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What is Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono, translated from Hawaiian, means 'to make right.' It's a process of bringing harmony with the people in your life,
yourself, and the world around you.

The practice is rooted in the understanding that harmony and balance are essential for your well-being. It’s all about healing and
clearing the mind of negative thoughts and feelings, understanding that your experiences and problems reflect your inner state. By
addressing and resolving these inner conflicts, you can positively influence your external world.

How does Ho'oponopono work?

Ho'oponopono works by guiding you through a process of introspection and forgiveness. You use the mantra, "I'm sorry, Please
forgive me, Thank you, I love you," to acknowledge and take responsibility for any negative thoughts, actions, or emotions that
may have contributed to conflict or disharmony. The mantra helps release these negative elements and transform them into
positive, healing energy.

Who Created Ho'oponopono?

Ho'oponopono has been a part of Hawaiian tradition for generations. Historically, it was a communal practice used within
families or communities to solve disputes and restore harmony. The original form of Ho'oponopono involved a mediator, often a
wise elder or a Kahuna (Hawaiian priest), who would guide the conflicting parties through discussion, confession, repentance, and
mutual forgiveness.

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona: Modernising Ho'oponopono

Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona is credited with modernising Ho'oponopono, transforming it from a group-based cultural practice
into an individual healing process for anyone, anywhere.

Morrnah was a Kahuna Lapa'au (healer). Her Hawaiian heritage influenced her teachings, but she also incorporated elements from
other spiritual and philosophical traditions. This made Ho'oponopono more accessible and relevant to people outside the Hawaiian
culture, resonating with a global audience.

Dr Hew Len: Spreading Ho'oponopono Worldwide

Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len, a student of Morrnah Simeona, is known for his interpretation and application of Morrnah's teachings.
Working at the Hawaii State Hospital, he reportedly healed the patients of a high-security psychiatric ward without direct
interaction. Instead, he used Morrnah's Ho'oponopono techniques on himself, which he believed, in turn, healed the patients.

Ho'oponopono centres around a powerful mantra: "I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you, I love you." These words form a
Hawaiian prayer as a transformative tool for healing and reconciliation. This mantra encapsulates the spirit of Ho'oponopono,
encouraging you to take responsibility for your life and actions and to seek resolution through love and gratitude.

The Power of Ho'oponopono Prayer

The Ho'oponopono prayer is a powerful vibration that brings about change. When you repeat these words, you send an intention
to the universe. You acknowledge any disharmony or conflict you have contributed to, knowingly or unknowingly, and express a
desire to fix it. This act of verbalising regret, forgiveness, gratitude, and love is a powerful step towards healing and mending
broken relationships.

The Words of the Ho'oponopono Prayer

Each phrase in the Ho'oponopono prayer holds a unique significance:

• "I'm Sorry": This is an expression of remorse, an acknowledgement of your part in creating
negative situations or feelings, both within yourself and to others.
• "Please Forgive Me": Here, you are seeking forgiveness, not necessarily from others, but also from
yourself. It's about releasing guilt and allowing yourself to move forward.
• "Thank You": Expressing gratitude is essential in Ho'oponopono. It's an acknowledgement of the
lessons learned and the growth that comes from every experience, whether positive or negative.
• "I Love You": These words close the mantra with an affirmation of love, the most powerful healing
force. Love here is unconditional – for yourself, for others involved, and for the situation as a whole.

Ho'oponopono Prayer for Relationships

Relationships are complex and can often source deep-seated emotions and conflict. By employing the Ho'oponopono mantra in
relationships, you take responsibility for any negative energies or actions you may have contributed. This sincere expression of
regret, asking for forgiveness, showing gratitude, and affirming love can lead to healing and stronger, more meaningful

The practice encourages you to look inward first, to address and heal your inner conflicts, bringing a more peaceful and loving
energy into your relationships. It teaches that healing within can radiate outwards, positively affecting your interactions and
relationships. By doing so, Ho'oponopono paves the way for deeper understanding, empathy, and genuine reconciliation.

he Ho'oponopono technique involves meditation and reflection. This form of meditation helps to clear unhelpful emotions and
creates a space for healing and peace.

How to Meditate with Ho'oponopono

1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a peaceful area where you can sit comfortably without distractions.
This setting helps create an environment for introspection and connection with your inner self.
2. Focus on the Breath: Begin by focusing on your breathing. Deep, slow breaths help calm the mind
and prepare you for meditation.
3. Repeat the Mantra: Gently introduce the Ho'oponopono mantra. Repeat "I'm sorry, Please forgive
me, Thank you, I love you" slowly and with intention. Feel each word and its significance as you say
4. Reflect on the Meanings: As you repeat the mantra, reflect on its meanings and how they relate to
your life and experiences. Allow yourself to experience the emotions these words evoke – remorse,
forgiveness, gratitude, and love.
5. Release Negative Emotions: With each repetition, imagine releasing any negativity, resentment, or
pain you may be holding onto. Visualise these emotions leaving your body, making room for healing
and peace.
6. Embrace Peace and Healing: Conclude your meditation with a few moments of silence, absorbing
the tranquillity and positive energy within.

How to Chant Ho'oponopono

Chanting the Ho'oponopono mantra can be done anywhere and at any time. It's a personal practice that you can adapt to suit your

It can be done aloud or silently, depending on what feels more powerful for you. Some prefer to chant in a quiet, meditative
space, while others might incorporate it into their daily activities, such as during a walk or while doing household chores. The
repetition of the words helps to embed their meaning and power into your consciousness.

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