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My Self-Portrait

General appearance Important Aspects

good-looking ___________________________
beautiful ___________________________ Advices for yourself
handsome ___________________________
pretty #1 I am alive and so I have
___________________________ worth
Gorgeous ___________________________ #2 Saying no isn’t a negative
Stunning ___________________________ thing
Attractive ___________________________ #3 I’m human, not perfect
Ugly ___________________________
Cute #4 I won’t let one thing
___________________________ affect the rest of my day
fat #5 Follow my own advices
overweight #6 It’s okay to take some me-
chubby ___________________________ time
husky ___________________________
#7 STOP!
heavyset ___________________________
plump #8 I accept who I am:
curvy the good and the bad
Thin ___________________________ #9 I can’t control
Slim everything
___________________________ #10 Am I thinking what I
want or what the others say?
Lean ___________________________
Wiry ___________________________ #11 I feel good because
petite of me
Muscular ___________________________ Find your own
Fit strengths and
Strong weaknesses
Ripped I am… I would like to be…
in good shape
Instructions: You have to include your appearance, some advices for yourself and 3 strengths
! and weeknesses. Also you must draw your protait or things that identify yourself

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