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VOL. XVII. No. 2. FEBRUARY, 1905. WHOLE No. 77.













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Russell & Erwin Mfg. Co.,

Art Department
26 West 26th St., New York City.
Made by Mai-son Fontaine, Paris. Concessionaires pour Maison Fontaine.


Villas All Concrete.

He that has a house to put's head in, Now true it is that untouched surf-
has a good headpiece, remarks King aces of shingle on roof and walls, of a
Lear. That cottage you are going to bright day, have in shadow certain
build by the seashore or in the hills, that lovely tones for eyes that note such
home for the summer months which things with loving care, tones of mauve,
must not cost more than seven thousand of violet, of amethyst. And in direct
and surely comes to thirteen, what will light, seen nearby, thev are finely sil-
you have it made of wood or brick? vern. But in the long run they have the
half "timber and brick or stone? or per- defect of gloominess in color the gen- ;

adventure concrete and a tiled roof? eral impression is more than dull. A
Whichever you choose, there will be settlement largely composed of these
mistakes and regrets. Certain mourn- cottages and small villas and old houses
ful recapitulations will be in order con- issomewhat mournful all the creepers

cerning some things forgot, and other and flowers on and near them can do
things duly considered but dropped but little to cheer that gentle gloom.
through motives of economy. Let us Localities where they abound stand
reason a bit on these alternatives as to much in need of other styles of wall and
material. roof, other materials to give variety
The house of wood is the popular and color to the scene. It is true that as
house in a country so favored with Bacon says, houses are to live in, not to
forest growth as ours.Especially the look at. But Bacon was so fortunate as
simple Colonial structure of the sea- to have a wealth of charming old houses
board, with its clapboard or shingle to consider and familiarity bred in him
sides, its severe line of shingled roof, contempt besides, he adds "therefore

sharply cut off at the eaves, harsh in the let use be preferred before uniformity
triangle of the gable, often heavy except where both may be had." The
enough inproportions, even when
its fragile materials used by our village
the point of the gable is hipped and forefathers, their lack of wealth and
snipped, and the slope of the roof is numbers, have prevented in most parts
broken by a curb or gambrel especially ;
of the United States the formation of
has this derivative from the less preten- old burgs and manors, which time has
tious homes of the colonists been rising ripened into things of beauty. The pres-
like the mushroom along the Atlantic ent generation, having won to ideas of
coast. Its merits have been hitherto ob- art beyond those of former days, is ask-
vious unpretentiousness, cheapness to ing for houses that shall be good to look
build, cheapness to maintain. The at as well as comfortable to live in.
shingles are left unpainted and unstained That people are beginning to feel the
to take their natural weather tone, dulness and gloom of the unpainted
which occurs in two or three seasons. shingle cottage may be seen on Long
Copyright, 1905, by "The Architectural Record Company." All rights reserved.
Entered May 22, 1902, as second-class matter, Post Office at Xew York, N. Y., Act of Congress of
March 3d, 1879.

Island in such summer camps as East tinct advantage. It presents a contrast

Hampton, Wainscott, Watermill and less violent than wood to the surround-
South Hampton. At East and South ings. The house is less new-looking,
Hampton and on Shinnecock Hills are less raw-looking, to begin with com- ;

cottages and villages of larger size, em- pared with wood, it is less a box dropped
bodying the plaster or stucco wall and somewhere which might be jacked up
the painted-shingle, the baked-clay or and rolled elsewhither as one often sees
the cast-metal .tile for the roof. Plas- the old timber houses stalking along the
tered and wire-lathed, and metal-tiled as roads. It seems rooted like a true
to roof, is the Italian villa on Lake growth to the earth. Owing to the old-
Georgica belonging to the painter Al- world originals from which they have


Georgica Lake, East Hampton, L. I. Grosvenor Atterbury, Architect.

bert Herter. The villa on the hill to the been studied, the architect has left rea-
east of East Hampton, belonging to Dr. sonable wall spaces on which the eyes
Clarence C. Rice, like the former, from rest with an undefined but no less real
designs by Grosvenor Atterbury, has its sense of pleasure. As the ampelopsis,
fine big shingle roof painted red. The honeysuckle and climbing roses invest
smaller dwellings, of Benjamin Rich- the lower parts, the house takes stronger
ards in the village of East Hampton, root and seems to grow from the lawn
and "Pink House," the home of Mr. or the sandv dune.
Wiechmann at Wainscott, are plastered On the other hand, even when at-
frame houses, which offer a happy vari- tempts are made in wooden houses to
ant from the mass of unpainted or dully provide some resting places for the eyes,
painted dwellings. Yet the result is ob- the material itself cannot fail to sug-
tained simply enough by a cement or gest that it is a surface of parts as-
stucco skin applied to plaster-board or sembled, a combination of beams and
metallic lath. boards and separate shingles. Unless
So far as looks are concerned, the there is some special beauty in such
stucco gray or pink or pale green in combination, as in furniture made art-
tone and grainy as to surface is a dis- fully of different sorts of wood, and


East Hampton, L. I. Grosvenor Atterbury, Architect.

therefore interesting, the effect is chil- cliffand rocky outcrop from the soil.
ling. Stucco or concrete differs from Do they not stand closer to Mother
wood or brick or stone in that it brings Earth than wooden structures taking ;

unity into the wall, suggests restfulness us back unconsciously through the laby-
and strength, massiveness and immov- rinth of long-vanished ancestral days, by
ableness, as if the building of which it the obscure paths of instinct, perhaps, to
is the support were part of the landscape the ages when the race passed untold
itself. Even abject ruins, de-
in their centuries as cliff-dwellers, mound-bur-
prived of their coverings of marbles and rowers, inhabitants of wattled mud-
mosaics, the great walls of concrete of walled cabins, whitewashed earthen farm
the imperial baths at Rome have a ma- and high-walled fortalice? The flat


East Hampton, L. I.

jesty that neither brick nor stone pos- roofs and long, unrelieved walls of
sesses. But if we add to these quali- Oriental towns appeal to us through
ties the colors which the paintless cot- atavism, it may be. Who knows but
tages we speak of so conspicuously lack, this may explain our
liking for such
it is clear that such
buildings are very walls as much as do the more logical
valuable, if it were only to leaven the and immediate reasons of economy and
lump and, ;
in fact, should be encouraged practicalworth?
as a relief to the sombreness of the That there are reasoned grounds for
townscape. this liking is apparent. Beside a certain
Why do we hail with satisfaction in quality in the colors on stucco or con-
Spain or Mexico, Italy or France, those crete, a quality which cannot be ob-
gray or ivory white, yellowish, pink or tained by unpainted or by stained or
pale green walls, so simple and uncostly, painted wood beside the special claim

as they appear to us with their concomi- of the shadows from deep eaves when
tants of vineyard and olive orchard ? Is they fallon broad, united, grainy surf-
it not because of a faint there are impressions of dura-
suggestion of aces,


Bar Harbor, Me.

m CQ

bility, from fire, of impene-

of security less costly in thelong run, because they
trabilityby damp and like suggestions need no painting or repairs. They are
of a practical kind which may not be formed from inexhaustible earth by kiln
altogether true in the wall that has a heat or by mixture with some propor-
plaster skin, but at any rate seems true. tion of cement, or steam or some chem-
I venture to say that brick seems less ical change, or by simple compression,
durable, less serviceable in keeping out and in any quantity. Wood, on the
the cold of winter and the heat of sum- other hand, takes long to grow, and de-
mer. As a matter of fact, a well-built, mands constant watching against fire
solid concrete wall, and even a tho- and thieves before it is ripe and available
roughly finished stucco, should be less as timber.
permeable to wind and moisture than Back of these structures, which are so
one of uncovered brick. So that there picturesque and satisfactory to the eyes
is good practical reason for covering when we see them in Mexico or Italy,
brick with stucco as a reinforcement lies the old farm or town-house on the
and ceiling against the drive of the rain classic or Oriental plan, built round
storm, however that fashion may be de- three, if not four, sides of a yard, with
cried as lacking full sincerity in the aes- its rooms lighted from the inner court.
thetic sense. The -town and country Hence the rare windows outside, hence
architecture of Europe and Mexico the broad, untroubled surfaces which
still uses the brick housewall clad in comfort the eye, but also hence the un-
stucco, and molded to simulate great friendly, offish look of village streets in
courses of stone a sham, of course. France and Italy, where each house
But then, what is this villa architecture seems to be turning its back and bid-
of frame house, metal lath and plaster ding the stranger begone. When,
skin but a sham also ? It simulates your therefore, we seek to obtain these broad,
stone house, or your brick laced with simple spaces in a free-standing villa
stucco, or your solid wall of concrete. of moderate size we are met by the ne-
Is it not better to go frankly over to the cessity of piercing the walls with many
last-named and build so that houses will windows, for the light must come from
remain practically unchangeable, only outside, and each room must have one
gathering grace with age, gaining a fine or more windows. The problem grows
patina, but subject to ruin neither by fire complicated. We
want the fine points
nor decay ? of the old liberal villa, with its inner
There is another reason beside the court or patio, but we cannot bear the
aesthetic advantages for believing that cost of low, wide, liberal houses, nor
henceforward our cottage and villa spare our many rooms, our fenestration,
architecture will turn this way. Wood is regular and hygienic, our drawing-
getting dear to put it mildly. Invin- room and dining-room, the hall, the
cible optimism has "done for" our for- baths, the convenient and airy kitchen
ests as it has for the buffalo optimism in fine, a dozen things which to our
or incurable devil-may-care, as you pre- climate and habits are indispensable
fer! At the same time, the substitutes all crowded together, moreover , into
for wood are increasing in number and comparatively narrow limits. For we
getting cheaper. More factories to fur- are not considering the country house of
nish hollow tiles, decorative bricks and the wealthy, who can build broad or
placques, cheaper cement and artificial high, and reproduce, if necessary, the
stone of a durable kind are springing up. villas of Italy and Spain or the palaces
Unburnable materials like "lignum," of Europe we are thinking of the sum-

similar to brick in hardness and wearing mer houses of people of very moderate
capacity, but like to wood in lightness means. Even if we could have the in-
and the power to hold nails without ward-looking house, with central court-
cracking; but superior in its practical yard, at a low price, we would not want
are rapidly becoming
indestructibility, it, because we like to have views in all
less costly than
wood, nay, are already directions, if
possible from all rooms,

Wellesley, Mass. W. D. Brown, Architect.

and our effort is not, as of old, to con- that we find at Pompeii, their lower
centrate the family life in the central stories preserved for all time by the hot,
court, but to give the different mem- grainy outpourings from Vesuvius, a
bers of the family as much opportunity black, unmelting hail that tenderly cov-
as possible to have rooms to them- ered up many a choice bit of painted
selves for rest, or quiet or study. The wall, many a work of household art
modern cottage seeks to decentralize without destroying it. Houses with one
the family so far as it can be done within or more courts cannot well be raised
narrow dimensions and at moderate higher than two stories or three with-
cost. out making the courtyards dark and un-
The Spanish or Italian villa, on a fitted for their purpose, which was a
somewhat costlier scale than mentioned well-sheltered, open-air life. Thus the
above,may be seen in the design of Miss typical Greek house must have been
Anne Archbold for her house at Bar only two stories high, with a cloistered
Harbor, a country house planned in part or colonnaded courtyard for men, a
by Miss Janet Scudder, but one in which dining-room beyond, and back of that a
the owner's personal taste has found an cloistered courtyard for women. To-
outlet. Here the broad wall-spaces cut ward the street, or outward, only the
sparingly for window and door, the low upper story had windows, bays or bal-
roof and widespreading ground plan, conies. Naturally the monastery and
have the charm of the old dwellings that nunnery of Christian times repeated this
go back to Roman days, those villas arrangement, for it pretty effectually

shuts out the world beyond the four that follows the ups and downs of the
walls. In the turbulent Middle Ages the thermometer, as it were automatically,
private dwelling in town and country now raising defences against a torrid
might well follow the same general plan heat, now closing itself against sudden
for the safety of the family but in mod-
cold or the damp from torrential rains.
ern times the necessity for this seclusion Our fierce winters make us sensitive to
no longer exists. When it is found in cold because they force us to keep our
America it means that the builder pre- houses very warm ;
even the summer
fers the sense of living secluded, as some bungalow must be prepared for a slight
enjoy surrounding their property with fall of the thermometer. We are not so
high stone walls to prevent the intrusion heroic as the English and Italians, who
even of a prying eye. The general ten- support their few weeks of severe
dency, however, is outward rather than weather with resignation rather than
inward, a multiplication of windows, put their houses in condition for short
porches and balconies, and a dispensing seasons of cold; our agony would last
with even so much as a fence as bound- too long. The cloistered courtyard has
ary, so that the line between lawn and to be an exotic, save in Florida and
high road is merely marked by a stone Southern California. Our roofs must be
coping or a slope of grass. much tighter than are the handsome
Moreover, the great variability of tiledcoverings of Italian villas, and our
climate on the Atlantic seaboard mili- kitchens have to be nearer to hand. We
tates against the old-world villa archi- carry comfort to a degree which earns
tecture. We have to provide a house for us the scorn of Europeans, many of


Youngstown, Ohio. H. F. Kling and C. W. Buchanan, Architects.

whom regard blue noses and chilblains brick to heat and cold, dampness and
as part of the necessary rigors of life ;
wind. In countries where it is common
but a short residence in the United this is not only a cheaper but rapider
States cures them of this disdain, and method of construction than wood or
they discover that the climate of the new brick or stone, and admits of decoration
world exacts compromises which they in many ways, either by incrustations of
had not foreseen. tiles or shells, by modeling in plaster re-
But if the ordinary owners of a coun- liefs, by washing with colors, by geomet-

try house cannot afford a low Spanish ric designs with colored bricks.
villa, with inner compound green and Ruskin says somewhere that orna-
flowery where a fountain murmurs mentation is the principal part of archi-


Vineyard Haven, Mass. J. Williams Beal, Architect.

above a pool full of water-lilies, he can tecture, considered as a subject of fine

have a picturesque exterior. art, but in this country we seem to fear
The next step away from wood con- ornamentation of buildings, perhaps be-
struction is to make the stucco walls of cause the attempts have been made by
villas really solid masses of concrete, architects who have no talent in that
and here and there we see this step tak- field, more likely because, according to
en. Long wooden boxes without bot- our means, we aim at size rather than
toms are employed to mold the solid, beauty, quantity rather than quality.
thick walls, which are built up of con- Some buildings discovered during exca-
crete formed on the spot of cement and vations for the new quays on the Tiber
sand, or broken brick or stone, in the at Rome afford an example of the bold-
ancient way, the concrete hardening to ness and cleverness of Roman decora-
the consistency of soft stone, and offer- tors of house walls. Thev laid the plas-
ing even better resistance than stone or ter, and while it was wet fashioned it by

hand in figuresand arabesques of low thetic to the practical, there is wisdom in

relief, and then applied colors and even this madness, in so far that a villa built
gilding with true artistic feeling as well throughout of concrete is almost inde-
as technical skill. Similar if inferior structible and insurance against fire is
treatment of the fronts of half-timber scarcely needed.
houses was common in Northern Eu- What is the Spanish cement or con-
rope during the Middle Ages. crete house, what the ancient Pompeiian,
In France and to a less degree in other than a style founded on one of
Germany there has been of late a sharp the oldest forms of house-making, that
return to this early method of building, of wattled cabins, round or square,
especially for small town houses and which the early dwellers in Europe


Borough of the Bronx,New York City. Robert W. Gardner, Architect.

villas. L'art nouveau has seized on the daubed with clay, whitened with burnt
idea very naturally, because in concrete shells or limestone, and decorated with
and with the plaster exterior we can earthy pigments dissolved in water? It
shape those fantastic designs and curves is a practical method of building, so re-
which seem so attractive to the very motely antique that history cannot guess
modernest and most progressive of its origin. In France there is M. Hen-
though the results often sug-
architects, nebique, who has revived it with modern
gest the carved work on Papuan pad- innovations that permit of making
dles. There is in this revived style an floors and walls and stairways much
analogy to certain trees like the birch thinner than the ancients used to build,
and the palm, which have generous, and yet with great stability and strength.
smooth, united trunks and liberal roofs Deeply embedded in the mass of con-
of green. And, to spring from the aes- crete, as the wooden formts that mold the


Borough of the Bronx, New York City. Robert W. Gardner, Architect.

