated online analyses tools to deeply analyse the mountains of
consumer brand related comments and messages found in blogs or on social media sites.

Behavioural Targeting:
Using online consumer tracking data to target advertisements and marketing offers to
specific consumers.

Marketing analysis:
A marketing analysis is a thorough assessment of your performance. It's a chance to look at
your metrics over a specified period to understand if you are moving in the right direction
towards your goals.
Research Instruments:

In collecting primary data, marketing researchers have a choice of two main research
instruments :
1. Questionnaires and
2. mechanical devices

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The questionnaire is by far the most common instrument, whether administered in person,
by phone, by email, or online Questionnaires are very flexible-there are many ways to ask
questions Closed-ended questions include all the possible answers, and subjects make
choices among them. Examples include multiple-choice and scale questions Open-ended
questions allow respondents to answer in their own words.
Open-ended questions are especially useful in exploratory research, when the re- searcher
is trying to find out what people think but is not measuring how many people think in a
certain way Closed-ended questions, on the other hand, provide answers that are easier to
interpret and tabulate.
Researchers should also use care in the wording and ordering of questions. They should use
simple, direct, and unbiased wording Questions should be arranged in a logical order The
first question should create interest if possible, and difficult or personal questions should be
asked last so that respondents do not become defensive.

Mechanical Instruments:
Although questionnaires are the most common research instrument, researchers also use
mechanical instruments to monitor consumer behaviour. For example, Nielsen Media
Research attaches people meters to television sets in selected homes to record who watches
which programs. Retailers use checkout scanners to record shoppers’ purchases. Other
marketers use mobile phone GPS technologies to track consumer movements in and near
their stores.

Still other researchers apply neuromarketing, using EEG and MRI technologies to track brain
electrical activity to learn how consumers feel and respond. Neuromarketing measures often
combined with biometric measures (such as heart rates, respiration rates, sweat levels and
facial and eye movements), can provide companies with insights into what turns consumers
on and off regarding their brands and marketing

Types of Digital Marketing

In normal outbound marketing, we will use pull and push marketing strategy. Like that in
digital marketing also pull and push are types.

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Push marketing:
In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the recipient actively
seeking the content. Such as display advertising on websites and news blogs, email, text
messaging and web feeds with customized.
Contents can also be classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not actively
sought the marketing message. Push marketing allows you to target your demographics and
use your marketing dollars to promote your product to the people you know are interested
in what you have to sell. A push marketing campaign can be more expensive when it comes
to upfront costs, so you really need to be sure that your marketing is going to reach the right
people at the right time. Behaviour targeting is good example for push digital marketing.

Pull marketing:
In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing, social media, info graphics and
other forms of visual messaging and search engine optimization (SEO). A pull marketing
campaign also includes public relations or other ways of reaching out to potential or already
realized customers who you want to keep engaged.
While a pull marketing campaign can be less expensive to get started, you will incur costs in
other ways. For example, if you are running a social media campaign, you will need to hire
someone to manage your social media and respond to people who leave comments or ask
questions. Social media gets people talking and that has a major impact on sales.
Pull marketing also requires a greater investment in time, but it gives you more ability to
entertain your customers and educate them about your company. But don't get confused by
seeing Email in push and pull, there is a difference. If marketer is sending emails with
customized content or banners to specific group of customers is push digital marketing. If
marketer is sending emails with the same content or banner to all customers is pull digital

Benefits of Digital Marketing

You can reach a larger audience in a shorter time period. Technological advances have
resulted in considerable attrition of the customer-base of traditional marketing agencies and
departments. People have moved on to tablets, phones, and computers, which are the areas
where digital marketers have gained the most ground.

