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Grammar - Section 1.



● In Chapter 2 on logical connectors, conditional meanings were

● Conditional meanings and sentences are common on the iTEP exam,
so we will look into them in greater depth.
The time relationship and the correct verbs to use are important.
● Conditionals can be seen as a cause-and-effect statements. In
addition we can ask which comes first-the cause or the effect?
● The same can happen in time expressions, which comes first past or
present?, Present or future? Everyone will know the answer on the
● English uses the time relationship in conditional sentences types to
understand the cause and effect. and the cause becomes the
● This Chapter’s questions will test the following subskills:
Verb forms / sentence structure / conjunctions.
Conditional Types

First Conditional Third Conditional

Second Conditional Zero Conditional or
(Factual Conditional)
Zero or Factual Conditional


● Sentences that convey true cause and effect relationship.

● They are used to describe scientific or habitual situations or
● This conditional is also known as Factual conditional.
● The cause and effect clauses are both in present tense.

Sample Sentences
When the temperature falls below 32 degrees, water freezes.
If James comes home late from school, his mother gets angry.
Examples 1

● 1. He is usually alert and ready for work if he __________enough sleep.

a. get
b. gets
c. will get
d. to get
First Conditional

● First conditional sentences are also factual.
● For this reason first conditional sentences describe relations that
only happen one time.
● Another difference is that the verb in the effect clause will be in the
future tense, and the cause or conditional clause will be in present

Sample Sentences
If the prices of wheat and other farm commodities continue to fall, the country
will borrow more money to pay its expenses.
If I find a job in the city, I will sell my house and get an apartment downtown.
Examples 2

● 2. If Bill gives his wife a present, she was very happy.

a. Bill
b. his
c. was
d. happy
Second Conditional

● Second conditional sentences are said to be untrue or unreal.
● The condition has not occurred.
● The second conditional expresses hypothetical situations.
● They express what is possible but has not happened.
● The first clause is written in past tense and
● The second clause is written with the modal “would”+ base of the V.
(which expresses an imaginary situation.)

Sample Sentences
If Victor treated his classmates more nicely, he would have more friends.
More patients would survive heart attacks if they got to the hospital faster.
Examples 3

● 3. Julie would buy a nicer car if she __________more money.

a. make
b. is making
c. will make
d. made
Third Conditional

● Third conditional sentences are said also untrue or unreal.
● The cause or condition has not occurred.
● The conditional clause is written in past perfect. and
● The effect clause is expressed using the modal “would” and the present
perfect form of the verb.
Sample Sentences
If the bank had not taken steps to lower interest rates, the economy would have
declined. Q: Did the bank lower interest rates? Yes.

My parents would have moved to California if my mother had gotten the job with that
company. Q: Did her mother get the job? No.
Examples 4

● 4. If the dam had not been built, this whole area will have been flooded.
a. the
b. this
c. will
d. flooded
Zero Conditional

First Conditional

Second Conditional

Third Conditional

Mixed Conditionals

iTEP International Test of English Proficiency 2019 - for exercises.

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