walls, beams under floors, etc., are filled, walls, quays, sea-walls, culverts, bridges
are rods of iron and wires placed appa- and esplanades.
rently at random, but well calculated to In the borough of the Bronx a young
strengthen the material. He has likened architect has recently built for Dr. van
them to the nerves that steady and con- Etten a stable all of concrete cellars,
trol the animal fabric. Perhaps it would stairway pf the horses, floors and sup-
be better to find an analogy in the straw porting beams, chimneys, rooms for
that early nations mixed with sun-dried coachman, even the roof, as the illustra-
bricks. The concrete in drying crystal- tions show. The only wood used is for
lizes round the rods and wires so firmly the frames to windows and doors. The
that the latter become part of the mate- concrete beams, twenty-five feet in the
rial, and prevent its cracking or parting span, that support the carriage floor,
under strain. In the United States, too, have within them iron rods of no great
we hear of warehouses and grain eleva- size or thickness, not running from wall
tors constructed throughout of con- to wall, not even touching, but laid sep-
crete, floors and roofs as well as walls. arately, flat or tilted, as seems best, for
Railway stations and armories also have the purpose of making the concrete
been constructed of this material wholly tougher. They are about eight inches
or in part, not to speak of retaining thick, and the floor above them four


Borough New York City.
of the Bronx, Robert W. Gardner, Architect.

thick. They have been loaded with six- a bad conductor of heat and cold, it
teen tons, and showed only a deflection preserves an evener temperature than
under that weight of one-sixteenth of stone, brick or wooden stables. More-
an inch. Chimneys and stairs are of the over, the floors are so modeled that
same material, and so is the roof. The there are no curves or cracks in which
walls are four inches thick, and if it were dirt can collect. The bins for feed can
thought necessary to have an~air-space be part of the wall, and are inaccessible
in such walls, there would be no diffi- to rats. A hose can be used to wash
culty in embedding flat, hollow tiles floors and walls and ceiling, and the
throughout. As it is, Mr. Gardner has damp does not linger.
used square hollow tiles for the flues of Though so simple, and one may truly
the chimney. say so primitive, this style of building
The concrete he uses consists of one has still to make its way. A
part Portland cement, two parts sand example of a somewhat similar kind of
and four of broken stone, or in some construction is the Ponce de Leon hotel
places four of screened and washed coal of Carrere & Hastings, at San Augus-
ashes. The stable is impervious to wa- tine, Florida. Concrete floors are also
ter below and above, it cannot take fire, getting the fashion witness the Metro-

and, owing to the fact that concrete is politan Club and the new palace of Sen-

ator W. Clark on Fifth Avenue.

A. ing rain will penetrate brick or wood or
There every reason, however, to be-
is thin plaster, the cement wall cannot be
lieve that it will be applied more and pierced by water or wind. Its thickness
more, at first to small villas, stables, etc., admits of deep embrasures and window
especially in places like the Pacific Slope seats its surface lends itself to modeled

where, indeed, it might b'e termed na- and colored decoration without limit, if
tive under Spanish precedents also ;
the owner prefers that to simple lines.
Long Island, the Jersey coast, Cape Nor is there any reason why the floors
Cod and other Atlantic resorts where and stairways should not be made as
wood is costly, the air
is full of vapor solid and indestructible as the walls, us-
and and the chief ingredients
salt tang, ing a good quality of concrete, of course,
of concrete can be found close at hand. and eliminating thus as far as possible
One drawback, on the score of economy, the woodwork that ensures, the destruc-
will yield to the demand its newness tion of a country house as soon as fire
on the Atlantic coast and the inexperi- gains headway enough to attack it. For
ence of ordinary builders and contrac- libraries, museums and art galleries, that
tors. Workmen are not familiar with contain valuable books and paintings,
it contractors very naturally hesitate to
the all-concrete building is the one that
give an estimate of its cost. will be in demand.
There can be little doubt that a wall Our people seem to have a fear of
of concrete of proper ingredients, well color ; they are very Quakers in the so-
rammed down, will be cooler in sum- berness of their homes. They should
mer and warmer in winter than any gr^isp the opportunity to employ a sim-
other kind of construction of the same ple, practical form of building conse-
thickness, and that the time is close crated by the ages "as old as the hills"
when be as cheao as, if not cheap-
it will which permits the use of soft, bright
er than,wood, and of course more eco- colors, and is as well fitted to peep from
nomical than plaster on metallic lath or the bosom of deep woodlands as to
plaster board. The metallic lath is al- smile across the bare, wind-swept moors
ways danger from rust unless the
in by the sea, where
greatest care is taken that it is kept . . . . the pointed cedar shadows
from contact with the air, so insidious Drowse on the crisp gray moss.
are the approaches of oxidation. It is safe
only when the workmen are watched,
Even the comfortable red roof is not
and every inch of lathing that goes into much used by city folk on their villas, al-
such a wall is scrutinized to see that though the country people, following
there are no parts which fail to be com- their taste without the fear or, indeed,

pletely covered by the plaster. With the knowledge of critics, are prone to paint
all-concrete wall a workman can hardly their barns and often their sheds, their

go astray. The openings for doors, win- houses and covered bridges, red. Yel-
dows, flues, and ventilating shafts are low for walls is a favorite with city folk
fixed, and the walls about them rise because it is supposed to be Colonial,
swiftly as the wooden forms are shifted
and has precedent in its favor it has ;

upward. The marks of these forms can fortunately taken the place of a reddish
be smoothed away while the concrete is brown that invaded country villas at one
not yet hard. The composition forms time, and demoralized the landscape
an almost indestructible mass, which with its disgusting tones but as with ;

supports perfectly the low-eaved roof, red, so with yellow; the trouble is that
and is a capital non-conductor for heat house-painters, through defective color-
and cold. Where a long-continued driv- sense, are capable of any color-crime.
Charles de Kay.
The Perfect Theatre.

"That men may rise on stepping stones

Of their dead selves to higher things."

An architectural critic of the i8th and in their order of importance may be

century describing a foreigner's arrival placed like this :

at a city remarks his curiosity which ist. Good Planning,

led him in the first place to visit the 2d. Watching and Inspection,
theatre. Here he received his first im- 3d. Fire resisting construction.
pressions "of the state of the arts, of Subordinate considerations also af-
the genius and the manners of the fecting health and comfort are sanita-
people." Centuries earlier, in classic tion, heating, lighting, ventilation, and
times, Vitruvius tells us that in laying the like.
out a new city, the theatre, or place of It is not my present purpose to go
amusement, was located next after the into a repetition of details for these ne-
Forum, or place of business. He says, cessities which have been so ably cov-
"A spot as healthy as possible is to be ered in Mr. Sach's "Modern Theatres
chosen for the theatre." and Opera Houses," and in Mr. Ger-
Two considerations are apparent here. hard's "Theatres." I propose to take
The ideal of the classic architect was up the subject in a more general but
material. It concerned t"he material perhaps quite as pertinent a way. And
welfare of the people. After the Re- this by reason of certain new phases,
naissance of Art came a wave of Aesthe- which recent conditions in theatre oper-
ticism. The "state of the arts" divided ation seem to have forced upon us.
attention with the "manners of the If one should attempt to describe the
people." The theatre of to-day is a re- Perfect Theatre it is just as apparent as
flex of society, just as it was 200 or 2,000 ever that such must be the result of an
years ago. Ours is an age of both ma- ideal society. And in one particular the
terial and aesthetic standards, and the ancients certainly had an advantage
perfect theatre must be judged by both. over us. Whereas their buildings were
The exquisitely decorated Auditorium situated and designed for the benefit of
captivates our sense of beauty, but the people, to-day it is the box office
cramped quarters and a headache will which must be accommodated. For
distort the most exquisite creation. On while in Classic and Mediaeval times
the other hand, thorough ventilation, the funds were provided by the State, it
comfortable seating and the sense of se- is impossible under private enterprise

curity arising from a well-planned and to equal the liberal provisions which an
ably managed building have won half undertaking for profit forbids. A well-
the battle for an aesthetic complement. known financier, approached quite re-
Granting the necessity for both, I think cently to endow a model theatre, replied,
we may at once admit that the sine qua "There is only one successful endow-
non of the Perfect Theatre is its pro- ment for a theatre, and that is through
vision for the safety, health and comfort the box office!" This sentiment is
of its patrons. wrong, because the public often errs in
On this subject, several well-known its support, and always benefits by edu-
writers have established what may be cation. There is perhaps no more
called a standard. I refer
especially to worthy field for the philanthropist than
Messrs. Foelsch & Sach's in Europe the endowment of splendid theatres.
and Mr. W. P. Gerhard in America. We know that the Greeks set apart
These gentlemen consistently tell us their finest site for the theatre, and this
that the necessities for Safety in theatres practice prevailed for many centuries.

In our day, private enterprise counts type, and there are a hundred similar
a frontage too expensive, so the "single instances, all disparaging to our modern
entrance" plan has been adopted. practice, in so far that health and
The theatre proper occupies the in- safety have been sacrificed for financial
terior of a plot of ground, the street reasons. If the box office cannot
frontage being devoted to other pur- remedy this, the philanthropist
poses, with one or perhaps two might.
passages reserved for entrances. New Then again heating, lighting and ven-
York boasts several theatres typical of tilationwhich the Greeks obtained from
this scheme, as do almost all our larger nature, are with us important matters
cities, but the significance of this state- of engineering. Sight lines and acous-


ment is that they constitute the newest tics, construction, decoration, planning
and most costly of our buildings. A re- and last but not least the care and man-
cent contributor to these pages has agement of the house after its comple-
ably described the decorative schemes of tion, were comparatively simple matters
the New Amsterdam, the Empire and in the isolated structure of a single pur-
other Metropolitan playhouses. But pose. But with the crowding together
what of the material, the practical side of many interests in the same block
of these theatres? Compare the single yes and under the same roof the de-
entrance the niggardly street frontage signing of one of these intricate theatre
with the majestic setting the splen- structures has become to-day perhaps
did isolation of a European Opera the most difficult problem an architect
House. We will take for example may undertake.
Gotham's New Amsterdam and Copen- Could we be carried back 2,000 years
hagen's Royal Theatre. Each one is a to the simple lives of the Roman and

the Greek, retaining all we have learned mountain side, the chiselled steppings
that is good, obliterating all we have following the natural contour of the
acquired that is bad, then indeed might land. Here for a back ground majestic
the Ideal Theatre, in its main necessi- Aetna towers 14,000 feet above the sea.
ties, be realized. Even now in the most Such a setting was the Ancient Greeks'
vital principles of design the 2oth cen- delight. It only remains to p.dd that

tury architect can find no happier in- their roof was the canopy of Heaven,
spiration than the works of those Clas- their border lights the sun and we can :

sic Master Builders, which still mutely never equal the perspective of their
testify on the shores of Italy and her sis- stage setting the distant view of moun-
ter States, to an art whose simple tain, valeand sea.
beauty stands unequalled and alone. To-day we are hampered by the de-
One must needs approach the subject mands of a civilization thoroughly arti-
of the Ideal Theatre from the standpoint ficial, which with every decade becomes
where these ancients were supreme. more complicated.
The impression one gets above all at The Greek found no necessity to
Pompeii or at Fiesole, at Toarmina or guard against fire and panic where was
at Rome, is the same here was the sim-
; nothing combustible and every seat an
ple, the natural, the perfect plan. Vitru- aisle. No fear that light or ventilation
vius tells us that proportion in architec- might failwith nature as the source.
ture was inspired by the divine symme- No restriction necessary for the jerry-
try of the human body and that its mem- builder where the quarry side formed
bers hand, foot, etc. were the origin the wall. But more than all, as condu-
of the measures used in building. The cive to the safety of the audience, was
architect of the Classic Theatre drew his scientifically radiating plan which
first a circle symbolic always like the not only stood for ease of movement,
Buddhist's wheel of Destiny. The i. e., in straight lines, but better still, a
Greek inscribed within it squares, the continually increasing ease.
Roman drew triangles, but both with This is a vital necessity of theatre
a well-studied system by which the planning, which present practice quite
points of either figure indicated width ignores that as the audience is dis-

and depth of stage and pointed direc- missed, each succeeding stage shall be
tion of aisles and exits. Vitruvius has easier than the last.
left an account of this system of plan- To illustrate The building ordinances

ning, and I can imagine nothing more of most cities require a width of i ft.

superbly fitting in the Greek architects for every 100 persons, as the capacity of
work than this, his flawless nature aisles, stairs and exits. This is a very
plan, inspired by the 12-pointed star scanty measure and should be increased,
with which the astrologers had traced but on a graduated scale as follows :

their sphere. The signs of the Zodiac Aisles between seatings, capacity of i^
stood to portray every human charac- ft. for every 100 persons.

teristic; they were a record of all the Corridors in rear seatings, capacity of
seasons of time and life. So upon this 2 ft. for every 100 persons.
eternal frame, encircled by the endless Stairways behind corridors, capacity of
line which stood for immortality, the 2^ ft. for every 100 persons.
Greek architect built his theatre, where Final exit doors, capacity of 3 ft. for
was to be depicted the whole gamut of every 100 persons.
life's changing play. The congestion which usually occurs
On the heights above Florence the lit- in the rear of seatings and out as far as
tle ''mother city" of Fiesole boasts one of the exits while an audience is being dis-
the -best preserved classic theatres, and missed would in this way be avoided and
at Toarmina, in Sicily, is an example many deadly panics averted.
similar to Fiesole, but still more pict- The subject of plan naturally suggests
uresque. In both instances the site has a word on the much advertised "emer-
been chosen in a gentle hollow in the gency exit." In the sum of all things

puerile, I know of no more cruel inven- right hand or northof Chicago's Iro-
tion. This country alone of all civilized quois Theatre, seating1,900 people,
nations, allows and even sanctions it. were three emergency fire escapes. The
I state this after a critical inspection of a manager had told his employees never
large percentage of European theatres. to open them except on his personal or-
Anything which savors of the unusual ders. Consequently when needed to
to the same extent makes possible dan- save life they were not ready for the

ger in a theatre plan. The most suc- emergency, and when forced open, were
cessful theatre manager is he who takes found, but too late, to be utterly inade-
his audience completely into his confi- quate. Just one day's trial would have
dence as regards all arrangements for condemned these ill-planned, flimsy es-



seating and exits, and inculcates these capes as unfit for use under the most
by force of habit. The audience must be ordinary circumstances. But they were
dismissed with ease, and be conscious for emergencies only, and their first test
of that ease. cost the lives of 600 persons.
On all programmes of London play- Such is the emergency exit.
houses be found the following no-
will The "single entrance" plan was the
tice "The public at the end of the per-
: scheme of the Iroquois Theatre. The
formance may leave the theatre by all editor of a leading architectural journal
exit and entrance doors." A law to writes that the possibility of the late
compel the daily use of every exit will disaster "may be found in the plans of
avoid the rusting of locks, accumulation the building." After centuries of noble
of debris, and blocking of passages, example in safe planning, the Ameri-
which the manager trusts to luck may can dollar has decreed that nearly two
never be required. thousand people shall congregate in a
To illustrate The only exits on the
playhouse with but one regular entrance

and exit, and that not even located on greatest palaces on the Grand Canal, al-
the main axis of auditorium and stage. though little known in this connection
For the rear imposed a cruel barrier, deserved equal fame for his theatre of
100 feet wide and almost as high, with Vicenza. (See page no.) For in that
not a solitary opening to break the noteworthy plan he first used the ellipse
dread prison wall. And yet money had instead of the circle, a premonition of
been lavished on this fated building; the the modern instinct which would draw
construction was thorough, and we may the audience closer to, and more nearly
even say fireproof in the sense that a in front of the actors.
stove is fireproof. But a stove is de- The twentieth century has empha-
signed to facilitate combustion within it, sized this desire for width and shallow-
and the shape of the conventional audi- ness, combined with the Greek radial
torium with its up-draft ventilation is plan. Its logical conclusion may be seen
built upon exactly the same principle. in a new Chicago theatre where the el-
It is not fireproof theatres we need liptic plan has been completed. (See
so much as Panic-proof the proof
born page no.) These three types, viz.: the
of the simple and the natural plan. The circle, the ellipse and the oval, show a
free and unrestricted area with open reasonable sequence of endeavor, from
spaces on all sides is the first imperative which the Ideal Theatre must eventually
requirement. We legislate this, but we be evolved. The Gallic and Italian horse-
evade it. If under present circumstances shoe plan and the oblong square of
theatres cannot be made profitable upon England and America, which have pre-
such expensive sites, does not the ad- dominated for several centuries, lack
vent of quick and cheap transportation many advantages, and in the best prac-
offer a less expensive substitute? Or if tice they are now virtually discarded.
we must have some centrally located Again concave surfaces are recog-
playhouses then admission prices must nized as an aid to sound they concen-