History of Digital Marketing

The term Digital Marketing was first used in the 1990s. The digital age took off with the
coming of the internet and the development of the Web 1.0 platform. The Web 1.0 platform
allowed users to find the information they wanted but did not allow them to share this

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information over the web. Up until then, marketers worldwide were still unsure of the digital
platform. They were not sure if their strategies would work since the internet had not yet
seen widespread deployment.
In 1993, the first clickable banner went live, after which Hotwired purchased a few banner
ads for their advertising. This marked the beginning of the transition to the digital era of
marketing. Because of this gradual shift, the year 1994 saw new technologies enter the digital
marketplace. The very same year, Yahoo was launched.
Also known as "Jerry's Guide to the World Wide Web" after its founder Jerry Yang, Yahoo
received close to 1 million hits within the first year. This prompted wholesale changes in the
digital marketing space, with companies optimizing their websites to pull in higher search
engine rankings. 1996 saw the launch of a couple of more search engines and tools like , Look
Smart, and Alexa.
1998 saw the birth of Google. Microsoft launched the MSN search engine and Yahoo brought
to the market Yahoo web search. Two years later, the internet bubble burst and all the
smaller search engines were either left behind or wiped out leaving more space for the giants
in the business. The digital marketing world saw its first steep surge in 2006 when search
engine traffic was reported to have grown to about 6.4 billion in a single month. Not one to
get left behind, Microsoft put MSN on the backburner and launched Live Search to compete
with Google and Yahoo.
Then came Web 2.0, where people became more active participants rather than remain
passive users. Web 2.0 allowed users to interact with other users and businesses. Labels like
‘super information highway’ began to be applied to the internet. As a result, information flow
volumes –including channels utilized by digital marketers- increased manifold, and by 2004,
internet advertising and marketing in the US alone brought in around $2.9 billion.
Soon, social networking sites began to emerge. My space was the first social networking site
to arrive, soon followed by Facebook. Many companies realized all these fresh new sites that
were popping up were beginning to open new doors of opportunities to market their
products and brands. It opened fresh avenues for business and signalled the beginning of a
new chapter to business. With new resources, they needed new approaches to promote their
brands & capitalize on the social networking platform.
The cookie was another important milestone in the digital marketing industry. Advertisers
had begun to look for other ways to capitalize on the fledgling technology. One such
technique was to track common browsing habits and usage patterns of frequent users of the
internet so as to tailor promotions and marketing collateral to their tastes. The first cookie
was designed to record user-habits. The use of the cookie has changed over the years, and
cookies today are coded to offer marketers a variety of ways to collect literal user data.

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Products marketed digitally are now available to customers at all times. Statistics collected
by the marketing tachylogia for 2014 show that posting on social media is the top online
activity in the US. The average American spends 37 minutes a day on social media. 99% of
digital marketers use Facebook to market, 97% use Twitter, 69% use Pinterest and 59% use
Instagram. 70% of B2C marketers have acquired customers through Facebook. 67% of
Twitter users are far more likely to buy from brands that they follow on Twitter. 83.8% of
luxury brands have a presence on Pinterest. The top three social networking sites used by
marketers are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. marketing to a specific audience—
computers and mobile phones.

Digital Content Platforms

These are the platforms with which users interact regularly. You can use them for
advertising. As an example, consider social media.

Digital Media
Paid or owned digital media channels can be used to reach your target audience. They
include things like online advertising and social media marketing.

Digital Data
Data about your target audience used to achieve a marketing goal is called digital data. You
can generally collect data about your target audience through surveys, apps, and other

Digital Technology
Digital technology is all about using technology to achieve a marketing goal. Artificial
Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and Virtual Reality (VR) are a few example

Evaluation from traditional marketing to digital market

With the evolution of technology, new platforms of marketing started to emerge. Traditional
marketing became a secondary option for new-age businesses when digital marketing was
introduced. It allowed brands to reach their target audience at a much lower cost with a
better conversion rate. Later on, digital marketing was adopted by all businesses across the
globe, to increase their reach.

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Evolution of marketing:
It is said that marketing has 4 evolution stages, that are:
• Production Era
• Sales Era
• Marketing Era
• Marketing Company Era

Start of digital marketing:

In 1995 CSNL launched its internet services in India, which was the origin of digital
marketing in India. It did not perform well initially, as only 0.5% of the population used the
internet till 2020.

