Summer Training: DUCC Systems

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Summer Training At DUCC Systems

J2EE Platform

J2EE Platform

J2EE Architecture
Single Tier Two Tier Three Tier N tier

JAVA Containers
Different Types of Container Services

J2EE Components
Web Components Business Components

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

J2EE Platform

J2EE Services
JNDI JAVA Transaction Service JMS Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Introduction to XML
Use Cases Diagrams Definition and use Importance on web Document type definition Importance in reporting XML Schemas

JAVA Servlet
Role and importance in web programming Advantages and Lifecycle of Servlets Request Dispatching Session Tracking Event Listener Filters Live Work Project

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

J2EE Platform
Importance of JSP JSP Architecture and Elements JSP Objects Custom Tags JSTL Tags Expression language

Enterprise JAVA Beans (EJB)

Introduction Architecture Java Persistence API Types Of EJB
Session Beans Definition and Introduction State management and life cycle Types:- i) Stateless ii) Statefull Entity Beans Introduction Persistence Life Cycle Types Container managed Persistent Bean managed persistent

Message Drivern Beans & JMS

Introduction Messaging Models Point to point Model Topic Subscriber Mode JMS

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

J2EE Platform

Introduction ACID Properties Transaction requirements Container managed requirements Bean Managed requirements Distributed Requirements Two Phase commit

J2EE Design & Implementation

Design Pattern Implementations Front Controller Composite View Session Faade Service Locator Data Access Object Value Object

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

J2EE Platform

Email System and Protocols Architecture Handling attachments and mails

Live Project
Live Project means? Software Development Life Cycle How to analyze the requirement? How to distribute the responsibilities? How to co-operate in a team working on different modules?

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

J2EE Platform

Some Other Activities Preparation for Placement opportunities IDE (Integrated Development Environment)-Netbeans / Eclipse DatabaseMySQL Server Apache Tomcat/ Weblogic

Utilities Books availability on different topics LAB facility Internet Course Certificate, Project Completion Certificate and Training Certificate Placement opportunities on successful completion at DUCC Systems.

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58

011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

Steps of Applying for the Training: Visit at: Seats are limited and available at first come first serve basis. NOTE: Fee once deposited is neither refundable nor transferable from one course to another course.

Mail To: DUCC Systems 720,7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri West, New Delhi-58 011-25624491

DUCC Thanks You!

DUCC Systems 720, 7th Floor, Jaina Tower-1, Janakpuri, New Delhi-58 011-25624491, 9953631179, 9711496932,

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