be advanced, or better still, the profit- trate the sound waves and increase the
taking spirit may be eliminated by the volume. In the Chicago Theatre just
advent of the philanthropist into the mentioned, a thin resilient partition
field of endowed theatres. forms the entire enclosure of the oval
The Perfect Theatre necessitates and also extends up into ceiling and
first the Perfect Site, so that the archi- dome. It was accidentally demonstrated
tect may give it a fitting and proportion- that the sound waves cause vibration
ate plan. The ancients understood this. of this shell, which becomes, in fact, a
Their semicircular plan radiated exits, huge sounding board.
and more each continued on its indi- One of our difficult problems, which
vidual axis to the street. Perhaps the the old Greeks escaped, consists in the
most noteworthy example is that mighty projecting balconies of the modern
fabric, the Roman Theatre of Marcellns theatre. Cantilever construction has
which seated 14,000 persons, and is the made an enormous overhang possible
largest theatre recorded in the world's without the use of obstructing columns,
history. (See page no.) and here ensues a subtle danger, that of
If its noble builders could have seen bringing the occupants too close to the
it as I did some time since, its ancient dread inflammability of stage equip-
glory given place to the needs of hous- ment. This extreme projection should
ing the very poor of modern Rome, they be prohibited unless, as I believe, we
had still seen it harboring tragedy, and are upon the eve of a new use for, and
perhaps more realistic than of old. The benefit from mechanical ventilation. As
ruin mentioned is typical of hundreds of practised in some of Vienna's later
others in Italy and Greece. And later, buildings, the system becomes a safe-
in the days of the Renaissance the great guard by its constant current from au-
Palladio still adhered to the radial prin- ditorium through stage opening and up
ciple. The noted architect whose fame through stage roof. I do not hesitate to
is written in the facades of many of the say that, in the light of present knowl-






edge the up-draft method principally which the fresh forced in through
air is
used in this country, the intake of fresh perforations the ceiling and at the
air under seats and the exhaust through rear of the auditorium. The current
ventilators in ceiling over the audi- would be drawn through the stage
torium (page 113), is a criminal practice opening and out through ventilators
fraught with the gravest danger. always open in the stage roof. It would
The downward system invented by. be sure because constant, its operation
the French engineer, Morin, and used being denoted by tiny streamers placed
with much success in several continental in the proscenium arch. And this ap-
and American houses, escapes that re- parent protection would make for con-
sponsibility, because in forcing the air in fidence in the audience and therefore
at the ceiling and drawing it out beneath dollars to the management. Once more
seats the downward pressure extends imagine, if you will, the advantage of a
also laterally, i. e., in a limited degree system of protection which on account
through stage opening. It is well to of its publicity cannot be allowed to
note that a Commission of Theatre Ex- lapse In contrast all our present meas-

perts employed by the Chicago Tribune, ures are left absolutely in the hands of
reported: "Any system of ventilation an undisciplined and ever changing
which could draw smoke or flame there- stage crew, and we expect safety ! It
in from the stage should be suitably has been stated that air currents
safeguarded." But how? I repeat that through the stage opening would inter-
the ventilating system must itself form fere with the operation of scenery. But
the safeguard. this is obviated by perforations over and
Prof. Brouardel has shown that the at sides of the proscenium, connected
majority of theatre fires start upon the by a special duct to the roof, thus con-
stage and that the loss of life usually tinuing air currents when the stage
occurs from the flames and smoke opening is closed. The interference
which immediately penetrate into the with acoustics is insignificant in com-
auditorium. Late efforts to guard parison with the security gained.
against this source of danger have only This security lies in the fact of a
temporized with the real need. What constant initial current an ever open ;

reliance can be placed in hand grenades stage vent; a combination ensuring the
or standpipes when contingent upon right direction of any conflagration
human watchfulness or resource. How which might occur.
can we depend upon sprinklers whose In addition fusible links should be
advocates claim that the plugs are "al- provided, which at the first flame would
most sure" to fuse. What certainty in throw open other enormous auxiliary
a steel curtain which in the critical mo- roof vents,making the aggregate size of
ment often fails to work. these not less than one-eighth the area
Where is the safety in fireproof scen- of stage.
ery whose virtue at most can last only have dealt with ventilation in what
three months? Who
is to guarantee the I is its most urgent phase
believe as a
opening of stage vent in time of peril? safeguard. Its importance as a measure
These things are all good as far as they for health is well understood. But in
go, but they are all uncertain. Sprink- many theatres it is ignored, so that ex-
lers certainly should be required over periments have proved the air more foul
every stage with scenery. I am not de- than that in a street sewer.
crying the use of any other reasonable Elaborate systems have been aban-
safeguards. doned or mutilated because of the trif-
But I believe the greatest measure of ling cost of operation. Some of the
safety lies in a ventilation system spe- most important theatres come in this
cially designed to that end, and I look class. I know of one whose
to see the experts take up and solve equipment became entirely forgotten
this problem which I can here only out- through disuse. In another the man-
line. The ideal system would be one in ager inserted by-passes in the ducts to

save the operation of a fan, and ruined that one will shortlv be discontinued,
itsefficiency. I can name a celebrated and who is to discover this until too
American theatre whose manager ac- late. The writer used electricity and
knowledged he did not know which his gas in a theater which he lately designed,
house had, the up or the down draft sys- the gas serving for the auxiliary system.
tem. As an instance of careless management,
There are so many ways in which the it took fully a month of almost
daily in-
ignorance or cupidity of a manager may spection by the architect before he could
destroy the merit of an intelligent archi- enforce its use. There was always some
tect's plan. excuse for evasion ;
but the absence of
Lighting, which with ventilation was gaslight, as against the main system of
so easily disposed of by the Classics, be- electricity, made detection immediate
and sure.
Although placed by competent au-
thorities last (and rightly so) in the list
of primary necessities, fireproof con-
struction is still of distinct advantage in
the modern
theatre. Practice in the
best constructed buildings has
been uniformly excellent, with perhaps
one exception. I refer to the use of
wooden framing and flooring built upon
the iron beams for the steppings of bal-
conies and galleries. Building regula-
tions within the four-mile limit of Lon-
don prohibit this, and so in perhaps a
half-score of the newest metropolitan
theatres the iron structure has been rein-
forced with a system of concrete step-
pings and risers which for thorough fire-
proofing and solidity are superb. 1 have
in other pages described this system as
used in Wyndham's two theatres, the
Apollo and His Majesty's. The advan-
comes a special problem in these days of tage of such construction is apparent
restricted and enclosed areas. Because when contrasted with its counterpart in
of its safety, cleanliness, and smaller some of our most celebrated American
heating property, electricity is becom- theatres. Dust, refuse and shavings-
ing the standard method. I suppose all filled receptacles their gallery voids usu-

building laws the world over require an ally become ;

for the building debris in-
auxiliary system to avoid the possibility variably finds its way into them. In our
of sudden darkness. I believe a further day no wood should be tolerated in con-
regulation necessary. The auxiliary
is struction, nor yet in finish nor furnish-
system must be of a different character ings. For we know
that other build-
(gas or sperm oil), so as to proclaim ings are now being
constructed without
itself as such to the audience or to any- an ounce of inflammable material
one interested. then why not the theatre? It is two
This is a system, again, which, by its centuries since Count Algarotti, an Ital-
very publicity could not be allowed to lian theatre critic, in an essay on the
lapse. Taking the audience into his opera, wrote that "the best lining for the
confidence may not be agreeable to the interior of a theatre is wood."
manager who would shirk regulations, In some matters we have progressed.
but it is pretty certain check on
a That was the view of the artist and
their evasion. Two systems of elec- musician, in brief, of the Italian. But
tric lighting means, on the other hand, a few vears later, Saunders, the London

architect, mind you, the

experienced sort of thing in our theatres. Would
practitioner, wrote : "Wood
being of all you not rather trust your life in the
materials the most favorable to sound, hands of the commander of the mean-
should be adopted in a theatre, in pref- est tramp that crosses the Atlantic than
erence to every other, not only in the to the tender mercies of the most ex-
divisions, but in the walls and even the
alted theatre manager in this country?
ceiling should be lined with it." These For the commander understands his
critics all cited the theatre at Parma, firstcare to be the safety of his patrons.
lined entirely with wood, as the most After that comes his duty to the com-
perfect example of acoustic excellence. pany. Not only that, but he undergoes
And Mr. Saunders, in his admirable years of special training fitting him for
which dwelt on acoustics, light-
treatise, the post. The theatre manager is
ing by candles, decorations and other chosen solely for his capacity to "make
appointments, not forgetting the coffee it pay." No other standard of fitness is
room, has not seen fit to advise any required in the man upon whose watch-
regulations for safety, with one excep- fulness and resource each day depend
tion, the outward opening of doors. the lives of thousands. Such a fact
The Aesthetic outweighed all material seems incredible in this age of civic re-
considerations in those days. Possibly orm. The direst need of the modern
because, strange to relate, theatre fatali- theatre is a State-regulated manage-
ties were of proportionately rare occur- ment, employees trained and tested for
rence. Wehave no records compiled their efficiency, from manager down.
prior to 1841. Since that date about Then perhaps when danger looms, in-
1,200 theatre fires have cost the lives of stead of a stampede of boy ushers and
12,000 persons, and the proportion is a stage manager "wanted," we may find
steadily increasing. Proof enough that resource and equal to the late
the modern theatre, as built and man- heroism of a Norwegian ship captain
aged, needs urgent and radical reform. and his engineer. I believe it was the
Let me emphasize as built and man- "Norge," whose commander was still
aged, for while the architect's responsi- on the bridge as the ship foundered,
bility ceases with the properly con- and whose chief engineer had just gone
structed building, the manager at once down to the engines, and to certain
assumes that responsibility and must death. So much for the employees.
never relax his vigilance. The owners of our theatres come in for
Yet who ever heard of a theatre man- criticism by a leading dramatic critic,
ager losing sleep for any other than a who says that not commercialism but
question of receipts? illiteracy is the curse of the American
I am not going out of my province stage. With that statement I cannot al-
when I say that very few managers in together agree.
this country know what they stand for. Theatre managers he characterizes
And here I want to make a comparison with few exceptions (and there are nota-
which will make clear some duties. A ble exceptions) as grossly illiterate. Of
metropolitan theatre in its relation to its such a type was the magnate controlling
patrons closely resembles a modern many theatres, who, after seeing a com-
ocean liner. The same frail humanity edy, founded on the "Pickwick Papers,"
trusts itself within the confines of one as inquired eagerly "Ain't that piece made

the other, each unit in a sense relin- from some book?" They told him yes,
quishing its identity and becoming a and that the author was a young man
part of anunwieldy whole, of which named Charles Dickens, living in Yon-
nothing certain except that it is in-
is kers. "Send him a telegram to come
capable of any concerted action, and and see me," said he, "I may make a
that its safety is utterly in the hands of deal with him for another libretto."
its keepers. Now compare the disci- These are the men who control in a
pline, the regime obtaining on a liner majority of cases all matters theatrical.
with the article which passes for that They build theatres, but the absorbing

question of dollars and cents renders sides of stage, within the stage, is ex-
them deaf to all considerations of pub- tremely dangerous. The rooms should
lic safety. Inspection of a recently con- be entirely separated by fire walls from
structed theatre, disclosed such glaring the stage proper and have independent
faults of planning that I questioned the stairs and exits. One or two openings
architect, who
replied, "My friend, I with fire doors at stage level would
know the faults and I fought hard to make the necessary connection.
avoid them. But you know clientmy Let us now define in more concise
and that the architect must plan to suit form the present necessities of the
him." In these days of the Trust and Ideal Theatre.
the dictator we need architects of the Chief of all are the isolated site and


Chicago, 111.

Brunelleschi type, the gifted Florentine the simple and generous plan always
who, rather than be brow-beaten by the recognized as the most vital necessities
all-powerful Medici tore up the plans in these have never been as utterly for-
his client's presence and refused to re- gotten as they are to-day. Other points
place them at any price. not heretofore covered in the text
One thing I want to emphasize the ; books, but still imperative, and which
Ideal conditions we would have must modern conditions have imposed, are :

exist on both sides of the footlights. ist. The compulsory use of all exits
The actors and stage employees whose after every performance.
duty keeps them in the danger zone 2d. An increase in the ratio of exit
must be considered equally with the pa- areas to seating capacity, the ratio con-
trons. This means well-ventilated and tinually increasing to the final exit.
sanitary dressing rooms, and with suffi- 3d. A safety ventilation system,
cient exits. which of itself shall constitute the pa-
The modern method of constructing trons' chief protection from stage con-
tierupon tier of rooms on one or both flagrations.

4th. A regulation compelling the aux- palisade of death. After all that has
iliary lighting by a different method than passed our ordinances are not improved,
the main system, so as to insure detec- conditions in our theatres are hardly
tion of its omission. better than they were. The ear-marks
5th. Education of the management remain. I can cite one case where the
and the public in the truth that "fire- insistence of the dread emergency exit
proof construction" is only one short (and the Building Commissioner must
step in the direction of safety, and alone obey the letter of the law he has no
is worthless ; yes, and even dangerous other alternative) has materially in-
in the sense of security which the term creased the element of danger.
seems to, but does not, imply. In Chicago it is a fact that the build-
6th. The necessity of a check on re- ing ordinance as revised since the late
miss management by the adoption of disaster is in important points distinctly
safety measures that may be apparent inferior to its predecessor.
to all and which, therefore, could not Take, for instance, two items:
easily lapse. The old ordinance prescribed a thea-
Last and most important as govern- tre building should front on three pub-
ing all of the above Legislation to
: lic places.
bring theatre enterprises under the con- The revised ordinance prescribes only
trol of special State Boards, who should two.
pass on all plans of buildings and should The old ordinance called for sprink-
also institute an examination for all lers above and below stage.
employees, the same being subject to The revised ordinance does away with
license after proving qualified for their them.
special duties as in other professions In this way the revision legalizes an
where equal responsibility exists. increased element of danger, for the
Such are the material and urgent three public frontages and the sprink-
needs. In many of our popular thea- ler system on stage, have a well-estab-
tres nothing but the mercy of Provi- lished value. No matter what specious
dence is saving new disaster. This is argument may be used against them,
not the cry of the alarmist rather the there are authentic cases where sprink-
sober judgment of men who have given lers have extinguished fire on the stage.
time and pains to reach the facts and That being so," who will deny it were
who see in the utterly inadequate exits, better to install 100 sprinkler systems
the lack of proper fire protection and and to damage scenery in 99 useless
the negligent and inefficient manage- sprayings, if by so
doing, lives might be
ment, a standing invitation to a great saved in just one theatre fire. However,
catastrophe. After each accident comes statistics show that premature fusing
rhe wave of indignation and reform. is so rare, it need only be expected in
Such reform as the Alderman can ad- a theatre once every 25 years.
minister. No disrespect to the Alder- It is worthy our attention that in the
man, mind you, all honor to him in his same manner that man's greed has vio-
proper sphere, which, however, is not lated the first law of humanity it has
the scientific regulation of the theatre. also played havoc with the 'artistic en-
The technical requirements are usually semble of our theatres.
beyond him. It may be with the best From the purely aesthetic standpoint
intentions, but in less than six months their decoration and furnishing may be
he is bartering again with the theatre said to suffer equally by reason of the
managers, and a mammoth new inscrip- ultra commercial plan. The box office
tion "Vaudeville Theatre" marks the again has decreed a jammed frontispiece
same danger spot where but yesterday and bulging balcony an elevation so
man's reckless cupidity cost 600 lives. deformed as to render quite impossible
With plan revamped, of course, but still any sound decorative design. More ra-
with the single entrance and with the tional planning will evolve structural
same rear wall towering unbroken a members amenable to artistic treatment,

and the Ideal interior of course is the Was ever such pathos? Even the
one whose detail is subordinate to con- great builder of St. Peter's, the master
structive lines. craftsman of the Sistine Frescoes, and
In Continental Europe where state of the Pieta must relinquish his idolized
aid has eliminated somewhat of the art. But do not those matchless works
commercial aspect, the circular auditor- breathe to us of the man's immortal
ium, clear of obstructing- projections, soul. Michael Angelo in the end real-
can be treated from floor to ceiling as a ized this higher Ideal.
whole. And success has been easier to And we who are artisans in that no-
obtain. With us, the theatre ceiling is blest of all the crafts and with us the
2. lost art. The funnel-shaped proscen- magnates who control and the public
ium and the necessity of the gallery god which supports the theatre enterprises,
have worked chaos and without a fit cannot our aims be raised above the
ceiling the interior must of necessity petty level of profit taking and the mean
fail. Thus abnormal planning has necessity of a day ? Shall we not rather
become responsible for meaningless believe with Carlyle "In the meanest

decoration and a weird strife for mortal there lies something nobler. The
effect. poor, swearing soldier, hired to be shot,
It has been truly said that the real has his 'honor of a soldier' different
courage of the artist lies in his capacity from drill regulations and the shilling a
for restraint. May we
not add that the day. It is not to taste sweet things but
and to do noble and true things and to vin-
greatest use test of beauty is the
measure of its benefit to mankind. The dicate himself under God's Heaven as
of art for art's sake is realized a god-made man that the poorest son
of Adam dimly longs."
again to-day as it was during the lives
of the masters of the Renaissance. The The architect must look beyond the
"man of four souls" greatest artist of gorgeous portal and the shimmering
that or any other time, on his death- fagade the owner have thought above

the dividend.
bed, wrote :

When we plan with nobler purpose

"Here ends love's tender fantasy that made
(I know the error of the thought) great art
and in method more humane, these lof-

My idol and my monarch; now my heart tier Ideals will herald the Renaissance
Perceives how low is each man's longing laid." of Theatre Art.