Digital Marketing Growing:

The world is on the internet! Right from social media, to google searches, to our favourite
apps, we all use the internet throughout the day. As such a huge number of people are
engaging via the internet, digital marketing is growing. And it is only going to increase
further in the future.
Here is a video explaining how can you become a Digital Marketing Specialist. Hope you find
it beneficial. Also, prepare yourself for SEO interview questions to land at your dream job!

Digital of Direct and Digital Marketing:

The major forms of direct and digital marketing are shown in Traditional direct marketing
tools include face-to-face selling, direct-mail marketing, catalogue marketing telemarketing,
direct-response television marketing, and kiosk marketing. In recent years, however, a
dazzling new set of digital direct marketing tools has burst onto the marketing scene,
including online videos, and blogs), marketing (websites, online ads and promotions, email,
social media mark and mobile marketing. We'll begin by examining the new direct digital
and social media marketing tools that marketing, have received so much attention lately.
Then we'll look at the still heavily used and very important traditional direct marketing tools.
As always, however, it's important to remember that all of these tools-both the new digital
and the more traditional forms-must be blended into a fully integrated marketing
communications program.
As noted earlier, digital and social media marketing is the fastest-growing form of direct
marketing. It uses digital marketing tools such as websites, online video, email, blogs, social
media, mobile ads and apps, and other digital platforms to directly engage consumers
anywhere, anytime via their computers, smartphones, tablets, internet- ready TVs, and other
digital devices. The widespread use of the internet and digital technologies is having a
dramatic impact on both buyers and the marketers who serve them.

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The Digital Age, Marketing and the Internet

Much of the world's business today is carried out over digital networks that connect people
and companies. These days, people connect digitally with information, brands, and each
other at almost any time and from almost anywhere. In the age of the "Internet of Things
(IoT), it seems that everything and everyone will soon be connected digitally to everything
and everyone else. The digital age has fundamentally changed customers' no-tons of
convenience, speed, price, product information, service, and brand interactions. As a result,
it has given marketers a whole new way to create customer value, engage customers, and
build customer relationships and social media marketing esca media mobile apps arid anal
and blogs that anywhere anytime.
Digital usage and impact continue to grow steadily. More than 87 percent of all US adults use
the internet, and the average U.S. internet user spends almost six hours a day using digital
media, primarily via mobile devices. Worldwide, more than 46 percent of the population has
internet access. And 30 percent has access to the mobile internet, a number that's expected
to double by 2020 as mobile becomes an ever-more-popular way to get online.
As a result, more than half of all US households now regularly shop online, and digital buying
continues to grow at a healthy double-digit rate. US. online retail sales were an estimated
$350 billion last year, about 7.1 percent of total retail sales. By 2020, as consumers continue
to shift their spending from to digital stores, that number is expected to grow to more than
$520 billion (8.9 percent of total retail sales). Perhaps even more important , it's estimated
that more than half of all US. retail sales were either transacted directly online or influenced
by internet research." As today's Omni-channel consumers become more and more adept at
blending online and in-store shopping, digital channels will come into play for an ever-larger
proportion of their purchases.

Online Marketing:
Online marketing refers to marketing via the internet using company websites, online
advertising and promotions, email marketing, online video, and blogs. Social media and
mobile marketing also take place online and must be closely coordinated with other forms
of digital marketing However, because of their special characteristics, we discuss the fast-
growing social media and mobile marketing approaches in separate sections websites and
branded web communities.
For most companies, the first step in conducting online marketing is to create a website.
Websites vary greatly in purpose and content. Some websites are primarily marketing
websites, designed to engage customers and move them closer to a direct purchase of other
marketing outcome.

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Online Advertisement:
As consumers spend more and more time online, companies are shitting more of their
marketing dollars to online advertising to build brand sales or attract visitors to their inter-
net, mobile, and social media sites Online advertising has become a major pronominal
medium. The main forms of online advertising are display ads and search related ads.
Online display ads might appear any- where on an internet user's screen and are often
related to the information being viewed. Such display ads have come a long way in recent
years in terms of engaging consumers and moving them along the path to purchase. Today's
rich meta-ads incorporate animation, videos sound.

