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Experiments in Flight Mechanics

Lab Exercise 4
Neutral Point Estimation

Group 1
Palmate Aditya Tukaram
Aryaman Badkul
Shrutikirti Singh
Prabuddha Singh
Rahangdale Prachi Sanjay
Our objective is to calculate the neutral point of an aircraft. We use the flight data given to
our group for the same. The data given was for different xcg configurations.


Neutral point estimation is a critical aspect of aircraft design and performance analysis, as it
helps determine the stability and control characteristics of an aircraft. The neutral point is the
aerodynamic centre of the aircraft, where changes in pitch do not result in changes in trim.
This experiment aims to estimate the neutral point location using flight tests conducted with
different centre of gravity (CG) configurations and cruise velocities.

In this experiment, flight tests are conducted with three different CG configurations, and
cruise mode is executed at various velocities while recording corresponding elevator
deflections. The trim lift coefficients are estimated for each configuration and plotted against
elevator deflection to analyse the relationship between lift and elevator deflection.

The estimation of the neutral point involves plotting the derivative of lift coefficient with
respect to elevator deflection against CG position. By extrapolating the linear plot, the neutral
point location can be determined, providing valuable insights into the aircraft's stability

Formulae used:

For the calculation of CLtrim:

also, we know

by differentiating:

When 𝑥cg=xNP the slope = 0. Thus, we can obtain xNP when the slope equal to zero.
Since physically it’s not possible to fly the aircraft at zero slope, we plot the graph for CLtrim
vs δe for each 𝑥cg and then we plot 𝜕𝐶𝐿
vs 𝑥cg. Once we have this, we can find the value of
𝑥NP where 𝜕𝐶 𝑒 = 0.

Instruments used:
1. Potentiometer for determining δe trim under various trim situations.
2. During flight, a Pitot Tube is used to monitor velocity.
3. Before the flight, the weight of the aircraft is measured and the 𝑥cg of the aircraft is
calculated using a weight balance.

1. Flight tests are conducted with three different centre of gravity configurations by
adjusting the passengers inside the aircraft, for each configuration cruise mode is
executed at three different velocities by setting it to trim. The corresponding elevator
deflections are recorded.
2. For each configuration the corresponding trim lift coefficients are estimated by using
3. For different CG locations on which data is available, the CL vs elevator deflection
plot will give derivative term in the above equation. Then it is plotted against cg
position then extrapolate the linear plot to determine neutral point location

Data Analysis:
Aircraft Data:

Parameter Value
Mass of Aircraft 750 kg
Wing area 17.09m2
Flight Altitude 1000m
Density at flight altitude 1.112kg/m3

Experimental data:
For, 𝑥cg= 1.235 m V δ_e (deg) δ_e (rad) C_Ltrim

1 41.08 3.099 0.054088 0.458831
2 37.4 2.214 0.038642 0.553567
3 35.1 1.546 0.026983 0.628491
4 32.8 0.76 0.013265 0.719724
For, 𝑥cg= 1.239 m V δ_e(deg) δ_e (rad) C_Ltrim

1 42.1 2.312 0.040352 0.436867
2 40.5 2.312 0.040352 0.472067
3 38.4 1.866 0.032568 0.525111
4 36.4 1.32 0.023038 0.584401
For, 𝑥cg= 1.243 m V δ_e(deg) δ_e(rad) C_Ltrim

1 47.08 2.988 0.05215 0.349334
2 44.4 2.988 0.05215 0.392778
3 41.8 2.781 0.048538 0.44316
4 39.5 2.606 0.045483 0.496271

Plots and Results:

Using the curve fitting tool:

first equation: y = -0.1564x + 0.1256 (xcg = 1.235)
second equation: y = -0.01239x + 0.0966 (xcg = 1.239)
third equation: y = -0.0487x + 0.07 (xcg = 1.243)
Slope vs x_cg
y = 13.463x - 16.79
1.234 1.235 1.236 1.237 1.238 1.239 1.24 1.241 1.242 1.243 1.244

-0.04 -0.0487




-0.14 -0.1564


Equation of the best fitted line is y = 13.463x – 16.79,

which gives y = 0 (it means slope is 0) at x = 1.247
Hence, the neutral point is,
xNP = 1.247m

Sources of error:
1. Atmospheric Conditions: Fluctuations in air density, temperature, and pressure can
impact aircraft performance, introducing data inaccuracies.
2. Instrumentation Errors: Measurement equipment inaccuracies may affect recorded
data, particularly in elevator deflections and lift coefficients.
3. Pilot Inputs: Varied pilot techniques and control inputs during flight tests can lead to
inconsistencies in recorded data.
4. Assumptions in Analysis: Assumptions, like linearity of derivative plots, may
introduce uncertainties in neutral point estimation.


The neutral point estimation experiment offers crucial insights into aircraft stability
characteristics, aiding designers and engineers in ensuring flight control and stability. Despite
its value, potential errors must be acknowledged to enhance accuracy.

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