/. E. 0. Pridmore.

Munich. Bruno Paul, Architect.
German Arts and Crafts at St. Louis.
The German exhibits in all depart- find himself in the great "Hall of Hon-
ments at St. Louis are notable in mag- or" realizes immediately that here is an
nitude and in the manner of their in- exposition of more than commercial-
stallation. In his introduction to the ism, and the vistas into the outer court
descriptive catalogue published by the and into various connected rooms
Imperial German Commission, Leo deepen the impression until one is
Nachtlicht, architect, Berlin, says that convinced that Germany has started a

Berlin. Leo Nachtlicht, Architect.

"the German exhibit of Arts and Crafts campaign of education and has installed
in the Varied Industries Building is the powerful batteries of art. The clever
largest and best that Germany has ever manner of the installation is to be noted
made," and the reason he says lies "in first and then commended.
the better organization and the keener A visitor coming directly into the Ger-
desire to show America what is newest man section of the Varied Industries
and best in this latest line of German Building from the outer air finds him-
effort, and in the new life that has self depending on the entrance, in either
sprung up in this especial line of art in a Great Hall or a wide corridor upon
the last ten years in Germany." which opened complete rooms, walled
One who has passed the portal to and ceiled and furnished in accordance

with their respective uses and charac- above in the roof; green and white be-
ter. Nowhere does the structure of the low in the walls, with statues of copper
greater enclosing building appear the;
bronze and panels of deep-toned lus-
multitudinous columns or posts are trous mosaic. Around and about are
deftly incorporated in the walls and par- the smaller halls and chambers, paneled
titions of the chambers, and the ceilings and ceiled in soft, rich and deep-colored
mask in the crude, cheap, agglomera- woods, with furniture to match or to
tion of small sticks which, as braced or contrast. The range of color is from
trussed purlins, support the roof of this silver gray to rich brown from the pale

Munich. Richard Riemerschmid, Architect.

as of the other main buildings of the ex- whiteness of maple to a deep blue. One
position. To enter the German section passes from a State Hall in which the
from out of doors brings charm, to en- color scheme is as follows Mahog-

ter it from within brings relief. From any inlaid with ebony maple and ivory ;

the hot sun without or the forest of lit- bronze capitals and columns, coats of
tle white sticks within, one enters the arms in colored woods through a room

Great Hall under a high pitched roof done in poplar, gray-green stained in
with dark beams and purlins. The up- walls and blue stained in ceiling to a
per panels and the open spaces of the room of gray stained oak inlaid with
trusses are filled in with effective trac- colored maple, mahogany and ebony.
ery. Blue and bronze and white appear Each of these rooms is complete in

itself and many are completely fur- lights at proper points in the form of in-
nished. Everywhere the scheme of the serts in colored inlay of faience or met-
design is broad and simple, and every- als or woods. This idea is very fully and
where, except now and then in an iso- beautifully developed. The softness and
lated instance, the rich soft colors and richness of the color which has been
simple forms lure the eye and mind to noted, comes from that innate desire for
repose ; not to a dull indolent repose but perfection which is in the artists and ar-
to an inspiring rest. As illustrations in tizans. In many instances the wood is
black and white give merely a presenta- not superficially treated, but is impreg-
tion of the forms and nothing of the nated with the dye so that each piece is
charm and spirit of the work, a verbal made uniform in color throughout before

Munich. Brothers Rank, Architects.

it is worked, and the soft, dull finish is

description of the general tendency of
design and colors may be attempted. the product of simple rubbing. Perfec-
First of all, perfection is the ideal tion of line has been mentioned as an
sought, perfection of craftsmanship in element of the ideal. The treatment of
make and finish ; perfection of line and line in this display gives a deep sense of
proportion in design. The
ideal is very satisfaction to one who has watched with
nearly approached in not a few in- feelings of mingled sorrow and dismay
stances. Simplicity of form, not crud- the inroads on good taste which the
ity, but classic simplicity, is made the "new art" has been making on the Con-
basis of the design, and on simplicity of tinent and especially in Germany. But
form follows breadth of color treatment. this at St. Louis is not in any sense the
Interest is maintained and the effect "new art." It is, as the catalogue says,
heightened by the introduction of high- the "German Exhibit of Arts and

Crafts," and represents that period of It is impossible here to speak specifi-

calmness and self-containment which al- cally of all the exhibits. That certain
ways follows the seemingly, though un- rooms are singled out for illustration
fortunately, necessary seasons of stren- does not mean that certain others are
uosity or of anarchy which themselves not as interesting and as effective. The
follow upon periods of decadence in art color scheme of the Main Exhibition
and letters.. In and letters, but
this, art Hall or Hall of Honor has already been
reflect the national ideal. So while some noted the illustration will serve to
vestiges of the "new art" appear here suggest its form, but in nowise its at-

Darmstadt. J. M. Olbrich, Architect.

and there, they but enhance 'the beauty mosphere. The overlapping feathers of
of the newer art in craftsmanship. The the great hammered bronze eagle on the
work is suggestive of the best of the central pedestal are conventionalized in
mediaeval art in domestic design. One the great window and echoed in the
wonders if the modern work, especially panels of the roof. The stately pylons
in its color effects, will hold its own with each surmounted by a bronze figure of
the ages. The mediaeval wood has mel- Fame are in the best spirit of modern
lowed and deepened with time. Asuper- German monumental design. These py-
ficial stain will lose its luster, but it may lons in connection with the broad arch
be that the wood chemically dyed and of the great window forms an impres-
uniformly colored in all its fibres will sive introduction to the richness of the
stand the deteriorating effects of atmos- exhibition rooms beyond, leading first
phere and the hours. into the Hall of State, the color scheme


Darmstadt. J. M. Olbrich, Architect

of which has also been noted. Beyond the Court and its ambulatory, designed
the Hall of State and in the axis of the six, four of them possessing especial
Hall of Honor lie a sunlit court, the charm ; viz. a Reception Hall in gray

main feature of which is the succession stained oak, inlaid with colored maple,
of dreamy pools which rise in slightly mahogany and ebony a beautiful piece
varying levels to the fountain head of design a Living Room with wood

whence the water flows from higher to work and furniture of silver gray stained
lower levels with musical ripple. The oak inlaid, and hand-sewed gray silk ta-
introduction of running water was a dis- pestries a Dining Room, the windows

tinct and charming feature of the ex- of which rise above the pools in the

Darmstadi J. M. Olbrich, Architect.

hibit and numerous chambers contain Court and the walls of which were pan-
wall fountains of quaint, pleasing de- eled in white maple boldly and exquisite-
sign. The marble wall fountain by ly carved no color being introduced in-
Dietsche, sculptor, the basin for running to the carving, but gained from tapes-
water, a beautiful design in tiling with tries and curtains and a Music Room

glass mosaic by Laeuger, architect, the with wood work and furniture done in
wall fountain of wrought copper gilded brown stained pear wood polished, and
by Hoffacker, architect, give evidence a piano, masterly in design, of blue
of the range of thought and material de- stained maple inlaid with mahogany,
voted to this one feature. ebony and ivory. The furniture in all
About the open court are ranged these rooms is interesting in the ex-
many attractive rooms, of which Prof. treme, simple and dignified, yet suffi-

J. M. Olbrich, architect, who designed ciently varied in line and form. The

frieze of Prof. Olbrich's Music Room reveal a broadly painted frieze, but closer
issimple and very effective. inspection shows this frieze to be an
Living Room with a white lacquered inlay marvelous in its display of techni-
bay window, by Niemeyer and Beitsch ;
cal skill.
an Office Room gray-green on wall and It is not fair to the other exhibitors to
blue on ceiling by Richard Riemer- shorten the list, but a full description
schmid a Library in gray stained oak,
needs a volume, so beautifully, painstak-
with ceiling of ash inlaid with mahog- ingly and interestingly has the work
any, walnut, ebony, maple and paduk been done. So to repeat, one sees in
many woods but simple and beautiful in this exhibit more than a display of com-
effect the room by Bruno Paul all at- ;
mercialism. On the confines there are
tract and hold the observer. Re- A booths containing articles of commerce,
ception Room by the Brothers Rank, but at heart the exhibition is educational
arrests the eye and satisfies with its in its intention and effect. Surrounding
color and furnishings the mind of all even the art wares of Japan, the other
beholders gray stained maple inlaid
notable foreign exhibitors at the Fair,
with maple of different colors forms the is an atmosphere of commercialism, a

decorative scheme while the furniture mere display of objects "to sell," and
and the electroliers unite in the general the atmosphere follows the observer
harmony. The electroliers and lamps in even to the gateways of the German sec-
these various rooms have received a tion. There one comes into the pres-
great amountof thought and study, and ence of beauty which ought "to sell,"
some of the forms the illustration will which ought to become general not nec-
serve to present. essarily in its details but in the bene-
quaint and attractive Nursery by ficence of its effect on the standard of
Arno Koernig and a Gentlemen's Room taste. This Germany at the Fair has
by Karl Spindler should not be omitted given us, and neither her artists and
from the list; this latter room with its craftsmen nor others need ask or be
furniture is in oak all inlaid in natural asked to give more.
woods. A first glance would seem to Irving K. Pond.

MMp.; j



Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Architects.

A Jaunt to Wychwood, Geneva Lake, Wis.


I arose with the sun, hastily made my ago, with their semi-Dutch-Colonial-
toilet,breakfasted, and darted out of Renaissance elevations. Across the
the door to catch the early train for the lake, standing out like a sore thumb, is
Lake. The air was chill, and well it visible at this point a summer home, a
was, for I needed something to awaken large three-story stone building, Re-
me to a ramble in the woods. naissance in design, entirely out of keep-


Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Architects.

We arrived at the depot at twelve ing with the landscape. Soon we come
o'clock. upon the entrance gate to Wychwood,
A short drive brought us to the better the Hutchinson estate and at once the

buildings along the North Shore of the keynote of the place is struck. The
lake among them the house of L. Z. gate is so simple that one almost feels
Leiter, that of N. K. Fairbank, and the as though the stones of the road have
Selfridge place most of them common- come together of themselves, rather
olace designs of fifteen to twenty years than by the hand of an architect. The


Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Shepley, Rutan& Coolidge, Architects.

drive from the gate to the house is

through a thickly wooded land, gradu-
ally falling off to the lake two hundred
feet below.
As one approaches the house one gets
no impression of aggressive architec-
tural prominence it;
seems to grow
with the trees. Nature and Art have
come together, nature always dictating,
however. There is no copying of a de-
sign from another place the individual
S. H.

character of the plot has always been

kept sight of; the real, homely beauty
characteristic of the locality is pre-
served. The steps from the carriage
court to the upper level illustrate




House of Mr. Chas. L Hutchinson.

what I mean by the preservation

of thehomely beaut)' of the sur-
roundings. There is no filling in and
grading steps are necessary to a
higher level, and they are placed where
they are required to join the carriage
court with the vestibule. From there
one enters a large hall 20 by 25 feet ;

down two steps is the living room, 23 by

33 feet at one end a large fireplace,

simple as can be, of brick with wooden

trimmings. Connecting the living room
with the dining room is a covered
veranda, a beautiful place for an out-of-
doors dining room in the pleasant sum-
mer months.
SECOND FLOOR PLAN. The dining room has a beamed ceiling
House of Mr. Chas. L Hutchinson. of heavy timbers ;
at one end is a large


fireplace. The grouping of the several On the second floor are several large
departments for convenience in working retiring apartments, each with its
is admirable, and for the perfect use and separate bath, commodious closets
enjoyment of the various parts, as the and dressing rooms. All along the
entertaining rooms, kitchen, offices, north side of the house extends a corri-
laundrv, outbuildings, and stable, all of dor connecting the different rooms.
which have the proper relations to one Every room the building has its
another and to the garden and pleasure proper aspect. To the south the sleep-
grounds. The laundry and kitchen ing rooms, and the north the stair hall
blocks are practically isolated blocks, and corridors.
for they are connected to the dining The views from the house across the
room only through the butler's room on garden, over the lake and on to the
the first floor, being detached above. wooded higher ground in the distance,



form settings which are quite enchant- are simple, and in harmony with the
ing. Every opportunity was taken to settings. When you go from the first

make may I say? picture windows. floor to the second you know you are
Why not? They are windows, and in an entirely different department, for
the decorations All of the
they are, above all, pictures, pictures tell you so.
such as no artist may paint, for he is retiring apartments are daintily fur-
limited to the effects of an instant here
nished. The wood-work of these rooms
you have an ever-changing landscape. is white, with wall decorations in har-
All the sills to the windows on the mony.
first floor are kept low for window gar- The hall directly in the back of the re-
rooms is more in accord with the
dens, because on the outside, in front of tiring
each window, is a bed of flowers which entertaining apartments on the first


riseabove the sills, forming a beautiful floor, as planned it is the connecting


foreground to the distant landscapes. link between them, and forms a rather
Windows were placed where windows pleasing transition. Everywhere you
are needed. Bays jot out where they see a perfect adjustment of the several
are wanted. In Mrs. Hutchinson's parts, an expression of homely fitness
room the; Western wall is pierced, as and relation to the life we live every-
though t<^
catch a last glimpse of the where an endeavor to serve the needs of
setting su.n. the occupants.
The utjinost simplicity throughout in We have seen a goodly interior; let
plan and decoration is the secret of its us go out of doors. The house is well
pleasing effect. Chestnut brown wood- located at a level quite a bit above the
work, with greens in some places in ; lake, thereby increasing the beauty of
others the natural color of the plaster the prospect.
with the brown wood give a low-tone, It is somewhat difficult to assign the

quiet effect. Here and there on the design to any special school. However,
walls hand Dutch beaten metal work ; one feels strongly the influence of Eng-
some of the pieces are in service in the lish half-timbered work, and in the
vestibule as coat-hooks. In the living stairway turret and dormers, with their
room grate is a set of beautiful Gothic trefoiled verge boards, of the French.
statuette andirons. The furnishings One regrets somewhat that every piece


of timber is not truly constructional ; roof, of goodly proportions, is of the

however, those which are give the key same color as the timber work of the
to the scale, and you do not feel that walls.
some are merely decorative. In fact, I The windows are an example of what
think this legitimate, since the methods might be done to give ample light to the
of construction of the I4th and I5th interior, yet not destroy the exterior
century half-timbered work are imprac- effect by punching so many holes in the
tical in our extreme temperature where walls, for inno case, except the lower
the swell and contraction of the timber windows of the hall, living
lights of the
make it impossible to keep out the and dining rooms, was plain plate-glass
weather. If the timbers are not all con- used. In all other cases they are broken


Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Architects.