Email Marketing:
Email marketing remains an important and growing digital marketing tool. "Social media is
the hot new thing," says one observer, "but email is still the king 12 Around the world, more
than 200 million emails are sent out every <-12 minute of every day. According to one
account, 72 percent of adults prefer that companies communicate with them via email, and
91 percent say they like receiving promotional emails from companies with which they do
bust ness. What's more, email is no longer limited to PCs: 66 percent of all emails are now
opened on mobile devices. Not surprisingly, 25 percent of companies in one survey say that
email is their top channel in terms of return on investment .
When used properly, email can be the ultimate direct marketing medium Today's emails are
anything but the staid, text-only messages of the past. Instead, they are colourful, inviting,
and interactive. Email lets marketers send highly targeted, tightly personalized, relationship-
building messages.

Online Videos:
Another form of online marketing is posting digital video content on brand websites or on
social media sites such as YouTube, Facebook Vine, and others. Some videos are made
specifically for the web and social media. Such videos range from "how-to" instructional
videos and public relations pieces to brand promotions and brand-related entertainment.
Other videos are ads that a company makes primarily for TV and other media but posts
online before or after an advertising campaign to extend their reach and impact.
Good online videos can engage consumers by the tens of millions. The online video audience
is soaring. Almost 75 percent of the US population has viewed online videos YouTube users
now upload more than 500 hours of video every minute Facebook alone generates 8 billion
video views per day worldwide Snapchat adds another 6 billion views Marketers hope that
some of their videos will go viral marketing the digital version of word-of-mouth marketing
, involves creating videos, ads, and other marketing content that are so infectious that
customers will seek them out or pass them along to their friends. Because customers find
and pass along the content, viral marketing can be very inexpensive.

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Advertising Costs:
While basic Facebook pages are free of charge for personal users, business accounts that
feature advertising opportunities come with a price tag attached. This added promotional
expense can be a disadvantage formal business owners. Negative Content Communicating
with your clients or fans over Facebook sounds friendly in theory, but some people may use
your Facebook page as a venue to write offensive comments or post spam. A user might even
post false allegations about your business on your page for anyone to see. As a result, your
business needs to be monitoring its Facebook page frequently, ideally checking each
individual post. Even if you address these issues quickly, you'll never know how many
people saw the negative comments on the page and will associate that memory with your
business. Subscriptions Just because someone clicks "Like" on your page does not guarantee
that she will see your updates in her Facebook news feed. In an effort to give users more
control over their Facebook experience, the social networking site allows people to
unsubscribe from a page's updates. When a user unsubscribes from your updates, your new
posts will be hidden from her news feed, so she will only see your posts if she actively visits
your page. This makes it impossible to know exactly how many people are actually viewing
your posts in their news feeds, so you cannot accurately measure impressions. Time
Consumption Utilizing a Facebook page as a part of your digital strategy is very time-
consuming if done right. In addition to watching out for negative comments, a business
should respond promptly to any questions or positive suggestions posed by customers.
Because Facebook is up and running 24 hours a day, posts may accumulate quickly. If a
business's Facebook engagement grows, it may even become necessary to designate
an employee strictly to social media duties. This might not be realistic for some
companies, making it unreasonable to properly manage a Facebook page.
Thumb rules:
• Emphasize on visualization. Rich visuals make the best content and the best
timelines. ‘Highlight ‘posts to give them the full width of the Face book container. To
make it more attractive.
• ‘PIN’ posts, these posts stay at the top of the feed promoting posts
• Ensure FB apps have relevant info, your audience is looking for
Analyse what works, and what doesn’t work: Face book Insight

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Digital Advertising is increasingly an inherent budgetary component of many organizations

today Organizations of all sizes use the medium to promote their products and services. So
well, why do so many organizations use the medium? Simply put, it is due to the numerous
advantages that online advertising offers. These are discussed in the paragraphs ahead.