structional, they are at least solid; you up into small divisions, thereby tying
see no building up of -inch boards the timbers from one end to the other
tacked together to get the solid effect. together, and making a decorative fea-
All wood-work is rough-sawed, giving a ture of what might otherwise be an ugly
good surface for the stain, which is a gap. It is just such materials as plate-
rich chestnut brown, with a silvery grey glass which take away the domestic
for the plaster. Here, as in the interior, effect which our houses should have. A
everything takes on a common charac- State Street plate-glass show window in
ter. The materials used are simply wood, a residence Never do it for it takes

plaster and stone. The stone is used away from the true character of the
sparingly, and for the porch and garden house it destroys the scale.

walls is not visible, reducing the palette The gardens are treated in the simp-
to two materials a chestnut brown lest and most direct manner, no at-
wood and a silvery grey plaster. The tempt being made to imitate the willful-

ness or wildness of the surrounding I have said all I can of this beau-
nature. looks like a thing never seen
It tiful spot. For the rest, I must let the
except near a house, making a beau- illustrationsspeak for themselves. The
tiful foreground to the landscape as small views are from photographs taken
seen from the house, and a base and by Mrs. Hutchinson. Her subjects,
setting for the house when viewed from "The Fallen Linden," "Bird Bath," and
the lake. All along the water's edge, many others I think highly interesting.
directly in front of the house and The "handv wagon" shows the way in
garden, is a bed of wild roses, which which they cart the timbers to build
fades away into the natural surround- their pergolas and rustic effects of all
ings. kinds. Everything seems so close to
The shore line is very interesting. nature, and to visit such places makes
At the East is a wooded island, reached one feel as Richard Hovey felt when he
a rustic bridge of timbers, felled wrote the lines entitled "Spring" :

the On the island "I said to my heart, I am sick of four walls
upon ground. And a ceiling.
a rustic water pavilion catches the eye, I have need of the sky;
from which Cedar Point and its charm- I have business with the grass.
I will up and get away where the hawk is
ing reflection in the water can be seen. wheeling.
All of the outbuildings are to the Lone and high;
northwest, located in the very woods And the slow clouds go by.
I will get me away to the waters that glass

further north, in a veritable wilderness, The clouds as they pass;

are the greenhouse, wood shed and I will get me away to the woods."
catch-all. John Baptiste Fischer.
The Architect in Recent Fiction
In times past the architect has never derstand the architect occupies a re-
apparently been a professional man of spectable, although by no means a dom-
sufficiently marked social importance or inant, position. At least three novels, all
distinction to figure prominently in the published within the past few years, con-
novel. English fiction would be emas- tain architects among their leading char-
culated in case the doctor, the barrister acters and, what is more to the point,

or the clergyman, each clad in the full the fact that these characters are sup-
panoply of his professional position, posed to be architects has a decisive
were omitted. It would even be very bearing either upon the kind of men
much impoverished in case the novelist they are or upon the course of the tale
had been deprived of the wayward and or upon both. This fact is surely a
Bohemian artist, as a source of contrast tribute to the position which the Ameri-
to the respectable business and profes- can architect has won. He has become
sional man. But the architect, who is a social fact, not quite as conspicuous as
or should be, at once the artist, the pro- the sky-scrapers he sometimes rears,
fessional and the business man, might but of such prominence and interest to
be cut out of English fiction without the demand an accounting on the part of
loss of anything of much value. At the our social auditors.
moment we cannot recall any character The three recent American novels in
of importance who was described as an which the architect has been recognized
architect, except Mr. Pecksniff, and the as some sort of a social fact, are Edith
peculiar qualities for which that gentle- Wharton's "Sanctuary," Robert Grant's
man is famous can hardly be attributed "Unleavened Bread," and Robert Her-
to his professional practice or training. rick's "The Common Lot." These three
The architect appears as the real estate writers differ as much as possible in
agent might appear merely as a piece technical methods and in their vision of
of social or business machinery, which human nature but they are all of them

must be lugged in when in the course of seriously interested in modern Ameri-

imaginary events there is a house to be can city life. Their use of similar ma-
built. The very combination of artis- terial has tempted all of them to seize
tic,business and professional standards upon the architect for subject matter,
which he represented appeared to rob while at the same time their difference in
his personality and his social relations of point of view makes the seizures result
anything distinctive. in very different pictures.
The contemporary English novel is, The intrusion of the architect in Mrs.
so far as I know, as little interested in Wharton's pages is, indeed, more or
the architect as the classic English less accidental. Mrs. Wharton's point
novel but the contemporary American
; of view is psychological rather than so-
novel has in this respect found new cial and the appearance of the archi-

light. There are a number of American tect as a conspicuous social fact would
novelists to-day who are seeking with not of itself arouse much of her intel-
varying degrees of success to construct lectual interest. She does not introduce
out of their stories a significant com- an architect into her story because he is
ment on American social life. They find looming large on the social horizon, but
more interesting material for fiction in merely as a matter of mechanical con-
the Boss, the Big Business Man, the Re- venience. At the same time, the fact
former, and the other new Americans that it was mechanicallv convenient for
than they do in the cleric, the lawyer or her to send her heroine's son to the
the physician and among the new men
; Beaux Arts, and to make him read the
which these writers are trying to un- Architectural Record (the illustrator

has placed a copy of the magazine on Mr. Herrick calls the "Common Lot."
occurrence of
his table), testifies to the The story conceived and told with

the architect in American life, if to noth- sincerity but I do not find it very in-

ing else. It should be added that the teresting or important. It may be con-
situation upon which the culmination of sidered either as a special instance of
the story turns is suggested by an archi- moral turpitude, which has little or no
tectural incident. The professional ca- bearing upon the conditions under
reer and the personal happiness of the which architects work in this country,
young architect both seem to turn upon or it may be considered as the sort of
the winning of a certain competition, thing into which a good many architects
and he is sorely tempted to ensure his are tempted and which is in this instance
success by using as his own the superior exaggerated for the sake of legitimate
plans of a dead friend, who had passed effect. In so far as it is merely a special
these plans on to him to use as he instance, the moral is just the old and
pleased. This situation has little profes- respectable one that a man may not
sional interest, and is not intended to with
impunity pursue the primrose path,
have. Mrs. Wharton merely needed to and while I do not dispute that moral, it
is a matter for dissertation rather in
put the architect to a test so as to see
whether the vicious temper of his clerical homilies than in architectural
father or the moral influence of his magazines. On the other hand, in so
mother would predominate and the fact
far as his special instance is supposed to

that the moral influence of his mother represent prevailing conditions, I do

finally conquered, suggests that Mrs. not believe that Mr. Herrick has hit off
Wharton's imitation of Henry James, of any very significant truth. A popular
which so much is made, is only super- architect doubtless obliged to make a

ficial. Her longer stories are much good many compromises with the world;
more likely to fulfill a moral purpose but a high standard of technical integ-
than are Mr. James'. She shows her rity has not proved to be incompatible
fundamental independence by being with success in American architecture.
morally more explicit. The American architect has a right to
The explicitness of Mrs. Wharton's his place in the world of American life,
moral purpose is, however, nothing to and will lose much more than he gains
that of Mr. Herrick's. I recommend all by remaining content with the common
architects to read his story who feel that lot of obscurity. Recognition is the
the world is too much with them. They breath of an artist's life. A moral mar-
will find in it an awful example of the tyr may look for his reward in the ap-
demoralizing effect upon a western proval of the Higher Powers but the ;

architect of worldly ambition. The hero artist who has produced no effect upon
of the "Common Lot," who is also a his fellow men is a barren artist. And
graduate of the Ecole des Beaux Arts, the architect is in this respect a thor-
craves immediate social and pecuniary ough artist. Good American
success, and in order to obtain it, de- ture must bring reputation and reward
signs anything which will sell. As one to its makers, or else the American
of his clients is a dishonest contractor, buildings as well as American architects
he him dishonest drawings,
finally sells will belong to the "Common Lot."
among which are the plans of a hotel The architect in Mr. Robert Grant's
which is built in flagrant violation of the "Unleavened Bread" is a much more
law. It is nothing but a fire-trap, and modern and interesting instance. He
when it burns down in the presence of had, indeed, his troubles with the world,
its designer, the guilty architect is over- as represented by rich, importunate and
come. He sees finallv the error of his ignorant clients, but his worst troubles
way, abandons his worldly ambitions, issue from a troublesome wife. He did
takes a position in a large office, in not marry a moral paragon, as did Mr.
which his personal work is merged in Herrick's hero, but a lady who em-
that of the firm, and so accepts what bodies in a spicy form the old Ameri-

can spirit. Selma believes with all her have earned the right authoritatively to
insistent soul that in a democracy the represent such standards. It is this tra-
only qualifications which a specialist dition which makes so many Americans
needs for his special tasks are untutored consider an architect as merely an agent
enthusiasm, common sense, and a keen whose business it to carry out their

eye for the main chance. She stands ignorant ideas, and is this tradition

for the obvious, the practical, the regu- which gives virtue to the words of a
lar and the remunerative thing. The easy man like Joe Cannon, when he vituper-
critical and personal banter in which ates against the insolent self-assertion
her husband's associates pass their of trained architects. It is very much
hours of social leisure, strikes her earn- alive to-day, and it was a touch of rare
est intelligence as frivolous ;
and when insight on the part of Mr. Grant to in-
her husband throws up a lucrative job dividualize it in a form which betrays its
because the wife of a client imposes im- real contemporary significance. At the
possible conditions, she stamps him as a same time, I have some sympathy with
weak and man. It is the old
ineffective Selma White in her attitude towards
mid-century American point of view of her architect of a husband. She felt the
immediate practical achievement at any lack in him of the impulse derived from
cost reappearing at a time, when the a well-domesticated tradition which
conditions which gave it vitality and would free his hands and make him
propriety no longer exist. At the same build better than he knew, and the lack,
time the reincarnation of this point of which she felt and for which she
view in the jealous and narrow soul of a condemned him, amounted to a genu-
mercenary and ambitious woman gives ine and a serious deficiency. Of
the social lesson an individual rendering course, it was not his fault, poor
which makes it vivid without any loss man. A man can acquire training and
of general significance. Selma White is experience ;
but a tradition, like a gift,
a very disagreeable but a very convinc- must be given. At the end of another
ing character, and she represents the thirty years, perhaps, the American
tradition which u the worst enemy of architects will have a sound and popular
American architecture in American life local tradition given to them by the gen-
the tradition which resents exclusive eration of practitioners who are now
technical standards and refuses to trust struggling along without it.
the men who by their thorough training Herbert Croly.


Milan, Italy.
The two-story open Log- in the middle. No authorities readily acces-
THE gia in Milan, known to us sible seem to help us in the question
all as a badly modernized whether all parts of the restoration w ere ful-

LOGGIA building and as the Loggia ly justified; but the general result as of an
degli Osii, has been re- extremely vigorous, consistent design ol
DEGLI now and
stored just to all about 1240 may be accepted without re-
OSII. appearances appropriated serve. It appears that this building is all
to the business of a mer- that was left at the beginning of the nine-
cantile firm. This appropriation of the old teenth century, of a great group of build-
building we may regret sincerely, but a let- ings erected by the City of Milan for its state
ter from an observer and life-long student officers and the business of the state. This
of such matters, Mr. John Safford Fiske, of double arcade was, of course, the glorifica-
Costa Lupara, states that the restoration has tion of the ringhiera, the magnificent archi-
been conducted with great care and reserve, tectural setting devised for that balcony from
and that, in short, no better work could be which decisions of the council were read to
done in the way of putting an old building the people, or the popular opinion on certain
into complete repair. The photograph which matters publicly demanded. All this was of
we publish seems to confirm this opinion. the time before the absolute tyranny of the
George Edmund Street, in his book on Ital- Visconti under Gian Galeazzo, although
ian brick and marble, gives a cut of it as he there had long been a mighty influence of
saw it in 1857, and when I saw it in 1860 it the Visconti family in all the affairs of the
was in that same much altered form. In citizens of Milan. The ringhiera bears two
1882 was in even more
it forlorn condition, escutcheons with the crowned viper of that
for had been more or less cleaned up and
it family, flanking what may be an imperial
made to look new and fresh, in accordance eagle. Gselfels, who is a most careful stu-
with the comparative elegance of modern dent, although writing in simple guide-book
Milan. Street's cut is not very accurate as form, speaks of the eagle as the arms of a
a drawing of what he saw so long ago member of this Galeazzo family as late as
that will be evident if any one considers the 146G, and he would seem to assume that
curve of the arches, and the bold assertion those shields were put up in the fifteenth
made in the drawing that they increase in century; but the acceptance of them by the
width of archivolt much more than they restorer militates against that view of the
really do increase very notably toward the case; at all events that interesting question
point as, indeed, is rather customary in is left to us to solve whether those escutch-
thirteenth century Lombard architecture. eons were assumed by the artists now in
But he shows rightly how the delicate col- charge of the building to be of the thirteenth
umns had been replaced by square piers, the century. The question as to their sculp-
upper Loggia built up with brick walls and turesque treatment could only be answered
two rows of windows; and nothing left in by very minute examination, for heraldic
place and unaltered except the front of the sculpture has always had a formal indiffer-
parapet with the projecting ringhiera. All ence of its own, peculiarly hostile to artis-
this is now in a condition so very fair and so tical inquiry. R. S.

completely of the artistic epoch, that he

would be a severe and a minutely informed
critic who would detect discrepancies in its It does not imply any re-
authenticity. As for the smaller details, one
THE proach to the designer of
does not readily commit himself, on the au- RE.VE.RSE the front, seen in our Fig-
thority of the photograph alone. OF THE ure 2, if we insist upon
Street seems to have thought that the hood BROAD this point, that the rear of
over the ringhiera was put on gable-wise, EXCHANGE that same building is fully
and he also seems to have fancied that there as attractive, and that
was ancient authority for a little scrap of Broadway would be even
gable at the top of the building and exactly more interesting if it were built up in that


New York City.

simple, inexpensive, unpretending, tranquil raw, bare piles without "treatment" of any
fashion. This building up with plain brick- kind. It was not thought practicable to di-
work and with no ornamentation allowed minish by one degree the amount of day-
but patches of color, a row of dentils or cor- light for the windows on the central court-
bels under a sill-course, a pierced parapet, yard; for who can say when that courtyard
and such like simple devices to get light and will be enclosed on this, its southern side.
shade as well as color such a reconstruc- This practical consideration has prevented
tion of our great streets could have none but the making of a design consistent through-
a beneficial result. See, now, how the young out.
artist in architectural forms is hampered by Here in this building the pierced parapets
the supposed necessity of doing the big and are in their glory. There never were bet-
ponderous thing with very costly reveals and ter examples of that interesting feature. The
soffits of cut granite, all of which, however, letting of the light sky into the dark of the
form no part at all of a structural building walls, the invading of the light sky by the
all of which are mere reminiscences of a dark of the parapet, are motives of never-
time when buildings were really built of failing charm. And that which has been
stone. Now they are built of steel, and the done so well at the top is echoed below by a
laws require you to hide that steel that is, decent treatment of brick in two colors, yel-
to protect it from heat and therefore from low and red in which treatment, indeed,
sight. In this the laws act as a direct dis- there are solecisms, as one might say, for
couragement to novelty, to freshness, to there are three very different programmes
originality of design. But if we were to say put up side by side and with less than a per-
to one another that, indeed, it was not fect harmony between them. The reference
worth while to jacket our steel frame-work is, of course, to the broad masses of yellow

with such apretentious and unmeaning brick above separated only by pilasters, as it
mass of heavy material, and that what we were, of red; a story of narrow bands in al-
had to do was to make that jacket as light ternating color below; and below this again
and as slight as might be, we might come a system of panels between windows taken
back to the thought suggested in the January vertically in which each panel has its sepa-
number, pp. (55, 67, and leave our buildings rate frame of light brick echoing the sill
as plain as might be as plain as above and the lintel below. The three
those in our Figure 4 until such time as schemes are not wholly pleasing when seen
a definite and reasonable, a logical system this way in sharp contrast; and one turns
of design might suggest itself. with some relief to the narrow front seen
Now happens that we have in the south-
it on the left where the return is from the
ern aspect of the "Broad Exchange Build- Broad street facade.
ing," that immense skyscraper from the But, indeed, it is hypercritical to find any
fourteenth story of which the photographs fault with this interesting mass. Its dispo-
mentioned in the next note were made, an sition follows from its plan, and its plan
aspect which is wonderfully attractive. It is comes from the accidents of ownership and
shown in Figure 3, as it appears from just the need to occupy every inch of this pre-
above the level of the sidewalk at the corner cious plot of ground. But is it not an enter-
of Broad street and Beaver street. Here are taining piece of work? And would it not be
sides and ends of a building which could a good thing if a number of the young archi-
never be "facades" in the architectural tects would turn their attention to such
sense, as they front on no street or public methods of design as these and try them on
place; bi^f, as they tower high above the Broadway? R. s.
five-story.i buildings of forty years ago, and
as it is well down town for the building in
that particular location where skyscrapers It is an old story that
are less certain to rise within a year or two
THE the plainest designs are
than they would be a little further west, so
REAR VIE.W the best, among our pre-
it has been thought worth while to adorn
OF sumptuous and over-wean-
these surfaces which we are loath to call B ROAD WAY ing street fronts. One
fronts, in a more decided way. Or, indeed, SKY- claims no credit for re-
if no such pecuniary consideration would SCRAPERS. asserting that almost self-
have weighed with the owners, all the more evident truth. But some-
credit to them, for indeed the treatment of times a new demonstration of it may be
these towering masses rising high above the useful; and certainly it is sometimes irre-
older buildings about, offers an opportunity sistible. I was in the "Broad Exchange
for good architectural effect; and they would Building" and looking out of its westerly
be terribly disfiguring to the city if left in windows, and I saw the extraordinary group


New York City.


Broad Street and Exchange Place, New York City. Clinton & Russell, Architects.
which is shown in Figure 4. The building and that the numbers from 26 to 42, inclu-
on the right, which is the nearest, with its sive,were really utilized in that epoch of
two great pavilions separated by an open the middle ages, each number for its own
court as wide as each of them, is a little house. It is not the fault of our slow-mov-
faulty in that very fact that the horizontal ing City Fathers that business has caught up
dimensions are too nearly equal. But it is with the numbers and absorbed many in one.
more interesting as a pair of fronts than it But as to the New Street front I do mean
would be as a single flat facade, and the in all seriousness that if that one which be-
grouping gives to the monotonous street of longs to No. 42 Broadway had a pierced par-
lower New York a really delightful bit of apet at top something to make it a little
picturesque effect with interesting shadows less ponderous at the level of the roof it
and shaded sides illumined by reflected light. would be a really typical front for a sky-
Moreover, it is most pleasantly striped and scraper. In that way, and not otherwise,
banded with yellow bricks with a general should we proceed. R. S.
background of red, the yellow bricks, indeed
making the quoins as well as the horizontal
bands and coming very near in color to the From the January num-
sills and lintels. The building next door is MOULDE.D ber, p. 70, we shall have to
more commonplace in its very decorative- return to the
8-inch re-
ness, for the designer has tried to put in JAMBS veal! No who loves
some street architecture in the way of a sill- to build in bricks can re-
course of terra-cotta rather elaborately AGAIN. fuse himself that satisfac-
adorned with relief patterns, and, as this tion. Fig. 10 shows how,
sill-course forms the top of the basement or we provide for an 8-
ground story, he has repeated it in a way by inch reveal even in a 12-inch wall; we simply
a very simple entablature above what we let the window-box stick out a little from the
may call the entre-sol. This is very good inner face of the wall, trusting to the 4-inch
and simple decoration, and there is certainly rebate to hold it strongly, and to the furring
no fault to be found with the repetition of to cover its 2-inch projection. And this, I
that entablature at the sixth and the tenth suppose, is a common device. In practice it
floors, and the culmination of the conserva- has proved sufficient, even with the old hol-
tive treatment by the heavier entablature low box-frame, as shown in Fig. 10, and
above, which includes a whole story of win- of course with a solid frame and swinging or
dows in its frieze. Undoubtedly we shall rotating casement windows the difficulty dis-
like the double building on the right better. appears. This 8-inch reveal, then, can be
It is in that way that we must hope to see treated by the methods shown in Fig. 1,
designing done in our city streets; but the in Fig. 2 (January number), or another of
little bits of convention seen in the narrow those simple little plans.
building are interesting, too. The broad sky- But the builder of a contemporary busi-
scraper farthest on the left of the three high ness building will say that he needs the ex-
buildings is so very plain in its treatment tra space within that every inch counts,
that one becomes a little impatient at the and that because of this he must be satisfied
appearance of that broad, blank course six with his 4-inch reveal on this account. Non
stories below the top. It may have some seqiiitur. There are two ways out of every
reason for being, connected with its Broad- difficulty two ways at least two ways to be
way front, and as this brings up the ques- tried even neither one of them proves sat-
tion of the Broadway front, let us look at it. isfactory. In the present case there is a way
Here it is in Figure 2. The building on the which will be satisfactory in nine cases out
left is No. 42 Broadway, and the two inter- of ten. Fig. 11 shows how a projecting win-
esting pavilions that we saw in Figure 4 dow-casing may be built with a 4-inch off-
form the rear of that building that is to set from the face of the wall, and how in this
say, they form its front on New street which way an 8-inch reveal may be had with any
is, indeed, the rear of that building of which width of upright. If now, we build this 8-
the Broadway fac.ade forms the front. Then inch reveal with the mouldings shown in
the narrow front is No. 36 Broadway, called Fig. 2 and shewn at work in Fig. 5 (January
the Hudson Building; and the great mass on number), the resulting window-casing will be
the right is so much of the Standard Oil good; but then there is, of course, the
Building, No. 26 Broadway. To the reader added expense of facing a 4-inch projection
who is not familiar with New York number- of the stone lintel along the top and at the
ing of houses, it may be well to state that two ends. Fig. 12 shows a perhaps unrea-
these numbers were fixed when lower Broad- sonably elaborate form; the lintel might
way was built up with small dwelling houses equally well be cut as long as the width

1 1

^=a _


FIG. 10.
across the window from out to out of the
brick casing and no more. It may or may
not be worth while to make that 4-inch pro-
jection, to incur that added expense, for the
sake of the slight additional space gained
within. As to that, each separate case will

1 T

l I I I I I
. ' . .


FIG. 13.

more expensive treatment shown in Figs.

11 and 12.
There is, however, one course open which
willoften prove irresistibly attractive. I
mean the treating of the window-cases with
long-and-short quoins of brick-work made
to contrast with the wall-surface. If you
will use the thinner bricks, those which run
about eight courses to five of the common
size, you may make the quoins of either
FIG. 11.
sort, and the wall-facing of either sort, so
be decided by itself, but assuredly the flush they contrast aright; or you may use color
lintel and the smooth wall shown in Fig. 5 only and contrast yellow quoins and flat-
is an arrangement fully as effective as the arch with dark-red facing, see Fig. 13. Or,
again, you may employ a device which is
more familiar nowadays than it has ever

FIG. 12 FIG. 14.


been before, that of building the deep arch tisements at all in this or other subway
with flat intradjos and long voussoirs of stations is a species of aesthetic and civic
bricks, not necessarily gauged; see Fig. 15, defilement. It is nothing of the sort. The
where the moulded jamb and lintel corres- use of display advertisements in public
pond, are of the same section at the corner, places properly regulated, as it is in Paris,
and not as in Figs. 13 and 14, where the adds enormously to the lively, the pic-
jamb only is moulded and this moulding is turesque and the racy quality which is ap-
stopped at the uppermost quoin. This style propriate to the squares and thoroughfares
of work has been used by Henry Rutgers upon which people congregate. People are
Marshall, in the interesting Bryn Mawr interested in such advertisements just as
they are interested in the shop windows.
They are part of the natural and desirable
scenery of a public place; and the notion of
banishing them entirely either from the
streets or from the city subway stations is-
sues from a false ideal of aesthetic purism.
The trouble with the existing subway sta-
tions isthat the architect was not asked to
design them with a view to the display of a
certain number of advertising signs. The
consequence is that the architecture contains
no definite place for them, just as the archi-
tecture of a "swell" room might contain a
FIG. 15. panel especially prepared to receive tapestry.
School building, and in that admirable hos- But even though there are no panels de-
pital in Livingston place, New York, not signed for advertising in the subway sta-
long ago destroyed. It occurs in the work tions, those stations may be made distinctly
of McKim, Mead & White, as in the club- more interesting when the waste of white
house on Park avenue the Deutscher Ver- tiles is watered with a certain number of

ein and in great perfection in the house- signs regulated to a certain size.
front, No. 25 West 36th Street. I have said that a false ideal of aesthetic
purism lies behind the notion that display ad-
vertising defiles places of popular assembly.
The people of New Many civic art reformers have an extra-
Tork, or, at any rate, a ordinary and baleful idea that in order
THE small but influential frac- to make something beautiful you must
tionthereof, have of late divorce from every trace of vulgar popular
ART been very much excited association, and as long as this artistic as-
on tne su kject of the ad- ceticism prevails the so-called civic art
ASCETIC movement will absolutely fail to awaken
vertisements displayed in
the stations of the new lively popular interest or to correct the
Subway. A vehement protest was raised at popular taste. Of course I do not
the way in which the small still voice of mean that advertising signs should be plas-
the station architecture was drowned in tered on the sides of public buildings, or that
the din of the noisy signs. Just what the any compromises should be made in the de-
outcome of the protest will be does not ap- sign and decoration of public buildings with
pear at this writing; but it looks as if in the highest prevailing technical standards.
the end the Interborough Company would It is all a matter of propriety. In streets and
be compelled to moderate somewhat the subway stations where people crowd and
loud advertising display originally pro- jostle, and where the surroundings are
posed; and some such moderation is desir- familiar and utilitarian, it is as appropriate
able in the 'nterest of architectural propri- to place advertisements as it is to use slang

ety. At the same time, New York can- in newspapers. The man in the street is not
not altogether be congratulated on the dis- interested in white tiles, even with colored
position shown by her aesthetic enthusiasts. frames; but he is interested in "Sunny Jim"
That advertising signs placed in a subway and the "Smile that won't come off." Of the
station should be subordinated to a care- most effective, the most insidious way to im-
fully prepared architectural design is not prove public taste is to improve the charac-
to be questioned; but I am ready to ques- ter and setting of these heroes of display
tion with complete effrontery the as- advertising, and in view of the fact that
sertion that the instalment of any adver- certain improvements have been taking

place in recent years, and that "posters" architectural proficiency and superior per-
and the like are frequently designed by good formance of the work of the school may, by
illustrators, the level of public advertising special action of the faculty, be accepted as
might be very much raised by an insistent a substitute for certain deficiencies in the
attempt to make display signs conform to requirements exacted of other students.
certain trchitectural conditions. At any rate This opens the door of opportunity to a class
it should be kept in mind that popular of students whose early training has been
tastes and instincts cannot be wholly deficient but who, nevertheless, are capable
ignored in a democracy even by municipal of reaching high distinction in the profes-
art reformers. The popular taste runs in sion.
the direction of lively illustrations of hu- 3. The establishment by the school of of-
morous types in the direction of "Buster ficialdraughting rooms or ateliers in the
Browns" and "Sunny Jims." That is the neighborhood of the offices of a few distin-
real popular art of to-day, and any forma- guished architects, in which ateliers stu-
tive art criticism must recognize this fact dents of advanced design may pursue their
and give it its due weight. Municipal art re- work under the supervision and guidance of
formers should aim to make art interesting these distinguished men. The privilege of
and useful, and they can accomplish electing the atelier and instructor is also
this result only by bringing their aesthetic extended to include several private ateliers
standards into some constructive relation not maintained by the university itself, so
with the sort of art display which the ordi- that students in advanced design will have
nary American really enjoys. Americans the opportunity of studying in any one of at
make a show of enjoying many things which least six different ateliers, including the one
they believe they ought to enjoy; but it is at the school itself. This introduces a new
not hard to distinguish the difference be- element of flexibility in the instruction and
tween the sort of thing which they are told of emulation in the students' work, which
to like and the sort of thing which they like should benefit very greatly the work in de-
without being told. H. D. C. sign. Furthermore, the policy which has
for two or three years been gradually shap-
ing itself in the administration of the school
Various notices in the with regard to the duration of the course,
NEW has now been definitely formulated in the
daily press have attracted
ME.THODS attention to the action of announcement that "the length of the
the Columbia University school course for the degree is indetermin-
AT Trustees with relation to ate," so that while some students may cover
the School of Architec- it in three or three and a half years and
COLUMBIA. ture. This action which others in four years, there is nothing to pre-
was of a somewhat radi- vent a student from devoting five or six
cal character, embodied the "esults of the years to the work. This will remove the
consideration of a long and minute report stigma which has hitherto attached to the
failure to graduate in four years, and will
made to the trustees last spring by the staff
of the school in response to a budget of let- permit the student who works more slowly
ters which the trustees had invited from
than the rest or whose time is not fully his
leading architects of the city, and had re-
own to do his work thoroughly and well
ferred to the staff of the school for consid- rather than hastily.
eration and report. The substance of this In addition to these measures the trustees
action is as follows: recognized the importance of the graphical
1. The requirements for admission to the side of architectural training by promoting
courses of the school for a degree are Adjunct Professor Sherman to a professor-
greatly raised, by the insistence upon two ship of graphics, while Adjunct Professor
Hamlin was promoted to the professorship
years of collegiate or scientific school study
as a requisite for admission, besides a cer- of architectural history, and formally ap-

tain proficiency in the orders of architec- pointed head of the school. These measures
ture, elementary projections, shades and place the school upon a new and sure foun-
dation. They destroy the old-fashioned tra-
shadows, drawing from cast and the like.
2. A new provision whereby "special dition of a course of so many years instead

students" of exceptional architectural abil- of a course of a definite amount of work.

ity, not candidates for a degree, may

be ad- They open the door of opportunity for uni-
mitted to such candidacy without being versity honors to men who hitherto have
obliged to make up the entrance require-
found it closed by lack of early opportuni-
ments. In other words, special artistic and ties; they greatly broaden the scope of the
instruction in advanced design; they enlist to make the district more beautiful, conve-
the services of a number of distinguished nient and economical as a place of work and
architects in the active work of the school, residence. And it will assume as an imme-
thus bringing the school into closer relations diate, specific undertaking the support of the
with the profession; and this last purpose governor's recommendation to the legislature
has been furthered by officially endorsing on the subject of metropolitan thoroughfares.
the principle already recognized experi- Various circumstances lend a special interest
mentally during the past year, of engaging to the formation of this society. With not-
professional juries to make the awards and ably little extension of the Boston city
pass judgment upon the work in design. boundaries, there has been a remarkable de-
These are steps distinctly in advance, de- velopment of the metropolitan spirit. To
signed to place the school upon a new and more than twenty surrounding communities,
higher plane, exacting higher standards both that are entirely distinct from it save in the
of admission and performance and relating public works, Boston is truly and in an in-
its instruction more closely to the actual teresting economic sense the "Hub." Water,
professional life in many ways. They ought sewage, and park systems are planned and
to result not only in a large '.icrease in the developed by metropolitan commissions, and
number of students attending the school the present suggestion is that a metropolitan
and a material advance in the quality of highway commission be added .to these. The
the work they produce, but also in a keener advantages of such planning, not only in the
Interest in the school on the part of the pro- case of Boston but in that of every city,
fession and of the general public. The trus- needs no explanation. Of the work of the
tees have shown that they are warmly in- various commissions, that of the Metropoli-
terested in the school, that they do not pro- tan Park Commission is, because of its pop-
pose to rest satisfied with past achievements, ular character, most widely appreciated, and
and that they welcome the co-operation, in- to make its establishment possible while the
terest and even criticism of the profession. idea was still novel no living person did
more than Sylvester Baxter who became its
first secretary and who is one of the prime

Of the making of new im- movers in the new society. The latter is
THE provement societies there formed, it is also interesting to note, imme-
METROPOL- is no end a fact that is diately on the conclusion of a series of ar-
ITAN notable in itself so that as ticles concerning the possibilities of the
SOCIETY a general rule it is hardly Greater Boston that Mr. Baxter had been
OF worth while to chronicle contributing to the "Herald." His cordial en-
BOSTON. the forming of a new one. listment in the present enterprise, in view of
or to speak of purposes un- his previous success; the support of the gov-
til they have been changed into achieve- ernor and the local popular endorsement of
ments. But occasionally the circumstances metropolitan commissions, make notable the
that accompany a small beginning seem so formation of this society.
certainly to insure an important issue that
the temptation to note the .beginning and
speak prophetically is not to be resisted. There is at least one kind
Such an instance is that offered by the Met- ofpublic beneficence in

ropolitan 'Society, recently organized in Bos-

AN which the United States is
ton. As a result of several conferences last behind the countries across
AMERICAN The fact seems
spring, and the appointment of a committee the seas.
to work out details, a meeting was called at DEFICIENCY incredible that with all the
the St. Botolph Club early in November. At American lavishness of
this the organization was perfected, and the giving, there should be still
following list of officers was elected: Presi- any department into which we venture only
dent, Robert A. Boit; Secretary, George How- gingerly, while in Great Britain it has be-
land Cox; Executive Committee, Sylvester come an accepted means of generously ex-
Baxter, Meyer Bloomfield, Charles E. Fay, pressing civic spirit. This is the private grift