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The ability of the online medium to target a certain demographic of users is one of the
greatest advantages of digital advertising. In addition, the geographical reach of the online
medium is far greater than that of traditional media. It's not only cost effective to achieve a
wider geographic area but the ads can also be targeted to the desired audience. For example,
if an advertiser is keen on selling his or her products targeted to a certain demographic of
people, it is quite possible through online advertising. Digital advertising has matured to the
extent that web publishers, media agencies and advertisers themselves know the optimal
ways and websites for a certain category of products or services
With various tools becoming available, tracking effectiveness of ad campaigns is becoming
possible today. In other words, measuring Return of Investment (ROI) is increasingly
possible today. Organizations that were previously reluctant to spend online, now realize
that the online medium does offer means to alleviate any such fears. Moreover, when
properly designed online marketing campaigns generate the desired results. advertisers are
further encouraged to continue advertising online.
Interactive and Engagement:
The Internet is arguably the most interactive and engaging medium among various others.
Interactive campaigns have become a norm with the power of the online medium. One such
advertisement worth mentioning is the campaign by AXE where the end user could alter the
smile of a woman as he/she liked to i.e, in an interactive framework. The advertisement
struck an instant chord with the youth to which AXE the brand is positioned for Customers
are basically just a click away from the advertisers. In other words, direct response between
end users and advertisers is possible through the online medium.
Through the Internet, an advertiser can reach a desired target group or demographic in a
much shorter time frame. For example, if an advertiser needs to plan some sort of ambush
marketing, the online medium can be an effective means of achieving it. Even otherwise i.e.
for regular marketing campaigns, the total time necessary to complete an online advertising
campaign is less than that of traditional advertising methods.
When compared to traditional forms of advertising, digital advertising is cheaper. Various
payment models are available between the advertisers and publishers. Many a time,
advertisers are charged only when visitors click on their ads. The various payment models
are discussed in detail in the next section.

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Cost-Per-Action (CPA): Cost of advertising based on a visitor taking some specifically defined


Technical Aspects of problem:

• Finding the online presence of the client.
• Understanding why it is so weak.
• Identifying what solutions would be better for particular client.
• How to improve their presence, etc.

Managerial Aspect of the problem:

• To define SWOT for the client.

• To define their requirements and the corresponding solutions.
• To define the gap analysis for the client.

Business Aspect of the problem:

• To find better business opportunity for ROW.
• To resolve the client's problem in terms of ROI Competitive benefits and bets pricing
• Products
• Blog
• Pricing

The digital marketing tactics that will be most effective in 2022

The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing, and it's essential to keep up with the
current trends. This blog provides an overview of the most effective digital marketing tactics
that will be most effective in 2022.

Ricardo Kruse
Guest writer

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The Top 10 Most Effective Methods to implement in 2022

1.Use videos on social media

Why not try a new approach to content marketing in 2022? With 68% of consumers wanting
image-based posts and 50% looking for video engagement, it might be time. You can always
use videos on social media instead!
2. Focus on the user experience
The way you design and develop your website is vital for keeping visitors engaged. In a
world where everyone has so many options, it’s crucial to make the user experience as
smooth & straightforward as possible because people will be more likely to stay on yours
instead of moving over too soon!
3. Ensure your website is mobile-responsive

Your website should be mobile responsive to ensure a great user experience for visitors and
higher search rankings. The pandemic has caused device usage to increase, so your site must
be optimized on the numerous types of smartphones/tablets available today!

4. Update your website

The best forward-thinking approach to start 2022 it’s by providing users with an updated
and contemporary website. It takes .05 seconds for a shocking impression that makes users
decide to purchase. Therefore, you must ensure a fast and efficient user experience, mobile-
optimized, modernized, and quickly found online. Otherwise, it would be time to benefit
from web design services.