John Mason Little, and Frederick Law Olm- of municipal buildings. Americans give out-
sted. The work that the society has mapped right nearly every other kind of public
out for itself is the physical betterment of structure, but the town hall of the smaller
the Boston metropolitan district by securing community marks the limit of private benefi-
effective co-operation and stimulating- in- cence in this direction. We, who are con-
creased activity among those in Boston and stantly startling the world with our great
in its surrounding towns and cities who wish gifts, can scarcely comprehend such benefl-



Milwaukee, Wisconsin. H. C. Koch & Co., Architects.

cence as that announced in an inconspicuous portance of having street signs. But there
note in the London "Times" which says that was, as every New Yorker knows, such ur-
Lord Ashton has offered "a minimum of 50,- gent need of the action that it is well to have
000 for new municipal buildings at Lancas- had it taken. The
resolutions of the confer-
ter." The town council, officially notified of ence asked: for signs on electric light
the gift, voted, on November 9th, gratefully poles; (2) for "reflector signs" on Welsbach
to accept it; and various other gifts, includ- lights; (3) for signs' on elevated railroad pil-
ing a promise to maintain the present town lars at street intersections; (4) for metal
hall and municipal buildings "for the benefit signs showing white letters on (blue enamel
of the town," were made by Lord Ashton at at street corners where it is necessary to use
the same time. Lancaster is a place of about the walls of buildings'; (5) for blue flash glass
50,000 inhabitants so that a municipal sign, with white letters, on the gas lamps.
building costing not less than a quarter of a The granting of these requests would cer-
million dollars should serve it pretty well. tainly make it very easy to find one's way
There is many an American city where such about the city; but the sign would not add
a gift would be acceptable; and with all the to the city's beauty. However, in the present
giving of squares, parks, libraries and town lack of this street equipment, one can under-
halls, it is a bit strange that city halls have stand the eagerness to get anything and a
been overlooked. willingness to forego for a time those artistic
results which were sought, with much of de-
lay, by the last administration. But this is
Detroit papers report
work that will never be completely accom-
A PLAN that the Board of Com-
plished until the signs are artistic and are
OF merce of that city, through uniform.
its municipal committee,
IMPROVE,- has engaged Charles Mul-
MENT FOR ford Robinson to make a Civic improvement chron-
DE.TR.OIT. report on practicable meas- iclings include notes of at
ures for the improvement least three interesting ad-
and beautifying of the city. Mr. Robinson ditions in November to the
went to Detroit in November, spending sev- artistic possessions of Mas-
eral days as a guest of the committee and sachusetts. One of these
visiting every part of the city. He has since BAY STATE,. was the fountain of Car-
prepared a long written report, in which spe- marble presented to
cial stress is laid on the improvement of a the town of Holyoke by Mrs. William F,
portion of the waterfront and the develop- Draper. The fountain is from the chisel of
ment of the Campus Martius as a civic center Waldo Story, and is reported to be an ad-
although the whole urban district is more mirable work, well placed on the library
or less covered by his recommendations. De- grounds. A second is the statue of Robert
troit is thoroughly aroused to its possibilities Treat Paine, in front of the City Hall at
and there is likely to be a very interesting Taunton; and the third is the hanging of
development, on the waterfront at least. In French's bronze doors in the Public Library
thus securing expert outside advice, the city at Boston. The Paine memorial is a portrait
has put itself in linewith Harrisburg, Cleve- statue by Richard E. Brooks. The figure is
land, Ottawa, San Francisco and Buffalo, in in the picturesque dress of the Revolutionary
a widespread movement that is very signifi- period, and the plastic acceptability of this
cant. There is great economy in having a is further enhanced by a cloak which hangs
definite plan to work toward so that each from the left shoulder. The material of the
step, as it is taken, may be in the right direc- pedestal is warm colored granite and the
tion and count in the final result. principal inscription is on a bronze panel of
"warm, mossy green." The memorial is
placed at the junction of several streets con-
It is remarkable that it verging in an open space before the City
STREET should have been necessary Hall, where there is given to it a back-
to organize a Street Sign ground of foliage. The sculptor knew his
SIGNS Conference of Municij al site before he made his model and propor-
Organizations in the great tioned his work accordingly. Of Mr. French's
City of New York, and that doors it is unnecessary to speak here with
NEW YORK, there should have been equal fullness. As is well known, there are
need of appointing a com- six, each containing an allegorical full length
mittee to appear before the city officials to figure in low relief, so departing from the
plead, as they did a few weeks ago, the im- much more familiar Ghiberti plan of many

small panels in high relief. The doors are have succeeded in combining a careful com-
also unusual in the circumstance that they position of the masses of their buildings with
are not outside, but serve to connect the an irregularity of outline which makes the
vestibule with the entrance hall. Their added house harmonize with the unkempt western
enrichment of the artistic possessions of the landscape. A short time ago Mr. Grey's
famous library makes one only the more im- health succumbed to the arduous work
patient to see completed the long-awaited which he had been doing, and he went to
Saint Gaudens groups for the exterior. Southern California to recuperate. He has
since resumed the practice of his profession
in Los Angeles, where he already considers
It is always refreshing himself pretty well at home. Associated in
AN and interesting to find an the same office with him is Mr. Myron Hunt,
artist who has certain def-
ARCHITECT inite ideas about his work
WHO and has the power of ex-
pressing them; and inas-
WRITE.S. much as the art of this
country is, in some meas-
ure, a gospel as well as a practice, the Amer-
ican artist with communicable convictions
has an important part to play, which is in-
dependent of the value of his personal work.
Of course the best way to preach the gospel
of any art is to practice it in a consummate
manner; but in a country like ours which
takes hold of ideas better than it does of
beautiful things, the man who can translate
his purposes into words has a peculiar and
special value. Mr. Elmer Grey, of Los An-
geles, who contributed an article to the Jan-
uary issue of the "Architectural .Record" on
"Architecture in Southern California," is one
of the few American architects who has the
disposition and the power to write as well as
to design. Mr. Grey is not a college man. He
entered an architect's office in Milwaukee in
1887, and attracted attention in 1890 by
winning the first prize in a competition for a
water tower and pumping station, instituted
by the "Engineering and Building Record"
of New York. At that time he was working
in the office of Ferry & Clas, in Milwaukee,
with whom he remained for twelve years, Los Angeles, Cal.
during which time he assisted in the design
of two of the largest library buildings in the who has migrated to California for much the
country, that of Milwaukee and that of the same reason as Mr. Grey, and who left be-
Wisconsin State Historical Library of Wis- hind him in Chicago such an enviable repu-
consin. Throughout these years he took ad- tation for idiomatic and original design.
vantage of his vacations by devoting much Both Mr. Hunt and Mr. Grey stand for the
time to sketching abroad. Many of his attempt to naturalize in this country the
water-color sketches have been repro- best traditions' of European architecture.
duced in architectural periodicals, and two Mr. Grey, for instance, believes that a very
of them hang in the permanent collection genuine American style is in the process of
of the Chicago Art Institute. After Mr. making; but that as yet it is only in its in-
Grey began to practice in his own name, hi? fancy. Significant American variations from
work consisted, more than anything else, in the European forms can already be clearly
the design of residences, among which are distinguished, but these variations remain
a group of houses erected at Fox Point, near undeveloped largely because we so rarely
Milwaukee, have attracted particular atten- build in a thorough-going way we so rarely
tion. In the character of his architectural treat our local problems and materials hon-
designs, Mr. Grey must be classed among estly. Wood, for instance, has been the pop-
the group of middle western architects who ular American building material, but it has

been used chiefly to imitate effects which We have mentioned

can be better obtained by the use of other THREE, above the excellence and
materials. Mr. Grey, in his own work, has quality of some of Mr.
treated his material respectfully by using Myron Hunt's work. The
solid wooden beams for ceiling and solid MR. MYRON "Architectural Record" of
wooden porch posts. Solid beams will show October, 1904, contained a
knots and will check, but both of these qual- HUNT. number of interiors of two
itieshe considers virtues rather than defects houses in and near Chi-
because they are qualities natural to the cago the Healy house of Sheridan Road
material and testify to its integrity. The built- and that of Mr. Pirie, Jr., in Evanston. Par-


Evanston, 111. Myron Hunt, Architect.

up beam or post will warp in time and show- ticular attention to these houses was called
its hollow core. It may be graceful and in the text of the magazine; and they at-
pretty, but it can repair the ravages of time tracted such favorable attention that we
only by recourse to the rouge-pot and pow- reproduce herewith some illustrations of
der-puff, while the solid beam must improve their exteriors. The designs for both of
with age. The immediate future of Ameri- these houses show an interesting combina-
can architecture depends on using its proper tion of the picturesque and the organic. In
materials idiomatically, and, inasmuch as the the case of the dwelling of Mr. Pirie, Jr., the
use of wood is in time bound to be super- building is almost on the street, and how
seded, it depends particularly upon the idi- firmly and emphatically has Mr. Hunt
omatic use of tiles, armored concrete and planted it there! The straight lines of the
perhaps of certain kinds of manufactured fence and the extension roof bring out the
stone. This is the point of view which Mr. long dimension and the particular location
Grey represents both in his work and in his of the building, while the gable of the porch,
writing; and there can be no doubt that it repeating as it does the motive of the ma-
is the wholesome and formative point of jor gable of the house, breaks the line of the
view both for American architecture and lower roof at just the right point and in
American architectural criticism. just the right way. The design is tight


Sheridan Road, Chicago, 111. Myron Hunt, Architect.

without being in the least stiff and rigid; nevertheless, how plainly it betrays the hand
and it is simple and unpretentious without of the self-respecting and skilled architect!
being in the least insignificant. The Healy What a contrast it offers the usual machine-
house is similarly appropriate and interest- made thing!
ing. In this case the architect had the ad-
vantages of a larger site, a more substantial
material and ampler dimensions. The plac- For many years it was
ing of the porch on the front of the house the practice of architects
has interfered with the complete success of PARTY to pretend that the party
the street fagade; but assuming that this walls of
WALLS IN "skyscrapers"
arrangement was necessary, it is at any rate which in certain situations
well-managed. The solid brick balustrade CHICAGO. are actually more con-
with a stone coping, the plain brick piers, spicuous than the street
emphasized by a buttress on the wall and the fronts, were really not to
projecting roof with its strong shadows, all be seen. The front was more or less com-
of this harmonizes admirably with the plain pletely designed according to the ability of


Illinois. Myron Hunt, Architect.

surface and the salient lines of the house. the architect, but it was assumed that the side
Its attractiveness is derived solely from its and rear walls would eventually be screened
strong masses and lines and its lively sur- by other tall buildings and that in the mean-
faces and shadows; and its bulk is nicely time no one need look. This practice is still
scaled to the size of the surrounding trees. followed in many instances; but in New
There is nothing arbitrary about it, as if the York it has become more and more the cus-
architect were forcing an idea; yet there is tom to pay some attention to the lesser
nothing merely conventional. It stands on fagades of large office buildings. There has
its own site and speaks its own language. rarely been any effort to construct these
As much cannot be said for the little brick walls of materials as expensive as those
house, also by Mr. Myron Hunt, illustrated used on the street fronts; and in many cases
on this page. In this little box the scale of no openings are possible; but bricks of sev-
the bay window and the shadow it throws eral colors arranged in appropriate patterns
makes every other aspect of the fagade, ex- can be used and have been used in a number
cept the surfaces, insignificant. The design of New York buildings. Such instances are
is not the issue of a very happy idea; yet, scarcer in Chicago; but we reproduce here-

throughout the marks of careful study by an

experienced architect and of an owner vho
desired comfortable as well as interesting-
The scale of the house and grounds is not
that of a large country estate. It is rather
that of a spacious and handsome suburban
house, which is surrounded by enough land
to enable the architect to obtain his full ef-
fect, but which is nevertheless influenced by
the fact that it is approached from a street.
This condition explains certain of the land-
scape arrangements.


Los Angeles, Cal.

with a photograph of the party wall of the

Rector Building at the southeast corner of
Clark and Monroe streets. In this build-
ing, which interesting in several respects,
and which more extended notice
will receive
after its completion, the architect, Mr. Jarvis
Hunt, has made the party wall very much
more interesting than usual at an expense
which cannot have amounted to more than a
few hundred dollars. The result has been
obtained by using face and common brick
of varying colors, arranged in appropriate
patterns. As the building actually elbows
the adjoining building, no projections were
possible; but this fact merely brings out the
screen-like function and character of the
wall. It is to be hoped that this example
will find an increasing number of imitators.

We reproduce on the fol-

THE lowing pages of this issue
some illustrations of the
HOUSE OF house of Louis A. Thebaud,
situated at Morristown, N.
J. The architects of this
THEBAUD. house, .Messrs. and
Booraem, have managed to
combine both in the interior and the exterior
of the building good architectural design with THE RECTOR BUILDING.
a pleasant, home-likeness of effect. It shows Chicago, 111. Jarvis Hunt, Architect.


Moiristown, N. J. Roos & Booraem, Architects


House of Mr. Louis A. Thebaud.
Morristown, N. J. Roos & Booraem, Architects.


House of Mr. Louis A. Thebaud.
Morristown, N. J. Roos & Bcoraem, Architects.


Evanston, 111. Pond & Pond, Architects.


New York City. S. B. Eisendrath, Architect.


\_The following is the fourth of a series of Technical- Industrial Reports upon a certain
System of Fireproofing, made to the Manufacturers by the well-known expert on
Building Construction, Mr. William J. Fryer.]

In the preceding chap- or a ceiling, the finer surface is omitted and

ters the defects and the plastering done direct on the coarser
disadvantages of vari- body which affords a good key for the
ous materials as ordi- plaster coat. The material can be sawed 01
narily used in fireproof cut almost as readily as wood, although a
work have been pointed little hard on tools. It can be polished or
and the statement
out, stained, oiled, varnished or otherwise treated
made that there is room for and a necessity in a decorative manner.
for something better. An ideal fireproof ma-
terial has been produced and placed on the There is nothing start-
market by the Hecla Iron Works, the largest about the Hecla
and best known manufacturers of orna- Cost of the material. In a modi-
mental iron and bronze work for buildings in fied way, the merits of
the United States. The high standing of this magnesia coverings for
company is a guarantee in advance that steam pipes are quite
their fireproof material bears a reliable The
generally known.
stamp of merit.
principal ingredient entering into the Hecla
material is rather expensive, as it is
The manufacturers
make no secret of the imported, and the first cost in Greece,
Hecla Fireproof mate- the sea transportation, the import duty,
It is composed of
and the middlemen's profits all added to-
a mixture of magnesite, gether bring the price per ton rather high for
a mineral, and chloride what may be considered a raw material into
of magnesia, a fluid, which no American labor has entered or
even is in competition. But in some other

and in this mixture is used a fibrous material

respects an advantage in cost is had over
such as excelsior, hemp, straw, sawdust, wood
that of burnt clay and concrete, so that the
pulp or the like, so that the product itself
Hecla material can meet other systems of
can expand or contract without warping or
The chloride of magnesia is the fireproofing on fairly equal grounds as re-
gards price when installed in buildings.
setting material when added to the mag-
nesite, and converts the mass into a light,
strong, stone-like substance that cannot be
What are the evi-

rendered flammable by heat at any known dences of the Hecla

temperature. Special-designed machinery is material being fire-

used for the mixing, and when the chloride proof? Prof. Ira H.
of magnesia is added to the mag- Woolson, E. M., made
nesite and fibrous material, the composition tests of several speci-
is ready to be used in place or put in mens of the material
any desired form by simply being pressed or in the testing laboratory of Columbia Uni-
tamped., For the exposed surfaces, on the versity, to ascertain the effect of the con-
outsides of the coarser body a thin coat of tinual application of fire to the specimens for
the material, about one-quarter of an inch periods of time under temperatures varying
thick is applied at the same time, but using from G00 to 2,700F. with an average of
for the latter w ood pulp as the fibre, in order
2,500 during the last fifty minutes in one
to make a dense, smooth finish. In case the of the tests. The melting point of cast iron
surface is to be plastered, as for a partition and steel is about 2,500, and a one-inch


square bar of cast iron used as a support for For inside trim the
a specimen tested was half melted away, Hecla material has
which was confirmatory evidence of the been used in a number
high heat attained. The transfer of heat of buildings where cost
through the specimens by conductivity was was a secondary con-
noted. Upon the top side of a sample block sideration: In the St.
one foot square and 3*4 inches thick, laid Regis Hotel, the latest
with the smooth surface down over a G- and most expensively fitted up of hotels, and
inch furnace with strong air blast, a ther- in the Hanover Bank Building in New York,
mometer was placed directly above the fur- and in the new
addition to the Prudential
nace fire with the bare mercury bulb resting Life Building in Newark, and in other build-
upon the sample, and suitably protected
from the surrounding heat. With the high-
Architects are con-
est temperature a maximum of 60 was re-
servative in adopting
corded, the material being scarcely warm
to the hand on the side opposite the surface
new materials, and
subjected to the extreme heat. At the end very properly so. Sup-
of the heat test the sample was removed pose an architect has a
from the fire and plunged under a strong building to erect whose
stream of cold water. No cracks resulted. height comes under the
The effect of the force of the water was to provision of a law which forbids the use of
wash off the soft and spongy charred sur- wood except for certain purposes, and then
face of the material. The elaborate report only on condition that the wood so used
of Prof. Woolson ends with the following shall be treated by some so-called fireproof

opinion: "Taking all the evidence into con- process. The architect has doubts of the ef-
sideration, I should unhesitatingly say that ficacy of "fireproof" wood, but he knows that
the Hecla material is a most excellent non- the treated floor boards will result in a
conductor of heat and its fireproofing qual- trebled increase of cost over a non-treated
ities of the best. I believe it safe to say floor. The usual alternative is to use a ce-
that if a fire were to occur in a building ment or a tile surface floor. He objects to a
where this material was used it would re- cement floor on account of its hardness to
main intact long after all the ordinary con- the feet and because it grinds up into dust,
struction material surrounding it had per- and is sure to crack. A tile floor is too ex-
ished." pensive. The Hecla fireproofing is offered to
him, but his own judgment or the liking of
A Hecla fireproof his client is for hollow burnt clay blocks or
door, two inches in stone concrete as the filling between the steel
thickness, was tested floor beams, with cinder concrete on top of
in December last in the the arches. Very good. The Hecla fire-
Underwriters' Labora- proofing still offers to him a relief and an
in Chicago, un-
tories advantage in getting not only a satisfactory,
der the direction of the but the best walking surface for his floor
National Board of Fire Underwriters, and that he can possibly get in the present state
subjected to fire and water as in a real con- of the building arts. On top of the cinder
flagration. The door was in position at the concrete which reaches up level with the
end of the fire test and proved to be an ef- top of the floor beams is put two inches in
fective fire stop, free from warping or bulg- thickness of the coarser or cushioned Hecla
ing under a high temperature; it proved that material with a quarter of an inch in thick-
the material is a very good non-conductor of ness of the same but finer material for the
heat; that the material does not support nor finished surface. Such a floor will have all
carry flame, but is slowly calcined on the the elasticity of wood, be without joints, will
surface at high temperatures, the calcined not crack or warp, and as it can be treated
surface serving to protect the material back the same as though it were of wood, will be
of it; and that the material is not materially handsomer than wood and be more durable,
affected by the application of a stream of besides being fireproof, and will wear better
water and consequent rapid cooling. than cement or white marble.


The System of Real Fireproofing.

The Hecla Iron Works, Brooklyn, N. Y.


The Aeolian Pipe- Organ

Designed for Salons, Music-rooms, Foyer and
Reception-halls in Private Residences

provided with
the usual key-
boards for the
use of organists
and with an
for person splay-

ing with the aid

of perforated
m us ic-rolls.
With a single
roll all solo and
mental effects
known in or-
gan-playing can
be produced by
any one, even if
unfamiliar with
musical nota-
tion, through
the agency of
the Patented
Aeolian Solo-
The Music-rolls for these instruments include original com-
positions for Aeolian Pipe-Organ and master-arrangements of
Orchestral and operatic scores specially made for The Aeolian Company
by many of the most eminent composers and conductors, including :
Felix Mottl Arturo Vigna Victor Herbert
Alfred Hertz Gustav F. Kogel Walter Damrosch


John W. Heins, Manager
Pipe-Organ Department Frank Taft, Art Director

Aeolian Hall, 362 Fifth Avenue, New York

Correspondence should be addressed to the Pipe-Organ Department




1OO Broadway Frick Building Monadnock Block
New York, N. Y. Pittsburg, Penna. Chicago, 111.


Sleep with the window


Perfectly Dry, Clean, and Hygienic,
Superior in Construction,
Thoroughly Insulated, This latest hygienic advice and the "purity of
Unequalled for Economy of Ice, night air" are now much talked of. Whether
Devoid of Poisonous Zinc Lining,
correct or not, the advice can be safely, comfort-
Give Entire Satisfaction, and Every Re-
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are Tile. Opal Glass or Odorless-Wood Lined.
A fullline of stock sizes. Built to order also for
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T Catalogues: No. 39 for Residence, No, 45 for
Hotels, Public Institutions and Cold Storage
Houses, No. 56 for Meat Markets, No. 63 for
Grocerips, No. 70 for Florists. II Valuable
Book, "How to Use a Refrigerator," sent
upon request.
Buildings are not commonly so
McCRAY REFRIGERATOR COMPANY tightly built as to keep out all
375 Mill Street :: :: KENDALLVILLE. IND. the air needed for the occupants.
BRANCH OFFICES AND SALESROOMS Our way of heating, however,
New York, 341 Broadway Philadelphia, 1217

Chestnut St.; Chicago, 55 Wabash Ave.; St. surely changes the air by ventila-
Louis, 404 N. Third St. San Francisco, 122
; tion as many times per hour as is
Market St.; Pittsburg, 308 Fourth Ave.; De- meet the health
troit, 305 Woodward Ave.; Columbia, S. C., Je-
necessary to
rome Bldg. Boston, 52 Commercial St. Colum-
: ; requirements of the occupants of
bus, O., 356 N. High St.; Cleveland, O., 390 a home, office, school, church,
The Arcade.
Address Main Office, unless you reside In etc. The air is kept uniformly
one of above named cities. warm and draughts are prevented.
No drudgery, no ashes, dirt or
coal gases throughout the house.

Our booklet "Heating Invest-

ments Successful" is worth read- Broken view of Direct-
Indirect or ventilating
ing, whether your house is old or rad ator showing fresh air

new, small or large, farm or city, supply coming from out-


Dept. 15 CHICAGO

E. M. A. MACHADO, Architect,
Boston and Salem, Mass.
The Architect's Side of It

"The complaint is sometimes made," said one of our leading Ar-

chitects, "that we 'artistic fellows' are impracticable. We are sup-
posed to have some very 'queer have got nothing at
ideas' that
all to do with the Veal thing.' Perhaps we have, I don't know, but
if we have, I don't believe that we can be
doing anything worse than
is done daily by the men who boast of their practicalness and their
hard-headed business sense. For instance there are millions, yes
hundreds of millions of dollars spent annually on catalogues. A
great of these millions are poured into the offices of us Archi-
tects. office, for instance, we receive about 4,000 catalogues
In this
a year. What are they sent to us for ? I often wonder what the idea
was in the head of their originators. Do the makers of these cata-
logues think that we have leisure to read 'literature,' and are in-
terested in going through pages telling us about the history of
'Calcium Carbide,' the 'Evolution of Hardware,' or the develop-
ment year by year of the firm of 'John Smith &
Co.' Don't laugh !

Look and this, and this.

at this,
"Here is one of the biggest plumbing firms in the United States
that projects into a busy Architect's office a i68-page book, setting
forth the history of the firm. I have hardly time to read my news-
paper, certainly little time even for professional reading in which
I am interested, and my case is the case of nearly all Architects
who are at all likely to buy the goods made by that particular high-
class firm.
"I wonder what induces a highly practical concern to waste its
money in this way. imagine that they think they are doing some-

thing. Why don't they make a few inquiries and find out really
where 'they are at?'
"Again, look at this. Here is a ponderous volume or catalogue
sent out by a big hardware concern. It is intended, I suppose, for
the use of Architects, yet it contains illustrations and information
in regard to 'sausage meat choppers.' Let us turn to the book.
Look at all these pages devoted to the cheapest kind of door-knobs,
Japanned locks, simple window catches, etc., etc. Do Architects
specify any of these? They are bought at the hardware store, and
they are so common that to get them you hardly have to call for
them. That volume cost the firm that got it out a great many
thousands of dollars, and yet, I venture to say, that so far as we
Architects are concerned it could be boiled down to advantage to
about 25% of its present size. The man who produced that book
had not learned to 'distinguish.' His book performs several
functions. It contains information for the Architect, information
for the big contractor, information for the local contractor, in-
formation for the hardware man of many degrees, from the big


store in New York City to the small corner store at 'Jones' Corn-
ers,' but the man who
got the book up bunched the entire output,
and, therefore, wastes his money, distributing useless information
to people who can't use it. The volume is certainly 50% inefficient.
Of the cost, also, I should say 50% is thrown away. Why
not send
to the Architect the information that the Architect really wants
and really uses, and not waste money dumping upon him the in-
formation about 'meat choppers' and 'Japanned door-knobs?'
But don't think that the hardware man is alone in this business. He
has good company.
"Here is a monstrous volume produced, as you see, by another
of our leading plumbing supply firms. Feel the weight of it. Tha't
weight is put there, no doubt, in order to make the book easily han-
dled. I suppose it is made big because nearly all of the publishers in
the world are finding out that the people want small, light and flexi-
ble books. Single volumes of 'Shakespeare' have long ago given
place to a dozen or more little portable books in a case. Moreover,
as you will see, this book is so large and expensive that the pub-
lisher can get it out only once every four years. That is another
advantage of 'size.' The book is only up to date for a short
period; then to correct this, the firm keeps on sending us leaflets
which, by the very nature of things, 'get lost.' Oh it's a great

practical game, this. Moreover, this big plumbing volume con-

tains a great mass of illustrations and other matter that is not of the
slightest consequence to the Architect. It is all right for the local
plumber, but what does the Architect want with hundreds of com-
monplace plumbing articles which he never specifies? All of this
is a very stupid waste of money, but it becomes sublimely ridiculous

when you join it to the whole 'catalogue game' and see how this
is played in its entirety.
"Hardly two catalogues that come to this office are of the same
area. Hardly two of them are of the same thickness. I was going
to say that hardly two of them opened in the same manner, but
there is no need to make this game any funnier than it is. Some
catalogues have stiff covers, some are flimsy and thin, some are
dainty and delicate in color, as though they were intended for a
ladies' boudoir. These butterfly things usually announce inside
the merits of some ponderous piece of machinery. Some of these
catalogues are made to hang up, but there is no indication of what
we are to do with the majority of them. Shall we stack them up on
their edges, or lay them down on their backs ? If we do this, how
can we find anything we are looking for? I want, for instance, at
a given moment, the catalogue of 'Jones &
Co.' It measures 4x8.
There are sixteen pages in it. It is squeezed in somewhere among
hundreds of other catalogues, some of them four or eight times the
size of it. I might just as well hunt for a postage stamp in the
debris of a rag-paper shop. Oh I know it is supposed that some

Architects keep 'a system

so they do. I do.
spend money in
having our office boy file the catalogues away as they come in. He
is also instructed to make a card index. That's the theory of it. It
seems simple enough until you begin to work it out. The office
boy's brains are not equal to it. Ask any librarian whether he finds
it an easy thing to make a catalogue of books. He will tell you it
isn't. Should this volume of 'Smith's,' for instance, be indexed


under 'Sociology,' or 'Economics/ or 'History'? Those are

the puzzles.
"I hunted the other day for the 'Westinghouse' catalogue, and I
found it down under 'Contractors' the office boy had put it
there. Well, there are electrical contractors, but when I am look-
ing for the 'Westinghouse Co.V products I do not naturally asso-
ciate them with the operations of a firm like 'D. C. Weeks,' the
Fuller Company,' or the 'Thompson-Starrett Co.' Elevators
sometimes go among elevator catalogues, sometimes under 'Ma-
chinery.' Boilers are placed under 'Steam Fittings,' sometimes
under 'Heating.' The result is a mitigated chaos. You see, some
office boys do better than others, but all office boys get somehow
mixed. Of course, if I could afford to let my Specification Man-
ager look after this work of the filing away of catalogues, it would
be all right. That is too costly. Besides, we haven't time. Again,
even if the catalogues were filed right in the beginning, they must
be taken out of their files they must be handed around they are
; ;

sure to be left on desks, dropped on the floor, and when they are to
be refiled again, the 'filing difficulty' again once more comes to the
"Of course, most catalogues are thrown away. I suppose our
office throws away intentionally 70%, and 20% gets lost 'some-
how/' but the worst feature of all is this :
catalogues are intended
for reference.They are not, they never can be 'reading.' Any
its hand at
firm that tries 'literature' in a catalogue pays for
nothing. The value of catalogues is for reference. By reference
I mean that they shall be turned to, so to speak, at a moment's

notice, for the purpose of obtaining a specific piece of information.

dictionary is a book of reference, and anything that is put in
the dictionary that contradicts the reference idea may be good
matter, but it certainly is in the wrong place. If the catalogue isn't
an article of reference, it isn't anything. It is not even good waste
"What the Architect would like to do with the catalogues is to
have them in a dictionary shape, so that he can get at 'Laundry
Machinery/ or 'Wire Glass/ or 'Radiators/ or 'Bathroom Fix-
tures/ or 'Hot Air Furnaces/ or 'Vacuum System of Heating/
and find with his thumb just what he wants. If his thumb can't
do the work, there is something wrong with the dictionary.
Long ago, the railroad men of this country were forced by com-
mon sense to adopt a common gauge for their track. Why don't
the catalogue men do the same thing, standardize their printed
matter, and then, if you please, nothing will seem more natural
than that they should get all together and have it down in one book,
or two books, or ten books with an index. The Architect will then
have what he wants, a Dictionary of Building Materials. Don't
tell me, however, that the Architect is the only impracticable peb-
ble on the beach so long as building material firms stick to their
present methods of dealing with their catalogues. I suppose they
stick to it because they won't think about the situation. The heads
of houses will not go out and make inquiries for themselves. They
accept a lot of 'interested advice' from existing catalogue printers,
etc., as being 'straight goods.' Moreover, it pleases, I suppose,
the head of a firm to see and handle his own literature. He talks


with the paper man, the cut man, the printer. He worries his head
about the color of the cover, paper, the color of the ink, the
phraseology of the letter-press, the exact wordings of titles, etc.
He talks and compares and advises, and finally the booklet is pro-
duced. But into how rude a world is this offspring of his thrust !

So long as his catalogue is in his own hands, it is undoubtedly a

thing of beauty, but that is not the commercial position from which
he ought to look at it. He should regard it rather after it has been
dumped in the mail and delivered amid a mass of paper (one of a
thousand similar catalogues) in an Architect's office, subjected to
the dangers of the waste paper basket and the carelessness of the
office boy.
"Most of our manufacturers today are simply distributing printed
matter from the press to the waste paper basket. Remember, I am
talking so far as we Architects are concerned. I suppose people
do 'write in' making inquiries for information, and 'literature' is
then in order, but why mix drinks why confuse ideas ? The Archi-

tect needs the reference the applicant needs information, and per-

haps the story about the firm doesn't do any harm then if
thrown in."

The foregoing is one of about One Thousand interviews held, by person

and by correspondence, with the leading Architects of the country in regard
to Catalogues. These interviews were undertaken by the Architectural Record
in order to appraise with certainty the value of catalogues. The informa-
ation gathered will gladly be placed at the disposal of any Building
Material firm who will drop us a postal card. There is not a single
dissenting opinion from the one expressed above among the entire One
Thousand. As a result the Architectural Record Co. has undertaken to

organize a Modern Catalogue System a Dictionary of Building Materials

on an elaborate scale and Scientific Method. A large number of the biggest
it and arrangements have already
firms in the Construction field are adopting
been made to place the system in the offices of Five Thousand Architects,
Engineers, Contractors and others. The names of these five thousand offices
will be furnished. Correspondence with firms now issuing catalogues (90%
is solicited.
14 and 16 Vesey St., New York City.
120 Randolph St., Chicago, Illinois.


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