5. Incorporate tools for digital sales enablement

As consumers grow more and more comfortable engaging with companies online, it is crucial
to be equipped for the future. Today’s consumer wants instant solutions–so give them that!
Incorporate some digital tools into your company’s arsenal by 2022 to make sure you can
keep up with their changing needs.

6. Create self-service options

Client expectations are constantly more demanding, and you need to satisfy them quickly.
An easy technique is by providing resources in a knowledge base with answers to frequently
asked questions with examples, pictures, explanations, links to additional resources, and
training videos.

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7. Try account-based marketing

It’s time to consider a new digital strategy for 2022 – account-based marketing. This
personalized, strategic approach where key business accounts are marketed directly has
been proven by 85% of marketers who measure ROI and find it delivers higher returns than
any other type or medium in use today!

8. Market towards Generation

Generation Z is one of the most noteworthy generations in today’s thrift. They make up 20%
of America’s force and have grown demographically since 2020. With 40% as consumers,
they outnumber millennials by 4 to 1! These influential young people use technology more
than any other generation, making them even more vital for businesses that need an

9. Take advantage of paid media

Since the pandemic, digital marketing has become a less-affected advertising medium than
traditional marketing efforts as more people have stayed at home. Businesses continue to
cut their spending on old marketing methods and allocate their funds to Paid Media to
compete online.

10. Create tailored content for your audience

When creating content, it is crucial to think about what topics people in your industry search
for. Search engine optimization (SEO) practices and analytic tools can help by suggesting
popular keywords that relate mainly to the goods offered on a website. This is beneficial to
create new blogs based on these specific interests. Remember that human connection while
selling products helps create credibility, which leads directly to trustworthiness among
existing clientele and future customers.

Future of Marketing
Marketing is becoming more and more digital in recent years, and it seems that the digital
marketing tactics which will be most effective in 2022 are slowly becoming apparent. Digital
marketing is a craft, and one of the things to think about is how your product or service will
have a good impact. In other words, if you’re looking for talented people who can help you
use social media strategically to reach new audiences, you’ll want to consider hiring people
with the skills that are in high demand today.

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Success Rate of Digital Marketing:

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, but here are some stats to help point
you in the right direction.

PPC returns $2 for every $1 spent—resulting in a 200% ROI rate.

Paid ad channels with the highest reported ROI rate are Facebook Ads and Google Ads.

49% of businesses say that organic search brings them the best marketing ROI.

Email marketing returns $36 for every $1 spent.

Small businesses claim that email marketing is the marketing channel that brings them the
highest return on investment.

Over 20% of businesses say that the number of leads generated is the primary factor they
base the success of their marketing channels.

Content marketing and SEO provides the best ROI according to marketers in2022 online
advertising statistics
Online advertising statistics help you understand what to spend where, so use these data
points to frame up your strategies .

Effectiveness of online advertising

Digital ads can increase brand awareness by 80%.

Consumers are 155% more likely to look up your brand-specific terms after they’ve been
exposed to display ads.
Customers are 70% more likely to make a purchase from a retargeting ad.
PPC returns $2 for every $1 spent—a 200% ROI.
When someone conducts a search after initially seeing a related display ad, the likelihood of
them converting is 59%.
A user’s search activity rises 155% after being served a display ad.
27% of consumers conduct a search for a business after seeing their display ad.
PPC generates double the number of website visitors that SEO brings in.

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Paid ad channels with the highest reported ROI rate are Facebook ads and Google ads.

Example: Tesla Advertising Strategy:

Tesla does not spend millions of dollars in a traditional ad campaign. They let you and I
discuss it, rave about it, hate on it, or rejoice in the spirit of going electric in a Tesla, be the
catalyst to a viral and brilliant marketing campaign. At the end of the day, Tesla advertising
is free.
Insides spotted a great example that shows just what a Tesla advertising campaign may look
like put together by the Miami Ad School. In my opinion, it’s almost there but it’s not as
innovative as I would expect from Tesla.
Although Tesla Motors has no advertising department, nor an ad team, and certainly, no Chief
Marketing Officer (CMO), spokeswoman Alexis Georgeson, who is the closest to a PR person
in the company says:
“Right now, the stores are our advertising. We’re very confident we can sell 20,000-plus cars
a year—without paid advertising. It may be something we’ll do years down the road. But it’s
certainly not something we feel is crucial for sales right now.”
Edit: Sept 5, 2014 – To provide further context, the following passage was cited from the
original interview held by Adage. Additional attribution to the quote added.
“Tesla has no plans to hire agencies or run ads in the near future. The in-house marketing
team has only seven staffers and an internal team runs the website, where customers order
directly. By contrast, Nissan spent $25 million advertising its Leaf EV in 2012.”
Time of Tesla Started Advertising:
It’s true that Nissan, GM, Toyota, and Ford have deep marketing budgets that allow them to
run some of the most creative advertising campaigns to date. However, Tesla Motors doesn’t
have that luxury, yet. Tesla’s capital investment is used to lay down the foundation for
tomorrow’s success.
One thing Tesla does well with a minimum cash flow is to create a buzz. Without spending
any money on direct advertising campaigns, Elon Musk and the creative minds behind the
company know how to generate buzz, and in this modern age, that means using social media.
A campaign a ’la Apple would make sense. Here is what the Miami Ad School proposes. The
first ad says: Press to hear the motor start, the other: Lift to feel the weight of the tank, and
finally, our favourite: Scratch and smell the smell of exhaust.
Projected Marketing Budget
Speaking of money, you’re probably wondering how much the example plan costs. Most
agencies charge between $125-$250 per hour. The projected budget to accomplish
everything on the list would be $175K - $250K per year, including people, technology, and
ad spend.

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On average, companies spend between 7-11% of total company revenue on marketing. That
means a company with about $1.6M annual revenue should be able to afford a
comprehensive plan like this.

Cost Reduction Strategies

1. Do Less Marketing
If you’re a $500K company, your investment level might be more around $60K. That means
the digital marketing plan and budget example I laid out above would be out of reach. But -
there are ways to scale back if you’re a small business and can’t afford to do all that
marketing. You can reduce the number of blogs, emails, social media posts, and content offers
you’re putting out, or otherwise do less marketing. You can still have the same agenda, it just
might take longer to accomplish it.

2. Get Everyone Involved!

Or, you can hire a specialist to train your internal team on various activities and spread the
workload out across many people. Here are two of the best ways to reduce marketing costs
and create a better customer experience at the same time, but it requires a culture shift:
Everybody blogs:
Train as many people in your organization to blog as possible. That way, you write about the
entire customer experience, become trusted industry thought leaders, and have a steady
flow of articles from multiple points of view. Customers and prospects will know where to
go when they have questions or need help. And the more people involved, the less each
person has to do.
Everybody gets social:
Create an organization-wide social media strategy. Clearly define roles, responsibilities,
policies, and expectations. You know what they say: Many hands make light work.
The expectation is not that everyone is going to be an expert blogger or social media guru.
You’ll still need a leader to oversee the strategy and operations, manage the projects, coach,
teach, train, and maintain value and quality control. But if people within the organization can
share their industry knowledge, expertise, and insights, it makes it easier and faster for
marketers to keep pushing good content to your target audience.

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The successful completion of this internship indicates that the future of marketing is in the
hands of digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in portals, it
consists of integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these
components in an effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital
era marketer is not the custodian for a brand, people who are connected across the digital
platforms are the custodians.
Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high
affinity towards digital media than other media's. More than that customers are highly
information seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication
between brands and customers. Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a
brand. Because it is more cost effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands
can able to engage their target group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital
media is not only for engagement, brands can increase their customers or they can retain
their existing customers. Digital platforms help to increase the impact of brand recall in
target groups.
Importance of digital presence increasing importance of digital agencies, so they making
money through digital advertising raising of digital marketing consciousness making money
for digital agencies by which they are booming and making more money with small
I honestly believe that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to understand
the digital marketing and to plan for future strategies.

➢ Principles of Marketing by Philip Kotler

The End
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